C31C31M 26421

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C31/C31M − 19

Standard Practice for

Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C31/C31M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This practice covers procedures for making and curing 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
cylinder and beam specimens from representative samples of C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-
fresh concrete for a construction project. gregates
1.2 The concrete used to make the molded specimens shall C138/C138M Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield,
be sampled after all on-site adjustments have been made to the and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete
mixture proportions, including the addition of mix water and C143/C143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement
admixtures. This practice is not satisfactory for making speci- Concrete
mens from concrete not having measurable slump or requiring C172/C172M Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Con-
other sizes or shapes of specimens. crete
C173/C173M Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units Concrete by the Volumetric Method
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in C231/C231M Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each Concrete by the Pressure Method
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining C330/C330M Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance Structural Concrete
with the standard. C403/C403M Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the Mixtures by Penetration Resistance
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the C470/C470M Specification for Molds for Forming Concrete
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Test Cylinders Vertically
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- C511 Specification for Mixing Rooms, Moist Cabinets,
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Moist Rooms, and Water Storage Tanks Used in the
(Warning—Fresh hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes
and may cause chemical burns to exposed skin and tissue upon C617/C617M Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete
prolonged exposure.2) Specimens
1.5 The text of this standard references notes which provide C1064/C1064M Test Method for Temperature of Freshly
explanatory material. These notes shall not be considered as Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete
requirements of the standard. C1077 Practice for Agencies Testing Concrete and Concrete
1.6 This international standard was developed in accor- Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- Testing Agency Evaluation
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the C1611/C1611M Test Method for Slump Flow of Self-
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- Consolidating Concrete
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical C1758/C1758M Practice for Fabricating Test Specimens
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. with Self-Consolidating Concrete
2.2 American Concrete Institute Publication:4
309R Guide for Consolidation of Concrete
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on Concrete
and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C09.61
on Testing for Strength. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2019. Published January 2019. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1920. Last previous edition approved in 2018 as C31/C31M–18b. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/C0031_C0031M-19. the ASTM website.
2 4
See Section on Safety Precautions, Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing, Available from American Concrete Institute (ACI), P.O. Box 9094, Farmington
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.02. Hills, MI 48333-9094, http://www.aci-int.org.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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C31/C31M − 19
3. Terminology The inside surfaces of the molds shall be smooth. The sides,
3.1 For definitions of terms used in this practice, refer to bottom, and ends shall be at right angles to each other and shall
Terminology C125. be straight and true and free of warpage. Maximum variation
from the nominal cross section shall not exceed 3 mm [1⁄8 in.]
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: for molds with depth or breadth of 150 mm [6 in.] or more.
3.2.1 initial curing temperature, n—temperature of the en- Molds shall produce specimens at least as long but not more
vironment surrounding the specimen during initial curing. than 2 mm [1⁄16 in.] shorter than the required length in 6.2. Discussion—The environment surrounding the test
specimens may be air, water, or sand. The temperature of the 5.4 Tamping Rod—A round, smooth, straight, steel rod with
environment surrounding the test specimen might not be the a diameter conforming to the requirements in Table 1. The
same as the concrete temperature. length of the tamping rod shall be at least 100 mm [4 in.]
greater than the depth of the mold in which rodding is being
4. Significance and Use performed, but not greater than 600 mm [24 in.] in overall
length (see Note 1). The rod shall have the tamping end or both
4.1 This practice provides standardized requirements for ends rounded to a hemispherical tip of the same diameter as the
making, curing, protecting, and transporting concrete test rod.
specimens under field conditions. NOTE 1—A rod length of 400 mm [16 in.] to 600 mm [24 in.] meets the
4.2 If the specimens are made and standard cured, as requirements of the following: Practice C31/C31M, Test Method C138/
C138M, Test Method C143/C143M, Test Method C173/C173M, and Test
stipulated herein, the resulting strength test data when the Method C231/C231M.
specimens are tested are able to be used for the following
purposes: 5.5 Vibrators—Internal vibrators shall be used. The vibrator
4.2.1 Acceptance testing for specified strength, frequency shall be at least 150 Hz [9000 vibrations per minute]
4.2.2 Checking adequacy of mixture proportions for while the vibrator is operating in the concrete. The diameter of
strength, and a round vibrator shall be no more than one-fourth the diameter
4.2.3 Quality control. of the cylinder mold or one-fourth the width of the beam mold.
Other shaped vibrators shall have a perimeter equivalent to the
4.3 If the specimens are made and field cured, as stipulated circumference of an appropriate round vibrator. The combined
herein, the resulting strength test data when the specimens are length of the vibrator shaft and vibrating element shall exceed
tested are able to be used for the following purposes: the depth of the section being vibrated by at least 75 mm [3
4.3.1 Determination of whether a structure is capable of in.]. The vibrator frequency shall be checked periodically with
being put in service, a vibrating-reed tachometer or other suitable device.
4.3.2 Comparison with test results of standard cured speci-
mens or with test results from various in-place test methods, NOTE 2—For information on size and frequency of various vibrators
and a method to periodically check vibrator frequency see ACI 309R.
4.3.3 Adequacy of curing and protection of concrete in the
structure, or 5.6 Mallet—A mallet with a rubber or rawhide head weigh-
4.3.4 Form or shoring removal time requirements. ing 0.6 6 0.2 kg [1.25 6 0.50 lb] shall be used.
5.7 Placement Tools—of a size large enough so each amount
5. Apparatus of concrete obtained from the sampling receptacle is represen-
5.1 Molds, General—Molds for specimens or fastenings tative and small enough so concrete is not spilled during
thereto in contact with the concrete shall be made of steel, cast placement in the mold. For placing concrete in a cylinder mold,
iron, or other nonabsorbent material, nonreactive with concrete the acceptable tool is a scoop. For placing concrete in a beam
containing portland or other hydraulic cements. Molds shall mold, either a shovel or scoop is permitted.
hold their dimensions and shape under all conditions of use. 5.8 Finishing Tools—a handheld float or a trowel.
Molds shall be watertight during use as judged by their ability 5.9 Slump Apparatus—The apparatus for measurement of
to hold water poured into them. Provisions for tests of water slump shall conform to the requirements of Test Method
leakage are given in the Test Methods for Elongation, C143/C143M.
Absorption, and Water Leakage section of Specification C470/
C470M. A suitable sealant, such as heavy grease, modeling 5.10 Sampling Receptacle—The receptacle shall be a suit-
clay, or microcrystalline wax shall be used where necessary to able heavy gauge metal pan, wheelbarrow, or flat, clean
prevent leakage through the joints. Positive means shall be nonabsorbent board of sufficient capacity to allow easy remix-
provided to hold base plates firmly to the molds. Reusable ing of the entire sample with a shovel or trowel.
molds shall be lightly coated with mineral oil or a suitable
nonreactive form release material before use.
5.2 Cylinder Molds—Molds for casting concrete test speci- TABLE 1 Tamping Rod Diameter Requirements
mens shall conform to the requirements of Specification Diameter of Cylinder
C470/C470M. Cardboard cylinder molds shall not be used for Diameter or Rod
or Width of Beam
mm [in.]
standard-cured specimens. mm [in.]
<150 [6] 10 ± 2 [3⁄8 ± 1⁄16 ]
5.3 Beam Molds—Beam molds shall be of the shape and $150 [6] 16 ± 2 [5⁄8 ± 1⁄16 ]
dimensions required to produce the specimens stipulated in 6.2.

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C31/C31M − 19
5.11 Air Content Apparatus—The apparatus for measuring maximum aggregate size between 19.0 and 25.0 mm [3⁄4 and 1 in.], the
air content shall conform to the requirements of Test Methods ratio between the modulus of rupture determined with a 150 by 150 mm
[6 by 6 in.] and a 100 by 100 mm [4 by 4 in.] may vary from 0.90 to 1.075
C173/C173M or C231/C231M. and for maximum aggregate size between 9.5 and 37.5 mm [3⁄8 and 11⁄2
5.12 Temperature Measuring Devices—The temperature in.], the ratio between the modulus of rupture determined with a 150 by
measuring devices shall conform to the applicable require- 150 mm [6 by 6 in.] and a 115 by 115 mm [4.5 by 4.5 in.] may vary from
0.86 to 1.00.6
ments of Test Method C1064/C1064M.
6.3 Field Technicians—The field technicians making and
6. Testing Requirements curing specimens for acceptance testing shall meet the person-
6.1 Cylindrical Specimens—Compressive or splitting tensile nel qualification requirements of Practice C1077.
strength specimens shall be cylinders cast and allowed to set in
7. Sampling Concrete
an upright position. The number and size of cylinders cast shall
be as directed by the specifier of the tests. In addition, the 7.1 The samples used to fabricate test specimens under this
length shall be twice the diameter and the cylinder diameter standard shall be obtained in accordance with Practice C172/
shall be at least 3 times the nominal maximum size of the C172M unless an alternative procedure has been approved.
coarse aggregate. When the nominal maximum size of the 7.2 Record the identification of the sample with respect to
coarse aggregate exceeds 50 mm [2 in.], the concrete sample the location of the concrete represented and the time of casting.
shall be treated by wet sieving through a 50-mm [2-in.] sieve
as described in Practice C172/C172M. For acceptance testing 8. Slump, Slump Flow, Air Content, and Temperature
for specified compressive strength, cylinders shall be 150 by 8.1 Slump or Slump Flow—After remixing the sample in the
300 mm [6 by 12 in.] or 100 by 200 mm [4 by 8 in.] (Note 3). receptacle, measure and record the slump or slump flow in
NOTE 3—When molds in SI units are required and not available, accordance with Test Method C143/C143M or Test Method
equivalent inch-pound unit size mold should be permitted. C1611/C1611M, respectively, for each sample of concrete
6.2 Beam Specimens—Flexural strength specimens shall be from which specimens are made.
beams of concrete cast and hardened in the horizontal position. 8.2 Air Content—Determine and record the air content in
The length shall be at least 50 mm [2 in.] greater than three accordance with either Test Method C173/C173M or Test
times the depth as tested. The ratio of width to depth as molded Method C231/C231M. The concrete used in performing the air
shall not exceed 1.5. content test shall not be used in fabricating test specimens.
6.2.1 The minimum cross-sectional dimension of the beam
8.3 Temperature—Determine and record the temperature in
shall be as stated in Table 2. Unless otherwise specified by the
accordance with Test Method C1064/C1064M.
specifier of tests, the standard beam shall be 150 by 150 mm [6
by 6 in.] in cross section. NOTE 5—Some specifications may require the measurement of the unit
6.2.2 When the nominal maximum size of the coarse weight of concrete. The volume of concrete produced per batch may be
desired on some projects. Also, additional information on the air content
aggregate exceeds 50 mm [2 in.], the concrete sample shall be measurements may be desired. Test Method C138/C138M is used to
treated by wet sieving through a 50-mm [2-in.] sieve as measure the unit weight, yield, and gravimetric air content of freshly
described in Practice C172/C172M. mixed concrete.
6.2.3 The specifier of tests shall specify the specimen size
and the number of specimens to be tested to obtain an average 9. Molding Specimens
test result (Note 4). The same specimen size shall be used when 9.1 Place of Molding—Mold specimens promptly on a
comparing results and for mixture qualification and acceptance level, rigid surface, free of vibration and other disturbances, at
testing. a place as near as practicable to the location where they are to
NOTE 4—The modulus of rupture can be determined using different be stored.
specimen sizes. However, measured modulus of rupture generally in- 9.2 Casting Cylinders—Select the proper tamping rod from
creases as specimen size decreases.5,6 The strength ratio for beams of 5.4 and Table 1 or the proper vibrator from 5.5. Determine the
different sizes depends primarily on the maximum size of aggregate.7
Experimental data obtained in two different studies have shown that for method of consolidation from Table 3, unless another method

Tanesi, J; Ardani, A. Leavitt, J. "Reducing the Specimen Size of Concrete 6
Carrasquillo, P.M. and Carrasquillo, R. L “Improved Concrete Quality Control
Flexural Strength Test (AASHTO T97) for Safety and Ease of Handling," Trans-
Procedures Using Third Point Loading”, Research Report 119-1F, Project 3-9-87-
portation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.
1119, Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas at Austin,
2342, Transportation Research Board of National Academies, Washington, D.C.,
November 1987.
2013. 7
Bazant, Z. and Novak, D. "Proposal for Standard Test of Modulus of Rupture
of Concrete with its Size Dependence," ACI Materials Journal, January-February
TABLE 2 Minimum Cross-Sectional Dimension of Beams 2001.
Maximum TABLE 3 Method of Consolidation Requirements
Dimension Slump, mm [in.] Method of Consolidation
Size (NMAS)
# 25 mm [1 in.] 100 by 100 mm [4 by 4 in.] $25 [1] rodding or vibration
25 mm [1 in.] < NMAS # 50 mm [2 in.] 150 by 150 mm [6 by 6 in.] < 25 [1] vibration

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C31/C31M − 19
is specified. If the method of consolidation is rodding, deter- TABLE 5 Molding Requirements by Vibration
mine molding requirements from Table 4. If the method of Number of
consolidation is vibration, determine molding requirements Specimen Type Number of Vibrator Approximate Depth of
and Size Layers Insertions Layer, mm [in.]
from Table 5. Select a scoop of the size described in 5.7. While per Layer
placing the concrete in the mold, move the scoop around the Cylinders:
perimeter of the mold opening to ensure an even distribution of Diameter, mm [in.]
the concrete with minimal segregation. Each layer of concrete 100 [4] 2 1 one-half depth of specimen
150 [6] 2 2 one-half depth of specimen
shall be consolidated as required. In placing the final layer, add 225 [9] 2 4 one-half depth of specimen
an amount of concrete that will fill the mold after consolida-
tion. Beams:
Width, mm [in.]
9.2.1 Self-Consolidating Concrete—If casting cylinders of 100 [4] to 1 see 9.4.2 depth of specimen
self-consolidating concrete, use the mold filling procedures in 200 [8]
over 200 [8] 2 or more see 9.4.2 200 [8] as near as
Practice C1758/C1758M instead of the procedure in 9.2. After practicable
filling the mold, finish the cylinders in accordance with 9.5,
without further consolidation.
9.3 Casting Beams—Select the proper tamping rod from 5.4
layer, allow the rod to penetrate through the layer being rodded
and Table 1 or proper vibrator from 5.5. Determine the method
and into the layer below approximately 25 mm [1 in.]. After
of consolidation from Table 3, unless another method is
each layer is rodded, tap the outsides of the mold lightly 10 to
specified. If the method of consolidation is rodding, determine
15 times with the mallet to close any holes left by rodding and
the molding requirements from Table 4. If the method of
to release any large air bubbles that may have been trapped.
consolidation is vibration, determine the molding requirements
Use an open hand to tap cylinder molds that are susceptible to
from Table 5. Determine the number of roddings per layer, one
denting or other permanent distortion if tapped with a mallet.
for each 14 cm2 [2 in.2] of the top surface area of the beam.
After tapping, spade each layer of the concrete along the sides
Select a placement tool as described in 5.7. Using the scoop or
and ends of beam molds with a trowel or other suitable tool.
shovel, place the concrete in the mold to the height required for
Underfilled molds shall be adjusted with representative con-
each layer. Place the concrete so that it is uniformly distributed
crete during consolidation of the top layer. Overfilled molds
within each layer with minimal segregation. Each layer shall be
shall have excess concrete removed.
consolidated as required. In placing the final layer, add an
9.4.2 Vibration—Maintain a uniform duration of vibration
amount of concrete that will fill the mold after consolidation.
for the particular kind of concrete, vibrator, and specimen mold
9.3.1 Self-Consolidating Concrete—If casting beams of
involved. The duration of vibration required will depend upon
self-consolidating concrete, use the mold filling procedures in
the workability of the concrete and the effectiveness of the
Practice C1758/C1758M instead of the procedure in 9.3. After
vibrator. Usually sufficient vibration has been applied as soon
filling the mold, finish the beams in accordance with 9.5,
as the surface of the concrete has become relatively smooth and
without further consolidation.
large air bubbles cease to break through the top surface.
9.4 Consolidation—The methods of consolidation for this Continue vibration only long enough to achieve proper con-
practice are rodding or internal vibration. solidation of the concrete (see Note 6). Fill the molds and
9.4.1 Rodding—Place the concrete in the mold in the vibrate in the required number of approximately equal layers.
required number of layers of approximately equal volume. Rod Place all the concrete for each layer in the mold before starting
each layer uniformly over the cross section with the rounded vibration of that layer. In compacting the specimen, insert the
end of the rod using the required number of strokes. Rod the vibrator slowly and do not allow it to rest on the bottom or
bottom layer throughout its depth. In rodding this layer, use sides of the mold. Slowly withdraw the vibrator so that no large
care not to damage the bottom of the mold. For each upper air pockets are left in the specimen. When placing the final
layer, avoid overfilling by more than 6 mm [1⁄4 in.].
TABLE 4 Molding Requirements by Rodding NOTE 6—Generally, no more than 5 s of vibration should be required for
each insertion to adequately consolidate concrete with a slump greater
Number of than 75 mm [3 in.]. Longer times may be required for lower slump
Specimen Type Number of Layers of
and Size Approximately Equal Depth concrete, but the vibration time should rarely have to exceed 10 s per
per Layer
Diameter, mm [in.] Cylinders—The number of insertions of the vibrator
100 [4] 2 25 per layer is given in Table 5. When more than one insertion per
150 [6] 3 25
225 [9] 4 50 layer is required distribute the insertion uniformly within each
layer. Allow the vibrator to penetrate through the layer being
Beams: vibrated, and into the layer below, about 25 mm [1 in.]. After
Width, mm [in.]
100 [4] to 2 see 9.3 each layer is vibrated, tap the outsides of the mold at least 10
200 [8] times with the mallet, to close holes that remain and to release
>200 [8] 3 or more equal depths, see 9.3 entrapped air voids. Use an open hand to tap molds that are
each not to exceed
150 mm [6 in.]. susceptible to denting or other permanent distortion if tapped
with a mallet.

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C31/C31M − 19 Beams—Insert the vibrator at intervals not exceed- For concrete mixtures with a specified strength less
ing 150 mm [6 in.] along the center line of the long dimension than 40 MPa [6000 psi], maintain the initial curing temperature
of the specimen. For specimens wider than 150 mm [6 in.], use between 16 and 27°C [60 and 80°F]. For concrete mixtures
alternating insertions along two lines. Allow the shaft of the with a specified strength of 40 MPa [6000 psi] or greater,
vibrator to penetrate into the bottom layer about 25 mm [1 in.]. maintain the initial curing temperature between 20 and 26°C
After each layer is vibrated, tap the outsides of the mold [68 and 78°F]. Shield specimens from direct exposure to
sharply at least 10 times with the mallet to close holes left by sunlight and, if used, radiant heating devices. Record the
vibrating and to release entrapped air voids. minimum temperature and maximum temperatures achieved
9.5 Finishing—Perform all finishing with the minimum for each set of specimens during the initial curing period.
manipulation necessary to produce a flat even surface that is NOTE 9—A satisfactory temperature environment can be created during
level with the rim or edge of the mold and that has no the initial curing of the specimens by one or more of the following
depressions or projections larger than 3.3 mm [1⁄8 in.]. procedures: (1) use of ventilation; (2) use of ice; (3) use of cooling
9.5.1 Cylinders—After consolidation, finish the top surfaces devices; or (4) use of heating devices such as electrical resistance heaters
or light bulbs. Other suitable methods may be used provided the
by striking them off with the tamping rod where the consis- temperature requirements are met.
tency of the concrete permits or with a handheld float or trowel. NOTE 10—Early-age strength test results may be lower if specimens are
If desired, cap the top surface of freshly made cylinders with a stored at temperatures lower than the specified range. At later ages,
thin layer of stiff portland cement paste which is permitted to strength test results may be lower if specimens are exposed to initial
harden and cure with the specimen. See section on Capping curing temperatures higher than the specified range.
Materials of Practice C617/C617M. Store the specimens in an environment that con-
9.5.2 Beams—After consolidation of the concrete, use a trols the loss of moisture.
handheld float or trowel to strike off the top surface to the
NOTE 11—A satisfactory moisture environment can be created during
required tolerance to produce a flat, even surface. the initial curing of the specimens by one or more of the following
9.6 Identification—Mark the specimens to positively iden- procedures: (1) immerse molded specimens with plastic lids in water; (2)
tify them and the concrete they represent. Use a method that store specimens in a container or enclosure; (3) place specimens in damp
sand pits; (4) cover specimens with plastic lids; (5) place specimens inside
will not alter the top surface of the concrete. Do not mark the plastic bags; or (6) cover specimens with wet fabric.
removable caps. Upon removal of the molds, mark the test NOTE 12—Immersion in water may be the easiest method to maintain
specimens to retain their identities. required moisture and temperature conditions during initial curing.

10. Curing 10.1.3 Final Curing: Cylinders—Upon completion of initial curing and
10.1 Standard Curing—Standard curing is the curing within 30 min after removing the molds, cure specimens with
method used when the specimens are made and cured for the free water maintained on their surfaces at all times at a
purposes stated in 4.2. temperature of 23.0 6 2.0°C [73.5 6 3.5°F] using water stor-
10.1.1 Storage—The supporting surface on which speci- age tanks or moist rooms complying with the requirements of
mens are stored shall be level to within 20 mm/m [1⁄4 in./ft]. If Specification C511, except when capping with sulfur mortar
specimens are not molded in the location where they will capping compound and immediately prior to testing. When
receive initial curing, ensure that the specimens have been capping with sulfur mortar capping compound, the ends of the
moved to the initial curing location no later than 15 min after cylinder shall be dry enough to preclude the formation of steam
molding operations have been completed. If a specimen in a or foam pockets under or in cap larger than 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] as
single-use mold is moved, support the bottom of the mold. If described in Practice C617/C617M. For a period not to exceed
the top surface of a specimen is disturbed during movement to 3 h immediately prior to test, standard curing temperature is
the place of initial storage, refinish the surface. not required provided free moisture is maintained on the
NOTE 7—Some single-use molds, such as cylinder molds constructed of cylinders and ambient temperature is between 20 and 30°C [68
sheet metal or treated cardboard, may be permanently distorted if moved and 86°F ].
without proper support. Using a large trowel or a hand to support the Beams—Beams are to be cured the same as cylin-
bottom of these molds are acceptable means to prevent permanent
deformation. It is acceptable to slightly tilt the mold to facilitate lifting and ders (see except that they shall be stored in water
supporting the mold. If a cover is to be placed on the top of a specimen, saturated with calcium hydroxide at 23.0 6 2.0°C
the cover should be placed on the specimen after moving the specimen to [73.5 6 3.5°F] at least 20 h prior to testing. Drying of the
the initial curing location to ensure the required finish of the top surface surfaces of the beam shall be prevented between removal from
of the specimen. For example, if a specimen will be stored in water for
initial curing, it would be appropriate to perform a final check of the
water storage and completion of testing.
surface finish prior to placing the cover and setting the specimen into the NOTE 13—Relatively small amounts of surface drying of flexural
water. specimens can induce tensile stresses in the extreme fibers that will
10.1.2 Initial Curing—Store standard-cured specimens for a markedly reduce the indicated flexural strength.
period up to 48 h after molding to maintain the specified 10.2 Field Curing—Field curing is the curing method used
temperature and moisture conditions described in and for the specimens made and cured as stated in 4.3. 10.2.1 Cylinders—Store cylinders in or on the structure as
NOTE 8—Generally, just covering the specimens is not sufficient to near to the point of deposit of the concrete represented as
maintain the environment required for initial standard curing. possible. Protect all surfaces of the cylinders from the elements

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C31/C31M − 19
in as near as possible the same way as the formed work. at least 8 h after final set. (See Note 14). During transporting,
Provide the cylinders with the same temperature and moisture protect the specimens with suitable cushioning material to
environment as the structural work. Test the specimens in the prevent damage from jarring. During cold weather, protect the
moisture condition resulting from the specified curing treat- specimens from freezing with suitable insulation material.
ment. To meet these conditions, specimens made for the Prevent moisture loss during transportation by wrapping the
purpose of determining when a structure is capable of being put specimens in plastic, wet burlap, by surrounding them with wet
in service shall be removed from the molds at the time of sand, or tight fitting plastic caps on plastic molds. Transporta-
removal of form work. tion time shall not exceed 4 h.
10.2.2 Beams—As nearly as practicable, cure beams in the
same manner as the concrete in the structure. At the end of NOTE 14—Setting time may be measured by Test Method C403/
48 6 4 h after molding, take the molded specimens to the C403M.
storage location and remove from the molds. Store specimens
representing pavements of slabs on grade by placing them on 12. Report
the ground as molded, with their top surfaces up. Bank the 12.1 Report the following information to the laboratory that
sides and ends of the specimens with earth or sand that shall be will test the specimens:
kept damp, leaving the top surfaces exposed to the specified
curing treatment. Store specimens representing structure con- 12.1.1 Identification number,
crete as near the point in the structure they represent as 12.1.2 Location of concrete represented by the samples,
possible, and afford them the same temperature protection and 12.1.3 Date, time and name of individual molding
moisture environment as the structure. At the end of the curing specimens,
period leave the specimens in place exposed to the weather in 12.1.4 Slump or slump flow, air content, and concrete
the same manner as the structure. Remove all beam specimens temperature, test results and results of any other tests on the
from field storage and store in water saturated with calcium fresh concrete, and any deviations from referenced standard
hydroxide at 23.0 6 2.0°C [73.5 6 3.5°F] for 24 6 4 h imme-
test methods, and
diately before time of testing to ensure uniform moisture
condition from specimen to specimen. Observe the precautions 12.1.5 Curing method. For standard curing method, report
given in to guard against drying between time of the initial curing method with maximum and minimum tem-
removal from curing to testing. peratures and final curing method. For field curing method,
report the location where stored, manner of protection from the
10.3 Structural Lightweight Concrete Curing—Cure struc-
elements, temperature and moisture environment, and time of
tural lightweight concrete cylinders in accordance with Speci-
removal from molds.
fication C330/C330M.
11. Transportation of Specimens to Laboratory 13. Keywords
11.1 Prior to transporting, cure and protect specimens as 13.1 beams; casting samples; concrete; curing; cylinders;
required in Section 10. Specimens shall not be transported until testing


Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this practice since the last issue,
C31/C31M–18b, that may impact the use of this practice. (Approved January 1, 2019)

(1) Revised 5.2 to prohibit the use of cardboard mold for (2) Revised 10.1.2 through
standard-cured specimens. (3) Added 3.2, 3.2.1, and Notes 8-12.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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