De-Orbiting Satellites in Leo Using Solar Sails D. Romagnoli (1), S. Theil

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D. Romagnoli (1), S. Theil (2)

(1) German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Systems,
Robert Hooke Strae 7, 28359 Bremen, Germany
[email protected]
(2) German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Systems
Robert Hooke Strae 7. 28359 Bremen, Germany
[email protected]

Abstract: Solar sailing is one of the most promising propulsion technologies for future scientific
space missions. Although many studies have been performed on solar sails performances and
possible applications, successful deploy and use of solar sails in space has been possible only
recently, due to the high technological skills and risks involved in developing, packaging and
unfolding the sails booms and the membrane. Hence, the possibility of testing hardware solutions
and implementations in space is a key point in order to successfully deploy and operate a solar sail
mission in space. In this paper, the use of solar sails as devices to speed up the de-orbiting of LEO
objects is considered and the advantage of such approach in the wider context of solar sail
development and implementation is discussed.

Keywords: Solar Sail, Mission Design, De-Orbiting.

1 Introduction

The problem of space debris is of crucial interest for the development of future space missions. This
is particularly important in Low Earth Orbit, where the high density of both active and inactive
satellites makes it vital to prevent collisions between spacecrafts or parts of them. As a
consequence, the international community has investigated the problem and defined a set of rules to
mitigate this phenomenon. Particularly, in 2006 ASI, BNSC, CNES, DLR and ESA signed a
"European Code of Conduct", which defined a set of suggested rules to prevent increasing the
amount of space debris in the next years. This document led to the ESA's document "Requirements
on Space Debris Mitigation for Agency Projects" on April 2008, which defines the rules to be
followed by every future European mission. According to these rules, any European satellite within
an altitude of 2000 km has to de-orbit in 25 years after the end of its mission. Hence, meeting this
requirement is a driving parameter when designing a new mission in LEO. Possible strategies make
use of saved propellant on board to perform a re-entry maneuver at the end of the spacecraft's
lifetime, but such an approach is not feasible when the spacecraft has no propulsion system on
board. In this case, an alternative solution has to be adopted. Solar sailing represents a promising
technology that, however, has yet to be completely proven safe and reliable in space for scientific
mission. The recent success of the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) in deploying and operating a
solar sail on an interplanetary journey to Venus clearly demonstrated that solar sailing is a feasible
technology of interest for future scientific missions, even though improvements in the technology
are still required. However, certifying new hardware solutions in space is not easy because the
scientific community believes that today solar sails are not reliable enough for flight. As a
consequence, it is mandatory to find alternative and cheap applications in order to test part of the
hardware in space. Among the possible ways that can be used to verify different solar sails
solutions and configurations, de-orbiting applications using both the atmospheric drag and the solar
radiation pressure may represent a preliminary application. Particularly, all the technological
processes and solutions involved in the packaging and deployment of the structure, including
booms and membrane, may be successfully tested and validated in space. The German Aerospace
Center (DLR) has been one of the pioneer research centers to allocate effort in the solar sail
technology. As a matter of fact, in 1999 DLR successfully performed an on ground deployment test
of a 20X20 meters square sail (Fig. 1) in the Cologne facility. In recent years, solar sail activities
have been pushed back to life and the Gossamer roadmap has been officially presented at the recent
International Symposium on Solar Sailing in New York [1].

Figure 1. The 20-by-20 meters solar sail successfully deployed on ground by DLR in 1999

The first step of the Gossamer project is the deployment of a 5-by-5 meters solar sail in Earth orbit,
to demonstrate the capabilities of manufacturing, packaging and successfully deploy in space a fully
scalable system (Fig. 2). The evolution with Gossamer-2 will be testing in Earth orbit preliminary
attitude and orbit control using the solar radiation pressure as the only source for the required
control torques [2, 3, 4]. Finally, a full scale interplanetary mission is intended to be realized as the
third step of the program, Gossamer-3. Clearly, the roadmap is challenging and experiences made
by other groups all over the world showed that putting a solar sail and successfully deploy it into
space is not an easy task: as a matter of fact, the recent unexpected recovery of NanoSail-D2 is a
powerful reminder that operating a solar sail in space is not a trivial activity from the technological
point of view. As a consequence, the possibility of testing in space complex and sensible
mechanisms, such as the deployment system, is of crucial importance in order to achieve the
required reliability for more complex scenarios. In this framework, the use of solar sails as
aerobraking devices to mitigate the debris problem and reduce the population of potentially
dangerous objects in low Earth orbit is an interesting application to test different hardware
solutions, even though the solar photon thrust is not properly utilized. This paper examines the
possibility of adopting such strategy to test and space qualify techniques and procedures to be
adopted in a proper solar sail application. Section 2 is dedicated to the description of the equations
of motion that describe the problem and that are used in the simulations. In section 3 the results of
the simulations are described and discussed in order to understand what the effect of the solar sail
on the orbital and attitude dynamics is. Finally, section 4 summarizes the conclusions of this paper
and describes the currently known open points and possible evolutions of this work.

Figure 2. Artistic representation of the Gossamer-1 solar sail in Earth orbit

2. Equations of Motion

Studying the effect of the atmospheric drag on a spacecraft is one of the most challenging activities
in simulating the orbital evolution due to the complexity in determining the proper atmospheric
density value [5]. However, assuming the adopted atmospheric model is suitable for the desired
application, the orbital decay due to the atmospheric drag cannot be studied without introducing the
spacecraft attitude dynamics as well. As a consequence, setting up a simulation involves many
different aspects to be properly combined without introducing numerical errors or instability in the
code[6]. Next subsections describe the dynamical equations used to perform the orbital and attitude

2.1 Orbital Dynamics

Numerical simulations have been more and more important in determining the orbital evolution of a
spacecraft as computer became faster. One of the biggest advantages numerical techniques have
against analytical ones is that they allow including any arbitrary disturbing action on the satellite,
which may be added to a simple two body problem to better describe the environment the satellite
is moving in. This method, known as Cowells Formulation, makes it possible to express the orbital
dynamics as [7]:

on perturbati
a r

+ =


on perturbati

the sum of all the disturbing accelerations acting on the spacecraft. As a

consequence, it is crucial to properly include and model the perturbations acting on the system in
order to achieve a reliable representation of the real world. In the present work, the following
perturbations have been considered:

- non spherical gravity field up to J
- gravitational attraction of the Moon and of the Sun, also known as third body effect;
- atmospheric drag;
- solar radiation pressure.

Hence, using the superimposing effect the total perturbation acceleration may be written as:

SRP drag 3Body grav on perturbati
a a a a a

+ + + = (2)

2.1.1 Gravitational Perturbation

Since the Earth is not a perfect sphere, the effect of the non symmetric mass distribution has to be
taken into consideration using the well established spherical harmonics representation. However,
for preliminary purposes, only the more important harmonics and the related accelerations may be
considered. In this paper, the non-spherical gravity field of the Earth has been represented up to the
contribution. Given the satellite position k r j r i r r
z y x

+ + =

in the Earth centered inertial frame, the

perturbing accelerations related to these terms may be expressed using well known expressions. The
term describes the oblateness of the Earth and represents the biggest deviation from the spherical
gravity field. It may be described as:










5 3
5 1
5 1


The J
term describes the elliptical shape of the Earths equator and may be represented by the










z z
z z
r r
r r
r r
7 3
7 3


Therefore, the total perturbation coming from the non-spherical shape of the Earth may be
approximated by the sum of these three contributions:

3 2
grav J J
a a a

+ = (5)

2.1.2 Third Body Perturbation

Third bodies, such as the Moon and the Sun, affect the motion of spacecrafts in Earth orbit: the Sun,
in fact, is extremely massive, while the Moon is very close. It is important to note that this
perturbation becomes more relevant for high altitude orbits, that is when the atmospheric drag
effect begins to diminish. The expression for this perturbing acceleration may be derived from the
standard three-body problem. Assuming that the mass of the satellite is negligible, one may write:



3 3Body


the gravitational parameter of the third body,

is the position vector of the third body

with respect to the satellite and

is the position vector of the third body with respect to the Earth
in the inertial frame. Note that equation (6) may lead to numerical errors when the distance from the
satellite to the third body and the distance from the Earth to the third body are very similar: in fact,
the cube of these distances appears at the denominator in equation (6), therefore the numerically
computed difference is extremely small and may introduce numerical errors in the computation.
This problem may be solved using a Taylor series expansion neglecting the small terms [7]:




3 sat
3 sat
3 sat
Body 3
3 r
r r
r r
r r


It is important to note that even though equation (7) is numerically stable, it is an approximation
because the series is truncated. However, it represents a good approximation that can be efficiently
used for preliminary analysis.

2.1.3 Atmospheric Drag

Together with the oblateness of the Earth, the atmospheric drag is the most relevant source of
perturbing acceleration for LEO satellites. The relation that describes the acceleration due to the
atmospheric drag is the well known:


= (8)

where is the atmospheric density value,
C is the drag coefficient, A is the projected area in the
direction of the velocity vector relative to the atmosphere, m is the total mass of the spacecraft and

is the velocity of the spacecraft relative to the atmosphere. Assuming the atmosphere is rotating
with the Earth and neglecting any wind, the relative velocity may be approximated by the relation:

r d

e (9)

being sec rad 000072921 . 0
= e the angular velocity of the Earth around its spin axis. The key
point in computing the atmospheric drag is to determine the atmospheric density value. Different
models are available in the literature, based on both an analytical and an empirical approach, which
may lead to remarkably different values of the atmospheric density according to the parameters
used to feed the model. In this paper, the Harris-Priester model has been adopted [8]. Even though
this is basically a static model, the physical properties of the upper atmosphere in a range between
100 km and 1000 km are computed taking into consideration the solar cycle via tabulated values
(Tab. 1). Then, interpolation determines the density at a particular time and altitude. Note that the
coefficients in Table 1 correspond to the indices F10.7 = 140 and Ap = 30, according to the
predicted values for 2014. Thanks to its computational efficiency, this model is often adopted in
early analysis and whenever the simulation requires an estimate of the density value during
different phases of the solar cycle. In equation (8), the projected area A represents the connection
between the attitude dynamics and the orbital dynamics. As a matter of fact, the atmospheric drag
creates a torque acting on the spacecraft that changes its orientation with respect to the inertial
frame and, as a consequence, the projected area changes over time and the atmospheric drag
acceleration varies during the orbital motion. It is therefore very important to properly simulate the
attitude motion in order to accurately predict the acceleration due to the atmospheric drag.

Tab.1 Example of data tables used in the Harris Priester atmospheric model [7]
Density (kg/m
Density (kg/m
Density (kg/m
Density (kg/m
100 4.974 x 10
4.974 x 10
420 1.558 x 10
5.684 x 10

120 2.490 x 10
2.490 x 10
440 1.091 x 10
4.355 x 10

130 8.377 x 10
8.710 x 10
460 7.701 x 10
3.362 x 10

140 3.899 x 10
4.059 x 10
480 5.474 x 10
2.612 x 10

150 2.122 x 10
2.215 x 10
500 3.916 x 10
2.042 x 10

160 1.263 x 10
1.344 x 10
520 2.819 x 10
1.605 x 10

170 8.008 x 10
8.758 x 10
540 2.042 x 10
1.267 x 10

180 5.283 x 10
6.10 x 10
560 1.488 x 10
1.005 x 10

190 3.617 x 10
4.297 x 10
580 1.092 x 10
7.997 x 10

200 2.557 x 10
3.162 x 10
600 8.070 x 10
6.390 x 10

210 1.839 x 10
2.396 x 10
620 6.012 x 10
5.123 x 10

220 1.341 x 10
1.853 x 10
640 4.519 x 10
4.121 x 10

230 9.949 x 10
1.455 x 10
660 3.430 x 10
3.325 x 10

240 7.488 x 10
1.157 x 10
680 2.620 x 10
2.691 x 10

250 5.709 x 10
9.308 x 10
700 2.043 x 10
2.185 x 10

260 4.403 x 10
7.555 x 10
720 1.607 x 10
1.779 x 10

280 2.697 x 10
5.095 x 10
760 1.036 x 10
1.190 x 10

290 2.193 x 10
4.226 x 10
780 8.496 x 10
9.776 x 10

300 1.708 x 10
3.526 x 10
800 7.069 x 10
8.059 x 10

320 1.099 x 10
2.511 x 10
840 4.680 x 10
5.741 x 10

340 7.214 x 10
1.819 x 10
880 3.200 x 10
8.059 x 10

360 4.824 x 10
1.337 x 10
920 2.210 x 10
3.130 x 10

380 3.274 x 10
9.995 x 10
960 1.560 x 10
2.360 x 10

400 2.249 x 10
7.492 x 10
1000 1.150 x 10
1.810 x 10

2.1.4 Solar Radiation Pressure Perturbation

Solar radiation pressure is the disturbing action due to the interaction between the photons coming
from the Sun and the outer surface of the spacecraft. Even though solar sails rely on this interaction
to generate the desired thrust, in low Earth orbit and for the kind of application considered this has
to be considered as a perturbation acting on the spacecraft. The solar radiation perturbation may be
represented with a relation similar to the one used for the atmospheric drag acceleration:

Sun sat
Sun sat



c the reflection coefficient, SRP the current value of the solar radiation pressure and
the projected area in the direction of the incoming radiation from the Sun. A detailed description of
the model adopted for modeling the solar radiation pressure can be found in [9]. It is important to
note that for LEO objects the perturbing acceleration from the solar radiation pressure is several
orders of magnitudes smaller than the other disturbing actions. As a consequence, this perturbation
plays a minor role in the simulation of the orbital evolution of a low Earth orbit satellite. Note
equation (10) shows an intimate connection between the attitude and the orbital dynamics as well:
the computation of the projected area in the direction of the incoming solar radiation, in fact,
requires the knowledge of the current attitude of the spacecraft. As a consequence, it is crucial to
propagate both the attitude and the orbit at the same time in order to properly simulate the problem.

2.2 Attitude Dynamics and Kinematics

Assuming the sailcraft to be a rigid body without internal moving parts, the equations of motion for
the attitude dynamics may be easily derived from the standard rotational equation of motion of a
rigid body about an arbitrary point [10]:

M dm R r


where r

is the position vector of the infinitesimal mass element dm relative to an arbitrary point O,

is the position vector of dm in the inertial frame and


is the total external torque about the

point O. After simple math manipulation and under the assumption that the reference point O is
either inertially fixed or at the center of mass of the rigid body, the preceding equation may be
written as:


= (12)

= dm R r H

the angular momentum of the system about the reference point O. The total
angular momentum of the system is related to its mass distribution via the inertia matrix of the rigid
body about a body fixed reference frame with its origin at the center of mass:


J H = (13)

Finally, doing the time derivative in equation (12) in the inertial frame, one can prove that the
attitude dynamics equation for a rigid spacecraft may be written as:


= + e e e (14)

with proper initial conditions on the angular velocity in the body fixed frame. The attitude
propagation is completed with the kinematics equation. The most convenient and numerically
efficient way of representing the orientation of a spacecraft is via quaternions. A quaternion q is
formed by four parameters ( )
4 3 2 1
, , , q q q q according to the relation [11]:

4 3 2 1
q kq jq iq + + + q (15)

being i, j and k the hyperimaginary numbers satisfying the following conditions:

j ik ki
i kj jk
k ji ij
k j i
= =
= =
= =
= = = 1
2 2 2

The quaternion in equation (15) may be also seen as made of a scalar or real part,
q , and a vector or
imaginary part,
3 2 1
kq jq iq + + . As a consequence, using the vector-first notation, the quaternion
q may be also represented as:

( )
, q q

= q (17)

Given the definition of quaternion in (17), the attitude kinematics equation in quaternion notation
may be written as follow:

q q O =

where O is the skew-symmetric matrix computed from the angular velocity vector in the body
fixed frame.

3 Simulations Analysis

The simulation of both the orbital and the attitude dynamics at the same time is a challenging
numerical task for many reasons. The most crucial one, though, is that they have remarkably
different frequencies. As a matter of fact, the orbital motion can be efficiently computed using an
integration time step in the order of some minutes, while the attitude has to be propagated at a much
higher rate, in the order of at least 10 Hz, to have a good representation of the forces depending on
the actual orientation of the spacecraft in case of high angular velocity values. Hence, the
integration time step has to be selected to meet the requirements for the attitude propagation,
resulting in extremely long computational time. Besides, since the simulated time is usually in the
order of years, the second aspect that has to be faced is related to the maximum available memory
to store the simulations data, i.e. state vectors for orbit and attitude, state vectors of the Moon and
the Sun and perturbing accelerations. As a matter of fact, during simulations it turned out that
MATLAB encountered severe problems in managing memory when the saved files became bigger
and bigger thanks to the adopted 10 Hz resolution. Even though sampling the saved data at a lower
rate was the easiest way to try coping with this issue, eventually it has been not possible to run
simulations longer than several months including the complete attitude and orbital dynamics with
high frequency.
The main test case scenario considers the following conditions:

- Orbit: Dawn-Dusk Sun Synchronous Orbit at 620 km altitude
- Total Satellite Mass: 140 kg
- Sail Area: 25 m

- Atmospheric Density Model: Harris Priester

This scenario is consistent with the one adopted for the DLR satellite Asteroid Finder (Fig. 3),
which is being presently considered as a candidate mission to test de-orbiting using a solar sail.

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the current design of the Asteroid Finder satellite

However, in order to check the simulation algorithms avoiding the problems associated with
computation time and memory management, a first run has been made with different conditions.
Particularly, a lower 450 km circular equatorial orbit has been selected so that a shorter simulation
time was required. The preliminary simulation showed that the spacecraft in the test scenario re-
enters the atmosphere in approximately three weeks (Fig. 4): note that the vehicle is considered re-
entered into the atmosphere when it reaches an altitude of 150 km above the geoid. However,
further investigations have to be carried out in a more general framework to determine at which
altitude the booms of the solar sail are no longer able to handle the aerodynamic torques, causing
the collapse of the structure and defining the altitude at which the sail is not effective any more.
Since the attitude has been propagated together with the orbital motion, it is possible to plot the
cross section with respect to the atmosphere over time during the simulation (Fig. 5). This
information makes it possible to easily visualize the orientation of the spacecraft with respect to the
atmosphere: it is clear that the aerodynamic torque acting on the spacecraft is strong enough to
provide a passive stabilization, with the sail acting as a parachute and offering a constant area of
about 24 m
to the rarefied atmosphere. This leads to the best case scenario, where the drag
provided by the sails membrane is maximized for free without any kind of active attitude control
thanks to the action of the aerodynamic torque. It is important to note that this passive stabilization
might be achieved only if the aerodynamic torque is strong enough. This simulation used an
integration time step of one second, that is the attitude dynamics has been sampled at 1 Hz and the
associated computation time turned out to be approximately 12 hours. As a consequence, it is easy
to imagine that increasing the initial altitude of the spacecraft to the one of the main scenario
remarkably increases the simulation time up to unmanageable values.

Figure 4. Altitude of the spacecraft over the geoid over time

Figure 5. Cross area over time

The simulations performed within the main scenario conditions showed that, as expected, also in
this case the de-orbiting time might be considerably reduced adopting the sail as an aerobraking
device. However, the simulations showed that the desired passive stabilization to maximize the
area exposed to the atmosphere can not be achieved for the Asteroid Finder-like scenario. This is
due to the fact that the available aerodynamic torque is not enough to get rid of the satellites
rotation. As a matter of fact, the atmospheric density is one to two orders of magnitude less at 620
km than at 450 km, resulting in a much smaller drag force according to equation (8). In addition, the
peculiar geometry of the Asteroid Finder satellite leads to a center of pressure very close to the
satellites center of mass. The center of pressure, in fact, is located at about seventy centimeters
from the center of mass in the Y direction of the body fixed frame. As a consequence, the small
lever arm combined with the low atmospheric density value lead to a weak aerodynamic torque and
to the impossibility of a passively stabilized attitude. Figure 6 shows an example of the cross area
over a period of approximately one week: it is clear that the spacecraft tumbles considerably,
resulting in a cross section area within the whole range 0 m
and 25 m

Figure 6. Cross area over time (detailed view of a week timeframe)

Nevertheless, using Tab.1 for computing the atmospheric density, the spacecraft re-enters the
atmosphere after approximately 390 days, which is remarkably less than the 9.82 years expected for
the Asteroid Finder satellite in the same solar conditions (Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Spacecraft altitude over time for a 620 km SSO orbit

Figure 7 shows the typical atmospheric re-entry behavior: the orbital decay starts extremely slow
and constant for most of the time, accelerating remarkably in the last days thanks to the increased
atmospheric density value. Hence, the presence of a 5x5 meters solar sail on board a spacecraft like
Asteroid Finder represents a big improvement in reducing the danger associated with a dead
satellite at the end of its lifetime and allowing to remove a piece of debris from the orbit in a very
efficient and affordable way. However, it is important to note that there is a remarkable uncertainty
in evaluating the satellites life time. As a matter of fact, the de-orbiting time may double when the
solar flux parameter F10.7 is slightly modified, resulting in much different results. (Fig. 8). Hence,
the prediction of the solar activity and of the geomagnetic indexes is extremely important in order
to properly evaluate the orbital life time of a spacecraft.

Figure 8. Orbital decay for the Asteroid Finder satellite with different solar F10.7 fluxes

Besides, it is also interesting to note that such strategy may also be adopted not only for satellites
natively designed to use a solar sail to de-orbit at the end of lifetime, but also for non cooperative
targets. As a matter of fact, the German Space Agency is currently investigating the possibility of
rendezvous and docking with a non cooperative spacecraft: in this framework, the use of a cubesat
with a deployable solar sail and the ability of chasing and catching a non cooperative target may be
successful in removing space debris from LEO or moving GEO satellites to a different orbit without
using any propellant but the atmospheric drag or the solar photon trust, respectively.

4 Conclusions

In this paper, the possibility of using a solar sail for de-orbiting spacecrafts in low Earth orbit has
been considered. A deep theoretical background associated with the simulation of such an
application has been given, as well as a description of the major problems that may occur when
facing this task. This preliminary analysis showed that using a small 5x5 meters solar sail can
reduce the de-orbiting time up to about 390 days compared to the 9.82 years obtained considering
only the external surface of the Asteroid Finder satellite and the same solar flux conditions. Hence,
using a solar sail as an aerobraking device may be useful and represent an efficient way of testing in
space all the procedures and technical solutions for packaging and deploying the sails booms and
membrane within the framework of a more structured solar sailing developing program. Further
investigations have to be carried out to include the structural strength of the sail assembly (boom
plus membrane) into account, in order to better understand when the solar sail is not working any
more as a drag device due to the collapse of the structure caused by the aerodynamic torque. In
addition, the simulation has been performed neglecting any possible lifting force: as a matter of
fact, since the sails membrane is flying with a certain angle of attack with respect to the
atmosphere, the effect of the lift force may extend the lifetime of the spacecraft. However, modeling
both the aerodynamic coefficients is not trivial and more detailed experimental data may be
required to accomplish this task.


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