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Products & Services

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The Company 4

Bolting Technology 6

Nutrunners 8
DE1/DE · DA1 · DP1/DP

Electric Hydraulic Power Packs 18

IQ · XB · TAX · Dual Power

Pneumatic Hydraulic Power Packs 34

X · IQ

Manual Hydraulic Pumps 38

Hydraulic Torque Wrenches 40


ATEX Products 56

Hydraulic Tensioners 58

Manual Torque Multipliers 62


Accessories 64

Measurement Instrumentation 66
GMV 2 · TC1

Services 68

Subject to amendment. We take no responsibility for printing

errors or inaccurate information. Pictures similar to products.
4The Company

Quality made in Germany

The Company

bolting technology
Since 1962 Maschinenfabrik Wagner and its brand „Plarad“ has been the benchmark
for quality, innovation and reliability in the field of bolting technology.

SME’s and large, globally engaged companies in various industries rely on our com-
petence where tailor-made bolting solutions are concerned. Our customers benefit
from our flexibility and our know-how, acquired continuously since the early 1960s.

The new generation of Plarad bolting systems are thinner, more powerful and lighter
than the preceding models. Due to continuous development of our products, Plarad
is always a step ahead. We are driven by customer’s requirements as well as market

When developing new designs, we do not only focus on achieving a high level of quality,
but at the same time we test extensively the function and handling features using our
own testing devices. The result is a new generation of products for bolting technology
which do not only technically fulfil the highest demands.

With eight product lines, from manual torque multipliers through to completely automatic
bolting systems, we can offer you the broadest product range in the market. You benefit
from perfectly optimised tooling while all the products for your bolted joints come from a
single source.
6Bolting Technology

Bolt joint
Many physical characteristics affect and influence the
final bolted joint.

Head friction

Screw tension Clamping length


Friction in thread

Distribution of load Pitch of thread

Coating Lubrication applied

tension 3
(Fv) 2 Torque/Torque Angle
Hydraulic pre-tensioning

Torque-controlled tightening

Elastic Superelastic Plastic

range range range Depth
Bolting Technology

Our solutions

1 Torque-controlled tightening
l In the majority of cases where bolts are used,
torque-controlled tightening is the method used to tighten.
l With this method the friction on the thread and head of the
bolt act as a precise pre-tensioning force, therefore the use
of accurate tools is imperative.
l Effectively the bolt can be tightened quicker.
l This method is more practical and easy.
l Light, compact tools can be used where space is limited.

2 Hydraulic Tensioning
l As the nut is not rotated under load, there is no torsional
load on the bolt.
l After achieving the desired applied load, the nut can be
tightened without causing stresses on it. The correct
applied bolt load is therefore achieved.
l Even different co-efficients (levels) of friction have no effect
on the tensioning process.
Via the hydraulic cylinder
tensioning force is exerted
on the bolt causing it to

3 Torque/torque-angle-controlled tightening
l Torque/torque-angle-controlled tightening is more precise than
purely torque-controlled tightening.
l The defined amount of rotation of the bolt (torque angle)
provides automatically and accurately the required pretension.
l Control is achieved directly from the power pack, by means of
microprocessor technology within the pump.
l Higher quality bolting joints are achieved.
l Results can be stored and used at a later date for
documentation required in quality assurance processes.
l The whole control process is achieved without the need
of external sensors, hence no need for extra cables
from the tool.
Electric Nutrunners

DE1 the new generation

N E W !
l New gearbox – slimmer, shorter, lighter
l New control system – for even more precise bolting results
l New display with added features – comfortable
operation and comprehensive information

Multi function-display

Includes a protective
transparent silicon
cover The motor
drive can
rotate 360°

vibration free Redesigned

quiet drive gearbox

Type Performance
range (Nm)

DE1-10 up to 1 000
DE1-20 up to 2 000
DE1-30 up to 3 000
DE1-36 up to 3 600
Fully developed
DE1-48 up to 4 800
ergonomic profile
10Electric Nutrunners

automatic/manually operated

Electronic torque
preselection in 99 fine
gradations/digital display

Quiet operation,
impact and vibration
Electrical motor free, compliant with
(handle) freely HAVS legislation.
rotates on the
gearbox aiding
easy operation
Type Performance Ergonomically
range (Nm) designed for
ease of handling
DEA/DEM 65 up to 6 500
DEA/DEM 80 up to 8 000
DEA/DEM 120 up to 12 000

Torque range up to 12 000 Nm

l For continuous use in assembly, repair and production
l Plarad DEM with manual and Plarad DEA with automatic
2-speed gearbox
l The low-vibration technology protects the user’s muscles
and joints, effectively preventing the onset of HAVS
(hand-arm-vibration syndrome)
l The light weight and sophisticated ergonomic profile enable
optimal handling
Electric Nutrunners

DE accessories

Various extensions are

available for deep fastenings
and tight spaces.

The motor drive

can rotate 360°

DE1-W with angle drive:

easy to use even in
otherwise inaccessible
places thanks to its low
The offset gear makes it possible to height. The electric motor
move the wrench down long threads for and handle freely rotate
nut sizes up to AF 150 mm. on the gearbox.
Battery Nutrunners

DA1 battery nutrunner

Gears 1-4 Power Settings

Brushless motor

designed for ease
of handling

Locking ring

Continuously active
battery charge indicator

Battery safety
cell technology

Type Performance range (Nm)

DA1-05 130 - 550

DA1-10 130 - 1 000
DA1-13 275 - 1 300
DA1-30 285 - 3 000
DA1-47 470 - 4 700
Battery Nutrunners

Torque range up to 4 700 Nm

l The range topping (most powerful) model DA1-47 can
achieve up to 4 700 Nm
l 60 different torque settings
l Four different extrapowerful loosening settings
l Linear torque characteristics
Includes a battery powered
LED torch l Two step active charge indicator
l On/Off operation trigger with delayed action – 0/1 binary logic
l Automatic release of forces on reaction arm once controlled
tightening is achieved, no jamming

High speed combined

with enormous safety
Includes a fast charger As soon as the desired set torque
value is acquired the unit automatically
stops, it is also immediately ready for
the next bolt tightening etc.
The continually active 2 step LED
display of the battery charge prevents
inaccurate torque tightening’s when the
capacity of the battery is too low.
The operation trigger is not variable but
binary – thus preventing an inaccurate
torque being applied, especially useful
Predetermined torques can be
Includes two 5 Ah lithium ion during extended operation or when set via changing the gear and
battery packs wearing gloves. setting the power setting step
Pneumatic Nutrunners

DP1 the new generation

N E W !
l Shorter and slimmer than the previous
l 5 models covering a torque range
from 125 – 3 600 Nm
l Vibration reducing technology
protects the users muscles and
joints during continuous operation
in assembly/maintanence and
production environments
l Lightweight and ergonomic making
the tool easy to use
l Pneumatic drive rotates 360° on
the gearbox

Type Performance
range (Nm)

DP1-05 up to 500
DP1-10 up to 1 000
DP1-20 up to 2 000
DP1-30 up to 3 000
DP1-36 up to 3 600
16 Pneumatic Nutrunners

automatic/manually operated
Two-speed Pneumatic motor (handle)
gearbox freely rotates on the gearbox
aiding easy operation

Quiet operation, impact and

vibration free, compliant with
HAVS legislation.

Type Performance
range (Nm)
Ergonomically designed Available also as ATEX
for ease of handling compliant version for
DPA/DPM 47 up to 4 700
DPA/DPM 65 up to 6 500
the oil- and gas industry
DPA/DPM 80 up to 8 000
(II 2GD c IIB T5) as well
as mining industry
Up to 12,000 Nm available on request. (I M2 c)

Torques of up to 12 000 Nm
l For continuous use in assembly, maintenance and production
l Plarad pneumatic nutrunners are specifically designed for a
variety of tasks, including “Ex” environments prevalent in the oil,
gas, and mining industry
l Plarad DPM with manual 2-speed gearbox and Plarad DPA with
automatic two-speed gearbox
l The low-vibration technology protects the user’s muscles
Fine adjustment is achieved and joints, effectively preventing the development of HAVS
via a pressure regulation unit
(Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome)
l Their extremely light weight and sophisticated ergonomic profile
enables ease of use
Pneumatic Nutrunners

DP accessories

Various extensions are

available for deep
fastenings and tight spaces.

The motor drive

can rotate 360°

The offset gear makes it possible to move the DP with angle drive: easy to use even in
wrench down long threads for nut sizes of up otherwise inaccessible places thanks to
to AF 150 mm. its low height. The pneumatic motor and
handle freely rotate on the gearbox.
Hydraulic Power Packs
Hydraulic Power Packs

Hydraulic Power Packs

for every bolting situation
Our robust and long-lived hydraulic power packs are distinguished by a constant volume of oil (litres) up to the
final pressure of 800 bar and have proven their mettle in heavy continuous use. From light-weight standard
versions via microprocessor-controlled, fully automatic designs through to special power packs – Plarad has
the correct power pack for every need, electric or pneumatic drive.

IQ-VAX 2 WZ X32 IQ-VAX 3,5 DM-DW X32 IQ-VAX 2 Z-X32 110V

XB 1 XB 2 Z XB 2


20 Electric Hydraulic Power Packs

Power Pack Overview


l Fully automatic
l Documentation
l Torque/torque-angle method
l Dual Power Pack

l Compact, small,
light-weight and

Fast Reliable Safe

l More bolts can be tightened l Accurate, safe results as l The Plarad documentation
in the same amount of time: the application is controlled system makes it possible to
Plarad products are up to and monitored completely record and illustrate the
3 times faster than other automatically by an internal results of every bolted joint.
products. microprocessor. For this reason the documen-
tation is very useful in the field
of product liability.

Plarad Power Packs

Other Power Packs
Electric Hydraulic Power Packs

TAX 1-1500-X32 IQ-VAX 2-Z-D 1500-X32 IQ-VAX 3,5-Z-D 1500-X32

(Tensioners) (Dual Power electric) (Dual Power electric)

Special models
e.g. with Torque/torque IQ-VAX 2-X32 IQ-VAX 3,5-X32
angle feature (Torque/torque angle) (Torque/torque angle)

Fully automatic
Including documentation IQ-VAX 1-Z-X32 IQ-VAX 2-Z-X32 IQ-VAX 3,5-Z-X32

Fully automatic
No documentation XB-VAX 2-X32 XB-VAX 2-Z-X32 XB-VAX 3,5-X32

XB 1 XB 2 XB 1-Z XB 2-Z XB 3,5 XB 3,5-Z

Fast operation

Lightweight Can be operated It runs and runs and runs!

l Optimal power to weight ratio. almost continuously l Innovative, patented techno-
The oil-filled electrical motor logies and design features,
l The power packs do not over
technology guarantees heat thanks to their special plus the use of high-quality
optimum weight and oil-filled motor design. The oil materials ensure the pump
maximum output. tank is part of the motor itself has an extremely long
and no other tank is necessary. lifespan.
The motor, the pump unit and
the oil are all cooled at the
same time.
Electric Hydraulic Power Packs

Power Packs
high-tech models

Our rugged and durable power packs are characterised by the constant
volume they output right up to their pressure limits, and have proved
themselves through their long life in the toughest applications. The
oil-filled motor prevents overheating. The design also ensures optimum
performance to weight ratio.

l Fully automatic for accurate, reliable bolting joints
l Documentation
l Instrumentation and control systems
l Torque-angle method
24 Electric Hydraulic Power Packs

Power Pack Flow rate Weight *

IQ-VAX 3,5-X32 3.5 l/min 35 kg

IQ-VAX 1-Z-X32 5.3 / 0.75 l/min 26 kg
IQ-VAX 2-Z-X32 8.0 / 1.2 l/min 32 kg
Fully automatic VAX
IQ-VAX 3,5-Z-X32 13.2 / 3.0 l/min 36 kg
technology keeps
users perfectly safe Extracts of the specifications. * ready for use

Each individual Bolting case

(tightening – loosening) is
controlled via the pumps
microprocessor control unit
utilising different processes

Rugged cage which

protects the unit, even
on building sites

Pressure indication
displayed, assessment
of the bolting case via
a status indicators

Low noise
while operating
Electric Hydraulic Power Packs
VAX – Genuine full Documentation
automation function l The Plarad “Documentation” add-on saves all
torque or torque angles conducted into the
l Straight to work at the touch of a button: the control unit.
VAX Automatic controls and finishes the l Once uploaded to a computer, the bolting data
bolted joint automatically and accurately, even can be used for traceability purposes on each
when handling multiple bolts, as well as indi- bolt joint.
cating progress to the operator via the
l Pressure is taken off the operator, hence errors
are eliminated.

Multiple bolting technologies Synchronised operation

l The Torque-Angle function, for example, means l Synchronised operation using two or more
that differing friction coefficients of bolts no units (MX-EC or FSX).
longer play a role. The required tightening l The automatic function ensures that
torque will always be achieved. synchronised bolted joints are handled
quickly and reliably, ensuring an optimal seal.

Optional accessories

There is an extensive range of Hydraulic couplings – adaptors Optimal storage in a professional

accessories, e.g. auxiliary oil and hoses are available in many Plarad storage trolley
tanks, to extend the unit’s range sizes etc.
of applications
Electric Hydraulic Power Packs

Power Packs
setting high standards

XB 1
for mobile service work

l XB 1
The lightweight design of the XB 1 makes this power pack ideal for
mobile service applications.

l XB 2
The all-rounder in the XB range is the XB 2, famous for its high speed.

l XB 3,5
As the quickest power pack the XB 3,5 is a powerful package
particularly suitable for complex bolting jobs.
28 Electric Hydraulic Power Packs

Guide to wind
XB 2
the cables around for universal use

Rugged industrial
cage for tough

The Main Valve is

within a protected
non exposed area
on the pump

Outward-facing oil filters (on XB 1 and

XB 3,5) and maintenance friendly
design, for easier maintenance

Improved valve One or more hydraulic

technology tools can be used
with one or twin hose
Electric Hydraulic Power Packs
Power Pack Flow rate Weight*

XB 1 0.8 l/min 20 kg
XB 2 1.2 l/min 29 kg
XB 3,5 3.5 l/min 33 kg
XB 1-Z 5.4 / 0.8 l/min 24 kg
XB 2-Z 8.0 / 1.2 l/min 31 kg
XB 3,5-Z 13.2 / 3.0 l/min 35 kg
XB-VAX 2 1.2 l/min 32 kg
XB-VAX 2-Z X32 8.0 / 1.2 l/min 32 kg
XB-VAX 3,5 3.5 l/min 35 kg

Extract from technical data (values apply to 230 V/50 Hz or

400 V/50 Hz versions. (Other voltages are available), e.g. 110 V.
* ready for use

XB 3,5
for use in manufacturing plants
Electric Hydraulic Power Packs

TAX the pump for

Guide to wind
the cables around

Power Pack Flow rate Weight*

TAX 1-1500-X32 0.4 l/min (1500 bar) 31 kg

TAX 3,5-1500-X32 1.0 l/min (1500 bar) 40 kg

Extracts of the specifications. * ready for use

l Dedicated pump specially for tensioning applications

up to 1500 bar (optional to 2 100 bar)
l Pressure indication in the display screen
l Compactly built with special principles being utilised
to build up the pressure
32 Electric Hydraulic Power Packs

Dual Power
Power Pack Flow rate Weight *

IQ-VAX 2-Z- 8.0 / 1.2 l/min (at 800 bar) 40 kg

D 1500-X32 8.0 / 0.4 l/min (at 1500 bar)
IQ-VAX 3,5-Z- 13.2 / 3.0 l/min (at 800 bar) 42 kg
D 1500-X32 13.2 / 1.0 l/min (at 1500 bar)
Hydraulic Torque Tools Extracts of the specifications. * ready for use

800 bar

The IQ Dual Power Pack

can power both hydraulic
torque tools and hydraulic

1 500 bars

(optional up to 2100 bars)

Electric Hydraulic Power Packs
As well as a variety of bolting techniques and lifting processes in 800 bar mode,
the Dual Power VAX unit can also be used for tensioning applications up to 1 500
bars (optional up to 2 100 bars). This universal hydraulic Power Pack saves you
having to invest in additional high-pressure units.
l 2-in-1, one less unit to buy
l Fully automatic pumping of hydraulic tensioners
l Automatic limit-stop
l Pumping performance accross the range
l User-friendly – a remote control with identical functions. Users can easily
familiarise themselves with the operation of the units easily
l All of the upgrades and enhancements on conventional
IQ Power Packs are also available for the Dual Power

Controlled tensioning force in tensioner mode

When initially tensioning, there is a risk that oil Plarad IQ Power Packs Tensioner mode monitors
pressure decreases due to the settling of the the pressure and pump as required, ensuring that
object during the actual stretching process or the required tension is achieved.
due to stretching of the attached hydraulic hoses.


Nominal pressure Nominal pressure

Actual Solution
Time Time

Hydraulic power pack Hydraulic power pack

without tensioner mode with tensioner mode
Pneumatic Hydraulic Power Packs

Hydraulic Power Packs


X 2-P-Z

Just like our electrically powered hydraulic units, our pneumatic

hydraulic power packs are characterised by their ruggedness,
long life and their constant throughput right up to their pressure
limits. The pneumatic motor is integrated into the oil tank,
preventing seizure while simultaneously cooling the hydraulic
36 Pneumatic Hydraulic Power Packs

IQ VAX P lar ad!

o m
pneumatic On ly f r

The first pneumatic VAX unit:

The new, fully automatic pneumatic power pack
uses the latest microprocessor technology. This
eliminates user errors since operators simply start
a fully automatic, controlled procedure at the push
of a button. The machinery shuts off automatically
when the required torque is achieved and informs
the operator via the remote control.


Power Pack Flow rate Weight*

X 1-P 0.8 l/min 24 kg

X 2-P 1.6 l/min 31 kg
X 2-P-Z 7.0 / 1.6 l/min 31 kg
For the full
X 2-P-Z ATEX 7.0 / 1.6 l/min 32 kg
functionality of
IQ-VAX 2-P-Z 7.0 / 1.6 l/min 35 kg
IQ technology
Extracts of the specifications. * ready for use
Pneumatic Hydraulic Power Packs

ATEX approved P larad !

fr o m

X 2 P-Z ATEX: Approved for operation in Zone 2G

Certified for use in areas containing materials with
a minimum flame point of 0.082 mJ

X 2-P-Z
Manual Hydraulic Pumps

HP Hydraulic Pump
light and handy
Plarad’s manual hydraulic pumps are characterised
by their high performance and low weight.
The use of very rigid light metal saves more than
50% in weight compared to conventional steel
35% less power required to achieve mechanical
leverage, extremely low weight, and considerably
higher pumping performance than conventional
products, means that HP Power Packs are a
welcome tool for everyday use in the workplace.
Plarad HP Power Packs are also available in a
variety of sizes.

l For occasional use

l Ideal for tensioners
l Extremely light
l High throughput
l More than 50% lighter than conventional
steel pumps
l High throughput thanks to clever design
l Low setting down to 385 N
l Pressure limiting valve adjustable from the outside
l Carrying handle and stabilising feet
l Available with two sizes of tank, 2 l and 4 l
l Available in 800-bar and 1 600-bar models
Torque Wrenches
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

powerful and variable
i n u o u s rotat
Cont e
y strok !
in ever No jamming
n !

l Long-lasting Plarad quality

l Fast operation thanks to optimum harmonisation with
Plarad power packs
l Safety relief valve
l SQS-high-pressure safety cylinder – in case of housing
failure – no leakage
l Easy servicing
l Compact dimensions
l Fine-toothed ratchet system offers high torque precision
and prevents jamming
l Also available in an ATEX version (II 2 G ck II B T4)
for Zone 1G
l Internationally patented technology
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

The fast-locking device Available with adjustable 360° rotatable hose connection,
allows quick and simple handle with swivel option
reversing of the tool and socket

Typ Square socket adapters Torque range (Nm)

MX-EC 10 TS 3/4“ 100 - 1 000

1“ and 3/4“
MX-EC 20 TS 210 - 2 100
MX-EC 45 TS 1“ 450 - 4 500
MX-EC 75 TS 1 / “ 1 2
750 - 7 500
MX-EC 95 TS 1 / “ 1 2
950 - 9 500
MX-EC 120 TS 1 / “ 1 2
1 200 - 12 000
MX-EC 155 TS 1 / “ 1 2
1 550 - 15 500
MX-EC 200 TS 2 / “ 1 2
2 000 - 20 000 Also available in a singlehose
version – for even easier
MSX 250 TS 2 1/2“ 2 500 - 25 000 handling and positioning
MSX 400 TS 2 1/2“ 4 000 - 40 000
MSX 650 TS 3 1/2“ 6 500 - 65 000
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Lever piston system – in the Extremely slim,

case of sudden loosening, lightweight and
the piston separates from high-strength
the lever and reconnects aluminium
automatically. housing.
No part is therefore in Pressure safety valve.
danger of being broken.

Integrated release
shock absorber
protects the housing The reaction arm can be
from sudden loosening rotated quickly and easily
impact damage. through 360°.

Safety ratchet – prevents

unintended unlocking of
the reaction arm.

The connection between

lever and ratchet guarantees SQS safety cylinder made
Long-lasting fine-toothed ratchet optimum transfer of the of high-strength material
system. Full stroke movement is torque generated. allows high pressures in
not always essential. a lightweight housing.
44 Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Accessories for MSX/MX-EC

Long socket

Standard square-drive sockets are

available in all dimensions and for
all across flats sizes. Double

Reduction of height and weight

through the use of one-piece
splined safety sockets.

Splined safety hex inserts in a variety

of sizes.
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

slim and precise
t i n u o us rota
Con e
y strok !
in ever No jamming

l Fast operation thanks to optimum harmonisation with

Plarad power packs
l Safety relief valve
l SQS-high-pressure safety cylinder – in case of housing
fraction no leakage
l Easy servicing
l Compact dimensions
l Fine-toothed ratchet system offers high torque precision and
prevents jamming
l Also available in an ATEX version (II 2 G ck II B T4)
for Zone 1G
l ANSI/API-compatible version available
l Internationally patented technology
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches


Available with adjustable handle 360° rotatable hose connection, Also available in an ANSI version
with swivel option for the oil & gas industry

FSX combination Ratchet heads (AF) Torque range (Nm)

SX-EC 1 / HSX 27 - 41 100 - 1 000

SX drive unit
SX-EC 2 / HSX 20 - 70 250 - 2 500
SX-EC 5 / HSX 27 - 85 500 - 5 500
SX-EC 8 / HSX 46 - 80 800 - 8 500
SX-EC 12 / HSX 50 - 120 1 200 - 12 000
SX-EC 20 / HSX 55 - 145 2 000 - 20 000
SX 30 TST / HSX 95 - 145 3 000 - 30 000
SX 45 TST / HSX 120 - 185 4 500 - 45 000 HSX ratchet head
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Lever piston system – in the case of Extremely slim profile,

sudden loosening, the piston sepa- lightweight high-strength
rates from the lever and reconnects aluminium housing.
No part is therefore in danger
of being broken.

safety valve

Integrated release shock

absorber protects the
housing from sudden
impact damage.
SQS safety
cylinder made
of high-strength
material allows
Also available in single hose high pressures
version - for even easier in a lightweight
handling housing

The connection between

Long-lasting fine-toothed lever and ratchet guarantees
ratchet system. Full stroke optimum transfer of the
movement is not essential. torque generated.
50 Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Accessories for FSX

Interchangeable sockets in different

sizes can be quickly changed.

In/out sockets are available in all

dimensions and for all wrench sizes.

In exceptional cases, bespoke

reaction arms can be designed to
match your particular application,
ensuring safe and optimum use of
the reaction arm against a surface.
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

the universal tool for
confined spaces
Socket fittings up to
150 mm, also available open
and open-able versions

Ratchet heads (up to 105 mm)

with exchangeable inserts

Type Head Performance

sizes (mm) range (Nm)

K 30 TF 24 - 95 300 - 3 000
K 60 TF 24 - 95 660 - 6 600
K 150 TF 27 - 110 1 100 - 11 000
K 200 TF 60 - 135 2 000 - 20 000
K 300 TF 80 - 150 3 000 - 30 000
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

HPR up to 150 000 Nm

l For tightening and loosening
large, heavy bolted joints
l Optimised for use in confined
spaces where conventional
hydraulic wrenches do not fit
l The space required by a ring
spanner is enough room for
the HPR to operate

Various ring spanner

attachments, and the
ratchet heads, can be
changed quickly and

Power Performance Max. size, Max. size, Weight

unit range metric (AF) imperial (AF)

RE 500 5 000 to 185 mm 7 1/4" 34 kg

50 000 Nm
RE 1000 10 000 to 230 mm 9 1/8" 45 kg
100 000 Nm
RE 1500 15 000 to 320 mm 12" 76 kg
CTK 35 EFS 150 000 Nm
Hydraulic Power Pack

ATEX products
Terminology conforms to EU machine guidelines 98/37/EU and 94/9 EU


Pneumatic Power Pack Hydraulic Torque Wrench Hydraulic Torque Wrench

II 2G ck IIB T4 II 2G ck IIB T4 II 2G ck IIB T4

-10°C≤ Ta≤ +50°C -10°C≤Ta≤+50°C -10°C≤Ta≤+50°C

Nutrunner (pneumatic)
for mining

I M2 c

Nutrunner (pneumatic) for

oil and gas industries

Hydraulic Tensioners
Hydraulic Tensioners


single- and multistage cylinders

l Bolted joint assembly and disassembly without inducing

torsional stress in the bolt
l Applied load precisely adjustable
l Individual adjustment for every bolting need
l Available in single-stage and multi-stage versions
l 1 500 bar maximum operating pressure
l Available in a range of sizes
60 Hydraulic Tensioners

PSE single stage

Its flat design makes the single-stage tensioner
particularly advantageous in axially restricted
spaces. The knurled attachment additionally
included will also ensure successful tensioner
application with bolt protrusions of excessive
length. Furthermore the PSE also includes all
market relevant features of the PSD (see cross
sectional 3d model).

Type Maximum force AF

applied load (kN) (mm)

PSE 24-305 305 36

Standard attachment
PSE 30-482 482 46
PSE 36-681 681 55
PSE 42-980 980 65
PSE 48-1235 1 235 75
PSE 52-1458 1 458 80
PSE 56-1676 1 676 85
PSE 64-2259 2 259 95

Other sizes and dimensions on request.

Knurled attachment for long

bolt protrusions

Spacer rings and washers for Handle Hose coupling can be

different bolting cases positioned for optimum use
Hydraulic Tensioners

PSD two-stage
The two-stage hydraulic tensioner PSD Type Maximum force AF
applied load (kN) (mm)
enables screw joint assembly and
disassembly without torsional stress PSD 30-471 471 46
for the bolt. The pre-tensioning power PSD 33-581 581 50
is precisely adjustable. PSD 36-678 678 55
PSD 39-808 808 60
PSD 42-937 937 65
PSD 45-1089 1 089 70
Safety indicator – green (optional)
Safe controlled operation: Verification of sufficient enga- PSD 48-1278 1 278 75
gement of the bolt/stud. PSD 56-1695 1 695 85
PSD 64-2233 2 233 95
PSD 72-2825 2 825 105
Maximum stroke indicator
Optical safety: Visual indication of Other sizes and dimensions on request.
maximum stroke (max distance piston
can move out of the tensioner body).
Cycle counter
The cycle counter indicates number of
cycles performed and will consequently
Automatic piston return indicate the maximum cycle service
Swift operation: The point, thus avoiding damage and failu-
puller is automatically res via preventive maintenance.
returned to its original
position once the pressure
has been released. Stainless steel handle
Safety: Protection of the hose
couplings against damage. Optimal
Stroke limiter – mechanical grip and dexterity provided by the
Ultimate safety: The detachable handle of the tensioner.
mechanical end stop
prevents the over extension
of the piston (even under
maximum load).

Rotating socket – spring-loaded

Prevention of installation damage Free Rotating Bridge
during the positioning of the Exceptional handling: Straightforward
tensioner: The spring affords the alignment, independent of the bolt
rotating socket axial flexibility. configuration.

Supporting surface – optimized Unique ease of use: The nut can be tur-
Outstanding versatility in any ned swiftly and with perfect ease using
environment:The tensioner is a ratchet or a torque wrench that is
especially well suited for use in tight driven by a gear drive (maximum input
spaces thanks to its optimal shape. torque: < M36=40 Nm, > M36=80 Nm).
Manual Torque Multipliers
Manual Torque Multipliers

l Manually operated torque multiplier XVK
l Ideal for use with no external power supply
torque multiplier
l Available for use anywhere and at any time
Torque Hight ø Performance Weight torque multipli-
multiplier (mm) (mm) range (Nm) (kg) er with reversing
safety mechanism
XVK 15 172 81 220 - 1 700 2.6 ensures extra
XVR 25 302 81 440 - 2 300 5.2 safety for users
XVR 35 273 81 510 - 3 600 5.0
XVR 40 238 95 560 - 4 000 6.1
Flexibility thanks to
XVR 65 244 114 820 - 6 200 8.4
XVR 70 302 128 980 - 6 800 11.4 reaction arm
XVR 90 300 172 1 780 - 8 600 21.8
XVR D 45 310 128 1 000 - 10 100 16.0

All weights are without reaction arm/subject to amendment.

torque wrenches

PH 36 Z (60 - 360 Nm)

PH 50 Z (200 - 500 Nm)

General accessories
Trolley for hydraulic power
packs – for mobility in plants
and workshops
Aluminum frame, 2 integrated handles,
lockable-quick lock, rollers with solid
rubber tires and roller bearings,
brake and caster wheels

Assortment of hoses and coupling adapters

Plarad hoses with a fourfold safety factor
up to 800 bars (bursting pressure 3 200 bars)


Various reaction arms Valve wheel driver for valves

Various sockets and fittings

66 Measurement Instrumentation

GMV 2 torque measuring

bolting joints
The microprocessor controlled GMV 2 unit is our
key test instrument.
Used in conjunction with a transducer, it enables
precision measurement of torque while bolts are
being done up. The values can be saved, along
with the date and time, and can then be printed
out by the instrument itself or uploaded to a PC
for further evaluation.

Equipment testing
The PH test system, used with the GMV 2, is
the ideal combination for testing and setting
up hydraulic tools.
Combining the DRT reaction torque sensor with
the GMV 2 enables static testing of impact tools,
electric torque tools and other equipment of
various designs. Bolting joints can be evaluated on a PC

Our test fittings are checked and

accredited by the calibration service
at Germany’s Federal Physical and
Technical Institute
Measurement Instrumentation

TC1 mobile measuring unit

The TC1 measuring unit is an innovation in the field of
mobile measuring equipment. It measures the applied
torque, and hence the bolting process, directly where it
happens. The system works wirelessly in the bolting
process and can simply be attached to the nutrunner.

l Measures the applied torque directly at the point

of application
l Measuring range up to 5 500 Nm
l Torque is shown in the sensor display
l Acoustic warning signal if the defined tolerance
is exceeded
l An LED display provides information about the
torque result
l Integrated memory for 250 values
Type Measurement Square Spline Weight
l Transfer and analysis to the PC
range (Nm) drive Teeth Quantity (kg)
l Appliances are compatible with the current
Plarad nutrunner range and virtually TC1 - 11 110 - 1 100 3
/4“ 26 2.60
maintenance-free TC1 - 31 310 - 3 100 1“ 45 4.70
l Including transport box, Data-Trans software, TC1 - 41 410 - 4 100 1“ 26 2.70
power cable and USB cable TC1 - 55 550 - 5 500 11/2“ 45 5.00

Torque Control Software

l Documentation from: Screw connection date,
time, OK-/NO OK -result
l Storage of screw connection data
l Evaluation/statistics/archive
l Optimised documentation and process security
l Quality assurance guarantee
Plarad support during the construction
of a wind plant in China

Consultation and assistance for

use of equipment in Russia

Demonstration of equipment
by Plarad employees in Italy

Comprehensive service
Sustained long-term success will only be possible if
you are able to respond to market and customer
requirements quickly. With over 50 years’ worth of
bolting expertise and the broadest product range,
we can offer you the most economical solution.
In close cooperation with our clients, we develop
tailor-made tools that are perfectly customised to their
respective requirements. Extensive support is mean-
while an integral part of our service. This is because
we will accompany you before, during and after the
project phase. l Project Consulting
We are actively involved in various panels and standar- l Bolting Case Analysis
dization committees. This enables the accommodation
of the latest changes in standards and of future bolting l 3D-CAD Analysis
requirements in our competent service portfolio. l Product Demonstrations
l Trainings/Instructions/Seminars
l Measuring/Testing/Calibrating
l Repair and Spare Part Service
l 24-hour Service
l Renting/Leasing/Financing

Product advice from our specialists onsite Test equipment and product
demonstrations available

We pass on
our knowledge
We continually offer advanced training within the organisation to enhance the know-how of
our employees.
We cooperate with PSA Sicherheitstechnik GmBH & Co. KG in operations worldwide, providing
detailed support for training and safety instruction (for example, working at height, where this is
a risk of falling), both for our own employees and for yours.

Training and seminars for your employees

l Maintenance and repair l User training: l Training courses in
of torque tools: Basic bolt fitting and
l colleges and academies:
l Relevant maintenance technology e.g. Basic bolting

Safety aspects techniques

l Fault diagnosis l

l Repairs Handling and positioning

torque tools
l Adjustment, calibration
and testing l Equipment settings
72 Services

3D CAD analysis
Give us the data on your bolting joints
in whatever format you want:

E.g. Hand-drawn sketch, with the aid of our

bolting survey or as a CAD file.

We will use your information to create a

3D model on our own CAD system. This
enables us to recommend the optimum
tools for your needs. Where appropriate,
we can customise a bolting system for
your individual needs.

You will receive our recommended solution in

the form of a printout and a 3D animation
(use “Autodesk” dwf viewer).

Our wide range of products enables us to

find the most economical solution for you.

Special solutions

Offset drive Speedy

For nutrunner when Pneumatic speedy nutrunner:
space is limited fast operation in low torque
(e.g. plate heat exchangers) applications

XB 1 Threaded column connection mechanism

Hydraulic power pack with protective for pre-stressed
shields and an extra manometer concrete reinforcement
Our support service includes financial analysis of your
project, instruction on the operation of the equipment,
loan equipment, equipment calibration, maintenance
and more.

We check your bolting needs by means

of precise measurement of torque while
bolts are being tightened.

24/7 support and service

Competent expert help available throughout
the world, at any time
l Economic and technical security, thanks to expert
consultation anywhere in the world.
l We offer provision for service and maintenance, a reliable
supply of spares as well as calibration services.
l One call is enough!
Our 24/7-service team will provide clear quick no-nonsense
support. | [email protected] | +49 (0) 172 461 42 79

l Plarad headquarter
l Plarad’s foreign subsidiaries
l Plarad staff
l Plarad distributors
Overseas subsidiary companies:

PLARAD Bolting Technology (Beijing) Italy
Co., Ltd Plarad Italy Srl
Room 1409 Huashang Building, Via della Vecchia Chimica, 10
No 2 Yan Jing Xi Li Chaoyang District 20070 Cerro al Lambro (MI)
Beijiing 100025 Phone: +39 02 983 29 54
Phone: +86 (0)10 872 160 01-0 Fax: +39 02 98 11 91 73
Fax: +86 (0)10 872 160 02 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

UK Plarad - Tork Anahtarları ve Gerdirme
Plarad UK Ltd. Sistemleri San. Dış. Tic. Ltd. Şti. USA
Plarad Bolting
Parkside Business centre, Unit 4 Tekstilkent Ticaret Merkezi
Technologies LLC
58/62 Walpole Road, A2 Blok, Kat: Giriş D: 22, Oruçreis
Bromley, BR2 9SF, London Mah. Barbaros Cad. 1517 W. North Carrier Parkway, Suite 112
34220 Esenler, Istanbul Grand Prairie, TX 75050-1288
Phone: +44 (0) 845 643 69 78
Fax: +44 (0) 1294 44 30 60 Phone: +90 (0)212 659 77 76 Phone: +1 (0)469 865 16 49
Mobil: +44 (0) 777-153 30 78 Fax: +90 (0)212 659 77 81 Fax: +1 (0)469 865 16 53
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Maschinenfabrik Wagner GmbH & Co. KG

Birrenbachshöhe · 53804 Much · Germany

Phone national: +49 (0)2245 62-0

Fax national: +49 (0)2245 62-66
Phone international: +49 (0)2245 62-10
Fax international: +49 (0)2245 62-22

[email protected] ·

Reproduction and copying of this volume, in whole or in part, is permissible only

with express written permission. Subject to amendment. We take no responsibility
for printing errors or inaccurate information.
Version: 2016/08/31 · EK 10387- 217 EN

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