9 September 2015
Lies Putriana
Management Departement, Economic and Business Faculty
Pancasila University, Indonesia
Phone : +62 816 1767 5552 (mobile)
Email : [email protected]
Professor, Management Department of Economic and Business Faculty
Mustopo (Beragama) University, Indonesia
The purpose of this study aim to explore the relationship of organizational culture on job satisfaction
and commitment, job satisfaction on organizational commitment and organizational culture, job
satisfaction and organizational commitment to job performance. Data obtained from 214 employees of
a major Japanese motorcycle manufacturers in Jakarta. The majority of respondents were male (almost
91 percent), average age of 25.65 years old; and they worked on average 5.59 years in their current
jobs. Validity of the scale was ensured using factor analysis and internal consistency was checked
using cronbach's alpha, and partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized
to test the research hypotheses. The results showed that organizational culture was positively and
significantly related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. And also, job satisfaction has
significantly effect on organizational commitment. These findings also suggest that the job satisfaction
and organizational commitment are important determinants of job performance. The implications of
these findings are discussed.
1. Introduction
Indonesia as a producer and largest motorcycle market in Southeast Asia. Based on data from the
Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI), the average selling motorcycles since 2000 to 2013
amounted to 6.5 million units and an average growth of 9% per year over the past thirteen years. More
than 90 percent of the motorcycle market in Indonesia is dominated by the Japanese company.
Japanese company capabilities to manage and maintain a culture of management principles in
creating business success in the order of cross-cultural organizations have become a study that
attracted a lot of interest practitioners and academics. Organizational culture, managerial style and
their ability to adapt to the local culture becoming a key aspect of their success in developing
corporations in other countries, including Indonesia. Li-Ping Tang, Kim and O'Donald (2008) cites
some opinion states that one key to the success of Japanese companies in the world is believed to come
from the management philosophy that is directly derived from their culture. “some basic principles
which they believe: Trust employees, build employee loyalty to the company, invest in training, treat
employees as resources, recognize employee accomplishments, decentralize decision making, and
ISSN: 2411-5681 www.ijern.com
employ consensual decision making” (p.538). Another concept that is widely believed to have made a
successful Japanese companies are known for simplicity principle 5S, initially based on the Japanese
Acronyms of seiri (organization), seiton (neatness), Seiso (cleaning), Seiketsu (Standardization) and
Shitsuke (discipline) (Gap, Fisher, & Kobayashi, 2008).
However, Indonesia has a different culture with Japan. Based on Hofstede’s studies (1991), the
cultural differences between Indonesia and Japan in five dimensions surveyed is quite far. For example
the distance power, Indonesia ranks 8-9 (high) which may mean that inequalities of power and wealth
tolerated in Indonesia, while Japan ranks 33 (medium). In terms of individualism, Indonesia ranks 47-
48 while Japan is in a position 22-23. The most fundamental difference is that Indonesia ranks
masculinity 30-31 while Japan ranks highest 1. While the avoidance of uncertainty, Indonesia ranks
41-42 while Japan is at number 7. From Hofstede's five cultural dimensions mentioned above can be
identified culturally Japan and Indonesia have considerable differences, so the question is how the
Indonesian employees can adjust to the Japanese company's organizational culture.
Prior studies demonstrated that organizational culture may influence employee job
satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance. Organizational culture had significant
and positive associations with the job satisfaction (Bellou, 2010; Park and Kim, 2008; Silverstone,
2004; Lok and Crawford, 2004; Lund, 2003; McKinnon, Harrison, Chow, & Wu, 2003); organizational
commitment (Kwantes, 2009; Silverstone, 2004; Lok and Crawford, 2004; McKinnon et al., 2003).
Organizational culture proposed employees the way things should be done. Most of the time
people exercise the word culture to express the pattern of individual behavior. (Shahzad, Iqbal, Gulzar,
2013). Although the organizational culture is believed to influence employee behavior (job satisfaction
and organizational commitment), the relationship of organizational culture with individual
performance is still relatively limited investigated. Some recent studies found different results, such as
Sadasa (2014) has found a weak relationship between organizational culture to individual
performance, but Shahzad et al., (2013) find a moderate correlation between organizational culture
with performance of employee's job at selected software houses in Pakistan. Two studies specifically
conducted in Indonesia, Syauta, et al., (2012) and Sunadji., et al (2013) concluded the relationship
between organizational culture and employee performance are not significant.
This research focuses on organizational culture of Japanese motorcycle companies located in
Indonesia, and its impact on job satisfaction, commitment and performance. In addition, this study also
investigates the relationship between job satisfaction and commitment to, also relations job
satisfaction and commitment to employee performance. Results of this study are expected to provide
the latest reference mainly to the integration of organizational culture that comes from the two
countries (Japan and Indonesia).
and supported by employees. This condition will then serve as a definite thing and increase job
The relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction has been proven empirically.
Silverstone (2004) found that the bureaucratic organizational culture resulted in the lowest levels of
job satisfaction, while the highest innovative culture and a supportive culture had the highest level of
employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Using Cameron and Freeman's (1991)
models of organizational cultures Comprising of a clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market, Lund (2003)
found that the clan culture and adhocracy culture elicited significantly higher levels of employee job
satisfaction than market culture and hierarchy culture. The relationship between organizational
culture and job satisfaction are also supported by other studies such as Bellou, (2010); Park and Kim,
(2008), Lok and Crawford, (2004), and McKinnon, Harrison, Chow, & Wu (2003) through studies
conducted in different countries. As a result, the anticipation of the current study is that:
Hypothesis 1: Organizational culture is significantly correlated with job satisfaction
2.2. Organizational culture and organizational commitment
Robbins and Judge (2013) defines commitment as a situation where an individual is an impartial
organization as well as the objectives and the desire to maintain its position in the organization.
Organizational commitment has been shown in numerous studies to be related to organizational
culture. Cultural organizations play an important role in generating commitment and improve
performance (Deal and Kennedy, 1982; Lok and Crawford, 2001). In particular, research in a variety of
industries and countries shows that the innovative culture and support the strong positive effect on
commitment, while the bureaucratic culture has a negative impact (Yiing and Ahmad, 2009). Thus, it is
assumed that both individuals and organizations to be more effective when the values of people and
organizations are congruent. Empirical studies provide convincing evidence that shows that the
suitability of individuals to organizational culture is an important determinant of long-term
consequences for employees. Some empirical support that examines the organizational culture and
commitment, such as Lok and Crawford (2004); Silverthorne, (2004); Kwantes, (2009); and Yiing and
Ahmad, (2009). Therefore, previous studies lead to proposing the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2 : Organizational culture is significantly correlated with organizational commitment
2.3. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment
One of the important targets in human resource management in an organization is to improve job
satisfaction of members of the organization concerned. Numerous studies have proved that most job
satisfaction was related to performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), customer
satisfaction, absenteeism, employee turnover, and deviant behavior in the workplace (Robbins and
Judge, 2013). When the worker is not satisfied in the workplace, they are less committed and will seek
other opportunities to stop. If the opportunity is not available, they may be emotional or mental "pull"
of the organization. Thus, organizational commitment and job satisfaction are an attitude that plays an
important role in assessing the intention of the employee to quit and the overall contribution to the
organizations. Many studies in different industries and geographic regions that show a strong
correlation between organizational commitment and job satisfaction (Yousef, 2000). In general, job
satisfaction is viewed as causally antecedent to organizational commitment in theoretical models
(Mowday, Porter, and Steers, 1982)
Gunlu and Aksarayli (2010) in their study indicate that extrinsic, intrinsic, and overall job
satisfaction has a significant effect on normative commitment and affective commitment.
Organizational commitment was found to be significantly associated with job satisfaction (Yiing and
Ahmad, 2009). More recent studies conducted by Budiharjo (2013) also find that there is a correlation
between job satisfaction and affective commitment. Based on the empirical evidence, the hypothesis is:
Hypothesis 3 : Job satisfaction is significantly correlated with organizational commitment
2.4. Organizational culture and job performance
Organizational culture is the right way employees complete tasks and interact with each other
within an organization. Cultural paradigm consists of a variety of beliefs, values, rituals and symbols
that set the style of operation of the company. Binding corporate culture work together and provide
ISSN: 2411-5681 www.ijern.com
direction for the company. Because organizational culture is a system of values as code of conduct of
individuals of behavior in the organization, the performance of employees may have relevance to the
organization's culture. For example, if the organization maintaining an open and competitive culture of
the organization may have competition between regions that may improve the functioning or
productivity of the entire organization. Conversely, a closed culture and do not provide an opportunity
for members to innovate is likely to be a vacuum and not innovative. Strong culture in the organization
is very helpful to enhance the performance of the employees that lead to the goal achievement and
increase the overall performance of the organization (Deal and Kennedy, 1982).
Several studies support the relationship of organizational culture and employee performance,
such as research Shahzad et al., (2013) which gives the conclusion that organizational culture has a
significant positive impact on employee performance. Sadasa (2014) has found a weak relationship
between organizational culture to individual performance. Based on these arguments, a hypothesis is
formulated as follows:
Hypothesis 4 : organizational culture is significantly correlated with job performance.
performance. Consistent with previous findings, the study Sani (2013) in Indonesia also concludes that
organizational commitments do positive influence job performance. Based on these arguments, a
hypothesis can be formulated as follows:
Hypothesis 6 : organizational commitment is significantly correlated with job performance.
3. Research Methods
3.1. Participants
The participants in this study were volunteers from four motorcycle manufacturing plants. Data
collected from 214 employees of a major Japanese motorcycle manufacturing in Jakarta. The majority
of respondents were male (almost 91 percent), and average age of 25.65 years old with a minimum age
of 20 to 35 years old. The majority of respondents (85 percent) graduated from senior high school,
diploma 8 percent, and 7 percent bachelor degrees.
3.2. Measures
All scales were developed after a comprehensive literature review of the area and based on the
previously validated scales. A panel of judges was attested to content validity of the instrument.
Furthermore, pilot test was conducted to validate the survey instrument using a group of participants
to examine the item wording, applicability, readability, understandability. All scales were tested with
exploratory factor analyses (EFA) and alpha coefficients and resulted in satisfactory discriminant
validity and reliability. All items of scales are a five-point Likert-type.
Organizational culture measured by adapting measurement model encompassing five
dimensions: family orientation and loyalty; open communication; team approach (the Japanese
organizational culture scale by Thomas Li-Ping Tang et al., 2000); power distance and masculinity
(Hofstede (1990) and the two dimensions from Denison Organization Culture Survey includes
tolerance of conflict and reward criteria. Factor analyses were conducted using a criterion of
eigenvalues greater than one, followed by the varimax rotation, and a scree-test. Items loaded very
strongly and consistently on specific factors in both samples were retained. Based on these
procedures, 17 items were selected for the final scale and grouped into 5 factors. All factors have a
Cronbach alpha coefficient above 0.789 - 898 (> 0.70), so it can be concluded that the instrument used
to measure the organizational culture has a fairly good level of reliability.
Job satisfaction was measured with total 14-items adapted and modified from Herzberg’s Two
Factor (1966), Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (Weiss et al., 1967); Job Description index (Smith,
Kendall & Hulin, 1969) encompassing 8 dimensions include : wages, physical conditions of work,
colleagues, promotion, work space conditions, relationships with fellow colleagues, relations with
supervisors, satisfaction with the job itself. Based on analysis of variance explained EFA. Job
satisfaction construct shaped by three factors (eigenvalues value> 1). Factor 1 is able to explain the
construct of 57 012%, a factor of 2 for 10,680%, and the third factor is able to explain the construct by
77.99%. Overall, three factors were able to explain the construct is formed by 75.49%. Three new
factors are then renamed: social relations and promotion, wages, and working conditions. All of factors
have a Cronbach alpha coefficient above 0.70, so it can be concluded that the instruments used to have
a fairly good level of reliability
Organizational commitment was measured with total 14-items adapted and modified from Meyer
and Allen's (1991) model of organizational commitment. They determined that an employee
simultaneously experiences commitments to the organization that is based on emotional attachment
(affective commitment), a feeling of obligation to the organization (normative commitment and
perceptions that the costs of leaving the organization are prohibitively high (continuance
commitment). This study is to re-conceptualize organizational commitment into the feeling of having
an emotional connection - pride, having a career intentions and engagement with the organization. For
all measures, alphas were > 0.70.
Job performance is measured by adapting Dessler (2009) includes quality and quantity, reliability
and personal quality. A total of 12 items were developed based on the results of expert assessment,
ISSN: 2411-5681 www.ijern.com
and through testing of EFA obtained three factors (eigenvalues values> 1). Factor 1 is able to explain
the construct of 49.67%, 11. 57% by a factor of 2, and 3 are able to explain construct factor of 10.22%.
Overall, three factors were able to explain the construct is formed by 71 474%. . All of factors has a
Cronbach alpha coefficient above 0.70, so it can be concluded that the instruments used to have a fairly
good level of reliability.
3.3. Analyses
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) were utilized to hypotheses
testing. This technique is a wide class of methods for modeling relations between sets of observed
variables by means of latent variables. The partial least squares (PLS) approach to SEM offers an
alternative to covariance based SEM, which is especially suited for situations when data is not
normally distributed. The basic PLS-SEM algorithm (Lohmöller 1989) follows a two-stage
approach. In the first stage, the latent constructs’ scores are estimated, and the second stage
calculates the final estimates of the outer weights and loadings as well as the structural model’s path
coefficients (Hair et al, 2011).
4. Results and
4.1. Evaluation of Outer Model
An evaluation of outer model consists of convergent, discriminant validity and composite
reliability. In the studies involving PLS analysis, an overview of aspects related to the evaluation of
the measurement models are : composite reliability should be higher than 0.70; indicator reliability :
indicator loadings should be higher than 0.70; convergent validity : the average variance
extracted (AVE) should be higher than 0.50; Discriminant validity: the AVE of each latent
construct should higher than the construct’s highest squared correlation with any other latent
construct and an indicator’s loadings should be higher than all of its cross loadings (Hair et al, 2011,
pp. 145).
The results of composite reliability ranged from 0.880 to 0.917 (higher than 0.70);
reliability testing by coefficient of cronbach alpha generates the lowest value of 0.812 and the highest
value of 0.832 and thus can be concluded that all of the construct have good reliability (cronbach alpha
> 0.70). The AVE values were 0.596 – 0.788 (higher than 0.5), exceeding the threshold values
for satisfactory convergent validity (Table 1).
For construct validity, the loading and cross-loading of the items were investigated. Significant
loading is 0.5 or above. Table 2 shows that all the items representing one construct are loaded highly
on that construct while the other constructs are loaded much lower. Thus, the content validity of the
measurement, outer model was confirmed.
The discriminant validity is assumed if the diagonal elements are larger than other off-
diagonal elements in their rows and columns (Table 3). Correlations among the constructs are
presented in table 4. In Table 1, for each variable, the root of AVE value was larger than the
correlation coefficient values with any other variable (Table 4), thereby verifying the
discriminant validity. As Overall can be concluded that the evaluation of the outer model has
been fulfilled so the next evaluation is the evaluation of the inner model.
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 9 September 2015
value greater than zero indicate that the construction of exogenous have predictive relevance in
explaining endogenous. (Hair et al., 2011).
Hypotheses testing results are presented in Figure 1 and Table 5. The R2 value for job
satisfaction is 0.349, which explains that 34.90% of the variance of job satisfaction can be explained by
organizational culture. Also the R2 value for organizational commitment was 0.605 respectively which
indicates that organizational commitment has 60.05% can be explained by organizational culture and
job satisfaction. The R2 value for job performance was 0.609 respectively which indicates that 60.09
percent of job performance can be explained by organizational culture, organizational commitment
and job satisfaction.
Based on the analysis of SEM-PLS obtained R2 structural model in model 1 (job satisfaction)
0.349, model 2 (commitment) 0.605 and model 3 (job performance) 0.609. Thus the formulas and
calculations to test predictive relevance Q2 following :
Q2 = 1 – ( 1 – R21 ) ( 1 – R22) ( 1 – R23)
Q2 = 1 – ( 1 – 0.349) ( 1 – 0.605) (1 – 0.609)
Q2 = 1 – (0.651 (0.395) (0.391)
Q2 = 0.899
Hypotheses test results (Table 5) were suported of 5 from 6 hypotheses. Path coefficients the
relationship of organizational culture (OC) to job satisfaction (SAT) was 0.591 (t value 13.065 > 1.96).
The test results indicate that there was sufficient empirical evidence to accept the hypothesis 1 (H1).
OC and SAT significantly relationship to commitment to path coefficient and t values for OC is 0.437 (t
value 6.793) and SAT is 0.435 (t value 7.439), hence supporting the hypothesis 2 and 3. Path
coefficient of OC on performance (PERF) is equal to 0.106 (t value 1.632), so that the Hypothesis 4 is
rejected. The relationship of SAT and COM PERF generates with estimated path coefficient of 0.313
(SAT) and 0.447 (COM), with a t value of 4.147 (SAT) and 5.063 (COM). The test results indicate that
this was sufficient empirical evidence to accept the hypotheses 5 and 6.
organizational commitment and job performance. Rose, Kumar, and Pak (2009) found organizational
commitment and job satisfaction are positively related to work performance and Sani (2013) also
concludes that organizational commitments do positive influence job performance.
The result of analysis shows that organizational culture does not have a significant impact on
job performance. These findings do not support previous research by Shahzad et al.. (2013) which
gives the conclusion that organizational culture has a significant positive impact on employee
performance, and Sadasa (2014) was found a weak relationship between organizational culture to
individual performance. However, the findings are relevant to Syauta, et al.. (2012) and Sunadji et al.,
(2013) was concluded that the relationship between organizational culture and employee
performance is not significant.
7. Conclusions
This study confirmed the direct positive impact of organizational culture on employees’
organizational commitment job performance. Present study supports the understanding that is
worthwhile for managers to develop strategies to improve job satisfaction and organizational
commitment through increased organizational values (collaboration, reward criteria, family
orientation, team orientation, and masculinity and power distance). Research also suggests that
managers can also improve employee’s commitment and performance by providing job satisfaction
(social relations and promotion, wages, and working conditions). Finally, the results imply that
employees feel more committed to their Firm and have a better performance if they feel an emotional
connection and pride, having a career intentions and engagement with the organization.
This study contributes to the development of organizational culture scale, especially on
Japanese companies in Indonesia which successfully validate five indicators was collaboration and
control, reward criteria, family orientation, team orientation, and masculinity and power distance.
However, it still needs further testing to prove the validity and reliability of this scale developed.
Many thanks to Hendryadi (Economic Faculty of Attahiriyah Islamic University, Jakarta) for
constructive advice and suggestions in statistical data analysis.
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 9 September 2015
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International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 9 September 2015
Table 3. Cross-loading
BO1 0.778 0.407 0.482 0.429
BO2 0.874 0.550 0.681 0.597
BO3 0.696 0.393 0.428 0.348
BO4 0.744 0.476 0.567 0.423
BO5 0.756 0.429 0.474 0.484
KK1 0.564 0.880 0.603 0.608
KK2 0.430 0.862 0.553 0.537
KK3 0.566 0.919 0.678 0.671
KM1 0.595 0.631 0.863 0.641
KM2 0.649 0.611 0.885 0.647
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Model Coefficient Std. error t-statistic RSq
OC->SAT 0.591 0.045 13.065 0.349
OC->COM 0.437 0.064 6.793
SAT->COM 0.435 0.059 7.439 0.605
OC->PERF 0.106 0.065 1.632
SAT->PERF 0.313 0.076 4.147
COM->PERF 0.447 0.088 5.063 0.609