Tarea Moderna 2dp Sol.

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A black body at 7 500 K consists of an opening of diameter

0.050 0 mm, looking into an oven. Find the number of
photons per second escaping the hole and having wavelengths
between 500 nm and 501 nm. 1.30 x1015/s
2.The radius of our Sun is 6.96 x108 m, and its total power
output is 3.85 x 1026 W. (a) Assuming the Sun’s surface
emits as a black body, calculate its surface temperature.
(b) Using the result of part (a), find max for the Sun. (a) 5.78 x103 K (b) 501 nm

3. An FM radio transmitter has a power output of 150 kW

and operates at a frequency of 99.7 MHz. How many photons
per second does the transmitter emit? 2.27 x1030 photons/s

4.-Two light sources are used in a photoelectric experiment to

determine the work function for a particular metal surface.
When green light from a mercury lamp (= 546.1 nm) is
used, a stopping potential of 0.376 V reduces the photocurrent
to zero. (a) Based on this measurement, what is the
work function for this metal? (b) What stopping potential
would be observed when using the yellow light from a
helium discharge tube (=587.5 nm)? (a) 1.90 eV (b) 0.216 V

5- Lithium, beryllium, and mercury have work functions

of 2.30 eV, 3.90 eV, and 4.50 eV, respectively. Light with a
wavelength of 400 nm is incident on each of these metals.
(a) Determine which of these metals exhibit the photoelectric
effect. Explain your reasoning. (b) Find the maximum
kinetic energy for the photoelectrons in each case. (a)Sólo litio muestra el efecto fotoeléctrico . (b) 0.808 eV

6. An isolated copper sphere of radius

5.00 cm, initially uncharged, is illuminated by ultraviolet
light of wavelength 200 nm. What charge does the photoelectric
effect induce on the sphere? The work function
for copper is 4.70 eV 8.41 pC

7. Calculate the energy and momentum of a photon of

wavelength 700 nm. 1.78 eV, 9.47 x 10-28 kg . m/s

8. A 0.001 60-nm photon scatters from a free electron. For

what (photon) scattering angle does the recoiling electron
have kinetic energy equal to the energy of the scattered
photon? 70.0°

9.A 0.880-MeV photon is scattered by a free electron initially

at rest such that the scattering angle of the scattered
electron is equal to that of the scattered photon (=).
(a) Determine the angles  and  (b) Determine
the energy and momentum of the scattered photon.
(c) Determine the kinetic energy and momentum of the
scattered electron. (a) 43.0° (b) 602 keV, 3.21 x10-22 kg . m/s
(c) 278 keV, 3.21 x10-22 kg . m/s
10. After a 0.800-nm x-ray photon scatters from a free electron,
the electron recoils at 1.40 x106 m/s. (a) What is the
Compton shift in the photon’s wavelength? (b) Through
what angle is the photon scattered? (a) 2.88 pm (b) 101°

11. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength for a proton moving

with a speed of 1.00 x106 m/s. 3.97x10-13m

12. The nucleus of an atom is on the order of 10-14 m

in diameter. For an electron to be confined to a nucleus,
its de Broglie wavelength would have to be on this order
of magnitude or smaller. (a) What would be the kinetic
energy of an electron confined to this region? (b) Make
an order-of-magnitude estimate of the electric potential
energy of a system of an electron inside an atomic
nucleus. Would you expect to find an electron in a
nucleus? Explain. (a) Al rededor de 100 MeV o mas (b) Al rededor de -1 MeV. No. Con una energía cinética mucho
mayor que la magnitud de su energía potencial eléctrica negativa , el electrón escapa.

13. (a) Show that the frequency f and wavelength  of a

freely moving quantum particle with mass are related by
the expression

() ()( )
2 2 2
f 1 1
= +
c λ λc
where c= h/mc is the Compton wavelength of the particle.
(b) Is it ever possible for a particle having nonzero
mass to have the same wavelength and frequency as a photon?
Explain. (b) No. -2+ C-2 no puede ser igual a -2

14. The resolving power of a microscope depends on the

wavelength used. If you wanted to “see” an atom, a resolution
of approximately 1.00 x 10-11 m would be required.
(a) If electrons are used (in an electron microscope),
what minimum kinetic energy is required for the electrons?
(b) What If? If photons are used, what minimum
photon energy is needed to obtain the required resolution? (a) 14.9 keV o ignorando la corrección relativista, 15.1
keV (b) 124 keV
15. An electron (me =9.11 x 10-31 kg) and a bullet (m =
0.020 0 kg) each have a velocity with a magnitude of
500 m/s, accurate to within 0.010 0%. Within what limits
could we determine the position of the objects along the
direction of the velocity? Dentro 1.16 mm para el electrón, 5.28 x 10-32 m para la bala.

16. An air rifle is used to shoot 1.00-g particles at 100 m/s

through a hole of diameter 2.00 mm. How far from the
rifle must an observer be to see the beam spread by
1.00 cm because of the uncertainty principle? State how
this answer compares with the diameter of the visible part
of the Universe, 2 x1026 m.

3.79 x1028 m, 190 veces el diámetro observable del universo.

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