Astm F1743-Us
Astm F1743-Us
Astm F1743-Us
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: F1743 − 22
F1743 − 22
3.2.4 dry spot—an area of fabric of the finished CIPP which
is deficient or devoid of resin.
3.2.5 fabric tube—flexible needled felt, or equivalent, wo-
ven or nonwoven material(s), or both, formed into a tubular
shape which during the installation process is saturated with
resin and holds the resin in place during the installation and
curing process.
3.2.6 inversion—the process of turning the calibration hose
inside out by the use of water pressure or air pressure.
3.2.7 lift—a portion of the CIPP that is a departure from the
existing conduit wall forming a section of reverse curvature in
the CIPP.
3.2.8 photoinitiated reaction—The polymerization of a resin
system initiated by light or other electromagnetic radiation.
F1743 − 22
material(s), or both, that do not absorb resin and are capable of 6.1.3 Inspection of Pipelines—Inspection of pipelines
being removed from the CIPP. should be performed by experienced personnel trained in Permanent Calibration Hose—The permanent cali- locating breaks, obstacles, and service connections by closed-
bration hose should consist of an impermeable plastic coating circuit television or man entry. The interior of the pipeline
on a flexible needled felt or equivalent woven or nonwoven should be carefully inspected to determine the location of any
material(s), or both, that are capable of absorbing resin and are conditions that may prevent proper installation of the impreg-
of a thickness to become fully saturated with resin. The nated tube, such as protruding service taps, collapsed or
calibration hose should be translucent to facilitate post- crushed pipe, and reductions in the cross-sectional area of more
installation inspection. The calibration hose should be fabri- than 40 %. These conditions should be noted so that they can
cated to a size that, when installed, will tightly fit the internal be corrected.
circumference and the length of the resin saturated fabric tube. 6.1.4 Line Obstructions—The original pipeline should be
Once inverted, the calibration hose becomes part of the fabric clear of obstructions such as solids, dropped joints, protruding
tube, and once properly cured, should bond permanently with service connections, crushed or collapsed pipe, and reductions
the fabric tube. The properties of the calibration hose should in the cross-sectional area of more than 40 % that may hinder
meet minimum tensile strength requirements in the longitudi- or prevent the installation of the resin-impregnated fabric tube.
nal and transverse directions as specified in 7.1. All the If inspection reveals an obstruction that cannot be removed by
material(s) of construction for the calibration hose should be conventional sewer-cleaning equipment, then a point-repair
compatible with the resin system used. excavation should be made to uncover and remove or repair the
5.2.3 Resin—A chemically resistant isophthalic based obstruction.
polyester, or vinyl ester thermoset resin and catalyst system or
an epoxy resin and hardener that is compatible with the 6.2 Resin Impregnation—The fabric tube should be totally
installation process should be used. The resin should be able to impregnated with resin (wet-out) and run through a set of
cure in the presence of water and the initiation temperature for rollers separated by a space, calibrated under controlled con-
cure should be less than 180 °F (82.2 °C). The cured resin/ ditions to ensure proper distribution of resin. The volume of
fabric tube system, with or without the calibration hose, shall resin used should be sufficient to fully saturate all the voids of
be expected to have as a minimum the initial structural the fabric tube material, as well as all resin-absorbing material
properties given in Table 1. These physical properties should of the calibration hose at nominal thickness and diameter. The
be determined in accordance with Section 8. The cured volume should be adjusted by adding 3 % to 15 % excess resin
resin/fabric tube system, with or without the calibration hose, to allow for the change in resin volume due to polymerization,
should meet the minimum chemical resistance requirements as the change in resin volume due to thermal expansion or
specified in 7.2. contraction, and resin migration through the perforations of the
fabric tube and out onto the host pipe.
6. Installation Recommendations 6.3 Bypassing—If bypassing of the flow is required around
6.1 Cleaning and Pre-Inspection : the sections of pipe designated for reconstruction, the bypass
6.1.1 Prior to entering access areas, such as manholes, and should be made by plugging the line at a point upstream of the
performing inspection or cleaning operations, an evaluation of pipe to be reconstructed and pumping the flow to a downstream
the atmosphere to determine the presence of toxic or flammable point or adjacent system. The pump and bypass lines should be
vapors or lack of oxygen must be undertaken in accordance of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow. Services
with local, state, or federal safety regulations. within this reach will be temporarily out of service.
6.1.2 Cleaning of Pipeline—All internal debris shall be 6.3.1 Public advisory services shall notify all parties whose
removed from the original pipeline. Non-pressure gravity pipes service laterals will be out of commission and advise against
shall be cleaned with hydraulically powered equipment, high- water usage until the main line is back in service.
velocity jet cleaners, or mechanically powered equipment in 6.4 Installation Methods:
accordance with manufacturers guidelines, Practice C1920, for
6.4.1 Perforation of Resin-Impregnated Tube—Prior to pull-
VCP pipe or NASSCO Recommended Specifications for
ing the resin-impregnated fabric tube in place, the outer
Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation, as applicable. Pres-
impermeable plastic coating may optionally be perforated.
sure pipelines should be cleaned with cable attached devices or
When the resin-impregnated fabric tube is perforated, this
fluid propelled devices in accordance with AWWA M28.
should allow resin to be forced through the perforations and out
against the existing conduit by the force of the hydrostatic head
TABLE 1 CIPP Initial Structural PropertiesA or air pressure against the inner wall of the calibration hose.
Minimum Value The perforation should be done after fabric tube impregnation
Property Test Method with a perforating roller device at the point of manufacture or
psi (MPa)
Flexural strength D790 4500 (31) at the jobsite. Perforations should be made on both sides of the
Flexural modulus D790 250 000 (1724) lay-flat fabric tube covering the full circumference with a
Tensile strength D638 3000 (21) spacing no less than 1.5 in. (38.1 mm) apart. Perforating slits
(for pressure pipes only)
should be a minimum of 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) long.
The values in Table 1 are for field inspection. The purchaser should consult the
manufacturer for the long-term structural properties. 6.4.2 Pulling Resin-Impregnated Tube into Position—The
wet-out fabric tube should be pulled into place using a power
F1743 − 22
winch. The saturated fabric tube should be pulled through an pipe wall, producing dimples at side connections. Care should
existing manhole or other approved access to fully extend to be taken during the inversion so as not to overstress the woven
the next designated manhole or termination point. Care should and nonwoven materials. Take suitable precautions to eliminate
be exercised not to damage the tube as a result of friction hazards to personnel in the proximity of the construction when
during pull-in, especially where curvilinear alignments, multi- pressurized air is being used.
linear alignments, multiple offsets, protruding services, and 6.5 Lubricant During Installation —The use of a lubricant
other friction-producing host pipe conditions are present. Once during installation is recommended to reduce friction during
the fabric tube is in place, it should be attached to a vertical inversion. This lubricant should be poured into the fluid in the
standpipe so that the calibration hose can invert into the center standpipe in order to coat the calibration hose during inversion.
of the resin-impregnated fabric tube. The vertical standpipe When air is used to invert the calibration hose, the lubricant
should be of sufficient height of water head to hold the fabric should be applied directly to the calibration hose. The lubricant
tube tight to the existing pipe wall, producing dimples at side used should be a nontoxic, oil-based product that has no
connections. A device such as a dynamometer or load cell detrimental effects on the tube or boiler and pump system, and
should be provided on the winch or cable to monitor the pulling will not adversely affect the fluid to be transported.
force. Measure the overall elongation of the fabric tube after
pull-in completion. The acceptable longitudinal elongation 6.6 Curing:
shall not be more than 5 % of the overall length measured after 6.6.1 Using Circulating Heated Water—After installation is
the calibration hose has been installed, or exceed the recom- completed, suitable heat source and water recirculation equip-
mended pulling force. ment are required to circulate heated water throughout the
section to uniformly raise the water temperature above the
6.4.3 Hydrostatic Head Calibration Hose Inversion—The temperature required to effect a cure of the resin. The water
calibration hose should be inserted into the vertical inversion temperature in the line during the cure period should be as
standpipe, with the impermeable plastic membrane side out. At recommended by the resin manufacturer or seller.
the lower end of the inversion standpipe, the calibration hose The heat source should be fitted with suitable
should be turned inside out and attached to the standpipe so monitors to measure the temperature of the incoming and
that a leakproof seal is created. The resin-impregnated fabric outgoing water supply. Temperature sensors should also be
tube should also be attached to the standpipe so that the placed between the resin-impregnated tube and the host pipe
calibration hose can invert into the center of the resin- invert at both termination points to monitor the temperatures
impregnated tube. The inversion head should be adjusted to be during cure.
of sufficient height of water head to cause the calibration hose Initial cure will occur during temperature heat-up
to invert from the initial point of inversion to the point of and is completed when exposed portions of the CIPP appear to
termination and hold the resin-impregnated fabric tube tight to be hard and sound and the remote temperature sensor indicates
the pipe wall, producing dimples at side connections. Care that the temperature is of a magnitude to realize an exotherm or
should be taken during the inversion so as not to overstress the cure in the resin. After initial cure is reached, the temperature
felt fiber. At the request of the purchaser, the fabric tube should be raised to the post-cure temperature and held there for
manufacturer should provide information on the maximum a period recommended by the resin manufacturer or seller.
allowable axial and longitudinal tensile stress for the fabric During post-cure, the recirculation of the water and cycling of
tube. the boiler to maintain the temperature continues. The curing of An alternative method of installation is top inver- the CIPP must take into account the existing pipe material, the
sion. In this case, the calibration hose and resin-impregnated resin system, and ground conditions (temperature, moisture
fabric tube are attached to a top ring. In this case, the tube itself level, and thermal conductivity of soil).
forms the standpipe for generation of the hydrostatic head. 6.6.2 Using Steam—After installation is completed, suitable
Other methods of installation are also available and should be steam-generating equipment is required to distribute steam
submitted for acceptance by the purchaser. throughout the pipe. The equipment should be capable of
6.4.4 Using Air Pressure—The resin-impregnated fabric delivering steam throughout the section to uniformly raise the
tube should be perforated as described in 6.4.1. Once temperature within the pipe above the temperature required to
perforated, the wet-out fabric tube should be pulled into place effect a cure of the resin. The temperature in the line during the
using a power winch as described in 6.4.2. The calibration hose cure period should be as recommended by the resin manufac-
should be inserted through the guide chute or tube of the turer or seller.
pressure containment device in which the calibration hose has The steam-generating equipment should be fitted
been loaded, with the impermeable plastic membrane side out. with a suitable monitor to measure the temperature of the
At the end of the guide chute, the calibration hose should be outgoing steam. Temperature sensors should also be placed
turned inside out and attached so that a leakproof seal is between the resin-impregnated tube and the host pipe invert at
created. The resin-impregnated tube should also be attached to both termination points to monitor the temperatures during
the guide chute so that the calibration hose can invert into the cure.
center of the resin-impregnated tube. The inversion air pressure Initial cure will occur during temperature heat-up
should be adjusted to be of sufficient pressure to cause the and is completed when exposed portions of the new pipe
calibration hose to invert from point of inversion to point of appear to be hard and sound and the remote temperature sensor
termination and hold the resin saturated fabric tube tight to the indicates that the temperature is of a magnitude to realize an
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exotherm or cure in the resin. After initial cure is reached, the 6.7.2 Using Cool Water after Steam Cure—The new CIPP
temperature should be raised to the post-cure temperature and should be cooled to a temperature below 100 °F (38 °C) before
held there for a period recommended by the resin manufacturer relieving the internal pressure within the section. Cool-down
or seller, during which time the distribution and control of may be accomplished by the introduction of cool water into the
steam to maintain the temperature continues. The curing of the section to replace the mixture of air and steam being drained
CIPP must take into account the existing pipe material, the from a small hole made in the downstream end. Take care to
resin system, and ground conditions (temperature, moisture cool the CIPP in a controlled manner as recommended by the
level, and thermal conductivity of soil). resin manufacturer or the seller. Care should be taken to release
6.6.3 Using photoinitiated reaction—After installation is the air pressure so that a vacuum will not be developed that
completed, while the fabric tube is expanded under pressure, a could damage the newly installed CIPP.
light curing assembly may be drawn through the pipe. Prior to 6.8 Workmanship—The finished CIPP should be continuous
initiating the curing process, the installer shall use the closed- over the entire length of an installation and be free of dry spots,
circuit television (CCTV) camera(s) in coordination with or lifts, and delaminations. If these conditions are present, the
mounted on the light curing assembly to verify that the fabric CIPP will be evaluated for its ability to meet the applicable
tube is properly positioned and fitted to the host pipe. Any requirements of Section 8. Where the CIPP does not meet the
anomalies shall be corrected prior to initiating the curing requirements of Section 8 or specifically stated requirements of
process. the purchase agreement, or both, the affected portions of CIPP The curing lights shall be tuned or optimized for the will be removed and replaced with an equivalent repair.
photoinitiated resin system; or conversely the photo initiators 6.8.1 If the CIPP does not fit tightly against the original pipe
shall be optimized to the output of the curing lights. at its termination point(s), the full circumference of the CIPP Processing—Before the installation begins, for dy- exiting the existing host pipe or conduit should be sealed by
namic curing processes the CIPP system manufacturer shall filling with a resin mixture compatible with the CIPP.
provide the rate of travel for the light assembly through the 6.9 Service Connections—After the new CIPP has been
pipe for each installation length, or as required for each specific installed, the existing active (or inactive) service connections
fabric tube dimensions. The rate shall be optimized to initiate should be reinstated. This should generally be done without
polymerization and facilitate the cure of the CIPP resin. excavation, and in the case of non-man entry pipes, from the Curing Control—A full protocol shall be defined by interior of the pipeline by means of a television camera and a
the manufacturer and recorded and maintained as documenta- remote-control cutting device. Service connections shall be
tion verifying the curing process. Data collected may include reinstated to at least 90 % of the original area as it enters the
time, rate of travel of the light curing assembly for dynamic host pipe or conduit.
curing processes, pressures, temperature in the tube and the
power output of the light assembly. NOTE 2—In many cases, a seal is provided where the formed CIPP
dimples at service connections. However, this practice should not be
6.6.4 Required Pressures—As required by the purchase construed to provide a 100 % watertight seal at all service connections. If
agreement, the estimated maximum and minimum pressure total elimination of infiltration and inflow is desired, other means, which
required to hold the flexible tube tight against the existing are beyond the scope of this practice, may be necessary to seal service
conduit during the curing process should be provided by the connections and to rehabilitate service lines and manholes.
seller and shall be increased to include consideration of
external ground water, if present. Once the cure has started and 7. Material Requirements
dimpling for laterals is completed, the required pressures 7.1 Fabric Tube Strength—If required by the purchaser in
should be maintained until the cure has been completed. The the purchase agreement, the fabric tube, and seam (if appli-
pressure should be maintained within the estimated maximum cable) as a quality control test, when tested in accordance with
and minimum pressure during the curing process. If the steam Test Method D1682 shall have a minimum tensile strength of
pressure or hydrostatic head drops below the recommended 750 psi (5 MPa) in both the longitudinal and transverse
minimum during the cure, the CIPP should be inspected for directions.
lifts or delaminations and evaluated for its ability to fully meet
7.2 Chemical Resistance:
the applicable requirements of 6.8 and Section 8.
7.2.1 Chemical Resistance Requirements—The cured resin/
6.7 Cool-Down: fabric tube matrix, with or without the calibration hose, shall be
6.7.1 Using Cool Water after Heated Water Cure—The new evaluated in a laminate form for qualification testing of
CIPP should be cooled to a temperature below 100 °F (38 °C) long-term chemical exposure to a variety of chemical effluents
before relieving the static head in the inversion standpipe. and should be evaluated in a manner consistent with 6.4.1 of
Cool-down may be accomplished by the introduction of cool Specification D5813. The specimens shall be capable of
water into the inversion standpipe to replace water being exposure to the solutions in Table 2 at a temperature of 73.4 °F
drained from a small hole made in the downstream end. Take 6 3.6 °F (23 °C 6 2 °C), with a percentage retention of
care to cool down the CIPP in a controlled manner, as flexural modulus of elasticity of at least 80 % after one year
recommended by the resin manufacturer or the seller. Care exposure. Flexural properties, after exposure to the chemical
should be taken to release the static head so that a vacuum will solution(s), shall be based on dimensions of the specimens
not be developed that could damage the newly installed CIPP. after exposure.
F1743 − 22
TABLE 2 Minimum Chemical Resistance Requirements for recommended five specimens for flexural testing and also for
Domestic Sanitary Sewer Applications tensile testing for internal pressure applications. The flexural
Chemical Solution Concentration, % and tensile specimens should be prepared in a manner consis-
Nitric acid 1 tent with 8.3.1 of Specification D5813. For flexural and tensile
Sulfuric acid 5
ASTM Fuel CA 100 properties, the full wall thickness of the CIPP samples shall be
Vegetable oilB 100 tested. Any plastic coatings or other CIPP layers not included
DetergentC 0.1
SoapC 0.1
in the structural design of the CIPP may be carefully ground off
of the specimens prior to testing. If the sample is irregular or
In accordance with Specification D4814.
Cottonseed, corn, or mineral oil. distorted such that proper testing is inhibited, attempts shall be
In accordance with Test Method D543. made to machine any wall thickness from the inside pipe face
of the sample. Any machining of the outside pipe face of the
sample shall be done carefully so as to minimize the removal
7.2.2 Chemical Resistance Procedures—The CIPP lami- of material from the outer structural wall of the sample.
nates should be constructed of identical fabric and resin Individual specimens should be clearly marked for easy
components that will be used for anticipated in-field installa- identification and retained until final disposition or CIPP
tions. The cured resin/fabric tube laminates, with or without the acceptance, or both, has been given.
calibration hose should be exposed to the chemical agents in a 8.1.4 Short-Term Flexural (Bending) Properties—The ini-
manner consistent with Test Method D543. The edges of the tial tangent flexural modulus of elasticity and flexural stress
test coupons should be left exposed and not treated with resin, should be measured for gravity and pressure pipe applications
unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. The specimen in accordance with Test Method D790, Test Method I, Proce-
thicknesses should be in the range of 0.125 in. to 0.25 in. dure A and should meet the requirements of Table 1 within the
(3.2 mm to 6.4 mm), with the sample dimensions suitable for 16:1 length to depth constraints. For specimens greater than 0.5
preparing a minimum of five specimens for flexural testing as in. (12.7 mm) in depth, the width-to-depth ratio of the
described in 8.1.4. Flexural properties after exposure to the specimen should be increased to a minimum of 1:1 and should
chemical solutions should be based on the dimensions of the not exceed 4:1. For samples prepared in accordance with 8.1.1,
specimen after exposure. determine flexural properties in the axial direction where the For applications other than standard domestic length of the test specimen is cut along the longitudinal axis of
sewerage, it is recommended that chemical resistance tests be the pipe. Special consideration should be given to the prepa-
conducted with actual samples of the fluid flowing in the pipe. ration of flexural specimens to ensure opposite sides are
These tests can also be accomplished by depositing CIPP test parallel and adjacent edges are perpendicular. Flexural speci-
samples in the active pipe. mens should be tested such that the inside pipe face is tested in As required by the purchaser, additional chemical tension and the outside pipe face is in compression.
resistance requirements for the CIPP may be evaluated as Fiber-Reinforced CIPP Flexural Properties—Where
described in 6.4 of Specification D5813. the CIPP is reinforced with oriented continuous or discontinu-
8. Recommended Inspection Practices ous fibers to enhance the physical properties of the CIPP,
specimens should be sampled in accordance with 8.1.2, and
8.1 For each installation length designated by the purchaser flexural properties should be determined in accordance with
in the purchase agreement, the preparation of CIPP samples is 8.1.3 along the longitudinal axis and circumferential axis of the
required from one or both of the following two methods: installed CIPP.
8.1.1 The samples should be cut from a section of cured
8.1.5 Short-Term Tensile Properties—The tensile strength
CIPP at an intermediate manhole or at the termination point
should be measured for pressure pipe applications in accor-
that has been installed through a like diameter section of pipe
dance with Test Method D638. Specimens should be prepared
or other tubular restraining means which has been held in place
by a suitable heat sink, such as sandbags. in accordance with Types I, II, and III of Fig. 1 of Test Method
8.1.2 The sample should be fabricated from material taken D638. Specimens greater than 0.55 in. (14 mm) thick should
from the fabric tube and the resin/catalyst system used, and maintain all dimensions for a Type III specimen, except the
cured in a clamped mold, placed in the downtube when heated thickness will be that of the CIPP sample obtained. The rate of
circulated water is used, and in the silencer when steam is used. specimen testing should be carried out in accordance with
When the CIPP is constructed of oriented continuous or Table 1 of Test Method D638. Specimens should be prepared in
discontinuous fibers to enhance the physical properties of the accordance with 8.1.1 and tested along the longitudinal axis of
CIPP, this method of sample preparation is recommended in the installed CIPP.
order to allow testing in the axial (that is, along the length) and Fiber-Reinforced CIPP Tensile Testing—Where the
circumferential (that is, hoop) directions of the CIPP. This CIPP is reinforced with oriented continuous or discontinuous
method is also recommended when large-diameter CIPP is fibers to enhance the physical properties of the CIPP, speci-
installed that may otherwise not be prepared with a tubular mens should be sampled in accordance with 8.1.2 and tensile
restraint. properties should be determined in accordance with Test
8.1.3 The CIPP samples for each of these cases should be Method D3039/D3039M and tested along the longitudinal axis
large enough to provide a minimum of three specimens and a and circumferential axis of the installed CIPP.
F1743 − 22
8.1.6 CIPP Wall Thickness—The method of obtaining CIPP 8.4 Delamination Test—If required by the purchaser in the
wall thickness measurements should be determined in a man- purchase agreement, a delamination test should be performed
ner consistent with 8.1.2 of Specification D5813. Thickness on each installation length specified. CIPP samples should be
measurements should be made in accordance with Practice prepared in accordance with 8.1.2, except that a portion of the
D3567 for samples prepared in accordance with 8.1. Make a fabric tube material in the sample should be dry and isolated
minimum of eight measurements at evenly spaced intervals from the resin in order to separate tube layers for testing
around the circumference of the sample to ensure that mini- (consult the tube manufacturer for further information). De-
mum and maximum thicknesses have been determined. Deduct lamination testing should be in accordance with Test Method
from the measured values the thickness of any plastic coatings D903 with the following exceptions:
or CIPP layers not included in the structural design of the CIPP. 8.4.1 The rate of travel of the power-actuated grip should be
The average thickness should be calculated using all measured 1 in. (25 mm)/min.
values and shall meet or exceed minimum design thickness as 8.4.2 Five test specimens should be tested for each instal-
agreed upon between purchaser and seller. The minimum wall lation specified.
thickness at any point shall not be less than 87.5 % of the 8.4.3 The thickness of the test specimen should be
specified design thickness as agreed upon between purchaser minimized, but should be sufficient to adequately test delami-
and seller. nation of nonhomogeneous CIPP layers.
8.2 Gravity Pipe Leakage Testing—If required by the owner 8.5 The peel or stripping strength between any nonhomo-
in the contract documents or purchase order, gravity pipes geneous layers of the CIPP laminate should be a minimum of
should be tested using an exfiltration test method where the 10 lb/in. (178.60 g/mm) for typical CIPP applications.
CIPP is plugged at both ends and filled with water. This test NOTE 5—The purchaser may designate the similar layers between
should take place after the CIPP has cooled down to ambient which the delamination test will be conducted.
NOTE 6—For additional details on conducting the delamination test,
temperature. This test is limited to pipe lengths with no service contact the seller.
laterals and diameters of 36 in. or less. The allowable water
8.6 Inspection and Acceptance—The installation may be
exfiltration for any length of pipe between termination points
inspected visually if appropriate, or by closed-circuit television
should not exceed 50 U.S. gallons per inch of internal pipe
if visual inspection cannot be accomplished. Variations from
diameter per mile per day, providing that all air has been bled
true line and grade may be inherent because of the conditions
from the line. During exfiltration testing, the maximum internal
of the original piping. No infiltration of groundwater should be
pipe pressure at the lowest end should not exceed 10 ft (3.0 m)
observed. All service entrances should be accounted for and be
of water or 4.3 psi (29.7 kPa), and the water level inside of the
inversion standpipe should be 2 ft (0.6 m) higher than the top
8.6.1 Ultrasonic Testing of Wall Thickness— An alternative
of the pipe or 2 ft (0.6 m) higher than groundwater level,
method to 8.1.6 for measuring the wall thickness may be
whichever is greater. The leakage quantity should be gaged by performed within the installed CIPP at either end of the pipe by
the water level in a temporary standpipe placed in the upstream the ultrasonic pulse echo method as described in Practice E797.
plug. The test should be conducted for a minimum of 1 h. A minimum of eight (8) evenly spaced measurements should
NOTE 3—It is impractical to test pipes above 36 in. diameter for leakage be made around the internal circumference of the installed
due to the technology available in the pipe rehabilitation industry. Post CIPP with the host pipe at a distance of 12 to 18 inches from
inspection of larger pipes will detect major leaks or blockages. the end of the pipe. For pipe diameters of fifteen (15) inches or
8.3 Pressure Pipe Testing—If required by the purchaser in greater a minimum of 16 evenly spaced measurements shall be
the purchase agreement, pressure pipes should be subjected to recorded . The ultrasonic method to be used in the flaw detector
a hydrostatic pressure test. A pressure and leakage test at twice with A-scan display and direct thickness readout as defined in
the known working pressure or at the working pressure plus 50 6.1.2 of Practice E797. A calibration block shall be manufac-
psi, whichever is less, is recommended. The pressure should tured for the identical materials used in the installed CIPP to
initially be held at the known working pressure for a period not calibrate sound velocity through the liner. Calibration of the
less than 12 h, then increased to the test pressure for an transducer shall be performed daily in accordance with the
additional period of 2 to 3 h to allow for stabilization of the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation. The average
CIPP. After this period, the pressure test will begin for a thickness should be calculated using all the measured values
minimum of 1 h. The allowable leakage during the pressure test and shall meet or exceed minimum design thickness as agreed
should be 20 U.S. gallons per inch of internal pipe diameter per on between purchaser and seller. The minimum wall thickness
mile per day, providing that all air has been evacuated from the at any point shall not be less than 87.5% of the specified design
line prior to testing and the CIPP has cooled down to ambient thickness as agreed upon between the purchaser and seller.
temperature. 9. Keywords
NOTE 4—The allowable leakage for gravity and pressure pipe testing is 9.1 cured-in-place pipe; installation—underground; plastic
a function of water loss at the end seals and trapped air in the pipe. pipe—thermoset; rehabilitation; thermosetting resin pipe
F1743 − 22
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 General Guidelines—The design thickness of the the CIPP may also be a function of groundwater, soil type, and
CIPP is a function of the resin, materials of construction of the influence of live loading surrounding the host pipe. For
fabric tube, and the condition of the existing pipe. In addition, guidance relating to terminology of piping conditions and
depending on the condition of the pipe, the design thickness of related design equations, see Appendix X1 of Practice F1216.
Committee F17 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (F1743–17)
that may impact the use of this standard.
(1) Practice C1920 was added to 2.1. (2) Section 6.1.2 was revised.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
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