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BS - EN - 50367 - 2020 - Criteria To Achieve Technical Compatibility Between Pantographs and Overhead Contact Line

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BS EN 50367:2020

BSI Standards Publication

Railway applications — Fixed installations

and rolling stock — Criteria to achieve
technical compatibility between
pantographs and overhead contact line


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National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 50367:2020. It
supersedes BS EN 50367:2012+A1:2016, which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee GEL/9/3, Railway Electrotechnical Applications -
Fixed Equipment.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its committee manager.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2020
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2020
ISBN 978 0 580 98580 5
ICS 29.280
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 September 2020.

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Text affected


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BS EN 50367:2020



ICS 29.280 Supersedes EN 50367:2012 and all of its amendments

and corrigenda (if any)

English Version

Railway applications - Fixed installations and rolling stock -

Criteria to achieve technical compatibility between pantographs
and overhead contact line

Applications ferroviaires - Systèmes de captage de courant Bahnanwendungen - Zusammenwirken der Systeme -

- Critères techniques d'interaction entre le pantographe et la Technische Kriterien für das Zusammenwirken zwischen
ligne aérienne de contact (réalisation du libre accès) Stromabnehmer und Oberleitung für einen freien Zugang

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2020-07-27. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization

Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2020 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.

Ref. No. EN 50367:2020 E


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword ................................................................................................................ 6

1 Scope ........................................................................................................................... 7
2 Normative references.................................................................................................... 7
3 Terms and definitions.................................................................................................... 8
4 Symbols and abbreviations ......................................................................................... 11
5 Geometry .................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Overhead contact line characteristics ......................................................................... 14
5.2.1 General..................................................................................................... 14
5.2.2 Infrastructure gauge for free passage of pantograph ................................ 14
5.2.3 Contact wire height ................................................................................... 15
5.2.4 Contact wire gradient ................................................................................ 15
5.2.5 Lateral deviation of contact wire................................................................ 15
5.2.6 Contact wire uplift ..................................................................................... 18
5.2.7 Neutral sections ........................................................................................ 18
5.2.8 Change over area between pantograph profiles ....................................... 19
5.3 Pantograph characteristics.......................................................................................... 19
5.3.1 General..................................................................................................... 19
5.3.2 Assessment of the pantograph head profile .............................................. 20
5.3.3 Conducting range ..................................................................................... 23
6 Interface material ........................................................................................................ 23
6.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Contact wire ................................................................................................................ 24
6.3 Contact strips .............................................................................................................. 24
7 Interaction performance .............................................................................................. 24
7.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 24
7.2 Static contact forces and current capacity ................................................................... 24
7.3 Dynamic behaviour and quality of current collection.................................................... 25
8 Operational requirements ........................................................................................... 28
8.1 Requirement for pantograph ....................................................................................... 28
8.2 Minimum and maximum distance between two operating pantographs ....................... 28
8.2.1 General..................................................................................................... 28
8.2.2 Design of overhead contact lines .............................................................. 28
8.2.3 Formation of train with multiple pantographs - Arrangement of
pantographs ............................................................................................. 29
9 Assessment requirements - Dynamic behaviour and quality of current collection ........ 29
9.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 29
9.2 Overhead contact line ................................................................................................. 30


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

9.2.1 Assessment of overhead contact line design ............................................ 30

9.2.2 Integration of an assessed OCL into a network......................................... 30
9.3 Pantograph ................................................................................................................. 31
9.3.1 Assessment of pantograph design ............................................................ 31
9.3.2 Integration of an assessed pantograph into a vehicle ............................... 31
Annex A (normative) Special requirements .......................................................................... 33
A.1 Neutral sections .......................................................................................................... 33
A.1.1 Principle of neutral section .......................................................................................... 33
A.1.2 Long neutral section.................................................................................................... 33
A.1.3 Short neutral section ................................................................................................... 34
A.1.4 Split neutral section..................................................................................................... 34
A.1.5 Arrangement of pantographs on trains ........................................................................ 35
A.2 Profiles for interoperable pantograph head ................................................................. 36
A.2.1 Pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm .................................................................. 36
A.2.2 Pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm .................................................................. 37
A.3 Additional tests for DC systems at standstill ................................................................ 37
A.3.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 37
A.3.2 Testing conditions ....................................................................................................... 38
A.3.3 Testing method ........................................................................................................... 38
A.3.4 Test results ................................................................................................................. 40
A.4 Visualization of mean contact forces ........................................................................... 41
Annex B (informative) Data of existing networks ................................................................. 43
B.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 43
B.2 National characteristics ............................................................................................... 43
B.3 General characteristics of pantograph head ................................................................ 49
Annex C (normative) Additional tests for DC at standstill – alternative method – Test method
– Single strip configuration .......................................................................................... 56
Annex D (informative) Specimen calculation for the permissible lateral deviation of the
contact wire according to the requirements of 5.2.5 with typical values from the German
network ....................................................................................................................... 57
D.1 Calculation Values ...................................................................................................... 57
D.2 Calculation independent of type of pantograph ........................................................... 59
D.2.1 Calculation of reference height ................................................................................... 59
D.2.2 Calculation of tolerances of track at the lower verification point .................................. 59
D.2.3 Calculation of tolerances of track at the upper verification point .................................. 59
D.2.4 Calculation of additional overthrow on the inside/outside of the curve for pantographs59
D.2.5 Calculation of quasi static effect .................................................................................. 60
D.3 Pantograph head with length of 1600 mm ................................................................... 60
D.3.1 Calculation of lateral movement of contact wire caused by forces from non-horizontal
sections of pantograph head ....................................................................................... 60
D.3.2 Calculation of tolerances of overhead contact line ...................................................... 60


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

D.3.3 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at minimum verification

height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position .................................................... 60
D.3.4 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at maximum
verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position .................................. 61
D.3.5 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at reference height for
interaction between contact wire and pantograph ....................................................... 61
D.3.6 permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire for stability against dewirement
according to .................................................................................................... 61
D.3.7 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead
contact line at minimum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised
position ....................................................................................................................... 62
D.3.8 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead
contact line at maximum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised
position ....................................................................................................................... 62
D.3.9 Calculation of width of mechanical gauge for serviceability of overhead contact line
gauge at reference height for interaction between contact wire and pantograph ......... 62
D.3.10 Permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line to
meet the serviceability limit state case according to ........................................ 63
D.3.11 Permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line
according to .................................................................................................... 63
D.4 Pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm .................................................................. 64
D.4.1 Calculation of lateral movement of contact wire caused by forces from non-horizontal
sections of pantograph head ....................................................................................... 64
D.4.2 Calculation of tolerances of overhead contact line ...................................................... 64
D.4.3 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at minimum verification
height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position .................................................... 64
D.4.4 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at maximum
verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position .................................. 64
D.4.5 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at reference height for
interaction between contact wire and pantograph ....................................................... 65
D.4.6 permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire for stability against dewirement
according to .................................................................................................... 65
D.4.7 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead
contact line at minimum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised
position ....................................................................................................................... 65
D.4.8 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead
contact line at maximum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised
position ....................................................................................................................... 66
D.4.9 Calculation of width of mechanical gauge for serviceability of overhead contact line
gauge at reference height for interaction between contact wire and pantograph ......... 66
D.4.10 Permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line to
meet the serviceability limit state case according to ........................................ 66
D.4.11 Permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line
according to .................................................................................................... 67
D.5 Illustration lateral deviation.......................................................................................... 68


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European standard and the essential
requirements of EU Directive 2016/797/EU [2016 OJ L138] aimed to be covered ....... 72
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 74


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN 50367:2020) has been prepared by CLC/SC 9XC “Electric supply and earthing systems
for public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (Fixed installations)”.

The following dates are fixed:

• latest date by which this document has (dop) 2021-07-27

to be implemented at national level by
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national (dow) 2023-07-27
standards conflicting with this document
have to be withdrawn

This document supersedes EN 50367:2012 and all of its amendments and corrigenda (if any).

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For the relationship with EU Directive(s) see informative Annex ZZ, which is an integral part of this

Annex B gives some parameters for existing lines (informative).

Compared with the previous version, the most significant changes in this version are:

• Update of definitions;

• Changes to 5.2.5 concerning the lateral deviation on the basis of RfS 51 from the European Union
Agency for Railways;

• Changes in 5.2.7;

• Revision of 5.3.2, including update of figures;

• Improvement of testing method for DC contact strips: 6.3, A.3;

• Addition of tunnel requirements in Clause 7;

• Revision of Table 9;

• Assessment requirements in Clause 9;

• Addition of an introduction for Annex B;

• Addition of Annex C;

• Addition of Annex D.

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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

1 Scope

This document specifies requirements for the technical compatibility between pantographs and overhead
contact lines, to achieve free access to the lines of the European railway network.
NOTE These requirements are defined for a limited number of pantograph types conforming to the requirements
in 5.3, together with the geometry and characteristics of compatible overhead contact lines.

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Railway applications - Gauges - Part 1: General - Common rules for
infrastructure and rolling stock

EN 15273-2:2013+A1:2016, Railway applications - Gauges - Part 2: Rolling stock gauge

EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Railway applications - Gauges - Part 3: Structure gauges

EN 50119:2020, Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction overhead contact lines

EN 50125-2:2002, Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipment - Part 2: Fixed electrical

EN 50149:2012, Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Copper and copper alloy
grooved contact wires

EN 50206-1:2010, Railway applications - Rolling stock - Pantographs: Characteristics and tests - Part 1:
Pantographs for main line vehicles

EN 50317:2012, Railway applications - Current collection systems - Requirements for and validation of
measurements of the dynamic interaction between pantograph and overhead contact line

EN 50318:2018, Railway applications - Current collection systems - Validation of simulation of the dynamic
interaction between pantograph and overhead contact line

EN 50388:2012, Railway Applications - Power supply and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the
coordination between power supply (substation) and rolling stock to achieve interoperability

EN 50405:2015, Railway applications – Current collection systems – Pantographs, testing methods for
contact strips 1)

IEC 60050-811:2017, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 811: Electric traction

This standard is impacted by EN 50405:2015/A1:2016.

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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-811:2017 and the following
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp

flow of current through an air gap between a contact strip and a contact wire usually indicated by the
emission of intense light

[SOURCE: EN 50317:2012, 3.17]

pantograph dropping device
device intended to lower the pantograph automatically if it is damaged

Note 1 to entry: The damage can include the contact strip, the pantograph head and other parts of the pantograph.

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017, 811-32-22, modified – In the Note 1 to entry, “and” between “strip” and
“the pantograph” has been replaced by a comma, and the comma between “and” and “other” has been

contact force
<for a pantograph> vertical force applied by the pantograph to the contact wire(s)

Note 1 to entry: The contact force is the sum of forces of all contact points of a pantograph.

Note 2 to entry: The contact force is measured perpendicular to the contact plane.

[SOURCE: EN 50318:2018, 3.2, modified – The Note 2 to entry has been added]

contact plane
plane parallel to the base frame of the pantograph at the contact point

contact point
<for a pantograph> point of the mechanical contact between a contact strip and a contact wire

[SOURCE: EN 50317:2012, 3.2, modified – The specific domain has been added in the definition]

contact wire height
distance from the top of the rail level to the lower face of the contact wire.

Note 1 to entry: The contact wire height is measured perpendicular to the track surface.

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017, 811-33-62, modified – “or road surface for trolleybus (811-02-43) has
been removed. In the Note 1 to entry, “or road” has been removed ]

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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

pantograph head
part of the pantograph comprising the contact strips and their mountings, horns and possibly a suspension

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017, 811-32-05]

continuous pantograph head profile
pantograph head with collector strips and horns suspended in one piece

encroachment of the pantograph head
perpendicular distance from the contact plane to the highest point of the pantograph head

Note 1 to entry: Additional information is given in EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Figure 46.

maximum contact wire height
maximum value of the contact wire height above rail level occurring in any possible case during the lifetime
of the overhead contact line

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017, 811-33-65]

maximum design contact wire height
maximum theoretical contact wire height not including tolerances and uplift, which the pantograph is
required to reach

maximum width of pantograph head
maximum distance measured along the axis of the track between the outer edges of the contact strips

mean contact force

statistical mean value of the contact force

Note 1 to entry: Fm is formed by the static and aerodynamic components of the pantograph contact force.

Note 2 to entry: This mean value can be assessed by simulation or measurement over a specified time or distance.

[SOURCE: EN 50317:2012, 3.5, modified – The Note 2 to entry has been added]

mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge
gauge of the pantograph head under all operating conditions

Note 1 to entry: Additional information is given in EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, 3.23.

minimum contact wire height
minimum value of the contact wire height above rail level occurring in any possible case during the lifetime
of the overhead contact line

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017, 811-33-64]

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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

neutral section
section of a contact line provided with a sectioning point at each end, to prevent successive electrical
sections differing in voltage, phase or frequency being connected together by the passage of pantographs

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017, 811-36-16, modified - “current collectors” has been replaced by

nominal contact wire height
nominal value of the contact wire height above rail level at a support in the normal conditions

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017; 811-33-63]

non-continuous pantograph head profile
pantograph head with collector strips separately (independently) suspended from the other parts of the
pantograph head

overhead contact line
contact line placed above the upper limit of the vehicle gauge and supplying vehicles with electric energy
through pantographs

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017, 33-02, modified – “or beside” has been removed and “roof-mounted
current collection equipment” has been replaced by “pantographs”]

percentage of arcing
proportion of driving time with arcing

[SOURCE: EN 50317:2012, 3.20]

static contact force
vertical force exerted upward by the pantograph head on the overhead contact line at standstill

[SOURCE: EN 50206-1:2010, 3.3.5, modified - “collector head” has been replaced by “pantograph” and
“system” has been removed]

transition zone
<of pantograph head> range for the transition point between non-independently suspended parts and
independently suspended parts of the pantograph head

Note 1 to entry: This concept is illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 of this document

working range of the height of pantograph
range of permissible heights of contact points in relation to the track level

10 --``,,,,``,,,`,,`,,,`,`,,,`````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

limit of dewirement
maximum permissible lateral deviation of contact wire position from pantograph head centre to prevent
dewirement (limit of stability for lateral interaction between contact wire and pantograph, described by the
transition point at head profile, where the angle exceeds 40°)

Note 1 to entry: Dewirement (i.e. lateral contact loss between contact wire and pantograph head) is not the only
cause of pantograph head / overhead contact line incidents. Other phenomena can lead to incidents, without exceeding
dewirement limits, as described now in this document.

working zone of pantograph head
lateral range of the contact point at the pantograph head for operation under normal conditions

reference height
<of contact point> height of the contact point used for calculation of lateral position of contact wire at the
pantograph head

traction unit
locomotive, motor coach or train-unit

Note 1 to entry: A train can be formed with multiple traction units.

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811:2017, 811-02-04, modified – The Note 1 to entry has been added]

4 Symbols and abbreviations

For the purposes of this document, the following symbols and abbreviations apply.

A inner distance between the contact strips on successive operational pantograph heads [m]
A’ outer distance between the contact strips on the first and last operational pantograph heads [m]
A” inner distance between the contact strips of one and the second following operational pantograph
head [m]
AC Alternating Current
b’h,me width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at reference height for interaction between
c contact wire and pantograph [m] (inclusive of tolerances of overhead contact line)

b’o,me width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at maximum verification height of the
c pantograph gauge in a raised position [m] (inclusive of tolerances of overhead contact line)

b’u,mec width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at minimum verification height of the pantograph
gauge in a raised position [m] (inclusive of tolerances of overhead contact line)
b’h,OC width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead contact line at reference
L height for interaction between contact wire and pantograph [m]

b’u,OC width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead contact line at minimum
L verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position [m]

bv maximum permissible lateral deviation of contact wire position from pantograph head centre to
prevent dewirement [m]
bw half-length of the pantograph head [m]


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

bw,c half-length of the pantograph head conducting length (with insulating horns) or working length
(with conducting horns) [m]
CL Conventional Line
d dimension over wheel flanges at wear limit measured 10 mm below the wheel tread [m]
dcant lateral movement of contact wire caused by forces from tilted pantograph due to tracks with cant
dinstl tolerance of static lateral position of contact wire [m]

dinstv tolerance of static vertical position of contact wire [m]

dl permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from track centre line [m]

dlstab permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from track centre for stability against dewirement [m]

dlserv permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from track centre line to meet the serviceability limit
state [m]
dmeas tolerance of measurement, measuring errors refer to lateral position of contact wire [m]

dpole lateral deviation of contact wire position resulting from change of pole deflection under additional
load due to wind speed, for serviceability at nominal contact wire height [m]
dsupp lateral deviation of contact wire position resulting from movement of cantilever for change in wire
temperature [m]
dtens lateral deviation of contact wire position resulting from reduced tension force of wires considering
efficiency of tensioning devices [m]
D overall length of neutral section as distance between adjacent systems/phases including
overlapping parts taking into account the uplift by pantograph passage and electrical clearances
in accordance with EN 50119:2020, 5.1.3 [m]
DI’o reference cant, which is the maximum value from cant and cant deficiency [m]

D’ length of neutral section excluding overlapping parts taking into account the uplift by pantograph
passage and electrical clearances in accordance with EN 50119:2020, 5.1.3 [m]
D0 fixed cant value defined taken into account kinematic gauge [m]

DC Direct Current
epo offset of the pantograph at the upper verification point [m]

epu offset of the pantograph at the lower verification point [m]

ephref pantograph sway at the reference height for interaction between contact wire and pantograph [m]

Fm mean contact force [N]

Fmax maximum contact force [N]

Fm, min minimum mean contact force [N]

Fm, maximum mean contact force [N]

Fmin minimum contact force [N]

Fstat static contact force [N]

fs maximum uplift of contact wire within the span length [m]

hc0 value of roll centre height used as interface between the rolling stock and the infrastructure [m]


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

hnom nominal contact wire height [m]

h’o maximum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position [m]

h’u minimum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position [m]

href reference height for interaction between contact wire and pantograph [m]

HSL High Speed Line

I’0 fixed cant deficiency value taken into account as interface between the rolling stock and the
infrastructure with regard to the kinematic gauge of the pantographs [m]
k’ factor of safety to take into account track irregularities, for pantograph gauge being considered
Keff efficiency of tensioning devices

l maximum width of pantograph head [m]

lmax maximum track gauge [m]

Lsp maximum design span length of overhead contact line [m]

NQ percentage of arcing
qs’i/a displacement due to the quasi-static roll, as maximum from the values to inside and outside the
curve, for pantograph gauges [m]
OCL overhead contact line
Qwc wind load on catenary [N]

R horizontal curve radius [m]

Sc sum of tension forces of catenary and contact wires [N]

S’i/a displacement due to additional overthrow as maximum from the values to inside and outside the
curve, for pantograph gauges [m]
s’0 flexibility coefficient taken into account as interface between the rolling stock and the infrastructure
for the pantograph gauge
Tcharg angle of dissymmetry, considered in η for poor load distribution [degree]
TD track cross-level difference between two maintenance periods [m]

Tosc cross-level difference selected for calculation of oscillations caused by track irregularities [m]

Tsusp angle of dissymmetry, considered in η for poor suspension adjustment [degree]

Tvoie transverse displacement of the track between two periods of maintenance [m]

dup lateral movement of contact wire caused by forces from non-horizontal sections of pantograph
head [m]
v permitted train speed with a specific overhead contact line [km/h]
w distance between parts of different potentials of insulator inserted in contact wire [m]
σmax maximum standard deviation of contact force

α angle of independent suspended part of the pantograph head at the transition point [degree]
β angle of the main horn on the fixed part of the pantograph head [degree]
γ angle of the horn of the pantograph head [degree]
η reference value for angle of dissymmetry of a vehicle due to suspension adjustment and to
unequal load distributions [degree]


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Σj sum of (horizontal) allowances for the structure gauge, covering certain random phenomena
(j = 1, 2 or 3) [m]
∑TThre total of all tolerances of track at the reference height for interaction between contact wire and
f pantograph [m]

∑To total of all tolerances of track and overhead contact line at the upper verification point [m]

∑Tu total of all tolerances of track and overhead contact line at the lower verification point [m]

∑TOCL total of all tolerances of overhead contact line [m]

∑TTo total of all tolerances of track at the upper verification point [m]

∑TTu total of all tolerances of track at the lower verification point [m]

5 Geometry

5.1 General

The overhead contact line shall be designed and built in accordance with the geometric characteristics
given in 5.2. The pantograph(s) shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the geometric
characteristics given in 5.3 and compatible with the type of infrastructure on which it will operate.
This Clause provides requirements for geometric limits of pantographs preventing dewirement and allowing
for adequate interaction performance.
The requirements in Clause 5 applies to standard gauge applications in accordance with
EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, EN 15273-2:2013+A1:2016 and EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016. These
requirements can be adapted to other track gauges.
5.2 Overhead contact line characteristics

5.2.1 General

The following geometric parameters of the overhead contact line are defined in order to assess technical
compatibility with pantographs whose geometric characteristics are defined in 5.3
• kinematic gauge;

• contact wire height;

• contact wire gradient;

• lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line under action of a crosswind;

• free and unrestricted contact wire uplift at the support;

• neutral section arrangements.

The overhead contact line shall conform to the requirements set out in EN 50119:2020, 5.10.
5.2.2 Infrastructure gauge for free passage of pantograph

The design of the overhead contact line shall allow the operation of vehicles compliant to the appropriate
vehicle gauge for the route. This gauge shall be calculated in accordance with EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016,
EN 15273-2:2013+A1:2016 and EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016.
The gauge for free and unrestricted passage of pantographs shall be calculated based on the kinematic
gauge for pantographs in accordance with EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Clause 11. Electrical clearances
requirements shall be as set out in EN 50119:2020, 5.1.3.


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NOTE 1 This calculation covers the lateral movement of the pantograph, the encroachment of the pantograph, the
track gauge and the tolerances.

The design of infrastructure gauge shall allow for unrestricted passage of pantographs with profiles as set
out in Figure A.6 or pantographs with either insulating or conductive horn as set out in Figure A.7.
The determination of the minimum height of structures above the contact line shall be in accordance with
EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, 8.1.2. For this, the encroachment of the pantograph head above the contact
plane defined in 5.3.1, can be reduced by taking into consideration the maximum possible lateral position
at this location.

NOTE 2 As an example, for bridges the maximum encroachment can be adjusted if the nominal position of contact
wire is at the track centre line.

5.2.3 Contact wire height

The nominal contact wire height shall be chosen inside the ranges given in Table 1.
The contact wire may be higher in certain cases such as level crossings, loading areas, etc. In these cases,
the maximum design contact wire height shall not be greater than 6,20 m.
The maximum contact wire height shall not exceed 6,50 m.
The contact wire height may be lower than the nominal contact wire height in certain cases related to
structure gauges such as bridges and tunnels. Contact wire height shall be within the limits calculated in
accordance with EN 50119:2020, 5.10.
NOTE Aerodynamic effects could necessitate to limit the contact wire height for speed higher than 250 km/h in
order to achieve technical conformity for new traction units.

Table 1 — Contact wire height and gradient for AC and DC systems

Line speed v [km/h] v < 250 v ≥ 250

Range of nominal contact wire
from 5,0 up to 5,75 from 5,08 up to 5,3
height [m]
Permissible gradient and change of in accordance with EN 50119:2020,
No gradient
gradient Table 12

5.2.4 Contact wire gradient

The permissible contact wire gradient and change of gradient shall be in accordance with Table 1.
The contact wire gradient specified in Table 1 may be exceeded on an exceptional basis, where a series
of restrictions on the contact wire height such as level crossings, bridges, tunnels, etc., prevents compliance.
In this case the assessments requirements of 7.3 shall be replaced by the limits as set out in Table 4 of
EN 50119:2020.
5.2.5 Lateral deviation of contact wire General

The permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line is calculated based on the
working zone of pantograph head for serviceability and on the limit of dewirement (the limit of stability for
lateral interaction).
NOTE 1 Under standard conditions the contact between contact wire and pantograph is inside the limits of

NOTE 2 Under worst conditions, contact inside the limits of dewirement can occur without damages with catastrophic


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For checking the stability against dewirement, the permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from track
centre line (dlstab) shall be calculated in accordance with

For checking the lateral deviation for serviceability, the permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from
track centre line (dlserv) shall be calculated in accordance with

The permissible lateral deviations shall be calculated in accordance with EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016,

EN 15273-2:2013+A1:2016 and EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, considering the movements of pantographs
and track gauge using the reference values set out in EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 and
EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Table B.1.
For pantographs according to 5.3, the maximum limit for permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire
from the design value for track centre line, under the action of cross wind shall be defined as minimum of:
— dlstab (

— dlserv ( and

— the limit given in Table 2.

Table 2 — Limit of lateral deviation

Pantograph head length [mm] Limit of lateral deviation [mm]

1 600 400
1 950 550

NOTE 3 These limits are defined based on long term experiences of the different railways when defining

In the case of a mixed-gauge track (track with three rails), the requirement shall be fulfilled for each pair of
rails (designed to be operated as separate track).
The wind speeds and pantograph head lengths used to calculate the limit of lateral deviation, needs to be
An example of calculation is given in informative Annex D.
For a visualization of lateral deviation see D.5. Limit of dewirement – limit of stability for lateral interaction

The limit of dewirement shall be determined based on the kinematic envelope of the pantograph taking into
consideration the tolerances of the overhead contact line and the horizontal movement of the contact wire
caused by forces from the non-horizontal sections of the pantograph head.
The horizontal movement of the contact wire shall be calculated for the application of the maximum mean
contact forces.
NOTE 1 Stability is achieved when the contact wire position on the pantograph head lies between pantograph head
centre line and the point of dewirement – see A.2.

The permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from track centre line to prevent dewirement shall be
calculated as:

 
+ bv − b ' h, mec= bv −  e phref + s ′i + qs ′i
d lstab= bw      − k′ ⋅ ∑T 2
Thref + ∑ TOCL
 
 a a 

The calculation shall be done for the reference height (href) for the interaction between contact wire and


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(h − hu′ )⋅
bh′ , mec = bu′ , mec +

( ho′ − hu′ )
(bo′ ,mec − bu′ ,mec ) (1b)

The term ( ∑ TThref + ∑ TOCL 2 ) applies the tolerances of the overhead contact line with the same
methodology as used in EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, EN 15273-2:2013+A1:2016 and
EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016 for calculation of Σj.
NOTE 2 Possible index of j can be 1, 2 or 3 in accordance with EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, 5.5.2.

For the purpose of interoperability, the value of index chosen for j shall be 2.
The reference height (href) shall be the summation of the nominal contact wire height, uplift and the
construction tolerances for the overhead contact line.
href = hnom + fs + dinstv (2)

NOTE 3 Encroachment of pantograph head is not considered for this calculation.

NOTE 4 The value of fs is dependent upon the overhead contact line design and can be calculated, simulated or

The limit of dewirement shall be calculated considering the following parameters of construction and
operation of the overhead contact line:
— tolerance of static lateral contact wire position (installation and maintenance) dinstl;

— change of mast deflection under additional load due to wind speed for normal operation conditions in
nominal contact wire height dpole;

— lateral movement of contact wire caused by forces from tilted pantograph due to tracks with cant dcant;

— lateral deviation of contact wire caused by movement of cantilever due to wire expansion and
contraction by changes in wire temperature dsupp;

— increased lateral deviation of contact wire for reduced tension force of wires considering efficiency of
tensioning devices and effects of along track movement of registration arms or cantilever frames dtens;

— tolerance of the measurement system dmeas;

— lateral movement of contact wire due to the interaction with the upward forces from non-horizontal
sections of pantograph head dup.

Those tolerances which can occur simultaneously shall be added using following formula:

∑TOCL = k’.√ (dinstl2 + dpole2 + dcant2 + dsupp2 + dmeas2 + dtens2+ dup2) (3)

NOTE 5 With regard to probabilistic addition, see EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Annex J.

The safety coefficient k’ shall be chosen to achieve the required safety level, for which, a value of 1,0 is
recommended (see EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Table B.1).
The lateral movement of contact wire caused by forces from the non-horizontal sections of pantograph
head shall be calculated as:
dup = Lsp · Fm,max · tan γ / (4 • Sc) (4)


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Lsp is the maximum span length;

Fm,max is the design limit for mean contact force according to Table 6 or Table 7;

γ is 30° for pantograph heads according to Figure A.6 or 40° for pantograph heads according to
Figure A.7;
Sc is the sum of the tension forces in contact wire and messenger wire.
NOTE 6 The use of sum of the tension forces considers the interaction between the wires in the overhead contact
line connected with droppers. Serviceability limit state

The permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from track centre line to meet the serviceability limit
state, shall be calculated based on the kinematic gauge b’h,mec in accordance with
EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, EN 15273-2:2013+A1:2016 and EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016., as:

d lserv =bw + bw ' c

     –   b ' hOCL = (
b w, c − e phref + S ' i / a + qs ' i / a ) (5)


b ' hOCL = b ' uOCL +   

href − h ' u )(
⋅ b ' oOCL − b ' uOCL ) (6)
h 'o − h 'u )
b ' uOCL =bw + e pu + S ' i / a + qs ' i / a (7)

b ' oOCL =bw + e po + S ' i / a + qs ' i / a (8)

The calculation of lateral deviation of the contact wire shall be done for a reference height href according
to of this standard. For this calculation, the sum of additions of the probabilistic safety margins for
∑j shall not be considered.

NOTE The summation of the probabilistic safety margins is not considered for normal operation conditions
(serviceability). In these cases the contact point may be located outside the working range of pantograph head with
arcing and current interruption without causing dewirement.

5.2.6 Contact wire uplift

The permissible contact wire uplift at supports shall be in accordance with EN 50119:2020, 5.10.2.
5.2.7 Neutral sections

The electrical requirements for operation through neutral sections are set out in EN 50388:2012, Clause 5.
For the mechanical design the following requirements of neutral sections shall be considered:
• trains shall be able to move from one section to an adjacent one (which is fed from a different phase
or system) without bridging the neutral section;

• the neutral section shall be designed in such a way that trains with multiple pantographs arranged in
accordance with A.1, with an outer distance between the contact strips on the first and last operational
pantograph heads up to a maximum of 400 m, can pass through with their pantographs raised;

• adequate means shall be provided to allow a train that is stopped within the neutral section to be


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NOTE For short neutral section (A.1.3) the probability of stopping inside the neutral section is low.

In the case of trains with multiple pantographs, if one of these requirements cannot be complied with, the
pantographs shall be lowered for the entire length of the neutral section. Technical or operational measures
shall be taken to meet safety and availability requirements.
The operational requirements for the arrangements of pantographs on trains are set out in 8.2.
5.2.8 Change over area between pantograph profiles

Where two different types of OCLs intersect, which are designed for different pantograph profiles, a
changeover area shall be provided. In the changeover area, one pantograph type shall be lowered and the
other type shall be raised. Within the changeover area which is common to the different pantograph profiles,
the overhead contact line shall be designed as follows:
• the lateral deviation of the contact wire in accordance with 5.2.5, shall be calculated for the pantograph
with the shortest length of head;

• the pantograph gauge in accordance with 5.2.2, shall be calculated for the pantograph with the longest
length of pantograph head.

The new pantograph shall not be raised before the other is lowered.
NOTE Lowering of a pantograph before raising another one is necessary to avoid a critical uplift of the contact
wire and unexpected high contact forces.

5.3 Pantograph characteristics

5.3.1 General

The following geometric parameters of the pantograph shall be assessed to achieve compatibility with the
• geometric profile of pantograph head;

• vertical working range of the height of the pantograph;

• length of contact strips;

• maximum and minimum width of pantograph head;

• encroachment of the pantograph head above the contact point.


Parameters for interoperable pantographs are given in Table 3.

The maximum encroachment of the pantograph head shall be as set out in EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, and shall not exceed 60 mm under all conditions.
NOTE 1 Typically the critical case is for a contact point at the end of the contact strips with maximum contact force

For calculating the maximum lateral deviation of the contact wire for interoperable pantograph heads in
accordance with 5.2.5, the working zone and point of dewirement are given in Figures A.6 and A.7.
NOTE 2 The point of dewirement is determined by the point where the gradient of the profile exceeds 40°. Until
this point and with this gradient, experience indicates that the contact wire is able to return successfully into the working

The design of the pantograph shall achieve performance in accordance with Clause 7 for the speed range
and a contact wire height in accordance with 5.2.3. The reach of the pantograph shall not exceed 6,5 m
above rail level.


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Table 3 — Pantograph characteristics for AC and DC systems

Profile of pantograph heads a See Figure A.6 and Figure A.7

Maximum width of pantograph head (m) b 0,65

Minimum width of pantograph head (m) c 0,05

Mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge see 5.2.2

a See Figures B.1 to B.10 for the national profiles for existing lines.
b Maximum width of pantograph head, [I] see A.1.
c Minimum width applies for a pantograph with single contact strip

NOTE 3 The reference point for the pantograph profiles refers to the contact point (of contact strip and contact wire)
at the centre of the pantograph head.

The pantograph shall conform to the requirements as set out in EN 50206-1:2010. Additional assessments
are set out in 5.3.2.
5.3.2 Assessment of the pantograph head profile General

Pantograph head profile assessment shall be undertaken on a new pantograph as set out below. Continuous pantograph head profile (non-independently suspended contact strips)

Pantograph heads shall be compliant with the reference profile in accordance with Figures A.6 and A.7.
Maximal vertical deviation from the reference pantograph profile is only allowed downwards and shall be
less than 30 mm excluding the curved ends of the end horn.
Deviations below the pantograph profile at all positions inside the minimum collector strip length shall not
exceed 5° (as shown in Figure 1) against the reference profiles as set out in A.2.


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1 reference pantograph profile
2 actual pantograph profile
3 maximum deviation from reference profile

Figure 1— General detail of pantograph head with non-independently suspended contact strips Non-continuous pantograph head profile (independently suspended collector strips)

The following assessments shall be undertaken in addition to the requirements set out in
The transition between independently suspended parts of the pantograph head shall be checked.
In order to assess the non-continuous profile a static force of 70 N for AC and 90 N for DC shall be applied
in the middle of the pantograph head.
For pantographs capable of operating with different static contact forces (such as multi voltage
pantographs), the lowest value shall be used.
The location of the transition point between independently suspended parts of the pantograph head shall
be within the transition zone as defined in Figure 2, key 1.
The following geometrical conditions shall be respected in the transition point:
— angle β between horizontal plane and end horn is between 0° and value given in Figures A.6 or A.7;

— angle α between horizontal plane and independently suspended part of pantograph head at the
transition point is less or equal than 40°.

For the transition zone excluding the curved ends of the end horn of the pantograph head, a maximum
vertical deviation of 40 mm downwards from the reference pantograph profile is allowed.


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1 transition zone
2 transition point
3 reference profile of pantograph head (see Figures A.6 and A.7)
4 end horn of contact strip
5 contact strip
6 end horn of pantograph head
7 non-independently suspended parts of the pantograph head

Figure 2 — General detail of pantograph head with independently suspended collector strip

The position of transition point and the angle between the fixed and independent parts at the transition point
shall be as defined in Figure 3.


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1 transition zone
2 transition point
3 static force

Figure 3 — Transition point – 1 600 mm and 1 950 mm pantograph head

The maximum value for α shall not exceed 40°. Maximum value for β is given by Figures A.6 or A.7. The
difference between the two angles shall be less than 10°.
5.3.3 Conducting range

The conducting range and the minimum length of contact strip shall be in accordance with Figures A.6 and

6 Interface material

6.1 General

The permissible current at the contact point depends significantly on the materials of contact wire and
contact strips and wear on both. In order to achieve a satisfactory performance, the characteristics of
contact wire and contact strips shall be in accordance with 6.2 and 6.3 below.


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6.2 Contact wire

The contact wire shall comply with the requirements of EN 50149:2012 and shall be used in accordance
with EN 50119:2020.
Permissible materials of contact wire are copper and copper-alloy in accordance with EN 50149:2012.
Other materials are allowed when it can be proven that the characteristics are equal to or better than the
characteristics of the permitted materials.
6.3 Contact strips

The type of contact strip to be used shall be determined in accordance with the following properties:
• current capacity;

• contact force;

• contact strip material.

Contact strips of either plain carbon or impregnated carbon with additive material shall be permitted. The
metallic content of the impregnated carbon contact strips shall be copper or copper alloy and shall not
exceed a content of 35 % by weight on AC lines and of 40 % by weight on DC lines.
NOTE Plain carbon contact strips consist of a mixture of amorphous and graphite carbon elements. Impregnated
carbon contact strips are plain carbon strips where internal cavities in the material are filled with metal, usually copper
or a copper alloy. The degree of impregnation is defined by percentage of weight.

The contact strips shall be tested in accordance with EN 50405:20151).

7 Interaction performance

7.1 General

Functional requirements are described below to ensure current collection without interruption. These
requirements relate to the geometric profile of the pantograph head and to the dynamic behaviour of the
vehicle (for example kinematic envelope) and ensure that at least one contact wire is always within the
conducting range of pantograph head (including all tolerances).
The performance of the overhead contact line and pantograph interface is subject to conformity assessment
as set out in the 7.2, 7.3 and A.3.
7.2 Static contact forces and current capacity

The current in the overhead contact line depends on different parameters such as speed, train mass,
number of and distance between trains, line gradient and power supply system.
The properties of pantograph and contact wire shall be such that overheating does not occur.
The maximum allowable current collected by the pantograph depends on the following parameters:
• number and material of contact wires;

• number and material of contact strips;

• actual contact forces at the contact point;

• train speed;

• environmental conditions.


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The current demand of the train shall comply with the working limits of the overhead contact line as set out
in EN 50388:2012. Temperature limits of the conductors shall be in accordance with EN 50119:2020, 5.1.2.
Static contact force is exerted by the pantograph on the contact wire. The overhead contact line shall be
designed for ranges of static contact forces as specified in Table 4.
The pantograph shall be designed to exert a static contact force within the range specified in Table 4.
Table 4 — Static contact forces

Power supply system Range for application [N]

AC 60 to 90
DC 3 kV 90 to 120
DC 1,5 kV 70 to 140

Conformity assessment for static contact force shall be carried out by design review and measurements in
accordance with EN 50206-1:2010.
The maximum current at vehicle standstill is given in Table 5.
Table 5 — Maximum current at vehicle standstill

Category AC DC 1,5 kV DC 3 kV
Maximum current per
pantograph (A) at vehicle 80 300 200
The overhead contact line is designed to accept as a minimum the value of current at standstill per
pantograph stated here. The vehicle is allowed to draw the value of current at standstill as a maximum
per pantograph.

For DC systems, the maximum current at standstill shall be assessed in accordance with the test specified
in A.3 utilizing the maximum current in Table 5 and determining the maximum temperature as set out in
EN 50119:2020, Table 1 for a period of 30 min.
For the integration of a pantograph on a traction unit, where the current at standstill is less than given in
Table 5, the test in accordance with A.3 shall be carried out with the maximum current at standstill for this
traction unit.
For additional test methods, see Annex C.
Current at standstill performance for AC systems is valid for two, 40 mm contact strip width.
NOTE The check for current at standstill for AC systems is not necessary as the current is lower and not critical
to causing heating of the contact wire.

7.3 Dynamic behaviour and quality of current collection

Safety and performance of train operation and wear of the contact strips and contact wire are influenced
by the dynamic interaction between the pantograph and the overhead contact line.
The dynamic behaviour depends upon the characteristics of the pantograph and overhead contact line and
the operating conditions. The principal operating conditions to be considered are the train speed and the
number, distance and position of the pantographs.
The acceptable number of pantographs and their minimum spacing (see Table 9) are limited by the dynamic
performance of pantograph and overhead contact line. The overhead contact line shall be designed in
accordance with the requirements for dynamic behaviour.
Space for free and unrestricted uplift at the support shall be in accordance with EN 50119:2020, 5.10.2.
Compliance with the requirements for dynamic behaviour shall be verified by assessment of:


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• contact wire uplift at the support;

and for quality of current collection, either

• contact force by mean value Fm and standard deviation σmax;


• arcing by percentage of arcing NQ and total mean uplift force in accordance with EN 50317:2012.

The method used shall be decided before the assessment is undertaken. The values to be achieved by the
chosen method are set out in Tables 6 and 7. These values shall apply for the range of nominal contact
wire heights given in Table 1 to any operating pantograph.
The values shall be measured in accordance with EN 50317:2012. Contact wire uplift shall be measured
for representative design types of steady arms.
NOTE Typical design types of supports are e.g. push off and pull off.

For qualification of performance with more than one pantograph, the pantograph which shows the most
critical values shall be considered. The worst performing pantograph should be determined by simulation
using tools validated in accordance with EN 50318:2018 or testing using measurements method validated
in accordance with EN 50317:2012.


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Table 6 — Limits for interaction performance (contact force)

Category AC DC 1,5 kV DC 3 kV
Line speed v ≤ 200 km/h v > 200 km/h v ≤ 200 km/h v > 200 km/h v ≤ 200 km/h v > 200 km/h

Fm,max (N) a
0,000 47 v2 + 90 0,000 97 v2 + 70 0,000 97 v2 + 140 0,002 28 v2 + 90 0,000 97 v2 + 110
Design limit

Fm,min (N)
Minimum for
pantograph 0,000 47 v2 + 60 0,001 12 v2+ 70 0,000 72 v2+ 90
approval a
σmax (N)
at maximum 0,3 Fm
speed b
a For visualization of the formulas and maximum speed see Figures A.10 to A.12.
b The limit of σ = 0,3 F gives a probability of less than 0,27 % that contact forces lower than 0,1 F occur for normal Gaussian distribution of forces.
m m

Table 7 — Limits for interaction performance (contact force) in tunnels with cross-sections ≤ 55 m2

Category AC DC 1,5 kV DC 3 kV
Line speed v ≤ 160 km/h v > 160 km/h v ≤ 160 km/h v > 160 km/h v ≤ 160 km/h v > 160 km/h

Fm,max (N) a
0,000 47(1,25 v)2 + 90 0,000 97(1,25 v)2 + 70 0,000 97(1,25 v)2 + 140 0,002 28(1,25 v)2 + 90 0,000 97(1,25 v)2 + 110
Design limit b

a For visualization of the formulas see Figure A.13

b This special formula is valid for small tunnels with maximum speed up to 300 km/h for AC and 250 km/h for DC. Higher speeds for small tunnels require special solutions.

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The overhead contact line shall be designed to accept as a minimum, the value of mean force (Fm,max) in
Tables 6 and 7. The pantograph design shall apply as a maximum the mean force (Fm,max) in Tables 6
and 7.
Fm for any pantograph shall be between the design limit and the approval limit for pantographs given in
Table 6 and 7. Each pantograph shall conform the criteria for current collection quality.
Table 8 — Values for interaction performance (percentage of arcing)

Category AC DC
Line Speed v < 250 km/h v ≥ 250 km/h v ≤ 160 km/h v > 160 km/h

Percentage of arcing at
maximum line speed, NQ (%) ≤ 0,1 ≤ 0,2 ≤ 0,1 ≤ 0,2
(minimum duration of arc 5 ms)

Total mean uplift force [N] Fm,min and Fm,max in accordance with Tables 6 and 7

8 Operational requirements

8.1 Requirement for pantograph

The pantograph dropping device and the operating system for the pantograph shall be implemented in
accordance with EN 50206-1:2010, 4.7 and 6.
Traction units designed for a speed higher than 160 km/h shall be equipped with an automatic dropping
device in accordance with EN 50206-1:2010, 4.8. Traction units configured as trains that require more than
one pantograph raised in operation and of maximum design speed higher than 120 km/h shall be equipped
with automatic dropping devices in accordance with EN 50206-1:2010, 4.8.
The tests for operating system under maximum speed according EN 50206-1:2010, 6.14 shall be repeated
for implementation of a pantograph on a new traction unit.
The operating system of the pantograph shall conform to EN 50206-1:2010, 6.3.
8.2 Minimum and maximum distance between two operating pantographs

8.2.1 General

The distance between operational pantographs on a train shall comply with the dimensional requirements
set out in A.1.5. For operation in AC systems an electrical connection between two or more pantographs
operating simultaneously is not permitted. Traction units for DC systems using electrical connections
between pantographs operating simultaneously shall be fitted with a mechanism to disconnect such
The assessment of contact quality, regarding pantograph positioning in multi pantograph operation, is
required for trains and the overhead contact line.
8.2.2 Design of overhead contact lines

The overhead contact line shall be designed for a minimum of two pantographs operating adjacently. The
design distance of the two adjacent pantograph heads, measured centre line to centre line, shall be equal
to the values set out in one overhead contact line type ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ selected from Table 9 for the relevant
power supply system.
NOTE 1 The overhead contact line design may need to consider distances greater than specified in Table 9 due to
resonance cases.

The overhead contact line type according to Table 9 shall be defined for a specific line and maximum line


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For the defined overhead contact line type, each case of distances between pantographs and speed ranges
in accordance with Table 9 shall be checked by simulation. The simulation shall be done with the upper
limit of mean contact force Fm,max calculating standard deviation and uplift at the support.

Test runs shall be undertaken for the pantograph distances at maximum line speed and for cases with worst
results for uplift and standard deviation.
NOTE 2 The results for maximum speed and the worst case found by simulation could be the same.

For test runs shorter distances between the pantographs as used in the simulation are permissible.
If it is impossible to do a test run with a pantograph distance of 8 m, a test for up to 15 m distance between
the pantographs is permissible for speeds up to 80 km/h.
Table 9 — OCL design distances for two pantographs

Design speed AC distance DC 3 kV distance DC 1,5 kV distance

[km/h] [m] [m] [m]

Overhead contact
line type
v ≥ 250 200 200 200 35
160 < v < 250 200 85 35 200 115 35 200 85 35

120 < v ≤ 160 85 35 20 85 35 20

80 < v ≤ 120 20 15 20 15 35 20 15

v ≤ 80 8 8 20 8

8.2.3 Formation of train with multiple pantographs - Arrangement of pantographs

The arrangement of pantographs in traction units shall be done with the distances given in Table 9 as a
Interoperable traction units operating with two pantographs raised are assessed and approved for an
overhead contact line type in Table 9 are also considered as assessed for other overhead contact lines in
the same overhead contact line type.
Traction units with two or more operational pantographs shall be compliant with the limits set out in Tables
6 and 7.
The test conditions for trains using more than 2 pantographs in contact with the overhead contact line shall
be defined prior to the test.
In addition compatibility with neutral sections shall be considered in accordance with A.1.

9 Assessment requirements - Dynamic behaviour and quality of current


9.1 General

The assessment of the dynamic behaviour and the quality of the current collection involves the overhead
contact line and the pantograph.
Compliance with the requirements on dynamic behaviour shall be verified by assessment of parameters in
accordance with 7.3.
NOTE The method used (force measurement or arc measurement) will be decided before the assessment is


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The requirements in 7.3 may need to be adjusted for specific cases in the interoperable network.
Simulations are used to reduce the amount of measurements required:
— to check against several types of OCL for assessment of a pantograph,

— to check against several types of pantographs for assessment of an OCL,

— for determining worst performing pantograph in a multiple pantograph operation.

9.2 and 9.3 provide the minimum amount of tests for assessment.
Simulations shall be performed with tools validated in accordance with EN 50318:2018.
Tests shall use measurements method validated in accordance with EN 50317:2012.
For overhead contact line with a design speed up to 80 km/h, simulation and measurements of the dynamic
behaviour are not necessary.
9.2 Overhead contact line

9.2.1 Assessment of overhead contact line design Simulation

For the purposes of simulation and analysis of the results, representative features (for example crossovers,
neutral sections, etc.) shall be taken into account.
The simulation shall be made using at least two different types of interoperable pantographs for the
appropriate speed and power supply system, up to the design speed of the proposed OCL.

The operational speed of the two types of pantograph shall be at least equal to the design speed of the
simulated OCL.
The simulation shall be performed for single pantograph and multiple pantographs with spacing according
to the requirements set in 8.2.1.
In order to be acceptable, the simulated dynamic behaviour shall be in accordance with the 7.3 for uplift,
mean contact force and standard deviation for each pantograph.
If the simulation results are acceptable, an onsite dynamic test on a representative section of the line
(including for example crossovers, neutral sections, tunnels etc.) for the new OCL shall be undertaken. Measurement

The measurement can be conducted on a specially constructed test section or on a line where the OCL is
under construction. This measurement can be done before putting into service or under full operation
For the above mentioned site test, one of the two types of pantograph chosen for the simulation shall be
installed on a vehicle that allows the appropriate speed on the representative section.
The test shall be performed at least for the worst case arrangements of the pantographs regarding the
interaction performance derived from the simulations according to Table 9.
The test shall be performed at maximum design speed with a mean contact force of at least Fm,max in
accordance with Tables 6 and 7 for each pantograph.
In order to be acceptable, the measured current collection quality shall be in accordance with 7.3.
9.2.2 Integration of an assessed OCL into a network

The main goal of this test is to identify allocation design and construction errors but not to assess the basic
design in principle.
The geometry of OCL shall be checked in accordance with 5.2.


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Dynamic measurements shall be carried out for the line speed to check the installed system. This shall be
done with a pantograph conforming to 9.3, exhibiting the mean contact force within the upper and lower
limits as required by Clause 7.
NOTE For speeds up to 120 km/h (AC systems) and up to 160 km/h (DC systems), check of geometry of OCL
without measurement of the dynamic behaviour can be sufficient.

The installed OCL shall be accepted if the measurement results comply with 7.3.
9.3 Pantograph

9.3.1 Assessment of pantograph design Simulation

A simulation shall be made using at least two different types of interoperable OCL which are designed
incorporating the planned vehicle speed and appropriate power supply system.
For each type of the OCL, the simulated current collection quality shall be judged acceptable, if the results
are within the limits set out in 7.3 for uplift, mean contact force and standard deviation.
Dynamic assessment of contact quality for vehicles shall be performed for maximum vehicle speed.
If the simulation results are acceptable, a site dynamic test in accordance with shall be made using
a representative section of one of the two types of OCL used in simulation. Measurement

The pantograph to be tested shall be mounted on vehicle. The pantograph shall exert a mean contact force
within the upper and lower limits as required by 7.3 up to the design speed of the pantograph. The tests
shall be conducted in both directions of travel.
The test shall include track sections with low contact wire height and track sections with high contact wire
height allowing to test the pantograph at two heights inside the working range of the pantograph with a
difference of minimum 200 mm.
The test shall be performed for the maximum design speed of the tested pantograph.
The measured current collection quality shall be in accordance with 7.3.
9.3.2 Integration of an assessed pantograph into a vehicle

The fitting of an assessed pantograph in accordance with 9.3.1 into a vehicle shall allow for the adjustment
of the mean contact force of the pantograph, taking into account the aerodynamic effects due to the vehicle
and the position of the pantograph in the unit or train in fixed or predefined formation(s).
The static contact force shall be adjusted for each particular power supply system within the range, as
specified in Table 4.
The tests, for each installed pantograph, shall be conducted in both directions of travel and shall include
track sections with variations in contact wire height representative for the final use of rolling stock in
interoperable lines.
Dynamic assessment of contact quality for vehicles shall be performed for their maximum speed. The test
shall be performed for a minimum of 3 speed increments up to and including the design speed of the unit.
The interval between successive tests shall be no greater than 50 km/h.
The assessment of the contact quality for trains operating with more than one pantograph simultaneously
shall be done in two steps. All possible configurations of pantograph locations on the train shall be checked

by simulation. A test run shall be made at least for the configuration with worst results from simulations
regarding interaction between pantograph and overhead contact line.
The mean contact force for assessment of multiple pantographs shall be between the upper (Fm,max)
design limit and the minimum value of mean force (Fm,min) in accordance with Tables 6 and 7 for all

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Test runs shall be undertaken for the pantograph configuration at least for the arrangement with worst
results for uplift and standard deviation from the simulation.
The integration of the pantograph on the traction unit shall be accepted if the measurement results comply
with 7.3.



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Annex A
Special requirements

A.1 Neutral sections

A.1.1 Principle of neutral section

1 phase / system 1
2 phase / system 2
N neutral section

Figure A.1 — Principle of neutral section

Condition: A > D
The distance A shall be in accordance with Table 9. It is only interoperable for a pantograph distance A of
200 m. For other distances see Tables B.3 and B.4.
A.1.2 Long neutral section

1 phase / system 1
2 phase / system 2
N neutral section

Figure A.2 — Long neutral section

Condition: A’ < 400 m; D’ > 402 m

D’ shall be greater than 402 m.
NOTE In case of the arrangement according to Figure A.2 the neutral section is longer than the distance between
the outermost pantographs in operation on an interoperable train of less than 400 m.


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A.1.3 Short neutral section

1 phase / system 1
2 phase / system 2
N neutral section

Figure A.3 — Short neutral section

Condition: D ≤ 8 m
In the case of Figure A.3, the neutral sections D may be formed by neutral section insulators and the
dimensions shall be 8 m or less.
This small length ensures that the probability of a train stopping inside the neutral section does not require
the adequate means to restart.
Values of D shall only be extended beyond 8 m and up to ≤ 14 m, with an adequate mean to restart.
The length of w shall be chosen in accordance with the system voltage, maximum line speed and the
maximum pantograph width l of 0,65 m.
The centre section may be connected to the return circuit.
A.1.4 Split neutral section

1 phase / system 1
2 phase / system 2
N neutral section

Figure A.4 — Split neutral section

Condition: A” > D

Depending upon the permitted pantograph spacing and operational speed of trains, one of the following
two configurations may be used:

Configuration I D < 142 m

A” > 142 m


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Configuration D < 79 m
A” > 79 m

A.1.5 Arrangement of pantographs on trains

For the use of more than one pantograph on trains the following rules allow for compatibility with the
different types of neutral sections. The maximum spacing of pantographs within a train shall be 400 m. In
addition, the span covering three consecutive pantographs A” shall be greater than D. The intermediate
pantograph may be arranged at any position within this range, but the minimum distance between operating
pantographs is 8 m. Depending on the minimum spacing between two adjacent operating pantographs the
maximum operating train speed shall be stated. In AC systems, no electrical connection may exist between
pantographs in service. Figure A.5 shows the pantograph arrangement.

1 traction unit

Figure A.5 — Arrangement of pantographs on trains

Figure A.5 shows the arrangement of pantographs which are compatible with the solutions shown in
Figures A.2, A.3 and A.4.
For the solutions shown in Figure A.4, the pantograph arrangement shall be defined.
Conditions: A’ < 400 m
A” > 142 m for configuration I
A” > 79 m for configuration II
NOTE The value for A” can be different for several pantographs


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A.2 Profiles for interoperable pantograph head

A.2.1 Pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm

Dimensions in millimetres

Not to scale

1 projected length of end horn made of insulating material = 200 mm
2 minimum length of the contact strip = 800 mm
3 +0
half working zone (equivalent to conducting range) of pantograph head = 600 −5

4 +0
pantograph head length = 1600 −10 mm

5 point of dewirement = 746 mm

6 angle β

Figure A.6 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm

NOTE The interoperable 1 600 mm pantograph head can be allowed to operate at lines designed for 1 450 mm
pantograph head, as long as insulated horns are provided for adequate electrical insulation between the live parts of
the pantograph head and adjacent earthed structures.

The permissible values for pantograph head encroachment and for deviations from the profile are defined
in 5.3.


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A.2.2 Pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm

Dimensions in millimetres

Not to scale

1 projected length of end horn made of either insulating or conducting material ≤ 200 mm
2 minimum length of the contact strip = 1000 mm

3 half conducting range of pantograph head = 775 +0


4 pantograph head length = 1950 +0


5 working zone of pantograph head = 1450 mm

6 point of dewirement = 954 mm
7 angle β

Figure A.7 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm

The design of the structure gauge allows the use of a pantograph head with conductive end horn.
The 1 950 mm pantograph head requires conducting part of 1 550 mm.
NOTE Therefore, insulated horns of up to 200 mm can be fitted to meet insulation requirements between live parts
of the pantograph head and earthed parts of the vehicle roof.

A.3 Additional tests for DC systems at standstill

A.3.1 General

For DC systems, the temperature rise of the contact wire(s) caused by the current at vehicle standstill shall
be verified.
This test is relevant for assessment of pantograph heads equipped with specified contact strips before
putting into service.
The results of this test can be used for assessment of an OCL.
NOTE This relates predominantly to the train auxiliary equipment current consumption.


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This test shall be carried out on a test bench with the complete pantograph configuration as set out
in A.3.3.1.
The maximum permissible current collected at standstill is determined by the temperature limits of the
contact wire as stated in EN 50119:2020, Table 1, column “Up to 30 min (pantograph standstill)”. The
temperature depends on:
— the contact wires: number of wires, cross section, shape and material;

— the carbon strips: number of strips, cross section, shape and material;

— the static force;

— the environmental conditions: ambient temperature and wind speed.

A.3.2 Testing conditions

A.3.2.1 Conditions for the contact wire(s)

The contact wire(s) shall be identified and have a profile in accordance with EN 50149:2012. The cross
section shall be at least 90 % of the cross section of the nominal contact wire(s) area. Contact wire(s)
material of either Cu-ETP or CuAg can be used.

NOTE The difference in electrical conductivity between Cu-ETP and CuAg is considered negligible for this

The temperature sensors shall be located on the contact wire(s) as near as possible to the contact point.
The length of the contact wire(s) shall be 2 m or more and the pantograph head or the contact strip shall
be installed on the middle of the contact wire(s) section.
A.3.2.2 Conditions for the contact strip(s)

The contact strip shall be in accordance with EN 50405:20151). The contact strips shall be in the “as new”
condition, but shall be dressed to simulate initial wear.
A.3.2.3 Environmental conditions

The test shall be performed in a protected environment (e.g. in a closed workshop) in order to avoid the
influence of airflow by wind that could cause incorrect test results. The airflow shall be a natural airflow of
1 m/s or less.
Ambient temperature shall be recorded during the test and considered in the analysis of results according
to EN 50119:2020. The analysis of the test results shall include temperature correction to take account of
any difference between the ambient temperature at the test location and the ambient temperature according
to EN 50119:2020 and EN 50125-2:2002.
A.3.3 Testing method

A.3.3.1 Complete pantograph configuration

For this method, the test bench consists of a complete pantograph and contact wire configuration. This
configuration shall reproduce the real static contact force used in service.
The lateral deviation of the contact wire(s) shall be chosen as the maximum stagger of the OCL.
NOTE Some pantograph heads are equipped with more contact strips in the central part of the pantograph head
in order to have less wear in the range where the contact line operates most see Figure A.8.


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1 contact wire(s)
2 contact strips
3 pantograph head
4 stagger

Figure A.8 — Lateral deviation of the contact wire(s) during the test

The test shall be performed with the static contact force intended to use in operation. If the value is not
known, the minimum value of the static contact force for the considered power supply system of the Table 4
shall be used. The static force used for the test is called Fstat.

The current collected by the pantograph shall be equal to its rated current at vehicle standstill and not
exceeding the limit specified in Table 5. If the value is not known, the maximum current at vehicle standstill
of the Table 5 for the considered power supply system shall be used. The current used for the test is called

To take into account the possible imbalance in current intensity on a collector head between the contact
strips in operation, the tests shall be carried out three times.
Figure A.9 shows a test parameters representation.
The test shall be performed during 30 min.


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1 contact wire(s)
2 pantograph head

Figure A.9 — Test parameters representation for test method

A.3.4 Test results

Temperature of the contact wire(s) shall not exceed the values specified in accordance with EN 50119:2020,
Table 1, column “Up to 30 min (pantograph standstill)”.
The test gives the maximum permissible current at standstill for the pantograph and OCL configuration.
For each reference case of a specified pantograph head, the test shall be considered valid for:
— the number of contact wires used during the test or a higher number of contact wires;

— the current Ipanto or a lower current;

— the static force Fstat or a higher static force.


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A.4 Visualization of mean contact forces

Mean Contact Force (N)

Speed (km/h)

Figure A.10 — Visualization of mean contact forces AC

Mean Contact Force (N)

Speed (km/h)

Figure A.11 — Visualization of mean contact forces DC 1,5 kV


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Mean Contact Force (N)

Speed (km/h)

Figure A.12 — Visualization of mean contact forces DC 3,0 kV

Mean Contact Force (N)

Speed (km/h)

Figure A.13 — Visualization of mean contact forces in tunnel


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Annex B

Data of existing networks

B.1 General

National characteristic or practice that cannot be changed even over a long period, e.g. climatic conditions,
electrical earthing conditions.
This Annex gives additional information for train operators and infrastructure managers, on the overhead
contact line, vehicle characteristics and interaction performance on existing lines.
In this Annex national values are listed. The ranges of parameters have been collected over a long period
of time, and have been used in the various countries in the past and still exist on some lines.
These parameters are not for use in respect of Clauses 5 to 7 of this standard. The data provided is for
information only and shall not be used to attain conformity between systems.

B.2 National characteristics

The values of the contact forces given in Tables B.5 and B.6 are based on national measurement systems.


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Table B.1 — Overhead contact line characteristics for AC systems


5,3 5,08 5,1c

BS EN 50367:2020

Nominal contact wire height (m) 5,5 5,3 5,3 5,5 5,5 5,3 5,93 6,15 5,5 4,7 5,5 5,3d 5,5 5,5
5,75 5,5 5,6
Maximum contact wire height (m) 6,2 6,0 6,0 6,3 6,5 6,0 6,0 6,2 6,6 6,2 5,94 5,7 6,2 6,1 6,2
Minimum contact wire height (m) 4,85 4,92 4,8 5,0 4,95 4,91 4,85 5,93 5,6 4,59 4,165b 5,2 4,8 4,8 5,0
Maximum lateral deviation of the contact wire from
0,55 0,4 0,4 0,55 0,55 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,46 0,4 0,56 0,4 0,55 0,55 0,55
the track centre line under action of cross wind (m)
a High speed (HS1)
b May be reduced to 3,925 for specific routes
c Nominal contact wire height on highspeed lines
d Nominal contact wire height on some early highspeed line

Table B.2 — Overhead contact line characteristics for DC systems


5,1 a 5,3
Nominal contact wire height (m) 5,5 5,5 5,2 5,5 5,6 5,35 5,5
5,3 b 5,2
Maximum contact wire height (m) 6,0 6,3 6,2 6,3 6,2 5,75 6,2 6,2 6,2
Minimum contact wire height (m) 4,8 4,95 4,6 4,47 4,51 4,8 4,9 4,95 4,95
Maximum lateral deviation of the
contact wire from the track centre line 0,4 0,55 0,55 0,4 0,4 0,53 0,5 0,35 0,55
under action of cross wind (m)
a For regulated 3 kV catenary systems.
b For non-regulated 3 kV catenary systems.


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Table B.3 — Rolling stock characteristics for AC systems


See See
Geometric profile of See See See See See See See See See Figures B.2
Figures B.1, Figure B.3 a Varies
pantograph head Figure B.2 Figure B.1 Figure B.1 Figure B.2 Figure B.2 Figure B.2 Figure B.2 Figure B.5 and B.5
B.3 , Figure B.6

Range of working
4,14 to 6,2
height of pantograph
4,7 to 6,5 4,6 to 6,5 4,6 to 6,5 5,0 to 6,3 4,8 to 6,3 4,9 to 6,1 5,6 to 6,6 4,5 to 6,50 3,925 4,6 to 6,0 4,8 to 6,1 4,8 to 6,3
for normal
performance (m)

Range of working 4,14 to 6,2

height of pantograph 4,7 to 6,5 4,6 to 6,5 4,6 to 6,5 5,0 to 6,3 4,7 to 6,5 4,7 to 6,5 5,6 to 6,6 4,6 to 6,50 3,925 4,6 to 6,2 4,8 to 6,1 4,8 to 6,3
for low speed (m) (reduced)

Length of contact
1,03 Varies 0,696 1,03 1,03 1,03 ≥ 1,1 ≥ 0,67 Varies 1,03 1,0 Varies
strips (m)

Maximum width (m) 0,65 0,6 0,6 0,65 0,643 0,6 0,46 0,6 0,46 0,65 0,65 0,6
Min. value for Fstat (N) 65 60 65 65 60 70 60 60 60 55 55 60

Pantograph dropping Necessary

Necessary Necessary c Necessary Necessary Necessary Only HS-line Necessary Necessary Necessary n.a.
device only HS-line

Number of
pantographs in action 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4e 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4
per train

Minimum and A < 29 or

n.a. 10 - 365 n.a. n.a. 20 < A < 35 b n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 20 < A < 30 n.a.
maximum spacing A > 74 (CL)
between two operating A < 12 or
pantographs (m) A>7b A>8 A>7 A>8 A > 85 A > 18 A > 19 A>8 A > 10 A > 40 A>8
A > 152 (HSL)
a High speed (HS1) only.
b Trains with a distance between two operating pantographs lower than 20 m are accepted by the railway infrastructure manager, if the uplift of the contact wire and the contact forces are within the

limits. Pantograph distances between 35 m and 85 m may be allowed by the infrastructure manager if the train is equipped with a technical device that lowers the pantographs in neutral sections.
c Necessary for new and upgraded vehicles.
d In some existing French high speed lines, a limitation device for working height (device that prevents a pantograph exceeding a given height within the working range to restrict contact wire uplift) may
be required.
e Depending on the minimum spacing between two adjacent operating pantographs and/or number of pantographs the infrastructure manager can reduce the maximum permitted train speed

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EN 50367:2020 (E)

Table B.4 — Rolling stock characteristics for DC systems


Geometric profile of See Figures B.2, See Figures B.2, See Figures B.2,
See Figure B.2 See Figure B.1 See Figure B.2 See Figure B.7 See Figure B.1 Varies
pantograph head B.8 b B.5 B.3, B.4
BS EN 50367:2020

Range of working height of

pantograph for normal 4,6 to 6,5 4,95 to 6,3 4,6 to 6,5 4,5 to 6,5 4,51 to 6,2 4,8 to 5,75 a 4,8 to 6,2 4,9 to 6 4,95 to 6,3
performance (m)

Range of working height of

4,6 to 6,5 4,95 to 6,3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 4,8 to 5,75 a n.a. n.a. 4,95 - 5,3
pantograph for low speed (m)

Length of contact strips (m) 0,85 to 1,03 1,03 0,95 ≥ 0,67 1,07 to 1,27 ≥ 0,8 1,1 0,8 to 0,9 Varies

Maximum width (m) 0,625 0,65 0,6 0,6 0,56 0,64 0,6 0,42 0,6
Min. value for Fstat (N) 90 70 90 70 e 90 f 70 70 70

Necessary only
Pantograph dropping device d Necessary Only for HS-line Necessary Advisable Advisable Advisable n.a.
for HS-line

Number of pantographs in
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2 1,2,3,4,5 1,2 1,2 1,2,3,4
action per train

Minimum and maximum

spacing between two L>8 L>8 6 - 200 6 - 354 9 < L < 295 8<L 7 - 200 L>8 L>8
operating pantographs (m)
a On some existing lines in the Netherlands a limitation device for maximum working height is required. Working height is 5,86 m.
b Profile of 1 760 mm.
c The use of 5 pantographs has to be admitted by the Infrastructure Manager and can be submitted to certain restrictions. The use of 5 pantographs is permitted, subject to a commercial agreement with
the Infrastructure Manager; certain operating restrictions may be required.
d Necessary for new and upgraded vehicles.
e The maximum static force for FR 1,5 kV is 110 N with a value of 140 N at vehicle standstill.
f Contact force is be chosen for a maximum temperature of contact point at standstill less than 150 °C.


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Table B.5 — Interaction performance for AC systems

Speed (km/h) ≤ 250 ≤ 200 ≤ 200 ≤ 200 ≤ 200 200 < v ≤ 300 < 250 ≤ 200 ≤ 160 160 < v ≤ 250 250 < v ≤ 300 ≤ 160 160 < v ≤ 200 < 250 < 200
Fm (N) ≤ 130 < 120 - < 120 ≤ 120 ≤ 160 < 110 < 120 ≤ 110 ≤ 130 ≤ 170 <0 <0 < 130 < 100

Fmax (N) 250 200 < 200 300 350 200 200 - - - 250a 250a 200 200
250 b
> 10
Fmin (N) 10 0 >0 >0 >0 0 >0 - - - >0 >0 10 10

σ (N) 40 36 24 24 - < 0,3 Fm < 0,3 Fm - - - - - - < 0,3 Fm -

NQ (%) - - - - - - - - 0,1 (5 ms) 0,2 (5 ms) - - - -
(5 ms)
permissible uplift of
120 c 120 150 120 140 c 120 80 120 120 80 125 150 120
contact wire at the
support (mm)
a Open route
b Two pantographs and short distance (approximately 36 m)
c EN 50119:2020, 5.10.2

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Table B.6 — Interaction performance for DC systems

Speed (km/h) ≤ 140
< 160 ≤ 160 160 < v ≤ 200 ≤ 160 160 < v ≤ 220 ≤ 250 ≤ 250 ≤ 160
BS EN 50367:2020

≤ 160
Fm (N) 170 135 150 ≤ 160 a ≤ 200 a 170 170 170 85

Fmax (N) 300 300 300 - - 300 300 300 100

Fmin (N) 40 15 15 - - 40 40 40 70

σ (N) 43 < 40 < 45 - - 43 43 43 28

NQ (%) 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,2
- - - - -
(5 ms) (5 ms) (5 ms) (5 ms)
Maximum permissible uplift of 100
contact wire at the support (mm) 100 75 100 80 80 120 100 100
a Fm ≤ 0,001 78 v2 + 110 N for v ≤ 200 km/h and Fm ≤ 0,002 28 v2 + 90 N for v > 200 km/h


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B.3 General characteristics of pantograph head

Dimensions in millimetres

1 total pantograph length
2 projected length
3 horn made of insulating material for FR, LU and CH

Figure B.1 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 450 mm

Dimensions in millimetres

1 total pantograph length
2 projected length
3 horn made of either insulating or conducting material Not to scale

Figure B.2 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm (Type 1)


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Dimensions in millimetres

1 total pantograph length
2 projected length
3 horn made of insulating material

Figure B.3 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm (GB, CTRL, FR)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 total pantograph length
2 projected length

Figure B.4 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm (Type 2)


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Dimensions in millimetres

1 total pantograph length
2 carbon length

Figure B.5 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 800 mm (NO, SE)


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Dimensions in millimetres

1 total pantograph length
2 half carbon length
NOTE 1) Pantographs with this head profile do not employ horn insulation
2) Total useful length of carbon strip 916 mm
3) Dimensions are indicative only; for full manufacturing details see relevant National

Figure B.6 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm (GB)



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Dimensions in millimetres

Figure B.7 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm (PL)



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Dimensions in millimetres

Figure B.8 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1 760 mm (BE)


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Dimensions in millimetres

1 horn made of insulating material

Figure B.9 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1860 mm (ES)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 horn made of insulating material

Figure B.10 — Profile of pantograph head with length of 1950 mm (ES)


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Annex C

Additional tests for DC at standstill – alternative method – Test

method – Single strip configuration

The test set out in A.3 can be carried out as a proxy test for single strip configuration.
For this method, the test bench consists of a single strip and contact wire configuration.
The test shall be carried out with the contact wire(s) in the central position and in the most critical lateral
position of the contact strip. When the most critical is not known, the test shall be carried out with the contact
wire(s) in 3 positions of the contact strip: central, +300 mm and – 300 mm.
NOTE 1 The position of the electrical connection to the contact strips may give different results.

The static force shall be the value Fstat/N where Fstat is the static force described in A.3.3.1, and N is the
number of strips in contact with the wire(s) in the range of the lateral deviation of the contact wire(s) (see
Figure A.8).
The current collected by the strip shall be 1,07*(Ipanto/N), where Ipanto is the current value described in
A.3.3.1, and N is the number of strips in contact with the wire(s) in the range of the lateral deviation of the
contact wire(s).
NOTE 2 The multiplicative factor 1,07 of additional current is used to simulate the possible imbalance in current
between contact strips.

Figure C.1 shows a test parameters representation.

The test shall be performed during 30 min.


1 contact wire(s)
2 single contact strip

Figure C.1 — Test parameters representation for test method


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Annex D

Specimen calculation for the permissible lateral deviation of the

contact wire according to the requirements of 5.2.5 with typical values
from the German network

D.1 Calculation Values

The calculation is carrying out for the following parameters:

power supply = AC
track design = ballasted track
track curve = outside curve
structure gauge = GC (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016)
bv = 0,746 m for pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm

= 0,954 m for pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm

bw = 0,800 m for pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm (A.2.1)

= 0,975 m for pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm (A.2.2)

bw,c = 0,600 m for pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm (A.2.1)

= 0,725 m for pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm (A.2.2)

d = 1,410 m (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 for structure gauge GC)
dcant = 0,03 m (typical value)

dinstl = 0,03 m (typical value)

dinstv = 0,03 m (typical value)

dmeas = 0,015 m (typical value)

dpole = 0,025 m (typical value)


dsupp = 0,08 m (typical value)

dtens = 0,014 m

NOTE 1 Example based on accuracy of tension equipment according EN 50119:2020.The calculation of lateral
deviation of contact wire position issued on reduced tension force of wires considering efficiency of tensioning devices
is based on the verification of permissible working tensile stress of wires in accordance with EN 50119:2020.

Q wc ⋅ L sp 2 Q wc ⋅ L sp 2
=d tens −
8 ⋅ K eff ⋅ S c 8 ⋅ Sc

11, 5 N / m ⋅ 80 2 m ²11, 5 N / m ⋅ 80 2 m ²
=d tens −
8 ⋅ 0, 97 ⋅ 20000    8 ⋅ 20000 N

d tens = 0, 014 m


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Qwc = 11,5 N/m – wind load on OCL for wind zone 1 and 2 (EN 50119:2020, 6.2.4).
DI’o = according to Table D.1

Table D.1 — Typical values of cant dependent on curve radius for line typical line speed and
ballasted track

R DI’o

[m] [m]
straight 0,066
3 000 0,066
1 000 0,120
750 0,150
300 0,160

D’0 = 0,066 m (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 for structure gauge GC)

epo = 0,170 m (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 for structure gauge GC)

epu = 0,110 m (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 for structure gauge GC)

fs = 0,22 m (typical value)

h’c0 = 0,50 m (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 for structure gauge GC)

hnom = 5,50 m (5.2.3)

h’o = 6,50 m

h’u = 5,00 m

k’ = 1,0 (EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Table B.1)

Keff = 0,97 (typical value for tension equipment, EN 50119:2020, 5.3.5)

L = 1,500 m (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 for structure gauge GC)

lmax = 1,465 m (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 for structure gauge GC)

Lsp = 80 m

Qwc = 11,5 N/m (wind load on catenary for wind zone 1 and 2, EN 50119:2020,

R = straight / 3000 m / 1000 m / 750 m / 300 m (typical values)

NOTE 2 For the parameterised formulas a radius of 3000 m is used. Results for all defined radii a shown in the
Tables D.2 to D.7.

Sc = 20,000 N

s’0 = 0,225 (EN 15273-1:2013+A1:2016, Table G.1 for structure gauge GC)

Tcharge = 0,77° (EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Table B.1 for ballasted track)

TD = 0,015 m (EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Table B.1 for ballasted track and v > 80 km/h)

Tosc = 0,065 m (EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Table B.1 for ballasted track and outside curve)

Tsusp = 0,23° (EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Table B.1 for ballasted track)

Tvoie = 0,025 m (EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, Table B.1 for ballasted track)


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v = 200 km/h

D.2 Calculation independent of type of pantograph

D.2.1 Calculation of reference height

href = hnorm + fs + dinstv

href = 5,50m + 0,22m + 0,03m

href = 5,75 m

D.2.2 Calculation of tolerances of track at the lower verification point

Calculation is to be carrying out in accordance with EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, A. Formula (A.8)

( (
T T 
( )) )(
∑ TTu = Tvoie 2
 L L
+  D ⋅ h ' u + D ⋅ s ' 0 ⋅ h ' u − h ' co ) (
 + tan(Tsusp ) ⋅ h ' u − h ' co

+ tan Tcharge ⋅ h ' u − h
 
 0, 015 m 0, 015 
∑ T=
0, 025 m ² +  2
⋅ 5, 00 m + ⋅ 0, 225 m ⋅ 5, 00 m − 0, 50 m  ( )
 1, 50 m 1, 50 m 
( )) ( ))
2 2
+ tan 0, 23° ⋅ 5, 00 m − 0, 50 (
+ tan 0, 77° ⋅ 5, 00 m − 0, 50 m
 0, 065 
+ (
⋅ 0, 225 m ⋅ 5, 00 m − 0, 50 m  )
 1, 50 m 

∑ TTu 2 =
0, 0101 m ²

D.2.3 Calculation of tolerances of track at the upper verification point

Calculation is to be carrying out in accordance with EN 15273-3:2013+A1:2016, A. Formula (A.8)

( (
T T 
( )) )(
∑ TTo = Tvoie 2
 L L
+  D ⋅ h ' u + D ⋅ s ' 0 ⋅ h ' o − h ' co ) (
 + tan(Tsusp ) ⋅ h ' o − h ' co

+ tan Tcharge ⋅ h ' o − h
 
 0, 015 m 0, 015 
∑ T=
0, 025 m ² +  2
⋅ 6, 50 m + ⋅ 0, 225 m ⋅ 6, 50 m − 0, 50 m  ( )
 1, 50 m 1, 50 m 
( )) ( ))
2 2
+ tan 0, 23° ⋅ 6, 50 m − 0, 50 (
+ tan 0, 77° ⋅ 6, 50 m − 0, 50 m
 0, 065 
+ (
⋅ 0, 225 m ⋅ 6, 50 m − 0, 50 m  )
 1, 50 m 

∑ TTo 2 =
0, 0173 m ²

D.2.4 Calculation of additional overthrow on the inside/outside of the curve for


2, 5 l max − d
S i′/ a = +
R 2

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For R = 3 000m:

2, 5 1, 465 m − 1, 410 m
S i′/ a
= + = 0, 0283 m
3000 m 2

D.2.5 Calculation of quasi static effect

s '0
qs i′/ a =
( ) (
⋅ DI ' 0 − D0 │≥ 0 ⋅ href − hc 0 )
For R = 3 000m:

0, 225
qs i′/ a =
1, 50 m
⋅ 0, 066 m − 0, 066 m ⋅ 5, 75 m − 0, 50 m )( )
qs i′/ a = 0, 000 m

D.3 Pantograph head with length of 1600 mm

D.3.1 Calculation of lateral movement of contact wire caused by forces from non-
horizontal sections of pantograph head

The lateral movement is calculated in accordance with UIC 606-1, 1.3.3.

The mean contact force is 108,8 N according to A.4 for line speed of 200 km/h and power supply AC-
The angle of the horn of the pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm is 30° in accordance with Figure A.6.
L sp ⋅ Fm, max ⋅ tanγ
up =
4 ⋅ Sc

For Lsp = 80m:

m ⋅108, 8   
80    N ⋅ tan 30°
up =
4 ⋅ 20.000 N

up = 0, 063 m

D.3.2 Calculation of tolerances of overhead contact line

∑ TOCL 2 = d cant 2 + d instl 2 + d meas 2 + d pole 2 + d supp 2 + d tens 2 + up 2

∑ TOCL 2 =0, 03 2 m ² + 0, 03 2 m ² + 0, 015 2 m ² + 0, 025 2 m ² + 0, 08 2 m ² + 0, 014 2 m ² + 0, 063 2 m ²

∑ TOCL 2 =
0, 0132 m²

D.3.3 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at minimum

verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position

bu′ , mec= bw + e pu + s i′/ a + qs i′/ a + k '⋅ ∑ TTu 2 + ∑ TOCL 2


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for R = 3000m and Lsp = 80m:

bu′ , mec = 0, 800 m + 0, 110 m + 0, 0283 m + 0, 000 m + 1, 0 ⋅ 0, 0101 m 2 + 0, 0132 m 2

bu′ , mec = 1, 091 m

D.3.4 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at maximum

verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position

bo′ , mec= bw + e po + S i′/ a + qs i′/ a + k '⋅ ∑ TTo 2 + ∑ TOCL 2

for R = 3 000m and Lsp = 80m:

bo′ , mec = 0, 800 m + 0, 170 m + 0, 0283 m + 0, 000 m + 1, 0 ⋅ 0, 0173 m 2 + 0, 0132 m 2

bo′ , mec = 1, 173 m

D.3.5 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at reference height

for interaction between contact wire and pantograph

(h − h 'u )⋅
bh′ , mec bu′ , mec +

(h 'o − h 'u )
(bo′ ,mec − bu′ ,mec )
for R = 3000m and Lsp = 80m:

( 5, 75 m − 5, 00 m ) ⋅ 1, 173 m − 1, 091 m
bh′ , mec =
1, 091 m + ( )
( 6, 50 m − 5, 00 m )
bh′ , mec = 1, 132 m

D.3.6 permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire for stability against dewirement
according to

d lstab =bw    

+ bv − b ' h, mec v

for R = 3000m and Lsp = 80m:

d lstab = 0, 800 m + 0, 746 m − 1, 132 m

d lstab = 0, 414 m


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Table D.2 — Results of calculation for stability against dewirement for Pantograph head with
length of 1 600 mm

R S’i/a qs’i/a b’u,mec b’o,mec b’h,mec dlstab

[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]

straight 0,0275 0,000 1,090 1,172 1,131 0,415
3 000 0,0283 0,000 1,091 1,173 1,132 0,414
1 000 0,0300 0,043 1,135 1,217 1,176 0,370
750 0,0308 0,066 1,160 1,242 1,201 0,345
300 0,0358 0,074 1,173 1,254 1,214 0,332

D.3.7 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead

contact line at minimum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position

bu′ ,OCL = bw + e pu + S ' i / a + qs ' i / a

For R = 3000 m:

bu′ ,OCL 0, 800 m + 0, 110 m + 0, 0283 m + 0, 000 m


bu′ ,OCL = 0, 938 m

D.3.8 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead

contact line at maximum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position

bo′ ,OCL = bw + e po + S ' i / a + qs ' i / a

For R = 3000m:

bo′ ,OCL 0, 800 m + 0, 170 m + 0, 0283 m + 0, 000 m


bo′ ,OCL = 0, 998 m

D.3.9 Calculation of width of mechanical gauge for serviceability of overhead contact

line gauge at reference height for interaction between contact wire and pantograph

bh' ,OCL = bu' ,OCL +

(h ref − hu' ) ⋅ (b '
− bu' ,OCL )
(h '
o − hu' ) o,OCL

For R = 3000 m:

( 5, 75 m − 5, 00 m ) ⋅ 0, 998 m − 0, 938
bh′ ,OCL = 0, 938
   m + (    m )
( 6, 50 m − 5, 00 m )
bh′ ,OCL = 0, 968


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D.3.10 Permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line to meet
the serviceability limit state case according to

d serv =
+ bw,c − b ' hOCL

For R = 3000 m:

d lserv = 0, 800 m + 0, 600 m − 0, 968   m

d lserv = 0, 432   m

Table D.3 — Results of calculation for serviceability case for Pantograph head with length of
1 600 mm

R S’i/a qs’i/a b’u,OCL b’o,OCL b’h,OCL dlserv

[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]

straight 0,0275 0,000 0,938 0,998 0,968 0,433
3 000 0,0283 0,000 0,938 0,998 0,968 0,432
1 000 0,0300 0,043 0,983 1,043 1,013 0,387

750 0,0308 0,066 1,007 1,067 1,037 0,363

300 0,0358 0,074 1,020 1,080 1,050 0,350

D.3.11 Permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line
according to

d l = min d lstab ; d lserv ; 0, 400 m )
The permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from track centre line for infrastructure and rolling stock dl
in accordance with D.1 listed parameters and pantograph head with length of 1600 mm is defined as
smallest value of permissible lateral deviations for stability against dewirement and in case of serviceability.
The Table D.3 shows the results dependent on radius of track.
In the shown example the permissible lateral deviation of serviceability limit state case is the most critical
case or the total limit at 0,4 m and is setting the limit of permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from
the track centre line.
Table D.4 — Results of permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line
for Pantograph head with length of 1 600 mm

R dlv dlserv dl

[m] [m] [m] [m]

straight 0,415 0,433 0,400
3 000 0,414 0,432 0,400
1 000 0,370 0,387 0,370
750 0,345 0,363 0,345
300 0,332 0,350 0,332


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

D.4 Pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm

D.4.1 Calculation of lateral movement of contact wire caused by forces from non-
horizontal sections of pantograph head

The mean contact force is 108,8 N in accordance with Table D.4 by line speed of 200 km/h and power
supply AC-system.
The angle of the horn of the pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm is 40° in accordance with Figure A.7.
L sp ⋅ Fm, max ⋅ tanγ
up =
4 ⋅ Sc

m ⋅108, 8 N ⋅ tan 40°

up =
4 ⋅ 20.000 N

up = 0, 091 m

D.4.2 Calculation of tolerances of overhead contact line

∑ TOCL 2 = d cant 2 + d instl 2 + d meas 2 + d pole 2 + d supp 2 + d tens 2 + up 2

∑ TOCL 2 =0, 03² m ² + 0, 03² m ² + 0, 015² m ² + 0, 025² m ² + 0, 08² m ² + 0, 014² m ² + 0, 091² m ²

∑ TOCL 2 =
0, 0176 m²

D.4.3 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at minimum

verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position

bu′ , mec= bw + e pu + S i′/ a + qs i′/ a + k '⋅ ∑ TTu 2 + ∑ TOCL 2

for R = 3 000 m and Lsp = 80 m:


bu′ , mec = 0, 975 m + 0, 110 m + 0, 0283 m + 0, 000 m + 1, 0 ⋅ 0, 0101 m 2 + 0, 0176 m 2

bu′ , mec = 1, 280 m

D.4.4 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at maximum

verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position

bo′ , mec= bw + e po + s i′/ a + qs i′/ a + k '⋅ ∑ TTo 2 + ∑ TOCL 2

for R = 3 000 m and Lsp = 80 m:

bo′ , mec = 0, 975 m + 0, 170 m + 0, 0283 m + 0, 000 m + 1, 0 ⋅ 0, 0173 m 2 + 0, 0176 m 2

bo′ , mec = 1, 360 m


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EN 50367:2020 (E)

D.4.5 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic pantograph gauge at reference height

for interaction between contact wire and pantograph

(h − h 'u )⋅
bh′ , mec bu′ , mec +

(h 'o − h 'u )
(bo′ ,mec − bu′ ,mec )
for R = 3000 m and Lsp = 80 m:

( 5, 75 m − 5, 00 m ) ⋅ 1, 360 m − 1, 280 m
bh′ , mec =
1, 280 m + ( )
( 6, 50 m − 5, 00 m )
bh′ , mec = 1, 320 m

D.4.6 permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire for stability against dewirement
according to

d lstab = bw + bv − bh′ , mec

for R = 3000 m and Lsp = 80 m:

d lstab = 0, 975 m + 0, 954 m − 1, 320 m

d lstab = 0, 609 m

Table D.5 — Results of calculation for stability against dewirement for Pantograph head with
length of 1 950 mm

R S’i/a qs’i/a b’u,mec b’o,mec b’h,mec dstab

[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]

straight 0,0275 0,000 1,279 1,359 1,319 0,610
3 000 0,0283 0,000 1,280 1,360 1,320 0,609
1 000 0,0300 0,043 1,324 1,404 1,364 0,565
750 0,0308 0,066 1,349 1,429 1,389 0,540
300 0,0358 0,074 1,361 1,442 1,402 0,527

D.4.7 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead

contact line at minimum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position

bu′ ,OCL = bw + e pu + S ' i / a + qs ' i / a

For R = 3 000 m:

bu′ ,OCL 0, 975 m + 0, 110 m + 0, 0283 m + 0, 000 m


bu′ ,OCL = 1, 113 m


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

D.4.8 Calculation of width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead

contact line at maximum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position

bo′ ,OCL = bw + e po + S ' i / a + qs ' i / a

For R = 3 000 m:

bo′ ,OCL 0, 975 m + 0, 170 m + 0, 0283 m + 0, 000 m


bo′ ,OCL = 1, 173 m

D.4.9 Calculation of width of mechanical gauge for serviceability of overhead contact

line gauge at reference height for interaction between contact wire and pantograph

(h − h 'u ) ⋅ b′
bh′ ,OCL bu′ ,OCL +

(h 'o − h 'u )
( o,OCL − bu′ ,OCL )

For R = 3 000 m:

( 5, 75 m − 5, 00 m ) ⋅ 1, 173 m − 1, 113
bh′ ,OCL = 1, 113
   m + (    m )
( 6, 50 m − 5, 00 m )
bh′ ,OCL = 1, 143

D.4.10 Permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line to meet
the serviceability limit state case according to

d lserv=    
bw + bw , c –  b ' hOCL

For R = 3 000 m:

d lserv = 0, 975 m + 0, 725 m − 1, 143 m

d lserv = 0, 557 m

Table D.6 — Results of calculation for serviceability case for a Pantograph head with length of
1 950 mm

R S’i/a qs’i/a b’u,OCL b’o,OCL b’h,OCL dlserv

[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]

straight 0,0275 0,000 1,113 1,173 1,143 0,557
3 000 0,0283 0,000 1,113 1,173 1,143 0,557
1 000 0,0300 0,043 1,158 1,218 1,188 0,512
750 0,0308 0,066 1,182 1,242 1,212 0,488
300 0,0358 0,074 1,195 1,255 1,225 0,475


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

D.4.11 Permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line
according to

d l = min d lstab ; d lserv ; 0, 550 m )
The permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from track centre line for infrastructure and rolling stock dl
in accordance with 4.1 listed parameters and pantograph head with length of 1950 mm is defined as
smallest value of permissible lateral deviations for stability against dewirement and in case of serviceability.
Table D.7 shows the results dependent on radius of track.
In the shown example the permissible lateral deviation of serviceability limit state case is the most critical
case or the total limit at 0,55 m and is setting the limit of permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire
from the track centre line.
Table D.7 — Results of permissible lateral deviation of the contact wire from the track centre line
for Pantograph head with length of 1 950 mm

R dlstab dlserv dl

[m] [m] [m] [m]

straight 0,610 0,558 0,550
3 000 0,609 0,557 0,550

1 000 0,565 0,512 0,512
750 0,540 0,488 0,488
300 0,527 0,475 0,475


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EN 50367:2020 (E)

D.5 Illustration lateral deviation

1 ephref + si/a + qsi/a + ∑jcin : sum of random dcant lateral deviation of contact wire position by
phenomena to be taken into account for the vertical uplift at tracks with cant
verification limit
2 b’h,mec: width of mechanical kinematic dsupp lateral deviation of contact wire position
pantograph gauge at reference height for issued on movement of cantilever for change
interaction between contact wire and wire temperature
3 bw: half-length of the pantograph head dtens lateral deviation of contact wire position
issued on reduced tension force of wires
considering efficiency of tensioning devices
4 bv: limit of stability for lateral interaction between dmess tolerance of measurement, measuring errors
contact wire and pantograph refer to horizontal position of contact wire
5 dlstab: permissible lateral deviation of contact up lateral movement of contact wire caused by
wire from track centre for stability against forces from non-horizontal sections of
dewirement pantograph head
A limit of dewirement ∑TThref tolerances of track at the reference height
ephref sway of pantograph at reference height T1 = Tosc crosslevel difference selected for calculation
of oscillations caused by track irregularities

Si/a additional overthrow in curves T2 = Tvoie transverse displacement of the track between
two periods of maintenance
qsi/a quasi static effect T3 = TD track crosslevel difference between two
maintenance periods
∑TOCL tolerances occur at the overhead contact line T4 = Tcharge dissymmetry for poor load distribution
dinstl tolerance of static lateral position of contact wire T5 = Tsusp dissymmetry for poor suspension adjustment
dpole lateral deviation of contact wire position issued
on change of pole deflection under additional
load due to wind speed for serviceability in
nominal contact wire height

Figure D.1 — Visualization of limit of stability (1600 mm)


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

1 ephref + si/a + qsi/a: sum of random phenomena to be taken into account for the verification limit
2 b’h,OCL: width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead contact line at reference height
for interaction between contact wire and pantograph
3 bw: half-length of the pantograph head
4 bw,c: half-length of the pantograph head working length (equivalent to conducting length)
5 dlserv: permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from track centre line to meet the serviceability limit state
B serviceability limit
ephref sway of pantograph at reference height
Si/a additional overthrow in curves
qsi/a quasi static effect

Figure D.2 — Visualization of limit of serviceability (1600 mm)


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

1 ephref + si/a + qsi/a + ∑jcin : Sum of random dcant lateral deviation of contact wire position by
phenomena to be taken into account for the vertical uplift at tracks with cant
verification limit
2 b’h,mec: width of mechanical kinematic dsupp lateral deviation of contact wire position
pantograph gauge at reference height for issued on movement of cantilever for
interaction between contact wire and change wire temperature
3 bw: half-length of the pantograph head dtens lateral deviation of contact wire position
issued on reduced tension force of wires
considering efficiency of tensioning
4 bv: limit of stability for lateral interaction between dmess tolerance of measurement, measuring errors
contact wire and pantograph refer to horizontal position of contact wire
5 dlstab: permissible lateral deviation of contact up lateral movement of contact wire caused by
wire from track centre for stability against forces from non-horizontal sections of
dewirement pantograph head
A limit of dewirement ∑TThref tolerances of track at the reference height
ephref sway of pantograph at reference height T1 = Tosc cross level difference selected for calculation
of oscillations caused by track
Si/a additional overthrow in curves T2 = Tvoie transverse displacement of the track between
two periods of maintenance
qsi/a quasi static effect T3 = TD track cross level difference between two
maintenance periods
∑TOCL tolerances occur at the overhead contact line T4 = Tcharge dissymmetry for poor load distribution
dinstl tolerance of static lateral position of contact wire T5 = Tsusp dissymmetry for poor suspension adjustment
dpole lateral deviation of contact wire position issued
on change of pole deflection under additional
load due to wind speed for serviceability in
nominal contact wire height

Figure D.3 — Visualization of limit of stability (1950 mm)


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

1 ephref + si/a + qsi/a: sum of random phenomena to be taken into account for the verification limit
2 b’h,OCL: width of mechanical kinematic gauge for serviceability of overhead contact line at reference height for
interaction between contact wire and pantograph
3 bw: half-length of the pantograph head
4 bw,c: half-length of the pantograph head conducting length (with insulating horns) or working length (with conductive
5 dlserv: permissible lateral deviation of contact wire from track centre line to meet the serviceability limit state
B serviceability limit
ephref sway of pantograph at reference height
S/a additional overthrow in curves
qsi/a quasi static effect

Figure D.4 — Visualization of limit of serviceability (1950 mm)


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EN 50367:2020 (E)

Annex ZA

Relationship between this European standard and the essential

requirements of EU Directive 2016/797/EU [2016 OJ L138] aimed to be

This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request relating to
harmonized standards in the field of the Interoperability of the rail system within the European Union, M/483,
to provide one voluntary means of conforming to essential requirements of Directive 2016/797/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member
States relating to the interoperability of the rail system within the European Union [2016 OJ L138].
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive, compliance
with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZZ.1 for “Locomotives and Passenger Rolling
Stock”, Table ZZ.2 for “Energy”, confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a presumption of
conformity with the corresponding essential requirements of that Directive, and associated EFTA
Table ZZ.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard, the TSI “Locomotives and
Passenger Rolling Stock” (REGULATION (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014) and Directive
2016/797/EU [2016 OJ L138]
Essential Chapter / § / points / Clause(s) / sub- Remarks / Notes
of LOC & PAS TSI clause(s) of this EN
Requirements of
Directive 2016/797/EU
1. General Requirements 5.3 Pantograph The TSI includes
Requirements linked to pantograph characteristics references to the
1.5 Technical 5.3.10. Pantograph 6.3 Contact strips standard EN
compatibility 50367:2012: Pantograph 7 Interaction
2. Requirements performance
specific to each 8 Operational 7.2
subsystem requirements A.2, Figure A.6
2.2 Energy 9.1 General A.2, Figure A.7
2.2.3. Technical 9.3 Pantograph References in the TSI
compatibility clauses and in Appendix
A.2 Profiles for
2.4. Rolling stock interoperable J.1 should be updated
2.4.3. Technical pantograph head
compatibility A.3 Additional tests for
DC systems at standstill
(only requirements
related to pantograph)


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BS EN 50367:2020

EN 50367:2020 (E)

Table ZZ.2 — Correspondence between this European Standard, the TSI “Energy” (REGULATION
(EU) No 1301/2014 of 18 November 2014) and Directive 2016/797/EU [2016 OJ L138]

Essential Chapter / § / points / Clause(s) / sub- Remarks / Notes

Requirements of of ENE TSI clause(s) of this EN
Directive 2016/797/EU
1. General 4.2.5 Current capacity, 5.2 Overhead contact The TSI includes
Requirements. DC systems, trains at lines characteristics references to the
1.5 Technical standstill 6.2 Contact wire standard EN
compatibility Maximum lateral 50367:2012:
7.2 Static contact forces
2. Requirements deviation and current capacity Clause 4
specific to each 4.2.10 Pantograph 7.3 Dynamic behaviour 7.2
subsystem gauge and quality of current Table 4
2.2 Energy 4.2.11 Mean contact collection Table 6
2.2.3. Technical force 8.2.2 Design of Table 7
compatibility Appendix D overhead contact lines
9.1 General
9.2 Overhead contact
A.3 Additional tests for
DC systems at standstill References in the TSI
clauses and in Appendix
(only requirements
E should be updated
related to overhead
contact line)
1. General 4.2.15 Phase separation 4. Definition of D
Requirements. sections 5.2.7 Neutral sections
1.5 Technical 4.2.16 System A.1 Neutral sections
compatibility separation sections
2. Requirements
specific to each
2.2 Energy
2.2.1. Safety
2.2.3. Technical

WARNING 1 — Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European standard
is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this standard
should consult frequently the latest list published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

WARNING 2 — Other Union legislation may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this


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EN 50367:2020 (E)



December 2013 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network
and repealing Decision No 661/2010/EU

ERRI A 186, Reports - Interaction between pantograph and overhead contact lines

UIC 606-1 Consequences of the application of kinematic gauges defined by UIC leaflets in the 505 series
on the design of the contact lines

74 --``,,,,``,,,`,,`,,,`,`,,,`````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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