Unit I, II Os 1 14

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Syllabus: What is Operating System? History and Evolution of OS, Basic OS functions,
Resource Abstraction, Types of Operating Systems– Multiprogramming Systems, Batch
Systems, Time Sharing Systems; Operating Systems for Personal Computers, Workstations
and Hand-held Devices, Process Control & Real time Systems.

Definition OS

Operating System can be defined as an interface between user and the hardware. It provides an
environment to the user so that, the user can perform its task in convenient and efficient way.

History of the Operating System

 The operating system is a system program that serves as an interface between the
computing system and the end-user. Operating systems create an environment where the
user can run any programs or communicate with software or applications in a
comfortable and well-organized way.
 Furthermore, an operating is a software program that manages and controls the execution
of application programs, software resources and computer hardware.
 It also helps manage the software/hardware resource, such as file management, memory
management, input/ output and many peripheral devices like a disk drive, printers, etc.
 These are the popular operating system: Linux OS, Windows OS, Mac OS, VMS,
OS/400 etc.

Functions of Operation System

An operating system is a program that acts as a user-computer GUI (Graphical user interface).
It controls the execution of all types of applications.

The operating system performs the following functions in a device.

1. Instruction
2. Input/output Management
3. Memory Management
4. File Management
5. Processor Management
6. Job Priority
7. Special Control Program
8. Scheduling of resources and jobs
9. Security
10. Monitoring activities
11. Job accounting

Input/output Management:

 What output will come from the input given by the user, the operating system runs this
 This management involves coordinating various input and output devices.
 It assigns the functions of those devices where one or more applications are executed.

Memory Management:

 The operating system handles the responsibility of storing any data, system programs,
and user programs in memory.
 This function of the operating system is called memory management.

File Management:

 The operating system is helpful in making changes in the stored files and in replacing
 It also plays an important role in transferring various files to a device.

Processor Management:

 The processor is the execution of a program that accomplishes the specified work in that
 It can be defined as an execution unit where a program runs.

Job Priority:

 The work of job priority is creation and promotion.

 It determines what action should be done first in a computer system.

Special Control Program:

 The operating systems make automatic changes to the task through specific control
 These programs are called Special Control Program.
Scheduling of resources and jobs:

 The operating system prepares the list of tasks to be performed for the device of the
computer system.
 The operating system decides which device to use for which task.
 This action becomes complicated when multiple tasks are to be performed
simultaneously in a computer system.
 The scheduling programs of the operating system determine the order in which tasks are
 It performs these tasks based on the priority of performing the tasks given by the user.
 It makes the tasks available based on the priority of the device.


 Computer security is a very important aspect of any operating system.

 The reliability of an operating system is determined by how much better security it
provides us.
 Modern operating systems use a firewall for security.
 A firewall is a security system that monitors every activity happening in the computer
and blocks that activity in case of any threat.

Monitoring activities:

 The operating system takes care of the activities of the computer system during various
 This aborts the program if there are errors.
 The operating system sends instant messages to the user for any unexpected error in the
input/output device.
 It also provides security to the system when the operating system is used in systems
operated by multiple users. So that illegal users cannot get data from the system.

Job accounting: It keeps track of time & resources used by various jobs and users.

Types of Operating Systems

An operating system is a well-organized collection of programs that manages the computer

hardware. It is a type of system software that is responsible for the smooth functioning of the
computer system.
Batch Operating System

 In the 1970s, Batch processing was very popular. In this technique, similar types of jobs
were batched together and executed in time. People were used to having a single
computer which was called a mainframe.
 In Batch operating system, access is given to more than one person; they submit their
respective jobs to the system for the execution.
 The system put all of the jobs in a queue on the basis of first come first serve and then
executes the jobs one by one.
 The users collect their respective output when all the jobs get executed.
 The purpose of this operating system was mainly to transfer control from one job to
another as soon as the job was completed.
 It contained a small set of programs called the resident monitor that always resided in
one part of the main memory.
 The remaining part is used for servicing jobs.

Advantages of Batch OS
o The use of a resident monitor improves computer efficiency as it eliminates CPU time
between two jobs.
Disadvantages of Batch OS

1. Starvation

Batch processing suffers from starvation.

For Example:

There are five jobs J1, J2, J3, J4, and J5, present in the batch. If the execution time of J1 is very
high, then the other four jobs will never be executed, or they will have to wait for a very long
time. Hence the other processes get starved.

2. Not Interactive

Batch Processing is not suitable for jobs that are dependent on the user's input. If a job requires
the input of two numbers from the console, then it will never get it in the batch processing
scenario since the user is not present at the time of execution.

Multiprogramming Operating System

 Multiprogramming is an extension to batch processing where the CPU is always kept
 Each process needs two types of system time: CPU time and IO time.
 In a multiprogramming environment, when a process does its I/O, The CPU can start the
execution of other processes. Therefore, multiprogramming improves the efficiency of
the system.
Advantages of Multiprogramming OS
o Throughout the system, it increased as the CPU always had one program to execute.
o Response time can also be reduced.

Disadvantages of Multiprogramming OS
o Multiprogramming systems provide an environment in which various systems resources
are used efficiently, but they do not provide any user interaction with the computer

Multiprocessing Operating System

o In Multiprocessing, Parallel computing is achieved.

o There are more than one processors present in the system which can execute more than
one process at the same time. This will increase the throughput of the system.
o In Multiprocessing, Parallel computing is achieved. More than one processor present in
the system can execute more than one process simultaneously, which will increase the
throughput of the system.
Advantages of Multiprocessing operating system:

o Increased reliability: Due to the multiprocessing system, processing tasks can be

distributed among several processors. This increases reliability as if one processor fails,
the task can be given to another processor for completion.
o Increased throughout: As several processors increase, more work can be done in less.

Disadvantages of Multiprocessing operating System

o Multiprocessing operating system is more complex and sophisticated as it takes care of

multiple CPUs simultaneously.

Multitasking Operating System

o The multitasking operating system is a logical extension of a multiprogramming system
that enables multiple programs simultaneously.
o It allows a user to perform more than one computer task at the same time.

Advantages of Multitasking operating system

o This operating system is more suited to supporting multiple users simultaneously.
o The multitasking operating systems have well-defined memory management.
Disadvantages of Multitasking operating system
o The multiple processors are busier at the same time to complete any task in a
multitasking environment, so the CPU generates more heat.

Network Operating System

o An Operating system, which includes software and associated protocols to
communicate with other computers via a network conveniently and cost-effectively, is
called Network Operating System.

Advantages of Network Operating System

o In this type of operating system, network traffic reduces due to the division between
clients and the server.
o This type of system is less expensive to set up and maintain.

Disadvantages of Network Operating System

o In this type of operating system, the failure of any node in a system affects the whole
o Security and performance are important issues. So trained network administrators are
required for network administration.

Real Time Operating System

o In Real-Time Systems, each job carries a certain deadline within which the job is
supposed to be completed, otherwise, the huge loss will be there, or even if the result is
produced, it will be completely useless.
o The Application of a Real-Time system exists in the case of military applications, if you
want to drop a missile, then the missile is supposed to be dropped with a certain

Advantages of Real-time operating system:

o Easy to layout, develop and execute real-time applications under the real-time operating
o In a Real-time operating system, the maximum utilization of devices and systems.

Disadvantages of Real-time operating system:

o Real-time operating systems are very costly to develop.
o Real-time operating systems are very complex and can consume critical CPU cycles.

Time-Sharing Operating System

o In the Time Sharing operating system, computer resources are allocated in a time-
dependent fashion to several programs simultaneously.
o Thus it helps to provide a large number of user's direct access to the main computer.
o It is a logical extension of multiprogramming.
o In time-sharing, the CPU is switched among multiple programs given by different users
on a scheduled basis.
A time-sharing operating system allows many users to be served simultaneously, so
sophisticated CPU scheduling schemes and Input/output management are required.

o Time-sharing operating systems are very difficult and expensive to build.

Advantages of Time Sharing Operating System

o The time-sharing operating system provides effective utilization and sharing of
o This system reduces CPU idle and response time.

Disadvantages of Time Sharing Operating System

o Data transmission rates are very high in comparison to other methods.
o Security and integrity of user programs loaded in memory and data need to be maintained
as many users access the system at the same time.

Distributed Operating System

o The Distributed Operating system is not installed on a single machine, it is divided into
parts, and these parts are loaded on different machines.
o A part of the distributed Operating system is installed on each machine to make their
communication possible. Distributed Operating systems are much more complex, large,
and sophisticated than Network operating systems because they also have to take care of
varying networking protocols.
Advantages of Distributed Operating System

o The distributed operating system provides sharing of resources.

o This type of system is fault-tolerant.

Disadvantages of Distributed Operating System

o Protocol overhead can dominate computation cost.

Process Control & Real time Systems.

Real-Time operating system

A real-time operating system (RTOS) is a special-purpose operating system used in

computers that has strict time constraints for any job to be performed.

 It is employed mostly in those systems in which the results of the computations are used
to influence a process while it is executing. Whenever an event external to the computer
 it is communicated to the computer with the help of some sensor used to monitor the
 The sensor produces the signal that is interpreted by the operating system as an
 On receiving an interrupt, the operating system invokes a specific process or a set of
processes to serve the interrupt.
The various examples of Real-time operating systems are:

o Lynx
o VxWorks etc.

Applications of Real-time operating system (RTOS):

RTOS is used in real-time applications that must work within specific deadlines. Following are
the common areas of applications of Real-time operating systems are given below.

o Real-time running structures are used inside the Radar gadget.

o Real-time running structures are utilized in Missile guidance.
o Real-time running structures are utilized in on line inventory trading.
o Real-time running structures are used inside the cell phone switching gadget.
o Real-time running structures are utilized by Air site visitors to manipulate structures.
o Real-time running structures are used in Medical Imaging Systems.
o Real-time running structures are used inside the Fuel injection gadget.
o Real-time running structures are used inside the Traffic manipulate gadget.
o Real-time running structures are utilized in Autopilot travel simulators.

Types of Real-time operating system

Following are the three types of RTOS systems are:

1)Hard Real-Time operating system:

In Hard RTOS, all critical tasks must be completed within the specified time duration, i.e.,
within the given deadline. Not meeting the deadline would result in critical failures such as
damage to equipment or even loss of human life.

For Example,

Let's take an example of airbags provided by carmakers along with a handle in the driver's seat.
When the driver applies brakes at a particular instance, the airbags grow and prevent the
driver's head from hitting the handle. Had there been some delay even of milliseconds, then it
would have resulted in an accident.

Similarly, consider an on-stock trading software. If someone wants to sell a particular share, the
system must ensure that command is performed within a given critical time. Otherwise, if the
market falls abruptly, it may cause a huge loss to the trader.

2)Soft Real-Time operating system:

Soft RTOS accepts a few delays via the means of the Operating system. In this kind of RTOS,
there may be a closing date assigned for a particular job, but a delay for a small amount of time
is acceptable. So, cut off dates are treated softly via means of this kind of RTOS.

For Example,

This type of system is used in Online Transaction systems and Livestock price quotation

3)Firm Real-Time operating system:

In Firm RTOS additionally want to observe the deadlines. However, lacking a closing date
might not have a massive effect, however may want to purposely undesired effects, like a
massive discount within the fine of a product.

For Example, this system is used in various forms of Multimedia applications.

Advantages of Real-time operating system:

The benefits of real-time operating system are as follows-:

o Easy to layout, develop and execute real-time applications under the real-time operating
o The real-time working structures are extra compact, so those structures require much less
memory space.
o In a Real-time operating system, the maximum utilization of devices and systems.
o Focus on running applications and less importance to applications that are in the queue.
o Since the size of programs is small, RTOS can also be embedded systems like in
transport and others.
o These types of systems are error-free.
o Memory allocation is best managed in these types of systems.

Disadvantages of Real-time operating system:

The disadvantages of real-time operating systems are as follows-

o Real-time operating systems have complicated layout principles and are very costly to
o Real-time operating systems are very complex and can consume critical CPU cycles.

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