Cultural and Creative Industries of Local Autonomy

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Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 125-151, January 2024

Cultural and Creative Industries of Local Autonomy:

Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Abstract In order to explore the relationship between local

autonomous cultural and creative industries and economic and
cultural upgrading, this paper uses a questionnaire survey to conduct
practical investigation and analysis, and discusses the relationship
between the following aspects. Local self-government, The results
show that local autonomous cultural creativity can promote economic
growth and improve cultural level, and there is a certain correlation
between economic growth and cultural upgrading, but the correlation
is poor, indicating that the impact of economic growth on cultural
upgrading is indirect, and cultural upgrading and economic growth
are the main factors for the development of local autonomous cultural
and creative industries. Local autonomy is the main influencing factor
of economic growth and cultural upgrading, and it is also a
combination factor for the development of cultural and creative
industries. Therefore, strengthening local autonomy, promoting
economic growth, and cultural upgrading can promote the
development of cultural and creative industries.

Keywords: • local autonomy • cultural creativity • industry • smart

city • cultural innovation • cultural upgrading

CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Qiaoran Jia, Ph.D., Macao Polytechnic University, Faculty of

Humanities and Social Sciences, Macau 999078, China, e-mail: [email protected]. Ding Li,
Ph.D., Glasgow University, School of Social & Political Sciences, Glasgow, G12 8QQ,
England, e-mail: [email protected]. Zhong Wang, Professor, City University of Macau,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Macau 999078, China, e-mail: [email protected].
Tao Zhang, Associate professor, Macao Polytechnic University, Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences, Macau 999078, China, e-mail: [email protected]. Shiru Li, Ph.D., City
University of Macau, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Macau 999078, China, e-
mail: [email protected] (corresponding author).
ISSN 1581-5374 Print/1855-363X Online © 2024 Lex localis
Available online at
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

1 Introduction

Nowadays, the cultural and creative industry has become an essential driving force
for economic development, and its degree of development has become an important
indicator to measure the overall strength of a country or region. The cultural and
creative industries are playing an increasingly important role in today's world
economy, especially the rapid development of the digital economy, which has
promoted the transformation of the economic structure, the renewal of the industrial
model, and the expansion of cultural consumption. The cultural and creative
industries have gradually become pillar industries in the world. UNCTAD and other
agencies have repeatedly emphasized in their reports that cultural and creative
industries can stimulate innovation and promote inclusive and sustainable growth.
The cultural and creative industry relies on integrating digital technology and digital
industry, and the digital creative industry came into being, which integrates culture
and digital technology. As a relatively emerging industry, it has gradually become
a new cultural innovation pole and promoted industrial upgrading. In the future, big
data such as communication, logistics, 5G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain
technology will have a fundamental impact on the entire cultural and creative
industry, promote the development of the service industry, such as cultural
creativity, design services, etc., accelerate the deep integration with the real
economy, help become a new growth point of China's economic development,
enhance China's cultural soft power and industrial competitiveness, promote new
business forms, promote the innovation of products and services, expand
employment, and improve people's livelihood. As an emerging and new growth
pole, the cultural and creative industry is worth exploring and studying, and its
cultural and creative content plays an increasingly important role in the country's
competitiveness. Studying the role of the cultural and creative industry on cultural
innovation and analyzing its impact path will help to enhance the impact of the
cultural and creative industry on cultural innovation in the future, cultural
inheritance, industrial transformation, and transformation of residents' consumption
structure and other aspects have a place, which is enough to see that the
development of cultural and creative industries is getting better and more robust.
Thirdly, the role of cultural and creative industries in promoting cultural innovation
is theoretically valid, and it is also necessary to prove it empirically, identify
problems, and propose corresponding countermeasures. These aspects of research
contribute to a better understanding and development of cultural and creative
industries. Finally, combining digital technology in the cultural and creative
industries is conducive to industrial transformation and upgrading, and focusing on
creative content is conducive to industrial value-added.

At present, there is a problem of insufficient policy and theoretical intervention in

the creative development of the cultural industry by local governments, and the
creative industry needs to have good economic strength and a perfect upgrading
system as a guarantee that the creative and cultural industry can be Personnel quality
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

upgraded and optimized, depending on the development level of the local economy
and the cultural industry environment, so in-depth research on the creative
development content of the industry and the improvement of the development level
of the industry is the main task that the local government should complete at present,
for the development of cultural creativity in the research, it is mainly at the
theoretical level, and there is a lack of research research on the relevant practical
guidance program, so it is necessary to put forward more practical cases to improve
and optimize the fundamental conditions for the development of the creative
industry. Therefore, local governments should play a leading role in the
development of the creative industry, and use practical cases and practical actions
to promote the development of the cultural industry. On this basis, this paper
optimizes and analyzes the development of cultural and creative industries, and
proposes targeted measures and systems, first collects the influencing factors of
creative and cultural industries, and constructs questionnaires on the development
of creative cultural industries, economic development and cultural upgrading in
combination with relevant domestic contents, and then conducts data investigation,
analysis and utilization SPSS17.0 software conducts statistical analysis and research
and finds out the factors influencing the creative industry, and proposes theoretical
measures and systems for the corresponding factors, this paper mainly achieves two
objectives: on the one hand, to find out the problems existing in the development of
local creative and cultural industries through actual case investigation and put
forward effective measures, and on the other hand, to provide case knowledge and
theoretical reference for relevant domestic research.

2 Literature review

In the new era, China attaches more and more importance to the development of
cultural and creative industries, and both unilateral industrial GDP and industrial
parks are constantly improving, but at the same time, there are problems such as
imbalance. In addition, China's proposal for high-quality economic development
has Personnel quality judged the degree of economic development, and there are
some problems in cultural innovation simultaneously. The trend change between
the two also reflects to some extent that there may be a positive interaction between
the two.

2.1 The scale of cultural and creative industries continues to expand

In order to have a more intuitive understanding of the development of China's

cultural and creative industries, this paper draws a trend map of cultural and creative
industries from 2004 to 2020. From Figure 1, it can be seen that the scale of China's
cultural and creative industries continues to expand, and its added value in GDP
accounted for an increase year by year from 2014 to 2019, and the proportion
decreased slightly due to the particular reasons of the epidemic in 2020. The
contribution rate of cultural and creative industries to GDP (increase in the added
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

value of cultural and creative industries/increase in GDP) shows a fluctuating

situation, especially in 2012 and 2013, where the contribution rate was high, but the
overall trend is upward. Since 2005, the contribution rate of cultural and creative
industries to GDP has been 3.19%, 5.37% in 2019, and the contribution rate in 2012
reached 9.07% in 2005-2019. Judging from the practice of countries worldwide, as
long as the industry's added value accounts for more than 5% of GDP, then the
industry can develop advantageous industries. Since 2012, the contribution rate of
the cultural and creative industries has been above 5%, which indicates that the
cultural and creative industries have the conditions to develop into a leading
industry in the future, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Trends of cultural and creative industries in China from 2004 to 2020







Added value of cultural Proportion of GDP of Contribution rate of
and creative industries Cultural Creative cultural creativity (%)
(100 million yuan) Exhibition (%)

2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

Source: 2020 Statistical yearbook of China's culture and related industries and EPS database.
Note: Data from online surveys.

To sum up, the development of cultural and creative industries in China is good, has
great potential, and can become a new cultural innovation point, especially in
today's society, where more attention is paid to cultural self-confidence, and the
development of cultural and creative industries is more worthy of attention. The
cultural and creative industries continue to gathe. China began to build cultural and
creative industrial parks in the 90s of the 20th century, and by the end of 2002, only
48 parks had been built. From 2005 to the present, China's cultural and creative
parks have developed rapidly and expanded in scale, showing that the country has
paid great attention to development and has formed a certain market
competitiveness and agglomeration in the short term. Statistics show that from 2015
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

to 2018, China's cultural and creative industry parks have grown steadily and
continued to develop, with the number of parks increasing from 2,506 to 2,599,
including more than 350 state-level base parks (Hickey-Moody et al., 2022).

Regarding China's regional layout, China's cultural and creative industry parks have
significant regional agglomeration. Currently, China has formed six major
industrial clusters, including the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Rim, the Pearl
River Delta, the Yunnan Sea, Sichuan and Shaanxi, and the central part of the
country—the unbalanced development of industrial regions (Jamal & Lavie, 2023).
According to Figure 2, divide the country into three regions, namely, 11 in the
eastern region, 8 in the central region (Kinga et al., 2023), and 12 in the western
region. According to the available data for the last five years, the regional
development of cultural and creative industries is still unbalanced in the eastern,
central, and western regions.

Regarding the cultural and creative industries, the eastern region is the best
developed, while the western region is the worst (Li et al., 2022). Because this figure
covers the sum of the added value of the regional cultural and creative industries,
which is not so objective, it is worth taking both the sum to Figure 2, which is more
objective and transparent about the development of the cultural and creative
industries (N. Liu & Zhang, 2022). At the same time, due to special reasons in 2020,
taking the data of 2019 as an example, the top five provinces and cities in terms of
added value of cultural and creative industries are Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang,
Beijing, and Shandong, with Guangdong being particularly prominent, with an
added value of 622.7 billion yuan, which is more than 100 times that of Qinghai,
which has the most negligible added value of cultural and creative industries. Most
of the development of cultural and creative industries is accompanied by the
development of provincial and municipal economies, and the economies of
provinces and cities with good cultural and creative industries generally rank high.
At the same time, the economic development of provinces and cities with relatively
backward cultural and creative industries is also poor. From this point, government
can briefly infer that the cultural and creative industries have a particular impact on
economic development, as shown in Figure 2.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Figure 2: Added value of cultural and creative industries by region, 2015-2020


Value added (in billions)



20000 Western region

15000 Central region

Eastern region


2015 2018 2020 2022
Time (year)

Source: Based on the 2015-2021 statistical yearbook of China's culture and related industries.

As shown in Figure 2, it can be found that the difference in the added value of
cultural and creative industries in each region is still relatively noticeable, with the
eastern region developing the best, the central region developing second, and the
western region developing the worst (S. Liu et al., 2023). The eastern region
contains more provinces and cities, so the method of means to compare the data of
each region can relatively more intuitively reflect the industrial development, on the
whole, the average value of cultural and creative industries in the eastern region is
the largest, reflecting that the industrial development of the eastern region is very
good, the average value of the central region is less than half of that of the eastern
region, reflecting that the development of cultural and creative industries in the
central region needs to be strengthened, and the average value of the western region
is the smallest, which is less than that of the eastern region 4 times, it can be seen
that the development of cultural and creative industries in the eastern region is
currently the best, and it can also be found that most of the cultural and creative
industry parks are concentrated in the eastern region from the degree of industrial
agglomeration, so the industrial development in the eastern region has a spillover
effect and scale effect, and the development of the central region and the western
region needs to be strengthened, as shown in Figure 3.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Figure 3: Average value-added of cultural and creative industries in different

regions from 2015 to 2020


Value added (in billions)


15000 Western region

Central region
Eastern region


2015 2018 2020 2022
Time (year)

Source: Based on the 2015-2021 statistical yearbook of China's culture and related industries.

The domestic literature was synthesized to obtain a summary table of the overall
changes, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Comparison of the similarities and differences between the promotion

model and the commendation model

GDP as a
Average value Average GDP Contributio
Time Value percentage of the
added percentage n rate
2004 rise rise rise rise rise
2006 rise rise Flat rise decline
2008 rise rise Flat rise rise
2010 rise rise Flat rise decline
2012 rise rise rise rise rise
2014 rise rise rise rise decline
2016 Flat rise Flat rise rise
2018 Flat rise Flat rise decline
2020 Flat rise Flat rise decline
2022 rise decline Flat decline decline
Source: Literature and Internet surveys.

There are data changes in Table 1, and the results show that the contribution rate of
the cultural innovation industry shows fluctuating changes, and the proportion of
the cultural innovation industry in GDP shows an upward change, which shows that
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

the cultural innovation industry has a greater impact on the economy, and its own
added value shows an upward trend, indicating that the cultural innovation industry
has great development potential and has a certain impact on the local economy.
From the above analysis, it can be seen that the cultural innovation industry is a hot
spot in current research, and it has high research value for the development of the
local economy, and the influencing factors of the cultural innovation industry are
not clear, resulting in fluctuations in its contribution rate.

2.2 Current status of local cultural innovation

This article discusses cultural innovation, which is not destined to be a single level
and high-quality development is multi-dimensional. From 2004 to 2020, local
cultural innovation showed a yearly increase, mainly from the continuous
strengthening of China's economy, the shift of the development concept to
sustainable development, and the focus on high-quality cultural innovation rather
than simple quantitative growth. In terms of comparative scores, in 2004, China's
cultural innovation score was 0.899; in 2005, it exceeded 1, gradually increasing
over time, and by 2020, China's cultural innovation score had reached 11.042,
indicating that the national economy is growing well. In the process of economic
development, China's economy has achieved high-quality growth, which shows that
China pays attention to both the quality of economic development and the growth
of economic aggregate (Ma, 2022). should actively readjust the imbalance in the
economic structure, continuously improve the utilization rate of resources and the
environment, and ensure that cultural innovation benefits the broad masses. First,
analyze from the perspective of innovation. From 2004 to 2020, China's investment
and output in innovation are on the rise, which shows that China is paying more and
more attention to innovation, and in 2020, China's R&D expenditure was 2,439.31
billion yuan, a growth rate of more than 50% compared with the 1,416.99 billion
yuan invested in 2015, which is enough to show that China is paying more and more
attention to innovation. In terms of output, 3,839,000 patent applications were
granted in China in 2020, double the number of 1,718,192 patent applications
granted in 2015, indicating that China's innovation ability has improved, and the
improvement of innovation ability shows that China has grown in terms of
economic quality (Navarra, 2022).

Second, from the perspective of coordination. From 2015 to 2020, the ratio of
urban-rural consumption in China decreased yearly, indicating that the gap between
urban and rural areas has narrowed, and the coordinated development of urban and
rural areas is relatively good. From 2015 to 2019, the rationalization index of
China's industrial structure increased year by year, indicating that the tertiary
industry has driven cultural innovation and the industrial structure has been
gradually optimized, especially in 2015-2016 and 2018-2019, the level of industrial
structure optimization is relatively high. According to the comparison of the
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

development of the two indicators, China's cultural innovation has developed well
in coordination.

Third, analyze from a Sustainability perspective. China's sustainable development

is relatively good, focusing on Sustainability and sustainable development, so it has
reduced the amount of chemical fertilizer application and promoted the sustainable
development of agriculture. Environmental issues are also considered in the
industry, and industrial sulfur dioxide emissions are reduced yearly, reducing
environmental pollution and creating a fresh environmental atmosphere (Pulignano
et al., 2023). Fertilizer application in 2019 decreased by more than half compared
with 2015, especially in 2017-2019. The reduction in fertilizer application was more
apparent, and the decline in industrial sulfur dioxide emissions was pronounced in
2015-2016. According to the comparison of the development of the two indicators,
the high-quality development of China's economy has developed well in terms of

Fourth, analyze from the perspective of openness. Analyzing the dependence on

foreign trade in 2015, the GDP of that year was 68.9 trillion yuan, and the total
import and export trade was 24.55 trillion yuan, so the dependence on foreign trade
was 35.63%, and the dependence on foreign trade in 2020 was 31.60%, China's
dependence on foreign trade is declining, and the impact of its economic
development on China's domestic demand is also increasing. China is now more
widely and deeply integrated into the world, which also means that the impact of
foreign regional economic fluctuations will be less and less, but it also means that
the level of opening up to the outside world should continue to expand (Snowball
& Gouws, 2023). Fifth, analyze from the perspective of sharing. From the cultural
level, can find that the per capita cultural expenditure is increasing yearly, which
means that the country's investment in culture is increasing, and the intensity of
shared culture is increasing. In addition, the number of health institutions indicates
the average number of health technicians in each health institution, and the larger
the number of health institutions, the better China is doing in sharing health,
reflecting the excellent development of China's cultural innovation in sharing (Tena
et al., 2023).

2.3 The current situation of local cultural and creative industries on

cultural innovation

The current status of cultural and creative industries for cultural innovation.
According to the data of national cultural and creative industries and cultural
innovation, it can be seen that the trend of change of the two is the same, as shown
in Figure 4, which shows the trend of change of the two, implying a positive
correlation (Yue, 2022). From 2004 to 2020, the cultural and creative industries
showed an upward trend, the cultural innovation index also increased yearly, and
the growth trend was almost the same. In the first half of 2021, 16 sub-categories of
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

new cultural formats, such as radio and television integrated broadcast control,
Internet search services, and digital publishing, achieved operating income of RMB
1,820.4 billion, an increase of 32.9% over the same period of the previous year, an
increase of 57.1% over the first half of 2019, and an average growth of 25.3% over
two years. Scientific and technological innovation and cultural creativity are
essential in promoting China's economic transformation and upgrading and
improving people's living standards (Zhao et al., 2023).

Figure 4: The current situation of the national cultural and creative industries for
high-quality economic development from 2004 to 2020

Value added (in billions)

50000 High-quality economic
40000 development
30000 Added value of cultural
20000 and creative industries


Time (year)

Data source: Calculated and compiled according to the 2019-2021 statistical yearbook of
China's culture and related industries and indicators.

To sum up, it can be seen that the development of cultural and creative industries
and high-quality economic development have shown a relatively apparent upward
trend, and the development is getting better year by year. The cultural and creative
industry has the characteristics of continuous expansion of industrial scale,
continuous agglomeration of industrial development, and unbalanced development
of industrial regions. High-quality economic development is characterized by good
overall development and unbalanced regional development. Overall, the
development trend of cultural and creative industries and high-quality economic
development is the same, and there is a specific positive relationship, which to a
certain extent, shows that cultural and creative industries promote high-quality
economic development. Based on the above analysis, this paper constructs a
research hypothesis, which is shown in Table 2.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Table 2: Hypotheses and indicators involved

Hypothetical content Metrics are involved

1. Whether local autonomy, economic growth
Cultural innovation, policy support,
and cultural upgrading can promote the
departmental coordination, and comprehensive
development of cultural entrepreneurship
2. Economic growth is positively correlated with
Urban-rural coordination, industrial
cultural and creative industries, which play a
coordination, and sustainable development
promoting role
3. Cultural upgrading is a constraint and
Facility conditions, personnel quality, cultural
promotion for the cultural entrepreneurship

3 An empirical analysis of the impact of local cultural and creative

industries on cultural innovation

3.1 Construction of cultural innovation index system

Cultural innovation is not destined to be a single level, and high-quality

development is multi-dimensional adopting a systematic approach and integrating
the indicators of each dimension can reflect the actual economic development
situation to the greatest extent. Referring to the "Cultural development Concept"
proposed by the state, this paper constructs an evaluation index system from the five
development dimensions of innovation, coordination, Sustainability, cultural
content, and sharing and personnel quality to analyze the current cultural innovation
situation. The construction of an indicator system. Based on combing the relevant
literature, this paper takes the first-level indicators of the five aspects of the new
economic development concept, selects the second-level indicators according to
their respective analysis criteria, and calculates the cultural innovation score
through principal component analysis, this is shown in Table 3.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Table 3: Research index of cultural innovation

Survey indicators Secondary indicators Metric attributes
Engel's coefficient of urban
Innovation policy
Hypothesis Per capita consumption
Innovation Personnel
1 expenditure of urban residents
Application rate of
Tertiary Industry Value Added
innovative technology
Proportion of cultural
Cultural GDP
Hypothesis Sustainable consumption
2 development Total value of cultural
Added value of innovation
Cultural innovation
Cultural condition Infrastructure
Hypothesis consciousness
3 Culture and technology Health Technician
Personnel quality Cultural Funding

According to the relevant literature at home and abroad, the index screening and
analysis are carried out as follows:

Hypothesis 1: Whether local autonomy, economic growth and cultural upgrading

can promote the development of cultural entrepreneurship industry. This paper
selects the index data suitable for innovation from three perspectives: innovation
policy, innovation personnel and innovation technology application rate. The
content innovation side includes two parts: policy and technology, which are
represented by innovation encouragement policies and cultural innovators. With the
continuous improvement of cultural innovation, the role of unbalanced and
incomplete development on the policy on cultural innovation has become
increasingly obvious, encouraging policies have gradually become the main line of
development, and the development of cultural content and form has received more
and more attention.

Hypothesis 2: Economic growth is positively correlated with cultural and creative

industries, which plays a catalytic role. Based on the relevant research literature,
this paper measures hypothesis 2 from two dimensions: cultural proportion and
innovation added value. The continuous optimization of the cultural structure and
the continuous improvement of the level of cultural innovation are conducive to
optimizing China's cultural structure and increasing the added value of culture.

Hypothesis 3: Cultural upgrading is a constraint and promotion for the cultural

entrepreneurship industry. Cultural upgrading is the shared development of culture,
and the realization of common development is not only the improvement of the
construction of cultural and technological facilities, but also the improvement of
personnel quality, and the ultimate goal of promoting more cultural innovation.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

3.2 Research Subjects

In this paper, a total of 300 questionnaires were distributed with reference to

relevant domestic references, questionnaires and data indicators were constructed,
and the questionnaire recovery rate was 98%. Among them, 2 questionnaires were
missing and 4 questionnaires were unreasonable. The questionnaire is distributed to
government agencies, communities, cultural bureaus, and public institutions such
as cultural theatres. The content of the whole questionnaire was fed back by experts,
which met the requirements of the survey, and the validity and reliability were high,
as shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Reliability and validity of the questionnaire

The number of KMO

sampling appropriateness
Bartlett sphericity test Approximate chi-square 91.53
Degree of freedom 0.68
Distinctiveness 0.001

Analysis of results, the sphericity test and Bartlett test of KMO are prerequisites for
principal component analysis of data. KMO reflects simple and partial correlation
between variables, with coefficients ranging from 0 to 1. The higher the KMO
value, the better the application of principal component analysis, but it is generally
considered that principal component analysis with a KMO value below 0.5 is more
challenging. The factor analysis function of econometric software was used to
calculate the economic growth index of each province and city from 2015 to 2020.
Firstly, the KMO and Bartlett tests were performed on the data, and the results are
shown in Table 4, and the results showed that the KMO test value of the national
data was 0.7670, and the approximate chi-square of Bartlett test was 2791.5310.
The probability of significance of the chi-square statistic is 0.0001, indicating that
there is a specific correlation between the data, which is suitable for principal
component analysis.

3.3 Classification of research variables

For the above contents, the research variables are divided into two types: core
variables and control variables, and the specific results are as follows: 1) Core
explanatory variables: Objective indicators such as innovation policy, proportion of
cultural consumption, innovation added value, infrastructure, and application rate
of innovative technology. The connotation of government policies and the added
value of related industries and the added value of cultural and creative industries are
highly overlapping, so this indicator is used for measurement. Based on the value-
added data published by the cultural and creative industries from 2015 to 2020, the
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

index data were investigated and analyzed; 2) Control variables: After analyzing the
various factors affecting the growth of the cultural innovation industry, the
following main control variables are selected to establish a more reasonable model.
The higher the degree of government policy's participation in cultural industry
innovation, the greater the control over the operation of the cultural market. Under
appropriate circumstances and through appropriate interventions, the problem of
cultural innovation failure can be effectively solved, so as to promote the high-
quality development of the cultural industry. However, if the government's
regulation of the cultural industry goes beyond a certain scope, it will have a specific
impact on the cultural market, thereby undermining the sustainability of the
development of the cultural industry. Therefore, the degree of government policy is
not clear about the direction of the development of high-quality cultural industries.
The level of personnel quality (labor), expressed in terms of the average number of
years of literacy attainment rate of the population, reflects the state of the cultural
industry in the region and is part of the impact on the cultural industry. Through the
analysis and grasp of the impact of cultural and creative industries on economic
growth, the basic ideas of empirical evidence are obtained. In this chapter, a
mediating effect model corresponding to the three hypotheses of the theoretical
mechanism will be constructed, an empirical analysis will be performed from the
perspective of the whole sample and subsamples, and the results obtained will be
analyzed to understand and analyze the causes.

3.4 Data analysis of questionnaires

The results of the data analysis of the questionnaire are shown in Table 5.

Table 5: Analysis of survey data

Variable type Secondary indicators Average score

Innovation policy 4.15
personnel 3.89
Application rate of innovative technology 4.23
Core explanatory variable
Proportion of cultural consumption 4.68
Added value of innovation 4.85
Infrastructure 4.36
Culture and technology 4.10
Control variable
Personnel quality 4.33

From the data in Table 5, it can be seen that the mean score of the survey results is
good, between 3.89~4.68, and the normal distribution of each value and the
difference between groups are small, so subsequent data analysis can be carried out.
The principal component analysis method was used to decompose the total variance
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

of the 8 index data, and the results showed that the cumulative percentage of
variance interpretation of the first 4 factors with the first 4 eigenvalues greater than
1 in the correlation matrix was 83.48%, so 3 common factors, namely Y1, Y2 and
Y3, were selected. Among them, the 3 common factors represent the 3 hypothesis
contents. Common factor 1, common factor 2, common factor 3 are calculated
according to the previous process, and the result is shown in Equation 1.

 0.506 0.221 0.116 0.098 0.202 

  (1)
 0.504 0.284 0.118 0.752 0.323 
 0.509 0.265 0.108 0.533 0.302 
 

According to the regression equation of the comprehensive score of cultural

innovation of each survey object, as shown in Formula 2.

 Y1  0.506  0.221x1  0.116 x2  0.098 x3  f1 x4  0.202

 (2)
Y2  0.504  0.284 x1  0.118 x2  0.752 x3  f3 x4  0.323
 Y  0.509  0.265 x  0.108 x  0.533 x  f x  0.302
 3 1 2 3 3 4

3.5 Analysis of empirical results

From the perspective of government policy, economic development and cultural

upgrading, this paper discusses the development of cultural entrepreneurship
industry, as shown in Table 6.

Table 6: Statistical description of survey data

Average Standard
Index Remark Observations Minimum Maximum
number deviation
Tissues Innovation policy 300 1.02 0.39 0.06 2.01
In Personnel 300 6.43 1.4 3.27 8.85
Application rate
Incia of innovative 300 0.83 0.23 0.48 2.11
Proportion of
Incre cultural 300 8.62 1.74 2.77 12.06
Added value of
Digi 300 0.23 0.22 0.12 1.33
Road Infrastructure 300 0.96 0.55 0.06 2.14
Culture and
Increa 300 9.22 1.13 5.06 12.68

The stationarity test. Before conducting empirical research, it is necessary to verify

the stability of each factor to ensure that all factors can be used in the empirical
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

analysis. Since the length of the time series in this paper is less than the unit length
of the cross-section, which belongs to the short panel data, when testing the
stationarity of the variables, mainly refer to Chen Qiang's unit root test method for
the short panel data, and choose the HT test and the IPS test, as shown in Table 7,
the P value of each variable is 0.0001, which means that they are stationary.

Table 7: Unit root test

Variable HT test IPS inspection Smoothness

-25.28 -8.02 smooth
0.00 0.00
-17.21 -5.78 smooth
0.00 0.00
-23.10 -9.27 smooth
0.00 0.00
-18.79 -6.39 smooth
0.00 0.00
-15.14 -6.02 smooth
0.00 0.00
-15.25 -5.81 smooth
0.00 0.00
-22.01 -7.63 smooth
0.00 0.00

The analysis of mediating effects. The regression results are shown in Table 7 as
shown in Eq. (1)–(5). In general, according to the three-step method of mediating
effect analysis, the reference model of equation (1) is first estimated, and the α value
is 0.2216, which indicates that the cultural and creative industries have a positive
impact on cultural innovation, which can be further verified. The second step is to
regress equation (2), and the regression results show that the factors in columns (2)
and (4) have obvious positive directions, which indicates that the cultural and
creative industries have indeed promoted the development of technological
channels and the innovation of creative content to a certain extent. The third step is
to control for the intermediate variables and then perform regression. Eq. (3) and (5)
are both positive at the 1% level and are smaller than the α in Eq. (1), which
indicates that the cultural and creative industries can have a positive effect on
cultural innovation through technical channels and creative content, and verify that
technical channels and creative content play a partial mediating role between
cultural and creative industries and cultural innovation, as shown in Table 8.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Table 8: Results of mediating effect regression

Technology channels Creative content

Tissues Increa Tissues Digi Lndeve
0.221c 0.062c 0.196c 0.777c 0.195c
(0.02) (0.01) (0.02) (0.05) (0.02)
0.488c 0.561c 0.12 -3.220c 0.002c
(0.02) (0.07) (0.02) (0.26) (0.11)
0.086c -0.0500b 0.1107c 0.3152c 0.0482*
(0.03) (0.02) 0.03 (0.02) (0.03)
0.153c 0.167c 0.062c 0.143c 0.183c
(0.01) (0.01) (0.02) (0.04) (0.01)
Gov 0.441c One (0.02)
Increa 0.172c (0.02)
-1.284c -1.154c -1.421c 5.5556b -2.621c
(0.17) (0.14) (0.12) (0.52) (0.21)
N 300 300 300 300 300
R2 20.86 20.64 20.88 20.23 20.28
F 69.22 77.11 47.72 10.57 57.66
P-value 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Note: A for P < 0.10, B for P < 0.05, C for P < 0.01, and standard errors in parentheses.

Firstly, the test results of the mediation effect of technology channels are analyzed.
In column (2) of the table, the LNCIA coefficient is significantly positive, indicating
that the cultural and creative industries can significantly improve the development
of technology channels, promoting the development of the digital economy. As a
relatively new and gradually valued industry, the cultural and creative industry is
increasingly influencing the development of other industries, especially the digital
economy, with technology channels as the development direction. The cultural and
creative industry has given birth to technology channels, so that the upgrading of
the digital industry has been optimized to promote the spread and development of
various industries, thereby promoting the high-quality development of the economy.
Column (3) shows that the coefficient of the mediator variable is 0.4401 and that
the coefficient is 1%. The significance test has passed the level, indicating that there
is an intermediary role between the cultural and creative industry and cultural
innovation, that is, the development of the cultural and creative industry can bring
about the renewal of technical channels, and at the same time give birth to new
technologies, which can optimize the employment structure, increase the demand
for high-quality talents, bring high-quality talents together, and form a scale effect,
at the same time, the production factors such as knowledge and technology will not
be constrained by time and space, and can circulate freely between different regions,
to improve the efficiency of the use of technical resources, thereby promoting the
sharing of resources and promoting the high-quality development of the economy.
Thirdly, the mediating role of creative content is explained. Theoretically speaking,
the development of cultural and creative industries is accompanied by creative
content development. Cultural and creative industries have the characteristics of
high added value, industrial added value makes the development angle of each
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

enterprise expand, and the development of goods is easy to cultural content the
brand effect, and then make enterprises generate higher profits, drive cultural
innovation, drive employment, and promote cultural innovation. The results in
column (4) show that the LNCIA coefficient is significantly positive, indicating that
the cultural and creative industries can significantly improve creative content
development, promoting high-quality economic development. The results of
column (5) show that the coefficient of the intermediary variable is 0.1272. It passes
the significance test at the level of 1%, indicating that there is a mediating role
between creative content and cultural innovation in the cultural and creative
industries. That is, the cultural and creative industries can bring about the increase
of industrial added value, improve the level of product value, optimize the
consumption structure, affect the demand to move towards high quality, optimize
industrial upgrading, promote cultural innovation, promote employment, and then
promote cultural innovation. Therefore, the cultural and creative industries have
effectively driven cultural innovation by developing creative content.Finally, the
regression results of the control variables were analyzed. First, the coefficients of
government intervention are primarily positive, which indicates to a certain extent
that government intervention may promote cultural innovation. The reason may be
that when the government has a higher degree of intervention in the economy, it
also has a more vital ability to control the operation of the market, and there is a
particularly positive relationship between the two. Effective alleviation of market
failures can be achieved through government intervention in the market economy
within a reasonable range, which can impact local cultural innovation. Secondly,
the analysis of the average highway mileage, the coefficient is also significantly
positive at the 1% level (Faraone, 2022), indicating that the average highway
mileage, that is, convenient transportation promotes the high-quality development
of the economy, which may be due to the convenient transportation, which can
significantly promote the free circulation of production factors, so that the factors
of production can be fully released, thereby promoting the high-quality
development of the economy, and partly due to the fast flow of talents and the wide
range of talents due to transportation. Finally, the level of human capital is analyzed
(Lee et al., 2022). The coefficient is also significantly positive at the 1% level,
indicating that the level of human capital, that is, talent, promotes the high-quality
development of the economy, because the level of human capital is a positive
indicator, that is to say, talent has played a role in promoting cultural innovation.
The role of talent dividend in that industry is positive because only talent can bring
out the production factors such as creativity and technology. The Sobel test was
further performed on this paper, as shown in Table 9.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Table 9: Sobel test results

Technology channels Creative content

Sobelz 3.32 (0.001) 4.32 (0.001)
Proportion of mediating
0.21 0.32

The results of the Sobel test are reported, and it can be seen that each effect passes
the significance test at the 1% level, indicating that the mediating effect of the
technology channel effect and the creative content effect is indeed significant.
Among them, the intermediary ratio of technical channels is 10.66%. The
intermediary proportion of creative content is 42.13%, which can be seen as the
effect of creative content is more significant (Zemite et al., 2022). The effect of
technical channels is more minor, which reflects that the creative content effect of
the cultural and creative industry is the most effective for cultural innovation, while
the effect of technical channels in the cultural and creative industry is relatively
limited. As China enters a new era, only by focusing on creative content can the
cultural industry be better developed (Zhang, 2022). In addition, must personnel
quality develop the digital economy to seize the opportunity to boost China's
cultural innovation and fully release the vitality of the elements of the digital
economy. The robustness test. This paper's robustness test uses substitute
explanatory variables to verify the empirical conclusions. In order to better test the
mediating effect of cultural and creative industries on cultural innovation and to
ensure the reliability of the above model estimation results, this paper uses the
proportion of cultural and creative industries in GDP as the core explanatory
variable, i.e., cultural and creative industries. The proportion of industry (CIA1) is
used to measure the level of cultural and creative industries, and the robustness test
is carried out by gradual regression of the whole sample. The previous results are
reliable through Table 10.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Table 10: Robustness test of the whole sample

Technology channels Creative content

Tissues Increa Tissues Digi Lndeve
12.61** 5.62** 11.73** 34.15** 7.58**
-0.92 -0.62 -1.11 -3.60 -0.92
-0.6636* 0.17 -0.69 -6.80 0.34
-0.08 -0.06 -0.08 -0.32 -0.13
0.15** -0.09 0.48** 0.26** 0.02
-0.03 -0.02 -0.03 -0.12 -0.03
0.0** 0.50** 0.03 -0.42 0.31**
-0.02 -0.01 -0.02 -0.06 -0.01
gov 0.20 - -0.11 0.14** -0.02
Increa 0.19 -0.45 0.27 12.80** -1.7027*
-0.15 -0.10 -0.16 -0.58 -0.24
186.00 186.00 186.00 186.00 186.00
N 0.85 0.72 0.85 0.88 0.90
R2 25.82 11.38 20.60 30.09 37.22
F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
P-value 12.61** 5.62** 11.73** 34.15** 7.58**
Note: * means p< 0.10, b means p< 0.05, c means p< 0.01, and the standard error in
parentheses is the standard error.

The endogeneity test. The endogeneity test refers to the fact that one or more
independent variables in the model are related to the random perturbation term, and
the endogeneity problem can easily lead to the bias of the empirical analysis. There
are two main reasons for endogeneity: first, the omission of relevant variables, and
these missed variables are related to other variables in the model, and second, the
dependent variable and the independent variable are causally related to each other
and affect each other. This paper analyzes that the development of the previous year
may affect the cultural and creative industries, so the lncia may be an endogenous
variable, so the added value of the cultural and creative industries is lagged by one
order as an instrumental variable. This paper performs 2SLS regression according
to the equations (1), (3), and (5) of the full-sample mediating effect analysis, mainly
to explore the utility of the cultural and creative industries on the high-quality
development of the economy. The results are shown in Table 11.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

Table 11: 2SLS test results

Tissues Increa Tissues

-2.04*** -2.03*** -2.25***
-0.37 -0.79 -0.45
0.30*** 0.55 0.34***
-0.05 -0.64 -0.05
0.33*** 0.11 0.54**
-0.16 -0.93 -0.19
-0.01 0.15*** -0.01
-0.06 -0.04 -0.06
0.16 -0.27 0.12
0.15 0.13 0.00
road - -0.21 -
Increa - - 0.12
R2 0.83 0.64 0.84
Forest 2(4)=48.81.p=0.001 2(5)=44458.p=0.001 (5)=91.64.p=0.001
D-W values 1.89 1.82 1.92

Among all the test results, according to the 2SLS regression results, the cultural and
creative industries have a positive effect on Cultural innovation, so there is no
serious endogeneity problem.

3.6 Empirical conclusions

The results of this paper show that there is a positive correlation between cultural
upgrading and cultural innovation, which can not only improve the rate of cultural
innovation, but also optimize the quality of personnel. Government policies
promote cultural innovation through creative interventions, strengthen
infrastructure structures, optimize personnel and technology, and realize the sharing
of innovative culture. According to the empirical results, the influence coefficient
of government policy on cultural innovation is significantly positive, indicating that
government policy can significantly enrich creative content. Due to the high value-
added characteristics of the cultural industry, it can be well integrated with various
industries, generate value in the entire resource endowment, accelerate the pace of
structural adjustment, and promote cultural innovation. The cultural and creative
industries promote high-quality economic development through technological
channels. This shows that government intervention and cultural upgrading can
significantly promote cultural innovation through technological channels. The
development trend of the cultural and creative industries is to integrate with the
economy. Although the cultural and creative industry has the characteristics of
being able to enhance the value of the industry, all of this is based on a good
foundation of economic development, and in the case of rapid economic
development, the economy and the spread and development of the cultural and
creative industries complement each other. The integration of cultural and creative
industries and the economy has accelerated the dissemination and transformation of
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

culture and promoted the sound development of the cultural industry. The results of
this study are summarized, as shown in Table 12.

Table 12: Research index of cultural innovation

Research hypothesis Survey indicators Research results

Hypothesis 1 Innovation Establish
Hypothesis 2 Sustainable development
Cultural condition Establish
Hypothesis 3
Shared development

4 Discussion

4.1 Build a multi-subject collaborative cultural innovation ecosystem

First of all, it is necessary to recognize that the main body of the cultural and creative
industry is in the process of production and dissemination. In the past, the main
body was determined to be the government, enterprises, universities, and other
organizations. However, today, the vigorous development of the digital economy
makes the users of ordinary goods, that is, the mass consumer group, a new cultural
and creative force. Therefore, in the current cultural and creative ecosystem, the
values of the main components must conform to the times, conform to the
mainstream ideas of society, and innovate here to promote the development of the
industry better. In an ideal ecological environment for cultural innovation, all parties
should form a user-oriented government, enterprises, universities, scientific
research institutions, and other subjects work together and develop together, and
make full use of their respective functions and resource advantages in different
industry systems to accelerate cultural innovation and enhance common interests.
In addition, spiritual products are the soul of the industrial chain formed by the
coordinated development of various subjects, and it is necessary to give full play to
the advantages of cultural creativity, promote the integration of cultural and creative
industries and traditional industries, and strengthen the diffusion and transformation
of spiritual products. On the one hand, all production entities should make full use
of the dissemination of spiritual products, enhance the high-added value of the
industry, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and make the products
bred by some industries have a particular spiritual value. On the other hand,
consumers should also promptly export the demand for spiritual products to
promote the horizontal and vertical industrial chains of cultural creativity to go hand
in hand and flourish.
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

4.2 Accelerate the cultivation of creative talents

First, the government needs to cultivate talented people who are good at creativity.
One of the difficulties in developing China's cultural and creative industries is the
lack of innovative talents. In this case, colleges and universities should strengthen
the construction of majors, strengthen the training of cultural and creative talents,
and pay attention to meeting the needs of the company in the development of talents,
in addition to attaching importance to theoretical knowledge, but also pay more
attention to the cultivation of creative thinking, in order to stimulate their creativity
and creativity, to improve the level of originality of China's cultural and creative
products have laid a solid foundation; At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate
a group of high-quality compound talents, who must not only think creatively but
also be able to create skills, as well as be able to operate and manage. In addition,
in the cultivation of cultural and creative talents, the company should actively play
its own role, create a favorable entrepreneurial atmosphere for enterprises, increase
investment in innovation, establish an incentive mechanism to stimulate the
creativity of employees, at the same time, through social, professional training
institutions, to provide targeted innovative talents for enterprises, improve the
overall quality and technical level of creative talents, but also to better meet the
needs of the society for innovative talents. Second, it is necessary to bring in high-
level talent from abroad. Some foreign countries have developed cultural and
creative industries early and have been systematically cultivated. Therefore, in the
"talent shortage" situation, the government can introduce high-level creative talents
from abroad through cooperation and exchanges and gradually improve our ability
to innovate. In addition, there are many international students in our country every
year, and the government can use preferential policies to attract them to return to
China. The culture of international students is more diverse, and they can integrate
the knowledge they have learned with the knowledge of Chinese culture to create
better originality.

4.3 Promote the integrated development of cultural creativity and other


Firstly, the government should pay attention to enhancing the cultural connotation
of the cultural and creative industries. The establishment of independent brands can
affect technology and culture, and brand building is inseparable from the support of
technology and the injection of spirit, especially for national cultural characteristics,
because they depend on consumer recognition and recognition. One of the
difficulties in China's industrial transformation is the lack of brand recognition, and
the construction of cultural ecology is relatively backward worldwide. Taking
luxury goods as an example, China's luxury brands lack long-term cultural
accumulation rather than technology. Moreover, to a certain extent, today's fast-
paced life determines the shortening of the product life cycle. If only relying on
technology can not gain a foothold in the fast-paced era, give full play to the
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

influence and appeal of cultural creativity, fully activate the vitality of product
Chinese art, and fully reflect the cultural connotation. Therefore, it is necessary to
strengthen the penetration of culture in traditional industries, promote the
advantages of China's traditional culture to give products more substantial vitality
and help extend China's cultural advantages to traditional industries. Secondly,
expand the boundaries of cultural industries and encourage the development of
mixed cultural enterprises, such as vigorously developing tourism, sports,
communications, logistics, construction, and other related industries, to provide a
carrier for the development of cultural resources. Industry integration will break the
limitations of enterprise separation and realize the allocation and transformation of
cultural and creative resources on a larger scale to achieve economic transformation
and industrial innovation. Emphasis is placed on integrating cultural creativity into
the manufacturing of product value chains, and exceptionally creative services
integrated with the digital economy. Many new technologies, such as cloud
computing, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., have a strong application potential
in the manufacturing industry. Specifically, in the creative design service, the
traditional manufacturing industry or the emerging manufacturing industry is fully
combined, the value-added value is extended to the upstream and downstream of
the core manufacturing industry, the intermediate products of cultural creativity are
combined with various production links, the cultural connotation of the product is
increased, and the product is more ornamental, to enhance the consumer pleasure,
and then the share of the manufacturing industry in the consumer market continues
to expand, and gradually forms a new manufacturing industry with technology
creation as the core of the product and cultural creativity as the core of the content.

4.4 Promote the supply-side reform of the cultural and creative industries

The lack of quality on the supply side is a significant drawback in the development
of China's cultural and creative industries, and the mismatch between supply and
demand has triggered a series of chain reactions, poor industrial development,
consumers do not buy it, and the enthusiasm for production is not high, so it is
necessary to carry out supply-side reforms. Creativity runs through the development
of cultural and creative industries, and the supply side of cultural and creative
products should continue to make efforts to innovate. On the one hand, creativity is
the pillar of cultural and creative products. Innovative content can stand out from
the competition with its originality. Therefore, to improve the originality of
products, to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people in the new era of
creation through the active development of intelligent cooperation with various
scientific research, websites, development companies, continuous information
exchange and sharing, to give birth to more creativity. On the other hand, the
product industry chain is also an essential direction for developing cultural and
creative industries. For example, IP adaptation, from the creation of novels, comics,
radio dramas, film and television works, and movies, an excellent work often
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

appears in the field of vision of the masses in a variety of forms, and the popularity
remains high.

4.5 Globalization of cultural innovation

Cultural innovation should not be limited to the nation, the region should realize the
globalization of cultural innovation, with other countries can understand the
language of cultural exchanges and communication, at the same time, in the process
of cultural innovation, can be cultural integration with other countries, absorb the
excellent culture of other countries, for the form of cultural innovation should be
expressed in a diversified form, to achieve the internationalization of cultural
innovation, for the method and content of cultural innovation, should pay attention
to the consolidation of its connotation and the diversity of expressions, for other
countries' cultural innovation should be based on output, absorption as the auxiliary,
diversified cultural integration, cultural innovation process and cultural inheritance
Yang as the main goal, with other countries' cultural formsAnd the content of multi-
angle promotion, in order to enhance the influence of the national cultural
innovation, for some cultural innovation should be improved in a timely manner,
and the problems existing in the culture should be corrected in a timely manner, so
as to enhance the overall foundation and connotation of the national culture, so that
cultural innovation is not only a simple output of culture, but also the development
of cultural diversification, the internationalization of cultural innovation can
enhance the level of cultural innovation, optimize the economic situation of the
region, and enhance the comprehensive ability of the nation, so cultural innovation
is a multi-form and diversified form of innovation, with high research connotation
and value.

5 Conclusion

From the perspective of local autonomy, this paper analyzes the relationship
between local autonomy and cultural and creative industries and the relationship
between local autonomy, cultural and creative industries, cultural innovation, and
cultural upgrading. The results show that local autonomy can promote the
development of a cultural economy, deepen the connotation of culture, and enhance
the potential of cultural development. At the same time, there is a strong correlation
between local autonomy and creative cultural industries, with a correlation of 0.685.
Among them, local autonomy can accelerate the cultivation of cultural talents,
promote the integration of cultural industries, and realize supply-side reforms.
Therefore, local autonomy plays a role in promoting cultural and creative industries
and cultural sublimation. Through the actual regression analysis, we can find that
the three hypotheses put forward in this paper are correct, among which government
intervention policies, economic development and cultural upgrading will have a
significant impact on cultural industry innovation, so local governments should
strengthen the research on the above three aspects and put forward targeted
Q. Jia, D. Li, Z. Wang, T. Zhang & S. Li: Cultural and Creative Industries of
Local Autonomy: Cultural Innovation and Cultural Upgrading

countermeasures and contents. However, there are some imperfections in this study,
such as the scope of data collection, the cooperation of investigators, and the
deletion index of data. In the future, we will focus on expanding data, increasing
the number of interviewed experts and improving the rationality of data


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