Git & Asd 2014

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Gastrointestinal Conditions in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder:

Developing a Research Agenda

Daniel L. Coury, Paul Ashwood, Alessio Fasano, George Fuchs, Maureen Geraghty,
Ajay Kaul, Gary Mawe, Paul Patterson and Nancy E. Jones
Pediatrics 2012;130;S160
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-0900N

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Gastrointestinal Conditions in Children With Autism
Spectrum Disorder: Developing a Research Agenda
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a set of complex neuro- AUTHORS: Daniel L. Coury, MD,a Paul Ashwood, PhD,b
developmental disorders defined behaviorally by impaired social in- Alessio Fasano, MD,c George Fuchs, MD,d Maureen
Geraghty, PhD, RD,e Ajay Kaul, MBBS, MD,f Gary Mawe,
teraction, delayed and disordered language, repetitive or stereotypic PhD,g Paul Patterson, PhD,h and Nancy E. Jones, PhDi
behavior, and a restricted range of interests. ASDs represent a significant aDevelopmental/Behavioral Pediatrics, Nationwide Children’s
public health issue with recent estimates indicating that as many as 1% Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; bDepartment of Medical Microbiology
of children in the United States are diagnosed with an ASD.1,2 Many and Immunology, University of California, Davis, Davis, California;
cPediatrics, University of Maryland, School of Medicine,
individuals with ASDs have symptoms of associated medical conditions,
Baltimore, Maryland; dPediatrics/Pediatric Gastroenterology,
including seizures, sleep problems, metabolic conditions, and gastro- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock,
intestinal (GI) disorders, which have significant health, developmental, Arkansas; eMedical Dietetics, Abbott Laboratories, Columbus,
social, and educational impacts. Gastrointestinal complaints are a com- Ohio; fPediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio;
gAnatomy and Neurobiology, University of Vermont, Burlington,
monly reported concern for parents and may be related to problem Vermont; hCalifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California;
behaviors and other medical issues such as dysregulated sleep (ATN and iClinical Programs, Autism Speaks, Los Angeles, California
Annual Registry Report, unpublished data, November 2009).3 Despite the KEY WORDS
magnitude of these issues, potential GI problems are not routinely autism, gastrointestinal disease, research
considered in ASD evaluations. This likely reflects several factors, in- ABBREVIATIONS
cluding variability in reported rates of GI disorders, controversies re- ASD—autism spectrum disorder
garding the relationship between GI symptoms and the putative causes 5-HT—serotonin
of autism, the limited verbal capacity of many ASD patients, and the lack
Drs Ashwood, Fasano, Fuchs, Geraghty, Kaul, Mawe, and
of recognition by clinicians that certain behavioral manifestations in Patterson contributed equally to this work.
children with ASDs are indicators of GI problems (eg, pain, discomfort, or This manuscript has been read and approved by all authors.
nausea).4–10 This paper is unique and not under consideration by any other
publication and has not been published elsewhere.
Whether GI issues in this population are directly related to the patho-
physiology of autism, or are strictly a comorbid condition of ASD remains
to be determined, but clinical practice and research to date indicate the doi:10.1542/peds.2012-0900N

important role of GI conditions in ASDs and their impact on children as Accepted for publication Aug 8, 2012
well as their parents and clinicians.9 Address correspondence to Daniel L. Coury, MD, Professor of
Pediatrics and Psychiatry, The Ohio State University, Chief,
On November 15, 2009, a symposium addressing these issues was or- Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, Nationwide Children’s
ganized as an adjunct to the annual meeting of the North American Hospital, 700 Children’s Dr, Timken G-350, Columbus OH
Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. A panel 43205-2696

of international experts presented the latest scientific information on PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
pathophysiology, evaluation, and treatment strategies for GI conditions Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
in children and adolescents with ASDs. One aim of the meeting was to FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The information reviewed in this
article was based on presentations from a symposium and
raise awareness among gastroenterologists and GI researchers of GI
workshop funded by Autism Speaks and cosponsored by the
disorders in the ASD population and to provide clinicians with in- American Academy of Pediatrics GI Subcommittee and the North
formation to improve their clinical practice for these children. The American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology
symposium addressed 4 major areas of concern for children with ASDs: and Nutrition. The authors have indicated they have no financial
relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
reflux, constipation, diarrhea, and nutrition. Each session reviewed the
state of the evidence, the latest findings on issues such as intestinal
permeability, inflammatory processes, innervation, motility, nutrition,
and the epidemiology, presentation, and clinical management of GI
The symposium also set the context for a follow-up workshop on No-
vember 16 that focused on identifying and prioritizing the key research
topics for further investigation. The 1-day workshop brought together

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a group of symposium participants and

speakers with a broad range of ex-
pertise in GI and autism clinical prac-
tice, and clinical as well as basic science
This report provides an overview of
findings in GI and ASDs as presented in
the symposium and highlights the key
conclusions from the workshop. Spe-
cifically, the group identified the fol-
lowing 4 topics as priority areas for
further study: epidemiology of GI con-
ditions in ASDs, underlying pathology
(gut-brain connection, immune function,
animal models and genome-microbiome
interaction), treatment and outcome,
and nutrition. A recent consensus report FIGURE 1
Reported prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders in children with ASD.
on GI conditions in ASDs published in
Pediatrics in 20109 put forth 23 rec-
ommendations for the evaluation and
management of GI conditions in ASDs. in children with ASDs and higher rates UNDERLYING BIOLOGY OF GI
Although ASDs are behaviorally defined in all but one study when a control DYSFUNCTION IN ASDs
disorders, current thinking suggests population was used.10
Current State of Knowledge
multiple “autisms” with varying bi- Recommendations The underlying nature of GI dysfunction
ological underpinnings. Some of these
Accurately determining the rates of GI in ASDs and its relationship to etiology
may eventually be identified as having
disorders will require addressing the and ASD symptoms are poorly un-
associated GI symptoms, as has been
significant methodological limitations derstood, and systematic research in
seen with the MET gene. Pending new
of previous studies. These limitations this area has been limited. There is,
evidence on any such relationships, the
include suboptimal or, in some cases, however, emerging evidence relevant to
recommendations in this current arti-
lack of controls, variability in the control ASDs in the areas of immune function,
cle expand upon several of the key
groups used across studies, inclusion the relationship between signaling path-
recommendations made in the con-
of populations of children with ASDs ways of the gut and brain, and genome–GI
sensus statement highlighting areas in
that are heterogeneous, retrospective microbiome interactions. Increasingly,
need of new knowledge.
approaches, bias (selection, referral, evidence supports a combination of
or recall), and/or reliance on parent changes in gut microflora, intestinal
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF GI CONDITIONS report only.22 Developing rigorously permeability, inappropriate immune
IN ASDs designed, prospective population-based response, activation of specific meta-
Several studies have assessed the prev- prevalence studies of defined GI symp- bolic pathways, and behavioral changes
alence and types of GI disorders in chil- toms and disorders in ASD is a high pri- in genetically predisposed individuals.
dren with ASDs. The reported prevalence ority, and a shared data set would enable: Integrating findings across these areas
of any GI disorder in children with ASDs 1. Identification of risk factors includ- into a unifying theory will be critical to
ranges from 9% to 91% (see Fig 1), ab- ing clinical and behavioral indicators understanding the mechanisms and
dominal pain or discomfort ranges from of GI problems manifestations of GI disorders in ASDs.
2% to 41%, constipation from 6% to 45%, 2. Identification of atypical presenta-
diarrhea from 3% to 77%, and persistent Immune Function
tions of GI disorders in ASDs
diarrhea from 8% to 19%3,9,11–21. Al- Many reports have described immune
3. Identification of subpopulations with-
though all the studies have significant abnormalities in ASDs including changes
in ASD that have GI symptoms
methodological limitations, they col- in immune-related gene expression,
lectively indicate unusually high rates 4. Correlation with biomarkers skewed cytokine production, altered
of GI disorders or certain GI symptoms 5. Stratification of treatment groups T-cell function, and enhanced innate

PEDIATRICS Volume 130, Supplement 2, November 2012 S161

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immune responses.23,24 Mucosal im- affect gut function and sensitivity.35 neophobia, deficits in social interaction
mune cells make up ∼70% of the Recently, studies involving germ-free and verbal and olfactory communica-
immune cells within the body, and mice inoculated with selective bacte- tion, increased stereotyped and re-
dysfunction in these cells may have ria have made clear that commensal petitive motor behaviors, enhanced
adverse consequences for GI function. and probiotic gut microbes can have anxiety, abnormal pain sensitivity and
Endoscopic analyses of children with an influence on brain function and eye blink conditioning, disturbed sleep
ASD and GI symptoms have revealed the behavior.36 patterns, seizures, and deficits in sen-
presence of a subtle, diffuse inflammation Serotonin (5-HT), a highly prevalent sorimotor gating. Some animal models
of the intestinal tract (reviewed in refs signaling molecule in the gut (80%–95% also exhibit neuropathology that is
9 and 25). Characterizing the nature of of 5-HT receptors are found in the gut), frequently seen in autism such as a
this inflammation remains an area in is critical for GI function, and alter- spatially restricted Purkinje cell deficit,
need of further investigation to fully ations in 5-HT signaling are implicated as well as characteristic neurochemi-
understand and to provide further ev- in a number of GI disorders. In both cal changes (5-HT abnormalities) and
idence of its relationship to GI symp- human and animal studies, altered 5- alterations in the immune status in the
toms in individuals with ASDs. HT signaling has been implicated in brain and periphery.46,49 It is critically
Autoimmune responses in children with inflammatory bowel diseases such as important that these animal models of
ASDs and a familial history of autoim- Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis ASD environmental and genetic risk
munity have been reported.25–28 Among and in functional disorders such as factors also be examined for GI symp-
the most common findings in ASD sub- irritable bowel syndrome and chronic toms. It should be noted that treatment
jects and their mothers is an increased constipation.37–42 Recent studies have with potential probiotic bacteria can
presence of autoantibodies directed demonstrated that 5-HT acts as a normalize anxiety-like behavior in colitis
toward central nervous system pro- proinflammatory modulator in the in- and infection mouse models,50 whereas
teins.29–33 In addition, autoantibodies testinal mucosa,43,44 and that circulat- such treatments in normal mice can
that bind to basement membranes ing 5-HT arising from the gut affects induce anxiolytic-like effects in some
of epithelial cells and colocalize with bone growth, with elevated 5-HT levels tests and anxiogenic effects in other
complement proteins are observed in leading to decreased bone density. tests.51–53
the intestinal mucosa of children with Because both GI and bone disorders Intestinal Permeability and Gut
ASD and GI symptoms.34 It has been have been observed in ASD, altered gut Microbiome
speculated that these autoantibodies 5-HT signaling may be associated with
It has been hypothesized that altered
could indicate the presence of inflam- these changes.45 The 5-HT system
intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”)
matory processes and/or an autoim- within the gut may be an important
may play a pathogenic role in autism.
mune component that could affect factor contributing to GI problems in
Indeed, several studies have reported
the integrity of the mucosal barrier children with ASD (see also Nutrition
impaired intestinal barrier function
and contribute to decreased mucosal below).
in ASD.54,55 Moreover, Altieri and col-
barrier integrity; it is also possible
leagues56 recently reported a signifi-
that they indicate previous mucosal
Animal Models cant (P , .01) elevation in the level of
Several environmental factors that in- a bacterial product in the urine of
crease the risk for the development of young autistic children. This molecule,
Gut–Brain Connection and autistic features, including maternal p-cresol, is produced by bacterial strains
Serotonin Signaling in the Gut infection and valproate exposure, have that are found to be elevated in ASD. ASD
The digestive system has its own com- been used successfully in rodents to children have higher counts and more
plex (enteric) nervous system that generate animal models of these ASD species of Clostridia, Bacteroidetes, and
regulates gut functions such as motility environmental risk factors (reviewed Firmicutes than controls.57,58
and mucosal secretion. It is now well in ref 46). There is also a non-human One critical feature of the GI tract is its
accepted that the gut–brain axis is a 2- primate model involving administra- ability to regulate the trafficking of
way street. For example, in addition to tion of antibrain antibodies to pregnant macromolecules between the environ-
traditional autonomic projections that monkeys47 and activating the maternal ment and the host through a barrier
regulate digestive reflexes, signals immune system.48 These environmen- mechanism. Together with gut-associated
traveling from the gut to the brain in- tal and genetic models exhibit vari- lymphoid tissue and the neuroendocrine
fluence satiety, and stress and anxiety ous characteristics of autism including network, the intestinal epithelial barrier,

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with its intercellular tight junctions, availability is altered in ASD children and nutritional factors affecting nu-
controls the trafficking of macro- with GI symptoms versus age-matched trition.
molecules.59 The protein zonulin is controls with GI symptoms. Another Nutritional status and nutrient intake
a component of intercellular tight junc- critical need is the determination of are inextricably related in children with
tions that is involved in regulating gut unique biomarkers (eg, cytokines, glu- autism. The assessment of nutritional
permeability.60,61 Small-intestinal expo- tathione redox, antibodies, and zonulin) status in ASDs has been recently dis-
sure to bacteria and gluten are 2 of in the plasma, urine, or stool associated cussed in terms of anthropometric,
the more powerful triggers for zonulin- with the development of ASD in high-risk biochemical, and clinical parameters.74
induced tight junction disassembly. En- populations. Current literature that addresses
teric infections have been implicated in overall nutrient intakes in ASD does not
the pathogenesis of several pathologic Animal Models indicate a definitive consensus either
conditions, including allergic, autoim- The work in human subjects will be toward evidence for differing nutri-
mune, and inflammatory diseases, by enhanced by capitalizing on animal tional intake or similar nutritional in-
causing impairment of the intestinal models to investigate the mechanisms take in children with ASD compared
barrier. In addition to bacterial expo- of altered GI function and sensation in with typically developing children.
sure, gliadin, the environmental trigger ASDs. The outcome measures would There is also a body of studies targeted
of celiac disease, has been shown to include the histochemical and immu- specifically on intake and status of
alter the intestinal barrier function by nologic abnormalities seen in subsets nutrients related to bone health.68
releasing zonulin.61 Moreover, there is of ASD children, as well as the changes Problems in comparing existing stud-
increasing evidence supporting an in gut microbial composition observed ies include: (1) lack of adequate control
association of gut microbiota with in ASD. Specifically, animal models for groups in some studies; (2) variations
behavioral abnormalities such as ASD can be used to determine if there is in assessment tools and nutrient
anxiety and emotional reactivity51,62–65 a distinct GI phenotype in autism and if analysis programs; (3) different time
and potentially affecting 5-HT metab- such GI conditions lead to behaviors frames postdiagnosis; and (4) differ-
olism.66 When considered as a whole, associated with ASD. Animal models can ent reference values and “cutoffs”
there is much to learn regarding the also be used to examine potential defining inadequate. Table 1 summa-
integrity of the intestinal mucosa, its therapeutic options, for instance by rizes existing studies and significant
response to various gut microbiota, experimentally altering the gut micro- findings.
and the resultant effects on the body bial composition.53,67 Outcome meas-
systemically. Hediger et al45 reported that dairy-free
ures here would include behavior,
diets and unconventional food prefer-
immune status, neuropathology, as
Recommendations ences could place boys with autism
well as GI motility and sensitivity.
Current evidence indicates the impor- and ASDs at high risk for thinner, less
tance of better characterizing the un- dense bones (based on bone cortical
derlying pathology of GI problems in thickness measures) in comparison with
ASD and determining if there are any Current State of Knowledge a standardized reference based on
unique characteristics of GI dysfunction Several factors affect the nutritional age-matched typical boys. This occurred
specificto autism. Two recommendations status in children with ASDs, with even for those not on dairy-restricted
are made for research in this area. The most falling into 2 main categories: diets, although the differences were
first is to determine whether children (1) medical/nutritional factors and greater for those on casein-free diets.
with ASD differ from typically developing (2) behavioral factors.68–73 Medical/ Several factors have been implicated in
children in terms of the GI microbiome, nutritional factors encompass GI the higher risk for suboptimal bone
metabolites, inflammation, neurotrans- symptoms/problems, food allergies, development in children with ASDs, in-
mitters, immune response, and mucosal metabolic abnormalities, and/or pre- cluding lack of exercise, GI problems,
integrity. Second, it is important to de- existing nutrient deficiencies, as well and compromised vitamin D and cal-
termine if any confirmed differences in as nutrition-related medication side cium intake owing to either sensory/
these factors could be used to identify effects. Behavioral factors include texture issues, idiosyncratic eating
those with or at risk for developing ASD problem eating or idiosyncratic eat- patterns, and restricted diets, partic-
by using appropriate control groups. ing behaviors, sensory-processing ularly the gluten-free, casein-free
For example, 1 critical area would in- difficulties, and family factors.68 In diets.45,68,85 A recent nutrient intake
clude determining if mucosal 5HT this section, we focus on the medical study (based on 3-day food records) in

PEDIATRICS Volume 130, Supplement 2, November 2012 S163

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TABLE 1 Studies Investigating Nutritional Quality in Children with Autism
Study No.of ASD No. of Control/ Dietary Tool Significant Findings
subjects Typical Subjects
Raiten and Massaro, 40 34 7-d Diet Record 1. ASD group had significantly greater intake of protein, carbohydrates,
198675 niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, and iron (P , .02)
2. No significant difference in vitamin A, vitamin C, or fat.
Ho et al, 199776 54 N/A 3-d Diet Record 1. Only 4 subjects with ASD (7.4%) met recommended servings from all
food groups.
2. All subjects had adequate protein intake, but had lower fat intake
and higher carbohydrate intake than recommended nutrient intake
for Canadians (RNI).
3. 42.6% of subjects were obese.
Cornish, 199877 17 N/A 3-d Dietary Recall 1. Nutrient intakes below RNI levels in 53% of children for one or more of
Food Frequency following: vitamin C, vitamin D, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, calcium,
Questionnaire (FFQ) and zinc.
2. Calcium and niacin levels .200% or RNI in those children who drank
Lindsay et al, 200678 20 N/A FFQ 1. ,80% Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)/dietary reference
intake (DRI) considered inadequate
2. 45% consumed ↓calcium, 30% ↓pantothenic acid, 25% ↓ vitamin D,
40% ↓vitamin K
Levy et al, 200779 52 N/A 3-d Diet Record 1. The ASD subjects met 95%–101% of RDA guidelines for calories,
carbohydrates, and fat
2. ASD subjects overconsumed protein at 211% of RDA with a range of
67%–436% RDA among subjects
3. This study used 77% of RDA consumption as adequate diet
Lockner et al, 200880 20 20 3-d Diet Record 1. Vitamins E and A were the least likely to be met by Estimated Average
Requirement (EAR) for both groups
2. ASD subjects consumed less calcium and fiber, but with no established
EAR, significance was not determined
Schmitt et al, 200881 20 18 3-d Diet Record 1. This study defined adequate consumption as .67% of DRI
2. Both groups consumed ,67% for fiber
3. ASD group consumed ,67% for vitamins E and K
Johnson et al, 200871 19 15 24-h Recall 1. This study considered ,80% of RDAs or DRIs as inadequate
2. ASD group consumed significantly less vitamin K and significantly
fewer food choices from the vegetable group
Herndon et al, 200982 46 31 3-d Diet Record 1. ASD children consumed significantly less calcium but consumed
increasingly more vitamins B6 and E than controls.
2. ASD children consumed significantly more nondairy proteins and
fewer dairy items.
3. Both groups did not meet RDI for fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin D, and
vitamin E
Xia et al, 201083 111 N/A 3-d Diet Record 1. Comparison with Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for Chinese children.
2. Vitamin E and niacin exceeded 100% of DRI
3. Intakes were below DRI for vitamins A, B6 and C, Folic acid, calcium and
Bandini et al, 201071 53 58 Parent Interview 1. For both groups, fiber intake was inadequate as was intake of vitamin D,
vitamin E, and calcium
FFQ 2. For ASD children, inadequate intake of vitamin D and calcium was more
3-d Diet Diary 3. ASD children had a higher number of nutrients at inadequate intake
4. A limited food repertoire, but not food refusal, was associated with
higher nutritional inadequacy for both groups
Zimmer et al, 201184 22 22 FFQ 1. ASD children had higher intakes of magnesium
2. ASD children had lower intakes of protein, calcium, vitamin B12, and
vitamin D.
3. Selective eaters with ASD had greater likelihood of inadequate intake
of calcium, vitamin B12, zinc, and vitamin D
4. Selective eaters with ASD compared with nonselective eaters with ASD
had greater likelihood of inadequate intake of calcium.
5. ASD children had less food variety than typically developing children

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children with ASDs ages 3 to 9 years on correcting identified deficiencies address the particular needs of an
revealed that the nutrients commonly and any additional benefits to the ASD population. Evidence-based algo-
analyzed as inadequate were those individual’s ASD symptoms. Further rithms specific for ASD should be de-
important for bone health (vitamins elucidation of the interrelationships veloped for each of the most common
A, D, and K) with 58.3%, 58.3%, and among these variables will assist in diagnoses that would address both
91.7% of the children consuming the establishment of clinical algo- management as well as treatment
intakes ,80% dietary reference in- rithms for categorization and effec- outcomes, tested rigorously, and sub-
take, respectively.86 tive treatment. sequently refined to optimize outcomes
(see this issue). These algorithms will
Collectively to date, these studies in-
provide the basis for comprehensive
dicate a trend for clinically significant TREATMENT AND OUTCOME guidelines and final recommendations
suboptimal nutrient intake in children
Current State of Knowledge provided to clinicians caring for chil-
with ASDs, with particular concern
dren with ASD.
related to bone health nutrients. In As highlighted in the previous sections,
general, nutritional status parameters children with ASDs frequently experi-
need to be refined and tailored for this ence GI symptoms, but their prevalence, Placebo-Controlled Trials
population. nature and, therefore, best treatments The positive impact of treatments aimed
remain elusive. Limited understanding at the GI problems in ASD children is
of the underlying pathology of GI con- widely reported by parents, but there
ditions in ASD limits the scientific ra- is little well-designed, controlled re-
Standardize Nutrient Assessment tionale for many of the interventions search to validate these interventions. It
Nutrient intake studies in ASDs should (eg, antifungal therapy, enzymes, and will also help substantially to stratify
be standardized by: (1) including con- nutritional supplements) aimed at the ASD population to identify specific
trol groups with typical children, (2) correcting these GI dysfunctions.9,10 A subgroups of children who may better
using consistent nutrient assessment possible theory unifying all the factors benefit from interventions. Many of
tools and analysis programs, (3) ac- mentioned above would link changes these approaches involve life-long
counting for the time frame post- in the gut microbiome with GI in- interventions (such as implementa-
diagnosis,and(4)establishing consistent flammation and other immunologic tion of a gluten-free diet), so better
reference values and acceptable cutoffs changes. identifying the individuals likely to re-
for defining inadequate intake. The most common GI diagnoses iden- spond to particular treatments can
tified in children with ASDs include reduce the costs and burden on families
Correlations With Nutritional Status constipation, diarrhea, and gastro- associated with nonefficacious treat-
esophageal reflux, and these are usu- ments. Stratification might be con-
Research should address the relation- ally treated in a standard manner.9,10 ducted by using clinical phenotypes or
ships between baseline nutritional Children with ASDs may not present through the identification and use of
status (by using standardized nutrient with the typical symptoms of a GI dis- specific biomarkers (see Table 2 ).
intake study principles and a thorough order, however, and an alteration of
nutrition assessment) and health status, The identification of specific ASD
their baseline behavior may be the microbiome and metabolic phenotypes
GI symptoms (constipation, diarrhea, only indicator of its existence. There is
flatulence, bloating, and nausea), bone a serious dearth of adequately designed
cortical thickness/bone mineral density, studies on treatments for documented TABLE 2 Biomarkers as Potential Outcome
behavior, sleep latency, food selectivity/ GI disorders and their outcomes, in- Measures
idiosyncratic behaviors, sensory- cluding behavioral changes, in children Biomarker Clinical Significance
processing difficulties (hypersensitiv- with ASDs. Intestinal Leaky gut
ity to certain food textures, tastes, or permeability
smells), and measures of inflammation Calprotectin Intestinal inflammation
(eg, cytokines, c-reactive protein). Recommendations Celiac disease Celiac disease and gluten
serology tests sensitivity
Treatment Guidance Food allergy panel Food allergies
Organic acid testing Vitamin B12 or folic acid
Efficacy of Nutritional Intervention Although general pediatric guidelines deficiencies
Studies should determine the effec- exist for specific GI conditions, the Analysis gut Gut dysbiosis
tiveness of nutritional interventions recommendations may not always microbiota

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TABLE 3 Key Takeaway Messages microbiota in ASD, but also on other
Epidemiology metabolic imbalances that may be
• Gastrointestinal conditions in ASD are at least as common as in typically developing population present. This knowledge, in turn, could
• It is less clear whether GI conditions are more common in children with ASD aid in the development of strategies for
• Individuals with ASDs should receive diagnostic evaluations and medical treatments for GI disorders just as
children without ASD do
novel approaches for the prevention/
Biology treatment of ASD.
• Several studies identify abnormalities of the immune system in ASD
• Some GI conditions in ASD may have an immunologic basis
• Some individuals with ASD have abnormalities in serum concentrations of the neurotransmitter serotonin DISCUSSION
• Alterations in serotonin may be associated with anxiety, GI symptoms, and bone density abnormalities
Nutrition Clinical experience, parent concern, and
• Several studies have identified abnormalities of diet and altered bone mineral density, but the cause developing lines of research all make
(dietary preference, allergic issues, or absorptive problems) remains uncertain.
Treatment clear the importance of addressing GI
• No treatments for GI problems specific to children with ASD currently exist. problems and symptoms among chil-
• Individuals with ASD and GI conditions appear to respond to treatment much as people with typical dren and adolescents with ASD. Although
development do.
• Studies that can lead to management that addresses specific challenges of the disorder are still needed. thissymposium and reviewindicatehuge
gaps in evidence, especially to support
interventions to improve the health and
TABLE 4 Key Research Objectives for an Integrated Approach to Addressing Knowledge Gaps GI symptoms in ASD, several promising
1. Determine the pathology of gastrointestinal conditions in ASDs through integrated studies of the gut areas of research bring optimism and
microbiome, metabolism, inflammation, immunity, and mucosal integrity. The outcome measures would focus to the key next steps in in-
include the histochemical and immunologic abnormalities seen in subsets of ASD children, as well as the vestigation and treatment trials. Table 3
changes in gut microbial composition observed in ASDs.
2. Increase the use of animal models to better understand the underlying pathology. Studies manipulating the indicates key messages from this work.
microbiome in animal models may help promote better understanding of these conditions. Subsequent to this symposium, others
3. Identify biomarkers for assessing the status of these conditions and to guide identification and treatment. endorsed many of the same points.9,10
4. Identify biomarkers of nutritional status that will not only guide monitoring of response to treatment but
help identify those requiring intervention.
This article reviews key areas of epi-
5. Identify behavioral phenotypes related to poor nutritional status to better identify and treat this population. demiology, underlying pathology, nu-
6. Develop evidence-based clinical algorithms to help guide clinicians in the evaluation and treatment of trition, and treatment and outcome.
gastrointestinal problems in individuals with ASDs.
Ongoing efforts should also address
how to integrate diverse areas of re-
can also help to define additional di- microbiota composition. These findings search and findings into better un-
agnostic tools, biomarkers, and thera- may have a far-reaching impact not derstanding of the complex activities
peutic interventions such as the use only on our understanding of the role of the GI system in children with ASDs
of probiotics to change the intestinal of specific allergens, leaky gut, and (Table 4).

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Gastrointestinal Conditions in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder:
Developing a Research Agenda
Daniel L. Coury, Paul Ashwood, Alessio Fasano, George Fuchs, Maureen Geraghty,
Ajay Kaul, Gary Mawe, Paul Patterson and Nancy E. Jones
Pediatrics 2012;130;S160
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-0900N
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