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Firmware version V01R02INTRODUCTION.......................................

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................2
THEORY OF OPERATION.................................................................3
MFJ-226 Technical Specifications ......................................................4
LAYOUT AND CONTROLS ................................................................5
1. Analyzer Test Port:.................................................................5
2. USB Data Port:.......................................................................5
4. Boot Key:................................................................................5
5. Arrows (up/down): ..................................................................5
6. Enter Key:...............................................................................5
7. Return (Exit): ..........................................................................5
8. Mode ......................................................................................5
9. Battery Door ...........................................................................5
10. Numerical Keypad: ...............................................................5
POWERING THE MFJ-226.................................................................6
MENU STRUCTURE ..........................................................................6
USING THE SETTINGS MODE .........................................................6
1. Backlight:................................................................................7
2. Auto Power Off:......................................................................7
3. Battery Menu: .........................................................................7
4. Step Size Unit:........................................................................7
5. LCD Contrast:.........................................................................7
6. Cal Data Protect: ....................................................................7
7. System Information ................................................................7
ENTERING SINGLE-FREQUENCY MODE .......................................8
SETTING THE DDS OPERATING FREQUENCY .........................8
Direct DDS Entry: .......................................................................8
Scroll/Step Entry:........................................................................8
SINGLE-FREQUENCY MENU .......................................................8
Screen 2. ....................................................................................8
Screen 3, ....................................................................................9
Screen 4 .....................................................................................9
Screen 5 .....................................................................................9
ENTERING SWEPT FREQUENCY MODE ......................................10
General Screen Layout: ...........................................................10
SWEPT-FREQUENCY SETUP ....................................................10
Start Frequency:.......................................................................10
Stop Frequency: .......................................................................10
Y Scale: ....................................................................................11
Calibrate: ..................................................................................11
Load Cal Data: .........................................................................11
SAVING TEST DATA ....................................................................11
Save File: .................................................................................11
SWEPT DATA SCREENS.............................................................12
SWR Screen:............................................................................12
Impedance Magnitude Screen (Z):...........................................12
Resistance Screen (R): ............................................................12
Reactance Screen (+X or -X):..................................................13
Return Loss (S11): ...................................................................13
Phase Angle (Deg): ..................................................................13
Smith Chart Screen: .................................................................14
CALIBRATION ..................................................................................14
Global Calibration File ..................................................................15
Building a Local Calibration File ...................................................15
Executing Global Calibration ........................................................16
CALIBRATION LOAD SET ...............................................................17
USING YOUR PC TO COMMAND THE ANALYZER.......................18
Computer Software Control ..........................................................18
Manual Control via Computer.......................................................19
FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCEDURE...............................................19
12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY ...................................................21

Important Note: Before turning on your analyzer for the

first time, we strongly recommend reading through the
entire manual. You will find valuable operating information
along with important tips to help you take full advantage
its full range of features.
The MFJ-226 is accurately calibrated at the factory and
should not need recalibration for initial use.
Do not run CALIBRATE with out proper calibration loads.

The display window has a plastic film applied at the

factory to protect the display window from scratches in the
manufacturing process. This film can be removed if

Note: To increase battery life it is recommended that you

ENABLE in the SETTINGS Menu (see page 6).

Firmware version V01R02

MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

The MFJ-226 is part of the Times Technology Series of analyzers and
is a compact single-port Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) that
characterizes complex RF loads in 50-Ohm systems with a high
degree of accuracy. Packaged for portable use, it's easy to operate
under a wide range of test conditions yet delivers many advanced
features usually reserved for units costing much more. For example:

 MFJ-226 can compensate for phase rotation and losses in

feedlines and test cables by using industry-standard
Open/Short/Load (OSL) calibration setups.
 MFJ-226 calculates true reactance sign (plus or minus),
eliminating sign ambiguity.
 The DDS stimulus generator provides continuous coverage
from 1 MHz to 230 MHz.
 The DDS accepts both step-tuning and direct-frequency entry
via keypad.
 The DDS features 1-Hz frequency resolution with rock-solid
 There are 32 memory files for capturing and downloading test
data to a PC.
 MFJ-226 has extremely simple power requirements (two AA
batteries, Alkaline or NiMH).
 All test results are displayed on a bright easy-to-read backlit
LCD display.
 The deluxe backlit keypad has large positive-action keys for
easy field operation.
 The thick-wall molded case is hand-contoured and rugged.

2 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

Whether you are putting up a simple dipole, building a complex

matching network, or characterizing an unknown device, the MFJ-226
delivers the type of data you need to get the job done. A user-friendly
menu system provides rapid access to all operating modes and

 Single-Frequency Mode: Presents SWR, Complex

Impedance (series and parallel), and S11 scattering
parameters (rectangular and polar). SWR is displayed in
huge inch-high numbers clearly visible from several feet
 Sweep-Frequency Mode: Graphically plots SWR,
Impedance Magnitude (Z), Resistance (R), Reactance (X),
Return Loss (RL, S11), Phase Angle, and Smith Chart
displays. A continuously tunable frequency marker pulls up
precise alpha-numeric data.
 Calibrate Mode: Walks you through the OSL cal setups for
both specific swept frequency measurements and for the
unit's global calibration procedure.
 Settings Mode: Offers useful options, shows battery
condition and firmware revision.
 PC-Mode: Links the analyzer’s memory files to your PC
through the serial data port.

The MFJ-226 is a full-featured one-port Vector Network Analyzer
(VNA). The term "vector" means it analyzes both the amplitude and
phase angle of reflections returning from loads being tested in order
to present complex impedance data.
Test Connector
Stimulus Directional
Generator Coupler

PC Port

3 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

As shown in the diagram above, the analyzer's DDS RF-Stimulus

Generator (or VFO) generates a test signal that routes through the
directional coupler to the load under test. If a mismatch (impedance
discontinuity) exists, a portion of that generated signal is reflected
back to the load.
The Directional Coupler measures amplitude and phase of both the
forward and reflected signals and feeds that information to the
The Microprocessor compares data from the coupler and
mathematically converts it to useful engineering parameters such as
SWR, complex impedance, and S11 coordinates.
Using the Keypad and Menu System, the operator can call up the
specific type of data needed for display on the LCD Screen.
The MFJ-226 is compact and simple to use, but offers several
advanced features that set it apart from may lower-cost analyzers.
These features include OSL (Open/Short/Load) calibration, true
reactance signs, continuous frequency coverage, exceptionally high
DDS resolution, extensive on-board memory, a serial data port, and
simple power requirements.

MFJ-226 Technical Specifications

Frequency Range: Continuous, 1 MHz to 230 MHz
Frequency Resolution: 1 Hz
Test Port Termination Type-N Female
Output Power +10 dBm typical
Harmonics -15 dBc typical
LCD Display 128 x 64 resolution with backlight
Dimensions 6.5" (165 mm) x 3.12" (80 mm) x 1.25" (32
Weight 10 oz with batteries and UHF adapter
Power Two (2) AA cells, Alkaline or NiMH
Computer Interface USB serial
OSL Calibration Male-N or UHF, Open, Short, and 50-Ohm

4 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer


1 2


10 4
1 2 3

9 4 5 6
7 8 9

0 6

1. Analyzer Test Port: N-Female, accepts N-male for DUTs and

calibration loads.
2. USB Data Port: Accepts micro-USB connector, interface
with a PC for download. (Not for powering
the unit or charging batteries).
3. LCD Screen: Displays menu selections, plots, and test
4. Boot Key: Boot key, press and hold to turn analyzer
on or off.
5. Arrows (up/down): Step or scroll for menu selections and
frequency tuning.
6. Enter Key: Enters menu selections and frequency
7. Return (Exit): Escapes from current function, returns to
previous function.
8. Mode: Sets decimal point for numerical entries,
serves multiple menu functions.
9. Battery Door: Located on back, accesses tray holding
two AA cells.
10. Numerical Keypad: 0-9 keys for entering frequencies or
numerical data.

5 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer


The MFJ-226 requires two (2) good quality AA batteries. The battery
tray door is located on the back of the analyzer case near its base.
Press and slide the lid down to expose the tray.
You may use alkaline non-rechargeable or NiMH rechargeable cells.
Note that NiMH cells require an external charger (the analyzer does
not have one built-in). For longest life, use fresh premium-quality cells
from the same manufacturer. Carefully observe polarity during
installation and never remove batteries while the unit is powered up.
Abruptly cutting power can disrupt the unit's normal power-down cycle
and result in memory loss.
The MFJ-226 features a built-in battery indicator that must be set up
for the type of battery you intend to use. See the Settings Menu for
Note the USB port does not power the MFJ-226 or charge batteries.
The MFJ-226 features short circular menus that allow you to identify
and access all functions quickly and easily. The Main Menu and its
five Sub-Menus are shown below:

Main Menu
Single Freq Sweep Freq (Plot) Calibrate (OSL) Settings PC Mode

SWR, Z SWR All Backlight Host

Series Imp Impedance (Z) Open Auto Power Off
Parallel Imp Resistance (R) Short Battery (Type)
S11 Reactance (X) Load Cal Data Protect
Return Loss (S11) Info (System)
Phase Angle
Smith Chart


To check and change the analyzer's default settings, power up using
the Boot key. After a brief opening screen, the Main Menu will appear.
Using the Down-Arrow key, step to the Settings menu and press
When the Settings menu opens, use the Up/Down keys to make
selections. To modify a setting, step to the desired option and press

6 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

Enter. To go back to the Settings menu, press the Return Arrow. See
menu items below:
1. Backlight: Controls screen and keypad illumination.
Auto: Turns backlight off after a few seconds to
conserve power.
On: Turns backlight on full time.
Off: Turns backlight off full time.
2. Auto Power Off: Activates or deactivates automatic shut-down
(power conservation).
Enabled: Shuts the analyzer down if no keys are pressed
for 5-minutes.
Disabled: Analyzer remains on until turned off manually.
3. Battery Menu: Sets low-battery warning threshold (upper right
corner of LCD screen).
Alkaline: Low-battery indicator threshold set for Alkaline
Disable: Low-battery indicator threshold set for NiMH
rechargeable cells.
4. Step Size Unit: Select between 1MHz to 1Hz steps.
5. LCD Contrast: Select contrast settings between 1 and 7. 3 or
4 is usually optimum.
6. Cal Data Protect: Locks global calibration data so that it can't be
erased by accident.
Lock Cal Data: Protects 1-230 MHz default calibration
Unlock Cal Data: Permits global recalibration (see
Calibration Procedures)
Normally you will only unlock calibration data to perform a global
recalibration of the instrument over its entire frequency range (See
7. System Information: General information (no choices required):
Model: Manufacturer's model number
F/W/Ver: Analyzer processor's firmware version
Battery: Five-bar scale shows battery status (1 bar
empty, 5 bars full).

7 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer


To enter the analyzer's Single-Frequency Mode, go to the Main Menu
and select Single Freq using the up/down arrows. Then press Enter.
The SWR screen will come up.
Screen 1, SWR, Frequency: The opening Single-Frequency screen
displays SWR, and Frequency. Note that SWR readings appear in 1-
inch high numerals for easy viewing. A bargraph is also displayed for
a visual representation of the SWR. When SWR opens, you will need
to set the DDS generator to your desired test frequency.
There are two ways to set DDS frequency -- Direct Entry and
Scroll/Step Entry. The Default (or start) frequency is 1 MHz.
Direct DDS Entry: Use the keypad to enter the frequency
numerically. The Mode key sets the decimal point (ex. 146.750).
Press Enter to send your selection to the DDS.
Scroll/Step Entry: Use Up/Down Arrows to manually "tune" the DDS
while watching the frequency display. Hold the key down to scroll -- or
tap to step in small increments. Scroll/step is especially useful for
finding minimum SWR or targeting a specific SWR reading. Note that
the operating frequency may be modified while viewing the screen
any of the four Single-Freq data screens.

Use Mode to step through the three remaining Single-Freq screens.

The menu is circular and will return to SWR. Press Return Arrow to
The Single-Freq menu opens with the SWR screen, but this mode
has four additional screens. Step through them using the Mode key.
Screen 2. SWR Z R X Display: Displays similar to the first screen
but has the SWR in smaller characters and also displays the Z R and
X of the load. (Added in firmware V01R02 and is not in earlier firmware.)

8 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

Screen 3, Series Impedance: Displays the load's resistive and

reactive component as two discrete elements connected in series.
Also displays a true reactance sign and the inductive or capacitive
value at the test frequency. This screen can also be used to
determine the value of a capacitor in pF or inductor in mH at the
operating frequency.

FREQ: 223.500 MHz

101.80 - j112.58 3.25pF


Screen 4, Parallel Impedance: Displays the resistive and reactive

components as two parallel elements. Also displays true reactance
plus a finite inductive or capacitive value.

FREQ: 223.500 MHz
240.10 - j194.53 1.88pF

Screen 5, S11 Scattering Parameters: Displays Rectangular and

Polar S11 representations of the load.

FREQ: 223.500 MHz
0.58 + j0.34
0.67 < 30.10

For all screens, press the Return Arrow to return to the Main Menu.

9 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer


This mode plots seven test parameters over a frequency span of your
choice. Local Calibration may be used in this mode for accuracy
through transmission line.
Standing Wave Ratio (SWR)
Impedance Magnitude (Z)
Resistance (R)
Reactance (-X or +X)
Return Loss (RL)
Phase Angle (Deg)
Smith Chart
To select a display choice in the Sweep-Freq Menu, use the Up/Down
Arrow keys to make a choice and press Enter. Use the Return Arrow
to revert back to the Menu.
General Screen Layout: The LCD layout for all modes except the
Smith Chart is shown below. A tunable marker is available for all
screens and presents precise numerical data to describe any point
you select along the X axis of the plot.

Tunable Marker

Function Frequency
Numerical Data
Y Scale Data Plot

Numerical Data Window

Swept-Freq operations require some initial setup using prompts
controlled by the Mode key. These prompts will appear in the
numerical data window at the bottom of the LCD screen. Entry items
Start Frequency: At the prompt, use the keypad or scroll-step
procedure to create a start frequency for your sweep. The Mode key
sets the decimal point and Enter applies your selection.
Stop Frequency: Same as above -- enter the sweep stop frequency.
10 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

Y Scale: Sets the amplitude range of your plot using the UP and
DOWN Arrows (Ex. SWR 3:1, 10:1, 30:1, etc.).
In swept mode, there are two calibrate menu functions to perform, the
Calibrate and Load Cal Data. Be sure to read the chapter describing
OSL calibration in detail. The Calibrate prompts will instructs you to
create an OSL cal-data file for the specific frequency span you wish
to scan. The OSL calibration establishes the analyzer's calibration
plane. Installing the OSL loads at the analyzer connector sets the
analyzer's point of reference (zero gain, zero phase shift) at the
analyzer's N connector. Installing the loads at the far end of a test
cable or transmission line sets the calibration plane out at the end
point to ensure accurate measurement through a line. When the cal
sequence is complete, the screen will prompt you to load that data
into one of four available calibrate memory files.
In the Load Cal Data, the OSL file you build is loaded into the
Calibrate: Use the Up/Down Arrow keys to open one of four storage
files available to store your setup. The screen will then instruct you to
install the Open, Short, and 50-Ohm calibration loads in sequence.
Before attempting a calibration, be sure to read the Calibrate chapter
for additional information about "Local" and "Global" calibration
procedures and the analyzer's flash memory structure.
Load Cal Data: Use the Up/Down Arrow keys and choose a file
number (1-4) for your new data file and press Enter to transfer it into
the processor. Press the Return Arrow to exit if the storage file you
selected is invalid.
In addition to four cal-data files, the MFJ-226 has 32 data files
available to save plots for later upload onto a PC as CSV files.
Save File: To save a plot, use the Up/Down Arrow keys to select one
of the 32 file locations and press Enter. If there is older data in the
file, your new data will overwrite it. This data will be retained when the
analyzer is powered down and may be recalled.
Grid: Set to yes to impose grid lines to overlay your plot screens.

11 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer


SWR Screen: Each swept plot is identified in the upper left-hand
corner, and the tunable marker frequency appears to the right. Use
the Up/Down Arrow keys to step or scroll across the display's
frequency range. The numerical test data corresponding to the
marker location appears in the data window below (Ex. SWR is 1.24:1
at the marker).

SWR 14.100000 MHZ


Impedance Magnitude Screen (Z): This plot displays changes in

Impedance Magnitude (Z) across the plot's frequency span.

Z 14.250000 MHZ

Z= 53.20

Resistance Screen (R): The Resistance plot shows shifts in the

load's resistive component as a function of frequency. Note that a
corresponding reactance value and sign also appear.

R 14.250000 MHZ

R= 53.20 X = -8.02

12 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

Reactance Screen (+X or -X): The Reactance plot tracks both

reactive value and displays sign to accurately identify if the load is
capacitive or inductive. The resistive component is also shown.
X 14.250000 MHZ

R = 53.20 X = - 5.32

Return Loss (S11): The RL Plot shows the ratio of reflected power to
forward power expressed in dB across the frequency span. The
higher the return loss ratio, the lower the load's SWR.

RL 14.250000 MHZ

14.87 DB -55 DEG

Phase Angle (Deg): When a test signal (incident wave) is transmitted

to the load under test, the returning signal (reflected wave) will rarely
return in phase. This screen plots the phase angle and amplitude
ratio between the incident and reflected wave.

PHASE 14.250000 MHZ

14.87 DB -55 DEG

13 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

Smith Chart Screen: The Smith Chart is a very popular tool for
visualizing complex impedance relationships in transmission lines and
antenna systems as a function of frequency. Note that the Smith
Chart frequency marker is displayed as a cross-hair that follows the
load's impedance parameters in both the X and Y axis. Normalized
numerical data defining the marker position is displayed to the right-
hand side of the plot.
SMITH 14.015840 MHz

NOTE: DO NOT try to run the global CALIBRATE procedure without a
set of calibration loads. DO NOT UNLOCK the CAL DATA PROTECT
except during the Global CALIBRATE procedure.
The MFJ-226 is accurately calibrated at the factory and should not
need recalibration for initial use.
The MFJ-226 uses Open/Short/Load (or OSL) calibration to maintain
high accuracy for its Global Calibration -- and for "Local Calibration".
Local calibration is used in place of Global Calibration to eliminate
amplitude and phase errors in test cables or transmission line for
specific Swept-Frequency tests. The OSL calibrate procedure will be
familiar to many with RF-engineering backgrounds because it is the
industry standard procedure for setting up professional laboratory-
grade analyzers.
The OSL (Open/Short/Load) “load set” consists of three coaxial
terminations (typically built into connectors). One connector is a
calibrated OPEN (O) to represent an infinitely high impedance. The
second is a calibrated SHORT (S) to represent zero impedance. The
third is a precision (non-reactive) 50-ohm load (L) to represent 1:1
SWR. The analyzer measures all three loads at close frequency
intervals to establish the electronic calibration (or reference) plane of
the analyzer. The Cal Plane represents the point in a transmission
system where the analyzer encounters no intervening losses or
phase shift between the detector and the load being tested. Because
phase shift and loss both change with frequency when traveling
through transmission line, the analyzer’s calibration data set must

14 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

include measurements taken at as many frequencies as possible.

The Microprocessor and DDS handle the "resolution" task
automatically. Calibration will be only as good as the load set used.
Poorly made loads will add errors to the calibration causing the unit to
loose accuracy especially in the VHF range.
High RF Fields may interfere with antenna measurements. You can
check the accuracy with known loads to verify that the MFJ-226 is still
Global Calibration File
All of the MFJ-226 analyzer’s calibration data is stored in flash
memory. Five cal-memory slots are available. One contains the
Global calibration file. The Global file covers the entire 1-MHz to 230-
MHz frequency span. Normally, the Global Cal establishes the
reference plane at the analyzer’s N connector. By default, the Global
Cal applies to all Single-Frequency measurements. It also applies to
Swept-Frequency measurements unless you preempt it by loading in
a Local-Cal file from one of the four remaining memory slots. The
letter “G” may appear in the upper-left corner of the LCD screen when
Global Cal is applied. The letter L appears in the upper left corner of
the LCD screen when Local Cal data is used.
Building a Local Calibration File
Local calibration is normally used for measuring loads through a
transmission line when you do not want to introduce the cable’s loss
or phase shift into your data. To perform the Local Cal, you will
connect the OSL loads out at the far end of the cable. During the
Local Cal procedure, the analyzer compensates out losses and phase
shift in the cable and thereby shifts its reference plane out to the load.
Memory slots numbered 1-4 are reserved for building and saving
Local Cal files. To build a file, use the entry procedure outlined below
and follow the on-screen prompts.
 Press the Mode key until the Calibrate prompt appears
onscreen, then press Enter.
 Select one of the four storage slots and press Enter. .
Note that calibration data and DDS frequencies are linked together in
a "data set". If you decide to alter the frequency range of your plot
after establishing a Local Cal set, the processor will recognize the
shift and automatically reject the Local Cal, reverting back to Global
Cal.. Likewise, if you save a Local Cal data set into memory and
reload it at a future time, the original DDS frequencies will
automatically be pulled up as part of the set.

15 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

Executing Global Calibration

The analyzer’s Global calibration data is normally locked to ensure it
cannot be accidentally erased or overwritten by a Local Cal entry.
However, it is a good idea to check the calibration and recalibrate
your analyzer if needed periodically as a normal preventive
maintenance procedure. In addition, in some circumstances, you may
wish to alter the Global Cal to compensate for a specific test cable or
test fixture. In that event, always re-calibrate before returning the
analyzer to general use! To execute a Global Cal:
 Go to the Main Menu and select the Calibrate option. When
you do, a “Data Locked” message will come up and direct you
to go to the Settings Menu.


 Go to the Settings menu and elect to unlock the Global data.

 Return to the Main Menu and select Calibration again.
 Select the ALL option and perform the OSL Calibration



The program will provide you with step-by-step prompts for executing
the entire Open/Short/Load cal procedure:
Calibrate Calibrate Calibrate


Note that Global Cal requires sampling a very large number of

frequencies between 1 MHz and 230 MHz, so each stage of the
procedure can take several minutes to complete. Also, by selecting
the ALL option, you must complete the entire cal procedure as one
continuous operation. Follow the prompts without interruption or

16 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

without returning to the main menu. Alternatively, you could perform

each step independently bringing up each of the three individual
prompts, but keep in mind that the cal must always be completed to
the same calibration plane under the same conditions or it will
introduce serious measurement error. When applying the loads:
 Connect the OPEN load when requested and hit Enter to start
the cal run.
 When complete, remove OPEN and connect the SHORT.
Tap Enter.
 When complete, remove SHORT and connect LOAD. Tap
Upon completion, the new Global Cal will lock in place automatically
and the analyzer will be ready to use. The MFJ-226 can be re-
calibrated at any time. If you suspect your measurement results may
be inaccurate for any reason, a Global recalibration will eliminate the
analyzer as the source of the problem.




The Calibration Load Set is more than a resistor to stick in the
connector, no connector and a piece of wire. You may get fair results
with these but the accuracy will suffer. A known Good dummy load
can be used in a pinch to check calibration if needed.
There are a number of web sites that show construction of loads but
basically they are an “N” connector that has a precision 49.9 ohm or
50.1 ohm 1% resistor connected between the center pin and the case
ground with as short leads as possible. Precision chip resistors would
be even better but are harder to work with. Do not use the precision
load for a dummy load. It will not handle any power.
Using a GOOD dummy load may work for the load BUT the
termination plane is unknown and will throw the calibration off.
The OPEN is more than leaving the connector off. It is an “N”
connector that the center pin and insulator are glued or clamped in
place with the connector assembly, giving a termination at the same

17 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

level as the load resistor. For HF this may not be much of a difference
but VHF and UHF this could be a drastic difference.
The SHORT is more than sticking something in the connector to short
it out. The calibrated short is an “N” connector that is assembled with
the center pin and insulation and a brass or copper washer soldered
to the center pin and clamped to the connector case with the normal
connector hardware. This moves the plane of the short to the same
plane as the open and the load.


Computer Software Control
A PC host program is available for controlling the analyzer and
displaying measured data. The program is part of the Times
Technology Series and can control other analyzers in the series. The
driver and PC Host program is posted on the MFJ web site. Be sure
to install the program before connecting the analyzer to your PC.
Follow the driver installation instructions included with the drivers to
allow the MFJ-226 to connect to your computer.
To link your analyzer to the PC, step through Main Menu and select
PC Mode. Then, press Enter. This will bring up a “Waiting for Host
CMD” message.



Connect the MFJ-226 to the USB cable and computer. Launch the
program. It will automatically find the MFJ-226 and connect. Once the
COM port of the MFJ-226 is click on START. The button will become
Running. Click on it again to stop the function. Click on Quit to exit the
Enter the START and STOP frequencies or the CENTER frequency
and SPAN width. Span width will choose the nearest width. The
maximum number of points measured is 127 and can be set less. You
can select MHz or KHz frequency input at the top right of the screen.
Select the mode and with the slider on the left of the screen set the

18 Version 1A 1R02
MFJ-226 Graphical Antenna Impedance Analyzer

To save in CSV format click the Save to File and enter the information
in the Save As window.
To load data from the MFJ-226 click on the Load from T200 button
and select the data file to retrieve.
Manual Control via Computer
This mode can be used for making custom data capture and control
Set the MFJ-226 as above to select the PC Mode.
To permit communication, the serial port between the MFJ-226 and
the PC should be configured as follows:
Baud Rate = 115200
Parity Bit = None
Data Bits = 8
Stop Bit = 1
To command the DDS to tune to a specific frequency, transmit a six-
digit frequency in ASCII characters over the serial port. To initiate a
measurement at that frequency, send the ASCII character ‘S’. You
should then receive a null-terminated ASCII data string. This string
presents the measured magnitude and phase angle in degrees
separated by a comma. The same result will be displayed on both the
PC and the analyzer’s LCD display.
Send another ‘S’ to repeat the previous measurement at the same
frequency, or issue a new six-digit frequency to tune the analyzer to a
new frequency.
Sending and ASCII character 'D' brings the analyzer back to its initial
state, displaying the “Waiting for Host CMD” message.
MFJ will provide access to firmware updates as they become
available. Your MFJ-226 may be updated via the USB interface with
the following procedure:
 Install fresh batteries before attempting the download. It is
important to maintain operating power during the transfer.
 Do not turn power off or remove the batteries at any time
during the firmware update.
Your PC must be running a reasonably current version of Windows to
perform the update.
To initiate:

19 Version 1A 1R02
 Download the Firmware update and the Firmware Update
Program. Put them in a directory that will be easy to get to.
 Extract the update.exe from the zip file and put it in this
directory. When finished there should be the firmware.enc
and update.exe in this directory along with the zip file.
 On the PC, Click on the RUN command and type CMD in the
command line.
 In the Command Line Box using the DOS commands change
the directory to the directory where the files were saved.
 Put the MFJ-226 into update mode by pressing and holding
the analyzer's Mode key and press the boot key to turn on the
analyzer. A "Firmware Update" message will appear on the
LCD screen.
 Plug in the USB cable to link up with the PC.
 Find out which USB emulated COM port is connected by
Control Panel/System/Hardware/Device Manage
 Confirm that the MFJ-226 LCD screen is displaying
"Firmware Update"
 Set up the following command:
update firmware.ENC -COMx -115200
where firmware.ENC is the actual name of the firmware
file and
x is the actual COM port in use.
For example if the firmware update file is
“MFJ-226V01R02.ENC” and the MFJ-226 is connected
to COM3 then enter:
“update MFJ-226V01R02.ENC –COM3 -115200”
 The program will start, indicate the progress, then tell you
when it is finished.
 The MFJ-226 will power off and you can disconnect the cable
and close the DOS box.
 The firmware version can be checked in the SETTINGS INFO
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. Warrants to the original owner of this product, if manufactured by
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. and purchased from an authorized dealer or directly from MFJ
Enterprises, Inc. to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 12
months from date of purchase provided the following terms of this warranty are satisfied.
1. The purchaser must retain the dated proof-of-purchase (bill of sale, canceled check,
credit card or money order receipt, etc.) describing the product to establish the
validity of the warranty claim and submit the original or machine reproduction of
such proof-of-purchase to MFJ Enterprises, Inc. at the time of warranty service. MFJ
Enterprises, Inc. shall have the discretion to deny warranty without dated proof-of-
purchase. Any evidence of alteration, erasure, or forgery shall be cause to void any
and all warranty terms immediately.
2. MFJ Enterprises, Inc. agrees to repair or replace at MFJ’s option without charge to
the original owner any defective product under warranty, provided the product is
returned postage prepaid to MFJ Enterprises, Inc. with a personal check, cashiers
check, or money order for $12.00 covering postage and handling.
3. MFJ Enterprises, Inc. will supply replacement parts free of charge for any MFJ
product under warranty upon request. A dated proof-of-purchase and an $8.00
personal check, cashiers check, or money order must be provided to cover postage
and handling.
4. This warranty is NOT void for owners who attempt to repair defective units.
Technical consultation is available by calling (662) 323-5869.
5. This warranty does not apply to kits sold by or manufactured by MFJ Enterprises,
6. Wired and tested PC board products are covered by this warranty provided only the
wired and tested PC board product is returned. Wired and tested PC boards installed
in the owner’s cabinet or connected to switches, jacks, or cables, etc. sent to MFJ
Enterprises, Inc. will be returned at the owner’s expense unrepaired.
7. Under no circumstances is MFJ Enterprises, Inc. liable for consequential damages to
person or property by the use of any MFJ products.
8. Out-of-warranty Service: MFJ Enterprises, Inc. will repair any out-of-warranty
product provided the unit is shipped prepaid. All repaired units will be shipped COD
to the owner. Repair charges will be added to the COD fee unless other
arrangements are made.
9. This warranty is given in lieu of any other warranty expressed or implied.
10. MFJ Enterprises, Inc. reserves the right to make changes or improvements in design
or manufacture without incurring any obligation to install such changes upon any of
the products previously manufactured.
11. All MFJ products to be serviced in-warranty or out-of-warranty should be addressed
to MFJ Enterprises, Inc., 300 Industrial Park Road, Starkville, Mississippi 39759,
USA and must be accompanied by a letter describing the problem in detail along
with a copy of your dated proof-of-purchase.
12. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which
vary from state to state.
300 Industrial Park Road Version 1A 1R02
Starkville, MS 39759

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