Ivermectin Could Be A Powerful Drug' For Fighting Cancer

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Ivermectin Could
Be a ‘Powerful
Drug’ for Fighting
Cancer, Here’s Why
Different from many conventional cancer
therapies, ivermectin kills cancer cells by (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock)
enhancing immune response.
By Marina Zhang | March 21, 2024 Updated: March 25, 2024
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Rick Alderson was a retired sawmill worker who was diagnosed with
terminal colon cancer in November 2020.

He experienced excruciating pain in his bowels for months; then, a

gastroenterologist found a large tumor in his rectum and told him and
his wife he only had six months to live.

To the oncologist, Mr. Alderson “was a dead man walking,” Mr.

Alderson’s wife, Eve Alderson, told The Epoch Times.

Doctors were against starting him on treatment due to Mr. Alderson’s

age and the severity of his cancer, but Mr. and Mrs. Alderson
determined that their fate was in God’s hands and decided to do
whatever they could.

Mr. Alderson got started with 10 rounds of

radiation therapy. Initially, his
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), a marker
for tumor activity, was significantly elevated
at 480 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). A
month later, he started chemotherapy. By
then, his CEA levels had risen to 1,498 ng/mL.

By the time Mr. Alderson started treatment,

his colon cancer had metastasized and
spread to his liver, where he had 25 tumors.
Rick Alderson and his wife,
“I was off their charts,” Mr. Alderson said in Eve Alderson, after Mr.
Alderson developed colon
an interview with The Cancer Box, a cancer cancer. (Courtesy of Joshua
diagnosis blog. Treadway)

Mr. Alderson went on to live another two years before succumbing to

Due to concerns about COVID-19 and the
liver failure due to the progression of his three remaining liver tumors.
ongoing pandemic, Mr. Alderson started looking into preventative
medication and found ivermectin. “His life was definitely extended,” Mrs. Alderson said, reflecting on Mr.
Alderson’s cancer journey.
Further research showed that the drug could likely enhance the
effectiveness of his chemotherapy and radiation therapy and was She attributes Mr. Alderson’s survival beyond his prognosis to his
relatively safe. In February 2021, he began taking ivermectin. success with ivermectin and the chemotherapy drug fluorouracil.
“Ivermectin was instrumental,” she said.
Ten days later, his CEA levels had dropped to 184 ng/mL.

Come March, the number was 47.9 ng/mL. By April 7, it was 20.7; by
April 21, it had dropped to 13.9 ng/mL. By midsummer, it had fallen
Multiple Anti-Cancer Effects
into the normal range. Of the 25 tumors in his liver, only three “There are at least nine perfectly defined cancer targets affected by
remained. ivermectin,” Dr. Alfonso Dueñas-González, an oncologist and senior
researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, told The
Epoch Times.

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Ivermectin: Expert
The Truth About Ivermectin improvement in their symptoms, which was noteworthy given the
cancer’s rapid progression. The third patient had no response to

The first reports of ivermectin’s anti-cancer properties came in 1995. Another Japanese study followed three patients with different cancers
Two French researchers found that ivermectin—a Nobel Prize- —breast, bone, and lung—who were on a combination of ivermectin
winning anti-parasite drug—could reverse multidrug resistance in and other drugs, including an anti-cancer hormonal therapy.
tumors. The drug targets tumor stem cells—a driver of cancer tumors
and relapses—and promotes cancer death. For two patients, ivermectin was added last in the therapeutic
combination, with doctors observing significant improvements in
Ivermectin also enhances the effects of chemo and radiation therapy. It symptoms. Soon after ivermectin was added, “all the symptoms were
has a broad impact on the immune system, increasing immune offense relieved,” the authors noted about one patient.
against cancers.
The other patient was prescribed ivermectin alongside other drugs.
It also inhibits cancer cell cycles, helping prevent the formation of new After one treatment cycle, he could come to the clinic “on foot by
cancer cells. The drug promotes the killing of cancer cells by inducing himself.”
mitochondrial stress and prevents cancer survival by preventing new
blood vessels, which transport energy and fuel to cancers, from
forming near cancer cells. An Immune Booster
Dr. Peter P. Lee, chair of immuno-oncology at the City of Hope, is a
leading researcher in the United States on ivermectin as an
immunotherapeutic drug for cancer.

Conventional anti-cancer therapeutics such as chemotherapy and

radiation therapy focus on damaging the DNA of cancer cells and
killing them. At the same time, the treatments also kill immune cells
and suppress the immune system.

Ivermectin won the 2015 Nobel Prize for its anti-parasitic benefits. (HJBC, Jarun Ontakrai/Shutterstock)
“Ivermectin can kill cancer cells in a way that drives the host immune
response—what we call immunogenic cell death (ICD),” Dr. Lee said.
While many studies have found that ivermectin has impressive
potential as an anti-cancer drug, there are few clinical studies of Dr. Lee’s research found that when mice with breast cancer received
ivermectin use for cancer. One study followed three children with ivermectin, immune cells would begin to appear in tumors that
acute myeloid leukemia, an aggressive cancer that progresses quickly previously had none. This process is known as turning “cold” tumors
if not treated. After conventional chemo failed, all three children were “hot.”
put on a combination therapy with ivermectin. While all patients
“Genuinely speaking, patients with hot tumors have better clinical
eventually succumbed to the disease, two children saw temporary
outcomes with a lower risk for recurrence and live longer, so there’s a

lot of interest in what regulates whether tumors are hot or cold,” Dr.
Lee said.

Immune cells CD4+ (green), CD8+ T-cells (yellow), and cancer cells (red) shown via staining.
(Courtesy of NPJ Breast Cancer)

However, only ivermectin and pembrolizumab together could

completely clear out metastasis.
However, tumors continued to grow in mice given ivermectin alone,
meaning the drug is not enough by itself. Dr. Lee reasoned that “Ivermectin has a lot of promise for cancer, but probably not as a
ivermectin could synergize with immune checkpoint inhibitor anti- stand-alone treatment,” Dr. Lee said.
PD1, an immunotherapy drug. Immunotherapy is a relatively new
form of anti-cancer therapy that strengthens the body’s immune Professor of urologic sciences at the University of British Columbia Dr.
system to fight cancer. While some immunotherapies have broad Martin Gleave previously tested ivermectin for its ability to inhibit
immune-strengthening effects, the most commonly used ones target HSP27, a “stress” protein that gets released after chemotherapy and
only a specific subset of the immune system. radiation therapy. High levels of this protein prevent the body from
responding to and recovering from cancer treatments. Ivermectin
After they were once again injected with cancer cells, the mice whose successfully reduced their activities in an animal model.
tumors were cleared after this combination therapy no longer formed
new tumors. However, the researchers ultimately decided against pursuing clinical
trials, as there were concerns of potential neurotoxicity since mice
were given a dose of 10 milligrams per kilogram, which was much
higher than the dose prescribed for parasitic diseases.

New Therapeutic Reality?

Dr. Lee’s team has begun a clinical trial of ivermectin combined with The first of the three patients had stage 4 prostate cancer. It came on
immunotherapy for women with metastatic breast cancer. They have abruptly, and after exhausting all possible treatments within nine
also found ivermectin to be effective against other types of cancer months, his doctors announced that he had three weeks left to live.
cells. Therefore, additional patients may be included in future trials. The patient started taking ivermectin along with other nutraceuticals,
and within two months, his prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a potential
The interaction of the two therapies is a highly complex process marker for prostate tumor, became negligible. Within six months, the
dependent on timing, dosage, and drug combinations. metastatic lesions had begun to disappear, and in less than a year, “he
was out dancing for four hours” three nights a week, Dr. Ruddy said.
Dr. Lee likened the process of using multiple drugs to boost immunity
to coaching a football team. “You don’t just throw all the players The same scenario unfolded for two subsequent patients.
together and say, ‘Just run.’ You have different people doing different
things. You have different sequences to try to score. “I’ve been a cancer surgeon for over 30 years. I’ve never seen anything
like this in one patient—let alone three in a row,” Dr. Ruddy said.
“What we’re learning is that ivermectin is going to be a very powerful
drug in the context of really carefully developed immunotherapy Dr. Ruddy is currently recruiting for an observational study on the
combinations,” he added. effects of alternative cancer treatments. As it is an observational study,
patients have complete control over the therapeutics they want to be
on, and researchers will only follow them for the duration of their

Some doctors have already been treating cancer using ivermectin—

with some success.

Dr. Dueñas-González, based in Mexico, has prescribed ivermectin at

his private clinic. Most of his patients also received chemotherapy
treatments, and some saw reductions in their tumor marks after going
on ivermectin.

Dr. Scott Rollins from the Integrative Medicine Center in Colorado has
been treating cancer patients with alternative treatment protocols for
decades. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, he has added ivermectin to
this protocol after learning about its anti-cancer effects. However,
since patients are given a combination of drugs, he is uncertain if
Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, a Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center-trained patients’ improvements are due to ivermectin, the overall drug
breast cancer surgeon, also became interested in ivermectin after combination, or the other drugs in the protocol.
three patients she consulted with experienced a dramatic
improvement in their condition after taking it with other adjunctive
Responsive Cancer Types

Ivermectin's use in some cancer types, including leukemia and breast, ovarian, and
colorectal. (Natasha Holt/The Epoch Times)

Breast Cancer
Laboratory studies on breast cancer tissue have found ivermectin to
be effective against all types of human breast cancer tissues, including
triple-negative, the most resistant to treatment.

Animal and laboratory studies show that ivermectin induces

autophagy in breast cancer cells. Autophagy is an anti-cancer process
Ivermectin has shown some degree of anti-cancer effect in every that starves and degrades useless cells while blocking cancer cell
cancer type it has been tested on, Dr. Ruddy said. growth. Ivermectin also enhances chemotherapy effects in breast
cancer treatment.
Dr. Dueñas-González’s research has shown that at least 26 different
cancer cell lines, including prostate, kidney, esophageal, breast,
ovarian, lungs, glioblastoma, stomach, colon, liver, lymphoma, uterus,
pancreas, and bladder, respond to ivermectin in laboratory studies. Studies of various chronic myeloid leukemia cell lines showed that
ivermectin kills these lines by inducing mitochondrial dysfunction
Its use in some cancer types is more well-researched than others,
and the production of free radicals.
though most of the research has not been conducted in humans but in
human cell lines or animals. In mice with leukemia, ivermectin increases the influx of chloride
ions in the cells, promoting cell death.

When ivermectin is combined with two chemotherapy drugs, free

radical production is further increased. Ivermectin also reverses drug
resistance in chemotherapy-resistant leukemia cells.

Ovarian Cancer
Laboratory studies of three different ovarian cancer cell lines showed
that when only ivermectin was used, the drug modestly inhibited the
growth of cancer cells. However, when it was combined with
pitavastatin, a type of statin, the synergistic drug combination
increased both drugs’ effects.

Ivermectin preferentially targets ovarian cancer stem cells, promoting

their death by encouraging the formation of free radicals. Another
study involving both a cell line and animal model that combined
ivermectin with cisplatin, a type of chemotherapy drug, showed that
ivermectin by itself stopped ovarian cell growth. However, when
combined with cisplatin, it completely reversed cancer cell growth.

Colorectal Cancer
Laboratory research on colorectal cancer cell lines has shown that
ivermectin inhibits cell growth. The drug also encourages the
formation of free radicals, which can attack these cancer cells’ DNA Bomb Threats and Sabotage—How the Fluoroquinolone Alert: The Common
and cellular components. With increasing doses of ivermectin, more Campaign Against Shen Yun Is Escalating Medication That Could Lead to Irreversible
Health Conditions
free radicals were produced. Ivermectin also reverses chemotherapy
resistance in colorectal cancer cells.

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K KCzeslaw Z… | 4 days ago Steve Baker, on the Jan. 6 Front Lines and in the China Behind Super Highway That Targets US
In 2020 I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer via a biopsy. In my research for DOJ’s Crosshairs With Mass Migration, Economic Warfare
coming up with a Covid regimen vs getting the vaccine, I read a couple of studies on
ivermectin. These studies showed that ivermectin had good results and possibly
could cure prostrate cancer. As part of my Covid regimen I was already taking
5,000iu/day of D3 and my D blood level was 35.7ng/ml. I upped my D3 to
10,000iu/day. By the end of 2021 my D blood level was 64.9ng/ml. Then Covid hit
our household during Christmas of 2021. I took ivermectin for 7 days and was back
to 100% of my health. My D blood level had risen to 89.9ng/ml. I then decided based
on my reading that I would start an ivermectin regimen for my prostrate cancer. For
the months of January & February I took 2ml of 1% ivermectin solution daily. I then
cut it back to 3ml 3 times a week for March & April. My April MRI showed no
changes/growth in the cancer. I then cut my dosage back to 2ml twice a week for a
year. In May of 2023, at the age of 64, I had my second prostrate biopsy and they
found no cancer. I now take 2ml of the 1% ivermectin solution every Tuesday. I’ve
upped my D3 to 12,000iu/day and added 200mcg of K-2, 800mg of Magnesium, Despite Supreme Court Ruling, States are Still ‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk
etc. to my Covid regimen, now just my “stay healthy” regimen. Throughout this Confiscating People’s Homes Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes
ordeal my weight ranged from 210-220lbs so I was dosing myself at 0.20mg/kg or
0.02ml/kg. I’m not a medical person but due to Covid became an avid reader of all
things Covid/Prostrate Cancer. Cancer free & still unvax’d!

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