Introduction To Asana

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 The Sanskrit term an “Asana” is derived from the root term

“asi” means “to be”.
 Simply, an Asana is a seat, a pose, or a posture. A posture of
sitting, standing, revolving, and other is asana but not all
asanas are meant for yoga.
 Indeed, yoga asanas are special physical postures which asked
one to bring their focus at one place, into the pose only, by
engaging specific body limbs. So, awareness is the key to any
yoga asana.

Yoga Asana vs basic body position

 Are you aware of your pose when normally standing,

sitting, or lay in bed, sleeping? Probably not!

 On the contrary, When we happen in a yoga pose we are

aware of being into the pose.

 For example, take a normal pose when we are sleeping

vs. a yoga pose (Savasana). In both cases, physically the
body lies in a similar position.
Awareness in pose is what makes it

 When after an intense yoga session we lay in savasana,
our experience, the way of breathing, and thought patterns
differ completely from sleeping. It’s because while we
perform a yoga asana, our body consciously realizes it.

 A fully aware yoga asana makes us realize the whole

body (even its subtlest movement) & once the mind is
fully aware of the body, it doesn’t let any other thoughts
come in. This is the mechanism of any yoga asana.

How Asana efforts are no longer efforts?

 The nature of yoga asana is such that it demands a person

to put some effort to come into the pose and be
consciously in it. This conscious effort is needed because
it brings the maximum attention of the person to the one
place (into the pose only) Instead of letting it wander

 To understand this, Imagine when we are on a chair, and

when we are performing the chair pose (Utkatasana).
When EFFORT placed to come into pose
become COMFORTABLE then it’s the

 When we do Utkatasana, we put the physical effort
✓ To bend the knees,

✓ To bring thighs parallel to the ground

✓ And finally, to hold pose for a few minutes

 The effort here isn’t needed to attain a certain level of

proficiency or to achieve a pre-defined picture of chair pose
that already imprinted on our mind.
 Instead, when the knees or thighs feel this effort placed by you
it asks the mind to bring whole attention at this place.
 Hence, this effort becomes a key to wandering mind to come
at one place, in the pose.

Tips for Transitioning between Poses in

 Connect and synchronize movements with the breath

 Breathe into the back body while transitioning
 Move with steady graceful flowing rhythm
 Maintain steady moment to moment awareness
 Take your time and move from stability and integration
 Activate stability before active expansion
 Adjust alignment of back leg first, then front leg

Asana and the Breath

1st classification of Asana

 The asanas can be classified depending on the

application of the asanas. These are:

i. Meditative asanas

ii. Asanas for improving health

iii. Relaxing asanas

Meditative asanas
 Asanas like

✓ Padmasana (Lotus pose),

✓ Siddhasana (Perfect pose),

✓ Swastikasana (Auspicious pose),

✓ Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose),

✓ Vrukshasana (tree pose) etc are called as meditative asanas.

 The purpose of these asanas is to stabilize the body for

advance practices of Pranayama and meditation.
Asanas for improving health
 Asanas have good effect on various systems in human
body, such as
✓ Matsyendrasana (spinal twist pose) has good effect on
digestive system and good effect on pancreas for
improving the insulin production,
✓ Sarvangasana (shoulder stand pose) has good effects on
endocrine gland system particularly thyroid glands.
 So the asanas which have complementary effect on
various organs can be classified in this category.
Relaxing asanas

✓ Shavasana (corpse pose) and

✓ Makarasana (crocodile pose) are relaxing asanas.

 These asanas give complete rest to body and mind.

2nd classification of Asana

 There is also another way of categorizing yoga

asanas based on the position of the body in which the
yoga pose is carried out.

Benefits of Asana

 Practicing asanas with patience and dedication can bring

about a lot of changes in our life such as:
✓ Losing extra flab and getting in shape
✓ Having a flexible body
✓ Rejuvenating the skin's texture and tone
✓ Having a peaceful mind even after too much tension and
✓ Promoting good overall health

Below are few of the health benefits of yoga
asanas in our daily routine:

Weight Loss

 Losing extra weight is something most people desire.

 To achieve a healthy and fit body, many people reach out to

yoga classes with the intention of attaining weight loss.

 Sun salutation is a combination of various yoga asanas, which

is mostly carried out for losing weight.

 Regularly practicing asanas helps the body to become more

sensitive to the kind of food one eats and one's wake-up time,
which often leads to effective weight loss.

Maintaining an "All-Around" Fitness

 Yoga asana is called as an "all-rounder", wherein it helps in

breathing techniques, postures, and meditation.

 Hence, it is regarded as a package of holistic fitness.

 The regular practice of asana would help improve one's health

through body detoxification, promoting physical strength,
boosting and improving mental strength, and protects the body
through quick healing in cases of infection or injury.

Improvement in Immunity
 Our body system is said to be an infinite blend of mind, spirit, and body,
and any differences or irregularity in the body has an impact on the mind.

 Any kind of restlessness or unpleasantness in the mind would lead to

illnesses in the body.

 Hence, practicing asana would help in massaging the various organs in the
body along with strengthening the muscles, improving breathing
techniques, and carrying out meditation.

 A healthy immune system would be very active in defending the body

against harmful substances.

Attaining Inner Peace

 Wouldn’t we all, at some point in time, would want to go out to a

place that would provide us with peace and serenity?

 However, we hardly realize that peace can be found first within


 To find inner peace, you would need to take a break for just a few
minutes a day and carry out certain meditative asanas or relaxing

 Hence, yoga asana is considered as the best way to calm an

overloaded or disturbed mind.
Relieving Stress

 Carrying out a few useful yoga asanas can help provide relief
from stressful moments or thoughts that can lead to a
disruption in the mind, body, and soul.

 Asanas can be carried out any time during the day, so that one
can get relief from the accumulated thoughts that are
continuously running in the mind.

Improvement in Relationships

 Yoga asanas are also known to bring about improvement in


 Relationships can be with anyone. It can be with your spouse,

parents, children, siblings, friends, or any loved ones.

 A person with a relaxed body and mind along with a contented

and happy state is able to deal with sensitive relationships
wisely and sail through it smoothly in turbulent times.

 Practicing yoga and meditation on a daily basis would keep the

mind happy and at peace.
Better Posture and Flexibility
 When yoga is inculcated in the daily routine similar to bathing or brushing
the teeth, it would help the body to become flexible and strong from inside
to the outside.

 Regularly practicing various asanas stretches the body and tones each and
every muscle, thus making them strong.

 It also helps to improve body posture while you are standing, walking, or

 Hence, it is a good way of getting away from all of those unwanted body
pain or aches.


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