Getting Started With ASRM Student Book - May2024

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Getting Started with Trend Vision

One: Attack Surface Risk

Management (ASRM)

Student Guide

May, 2024

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Student Guide

Take Charge of Cyber Risk

Getting Started with Attack Surface

Risk Management (ASRM)

We are excited to introduce you to Trend’s cornerstone exposure management solution

that is part of the Trend Vision One platform.

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 1
Student Guide

After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Highlight how Vision One calculates your risk index.
⁻ How it is computed (methodology and risk index calculation)
⁻ Understand relationship between data sources and your risk index
⁻ Explain risk status to various stakeholders

• Perform functions in Executive and Operations dashboards, along with Attack Surface
Discovery, to understand and mitigate risk.
• Take actions to lower your organizational risk by managing the status of risk events.
• Integrate third-party products into Vision One for a comprehensive risk assessment,
and a fuller picture of the organization's security posture.

2 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

This session is designed to assist IT managers, operations teams, CISOs, and CIOs in
adopting a risk-based cybersecurity approach to address evolving challenges in the
cybersecurity landscape.

We will explore how Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management (ASRM) helps calculate
your cybersecurity risk and explains it to various stakeholders, from the board to those
who need to act based on this risk. Additionally, we’ll delve into using the Executive and
Operations dashboards, along with Attack Surface Discovery, to understand and mitigate
risk. Most importantly, we’ll examine the necessary steps to lower your organization’s risk
using the provided risk management tools. Finally, we’ll explore integrating third-party
products into Vision One and maximizing data sources, enhancing Vision One’s discovery
capabilities for a more comprehensive and accurate view of your organization’s security

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 2
Student Guide

Before We Start

Post questions in the Chat and Q&A pane only Download your copy of the Student Guide
from the Education Portal

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Post any questions in the Q&A pane. The Chat pane is not being monitored by the trainers.

The Student Guide for this course can be downloaded from the Trend Education Portal.
• Log into your account, click the Getting Started With Attack Surface Risk
Management course.
• Scroll to the Course Syllabus section and click to download the Student Guide

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 3
Student Guide

A complex growing attack surface

Work-from-home IT/OT convergence

& 5G

Software Rapid growth

supply chain Legacy in cloud native
uncertainty services

Massive Cloud native

growth in SaaS applications

4 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

The threat landscape is always changing, but the drastic shifts of recent years have made
unprecedented demands of security teams.
• Attackers are trying to attack in all kinds of new ways and new places.
• The battleground never stops growing and changing.
• This very complex and diverse digital environment presents new opportunities
for attack.
• An increased number of cyber assets means more of those assets are likely to be
vulnerable, more areas of weakness arise in the infrastructure, and, overall,
results in an even bigger and more profitable target that cybercriminals are only
too eager to exploit.

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 4
Student Guide

Lack of Security Posture across Cyber Assets

User Endpoints Storage Servers Containers Domain, Active Cloud Routers, VPN IoT 5G Private
Accounts Subdomains Directory Workloads Switches Gateway Network …

Cyber Assets
Compromised Credentials
Weak Credentials
Where are my cyber assets & how many are there?
Social Engineering
Software Vulnerabilities
Exposures & Vulnerabilities?
Unpatched Vulnerability
Impact of a compromise?

Likelihood of being exploited?

Attack Vectors

5 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

The attack surface refers to all cyber assets and all the attack vectors you are facing. When
it comes to your attack surface, you can no longer consider only assets like endpoints,
servers and workloads, but now must consider identities, mobile devices, IoT, OT, cloud
infrastructure and so on.
• Facing the perfect storm: Ever-growing number of cyber assets in your
organization on one side, and on the other, attackers who continue to find new
and novel ways of infiltrating organizations and systems. You need to understand
the attack surface. Asking and answering things like:
• Which assets present an easier challenge for attackers?
• How impactful would it be if that specific asset is compromised?
• Does it host sensitive data, or belong to VIP employee in your company,
like an executive?
• What is its relationship or connection with other assets?
• Depending on skills, resources, and available tools in your organization, the
difficulty in getting to these answers could range from tedious to impossible.

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 5
Student Guide

82 %
Of breaches, Identity compromise is a key element.

of organizations have been compromised via an unknown, unmanaged, or poorly
managed internet-facing asset.

of Trend Micro IR incidents start with phishing

6 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Due to this attack surface scale in the past year alone, nearly 70% of organizations have
been compromised via an unknown, unmanaged, or poorly managed internet-facing asset.

This is partly due to the complexity of taking an inventory of external-facing assets — with
the average organization taking upwards of 80 hours to generate an accurate picture of
their attack surface.


Student Guide

ASRM - Full Lifecycle Cyber Risk Management

Eliminate blind spots with continuous discovery
of known, unknown, internal, and internet-
facing (external) assets

Understand overall enterprise risk in real-time and

dive deep into prioritized areas of risk and exposure

Take proactive mitigation actions to lower risks and

reduce the opportunity for breaches

7 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

You are probably already familiar with Trend’s ASRM Lifecycle (Discover, Assess, Mitigate).

With Attack Surface Risk Management capabilities in Vision One, we offer customers a full
cyber risk lifecycle management solution helping you become more proactive at identifying
potential risk, and mitigating or remediating it before that risk can be realized in the form
of a breach or incident.

Student Guide

User &

& Servers
Cloud Infra It begins with visibility
Only when you have a holistic view
of your attack surface can you:
Email Applications

• Truly assess risk

• Expose and address blind spots
ICS/OT Data • Stop attacks before they happen
• Investigate attacks in depth

5G Network

8 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

To manage risk effectively - now more than ever organizations need full holistic visibility.
This is essential for addressing critical questions that risk decision-makers grapple with,
ultimately improving their overall management of risk exposure.

Student Guide

9 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc. * Source: Forester, Erik Nost, Senior Analyst

This illustration (Erik Nost, Senior Analyst at Forester) simplifies the concepts of “proactive”
versus “reactive” security approaches using a house analogy to illustrate fixing a leak.
When it comes to ASRM (proactive security), it’s about staying ahead of the game and
safeguarding your organization’s digital landscape.

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Trend ASRM: Built for What’s Next

Trend Vision One – Attack Surface Risk Managment

Attack Surface Risk Risk

Discovery Assessment Mitigation
Exposure Management (EM)
Attack Surface Management Automation and orchestration of
(ASM) Vulnerability Risk Management mitigation actions (SOAR

Security Posture Management

Cyber Asset Attack Surface
Management Cloud (CSPM)
(CAASM) Identity (ISPM)
Streamlined workflows with
Data (DSPM)
SaaS (SSPM) Trend prevention/protection

External Attack Surface Cloud Infrastructure Entitlements

Management (EASM) Management (CIEM)

Extended Detection and Response


Risk Scoring, Dashboards and Reporting

10 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Trend’s ASRM is built to manage the full cyber risk lifecycle and it collapses multiple market
capabilities into one offering. It has the broadest and deepest capability set on the market.
Why get one thing when you can get everything you need to manage risk and ease the
burden on your team with prioritization and central management built-in.

Unlike other Attack Surface Management (ASM) vendors it goes beyond discovery with
assessment and remediation.
• From point products by assessing risk across the attack surface, as opposed to
looking at risk in individual areas or for specific vectors.
• From other Risk Scoring/ Dashboard solutions by being able to assess a broader
set of risk factors.
• From a risk assessment perspective in particular, no other vendor offers the
option to consider or calculate risk across so many factors. We offer risk scoring
across cloud assets, internet-facing assets, devices, cloud app activity, account
compromise, user activity and behaviors, vulnerabilities, XDR detections, and
threats. This offers a comprehensive assessment of risk, as compared to
competitor’s siloed risk views or "checkbox" capabilities without any integrations
between all of the risk factors.
• From key competitors by offering a platform approach that consolidates XDR and
helps operationalize Zero Trust strategies.

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Shift from Security Tools to a Cybersecurity Platform

"By 2026, 70% of all functionality

relating to cyber asset attack
surface management, external
attack surface management and
digital risk protection services
will be part of broader,
preexisting security platforms,
rather than provided by stand-
alone vendors, up from less than
5% in 2022".
* Source: Gartner, Innovation Insight for Attack Surface
Management, Mar 2022

11 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

More and more customers are moving towards a consolidated platform approach and
Trend Vision One is uniquely positioned to help you move in that direction at your own

The Trend Vision One platform represents a truly integrated approach and visibility across
the entire digital environment.
• The platform includes the solutions, services, and technology that connect and
benefit security and operations teams across multiple functions.
• More importantly, the platform delivers a single common framework so security
teams can bridge threat protection and cyber risk management to drive better
security outcomes and accelerate the business.

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Comprehensive Risk Management

Are we compliant? If not, how do we
get and stay there?
Why is my Risk Index 57?

How do I make the best

use of my team,
technology and time?

Do I have complete
visibility of risks in my
environment? What are the steps I can take
to lessen the chances of an

12 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

During today’s session, we will delve into the significant role that comprehensive risk
management plays in ASRM.

ASRM today is helping our customers answer some extremely important questions,
questions that you might be asking yourself like:
• Why is my Risk Index 57? (or whatever that number may be) Understanding risk
calculation is crucial for risk management, stakeholder communication, and risk
reduction. Considering factors like threats, vulnerabilities, and potential consequences,
understanding your risk assessment helps identify risks and their relative importance.
• Do I have complete visibility of risks in my environment? One of the most pressing
concerns today is about risk visibility and if you have complete visibility of your
• Are we compliant? If not, how do we get and stay there? Another critical area of
concern is compliance. Its not just about being compliant in a point of time but getting
compliance and then staying compliant.
• How do I make the best use of my team, technology and time? Customers are asking if
we can address their need to reduce complexity and cost. How can they make the best
use of their team (big or small) their existing investments and the time.
• What steps should/could I take to lessen chances of an attack? Improving cyber
resilience is top of mind and what steps should/could they be taking to ensure they are
as secure as can be. I am sure one or all these questions are on your mind as well.

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Cyber Risk Measurement for Leaders

• How do I know we will not be attacked next?
CEO • Are we investing in mitigating the right risks?

• What is the operational impact if these digital assets are

• How do we compare to similar companies in our
• What is the cyber risk index of my attack surface?
• Do I have the correct data to communicate the risk to the
Board, IT Ops and Sec Ops?
• How can I track if we are getting better or worse?

ITOps SecOps

• I am very busy with managing day-to-day operations • What should I prioritize?

— why should you give this requirement priority? • Are my security settings and systems configurations
aligned to best practices?
• How can I be more proactive and predictive to
better anticipate threats based on different
risk factors?
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Understanding the questions that security personas need answers to is crucial for effective
risk management. Let’s explore some common inquiries that security professionals

Addressing these questions helps organizations quantify cyber risks and make informed
decisions. By understanding the risks thoroughly, security leaders can communicate
effectively both upstream and downstream, helping you maintain a healthy security

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“ For CISOs aiming to manage risk

effectively, understanding the Cyber Risk
Management Lifecycle is essential… ”
Juan Pablo Castro
Director of Cybersecurity Strategy, LATAM

14 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

But before diving into risk discussions with stakeholders and adopting a risk-based
approach to cybersecurity, it’s essential to first understand the fundamentals of the Cyber
Risk Management Lifecycle.

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Source: Adapted from Navigating the Lifecycle of Cyber Risk Management (Juan Pablo Castro, Trend Micro)
15 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

The following cyber risk management lifecycle, adapted from Juan Pablo Castro at Trend
Micro, serves as a strategic compass for navigating the complexities of digital threats. While
numerous sources, such as this one (
lifecycle-of-cyber-risk-management-a-strategic-blueprint-d810abdc5b69) offer further
insights, we will provide a concise overview here.

This lifecycle is not just a framework; it's a structured methodology guiding organizations
through the complex terrain of digital threats.
The Cyber Risk Management Lifecycle facilitates this by providing a structured methodology
to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor cyber risks in a continuous loop of improvement.

It empowers businesses to swiftly adapt to the dynamic landscape of cyber threats,

fostering agility and informed decision-making. This strategy guarantees that cybersecurity
initiatives are not merely reactive responses but are seamlessly integrated into the
organizational strategy. By implementing proactive defense mechanisms, it safeguards vital
assets while facilitating business growth and innovation.

1. The lifecycle begins with discovering every asset and assigning a valuation to each one.
It's crucial to set the context and criticality of every asset, as this forms the foundation
for managing cyber risk. Without this, it is not possible to manage cybersecurity risk.
This process involves identifying all assets and how they are related, including IPs, PCs,

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Student Guide

desktops, containers, Lambda functions, APIs, websites, and more. This process is very
• While companies can utilize a variety of tools within their technology stack to
manage assets, the real challenge lies in maintaining an updated asset list and
comprehending the criticality of each asset. Platforms like Vision One automates
this process, allowing you to update asset criticality starting with a solid baseline.
• This initial phase of discovering assets and assessing their criticality is key to the
Cyber Risk Management Lifecycle.
1. The second phase involves identifying vulnerabilities, threats, and consequences
associated with the discovered assets. This step is crucial as it forms the basis of the risk
2. Once these elements are identified, the next step is to assess and calculate the cyber
risk. This involves not only identifying these factors but also quantifying them in a
measurable way, such as with risk scoring.
3. After assessing the risk, the next step is to implement defenses and controls to mitigate
the cyber risk. This is a critical part of the Cyber Risk Management Lifecycle, unique to
managing cyber risks. It's important to note that cyber risk management is part of
operational or IT risk management, which are handled differently and require a different
4. Following mitigation, continuous tracking and monitoring are essential. Unlike static
methods like GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance), continuous monitoring ensures
that risks are actively managed, not just assessed periodically.
5. After mitigation and monitoring, continuous reassessment and recalculation of cyber risk
is necessary. This continuous cycle ensures that risks are managed dynamically, adapting
to changes in the risk landscape.

Imagine for a moment having to perform all these steps using only your own tools and

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 15
Student Guide


THREATS & Potential Theoretical
Risk Cyber Risk

Vulnerability Cyber Consequence

Source: Adapted from Navigating the Lifecycle of Cyber Risk Management (Juan Pablo Castro, Trend Micro)
16 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

The definitions of threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences are crucial for understanding
cyber risk.
• Threat refers to anything that has the potential to cause harm or allow unauthorized
access to an information system. This could be malicious actors, state-sponsored groups,
cyber criminals or insider threats.
• Vulnerability is a weakness that can be exploited by a threat. Examples include
unpatched software, misconfigured controls and users who may fall victim to social
• Consequence is the impact or damage that would occur if a threat successfully exploits
a vulnerability. Financial loss, reputational harm, loss of proprietary data, and business
disruption are common consequences.

Understanding the relationships between threat, consequence, and vulnerability is key to

comprehending and effectively managing cyber risk.
Visualizing them as intersecting circles helps illustrate their relationship. Remember that
having all three components is necessary for a cyber risk to exist.
For example,
• If only threats and vulnerabilities are present, you do not have a cybersecurity
risk, you have a potential risk.
• If you have threats and consequences without vulnerabilities, it's a theoretical

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• Then, if you have a vulnerability and a consequence but no threat, then you have
a cyber risk exposure. But at any time, the threat can happen and then at this
point, the cyber risk exists.

• Cyber Risk: Represents the potential for losses or damages that may occur due to a threat
exploiting a vulnerability and resulting in a consequence. It is the overarching concept that
encompasses all aspects of the potential negative outcomes of cyber events.
• Potential Cyber Risk: The intersection of Threat and Vulnerability, highlighting that there is
a risk present if both a threat exists and the system is vulnerable to it, even if a
consequence has not yet occurred.
• Theoretical Cyber Risk: The intersection of Threat and Consequence, there is a theoretical
risk when a threat could have serious consequences, even if a current vulnerability isn’t
• Cyber Risk Exposure: This is the area where Vulnerability and Consequence intersect,
indicating that there is exposure to risk when a system is vulnerable and the
consequences of an exploit are potentially significant, regardless of the current level of

Central to the Cyber Risk Management Lifecycle is the in-depth analysis of vulnerabilities,
threats, and consequences, as illustrated by the intersecting circles of the diagram. Each
component plays a critical role in the formulation of an organization’s cybersecurity risk
index or your risk posture, and ONLY, when all three are present does a cyber risk

This explanation provides a qualitative understanding of the main concepts, but once we
delve into calculations, the picture becomes much clearer!

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Source: Adapted from Navigating the Lifecycle of Cyber Risk Management (Juan Pablo Castro, Trend Micro)
17 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

To simplify the discussion about risk, instead of diving straight into complex terminology
like threats, vulnerabilities, heat maps etc., consider this straightforward approach.
Start out by placing your cyber risk at the center as a variable, with three axes representing
threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences.

Picture the score ranging from zero at the edge to 100 at the center. Next, assign values to
each component—let's call them X, Y, and Z—and then use a formula to calculate the
overall cyber risk score.

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PROFILING & Cyber 67 𝑓 62,43,51

Source: Adapted from Navigating the Lifecycle of Cyber Risk Management (Juan Pablo Castro, Trend Micro)
18 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Going further we then add in some numbers. For instance, here we have a threat score of
62, a vulnerability score of 43, and a consequence score of 51, and when all this is
calculated, you end up with an overall risk as 67. This numerical approach is essential,
because you are starting with a value, and with values you can then compare them.

This is especially important for business leaders like CEOs or CFOs, who may not grasp what
ransomware is, what the name is of the black basta family, or if something is a vulnerability,
a CVE and so on, but they do understand numbers. They can easily compare numbers, and
they can compare the performance of the company based on numerical values. Public
companies use similar methods, like stock market comparisons, to gauge their
performance against competitors.

Vision One ASRM is dedicated to solving the persistent challenge you face daily: assessing
and calculating cyber risk within a dynamically evolving environment.
It is also vital to recognize that this scoring is not fixed or static. While you could manually
undertake these calculations (if you so desired!), it's essential to note that these variables
are continually in flux. Threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences can swiftly evolve,
necessitating ongoing recalculations to proactively manage cyber risks.

In Vision One ASRM, the cyber risk calculation is a dynamic process that adapts to the
evolving landscape of threats.

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This example highlights the invaluable role of Vision One in managing your risk calculations.
Utilizing NIST standards, Vision One ensures meticulous and reliable risk assessments,
streamlining your cybersecurity efforts.

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Student Guide

Attack Surface Risk Management

Risk Index
(Risk Score trending and explanation)

Contextual Visibility of Risk

Asset Inventory Asset Graph Attack Path Analysis Risk Summary and Explorer

Risk Risk
Prioritization Reduction
Vulnerability Compliance Misconfiguration Threat/Attack

Devices Identities Cloud Assets Applications Data Internet-facing

(IT, IoT, OT) (User, Key) (Workload, API, …) (SaaS, local app, …) (Blob, Volume, …) …

Frictionless Data Ingestion

Trend Intelligence 3rd-party vendors Trend Layered Solution Trend XDR

(EASM, Dark Web, Cousin Domains, …) (IAM, VAT, OT Security, CMDB, …)
19 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 19
Student Guide

Intelligent Risk Scoring

Likelihood of a Successful Attack

Vulnerability Exposure

• Vulnerabilities detected Business Value

• Misconfigurations
• Suspicious activity • Asset Importance
• Suspicious data access • Impact of outage

Security Config + Control

• Security Policies Minimize impact
implemented likelihood
• Regulatory Compliance scope Asset Posture

• Asset Discovery
• Asset Influence

Threat Activity

• Threat Detections
Detection from
• Attack attempts
Impact of successful attack

Based on NIST 800-30 and NIST 800-60

20 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Trend Vision One ASRM provides quick and accurate risk assessments by continuously
updating metrics and generating individual asset risk scores and a company-wide risk
It monitors cyber assets like devices, public domains, IPs, applications, cloud assets, and
identities by analyzing vulnerability, exposure, security control data, XDR telemetry, and
threat intelligence feeds.

Risk Calculation Brief Overview

• We use standard risk management methodology starting off with likelihood of risk vs
impact of risk.
• On the left we have things that go into calculating that likelihood like
vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, security policies, threat detection, and attack
a empts; mul ply that with the cri cality of the asset
• When we’re assessing risk in the environment our assessment goes beyond vulnerability
scans to account for security controls and configuration, threat activity as well as
exposure in order to make the best decisions possible; this helps organiza ons:
• Iden fy unpatched or misconfigured systems and risky user behavior
• Priori ze vulnerability remedia on ac ons and;
Reduce poten al severity of the a ack
• Inform secure remote access
• The risk index calculation, ranging from 0 to 100, enables you to make informed

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Student Guide

decisions and prioritize risk mitigation efforts.

• The risk calculations are based on NIST 800-30 and NIST 800-60
• In the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Guide for Conducting Risk
Assessments (NIST SP 800-30, Revision One), risk is defined as “a measure of the extent
to which an entity is threatened by a potential circumstance or event and is typically a
function of (i) the adverse impacts that would arise if the circumstance or event occurs;
and (ii) the likelihood of occurrence.”
• The publication also specifies that risks in this context include organizational
assets, individuals, other organizations, the Nation, and organization operations
including mission, functions, image, and even reputation.
• Some organizations can tolerate a certain amount of risk.
• Quantifying it can help you decide whether to accept, mitigate, or avoid the risk
entirely, enabling your security team to operationalize zero-trust architectures.

For a comprehensive understanding of our risk calculation methodology and the standards
we adhere to, we invite you to explore our white paper, "More than a Number: Your Risk
Score Explained."

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Student Guide

Custom Views and Dashboards for the Entire Security Team

“I want to quickly verify if an event “I want to quickly get an overview “What is our Cybersecurity Risk
is an incident and gauge its severity of the incident, including its scope, Exposure? What have we done
on my monitoring console.” timeline, and impact.” to limit the exposure?

[Active Monitoring] [Forensic Analysis] Chief Information

SOC Analyst I Incident Responder Security Officer
Job Duty and Security Knowledge Level
Triages security alerts, monitor health of Primary tasks are policy definition and Leads cybersecurity strategy, ensures it’s aligned
security sensors, collect data & context incident investigation, performing deep-dive with business strategy & objectives; helps
necessary to initiate response. incident analysis by correlating data from communicates strategy & progress across the
various resources. board and key leaders.

100% Monitor 50% Monitor 30% Monitor

Security Knowledge Level: Security Knowledge Level: Security Knowledge Level:

Medium Expert High

Tools Used
System and Network Management Consoles, XDR XDR Workbench, Search App, Threat Intelligence, Executive Dashboard (Risk Index, Security Posture Status),
Workbench, Operations Dashboard, Security Forensic App, Security Playbooks, Operations Automated Risk and Compliance Reports, Attack Surface
Configuration and Control Dashboard
21 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.
Dashboard, Attack Overview Exposure Overview

Vision One has custom views and dashboards for the entire security team, from generalist
to specialist to senior leader.
This training focuses on two main persona use cases (as shown in the outside columns of
this illustration)
Let’s break down the key points:
1. Personas:
• Operations Personas: These include SOC Analysts, IT Operations, and others.
They focus on lowering the risk score. Their main dashboard is the Operations
• Executive Personas: These individuals are concerned with monitoring and
reporting. They primarily work in the Executive Dashboard, where they review
items like the Risk Index, Security Posture Status, Reports, and attack surface
2. Vision One XDR:
• The middle column is covered by Vision One XDR, which will not be covered in
today’s session. If you’re interested in learning more about XDR tools in Vision
One designed for Incident Responders, we recommend checking out the Trend
Education portal for XDR training.

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Executive Dashboard

22 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Use the Executive Dashboard to get better insights into your company's security posture
including the overall risk index, device exposure, and on-going attacks.

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Centralized Reporting and Benchmarking

The Executive Dashboard, helps you understand and report on how risk is changing over
time. Vision One aggregates data from across the enterprise, including third-party security
tools, so you can identify areas of weakness, make risk-informed decisions, and benchmark
against peers in the same region, industry, or company size.

During the upcoming demo, we’ll delve into the Executive Dashboard more closely.

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Operations Dashboard

24 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Use the Operations Dashboard to implement risk mitigation actions.

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25 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Within the Operations Dashboard, you’ll notice the following button labeled “Data
sources.” Note that these data sources play a crucial role in calculating your risk index.
Data sources are what provide essential information for assessing and quantifying risks
within your organization.

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26 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

When you click the “Data Sources” button you will be able to view all the data sources that
are contributing event data to Vision One.
This view provides a clear visualization of the relationship between data sources and
individual risk factors. Each data source directly corresponds to specific risk factors that
Vision One can identify.

On the left side, you’ll find the sources contributing data, which informs the risk factors
displayed on the right.
Those blue dots represent the sources that upload event data to Vision One.
It’s evident that the greater number of blue dots you observe, the more comprehensive
your understanding becomes of your organization’s security posture. Consequently,
prioritize adding as many data sources as possible to improve your risk management

And now let’s jump into the demonstrations of the Executive and Operations Dashboards.

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Demo: Executive and

Operations Dashboard

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How can I reduce my risk?

Set goals

Prioritize risk events

Assess and readjust

Communicate risk

28 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

When it comes to risk management, most security professionals have a single focus: How
can I reduce my risk? It’s a critical question, and organizations strive to implement effective
strategies to minimize vulnerabilities, mitigate threats, and enhance their overall security

General best practices that security teams can use to achieve their risk reduction goals
• Set goals: What are your objectives for risk reduction? Are you simply trying to lower
your current risk index? , or match the industry standard? etc.
• Prioritize risk events: It is important to manage resource allocation effectively by
working on risk events that have the highest impact.
• Assess and readjust: Continuously assess risk re-adjusting your strategy as you go
• Communicate risk: Communicate your risk to risk-decision makers and stakeholders

• Consider the following scenario: An IT manager observed that the top 10 risk events
categorized under the “RISK REDUCTION MEASURES” were all “XDR” detections. The
Managed Detection and Response (MDR) team informed the IT manager that the
workbench alerts were false positives.
• Issue: Although the team closed the workbench in their case management
system, they neglected to close the corresponding workbench in Vision One.
This oversight occurred because their standard operating procedures (SOPs) for

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the managed XDR team did not include a specific process for closing false positive
workbenches in Vision One.
• Takeaway: Even if you have a managed XDR service, as a customer, you may still
be responsible for manually closing these workbenches in Vision One. It’s
essential to align your procedures to ensure comprehensive incident

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Risk Reduction Measures

29 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

When your job involves risk mitigation, your primary focus centers on implementing Risk
Reduction Measures within the Operations Dashboard.
This entails proactively taking steps to lower your organization's risk index to an acceptable
These measures (Remediation steps) serve as your daily to-do list, already prioritized for
you by Vision One, so you can focus on the events with most significant impact on your
organization’s risk posture.

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Risk Reduction Goals

30 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

The following is the goal-setting section within the Operations Dashboard.

Here you decide what your risk reduction goals are.
Do you want to: Lower the risk?, Match the industry standard?, Focus on the top-10 highest
risk events? Or set your own goal?
Let’s take a deeper look at the functionality that is provided here:
1. Lower the Risk Level: Setting your goal to “Lower the risk level” would function as
• If you are at HIGH risk level, the events listed under RISK REDUCTION
MEASURES would be adjusted to bring you down to a MEDIUM risk level
• If you are at a MEDIUM risk level, the event listed would be aligned to
further reduce your risk, taking you to a LOW risk level
• At a LOW risk level, the focus would be on maintaining safety and
preventing any potential risk exposures
Note: Remember that risk levels are dynamic, and adjustments are made based on
the prevailing situation. It is essential Stay informed and follow recommended
safety measures to minimize security risks.

2. Match the industry average: Shows the events that you should remediate to help
you match the average risk index for your industry.
3. Focus on the top 10 high-impact risk events: Shows you the events to remediate
which are affecting your Risk Index the most.

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4. Achieve your own goal: Set your own custom goal to achieve your own Risk Index

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Risk Prioritization

31 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Risk prioritization means figuring out which risks are the most important to deal with first
allowing you to:
• Use your time and money on handling risks that could cause the most harm.
• Reduce the impact of critical risks on your business.
• Enhance decision-making and clarity on how to handle risks.
• Improve your resilience to unforeseen events and disruptions.
• Better align risk management functions to business goals.

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Change the Risk Status

32 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

• New: Indicates that the risk has been recently identified and still requires processing.
The risk status of an event remains “new” until you change it to one of these available
• Impact on Risk Index: The risk contributes to the overall risk calculation during
this phase until further assessment.
• Use Case: Status assigned to newly discovered risks for initial evaluation.

• In progress: When a risk is marked as “In Progress,” it indicates that your team is actively
working on addressing it.
• Impact on Risk Index: The risk remains part of the overall risk calculation but
may be weighted less heavily during this phase.
• Use Case: Assign this status to risks that are being investigated or undergoing

• Remediated: A risk marked as “Remediated” indicates that the identified issue has been
resolved or mitigated successfully.
• Impact on Risk Index: The risk score associated with this issue decreases by the
“Real-time Score Impact” value (Operations Dashboard > Risk Reduction
• Use Case: Apply this status once the risk has been fully addressed.

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• Dismissed: Status implies that the risk was evaluated and deemed not applicable or
• Impact on Risk Index: Dismissed events are excluded from the overall calculation
and do not affect the Risk Index until a new instance of the event is reported, or
an event rule for the risk event is created.
• Use Case: Use this status to indicate acknowledgment of a risk that you are
deciding not to take immediate action (instead you are deciding to tolerate the
risk temporarily). Examples include, monitoring a minor deviation, accepting a
known limitation, or awaiting further data and so on.

• Accepted: When a risk is marked as “Accepted,” it acknowledges that the risk exists, but
the organization has decided not to take immediate action. When marking a risk event as
“Accepted”, you may create an event rule to mark current and future instances of the
event as “Accepted” for a specified time period.
• Impact on Risk Index: The risk remains part of the overall calculation. Accepted
events continue to affect the Risk Index until they are remediated or dismissed.
• Use Case: Apply this status when the risk is accepted as part of the organization’s
risk tolerance. It is like saying, “I agree but I can’t do anything about it.” For
example, used for events that have been marked as too difficult or expensive to
address etc.
In our upcoming demo, we will provide an in-depth review of the “Change Status” options
that can be used as tools for risk management.

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Event Rule Management

33 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

“Event Rule Management” provides a centralized location to view and manage event rules.
Event rules can be created when changing the status of risk events to “Dismissed” or

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34 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

• Event rules for “Dismissed” events suppress the reporting of future instances of
the risk event.
• Events marked as “Dismissed” will no longer negatively impact the Risk Index.

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35 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Let’s examine this functionality more closely.

Changing the event status to “Dismissed” is used to indicate that you do not agree with the
event because it is not applicable to your environment.
Once you select “Dismissed”, over to the right you will have the options to create an event
rule for the selected risk event. If you select this check box, you then have the option to
select “Event rule settings” allowing you to specify the scope for dismissing this rule. You
can select the option to apply to “All assets”, or the ones that you select.

Note: By creating the event rule for the event, you are preventing duplicate events from
being created in the future and clogging up your Operations Dashboard > RISK REDUCTION
MEASURES which is effectively your risk (reduction) management workspace.

Under the “Notes” area on the right hand-side of the screen, you can optionally select “Risk
not applicable to my environment”, “False positive” and “Other”.
This will be explored in more detail in an upcoming demo.

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• Marking a risk event as “Accepted” and creating a related event rule ensures
existing and future instances of the risk event are marked as “Accepted” for the
specified time period.
• Events marked as “Accepted” will still contribute to your Risk Index.

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37 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Future instances of the selected risk event are marked as “Accepted” during the specified
time period that is configured here.
You can additionally specify why the risk was accepted by selecting one of the options
appearing under the “Notes” section.

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Removing an event rule (in the case of false positives) provides the option for you to enable
reporting for future instances of the related risk event.

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Events automatically close after 30 days

39 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Event Autoclose Behaviour

What you are seeing here in the Operations Dashboard is six months of trend data. When
we are looking at the events contributing to the overall risk score, for example, “56”, or
whatever that number may be, it’s crucial to focus on the Operations Dashboard. Why?
Because events automatically close after 30 days.
Consider the following scenario:
You encounter an account compromise event related to leaked account identification (with
a score of two). It arrives on the 1st of the month, but no one takes action. By the 1st of
the next month, that event will have automatically closed and dropped off—it’s out of the
risk index and no longer part of risk reduction measures.
However, it is important to understand here that while the risk score decreases due to
automatic closure, the risk itself isn’t fully remediated. It is still lurking, waiting to
resurface. That’s why understanding the autoclose behavior is essential. Don’t fall into the
trap of checking the dashboard only once a month. Regular monitoring ensures you don’t
miss opportunities to actively manage your risk.

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The Risk Index status can take up

to 30 minutes to update after
changing the of a risk event

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Assess and Readjust

After completing your risk reduction measures for the day, take the following steps:
1. Remediation Actions: Address any identified risks by taking appropriate
remediation actions.
2. Recalculate Risk Index: Wait for the recalculation of the risk index or use the
“Recalculate risk index” button to reassess and recalculate your risk index.
3. Adjust as Needed: Based on the updated risk score, make any necessary
adjustments to manage risk effectively.

Recalculating the Risk Index: Not as Simple as a Button Press

At first glance, you might assume that clicking a button would instantly update the risk
score. However, the reality is more intricate. Behind the scenes, a complex series of steps
involving multiple back-end technologies comes into play. As a result, recalculating the risk
index can take up to an hour. (The button is intentionally limited to run the calculation
process once per hour!)
• If you’re a patient person, rest assured that the risk index will automatically
adjust itself over time. But if you’re feeling impatient and want quicker results, go
ahead and use the button.

Please note the following limitation: Currently, the “Recalculate Risk Index” button does

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 40
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not grey out after you’ve clicked it. However, this issue will be resolved in an upcoming
release. Once fixed, the button will correctly grey out and present a notification indicating
that this state lasts for an hour. This enhancement is designed to prevent customers from
repeatedly clicking the button and causing a backlog of requests on the backend. It’s
essential to keep in mind that when the queue gets longer, risk indexes take longer to

Lastly, as the risk score fluctuates, it’s crucial to maintain vigilance and stay on top of timely
monitoring for effective risk management.

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Strategic Use of Risk Status Options

− Effective risk management involves

continuous monitoring, assessment,
and adaptation.
− By leveraging “Change Status”, you
can optimize your risk score and
enhance your organization’s security

41 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Strategic Use of Risk Status Options:

• Balancing Act: Organizations should strike a balance between addressing risks promptly
and managing resource allocation effectively.
• Prioritize risks: Prioritizing risks is a critical aspect of effective risk management. As a
general guideline, prioritize risks based on severity, potential impact, and available
• Regular Review: Regularly review risk statuses to ensure they align with the current risk
landscape. Adjust status as needed based on changes in risk exposure or organizational
• Communication: Transparently communicate risk status changes to relevant
stakeholders. Ensure that decision-makers understand the implications of each status

Remember that effective risk management involves continuous monitoring, assessment,

and adaptation.
By leveraging the “Change Status” tool wisely, you can optimize your risk score and
enhance your organization’s security posture.

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Demo: Understanding you Risk, How to

Lower your Risk Index

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Attack Surface Discovery

Locate corporate assets that threat actors might be able to use to attack your organization.


Display all the devices (desktops,

servers, mobiles and more)
discoverable within
your organiza on

Internet-Facing Assets

Display all IP and domain assets (expiring

certificates, weak cyphers and
vulnerabilities) that are visible from
external internet locations and view
detailed IP profile risk assessments


Display all visible domain and service

accounts, identifies highly-authorized
accounts, and allows you to view
detailed risk profiles

Attack Surface Discovery in ASRM offers a comprehensive asset-based view for managing
your attack surface.
Here’s how it helps:
1. Asset Identification: Discover all assets, both managed and unmanaged, before
potential attackers do.
2. Comprehensive View: Construct a detailed picture of your attack surface using native
data sources and third-party integrations.
3. Detailed Asset Profiling: Provides granularity to help you understand the impact of
selected assets on your organization’s overall surface risk.
4. Attack Paths: Visualize predicted attacker behavior through attack paths.

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Attack Surface Discovery

Locate corporate assets that threat actors might be able to use to attack your organization.


Display all the applications deployed

to your devices and the cloud apps
being accessed by your users.

Cloud Assets

Display detected cloud resources

within your organization, enabling you
to rapidly identify compliance and
security best practice violations on
your public cloud infrastructure and
across your cloud service pla orms.

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Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)

Cloud Security Posture Management

Use Cloud Posture > Cloud Posture Overview in Attack Surface Risk Management to
display detected cloud resources within your organization, enabling you to rapidly identify
compliance and security best practice violations on your public cloud infrastructure
and across your cloud service pla orms.

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Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)

View overall compliance summary for your account(s) and compare compliance scores of accounts and groups.

Real-time monitoring of user activities and events in the selected AWS account.

Get an overview of costs incurred and forecasted costs.

View current compliance scores of account(s) based on five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected

Change in compliance scores of account(s) over the last 30 days.

Identify AWS regions that are the most vulnerable.

View most critical failures, sorted by associated risk level.

Why is having Cloud Security Posture Management important for Attack Surface Risk
Management? It secures your complex hybrid cloud environment by providing security for
preferred cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

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Discovery & Risk Assessment of Identities

Connects to IAMs such as Azure AD, Active Directory,
Okta and OpenLDAP

Analyses and visualizes user activity from their

endpoint, email, SaaS apps,
and web traffic

Discovers identities through every capable sensor,

including endpoints and third-party

Reports on anomalous behavior and other security risks

like dormant and no-MFA accounts

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With the complexity of today’s attack surface, it has also become increasingly important to
understand identities and their behaviors.

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In-Depth Identity Profiles

Answering questions such as:
• How risky is this identity?
• Why are they risky?
• How has this risk changed over time?
• Where are they logging in from?
• What risks and threats have been
• Who and what does this identity interact
• What are their common behaviors?

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Identity Posture Management (in Preview)

49 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Coming soon in ASRM is Identity Posture Management. It is currently available in Vision

One in “preview” mode.

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Demo: Attack Surface

Discovery, Cloud
Security Posture
Management (CSPM)

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Third-Party Integration
Integrate data from various sources (for example, threat intelligence feeds, vulnerability
management systems, SIEMs etc.) to create a comprehensive risk picture.
This enables ARSM to continuously query the Vision One platform for updates on asset
statuses and associated risk scores.
We continue to grow our integration ecosystem to ensure Vision One fits seamlessly within
your existing security stack.
Our hybrid approach stands out by extending third-party integrations to ingest and
normalize activity from more of the customer environment through purpose-built and
flexible API-driven integrations.
• Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)/Security Orchestration,
Automation, and Response (SOAR)
• IT Service Management (ITSM)
• Breach Attack Simulation
• Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
• Cloud Services
• Threat Intel
• Network
• Endpoint Management
• Identity and Access Management (IAM)

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• Vulnerability Management

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Why are data sources important?

52 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

Relationship Between Data Sources and Risk Index

Data sources are essential for Vision One to more accurately identify, assess, and calculate
risks. Each data source is directly related to specific risk factors that Vision One can identify.
On the left side, you can see the sources contributing data, which informs the risk factors
displayed on the right.

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Another way to view data source information is as follows, by asset type.

For example, the risk factors for your “devices” are determined using the following data
sources, Endpoint sensor, Standard Enpoint Protection, as indicated by the blue dot under
“Data upload”. This list also identifies other data sources that you could be adding. The
more data sources you connect, the more risk that Vision One is able to assess.

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Here is another example, viewing data sources information for “Accounts”.

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Feed data from all deployed security products into Vision One for a consolidated risk
More data sources enhance the quality and depth of risk assessment, resulting in a more
accurate and complete risk score calculation.

Key points to understand the relationship between data sources and events:

Risk Index and Comprehensive Review:

• Trend Micro Vision One aims for a comprehensive review of risk in your
environment, not limited to Trend Micro products alone. While Trend Micro
products provide value, the real benefit lies in integrating third-party data
sources. These external sources enhance the overall risk assessment.
• Consider scenarios like account compromise events or brute force password
attacks. Smaller organizations may overlook these events, but connecting
third-party data sources allows us to consolidate risk across different products.
Visibility and Risk Assessment:
• The more data sources you connect, the more complete your risk posture
becomes. However, be aware that adding new data sources can increase your
risk. Why? Because greater visibility into your environment enables better risk

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IMPORTANT: If you do not see any blue dots, it indicates that you will not receive events
from the corresponding security products deployed in your environment. Ensuring proper
data integration is essential for effective risk assessment and comprehensive visibility.

ASRM and Third-Party Integration:

• ASRM can serve as an entry point in the area of Attack Surface Discovery. It can
be deployed independently of Trend Micro products and offers the potential to
integrate various third-party data sources.
• Trend Micro’s ongoing integration projects with different companies
demonstrates the significance of extending the ecosystem.
• Vision One’s impact: Vision One is transforming SIEM (Security Information and
Event Management) for many organizations.

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Demo: Third-Party Integration and Data Sources

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Review and Key Takeaway!

• Attack Surface Discovery Challenges
• Trend Vision One ASRM
• Risk Index Calculation
• Executive and Operations Dashboard
• Risk Prioritization
• How do I lower my risk?
• Attack Surface Discovery
• Cloud Security Posture Management
• Third-Party Integration
• Data Sources

57 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

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Try it yourself

30-day full access trial

58 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

A 30-day full access trial of Trend Vision One is available for download.

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Thank you for attending

Please complete the course survey

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Please complete the class survey at the following URL or by scanning the QR code:

This helps guide the development of courses and helps ensure that content matches your

Thank you for attending.

Student Guide

Additional Resources
• Trend Vision One : The Power of your Risk Score
• Attack Surface Risk Management - Take Charge of Risk (Demo)
• Attack Surface Risk Management - Actionable Insights (Demo)
• For more learning resources visit:

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MINIMIZE RISK: Surface vulnerable attack paths for investigation and triage

Attack Surface Risk Extended Detection

Management (ASRM) & Response (XDR)

Detection data
informs asset prioritization
Discover Detect
Assess Investigate


Proactive mitigation
Mitigate Respond
reduces incidents

ELIMINATE REPEAT OCCURANCES: Response actions drive mitigation recommendations

62 | ©2023 Trend Micro Inc.

As you can see, whether we are talking about a CISO managing risk or a SOC leader trying
to respond to threats, the challenges are related.

• The more proactive risk mitigation, the fewer security incidents the SOC team has to
respond to.
• Likewise, the detection data collected by XDR provides valuable insight that can factor
into risk assessments.
• There are multiple points of interaction across these functions.

This provides you with a single place where teams can work across their borders to close
the gap between attack surface risk management and detection and response. This is the
winning formula for security teams across industries.

Getting Started with Trend Vision One Attack Surface Risk Management 62

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