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01-0929-03 IQ-OQ Qualification AAS

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Part No. 01-0929-03

Copyright GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd © 2018
All rights reserved

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, stored in a retrieval

system, or reduced to any electronic medium without the prior consent of GBC Scientific
Equipment Pty Ltd.

GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in
this document or any damages arising out of the use or inability of this document.

GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd acknowledges the various trademarks and proprietary names
of companies and products mentioned in this document. GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd is
not affiliated with any of these organizations. No approval or endorsement by the organizations
mentioned is intended or given either expressly or by implication.

GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd reserves the right to change any in part or all specifications
without prior notice.

Printed in Australia
GBC Part Number: 01-0929-03
Revision Number: 4
Issue Date: March 2018

GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd

A.C.N. 005 472 686
4 Lakewood Boulevard
Braeside Victoria 3195
Telephone: +61 3 9588 6666
Facsimile: +61 3 9588 6677
Website: www.gbcsci.com
Email: [email protected]
Table of contents

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 3

Table of contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................3

INSTALLATION QUALIFICATION (IQ) ..............................................................................................7

Instructions for performing IQ ......................................................................................................8

IQ check list...............................................................................................................................9


Services .................................................................................................................................9

Installation qualification (IQ).....................................................................................................10


GBC instrument safety practices...........................................................................................11

Earthing requirements ..........................................................................................................12

enduro / furnace maximum cable length vs conductor size – guide for voltages measured at
power board.........................................................................................................................12

Site preparation....................................................................................................................12

Instrument dimensions guide ...............................................................................................12

Instrument and accessory details ..............................................................................................13

Instrument details ................................................................................................................13

Accessory details..................................................................................................................13

Site details...............................................................................................................................13

Customer details ..................................................................................................................13

Equipment details .....................................................................................................................13

Industry details.........................................................................................................................14

Computer details ......................................................................................................................14

Software details .......................................................................................................................15

IQ completion sign-off form .......................................................................................................16

OPERATIONAL QUALIFICATION (OQ) ............................................................................................17

Operational qualification (OQ) ...................................................................................................18


4 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Table of contents

Return a copy to GBC ................................................................................................................18

Wavelength accuracy ...............................................................................................................19

Slit measurement......................................................................................................................20

EHT/photometric noise ..............................................................................................................20

Absorbance accuracy ...............................................................................................................21

Background correction..............................................................................................................21

Test results ..............................................................................................................................22

Sensitivity/flame-noise test .......................................................................................................23

enduro performance tests..........................................................................................................24

Preparation ..........................................................................................................................24

Caesium tests.......................................................................................................................24

Copper tests.........................................................................................................................24

Arsenic tests ........................................................................................................................25

Superlamp tests (enduro 4 only)...........................................................................................25

Sensitivity with As.................................................................................................................25

MSR (copper 324.7nm) .......................................................................................................25

Recommended furnace program ..........................................................................................26

GF5000 graphite furnace ..........................................................................................................27

Recommended furnace program ..........................................................................................27

HG3000 ...................................................................................................................................28


Software settings ..................................................................................................................29

Solutions ..............................................................................................................................29

EHG3000 .................................................................................................................................30

OQ completion sign-off form ......................................................................................................31

Installation and Operation: Non-conformance Report .................................................................32

Details of non-conformance..................................................................................................32

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 5

Table of contents

This page is left blank intentionally

6 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Installation qualification (IQ)

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 7

Installation qualification

Inspection should include checking for damage to packing and instrument
covers – in case of damage in shipment.

Instructions for performing IQ

Install instrument as per the installation guide section of the Operation
Manual supplied with the instrument.
During installation, verify that each step in this guide has been completed
correctly, place a check mark next to the step, initial the check item, enter
measurement values and actual specification.
Any non-conformance should be clearly marked along with the initials of the
person responsible for checking that step. An Installation and Operational
Qualification Non-conformance Report (located at the end of this
document) should be completed with a copy forwarded to GBC Scientific
Reference Documents:
Operation manuals for GBC AAS instruments.

8 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Installation qualification

IQ check list
You will need to verify the following:

(Ref: GBC Pre-installation Guide) Measured Initials
Temperature range: 10 to 35 deg. C
Humidity Range: 8 to 80%
Air Quality: No Dust
No corrosive vapours present from laboratory sample preparation or
external sources.
Instrument away from ventilation ducts and air-conditioning outlets.

(Ref: GBC Pre-installation Guide) Specification Actual Initials
Air supply (Gas purifier to be fitted to compressor outlets Oil and
or instrument grade compressed air bottles to be used water vapour
only). free air
Water supply (Cooling water of high quality with 5°C to 35°C
prescribed additive chilled and circulated according to @ 1.2 L/min,
instrument specification). 200 kPa2
Argon gas supply (High purity grade, oxygen free at 3 99.99% min
L/min, 200 kPa).
Acetylene gas supply (Certified, leak free, gas purified 99.99% min
connection of instrument grade acetylene with copper
free fittings and pipes (<30% Cu) and approved flame
arrestor at minimum flow of 12 L/min and pressure
maximum of 96 kPa).
Nitrous oxide gas supply (Certified, leak free, connection 99.5% min
of instrument grade nitrous oxide with ice free functioning
regulator supplying 24 L/min minimum flow at pressure
maximum of 370 kPa).
Nitrogen gas supply (High purity grade, oxygen free at 3 99.99% min
L/min, 200 kPa).
Exhaust extraction system (A securely fitted heat resistant Flow rate
ventilation duct with an extraction capacity of at least 6 6m3/min
m3/min placed 50 mm above the instrument, air-
acetylene burner or extension chimney for N2O burner).

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 9

Installation qualification

Specification Actual Initials

Power supply complies with country and GBC standards 100 VAC to
(Voltage and frequency selectable between 100 VAC – 240 VAC, 50
240 VAC, 50 Hz – 60 Hz must be adjusted on the Hz to 60 Hz
instrument input filter to match the local mains supply
specification. Room mains supply conductors must be
suitable for power requirements of individual instruments,
refer page 12).
All fixed and flexible hosing complies with GBC standards GBC
(All flexible gas lines should consist of the ¼ inch nylon supplied
hose supplied with the instrument. They should span a Nylon or
maximum of 2 metres between the outlet wall or room fixed copper
fixture and the instrument terminating in the ¼ inch tube, except
Swagelok fittings also supplied with the instrument). All for acetylene
fixed hosing should be of ¼ inch copper except the line.
acetylene supply line which should not contain any
The requisite number of mains power outlets are available Minimum of
(One outlet per instrument plus one each for the three
computer, printer and instrument accessories). outlets.
Power extension cables are not used.

Installation qualification (IQ)

The objective of Installation Qualification (IQ) is to ensure proper installation
of the GBC Atomic Absorption Spectrometers equipped with GBC proprietary
software. This Installation Qualification documents the installation method
and all checks, which are conducted to verify that the installation has been
successful. The Installation Qualification helps ensure that the AA
installation adheres to all GBC Scientific Equipment design intentions
including safety and performance issues and that all GBC Scientific
Equipment’s recommendations have been suitably considered.
Once installation has been completed, an authorized company representative
should review this guide and the IQ form signed off.
These documents should then be filed for future reference.
Please ensure all unpacked items have been checked as correct against the
internal packing list and those that are missing are reported to the authorized
GBC agent as soon as possible.

10 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Installation qualification

GBC instrument safety practices

Complies Initials

Installation of cylinders is preferred outside the building.
Cylinders are fastened securely to walls in a vertical position.
Installation does not allow any electrical arc to be struck adjacent to
cylinders and cylinders are kept cool.
Pipe gas with care, avoiding damage to piping and install pressure relief
valves and overpressure protection. ENSURE MATERIALS USED ARE
COMPATIBLE WITH GAS. Always use the correct cylinder. IF NOT SURE
Use only GBC approved fittings and nylon hose.
Avoid leaks, periodically test lines and fittings with weak soap solution or

Use only instrument grade acetylene.
Acetylene cylinders ARE NOT TO BE USED UNDER 500 kPa otherwise
acetone may enter the instrument fuel line.
NEVER pipe acetylene at pressures above 100 kPa.
DO NOT USE copper and copper alloys with a copper content of more
than 70%. Silver filler used for brazing should have a silver content less
than 43% and copper content less than 21%. The width of the solder gap
where silver filler might come in contact with acetylene should be less than
0.3 mm. Any other metal may form an explosive acetylide.

Waste collection
Liquid wastes must be fed into large plastic containers – NOT GLASS and
MUST NOT be located in a closed cupboard and MUST NOT be sealed.
Do not allow acids and solvents to mix.

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 11

Installation qualification

Earthing requirements
Complies Initials
The earth terminal of the power outlet TO BE USED FOR ANY GBC
INSTRUMENT should be suitably connected to earth.
The earth conductor size should be either 2.5 mm2 minimum or, in the
case of an enduro Zeeman (here after referred to as enduro) or Graphite
furnace system, the same size as the active and neutral wiring. Suitable
earthing media should comply with local regulations and may consist of:
separate earthing electrode (stake), underground water piping system,
metallic sheathing of underground supply cable.
Failure to observe these instructions may endanger user’s life and will void
instrument warranty.

enduro / furnace maximum cable length vs conductor size – guide for voltages
measured at power board

Conductor size 220 V 230 V 240 V Complies Initials

2.5 mm2 6m 12 m 18 m
4 mm 9m 18 m 27 m
6 mm2 14 m 28 m 42 m
10 mm2 25 m 50 m 75 m

Site preparation
Recommended Bench Complies Initials
All SavantAA/enduro systems 2340 mm x 700 mm
SensAA 2200 mm x 700 mm
XplorAA 2200 mm x 700 mm

Instrument dimensions guide

All SavantAAs enduro SensAA XplorAA
AAS 1040 mm 1040 mm 900 mm 900 mm
Computer 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm
Printer 400 mm 400 mm 400 mm 400 mm
GF5000 (option) 400 mm N/A 400 mm 400 mm
Total 2340 mm 1940 mm 2200 mm 2200 mm

12 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Installation qualification

Instrument and accessory details

Instrument details
Model Serial Number

Accessory details
Model Serial Number

Site details

Customer details
Contact name
Company name


Equipment details
Where is the equipment located
on the premises?

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 13

Installation qualification

Industry details
Which industry is the company in?
What application(s) is the
equipment being used for?
What is/are the
sample(s)/elements(s) being

Computer details
Personal computer: Serial number:
Monitor: Serial number:
Printer: Serial number:

Item Requirement Actual Initials

Processor type Pentium 4 or higher
Hard disk size >2 Gb free
CD drive 20X or higher
RAM size >512 Mb
Ports 2X serial or RS232 to USB
USB For all except SensAA and
Mouse Bus mouse

14 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Installation qualification

Software details
This protocol describes the procedure to be followed for the Installation
Qualification for the GBC AA software version 3.0x or later (here after
referred to as AA software). The purpose of the AA software is to provide an
automated system control and data collection capability for the range of
currently supported AA equipment.

Procedure item Installer’s signature Installation date

Installer’s name
Installer’s GBC accreditation
Software Version:
Serial number:
PC Operating System:
Install and verify software correct operation
Verify location of all software documentation

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 15

Installation qualification

IQ completion sign-off form

Installation Qualification executed by:



Completion Date

Installation Non-conformance report attached:

Results reviewed by:




Has the installation been reviewed to satisfaction? YES/NO

If no – provide details:

16 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Operational qualification (OQ)

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 17

Operational qualification

Operational qualification (OQ)

This OQ document is used to verify whether the Atomic Absorption
instrument performs in accordance with design specifications.
Once Operational Qualification has been completed, this guide should be
reviewed by an authorized company representative and the OQ completion
form should be signed to indicate that the product satisfies requirements.
These documents should then be filed for future reference.
Apparatus required. (OQ is to be carried out by a suitably accredited GBC

Copper HC lamp
Arsenic HC lamp
Arsenic Super HC lamp
Caesium HC lamp
0.44 A.U. calibrated gauze
0.9 A.U. gauze
5 ppm Copper solution

Return a copy to GBC

A copy of this document should be made and returned to GBC via email,
fax or mail for future reference – please refer to the contact details below.
GBC Scientific Equipment Pty Ltd
4 Lakewood Boulevard
Braeside Victoria 3195
Phone: +61 3 9588 6666
Fax: +61 3 9588 6677
Email: [email protected]

18 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Operational qualification

Wavelength accuracy
Please refer to your relevant instrument service manual for examples of how
to measure and record the wavelength.
Use the Service page in the AA software to scan and record the current
wavelength of the elemental line.
Begin with Copper 324.75 nm and 244.16 nm and then check with Arsenic
on 193.7 nm and finally Caesium 852.1 nm. Also scan zero nm using the
Copper lamp.

Element Line Slit Width Wavelength Tolerance

Cu 324.75 nm 0.5 nm 324.75 nm ±0.2 nm
Cu 244.16 nm 0.5 nm 244.16 ±0.2 nm
Cu 0.0 nm 0.2 nm 0.0 nm ±0.1 nm
As 193.7 nm 0.5 nm 193.70 nm ±0.2 nm
Cs 852.1 nm 0.5 nm 852.10 nm ±0.2 nm

Figure 1: The service panel

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 19

Operational qualification

Slit measurement
Please refer to your relevant instrument service manual for examples of how
to measure and record the slit values.
Install the Copper lamp and peak the instrument with the following
Use the Service page in the AA software (as above) to scan and record the
current wavelength of the Copper 324.75 nm line:

Lamp current 4 mA
Wavelength 324.75 nm
Slit width 0.5 nm
Background correction Off

Selected Slit Width (nm) Tolerance Range

0.2 nm 0.2 nm ±0.02 nm
1.0 nm 1.0 nm ±0.1 nm

EHT/photometric noise
Install the Copper lamp and peak the instrument with the following

Lamp current 5 mA
Wavelength 324.75 nm
Slit width 0.5 nm
Background correction Off

Allow the instrument to warm up for about 30 minutes and then proceed
with the tests.

EHT/photometric Noise
1. Go into the Service page while maintaining the above settings.
2. Measure the EHT. It should be less than 350 V.
3. If it is more than 350 V do the following test with nothing in the
sample beam (0 A.U. test).
4. Set the ABS expansion to 100.
5. Take 10 readings of 10 seconds each.
6. Calculate the Standard Deviation (not the %RSD).
7. The Standard Deviation should be less than 0.0002 A.U.
8. If the EHT is less than 350 V do the following test (1 A.U. test).
9. Insert a 0.9 A.U. gauze in the sample beam and zero the absorbance
10. Remove the gauze and take 10 sample of 50 x 1 second replicates.

20 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Operational qualification

11. The %RSD should be less than 0.04%.

Absorbance accuracy
Install the Copper lamp and peak the instrument with the following

Lamp current 4 mA
Wavelength 324.75 nm
Slit width 0.5 nm
Background correction Off

1. Zero the instrument.

2. Place a 0.44 A.U. gauze centrally on the burner so that the beam
passes through the centre of the gauze (the gauze must not move
during the test).
3. Take a 10 second single replicate reading. The result should be as
per the gauze screen value ±0.02 A.U.

Background correction
Install the Arsenic lamp and peak the instrument with the following

Lamp current 8 mA
Wavelength 193.7 nm
Slit width 0.5 nm
Background correction On

1. Zero the absorbance reading.

2. Place a 0.44 A.U. gauze centrally on the burner so that the beam
passes through the centre of the gauze (the gauze must not move
during the test).
3. Take a 10 second single replicate reading. The result should be
somewhere close to zero. Record the reading.
4. Remove the gauze and take another 10 second single replicate
reading. The result should be again close to zero.
5. Repeat this operation with and without the gauze another four times.
The resulting greatest difference between the Background ON and
Background OFF readings should be less than or equal to 1% of the
gauze value of absorbance for a SavantAA AA, or less than or equal to
2% of the gauze value of absorbance for a SensAA or XplorAA.

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 21

Operational qualification

Test results
Test Specification Actual Value Initial
Wavelength accuracy (optics Cu 0.0 nm ±0.1 nm
calibration check). Cu 244.16 nm ±0.2 nm
Cu 324.75 nm ±0.2 nm
As 193.7 nm ±0.2 nm
Cs 852.1 nm ±0.2 nm
Slit width accuracy (0.2 nm and 1 0.2 nm ±0.02 nm
nm slit). 1.0 nm ±0.1 nm
EHT/noise (1 A.U. electronic noise < 0.04% A.U. for 10
test). samples of 50 x 1
second replicates.
Absorbance accuracy (absorbance 0.44 A.U. gauze reading
calibration check). ±10% of calibrated
Background correction (optics SavantAA <1% or
alignment check). SensAA/XplorAA <2%
difference between
measurement with and
without 0.44 A.U. gauze
for 10 samples of 1 x 10
second replicate.
Sensitivity/noise flame test (5 ppm >0.7 A.U. and <0.5%
aqueous Cu solution test under air- RSD for 8 out of 10
acetylene flame). samples of 10 x 3
second replicates.

22 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Operational qualification

Sensitivity/flame-noise test
Install the Copper lamp and peak the instrument with the following

Lamp current 2.5 mA

Wavelength 324.75 nm
Slit width 0.5 nm
Background correction On

1. The first operation after peaking the wavelength and energy would be
to align the burner slot parallel with the HCL beam.
2. The horizontal centre and vertical height of the burner should be
observed relative to the beam image on a white card at the point of
optical focus. Ensure the burner slot sits about 1 mm below the
beam centre.
3. Select a fuel flow of around 1.6 L/min and ignite the flame.
4. Introduce the copper sample and wind out the nebulizer until a
positive pressure is created in the uptake tube. This causes bubbles
to form in the solution.
5. Wind the nebulizer in slowly clockwise until the largest absorbance
peak is found. Sometimes three or more absorbance peaks of
different amplitude may be observed but generally the highest one is
6. With the nebulizer set in this position lean the flame out and re-
optimize the horizontal position, burner angle and adjust the burner
height upwards until the absorbance starts to reduce. (NB: Not
observed without B.C. selected).
Further improvement can sometimes be achieved through adjustment of
the impact bead distance. The best position is two turns of the grub screw
adjustment out from where the bead touches the centre of the exit port on
the inside surface of the nebulizer.
At the point of optimization of copper the sample uptake should reach a value
better than 8 mL per min and an absorbance value better than 0.7 AU.
A blockage in the capillary tube of the nebulizer will reduce the sample
uptake rate, sensitivity and precision.

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 23

Operational qualification

enduro performance tests

Install the following lamps in the instrument:

Lamp Position Lamp Type

1 As Superlamp
4 Cu
8 Cs

Solution required:
Prepare the solution as per the table below in de-ionized water with 1%
nitric acid.

Element Concentration
As 10 ppb
Cu 10 ppb

Caesium tests
Peak the Cs lamp with lamp current 15 mA, 0.5 nm slit and 852.1 nm
wavelength. Open the Service Meters screen and check the following

Parameter Specification
Wavelength 852.1 ±0.2 nm
Beam Intensity 80% to 180%
EHT <700 V

Copper tests
Peak the Cu lamp with lamp current 5 mA, 0.5 nm slit and 324.7 nm
wavelength. Open the Service Meters screen and check the following

Parameter Specification
Zero Order Peak* 0 ±0.1 nm
Wavelength Accuracy 324.75 ±0.2 nm
Beam Intensity 80% to 180%
EHT <500 V
Peak Shape** Symmetrical
Slit Width @ 0.2 nm slit ** 0.18 to 0.22 nm
Slit Width @ 1 nm slit** 0.9 to 1.1 nm

* The instrument may be peaked on zero order by entering “0” in the

wavelength field of the Service Meters screen.

24 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Operational qualification

** Scan the 324.7 nm peak with slits set at 0.5 nm slit, then at 0.2 nm,
then 1.0 nm from the Service Meters screen. The peaks should be
symmetrical for 0.5 and 1.0 nm slits.

Arsenic tests
Peak the As superlamp with lamp current 20 mA, 0.5 nm slit and 193.7 nm
wavelength. Open the Service Meters screen and check the following

Parameter Specification
Wavelength 193.7 ±0.2 nm
Beam Intensity 80% to 180%
EHT <350 V
Boost Current 12 to 45 mA

Superlamp tests (enduro 4 only)

Check that the instrument peaks and boosts the As superlamp as per the
conditions above for lamp positions 3, 5 and 7.

Sensitivity with As
Open the method “9.2 As Sensitivity.mth”.
Run the test solution as a sample only (calibration is not required).
The sensitivity expressed in picogram is given by the formula:
Sensitivity = Volume (μL) x Concentration (ppb) x 0.0044 / Absorbance
With Total Volume = 15 μL Arsenic, 5 μL Modifier and Concentration = 10
Sensitivity = 0.66 / Abs.
The sensitivity should be less than 14 picograms (or ABS >0.063).
Record the sensitivity.

MSR (copper 324.7nm)

Open the method “9.3 Cu MSR.mth”.
Run the test solution as a sample only (calibration is not required).
In the results screen zoom on the peak obtained. Display sample and
background, then calculate the MSR using the formula:
MSR (%) = 100% x (Sample Height - Sample Zero) / (Sample Height -
Sample Zero) + (Background Height - Background Zero*) Record the MSR.
* Both sample zero and background zero are read from the baseline of the
graph traces respectively.
With an optimized Cu method you should be able to obtain around 4 pg
characteristic mass with less than 5% RSD, an MSR >64% and a good cal
curve (R2 ±0.02) using 12 μL automix injections of 10 ppb Cu standard in
1% HNO3.

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 25

Operational qualification

Recommended furnace program

Step Temp Ramp Hold Inert Aux
(°C) Time (s) Time (s) Flow Flow
Preheat 50 0.1 5 3 0
90 10 20 3 0
120 30 20 3 0
600 10 10 3 0
600 0 1 0 0
Read 2500 0.7 1.4 0 0
2600 0.1 1 3 0

Magnet strength 1.10 T

Formula for calculating sensitivity in characteristic mass is 0.0044 x vol x
conc. in ppb divided by mean absorbance(background corrected).
MSR is ratio of signal absorbance (background corrected) divided by total
absorbance (background corrected signal plus background).

Test Specification Actual Value

Wavelength accuracy Cu 0.0 nm ±0.1 nm
Cu 324.75 nm ±0.2 nm
As 193.7 nm ±0.2 nm
Cs 852.1 nm ±0.2 nm
Slit width accuracy 0.2 nm ±0.02 nm; 1.0 nm ±0.1 nm
As sensitivity <10 pg for 10 ppb As solution,
RSD <5%
Cu sensitivity, MSR, linearity <4 pg for 10 ppb Cu solution, RSD
<5%, MSR >64%, linearity better
than 0.98

26 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Operational qualification

GF5000 graphite furnace

With an optimized Cu method you should be able to obtain around 3 pg
characteristic mass with less than 5% RSD, 20 μL automix injections of 10
ppb Cu standard in 1% HNO3. Determine linearity from calibration.

Recommended furnace program

Step Temp Ramp Hold Inert Aux
(°C) Time (s) Time (s) Flow Flow
Preheat 50 0.1 5 3 0
90 10 20 3 0
120 30 20 3 0
600 10 10 3 0
600 0 1 0 0
Read 2500 0.7 1.4 0 0
2600 0.1 1 3 0

Test Specification Actual Value

Cu sensitivity, linearity >3 pg for 10 ppb Cu solution
RSD <5% Linearity better than

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 27

Operational qualification

This Atomic Absorption accessory used to produce elemental hydrides from
reactions between the samples and powerful acids and reducing agents.
These reactions are controlled in the detachable accessory, which uses
argon gas to transport the products of these reactions to an absorption cell
placed in the beam of the AA. The corresponding absorption of the light by
the gas is proportional to the concentration of the sample from which the
elemental hydrides gas is formed.
Due to the application dependent nature of this accessory the operational
qualification is confined to checking its functional aspects; that is:

Function Initials
The mains voltage is set correctly.
Checking the pump rollers move freely.
The clamp tensioners provide sufficient pressure onto the peristaltic pump tubing.
The pump moves quietly.
The gas valve works and selects between OFF, gas flow to separator, gas flow to
mixer and separator.

28 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Operational qualification

The MC3000 is a device for concentrating and then releasing elemental
mercury into an enclosed absorption placed in the HC lamp beam. This
provides an increased absorption of the light enabling better sensitivity.
The mercury gas originates from a reaction in the HG3000 accessory.
Argon gas carries the mercury vapour from the HG3000 to a valve in the
MC3000. When the valve is opened to the gold trap the mercury vapour
forms an amalgam and is concentrated in this region of the gold trap.
When the valve is closed RF heating is applied to the gold, which causes
the mercury to be re-released. A low argon gas flow then carries this into
the enclosed absorption cell.
To test the accessory a series of solutions is prepared and the software
values for loading the sample is set. If the lines and the gold trap are
perfectly clean and the solutions fresh results should produce peaks of
absorbance better than 0.3 A at <3% RSD for three replicates.

Software settings
HG Flush Time: 30 seconds
Sample Load Time: 30 seconds
MC Firing Delay: 10 seconds
MC Cool Down Time: 90 seconds
MC load Delay: 40 seconds

ACID Channel: Reverse Osmosis Water of 18 MOHM resistivity.
Reductant Channel: 10% SnCl2 in 20% HCl.
Sample Channel: 2 ppb Mercury in potassium dichromate solution.

Specification Actual Initials

> 0.3 A.U. @ <3% RSD for 3 replicates.

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 29

Operational qualification

This detachable accessory is used in conjunction with the HG3000 for
Atomic Absorption units, which do not have a burner to provide heating to
the absorption cell. It uses a heater element connected to a variable
temperature controller connected to the mains power supply. The cell fits
inside the heater blanket and is aligned on the burner adjuster mount.
Testing requires the blanket to reach and maintain the set temperature.

Set Temperature and Spec. Actual Temperature Initials

80°C ±30°C within 15 minutes
950°C ±50°C within 15 minutes

Check that the temperature range is settable between 30°C and 1000°C.

30 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

Operational qualification

OQ completion sign-off form

Operational Qualification executed by:



Completion Date

Operation Non-conformance report attached:

Results reviewed by:




Has the installation been reviewed to satisfaction? YES/NO

If no – provide details:

Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments 31

Operational qualification

Installation and Operation: Non-conformance Report

AAS Model: Date:

Serial Number: NCR Number:
Reported by:
Company Name:

Telephone: Email:

NCR Type: Installation Qualification Operational Qualification

Details of non-conformance

Name of authorized company representative Name of authorized GBC representative

Signature of authorized company representative Signature of GBC company representative

32 Installation and Operational Qualification – AAS Instruments

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