Double Sided Photonic Crystal Fiber PCF Temperature and Refractive Index RI Sensor Based On Surface Plasmon Resonance SPR

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Double-sided photonic crystal fiber (PCF)

temperature and refractive index (RI) sensor based
on surface plasmon resonance (SPR)

Jia-Kai Wang, Yu Ying, Zhi-jun Gao, Ke Xu, Qi Qi & Guang-yuan Si

To cite this article: Jia-Kai Wang, Yu Ying, Zhi-jun Gao, Ke Xu, Qi Qi & Guang-yuan Si (2023)
Double-sided photonic crystal fiber (PCF) temperature and refractive index (RI) sensor based
on surface plasmon resonance (SPR), Instrumentation Science & Technology, 51:1, 1-15, DOI:

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2023, VOL. 51, NO. 1, 1–15

Double-sided photonic crystal fiber (PCF) temperature

and refractive index (RI) sensor based on surface
plasmon resonance (SPR)
Jia-Kai Wanga , Yu Yinga, Zhi-jun Gaoa , Ke Xua, Qi Qib, and
Guang-yuan Sic
College of Information & Control Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang, China;
Party School of Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, Shenyang, China; cMelbourne Centre for
Nanofabrication, Victorian Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility, Clayton,
VIC, Australia

A double-sided photonic crystal fiber (PCF) temperature and Photonic crystal fiber (PCF);
refractive index (RI) sensor based on surface plasmon reson- surface plasmon resonance
ance (SPR) is reported to simultaneously measure temperature (SPR); temperature and
refractive index (RI) sensor
and RI. An arc groove covered with gold is filled with chloro-
form for temperature detection. The D-shaped plane coated
with silver is in direct contact with the analyte to provide the
RI. Two independent channels distinguish temperature and RI
changes, thus completely solving the cross-sensitivity problem.
The sensing characteristics of the plane coating, arc coating,
and inner ring coating are discussed. The influence of gold
film closure on the optimum RI measurement range was iden-
tified, and the best sensing structure of chloroform as a tem-
perature-sensitive material is obtained. The sensing
characteristics of different types of metal films are investi-
gated. It is concluded that the band separation may be
achieved by plating gold film and silver film in the arc groove
and D-plane, respectively. The influence of the central angle
of the arc groove on the sensor characteristics was investi-
gated. High-order resonance may be avoided at a 180 center
angle. The influence of the thickness of the metal film on the
sensitivity of the sensor is studied numerically, and the opti-
mal coating thickness is 50 nm. This work simplifies the selec-
tion of the RI range of sensing materials and provides a new
approach to solve the high-order resonance and band interfer-
ence in SPR multi-parameter sensors.

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a phenomenon that occurs when evan-
escent waves encounter plasma waves on the surface of the metallic
film.[1,2] Currently, SPR has been widely applied in biological detection,[3,4]

CONTACT Yu Ying [email protected] College of Information & Control Engineering, Shenyang

Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China.
ß 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

medical detection,[5,6] optical detection,[7,8] and many other areas. In the

field of optical detection, the photonic crystal fiber (PCF) sensor is develop-
ing rapidly.[9,10] The SPR-based PCF sensor is widely promoted because of
its flexible structure.
The different coating structure directly determines the sensing characteris-
tics of the PCF sensor. In recent years, a great deal of work has been con-
ducted on plane coating, arc coating, and inner ring coating. Wang proposed
a D-shaped PCF with square-lattice and nanoscale gold film.[11] The D-shaped
PCF coated the gold layer on the flat fiber surface and two passageways let
the core-mode light couple with the surface plasmon polariton (SPP) mode to
increase the sensitivity of the sensor. The results showed that the sensitivity
may reach 12,450 nm/RIU as the analyte’s refractive index (RI) range from
1.345 to 1.410 and the correlation coefficient is 0.99195.
Yang proposed an SPR sensor based on D-shaped microstructured optical
fiber (MOF).[12] The D-shaped flat surface coated with a gold layer is in direct
contact with the analyte as a sensing channel of RI, and one of the air holes
near the fiber core is filled with chloroform to detect temperature. The results
showed that the sensitivities of temperature and RI reaches maximum values
of 2 nm/ C and 2400 nm/RIU and realizes the simultaneous measurement of
multiple parameters without matrix equations.
Momtaj proposed a simple dual-core D-shaped plasmonic RI sensor with
an open-arch channel.[13] A thin plasma gold layer is plated on the surface
of the arc groove to make the sensor cost-effective. The results showed that
the coupling effect is increased and the proposed sensor exhibits high fig-
ures of merit of 320 RIU1 and 283.33 RIU1 for x and y polarizations in
the RI range from 1.33 to 1.44.
The above sensors monitor various parameters of the sensor by making
different coating structures. However, the relationship between the coating
structure and optimum RI measurement range is not provided.
Here a double-sided PCF temperature and RI sensor based on SPR is
described. The influence of the three coating structures on the optimal RI
measurement range was analyzed in detail by introducing amplitude sensi-
tivity. The relationship between the closure degree of the metal film and
the optimum RI measurement range was obtained. Next the influence of
the central angle of the arc groove on the loss spectrum was further studied
and a method to avoid the higher-order resonance was obtained. The
effects of different metal films and different metal film thicknesses on the
loss spectra were subsequently analyzed and the optimal conditions were
identified. Finally, the sensing characteristics of the sensor were studied.
The temperature sensitivity from 20 to 60  C is 3.05 nm/ C, and the correl-
ation coefficient is 0.9979. The RI sensitivity is 3480 nm/RIU between 1.355
and 1.375 RIU, and the correlation coefficient is 0.9968. Compared with a

Figure 1. Schematic of the sensing system where PCF is the photonic crystal fiber and OSA is
the optical spectrum analyzer.

literature report,[14] this paper identifies the relationship between the influence
of the degree of gold film closure on the RI limit and provides the band separ-
ation of temperature and RI measurement simultaneously. This study identifies
a theoretical basis for the study of optical fiber surface coatings in the future
and promotes the further development of PCF multi-parameter sensors.

Structure and basic theory

A schematic diagram of the proposed sensing system is shown in Figure 1.
The instrumentation is composed of a light source, a double-sided PCF,
and an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA). First, the double-sided PCF sensor
receives light from the light source, and the optical spectrum analyzer char-
acterizes the transmitted light. The double-sided PCF was manufactured
using the side polishing process.[15]
Figure 2 shows a cross-section view of the double-sided PCF where d repre-
sents the air hole diameter, with d1 ¼ 1.4 lm and d2 ¼ 1 lm; K is the dis-
tance between the holes, with K1 ¼ 2 lm and K2 ¼ 1.7 lm; and h is the
thicknesses of the metal film, with h1 ¼ 50 nm and h2 ¼ 50 nm. In this study,
the background material for the double-sided PCF was prepared from fused
silica. The RI varies from 1.4502 RIU to 1.4621 RIU from 500 to 1000 nm.[16]
Chloroform was used as a temperature-sensitive material. The RI of
chloroform varies from 1.4197 RIU to 1.4450 RIU in the temperature range
from 20 to 60  C. The linear relationship between RI and temperature vari-
ation[13] is expressed by:
nT ¼ n0  aðT  T0 Þ (1)
where nT is the RI of chloroform, n0 is the RI of chloroform at the initial
temperature, a is the temperature coefficient of chloroform, T is tempera-
ture of interest, and T0 is the initial temperature. In this study, nT ¼ 1.445,
T0 ¼ 20  C, and a ¼ 6:328  104 :
Since x-polarization is the result of the evanescent waves and surface plasma
waves, x-polarization was employed to detect temperature and RI. The surface
of the gold-covered arc is coupled directly to the sealed chloroform to monitor
the external temperature by stimulating the x-polarization of the fiber core.

Figure 2. Cross-section of the double-sided photonic crystal fiber (PCF).

The silver-coated plane is directly in contact with the analyte, and the external
RI is measured by stimulating the x-polarization of the fiber core. Two inde-
pendent channels independently separate temperature and RI changes, and
simultaneously measure multiple parameters without matrix equations.
The COMSOL Multiphysics software was used to model the cross-section
of the double-sided PCF. The model is divided into 22547 domain elements
and 2129 boundary elements as shown in Figure 3.
The finite element method (FEM) was used to analyze the model. The
intersection of the real part of the core mode and the real part of the SPP
mode in the temperature sensing channel (channel I) is shown in Figure 4.
The real part of the effective mode RI (Re(neff)) of the core model is
depicted by the black line. The Re(neff) of the SPP mode is depicted by the
red line. The resonance is strongest when the black and red lines inter-
sect.[17] The strongest energy coupling between the fiber core and the gold
film surface is reached at the intersection point k1 equal to 860 nm.
The core mode real part and SPP mode real part in the RI sensing chan-
nel (channel II) are shown in Figure 5. The meanings of the red line, black
line, and intersection points are similar to those in Figure 4. The strongest
energy coupling between the fiber core and the silver film surface is
reached at the intersection point k2 equal to 555 nm.
As shown in Figure 6, the loss spectra of channel I and channel II were
obtained by simulating the electric field distribution mode. The confine-
ment loss is expressed by:[18]
Loss ¼ 8:686  Imðneff Þ  104 dB=cm (2)
where k is the wavelength of the transmitted light and Imðneff Þ is the
imaginary part of the effective RI. In Figure 6, the x-polarization of channel
I and the x-polarization of channel II are depicted by the black and red
lines, respectively. The loss peak appearing at k1 equal to 860 nm in chan-
nel I was used to measure the temperature. The loss peak appearing at k2
equal to 555 nm in channel II was used to measure the RI.

Figure 3. Double-sided photonic crystal fiber (PCF) geometry and mesh divider.

Figure 4. Dispersion relationship of the real components of the effective refractive index
between the core mode and surface plasmon polariton (SPP) mode in channel I at RI ¼ 1.355
and T ¼ 20  C.

Figure 5. Dispersion relationship of the real components of the effective refractive index
between the core mode and surface plasmon polariton (SPP) mode in channel II at T ¼ 20  C
and RI ¼ 1.355.

Results and discussion

Influence of the structure upon optimum RI measurement range
Here the influence of plane coating, arc coating, and inner ring coating on
the RI range is analyzed. Channel I was selected as the analysis object. The
materials in this structure are the same as those in the model structure in

Figure 6. Loss spectra in channel I and channel II at T ¼ 20  C and RI ¼ 1.355 where x-pol rep-
resents the x-polarization.

the previous section. The thickness of the gold film in channel I of the
three structures is 50 nm. Schematic diagrams of the three models are
shown in Figure 7. The identification of optimum RI measurement range
of different structures provides a theoretical basis for subsequent structural
innovation and sensor material selection.
To obtain the best RI sensing range for different structures, the ampli-
tude sensitivity was introduced as a measurement index. When the ampli-
tude sensitivity drops suddenly or is too small, this indicates that the
sensor performance can no longer meet the requirements. The amplitude
sensitivity is expressed by:[19]

SðRIU1 Þ ¼  @aðk, na Þ=@na =aðk, na Þ (3)
where @aðk, na Þ is the change of modal loss value, @na is the change in RI,
and aðk, na Þ is the modal loss value under RI na :
First, for the plane coating model in Figures 7a and 8a shows the loss
spectra in the RI range from 1.33 to 1.38 RIU. The loss curve is no longer
smooth when the RI is 1.38 because the flat coating structure can no longer
restrict the light transmission in the fiber core, resulting in mode diver-
gence. Figure 8b shows the amplitude sensitivity. The maximum value of
the amplitude sensitivity is 311.9 RIU1 when the RI is 1.35. The amplitude
sensitivity is relatively large for RI values between 1.35 and 1.37 RIU.
Figure 8 shows that the optimal RI measurement range for the structure is
between 1.35 and 1.37 RIU.
Second, for the arc coating model in Figures 7b and 9a shows the loss
spectra for RI values between 1.40 and 1.45 RIU. When the RI is 1.45, the
loss peak becomes abnormally large and an interference peak appears due
to the interference of higher-order resonances. At this point, the loss peak
does not accurately reflect the change in RI.
Figure 9b shows the amplitude sensitivity which is unusually high at RI
1.44, which is caused by the anomalous loss at RI 1.45. As the RI decreases

Figure 7. Three sensing structure models: (a) plane coating, (b) arc coating, and (c) inner
ring coating.

Figure 8. (a) Loss spectra from 1.33 to 1.38 RIU. (b) Amplitude sensitivity from 1.33 to
1.37 RIU.

Figure 9. (a) Loss spectra from 1.40 to 1.45 RIU. (b) Amplitude sensitivity from 1.40 to
1.44 RIU.

from 1.41 to 1.40, the amplitude sensitivity is greatly reduced. According to

Figure 9a and b, the optimal RI measurement range for the structure is
from 1.41 to 1.44 RIU.
For the inner ring coating model in Figure 7c and 10a shows the loss
spectra in for RI values between 1.44 and 1.50 RIU. The loss peak is lower
when the RI is 1.44 because the SPR becomes weak when the RI is 1.44.
Figure 10b shows the amplitude sensitivity which drops abruptly when the
RI is 1.48. According to Figure 10a and b, the optimal RI measurement
range for the structure is from 1.45 to 1.47 RIU.
In conclusion, higher RI may be limited when the degree of closure of
the gold film becomes large. Lower RI may be limited when the closure of

Figure 10. (a) Loss spectra from 1.44 to 1.50 RIU. (b) Amplitude sensitivity from 1.44 to 1.49 RIU.

the gold film becomes small. In this study, the arc coating is chosen
because the RI of chloroform is between 1.420 and 1.445 (20 to 60  C).
This finding provides a theoretical basis for future sensor work for coat-
ings. Depending on the structure, different RI sensing structures may be
selected. This finding simplifies the simulation process by making the selec-
tion of sensing materials more purposeful.

Influence of the type of metal film upon the optical properties

The selection of metal kind is the key to optical fiber sensor. First, three
metal films for PCF arc grooves are discussed, and the film thicknesses are
all set to 50 nm. Figure 11 shows the loss spectra of gold, copper, and silver
films in channel I. The thickness of the three metal films is set to 50 nm.
To further measure the quality of the peak, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
is introduced which is expressed by:[20]
SNR ¼ (4)
where dkres is the resonance wavelength shift and dk0:5 is the full width at
half maximum intensity of the resonance peak.
The SNRs for three metal films at two temperatures are shown in Table
1. Temperature sensing works best when using the gold film.
Second, three metal films on the D-shaped plane of the PCF are dis-
cussed, and the film thicknesses are all set to 50 nm. The loss spectra of
gold, copper, and silver films in channel II are shown in Figure 12.
The SNRs for three metal films at two RIs are shown in Table 2. RI sens-
ing works best when choosing the gold film. However, Figures 11 and 12
that when the external temperature is 60  C and the external RI is 1.375,
the resonance peak of temperature measurement and that of RI measure-
ment show cross-interference between wavebands. To avoid cross-interfer-
ence, the two peaks should be positioned as far apart as possible. In the
analysis in Figure 11, it has been concluded that the SNR is the highest

Figure 11. Loss spectra using gold, silver, and copper metal films in channel I at RI ¼ 1.375
and T ¼ 60  C.

Table 1. Signal-to-noise ratios for three metal films at two temperatures.

Signal-to-noise ratio
Temperature ( C) Au Cu Ag
40 5.5556 3.2896 3.6896
60 9.7037 6.5002 6.7779

Figure 12. Loss spectra using gold, silver, and copper metal films in channel II at T ¼ 60  C
and RI ¼ 1.375.

Table 2. Signal-to-noise ratios for three metal films at two refractive indices.
Signal-to-noise ratio
Refractive index Au Cu Ag
1.365 3.2536 2.2043 2.3077
1.375 6.6527 4.5719 5.3846

when the gold film is used for the arc groove. In addition, when the gold
film is used in the arc groove, the position of the resonance peak is furthest
to the right at 60  C. Therefore, it is necessary to sacrifice some SNR to
obtain band separation when choosing a metal film on the D-shaped plane.
By observing the positions of the three resonance peaks in Figure 12, it can
be seen that the silver film is optimum.
10 J.-K. WANG ET AL.

Figure 13. Loss spectra of three central angles in channel I: h ¼ 110 , 180 , and 250 .

Influence of the Central angle of the arc groove upon the optical properties
In this section, the influence of the central angle of the arc groove on
optical properties is discussed. Since the variation of the central angle only
affects the sensing characteristics of channel I, only the loss spectrum of
channel I is provided in Figure 13. For convenience, the loss spectra at
40  C are considered here.
The SNRs for three central angles at two temperatures are shown in
Table 3. Table 3 shows that the SNR is the highest when the central angle
of the arc groove is 180 . As can be seen from Figure 13, the loss spectrum
at the 250 central angle has a peak when the temperature is 40  C, but
there is a severe interference which is caused by the higher-order reson-
ance. According to Figure 13 and Table 3, when the central angle of the
arc groove is 180 , the SNR is high and there are no interferences.
Therefore, the central angle of the arc groove was selected to be 180 .

Influence of gold film and silver film thicknesses upon the optical properties
In this section, the influence of different thicknesses of gold and silver films
on the optical properties are discussed. Too thin a metal film can make
processing difficult, and too thick a metal film leads to unnecessary cost.
Therefore, in channel I, different loss spectra were analyzed for gold film
thicknesses from 40 to 60 nm as shown in Figure 14. The SNRs for three
gold film thicknesses at two temperatures are shown in Table 4.
The temperature sensing is the optimum when the thickness of the gold
film is 50 nm because when other conditions are certain, the number of free
electrons on the surface of the gold film is proportional to the thickness of
the gold film, and the strength of the SPR phenomenon is proportional to the
number of free electrons. However, in practice, very thick gold films absorb
more free electrons[21] and weaken the SPR phenomenon.

Table 3. Signal-to-noises for three central angles at two temperatures.

Signal-to-noise ratio
Temperature ( C) h ¼ 110 h ¼ 180 h ¼ 250
40 2.6000 5.5556 3.2381
60 5.0000 9.7037 5.7143

Figure 14. Loss spectra in channel I for h1 ¼ 40 nm, 50 nm, and 60 nm.

Table 4. Signal-to-noise ratios for three gold film thicknesses at two temperatures.
Signal-to-noise ratio

Temperature ( C) h1 ¼ 40 nm h1 ¼ 50 nm h1 ¼ 60 nm
40 3.2754 5.5556 2.1527
60 6.5641 9.7037 4.7468

In channel II, different loss spectra of silver film thickness from 40 to

60 nm were analyzed as shown in Figure 15. The SNRs for three gold ring
thicknesses at two RIs are shown in Table 5. The RI sensing is the best
when the silver film is 50 nm.

Simulation of temperature and RI sensing

In this section, the sensing characteristics of temperature and RI are discussed.
First, the RI is fixed at 1.355 and the temperature sensing characteristics of
channel I are investigated. Figure 16a shows that the resonance wavelength of
the loss peak is blue-shifted from 860 nm to 729 nm as the external tempera-
ture increases from 20  C to 60  C because the increase in temperature causes
the RI of chloroform to decrease. The linear fit between the resonance wave-
length and the temperature change is shown in Figure 16b. The temperature
sensitivity of the sensor is 3.05 nm/ C, and the correlation coefficient between
the resonance wavelength and temperature change is 0.9979.
Second, the temperature is fixed at 20  C and the temperature sensing
characteristics of channel II are investigated. Figure 17a shows that the res-
onance wavelength of the loss peak is red-shifted from 555 nm to 625 nm
12 J.-K. WANG ET AL.

Figure 15. Loss spectra in channel II for h2 ¼ 40 nm, 50 nm, and 60 nm.

Table 5. Signal-to-noise ratios for three gold ring thicknesses at two refractive indices.
Signal-to-noise ratio
Refractive index h2 ¼ 40 nm h2 ¼ 50 nm h2 ¼ 60 nm
1.365 1.4396 2.3077 1.2378
1.375 2.8953 5.3846 2.5077

Figure 16. (a) Loss spectra of the sensor as a function of temperature. (b) Relationship
between the loss peak and the temperature.

as the RI increases from 1.355 to 1.375. The linear fit between the reson-
ance wavelength and the RI change is shown in Figure 16b. The RI sensi-
tivity of the sensor is 3480 nm/RIU in the range from 1.355 to 1.375 RIU,
and the correlation coefficient between the resonance wavelength and tem-
perature change is 0.9968.

Cross sensitivity of temperature and RI

The cross-sensitivity of double-sided PCF needs to be discussed. First, the RI
of chloroform is unaffected by the change in external RI, so the change of
external RI does not influence the temperature measurement of chloroform.
At the same time, the surface of chloroform is easily sealed by a layer of seal-
ing material due to the presence of the curved groove. This effectively

Figure 17. (a) Loss spectra of the sensor as a function of refractive index. (b) Relationship
between the loss peak and the RI.

eliminates the influence of chloroform volatilization and allows stable tem-

perature measurements. Second, for RI measurements, the RI change of
chloroform is also not directly related to the RI of the analyte. In conclusion,
the temperature and RI measurements do not influence each other.

A double-sided PCF temperature and RI sensor based on SPR is described.
The optical properties of the structure were analyzed by FEM. The results
showed that the sensor simultaneously measured temperature and RI in
two independent channels. The influence of gold film closure on the opti-
mal RI measurement range was found, and the optimal sensing structure of
chloroform as a temperature-sensitive material was obtained. The influence
of the central angle of the arc groove on the sensor characteristics was
investigated. When the central angle is 180 , higher-order resonance was
avoided. The results showed that the temperature sensitivity is 3.05 nm/ C
with a correlation coefficient of 0.9979 from 20 to 60  C. The RI sensitivity
is 3480 nm/RIU with a correlation coefficient of 0.9968 between 1.355 and
1.375 RIU. With high sensitivity and no cross-sensitivity, this double-sided
PCF temperature and RI sensor has a wide potential range of applications.

Disclosure statement
The authors declare there are no conflicts of interest involving this study.

This work was supported by National Key R & D Program of China (grant number
2021YFB3201600) and Innovation Leadership Program in Sciences and Technologies for
Young and Middle-aged Scientists of Shenyang City (RC200026). This work was performed
in part at the Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication in the Victorian Node of the
Australian National Fabrication Facility.
14 J.-K. WANG ET AL.

Jia-Kai Wang
Zhi-jun Gao
Guang-yuan Si

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