Career Planning Self-Assessment

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Career Planning Self-Assessment

Self-evaluation is the first step in career planning. Identifying your interests, values, skills and personal style
will help you identify occupations that are a fit for your short and long-term careers. Read the instructions in
steps 1-4 to identify your potential interests, values, skills and personal style. Record your top 3 results in
the bottom section of the wheel template in step 5.

Look at the following list of words/phrases that might be used to complete the sentence “I really like…” Circle
any interests that attract you. You may circle as many as you wish and can also add interests in the blank
spaces at the bottom that are important to you but aren’t yet on the list.

 The Arts  Working with my hands  Directing a group

 Theatre  Helping others  Reading

 Being in a group  Meeting people  Dancing

 Music  Outdoors/Nature  Travelling

 Public speaking  Surfing the internet  Shopping

 Writing  Working with numbers  Cooking

 Classifying things  Having new experiences  Politics

 Math  Giving directions  Discussing

 Fashion  Planning activities  Geography

 Animals  Physical activities  Literature

 History  Scientific reports  Cultural diversity

 International development  Finding information  Learning new things

 Selling  Giving explanations  Assembling things

 Biology  Talking on the phone  Meeting challenges

 Talking/Discussing with people  Psychology  Using technology

 Chemistry  Physics  Community Development

 Personal Growth

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Now look at the following list of words/phrases that might be used to complete the sentence “I value…”
Repeat the same steps as above. For the list of values, select the ones that most attract you and that you
feel are most important to you and your future work life.

 Advancement – opportunity to  Helping others – work that  Responsibility – deciding how

improve position and pay benefits things will be
 Adventure – things that involve  Honesty – being told the truth  Rewards – extra incentives for
risk or uncertainty work well done
 Benefits – healthcare and  Improving society – work that  Risk – unknown possibilities
personal benefits would benefit society as a
 Challenge – situations that  Independence – working with  Routine – same tasks each
push you to be better little direction day
 Change and variety – varying  Influence over others – affect  Safety – no risk to yourself or
tasks others’ work others
 Community involvement –  Interesting work – work that  Schedule – outline of when
work that impacts larger motivates you work needs to be done
 Competition – comparing work  Interpersonal relations –  Self-expression – adding a
for the purpose of winning relations with others personal touch to your work
 Co-operation – working with  Leadership – direct and  Social interaction – time to
others influence others interact with others
 Creativity – using your  Learning opportunities –  Stability – being assured of a
imagination chance to grow personally job
 Economic security – receiving  Leisure – time away from work  Status – position of
a rate of pay that meets your importance within a workplace
 Education – chance to  Making decisions – deciding  Teamwork – ability to work
continue your schooling how things should be done with others
 Entrepreneurship –  Management – organizing and  Time for flexibility – not a set
opportunities to create your controlling situations work schedule and ability to
own business schedule own time
 Environment – the atmosphere  Mentoring – opportunity to  Travel – work that allows you
in which you work train others to go to different places
 Excitement – passion about  Physical activity  Work alone – doing things
what you do without much contact with
 Fast pace – enjoy a fast  Problem-solving – figuring out  Work under pressure
environment how to move forward
 Friendly co-workers – pleasant  Public contact – interacting  Work with others – doing
and caring co-workers with community members things in teams or with others
 Good income – earning a lot of  Recognition – getting thanked
money for work done well

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Below is a list of words/phrases that might be used to complete the sentence “I am really good at…” Repeat
the same steps as above. For the list of abilities, select the ones that most apply to you and that you feel are
most important to you and your future work life.

 reading and understanding  recognizing human,  respecting, being open to and

information presented in a interpersonal, technical, supportive of the thoughts,
variety of forms (e.g., words, scientific and mathematical opinions and contributions of
graphs, charts, diagrams) dimensions of a problem others in a group

 writing and speaking so others  identifying the root cause of a  recognizing and respecting
pay attention and understand problem people's diversity, individual
differences and perspectives

 listening and asking questions  being creative and innovative  accepting and providing
to understand and appreciate in exploring possible solutions feedback in a constructive and
the points of view of others considerate manner

 sharing information using a  planning for and achieving my  leading or supporting when
range of information and learning goals appropriate, motivating a group
communications technologies for high performance

 using relevant scientific,  using science, technology and  understanding the role of
technological and mathematics as ways to think, conflict in a group to reach
mathematical knowledge and gain and share knowledge, solutions
skills to explain or clarify ideas solve problems and make
 locating, gathering and  evaluating solutions to make  managing and resolving
organizing information using recommendations or decisions conflict when appropriate
appropriate technology and
information systems

 accessing, analyzing and  selecting and using appropriate  planning, designing or carrying
applying knowledge and tools and technology for a task out a project or task from start
explaining or clarifying ideal or project to finish with well-defined
skills from various disciplines objectives and outcomes

 deciding what needs to be  checking to see if a solution  working to agreed quality

measured or calculated works, and acting on standards and specifications
opportunities for improvement

 observing and recording data  understanding and working  implementing solutions

using appropriate methods, within the dynamics of a group
tools and technology

 assessing situations and  ensuring that a team's purpose  working with numbers
identifying problems and objectives are clear

 seeking different points of view  continuously monitoring the  dealing with people, problems
and evaluating them based on success of a project or task and situations with honesty,
facts and identifying ways to improve integrity and personal ethics

 feeling good about myself and  adapting to changing  recognizing my own and other
being confident requirements and information people's good efforts

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 taking care of my personal  showing interest, initiative and  working independently or as a
health effort part of a team

 carrying out multiple tasks or  being innovative and  bring open and responding
projects resourceful: identifying and constructively to change
suggesting alternative ways to
achieve goals and get the job

 coping with uncertainty  being willing to continuously  assessing personal strengths

learn and grow and areas for development

 setting my own learning goals  identifying and access learning

sources and opportunities

Continued on next page

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Now, look at the following list of words/phrases that might be used to complete the sentence “I am …” Repeat
the same steps as above. For the list of personality traits, select the ones that most apply to you and that you
feel are most important to you and your future work life.

 Hospitable/  Energetic/  Reflective/  Realistic

Welcoming Enthusiastic Thoughtful

 Active  Determined  Cheerful  Inquisitive

 Ambitious  Disciplined  Loyal  Reserved/Shy

 Likable  Discrete  Methodical  Respectful

 Attentive  Dynamic  Careful  Responsible

 Independent  Emotional  Optimistic  A Dreamer

 Leading edge  Curious  Organized  Sensible

 Adventurous  Reliable  Original  Serious

 A Joker  Demanding  Open  Helpful

 Calm  Expressive  Passionate  Sociable

 Holistic  Entrepreneurial  Persevering  A Loner

 Competitive  Flexible  Perceptive  Spontaneous

 Confident  Generous  A Perfectionist  Sympathetic

 Convincing  Honest  Patient  Tolerant

 Courageous  Innovative  Positive  Brave

 Creative  Honourable  Practical  Supportive

 Critical  A Planner

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After completing your Self-Assessment, record your top 3 choices from each of the previous steps in the
bottom half of the wheel template (below). You may fill out the top half of your wheel template after you
complete other self-exploration and self-reflection activities. After finishing your wheel, you may notice certain
patterns, themes, strengths, and/or areas for development. These items may help you identify short- and long-
term career goals, whether they are related to your pre-arrival career path, or related to a new or alternative
career path.

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