Remed Test
Remed Test
Remed Test
Lightning is a natural phenomenon that usually appears in the rainy season when the sky gives
rise to a momentary flash of blinding light. A few moments later, followed by a thunderous
sound called thunder. This difference in time of appearance is due to the difference between
the speed of sound and the speed of light.
Lightning occurs because there's a potential difference between the cloud and the earth
or with other clouds. The process of the occurrence of charge on the cloud because it
moves continuously regularly, and during its movement it will interact with other clouds so that
negative charges will gather on one side (up or down), while positive charges gather on the
opposite side.
If the potential difference between the cloud and the earth is large enough, there will
be a discharge of negative charges (electrons) from the cloud to the earth or vice versa to
reach equilibrium. In this discharge process, the medium through which electrons pass is
air. When electrons are able to penetrate the air insulation threshold, a sound explosion
Lightning is more common in the rainy season, because in that condition, the air
contains a higher moisture content so that the insulation power drops and the current flows
more easily. Because there are negatively charged clouds and positively charged clouds,
lightning can also occur between clouds of different charges.