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What is Tosca?

TOSCA, or Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications, is a

software testing tool designed and developed by software testing company ‘Tricentis’. It is
also known as Tricentis Testsuite. It is an automation tool that automates end-to-end software
testing and provides the best solutions for software testing and quality assurance. This testing
methodology combines multiple aspects of software testing including test case design, test
data design, test automation, etc., to test CLI (Command Line Interface), API (Application
Programming Interface), Integrated Test Management, and GUI (Graphical User Interface). It
supports every phase of a testing project and can be used to conduct both responsive testing
and regression testing on software applications/products.

What are the features of Tricentis Tosca?

 Script-less test automation is possible using the drag and drop feature of
modules, which simplifies software development.
 Execution is fast and Continuous Testing is available to support DevOps.
 Supports module-based test development where a model of the application
under test (AUT) is created instead of scripts. A model can be used to
represent the intended behavior of an AUT, as well as the testing strategy and
the test environment.
 Supports risk-based testing to suggest the best test cases and calculate the risk
contributions of each test case.
 Using it, business users can record their daily activities and then convert them
into automated test cases, thereby eliminating the need for manual tests.
 Maintenance effort is minimal.
 Improve test stability and efficiency with a codeless approach to API testing.
 Test faster and more effectively by running multiple tests simultaneously across
distributed infrastructures and virtual machines.
 Possible to automate both UI (User Interface) and non-UI applications like XML
(Extensible Markup Language), SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol),
mainframe, etc.

List out the main components of Tosca TestSuite.

 Tosca Commander: It is one of the essential parts of this tool for developing,
managing, and analyzing test cases. It administers the test cases in the
 Tosca Executor: Commander is the middleware between the Test Repository
and Tosca Executor, which forwards test cases from the Test Repository to the
Test Executor. Next, the Tosca test executor executes test cases that have
been developed on SUT (System Under Test).
 Tosca XScan (Tosca Wizard): It scans input fields on the screen and saves
them as modules for Tosca Commander. Technical information is included in
these modules in order to identify and direct screen elements.
 Test Repository/Common Repository: This is where complete workspaces
are stored like test objects, test cases, etc. In order for several/user testers to
work at the same time, the test repository is necessary.

What are different types of errors that are available in Tosca?

The following types of errors can occur during Tosca execution:

 Verification-Failure: A failure that occurs when expectations and actual results

do not match for the verification step.
 User Abort: This occurs when the tester stops the execution.
 Dialog-Failure: Apparently this is the result of some unhandled exceptions or
steps. This error occurs when the application attempts to steer either a control
that does not exist or is not in operation. Crashing or jamming applications (i.e.,
not responding) fall under this category too.

What is TDS (Test Data Service) Tosca?

TDS (Test Data Service) is used in Tosca to manage test data in distributed
environments. It enables us to store dynamic test data in a shared location, making it
easy for test cases to read/update. Data stored in a shared location can be shared
across multiple test cases since it is stored in a shared location. Additionally, it can be
updated without opening Tosca, since it's considered a separate component. It
enables you to manage your test data in distributed environments

Explain how to run/execute tests using Tosca ExecutionLists?

An ExecutionList is used to store completed test cases and run them all at once. The
following ways can be followed in Tosca for executing ExecutionList:

 Choose the Run option from Tosca Commander's context menu or press the F6
key under the Execution section.
 Simply right-click on each selected test case and select "Run".
 Use Ctrl + left mouse button to select multiple ExecutionLists and run.

How do you create a testsheet in Tosca?

As part of the TestCase-Design process, TestSheets are used as the main framework.
The purpose of TestSheets is to organize/manage test data to follow a logical testing
process. A test sheet should cover each requirement of the application. Below are the
steps for creating a TestSheet:

 Step 1: To begin with, right-click on the folder where you'd like to create a
 Step 2: From the mini toolbar, select Create TestSheet.
 Step 3: Specify the name of your TestSheet.

TOSCA Workspace
This is your personal work area where you can create, administer, execute and analyze
test cases. It contains various objects i.e. called TOSCA Commander™ Objects and
those are,
 Modules
 ExecutionLists
 TestCases
 Requirements
 Test Case Design
You can build the relationship between these objects by mapping/linking them. This is
called object mapping in TOSCA. At the runtime, the control information of these
objects (Modules, ExecutionLists, TestCases, and Requirements, etc.) is combined.

Test Cases In TOSCA

Those steps are: Create the workspace, start with TOSCA Commander, and create the

Explain how to run/execute tests using Tosca ScratchBook?

During the creation or enhancement of a TestCase, ScratchBook executes a trial run

to check its correctness or to validate if it is still incomplete. Also, you can run only
individual TestSteps to perform partial test executions. In light of the fact that the
compilation and execution results of TestCases will not be saved, the ScratchBook
should only be viewed as a temporary aid when executing TestCase parts while
building TestCases. In a ScratchBook, we have the following options for running test

 Run test cases as soon as they are created

 Organize/arrange TestCases in the desired order, and then execute them.

Explain String Operation in Tosca Testsuite.

String operations can be used in Tosca to verify or modify strings through regular
expressions. For instance, it can include counting specific characters and words in a
statement, replacing a word with another, or checking the format of a number. To
perform String operations, you should download and import the AidPack module into
your project.

For instance, we are searching for the character " - ", which should be replaced by the
following character " / ". If the operation Global is selected, then "/ " is included
wherever " - " occurs. In the following example, the " - ” character in 8-May-2012 is
replaced by the " / ”.

In the Settings dialog, the modified string should be stored as BufferStringOperation. In the
following figure, modified string i.e., 8/May/2012 is stored in setting dialog buffer.

How do you create a testsheet in Tosca?

As part of the TestCase-Design process, TestSheets are used as the main framework.
The purpose of TestSheets is to organize/manage test data to follow a logical testing
process. A test sheet should cover each requirement of the application. Below are the
steps for creating a TestSheet:

 Step 1: To begin with, right-click on the folder where you'd like to create a
 Step 2: From the mini toolbar, select Create TestSheet.
 Step 3: Specify the name of your TestSheet.
What does XL reference contain in Tosca?

TestCases may sometimes need access to the name of a TestCase / Instance, such
as when storing data in TestDataService, and this can be acquired with
{XL[Instance.Name]} or {XL[Instance]}. You must work with a TestCase template and
a TestSheet to gain access to the name of a TestCase / Instance. When you want to
mention the name of the TestCase in the TestCase template, use XL-reference
[XL[Instance.Name]] or [XL[Instance]].

Explain the importance of Tosca API Scan.

API Scan by Tosca provides developers with a no-code solution that will make it easy
to create, manage, and execute automated API tests. Test cases can be created for
API testing and scenarios can be created for Tosca Orchestrated Service
Virtualization with API Scan. In simple words, automating and designing API test
cases are possible via API Scan. You can accomplish the following tasks with API

 Develop test cases and modules.

 Sync with the API Connection Manager
 Ensure seamless integration of API and Tosca Orchestrated Service
Virtualization (OSV).

Explain TCShell.

The TC-Shell is the command-line controller of Tosca Commander, providing access

to most of Tosca Commander's functionality. It has two different modes of execution:
interactive and scripted.

 In interactive mode, the user is offered assistance and options and can access all
of the functions of Tosca Commander's GUI (Graphical User Interface).
 In script mode, Shell runs commands from a script data file, so we must write a
series of commands on a script data file and then run them. Users cannot
intervene in this process. This mode is used for automating processes, for
example, for working with an extensive portfolio of tests without supervision.

How can you read data from Excel using Tosca?

Data from Excel can be read using Tosca through two approaches:
 In Test Case Design, data can be read from an external Excel file with a

predefined format.

 The “Excel Engine” allows importing and reading from an Excel file.
Explain the template and the process to create it?
In Tosca, templates define unique test flows using modules, linking data parameters

from TCD rather than actual data. Templates can be created by converting a technical

test case to a template, and they utilize data from TCD datasheets.

What do you mean by Tosca Template?

In Tosca, templates are structured/conventional formats that can be reused to create

concrete TestCases. It is possible to convert test cases that have very similar steps
into templates so that they can be used for a variety of data combinations. Data from
test datasheets are used in the template. When you instantiate a template, you
convert a single test case template into several test cases using the test data that you
supply as input to the templat

What do you mean by Tosca Query Language?

The Tosca Query Language (TQL) is a powerful way to search within your project. The
tool gives you the ability to perform search queries on your project through objects,
object relations, and object properties to find/search anything you need. Simply type
your query into a language the computer understands and the system will do the rest.
It gives you the ability to take control of a project at any time. In its most basic form,
this is similar to SQL, which enables us to search based on conditions.

Explain TDM (Test Data Management).

As its name implies, Test Data Management involves managing test data necessary
for the execution of TestCases. In addition to viewing all records within your test data
repository, it allows you to modify and/or delete selected ones. During Tricentis Tosca
Server setup, it is automatically installed as part of the Test Data Service component.
It combines Test Data Service (TDS) and test data management to allow teams to
design, locate, manage, and provide test data, even in complex and hard-to-manage

13. What is the recovery scenario in Tosca? What happens if it fails?

As its name implies, recovery scenarios are used to recover from the failure of a
testcase/teststep. During test execution, if for some reason your test case fails (this
could be any reason), the Recovery scenario ensures that the next test case after that
failed test case will proceed normally. This will ensure that the following test case runs
correctly, without any impact from the previous test case. There are two conditions in
which recovery is possible i.e., dialog failure and verification failure. When a recovery
scenario fails, Tosca then tries the next higher level recovery scenario, and if all
recovery scenarios fail, it reports the test case as failed.

How to fetch data from Excel using Tosca?

There are two ways to fetch test data from Excel as follows:

 In order to test a TestCase scenario on multiple datasets, Tosca provides a

TemplateInstance feature. We can create as many test cases as necessary from
a data set by using it. We can then import the data from Excel and embed it into
the Test Case steps.
 For different TestCases and to import data from external sources, the Excel
Engine module can be used.

16. Explain how to create a testcase template manually.

Tosca BI (Business Intelligence) modules can be used to create a TestCase template

manually. In order to create and utilize your own TestCase templates, perform the
following steps:

 Step 1: Build a TestCase that meets your needs.

 Step 2: Right-click on the TestCase and choose "Convert to Template" from the
context menu to convert it to a Template.
 Step 3: Drag and drop the appropriate TestSheet onto your TestCase Template.

17. Explain how to instantiate testcases with Excel.

When you instantiate a template, you convert a single testcase template into several
test cases using the test data that you supply as input to the template. You must follow
the steps below to instantiate TestCases in Excel:

 The TestCase that is needed to be instantiated must be viewed as a template.

 Parameters (values to be transferred from a template) must be linked to template
attributes by specified syntax.
 To create a TemplateInstance, right-click on the TestCase template and select
Create TemplateInstance from the context menu.
 You must specify the Excel file with the corresponding spreadsheet in the
subsequent dialog box.
 Click the OK button to confirm your inputs.
 Once you click Yes in the subsequent dialog, the instantiation process will begin.

In this way, Tosca creates a TestCase in the TemplateInstance for every TestCase
defined in the template. The structure of the TestCase is the same as that of the
corresponding TestCase in the template.

How can test cases assigned to modules in Tosca?

The steps below can be followed to observe which test cases can be assigned to
 Select all test cases and their folders, which need to be assigned to new

 Drag and drop these selected files and folders into the module folder.

 Release the left mouse button.

 All assignments now refer to the Modules of the Module folder selected in
step two.

What type of framework is used in Tosca?

Tosca uses two types of frameworks. One is the TBox framework, and the other is the
Classic framework. The TBox framework is used for recognizing control. On the other
hand, the Classic framework is used for creating modules.

What is the execution list in Tosca?

An execution list in Tosca is a collection of test cases or test modules that define what
tests to run and in what order. It allows testers to execute multiple test cases as a suite
for efficient testing.
What is the purpose of Tosca?
The purpose of Tosca is to automate software testing and enable continuous testing to
improve software quality. It streamlines test design, execution, and management across
various application types.
What are the different work states of a test case?
There are three work states of a test case. These are:
 PLANNED: Assigned to newly created test cases.

 COMPLETE: Assigned to the executed test case.

 IN_WORK: Assigned to the test cases which are in progress.

How would you go about running tests using Tosca ExecutionLists?

A5: Tosca ExecutionLists allow you to organize and run your test cases in a structured manner. To run
tests using an ExecutionList, you first need to create the ExecutionList and add the test cases. Then,
you can run the entire ExecutionList at once, which will run all the included test cases in the specified
order. This makes it easy to manage and execute grouped tests.

Could you tell us what information is contained in the XL reference in


A12: The XL reference in Tosca is used to reference Excel files in your test data. It contains
information like the path of the Excel file, the name of the sheet to be used, the range of cells to be
read, and any filters to be applied on the data. It's a powerful feature that allows for the use of
external data sources and enhances data-driven testing

Can you explain what TCShell is and its uses?

A15: TCShell is a command-line tool provided by Tosca. It allows for the automation of various Tosca
processes like executing test cases, updating the project structure, importing and exporting project
data, and so on. It's a powerful tool that enhances automation and efficiency in managing and
running Tosca tests.

Why is the Tosca API Scan important?

A14: The Tosca API Scan is an important feature as it automates the process of creating API test
cases. By importing the API definition files, Tosca API Scan generates test cases for all possible API
calls. This reduces the manual effort required in creating API test cases and ensures that all potential
API endpoints are covered in the testing.

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