Lock Bolting Spec

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RDSO-WD/0001: 2022 81

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(First Issue)


(Standards Developing Organization for railway transportation sector in India)

_ _ _ _ _, 2022 Price-

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This specification for ‘Lock Bolt and Collar’ used on freight stocks (Broad Gauge Bogie Wagons) as
permanent fastener has been prepared by a technical committee comprising members from different
domain of knowledge and stakeholders. The detail of committee is below;

S. Committee composition Member Organization

No. Designation
1. Chairperson (Ex officio) Dr. Manish Thaplyal Wagon Directorate.
Executive Director /Standards Wagon Research Design and Standard
Organization (Ministry of
Railways.) Lucknow-226011
2. Member Secretary Sanjay Kumar Wagon Directorate.
Director/Stds. Wagon Research Design and Standard
Organization (Ministry of
Railways.) Lucknow-226011

3. Members (Consumers) Sohan Singh Parmar Wagon Repair Shop,Kota

Dy chief Mechanical Engineer/ West Central Railways,
4. Member (Industry) Sudipta Mukherjee Chambers of Indian
Director,Titagarh wagons Limited, Industries. Eastern Region
Kolkata-700107. and North East Confederation
of Indian Industry.Kolkata-
5. Member (R&D Silabhadra Das Indian railway institute of
Institutions) / Technologists. Professor(trainset)/IRIMEE Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering. Jamalpur,
6. Member (Testing Labs) Ajay Kumar Jaiswal, Testing directorate.
Director Testing/Lab. Research Design and Standard
Organization (Ministry of
7. Member Inspection Sandeep Tigga, QA (Mechanical) Directorate.
Assistant Research Officer-II. Research Design and Standard
Organization (Ministry of

The specification defines Lock bolt and Collar by dimensions, materials of manufacture, installed
dimensions, strength and its performance. It supersedes the previous guidelines issued by Wagon
Directorate, RDSO “Guidelines for Product/Vender Development of lock bolts & collars used on freight
stock on IR”. Assistance has been taken from some international standards also which are detailed at

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S. No. Description Page No.

1 Scope

2 Normative references 4
3 Terms and definitions 4
Lock bolt and Collar technical requirement and related terms 4
4.1 Dimensional Requirements 4
4.2 Grip Range & Nominal values of Dim ”D” & Dim “E” 5
4.3 Chemical composition and physical properties of material 5
4.4 Surface coating/surface finish 6
4.5 Marking & Identification 6
4.6 Heat treatment & Hardness 6
4.7 Installed performance values 6
Technical parameters requirements after Installation of lock bolt &
4.8 7
5 Packaging 7
6 Lock Bolt & collar installation equipment technical Requirements. 7
7 Field Performance Monitoring 7
8 Standard conditions for product Registration 8
9 Procedure of Registration/approval of the Product 9
10 Quality audit 10
11 Purchase Inspection 10

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1.0 Scope
This specification specifies the materials of manufacture, Dimensions, hole diameter, the range of
joint thickness and performance of installed lock bolt and collar with nominal shank diameters
from 9.52 mm to 22.22 mm.
2.0 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies
 RDSO/Wagon Directorate “Guidelines for Product/Vender Development of lock bolts & collars
used on freight stock on IR”
 IS:1367(Part 3) Mech. Properties of fasteners made of carbon & alloy steel-bolts, screw & studs
 IS: 1367 (part-11, Electroplated Coating System) Technical Supply Conditions for Threaded
Steel Fasteners.
 IS:1367 (par-18) for packaging of fasteners.
 IS:1586 : 2000 Method for Rockwell hardness test for metallic materials (latest edition)
 IS:2 for Rules For Rounding Off Numerical Values
3.0 Terms and definitions
The following definitions apply;
3.1 Grip range: The maximum and minimum total thickness of the work pieces to be joined
3.2 Tensile load: The load which the lock bolt is capable of withstanding prior to failure in tension,
when measured under test conditions.
3.3 Shear load: The load which the lock bolt is capable of withstanding prior to failure in shear,
when measured under test conditions.
3.4 Hole size: The diameter of the hole in the work pieces to be joined.
4.1 (a) Dimensional Requirements for Lockbolt
The finished lock bolt & collar should conform to the detailed below dimensional tolerances:

Figure 1: Round Head Lockbolt

All dim in mm
Diameter A B C D E
in mm Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
9.52 9.65 9.78 18.11 19.99 5.66 6.30 These dimensions should be within the tolerance
12.70 12.52 13.08 22.81 24.46 6.76 9.55 range of: Dim “D”: + 0.81 mm & Dim “E”: +4.78/-
15.88 15.67 16.31 27.58 30.38 9.32 10.97 1.60 mm from the dimensions detailed below. Dim
19.05 18.82 19.51 33.73 36.52 11.56 13.46 “D” & “E” for the lock bolt vary with the Grip range
22.22 22.00 22.73 39.29 42.06 13.49 14.68 of the lock bolt application & the nominal values are
tabulated below at para-4.2.

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(b) Dimensions of collar for 9.52 mm to 22.22 mm diameter lock bolt:

Figure 2: Dimensions of Collar

All dim in mm
Collar Dia. ‘F’ Dia. ‘G’ Dia. ‘H’ Length
9.52 9.52 - 9.78 14.99 - 15.24 10.92 - 11.68
12.70 13.08-13.72 19.43 - 20.32 15.49 - 16.38
15.88 16.51 - 16.89 24.64 - 25.65 21.46 - 22.22
19.05 19.68 - 20.07 29.59 - 29.97 23.62 - 24.38
22.22 23.11 - 23.75 34.16 - 34.92 27.51- 28.27

4.2 Grip Range and Nominal values of Dimension ‘D’ & Dimension ‘E’:
(All dim in mm)
Grip range Diameter Grip range for Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
for Diameter 9.52mm Diameter from 12.70mm 15.88mm 19.05mm 22.22mm
9.52mm 12.70 mm To
22.22 mm
Min Max “D” “E” Min Max “D” “E” “D” “E” “D” “E” “D” “E”
3.18 9.53 20.55 53.98 6.35 12.70 30.81 80.57 36.40 92.86 38.56 105.56 --- ---
6.35 12.70 23.72 57.15 12.70 19.05 37.16 86.92 42.75 99.21 44.91 111.91 48.79 119.08
9.53 15.88 26.90 60.33 19.05 25.40 43.51 93.27 49.10 105.56 51.26 118.26 55.14 125.43
12.70 19.05 30.07 63.50 25.40 31.75 49.86 99.62 55.45 111.91 57.61 124.61 61.49 131.78
15.88 22.23 33.25 66.68 31.75 38.10 56.21 105.97 61.80 118.26 63.96 130.96 67.84 138.13
19.05 25.40 36.42 69.85 38.10 44.45 62.56 112.32 68.15 124.61 70.31 137.31 74.19 144.48
22.23 28.58 39.60 73.03 44.45 50.80 68.91 118.67 74.50 130.96 76.66 143.66 80.54 150.83
25.40 31.75 42.77 76.20 50.80 57.15 75.26 125.02 80.85 137.31 83.01 150.01 86.89 157.18
28.58 34.93 45.95 79.38 57.15 63.50 81.61 131.37 87.20 143.66 89.36 156.36 93.24 163.53
31.75 38.10 49.12 82.55 63.50 69.85 87.96 137.72 93.55 150.01 95.71 162.71 99.59 169.88
34.93 41.20 52.30 85.73 69.85 76.20 94.31 144.07 99.90 156.36 102.06 169.06 105.94 176.23
38.10 44.45 55.47 88.90 76.20 82.55 100.66 150.42 106.25 162.71 108.41 175.41 112.29 182.58
41.28 47.63 58.65 92.08 82.55 88.90 107.01 156.77 112.60 169.06 114.76 181.76 118.64 188.93
44.45 50.80 61.82 95.25 88.90 95.25 113.36 163.12 118.95 175.41 121.11 188.11 124.99 195.28
47.63 53.98 65.00 98.43 95.25 101.60 119.71 169.47 125.30 181.76 127.46 194.46 131.34 201.63
--- --- --- --- 101.60 107.95 126.06 175.82 131.65 188.11 133.81 200.81 137.69 207.98
--- --- --- --- 107.95 114.30 132.41 182.17 138.00 194.46 140.16 207.16 144.04 214.33
--- --- --- --- 114.30 120.65 138.76 188.52 144.35 200.81 146.51 213.51 150.39 220.68
--- --- --- --- 120.65 127.00 145.11 194.87 150.70 207.16 152.86 219.86 --- ---
--- --- --- --- 127.00 133.35 151.46 201.22 --- --- --- --- --- ---

4.3 Chemical composition and physical properties of material:

Chemical composition limit (%) for Lockbolt
Material C Mn Cr B S P Si
Min. Max. Min. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.
Steel for Lockbolt 0.15 0.55 0.50 1.65 0.60 0.005 0.035 0.11 0.30

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Chemical composition limit (%) for Collar
Material C Mn S P Si
Min. Max. Min. Max. Max. Max. Max.
Steel for Collars 0.06 0.20 0.15 0.70 0.05 0.04 0.30
a) The mechanical & physical properties of lockbolt and collars shall be achieved as has been
detailed in this standard.
b) To achieve the desired properties of lockbolt and Collar suitable alloying elements may be
c) The collar shall have sufficient ductility to ensure correct fitment.
4.4 Surface coating/surface finish
Lock Bolt shall be free from harmful defects. Splits in periphery of heads shall not exceed
0.25mm deep X 0.5 mm wide. Lock Bolt fasteners should be finished with a surface coating/
finish of zinc plating with clear chromate to ensure corrosion resistance. The coatings details are
as following: -
Base Material: Steel
Description: Zinc Plate, Clear Ref. IS:1367 (part-11, Electroplated
Chromate Specs: Coating System)
Thickness:: 0.008 mm (min.) on significant surfaces
IS:1367 (part-11, Electroplated 72 hours
Coating System)
Add. Comments: Electroplate only, Cr(VI)-free conversion (passivation) Coating.
4.5 Heat treatment & Hardness
All Lock bolts & Collars shall be suitably heat treated, hardened & tempered to achieve the
desired combination of mechanical properties.
After heat treatment, the Lock bolts should have hardness in the range of 28-34 HRC & the Collars
should exhibit hardness in the range of 60-80 HRB.
4.6 Marking and Identification
The head of the lock bolts should necessarily be marked with manufacturer’s identification for
ease of identification of the lockbolt. The Marking on Collars should be done on the lower bottom
surface, so that the same is visible, after installation. The marking should include the
manufacturer’s identification; month/year of Manufacturing (MM/YY), size, grip etc. for ease of
4.7 Installed performance values
The lock bolt and collar strength shall not be less than value detailed below and it shall be
checked by following the test procedures for determining shear load & tensile load as per
Annexure-I of this specification.
Diameter Shear (KN) Clamp (KN) Tensile(KN)
9.52 mm 30.38 17.88 28.91
12.70 mm 64.05 53.60 75.85
15.88 mm 100.80 85.41 120.55
19.05 mm 144.12 126.33 178.37
22.22 mm 193.05 174.59 246.65

4.8 Technical parameters requirements after Installation of lock bolt & collar
4.8.1 A properly installed lock bolt will exhibit dimensional characteristics as below:

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Figure 3: Lock Bolt Fastener
Diameter of Hole Size Dim “A” Dim “B” Dim “C” (Min) Dim “D”
Lock Bolt (Max.) in (Max) in (Max) in mm in mm (Max) in mm
(in mm) mm mm
9.52 mm 11.12 3.18 5.54 8.74 14.02
12.70 mm 14.30 1.60 9.52 10.31 18.62
15.88 mm 17.48 1.60 9.52 15.88 23.27
19.05 mm 20.65 1.60 9.52 16.66 28.19
22.22 mm 23.82 1.60 9.52 19.05 32.56
4.8.2 If the dimension ‘A’ or ‘B’ exceeds the above indicated values, the fastener is being out of grip.
4.8.3 If Dimension ‘C’ is less than the values specified above is an indication of incomplete swage.
4.8.4 If Dimension ‘D’ exceeds the above value, it is an indication of an incorrect or worn anvil of the
nose assembly of the installation equipment.
5.1 The lockbolt shall be suitably wrapped/ packed/ sealed to avoid rusting in resistant
paper/polythene before being packed in the box.
5.2 Lockbolt pallets shall be finally packed in a wooden/Carton box depending upon mode of
transport. These pallets or wooden boxes shall be strapped with steel/nylon band and seal on
wire before shipment. IS:1367 (par-18) may also be referred for packaging.
6.1 The installation equipment shall be interchangeably used irrespective of the make of the lock
bolts. The warranty and strength values shall be achieved irrespective of the installation tool
and conforms to technical requirements as has been detailed under para-4.7 and 4.8 above.
6.2 The installation equipment could be hydraulic/ pneumatic & could be powered using an
electric-motor driven/ engine powered power source. In case of an electric motor driven power
unit, the unit should work efficiently using a 220 V (±10%) Single-Phase/ 440V (±10%) Three-
Phase, 50 Hz AC power input.
6.3 The installation equipment including the power source should be able to efficiently perform in
the environmental conditions, detailed below.
6.3.1 The ambient air temperature range from -5° C to a high of 55° C.
6.3.2 The altitude from mean sea level to approximately 1000m above sea level.
6.3.3 Relative humidity from zero to 100%.
6.3.4 Dusty/Heavily dusty environment.
6.4 The installation equipment, is generally hand held and used by an operator within close
proximity, hence the weight of the equipment (installation gun), the max. Sound level (dB)
during continuous installation, the vibrations during installation, temperature rise subsequent
to continuous installation of Lock bolt/Collars, shall be optimized for ease of use.
6.5 Typical values of optimized weight of the installation equipment are as below;
S. No. Lock bolts diameter Max weight (Inclusive of Tool & Nose/ adopter Assembly)
1 Up to & including 12.70 mm 08 kgs
2 15.875-19.05 mm 12 kgs
3 22.23 mm 18 kgs

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6.6 Installation equipment should cover installation of all types of lock bolts/ collars detailed in Drg.
No: WD-11036-S-01 and WD-11036-S-02 with Latest revision. Optimization shall be done to
ensure minimum types/varieties of installation guns for different lock bolt sizes.
6.7 The power-source of the installation equipment shall include means to ensure its mobility to
work efficiently in an industrial environment.
6.8 In case the offered power unit is a hydraulic power pack, it shall be ensured that the hydraulic
fluid used by the equipment, is easily available in India. Similarly the manufacturer should
confirm availability of repair kits/ spare parts of all installation equipment & its accessories in
6.9 The equipment could include (a) set of pneumatic/ hydraulic hoses (b) necessary arrangements
for pressure setting/ release of pressure (c) necessary pressure gauges (d) necessary safety
valves/ relief valves in the hydraulic circuit to prevent excessive working pressure. The hose
shall be designed to sustain pressures up to 690 bar & shall include suitably designed quick
connect couplings at both ends to ensure ease of connection and use. The hoses shall be
shrouded/ designed to withstand industrial environment.
In case of a subsequent failure report from the field, Corrective action shall be taken as
deemed fit to ensure product performance. On repeated failure action shall be taken as per
extant RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-8.1-11.(latest). ZR/ ROH Depots shall report the failure in
the format given below;

S. Wagon Name Month of Wagon Date of Lockbolt supplier Type of defect &
No. & No. manufacturer Manufacturer Inspection firm/make Location
/fitment /Zonal


8.1 Proposal for Product development from OEM only (Indian or Foreign) shall be processed as
per RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-8.1-5.(latest).
8.2 The firm shall have in house manufacturing plants, Heat Treatment and laboratory testing
facilities where the lock bolt and collar are manufactured. The manufacturing shall be done
by forging. He shall submit his proposal with all requisite documents as per above RDSO
ISO Documents.)
8.3 The manufacturer shall also submit the manufacturing procedure, details of quality check
and quality conformance testing arrangements, internal test certificate with specific
conformance to technical requirements detailed at para-4.0 & other relevant details along
with QAP as per above RDSO ISO documents. The firm shall confirm the STR (Schedule of
Technical requirements) detailed at Anneure-II.
8.4 After STR verification and capacity/capability assessment, random samples for prototype
testing shall be picked in two sets of each size by the inspecting agency one for to check
conformance with the specified technical requirements, as detailed at para-4.0 above and
the second sealed sample sets shall be kept in RDSO directorate, in case the first sample
fails to conform to one/ more parameter of the test, a second (& final) round of testing can
be taken up, if desired & applied for by the applicant as per RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-
8.5 If the manufacturing of lockbolt/collars is done at different sites, each of these sites shall
be inspected as per RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-8.1-6.(latest)

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8.6 Further to conformance of the firm verification and requisite tests with the specified
technical parameters as per para-4.0 of this standard, the proposal shall be forwarded to
Directorate head, for approval for the developmental vendor as per RDSO ISO Document
8.7 The developmental vendor shall be gone through for field trial with their supply of first 50
wagon sets (supplied in complete sets for use in wagon) of lock bolts and collars to wagon
manufacturers/Zonal railways for completion of field trail as specified below.
9.1 The installation of lockbolts shall be done to the satisfaction of the applicant and should be
supervised by a representative of the applicant at the Wagon Manufacturer’s / Zonal
railways works. The applicant and the wagon manufacturer/Zonal railways shall jointly
certify satisfactory fitment of lock bolts as per table given in clause 7.0 of this standard.
After fitment, details of the first 50 wagons shall be communicated to RDSO.
9.2 A lay-over period of 6 months (after the date of last fitment of trial lock bolts on the first
50 wagons) shall be given to ascertaining field performance of the installed lock bolts.
After the 6 months period, any 5 wagons (out of the first 50 wagons), on which lock bolt
installation has been confirmed shall be randomly chosen and the wagons shall be
monitored for ANY failure of the applied lockbolts. This checking shall be done jointly and a
joint report shall be prepared on its performance in the inspected 5 wagons by the
representative of the lockbolt manufacturer, ZR wagon depot personnel and the RDSO
9.3 NO failures of any of the applied lockbolts should have been taken place, in these
randomly selected 5 sample wagons. Since the installation has been done to the
satisfaction of the applicant, failures, if any, cannot be attributed to in-correct fitment.
9.4 After successful field trial, the applicant firm may apply for change of their status in the
RDSO vendor directory as per RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-8.1.11 (latest).The minimum
quantity to be supplied for upgradation shall be as per RDSO ISO Document No.WD-P-7.1-
9.5 In case of a subsequent failure report from the field, or for any other pertinent reason
RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-8.1-11.(latest) shall be followed to initiate any corrective
action as deemed fit to ensure product performance.
9.6 In case, a manufacturer (approved or under development) alters/changes the place of
manufacturing of one/ more lockbolt unit the relevant RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-8.1-
12.(latest) shall be followed.
9.7 Owing to technical upgradation/ increased adoption of lock bolts and collars/ technological
improvements/ other reasons, the technical/ functional/ performance requirements, as
detailed above, could change. In cases of such changes, The RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-
8.1-2.(latest) shall be followed.
This part covers the aspects of manufacture and quality assurance which shall be audited by
RDSO at a specified periodicity. The Periodicity and Procedure for Quality Audit shall be as per
RDSO ISO Document No.QO-D-8.1-6(latest).
Purchase Inspection of lock bolt & collar, to check product conformance as per this
specification, shall be done by the inspecting agency at the manufacturer’s premises prior to
supply to users ZRs, Wagon builders. Purchase Inspection shall be done as per category-I item
of RDSO vendor directory.
Inspected/ checked Lock Bolts and collars shall be dispatched in proper packing
condition with Inspection certificate. A manufacturer’s WTC of every Batch, detailing
conformance to functional properties, shall be a part of every supply of Lock bolts & collars.
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1. Shear Force:
1.1 Test Apparatus:

Assemble two plates of equal nominal thickness, axially aligned into a single lap joint by
means of the test Lockbolt & collar, as shown in figure-1. The diameters of the test holes are
as given in table 4.8.1. The plates are of alloy steel, hardened and tempered to within the
range of 46 HRC to 50 HRC with a surface finish not exceeding 32 µm.
Install the lockbolt in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations using the tool
supplied by the manufacturer.
Ensure the total thickness of the test fixture does not exceed the minimum grip length of the
particular lock bolt to be tested.
NOTE. Test plates should be discarded when the clearance holes accommodating the test lock
bolt are no longer round, show sign of wear or damage, or exceed the maximum diameter
given in table 4.8.1.
1.2 Procedure:
Assemble the test fixture between the jaws of the tensile testing machine, taking care to
ensure that the tensile load will be transmitted in a straight line through the shear plane of
the test lock bolt. Maintaining a free running speed within the specified range, apply a tensile
load to the test fixture and increase the loading until failure of the lock bolt occurs. Record
the maximum load applied (measured in KN) as being the shear load of the lock bolt.
NOTE: If hydraulic testing machines are used care should be taken to locate the fixture at
the Centre of the piston
2. Tensile Force Testing:
Tensile testing machine, capable of applying a tensile load through self-aligning grips and
fitted with a cross head, the free running speed of which shall not be less than 7 mm/min or
greater than 13 mm/min,

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2.1 Test Apparatus:

The test fixture, comprising two plates of equal nominal thickness, axially aligned and
assembled into a single lap joint by means of the test lock bolt, as shown in figure-2 above.
The diameters of the test holes shall be as given in table 4.8.1. The plates are of alloy steel,
hardened and tempered to within the range of 46 HRC to 50HRC with a surface finish not
exceeding 3.2 prn.
Install the lock bolt in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations using the
installation tool as specified in this specification. Ensure the total thickness of the test fixture
does not exceed the minimum grip length of the particular lock bolt to be tested.
NOTE. Test plates should be discarded when the clearance holes to accommodate the test rivet
are no longer round, show signs of wear or damage or exceed the maximum diameter given in
table 4.8.1.
For rivets with maximum grip lengths shorter than 2t, the combined thickness of the two equal
thickness test plates shall be equal to the maximum-grip length of the particular rivet to be
2.2 Procedure:
Assemble the test fixture between the jaws of the tensile testing machine, taking care to
ensure that the tensile load will be transmitted in a straight line through the Centre line of the
test lock bolt. Maintaining a free running speed within the specified range, apply a load to
the test fixture and increase the loading until failure of the lock bolt occurs. Record the
maximum load applied (measured in KN) as being the tensile load of the lock bolt.
NOTE. If hydraulic testing machines are used care should be taken to locate the fixture at
the Centre of the piston.
3. Clamp Force Test
To test conformance to clamp load as specified above, the clamp force after installation shall
be ascertained using a calibrated bolt tension calibrator or suitable method.

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1.1 Manufacturers should have adequate storage space for raw material and finished products.
Storage of the raw material as well as finished product should be in covered area.
1.2 Suitable bar forging facilities for making the lock bolt and collar in adequate no. shall be
1.3 One hardening/annealing heat treatment furnace with automatic temperature recording
arrangement with digital indicator should be available.
1.4 To form the threads, either heavy duty flat thread rolling or circular thread rolling machine
with proper tooling like thread rolling dies and thread checking facilities should be available.
1.5 For heat treatment of the products, a fully automatic conveyor type hardening & tempering
furnace, with programmable logic control should be available.
1.6 For surface treatment, fully automatic programmable logic control based zinc electro plating
plant should be available.


2.1 A fully furnished metallurgical & chemical laboratory for monitoring the chemical composition
of raw material as well as finished products should be available. Chemical laboratory should
also be capable of monitoring the electro plating zinc system, chemical & solution strength.
The lab should have controlled atmosphere.
2.2 Minimum one No. of Rockwell hardness tester should be available.
2.3 Minimum one No. of Metallurgical microscope with photographic attachment and accessories
for preparation of specimen for checking microstructure should be available.
2.4 Minimum one No. of Tensile testing machine should be available.
2.5 One unit of magnetic crack detection facility should be available.
2.6 Minimum one No. of surface coating thickness tester should be available.
2.7 Minimum two nos. of digital Vernier and outside micrometers should be available.
2.8 Minimum two nos. of thread pitch micrometer should be available.
2.9 Minimum one optical profile projector should be available.


3.1 There should be a system to ensure the traceability of the product from raw material stage to
finished product stage. The system should also be able to identify the raw material
composition from the finished product stage.

3.2 The vendors seeking approval must ensure that their QAP for the product details the various
aspects as follows: -
Organization chart
Process flow chart
Detail of stage inspection
Product and process control plan
3.3 The firm should have acquired certification and the product for which approval is sought
should be covered in the scope of certification for manufacture and supply ISO:9001:2000
version will be acceptable thereafter.
3.4 The quality manual of the firm for ISO:9001:2000/ISO:9000:1994 (as applicable) should clearly
indicate the control over manufacturing at every stage and testing of the said Railway

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3.5 The firm seeking approval must be in possession of the relevant technical specification.
3.6 It should be ensured that proper analysis is being done on monthly basis to study the
rejection at various stages of rejection and the same should be documented.
3.7 Latest version of all the relevant specification IS, ASTM and RDSO standards and drawings
with latest alternations should be available with the firm
3.8 It should be ensured that minimum one No. of GO and NO-GO gauges are available for
checking the dimensional accuracy of the products and these gauges are being calibrated at
regular frequency.
4.1 Firm shall maintain following documents/records:
4.2 A well-documented quality plan.
4.3 Incoming raw material register should be checked as per approved QAP. Maintenance of
stock register for use and balance of raw materials, bought out items etc.
4.4 Stage inspection results including finished product results, as per approved QAP
4.5 Records of internal rejection and its analysis vis-à-vis action plan.
4.6 Records for maintenance of dies/moulds.
4.7 Ensure that proper system is available for dealing with customer complaint.
5.1 Training needs should be identified for all concerned officials and regular training shall be
organized and imparted on maintenance of machines, quality assurance, safety parameters

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1019023/2022/O/o ED/SW/RDSO
For all the tests specified in this standard (chemical/Physical/Others), the methods as specified in the
relevant ISO standard may be referenced.
While formulating this standard assistance has been derived from the following international
i. ASTM B633, Zinc electroplating on alloy steels
ii. ASTM B117 salt spray test for Corrosion detection.
iii. BS 7805 (part-1 & 2) Swaged collar grooved rivets.
iv. RDSO/Wagon Directorate “Guidelines for Product/Vender Development of lock bolts & collars
used on freight stock on IR”

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