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The Fellowship of the Talisman Clifford

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recognised where the ladders lead down to the holds beneath.
These vessels carry powerful pumps, the oil being taken on board
and discharged by this means. Oil is also employed as the ship’s
fuel, and the boiler is kept as far away from the cargo as possible,
but in order to counteract the possibility of the oil getting adrift and
leaking into the after part of the ship, a separate small compartment
is also added, so as more completely to divide the hold from the
boiler and engines. This will be easily recognised in the illustration.
The other illustration facing page 246 shows a model of the Silverlip,
also with her engines placed well aft; but this, with her derricks and
her deck-houses, represents a larger and more complex ship.
We come now to a type of steamship, which, by reason of its
peculiar construction, is deserving of more than ordinary
consideration. Opposite page 248 we give the latest example of this
type—the s.s. Inland. The “turret-ship,” as the class is called, is of
quite modern origin, and no one can come face to face with her
without being instantly struck with her unusual appearance. She
owes her birth to Messrs. William Doxford and Sons, Limited, of
Sunderland, who are the patentees and builders of this kind of ship.
It is needless to say that when this novel class of steamship first
appeared in the early ’nineties there was aroused the usual
prejudice; indeed, having in mind what has been the experience of
other inventors in connection with our subject, the reader could
hardly expect otherwise. Firstly, let us consider her with regard to her
appearance. It will be seen that she differs from the usual cargo and
passenger ship in that her sides tumble right in above the water-line.
This forms a kind of half turtle deck, and is known as the harbour
deck. But the upper deck of the “turret-ship” is extremely narrow.
(This will be seen more easily by reference to the next illustration,
which gives a model of the midship section of such a ship.) The
harbour deck need not be used except when in port, but it can be
employed for stowing long timbers or even iron girders if required.
Like the oil-tanker, many of the turret-ships have their engines
placed right aft, so that there is a long clear space for stowing the
cargo in the hold, an advantage which is especially appreciated in
the carrying of certain kinds of cargoes. Just as we saw there was
great danger to a ship in the possibility of oil washing about the hull
and shifting in a perilous manner, so also there is a danger in such
cargoes as rice and grain. With regard to the latter, I remember the
case of a big cargo ship which had the misfortune to spring a leak
and the water swelled the rice to such an extent that the ship, strong
as she was, burst her sides. But in the case of grain the danger is
not merely that, but also of shifting. As guarding against this
possibility the turret-ship, by reason of her special design, is
specially suitable, for any shifting that may take place in the turret
matters but little, and whatever shifting may take place in the hold is
compensated for by the turret; the cargo can be shot into the hold
without needing any trimming. The deck of the “turret” portion will be
seen from the illustration facing page 248 to form a navigating


Photograph from a Model. By permission of Messrs. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd.
From the Model in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Some of the modern turret-ships are fitted with twelve or

fourteen masts arranged in pairs, each pair being across the ship
instead of fore-and-aft-wise. These vessels have proved themselves
to be excellent sea-boats, and owing to their high freeboard and the
harbour deck, which acts as a kind of breakwater, it has to be a very
bad sea indeed that will break over the ship. Furthermore, the
harbour deck tends to reduce the rolling of the ship, for when one
side of the ship heels over so that one harbour deck is under water,
the windward side, when it holds a certain amount of water, actually
tends to bring the ship back to her level. Moreover, since these
decks are unencumbered with obstructions, they can suffer no
damage through the wash of the sea. They are also extremely strong
ships, for the sides of the turrets increase the strength of the vessel
longitudinally, while the curved formation of the harbour deck
augments their strength transversely; their simplicity of construction
and their adaptability for almost any cargo still further add to their
virtues. But from the view-point of the owners the turret-ship is even
still more a welcome type of craft, in that since dues are paid on a
ship’s registered tonnage the turret-ship is able to carry far more
cargo in proportion to her size than most vessels. On a small
registered tonnage the turret-ship has an exceptionally large dead-
weight capacity, and those parts of her which are liable to be taxed
are diminished as far as is possible, whilst at the same time greater
space is allowed to the carrying and handling of the cargo.
Economically, then, the turret-ship, with her odd shape, her many
masts and derricks, is a very advantageous carrier.
A good deal of interest has recently been aroused by the
peculiarities of a steamship named the Monitoria, which, though not
a turret-ship, is sufficiently out of the ordinary design to warrant
special mention. She is just an ordinary single-deck cargo steamer,
but instead of the usual wall-sided shell-plating has two longitudinal
corrugations along the outside of her hull. These swellings, so to
speak, extend below the water-line and gradually merge into the
ship’s lines at bow and stern. The claim made for this novelty is that
it is effective in reducing the wave-like irregularities, and allows of
more power being available for propulsion, whilst it also lessens the
rolling and pitching of the ship. The captain of this ship is reported to
have said that these corrugations had a beneficial effect on the
steering, whilst the wake of the ship was found to be smooth and
about half the width instead of the full breadth of the ship. Very
interesting as practical comment on a subject that we have treated
elsewhere in this volume, is her commander’s remark that whilst in a
diagonal sea, which was running at a height of 9 feet or 10 feet, a
ship of ordinary form and the same dimensions as the Monitoria
would have been safe proceeding at no higher speed than 6 or 6½
knots, yet the Monitoria was safe going ahead at 7¼ to 7½ knots.
The corrugations are said also to increase the ship’s buoyancy, and
thus admit of three per cent. more cargo being carried, while the hull
is more readily able to resist the strains than vessels of ordinary
shape. It is probable that this novel principle will be presently
exemplified in a first-class liner, and in a foreign cruiser.
Similar to the turret-type is the “trunk-deck” steamer, which
possesses like advantages. She resembles in appearance the
former type, but instead of the curves (seen in the Inland) at the
gunwale and bases of the turret or “trunk,” the sides of the trunk rise
from the main deck nearly at right angles, the harbour deck being
really a true deck. This kind of ship owes her birth to Messrs. Ropner
and Sons, of Stockton-on-Tees. Such vessels afford even more than
the turret-ships the appearance of a kind of up-to-date man-of-war,
without the guns which one would almost expect to see protruding
from behind some of her steel plates. It should be borne in mind that
both the turret and the trunk type possess an absence of sheer, for
the height of the lofty turret, or trunk, enables this to be dispensed
with, while to make up for this lack of sheer from the bows to the
stern, the vessel is given a top-gallant forecastle.


From a Photograph. By permission of Messrs. W. Doxford & Sons, Ltd.
From the Model in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

When a vessel is carrying her full cargo her stern is sufficiently

immersed to prevent her propeller from racing badly in a heavy sea.
But when she is making a voyage “light” there is great danger of
damage to the ship through the fracturing of the propeller shaft as
the ship dips her bows and raises her tail in the air. Everyone who
has had experience of handling small craft of any kind is aware that
the lower the ballast is placed the more the ship will roll. In an
extreme case, when all the ballast is placed outside the ship on to
her keel, the motion in a sea-way is more like that of the pendulum
than anything else. The method which we are now about to discuss
allows of water-ballast tanks being placed sufficiently high at the
“wings” to counteract this rolling. Opposite page 250 will be seen two
illustrations of the patent cantilever-framed steamers which are built
by Messrs. Sir Raylton Dixon and Company, Limited, of
Middlesbrough, through whose courtesy the photographs are
reproduced. By examining them it will be seen that water-ballast can
be carried not only in the usual tank at the bottom of the ship, but in
the wing tanks at the sides of the ship, and at such a height that
when the ship is crossing the ocean without cargo, she will have an
easy motion.
The lower illustration shows a section of one of these cantilever
ships, and the water-ballast tanks, above which is a shelter deck that
in the case of a passenger ship can be used as a promenade, or can
accommodate live cargo in cattle-ships. It will be noticed that the
ship’s frames are bent inwards, and that these, together with the
vertical sides of the hull, form the triangular spaces for the tanks.
Now these tanks run fore and aft on both sides and increase the
strength of the ship, not merely longitudinally, but transversely.
Owing to this the necessity of adding such obstructions to the hold
as pillars and beams vanishes, and as will be seen in the
illustrations, the hold is thus free and unencumbered for all manner
of cargo. It is further claimed for this cantilever craft that she can
carry a dead-weight more than three times the net register, and since
these tanks are not reckoned into the tonnage they increase the
safety and comfort of the ship without detracting from her utility. The
reader will also notice in the upper picture to what an enormous
extent the modern steamship is now being fitted with extra derricks,
with a cross-piece up the mast to take the strain involved in working
the latter.
As the reverse of being specially adapted for a particular service,
the steam tramp is built so that she can readily engage in almost any
carrying trade. Unlike the liner with her fixed routes and set times of
departure and arrival, the tramp is a nomad, and wanders over the
world picking up a cargo here and there, and taking it across the
ocean at her economical but jog-trot speed. If there is nothing for her
to pick up at the last port of call she betakes herself elsewhere with
the hope of better luck. Her main income is derived as a coal-carrier,
and for this she is quite suited. But the modern collier—the kind of
ship which is expressly built for the coal trade—is fitted with numbers
of steam winches in keeping with the modern feverish haste and
hurry, so that no sooner has she come alongside than she may
instantly begin to unload. In old-fashioned times the discharging was
done from the shore, but nowadays the up-to-date turret-ship makes
short work of handling her black diamonds. Special appliances are
also provided for those steamships which bring over the seas vast
quantities of New Zealand mutton, fruit, and other perishable articles
of food. Elaborate refrigerating machinery has to be installed in the
ship, and special means employed to facilitate the disembarking of
the cargo, especially in the case of the former.
By permission of Sir Raylton Dixon & Co., Ltd.
To a still more exceptional purpose has the steamship been
adapted in order to act as an ice-breaker and give liberty to those
ships which, in certain parts of the world, have, with the approach of
winter, been compelled to enter a lengthy imprisonment. Such
localities are found in both Canada and Russia. Thanks to the ice-
breaker steamship it has been made possible to keep open the
Baltic ports with a passage of sufficient width. Constructed of a
strength which is possessed by no other vessel than a man-of-war,
the ice-breaker attacks the frozen masses as a battleship used to
ram her foe. She goes for the ship’s enemy with her curved bow, and
wages war with all the ability which the ship-builder and naval
architect have given her. Her bow is specially strengthened to suffer
the force of the contact with the heavy ice masses, and the lines of
the hull are such that the ice in its endeavour to crush the ship finds
difficulty in getting a good grip upon it. Nevertheless, these ships are
fitted with numerous water-tight compartments. Their means of
propulsion are, of course, screws.
Similarly, across the North Atlantic, the steamship on the Great
Lakes, where for one third of the year the water is frozen, has to
battle with the ice-fiend. Ordinary steamers have to be laid aside, but
the train-ferry steamship still goes on with her work, being specially
designed to break through the impeding ice. As in the Russian ice-
breakers, so here the principle employed is that the ship shall forge
her way unto the ice, and by means of her overhanging bow, and its
weight, shall break through the obstruction.
Across the wide harbour of New York the steamship train ferries,
carrying rolling stock run aboard by lines, are employed to an extent
that is strange in comparison with English customs, although the
idea is not new to the Mersey, and the evergreen scheme of
instituting a ferry of this nature across the English Channel to
France, so that international travellers can go from Charing Cross to
the other end of the world without having to change their
compartments, is still advocated with enthusiasm.
We pass now to another type of steamship, which is endowed
with as much distinctive character as the steam tug. The steam
trawler may not be as smart as a steam yacht nor as fast as a
torpedo destroyer; yet, for all that, she is able to encounter as bad
weather and—size for size—is perhaps a good deal better sea-boat.
In the North Sea, which has been the favourite cruising ground of the
steam trawler, there is to be encountered as nasty and dangerous a
short sea as can be found, perhaps, in any other part of the world. In
all weathers, and at all times of the year, the trawler has to go about
her business, and the comparatively few disasters that overtake her
is a credit at once to the seamanship of her skipper and the
seaworthiness of the little ship herself. Opposite this page we show a
photograph of a typical North Sea steam trawler. This is the Orontes
of Hull, built in 1895, of iron, by Messrs. Cochrane and Sons, of
Selby. She measures 110 feet long, 21 feet wide, and 12 feet deep,
her net tonnage being 76, and her horse-power 60. The evolution of
the steam trawler was on this wise: When the value of steam had
been shown to be worth the consideration of the fisherman he
responded. At first the old-fashioned paddle-steamer was used
tentatively on the north-east coast of England, and the writer
remembers in the early ’eighties the singular unattractiveness—the
total absence of beauty, indeed—which these vessels possessed. By
birth and adoption these were properly tugs, but they did a bit of
trawling on their own account when not otherwise required, and met
with sufficient success to repeat the experiment many times. Some
of these ugly old craft are still to be seen in the neighbourhood of
Scarborough and Whitby.
From a Photograph. By permission of Messrs. Cochrane & Son, Selby.


From a Photograph. By permission of Messrs. Cochrane & Son, Selby.

But since the fishing fleets were at sea for weeks together, and
something faster than a sailing ship was required to hurry the
cargoes to market, a special steam fish-carrier came in which plied
her voyages from the Dogger to London and the east coast ports.
From that it was an easy step to building a steamship for use not as
a carrier but as a trawler. Already steam had been in use on board
the sailing trawler, but that had been for hauling the nets and
warping into dock. The increase of competition, the loss of a market
through calms and the prevalence of head winds, clearly marked the
way for the coming of the steam trawler. Recently it has been shown
that the employment of the motor-propelled trawler means a saving
of cost and a greater share of profits to all concerned, and perhaps
in the next decade the steam trawler may find the more modern form
of propulsion to be a serious rival. But even now sail has anything
but vanished, and there are many purely sail-driven trawlers, as also
there are many steam trawlers with auxiliary sails. Within the last few
years the steam fishing ship has grown to be of considerable size,
with topgallant forecastle, high freeboard and lofty wheel-house, so
that it penetrates to oceans thousands of miles away from the North
Sea, being enabled by reason of its size to carry sufficient quantities
of coal for many miles. The lower illustration facing page 252 shows
one of the modern type of steam trawler. This is the Notre Dame des
Dunes, built by the same makers as the Orontes. Her substantial
forecastle, her bold sheer and high bows, together with her length
(rather more than six beams to the longitudinal expanse), eminently
fit her for her work in most trying circumstances. A curious survival of
the old-fashioned sailing ship is seen in the retention in a twentieth
century ship of the imitation square ports painted along her topsides.
The Notre Dame measures 160 feet long, 25 feet wide, and 14½ feet
By permission from “The Yachting Monthly.”

But to-day, even with all the modern improvements which have
been put into the ship, both sailing and steam-propelled;
notwithstanding all the navigational appliances, the water-tight
compartments, the size of ships and the excellence with which they
are sent on their voyages, there is still need for the lifeboat, which
has to go out many times during a bad winter at the summons of
necessity. Although it is possible that the motor, as in the trawler, will
eventually oust steam from this special type of craft, that stage has
not yet been reached. Steam is a comparatively recent innovation to
the lifeboat, and this is partially explainable by the deep-rooted
prejudice of the local seamen. It is also owing to the fact that when
the lifeboat has to go out at all the seas are very bad, and the craft is
subjected to the water breaking over, and unless special precautions
were taken to guard against this the fires would be put out, and the
boat would be rather worse off than if she had no engines. There are
only a few steam lifeboats along our shores, and they are placed at
such stations where they can lie afloat instead of having to be
launched down the beach or from a specially constructed slipway.
The first form of steam lifeboat was to some extent on the lines of
the ship which John Allen had suggested as far back as 1730, of
which we spoke in an earlier chapter. It will be remembered that he
advocated a system which was actually employed by James
Rumsey in 1787. The principle was that of sucking water in at the
bows and ejecting it at the stern. A more recent instance of the use
of this idea will be found in the boat illustrated on the opposite page
which shows a hydraulic lifeboat. The disadvantage of having a
screw propeller is that it stands a very good chance of being fouled,
if not damaged, by wreckage and ropes. Therefore engines were
installed which sucked in the water by means of a “scoop,” placed at
the bottom of the boat amidships. The water thus indrawn is
discharged aft on either side of the hull, and if the craft is desired to
go astern, then this is easily done by discharging water forward. This
type has been in actual use, and has been highly efficacious in
saving human life from shipwreck. By referring to the lower figure of
the illustration on page 255, which shows the midship section of one
of the hydraulic type, some idea will be gained of the placing of the
“scoop.” By using alternately one of the after pipes the ship can be
manœuvred to port or starboard just like a vessel fitted with twin-
screws. But there are corresponding disadvantages which require to
be weighed. It is distinctly not an economical method of propulsion,
and if the sea happens to contain much sand considerable damage
may happen to the engines, and other undesirable matter also may
work still greater havoc.
By permission from “The Yachting Monthly.”

On the other hand, we have mentioned that the screw has its
drawbacks owing to the possibility of its suffering injury. It was
therefore decided that this could be avoided by placing it in a tunnel
some distance forward of the stern, and thus protected against all
likely damage. (A similar method is also employed in the steam fire-
boats which are used by the London Fire Brigade on the Thames,
and are summoned whenever a river-side warehouse or factory gets
ablaze.) If reference is made to the illustration on page 257, this
tunnel will be discernible. In order to leave nothing to chance a
water-tight hatch is placed in the cock-pit floor just over the propeller,
through which any pieces of sea-weed, rope, or other undesirable
matter can easily be removed without having to beach the craft first.
These little ships measure about 50 feet long, and about 15 feet
wide; they are driven by direct-acting, compound, surface-
condensing engines, which give to them a speed of about nine
In certain parts of the world where the rivers are shallow, either
at their banks or in mid-stream, steam navigation is only possible by
means of “stern-wheelers.” Such instances occur on the West Coast
of Africa, and also in America. In general idea, though not in detail,
this method is a reversion to the antiquated ship already discussed
in Hulls’ idea for a tow-boat. The stern of these steamships to which
we are referring is not ended in the same continuous straight line,
but is raised slightly upwards at an angle so that the paddle-wheel is
able to revolve freely without requiring such a draught of water as
otherwise it would have needed if placed on the ship’s side in the
usual manner. This will be seen on examining the stern of the Inez
Clarke, illustrated opposite this page. This stern-wheeler was built as
far back as 1879, but the points on which we are insisting are here
well demonstrated. The draught of the ship, notwithstanding the
weight of her engines, was only 15 inches, so that she was enabled
to go into the very shallowest water, where even a bottle could float.
Nevertheless her stern-wheel was sufficiently powerful to send her
along at 15 miles per hour. Her measurements are 130 feet long,
and 28 feet wide. Steamboats possessing a similar principle to that
exhibited in the Inez Clarke, but much different in the arrangement,
are to-day in use on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, being used as
tugs to tow along a large fleet of flat-boats containing coal. As much
as fifty to sixty thousand tons are taken in tow at one time.
From the Model in the Victoria and Albert Museum.


From the Model in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

To North America, with its fine long rivers, the steamboat has
been, as Fulton in his foresight prophesied it would be, a highly
useful institution. To the European mind the vast possibilities of the
mighty Mississippi come as a shock when fully realised. To quote the
very first sentence in one of the most popular books which that most
popular writer, Mark Twain, ever wrote, “The Mississippi is well worth
reading about”; so, also, we might add, are its steamboats, but in our
limited space we can only barely indicate some of their essential
features. The illustration facing page 258 shows a couple of these,
the Natchez and the Eclipse, racing against each other along this
great river by the light of the moon at midnight. The first thing that
strikes the attention is the enormous height to which the decks of
these steamboats are raised. The pilot-house is higher still, and will
be recognised as about midway between the water-line and the top
of the long, lanky funnels. Even to Mark Twain the height seemed to
be terrific. “When I stood in her pilot-house,” says the author of “Life
on the Mississippi,” “I was so far above the water that I seemed to be
perched on a mountain; and her decks stretched so far away, fore
and aft, below me, that I wondered how I could ever have considered
the little Paul Jones a large craft. When I looked down her long,
gilded saloon, it was like gazing through a splendid tunnel.... The
boiler deck—i.e. the second storey of the boat, so to speak—was as
spacious as a church, it seemed to me; so with the forecastle; and
there was no pitiful handful of deck-hands, firemen, and roustabouts

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