Comprehension Activity
Comprehension Activity
Comprehension Activity
7. What is Kwanzaa?
7. What is Kwanzaa?
Kwanzaa is an African-American festival that remembers the trials and tribulations of the
African-American people. It is a seven-day celebration which includes the use of a seven
branched candelabrum with red, green and black candles.
8. What is Kwanzaa?
9. Give two facts about one of the bonfire festivities.
10. What is one reason why people use light for celebrations?
Festivals of Light - Comprehension Questions
1. Diwali is known by what other name?
8. What is Kwanzaa?
Kwanzaa is an African-American festival that remembers the trials and tribulations of the African-
American people. It is a seven-day celebration which includes the use of a seven branched
candelabrum with red, green and black candles.
8. What is Kwanzaa?
9. Give two facts about one of the bonfire festivities.
10. What is one reason why people use light for celebrations?
What similarities can you see between these traditions from around the world?
Find the countries mentioned in the text on a map. Why do you think similarities between the
festivities exist?
Does your family have a particular celebration that involves candles/light or bonfires? Explain.
Festivals of Light - Comprehension Questions
1. Diwali is known by what other name?
8. What is Kwanzaa?
Kwanzaa is an African-American festival that remembers the trials and tribulations of the African-
American people. It is a seven-day celebration which includes the use of a seven branched
candelabrum with red, green and black candles.
What similarities can you see between these traditions from around the world?
The celebrations often include the use of a candelabrum with a symbolic number of branches. The
lighting of a specific number of candles on each day is also important. Many of these festivities are
multi-day affairs rather than a simple evening or day.
Find the countries mentioned in the text on a map. Why do you think similarities between the
festivities exist?
Students might concentrate on the notion that many of these festivals take place around the
Northern Hemisphere’s Winter solstice since this is when the night sky is darkest and nights are much
longer. They might also reflect on the idea that light symbolises good while dark symbolises evil and
light festivals are often about good overcoming evil (Guy Fawkes, Noruz, Luciadagen, Diwali etc).
What similarities can you see between these traditions from around the world?
A variety of responses may be found here. An extension into a story or non-fiction piece may be
interesting here.