Diffusion Models Without Attention: Jing Nathan Yan, Jiatao Gu, Alexander M. Rush Cornell University, Apple

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Diffusion Models Without Attention

Jing Nathan Yan1∗ , Jiatao Gu2∗ , Alexander M. Rush1

Cornell University, 2 Apple
{jy858, arush}@cornell.edu, [email protected]
arXiv:2311.18257v1 [cs.CV] 30 Nov 2023

Figure 1. Selected samples generated by class-conditional D IFFU SSM trained on ImageNet 256 × 256 and 512 × 512 resolutions.

Abstract datasets at two resolutions demonstrate that DiffuSSMs are

on par or even outperform existing diffusion models with
In recent advancements in high-fidelity image generation, attention modules in FID and Inception Score metrics while
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) have significantly reducing total FLOP usage.
emerged as a key player. However, their application at high
resolutions presents significant computational challenges.
Current methods, such as patchifying, expedite processes in 1. Introduction
UNet and Transformer architectures but at the expense of rep-
resentational capacity. Addressing this, we introduce the Dif- Rapid progress in image generation has been driven by de-
fusion State Space Model (D IFFU SSM), an architecture that noising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) [7, 20, 37].
supplants attention mechanisms with a more scalable state DDPMs pose the generative process as iteratively denoising
space model backbone. This approach effectively handles latent variables, yielding high-fidelity samples when enough
higher resolutions without resorting to global compression, denoising steps are taken. Their ability to capture complex
thus preserving detailed image representation throughout visual distributions makes DDPMs promising for advancing
the diffusion process. Our focus on FLOP-efficient architec- high-resolution, photorealistic synthesis.
tures in diffusion training marks a significant step forward. However, significant computational challenges remain
Comprehensive evaluations on both ImageNet and LSUN in scaling DDPMs to higher resolutions. A major bottle-
neck is the reliance on self-attention [62] for high-fidelity
* Equal contribution. generation. In U-Nets architectures, this bottleneck comes
Figure 2. Architecture of D IFFU SSM. D IFFU SSM takes a noised image representation which can be a noised latent from a variational
encoder, flattens it to a sequence, and applies repeated layers alternating long-range SSM cores with hour-glass feed-forward networks.
Unlike with U-Nets or Transformers, there is no application of patchification or scaling for the long-range block.

from combining ResNet [17] with attention layers [48, 61]. an hourglass architecture for the dense components of the
DDPMs surpass generative adversarial networks (GANs) but network. Together these approaches target the asymptotic
require multi-head attention layers [7, 37]. In Transformer complexity of length as well as the practical efficiency in the
architectures [62], attention is the central component, and is position-wise portion of the network.
therefore critical for achieving recent state-of-the-art image We validate D IFFU SSM’s across different resolutions.
synthesis results [1, 38]. In both these architectures, the com- Experiments on ImageNet demonstrate consistent improve-
plexity of attention, quadratic in length, becomes prohibitive ments in FID, sFID, and Inception Score over existing ap-
when working with high-resolution images. proaches in various resolutions with fewer total Gflops.
Computational costs have motivated the use of repre-
sentation compression methods. High-resolution architec- 2. Related Work
tures generally employ patchifying [1, 38], or multi-scale Diffusion Models Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Mod-
resolution[20, 22, 37]. Patchifying creates coarse-grained els (DDPMs) [20, 22, 37, 54] are an advancement in the
representations which reduces computation at the cost of diffusion models family. Previously, Generative Adversarial
degraded critical high-frequency spatial information and Networks (GANs) [12] were preferred for generation tasks.
structural integrity [1, 38, 51]. Multi-scale resolution, while Diffusion and score-based generative models [24, 56–59]
alleviating computation at attention layers, can diminish spa- have shown considerable improvements, especially in image
tial details through downsampling [68] and can introduce generation tasks [44–46]. Key enhancements in DDPMs
artifacts [65] while applying up-sampling. have been largely driven by improved sampling methodolo-
The Diffusion State Space Model (D IFFU SSM), is an gies [20, 28, 37], and the incorporation of classifier-free
attention-free diffusion architecture, shown in Figure 2, that guidance [19]. Additionally, Song et al. [55] has proposed
aims to circumvent the issues of applying attention for high- a faster sampling procedure known as Denoising Diffusion
resolution image synthesis. D IFFU SSM utilizes a gated Implicit Model(DDIM). Latent space modeling is another
state space model (SSM) backbone in the diffusion process. core technique in deep generative models. Variational au-
Previous work has shown that sequence models based on toencoders (VAEs) [30] pioneered learning latent spaces
SSMs are an effective and efficient general-purpose neural with encoder-decoder architectures for reconstruction. A
sequence model [14]. By using this architecture, we can similar compression idea was applied in diffusion models
enable the SSM core to process finer-grained image repre- as the recent Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) [45] held
sentations by removing global patchification or multi-scale state-of-the-art sample quality by training deep generative
layers. To further improve efficiency, D IFFU SSM employs models to invert a noise corruption process in a latent space

when it was first proposed. Additionally, recent approaches transforming it into a simpler, noise-dominated state. This
also developed masked training procedures, augmenting the forward noising process can be represented as follows:
denoising training objectives with masked token reconstruc-
tion [10, 69]. Our work is fundamentally built upon existing Y
q(x1:T |x0 ) = q(xt |xt−1 ), (1)
DDPMs, particularly the classifier-free guidance paradigm.

Architectures for Diffusion Models Early diffusion mod- q(xt |x0 ) = N (xt ; ᾱt x0 , (1 − ᾱt )I), (2)
els utilized U-Net style architectures[7, 20]. Subsequent
works enhanced U-Nets with techniques like more layers of where x1:T denotes a sequence of noised images from time
attention layers at multi-scale resolution level [7, 37], resid- t = 1 to t = T . Then, DDPM learns the reverse process that
ual connections [2], and normalization [40, 66]. However, recovers the original image utilizing learned µθ and Σθ :
U-Nets face challenges in scaling to high resolutions due
pθ (xt−1 |xt ) = N (xt−1 ; µθ (xt ), Σθ (xt )), (3)
to the growing computational costs of the attention mech-
anism [52]. Recently, vision transformers (ViT) [8] have where θ the parameters of the denoiser, and are trained
emerged as an alternate architecture given their strong scal- to maximize the variational lower bound [54] on the log-
ing properties and long-range modeling capabilities prov- likelihood of the observed data x0 : maxθ − log pθ (x0 |x1 ) +
ing that convolution inductive bias is not always necessary. ∗
t DKL (q (xt−1 |xt , x0 ) || pθ (xt−1 |xt )). To simplify the
Diffusion transformers [1, 38] demonstrated promising re- training process, researchers reparameterize µθ as a func-
sults. Other hybrid CNN-transformer architectures were tion of the predicted noise εθ and minimize the mean
proposed [32] to improve training stability. Our work aligns squared error between εθ (xt ) and the true Gaussian noise εt :
with the exploration of sequence models and related design minθ ||εθ (xt ) − εt ||22 . However, to train a diffusion model
choices to generate high-quality images but focuses on a that can learn a variable reverse process covariance Σθ , we
complete attention-free architecture. need to optimize the full L. In this work, we follow DiT [38]
to train the network where we use the simple objective to
Efficient Long Range Sequence Architectures The stan-
train the noise prediction network εθ and use the full objec-
dard transformer architecture employs attention to com-
tive to train the covariance prediction network Σθ . After
prehend the interaction of each individual token within a
training is done, we follow the stochastic sampling process
sequence. However, it encounters challenges when mod-
to generate images from the learned εθ and Σθ .
eling extensive sequences due to the quadratic computa-
tional requirement. Several attention approximation meth- 3.2. Architectures for Diffusion Models
ods [23, 33, 53, 60, 64] have been introduced to approximate
self-attention within sub-quadratic space. Mega[34] com- We review methods for parameterizing µθ which maps
bines exponential moving average with a simplified attention RH×W ×C → RH×W ×C where H, W, C are the height,
unit, surpassing the performance of transformer baselines. width, and size of the data. For image generation tasks,
Venturing beyond the traditional transformer architectures, they can either raw pixels, or some latent space representa-
researchers are also exploring alternate models adept at han- tions extracted from a pre-trained VAE encoder [45]. When
dling elongated sequences. State space models (SSM)-based generating high-resolution images, even in the latent space,
architectures[14–16] have yielded significant advancements H and W are large, and require specialized architectures for
over contemporary state-of-the-art methods on the LRA and this function to be tractable.
audio benchmark[11]. Furthermore, Dao et al. [5], Peng U-Nets with Self-attention U-Net architectures [20, 22,
et al. [39], Poli et al. [42], Qin et al. [43] have substanti- 37] uses convolutions and sub-sampling at multiple reso-
ated the potential of non-attention architectures in attaining lutions to handle high-resolution inputs, where additional
commendable performance in language modeling. Our work self-attention layers are used at each low-resolution blocks.
draws inspiration from this evolving trend of diverting from To the best of our knowledge, no U-Net-based diffusion mod-
attention-centric designs and predominantly utilizes the back- els are achieving state-of-the-art performance without using
bone of SSM. self-attention. Let t1 , . . . tT be a series of lower-resolution
feature maps created by down-sampling the image.1 At
3. Preliminaries each scale a ResNet [17] is applied to RHt ×Wt ×Ct . These
are then upsampled and combined into the final output. To
3.1. Diffusion Models enhance the performance of U-Net in image generation, at-
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) [20] is a tention layers are integrated at the lowest-resolutions. The
type of generative models that samples images by iteratively feature map is flattened to a sequence of Ht Wt vectors. For
denoising a noise input. It starts from a stochastic process 1 Note that choices of up- and down-scale include learned parameters

where an initial image x0 is gradually corrupted by noise, and non-parameterized ones such as average pooling and upscale [4, 22].

instance, when considering H = 256 × W = 256 down to When handling vector inputs, we can stack D different SSMs
attention layers of 16 × 16 and 32 × 32, leading to sequences and apply a D batched FFTs.
of length 256 and 1024 respectively. Applying attention However a linear RNN, by itself, is not an effective se-
earlier improves accuracy at a larger computational cost. quence model. The key insight from past work is that if
More recently, [22, 41] have shown that using more self- the discrete-time values A, B, C are derived from appro-
attention layers in the low-resolution is the key of scaling priate continuous-time state-space models, the linear RNN
high-resolution U-Net-based diffusion models. approach can be made stable and effective [13]. We therefore
learn a continuous-time SSM parameterization A, B, C as
Transformers with Patchification As mentioned above,
well as a discretization rate ∆, which is used to produce the
the global contextualization using self-attention is the key
necessary discrete-time parameters. Original versions of this
for diffusion models to perform well. Therefore, it is also
conversion were challenging to implement, however recently
natrual to consider architecture fully based on self-attention.
researchers [15, 16] have introduced simplified diagonalized
Transformer architectures utilize attention throughout, but
versions of SSM neural networks that achieve comparable
handle high-resolution images through patchification [8].
results with a simple approximation of the continuous-time
Given a patch size P , the transformer partitions the image
′ parameterization. We use one of these, S4D [15], as our
into P × P patches yielding a new RH/P ×W/P ×C repre-
backbone model.
sentation. This patch size P directly influences the effective
granularity of the image and downstream computational de- Just as with standard RNNs, SSMs can be made bidirec-
mands. To feed patches into a Transformer, the image is tional by concatenating the outputs of two SSM layers and
flattened and a linear embedding layer is applied to obtain a passing them through an MLP to yield a L × 2D output. In
sequence of (HW )/P 2 hidden vectors [1, 8, 22, 38]. Due addition, past work shows that this layer can be combined
to this embedding step, which projects from C ′ to the model with multiplicative gating to produce an improved Bidirec-
size, large patches risk loss of spatial details and ineffectively tional SSM layer [35, 63] as part of the encoder, which is
model local relationships due to reduced overlap. However, the motivation for our architecture.
patchification has the benefit of reducing the quadratic cost
of attention as well as the feed-forward networks in the 4.2. D IFFU SSM Block
Transformer. The central component of our D IFFU SSM is a gated bidi-
rectional SSM, aimed at optimizing the handling of long
4. D IFFU SSM sequences. To enhance efficiency, we incorporate hour-
Our goal is to design a diffusion architecture that learns glss architectures within MLP layers. This design alter-
long-range interactions at high-resolution without requiring nates between expanding and contracting sequence lengths
“length reduction” like patchification. Similar to DiT, the around the Bidirectional SSMs, while specifically reducing
approach works by flattening the image and treating it like a sequence length in MLPs. The complete model architecture
sequence modeling problem. However, unlike Transformers, is shown in Figure 2.
this approach uses sub-quadratic computation in the length Specifically, each hourglass layer receives a shortened,
of this sequence. flattened input sequence I ∈ RJ×D where M = L/J is the
downscale and upscale ratio. At the same time, the entire
4.1. State Space Models (SSMs) block including the bidirectional SSMs is computed in the
original length to fully leverage the global contexts. We use
SSMs are a class of architectures for processing discrete- σ to denote activation functions. We compute the following
time sequences [14]. The models behave like a linear recur- for l ∈ {1 . . . L} with j = ⌊l/M ⌋, m = l mod M, Dm =
rent neural network (RNN) processing an input sequence 2D/M .
of scalars u1 , . . . uL to output y1 , . . . yL with the following
Ul = σ(Wk↑ σ(W0 Ij ) ∈ RL×D
xk = Axk−1 + Buk , yk = Cxk . Y = Bidirectional-SSM(U) ∈ RL×2D
I′j,Dm k:Dm (k+1) = σ(Wk↓ Yl ) ∈ RJ×2D
Where A ∈ RN ×N , B ∈ RN ×1 , C ∈ R1×N . The main
benefit of this approach, compared to alternative architec- Oj = W3 (σ(W2 I′j ) ⊙ σ(W1 Ij )) ∈ RJ×D
tures such as Transformers and standard RNNs, is that the
linear structure allows it to be implemented using a long con- We integrate this Gated SSM block in each layer with a skip
volution as opposed to a recurrence. Specifically, y can be connection. Additionally, following past work we integrate
computed from u with an FFT yielding O(L log L) complex- a combination of the class label y ∈ RL×1 and timestep
ity, allowing it to be applied to significantly longer sequences. t ∈ RL×1 at each position, as illustrated in Figure 2.

ImageNet-1k dataset where there are 1.28 million images
and 1000 classes of objects. For the LSUN-dataset, we
choose two categories: Church (126k images) and Bed (3M
images), and train separate unconditional models for them.
Our experiments are conducted with the ImageNet dataset at
256 × 256 and 512 × 512 resolution, and LSUN at 256 × 256
resolution. We use latent space encoding[45] which gives
effective sizes 32 × 32 and 64 × 64 with L = 1024 and
L = 4096 respectively. We also include pixel-space Ima-
geNet at 128×128 resolution in our supplementary materials
where L = 16, 384.

Linear Decoding and Weight Initialization After the

final block of the Gated SSM, the model decodes the sequen-
Figure 3. Comparison of Gflops of DiT and D IFFU SSM under tial image representation to the original spatial dimensions
various model architecture. DiT with patching (P=2) scales well to output noise prediction and diagonal covariance predic-
to longer sequences, however when patching is removed it scales tion. Similar to Gao et al. [10], Peebles and Xie [38], we use
poorly even with hourglass (M=2). D IFFU SSM scales well, and a linear decoder and then rearrange the representations to
hourglass (M=2) can be used to reduce absolute Gflops.
obtain the original dimensionality. We follow DiT to use the
standard layer initializations approach from ViT [8].
Parameters The number of parameters in the D IFFU SSM Training Configuration We followed the same training
block is dominated by the linear transforms, W , these con- recipe from DiT [38] to maintain an identical setting across
tain 9D2 + 2M D2 parameters. With M = 2 this yields all models. We also chose to follow existing literature to keep
13D2 parameters. The DiT transformer block has 12D2 an exponential moving average (EMA) of model weights
parameters in its core transformer layer; however, the DiT with a constant decay. Off-the-shelf VAE encoders from 4
architecture has more parameters in other layer components were used, with parameters fixed during training. Our D IF -
(adaptive layer norm). We match parameters in experiments FU SSM-XL possesses approximately 673M parameters and
by using an additional D IFFU SSM layer. encompasses 29 layers of Bidirectional Gated SSM blocks
FLOPs Figure 3 compares the Gflops between DiT and with a model size D = 1152. This value is similar to DiT-
D IFFU SSM. The total Flops in one layer of D IFFU SSM is XL. trained our model using a mixed-precision training ap-
13 M D2 +LD2 +α2 L log LD where α represents a constant proach to mitigate computational costs. We adhere to the
for the FFT implementation. With M = 2 and noting that identical configuration of diffusion as outlined in ADM [7],
the linear layers dominate computation, this yields roughly including their linear variance scheduling, time and class
7.5LD2 Gflops. In comparison, if instead of using SSM, label embeddings, as well as their parameterization of co-
we had used self-attention at full length with this hourglass variance Σθ . More details can be found in the Appendix.
architecture, we would have 2DL2 additional Flops. For unconditional image generation, DiT does not report
Considering our two experimental scenarios: 1) D ≈ results and we were unable to compare with DiT in the same
L = 1024 which would have given 2LD2 extra Flops, 2) training setting. Our objective instead compares D IFFU SSM,
4D ≈ L = 4096 which would give 8LD2 Flops and signifi- with a training regimen comparable to taht of LDM[45] that
cantly increase cost. As the core cost at Bidirectional SSM is can generate high-quality images for categories in the LSUN
small compared to that using attention, and as a result using dataset. To adapt the model to an unconditional context, we
hourglass architecture will not work for attention-based mod- have removed the class label embedding.
els. DiT avoids these issues by using patching as discussed
earlier, at the cost of representational compression. Metrics To quantify the performance of image generation
of our model, we used Frechet Inception Distance(FID) [18],
5. Experimental Studies a common metric measuring the quality of generated im-
ages. We followed convention when comparing against prior
5.1. Experimental Setup works and reported FID-50K using 250 DDPM sampling
Datasets Our primary experiments are conducted on steps. We also reported sFID score [36], which is designed
ImageNet[6]2 and LSUN[67]3 . Specifically, we used the to be more robust to spatial distortions in the generated im-
ages. For a more comprehensive insight, we also presented
2 https://image-net.org/download.php
3 https://www.yf.io/p/lsun 4 https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion

Figure 4. Uncurated samples from the D IFFU SSM models trained from various datasets.

the Inception Score [47] and Precision/Recall [31] as supple- are not surpassing GAN-based methods. Our goal is to com-
mentary metrics. Note that do not incorporate classifier-free pare within the DDPM framework instead of competing with
guidance unless explicitly mentioned(we used −G for the state-of-the-art methods.
usage of classifier-free guidance or explicitly state the CFG).
5.3. Experimental Results
Implementation and Hardware We implemented all
Class-Conditional Image Generation We compare D IF -
models in Pytorch and trained them using NVIDIA A100.
FU SSM with state-of-the-art class-conditional generative
D IFFU SSM-XL, our most compute-intensive model trains
models, as depicted in Table 1. When classifier-free guid-
on 8 A100 GPUs 80GB with a global batch size of 256.
ance is not employed, D IFFU SSM outperforms other diffu-
More computation details and speed can be found in the
sion models in both FID and sFID, reducing the best score
supplementary materials.
from the previous non-classifier-free latent diffusion mod-
5.2. Baselines els from 9.62 to 9.07, while utilizing ∼ 3× fewer training
steps. In terms of Total Gflops of training, our uncompressed
We compare to a set of previous best models, these include: model yields a 20% reduction of the total Gflops compared
GAN-style approaches that previously achieved state-of-the- with DiT. When classifier-free guidance is incorporated, our
art results, UNet-architectures trained with pixel space rep- models attain the best sFID score among all DDPM-based
resentations, and Transformers operating in the latent space. models, exceeding other state-of-the-art strategies, demon-
More details can be found in Table 5.3. Our aim is to com- strating the images generated by D IFFU SSM are more ro-
pare, through a similar denoising process, the performance of bust to spatial distortion. As for FID score, D IFFU SSM
our model with respect to other baselines. Some recent stud- surpasses all models when using classifier-free guidance,
ies [10, 69] focusing on image generation at the 256 × 256 and maintains a pretty small gap (0.01) against DiT. Note
resolution level have combined masked token prediction with that D IFFU SSM trained with 30% fewer total Gflops already
existing DDPM training objectives to advance the state of surpasses DiT when no classifier-free guidance is applied.
the art. However, these works are orthogonal to our primary U-ViT [1] is another transformer-based architecture but uses
comparison, so we have not included them in Table 1. For a UNet-based architecture with long-skip connections be-
LSUN datasets, we found existing DDPM-based methods tween blocks. U-ViT used fewer FLOPs and yielded better

ImageNet 256×256 Benchmark
Models Total Total FID ↓ sFID ↓ IS ↑ P↑ R↑
Images(M) Gflops
BigGAN-deep [2] - - 6.95 7.36 171.40 0.87 0.28
MaskGIT [3] 355 - 6.18 - 182.1 0.80 0.51
StyleGAN-XL [50] - - 2.30 4.02 265.12 0.78 0.53
ADM [7] 507 5.68 × 1012 10.94 6.02 100.98 0.69 0.63
ADM-U [7] 507 3.76 × 1011 7.49 5.13 127.49 0.72 0.63
CDM [21] - - 4.88 - 158.71 - -
LDM-8 [45] 307 1.75 × 1010 15.51 - 79.03 0.65 0.63
LDM-4 [45] 213 2.22 × 1010 10.56 - 103.49 0.71 0.62
DiT-XL/2 [38] 1792 2.13 × 1011 9.62 6.85 121.50 0.67 0.67
D IFFU SSM-XL 660 1.85 × 1011 9.07 5.52 118.32 0.69 0.64
Classifier-free Guidance
ADM-G 507 5.68 × 1011 4.59 5.25 186.70 0.82 0.52
ADM-G, ADM-U 507 3.76 × 1012 3.60 - 247.67 0.87 0.48
LDM-8-G 307 1.75 × 1010 7.76 - 209.52 0.84 0.35
LDM-4-G 213 2.22 × 1010 3.95 - 178.2 2 0.81 0.55
U-ViT-H/2-G [1] 512 6.81 × 1010 2.29 - 247.67 0.87 0.48
DiT-XL/2-G 1792 2.13 × 1011 2.27 4.60 278.24 0.83 0.57
D IFFU SSM-XL-G 660 1.85 × 1011 2.28 4.49 259.13 0.86 0.56
ImageNet 512×512 Benchmark
ADM 1385 5.97 × 1011 23.24 10.19 58.06 0.73 0.60
ADM-U 1385 3.9 × 1012 9.96 5.62 121.78 0.75 0.64
ADM-G 1385 5.97 × 1011 7.72 6.57 172.71 0.87 0.42
ADM-G, ADM-U 1385 4.5 × 1012 3.85 5.86 221.72 0.84 0.53
U-ViT/2-G 512 6.81 × 1010 4.05 8.44 261.13 0.84 0.48
DiT-XL/2-G 768 4.03 × 1011 3.04 5.02 240.82 0.84 0.54
D IFFU SSM-XL-G 302 3.22 × 1011 3.41 5.84 255.06 0.85 0.49

Table 1. Class conditional image generation quality evaluation of D IFFU SSM and existing approaches on ImageNet 256× 256. Reported
results from other cited papers with their # trained images. Total images by training steps × batch size as reported, and total Gflops by Total
Images × GFlops/Image. P refers to Precision and R refers to Recall. −G denotes the results with classifier-free guidance.

performance at a 256×256 resolution, but this is not the Unconditional Image Generation We compare the un-
case for the 512×512 dataset. As our major comparison is conditional image generation ability of our model against ex-
against DiT, we do not adopt this long-skip connection for isting baselines. Results are shown in Table 2. Our findings
a fair comparison. We acknowledge that adapting U-Vit’s indicate that D IFFU SSM achieves comparable FID scores
idea might benefit both DiT and D IFFU SSM. We leave this obtained by LDM (with −0.08 and 0.07 gap) with a compa-
consideration for future work. rable training budget. This result highlights the applicability
of D IFFU SSM across different benchmarks and different
tasks. Similar to LDM, our approach doesn’t outperform
We further compare on a higher-resolution benchmark ADM for LSUN-Bedrooms as we are only using 25% of the
using classifier-free guidance. Results from D IFFU SSM here total training budget as ADM. For this task, the best GAN
are relatively strong and near some of the state-of-the-art models outperform diffusion as a model class.
high-resolution models, beating all models but DiT on sFID 6. Analysis
and achieving comparable FID scores. The D IFFU SSM was
trained on 302M images, seeing 40% as many images and Additional Images Additional images generated by D IF -
using 25% fewer Gflops as DiT. FU SSM are included from Figure 7 to Figure 14.

Figure 5. Qualititative studies of patching and down/up scale of D IFFU SSM. P refers to the patchfication, M refers to the down/up scale
ratio. P = 1 is the case where there is not patchfication and M = 1 is the case where there is no down/up scale.

Models LSUN-Church LSUN-Bedroom

ImageBART [9] 7.32 5.51 -
PGGAN [25] 6.42 - - -
StyleGAN [26] 4.21 - 2.35 0.59
StyleGAN2 [27] 3.93 0.39 - -
ProjGAN [49] 1.59 0.61 1.52 0.61
DDPM [20] 7.89 - 4.90 -
UDM [29] - - 4.57 -
ADM [7] - - 1.90 0.66
LDM [45] 4.02 0.64 2.95 0.66
D IFFU SSM 3.94 0.64 3.02 0.62

Table 2. Unconditional image generation evaluation of D IFFU SSM Figure 6. Ablation studies. Left: D IFFU SSM with different hidden
and exsiting approaches on LSUN-Church and LSUN-Bedroom at dimension sizes D(−S/D = 384, −L/D = 786, −XL/D =
256 × 256. 1152). Right: FID score of D IFFU SSM with different patch size
(P = 2) and downsample ratio (M = 1).

Model Scaling We trained three different D IFFU SSM

sizes to calibrate the performance yielded by scaling up number of training steps increases. This suggests that the
the model. We calculate the FID-50k for their checkpoints compression of information might hurt the model’s ability
of the first 400k steps. Results are shown in Figure 6 (Left). of generating high-quality images.
We find that similar to DiT models, large models use FLOPs
more efficient and scaling the D IFFU SSM will improve the
FID at all stages of training. Qualitative Analysis The objective of D IFFU SSM is to
avoid compressing hidden representations. To test whether
this is beneficial we compare three variants of D IFFU SSM
Impact of Hourglass We trained our model with different with different downscale ratio M and patch size P . We train
sampling settings to assess the impact of compression in all three model variants for 400K steps with the same batch
latent space: using a downsampling ratio M = 2 (our regular size and other hyperparameters. When generating images,
model), and another with P = 2 applying a patch size equal we use identical initial noise and noise schedules across class
to 2, similar to what DiT has done. We calculated their labels. Results are presented in Figure 5. Notably, eliminat-
FID-50k for the first 400k steps and plotted it on a log scale. ing patching enhances robustness in spatial reconstruction
Results are shown in Figure 6 (Right). We find that our at the same training stages. This results in improved vi-
model yields a better FID score compared to when patching sual quality, comparable to uncompressed models, but with
is applied, and the gap between the two also widens as the reduced computation.

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Figure 12. Samples from the D IFFU SSM models on ImageNet 512 × 512.

Figure 13. Samples from the D IFFU SSM models on ImageNet 512 × 512.

Figure 14. Samples from the D IFFU SSM models on ImageNet 512 × 512.


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