Topic 2 - The Concepts of Strategic Management

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BM4407- Strategic Management

Dr. Khaled Mohamed Khaled

The Concepts of
Strategic Management
Learning Outcomes

o Discuss strategic-management process involving the

stages of strategy formulation, implementation and


o Explain benefits of strategic management.

o Discuss how strategic management process in the

rapidly changing environment.

In this topic, students will learn about strategic-management process, and the
stages of strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation.

In addition, students will be exposed on how to integrate intuition in strategic

This topic also provides the key terms in strategic management. Besides that,
students will be exposed on the benefits of engaging in strategic management
and explain why some firms do not engage in strategic planning.
Definition of Strategic Management

○ The art and science of formulating, implementing, and

evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an
organization to achieve its objectives.

○ Strategic management is used synonymously with the

term strategic planning in this course.

○ Sometimes the term strategic management is used to

refer to strategy formulation, implementation, and
evaluation, with strategic planning referring only to
strategy formulation.
Definition of Strategic Management

○ A strategic plan is a company's game plan.

○ A strategic plan results from tough managerial choices among

numerous good alternatives, and it signals commitment to specific
markets, policies, procedures, and operations.

○ Strategic management is about the set of management decisions

and actions that determines the long run performance of a
corporation. This long term performance of a corporation is its
sustain competitive advantage.

○ It includes analyzing the external and internal environments,

establishing strategic direction, formulating strategies to achieve
established goals and implementing those strategies and
controlling the outcomes.

Strategic Management Processs Model

Strategic Management Process Model

External and
Strategy Strategic
Internal Strategic Direction
Formulation Implementation
& Control
External and Internal Environmental Analysis

Internal stakeholders are the managers, employees

The external environmental analysis involves evaluation
of the broad (general) and task (industry) environments to and the owners and their representatives
determine trends, threats and opportunities and to provide (the Board of Directors).
a foundation for strategic direction.
The internal analysis includes the evaluation of the
organization's resources and capabilities to
determine strengths, weaknesses and opportunities
The board environment consists of domestic and for competitive advantage and to identify
global environmental forces such as socio-cultural, organizational vulnerabilities that
technological, political and economic trends. should be corrected.

The task (industry) environment consists of external

Stakeholders are groups or individuals outside the
organization that are significantly influenced by or have a
major impact on the organization.
Strategic Direction
 Strategic direction pertains to the long-term goals (vision and mission) and objectives
of the organization.
 Fundamentally strategic direction defines the purposes for which an organization
exists and operates.
 This direction is contained in the mission statement. It describes the areas or
industries in which the organization operates.

A well-established strategic direction provides guidance to the managers and employees who are
largely responsible for carrying it out as well as a greater understanding of the organization for
the external stakeholders with whom the organization interacts.

Strategic direction is an important part of the internal organization

Strategic Formulation

Business strategy formulation pertains to domain direction and navigation or how businesses
compete in the areas they have selected.

On the other hand, corporate strategy formulation refers primarily to domain definition or the
selection of business areas in which the organization will compete.

For example, in diversified organizations are involved in several different businesses and serve a
variety of customer groups. In the functional strategy formulation, it pertains to how the
functional areas such as marketing, operations, finance and research should work together to
achieve the business-level strategy.

Functional strategy is most closely associated with strategy implementation.

How did Toyota beat FORD & GM using its GENIUS Supply Chain Model?
Strategy implementation & Control

Strategy Formulation results in a plan of Action.

Structure reflects the way people and
01 Srategy implemention carry out set of decions and
actions to carry out the plan for the strategic ends.
04 work are organized.

Process such as operation procedures

Functional Strategies outlines the specific
actions to convert business strategies into 05 developed to create uniformity and
actions promote efficiency.

Organizational systems developed to train Strategy implementation may require

03 and compensate employees ; to enforce 06 changes over time.
organization values.
Strategy implementation & Control

• Good control is critical to Organization Success

• Strategic Control refers to the process that leads to adjustments in the
strategic direction , strategies or the implantation plan when necessary.

• Managers may collect new information that leads them to re-evaluate their
assessment of the environment.

• They may determine that the organization mission is no longer appropriate or

the organizational strategies is not leading to the desired outcomes.
Benefits of Strategic Management

Identification, To Differentiate Financial Benefits Benefits

Prioritization Evaluating the Such as more

business is awareness of external
Exploration strategically aligned threats, efficient
to its goals and internal processes &
New opportunities priorities clear understanding
of performance in link
of reward.
2.4 Strategic Management &
rapidly growing Environment

 Strategic management has now evolved to the point that its primary value is to enable the
organization to operate successfully in a dynamic, complex environment.

 Managers at all levels are expected to continually analyze the changing industry they
are in, in order to create or modify strategic plans throughout the year.

 Managers have to do more than set long-term strategies; they must go through
"incremental management" in the sense that they have to make fine tuning and incremental
adjustments (emergent change) to improve the efficiency of the firm's operations to meet
the challenges of the environmental forces of change.
2.4 Strategic Management &
rapidly growing Environment

 Sometime the forces of change can exert pressure on managers to make major changes in the firm's
strategic direction. If the firm does not make the necessary changes, it may not be able to sustain
its competitive advantage.
 Therefore, for a company to maintain its sustainable competitive advantage it must develop
strategic flexibility in order to be able to shift from one dominant strategy to another.
 Strategic flexibility demands a long-term commitment to the development and nurturing of critical
 It also demands that the company becomes a learning organization i.e. an organization skilled at creating,
acquiring and transferring knowledge and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and
 Learning Organizations:

 Learning organizations are skilled at four main


1. Solving problems systematically

2.4 Strategic 2. Experimenting with new approaches
Management 3. Learning from their own experiences and past history as
& rapidly well as from the experiences of others
growing 4. Transferring knowledge quickly and efficiently throughout the
environment organization.
 Initiation of Strategy: Triggering Events:

 A strategic drift can occur in organizations due to management

inertia especially at the stage of strategy formulation.

2.4 Strategic  This is because the management believed that the current
strategy is still appropriate and needs only some "fine tuning".
& rapidly
 However some triggering events may act to stimulate for a
growing change in strategy such as:
environment  New CEO
 External intervention
 Threat of a change in ownership
 Performance gap
Q1: Strategic Management Process Model Includes the
following processes , except :

A. External and Internal Environmental Analysis

B. Strategic Direction
C. Strategic Implementation & Control
D. Strategy organization
E. Strategy formulation
Q2: Awareness of external threats, efficient internal
processes & clear understanding of performance in link of
reward are among benefits of strategic management:

A. Financial Benefits
B. Exploration Benefits
C. Differentiation Benefits
D. Non-Financial Benefits
E. Non of the above
• Q3: It refers to the process that leads to adjustments in the
strategic direction , strategies or the implementation plan when

A. Strategic internal analysis

B. Strategic Control
C. Strategy direction
D. Strategy formulation
E. Non of the above
Q4: Below are some triggering events may act to
stimulate for a change in strategy , except:

A. New CEO

B. External intervention

C. Employees non satisfaction.

D. Threat of a change in ownership

E. Performance gap
Strategic Management -2024 Dr. Khaled Mohamed Khaled

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