Soal Bing 1
Soal Bing 1
Soal Bing 1
61. What is the author's. main purpose in writing 63. With the statement "Columbus came across
the passage? plants from the Capsicum family in use
(A) To explain why there is confusion today among the people of the New World, and he
over peppers incorrectly identified them as relatives of black
(B) To provide the scientific classification of pepper." in line 7, the author intends to ....
various types of peppers (A) describe the Columbus' first sea voyage
(C) To demonstrate that it was Columbus who looking for black pepper
brought peppers to Europe (B) explain the cause of the present day
(D) To classify the variety of sizes, shapes, confusion over what a pepper is
and colors of peppers (C) show how pepper was highly demanded by
(E) To discuss the journey Columbus took to people mostly from Europeans
get peppers (D) confirm the need for black pepper not only
in Europe, but also in Asia and Africa
62. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according (E) prove that it is not easy to differentiate
to the text? between the two kinds of pepper
(A) Both black and white pepper come from the
shrub classified as Piper nigrum. 64. The word "push" in line 14 means
(B) White pepper is true pepper that is .... (A) remark
processed in the field differently than the (B) strength
black form. (C) drive
(C) Bell and habaneros peppers are not (D) belief
members of the Piper genus. (E) view
(D) Columbus discovered the New World
before the fifteenth-century.
(E) Columbus didn't find what he was looking