Challenges Encountered by Aetas in English Language Learning 2

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A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Education
Tarlac State University
Tarlac City

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in English



April 2019


Researchers: EVIS, BERNADETTE S.






Degree: Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major: English

The study aimed to determine the challenges encountered by the Aetas in learning

the English Language through the grades and attendance the participants of the study were

identified. The challenges are determined by personal aspect, school environment aspect,

and social environment aspect.

The researchers applied qualitative case study design and used an interview guide

which underwent a series of validation. Purposive or judgment sampling was employed

in choosing the participants of the study. It focused on the ten (10) Grade 10 Aeta

students of O’Donnell High School.

Using the findings and conclusions bases, the following recommendations were

made: (1) The government should provide scholarship for the Aetas; (2) The English

teacher should implement special classes; (3) Aeta students should have boarding house;

(4) The government should provide additional materials in learning the English language;

(5) And should supply electricity in their community; (6) The English teacher should

implement different methods and techniques in teaching the English language; (7) And

students should be aware that there are different races; (8) School admin should make

inclusive curriculum


Conducting a research study is a labor of love, sacrifices, an act of endurance,

perseverance and persistence. Group participation and dedication are essential in

completing a research study and the contributions of the different people have made this

undergraduate thesis possible. The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude

and sincere admiration to the unending support and guidance of the following individuals

who have shared their expertise, cooperation and encouragement which helped in the

preparation as well as in the completion of this study.

To Mr. Nikko L. Pacanas, their adviser, for his unfailing support, patience and

immense knowledge for the expansion of the study, and more importantly the

encouragement and motivation he shared for nurturing and developing the professional

growth of the researchers;

To Prof. Elizabeth P. Balanquit and Ms. Francelle L. Calub, for validating the

English translation of the checklist and interview guide to be used in collecting and

gathering data.

To Dr. Daisy T. Inalves, for validating the Kapampangan translation of the

checklist and interview guide as instruments to be used in collecting and gathering data.

To the members of the panel, Language Research Professor, Prof. Nelvin R.

Nool, and Prof. Ninez B. Tulo for the untiring assistance, continuous support, insightful

comments and recommendation for the enrichment of the study, to Dr. Nino S. Corpuz

for seating as one of the panelists during the final defense.

To Dr. Glenn R. Quito, for giving the permission to gather data and collect data.

To the 10 participants of this study, the ten grade 10 Aeta students from O’Donnell

High School, who are struggling in learning the English language, who extended their

immense help, participation and kind consideration by providing all the required

information, which in turn helped in achieving the objective of this study.

To the researcher s family for their unending support and guidance, continuous

financial assistance, patience and genuine love which served as an encouragement and

motivation to the researchers. Without their guidance and participation, this study could

not have been progressively conducted.

To Dr. Maria Agnes P. Ladia, their Language Research Professor, for her

assistance and dedicated involvement in every step throughout the process and for sharing

her expertise, sincere, valuable guidance and encouragement extended to the study.

And above all, they would like to thank Almighty God for his tight comfort,

assistance, wisdom and knowledge to completely finish this research study. They believed

that in everything you do, you have to put Him first, so that He will crown your efforts

with success.

Evis, Bernadette S.

Galla, Azalea Anne T.

Quilantic, Kristian A.

Santos, Lalaine P.

Sibayan, Gerladine A.

Visda, Ruth R.


This research is dedicated to our families, for their unfailing support and continuous

encouragement throughout the process of writing this thesis.

Finally, we express our profound gratitude to GOD for His showers of blessing in

making this study possible.


ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................... iii
DEDICATION................................................................................................................. v
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................... vii

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 1
Statement of the Problem..................................................................................... 3
Significance of the Study..................................................................................... 4
Scope and Delimitation of the Study................................................................... 5
Definition of Terms............................................................................................. 5
Related Literature............................................................................................... 7
Related Studies
Foreign.............................................................................................................. 12
Local................................................................................................................. 15
Paradigm of the Study...................................................................................... 19
Research Design................................................................................................ 20
Participants of the Study.................................................................................... 21
Sampling Technique.......................................................................................... 21
Data Gathering Instrument................................................................................. 21
Validation........................................................................................................... 22
Data Gathering Procedure.................................................................................. 22
Academic Profile of the Participants................................................................. 24

Grade………………………………………………………..………. 24
Attendance…………………………………………………………... 24
Challenges Encountered by Aetas in English Language Learning………….. 25
Personal Aspect…………………………………………………….... 25
School Environment Aspect…………………………………………. 33
Social Environment Aspect………………………………………….. 38
Implication of the Study to the TSU BSED English Program………………. 45
Summary of Findings....................................................................................... 46
Conclusions...................................................................................................... 47
Recommendations............................................................................................ 49

BIBLIOGRAPHY...................................................................................................... 51
APPENDICES............................................................................................................. 54
Appendix A…………………………………………………………………....…….. 54
Appendix B………………………………………………………………………….. 55
Appendix C…………………………………………………………………….…….. 65
Appendix D…………………………………………………………………….…….. 68
Appendix E…………………………………………………………………….…….. 69
Appendix F………………………………………………………………….……….. 71
Appendix G……………………………………………………………………..……. 72
Appendix H………………………………………………………………..…………. 82
Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………
Paradigm of the Study……………………………………………………………… 19
Chapter 1



English language learning is the process of developing or improving one’s

capacity to communicate in the second language. It is used to teach not only the language

itself, it also involves subject contents such as literature, culture, history, other programs

and courses. It aims to comprehend, understand and utilize English language, to master all

the rules, structure and various functions. It can be a product of a prim schooling and a

personal study.

Indigenous people’s English language learning becomes an important task

nowadays. It has been distinguished that learners from these areas occupy the major

problems in terms of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation etc. that are significant for an

effective and purposive communication. It usually happens due to some personal, school

and social factors that greatly affect them in learning the English language. Indigenous

people usually described as the occupants in a specific place, region or country. They were

already settled on the portions where they actually live, even before the arrival of other

cultural communities and diverse ethnic groups.

One of the most well-known indigenous group in the Philippines are the Aetas.

They were described as people with dark complexion, with curly hair and small in stature.

They are the oldest inhabitants who are usually found in the province of Zambales on

Luzon Island, specifically on the slopes of mountains which is considered as their

homeland, where they developed their language and culture. They became migrants after

the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo and described as “newcomers” that results to

various changes in their ways of living, language, environment, practices etc. It is portrayed

as their greatest struggle in life, they need to go in trends and change, adapt or imitate new

concepts that are connected to the modern way of living, not only for the essence of

survival, as well as to interact with other people which they are about to deal with.

Their relocation has been accidental because of the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. The

evacuation of the Aetas during the eruption had been very difficult and extremely

complicated. The culture highly affects the ways of living of the Aetas and led them to

become competent. One of which is they want to acquire the target language to drive along

in the modern generation. Aetas change their perception about education, back then they

just used bows and arrows in hunting foods for survival.

Nowadays, Aetas attending school and became a more civilized ethnic group even

their willingness to learn hinders by different factors precisely discrimination on their

physical attributes, they are afraid of other’s judgments and criticisms that actually results

to extreme shyness, in dealing and interacting with people from other culture, it provides

great impacts to their personal growth, enhancement and development. Their ancestors and

parents described as illiterate, they are products of non-formal education, their knowledge

is limited, specifically in training their children to read and write, in harnessing their skills

and competencies in various areas under the formal education. One of these is the learning

of English language, they are having difficulties in understanding and comprehending

language, specifically on its function and uses. It commonly exists due to the factors that

contributes and greatly affects their ways of understanding and recognizing it.

It is now vividly conveyed that it’s a necessity to conduct a research in identifying

the challenges encountered and met by Aetas in learning the English language, not only

for the purpose of being aware of the struggles they are experiencing but to be prepared for

the most effective tools, strategies and methods in delivering the instruction wherein these

indigenous people will benefit a lot, despite of the diverse factors that pulls them down to

learn, perceive, understand and use the English language.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the challenges encountered by the Aetas in learning

the English Language. With full determination in conducting the study, the researchers

answered the following questions:

1. What is the academic profile of the participants in terms of:

1.1 Grade

1.2 Attendance

2. What are the challenges encountered by Aetas in the English Language Learning

in terms of:

2.1 Personal Aspect

2.2 School Environment Aspect

2.3 Social Environment Aspect

3. What are the implications of the study to language teaching and learning?

Significance of the Study

This research aimed to determine the challenges experienced by the ten Aetas in

acquiring the English Language. The researchers believed that this study deemed to be

important for the following:

To the School Administrators. This study could help them in identifying and

understanding the needs of every Aeta within their institution in order to address these

needs properly. Also, the findings of this study will serve as a basis in improving their

curriculum, if necessary.

To the English Teachers. This study could inspire them to keep on enhancing and

improving their knowledge and skills in teaching the kind of students like the participants

in the study to acquire the language properly and effectively. In order for them to be

equipped with the new methods, strategies, and techniques that are appropriate for this kind

of learners.

To the English Majors. This research intends to enlighten their perspective that

they might handle students such as the participants in this study. Also, the findings of the

study could help them to be ready with challenges that their students might encounter.

Moreover, they could already think in advance for method, strategies, and approaches that

they will utilize in the teaching field, specifically language.

To the Future Researchers. This study may serve as a guide and reference in

depicting the challenges encountered by the Aetas and/or other students in acquiring the

English language. Also, the findings in this study are preeminent importance to abet the

entirety of the researches to be conducted by researchers in the same field.


Scope and Delimitation

The study focused to determine the challenges experienced by the Aetas in the

English language learning by referring to their academic profile in terms of their current

grade and attendance in English.

The participants of the research were limited to ten (10) Aeta students who have

the lowest grade and attendance in their English subject at O’Donnell High School, with

this reason, the researchers determined the struggling students in learning the English


Definition of Terms

Attendance. The state of going regularly to or the act of being present at a place. (Oxford

Dictionary, 2019). In this study, it is defined as a factor to be considered in English

language learning – participants’ attendance in the English subject.

Challenges. A challenge is something new and tough that requires great effort and

determination (Collins English Dictionary, 2019). In relation with this study, it pertains to

the struggles or hindrances encountered by the Aetas in English language.

English Language Learning. English language learning is defined as the integration of

the ability to communicate using the target language. (Language Network for Quality

Assurance, 2019). In this study, it refers to the learning of the English language (second

language, L2).

Grade. This means to evaluate or rank, like teachers who grade their students (Vocabulary

Dictionary, 2019). While in this study, grade refers to the current English grade of the


Personal Aspect. Personal aspect refers to the ability of identifying oneself in the present

time, to connect it with the other things as part of existence that requires self-reflection

through watching and observing it. (Faivre, C., 2011). In the context of this study, it refers

to the personal factors that affect the participants in learning the English language.

School Environment Aspect. School environment otherwise called school atmosphere

alludes to the look and feel of a school. How learners feel at school can impact how

successful they are. A school’s domain is frequently influenced by its characteristics,

policies, safety and disciplined approaches. (Texas School Guide, 2019). In this context,

it refers to the factors within the school that affects the language learning of the participants.

Social Environment Aspect. Social Environment is the atmosphere created by humans

and was significantly viewed as different from the natural environment; in the whole

societal concepts or viewpoints, especially in its relationship to the people that usually

interacts within this aspect (, 2019). In the context of this study, it refers to

the factors outside the school that affects the language learning of the participants.
Chapter 2


This chapter includes the related literature and related studies- foreign and local

about Indigenous people specifically, the challenges they encountered and what are the

actions made to address the needs of the Indigenous people. It is also presenting the

conceptual framework for the further understanding.

Related Literature

According to UNESCO indigenous people has a large part of the world’s cultural

diversity. They occupy 22% in the world, and they have 7000 languages share in the global.

There are evaluated 370 million Indigenous individuals on the planet almost 5 percent of

the worldwide populace, living crosswise over 90 nations. Numerous Indigenous

individuals keep on being confronted with discrimination, inadequacy and another human

rights infringement. Right for Education is one, there are plenty of challenges encountered

by the Indigenous people. Dupere (2016) mentioned five problems that Indigenous people

still facing around the world. To begin with, devaluing of the Indigenous instructing;

Institutionalized prejudice; demoralization of observing Indigenous language and

personality; the whitewashing of history; and low graduation and enlistment rates.

Aside from community problems Indigenous people encountered, there are also

difficulties in learning English that Haynes (1997) mentioned. These particular difficulties

that English Language Learners face in learning English: thickness of new words;

utilization of homonyms and synonyms; punctuation use particularly the "special cases to

the standard", word request, sentence structure and grammar; dread of support and

communication with standard understudies; use of regional U.S dialects; etc.

As a response to the difficulties and challenges experienced by the English learners,

specifically the Indigenous people, United Nations declared the privileges of Indigenous

individuals under goals received by the general get together on September 13, 2007 61/295

United Nations Declaration on Indigenous People (UNDRIP). Article 2 Indigenous people

and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise

of their rights, in particular that based on their Indigenous origin or identity. Under the

Article 14 number one of United Nations Declaration on Right of Indigenous people

(UNDRIP) Indigenous individuals reserve the privilege to set up and control their

instructive frameworks and foundations giving training in their own dialects, in a way

fitting to their social techniques for educating and learning.

Despite of the rights declared by the U.N. to the Indigenous people, they still

experience difficulties in terms of their interest in learning the language. Canchala (2010)

on her article entitled ‘Indigenous Students Attitude towards Learning English through a

Virtual Program’ examined the frames of mind of the two indigenous learners who took a

dimension 1 virtual English-course towards the learning of English through the virtual

methodology. They utilized meetings and surveys to accumulate information. It was

discovered that indigenous understudies felt baffled taking a virtual English course. Thus,

indigenous learners need to be motivated, encouraged and guided in learning English


Throughout the past several years, technological society became a major factor and

an outbreak for understanding the higher literacy demand of the students and on how to

prepare them in a more advance aspect of educational system. Most especially the

challenges wherein students varied from their need, they are also diverse in language,

learning abilities and literacy experiences. And with that, there were a lot of publications

pointed out essential knowledge for teachers on how they are going to manipulate the needs

of diverse learners (Snow et al. 1998)

Khasinah (2014) stated many general factors that might affect one's acquisition of

a second language. In includes age, aptitude, attitude, motivation, cognitive style and

personality. The first one is the motivation in which was said the most important factors in

language acquisition. Gardner and Lambert (1982) defined motivation as the learner's

overall goal or orientation. Richards (1985) believes that motivations is a factor that

determine someone's desire to do something. Elis (1985) and Lightbrown et al. (2000)

differentiated two types of motivation: integrative motivation and instrumental motivation.

Integrative motivation is when someone is interested in learning a language to use as a

medium of communication or it is because when someone is interested in the culture of the

target language. On the other hand, instrumental motivation is if a learner's goal in learning

the second language is to pass a test or to get a better job. The second factor is the learner's

attitude, Eliss (1985) defined attitude as the sets of beliefs. Language attitudes are the

attitude which speakers of different languages have toward other’s languages or to their

own language. Gardner and Lambert have investigated a number of different attitudes,

which were classified by Stern (1983): 1. attitudes towards the community and people who

speak L2; 2. attitudes towards learning and language concerned; and 3. attitudes towards

languages and language learning in general. Critical period hypothesis by Lenneberg

proved that children can learn a language easily than to adults. According to Lenneberg,

there is a period in which it is easier to learn a language than any other time, this period

lasts until puberty and this is another factor in language acquisition age. Next is the

intelligence which was categorized into eight types, these are: linguistic; logical-

mathematical; spatial; musical; bodily kinesthetic; interpersonal; intrapersonal; and

naturalistic. Aptitude is another factor in which it is a specific or natural ability to learn a

language. Last factor Khasinah mentioned is the learning style or also called the cognitive

style. According to Eliss (1986) it is how learners accumulate a second language or a

foreign language. This paper aimed to present the different factors in a language acquisition

and the contributions of these factors to the success of learning a language.

In Philippines, the face of the Aetas is one of the most famous in the culture, but

most of the students were taught that Aetas are primitive people (Teves, 2009). Carling

Dumulot, an Aeta leader from Zambales stated that this is one of the reasons why Aeta

students are shy in coming in school, he also added that they felt insulted because of that

teaching. In 1983, Franciscan Missionary Sisters helped to eradicate the discrimination the

against ethnic community. They introduced the Non-Formal Education (NFE) to the Aetas

in Zambales to help them to read and write. Non-Formal Education (NFE) is an alternative

learning system that is suitable and appropriate to the indigenous people’s background. But

not all Aetas grabbed the opportunity because of economic reason, poverty (Teves, 2009).

According to Sanchez (2008) language plays an essential role in culture where

people does not only used language to communicate but also a way of which they express

their beliefs, values and world views. He also stated that when language will no longer

exist the legacy of communication will be gone also and for linguists this means the loss

of a better understanding of the power of language. An Economic article (May 03, 2008),

African cultures became extinct together with their languages and beliefs. When European

arrived in America, 1500 languages and dialects were spoken but as time goes by

approximately 750 languages out of the said 1500 have survived.

As a general overview, he believes that when language and culture integrate in an

English learning a big opportunity of the participants to share their experiences using

trilingual (i.e. Spanish, English and indigenous language) can purposively help the learners

to improve their English language proficiency.

Castagno, A. (2008) Culturally Responsive Schooling (CRS) is an institution

that offers education for indigenous youth. This study reviews on how CRS will provide

an impartial educational system with full responsibility through customary standards. Even

though this institution was supported for past 40 years, the needs and support that was

necessary for the indigenous students were failed to obtain. There were a lot of perceptive

reviews about CRS's educational condition especially for indigenous youth, but it had been

a less attention on teacher's works because none of these reviews resulted systematically

or having purposive actions for the school in serving indigenous learners. There were also

authors who asserted centralized and definite focus on autonomy for having self-

determination, avoiding racism and for the more privileges of indigenous youth in the

upcoming service of CRS for them.

Hernandez (2015) said that Philippines is third from the sixth countries in the world

with the largest English-speaking population. As supported by Chavez, a Japan Times

Columnist, the people who had never been or stepped outside of the Philippines were fluent

in English which leads to the main point of having exposure to the language is great. It is

also thankfully, pointed out that through the help of Mother Tongue Based Multilingual

Education can make learners express themselves easily, and as they master their mother

tongue it increases their competency to acquire the universal greatest English language.

As student’s despite of being one of the indigenous people, there are rules and

orders under the Department of Education (DepEd) Order that should abide by everyone

that belongs to any educational institutions of the Department of Education. Under the

revised DepEd Order 11 of February 4, 2011 Section 157. Attendance and Punctuality

stated the rule that covers the numbers of absences one may have. A student who incurs

absences of more than twenty percent of the prescribed number of class should have a

failing grade with no credit of the subject or course. Furthermore, the head of the school

may exempt a student who exceeds to the 20% limit if the reasons are valid and acceptable

to the school.

Related Studies

A variety of studies had been made in the field of education particularly in

Indigenous people. This includes foreign studies and studies in the Philippines setting that

brought light in the further undertaking of this research.

Foreign Studies

A study conducted by IUCN (2009) focused on the indigenous and traditional

people and protected areas. Particularly, it tries to impact, support and help social orders

all through the world to preserve the honesty and decent variety of nature and to guarantee

that any utilization of regular assets is evenhanded and naturally practical. It is additionally

accepted that ensured zones must be in struggle with the rights and customs of indigenous

and other customary individuals on earthbound, waterfront or freshwater area, and crucial

human rights are agreed.

Another study made by Statistic Canada (2009) there are as of now more than 1

million self-distinguished 'Aboriginal' (Indigenous) individuals in Canada, less than of 4%

of the complete populace. However, under 30% of Canadian Indigenous individuals

reported having the capacity to talk and comprehend an Indigenous language

conversationally; considerably littler numbers report it as their primary language, the

language they previously learned and keep on comprehension, or ask their present home


Furthermore, in the study made by Hermes (2012) on jeopardized indigenous

dialects have gotten little consideration inside the American instructive research network.

Be that as it may, inside Native American people group, language rejuvenation is pushing

instruction past previous cycles of socially significant educational modules and can

possibly drastically modify how we comprehend culture and language in training. In this

study they consider the role of teaching for Indigenous dialects and edge explicit inquiries

of Ojibwe renewal as a piece of the more extensive comprehension of the setting of

network, language, and Indigenous learning creation.

This study shows review investigation of intelligent sight and sound materials

venture, the authors present manners by which configuration inquire about, retooled to fit

the need of networks, may illuminate language rejuvenation endeavors and help with the

advancement of community-based research structure.


Another study pursued by McKinley (2011) presented the culture, language and

science training for Indigenous individuals. The universal writing proposes the utilization

of Indigenous learning (IK) and customary environmental information (TEK) settings in

science instruction to give inspiration and confidence to Indigenous learners is far reaching.

In any case, the threat of distancing society (as information) from the language in which

the perspective is implanted since to have been let well enough alone for philosophical and

academic discussions encompassing exploration the remark in the field.

Moreover, another study made by Prior (2013) focused on the Language and

education challenges for Indigenous youngsters in Australia. Earlier recorded the elements

that influence the hole in proficiency and in school maintenance in Indigenous people

group, the social and natural dimensions. In this investigation he distinguishes and

accentuates the significance of proximal factors in understanding troubles in figuring out

how to peruse skillfully. He referenced that these variables impact that are nearer to the

real procedure of figuring out how to peruse, since they live inside the kid and family, and

firmly impact the early pathways into accomplishment in perusing. He concluded that

Indigenous cultural language is important.

A study made by Elena (2010) focused on the Indigenous learners' perspective

toward learning English through a virtual program. The investigation led in Bogota,

Colombia with two Indigenous understudies who took a dimension I virtual English-course

amid the second term of 2008 and the primary term of 2009. The point of the investigation

was to examinations their frames of mind towards the learning of English through the

virtual methodology. The examination used meetings, perceptions and polls for

information accumulation.

The result of the examination was discovered that Indigenous understudies felt

disappointed taking a virtual English course and that their inspiration as respects the

learning of this language is low. Thus, they should be spurred guided along the procedure.

Toward the end, a few recommendations for educating or coaching indigenous

understudies, learning English for all intents and purposes or any of alternate modalities of

the English program at the college were determined.

According to the study presented by Malcolm (2009) Australia's indigenous people

have no emphasis and so much concern in learning or understanding the English language,

they used to focus with their home language. Their institution planned to create and build

a program that gives support in order for the indigenous group to prioritize the teaching of

the English language, to deliver a positive perspective regarding it without the aim of

removing or disempowering their own language which is a part of their culture. It targets

to build a strong relationship and foundation with their own and other's culture, for the

development of their community together with its significant contribution to the indigenous

people's own growth and fulfillment for today's modern way of living and in order for them

to be able to perceive and comprehend the English language and to be used in various


Local Studies

The study conducted by Santos (2018), focused on the predominant intelligence,

predominant learning style and level of the language proficiency of the Indigenous People

as a basis for the development of intervention program. The study found out that the

respondents' transcendent knowledge is melodic, overwhelming learning style is visual and


the respondents' English language capability is non-capable. The analyzed data proved that

there is no significant relationship among the three variables. There is no significant

difference in the English Language Proficiency level and learning style of the respondents

as per their sorts of insight.

This study focused in preserving the language of the Aeta Magbukon in Bataan

through oral tradition. Elders transferred the language to younger generations. The

language is potentially extinct because of cultural erosion due to assimilation of tribes with

the lowlanders. The researcher wanted to document and publish this study properly to

contribute in preserving the language through this research (David, 2014).

This paper by Robinson and Lobel (2013) presents a survey of the languages of

the northeastern part of the large Northen Philippine Island of Luzon. The laguages

surveyed are: Dupaningan Agta; Pahanan Agta; Paranan; and Kasiguranin. These

languages are spoken by Negrito Filipino groups. The result of the survey determined the

internal and external relationship of all these languages in phonology; functions; and


Another study made by Reid (2017) about the group of languages. Specifically, it

talks about Iraya Mindoro because it has been grouped with Central Luzon Languages.

According to the study made by Reid, it is because of shared sound change. There are a

lot of questions raised in concern to this issue due to the unique features of the language

and uncommon phenotypic features of the people. This study claims that Iraya people are

descendants’ Negrito groups that occupied Mindoro before. Iraya’s unique linguistic

features are considered as a combination of language contact with different Philippine

languages, and it is also possible with languages from outside the country.

A study conducted by ASPBE (2009) viewed that the problems met by the cultural

groups and the persistent viewpoints or concepts regarding this problem have led them to

become one of the disadvantaged and marginalized group in the Philippines, they are

described as deprived, depressed and undeserved community. Limited attention was given

to them, a reason of their low self- esteem, shyness and to be recognized as incompetent

individuals. They conveyed as different from others as to the following: self-identification,

linguistic identity, social, economic and political traditions. These factors play significant

role in every action they made, these were affected due to the marginalized aspects denoted

to them.

A study done by David (2011) revealed the culture and the concept of territoriality

of the Aeta Mag-anchis in Bamban, Tarlac. Aeta Mag-anchis are survivors of the eruption

of Mt. Pinatubo that drove them in Bamban, Tarlac as their permanent living area. This

study mentioned the concept of the Aeta Mag-anchis in territorial concept and their concept

of time. It is stated that Mag-anchis territory is based from their own knowledge that they

lived in a particular place for a long time and they will consider that place as their territory.

This study also found out that they follow the time based on their consciousness and not

according to linear time. They measure time using body clock and they called it human

time. The study shows, the historical awareness among Aeta Mag-anchis resulted to the

absence of shared learning experience as people.


From the related studies of foreign and local studies of this research, there are 4

(four) studies which asserted that indigenous people struggled in learning English

Language. This is because they have no interest and much concern in learning the language.

They used to focus more on their native or home language to preserve their spoken

language through oral tradition (Malcolm 2009; ASPBE 2009; David 2014; Prior 2013).

There are also 3 (three) studies that presented the culture, tradition and language of

indigenous individuals (IUCN 2009; Hermes et al. 2012; McKinley 2011). There are 2

(two) studies who surveyed group of languages of the Indigenous People in northern and

central Luzon (Robinson and Lobel 2013; Reid 2017). 1 (one) study predominant

intelligence, predominant learning style and level of the language proficiency of the

Indigenous People (Santos 2018); 1 (one) study made by Elena (2010) focused on the

perspective of the Indigenous learners towards English language learning. 1 (one) study

conducted by Statistic Canada (2009) found out that 30% of the Indigenous People can talk

and comprehend an Indigenous language conversationally. Another 1 (one) study revealed

the concept of time and territoriality of the Aeta Mag-anchis in Bamban, Tarlac (David


Conceptual Framework

This study focused on the challenges encountered by Aetas in English language

learning. Since the study used case study design, the researchers conducted a semi-

structured interview in gathering data from their participants.

Academic Profile
 Grade
 Attendance

Implications of the Study to

Language Teaching

Challenges Encountered by
Aetas in the English Language
 Personal Aspect
 School Environment
 Social Environment
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The paradigm of the study was designed to document the challenges encountered

by Aetas in English language learning.

The first datum is the academic profile of the participants which includes the grade

and attendance in English. The second one is the challenges encountered by the Aetas in

acquiring the English language. Through the results that rooted and extracted from the

semi-structured interview conducted by the researchers to the participants of the study, the

implications of this to language teaching was derived and created. The information on the

following components was gathered from the participants through an interview which

determined the challenges encountered by the participants in learning the English language.
Chapter 3

This chapter deals with the methods and procedures used in this study. Information

is outlined for the following: research design, sampling technique, participants of the study,

research instrument, validation of the instrument, data gathering procedure and data

analysis. These were used by the researchers in the conduct of this study.

Research Design

The researchers applied qualitative case study design as the backbone of the study

which Yin (2006) defines as an observational inquiry that examines a contemporary

wonder within its actual setting. Moreover, according to Summers (2008); the usage of this

design is to analyze a phenomenon, to generate hypothesis, and to validate a method. In

this study, the phenomenon that was examined is the challenges encountered by the Aetas

in English language learning.

Patton (1990) proposes that in the collection of data and analysis, case study

approves the usage of different methods, for example, the primary sources, and in the

present study, it was through an interview with the participants. This study made use of a

researcher-made interview questions which aimed to ask for the participants’ challenges in

in learning the English language.

This design was used in this study because the researchers aimed to determine the

challenges experienced by the ten Aetas in learning the English language.


Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling was used in the study. It is a particular kind of sampling where

the participants for a sample are chosen based on the purpose of the study. As stated by

Dudovskiy (2019), it is a type of sampling technique in which researchers depends on their

individual judgment when picking respondents from a certain population to take part in the


The researchers ascertained the challenges of the ten Grade 10 Aeta students from

O’Donnell High School in learning the English Language. The factors that they considered

in selecting the participants were the Aetas who have the current lowest grade and

attendance in English.

Participants of the Study

The study focused on the ten (10) Aetas studying at O’Donnell High School,

particularly grade 10, who have the current lowest grade and attendance recorded in their

English subject. As mentioned in the DepEd Order 11, series of 2011, section 157.1 the

Absences, a student who possessed more than twenty percent (20%) of the prescribed

number of `class during a school year should be given a failing grade and given no credit

for the course or subject, therefore the participants should not have more than twenty

percent (20%) absences.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers designed and created a semi-structured interview. This

instrument was validated by three experts in English and the Kapampangan-translated was

validated by an expert in Kapampangan translation. The focus of the interview is on the

following areas: (1.) academic profile; (1.1) grades; (1.2) attendance; (2.) challenges

encountered by Aetas in English language learning; (3.1) personal aspect (3.2) school

environment aspect; and (3.3) social environment aspect.

Validation of the Instrument

After the researchers formulated the interview questions, they sought for assistance

for the validation of three experts in the field of English and Kapampangan translation.

After which, the researchers incorporated the suggestions given by the validators. After a

series of revisions, they started to conduct the interview with their respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to find the ten (10) Aetas who have the lowest grade and attendance, the

researchers went and approached the school principal of O’Donnell High School. They

gave a letter to the principal. The letter of the researchers sought permission to conduct a

semi-structured interview to the participants of the study. The principal made an emphasis

on the confidentiality of the data gathered from the participants; hence the researchers

assured them that the data were kept confidentially. They also gave a letter to the English

teacher of the ten participants that were selected. The letter sought permission to lend a

copy of the information of the participants needed in the study.

After which, the researchers looked for ten (10) respondents. They proceeded to the

interview with the ten participants using the validated interview guide.

Before the interview, the researchers informed the participants that the entire

interview will be recorded with the use of sound recorder and the data gathered will be

transcribe for the discussion and analysis of data.

During the interview, the researchers used their interview guide in gathering data

from each of the participant of this study.

Finally, the researchers transcribed the recorded interview, then they examined and

analyzed the data. After that, the researchers presented the transcribed and analyzed data

to the participants for member checking. Member checking is a qualitative technique used

to build the tenet of credibility in trustworthiness (James Lani, 2019). The participants were

permitted to revise and edit their answers; thus, transcription of the interview was revised

to the satisfaction of both the participants and the researchers.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents and analyzes the data gathered from the participants of this

study. Each question from the statement of the problem was answered and was then

followed by the case analysis.

1. Academic Profile of the Participants

1.1 Grade

The participants of the study have the lowest grades in their third grading remarks

in their English subject. This is considered to determine who really are struggling in

learning the language.

Aeta student 1 and 10 both got 77. Aeta student 2 and 5 gained 81. 80 was being

obtained by Aeta Student 4 and 9. Aeta student 3 gained 79. Aeta student 6 got 83 which

is the highest among the other participants, while Aeta student 10 got 76, the lowest

among the participants.

1.2 Attendance

Attendance is considered as an academic profile for it contributes to the

performance of the participants, tardiness is also included since English is the first subject

of the participants.

The revised DepEd order 11 of February 4, 2011 section 157. Attendance and

punctuality started the rule that covers the numbers of absences one may have. A student

who exceed of more than 20% absences of the prescribed school days will be given a failing

grade with no credit of to the course or subject.

Aeta student 7 got twelve (12) absences, eight (8) late arrivals. Aeta student 1 got

nine (9) absences, 7(seven) late arrivals. Whereas Aeta student 3 got 8 (eight) absences

with 8 (eight) late arrivals. Aeta student 4, 9 and 10 got seven (7) absences, Aeta student

4 and 9 got five (5) late arrivals and Aeta student 10 got eight (8) late arrivals. However,

six (6) absences and six (6) late arrivals were obtained by Aeta student 5. Aeta student 8

got five (5) absences, and three 3 late arrivals. Lastly, Aeta student 2 and 6 got four (4)

absences while Aeta student 2 got four (4) late arrivals and Aeta student 6 got three (3)

late arrivals.

2. Challenges Encountered by Aetas in English Language Learning

2.1 Personal Aspect

Aeta Student 1 started to learn English language when she was 11 years old. She is

the eldest and considered as the second mother of the family, as her mother assigned her to

take care of her siblings because she works as maid and only come home once a month.

She pushes herself to capture her goals that is why she decided to continue her studies. She

said that it is a great responsibility for her to study and become a second mother. She said,

“Dakal obran keng bale, yaku pu kasi ing pangadwang pengari king bale, i ma ku pu

magobra ya king malawut, katulung ya pu. Aku pu ing manese kareng kapatad ku.

Manintunan ku murin pu, mamupul hule ampong prutas at titinda ku lapu reta, kaya emina

masyadung asisikasu ing pamagaral mi, kailangan mi pung magobra, para mika pera

kepu, adyang bagya mu pu, kailangan mipa murin pung manintunan.” She is an introvert

student, she does not want to share her problems and experiences with others specifically

through the use of English language. She easily gets embarrass while speaking the English

language. She is bullied by her classmates with her physical attributes and as she commits

errors while speaking or utilizing the English language. She loves to watch English movies

but cannot fully comprehend and understand the language being used. She does not like to

read English books. She has different ways in learning the English language, particularly

through reviewing her English lessons during vacant hours. She believes that learning the

English language is very important and considered as a need for the society. She said,

“Halimbawa pu, kareng tawu king aliwang bansa, kailangan yapu ita para apakisabyan

la at potang mekapagobra ka aliwang bansa, kailangan yapu ita at para din pu kekaming

Aeta, para abalu da reng aliwang tawu na atin kaming kakayanan na mabyasa at maging

matagumpe king biye.” She admits that she tries her best to learn the target language even

though she is hindered by different factors.

While Aeta Student 2 is a Grade 10 student at O'Donnell High School and is

dreaming to be a teacher to teach her parents to read and write, as she had considered them

as non-readers and illiterate or as products of non-formal education. She used to fulfill

some basic needs of her family by helping her father to burn woods for charcoals, for food

and allowance of her siblings in school. At young age, she suffered different struggles, but

she still manages to overcome these and stand with her own dedication and primary desire

which is to finish her studies, to help her family and became a progressive one, to eliminate

the non-indigenous people's perspective to them that they are weak and do not have any

capacities to become successful. She started to learn English language when she was 11

years old and she made mentioned that it is difficult to understand, perceive, and


She is usually bullied by her classmates and considered as a learner with low self-

esteem and confidence. She does not want to speak with others or recite in class using the

English language, but she believes that it is important, especially for the society nowadays.

It is not her habit to read books, review her lessons or do her assignments because she

focuses more on her work to help her family. She also has her own ways in learning the

English language like collaborating or using the group study together with the other Aetas,

still even they work as a group, it is still difficult for them.

Moreover, Aeta Student 3 started studying at age of 11, he admitted that English is

one of the most difficult subjects to learn, but he is determined to study. For him, studying

is the key to lessen the discrimination and judgment that he is experiencing among the non-

indigenous people. He stated that he wants to become a teacher to teach his mother and

father on how to read and write. According to him, he is the only one in his family who

was given a chance to study and the rest of his family are non-readers or illiterate. His

parents need to harvest vegetables to provide the needs of the family, they will sell the

vegetables down to the civilized area. Unfortunately, some of the non-indigenous people

are discriminating his parents because they do not know how to read and write since then

they are being concerted and they don’t pay correctly. “Para pu aturu ku la di mama ku

po ampo’y tatay kupu nung pakananu sumulat ampong mamasa, kasi po magtinda kami

pung gule king baryu mi pu tapos pu minsan pagkatuwaan do pu di mama ku pu, minsan

po ali pu itang talagang bayad ing ibiye da pu minsan pu limang pesus po para kareng

buong tinda ng mama ku po eh ali la po kasi byasang mamasa ampong mamilang kaya po

aloloko de po, atchaka po malulunus ku po kareng pengari ku po panga bababa la po

kening syudad …pagkatulaan do pu ampong pagtistan.” He is also doing his part to help

his parents. Every day he works as a tour guide in Mt. Pinatubo, but the thing that challenge

him most is that he does not have enough time to study. Sometimes he felt unmotivated

since his classmates are discriminating him for being an Aeta and this affect his

performance in school. Every time he is reciting in their English subject his classmates

mock and tease him they will say that English is not for him therefore he should guide the

tourists for the rest of his life. Since then he chooses not to recite even though he knows

the answer.

Furthermore, Student Aeta 4 started learning English at age of 11, she gets confused

when listening to her teacher when discussing in English. She taught that English is

difficult to learn. She does not talk to her friends in English because she feels awkward and

conscious in using the language, she really wanted to learn English because she wants to

drive along with the non-indigenous students since she was tired in the discrimination and

bullying that they experiencing among the non-indigenous students and she wants to teach

her relatives in learning other languages especially English, hence, she taught that when

they are able to speak other languages the non-indigenous people will already treat them

right. According to her, she felt inferior because of their physical appearance and she has

a low self-esteem inside their classroom because when she tries to recite in front of the

class her classmates will make fun of her that is the reason why she was afraid to speak in

front again.

She really loves the English language, for her it is like you speak as a foreigner.

She is watching English movies in their neighborhood because she wants to learn the

language aside from learning it inside the classroom at the same time she reads a lot of

English books, and these are her ways in learning English language. For her, we need to

learn the English language because of our generation today, since, it is the universal

language, and the way to understand others, moreover, she wanted to learn on how to speak

in English because it is the way for the acceptance of the non-indigenous people, and she

wants to teach her relatives on how to read and speak the language so that they will receive

right treatment among the non-indigenous people.

Aeta Student 5 started learning English at age of 15 and it was not easy for her to

learn the English language. She was being discriminated and bullied among her non-

indigenous classmates. This is the reason why she is having a hard time to express herself

to her non-indigenous classmates through English language. . “Siyempre pu masakit, kasi

pu mayli la atsaka pu pagsisti daku pa pu. Ditak mu pung pagkakamali ing asabi ku, mayli

nala pu kanita. Talaga pung masakit talaga.” Her negative experience gives huge impact to

her performance in school, she has a low self-esteem and self-confidence, every time she

read English book she always remembered how her classmates treat her in undesirable

way. Being inferior in class makes her feel down and isolated. She often cries but she

doesn’t want to be seen by others. Those are some factors why she cannot simply learn the

language. Despite of her experiences in discrimination from her non- indigenous

classmates yet she still find ways for herself to learn English language she tried to read

book to at least gain some vocabulary even it took so much of her time to absorb it. She

watch English movies in her school to improve her knowledge as an Aeta student. She

believe that learning English language is vital for the reason that it's one of the focal ways

to interact and communicate with other people.


Moreover, Aeta Student 6 started to learn the English language when she was 12

years old. She had a hard time learning the language because she has no background at all.

She is not sharing her life experiences to her friends. Her companions are all Aeta like her,

because according to her most of her non-indigenous classmates are discriminating and

bullying her because of her hair and skin complexion, that is the reason why she decided

not to speak or recite in the class especially during English class. She does not watch

English movies and read English books because she has no resources to watch and read

such. She wants to buy materials that could help her to learn the language, but her family

does not have enough financial support to fulfill her needs. Her only way to learn the

language is her English class. According to her, “Buri ke pu ing English subject dahil bisa

ku pung mabyasang sumabing English. Oneng pagtisti daku pu kasi reng kaklase ku kaya

enaka mu pu sasabi..” Despite everything, participant 6 is still fueled and well-driven to

finish her studies to have a better life.

Aeta Student 7 admitted that she is having a hard time in learning the English

language because she is afraid to commit mistakes especially in her English class. She does

not share stories or experiences to anyone. She is always humiliated in class every time she

speaks using the English language. She mentioned, “Pane daku pung awsan baluga reng

kaklasi ku, ma’am, pero eku nala mu pu papansin paburen ku nala mu pu.” She is bullied

by her classmates she is always called “baluga” that is why her self-esteem was deemed to

the lowest point. She does not watch English movies and read English books. For her is it

important to study the English language because people can use this to communicate with

other people.

English language was first introduced to Aeta Student 8 when he was 14 years old.

An introvert student, who does not want to socialize with people, especially with his

classmates because of his experiences. He was bullied because of his physical features, his

curly hair and dark skin complexion. Also, because he was being judged by his classmates

whenever he answers incorrectly, or whenever he commits grammatical errors. Yet, he is

still motivated to finish his study to get a job so that he could be able to help his parents

financially just like what he said “Eku namu po makaying papnsinan, maski pu pamusitan

daku at sabyan da na matuling ku at kulut ku pu, ekunala mu po iisipan. Buri ku mj pou

naman na mayari pamag-aral. Manigaral naku mu pu masalese hanggat agyu ku pu banta

edanaku pagkisti deng tawu”. Aeta Student 8’s family are from family of charcoal burner;

they make charcoal for living. The profit they get from that job is not enough to support

the whole family, and that is why Aeta Student 8 is trying his best to finish his study and

get a better job.

Student Aeta 9 started to learn English language around 13-14 years old. She

responded that she really likes English subject but the hindrance for her was the difficulty

to understand it. For her to master the language she really gives time to read her English

textbook, in addition she answered that she was not able to watch movies because of some

circumstances such as they do not have television and she cannot understand it. She also

admitted that English is important most especially in our society as we communicate with

other people. She concedes that she is uncomfortable in speaking English particularly for

having a friendly conversation with her classmates about their studies, but she mentioned

that she tried to speak the language. And the most ineffective experience that she shared is

that she was bullied by her classmates whenever she spoke English incorrectly also because

of the color of their skin and with that she felt embarrassed but her positivity in life

answered that for her not to get involved in fight she avoided those bullies to achieve her

goals in life and made them as a motivator to finish her study. Likewise, she proved it with

her statement, “Minsan po mimimwa naku din karela keng gagawan da po kaku, pero ala

naman po mangyari pag mabusit ko mu karela kaya imbis na pa epekto ko po kareala

paburen ko na la mu po.”

Lastly, Aeta Student 10 started to learn the language when she was 15 years old.

She is a shy type student. She does not often talk to her classmates aside from her Aeta

friends. She does not talk much because of she is afraid to be laughed at when she commits

error. According to her that is what always happens when someone was not able to answer

or when someone answered incorrectly at school, people will laugh. She felt inferior over

ordinary students because of her physical characteristics, and she was being bullied because

of that, she quoted “Neng kayi pu sabyan da kaku na baluga ko, matuling kayi pag eku

mekasagut po kayan daku pu, kayi pu mayli la ngan pu kayi kalyan da kami pu madam.

Kayi uli-ulit da pu sabyan itang mali ko na segut”. Despite of those things, she still

continued her study for her family, she is motivated to finish studying to help her family

have a better life. They plant vegetables to sell in wet market near their place which is not

enough to meet their needs and to support all of them.

To sum it up, all the participants are bullied and discriminated because of their

physical attributes that contributes to their low self-esteem and motivation in learning the

English language, specifically as they commit errors while utilizing the English language.

All of them have different ways in learning the English language, such as reviewing and

reading their lessons or as they used to work as a group and collaborate with each other,

but they believed that these ways in learning the language are not that effective because

their capacity to grasp, comprehend and perceive the English language are limited, as they

considered their selves as indigenous people. These ways in learning the target language

are not enough in order for them to cope with their English lessons. All of them do not like

the English subject and it is not their tradition or practice to use it, especially for the purpose

of communication.

2.2 School Environment Aspect

Aeta Student 1 feels relax and comfortable inside the class but not at all times, she

mentioned that she senses fear and nervousness while they are having graded recitation and

differentiated tasks. She feels embarrassed inside her classroom, as she was always bullied

by her classmates. Her teacher uses different strategies in delivering the English instruction

like role-playing, stage play, jazz chant, poem recitation, etc. She has different reading

materials at home like newspapers and magazines, but they do not have enough time to

read these. Her teacher uses various forms of punishment like allowing them to stand once

they are noisy or even if they did not answer the given question.

As for Aeta Student 2, she loves to perform her ways of learning the English

language, but she considered these ineffective. She stated, “Masaya kupu patye atin

activity, pero kakarug murin pu patye alimiya balu ing lesson, tapos dakal po activities.

Makatakut pu, pota pu masisti nakami na naman pu kareng aliwang tawu.” She felt

comfortable inside the classroom, particularly in English time, but she mentioned that there

are times that she is nervous, especially during recitation or other activities. She stated that

English books are the only materials they used in English subject and her teacher uses

different strategies, activities and tasks. She also said that she is embarrassed once her

classmates judge her as she commits errors while speaking or reciting in the English


According to Aeta Student 3, the school is the best place to study, unfortunately he

is not comfortable inside the classroom since his classmates are bullying him for being an

Aeta, and the embarrassing moments that he experienced when he is trying to recite using

the English language. His teacher makes different activities for them to learn the English

language, he experienced to portray Federigo in their role playing. He also added that when

he does not know the answer his classmates will make fun of him, and he is required to

stand for the whole period as a punishment, since then he is afraid to recite even though he

knows the answer. The only reference that he is using is the book that their teacher gave to


Moreover, Student Aeta 4 school is the best place to study, unfortunately, she is not

comfortable inside the classroom since her classmates judged her for being an Aeta, and

when she tries to speak in English her classmates will laugh as if she did something wrong,

despite of the discrimination and judgment that she is experiencing - she never felt

unmotivated. She used the discrimination of her classmates as a strong foundation to finish

her studies. Her teacher makes different methods and techniques for them to learn the

English language. She experienced to become a leader in her English class, this boost her

eagerness to learn the language, she thinks that she can do things if she believes and she

can also lead the class even though she is an Aeta. When she does not know the answer,

she is required to stand for the whole period as a punishment, since then she is afraid to

recite even though she knows the answer. The only reference that she is using is the book

that their teacher gave to them.


As for Aeta Student 5, graded recitation is one of the methods her teacher used to

assess them on their lessons in English. It’s the teacher’s way to know if her students really

understand and study. During English class she was so afraid, and uneasy particularly

when there is a surprise recitation most of the time her answers are wrong.

Her embarrassing moment she experienced inside the classroom was when she tried to

answer the question and got it wrong her classmates mocked her. At that point she fined

herself insignificant. Sometimes she also experiences punishment from her teacher like

face the wall and standing up for the whole period of their English language class.

Sometimes her teacher gives them different kinds of task like role playing and reporting to

help them learn and practice their speaking skills through English language. One of the

problems she encountered in school is that her school do not have any references as an

additional tool to learn the language.

While Aeta Student 6 is always shy and nervous during English class. She shared

her experience when she recited her classmates laugh at her because of her wrong answers,

grammatical errors, and her accent. She mentioned that her teacher is always doing lecture

method that is not effective for her, but her teacher provides different activities that could

help her to learn the language.

She only has a textbook in English and has no other resources. The school she

belongs does not a library that could help her to learn the language, that is why she has no

other material to use except from her English textbook.

Furthermore, Aeta Student 7 is always nervous when English is her subject. She

had this experience that she answered incorrectly during English class then she was

humiliated, starting that day she did not attempt to speak again. Her English teacher is

having lecture method and that is hard for her to absorb all the information being discussed,

but her teacher is having activities for them to be involved inside the class. She stated that

they only have a textbook in English and no other materials to be used.

As for Aeta Student 8, their English teacher’s method of teaching is easy, they can

easily understand the lesson because their teacher keeps on repeating the subject matter

until the class understand it. The teacher will start from giving some examples to analyze

down to the main point of the topic for the learners to get the idea of the subject matter.

Nonetheless, they do not enough resources to use in learning, they only have one English

book to use as a reference in their learning in English subject. Aeta Student 8 mentioned

that he is not quite comfortable in school, but when he is with his Aeta friends in their

classroom he is more complaisant and comfortable. He just ignores the people who mock

him, and he will just focus in listening to their teacher.

For Student Aeta 9, classroom is the most safe and reliable place to study, she felt

relax and comfortable whenever she is inside the classroom even though there are bullies

who stopped her to pursue her dreams in life. She pleaded that the combination of a

conducive classroom and an effective teacher helped her a lot in learning English and for

her sooner to master the language. She added that she does not really understand her teacher

whenever she teaches and speaks using the language so quickly that is why she has her

dictionary for her to look for the meaning of the word that she was not able to understand.

She also said that she used English textbook to satisfy her willingness to learn the language.

She read stories, poems and different passages in the textbook even though some are not

clear she always tried her best to understand it. She mentioned that there are a lot of

methods used by her teacher to teach them English which helped her so much to learn the

language. Also, she said that she got embarrassed when she speaks English in the

classroom, but the good thing is that the teacher allows mistakes and corrected her in a

good manner.

Lastly, Aeta Student 10, their teacher’s method in teaching works well to them for

they understand the lesson easily. If they did not understand the topic the teacher will repeat

the discussion briefly for them to get the idea of the subject matter. However, they do not

have any resources to use aside from their English book. They do not have materials to use

to improve their vocabularies and to improve their knowledge about English, in answering

their assignments at home or in making their projects. Aeta Student 10 said that she is not

confident enough to participate in class, so she would rather sit down and listen than to

answer that everybody will hear. According to her, she can learn better if she is not

surrounded with non-Aeta students or if she is with few students because she feels

embarrass with other people.

Thus, all of the students have English textbooks used in learning the language.

Unfortunately, the school has no library where students can rely another information to

study the language and to do the tasks given by their teachers. The methods and activities

of the teacher are being perceived by the participants differently. Majority of the

participants learned well in the class with the strategy used by the teacher, but it constantly

varies from the learners’ interest. Moreover, most of the participants who does not know

the answer when the teacher asked them in a particular topic will receive punishments and

that caused the fear of the students to participate in the class. Lastly, all of the participants

admitted that school is the most comfortable place to study and learn the language, but

because of the discrimination and judgment of their bully classmates who put them down

and made them uncomfortable and shameful in exposing themselves in the English

language, nevertheless the participants used these struggles as their motivation to fulfill

their dreams.

2.3 Social Environment Aspect

Aeta Student 1 does not have electricity at home. It is not her practice to study or

review her English lessons and read her English book as she works hard for her family and

as the second mother of her siblings. She also harvests and sells vegetables and crops. She

has a lot of reading materials at home, but she does not use these as references for her

assignments. She rarely used the English language in speaking at home, she usually used

Zambal, Kapampangan and Tagalog. Her parents support her with her studies that

motivates her to do more and better. She spends almost five hours on her travel time from

home to school and always came late on class. She does not have any gadgets at home. She

does not use the English language while communicating with her non-indigenous

classmates, she is more comfortable in using Zambal, Kapampangan and Tagalog.

As for Aeta Student 2, they only have solar lamp at home. Their travel time from

home to school is five hours. It is not her practice to study her lessons, review or do her

assignments at night. After school, she works together with her father as they burn woods

to transform into charcoals. She also has a lot of reading materials at home which she used

as resources for her assignments, particularly in English. They used to speak Zambal,

Kapampangan and Tagalog at home as an instrument for their communication. She believes

that it is a necessity to learn the English language, in order to communicate with others and

use it for different purposes, like in capturing her dream which is to be a teacher, to prove

that they can also be successful, unlike the perspective of the others, specifically the non-

indigenous people. As she said,” Para pu mabyasa, at para ipakit pu na adyang Aeta kami,

ay atin kami pa murin pung kakayahan para mabyasa king wikang ayni at metung yapung

dalan para asopan kula reng pengari ku.”

One of the challenges that Aeta Student 3 experienced is that they do not have

electricity at home, they are just using lamps or candles to lighten their house, therefore he

makes his homework in advance, or he will make his homework in waiting shed near to

their house, and he is using old newspapers and old books that brought by his father to use

in answering questions in his homework. According to him, he does not have enough time

to study his lessons because of his work, he will prioritize first the basic needs of his family.

He said that when there is no tourist on that day they will just eat sweet potato. They are

using Zambal and Kapampangan at home while in school he is use Tagalog to


He is taking the opportunity to practice in speaking the English language in his

work since he is assistant tour guide. Moreover, his parents cannot afford to give him

allowance that is why every day he will just walk for three (3) hours to get in their school,

almost 7 barangays he will pass over to reach the school. In their house he has old books

and old newspapers to use it as additional references in his studies because he does not

have gadgets to use as tool in searching. He is using those references to learn more in

speaking the English language. He thinks that it is important to learn English language

because when you are able to speak in English you will receive respect, and that is what he

wants, respect from the non-indigenous people. “Para makapagaral pung masalase … po

ali da naku bubusitan at gagawang katatawanan, buri ku pong mabyasang Ingles … kasi

pu kareng akakit ko kareng aliwang tao na byasang mag Inglis matas la po lawe reng tao

karela, ali dala pu lalen matsura, ali dala po pagtistyan kalupa po kekami … bukod po

king baluga kami buri mi naman po andyang pakananu na dyan dakami pong respetu

bilang tao at ing akakit ku pong paralan para malyari pu ita ay ing magaral kami po at

mabyasang mag Inglis." However, he is really determined to finish his study because of

the encouragement of his parents, he uses this encouragement as a view point to help him

to finish his study in order to get a better job.

One of the challenges that Student Aeta 4 experienced is that they do not have

electricity at home, they are just using candles, therefore, she does her homework after the

class, and she is using books that she collected in the garbage. According to her she does

not have enough time to study since she needs to take care her siblings. In their family, she

is the oldest and she has two younger sisters and three younger brothers, she stated that

poverty is one of the major hindrances why the Aetas are not studying. Instead of attending

in a class they have to suffice first the basic needs of their family. However, she is really

determined to finish her studies one of the reasons is to surpass the challenges that they are

encountering in their community and among to the non-indigenous students. The

encouragement and the support of her parents is her foundation to overcome all the

challenges that she is encountering in school.

They are using Zambal and Kapampangan at home while in school she uses

Tagalog to communicate. Moreover, she walks for 3 hours to reach the school. “Panga po

lakaran ya dapat pu ganingaldo pa maglakad na kayu po para saktong alas siete po atchu

nakayu pu eskwela pero pa nga sake naman po mga metung oras mu po pero madalas pu

mala-late ku pa mu rin pu.” In their house she has books and magazines that she collected

in garbage, she is using these as an additional reference in her studies because he does not

have gadgets to use as tool in searching. She is using those references to learn more in

speaking in English language. She thinks it is important to learn on how to speak using the

English language because English is the language of the media industry. If you speak

English, you won't need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favorite

books, songs, films and TV shows.

Aeta Student 5’s house is far from the school where she is currently attending. She

usually spent one hour to travel school. She need to walk in order for her to go to school.

She helps her mother in doing house hold chores and selling vegetable before going to

school that is why she experience being late in class frequently. She admitted that she is

having a hard time to study her homework, because of inadequate resources in their house,

like reading books to use in her homework to learn English language. She has a cell phone

however she cannot use it because there is no signal in their location. She uses

kapampangan dialect to communicate her non-indigenous classmates. At home they use

kapampangan also to communicate and interact with her family members, she cannot use

English language because she is the only one who can speak the language. However, both

of her parents are illiterate but they still encourage her to study the English language and it

make her motivated even sometimes her parents can’t give her enough money to buy her

needs in school they still support her in learning the English language.

Regardless of the challenges she experienced she is extremely motivated to learn

English. She wants to learn English language even though others are discriminating her

“Para pu mabyasa kupa, para akwa ing pangarap ku na maging teacher at apakit pu na atin

kaming ibuga adyang pagsisti da kami, awsang baluga at nanu pang masasakit a salita” She

wants to become a teacher someday to teach her Aeta community in learning the English

language. In addition, she wants to change the stereotype happening in their Aeta

community she wants to educate herself in order for her to become an educator in the near

future and to uplift not only herself but also her community to change how people perceive

and view them as indigenous people.

Moreover, Aeta Student 6 only has a solar lamp at home, she stated that electricity

is important for her to study her lesson at night. Mostly, she does not study her lesson nor

do her assignment because of family responsibilities. Since she is the eldest child, she needs

to take care of her 5 younger siblings because her parents usually go home at 9pm; her

parents are vegetable vendors. Another reason why she cannot do her assignment is

because she does not have any other resources at home to look for the answers in her


Furthermore, Aeta Student 7 has no electricity at home that I the reason why she

cannot study her lesson and do her assignment at home. Also, she serves as a maid in a

house in their barangay, after school she will go to the house where she works. She only

uses English language at school during English class when she is mandated to speak. At

home, the language she is using is Kapampangan only. To be able to go to school, she

needs to walk for six hours that is why she is always late in her first subject which is English

and sometimes she cannot make it to class. She has no gadget and no materials at home

that can be used to study her lessons. Even though she wants to buy materials, she cannot

because her father is a farmer and her mother is just a plain housewife the salary of her

father cannot compensate other things such books. The words of her parents fueled her to

do her best in fulfilling her dreams.


As for Aeta Student 8, she travels three to four hours from home to school and vice

versa. It is one of the reasons why participant 8 cannot come to school sometimes. Another

factor is the electricity, Aeta Student 8’s house does not have electric power so when it gets

dark they cannot read and study anymore because there is no electricity and they do not

have any resources or gadgets to use aside from the book the school lend to them.

Fortunately, Aeta Student 8’s parents and family are supportive. Aeta Student 8 said that

his family encouraged him when he feels tired and when he almost gives up in his dreams.

And now, his hard work is being paid off for he is now a Grade 10 student.

Student Aeta 9 was not able to learn English at home because none of her family

members can speak the language. Her parents encouraged her to perform well in the class

to achieve her dreams and with that, she was supported financially. She stated that there

are times that she was late in the class and admitted that traveling to school gave her a hard

time because of the distance. There are also various reasons why she got late in the class.

First, she must finish the household choirs to lessen the task of her parents and second, she

lived in a remote area that is far away from the school. Sometimes she needs to walk about

four hours just to go to school because she is eager to learn but there are also times she

rides on a motor vehicle that decreases her burden in walking a long distance just to study.

Participant added that she really has a good relationship to her siblings and in their


Nowadays social media accounts and having a cellphone are in trends but Student

Aeta 9 does not have her account and cellphone to use in socializing with others and that

gives her struggles on how to communicate effectively.


Lastly, Aeta Student 10’s home is 3-4 hours walk away from school, it is one of the

factors why Aeta Student 10 cannot attend school most of the time. Another struggle she

experiences is electricity, they do not have electric power to light up their home that is

needed in reading and studying the lessons at home. If they will be dismissed by the teacher

at 4 O’ clock in the afternoon she will walk home for four hours and when she came it is

dark already, so it is a hard time for them to do homework. Aeta Student 10 also do not

have any gadgets she can use in learning. Nonetheless, her family still supports her by

giving everything they can give. It was also her family who motivate her despite of the

challenges she faces in school.

As a summary, eight out ten Aetas have no electricity at home, most of them are

using lamps, candles and solar, therefore, they are struggling in doing their homework and

reviewing their lessons. They are only using the English book that their teacher gave them,

but three of the Aetas have additional references to use at home such as old books and

newspapers that they collected in garbage or brought by their parents, these references are

used to learn more in their English subject. Most of their time is being spent in helping

their parents in household chores, taking care of their siblings, and having a part time job

to suffice their basic needs, since then, they do not have enough time to study their lessons

specially in English, because they have to put first in line the needs of their family to

survive. They do not usually use the English language as a medium to communicate since

they felt inferior because of the discrimination they experienced among the non-indigenous

students, instead they are using Tagalog or Kapampangan to communicate with the non-

indigenous people. Moreover, their home is a bit far to their school, all of them are spending

1-6 hours walk to reach the school, as a result they experienced being late in their English

subject, since, it is their first period. Two out of ten Aetas have cellphone, they are using

this to communicate with their friends and for entertainment purposes, but they do not

usually use it since their community has no signal. They think English is the key to lessen

the discrimination and judgment that they are experiencing among the non-indigenous

people and to teach their parents and relatives in reading and writing that is why they really

want to learn the English language.

3. Implication to Language Teaching and Learning

Through the findings of this study about challenges encountered by Aetas, the

following implications for language teaching and learning are as follows:

Strives to give enlightenment for language teachers on how and what actually

taking place in classrooms in terms of teacher- student interaction, particularly for students

from different cultures. The teacher should simulate the significant role of a good parent

that will equally treat each student’s despite of the differences they have.

For having indigenous students who are mostly bullied because of their color, the

teacher should encourage students to respect each other and eliminate the divisions

between them caused by their cultural distinction.

Identifying the challenges encountered by Aetas is a great instrument for an

effective and efficient language teaching and learning. It guides language teachers to the

most effective tools and methods that they are about to utilize, specifically in handling

learners just like the participants of the study. Ways that will help the Aetas to develop a

sense of encouragement and motivation with their selves, in order for them to easily

perceive, comprehend and learn the English language.

Chapter 5


This chapter summarizes the findings of the case study and the conclusions which were

drawn from the data gathered from the participants. Recommendations are also given to

aid future researchers who will conduct a study that is related to this study.

Summary of Findings

The following findings answered the specific questions raised at the beginning of the study:

1. One out of ten participants got an average of 83 in their third quarter grading in English

class. One of them got 82. Two participants got 81. Two got 80. The other one got 79.

Another two got 77 and the other one got 76.

2. Aeta student 7 got twelve (12) absences, eight (8) late arrivals. Aeta student 1 got nine

(9) absences, 7(seven) late arrivals. Whereas Aeta student 3 got 8 (eight) absences with

8 (eight) late arrivals. Aeta student 4, 9 and 10 got seven (7) absences, Aeta student 4

and 9 got five (5) late arrivals and Aeta student 10 got eight (8) late arrivals. However,

six (6) absences and six (6) late arrivals were obtained by Aeta student 5. Aeta student

8 got five (5) absences, and three 3 late arrivals. Lastly, Aeta student 2 and 6 got four

(4) absences while Aeta student 2 got four (4) late arrivals and Aeta student 6 got three

(3) late arrivals.

3. In terms of personal aspect, Aeta students are ranging from 11 to 17 years old when

English language was introduced to them. All of them are considered as introvert,

because of the fact that they are all bullied by their classmates. Eight out of ten

participants are not exposed to English movies and English books. All of the

participants are using their mother tongue that is why they are totally not expose to the

English language. Despite those, they still believe that learning the English language is

important for it can help them for communication.

4. All of the participants only have English textbook at school and no other references

because the school has no library. Since they have same English teacher, same methods,

the participants still have different perception on how they absorb what the teacher is

discussing. The participants admitted that school is the most comfortable place for them

to study, but because of the discrimination they had they became uncomfortable.

Nevertheless, the participants used those struggles as their motivation to study well.

5. Eight out of ten student Aetas have no electricity at home. Three out of ten participants

have additional references at home, while the others do not have. Most of the time of

the participants is being spent in helping their parents in household chores, taking care

of their siblings, and having a part time. All of the participants are using their mother

tongue at home. Their houses are far away from school they need to travel 1-6 hours to

reach the school. Two out of ten participants have cellphone that is use for

communication and entertainment purposes. They think English is a key to lessen the

discrimination and judgment that they are experiencing.


The following conclusions were made based on the given findings:

1. The participants have low grades in their English subject therefor they are having

challenges in learning the English language.


2. Aeta students have a large number if absences and tardiness because of the distance of

their house to school.

3. All the Aetas started learning the English language around 11-15 therefore they are

having challenges in learning English language.

4. Aeta students are introvert that they do not want to interact with other students since

then, they are not able to practice the use of English language.

5. Aeta students felt discriminated and bullied because of their physical appearance but for

them as they concluded that it served as their motivation to perform well in the class and

finish their studies.

6. They only have a little exposure to the English language as they give more emphasis to

the utilization of their mother tongue, specifically in their home that contributes to their

struggle in learning the English language.

7. They consume one to six hours on their travel time from home to school that is why they

always came late on their class which is considered as a factor that challenged them with

their studies particularly in English subject resulting them to miss the lessons, tasks and

other activities.

8. Aeta students do not have enough reading materials at home that lead them in neglecting

to learn the English language.

9. Aeta students with no electricity in their houses are having a hard time in reading their

books and doing their assignments.


10. Most of the Aetas are not supported financially by their parents as a result they cannot

buy the materials they needed in school.

11. The English teacher of the Aetas used different methods in teaching the English

language that is why the Aeta students are having challenges in learning the language.

12. Most of the participants have no other references other than their English book, they

have no alternative materials in learning English language.

13. Aeta students pleaded that school helped them so much to learn different things even

though they do not have the library and they were surrounded by judgmental people, it

made them eager to achieve their dreams.


1. They should be given scholarship to provide assistance for their studies, to lessen their

burden in providing for their basic needs and in order for them to give focus and

attention to their studies.

2. The English teacher implement special class so that the Aeta have more time to learn

the English language.

3. Aeta students should have boarding house in order to attend their class on time, since

then they will not spend their time in walking just to reach the school.

4. The government should provide additional materials in learning the English language.

5. They should be given a supply of electricity on their community that plays an important

on their learning as they used to read, review, and create their assignment or other

outputs which only be completed at home the place that should also be considered as

conducive on effective and efficient as integral part of their learning.


6. The English teacher should implement different methods and techniques in teaching

the English language, so that it is easy for the Aetas to learn.

7. School Admin should have seminars for the students and teachers that focus about

diversity, culture and races in the world.

8. School administrators should promote inclusive curriculum and should orient the

students and teachers that Aetas are different from others but should be treated equally.


A. Books

Friederici, AD. (Oct 2011). "The brain basis of language processing: from structure to
function". Physiol Rev. 91 (4): 1357–92.

Khasinah, S. (May 2014). Factors Influencing Second Language Acquisition. Englisia

Vol. 1 No.2, 256-269

B. Journal Articles

Canchala, R. E. (March 1, 2018). Profile issues in Teachers' Professional Development.

Rertrieved from:

Duldulao, M. (1987). The Filipinos: Portrait of a People. Quezon City: Oro Books.
Retrieved from:

Microsoft Philippines Communications Team ( July 1, 2018). Empowering the

indigenous learners in the Philippines through education. Retrieved from:

Australian Embassy The Philippines (2004). Australian Embassy provides Basic

Education to Aeta kids. Retrieved from:

Ciriacruz, S.M.B. (January 5, 2018). INSPIRING: These Youths are Bringing Light to the
Aeta Communities in Tarlac. Retrieved from:

Teves, M.A. (April 27, 2009). Aetas find power in Innovative Education. Retrieved from:

C. Internet Resources

Bhat, A. Types of Sampling: Sampling Methods with Examples Retrieved from:

Natividad, N. (December 23, 2016). The long road to education. Retrieved from:

Haynes, J. (2005). How Culture Shock Affects Newcomers. Retrieved from:

Espiritu, J. (2018). Livelihood Resources, Practices and Values of Aetas in Mid-Baytan—

Implications to Education and Community Development. Retrieved from:

Mbaleka, S. (October 2013). Quality Education for Native Filipinos:

A Phenomenological Case Study of Indigenous Learners. Retrieved from:

Buckley S, and Purdie N. (September 30, 2010). School attendance and retention of
Indigenous Australian Students. Retrieved from:

Bishop R, Berryman M, Wearmouth J (2014) 'Te Kotahitanga : towards effective education

reform for indigenous and other minoritised students', Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER
Press. Retrieved from

Helen and Mark. (2010). Indigenous Education. Retrieved from

Ames, P. (2011). Language, culture and identity in the transition to primary school:
Challenges to indigenous children's rights to education in Peru. Retrieved from

Arteage, I. and Glewwe, P. (2017). Do community factors matter? An analysis of the

achievement gap between indigenous and non-indigenous children in Peru. Retrieved from rights and content

Taeko, O. and Brent, E. (2017). Policy promise and the reality of community involvement
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Brasche, I. and Harrington, I. (2012, August). Promoting Teacher Quality and Continuity:
Tackling the Disadvantages of Remote Indigenous Schools in the Northern Territory.
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Retrieved from

DepEd order 11 section 157 series of 2011

Attendance and Punctuality.



Section 157.1. Absences. A pupil/student who incurs absences of more than twenty percent

(20%) of the prescribed number of class or laboratory periods during the school year or

term should be given a failing grade and given no credit for the course or subject.

Furthermore, the school head may, at his/her discretion and in the individual case, exempt

a pupil/student who exceeds the twenty percent (20%) limit for reasons considered valid

and acceptable to the school. Such discretion shall not excuse the pupil/student concerned

from responsibility of keeping up with lesson assignments and taking examinations when

indicated. The discretionary authority is vested in the school head, and may not be availed

of by a student nor granted by a faculty member without the consent of the school head.

Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the morning and in the afternoon

shall not be allowed. Teachers concerned shall call for the parent or guardian of the student

concerned or visit him at home.


No. Question Yes No
1. Do like your English subject?

2. Do you easily adjust when English was introduced to you?

3. Are you having hard time adapting the English language?

4. Do you speak using the English language?

5. Do you watch English movies?

6. Do you read English book?

7. Do you have your own ways on how to acquire English


8. Do you think that your ways in acquiring the English language

are effective?

9. Do you think that there's a need to study English language?

10. Does your teacher provide lecture in presenting English lessons?

School Environment
1. Are you required to speak English language in your English
subject time?

2. Do you often use English language while participating with the

class discussion specifically under the English subject?

3. Do you have ways/strategies in addressing those challenges?

4. Do you think that your school has a lot of materials that will
help you to cope with those challenges?

5. Do you think that these materials are helpful and effective in

acquiring English language easily?

6. Do you think these ways of your English teacher is effective in

acquiring English language?

7. Did you encounter problems in the social environment that you

want to address in acquiring English language?

8. Does your teacher use differentiated tasks that will help you in
acquiring English language?

9. Do you have difficulty in taking English tests?

10. Do you think that your school has great assistance and support
in strengthening English language within your school

Social Environment
1. Did you encounter problems in the social environment that you
want to address in acquiring English language?

2. Do you have your own ways that will help you to overcome
those problems?

3. Do you use English language as a conversational tool to the

people around you?

4. Are you having hard time in expressing your thoughts using

English language?

5. Do you think that English language is a need in our society


6. Does speaking using the English language boost your

confidence in public speaking?

7. Where you involve in tutoring class?

8. Are using social media sites to communicate with others?

9. Are you having serious conversation with students with different

race than your own?

10. Did you ever try to communicate with the English tourists
usually visit your community?

No. Deng kutang Wa Ali

A. Personal Aspect
1. Buri me ing asignaturang Ingles?

2. Sagli ka mu bang makatuki patye mipalto ne ing salitang Ingles


3. Magkasakit kayu ba keng pamanigaral salitang Ingles?

4. Manalbe kayung pilikulang Ingles?

5. Mamasa kayung librung Ingles?

6. Atin kayung sariling paralan king pamanigaral salitang Ingles?

7. King palage mu, matagumpe o epektib la ba deng kekang

paralan para mabyasang salitang Ingles?
8. Kekwentu mu bang karanasan mu king biye kareng kaluguran
mu gamit ing salitang Ingles?
9. King palage mu, importanti ba ing salitang Ingles?

10. Reng aliwang tawu, mipapakarine la patye magsalita la king

Ingles, milyari naba keka ita?
11. Sibukan mu na bang magsalita gamit ing salitang Ingles?

12. Komportable ka ba patye gagamitan me ing salitang Ingles??

13. Aramdaman mu na bang kakalatyan ka keng sarili mu kareng

aliwa mung kaklasi patye magsalita ka king Ingles?
14. Aramdaman mu na bang pegsistiyan daka king itsura mu?

15. Ing pamagtisti da ba maka-apektu ya king pamagaral mo?

B. School Environment

16. Ing klasrum ba ing peka-ustung lugar bang mabyasa kang


17. Raramdaman mu ba ing positibo at relax na pakiramdam king

kilub eskwelas?
18. Epektib o masalese ya ba ing klasrum mu king pamanigaral?

19. Reng bang paralan a gagamitan na ing mestra king pamanurung

Ingles ay epektib la?
20. Atin kayu bang librong Ingles king eskwela?

21. Parusahan na ka ba ning mestra mu patye mali ya ing kekang


22. Mipapakarine kaba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub ning

23. Ayntidyan me ing mestra yu patye magsalita yang diretsung


C. Social Environment
24. Manigaral kang Ingles king bale?

25. Atin kayu bang kuryenti king bale?

26. Gagawan mo reng asaynment mo king Ingles?

27. Sosopan da kaba deng penagri mu king pinansyal?

28. Hikayatan naka ba ning pengari mu bang magaral?

29. Atin kang kapatad king bale na maghikayat kekang manigaral?

30. Sibukan mu na bang manyad sawup king pamanggawa kareng

asaynment mu?

31. Atin ba karing miyembru mu king pamilya na biyasang

magsalitang Ingles?
32. Sasake kayu ba papunta king eskwela?

33. Magkasakit kaba king pamagbiyahi mu papuntang eskwela?

34. Makaranas ka bang gulu o problema kareng siping mung bale?

35. Atin bang bage king bale yu na malyaring basan?

36. Atin kayu bang gadgets king bale na malyaring makasawup keka
bang mabyasa ka king salitang Ingles?
37. Gagamit ka bang "sosyal midya" bang makisabi kareng aliwang

38. Komportable kaba king kekayung bale/komyunidad?

39. King palage mu, maka-apektu ya ba ing pamagbiyahi mu simula

bale anggang eskwela king kekang pamagaral?

40. King palage mu, kailangan taya ba ing salitang Inglis king
lipunan tamu yen


1. What did you feel when you first encounter the English language?

2. Why do you not prefer to work with groups?

3. What is the impact of sharing your life experiences with your friends?

4. What are your reasons for learning English language?

5. What did you feel when you get embarrassed in speaking English language?

6. What are the impacts of being inferior in class?

7. What kind of discrimination have you experienced?

8. What are the impacts of being discriminated with your classmates?

9. Why do you like/dislike your English subject?

10. Why are you not watching English movies?

11. Why are you not reading English books?

12. What are your own ways in acquiring the English language?

13. Why do we need to study English?

14. How do you feel inside your classroom?

15. What are your embarrassing experiences inside your classroom?

16. What are your teacher’s methods in teaching English language?

17. What are the other references that you use in school?

18. What punishment/s does your teacher give you?

19. What are the problems you encountered in school?

20. What are the differentiated tasks your teacher does to help you to learn the English


21. How does having/not having electricity affects you as a student?

22. How much time do you spend in studying at home?


23. What time do you usually study?

24. How does electricity affects you in doing your homework?

25. What are your resources in doing your homework?

26. How often do you speak using the English language?

27. What language/s do you use at home?

28. What encouragement from your parents affects your studying?

29. How far is your home to school?

30. How long do you travel going to school?

31. What reading materials do you have?

32. How often do you use these reading materials?

33. What are your purpose in using these?

34. What gadgets do you have?

35. How often do you use these gadgets?

36. What are your purpose in using these?

37. Have you experience being late in your class?

38. What are the ways to overcome this difficulty?

39. What do you think is the importance of English language in your society?

40. What are the social media sites you use to communicate with others?

41. How do you communicate to non-indigenous students?

42. What language do you use in communicating with non-indigenous students?




1. Pilan na kang banua anyang inumpisan mong penigaralan ing lengguhaweng


2. Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mumuna meng

3. Nanung epektu na keka ing pamag-kwentu mo kareng kaluguran mu?

4. Nanung rason mu bakit me panigaralan ing lengguhaweng Ingles?

5. Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mipakarine ka anyang sasabi ka gamit ing

lengguhaweng Ingles?

6. Nanu ing epekto na keka ing pamaglawe dang malati keka king klasi yu?

7. Nanung klasing pamagtisti ing aranasan mu?

8. Nanung epekto na keka ing pamagtisti da reng kaklasi mu?

9. Bakit buri/eme buri ing asignaturang Ingles?

10. Bakit eka manalbeng penikulang Ingles?

11. Bakit eka mamasang librung Ingles?

12. Nanu la reng paralan mu para atutunan me ing lengguhaweng Ingles?

13. Bakit taya kailangang panigaalan ing Ingles?


14. Nanung araramdaman mu king kilub klase?

15. Nanung la retang makarine mung aranasan king klasi mu?


16. Nanu la retang paraan naning mestra mu king pamagturung Ingles?

17. Nanu la pa reng aliwa mung sanggunian na gamit mu king eskwela?

18. Nanu la reng parusang bibye na kekayu ning mestra mu?

19. Nanu la reng problema mung aranasan king eskwela?

20. Nanu la reng aktibidad na bibye na ning mestra yu kekayu na makasawup king

pamagaral yung lenggwaheng Ingles?


21. Makananu yang maka-apektu keka ing atin kuryente bilang estudyante?

22. Pilang oras ka manigaral leksyun king asignatura mung Ingles king bale?

23. Nanung oras ka manigaral leksyun?

24. Nanu la reng gagamitan mu king pamaggawa mung asainment?

25. Makananu ka kadalas gagamit salitang Ingles?

26. Nanung lenggwuhe ing gagamitan yu king bale?

27. Nanu ing epektu ning pamaghikayat na ning penagri mu king pamagaral mu?

28. Makananu ya kalaut ing bale yu king eskwela?

29. Makananu kalwat ing byahe mu papuntang eskwela?

30. Nanung gagamitan papamasa ing atin ka?

31. Makananu kadalas mu la gagamitan deng gamit mung pamamasa?

32. Nanu ing dahilan bakit mula gagamitan deta?

33. Atin ka bang gadgets?

34. Makananu mu la kadalas gagamitan deng gadgets mu?

35. Nanu ing dahilan mu bakit mula gagamitan deta?

36. Aranasan mu na bang metalwi king klasi yu?


37. Nanu la reng paralan mu para atagumpayan mula reng sakit ang makanini?

38. Nanu sa tingin ing importansya na ning Ingles keng lipunan tamu?

39. Nanu la reng mga site ning social media ing gagamitan mu para makisabi kareng


40. Makanu ka makisabi ka reng kaklasi mung ali katutubo?

41. Nanung lenngwahe ing gagamitan mu para makisabi kareng estudyanting ali













Aeta Student 1
Interviewer: Mayap a abak keka. Estudyante kami ibat king Tarlac State University, atsu
kami keni para kumang impormasyun tungkul keka a parti ning gagawan ming research
paper. Atsu kami keni para mag-interview keka, kasi ikayu ing subject ning research mi na
"Challenges encountered by Aetas in English Language Learning", reng indigenous people
o katutubu na kalupa yung magaral keni king O'Donnell High School. Eka migaganaka,
manatili lang confidential o alang ninu man ing makabalu kareng data o impormasyung
binye mu kekami. Kaylangan mu mung sagut kareng kutang a biye ku. Okay mu ba ita?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atsaka ing impormasyun a ibye mu kaku tungkul keka ay kaylangan kung i-
record, para akwa ku la ngan buo ding sagut mu. Okay mu ba ita?
Interviewee: Opu.
Interviewer: (Other students were creating noises). Osige ne, ini ing mununa kung
question, buri yo ba reng asignaturang Ingles? Buri me ba ing subject a Ingles makanyan?
(Other students are murmuring).
Interviewee: Bagya pu.
Interviewer: Buri me? Yeni ing pangadwa kung kayi, kutang, sagli ka mu bang mebiasa
keng wikang Ingles? ( A teacher discusses her lesson on a near classroom). Halimbawa
patye ating tuturu, sagli kamu bang makatuki? Yeni, magkasakit kaba king pamanigaral
wikang Ingles? Halimbawa patye ating tuturu, sagli kamu bang makatuki? Magkasakit ka
ba? Medyo mo? (Some students are having conversations with their classmates). Yeni
manalbe ka bang pelikulang Ingles? Halimbawa, movie a Ingles ing wika o salita da,
manalbe kang makanita? (Other group member's voices are also covered as they
interview other Aetas).
Interviewee: Opu, magkasakit kupu.
Interviewer: Mamasa naka man bang librong Ingles? Halimbawa itang binye da kekang
libru, babasan me ita?
Interviewee: Opu, bagya mu mu, kasi pu dakal obran keng bale, yaku pu kasi ing
pangadwang pengari king bale, i ma ku pu magobra ya king malawut, katulung ya pu.
Aku pu ing manese kareng kapatad ku. Manintunan ku murin pu, mamupul hule ampong
prutas at titinda ku lapu reta, kaya emina masyadung asisikasu ing pamagaral mi,
kailangan mi pung magobra, para mika pera kepu, adyang bagya mu pu, kailangan mipa
murin pung manintunan.
Interviewee: Ah, anya minsan, talagang enakayu makapamasang libru, kasakit naman
pala ne? Anya mas sikaswan yu ing pamanintun kesa king pamamasa o pamanigaral bang

atin kayung gamitan adyang ditak mu, lalo na ing para bakal yu, panyaling pamangan
keng eskwela at bilang kadwang ima.
Interviewee: Opu, mamupul kepa pung gule atsaka miyapu itinda kalupa ning kalabasa
at kamuti. Kayari pu, maglinis kepang bale.
Interviewer: Yeni, atin ka bang sariling paralan bang mabyasa kang wikang Ingles?
King pamanigaral makanyan, atin ka bang sariling paralan?
Interviewee: Atin pu, misan pu keng bakanting oras mi king klasi, mamasa kami pung
lessons, lalo na pu patye recess. Ita pu ing kakung sariling paralan para mas mabyasa pa
keng Ingles,
Interviewer: Ah, kasanting naman pala, ing bakanteng oras namu ing kukunan yu para
makapamasa kasi king bale, ala nakayu oras para mamasa, King palage mu, reta bang
paralan na gagamitan at gagawan mu para mabyasa kang wikang Ingles ay effective la
ba? O masanting la ba para keka?
Interviewee: Alipu, balamu mu kulang pa pu. (Someone walks, and created some sort of
Interviewer: Yeni, aliwang question naman, kukwentu mu ba kareng aliwa mung
kaluguran ing problema mu gamit ing wikang Ingles? Halimbawa, atin kang aranasang
masakit, yeni makisabi ka kareng kaluguran mu, gagamitan me ba ing wikang Ingles
bang asabi ing problemang ayta?
Interviewee: Ali pu, alikuman pu masyadu kukwentu ing biye ku karela, ekupu mahilig
magkwentung problema kareng aliwang tawu, adyang kalupa miya pa pung Aeta.
Interviewer: Ah, buri mu sasarilinan mu mu ing problema mu ne?
Interviewee: Opu.
Interviewer: Yeni naman, ing aliwa kung kutang, king palage mu, importante ya ba ing
wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, importanti ya pu, para pu makisabi kareng tawung ibat aliwang bansa
at para mabyasa pa pu lalu. Kailangan ku pung magaral at mabyasa kanini, kasi pu parti
ne ning kakung tagumpe ini para apakit na atin ke murin pung kakayanan na mabyasa
keni. (Other interviewer's voices were heard).
Interviewer: Reng aliwang tawu, mipapakarine la patye magsalita la keng Ingles,
halimbawa reng kaklase mu, magsalita la king Ingles king klase, king kilub ning eskwela,
yeni halimbawa ika, mipapakarine ka ba patye mag recite ka gamit ing wikang Ingles?
Milyari naba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opu, milyari na pu kaku, kaybat pu mayli la, siyempre pu makarine murin,
kaya pu minsan enakami mu pu mag recite, adyang awsan nakami pu ning teacher mi.
Interviewer: Ah melyari na kekayu ne, itang kalyan dakayo patye mali ya ing asagut yu,
halimbawa patye me wrong grammar kayu , nanu anman gagawan yu kanita, patye
kelyan dakayu?

Interviewee: Ala pu, tahimik nakami mu pu kanita.

Interviewer: Yeni asubukan muna bang gemitan ing salitang Ingles? Halimbawa, patye
mag recite ka, asubukan mo ne bang gemitan?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Yeni, komportable naka man ba patye gagamitan me ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, medyu.
Interviewer: Medyu komportabli kamu ne.
Interviewer: Yeni aramdman mu na bang memenosan daka reng aliwa mung kaklasi?
Halimbawa memenosan daka reng aliwa mung kaklase patye magsalita ka king Ingles?
Halimbawa, mengutang ya ing mestra mu, ngeni mali ya itang asagut mu king Ingles,
milyari naba ing pegsistiyan daka?
Interviewee: Opu milyari na pu, anya pu makarine talaga gagamit Ingles patye magsalita
Interviewer: Yeni, ita bang pamanisti da keka o itang pamaglati da keka, makaapektu
yaba king kekang pamagaral? (Other interviewer's voices were heard),
Interviewee: Opu, maka-apektu la pu.
Interviewer: Yeni, keni tanaman keng school, king malilyari keng school ne? Yeni ing
eskwela mu ba ay ing pekamasanting a lugar bang mabyasa kayung Ingles? Karin ka ba
Interviewee: Opu, karin ku pu mabibyasa.
Interviewer: Yeni aramdaman mu bang, positibu o relax ka king kilub ning klasrum?
Halimbawa king pamanigaral yu king oras ning Ingles?
Interviewee: Medyu mu pu.
Interviewer: Masalese neman ba ing klasrum mu king pamanigaral? Organized yaba ing
klasrum mo?
Interviewee: Opu.
Interviewer: Yeni, tungkul naman king mestra mu, epektibu laba reng paralan a
gagamitan ning maestra mu king pamanigaral? Gagamit ya bang aliwa-liwang paralan
bang a deliver na ing lesson? Ing lesson king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu gagamit ya pung dakal a paralan, aliwa liwa pu, oneng pung dahil
pagtisti da kami pu reng aliwang kaklase mi, enakami pu makyabe karela.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang librung Ingles king eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu

Interviewer: Awa. Yeni diba mekasagut kang mali? Atin ya bang gagawan a parusa ing
maestra mu? Patye atin megkamali kjng klase? O kaya masigla pakanita, halimbawa
patikdon nala keng klase?
Interviewee: Opu magpatikdo yapu.
Interviewer: Tapus antidyan mune man ba ing mestra mu patye magsalita yang diretsung
Ingles? Itang alang Tagalog o alang kapampangan?
Interviewee: Alipu, kasi pu diretsu yapung Ingles, emi yapu antidyan.
Interviewer: Manigaral nakaman Ingles king bale yo? Halimbawa kekayu, mamasa kang
libru pakanyan?
Interviewee: Opu pero malagad kumupung mamasa, kasi pu dakal pu dapat gawan king
bale pu, magobra, maglutu at dakal pa pu.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryenti king bale? Sulu makanyan? Atin kayu?
Halimbawa dininan nakang assignment ning mestra mu king Ingles, gagawan mo ba reta
king bale o king eskwela?
Interviewee: Ala man pu, ala kami pung kuryenti king bale, ali naku pu makagawang
assignment kasi pu dakal gagawan.
Interviewer: Sosopan raka ba ring pengari mu king gastusan king eskwela? Susuportan
naka ba ning pengari mu king pamanigaral mo?
Interviewee: Opu, suportado lapu kaku, pero kaylangan ku pa murin pung magobra.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang kapatad king bale? Sosopan daka bang manigaral reng
kapatad mung areni? King kekang pamanigaral, halimbawa, gagawa kang assignment?
Sosopan daka ba?
Interviewee: Yaku pu ing pangane at ala paung makasawup kaku para manigaral king
Interviewer: Atin ba king miyembru mu king pamilya na biyasang magsalitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala pu, kaya pu kaylangan kung manigaral, para pu aturwanan kula deng
pengari ampong kapatad ku.
Interviewer: Yeni keng pamamunta mu king eskwela? Malawut yaba ing bale mu keni?
Interviewee: Opu, limang oras po ing biyahe.
Interviewer: Sasake kayu bang motor o maglakad kayu mu?
Interviewee: Maglakaad kami mu pu, ganingaldo pa pu maglakad nakami.
Interviewer: Yeni makaranas ka bang gulu kareng sipung yung bale?
Interviewee: Ali pu, kasi pu mikakasundu kami pu karin, metung kami pung tribu at atin
kami pung malasakit king metung at metung.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang bage king bale na malyaring basan?

Interviewee: Opu dakal po, libru pu ampo lumang diyaryo, pero aliku nalapu ababasa,
Atin ke murin pung bible.
Interviewer: Atin kayu din bang gadgets? Halimbawa, cellphone at tablet pakanyan?
Interviewee: Ala man pu.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang facebook? O aliwang sites king social media na gagamitan
para makisabi kareng aliwang tawu?
Interviewee: Ala pu, ekula pu balu reta.
Interviewer: Komportable naka man ba king kekayung bale? Ala naman bang problema?
Interviewee: Minsan pu, mipapate lapu ding pengari ku, dahil pu keng sakit ning biye,
ala pung pera, ita pu ing kasalukuyang dahilan ning e pagkakaintindihan king bale.
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan ya bang panigaralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, kailangan tanu pu talagang mabyasang Ingles, para mabyasa tamung
makisabi, lalo na po kareng kalupa ming Aeta, bang apakit mi pu na atin kami pa rin
pung kakayahang mabyasa king wikang Ingles.
Interviewer: Pilan na kang banua anyang inumpisan mung penigaralan ing salitang
Intervieweee; Anyang mumuna ku pung menigaral, subject miyapu ing Ingles kanita,
eleven ku pu kanita.
Interviewee: Nanung aramdaman mu anyang minuna yang mituru keka ing wikang
Ingles? Anyang minuna meng ikit?
Interviewer: Balamu pu masakit ya, ing lawe kupu kanita king wikang Ingles ay masakit
ya pu talaga. (Other interviewer's stated questions were heard on the voice recorder)
Interviewee: Nanung dulut na itang, halimbawa patye istorya mu itang problema mu
king aliwang tawu? Makasawup laba ken problema mo?
Interviewee: Ekuman pu kukwentu ing problema ku kareng aliwang tawu, sasarilinan
kumu pu ing problema ku, adyang pung masakit kailangan ke pung dinan solusyon.
Interviewer: Nanu naman ing kekang rason o dahilan para mabyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu mabyasa kaming magsalitang wikang Ingles, kasi king panawun
ayni kailangan yapu talaga ing wikang ayni, lalo na po king pamagaral ampo pamakisabi.
Ikami pung Aeta, kailangan miya pu ini, para apakit kareng unat na atin ke murin pung
kakayahan para mabyasa.
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mu patye megkamali ka at mipakarine ka king
pamagsalitang Ingles, halimbawa me wrong grammar ka? Nang aramdaman mu?

Interviewee: Malungkut pu, magtamle at siyempre pu masakit pu para kanaku pu ita,

kalupa da nakami man murin pung tawu na magkamali edakepu sana pagtisti o kalyan
itang masakit at sosobra na pu.
Interviewer: Pane mu bang aranasan ing makanini o malagad mu?
Interviewee: Opu, lalu na pu nung pamag recite pu, kanita pu mikarugan nakami pu.
Interviewee: Pane kayu bang mag recite ken klase?
Interviewee: Malagad mu pu.
Interviewer: Nanu nang klaseng pamagtisti ing aranasan mu, lalo na ken eskwela?
Interviewee: Ita pung sabyan da na baluga kami pu kanu, tapos pu ekami pu kanu biyasa
ara, at enakami pu kanu mabyasang wikang Ingles.
Interviewer: Nang epektu na ini?
Interviewee: Minsan pu eku linub kasi pu talagang mengaga kupu, sinabi na pu nitang
kaklase ku na baluga ku pu, talagang enaku pu bisang lungub kanita, makalbag kupu
mata, menasakit kupung tutu.
Interviewer: Yeni, bakit me buri ing subject a Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu mabyasa ku at agamit kepa pu kareng aliwa liwa pang bage.
Interviewer: Yeni naman, baligtaran taya, bakit eme buri ing subject a Ingles?
Interviewee: Masakit ya pu kasing panigaralan.
Interviewee: Bakit ka manalbeng pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Kasi pu metung lapung paralan deni para mabyasa king Ingles, pero aminan
ku pu na eke pu taga antidyan ing sasabyan da, makipanalbe ke mu pu, misan pu itang
kaklasi ku magdala yapung laptop tapus pu pilikulang Ingles ing alben da.
Interviewer: Nanu la retang sarili mung paralan bang mabyasa kang wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Panigaralan kula pung pasibayu deta pung me discuss, kareng bakanteng
oras pu, karin kami pu manigaral leksyon, lalo na pu babasan miya itang English a libru.
Atsaka mag review ku pu.
Interviewer: Ah, halimbawa ating exam o kaya graded recitation.
Interviewee: Bakit kailangan tayang panigaralan ing Ingles? Except king mabyasa tamu?
Interviewer: Halimbawa pu, kareng tawu king aliwang bansa, kailangan yapu ita para
apakisabyan la at potang mekapagobra ka aliwang bansa, kailangan yapu ita at para din
pu kekaming Aeta, para abalu da reng aliwang tawu na atin kaming kakayanan na
mabyasa at maging matagumpe king biye.
Interviewer: Ing klasrum ba ay ing pekamasanting a lugar para mabyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, Karin kemu pu mabibyasa king Ingles.

Interviewer: Komportabli at relax naka man ba king kilub ning eskwela?

Interviewee: Ali naman pu masyadu, kasi pu kakarug kami kapag minsan.
Interviewer: Nanu na ing makarineng bage o pangyayari na aranasan muna king kilub
eskwela? Mipakarine nakaba?
Interviewee: Ita pu, mali yapu ing asagut ku tapos mayli lapo. Masakit po para kanaku
po ita. Matula la ngan pu, kaya pu didine naku patye mag recite, adyang balu ku pung
tama ya ing sagut ku.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan a gagamitan ning mestra mu king pamanurung Ingles?
Magpa lecture ya ba? Magpa report ya? Mag pa role-play ya ba?at aliwa-liwa pa?
Interviewee: Dakal yapu gagamitang bang mabyasa kami pu keng Ingles, role-play,
poem recitation, oral reporting, group activity at dakal pa pong aliwa.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang gagamitan na ing maestra mu king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Magpalwal yapu ampo mag patikdo kareng masigla.
Interviewer: Nanu na ing problemang aranasan mu king kilub eskwela?
Interviewee: Ita pung balamu masakit makanyan, talaga pung ita ing peka problema
bukud pu keng pamanisti kekami.
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu na ning ala kayung kuryenti king bale?
Interviewee: Siyempre pu, masakit, lalo na po patye manigaral kang bengi, talaga pung
emu akit at ala kang ayaninag, panayan mupa mupu ing abak bayu ka makapamasa.
Interviewer: Pilang oras ing kekang gagamitan king pamanigaral leskyon?
Interviewee: Ala pu, enakupu makapanigaral leksyun. Kasi pin pu dakal ku gagawan
Interviewer: Patye atin kang assignment, nanu la reng gagamitan mung sanggunian king
bale na malyari makasawup kareng assignment mu?
Interviewee: King libru pu, karin kami pu kukwang assignment, halos ita pu ing basehan
mi bang mabyasang Ingles at king pamanggawang assignment.
Interviewer: Madalas me bang gagamitan ing wikang Ingles patye sasabi ka?
Halimbawa keng bale.
Interviewee: Aliman pu, eke pa pu kasi masyadung kabisadu.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng wikang gagamitan mu king bale?
Interviewee: Zambal pu, Kapampangan pu at Tagalog. (Somebody creates loud voices)
Interviewer: Diba susuportan daka reng pengari mo king pamagaral, nanu la reng epektu
na nita, na ika balu mu na, suportado daka reng pengari mu?

Interviewee: Masaya kupu sir, kasi pu balu ku na atin manantabe kanaku, maniwal at
susuporta kaku, adyang kalulu kami mu at adyang dakal ing problemang daratang
kekami, magobra yapu i maku para kaku.
Interviewer: Makananu ya kalawut ing eskwela mu king bale?
Interviewee: Nung lakaran me pu, mahigit limang oras.
Interviewer: Maliban king libru king Ingles,nanu pang aliwang malyaring basan king
bale yu?
Interviewee: Diyaryu pu, magazine at lumang libro pu.
Interviewer: Makananu mu nala man kadalas gagamitan reng materials a reni?
Interviewee: Ekulaman pu gagamitan.
Interviewer: Makananu yula kadalas gagamitan reng cellphone areni?
Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang me late keng klase mo?
Interviewee: Opu, dakal na pung besis.
Interviewer: Nanung gewa mu bang ena maulit ita?
Interviewee: Maranun pung migising, gayak ampo pung maranun mako king bale, aryan
pung maranun ing obra.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang facebook? O aliwa pang social media sites?
Interviewee: Ala kuman pu.
Interviewer: Pakananu ka makisabe kareng unat? Maganaka la ba keka?
Interviewee: Makapanyad kang sawup karela? Halimbawa kareng gagawan eskwela?
Interviewee: Ali man pu, tatakut kupu karela, mapanisti la pu.
Interviewer: Nanu ing salitang gagamitan mu bang makisabi karela?
Interviewee: Kapampangan pu atsaka tagalog, deta pung adwa ring kekaming
gagamitan, ken kami pu komportable king pamakisabi kareng aliwang tawu.

Aeta Student 2
Interviewer: Hello! Mayap a abak keka. Kamusta? Magpakilala ku pa ne? 4th year BSED
English a estudyanti kami a magaral at ibat king Tarlac State University. Atsu kami keni
para king metung a parting gagawan mi para king kekaming research paper na "Challenges
encountered by Aetas in English language learning" Atsu kami keni para mag-interview
kareng kalupa yung indigenous people o katutubu na magaral keni king O'Donnell High
School. Atin ku mung ikutang keka at kaylangan mu lamung sagutan, mamye kamung
impormasyun tungkul kareng kutang a ibye ku keka. Ayus mu ba keka?

Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Eka migaganaka, kasi deng ibahagi mung kwentu at impormasyun kaku ay
ali dala abalu reng aliwa. Manatili lang confidential. Ayus mu ba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opu, ayus mu pu.
Interviewer: Atsaka ing pisabyan tamu pala ay kaylangan kung i-record, para akwa
kulangan ring egana-ganang impormasyun a sabyan at ibahagi mu kaku. Ayus mu ba keka
na i-record ku?
Interviewee: Opu, ala pung problema. Sige pu.
Interviewer: Wa ampong ali mu ini ne? Ini ing mumuna kung question keka, buri me ba
ing subject a Ingles?
Interviewee: Medyu mu pu, para kaku, masakit ya pu.
Interviewer: Sagli ka mu bang makatuki anyang minuna meng ikit ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu, megkasakit ku pu, elementary pu anyang minuna miyang aranasan
ing pamanigaral English, talaga pung masakit ya, hangga pu yeni emiyapu masyadu
antidyan, eleven kupu kanita inyang mununa keng abalu ing Ingles.
Interviewer: Manalbe ka bang pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, manalbe kami pu, minsan pu keng eskwela para pu mas lalu miyang
abalu itang istorya a i discuss na ing maestra mi.
Interviewer: Mamasa ka bang librung Ingles? Atin kayu bang libru king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu atin.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang sariling paralan king pamanigaral wikang Ingles? Halimbawa
mamasa kang pasibayu makanyan?
Interviewee: Opu, minsan mu misawup sawup kaming mikakaklase lalo na po ikaming
Aeta, mag pulung kami pu patye emiyapu balu, potang kayi pu mangutang kami kareng
aliwa para pu turo da kami. Pero emiya pu talaga agyu, ala pung makaying makaintindi
kekami kaya masakit yapu.
(Someone walks around and created some sort of noises)
Interviewer: Halimbawa atin kang problema, kukwentu mu ba kareng aliwa mung
kaklase o kaya kareng kaluguran mu gamit ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, kasi pu para asopan daku pu, ekupu agyu patye akumu pung dili. Pero
kareng kalupa kumu pung Aeta, pero ali pu gamit ing wikang Ingles.
Interviewer: King palage mu importante ya ba ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu importanti yapu, lalu na kaylangan ya pung panigaralan at kaylangan
yapu king biye tamu yeni lalo napo king pamagobra. Ikami pung Aeta kailangan miyapu
talaga, lalu na pu yaku, pangarap ku oung maging mestra, para pu makasawup kareng

kalupa ming Aeta, at aturwanan ing pengari at kapatad ku na manigaral mamasa at

sumulat, kasi pu ela talaga biyasang sumulat.
Interviewer: Reng aliwa, mipapakarine la, patye magsalita la king wikang Ingles, kasi
megkamali la o kaya wrong grammar la, milyari na ba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opu, talagang kasakit pu, lalo na pa itang kalyan daka o tumula la,
makarine pu ita.
Interviewer: Komportable naka man ba patye gagamitan me ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali naman pu king egana ganang oras, kasi pu minsan, uling mipakarine
nakami pu, anya pota pung pamag recite na naman,, talagang isipan mi pu, talagang
kakarug kami at tatakut pung mipakarine pasibayu.
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang pigsistiyan daka reng aliwa mung kaklase king
aliwang bage?
Interviewee: Opu itang pamamusit dapu na kesyo baluga kami pu kanu ada, masakit
yapu talaga ing salitang ayta para kekami.
Interviewer: Ing eskwela yu ba ay pekamasanting yang lugar para mabyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Komportabli at relax naka man ba king kilub klase? O masalese kamu?
Interviewee: Opu, pero depende pu nung atin pamag-recite o kaya pu kailangan
magsalita talaga pung kakarug nakami kanita at buri mi pung mayari na talaga ing oras.
Interviewer: Masalese ya ba ing klase mu kabang manigaral kayung leksyon? O king
pamagdiscuss masalese ya ba?
Interviewee: Opu, masalese neman pu, at masanting ya pu.
Interviewer: Yeni ing mestra yu king Ingles, dakal yaba paralan a gagawan bang
mabyasa kayu?
Interviewee: Opu dakal pu.
Interviewer: Effective at masalese la ba deng paralan na?
Interviewee: Opu, pero ekami pu makyabe pag minsan, kasi pu pota pagsisti dakami na
Interviewer: Parusahan naka ba ning mestra mu patye mali ka asagut?
Interviewee: Ali naman pu, patye mu pu masigla la reng aliwang kaklase, pero pu
minsan magpatikdo yapu, lalo na po nung alime asagut ing kutang na.
Interviewer: Mipapakarine ka ba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub klase?
Interviewee: Opu

Interviewee: Antidyan me ing mestra mu patye magsalita yang diretsu king wikang
Interviewee: Alikepu, masakit pung tukyan.
Interviewee: Manigaral naka man bang Ingles king bale yo? Halimbawa mamasa ka
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryenti keng bale? Sulu pakanyan?
Interviewee: Atin kami pung solar pu, ita pu ing gagamitan mi.
Interviewer: Pero masala naman ing sulu yu istung bengi ne?
Interviewee: Opu, pero matatda ya murin pu agad.
Interviewer: Gagawan mo reng assignment mu king bale? Halimbawa assignment king
Interviewee: Aliman pu, sosopan ke pu i tatang kung mangarbun ampo mag-repack
Interviewer: Suportado kaba kareng pengari mu king kekang pamagaral? Gagastus la
para keka, didinan dakang bakal pakanyan?
Interviewee: Opu, suporatado kupo karela at sosopan daku pung maragul. Pero yaku pu
magpagaral keng sarili ku, mangarbun ke pu patye bengi kayabe i tatang ku pu. Ning
misan pu didinan daku, pero ali naku man pu manyad.
Interviewer: Hikayatan daka ba reng pengari mu na magaral? Halimbawa, eka bisang
lungub kayi pilitan dakang lungub?
Interviewee: Opu, para pu karela ing pamagarul ku, para pu asopan kula.
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na manghikayat keka na magaral? Atsi,
koyang makanyan?
Interviewee: Ala man pu, yaku pu ing pangane kasi.
Interviewer: Karen bang miyembru mu king pamilya, atin bang biyasa na magsalitang
Interviewee: Ala man pu, kaya pu manigaral kubg masalese para mabyasa at aturwanan
kulapu deng pengari ku at anak a kapatad.
Interviewer: Sasake kayung motor papuntang eskwela o lalakad kayu mu?
Interviewee: Lalakad mu pu at limang oras pu ing biyahi.
Interviewer: Makaranas ka bang problema o gulu king siping mung bale?
Interviewee: Opu, minsan pu adyang metung kaming tribu, mipate pate kami pa murin
pu. Pero alinaman pu pane-pane, kayari pu ita misabi naman mu at magka-ayus na.

Interviewer: Atin bang bage king bale yu na malyaring basan? Diyaryu, magazine,
Interviewee: Opu dakal pu.
Interviewer: Atin kayung gadgets keng bale? Halimbawa, cellphone?
Interviewee: Ala man pu.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang facebook pakanyan?o aliwang site king sicial media?
Interviewee: Ala man pu, ekula pu balu reng pakanyan.
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba king bale yu? Masalese ba ing pakitungu yu kung
metung at metung?
Interviewee: Minsan pu ali, kasi pu i tatng ku pane yang malasing daratang, minsan pu
makipate ya adyang kaninu king bale.
Interviewer: Makaapektu ya ba ing pamagbiyahi mu simula bale hanggang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu, kasi pu malawut.
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan taya ba ing wikang Ingles king biye tamu yeni?
Interviewee: Opo, para makisabi, mabyasa at magamit patye magobra na at king aliwa
pa pung bage.
Interviewer: Pilan banwa ka anya unumpisan meng peniaralan ing Ingles?
Interviewee: Eleven kupu kanita.
Interviewer: Nang aramdaman mu anyang minuna meng ikit ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Makatakut at makakarug, kasi pu, balu ku na masakit ya ita.
Interviewer: Kukwentu mu kareng aliwang tawu ing karanasan mu pakanyan gamit ing
wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, kasi pu balu kupu na patye sinabi ke ing problema ku, malyari daku
pung sopan.
Interviewer: Nanu ing dahilan mu ut kailangan meng panigaralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu mabyasa at agamit yang masalese at para pu makisabi kareng ali
Pilipino, kareng tawu king aliwang bansa at metung pung bage na malyaring sawup kaku
para magtagumpe at akwa ing pangarap kung maging mestra.
Interviewer: Halimbawa mipakarine ka king kilub klase, nanung aramdaman mu kanita?
Interviewee: Masakit pu sir, lalo na po patye megkamali naka at awsan daka pa pung
baluga, sabyan da pu na enakami pu kanu mabyasa ada pu, kaya pu ali mi nalamu
papansinan istung minsan.

Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu na ita keka?

Interviewee: Masakit pu, kaya minsan pu gagaga kami.
Interviewer: Nanu nang klaseng pamagtisti ing kekang aranasan?
Interviewee: Ita pung awsan dakaming baluga ampong dakal la po sasabyan matsura
kekami. Masakit pu para kekami ita.
Interviewer: Bakit me buri ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu mabyasa at dakal ya pa pu malyaring gawan.
Interviewer: Baligtaran tane man, bakit ali mu neman buri ing Ingles?
Interviewee: Kasi pu balamu masakit ya pu atsaka dakal pa pu kaylangan para mabyasa
Interviewer: Bakit naka man manalbeng Ingles a pelikula?
Interviewee: Kasi pu masanting la atsaka kailangan la din po para mas masagling
mabyasa king wikang Ingles.
Interviewer: Bakit naka man mamasang Ingles a libru?
Interviewee: Kasi pu metung muring paralan para mabyasa pung Ingles.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng sarili mung paralan para mabyasa kang wikang Ingles?
(Student's voices in a classroom were heard)
Interviewee: Mamasa ku pung pasibayu, nung eke pu talaga antidyan, pasawup kupu
kareng kayabe kung Aeta. Atsaka misawup sawup kami pu.
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mu king kilub ning klase? King English time?
Interviewee: Masaya kupu patye atin activity, pero kakarug murin pu patye alimiya balu
ing lesson, tapos dakal po activities. Makatakut pu, pota pu masisti nakami na naman pu
kareng aliwang tawu.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan a gagamitan at gagawan ning mestra yu para
mabyasang Ingles?
Interviewee: Magpa-games ya pu, drama, stage play, jazz chant at dakal pa pu aliwa-
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang bibye ning maestra yu king kilub ning klase? Patye
ating masigla o e meka recite masalese?
Interviewee: Magpatikdo yapu at minsan magpalwal ya, lalo na po kareng masigla.
Interviewer: Halimbawa, ala kayung kuryenti, nanung epektu na king pamagaral ita?
Interviewee: Magkasakit kami pu, kasi pu madalumdum talaga, anyang ala kami pa pung
solar talaga pung ala kaming agagawa, pero yeni pung atin kaming solar lamp, adyang
pung agad yang matatda ay makasawup ya murin pu.

Interviewer: Pilang oras ing kekang gagamitan para manigaral leksyon?

Interviewee: Ala pung permanenteng oras kung nanu kung mag umpisa pero king bale
pu ali naku makapanigaral atsaka pu king eskweka minamu pu agagawa ita.
Interviewer: Nanu pang aliwa mung gagamitang malyaring makasawup kareng
pamanggawa kareng assignment mu?
Interviewee: Den mu pung magazine, dictionary pakanyan.
Interviewer: Nanung salita ing gagamitan mu king bale?
Interviewee: Kapampangan, zambal atsaka pu tagalog kapag minsan.
Interviewer: Nanung epektu na nitang balu mu na suportadu la keka reng pengari mu?
Interviewee: Siyempre pu masaya, kasi pu atsu la den pengari ku king siping ku. Para pu
mayari ku at Interviewer: asopan ku nala.
Interviewee: Makananu kalawut ing eskwela king bale yu?
Interviewee: Manga limang oras pu patye lakaran me, talaga pung malawut at masakit
Interviewer: Makananu mula kadalas gagamitan deng babasan na atin ka king bale,
halimbawa, reng diyaryu?
Interviewee: Enaku pu makapamasang makanyan.
Interviewer: Aranasan muna bang me late ka keng klase?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Pilang beses?
Interviewee: Dakal na pung besis
Interviewer: Nanu naman gagawan mu para ena maulit ita?
Interviewee: Maranun pung migigising, gagayak atsaka pu mabilis dapat lumakad.
Interviewer: Bakit mu asabi na importante ya talaga ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu mabyasa, at para ipakit pu na adyang Aeta kami, ay atin kami pa
murin pung kakayahan para mabyasa king wikang ayni at metung yapung dalan para
asopan kula reng pengari ku. Pakananu nakaman makisabi kareng aliwang tawu, nanung
gagamitan mung wika?
Interviewer: Gagamit kumu pung kapampangan o kaya po tagalog.
Interviewer: Eme gagamitan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali man pu.

Aeta Student 3
Interview: Buri me ing asignaturang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Agad ka bang mebiasa keng wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu masyado.
Interviewer: Bakit ali masyado?
Interviewee: Kasi pu ali ku pu antindyan ing salitang Ingles anyang mumuna ke pung
dimdam, bala mu po masakit ya pong panigaralan.
Interviewer: Masakit meng pag-aralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu kasi po kailangan ya pa pong panigaralan ing grammar po.
Interviewer: Manalbe ka bang pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, pero eke pu antindyan
Interviewer: Nanung saup na keka ning pamanalbe mung pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Matututo ku poug Ingles lalu na po deng ali ku po apapakiramdaman king
Interviewer: Mamasa kang librong Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, kasi pu bukod pu king pamag lub-eskwela.. ing pamamasang libro
murin pu ing metung a maragul saup para po matuto.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang sariling paralan king pamanigaral salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, atin po.
Interviewer: Nanu la? Mamye kang halimbawa.
Interviewee: panga kayi po mamasa ku pong aliwang libro bukod ketang libro mi po na
binye da po king eskwela.
Interviewer: King palage mu epektibu la ba reng gagamitan mung paralan para mabiyasa
kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, kasi po mas matututo ka po pa nga mamas aka po palagi, at ita pu ing
kanakung gagawan.
Interviewer: King palage mu, importante ya bang pag aralan ing Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu kasi po pa nga byasa ka pong mag-Ingles re-respetuhan da kayu po reng
aliwang tau, ita po ing buri ku respetuhan da kami po reng ali mi pu kalahi.

Interviewer: Reng aliwang tawu, maipapakarine la patye magsalita la king Ingles, milyari
naba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang magsalita gamit ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, pa nga po atchu ku pu obra pu, deng ga-guide ku pu halos foreigner la
po kaya po susubukan ku pung mag-Inglis patyeng pakisabyan ku la pu.
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba patye gagamitan me ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Madalas po ali, kasi pu pa nga pu susubukan ku pung mag-Inglish kakalyan
daku mu pu.
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang memenosan da ka reng aliwa mung kaklasi patye
magsalita ka kung Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, madalas pu kakalyan daku pu.
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang pegsistiyan daka?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Meka-apekto ba king pamagaral mu ing pamagsisti da keka?
Interviewee: Opu minsan, kasi po minsan mawawalan na ku pung gana dahil pu
panganitahan da kami pu.
Interviewer: Ing eskwela ba ing peka-masanting a lugar bang mabiyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Araramdaman mu ba ing positibo at relax a pakiramdam king kilub eskwela?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Bakit naman?
Interviewee: Dahil pu ka reng kaklasi ku pun a madalas pung pagtistyan da kami pu.
Interviewer: Epektibu o masalese ya ba ing klasrum mu king pamanigaral?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Epektibu la ba reng paralan a gagamitan na ning mestra mu king pamanurung
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang librung Ingles king eskwela?
Interviewee: Atin pu
Interviewer: Parusahan na ka ba ning mestra mu patye mali ya ing kekang sagut?

Interviewee: Opu, pa nga pu ali pu makasagut patalakaran na kami pu king buong klasi na
Interviewer: Mipapakarine kaba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Opu, sasabyan dapu ali ku pu kanu bage mag guide naku mu pu kanu habang
Interviewer: (ay grabi no man) Ayntidyan me ing mestra yu patye magsalita yang
diretsung Ingles?
Interviewee: minsan pu ali
Interviewer: Manigaral kang Ingles keng bale?
Interviewee: Minsan pu ali na pu kasi pu kailangan ku pa pung magobra.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryente king bale?
Interviewee: Ala pu, lampara ampong kandila mu pu ing gagamitan mi.
Interviewer: Gagawan mo reng homework mu king asignaturang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, pero madalas pu maranun pa mu pu gagawan ku ne pu ing assignment
mi pu okaya naman pu munta ku pu ketang waiting shed pu na malapit pu ke kami.
Interviewer: Sosopan da ka ba reng pengari mu king gastusin mo?
Interviewee: Opu, pero minsan pu ali naku pu manyad kasi pu ala kami pung saling para
pamangan mi pu.
Interviewer: Hikayatan na ka ba ning pengari mu bang magaral?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na manghikayat kekang manigaral?
Interviewee: Ala pu yaku mu pu kasi ing mebigyang pagkakataun para pu magaral.
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang manyad sawup karela king pamanggawa keng
assignment mo?
Interviewee: Ali pa po
Interviewer: Atin ba kareng miyembre mu king pamilya na biyasang magsalitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala man po
Interviewer: Sasake ka bang motor papunta king eskwela?
Interviewee: Ali pu, lalakad ku mu pu.
Interviewer: Magkasakit ka ba king pamagbiyahe mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu kailangan pu kasing… magising maranun para makalub pu king oras.
Interviewer: Makaranas ka bang gulu o problema kareng siping mung bale?

Interviewee: Ali naman po

Interviewer: Atin bang ababasang libro o materyales king bale yu na malyaring basan?
Interviewee: Atin pu deng dadalan na pung lumang libro ampong lumang newspaper pu i
tatay ku pu.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang gadgets king bale na malyaring makasawup keka bang
mabyasa ka king salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala man pu
Interviewer: Gagamit ka bang "sosyal midya" bang makisabi kareng aliwamg tawu?
Interviewee: Ali man pu
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba king kekayung bale/komyunidad?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: King palage mu, maka-apektu ya ba ing pamagbiyahe mu simula bale
anggang eskwela king kekang pamagaral?
Interviewee: ali naman pu nung determinado naka man pu, anjang malawut ya pa pu
agyuan ya pu.
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan taya ba ing salitang Inglea king lipunan tamu
Interviewee: Opu, kais pu kapag byasa ka pung mag Ingles re-respetuhan da kayu pu,
ampo matas pu ing lawe da pu kekayu.
Interviewer: pilan nakang banwa anyang inumpisan meng penigaralan ing wikang Ingles?
Age mu pilan ka kanita. (Someone shouted)
Interviewee: Onse po (The noise of environment)
Interviewer: nang aramdaman mo anyang mumuna meng dimdam ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Maporma ya po
Interviewer: Bakit tingin mung maporma?
Interviewee: Kasi po atsi nung magaral ka…… atin ka murin pung aturo kareng kaparehas
mung tao, lalu na po kareng kalupa ko na Aeta.
Interviewer: Ay wa masanting ya’y ta.
Interviewee: Atchaka king lawe ku po kapag magaling kang mag-Ingles ali danaka pu
lalatyan deng aliwalang tao.
Interviewer: nanung ipektu na keka ning pamagkwentu mung king kaluguran mu? Segut
mu nandin mag-kwentu ka kareng kaluguran mu, o nanung epektu na keka nita?

Interviewee: Masaya po…

Interviewer: Na…..?
Interviewee: Masaya po kasi……. Kasi po apapanigaralan ku pong masalese nung
pakanun pu makiyabe ka reng aliwa at ababalu ku din pu kung nanu ing dapat gawan,
atchaka po sobrang saya ku po patseng kayabe kula po reng kakung kaluguran.
Interviewer: Nanung rason mu bakit me panigaralan ing wikang Ingels?
Interviewee: rason po?
Interviewer: Wa nanung rason mu? na?
Interviewee: Para matuto po (someone’s interrupted)
Interviewer: para matuto? bukod king matutu, nanu pa?
Interviewee: Para makapagaral pung masalase … po ali da naku bubusitan at gagawang
katatawanan, buri ku pong mabyasang Ingles … kasi pu kareng akakit ko kareng aliwang
tao na byasang mag Inglis matas la po lawe reng tao karela, ali dala pu lalen matsura, ali
dala po pagtistyan kalupa po kekami … bukod po king baluga kami buri mi naman po
andyang pakananu na dyan dakami pong respetu bilang tao at ing akakit ku pong paralan
para malyari pu ita ay ing magaral kami po at mabyasang mag Inglis.
Interviewer: Ahh wa masanting ya ing kekang dahilan. Nanu wari ing buri mung kunan
panga meg-college na?
Interviewee: Buri ku pung mag metsra.
Interviewer: Bakit mu buring maging mestra?
Interviewee: Para pu aturu ku la di mama ku po ampo’y tatay kupu nung pakananu sumulat
ampong mamasa, kasi po magtinda kami pung gule king baryu mi pu tapos pu minsan
pagkatuwaan do pu di mama ku pu, minsan po ali pu itang talagang bayad ing ibiye da pu
minsan pu limang pesus po para kareng buong tinda ng mama ku po eh ali la po kasi
byasang mamasa ampong mamilang kaya po aloloko de po, atchaka po malulunus ku po
kareng pengari ku po panga bababa la po kening syudad …pagkatulaan do pu ampong
Interviewer: Kaya magsumikap kang magaral?
Interviewee: Opo, hangga’t agyu ku po ali ku pu susuku para kareng pamilya ku pu
ampong kareng kalahi ku pu …para tuknangan dana kami pung pagtistyan ampong
gagawang katatawanan po.
Interviewer: O nanu naman ing aramdaman mu anyang mepakarine ka anyang sasabi ka
gamit ing wikang Ingles? na? nanung aramdaman mu?
Interviewee: Masakit po, minsan pu ali ku na la mu pu pakiramdaman kasi pu sabi da na
kayi po ali mi pu kanu bage ing mag-Inglis pu kasi pu kanu baluga kami pu … Ali kami
pu kanu masyadong magmapiling po ampong magmagaling kasi po kanu taga bundok kami
mu pu kanu.

Interviewer: Ahh la len dakang malati deng kaklasi mu itang bala pagtistyan daka?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu na keka nitang pamagtisti da? Kunwri king sarili mu okaya
Interviewee: Atin pu.
Interviewer: Nanung epektu na keka nita?
Interviewee: Makapaglati pung sarili pu … malulunus kupu king sarili ku pu lalu na pu
panga nitahan daku pu bala pu ali naku pu bisang lungub kasi pu palagi namu pung
makanita ing sasabyan da pu…ahm pero ai-isip ku rin pu na dapat ali ku pu paapektu
kareng pakanitang tau.
Interviewer: Nanung klasing pamagtisti ing araranasan mu ba karela?
Interviewee: Ahm kayi po … Awsan dakami pung negru, mangatsura po, taga-bundok,
maklak a buntuk pu ampong ali byasang mamasa ampong sumulat po. (sounds of clapping
Interviewer: Buri me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo, banta pung ali daku lalen a malati ampo pung atin naku man
apagmaragul po andyang pakananu po.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atutunan me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Mamasa ku pung libro, manalbeng pelikula po na Ingles ampo panga minsan
pu makisabi kupu kareng kaluguran ku gamit ing wikang Ingles bala pu mag-praktis ku pu
Interviewer: Bakit taya kaya kailangang panigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Nung para pu kekaming Aeta kailangan miya pu para ali dana kami pu lalen
malati deng tau pu, ampong para agyu minapung makipagsabayan king mundu po. Atchaka
buri mi din po na dyan da kami pung respetu deng aliwang tau.
Interviewer: Nanu naman ing araramdaman mu king kilub klase?
Interviewer: halo-halo po, minsan masaya po, minsan naman po tatakut ku pu.
Interviewer: Bakit ka tatakut?
Interviewee: Pota pu kasi mapakarine ku pu.
Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang mepakarine?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Nanu la retang makarine mung aranasan king klasi mu?
Interviewee: Ahm pag pu mag ‘recite’ ku pu gamit ing salitang Ingles minsan pu kakalyan
daku pu kasi pu ali ku pu kanu bage dahil baluga ku pu kanu ing bage mupu kanu kekami
ing mananam gule pu.

Interviewer: Nanu retang paralan na ning mestra mu king pamanurung Inglis?

Interviewee: Minsan pu mamyalung kami pu, minsan pu mag role play kami na ing
dialogue mi pu ing salitang Ingles, at ali kami pu pweding magsalitang aliwang wika bukod
pu king Ingles.
Interviewer: Nanu lapa reng aliwa mung sanggunian na gamit mu king eskwela? Atin
kabang aliwang libro bukod ketang binye na ning mestra mu?
Interviewee: Opo.
Interviewer: Nanu la reta?
Interviewee: Dicitionary po, mamamsa ku pong dictionary panga atin kupung e balung
words kari po gagamit kupung dictionary.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang bibye na kekayu ning mestra mu?
Interviewee: Minsan pu talakaran na kami pu panga ali kami pu makasagot.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng problema mung aranasan king eskwela?
Interviewee: Ita pung pamag bully da kanaku ampong pamag tisti.
Interviewer: Bukod keta alana?
Interviewee: Minsan pu lulub ku pung alang bakal, kasi pu minsan ala lapung ayayabli
dila mama ku ketang tinda mi pung gule, kaya minsan pu ali naku po magbakal at titiisan
ku namu pu ing danum pero magbakal kupung danum para panga daranup kupu miminum
naku mu pung danum.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng aktibidad na bibye na ning mestra yu kekayu na makasawup
king pamagaral yung wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ahm deta pong makasulat king libro, okaya naman po detang pa-assignment
na po kekami tapos pu gawan mila king skwela.
Interviewer: Makananu yam aka-apektu keka ing atin kuryente king bale bilang
Interviewee: ahmm…Syempre po makapagaral ku pong masalase kareng leksyun mi pu
ampo makagawa ku pu agad assignment.
Interviewer: Aranasan yu ng kepututan kayung sulu?
Interviewee: opu
Interviewer: Pilang oras ka manigral leksyun king asignatura mung Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Kauli ku po kekami sumaup ku pamu pu kareng gagawan king bale, minsan
po mantun kupung dutung panangab na pung mama ku king pamaglutu nap u, tapos pu
kailangan ku la pa pong alagaan deng wali ku po kaya madalas po metung oras okaya po
kapinta namu po ing pamanigaral kupung leksyun.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng gagamitan mu king pamanggawa mung takdang aralin?

Interviewee: Ita pung libro mi king eskwela ampong minsan po mandam kupung libro
kareng siping mi pung bale deta pong peglumaan da.
Interviewer: Makananu ka kadalas gagamit salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Panga po atsu skwela atchaka misan po king bale panga tuturwanan kula po
di mama ko ampo deng kamag-anak ko po.
Interviewer: Nanu ing gagamitan yung wika king bale?
Interviewee: Zambal pu, okaya po misan kapampangan po.
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu ning pamaghikayat na ning pengari mu king pamagaral mu?
Interviewee: kayi po … ahm lalu ku pung gaganahan na magaral pu dahil mismong
pengari ku po eh hikayatan daku pung manigaral dahil balu dapu na para keka mi mu rin
din po ining gagawan mi.
Interviewer: Makananu ya kalawut ing bale yu manibatan king skwela?
Interviwee: Panga po lakaran ya dapat pu ganingaldo pa maglakad na kayu po para
saktong alas siete po atchu nakayu pu eskwela pero pa nga sake naman po mga metung
oras mu po.
Interviewer: Nanung kagamitan ing atin ka para king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Deta pong libro na peglumaan po kingwa kula po, atchaka po reng
peglumaan pung dyaryo pupulutan kula po at uuli pu king bale para atin kupung babasan.
Interviewer: Makananu mula kadalas gagamitan deng gamit mu king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Panga po ala na pong obra king bale atchaka bayu pu matudtud.
Interviewer: Nanu ing dahilan mu kung bakit mula gagamitan deta?
Interviewee: Para po lalu ku pa pung mabyasang magsalitang Ingles.
Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang mitawli king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Opu anyang lekaran kemu pu manibatan pu kekami hanggang keni pung
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atagumpyan mula reng sakit a makinita?
Interviewee: Minsan pu pakaranun ku pung lulub para ali naku po mala-late po.
Interviewer: Nanu sa tingin mu ing importamsya na ning Ingles keng lipunan tamu?
Interviewee: Ing pamanigaral pung Ingles ay maragul yang bage pu king lipunan kasi po
uunlad ya po ing bawat metung ampo pu ing lipunan, ampo pu kekami maragul ya pong
saup para ali danakami pu lalaltian ampong pagtistyan pu.
Interviewer: Makananu ka makisabi ka reng kaklasi mung ali katutubo?

Interviewee: Minsan pu maiilang ku pu ka rela tatakut ku pu kasi na pagtistyan daku po

ampong kailyan pero pu makisabi kupu karela misan pu kapampangan kasi pu dila mu rin
po kapampangan.
Aeta Student 4
Interviewer: Hello, yaku i Bernadette Evis ibat ku king TSU. Atchu kami keni para mag-
conduct research, para ketang metung ming subject, tapos ikayu ing kabilang king
kekaming research, ikayu ing kekaming respondents, buri mi kasing abalu reng pagsubuk
na araranasan yu king pamanigaral yung wikang English. Egana-gang sabyan yu ay kekami
mu, ali makalat anjang nokarin isinup milang mayap. Ok mu ba keka ning kabila ka king
kekaming research? Malugud a bage nung mabisa ka hehe. (Laughs)
Interviewee: Opu sige pu, ayus mu pu kanaku, atchaka pu masaya ku mu rin pun a
makasaup ku pu kekayu hehe (laughs)
Interview: Buri me ing asignaturang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Agad ka bang mebiasa keng wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Bakit ali masyado?
Interviewee: Kasi po malilitu ku pu lalu na pu pa nga pakiramdaman ke pu ing mestra ku
pu pa nga mag-discussed ya pu.
Interviewer: Masakit meng pag-aralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, kasi pu ahm kayi ita pung makalitu ya pu kasi makadaya ya pung arung
hahaha (the interviewee laughed out of loud)
Interviewer: Manalbe ka bang pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu minsan pu makipanalbe ku pu king kayi mi pu king… king siping bale
Interviewer: Nanung saup na keka ning pamanalbe mung pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: bala pu mababyasa ku pung mag-Inglis anjang bagya mu pu hehehe (the
participant laughs)
Interviewer: Mamasa kang librong Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, atin kami pu kasing librung Ingles na binye na pu nitang mestra mi pu
tapus pu minsan makapulut ku pung Inglis na libru kareng basurahan pu. Deta pung kayi
pu ahm penugse na pu.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang sariling paralan king pamanigaral salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, atin po.

Interviewer: Nanu la? Mamye kang halimbawa.

Interviewee: panga kayi po mamasa ku pong aliwang libro bukod ketang libro mi po na
binye da po king eskwela.
Interviewer: King palage mu epektibu la ba reng gagamitan mung paralan para mabiyasa
kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, pero minsan pu ali masakit yap u kasing panigralan ing salitang Inglis.
Interviewer: King palage mu, importante ya bang pag aralan ing Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, kasi pu ini pu ing gagamitan para antindyan la pu ring aliwang tau kasi
pu sabi nap u ning mestra mi pu ing Inglis na daw pu ing wika na kayi pun a antindyan da
ngan deng tau pu.
Interviewer: Reng aliwang tawu, maipapakarine la patye magsalita la king Ingles, milyari
naba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang magsalita gamit ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu kasi pu makarine pu lalu na pu makanini kami pu ichura.
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba patye gagamitan me ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Madalas po ali, kasi pu pa nga pu susubukan ku pung mag-Inglish kakalyan
daku mu pu.
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang memenosan da ka reng aliwa mung kaklasi patye
magsalita ka kung Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, madalas pu pagtistyan daku pu.
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang pegsistiyan daka?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Meka-apekto ba king pamagaral mu ing pamagsisti da keka?
Interviewee: Opu minsan, kasi po minsan makalako na pung ganang magaral dahil pu
kareng panggawan da pu keka mi.
Interviewer: Ing eskwela ba ing peka-masanting a lugar bang mabiyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Araramdaman mu ba ing positibo at relax a pakiramdam king kilub eskwela?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Bakit naman?
Interviewee: Dahil pu ka reng kaklasi ku pu na madalas pagtistyan da kami pu ampong

Interviewer: Epektibu o masalese ya ba ing klasrum mu king pamanigaral?

Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Epektibu la ba reng paralan a gagamitan na ning mestra mu king pamanurung
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang librung Ingles king eskwela?
Interviewee: Atin pu ita pung English module pu.
Interviewer: Parusahan na ka ba ning mestra mu patye mali ya ing kekang sagut?
Interviewee: Opu, pa nga pu ali pu makasagut patalakaran na kami pu king buong klasi na
Interviewer: Mipapakarine kaba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Opu, kakalyan daku pu madalas kaya minsan pu ali ku namu pu susubukang
mag-recite pu.
Interviewer: Ayntidyan me ing mestra yu patye magsalita yang diretsung Ingles?
Interviewee: minsan pu ali kasi pu minsan mabilis yapung magsalita.
Interviewer: Manigaral kang Ingles keng bale?
Interviewee: Minsan pu ali na pu kasi pu kailangan ku pung sumaop pa mu pu king bale,
kailangan ku la pa mu pung ingatan deng wali ku pu, yaku pu kasi ing pangane.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryente king bale?
Interviewee: Ala pu, ita pung kayi pu ing gagamitan mi ita pung… nanu ne kasi ita? Ay!
Ita pung kandila. hahaha
Interviewer: Gagawan mo reng homework mu king asignaturang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, pero king skwela ku ne pu gagawan kasi pu ala ku pung oras pa nga
king bale pu.
Interviewer: Sosopan da ka ba reng pengari mu king gastusin mo?
Interviewee: Opu, pero minsan pu ali pu kasi pu kayi pu ahm sakto yamu pu king para
pangan mi pu ing pera da pu.
Interviewer: Hikayatan na ka ba ning pengari mu bang magaral?
Interviewee: Opu, kasi pu yaku mu pu ing magaral keng pamilya mi pu.
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na manghikayat kekang manigaral?
Interviewee: Ala pu yaku mu pu kasi ing mebigyang pagkakataun para pu magaral.
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang manyad sawup karela king pamanggawa keng
assignment mo?

Interviewee: Ali pa po
Interviewer: Atin ba kareng miyembru mu king pamilya na biyasang magsalitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala man po
Interviewer: Sasake ka bang motor papunta king eskwela?
Interviewee: Ali pu, lalakad ku mu pu, atlung oras ku pung maglakad kaya kailangan ku
pung migising maranun pu para pu lungub.
Interviewer: Magkasakit ka ba king pamagbiyahe mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu kailangan pu kasing… magising maranun para makalub pu king oras.
Interviewer: Makaranas ka bang gulu o problema kareng siping mung bale?
Interviewee: Ali naman po
Interviewer: Atin bang ababasang libro o materyales king bale yu na malyaring basan?
Interviewee: Atin pu, de ta pung apupulut ku pung lumang libro king basuharan pu deta
pu reng kakung gagamitan.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang gadgets king bale na malyaring makasawup keka bang
mabyasa ka king salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala man pu
Interviewer: Gagamit ka bang "sosyal midya" bang makisabi kareng aliwamg tawu?
Interviewee: Ali man pu
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba king kekayung bale/komyunidad?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: King palage mu, maka-apektu ya ba ing pamagbiyahe mu simula bale
anggang eskwela king kekang pamagaral?
Interviewee: ali naman pu nung determinado naka man pu, anjang malawut ya pa pu
agyuan ya pu.
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan taya ba ing salitang Inglea king lipunan tamu
Interviewee: Opu, kais pu kapag byasa ka pung mag Ingles re-respetuhan da kayu pu,
ampo matas pu ing lawe da pu kekayu.
Interviewer: pilan nakang banwa anyang inumpisan meng penigaralan ing wikang Ingles?
Age mu pilan ka kanita.
Interviewee: Onse po, eleven.
Interviewer: nang aramdaman mo anyang mumuna meng dimdam ing wikang Ingles?

Interviewee: Malilitu ku pu, makasakit ya pung buntuk hehehe (the participants laughs)
Interviewer: Bakit tingin mung makalitu ya ampong makasakit buntuk?
Interviewee: Kasi pu pa nga atin ku pung araramdaman na mag Inglis ing lulub pu king
isip ku kung nanu pu ing panyabyan da, atchaka makasakit ya pung buntuk kasi pu eke pu
antindyan hahahaha (The participants laughs)
Interviewer: Ay wa sabage hahahaha (The interviewer laughs)
Interviewee: Pero king lawe ku po kapag magaling kang mag-Ingles ali danaka pu lalatyan
deng aliwalang tao ampong kakalyan pu.
Interviewer: nanung ipektu na keka ning pamagkwentu mung king kaluguran mu? Segut
mu nandin mag-kwentu ka kareng kaluguran mu, o nanung epektu na keka nita?
Interviewee: Masaya po…
Interviewer: Na…..?
Interviewee: Masaya po kasi pu kaluguran ku la pu.
Interviewer: Nanung rason mu bakit me panigaralan ing wikang Ingels?
Interviewee: Para matuto pu.
Interviewer: para matuto? bukod king matutu, nanu pa?
Interviewee: Para pu ali da naku kakalyan ampong pagtistyan deng aliwang tau, atchaka
para asapan kula pu reng kamag-anak ku pu nung pakananu pu susulat ampong mamasa.
Interviewer: Kaya magsumikap kang magaral?
Interviewee: Opu, kaya pu anjang pagtistyan daku pu patuluy ku pa mu rin pu king ka
kung pamagaral kasi pu kailangan ku pu ita para pu king pamilya ku pu.
Interviewer: O nanu naman ing aramdaman mu anyang mepakarine ka anyang sasabi ka
gamit ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Makarine pu kasi pu anjang pakananu pu naman ali ku pu bisang
mipapakarine atchaka pu masakit pu kasi pu sobrang lati da naman pu lawe kekaming
katutubu pu.
Interviewer: Ahh la len dakang malati deng kaklasi mu itang bala pagtistyan daka?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu na keka nitang pamagtisti da?
Interviewee: Minsan pu makatamad na pung lungub kasi pu paulit-ulit na mu pu ing
karelang pamagtisti, pero pa nga mangyari pu ita isipan ku la pu deng pengari ku pun a
kailangan ku pung mayari.
Interviewer: Nanung klasing pamagtisti ing araranasan mu ba karela?

Interviewee: Ahm kayi po … Awsan dakami pung negra, mangatsura po, taga-bundok,
maklak a buntuk pu ampong ali byasang mamasa ampong sumulat po.
Interviewer: Buri me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, banta pung ali daku lalen a malati ampo pung atin naku man
apagmaragul po andyang pakananu po.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atutunan me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Mamasa ku pung libru, deta pung apupulut ku pu king basurahan pu ampo
pu itang libru da pu na binye na nitang mestra mi pu.
Interviewer: Bakit taya kaya kailangang panigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Nung para pu kekaming Aeta?
Interviewer: Wa, ampo ka reng gana-gana.
Interviewee: Para pu keka ming Aeta pa nga mebyasa kami pung Inglis ali da na kami pu
kakalyan ampong pagtistyan pu, tapus pu para pu kareng gana-gana kailangan ya pu kasi
pu Inglis pu ing wika na antindyan da ngan pu reng tau pu.
Interviewer: Nanu naman ing araramdaman mu king kilub klase?
Interviewer: Ali ku pung kompurtabli pu ampong tatakut ku pu.
Interviewer: Bakit ka tatakut?
Interviewee: Pota pu kasi mapakarine ku pu.
Interviewer: Nanu la retang makarine mung aranasan king klasi mu?
Interviewee: Ahm pag pu mag recite ku pu gamit ing salitang Ingles minsan pu kakalyan
daku pu kasi pu ali ku pu kanu bage dahil baluga ku pu kanu ing bage mupu kanu kekami
ing mananam gule pu.
Interviewer: Nanu retang paralan na ning mestra mu king pamanurung Inglis?
Interviewee: gagamit ya pung ali-aliwang activities pu atchaka pu aranasan ku mu rin
pung meging leader king metung a activity pu.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang bibye na kekayu ning mestra mu?
Interviewee: Minsan pu talakaran na kami pu panga ali kami pu makasagot.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng problema mung aranasan king eskwela?
Interviewee: Ita pung kayi pu ahm ita pung pamagtisti da pu keka mi ampo pung panga
kakalyan da kami pu, magka-problema pu kasi pu anjang buri ku pung sagut eku pu agawa
kasi nga pu kalyan daku pu.
Interviewer: Bukod keta alana?
Interviewee: Minsan pu lulub ku pung alang bakal.

Interviewer: Nanu la reng aktibidad na bibye na ning mestra yu kekayu na makasawup

king pamagaral yung wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ahm deta pong makasulat king libro, okaya naman po detang pa-assignment
nap o kekami tapos pu gawan mila king skwela.
Interviewer: Makananu ya maka-apektu keka ing alang kuryente king bale bilang
Interviewee: ahmm kayi pu, ali ku pu makapanigaral leksyun pu ampong eku pu
makagawang assignment king bale pa nga merasan na na pu ning bengi.
Interviewer: Pilang oras ka manigral leksyun king asignatura mung Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: madalas pu ali naku pu makapanigaral kasi pu kailangan ku la pa pung
ingatan di wali ku bayu pu manigaral, kaya madalas pu king skwela ku mu pu
Interviewer: Nanu la reng gagamitan mu king pamanggawa mung takdang aralin?
Interviewee: Ita pung libro mi king eskwela ampong deta pung libru na apulut ku pu king
Interviewer: Makananu ka kadalas gagamit salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Minsan pu ali ku pu magsalitang Inglis pu talaga kasi pu tatakut na ku pung
Interviewer: Nanu ing gagamitan yung wika king bale?
Interviewee: Zambal pu ampo pung Kapampangan.
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu ning pamaghikayat na ning pengari mu king pamagaral mu?
Interviewee: kayi po … ahm lalu ku pung gaganahan na magaral pu dahil mismong
pengari ku po eh hikayatan daku pung manigaral dahil balu dapu na para keka mi mu rin
din po ining gagawan mi.
Interviewer: Makananu ya kalawut ing bale yu manibatan king skwela?
Interviwee: Panga po lakaran ya dapat pu ganingaldo pa maglakad na kayu po para
saktong alas siete po atchu nakayu pu eskwela pero pa nga sake naman po mga metung
oras mu po, pero madalas pu mala-late ku pa mu rin pu.
Interviewer: Nanung kagamitan ing atin ka para king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Ita pung libru mi pu ampo pu retang libru na apupulut ku pu.
Interviewer: Makananu mula kadalas gagamitan deng gamit mu king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Malagad mu pu kasi pu kailngan ku pa pung sopan deng pengari ku pu.
Interviewer: Nanu ing dahilan mu kung bakit mula gagamitan deta?
Interviewee: Para po lalu ku pa pung mabyasang magsalitang Ingles.

Interviewer: Atin ka bang gadgets?

Interviewee: Ala man pu.
Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang mitawli king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Opu madalas pu.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atagumpyan mula reng sakit a makinita?
Interviewee: Minsan pu pakaranun ku pung lulub para ali naku po mala-late po.
Interviewer: Nanu sa tingin mu ing importamsya na ning Ingles keng lipunan tamu?
Interviewee: Ing pamanigaral pung Ingles ay maragul yang bage pu king lipunan kasi po
uunlad ya po ing bawat metung ampo pu ing lipunan, ampo pu kekami maragul ya pong
saup para ali danakami pu lalaltian ampong pagtistyan pu.
Interviewer: Makananu ka makisabi ka reng kaklasi mung ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Minsan pu maiilang ku pu ka rela tatakut ku pu kasi na pagtistyan daku po
ampong kailyan pero pu makisabi kupu karela misan pu kapampangan kasi pu dila mu rin
po kapampangan.
Aeta Student 5
Interviewer: Hello! Estudyanti ku ibat king Tarlac State University, BSED English. Atsu
kami keni para king susulat at gagawan ming research a “Challenges encountered by Aetas
in the English language learning” kasi ikayu ing subject ning study ming ayni, ikayung
katutubu na magaral keni king O’Donnell High School, ikayung indigenous people o Aeta.
Mangutang kumu keka at kailangan mu mung sagut, mangwa ku mung impormasyun ibat
keka. Tapus ding akwa kung impormasyun keka ay confidential la, o alang ninu man ing
makabalu, manatili lang makasalikut reni. Pwedi ba ita?
Interviewee: Opu, ayus mu pu ita kaku.
Interviewer: Ayus mu murin ba keka na i-record kula ring kekang sabyan? Bang kanita
akwa ku ngan ing ing impormasyun a ibye mu?
Interviewee: Opu, sigi pu.

Interviewer: Buri me ba ing subject a Ingles?

Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Sagli ka mu bang mekatuki anyang minuna kang mebyasang wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Manalbe ka bang pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Mamasa ka bang librung Ingles? Atin kayu bang libru king Ingles?

Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin ka bang sariling paralan king pamanigaral wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu atin pu, mamasa ku pung English book kapag atin kung oras.
Interviewer: Magkwentu ka bang problema mu king aliwang tawu?
Interviewee: Ali naman pu masyadu, kapag minsan mu pu.
Interviewer: King palage mu importante ya ba ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, importanti yapu at kaylangan mi pu talagang mabyasa, lalu nap u
ikaming Aeta.
Interviewer: Mipapakarine ka ba patye magkamali ka gamit ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, mipapkarine kupu talaga, lalu nap u king kilub ning klasi, king pamag
recite pu.
Interviewer: Komportable naka man ba patye gagamitan me ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali naman pu masyadu, kasi pin pu magkasakit ku.
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu bang pegsisti daka reng aliwang tawu king aliwang bage?
Interviewee: Opu, lalu nap u king itsura mi, ita pung awsan dakami pung beluga.
Interviewer: Pekamasanting ya ba ing klasrum mu para mabyasa ka king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, pero ali naman pu king egana-ganang panawun.
Interviewer: Komportabli at relax naka man ba king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Ali pu masyadu.
Interviewer: Masalese ya ba ing klase mu kabang manigaral kayung leksyon? O king
pamag discuss masalese yaba?
Interviewee: Masalese naman pu pero ali king egana-ganang panawunsss
Interviewer: Yeni ing mestra yu king Ingles, dakal yaba paralan a gagawan bang mabyasa
Interviewee: Opu, dakal ya pu paralan a gagamitan.
Interviewer: Epektibu at masalese la ba ring paralan a gagamitan ning mestra yo?
Interviewee: Opu, pero ali naman pu ngan kekami, kasi pu magkasakit ke pu talaga.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang gagamitan ning mestra yu patye tuturu ya?
Interviewee: Patye pu mali ing asagut o kaya pu masigla kami, magpatikdo ya pu.
Interviewer: Mipapakarine ka aba patye gagamitan me ing wikang Ingles king klase?
Interviewee: Opu

Interviewer: Patye magsalita ya ing mestra mu na diretsu king Ingles? Magkasakit ka ba?
Interviewee: Opu, ali miyapu antidyan.
Interviewer: Manigaral naka man bang Ingles king bale yo?
Interviewee: Opu, bagya piu.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryenti keng bale?
Interviewee: Atin pu.
Interviewer: Gagawan mula ba reng assignment mu king bale?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Susuportan daka ba reng pengari mu king pamagaral mo?
Interviewee: Opu, suportadu kupu karela, keng pamagaral pu, hikayatan daku pung
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na manghikayat keka na magaral?
Interviewee: Ala man pu.
Interviewer: Karin bang miyembru ning pamilya mu king bale? Atin bang biyasang
magsalitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala man pu.
Interviewer: Lalakad kamu ba papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu, lalakad ku mu pu kasi pu, ing para pamasahi ku ay gamitan kun emu
pu king aliwang bage, para pamangan o kaya pu bakal, pakanyan p]u.
Interviewer: Makaranas ka bang problema o gulu king siping mung bale?
Interviewee: Ali naman pu.
Interviewer: Atin bang malyaring basan king bali yo?
Interviewee: Ala mlan pu.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang gadgets king bale?
Interviewee: Atin pu, cellphone pu, ita mu pu ing atin ku king bale.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang facebook?
Interviewee: Opu, atin, oneng ekeman pu masyadung abubusni kasi at agagamit.
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba king bale yu? Masalese ba ing pakitungu yu kung metung
at metung?
Interviewee: Opu, komportabli naku man pu king bale.
Interviewer: Maka-apektu ya ba ing pamagbiyahi mu simula king bale hanggang eskwela?

Interviewee: Opu, maglakad ke pung makabang oras, para miras king eskwela.
Interviewer: Kailangan taya ba ing wikang Ingles king biye tamu yeni?

Interviewer: Pilang banwa ka anyang minuna kang mebyasang Ingles?
Interviewee: kinsi pu
Interviewer: Nang aramdaman mu anyang minuna meng ikit ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Masakit ya pu.
Interviewer: Kukwentu mu kareng aliwang tawu ing karanasan mu pakanyan gamit ing
wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali man pu, eku man pu mahilig mag kwentu karela.
Interviewer: Nanu ing dahilan mu ut kailangan meng panigaralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu mabyasa kupa, para akwa ing pangarap ku na maging teacher at
apakit pu na atin kaming ibuga adyang pagsisti da kami, awsang baluga at nanu pang
masasakit a salita.
Interviewer: Halimbawa mipakarine ka king kilub klase, nanung aramdaman mu kanita?
Interviewee: Siyempre pu masakit, kasi pu mayli la atsaka pu pagsisti daku pa pu. Ditak
mu pung pagkakamali ing asabi ku, mayli nala pu kanita. Talaga pung masakit talaga.
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu na ita keka?
Interviewee: Talaga pung panamdamn ku ing gagawan da kanaku, lalu na pu nung
talagang masakit na masakit na.
Interviewer: Nanu nang klaseng pamagtisti ing kekang aranasan?
Interviewee: Ita pung awsan dakung Baluga.
Interviewer: Bakit me buri ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu mabyasa at metung ya pung dapat gawan para akwa ing kakung
Interviewer: Baligtaran tane man, bakit ali mu neman buri ing Ingles?
Interviewee: Kasi pu talagang masakit ya.
Interviewer: Bakit naka man manalbeng Ingles a pelikula?
Interviewee: Malagad mu pu, patye papanalben da kami mu pu king eskwela, makasawup
ya murin pu para mabyasa kaming Ingles.
Interviewer: Bakit naka man mamasang Ingles a libru?
Interviewee: Patye mupu, ating oras, malagad mu puu.

Interviewer: Nanu la reng sarili mung paralan para mabyasa kang wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ahm….Patye pu ating bakanting oras, karin ku pu mamasang libru, ita pu
ing kakung paralan para mabyasa king Ingles.
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mu king kilub ning klase? King English time?
Interviewee: Tatakut ku pu, lalu na pu patye atin recitation,.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan a gagamitan at gagawan ning mestra yu para mabyasang
Interviewee: Mamasa ku pung libru.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang bibye ning maestra yu king kilub ning klase? Patye
ating masigla o e meka recite masalese?
Interviewee: Magpatikdo ya pu.
Interviewer: Nanung epektu kekayu patye ala kayung kuryenti king bale?
Interviewee: Siyempre pu, magkasakit kami, kasi pu nung ala kang sulu, ala kang
malyaring gawan king bale lalu nap u, patyue dinalumdum na.
Interviewer: Pilang oras ing kekang gagamitan para manigaral leksyon?
Interviewee: Metung hanggang adwang oras pu.
Interviewer: Nanu pang aliwa mung gagamitang malyaring makasawup kareng
pamanggawa kareng assignment mu?
Interviewee: Ala man pu, ita mu pung librung binye da king bale.
Interviewer: Nanung salita ing gagamitan mu king bale?
Interviewee: Zambal pu, Kapampangan ampong Tagalog.
Interviewer: Nanung epektu na nitang balu mu na suportadu la keka reng pengari mu?
Interviewee: Ita pung balamu na sisikan ka lub, adyang balu mu pun a ating manisti o
mangayi keka ay atin pa murin pung tawu na talagang magtiwala keka.

Interviewer: Makananu kalawut ing eskwela king bale yu?

Interviewee: Apat o oras pu ing gugugulan ku para maglakad.
Interviewer: Aranasan muna bang me late ka keng klase?
Interviewee: Opu, dakal na pung besis.
Interviewer: Bakit mu asabi na importante ya talaga ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Kailangan taya pu talaga king panawun yeni, lalu na pu at pangarap kung
maging teacher, kailangan ku pung mabyasa keni para atupad pu in pangarap kung ini.
Interviewer: Gagamitan me ba ing Wikang Ingles king bale yo?

Interviewee: Gagamitan mi pu ing Zambal, Kapampangan o kaya pu Tagalog.

Aeta Student 6
Interviewer: Mayap ah abak keka. Kilala muna ku siguro ne?
Interviewer & interviewee: (laughs)
Interviewer: Atsu ku keni ngeni para mag interview kareng Aeta kalupa mu na gamitan
mi para king kekaming research paper ing title na Challenges Encountered by Aetas in
English Language Learning. Ating kung ikutang keka kayi sagutan mula mu. Eka
migaganaka masagli lamu reng kutang. Reng impormasyon a ibiye mu kaku misalikut la
at ela mikalat. Okay mu ba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opo ma’am
Interviewer: I-record ku ing pisabyan tamu para akwa ku ngan ing egana-ganang sabyan
mu, okay mu ba?
Interviewee: Opo, ma’am
Interviewer: Oh, mag-start tana, question number one, buri mu la reng English subjects
Interviewee: Opo, ma’am
Interviewer: Bakit?
Interviewee: Buri ke pu ing English subject dahil bisa ku pung mabyasang sumabing
English. Oneng pagtisti daku pu kasi reng kaklase ku kaya enaka mu pu sasabi.
Interviewer: Yes. Ahm. Anyang minuna meng dimdam ing English mabilis ka bang
mekapag-adjust, a-acquire me ba agad itang kayi, or migkasakit kang penigaralan ya?
Interviewee: Migkisakit ku ma’am.
Interviewer: Magkisakit ka bang manigaral king English?
Interviewee: Bagya ma’am.
Interviewer: Yes or no?
Interviewer: Manalbe kang kayi, English na pelikula?
Interviewee: Malagad mu ma’am
Interviewer: Yes or no?
Interviewee: (laughs)
Interviewer: Manalbe ka?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Mamasa kang English books?

Interviewee: (laughs)
Interviewer: Yes or no?
Interviewee: Yes maam
Interviewer: Bukod king kayi king school na manigaral kang English, atin ka bang sarili
mung paraan para apanigaralan me ing English language?
Atin ka bang sariling paralan?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Satingin mu ba detang paralan mung areta effective la para keka, para
apanigaralan me ing English language?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Magshare ka bang experiences mu or magkwento ka ba kareng kaibigan mu
gamit ing English language?
Interviewee: (Laughs) Ali man maam
Interviewer: Ah satingin mu importante ya bang panigaralan ing English language?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Deng aliwang tawu mipapakarine or marine la panga sasabi la gamit ing
English, malilyari murin ba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Pero sinubukan munang sinabing gamit ing English language?
Interviewee: Opo maam anyang mig defense kami pu
Interviewer: Komportble ka ba kapag gagamitan me ing English language?
Interviewee: (laughs) Ali maam
Interviewer: Ahm … king classroom yu, ahm … mamaliitan daka ba detang kayi ali –
alang lahing Aeta.
Interviewee: Opu maam
Interviewer: Hindi naman. Me-discriminate naka ba or bubusitan daka ba keng kayi mu
keng kule mu?
Interviewee: Ali maam
Interviewer: Satingin mu ba, ing classroom ing pinaka epektibong lugar para keka para
apanigaralan ing English language?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Ahm … Positive ba ing vibe king kayi king classroom yu? Marerelax ka ba
king kilub ning classroom?

Interviewee: Hindi po maam

Interviewer: Satingin mu ba effective ya king learning ing classroom yu?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang librung Ingles king eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu ma’am
Interviewer: Paparusahan naka ban ing mestra mu kapag makasagut kang mali?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Mipapakarine kaba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Opo ma’am
Interviewer: Ayntidyan me ing mestra yu patye magsalita yang diretsung Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu ma’am
Interviewer: Manigaral kang Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Ali pu ma’am
Interviewer: Bakit?
Interviewee: Kasi pu maam dakal ku pu obra king bale tapos maningat kupa pu.
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryenti king bale?
Interviewee: Solar mu pu maam
Interviewer: Gagawan mo reng asainment mo king Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Sosopan da kaba deng pengari mu king pinansyal?
Interviewee: Opu pero ali pu sapat ita kasi pu sakto sakto mu pu
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na maghikayat kekang manigaral?
Interviewee: Yaku pu ing pangane kaya ala ku pung kapatad na sasawup kanaku.
Interviewer: Atin ba king miyembru mu king pamilya na biyasang magsalitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala pu yaku pa pu ing magaral
Interviewer: Magkasakit kaba king pamagbiyahi mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu maam
Interviewer: Sasake kayu bang motor o maglakad kayu mu?
Interviewee: Maglakad kami mu pu ganingaldo pa pu maglakad nakami.
Interviewer: Pilang oras o minutu ing pamaglakad mu hanggang eskwela?

Interviewee: Metung oras pu

Interviewer: Atin kayu bang bage king bale na malyaring basan?
Interviewee: Ala pu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang gadgets king bale na malyaring makasawup keka bang
mabyasa ka king salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Atin pu
Interviewer: Gagamit ka bang "sosyal midya" bang makisabi kareng aliwang tawu?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan ya bang panigaralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu.
Interviewer: Pilan na kang banua anyang inumpisan mung penigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Intervieweee: Dosi pu maam
Interviewee: Nanung aramdaman mu anyang minuna yang mituru keka ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewer: Masakit ya pu
Interviewer: Nanung rason mu bakit me panigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu mabiysa kung mag English ma’am
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mipakarine ka anyang gamitan me ing
wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Merine ku pu ma’am itang enaku pu bug sumabi
Interviewer: Nanu ing epekto na keka ing pamaglawe dang malati keka king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Kapag awsan daku pung baluga paburen ku nala mu pu. Pero enaku pu bisang
sumbi king klase lalu na pu nung English.
Interviewee: Nanung klasing pamagtisti ing aranasan mu?
Interviewee: Awsan daku pung baluga ampong kulot. Kayi pane daku pung kalyan kasi
pu matuling ku kanu
Interviewer: Nanung epekto na keka ing pamagtisti da reng kaklasi mu?
Interviewee: Pane naku mu pung manahimik king klasrum mi. Enaku muring pu mag
recite kasi marine ku pu. Kasabi ku mu pu reng kaluguran ku Ita murin
Interviewer: Bakit eka manalbeng pelikula at librung Ingles?
Interviewee: Kasi pu ala kung gamitang manalbe at mamasa

Interviewer: Bakit taya kailangang panigaralan ing wikang Ingles?

Interviewee: Para pu akasabi tala detang English speaking ah tawu
Interviewer: Nanung araramdaman mu king kilub klase?
Interviewee: Pane ku pung magnerbyus at marine
Interviewer: Nanung la retang makarine mung aranasan king klasi mu?
Interviewee: Anya pung sinagut kung mali
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan a gagamitan ning mestra mu king pamanurung Ingles?
Interviewee: Mag discuss yapu
Interviewer: Aintindihan mu naman?
Interviewee: Madalas pu ali
Interviewer: Mamye ya bang activities king klase yu?
Interviewee: Opo maam mas buri kula pu deta
Interviewer: Dakal kayu ba libru para mabyasang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ita mu pung libru mi king English maam
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu na ning ala kayung kuryenti king bale?
Interviewee: Masakit pu kaya eku pu makagawang assignment lagi.
Interviewer: Pilang oras ing kekang gagamitan king pamanigaral leskyon?
Interviewee: Ala pu kasi pu maningat ku palagi kayi dakal pa pung obra king bale
Interviewer: Nanu la reng gagamitan mu king pamanggawa mung homework?
Interviewee: Ala pu eku pu makagawa
Interviewer: King bale, madalas me bang gagamitan ing wikang Ingles patye sasabi ka?
Interviewee: Aliman pu
Interviewer: Nanu la reng wikang gagamitan mu king bale?
Interviewee: Ilocano pu
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu ning pamaghikayat na ning pengari mu king pamagaral mu?
Interviewee: Masaya pu kasi susuportan daku makasikan pung itang makanitang salita na
samasan mi pu kanung magaral
Interviewer: Makananu ya kalawut ing eskwela mu king bale?
Interviewee: Nung lalakad pu metung oras
Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang mitalwi king klasi yu?

Interviewee: Opo maam

Interviewer: Nanu ing gagawan mu para enaka mitalwi klase?
Interviewee: Migigising ku pung maranun
Interviewer: Makananu me kadalas gagamitan reng cellphone areni?
Interviewee: Minsan mu pu maam kasi pu alang signal king kekami
Interviewer: Bakit ka gagamit cellphone? Para mu ba malibang o nanu?
Interviewee: Para pu malibang maam
Interviewer: Nanu la reng site king social media ing gagamitan mu para makisabi kareng
aliwa? Interviewee: Facebook pu
Interviewer: Makananu ka makisabi kareng kaklasi mung ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Natural mu pu
Interviewer: Nanung wika ing gagamitan mu?
Interviewee: Kapampangan pu
Interviewer: O karetang ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Marine ku pu karela pero kapag pakisabyan kula pu Kapampangan
Aeta Student 7

Interviewer: Hello. Kilala mu ku pa?

Interviewer & interviewee: (laughs)
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Ah wa balakusa emu naku kilala, e. Manyad kung sawup keka ngeni para
king research mi na Challenges Encountered by Aetas in English Language Learning. Atin
kung questions keni ngeni sagutan mula itang tutung sagut ne? Kasi gamitan mila deng
sagut mu para king research paper mi. Eka migaganaka misalikut at ela mikalat deng sagut
mung ibye kaku. Okay ba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opo ma’am
Interviewer: I-record ku ing pisabyan tamu para akwa ku ngan ing egana-ganang sabyan
mu, okay mu ba?
Interviewee: Opo, ma’am
Interviewer: Oh, question number one, buri mu la reng English subjects mu?
Interviewee: Opo, ma’am.
Interviewer: Yes. Ahm. Anyang minuna meng dimdam ing English mabilis ka bang
mekapag-adjust, a-acquire me ba agad itang kayi, or migkasakit kang
penigaralan ya?
Interviewee: Migkisakit ku ma’am.

Interviewer: Magkisakit ka bang manigaral king English?

Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Manalbe kang English na pelikula?
Interviewee: Ali maam
Interviewer: Mamasa kang English books?
Interviewee: ali pu maam
Interviewer: Atin ka sariling paralan king pamanigaral salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala pu maam
Interviewer: Kekwentu mu bang karanasan mu king biye kareng kaluguran mu gamit ing
salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu maam marine ku pu
Interviewer: King palage mu, importanti ba ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Reng aliwang tawu, mipapakarine la patye magsalita la king Ingles, milyari
naba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Pero sinubukan munang sinabing gamit ing English language?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Komportble ka ba kapag gagamitan me ing English language?
Interviewee: (laughs) Ali maam
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang kakalatyan ka keng sarili mu kareng aliwa mung
kaklasi patye magsalita ka king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang pegsistiyan daka king itsura mu?
Interviewee: Opo maam lagi pu
Interviewer: Ing pamagtisti da ba maka-apektu ya king pamagaral mo?
Interviewee: Opo maam
Interviewer: Ing klasrum ba ing peka-ustung lugar bang mabyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Raramdaman mu ba ing positibo at relax na pakiramdam king kilub

Interviewee: Opo pero minsan pu ali

Interviewer: Atin kayu bang librung Ingles king eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu ma’am
Interviewer: Paparusahan naka ban ing mestra mu kapag makasagut kang mali?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Mipapakarine kaba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Ahm … Opo ma’am pane pu
Interviewer: Ayntidyan me ing mestra yu patye magsalita yang diretsung Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu ma’am
Interviewer: Manigaral kang Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Ali pu ma’am
Interviewer: Bakit?
Interviewee: Kalwal ku eskwela munta naku pu ketang bale da ri dara ku para magobra
Interviewer: Nanung klasing obra?
Interviewee: Maglinis pung bale makanita pu

Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryenti king bale?

Interviewee: Ala pu maam
Interviewer: Gagawan mo reng asainment mo king Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Sosopan da kaba deng pengari mu king pinansyal?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na maghikayat kekang manigaral?
Interviewee: Ala pu
Interviewer: Atin ba king miyembru mu king pamilya na biyasang magsalitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala pu (laughs)
Interviewer: Magkasakit kaba king pamagbiyahi mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu maam
Interviewer: Sasake ka bang motor o maglakad kayu mu?
Interviewee: Maglakad ku mu pu makamal pu ing saken

Interviewer: Pilang oras o minutu ing pamaglakad mu hanggang eskwela?

Interviewee: Mula Pilien pu hanggang eskwela 6 hours pu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang bage king bale na malyaring basan?
Interviewee: Ala pu
Interviewer: Atin ka bang gadgets king bale na malyaring makasawup keka bang mabyasa
ka king salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala pu
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan ya bang panigaralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu.
Interviewer: Pilan na kang banua anyang inumpisan mung penigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Intervieweee: Tresi pu maam
Interviewee: Nanung aramdaman mu anyang minuna yang mituru keka ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewer: Makatakut pu
Interviewer: Nanung rason mu bakit me panigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu makasabi kung karetang aliwang tawu maam
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mipakarine ka anyang gamitan me ing
wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Merine ku pu maam
Interviewer: Nanu ing epekto na keka ing pamaglawe dang malati keka king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Masakit pu maam kasi pu pane daku bung awsan baluga eda pu balu
manasakit naku pero eku nala mu pu papansinan.
Interviewee: Nanung klasing pamagtisti ing aranasan mu?
Interviewee: Pane daku pung awsan baluga reng kaklasi ku, ma’am, pero eku nala mu pu
papansin paburen ku nala mu pu.
Interviewer: Nanung epekto na keka ing pamagtisti da reng kaklasi mu?
Interviewee: Maririne ku pu maam
Interviewer: Bakit eka manalbeng pelikula at librung Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala pu maam
Interviewer: Bakit taya kailangang panigaralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ita pu maam para pu makasabi kareng aliwang tawu

Interviewer: Nanung araramdaman mu king kilub klase?

Interviewee: Kakarug ku pu maam
Interviewer: Nanung la retang makarine mung aranasan king klasi mu?
Interviewee: Anya pung sinagut kung mali kayi pu kinalyan daku reng kaklase ku
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan a gagamitan ning mestra mu king pamanurung Ingles?
Interviewee: Didiscuss nala u reng lesson mi
Interviewer: Aintindihan mu naman?
Interviewee: Ali pu maam
Interviewer: Mamye ya bang activities king klase yu?
Interviewee: Opo maam pero minsan pu marine ku muring sasabi
Interviewer: Dakal kayu ba libru para mabyasang Ingles?
Interviewee: Metung yamu pu
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu na ning ala kayung kuryenti king bale?
Interviewee: Masakit pu maam kasi pu madalumdum pu
Interviewer: Pilang oras ing kekang gagamitan king pamanigaral leskyon?
Interviewee: Ali ku man pu manigaral maam kasi pu magobra ku
Interviewer: Nanu la reng gagamitan mu king pamanggawa mung homework?
Interviewee: Ala pu
Interviewer: Gagamitan me ba ing salitang Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Nanu la reng wikang gagamitan mu king bale?
Interviewee: Salitang Ita pu
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu ning pamaghikayat na ning pengari mu king pamagaral mu?
Interviewee: Makasikan pung lub maam
Interviewer: Makananu ya kalawut ing eskwela mu king bale?
Interviewee: Nung lakaran me maam anam pu sigurung oras
Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang mitalwi king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Pane ku pung malelate maam
Interviewer: Nanu ing gagawan mu para enaka mitalwi klase?
Interviewee: Agad ku pung gagayak tsaka migigising

Interviewer: Makananu ka makisabi kareng kaklasi mung ali katutubo?

Interviewee: Kapampangan pu
Interviewer: O karetang ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Pareho mu pu
Aeta Student 8
Interviewer: Hello! Kamusta naka man?
Interviewee: Ayus mu naman pu ma’am
Interviewer: Awa masanting naman nung makanta, okay mu ba nung mag-umpisa tana
keng kekatamung interbyu?
Interviewee: Opu ma’am
Interviewer: Okay mu ba nung medyu sikan taya boses tamo? Banta damdaman taya
masalese kasi kailangan tayang I record. Ayus mu ba?
Interviewee: Ayus mu po
Interviewer: O sige mag-umpisa tana, ayni na ing mumuna tang kutang.
Interviewer: Buri me ba ing asignaturang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu buri ko ne man pu
Interviewer: Agad ka bang mebyasa keng wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Masakit meng pag-aralan ing wikang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, masakit yapu kasi
Interviewer: Manalbe ka bang pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Minsan pu opu
Interviewer: Mamasa kang librong Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin ka bang sariling paralan king pamanigaral salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Atin din naman pu
Interviewer: King palage mu, epektibo la ba reng gagamitan mung paralan para
mabiyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Siguro pu opu

Interviewer: Kekwentu mu ba ing karanasan mu king biye kareng kaluguran mu gamit

ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali man pu
Interviewer: King palage mu, importanti ya ba ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu importanti yapu syempre
Interviewer: Reng aliwang tawu, mipapakarine la patye magsalita la king Ingles, milyari
naba keka ita?
Interviewee: Opu, milyari na pu
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang magsalita gamit ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba patye gagamitan me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang kakalatyan da ka reng aliwa mung kaklasi patye
magsalita ka king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, minsan pu
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang pegsistiyan daka?
Interviewee: Lagi pu
Interviewer: Meka-apektu ba king pamagaral mu ing pamagsisti da keka?
Interviewee: Minsan pu opu pero eku napu papansinan
Interviewer: Ing klasrum ba ing peka-masanting a lugar bang mabyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Araramdaman mu ba ing positibo at relax a pakiramdam king kilub
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Epektibu o masalese ya ba ing klasrum mu king pamanigaral?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Epektibu la ba reng paralan a gagamitan na ning mestra mu king
pamanurung Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang librung Ingles king eskwela?
Interviewee: Atin naman pu

Interviewer: Parusahan na ka ba ning mestra mu patye mali ya ing kekang sagut?

Interviewee: Opu, minsan pu
Interviewer: Mipapakarine kaba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Ayntidyan me ing mestra yu patye magsalita yang diretsung Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali man pu
Interviewer: Manigaral kang Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Minsan pu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryenti king bale?
Interviewee: Ala man pu
Interviewer: Gagawan mo reng asignatura mu king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Sosopan da ka ba reng pengari mu king gastusin mu?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Hikayatan naka ba ning pengari mu bang magaral?
Interviewee: Opu lagi pu
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na maghikayat kekang manigaral?
Interviewee: Ala man pu
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang manyad sawup king pamanggawa kareng asignatura
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin ba kareng miyembru mu king pamilya na biyasang magsalitang
Interviewee: Ala man pu
Interviewer: Sasake kayu bang motor papunta king eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu, pag atin pu pera kaya pu patse ating saken na magsake pu kekami
Interviewer: Magkasakit ka ba king pamagbiyahi mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu, malawut pu kasi
Interviewer: Makaranas ka bang gulu o problema kareng siping mung bale?
Interviewee: Ali pu

Interviewer: Atin bang bage king bale yu na malyaring basan?

Interviewee: atin pu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang gadgets king bale na malyaring makasawup keka bang
mabyasa ka king salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala man pu
Interviewer: Gagamit ka bang "sosyal midya" bang makisabi kareng aliwang tawu?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba king kekayung bale/komyunidad?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: King palage mu, maka-apektu ya ba ing pamagbiyahi mu simula bale
hanggang eskwela king kekang pamagaral?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan taya ba ing salitang Ingles king lipunan tamu
Interviewee: Opu, kailangan taya pu

Interviewer: Yari tana keng mumunang set ning kutang tamu, ngeni atin ta panibayung
kutang, okay mu ba?
Interviewee: Ayus mu pu
Interviewer: Mag-umpisa tana keng kekatamung panibayung kutang, pilan na kang
banua anyang inumpisan mong penigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Mga grade seven pu, fourteen o fifteen pu siguro ita.
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mumuna meng dimdam ing salitang
Interviewee: balamu pu masakit ya, masakit ya pu intindyan tsaka po gamitan
Interviewer: Nanung epektu na keka ing pamag-kwentu mo kareng kaluguran mu keng
Interviewee: Madadagdagan ya pu ing balu ko keng ingles at mababyasa ko pu ditak-
ditak magsalita ingles maski po minsan ali pu ustu itang panyabyan ko.
Interviewer: Awa, masanting yan, Nanu naman ing rason mu bakit me panigaralan ing
salitang Ingles?

Interviewee: Patse pu halimbawa atin pu bisita na taga aliwang bansa tapos mag ingles la
pu ayntindyan at apakisabyan ko la pu ditak. Pwede din pu siguro kung munta ko aliwang
bansa agad ko la pu apakisabyan deng tawu dahil keng ingles maski wrong grammar
wrong grammar ko pu lagi imporatanti pu makainitndi ko maski bagya mu pu.
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mipakarine ka anyang sasabi ka gamit ing
salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Balamu pu didine ko, pag minsan po iisipan ko baka paglokwan daku pu
deng kaklase ko o kaya pu baka magkamali ko pu mag- English.
Interviewer: Nanu ing epekto na keka ing pamaglawe dang malati keka king klasi yu?
Tuknang naka mu ba na magsalita keng Ingles o mas lalu ka mag-pursige?
Interviewee: Opu, balamu pu mas lalo ko pu samasan atsaka pu galingan pero minsan pu
syempre marine at kakarug ko pu patse mag- English ko.
Interviewer: Nanung epekto na keka ing pamagtisti da reng kaklasi mu o keni school mo
o kaya maski nokarin?
Interviewee: Sasabyan da pu “beluga” o kaya pu sabyanan daku pu na wrong grammar
Interviewer: Bakit buri me ing asignaturang Ingles?
Interviewee: Kasi pu abalu ke ing Ingles at agamit ke pu.
Interviewer: Bakit manalbeng kang pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Para pu detang sasabyan da pu ababalu ko la pu nanu buri da sabyan ampu
makananu ya pu sasabyan, nung makananu ya pu ing ustung pamagsabi karetang words
keng Ingles.
Interviewer: Bakit ka mamasang librung Ingles?
Interviewee: Kalupa na din pu ing sagut ko makabasa ko pu bayung salita na eku balu
tas pag abasa ko ne pu balu ko ne pu tas ayalala ke pu. Madadagdagan la pu deng
kaalaman ko.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atutunan me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Mag-review ko pu tas mamasa, mag dictionary ko pu
Interviewer: Bakit taya kailangang panigaralan ing salitang Ingles? Bakit mahalaga ya
keka bilang estudyante?
Interviewee: Ahmm, ahmm nanuyta? Kalupa na pu ning nandin patse pu ating minta na
taga aliwang bansa keni akasabi tala pu agad tsaka pu ayntindyan tala nung nanu man
itang sasabyan da.
Interviewer: Nanung araramdaman mu king kilub klase?
Interviewee: tang balamu pu maeexcite ko din pu na manigaral

Interviewer: Nanung la retang makarine mung aranasan king klasi mu?

Interviewee: Kayi pu pag ma ro-wrong grammar ko pu syempre
Interviewer: Nanu la retang paralan na ning mestra mu king pamanurung Ingles?
Interviewee: Linawan ne pu ing pamagsalita na, bagalan ne pu bakanta pu ayntindyan mi
tapos ulit-ulitan ne pu itang tuturo na banta makatuki kami pu keng lesson.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang bibye na kekayu ning mestra mu?
Interviewee: Itang kayi pu, papanyulatan daka pu keng papel “hindi na po ako ma le-
late” kapag late ka pu o kaya pu “ gagawa na po ako ng takadang-aralin” pag ala ka pu
Interviewer: Nanu la reng problema mung aranasan king eskwela?
Interviewee: Halimbawa pu kareng project magkasakit ko pu kasi kailangan ya pu
talagang pera ita banta makagawa ko pu nanu man pagawa da pu kekami.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng aktibidad na bibye na ning mestra yu kekayu na makasawup
king pamagaral yung salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ahmm kayi pu, pagawan na kami pu voc.words o vocabulary words pu
Interviewer: Makananu yang maka-apektu keka ing atin kuryente bilang estudyante?
Interviewee: Kayi pu maski bengi pu nung bisa ka mamasa o manigaral pu pwede kasi
pu atin ka gamitan a sulu
Interviewer: Pilang oras ka manigaral leksyun king asignatura mung Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Hmm ahmmm, malagad mu pu mga one hour pu
Interviewer: Nanung oras ka manigaral leksyun?
Interviewee: Nung ala ko pu obra o gawan keng bale, mga five pu kauli ko bat eskwela.
Interviewer: Nanu la reng gagamitan mu king pamanggawa mung takdang aralin?
Interviewee: Libro pu pag atin o kaya pu dictionary.
Interviewer: Makananu ka kadalas gagamit salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Pag kailangan mu pu keng eskwela halimbawa pu pag sasagut ko pu kareng
kutang sa reng mestra keng English pu. Pati pu anyang atin minta bisita keni pekisabyan
mila pu keng English, o kaya pu minsan din keng chat.
Interviewer: Nanung lengguwahe ing gagamitan yu king bale?
Interviewee: Kapampangan pu
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu ning pamaghikayat na ning pengari mu king pamagaral

Interviewee: dahil pu keng pamangkat na kaku ampo kareng sasabyan na kaku deta pu
ing maging dalan banta po ayari ke pamanigaral ko at maging metagumpe kami po keng
biye pagdatang ning aldo.
Interviewer: Makananu ya kalawut ing bale yu king eskwela?
Interviewee: Malawut ya po, metung oras po pag lekaran taya po
Interviewer: Makananu kalwat ing byahe mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Pag mag trike po minute mu po
Interviewer: Nanung kagamitan ing atin ka para gamitan king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Kayi po dictionary ampo po libro mi keng English ampo neng kayi po
diaryo po atin din.
Interviewer: Makananu kadalas mu la gagamitan deng gamit mu king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Malagad mu pop ag bias ko mu po ahe.
Interviewer: Nanu ing dahilan bakit mula gagamitan deta?
Interviewee: Para po pag atin ko buri abalu meaning itang salita akit ke po agad karin at
balu ke po keng dictionary.
Interviewer: Atin ka bang gadgets?
Interviewee: Ala man po
Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang mitalwi king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Opo, pag minsan pop ag eku makagawa assignment po
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atagumpayan mula reng sakit a makanini?
Interviewee: Eku namu po makaying papansinan, buri ko mu po na naman na mayari
pamagaral. Manigaral naku mu po masalese hanggat agyu kop o banta ali danakau din po
pagkisti deng tawu
Interviewer: Nanu sa tingin ing importansya na ning Ingles keng lipunan tamu?
Interviewee: Makasawup ya po keng pamakisabi tamu kareng aliwa, asasabi tamu po
buri tamu sabyan karela at mika intindi tamu po. Tsaka pag byasa ka po keng Ingles mas
masagli po mantun obra keng aliwang bansa.
Interviewer: Makanu ka makisabi ka reng kaklasi mung ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Pakisabyan ko la po keng Kapampangan o kaya po keng tagalog mu naman
Interviewer: Nanung lenngwahe ing gagamitan mu para makisabi kareng estudyanting
ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Kapampangan po ampo po tagalog

Aeta Student 9
Interviewer: Hi. Magaral ku king TSU, atchu kami keni para ketang thesis mi, ikayu ing
kekaming respondents kung baga ikayu ing apili ming kayabe para abalu mi nung nanu la
reng pagsubuk o problema na araranasan yu king pamagaral yu, lalu na king asignatura
yung Inglis. Atin kaming kutang sagutan wa ampong ali pero nung bisa kang
mangidagdag pang sagut ok mu mas masanting ita. Wa nung araranasan me, Ali, nung
eme araranasan. Handa na ka? Eka kakarug ah, manyagut kamu. Ing egana-ganang
sabyan mu ay kekami mu, emi pangalat. Ayus mu ba keka?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Buri me ba ing subject a Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Sagli ka mu bang mekatuki anyang mumuna meng dimdam ing salitang
Interviewee: Ali po
Interviewer: Magkasakit ka ba keng pamanigaral salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Wa po
Interviewer: Manalbe ka bang pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali man po
Interviewer: Mamasa ka librung Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo, deta po libro mo mi keng English
Interviewer: Atin ka bang sariling paralan king pamanigaral salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: King palage mu, matagumpe o epektibu la ba reng kekang paralan para
mabyasang salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Siguro po, Opo
Interviewer: Kekwentu mu ba ing karanasan mu king biye kareng kaluguran mu gamit
ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali man po
Interviewer: King palage mu, importanti ya ba ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo, importanti ya po
Interviewer: Reng aliwang tawu, mipapakarine la patye magsalita la king Ingles, milyari
naba keka ita?

Interviewee: Wa po
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang magsalita gamit ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba patye gagamitan me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali ko po
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang kakalatyan da ka reng aliwa mung kaklasi patye
magsalita ka king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang pegsistiyan daka?
Interviewee: Opo, lagi po
Interviewer: Meka-apektu ba king pamagaral mu ing pamagsisti da keka?
Interviewee: Minsan po, Opo
Interviewer: Ing klasrum ba ing peka-masanting a lugar bang mabyasa kang Ingles?
Interviewee: Wa po
Interviewer: Araramdaman mu ba ing positibo at relax a pakiramdam king kilub
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Epektibu o masalese ya ba ing klasrum mu king pamanigaral?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Epektibu la ba reng paralan a gagamitan na ning mestra mu king
pamanurung Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang librung Ingles king eskwela?
Interviewee: Opo atin po
Interviewer: Parusahan na ka ba ning mestra mu patye mali ya ing kekang sagut?
Interviewee: Ali naman po
Interviewer: Mipapakarine kaba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Ayntidyan me ing mestra yu patye magsalita yang diretsung Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali po
Interviewer: Manigaral kang Ingles king bale?

Interviewee: Ali man po

Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryenti king bale?
Interviewee: Atin kami po solar
Interviewer: Gagawan mo reng asignatura mu king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Sosopan da ka ba reng pengari mu king gastusin mu?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Hikayatan naka ba ning pengari mu bang magaral?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na maghikayat kekang manigaral?
Interviewee: Ala man po
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang manyad sawup king pamanggawa kareng asignatura
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Atin ba kareng miyembru mu king pamilya na biyasang magsalitang
Interviewee: Ala po
Interviewer: Sasake kayu bang motor papunta king eskwela?
Interviewee: Minsan po, pero madalas po lalakad kami mu po
Interviewer: Magkasakit ka ba king pamagbiyahi mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Makaranas ka bang gulu o problema kareng siping mung bale?
Interviewee: Ali naman po
Interviewer: Atin bang bage king bale yu na malyaring basan?
Interviewee: Atin naman po
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang gadgets king bale na malyaring makasawup keka bang
mabyasa ka king salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala po
Interviewer: Gagamit ka bang "sosyal midya" bang makisabi kareng aliwang tawu?
Interviewee: Ali po
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba king kekayung bale/komyunidad?

Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: King palage mu, maka-apektu ya ba ing pamagbiyahi mu simula bale
anggang eskwela king kekang pamagaral?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan taya ba ing salitang Ingles king lipunan tamu
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: Pilan na kang banua anyang inumpisan mong penigaralan ing salitang
Interviewee: Mga thirteen po o fourteen
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mumuna meng dimdam ing salitang
Interviewee: Masakit po, masakit yap o intindyan
Interviewer: Nanung epektu na keka ing pamag-kwentu mo kareng kaluguran?
Interviewee: Kayi po, asasabi ko po karela itang buri ko sabyan lalo na po pag tungkul
keng iskwela po
Interviewer: Nanung rason mu bakit me panigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Dahil keng iskwela po, tuturo de po kekami.
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mipakarine ka anyang sasabi ka gamit ing
salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Masakit po para kaku ita, lalo na po kalyan daka patse po migkamali ka
kayi pagkisti daka po kayi ulit ulit da po sasabyan itang asabi ko na ali po ustu
Interviewer: Nanu ing epekto na keka ing pamaglawe dang malati keka king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Minsan po mimimwa naku din karela keng gagawan da po kaku, pero ala
naman po mangyari pag mabusit ko mu karela kaya imbis na pa epekto ko po kareala
paburen ko na la mu po
Interviewer: Nanung klasing pamagtisti ing aranasan mu?
Interviewee: Bubully daku po madalas, sabyan da beluga ko tsaka po matuling kayi
awsan daku pa po uling ita po makanta po
Interviewer: Nanung epekto na keka ing pamagtisti da reng kaklasi mu?
Interviewee: Dahil po kareng gagawan da minsan po didine naku po makyabe karela tas
ali naku mu din po sumabi bakanta po ali da naku po pagkisti ampo ibully
Interviewer: Bakit buri me ing asignaturang Ingles?

Interviewee: Buri ke din po kasi dakal ko din po ababalu na kalupa po kareng aliwa at
malyari ko la din po turo deta kareng wali ko ampo pengari ko
Interviewer: Bakit eka manalbeng pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala kami man po t.v tsaka po ali mi la din po ayntindyan eh
Interviewer: Bakit eka mamasang librung Ingles?
Interviewee: Kasi po eke man po balu tsaka po makapamasa ko mu pop ag kailangan po
keng iskwela kaya pag atin yap o pagawa ing mestra mi
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atutunan me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Atin ko dictionary, pag eke po balu itang buri ng sabyan nitang sinabi da
malyri ke po lawen Karin tas abalu ko ne po buri ng sabyan
Interviewer: Bakit taya kailangang panigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Banta po madagdagan la deng balu tamu po keng Ingles, tsaka banta po
nagamit taya ita pag magobra tana po
Interviewer: Nanung araramdaman mu king kilub klase?
Interviewee: Okay naman po, minsan makarine din po makyabe kareng aliwa
Interviewer: Nanung la retang makarine mung aranasan king klasi mu?
Interviewee: Pag minsan po pag mali ya po itang asabi ko kaya pag ala ko asagut po
kalyan daku tsaka pagkisti
Interviewer: Nanu la retang paralan na ning mestra mu king pamanurung Ingles?
Interviewee: Turo ne po masalese kekami, eya po turo aliwa patse emi ya pa po balu
itang tuturo na tsaka pag kayi po turo sopan na kami pop ag emiya po balu ing gawan
ampo isagut
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang bibye na kekayu ning mestra mu?
Interviewee: Papanyulatan daku po keng papel lagyu ko tapos sapakan ke poi ta harap
ampo gulut, kaya minsan din po papamalisan dakami po ampo papamulutan basura
Interviewer: Nanu la reng problema mung aranasan king eskwela?
Interviewee: Kadalasan po itang pamakyabe po kareng tawu, tsaka po itang minsan
magkasakit ko po makatuki keng klase mi
Interviewer: Nanu la reng aktibidad na bibye na ning mestra yu kekayu na makasawup
king pamagaral yung salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Pasulatan na kami po salita keng papel po tapos sulat mi la din pod eta buri
da sabyan detang salita na areta
Interviewer: Makananu yang maka-apektu keka ing atin kuryente bilang estudyante?

Interviewee: Maski kapilan ko po bias manigaral pwede po kasi masala po kasi ating
sulu na gamitan
Interviewer: Pilang oras ka manigaral leksyun king asignatura mung Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Mga kapitna po oras siguru kaya po nung kapilan ko po ala gagawan
Interviewer: Nanung oras ka manigaral leksyun?
Interviewee: Aliwa-liwa po, basta nung ala naku po gawan pero madalas pop ag atsu
bale magobra ko mu po ali ko man po manigaral
Interviewer: Nanu la reng gagamitan mu king pamanggawa mung takdang aralin?
Interviewee: Dictionary po ampo libro bat iskwela
Interviewer: Makananu ka kadalas gagamit salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Pag pamamasan da kami mu po Ingles keng iskwela
Interviewer: Nanung lengguwahe ing gagamitan yu king bale?
Interviewee: Zambal po ampo kapampangan
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu ning pamaghikayat na ning pengari mu king pamagaral
Interviewee: Ila po ing maging rasun ko banta po mas samasan ko pa po keng
pamanigaral ko at para karela din ing gagawan ko banta mayari ko po keng pamagaral ko
Interviewer: Makananu ya kalawut ing bale yu king eskwela?
Interviewee: Malawut ya po
Interviewer: Makananu kalwat ing byahe mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Nung lakaran po atlu hanggat apat na oras po kalmbat pag naman po
makasaken po mg metun oras po ampo kapitna
Interviewer: Nanung kagamitan ing atin ka para gamitan king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Kayi po dictionary po tsaka libro na binye nap o ning mestra mi po
Interviewer: Makananu kadalas mu la gagamitan deng gamit mu king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Pag mu po aisip ko kaya pag atim po gawan keng iskwela kanta ko la mu
po basan deng libro ko
Interviewer: Nanu ing dahilan bakit mula gagamitan deta?
Interviewee: Banta po midagdagan ko din balu keng Ingles tsaka pop ag kailangan po
keng iskwela po
Interviewer: Atin ka bang gadgets?
Interviewee: Ala ko po

Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang mitalwi king klasi yu?

Interviewee: Opo, lalo nap o pag minsan ali kop o makalub dahil po magobra kop o
tsaka dahil malawut poi ng bale mi keng iskwela mi po
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atagumpayan mula reng sakit a makanini?
Interviewee: Iisipan ko namu po na kailangan ko mayari pamagaral maski po masakit
ampo po malawut ya bale mi hanggat agyu kop o lungub ko pero minsan po enaku po
makalub kasi mas kailangan daku din po kekami minsan
Interviewer: Keng palage mo nanu ing importansya na ning Ingles keng lipunan tamu?
Interviewee: Dahil po karin mikaintindi la po deng tawu lalo nap o pag aliwa yang lahi
deta po maputi kayi po ayntindyn tala po ampo apakisabyan dahil keng Ingles
Interviewer: Makanu ka makisabi ka reng kaklasi mung ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Pakisabyan ko la Kapampangan po o kaya tagalog po
Interviewer: Nanung lenngwahe ing gagamitan mu para makisabi kareng estudyanting
ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Kapampangan ampo Tagalog po

Aeta Student 10
Interviewer: Kamusta naka?
Interviewee: Ayus mu naman pu ma’am
Interviewer: Awa masanting naman nung makanta, okay mu ba nung interbyuhan daka
ngeni? Bat kami keng Tarlac State University, magaral kami karin at kailangan ming mag
Interviewee: Opu ma’am
Interviewer: Okay mu ba nung medyu sikan taya boses tamo? Banta damdaman taya
masalese keng kasi kailangan tayang irecord. Ayus mu ba?
Interviewee: Ayus mu pu
Interviewer: O sige mag-umpisa tana keng kekatamung interbyu
Interviewer: Buri me ba ing subject a Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Sagli ka mu bang mekatuki anyang mumuna meng dimdam ing salitang
Interviewee: Ali pu

Interviewer: Magkasakit ka ba keng pamanigaral salitang Ingles?

Interviewee: Wa pu
Interviewer: Manalbe ka bang pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali man pu
Interviewer: Mamasa ka librung Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, deta pu libro mi keng English
Interviewer: Atin ka bang sariling paralan king pamanigaral salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: King palage mu, matagumpe o epektibu la ba reng kekang paralan para
mabyasang salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Siguro pu, Opu
Interviewer: Kekwentu mu ba ing karanasan mu king biye kareng kaluguran mu gamit
ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali man pu
Interviewer: King palage mu, importanti ya ba ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu, importanti ya pu
Interviewer: Reng aliwang tawu, mipapakarine la patye magsalita la king Ingles, milyari
naba keka ita?
Interviewee: Wa pu
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang magsalita gamit ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba patye gagamitan me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali ko pu
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang kakalatyan da ka reng aliwa mung kaklasi patye
magsalita ka king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Aramdaman mu na bang pegsistiyan daka?
Interviewee: Opu, lagi pu
Interviewer: Meka-apektu ba king pamagaral mu ing pamagsisti da keka?
Interviewee: Minsan po, Opu
Interviewer: Ing klasrum ba ing peka-masanting a lugar bang mabyasa kang Ingles?

Interviewee: Wa pu
Interviewer: Araramdaman mu ba ing positibo at relax a pakiramdam king kilub
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Epektibu o masalese ya ba ing klasrum mu king pamanigaral?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Epektibu la ba reng paralan a gagamitan na ning mestra mu king
pamanurung Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang librung Ingles king eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu atin pu
Interviewer: Parusahan na ka ba ning mestra mu patye mali ya ing kekang sagut?
Interviewee: Ali naman pu
Interviewer: Mipapakarine kaba patye magsalita kang Ingles king kilub ning klase?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Ayntidyan me ing mestra yu patye magsalita yang diretsung Ingles?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Manigaral kang Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Ali man pu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang kuryenti king bale?
Interviewee: Ala man po
Interviewer: Gagawan mo reng asignatura mu king Ingles?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Sosopan da ka ba reng pengari mu king gastusin mu?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Hikayatan naka ba ning pengari mu bang magaral?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin kang kapatad king bale na maghikayat kekang manigaral?
Interviewee: Ala man pu
Interviewer: Sibukan mu na bang manyad sawup king pamanggawa kareng asignatura

Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Atin ba kareng miyembru mu king pamilya na biyasang magsalitang
Interviewee: Ala pu
Interviewer: Sasake kayu bang motor papunta king eskwela?
Interviewee: Minsan pu, pero madalas pu lalakad kami mu pu
Interviewer: Magkasakit ka ba king pamagbiyahi mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Makaranas ka bang gulu o problema kareng siping mung bale?
Interviewee: Ali naman pu
Interviewer: Atin bang bage king bale yu na malyaring basan?
Interviewee: Atin naman pu
Interviewer: Atin kayu bang gadgets king bale na malyaring makasawup keka bang
mabyasa ka king salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala pu
Interviewer: Gagamit ka bang "sosyal midya" bang makisabi kareng aliwang tawu?
Interviewee: Ali pu
Interviewer: Komportable ka ba king kekayung bale/komyunidad?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: King palage mu, maka-apektu ya ba ing pamagbiyahi mu simula bale
anggang eskwela king kekang pamagaral?
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: King palage mu, kailangan taya ba ing salitang Ingles king lipunan tamu
Interviewee: Opu
Interviewer: Pilan na kang banua anyang inumpisan mong penigaralan ing salitang
Interviewee: Mga katorsi o kinsi po
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mumuna meng dimdam ing salitang
Interviewee: Hmmm balamu po masakit ya intindyan tsaka masakit ya panigaralan

Interviewer: Nanung epektu na keka ing pamag-kwentu mo kareng kaluguran mu?

Interviewee: Asasabi kop o nanu itang buri ko sabyan karela po
Interviewer: Nanung rason mu bakit me panigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Banta po mabyasa ko at makatuki ko keng panigaralan mi po keng iskwela
Interviewer: Nanung aramdaman mo anyang mipakarine ka anyang sasabi ka gamit ing
salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Makarine po
Interviewer: Nanu ing epekto na keka ing pamaglawe dang malati keka king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Ali naku mu po makyabe karela banta ali ko po daramdaman itang
panyabyan dang matsura kaku po
Interviewer: Nanung klasing pamagtisti ing aranasan mu?
Interviewee: Neng kayi po sabyan da kaku na baluga ko, matuling kayi pag eku
makasagut po kayan daku po
Interviewer: Nanung epekto na keka ing pamagtisti da reng kaklasi mu?
Interviewee: Didine ko po, enaku mu po magsalita kasi bantang ali naku po magkamali
ampo ali da naku po pagkistu
Interviewer: Bakit buri me ing asignaturang Ingles?
Interviewee: Kasi po dakal ko din po abalu karin na agamit kop o keng pamanigaral
Interviewer: Bakit eka manalbeng pelikulang Ingles?
Interviewee: Ala kami po pialben ampo ali ke din po ayntindyan ita
Interviewer: Bakit eka mamasang librung Ingles?
Interviewee: Kasi po kayi, ali ke man po masyado ayntindyan
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atutunan me ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Makiramdm ko po keng madam ko pag tuturo ya po kekami
Interviewer: Bakit taya kailangang panigaralan ing salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Banta po apakisabyan tala po deng foreigner
Interviewer: Nanung araramdaman mu king kilub klase?
Interviewee: Okay mu po
Interviewer: Nanung la retang makarine mung aranasan king klasi mu?
Interviewee: Deng pamamusit da po kekami kayi awsan da kami baluga po
Interviewer: Nanu la retang paralan na ning mestra mu king pamanurung Ingles?

Interviewee: Turo na kami po masalese tsaka dinan na kami po oras banta apanigaralan
mi ya po ustu itang tuturo na kekami po
Interviewer: Nanu la reng parusang bibye na kekayu ning mestra mu?
Interviewee: Papanyulatan daku po keng papel lagyu harap ampo gulut po
Interviewer: Nanu la reng problema mung aranasan king eskwela?
Interviewer: Nanu la reng aktibidad na bibye na ning mestra yu kekayu na makasawup
king pamagaral yung salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Pasulatan na kami po salita keng papel po tapos sulat mi la din pod eta buri
da sabyan detang salita na areta
Interviewer: Makananu yang maka-apektu keka ing atin kuryente bilang estudyante?
Interviewee: Maski kapilan ko po bias manigaral pwede po kasi masala po kasi ating
sulu na gamitan
Interviewer: Pilang oras ka manigaral leksyun king asignatura mung Ingles king bale?
Interviewee: Mga kapitna po oras siguru kaya po nung kapilan ko po ala gagawan
Interviewer: Nanung oras ka manigaral leksyun?
Interviewee: Aliwa-liwa po, basta nung ala naku po gawan pero madalas pop ag atsu
bale magobra ko mu po ali ko man po manigaral
Interviewer: Nanu la reng gagamitan mu king pamanggawa mung takdang aralin?
Interviewee: Dictionary po ampo libro bat iskwela
Interviewer: Makananu ka kadalas gagamit salitang Ingles?
Interviewee: Pag pamamasan da kami mu po Ingles keng iskwela
Interviewer: Nanung lengguwahe ing gagamitan yu king bale?
Interviewee: Zambal po ampo kapampangan
Interviewer: Nanu ing epektu ning pamaghikayat na ning pengari mu king pamagaral
Interviewee: Ila po ing maging rasun ko banta po mas samasan ko pa po keng
pamanigaral ko at para karela din ing gagawan ko banta mayari ko po keng pamagaral ko
Interviewer: Makananu ya kalawut ing bale yu king eskwela?
Interviewee: Malawut ya po
Interviewer: Makananu kalwat ing byahe mu papuntang eskwela?
Interviewee: Nung lakaran po atlu hanggat apat na oras po kalmbat pag naman po
makasaken po mg metun oras po ampo kapitna

Interviewer: Nanung kagamitan ing atin ka para gamitan king pamamasa?

Interviewee: Kayi po dictionary po tsaka libro na binye nap o ning mestra mi po
Interviewer: Makananu kadalas mu la gagamitan deng gamit mu king pamamasa?
Interviewee: Pag mu po aisip ko kaya pag atim po gawan keng iskwela kanta ko la mu
po basan deng libro ko
Interviewer: Nanu ing dahilan bakit mula gagamitan deta?
Interviewee: Banta po midagdagan ko din balu keng Ingles tsaka pop ag kailangan po
keng iskwela po
Interviewer: Atin ka bang gadgets?
Interviewee: Ala ko po
Interviewer: Aranasan mu na bang mitalwi king klasi yu?
Interviewee: Opo, lalo nap o pag minsan ali kop o makalub dahil po magobra kop o
tsaka dahil malawut poi ng bale mi keng iskwela mi po
Interviewer: Nanu la reng paralan mu para atagumpayan mula reng sakit a makanini?
Interviewee: Iisipan ko namu po na kailangan ko mayari pamagaral maski po masakit
ampo po malawut ya bale mi hanggat agyu kop o lungub ko pero minsan po enaku po
makalub kasi mas kailangan daku din po kekami minsan
Interviewer: Keng palage mo nanu ing importansya na ning Ingles keng lipunan tamu?
Interviewee: Dahil po karin mikaintindi la po deng tawu lalo nap o pag aliwa yang lahi
deta po maputi kayi po ayntindyn tala po ampo apakisabyan dahil keng Ingles
Interviewer: Makanu ka makisabi ka reng kaklasi mung ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Pakisabyan ko la Kapampangan po o kaya tagalog po
Interviewer: Nanung lenngwahe ing gagamitan mu para makisabi kareng estudyanting
ali katutubo?
Interviewee: Kapampangan ampo Tagalog po

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