Ix English QN Paper Set 2 Daoeny

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[Bharat - Transformers
Academic Group]


2023 - 2024
(Language & Literature)

Set 2
Bharat Transformers Academic Group

Class IX
Subject: English (184 Language & Literature)
Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours

General Instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR


2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


I. Read the following passage carefully.

(1) Do you ever feel there's a greater being inside of you bursting to get out? It is the
voice that encourages you to really make something of your life. When you act
congruently with that voice, it's like you are a whole new person. You are bold and
courageous. You are strong. You are unstoppable. But then reality sets in, and soon
those moments are history. It is not hard to put yourself temporarily into an
emotionally motivated state. Just listen to that motivational song for that matter.
However, this motivation does not stay forever. Your great ideas seem impractical.
How many times have you been temporarily inspired with an idea like, "I want to start
my own business?” And then a week later it's forgotten! You come up with inspiring
ideas when you are motivated. But you fail to maintain through the action phase.

(2) The problem we ask ourselves is: Why does this happen? You can listen to
hundreds of motivational speakers and experience an emotional yo-yo effect, but it
does not last. The problem is that as we are intellectually guided, we try to find logic in
emotional motivation and as we fail to find logic, eventually it all fizzles out. I used to
get frustrated when my emotional motivation fizzled out after a while. Eventually, I
realized that being guided by intellect was not such a bad thing after all. I just had to
learn to use my mind as an effective motivational tool. I figured that if I was not feeling
motivated to go after a particular goal, maybe there was a logical reason for it. I noted
that when I had strong intellectual reasons for doing something, I usually did not have
any trouble taking action.

(3) But when my mind thinks a goal is wrong on some level, I usually feel blocked. I
eventually realized that this was my mind's way of telling me that the goal was a
mistake to begin with. Sometimes, a goal may seem to make sense on one level but
when you look further upstream, it becomes clear that the goal is ill-advised. Suppose
you work in sales, and you get a goal to increase your income by 20% by becoming a
more effective sales person. That seems like a reasonable and intelligent goal. But
maybe you are surprised to find yourself encountering all sorts of internal blocks
when you try to pursue it. You should feel motivated but you just don't. The problem
may be that on a deeper level your mind knows you don't want to be working in sales
at all. You really want to be a musician. No matter how hard you push yourself in
sales career,it will always be a motivational dead end.

(4) Further when you set goals, that are too small and too timid, you suffer a perpetual
lack of motivation. You just need to summon the courage to acknowledge your true
desires. Then you will have to deal with the self-doubt and fear that's been making you
think too small. Ironically, the real key to motivation is to set the goals and scare you.
You are lettingfears, excuses, limiting beliefs hold you back. Your subconscious mind
knows that you are strong, so it won't provide any motivational fuel until you step up,
face your fears and acknowledge your heart's desire. Once you finally decide to face
your fears and drop the excuses, you will find your motivation turning on full blast.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

(i) What does the author want to convey when he says, "When you look further
upstream, it becomes clear that the goal is ill-advised"? (2)

(ii) Replace the word ‘timid' with the most suitable one identified from thepassage. (1)

So he sat there trembling and afraid; for he was atimid, bashful man and did not like
to be noticed.

(iii) Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage? (1)

a) Living Life with Success

b) Why Don't We Feel Motivated?
c) How to Achieve Intellectual Success?
d) Feel Motivated, Feel High-Spirited

(iv) What does the author mean when he says, “It eventually fizzles out."? (1)

a) We need continuous focus on goals.

b) It reduces because of lack of practice.
c) We become self-motivated with time.
d) It slowly goes away as time passes.

(v) “...you will find your motivation turning on full blast." How? (2)

(vi) According to the passage, the author says that emotional motivation_______(1)

a) tends to be temporary
b) it has the potential to mislead us
c) (both (i) and (ii)
d) neither (i) nor (ii)

(vii) Complete the given statement. (1)

When you are setting goals that are too small, you______________.

(viii) According to the passage, to get true motivation you first have to____ (1)

a) acknowledge your true desires

b) deal with your self-doubt
c) not let your fears hold you back
d) all of these

II. Read the following passage carefully.

(1) In earlier times, there was no non-biodegradable waste. Our forefathers found
biodegradable substances for all our needs. We used the kitchen waste to feed pets;
some of the other wastes were used to burn as fuel as some as organic fertilizer. This
has now changed. We use polyurethane bags and bottles which are often non-
biodegradable. Every household has a lot of plastic waste. Our public places have
become dumping yards for such waste. We need to set guidelines and implement
stricter laws to reduce waste. Every household should be responsible for the waste
they generate. SwachhtaParamo Dharma should be our mantra.

(2) Our children should be aware of the importance of maintaining an untainted home
and a clean public place. "Never litter" should be a lesson taught from a young age.
This will enable our future generations to be socially responsible. We also need to
include this in the academic curriculum, which will help students understand and
learn the importance of hygiene. Our children must practise to leave different types of
waste in appropriate dustbins.

(3) The cleanliness movement, anchored by our Prime Minister, promises to bring in
an effective system of installing separate garbage bins at public places. This will
ensure the segregation of the wet and dry waste at the point of its origin. We should
also have a comprehensive plan to separate wet and dry waste in the household as
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

(i) Why was there no non-biodegradable waste in earlier times? (1)

a) Because of less population

b) Because our forefathers found non-biodegradable substances for all our needs
c) Because our forefathers found biodegradable substances for all our needs
d) Both (i) and (ii)

(ii) Howwere wastes treated earlier? (1)

a) They were used to feed pets.

b) They were used to burn as fuel.
c) They were used as organic fertilizer.
d) All of these

(iii) What needs to be done to reduce waste? (1)

(iv) What should our children be aware of? (2)

(v) What will ensure the segregation of the wet and dry waste? (2)

(vi)"Our public places have become dumping yards for such waste." What is referred to
as 'such waste' in the given line? (1)

(vii) What should be included in the academic curriculum? (1)

a) A lesson on difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.

b) A lesson on 'Never Litter'
c) A lesson on SwachhtaParamo Dharma
d) A lesson on uses of waste

(viii) Study the following statements. (1)

(A) In earlier times, there was no non-biodegradable waste.

(B) Our forefathers found biodegradable substances for all our needs.

a) (A) is the assertion and (B) is the reason.

b) (B) is the assertion and (A) is the reason.
c) Both (A) and (B) are unrelated assertions.
d) Both (A) and (B) reasons of different assertions.

III. Attempt ANYTEN of the following. (1x10=10)

1. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank to complete the sentence.
The journey _____(be) cool. It imparted solace to the soul and mind.
a) is
b) was
c) has been
d) were

2. Complete the given sentence.

Several items in the room have been ____damaged.

a) bad
b) badly
c) worse
d) severe

3. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following.
When I reach home, my son_________video games.
a) will play
b) will be playing
c) shall be play
d) will have played

4. Select the correct option to fill that identifies the error and supplies the
correction for the following line.

Rajat was taught how to behave in the


Option Error Correction

i) was is
ii) in with
iii) taught teaches
iv) behave behaved

5. Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank.

All the children of class tenth will______go to the principal’s office.

a) have to
b) can
c) should
d) would

6. Read the following dialogues and then fill in the blank to complete the sentence.
Prerna: Are you going for the picnic?

Ram: No, I can’t because my father is unwell.

Prerna: I will pray to god for his speedy recovery.

Prerna wanted to know from Ram if he was going for the picnic. To this Ram
answered that he could not go because his father was unwell. Further, Prerna
said that _____________.

7. Which of these sentences is grammatically incorrect?

a) He works hard lest he should fail.

b) We ought to obey our parents.
c) She need not consult a doctor at once although she is ill.
d) You must answer all the questions.

8.A child specialist shifted his clinic and left a hoarding on the ground floor.
Identify the error on his clinic’s hoarding and supply the correction, for the

Climb to the first floor. The pedestrian is


Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction

9. Fill in the blank with suitable determiner.

________costume are you wearing on your birthday?

a) why
b) those
c) whose
d) which

10.Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following news
The Uttarakhand Chief Minister reaches Joshimath next week where he_______abridge
for the convenience of the people of the area.
i) is inaugurated
ii) will inaugurate
iii) would inaugurate
iv) should inaugurate

11. Complete in the blank by choosing the correct option.

The teacher asked Sachin _________during summer holidays.
a) who gone there
b) if he had go somewhere
c) if he had gone somewhere
d) where he spend his days

12. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank.

Will the mason _______constructing this building for two hours?
a) had been
b) has been
c) have been
d) have had


IV. Attempt ANY ONEfrom A and B given below. (5M)

A) You recently attended a seminar on how to prepare for the UPSC

examinations.Using the clues given below, describe the event.


B) Write a paragraph describing a journey, imaginary, or that you have undertaken.

You can follow the steps given below:

i) Prepare an itinerary
ii) You can make use of the following expressions, phrases and proverbs frequently
used by the travellers.

Jet lag-itchy feet-hit the road-timetable-on the home stretch- call it a day- book in
advance- travel over-travel through- travel light- any port in a storm- stopover etc.

V. . Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5M)

Hema wanted to write a story but couldn't complete it. Help her complete the story
with the cues given below. Write it in about 100-120 words and give a suitable title to
the story.

It was a bright and perfect day to read a book and relax. The work in the office had
been so challenging that......


You are Vikas/ Vinni. You recently surprised your mother on Mother's Day. Make a
diary, in about 100 to 120 words, using the following cues, expressing your feelings
and stating what all happened.

surprised mother- planned a day full of enjoyment- bought her a pair of earrings-went
out with her- did not let her work- made her happy


VI. Read the extracts given below andattempt ANY ONE by answering the
questions that follow: (5M)

A corpse is being cremated on its banks; washerwomen are at their work and children
bathe. From a balcony, a basket of flowers and leaves, old offerings now wilted, is
dropped into the river. A small shrine half protrudes from the stone platform on the
river bank. When it emerges fully, the goddess inside will escape, and the evil period of
the Kaliyug will end on earth.

(i)What is dropped from the balcony in the holy Bagmati?

a. Flowers and leaves

b. Old offerings
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these

(ii) The author is talking about __________

a) the Satyug
b) the Kaliyug
c) the Dvaparayug
d) the Tretayug

(iii) State any one inference about the author from the given context.

‘A corpse is being cremated; washerwomen are at their work and children bathe.'

(iv) State True or False.

Children do not bathe in the holy Bagmati.

(v) The term wilted' in the passage means

a) dropped
b) drooping
c) drown
d) dropsy


One feels tempted to look into a mirror when it is near one. I took a look. In those days
I was a great admirer of beauty and I believed in making myself look handsome. I was
unmarried and was a doctor. I felt I had to make my presence felt. I picked up the
comb and ran it through my hair and adjusted the parting so that it looked straight
and neat.

(i) The doctor talks of a common human weakness which is___________.

a) combing one's hair

b) looking into a mirror
c) adjusting the parting in one's hair
d) admiring one’s beauty

(ii) What does the doctor mean by “In those days"?

a) He is referring generally to the past

b) He was telling a story to his friends.
c) He was talking of his youth.
d) He was talking about the times when he was unmarried.

(iii) State any one inference about the character from the given context.

‘I was unmarried and I was a doctor: I felt I had to make my presence felt'.

(iv) State True or False.

The doctor was unmarried.

(v) Pick out the synonym of the word ‘tempted’ from the options given below

a) incited

b) instilled

c) enticed

d) emerged

VII. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. (5M)

It is the human earth that we defile,

Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence

Of air that is everywhere our own,

Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.

(i) ‘Our hells of dust and fire' refer to ...

a) industrial activities
b) construction in the cities
c) war, bloodshed and destruction
d) pollution in the air

(ii) The message in lines 2 and3 is_______.

a) we are devastating our own lives and our home(earth) with war
b) we are polluting the environment with dust and noise
c) we are burning everything - property and life
d) we are using weapons to destroy each other

(iii) FilI in the blank.

When we wage wars upon earth, we destroy the_______in which we are living.

(iv) What does the speaker's alignment with those who fight the enemy, suggest?

(v) Which the following describes the speaker's universal attitude towards mankind?

a) universalism
b) individualism
c) convivialist
d) (iv) conformist

Then she took a tiny scrap of dough,

And rolled and rolled it flat;

And baked it thin as a wafer,

But she shouldn't part with that.

(i) The woman baked a thin as a wafer cake because__________.

a) she wanted to feed the hungry man

b) she was a kind soul
c) she wanted the cake to look as big as could be
d) she wanted to use the least amount of dough

(ii) Did Saint Peter get the cake to eat?

a) Yes, he did.
b) No, she could not part with the paper-thin cake.
c) She ate the cake herself.
d) She decided to bake a smaller one.

(iii) Fill in the blank.

Though she had baked the cake as thin as a wafer, she still thought she ______ part
with it.

(iv) What does the poet try to suggest through the woman's actions?

(v) Which of the following best describes the speaker's attitude towards the weary and
hungry poor who arrive at her doorstep?

a) careless
b) carefree
c) callous
d) calm

VIII. Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each. (4X3=12M)

i) What is Evelyn’s secret of success? What message does she give to

ii) Despite their social differences, the social groups shared friendships and
experiences. Elaborate.
iii) Who was Mileva Marie? Where did Einstein meet her?
iv) What does Innisfree symbolize for the poet? Does the poet actually miss the
place of his boyhood days?
v) Dreams hold importance in the poet’s life. Is it true? Explain with reference
to the poem ‘Rain on the Roof’.

IX. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. (3X2=6M)

i) While keeping pets at home, what all things should be kept in mind?

ii) What behaviour was Mahendra expecting from Iswaran when he had scolded him
for telling ghost stories?

iii)The cat and the narrator are fond of each other. How has this been shown in the
story “A House is Not a Home”?

X. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words each. (6M)

Courage can lead to great things. Explain in context to the lesson ‘Reach For the Top-
Santosh Yadav’.


How did Gerrard befool the intruder to be able to save himself?

XI. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words each. (6M)

Bad habits ruin a person. Lushkoff turned to begging because of his drinking habit.
How does this ruin him? What lesson do you learn from his life?


‘Goodness can never be destroyed.’ Do you agree? Illustrate with reference to the story
‘The Happy Prince’.

Class IX
Subject: English (Language and Literature 184)
Marks: 80
Time: 3Hrs

I. Reading comprehension

1. (i) Here, by looking upstream author wants to say that when we see or analyze our
goal in a more profound way, it becomes clear that goal is not at all what it seemed
like when we started with.

(ii) scared

(iii) Feel Motivated, Feel High-Spirited

(iv) It slowly goes away as time passes.

(v) The real key to motivation is to set the goals and scare ourselves. Once we finally
decide to face our fears and drop the excuses, we will find out motivation turning on
full blast.

(vi) it tends to be temporary

(vii) suffer a perpetual lack of motivation

(viii) all of these

II.Reading comprehension

(i) because our forefathers found biodegradable substances for all our needs.

(ii) all of these

(iii) We need implement sticker laws and guidance to reduce waste

(iv) Our children should be aware of the importance of maintaining an untainted home
and a clean public place

(v) An effective system of installing separate garbage bins at public places. This will
ensure the segregation of the wet and dry waste at the point of its origin. Setting
guidelines and implementing stricter laws to reduce waste.

(vi) Plastic waste

(vii) A lesson on 'Never Litter'

(viii) Both (A) and (B) are assertions


1. was

2. badly

3. will be playing


ii) in With

5. have to

6. she would pray to god for his (father’s) speedy recovery.

7. You must answer all the question.

8. pedestrian- paediatrician

9. Which

10. will inaugurate

11. if he had gone somewhere

12. have been


IV. Diary Entry / Descriptive paragraph

3 marks for content

2 marks for expression (1 mark-grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and

spellings + 1mark-cohesion via connecting ideas, logical progression & coherence
through relevance ofideas and style)

V.Story/Diary entry

Format including title 1mark

Content- 2marks

Expression 2marks

VI. A.

(i) Both (a) and (b)

(ii) Kaliyug

(iii) The author is a good observer and an experience travel writer who has noted down
everything that he sees, in his surroundings, without adding his personal comment on
the same. Thus, he builds a visual imagery rich in colour, sound and solemnity in his

(iv) False

(v) drooping


B. (i) looking into a mirror

(ii) He was talking about the times when he was unmarried.

(iii) This statement shows that the character was obsessed with his outward
appearance and wanted to show off about his status as a doctor. He went out of his
way, to appear to be a person of distinction and availed of every opportunity to draw
attention to himself.

(iv) True

(v) enticed


(i) war, bloodshed and destruction

(ii) we are devastating our own lives and our home (earth) with war

(iii) Environment

(iv) The poet is a man of peace who realizes the futility of war.

(v) universalism


(i) she wanted to use the least amount of dough

(ii) No, she could not part with the paper-thin cake.

(iii) shouldn't

(iv) The poet tries to suggest the extent of mean mindedness in the old woman, as a
build up to the punishment given to her, for her actions. The build 'up is a way of
justifying the punishment she deserved.

(v) callous

VIII.Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each. (4X3=12M)

(Content 1M, Expression 1M, Fluency & Accuracy 1M)

i)Evelyn's message to the people is as follow: Strong determination and hard work with
sincerity and honesty leads to success. Aim for your goal and try to reach your goal
with full determination and concentration.

ii)The social groups shared friendships and experiences and lived in harmony. Kalam's
mother and grandmother often told the children of his family bedtime stories about
the events from the Ramayana and from the life of the prophet. During the Shri Sita
Rama Kalyanam ceremony, his family used to arrange boats with a special platform
for carrying idols of the Lord from the temple to the marriage site. When
RamanadhaSastry's father heard that the new teacher tried to segregate pupils on the
basis of religious divisions, he called the teacher and advised him to revert his
decision or quit. .Kalam's Science teacher, Shivasubřamanialyer, invited Kalam to
have meal with him. This way he changed his conservative wife's mindset

iii)Mileva Marie was a Serbian student who had come to Zurich University to study
because was one of the few universities in Europe where women could get degrees.
Einstein met at the University. He found her to be a clever girl. She also shared similar
interests in art, literature and music and he developed special interest in her.

iv) Innisfree represents poet's state of mind. The poet wishes to escape to Innisfree as
it is more peace than where he is now-the city. Innisfree is representative of what the
poet considers an ideal place to live, which is devoid of the restless humdrum of his
life. Yes, the poet actually misses the place of his boyhood days. Even when he is away
from Innisfree, he recalls the sound of the lake water washing the shore

v) This poem is depicting the overall mood on a rainy night. During night, the humid
cloud, full of water, creates dark shadows over the star- studded sky. The poet dreams
about his mother and the way she used to tuck him in bed. The poet's dream of his
mother, reminds him of his childhood days. His mother used to tell stories to lull him
into sleep full of dreams. The music being played on the rooftop is like the affectionate
look by which his mother used to see him, while he was a kid. So, dreams make him
realise the importance of past and the things that he now misses.

IX.Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. (3X2=6M)

(Content 1M, Expression 1M, Fluency & Accuracy 1M)

i) Value points

* know about the number of dangers that lurk in our household

*Keep pesticides and medicines at bay

*plugs and fire places etc.

ii) Value points

* Mahendra expected Iswaran to be angry for a couple of days

* He was surprised at his cheerful and talkative behaviour next day

iii)Value points

* the cat was never far from him

* rescued as kitten

* it knew that he was responsible for giving him good life

X. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words each. (6M)

(Content 3M, Expression 2M, Accuracy 1M)

A . Value points:

* Santosh refused to marry at the age of 16

* though her parents put a deep pressure

*she preferred shorts rather than Indian dresses

* choose a rational path, left home and came to Delhi for High School

B. Value Points

* packed my bag and was talking on the phone

* suddenly saw an intruder in front of him

* before he could react , intruder pointed gun at him

* shocked and scared but did not lose his presence of mind and told him that he was a
criminal too

* locked him in a cupboard, called up the police to get him arrested

XI. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words each. (6M)

(Content 3M, Expression 2M, Accuracy 1M)

A. Lushkoff was a middle-aged man. He was a beggar. He used to beg in a polished

manner. Once, he pretended to be a school teacher. Next time, he presented himself as
a student. In fact, he was a singer in a Russian Choir. He was sent away for his
drunkenness. He was a man ruined by his drinking habit which turned him to

His drinking habit made him physically and mentally incapable. He was so weak that
he could not do any work offered by Olga or Sergei. He had to compromise with his
self- respect. He had to feel ashamed of his habits. He had to beg. Bad habits initially
may give pleasure, which is temporary but they bring disrepute, humiliation and ruin
to a person in the long run.

B. Yes, I agree with the statement, "Goodness can never be destroyed." In the story;
the Happy Prince had goodness for all. He had a kind heart and was moved by the
widespread poverty and misery of the people. So, he had his great will to help others in
adverse circumstances. He gave his eyes, gold and jewels to the poor. The swallow was
the messenger of the Happy Prince. When the swallow died at his feet, the heart of the
Happy Prince was broken into two due to its death. The statue of Happy Prince was no
longer useful and beautiful. It was pulled down. When the statue was melted in a
furnace, the heart did not melt because goodness can never be destroyed.


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