BCS-011 - J17 - Compressed

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of Printed Pages : 3 I BCS 011 I



(BCA) (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2017



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 75%)

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory and carries

40 marks. Attempt any three questions from the

1. (a) Convert the following decimal numbers to

binary number and hexadecimal number :
(i) 57
(ii) 0.215
(b) How is the access time on a disk defined ?
Explain the components of access time
with the help of an example. 5
(c) Explain the components of a memory
system and the role of cache memory in the

memory hierarchy.
(d) List any four application softwares.
Explain the purpose of each. 6
BCS-011 1 P.T.O.
(e) Draw a flow chart for a program that
calculates the area of a circle. 6
(f) What is a Blog ? What are the merits and
demerits of blogging ? 4
(g) List three categories of a search engine
with the help of an example. What is
indexing in the context of a search engine ? 5
(h) Explain the advantages and disadvantages
of e-learning. 4

2. (a) What is an Operating System ? List and

explain any four services/functions of an
operating system. 6
(b) What are the characteristics and
advantages of a Local Area Network ?
Explain any one LAN topology with the
help of a diagram. 8
(c) Define the term 'Open Source Software'.
Explain any two important features of the
model used for open source software

3. (a) Discuss the following in brief : 8

(i) Assembler
(ii) Editor
(iii) Interpreter
(iv) Compiler
BCS-011 2
(b) What is port ? Explain the characteristics
of Parallel, Serial, USB and Small
Computer System Interface ports.
(c) What are the security threats related to
Internet ? How can they be prevented ? 4

4. (a) What is data transmission channel ?

Compare and contrast Guided and
Unguided channels.
(b) Compare and contrast the following :
(i) SRAM versus DRAM
(ii) SIMM versus DIMM
(iii) ROM versus PROM
(iv) CD-ROM versus USB Drive
(c) What is a URL ? Explain with the help of a
an example, the need of DNS in Internet. 4

5. Explain any five of the following with the help of

an example/diagram, if required : 5x4=20
(a) Network Interface Card
(b) Word Processing
(c) Collaboration in the context of Internet
(d) Router and Switches
(e) Activities in Software Project Management
(f) Two Data Entry Devices
(g) Cookies in the context of Browser Software

BCS-011 3 6,000

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