Prayas JEE 2.0 (2025) : Physics Motion in 1 - Dimension
Prayas JEE 2.0 (2025) : Physics Motion in 1 - Dimension
Prayas JEE 2.0 (2025) : Physics Motion in 1 - Dimension
Q1 A particle moving in a straight line has velocity reached a velocity of 40 m/s. What is the
displacement equation as v = 5√1 + x . Here average acceleration?
v is in m/sec and x in metre. Select the correct (A) 3 m/s2
alterative (B) 2 m/s2
(A) Particle is initially at rest. (C) 1 m/s2
(B) Initial velocity of the particle is 5 m/sec and (D) zero
the particle has a constant acceleration of
Q5 A car moving with a velocity of 10 m/s can be
12.5 m/sec2 .
stopped by the application of a constant force
(C) Particle moves with uniform velocity.
F in a distance of 20 m . If the velocity of the
(D) None of these.
car is 30 m/s it can be stopped by this force in:
Q2 Starting from rest a particle moves in a straight (A) 100m (B) 90m
line with acceleration (C) 180m (D) 160m
a = (25 − t2 ) m/s2 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5s
Q6 A particle moves for 50 seconds if first
a= m/s2 for t > 5s accelerates from rest and then retard or
deaccelerates to rest. If the retardation be 5
The velocity of particle at t = 7 s is
(A) 11 m/s times the acceleration then the time for
retardation is
(B) 22 m/s
(A) 25/3 second
(C) 33 m/s
(D) 44 m/s (B) 50/3 second
(C) 25 second
Q3 The motion of a body falling from rest in a (D) 100/3 second
viscous medium is described by dt
= A − Bv,
Q7 A truck travelling with uniform acceleration
where A and B are constants. The velocity at
crosses two points A and B with velocities
time t is given by:
60 m/s and 40 m/s respectively. The speed of
(A) A
(1 − e−Bt )
the body at the midpoint of A and B is nearest
(B) A (1 − e−B2 t )
(C) ABe (A) 17 m/s
(D) AB (1 − t) (B) 20 m/s
(C) 19.49 m/s
Q4 A car is moving with a velocity of 20 m/s. The
(D) 50.9 m/s
driver accelerated it for 10 seconds and
Answer Key
Q1 (B) Q6 (A)
Q2 (B) Q7 (D)
Q3 (A) Q8 (B)
Q4 (B) Q9 (C)