Entre. IV

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Executive Summary

Electrical Shop

This kind of business which is electricity working person to give them a good light for example its gave a wonderful and its give shine to our house, street, mall and act. Different kinds of current, we have light wire, etc. There are some materials that can be used in electricity one it that current. In a sustainable world, everyone will have access to electricity. On a voluntary basic, electric companies have adopted many practices that contribute to the social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainable development. Today, the sector has the opportunity to accelerate these efforts with new advances in technology and a more interconnected society. This has two goals to help overcome the challenges of making electricity available, accessible and affordable. First, electric power companies should implement guidelines for best practices to guide their operation in a sustainable manner. Second, all electricity are stakeholders. Including governments and non-governmental organizations, financial and development institutions, and technology providers should focus their sustainable development activities on expending access to electricity for all people. Residential, commercial and industrial demands for electricity have increased with rising economic property. While the electricity sector has met these demands, it has strived to, and will continue to, promote efficient use of natural resources, protect the global and local environment, and improve quality of life for both present and future generations stakeholders representing government, financial and development institutions, technology developers, and other nongovernmental organization focus their efforts, extending electricity to the two billion people who do not.

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Electrical Shop

Now have it will occur very slowly, or perhaps not all. Electric companies alone cannot provide electricity where it currently is not commercially available. Two goals and the means to achieve them are fully described in. Two billion people do not have access to electricity. Expanded access to affordable electricity could be accelerated, and higher levels of environmental protection could be attained, if 1.) Electric companies implemented guideline for best practices, and 2.) Government, financial and development institution; technology developers and non-governmental organization; and the sector focused their partnerships on sustainable electric power development.

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GEMJES Electrical Shop Financial Plan
I. Costing per Production

Electrical Shop

My total cost per production cycle is 227, 200.00. The following is a breakdown of my production cost; PDX Wire PVC Wire Lightning Outlet Convenience Outlet Circuit Breaker Junction Box Utility Box Electrical Tape Electricity Salary Rental Transportation Repair and Maintenance Total cost of Production II. Total Project Cost Fixed Capital Equipment 150,000 Working Capital Raw materials 35,700 Labor (Salary) 18,000 Repair and Maintenance 500 Electricity 3,500 Rental 1,600 Transportation 500 __________________________________________________________________ Total Project Cost 227,200.00 (1 month) III. Sources of Capital Amount Capital 300,000 ________________ ( 8,600 5,100 5,300 5,100 6,500 1,900 1,400 1,000 3,500 18,000 1,600 500 500 Php 227,200.00 (1 month)

Percent 100% 3 ) ________________

IV.Projected Profit and Loss Statement Monthly 135,580

Electrical Shop

Projected Sales 813,480 Less: Cost of Sales Cost of Production 227,200 1,363,200 Less: Inventory End Cost 1,000 6,000 ____________________________________________________ Total of Sales 226,200 1,357,200 Gross Profit 91,620 549,720

Less: Administrative and Selling Expenses Salaries 18,000 Transportation 5,000 Net Profit before Tax Net Profit after Tax Return on Investment Payback Period 73,120 62,152 4.11% 1.6

108,000 3,000 438,720 372,912

We expect to recover our investment with in 1 year & 6 months operation. V. Marketing Plan Description of product/s This company will be selling the following: Name of products Purchasing Price Junction Box Php30.00 PDX wire 1 box Php3,060.00 Fluorescent Php127.50 Socket Php12.75 Customers: Below are the lists of our companys primary customers. 1. The number and kind of people most interested in our products or services are as follows. Majority of the general public, like this living in the middle class

Selling Price Php35.00 Php3,600.00 Php150.00 Php25.00

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electrical engineering and electrical teacher.

Electrical Shop

like officer employees, electrical engineering and electrical engineering and

2. These people primary work and live in the following areas ; people who work in the offices school in business man who live near our business center located at Roxas City, Banica, and Tanza Gua Roxas City. 3. This customers purchase about sixty thousand (60,000) minimum our services in every (day, week, month, and year). 4. The main reason the customer will purchase our products or services is because they need it since it is a basic security. 5. The name of our primary customer are: Name of Customer Ariel Reyes Imelda Alvarez Jayson Akat Elven Dela Cruz Reymark Alvarez Address of Customer Banica, Roxas City Libas, Roxas City New Road, Roxas City Tiza, Roxas City Tiza, Roxas City Purchase Php9,000.00 Php10,000.00 Php8,000.00 Php12,000.00 Php14,000.00

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Electrical Shop

The following are all the raw materials and components I need to manufacture my product and corresponding supplier for such materials and components. Item Circuit Breaker Lightning Outlet Convenience Outlet Socket Electrical Outlet T.W. Wire PVC Pipe Production Operations: In order to manufacture my product, the following operations will be undertaken, with the corresponding equipment to be used and number of workers needed in each operation. Operation Measure Cutting Installing Splicing Testing Energizing Production Cost: The following are cost of electrical installation for five houses per month; A. Direct Costs Circuit Breaker Lightning Outlet Convenience Outlet PDX Wire PVC Pipe Php 6,500 Php 5,300 Php 5,100 Php 8,600 Php 5,100 6 ) ________________ Machine/Equipment Pull Push Rule Side Cutting Pliers Clam hammer, screwdriver Long Nose Pliers VOM Bulb, Fluorescent, switch Number of workers 1 2 1 3 1 2 Supplier AJ Electrical Supply AJ Electrical Supply AJ Electrical Supply AJ Electrical Supply AJ Electrical Supply AJ Electrical Supply AJ Electrical Supply Location Burgos, St. Roxas City Burgos, St. Roxas City Burgos, St. Roxas City Burgos, St. Roxas City Burgos, St. Roxas City Burgos, St. Roxas City Burgos, St. Roxas City

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Electrical Tape Staple Wire Junction Box Utility Box Total Direct Costs B. Indirect Cost Repair & Maintenance Rental Salary Electricity/Water Total Indirect Costs II. Php 1,400 Php 1,600 Php35,000 Php 3,500 Php41,500 Php 1,000 Php 900 Php 1,900 Php 1,400 Php 35,700

Electrical Shop


It is estimated that each will cost Php 41,500 the costs have been broken down as follows: Item Direct Materials PDX Wire PVC Wire Lightning Outlet Convenience Outlet Circuit Breaker Junction Box Utility Box Electrical Tape Total direct materials Direct Labor Sailor for 3 workers (5 installation) Total direct labor Overhead Transportation Repair & Maintenance Total overhead Volume 150 m. 120 m. 35 pcs. 20 pcs. 5 pcs. 39 pcs. 39 pcs. 3 pcs. Unit cost Php 35.00 Php 27.00 Php 65.00 Php 75.00 Php1,500.00 Php 25.00 Php 25.00 Php 32.00 Total cost Php 5,250.00 Php 3,240.00 Php 2,275.00 Php 1,500.00 Php 7,500.00 Php 3,000.00 Php 975.00 Php 96.00 Php 21,811.00

Unit Cost Php 18.000.00

Total Cost Php 18,000.00 Php 18,000.00

Unit Cost Php 500.00 Php 350.00

Total Cost Php 500.00 Php 500.00 Php 1,000.00

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Total Cost Production

Electrical Shop

Thus, the projected production costs on a yearly basis with a provision for a 10% increase on the total volume of production are as follows: Item Direct Materials Direct Labor Overhead Cost Total Monthly Php 130,866.00 Php 108,000.00 Php 6,000.00 Php 244,866.00 Year 1 Php 261,732.00 Php 216,000.00 Php 2,000.00 Php 314,732.00 Year 2 Php 532,464.00 Php 432,000.00 Php 144,000.00 Php 1,099.464.00



VISION Seeing all graduate of TVE Electricity landing on a workplace where knowledge gained fittingly applied and developed as passage of time. MISSION Guided with property know how from learned corporation of instruction institution we look forward to live a brighter future being self-sufficient and self reliant as a product of a functional and effective TECH-VOC our specifically trained in electricity. VALUES Gifted of the skills, property training coupled wit industry, provided one has direction planning and determination progress is never farfetched but will be at ones reach in due time.

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The officers of the business organization are: Name Gerald Camacho Meljhon Azarcon Jason Acejo Elven Alianza This organization shall be staffed with the following: Position Electrical Engineering Manager Master Electrician

Electrical Shop

Position President Vice President Treasurer Stock Manager

Number 1 1 2

II. MAN POWER REQUIREMENTS The business will require the following workers: Skills Manager Electrical Engineering Master Electrician Number 1 1 2 Salary 35,000.00 30,000.00 15,200.00

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GEMJES Electrical Shop

Electrical Shop

Gerald Camacho Manager

Meljhon Azarcon Electrical Engineering

Elven Alianza Electrical Engineering

Jason Acejo Electrician

Joe Erik Azarcon Electrician

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1. Our competition is as follows: Name When Started 1. V.I.L 16-May 61 2. Amado Lim 20-June 90 3. La Estrella 15-Sept. 75 4. Aj Merchandising 17-April 85

Electrical Shop

Sales 1,360.00 1,580.00 1,355.00 1,200.00

2. Compared with our competitor, our products and services have the advantage in the following areas for the following reason: A. Price our price is quite inexpensive compared to our competitors. B. Quality we are selling high quality product that will satisfy the wants of our customers. C. Location our location is found in the Banica and Tanza Gua, Roxas City, this place is very accessible and can be immediately found by the customer. D. Service or convenience we will be serving our customers honestly, patiently and with respect. E. Reputation as a producer of Banica and Tanza Gua, Roxas City

product we will produce a high quality product for the customers. F. Method of selling we will sell our product by wholesale or retail. G. Hours or method of operation our hours of operation is from 8 am to 8:30 pm.

Sales Forecast
Month January Name of Products Junction box PDX wire Fluorescent Socket Quantity 5 pcs. @ Php 50 16 pcs. @ Php 35 7 pcs. @ Php 150 9 pcs. @ Php 15 Weekly Php 250 Php 560 Php 1,050 Php 135 Monthly Php 1000 Php 2,240 Php 4,200 Php 540 Php 7,980 ________________ ( 11 ) ________________

Total sales for January

Month February Name of Products Junction box PDX wire Fluorescent Socket Quantity 8 pcs. @ Php 50 21 pcs. @ Php 35 10 pcs. @ Php 150 13 pcs. @ Php 15 Weekly Php 400 Php 735 Php 1,500 Php 195

Electrical Shop
Monthly Php 1,600 Php 2,940 Php 6,000 Php 780 Php 11,320

Total sales for February

Month March

Name of Products Junction box PDX wire Fluorescent Socket

Quantity 15 pcs. @ Php 50 25 pcs. @ Php 35 15 pcs. @ Php 150 15 pcs. @ Php 15

Weekly Php 750 Php 875 Php 2,250 Php 225

Monthly Php 3,000 Php 3,500 Php 9,000 Php 900 Php 16,400

Total sales for March

Month April

Name of Products Junction box PDX wire Fluorescent Socket

Quantity 20 pcs. @ Php 50 30 pcs. @ Php 35 20 pcs. @ Php 150 20 pcs. @ Php 15

Weekly Php 1,000 Php 1,050 Php 3,000 Php 300

Monthly Php 4,000 Php 4,200 Php 12,000 Php 27,400 Php 27,400

Total sales for April Name of Products Junction box PDX wire Fluorescent Socket

Month May

Quantity 31 pcs. @ Php 50 37 pcs. @ Php 35 25 pcs. @ Php 150 27 pcs. @ Php 15

Weekly Php 1,550 Php 1,295 Php 3,750 Php 405

Monthly Php 6,200 Php 5,180 Php 15,000 Php 1,620 Php 28,000

Total sales for May

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Month June Name of Products Junction box PDX wire Fluorescent Socket Quantity 38 pcs. @ Php 50 42 pcs. @ Php 35 32 pcs. @ Php 150 30 pcs. @ Php 15 Weekly Php 1,900 Php 1,470 Php 4,800 Php 450

Electrical Shop
Monthly Php 7,600 Php 5,880 Php 9,200 Php 800 Php 44,480

Total sales for June

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