F5 Phy Final 1B 21-22

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Class Number


Mr Tsang
F.5 Final Examination 2021 – 2022
Subject Teacher
Mr Yeung
(2 hours 30 minutes)

SECTION B : Question-Answer Book B

This paper must be answered in English.

Question No. Marks

1 /5
2 /9
(1) After the announcement of the start of the
examination, you should first write your 3 / 11
Name, Class and Class Number in the
spaces provided on Page 1. Circle your
4 / 11
Subject Teacher.

(2) Refer to the general instructions on the 5 /6

cover of the Question Paper for Section
A. 6 /6

(3) Answer ALL questions. 7 /8

(4) Write your answers in the spaces 8 / 10

provided in this Question-Answer Book.
9 / 10
(5) Graph paper and supplementary answer
sheets will be provided on request. Write
10 /8
your name, class, class number and the
question number on each sheet, and
fasten them with string INSIDE this Total / 84
Question-Answer Book.

(6) No extra time will be given to candidates

for writing after the ’Time is up’

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Section B (65%)
Answer ALL questions.

1. While underwater a diver releases an air bubble of volume 6.50 × 10–8 m3. At the point of release
the pressure is 8.55 × 105 Pa and the temperature of the sea is 5.0 °C. The bubble rises to the surface
where the temperature of the sea is 20.0 °C.

(a) As the bubble rises, the mass of air in the bubble remains constant. Calculate the volume of the
bubble as it reaches the surface of the sea. Assume the air behaves as an ideal gas.
atmospheric pressure = 1.01 × 105 Pa (2 marks)

(b) Explain why the actual volume of the bubble as it reaches the surface would be less than the
volume calculated. (3 marks)

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2. The figure below shows a 220-V domestic lighting circuit. All light bulbs are all rated at
‘220 V, 100 W’.

5-A fuse

Neutral Live

(a) State two advantages in connecting the light bulbs in parallel instead of in series. (2 marks)

(b) If all the light bulbs are switched on, find

(i) the total resistance of the lighting circuit, (3 marks)

(ii) the total current drawn from the mains supply. (2 marks)

(c) Is a 3-A fuse suitable for this circuit? Explain briefly. (2 marks)

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3. A teacher is demonstrating the properties of an electron beam using an electron deflection tube.

In the tube the path of a beam of electrons can be observed on a grid. The grid is positioned between
two metal plates with a potential difference (p.d.) across them.

(a) Complete the diagram to show the electric field between the plates. (2 marks)

(b) The electron beam undergoes a vertical deflection of 2.0 cm, after travelling a horizontal
distance of 8.0 cm.
p.d. across plates = 1.50 kV
distance between plates = 5.0 cm

(i) Show that the electric force acting on each electron is about 5 × 10-15 N. (2 marks)

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(ii) Find the time of flight within the electric field. (3 marks)

(iii) Calculate the speed with which the electrons entered the electric field. (1 mark)

(c) In another demonstration, a magnetic field of flux density B is applied to the grid. This time
the electrons enter the fields with a velocity of 2.4 × 107 m s–1. The p.d. across the plates is
changed so that the electric field is in the same direction as before, but so its strength is now
25 000 N C–1. B is varied until the electron beam shows no overall deflection.

(i) Deduce the direction of the magnetic field. (1 mark)

(ii) Calculate B when there is no overall deflection of the beam. (2 marks)

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4. Bob designs an induction kettle which consists of two parts: the base and the body (Figure a). The
base has a solenoid X wound on an iron core and is connected to the mains supply. When the body is
put on the base, its solenoid Y passes through the iron core of X (Figure b).

Figure a Figure b

Suppose X has 40 turns per cm and Y has 500 turns. X, Y and the iron core have the same radius of
0.1 m. The resistance of the heating element is 10  and the resistance of the solenoids is negligible.

(a) Explain how the induction kettle works. (4 marks)

(b) What is the function of the iron core? (1 mark)

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(c) The current through X is 3 A at a certain instant. The current through X increases to 8 A in
3 ms. Assume there is no flux leakage and energy loss.

(i) Find the induced e.m.f. across Y. (2 marks)

(ii) Find the average heating power of the kettle within this period. (2 marks)

(d) Using the answer in (c)(ii), estimate the time that the kettle needs to boil 2 kg of water at
25 C. The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg−1 C−1. (2 marks)

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5. A student uses the circuit below to measure the e.m.f.  and the internal resistance r of a cell.

 r


Describe the experimental procedures and how to obtain the e.m.f. and the internal resistance from
the experimental results graphically. (6 marks)

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6. A skier is pulled up a hill by a rope at a steady velocity. The hill makes an angle of 12 ̊ with the
horizontal. The mass of the skier and skis is 73 kg. The diagram below shows three of the
forces acting on the skier.

(a) On the diagram, draw and label one other force acting on the skier. (1 mark)

(b) Calculate the magnitude of the normal reaction acting on the skier. (2 marks)

(c) The total frictional force acting is 65 N. Determine the tension in the rope. (2 marks)

(d) Explain, using Newton’s first law of motion, why the resultant force on the skier must be
zero. (1 mark)

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7. In Figure a, a red bicycle reflector is required to fit on the rear of the bicycle when cycling at

Figure a

(a) When light from a car headlamp is incident normally on the reflector, red light is reflected
back to the driver. The reflector is made of a layer of red transparent plastic with the
inner side in prismatic shape (Figure b). The refractive index of the red plastic is 1.46.



red plastic

Figure b

(i) Find the critical angle of the red plastic. (2 marks)

(ii) In Fig b, complete the path of the light ray. (1 mark)

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(b) A light ray of the same intensity from another car is incident on the reflector as shown in
Figure c.


A x reflector


red plastic

Figure c

(i) The angle of incidence at A is 35°. Find x. (2 marks)

(ii) Explain why the light reflected back to the driver is dimmer compared with the case
in (a) by considering the light incident at points A and B. (2 marks)

(iii) Suggest one reason why a single plane mirror cannot be used as the reflector.
(1 mark)

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8. A longitudinal wave is travelling in a medium from left to right. The graph shows the variation
with distance x of the displacement y of the particles in the medium. The solid line and the
dotted line show the displacement at t = 0 and t = 0.882 ms, respectively.

The period of the wave is greater than 0.882 ms. A displacement to the right of the equilibrium
position is positive.

(a) State what is meant by a longitudinal travelling wave. (1 mark)

(b) (i) Calculate the speed of this wave. (2 marks)

(ii) Calculate the frequency of this wave. (2 mark)

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(c) One particle in the medium has its equilibrium position at x = 1.00 m
State the direction of motion for this particle at t = 0. (1 mark)

(d) The figures below show the traces on a CRO of two notes produced by two musical
instruments. The settings of the CRO are the same in the two cases

time time
/ ms / ms
10 10

note 1 note 2

(i) Which note has a higher pitch ? Explain briefly. (2 marks)

(ii) Which note has a higher sound intensity level ? Explain briefly. (2 marks)

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9. Read the following description about tower crane and answer the questions that follow.

In Figure a, tower cranes are commonly used at construction sites to lift heavy objects. A tower
crane consists of two major structures: the vertical tall tower and the horizontal jib. A freely
movable trolley is placed on the jib and the object to be lifted can be attached onto a hook
hanged from the trolley. A counterweight is placed at one end of the jib to keep it balanced.

trolley jib

hook counterweight


Figure a

The hook is connected to the trolley by pulleys and a steel cable. The pulley system is
designed in a way that the object can be lifted with a force smaller than its weight. In the
pulley system as shown in Figure b, the force needed to lift the object is about one-fourth of its

steel cable

Figure b

(a) Suppose the crane shown in Figure b is used to lift an object upwards at a constant speed.
Let m be the total mass of the hook and the object.

(i) The figure below shows the hook together with the object. Draw the external forces
acting on this structure. Hence, explain why the tension in the steel cable is mg .
You may assume that the pulleys are smooth. (3 marks)

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(ii) ‘By W = Fs, if the object is raised by height h, the total work done by the cable on
the object is mgh .’ Comment on this statement. (2 marks)

(b) Figure c shows the simplified structure of the top part of a tower crane. The tall tower and
the jib are assumed to be hinged smoothly at O. The jib has a mass of 12300 kg and its
centre of gravity is located at G. The mass of the counterweight is 18000 kg. The total
mass of the trolley, the hook and the attached object is 2500 kg.
40 m 24 m 22 m
steel wire X steel wire Y
15 36


Figure c

Assume that the system is in equilibrium and the tensions of steel wires X and Y are
12000 N and 15000 N respectively at the moment shown.

(i) Find the distance of the trolley from O. (3 marks)

(ii) If the object attached to the hook is unloaded, how will the tension of wire X change?
Explain your answer briefly. (2 marks)

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10. In an amusement park, there is a swing ride in which riders sitting on the seats hung from the rim
of a rotating roof enjoy exciting experience (Figure a). Before start, the chains hanging the
seats are vertical and the seats stay still for the riders to take. When the roof rotates, the seats
and the riders swing outwards and rise (Figure b). The radius of the roof is 6 m and the distance
between the rider and the rim of the roof is 8 m.


8m rotating roof

rider on seat

Figure a Figure b

The ride starts at time t = 0. After time T, the roof rotates steadily and a seat-rider system of
mass 60 kg moves along a horizontal circular path with a constant speed. The angle  between
the chain hanging the seat and the vertical is 20.

(a) Find the net force acting on the seat-rider system. (3 marks)

(b) Find the angular speed of the seat-rider system. (2 marks)

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(c) Find the energy gained by the seat-rider system from t = 0 to t = T. (3 marks)


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