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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 660

Proceedings of the 9th Asbam International Conference (Archeology, History, & Culture In The Nature of Malay) (ASBAM 2021)

The Publication of the Results of Archaeological

Research Through Comics and Animated Movies:
The Opportunities and Challenges
Vivi Sandra Sari1,* Putra Kamajaya2, Irfanuddin W Marzuki3
Regional Agency for Archaeological Research in North Sulawesi
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Comics and animated movies have become one of the most appealing to teenagers and children in addition to being
the trend in digital era. Meanwhile, the findings of archaeological researches are interesting materials, many of the
animation and comics used archaeological themes such as Indiana Jones, The Mummy, Tomb Rider, Atlantis: The
Lost Empire, Tintin, Gerbang Neraka, and many more. The fact, is that Indonesia has abundant archaeological
remains, yet not known among teenagers and youngsters. To introduce and attract them, an interesting discourse on
archaeological results should be made. The topic of this research is to find out the way to utilize the archaeological
results in comics and animated movies in Indonesia. This research was analytical descriptive by using inductive
reasoning. The research stages covered data collection, analysis, and conclusion. From the research, it was found that
many findings of archaeological researches in Indonesia were adopted in movies and animation. While many
archaeological researchers have used comics and animation, the public also has used the technology using
archaeological findings. The use of comics and animated movies in archaeology would attract youngsters to get to
know archaeology. Archaeology is potential to audience target of popular culture in Indonesia as many youths have
pride in their culture while being curious about their ancestral culture.

Keywords: Archaeology, comic, animated movies.

1. INTRODUCTION expected to be received with a good understanding and

encourage action to participate in efforts to preserve
Archaeology is the study of the past through the cultural heritage (Amril, 2016).
remains of material culture. Archaeological remains can
be in the form of artefacts, ecofacts, features, buildings, Publication of archaeological research is important
and sites that are unique, rare, and cannot be renewed. so that the public can know and feel the benefits of the
Indonesia has a variety of archaeological remains. research (Nurlia, 2018; Susantio & Faizaliskandiar,
Research to explore this potential has been actively 1985). Based on the KBBI, publication means an
carried out by agencies engaged in archaeology, namely announcement or publication, in this case, the
The National Research Centre of Archaeology and the publication of research results. Publication of research
Regional Agency for Archaeological Research. papers can be popular, popular-scientific, and scientific
(Nashihuddin, 2017). Advances in communication
The results of archaeological studies are widely technology have changed everything, including research
published in scientific journals and research reports. publications. Research publications in the 90s were
However, knowledge about archaeology has not reached published in print, but now publications are more
the majority of the community which results in a lack of effectively done online (online). The publication can be
understanding of archaeological remains of their open or closed and is a form of the responsibility of the
cultural heritage. Meanwhile, efforts to preserve cultural researcher to report to the public about what and the
heritage can only work well if the community has an possible impacts of the research conducted (Timotius,
understanding of cultural heritage and its preservation. 2017).
Giving understanding is done through an effective
communication process. The message conveyed is Technological advances encourage archaeology to
adapt including publication methods according to

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 227
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 660

circumstances. Archaeologists are required to be more movies, it will certainly provoke their interest in
creative in presenting the world of archaeology to the knowing archaeology.
public with its various segments. Archaeological objects
As stated above, the lack of concern for the
are placed as product-knowledge, meaning that
preservation of archaeological remains is due to a lack
archaeological objects are messages whose values need
of knowledge and understanding of archaeology.
to be identified, not only displaying the objects but also
Therefore, knowledge about archaeology and its
the messages contained in them (Widodo, 2012).
conservation efforts needs to be disseminated to the
In archaeology, there is the term public archaeology, public, especially teenagers and children as the nation's
namely the theory or strategy and how cultural heritage next generation. The existence of comics and animated
can be spread widely and enjoyed as well as understood movies that have become a trend among them can be
by the community. Public archaeology is very important used as an opportunity to convey archaeological
and strategic to organize and regulate cultural heritage information. Referring to the problem above, this article
in the current era. Community participation is needed to will discuss the publication of the results of
keep cultural heritage recognized and it's meaning archaeological research into comics and animation.
understood so that public archaeology is required to be Through comics and animation, it is hoped that
able to convey messages in a way that attracts attention, information about archaeological remains can reach out
using short everyday language, solid, and to teenagers and children.
communicative (Sulistyanto, 2018).
Research on the use of archaeological research
Raising public awareness is one of the most results through comics and animated movies is very
effective ways to protect cultural heritage. To achieve important because there has been no previous research
this goal, it is necessary to first identify the stakeholder that has discussed this. In addition, not many have used
groups and how to influence each group. The minds of the results of archaeological research in the creative
each group can be mobilized to support the protection industry. The results of archaeological research made in
and management of cultural heritage in this way the form of comics and animated movies so far have
(Manders et al., 2012; Pasaribu, 2018). only been carried out by government agencies (Puslit
Arkenas/ Centre for Archaeology, and Centre for
Knowledge about archaeology among teenagers and
Preservation of Cultural Heritage/Direktorat Jenderal
children is currently still minimal. This is because
Kebudayaan), still little has been done by private
archaeology is not popular. Learning at school has not
parties. This article will also provide an overview of the
touched on archaeology. Meanwhile, introducing
opportunities and challenges of archaeological
archaeology from an early age is very important
publications through comics and animated movies.
considering that they are the nation's successors who
need to recognize archaeological remains as part of 2. METHODS
history, identity, and culture. Most of them only know
the popular archaeological remains such as Borobudur This research is descriptive-analytical research that
Temple, Prambanan Temple, and others, while there are aims to make a systematic, factual, and accurate
many archaeological remains in Indonesia. Knowledge description of the facts and characteristics of a particular
of archaeology is also related to conservation efforts, for population or area (Suryabrata, 2018). This study uses
example when they visit archaeological remains they inductive reasoning, which moves from the study of
can find out appropriate and inappropriate behaviour in facts or specific symptoms, then concluded as general
preservation, such as not committing vandalism. symptoms or empirical generalizations (Tanudirdjo,
Archaeological publications are mostly in the form
of scientific journals and research reports with heavy The data collected through the desk research
discussions, public are difficult to accept and method, namely the collection of data and information
understand. These conditions prevent them from gaining through examination and analysis of data and
an understanding of archaeology, as well as efforts to information using secondary data without taking data
preserve archaeological remains. Therefore, a special directly in the field. Desk research was conducted on
strategy is needed to introduce archaeology to them with comics and animated movies that were sourced from the
an easy-to-understand narrative. results of archaeological research. The data was traced
from the website and you tube of the National
One trend that is very popular among teenagers and Archaeological Research Centre and Regional Agency
children is comics and animated movies. Comics and for Archaeological Research. The analysis was
animated movies present unique stories with attractive conducted to determine the opportunities and challenges
visual appearances so that they do not get bored in of disseminating archaeological information through the
listening to the stories and information conveyed. If media of comics and animated movies. The results of
archaeology is put into the form of comics and animated data collection and analysis are then concluded.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 660

3. RESEARCH RESULT Latin anima which means soul, life, and spirit.
Animation is a two-dimensional image that seems to
Comics and animated movies are forms of popular move, because of the ability to store or remember
culture. Popular culture initially developed in Europe previous images (Vega, 2004). Animation can be
assumed to be an inherent culture with the lower interpreted as a technique of making audio-visual works
classes. Popular culture is also often associated with the based on the timing of the picture. Images have been
term mass culture, which is mass-produced and mass- assembled from several pieces of moving images that
consumed as well (Subaktio & Ida, 2012). Popular look real (Makhroyani, 2013). The anime was first
culture is dynamic which always moves to a place, is created in 1907 with a motion picture duration of only
created or modified in every social transmission (Fisher, three seconds, which figure of a boy holding and lifting
Maryanne L., 2012) so that popular culture changes a hat as a sign of respect. Ten years later, in 1917, Oten
rapidly. Popular culture is a product of industrial Shimokawa appeared a silent animation work with a
society, meaning activities and their results are duration of five minutes through an anime entitled
produced and displayed in large numbers, with the help Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki (CNN Indonesia,
of production, distribution, and mass-copying 2020).
technology so that they are easily accessible to the wider
community (Heryanto, 2012). Popular culture is Animation in Indonesia was initially used as a media
becoming a very warm trend to be discussed in the campaign for political purposes. Seeing the prospects of
digital era and great demand by children and teenagers. animation in the advertising field, in the early 1970s,
many animators were sent abroad to study animation.
The comic is a form of visual communication media 2D animated movies have begun to develop and are
that has the power to convey information in a popular produced in line with computer technology since 2000.
and easy to understand manner. The seeds of comics in Indonesian animated movies have been developed and
Indonesia have emerged since ancient times through the produced in 3D and shown in series and feature films
media, such as reliefs and wayang beber (Balai Bahasa until now (Tanjung, 2018).
Kalimantan Barat, 2016). Comics combine images and
writing that are strung together in an image storyline. Archaeology is an interesting theme to be processed
The text in comics is more understandable and the plot and explored in popular culture (Pop Culture).
is easier to follow and remember, so that information Archaeology can be entered into Indonesian Popular
more easily absorbed by the reader. Comics have Culture, it will provoke the interest of children and
functioned as an entertainment medium that can be teenagers to get to know archaeology. Archaeology has
equated with various other types of entertainment such the potential to target popular culture audiences in
as films, television, and cinema (Waluyanto, 2005). Indonesia because teenagers in Indonesia have pride in
their culture and are curious about ancestral culture. It's
Comics in Indonesia have been known since the just that not many popular media such as comics and
colonial period in the 1930s. Comics were originally animations present this theme. Several foreign films
published in newspapers, in subsequent developments with archeological themes such as Indiana Jones, The
emerged Indonesian comics with superhero themes. Mummy, and Tomb Rider are selling well at the Box
Comics in Indonesia in 1960-1979 raised the theme of Office. Animated movies with archaeology themes such
cultural heritage, one of which was comics with the as Atlantis: The Lost Empire produced by Walt Disney,
theme of wayang. The stories that are raised include the as well as many animated characters who work as
stories of Ramayana, Gatotkaca, and Mahabaratha as archaeologists. In addition, the theme of archaeology is
well as puppet stories that were popular in the era of also raised in the Tintin comic, which is very popular
comic artist R.A. Kosasih. Wayang comics are now hard and has a large collection in the library.
to find, only reprints of past comics (Soedarso, 2015).
The world of Indonesian comics has been in a near- There are still a few comics and animations in
death phase since the 1990s. Indonesian comics were Indonesia that carry the theme of archaeology. The
revived in 2000s to the ease of internet access and the Indonesian comic that uses references to the colonial era
development of social media (Novitasari, 2016). The in Indonesia is Wonder Boven published by Ciayo. In
factors cause the near-death phase of comics in its visuals, there are many illustrations of indies
Indonesia include; (a) an invasion of comics from buildings in Batavia. This is a challenge to popularize
outside like, comics from Japan (manga). (b) the rise of rchaeology in Indonesian popular culture, especially
audio-visual media with the emergence of private comics and animation because these themes are rarely
television stations. People prefer to follow stories by processed by people.
watching rather than reading (Balai Bahasa Kalimantan The utilization of the results of archaeological
Barat, 2016). research in the form of comics and animation in
The second form of popular culture discussed in this Indonesia has only been carried out by government
article is animated movies. Animation comes from the agencies. The National Research Center of Archaeology
(Puslit Arkenas) and Regional Agency for

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 660

Archaeological Research (Balai Arkeologi) through the

program of “Rumah Peradaban” produces animated
movies, documentaries, comics, and interactive games
about the results of archaeological research. These
contents can be downloaded for free through their you
tube channel.
These government agencies have published several
comics and animated movies with archeological themes.
The National Research Center of Archaeology (Puslit Figure 1 Some examples of archaeological comics
Arkenas) published the comic 'Kisah Airlangga' which (Source:
tells about Airlangga in building his empire. The comic
was compiled based on the results of research on the uku/Kisah_Airlangga.JPG;
inscription data from the period of King Airlangga
(1019-1042) with the title Srī Māhāraja Rakai Halu rī
Dharmawangsa Airlangga Anantawikramatunggadewa The animated movies about the results of
found in Lamongan Regency. archaeological research include the animated movie
Archi published by The National Research Centre of
Regional Agency for Archaeological Research in D.
Archaeology (Puslit Arkenas). Archi animation is
I Yogyakarta Province (Balai Arkeologi Provinsi D. I
currently published in three series. The first series tells
Yogyakarta) published the comic ‘Liyangan: Sepenggal
about being an archaeologist. The next series tells about
Kisah Dari Balik Kabut Sindoro’ which discusses the
Archi's adventures to archaeological sites in Indonesia,
results of the findings of archaeological research at the
precisely in Jatiluwih and Lake Matano.
Liyangan Site. This comic presents information about
the archaeological remains of the Liyangan Site, the Regional Agency for Archaeological Research in
origin of the discovery of the site, as well as the North Sumatra Province (Balai Arkeologi Provinsi
research process at the site. Sumatera Utara) launched an animation entitled ‘Kisah
Orang Gayo' which tells about the arrival of three
Regional Agency for Archaeological Research in
groups of people who brought different cultures to the
South Sulawesi (Balai Arkeologi Provinsi Sulawesi
Gayo Highlands, in Loyang Mendale, Aceh Tengah
Selatan) published the ‘Petualangan Toala’ series
District. The group came from the Mesolithic era to the
which tells of Toala's adventures in visiting various sites
classical era. This animation is based on the research
in South Sulawesi. Petualangan Toala has reached nine
results in Gayo for ten years. Regional Agency for
series until now. Some of the sites that become objects
Archaeological Research in D.I Yogyakarta Province
in the comics are ancient tombs in Maros, Mallawa Site,
(Balai Arkeologi Provinsi D.I Yogyakarta) published
ancient rock-art painting sites in Maros, Batang
the animated movie of Arcil which tells the story of
Matasapo Site, and others.
Arcil's adventures in visiting archaeological sites
Regional Agency for Archaeological Research in including Bumiayu and Fort Van den Bosch. Previously,
North Sulawesi (Balai Arkeologi Provinsi Sulawesi in 2020 it had launched the animated movie Liyangan
Utara) also published a comic entitled 'Waruga: Kubur Site.
Batu di Minahasa' which tells the journey of three
Regional Agency for Archaeological Research in
children, namely Toar, Pingkan, and Riedel who
North Sulawesi (Balai Arkeologi Provinsi Sulawesi
accidentally find a mysterious object, namely waruga.
Utara) launched an animated movie entitled ‘Bangunan
This comic provides information about waruga and
Kolonial Saksi Sejarah Peristiwa 23 Januari 1942’,
functions in the Minahasa community. The second
which tells about the liberation of Gorontalo from the
comic published by the Archaeology Center of North
hands of the colonialist. This liberation event was led by
Sulawesi Province (Balai Arkeologi Provinsi Sulawesi
Nani Wartabone and is known as Patriotic Day. The
Utara) is ‘Petualangan 4 Anak Pemberani: Aksi Heroik
historic moment was marked by the flying of Bendera
Penyelamatan Tinggalan Arkeologi di Bumi Minahasa’
Merah-Putih in front of the Post and Giro Office
which tells the story of Titi, Limbat, Ering, and
Gorontalo. The second animated movie is 'Kubur Batu
Sembung who visit the forest and witness the theft of
Sangihe' which tells about the tradition of stone graves
archaeological remains. This comic provides an
carried out by the people of the Sangihe Islands, North
overview of the legal process that will be followed if
Sulawesi which has been going on since 1720 – 1780
someone steals an artefact.
years ago. This animated movie also provides an
overview of the value of gotong-royong and religion
contained in the removal of gravestones. This year,
Regional Agency for Archaeological Research in North

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 660

Sulawesi also planning the release of the animated things. Comics serve to convey messages, provide value
movie of ‘Petualangan Arkacili’. in the educational journey towards mental, reasoning,
and spiritual intelligence (Maharsi, 2011; Soedarso,
The visual display becomes an attraction that they
do not get bored in listening to the stories and
information conveyed. The delivery of the story is not
only text, but is made in attractive, easy to understand,
and understandable images. Information in visual form
is very easy to understand by teenagers and children, so
the messages displayed through these media can be
received easily.
Figure 2 Animated movie ‘Kubur Batu Sangihe’ Animated movies and comics are creative media that
(Source: can be used to describe events that have occurred as ) reminders and learning media. Archaeological finds can
inspire the appearance of a style of image or form in
Besides, there are not so many comics and animated comics and animated movies. The location of the
movies produced by the private sector. One of the best- archaeological site can be used as a background story.
selling comics is The Cartoon History of the Universe The form of archaeological objects that are usually
by Larry Gonick which was translated into several unique and interesting to watch. This attracts the
languages, one of which is Indonesian with the title audience's curiosity to know objects that are not from
‘Kartun Peradaban’. Moreover, in history learning, this period. Archaeology provides many visual
many historical comics of the struggle of the Indonesian references to serve as a medium for reminders and
people have been published, for example, the comics of learning with an attractive appearance.
Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Cut Nya' Dien, and R.A Kartini.
Animated movies made by private parties can be Stories of experience and mystery are also the main
accessed from the Inspect History channel which makes attraction of the archaeological theme. People tend to
animations about the glory of Majapahit. want to know something unfamiliar but close around
them. The discovery of archaeological remains,
The comics and animated movies published by the adventures, and challenges to reach the location, and the
National Archaeological Research Centre and the research process can also be an interesting story.
Archaeological Centre generally provide information Comics and animated movies can simulate this into a
about archaeological remains in Indonesia, as well as story with an attractive appearance.
conservation efforts, and the legal process that applies
when destroying archaeological remains. Comics and animation are suitable media to
introduce archaeological remains because it is easier to
4. DISCUSSION process these objects without involving the original
object. In addition, preserving the remains is no need to
come directly and could avoid vandalism. The
4.1. The Opportunity of Publication of
information conveyed in the comics is the introduction
Archaeology Through Comic and Animated of archaeological remains, and to efforts to preserve
Movies archaeological remains which are presented
Comics and animated movies are one means of interactively and visually attractive can be easily
conveying messages, ranging from the delivery of daily understood.
life to messages or political criticism that is happening Ease of access to comics and animated movies is
in the community. This became an opportunity to also a supporting factor. Publishing comics currently
develop the publication of archaeological research does not have to be in the form of a book (hard copy),
results through comics and animated movies in the but can be done in the form of an electronic book (e-
future. As a trend among teenagers and children, comics book) that can be uploaded to the website. One of the
and animated movies have become an interesting means publications of comics in the form of electronic books is
to introduce archaeology., which publishes many
Entertaining content is the hallmark of comics and books and comics in various types.
animated movies, which are highly enjoyed by them. Archaeological comics published by the National
Comics and animation can be educational tools that Archaeological Research Centre (Puslit Arkenas) and
entertain and add insight. Comics can be used as the Archaeological Centre (Balai Arkeologi) can be
educational media because they have a big influence in accessed through the websites of each agency. Whereas,
giving readers a quick understanding of educational animated movies have been published through the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 660

YouTube channels of each agency. The production of of fictional elements can make the narrative of the story
historical animated movies has also been carried out by more interesting and exciting. Archaeological remains
several private parties in the form of short films can be processed into narrative stories with many
uploaded on you tube channels. developments, such as the story of the discovery, the
conflict to get the object, the value of the object that it is
Comics and animated movies can be disseminated
contested. On the other hand, to prevent confusion of
through social media, more people can see them. The
information, the academic information can be explained
level of visitors depends on each agency in promoting it
in a separate narrative can be distinguished from the
through social media (Facebook, Instagram, and
fictional part.
Twitter). Institutions that do not have a creative team or
their creative team is less active, the channels are For creative people and the private sector, making
certainly not as busy as the active ones. archeological themed works can also affect income.
Comics and animated movies can be uploaded to social
4.2. The Challenge of Publication of media are easily accessible. The more access, the easier
Archaeology Through Comic and Animated will get followers and the greater opportunity to earn.
Movies This can inspire and provoke other creative people to
load works with archeological themes.
The above description has provided an overview of
the advantages of comics and animated movies as a
medium for conveying messages and information about Publication of the results of archaeological research
archaeology. The publication of archaeological research is important, because people can get to know
results in the form of comics and animated movies is archaeology and use it. Archaeology is important,
currently still limited to government agencies (The people can know their attachment to archaeological
National Research Centre of Archaeology and Regional remains can play a role in preservation. Archaeological
Agency for Archaeological Research), only a few are publications are generally in the form of research
carried out by the private sector. Certainly, in the future, reports and scientific journals that have not yet touched
it is expected that more comics and animated movies the public, especially children and adolescents. Thus, a
will take theme of archaeology. The more archeological special strategy is needed to introduce archaeology to
themed stories that are raised, the more familiar and them.
popular the theme will be.
Comics and animated movies are a trend and much
Making comics in terms of human resources requires favoured by children and teenagers. Comic content and
the involvement of archaeological researchers and animated movies are entertaining and can be a means of
creative people. Researchers act as content providers education as well as entertainment. The display of
and suppliers of information through the publication of comics is not only in the text, but also images are easier
their research results. Creative people make the visual to understand so the messages displayed through these
display of information more attractive. Creative people media can be received easily. By raising the theme of
need references for story materials, visual object archaeology in comics and animated movies, it will
designs, and visual style concepts that will be displayed. make it easier for them to understand archaeology.
Collaboration is very possible to make comics and Generally, the information conveyed in them is the
animated movies. introduction of archaeological remains to conservation
Another factor that is the key to the success of efforts.
delivering messages and information in comics and Publication of the results of archaeological research
animated movies is the character. Characters are not through comics and animated movies has so far been
only actors but also ideological representations of their limited to government agencies, with few being carried
creators as messengers and ideas. Therefore, the out by the private sector. In the future, it is hoped that
characters are designed with their own and different there will be more comics and animated movies with
stories to make them easy to remember and able to archaeological themes. The more archaeological themed
communicate with the audience with a certain visual stories are raised, more familiar and popular the theme
language (Soedarso, 2015; Tillman, 2011). Character will be. Some of the things challenge in making comics
design has begun to be applied in animated comics by and animated movies are human resources that need to
The National Research Centre of Archaeology and involve research and creative people. Content creation
Regional Agency for Archaeological Research. The also needs to pay attention to characters and
characters carried are children's characters more adapted authentication issues so that archaeological information
to the audience. can be conveyed clearly and not mixed with fiction.
Content of comics and animated movies need to pay
attention to authentication problems because comics and
animated movies can be fictional stories. The addition

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 660


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