L & Dica Lab Manual

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Approved by AICTE & Permanently Affiliated to JNTUA

Ayyalurmetta, Nandyal – 518503. Website: www.svrec.ac.in
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


II B. Tech (ECE) II Semester 2021-22

Approved by AICTE & Permanently Affiliated to JNTUA
Ayyalurmetta, Nandyal – 518503. Website: www.svrec.ac.in




This is to certify that the bonafide record work done by

Mr./Ms. bearing

H.T.NO. _ of II B. Tech II Semester in the


Faculty In-Charge Head of the Department



Pre-requisite Analog Circuits Lab, Digital Logic Semester IV
Design Lab

Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to learn design, testing and characterizing of circuit behaviour with
digital and analog ICs.

Course Outcomes (CO):

CO1: Understand the pin configuration of each linear/ digital IC and its functional diagram.
CO2: Conduct the experiment and obtain the expected results.
CO3: Analyze the given circuit/designed circuit and verify the practical observations with the
analyzed results.
CO4: Design the circuits for the given specifications using linear and digital ICs.
CO5: Acquaintance with lab equipment about the operation and its use.
List of Experiments:
PART – I: Linear IC Experiments
1. OP AMP Applications – Adder, Subtractor, Comparators.
2. Integrator and Differentiator Circuits using IC 741.
3. Active Filter Applications – LPF, HPF (first order)
4. IC 741 Waveform Generators – Sine, Square wave and Triangular waves.
5. IC 555 Timer – Monostable and Astable Multivibrator Circuits.
6. Schmitt Trigger Circuits – using IC 741
7. IC 565 – PLL Applications.
8. Voltage Regulator using IC 723, Three Terminal Voltage Regulators – 7805, 7809, 7912.

PART – II: Digital IC Applications

1. 3-8 decoder using 74138
2. 4-bit comparator using 7485.
3. 8*1 Multiplexer using 74151 and 2*4 Demultiplexer using 74155.
4. D, JK Flip Flops using 7474, 7483.
5. Decade counter using 7490.
6. UP/DOWN counter using 74163
7. Universal shift registers using 74194/195.
8. RAM (16*4) using 74189 (Read and Write operations).

Note: At least 12 experiments shall be performed.



To produce highly skilled, creative and competitive Electronics and Communication Engineers to meet the

emerging needs of the society.


 Impart core knowledge and necessary skills in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Through innovative teaching and learning.

 Inculcate critical thinking, ethics, lifelong learning and creativity needed for industry and society

 Cultivate the students with all-round competencies, for career, higher education and self-employability


PEO1: Graduates apply their knowledge of mathematics and science to identify, analyze and solve
problemsin the field of Electronics and develop sophisticated communication systems.

PEO2: Graduates embody a commitment to professional ethics, diversity and social awareness in
theirprofessional career.

PEO3: Graduates exhibit a desire for life-long learning through technical training and

professional activities.


PSO1: Apply the fundamental concepts of electronics and communication engineering to design a
variety of components and systems for applications including signal processing, image
processing, communication, networking, embedded systems, VLSI and control system

PSO2: Select and apply cutting-edge engineering hardware and software tools to solve complex
Electronics and Communication Engineering problems.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals,

and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of
the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering
and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


 T The objective of the course is to learn design of circuit behavior with analog ICs.
 The objective of the course is to learn testing of circuit behavior with analog ICs.
 The objective of the course is to learn characterizing of circuit behavior with analog ICs.
 The objective of the course is to learn design of circuit behavior with digital ICs.
 The objective of the course is to learn testing of circuit behavior with digital ICs
 The objective of the course is to learn characterizing of circuit behavior with digital ICs.

After the completion of the course students will be able to

Course Course Outcome statements BTL

Understand the pin configuration of each linear/ digital IC and its functional
CO1 diagram. L1

CO2 Conduct the experiment and obtain the expected results. L2

Analyze the given circuit/designed circuit and verify the practical
CO3 L3
observations with the analyzed results.
Design the circuits for the given specifications using linear and
CO4 L4
digital ICs
CO5 Acquaintance with lab equipment about the operation and its use. L5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
Linear &
Digital IC
Applications 2.6 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.8 2.2 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.4 2.5



Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3

CO2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 3

CO3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 2

CO4 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2

CO5 3 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 2

1. While entering the Laboratory, the students should follow the dress code. (Wear shoes and
White apron, Female Students should tie their hair back).

2. The students should bring their observation book, record, calculator, necessary stationery items

and graph sheets if any for the lab classes without which the students will not be allowed for doing
the experiment.

3. All the Equipment and components should be handled with utmost care. Any breakage or damage
will be charged.

4. If any damage or breakage is noticed, it should be reported to the concerned in charge immediately.

5. The theoretical calculations and the updated register values should be noted down in the
observation book and should be corrected by the lab in-charge on the same day of the

6. Each experiment should be written in the record note book only after getting signature from the lab

in-charge in the observation notebook.

7. Record book must be submitted in the successive lab session after completion of experiment.

8. 100% attendance should be maintained for the laboratory classes.

1. Check the connections before giving the supply.

2. Observations should be done carefully

Max. Marks per each experiment :5
Off the Syllabus :
PART – I: Linear IC Experiments
Sl. Page Date of Date of Marks Signature of
Name of the Experiment
No. No. Performed Submission Obtained lab in charge
OP AMP Applications –
1 Adder, Subtractor, 3-12
Integrator and Differentiator
2 Circuits using IC 741. 13-19
Active Filter Applications – LPF,
3 HPF (first order) 20-26
IC 741 Waveform Generators –
4 Sine, Square wave and 27-32
IC 555 Timer – Mono stable
5 andAstable Multivibrator 33-41
Schmitt Trigger Circuits – using IC
6 741 42-44
IC 565 – PLL Applications.
7 45-49
Voltage Regulator using IC
8 723, Three Terminal 50-60
Regulators – 7805, 7809,

PART – II: Digital IC Applications

Sl. Page Marks Signature of

Name of the Experiment Date of Date of
No. No. Obtained lab in
Performed Submission charge
------ PART – B (Using Hardware) : ------
01 3-8 decoder using 74138
02 4-bit comparator using 7485

03 8*1 Multiplexer using 74151 and

2*4 Demultiplexer using 74155.
04 D, JK Flip Flops using 7474, 7483.
Beyond the Syllabus :
Applications of Op-amp
Design and test the
1 performance of the following
circuits using Op-amp IC741
Inverting amplifier
Precision rectifiers
Conduct experiments on half wave
and full wave precision rectifiers and
draw the output wave forms.
Linear IC Experiments
(Off the Syllabus)
LDICA Lab Manual II B. Tech II-Sem

Experiment No: 1 Date:

OP AMP Applications – Adder, Subtractor, Comparators.

To design and study the op-amp as Adder (or) Summing amplifier


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Quantity

1 Resistors 1kohm 4
2 IC-741 1
3 Bread board 1
4 Connecting wires As required


Summer circuit design has been implemented on the virtual breadboard using following specifications:
 Power Supply: +12v and -12v
 Function generator: Selected wave with following specifications:
Amplitude: 2V
Duty cycle = 50%

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Adder (or) Summing Amplifier: This is one of the liner applications of the Op-Amp. A circuit whose
output is the sum of several input signals is called a summer. Shown in fig. is an inverting summer.


S. No. V1 V2 Theoretical Practical

(V) (V) values(V1+V2) Values(V)

1 1 1 2 2.6
2 1 2 3 3.8
3 2 3 5 5.4


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1) Connect the circuit as per the given circuit diagram.

2) Apply biasing voltage at pins 4 and 7 as -10V and +10V respectively..
3) Observe the output at the pin no.6 with digital multimeter
4) Compare the theoretical and practical values.


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Fig: Substractor (Difference Amplifier)


The differential amplifier amplifies the voltage difference present on its inverting and non-inverting inputs. Thus far
we have used only one of the operational amplifiers inputs to connect to the amplifier, using either the “inverting” or
the “non-inverting” input terminal to amplify a single input signal with the other input being connected to ground.
But as a standard operational amplifier has two inputs, inverting and no-inverting, we can also connect signals to
both of these inputs at the same time producing another common type of operational amplifier circuit called a
Differential Amplifier.

Basically, as we saw in the first tutorial about operational amplifiers, all op-amps are “Differential Amplifiers” due
to their input configuration. But by connecting one voltage signal onto one input terminal and another voltage signal
onto the other input terminal the resultant output voltage will be proportional to the “Difference” between the two
input voltage signals of V1 and V2
A basic differential amplifier can be used as a subtractor. It can also be used to perform addition and
subtraction with single Op-amp. From the circuit given below we will get output as Vo=(V3+V4 )–

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1) Connect the circuit as per given the circuit diagram.

2) The bias voltages are applied to the circuit i.e. 4th & 7th pin numbers.
3) Apply the voltages V1 and V2 (inverting terminal) at pin no. 2&3.
4) Observe the output d.c. voltage at pin number 6 with digital multimeter.
5) Calculate the theoretical values and compare with the practical values.


S. No. V2 V1 Theoretical Practical

(V) (V) values(V2-V1) Values(V)

1 2 1 1 1.3
2 4 2 2 2.3
3 4 3 1 5.2

Design Aspects: For Substractor:

(V2 V 1 )
Vo= -RF

If RF=R1 then Vo = V1-V2

Assume R1=1kΩ

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Comparator circuits


To study the following circuits, using Op-amp


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 2
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor 100Ω 2
2 1n4007diodes 2
3 IC-741 1
4 Bread board 1
5 Connecting wires As required

The Op-amp comparator compares one analogue voltage level with another analogue voltage level, or some preset
reference voltage, VREF and produces an output signal based on this voltage comparison. In other words, the op-amp
voltage comparator compares the magnitudes of two voltage inputs and determines which is the largest of the two.
We have seen in previous tutorials that the operational amplifier can be used with negative feedback to control the
magnitude of its output signal in the linear region performing a variety of different functions. We have also seen that
the standard operational amplifier is characterized by its open-loop gain AO and that its output voltage is given by
the expression: VOUT = AO(V+ – V-) where V+ and V- correspond to the voltages at the non-inverting and the
inverting terminals respectively.
Voltage comparators on the other hand, either use positive feedback or no feedback at all (open-loop mode) to
switch its output between two saturated states, because in the open-loop mode the amplifiers voltage gain is
basically equal to AVO. Then due to this high open loop gain, the output from the comparator swings either fully to
its positive supply rail, +Vcc or fully to its negative supply rail, -Vcc on the application of varying input signal
which passes some preset threshold value.

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1) Connect the circuit as per given the circuit diagram.

2) The bias voltages are applied to the both .4th & 7th pin numbers.
3) Apply a sine frequency of 4VP-P and 1khz frequency to the Non-inverting terminal at the pin no.2.
4) Apply both channels channel 1 must be in the input and channel 2 must be in the output.
5) Apply VRef of 1V to the Inverting input terminal at pin no.3.
6) Apply VRef at different levels above and below zero axis and
7) Observe and draw the output wave forms at pin no.6.

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S. No. Voltage input Vref Observed square wave



OP AMP Applications – Adder, Subtractor, Comparators circuits designed and output wave forms studied.


1. Precautions should be taken to insure that the power supply to the operational amplifier never
becomes reversed in polarity.
2. The input voltage at the positive supply pin must be greater than the input voltage atthe negative
supply pin.
3. Make null adjustment before applying the input signal.
4. Maintain proper Vcc levels.

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1. What is an op-amp?
An operational amplifier (op-amp) is an integrated circuit (IC) that amplifies the difference in voltage
between two inputs. It is so named because it can be configured to perform arithmetic operations

2. Adder is used in?

An op-amp based adder produces an output equal to the sum of the input voltages applied at its
inverting terminal. It is also called as a summing amplifier, since the output is an amplified one. In the
above circuit, the non-inverting input terminal of the op-amp is connected to ground

3. What is called a Subtractor or differential amplifier?

A differential amplifier (also known as a difference amplifier or op-amp subtractor) is a type of
electronic amplifier that amplifies the difference between two input voltages but suppresses any voltage
common to the two inputs

4. What is the purpose of a comparator in op amps?

The Op-amp comparator compares one analogue voltage level with another analogue voltage level, or
some preset reference voltage, VREF and produces an output signal based on this voltage comparison

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Experiment No: 2 Date:

Integrator and Differentiator Circuits using IC 741.


To design and simulate a Integrator circuit and observe input with different output waveforms.

S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor1.369k 1
2 Capacitor1000nF(0.001uF) 1
3 IC-741 1
4 Bread board 1
5 Connecting wires As required


Integrator circuit design has been implemented on the virtual breadboard using following specifications:
· Power Supply: +10v and -10v
· Function generator: Selected wave with following specifications:
Duty cycle = 50%
· Capacitor C: 1000nF
· Resistor R1: 1.369K


The circuit in fig 1 is an integrator, which is also a low-pass filter with a time constant=R1C. When a
voltage, Vin is firstly applied to the input of an integrating amplifier, the uncharged capacitor C has very
little resistance and acts a bit like a short circuit (voltage follower circuit) giving an overall gain of less
than 1, thus resulting in zero output. As the feedback capacitor C begins to charge up, its reactance
Xc decreases and the ratio of Zf/R1 increases producing an output voltage that continues to increase until
the capacitor is fully charged. At this point the ratio of feedback capacitor to input resistor (Z f/R1) is
infinite resulting in infinite gain and the output of the amplifier goes into saturation. (Saturation is when

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the output voltage of the amplifier swings heavily to one voltage supply rail or the other with no control
in between). The circuit design generate triangular wave providing square wave as input to the integrator. Hence, the

integrator circuit generates integral output with respect to the input waveform.


1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Give the input signal as specified.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Note down the outputs from the CRO
5. Draw the necessary waveforms on the graph sheet.


1. Observe the output waveform from CRO. A square wave will generate a triangular wave and sine
wave will generate a cosine wave.
2. Measure the frequency and the voltage of the output waveform in the CRO.
3. Calculate

4. Compare the calculated output voltage with the experimentally observed voltage from the output
5. Observe outputs of the integrator circuit using different input waveforms.

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For example, a case has been taken and the required parameters values is being noted down below:
1. Input Voltage: 2.09V
2. Frequency: 50Hz
3. Output Voltage: 4.31V
4. Phase Difference: -92

If input Vin = 2.09 sin (2*50*t)
Output of the integrator will be equal to


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S.No Input Waveform Time period Amplitude Output waveform Amplitude Time period
1 Square wave
2 Saw tooth wave


To design and simulate a Differentiator circuit and observe input with different output waveforms.


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of theApparatus Quantity

1 Resistor10.38k 1
2 Capacitor(1000nF)0.001µf 1
3 IC-741 1
4 Bread board 1
5 Connecting wires As required


Integrator circuit design has been implemented on the virtual breadboard using following specifications:
· Power Supply: +10v and -10v
· Function generator: Selected wave with following specifications:
Frequency = 45Hz, 50Hz, 55Hz, 60Hz, 100Hz.
Amplitude: 2V
Duty cycle = 50%
· Capacitor C: 1000nF
· Resistor R1: 10.38K

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The basic Differentiator Amplifier circuit is the exact opposite to that of the Integrator operational
amplifier circuit that we saw in the previous experiment. Here, the position of the capacitor and resistor
have been reversed and now the Capacitor, C is connected to the input terminal of the inverting
amplifier while the Resistor, R1 forms the negative feedback element across the operational amplifier.
This circuit performs the mathematical operation of Differentiation that is it produces a voltage output
which is proportional to the input voltage's rate-of-change and the current flowing through the capacitor.
Or in other words the output voltage is a scaled version of the derivative of the input voltage. The
capacitor blocks any DC content only allowing AC type signals to pass through and whose frequency is
dependent on the rate of change of the input signal. At low frequencies the reactance of the capacitor is
"High" resulting in a low gain (R1/Xc) and low output voltage from the op-amp.


1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Give the input signal as specified.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Note down the outputs from the CRO
5. Draw the necessary waveforms on the graph sheet.


1. Observe the output waveform from CRO.

2. Measure the frequency and the voltage of the output waveform in the CRO.
3. Check

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4. Frequency of the output waveform will remain same and the output voltage can be calculated using
above equation and compared with the observed value.
5. Observe outputs of the differentiator circuit using different input waveforms.



For example, a case has been taken and the required parameters values is being noted down below:
1. Input Voltage: 3.13V
2. Frequency: 45Hz
3. Output Voltage: 4.31VV
4. Phase Difference: 97
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S.No Input Waveform Time period Amplitude Output waveform Amplitude Time period
1 Sine wave
2 Cosine wave


If input Vin = 3.13 sin (2*45*t)

Output of the integrator will be equal to


d(3.13sin( 90t)
V0=8.93 cos (90ϖt)


Integrator and Differentiator circuits designed and output waveforms have been studied.


1. Precautions should be taken to insure that the power supply to the operational amplifier never
becomes reversed in polarity.
2. The input voltage at the positive supply pin must be greater than the input voltage at the
negativesupply pin.


1. What factor makes differentiator?

The value of internal resistor and capacitor and feedback resistor and capacitor of the differentiator values
should be selected such that fab c to make the circuit more stable.
2. Why capacitor is used in differentiator?

The input signal to the differentiator is applied to the capacitor. The capacitor blocks any DC content so there
is no current flow to the amplifier summing point, X resulting in zero output voltage.

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3. What is differentiator circuit?

The differentiator circuit outputs the derivative of the input signal over a frequency range based on the circuit
time constant and the bandwidth of the amplifier. The input signal is applied to the inverting input so the
output is inverted relative to the polarity of the input signal.

4. Applications of differentiator and integrator?

The differentiator circuit outputs the derivative of the input signal over a frequency range based on the circuit
time constant and the bandwidth of the amplifier. The input signal is applied to the inverting input so the
output is inverted relative to the polarity of the input signal

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Experiment No: 3 Date:

Active Filter Applications – LPF, HPF (first order)


1) To design low pass and high pass filter of first order.

2) To study the frequency response of first order low pass and high pass filters using IC-741.


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistors 10 kΩ 2
2 Potentiometer (pot) 10 kΩ 1
3 Capacitor 0.01μf 1
4 I.C. 741 1
5 Bread board 1
6 Connecting wires As required


By combining a basic RC Low Pass Filter circuit with an operational amplifier we can create an Active Low PassFilter
circuit complete with amplification

In the RC Passive Filter tutorials, we saw how a basic first-order filter circuits, such as the low pass and the high
pass filters can be made using just a single resistor in series with a non-polarized capacitor connected across a
sinusoidal input signal.

We also noticed that the main disadvantage of passive filters is that the amplitude of the output signal is less
thanthat of the input signal, ie, the gain is never greater than unity and that the load impedance affects the
filters characteristics.

With passive filter circuits containing multiple stages, this loss in signal amplitude called “Attenuation” can
become quiet severe. One way of restoring or controlling this loss of signal is by using amplification through the
use of Active Filters.

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An Active High Pass Filter can be created by combining a passive RC filter network with an operational amplifier
toproduce a high pass filter with amplification

Technically, there is no such thing as an active high pass filter. Unlike Passive High Pass Filters which have an
“infinite” frequency response, the maximum pass band frequency response of an active high pass filter is
limited by the open-loop characteristics or bandwidth of the operational amplifier being used, making them
appear as if they are band pass filters with a high frequency cut-off determined by the selection of op-amp and

In the Operational Amplifier tutorial we saw that the maximum frequency response of an op-amp is limited to
theGain/Bandwidth product or open loop voltage gain ( A V ) of the operational amplifier being used giving it a
bandwidth limitation, where the closed loop response of the op amp intersects the open loop response



For low pass filter

1) Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.

2) The bias voltages are applied to the circuit i.e. 4th and 7th pin numbers.
3) Using function generator, adjust the amplifier of input sinusoidal voltage to 4VP-P.
4) Vary the frequency from 30 HZ to 30 KHZ note down output voltage by observing wave forms on
5) Calculate gain i.e., 20log ( o )

6) Plot the graph between frequency and voltage gain.

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7) Compare theoretical and practical cut-off frequencies.

1) Low pass filter: FH= higher cut-off frequency =

Let FH= 1 KHZ

Pass band AF = 2

Select C = 0.01μf

R= = 15.9kΩ


1+ = 2

RF = 1R1

Choose 10KΩ


RF =10kΩ

2) High pass filter: FL = lower cut-off frequency =

A = 1+

F R1

FL = 1 KHZ

C = 0.01µf AF=2

R = 15.9kΩ

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TABULAR COLUMN: 1) For Low Pass Filter

Let VIN = 2 VP-P

Sl.No Input frequency Output voltage Gain 20 log Vo/Vi



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For high pass filter

1) Connect the circuit as per given the circuit diagram.

2) The bias voltages are applied to the circuit i.e. 4th and 7th pin numbers.
3) Using function generator, adjust the amplifier of input sinusoidal voltage to
4 V P-P.
4) Vary the frequency from 30 HZ to 30 KHZ and note down output voltage
by observing wave forms on C.R.O.
5) Calculate gain i.e., 20log ( ).

6) Plot the graph between frequency verses voltage gain.

7) Compare theoretical and practical cut-off frequencies


Let VIN = 2VP-P

Sl.No Input frequency Output voltage Gain 20 log Vo/Vi


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We studied and designed the low pass and high pass filter of first order using IC-741 and graph is
drawnand output voltages is observed.
1. Make null adjustment before applying the input signal.

2.Maintain proper Vcclevels.


1. What is a low-pass filter?

A low-pass filter (LPF) is a circuit that only passes signals below its cutoff frequency while attenuating all
signals above it. It is the complement of a high-pass filter, which only passes signals above its cutoff
frequency and attenuates all signals below it

2. What is the difference between LPF and HPF?

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A low-pass filter (LPF) is a circuit that only passes signals below its cutoff frequency while attenuating all
signals above it. It is the complement of a high-pass filter, which only passes signals above its cutoff
frequency and attenuates all signals below it

3. What is the purpose of a high pass filter?

High pass filter is used to remove unwanted sounds near to the lower end of the audible range. To prevent
the amplification of DC current that could harm the amplifier, high pass filters are used for AC-coupling.

4. What are the applications of LPF&HPF?

Applications of Active Low Pass Filters are in audio amplifiers, equalizers or speaker systems to direct the
lower frequency bass signals to the larger bass speakers or to reduce any high frequency noise or “hiss”
type distortion

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Experiment No: 4 Date:

IC 741 Waveform Generators – Sine, Square wave and Triangular waves.


To generate sine, triangular and square waveforms and to determine the Frequency of oscillations.


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2

COMPONENTS REQUIRED: For sine & square wave

S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor 470kΩ 1
2 Resistors 10 kΩ 2
3 Potentiometer 1 kΩ 3
4 Capacitor 0.1μf 3
5 I.C. 741 1
6 Bread board 1
6 Connecting wires As required

For Triangular wave:

S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor 1kΩ 1
2 Resistor 1MΩ 1
3 Resistors 10 kΩ 2
4 Capacitor 0.01μf 2
5 I.C. 741 2
6 Bread board 1
6 Connecting wires As required

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Fig - 1

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Fig - 2


RC oscillator is build using an amplifier and a RC network in feedback. For any oscillator the two prime
requirements to generate sustained and constant oscillations are

1. The total phase shift around loop must be 00 or 3600 degrees.

2. The loop gain should be equal to unity.

This is known as “Barkhausen Criterion”

In RC phase shift oscillator op-amp is used as an amplifier in inverting configuration. It gives 180 o phase shift in its
output. So the RC feedback network following the amplifier has to produce additional 180 o phase shift to make total
phase shift 360o / 0o.

The circuit oscillates at a frequency F = 1 / 2πRC√6

The time period of the output of the uA741 square wave generator can be expressed using the following equation:

The common practice is to make the R3 equal to R2. Then the equation for the time period can be simplified as: T =

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The frequency can be determined by the equation: F = 1/T


For Sine Wave Generation:

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram shown in Fig 1.

2. Give +12V, -12V and ground to circuit from power supply
3. Observe the output on the CRO.
4. Calculate theoretical and practical output signal frequency and compare them.

For Square and Triangular Wave Generation:

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram shown in Fig 2.

2. Observe square wave at Vo’ and Triangular wave at Vo” as shown in figure 3.
3. Plot the waveforms on the graph sheet.
4. Calculate the frequency theoretically and compare them with the practical one.

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Fig - 3.


Designed and studied the sine, triangular and square waveforms and observed the Frequency of oscillations, output
wave forms drawn.

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1. Check the circuit connections before switching on the power supply.

2. Pin No.1 and Pin No.8 should be left free.
3. Check the continuity of the connecting wires.


1. What are the different ways of generating Sinusoidal waves?

High pass filter is used to remove unwanted sounds near to the lower end of the audible range. To prevent
the amplification of DC current that could harm the amplifier, high pass filters are used for AC-coupling.

2. What are different ways of generating square wave voltage waveforms?

High pass filter is used to remove unwanted sounds near to the lower end of the audible range. To prevent
the amplification of DC current that could harm the amplifier, high pass filters are used for AC-coupling

3. How a triangular wave can be generated?

High pass filter is used to remove unwanted sounds near to the lower end of the audible range. To prevent
the amplification of DC current that could harm the amplifier, high pass filters are used for AC-coupling

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Experiment No: 5 Date:

IC 555 Timer – Monostable and Astable Multivibrator Circuits.

AIM: To design the monostable multivibrator circuit and using Op-Amp and IC 555.


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Regulated DC power supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 (R1pot.)100kΩ 1
2 Capacitor 0.1µf 1
3 Capacitor 0.01µf 1
4 Connecting wires As required


We have seen that Multivibrators and CMOS Oscillators can be easily constructed from discrete
components to produce relaxation oscillators for generating basic square wave output waveforms. But
there are also dedicated IC’s especially designed to accurately produce the required output waveform
with the addition of just a few extra timing components.
One such device that has been around since the early days of IC’s and has itself become something of an
industry “standard” is the 555 Timer Oscillator which is more commonly called the “555 Timer”.
The basic 555 timer gets its name from the fact that there are three internally connected 5kΩ resistors
which it uses to generate the two comparators reference voltages. The 555 timer IC is a very cheap,
popular and useful precision timing device which can act as either a simple timer to generate single
pulses or long time delays, or as a relaxation oscillator producing a string of stabilized waveforms of
varying duty cycles from 50 to 100%.

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Tp= 1.1 RC, Given Tp = 1.1msec and choose C = 0.01µf

1.1msec = 1.1 X R X 0.01µf

R= = 100kΩ
1.1X 0.01X106

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1) Connect the circuit as per given the circuit diagram.

2) Apply both channels i.e. channel 1 input and channel 2 at the output.
3) Apply a square input of 4VP-P and 1khz frequency at pin no.2
4) Observe the wave form at pin no.3 is(Inverter wave form) and also voltage across capacitor at pin
5) Plot the wave forms at pin no.3 and pin no.6
6) Calculate theoretical values and compare them with the practical values.







Across capacitor:


Time period=

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1. All parameters and circuit were checked firstly

2. Whole circuit was arranged tightly and carefully.

3. Calibrate the oscilloscope more accurately.

4. Supply voltage is fixed at a point and not more than 15V.

5. Readings were taken very carefully.

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1. What is a 555 IC?

The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, delay, pulse generation, and
oscillator applications. Derivatives provide two (556) or four (558) timing circuits in one package. The
design was first marketed in 1972 by Signetics.

2. Why the Reset pin of ic 555 is normally connected to Vcc?

The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, delay, pulse generation, and
oscillator applications. Derivatives provide two (556) or four (558) timing circuits in one package. The
design was first marketed in 1972 by Signetics.

3. Why the control voltage pin (pin 5) of 555 timers is connected to ground through a 0.01µf
The control pin on the 555 timers is normally connected to the ground through a capacitor
(∼ 0.01μF because the noise from the supply line can ride through this simple
divider adding small capacitor filters out high-frequency noise that can cause the
comparison point to vary slightly.

4. What is barkhausen criterion for oscillations?

The Barkhausen criterion states that: The loop gain is equal to unity in absolute magnitude, that is, | β A | =
1 and Page 2 • The phase shift around the loop is zero or an integer multiple of 2π radian (180°) i.e. The
product β A is called as the “loop gain”.

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To design and study the operation of IC 555 timer as an astable multivibrator


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Regulated DC power supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor 2.9kΩ 1
2 Resistor 5.8kΩ 1
3 Capacitor 0.1µf 1
4 Capacitor 0.01µf 1
5 Connecting wires Few No.
6 Bread board 1
7 555 IC 1


A multivibrator is a one type of electronic circuit that is used to implement a two state system like
flip-flops, timers and oscillators. Multivibrators are categorized by two amplifying devices like
electron tubes, transistors and other devices like capacitors and cross coupled by resistors.
Multivibrators are classified into three types based on the circuit operation, namely Astable
multivibrators, Bistable multivibrators and Monostable multivibrators. The astable multi vibrator is
not stable and it repeatedly switches from one state to the other. In monostable multivibrator, one
state is stable and remaining state is unstable. A trigger pulse is the root to the circuit to enter the
unstable state. When the circuit enters into the unstable state, then it will return to the normal state
after a fixed time. A bistable mutivibrator circuit is stable that can be changed from one stable to
other stable by an external trigger pulse. This multi vibrator circuit is also called as flip-flop which
can be used to store one bit of data.

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Given F = 1 KHZ assume C = 0.1µf

TON = 0.69 (RA+RB) CTOFF=0.69RBC

Duty Cycle=


1) Connect the circuit as per given the circuit diagram.

2) Observe the output wave forms at pin no.3 and pin no.6.
3) Plot the wave forms at pin no.3 and pin no.6.
4) Observe 1/3 VCC and 2/3 VCC and note down the peak to peak voltages


Given F = 1 KHZ assume C = 0.1µf

TON = 0.69 (RA+RB) CTOFF=0.69RBC

TON T 0.69(RA  RB )C
Duty Cycle= ON
0.69(RA  2RB )C

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0.69 (RA+2RB) = RA+RB

0.5 RA=0.2RB

RA 1
RB 2

Then 2RA = RB

1 KHZ =
(RA  2RB )C

RA =
(RA  4RA )C

RB =

=2.9 kΩ

2RA=2X2.9=5.8 kΩ

% of Duty Cycle = RA  RB X100

RA  2RB

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Time period=

Across capacitor:


Time period=


Monostable & Astable multivibrator circuits designed and studied the performance practically by using 555

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1. All parameters and circuit were checked firstly

2. Whole circuit was arranged tightly and carefully.

3. Calibrate the oscilloscope more accurately.

4. Supply voltage is fixed at a point and not more than 15V.

5. Readings were taken very carefully.


1. Write the formula to calculate the time period of the astable?

Then taking one side of the astable multivibrator, the length of time that transistor TR 2 is “OFF” will
be equal to 0.69T or 0.69 times the time constant of C1 x R3. Likewise, the length of time that
transistor TR1 is “OFF” will be equal to 0.69T or 0.69 times the time constant of C2 x R2 and this is
defined as.

2. What is a 555 IC?

The 555 timer IC is a very cheap, popular and useful precision timing device which can act as either a
simple timer to generate single pulses or long time delays, or as a relaxation oscillator producing a
string of stabilized waveforms of varying duty cycles from 50 to 100%.

3. What are astable, monostable?

Clock pulse generation circuits can be a combination of analogue and digital circuits that produce a
continuous series of pulses (these are called Astable multivibrators) or a pulse of a specific
duration (these are called Monostable multivibrators).

4. What are the applications of astable multivibrator?

Astable multivibrators are used in the applications like pulse position modulation, frequency
modulation, etc. as they are simple, reliable and easy to construct. Get electrical articles deliveredinbox
every week

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Experiment No: 6 Date:

Schmitt Trigger Circuits – using IC 741


To design the Schmitt Trigger Circuits – using IC 741


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor 1kΩ 2
2 Resistor 100kΩ 1
3 IC-741 1
4 Bread board 1
5 Connecting wires As required


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If positive feedback is added to the comparator circuit, gain can be increased greatly. Regenerative
Comparator is also known as Schmitt Trigger .The input voltage is applied to the –ve input terminal
and feedback voltage to the +ve input terminal .The input voltage Vi triggers the output Vo every to
me it exceeds certain voltage levels. These voltage levels are called upper threshold (V UT ) and
Lower threshold voltage(VLT).The hysteresis width is the difference between VUT and VLT.


1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig 1(a) as Schmitt trigger using IC 741.
2. Give a 2 Vp-p sine wave of 1 kHz as input.
3. Observe the wave form on CRO and measure UTP and LTP, Vsat and - Vsat.
4. Repeat the above experiment for R1 = 5.1Kohms and 15 K ohms and observe the effect.


Peak to peak amplitude of the output=

Upper threshold voltage=

Lower threshold voltage=


1. All Connections should be according to circuit diagram.

2. All Connections should be right and tight.
3. Reading should be taken carefully.
4. Switch off Power supply after completing the experiment.
5. Whenever power supply goes automatic switch of all the switch buttons.

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Schmitt trigger designed and studied output waveforms have been drawn.


1. What is Schmitt Trigger?

A Schmitt Trigger is a comparator circuit with hysteresis implemented by applying positive feedback to
the non inverting input of a comparator or differential amplifier. A Schmitt Trigger uses two input
different threshold voltage level to avoid noise in the input

2. What are the applications of Schmitt Trigger?

Schmitt triggers are mainly used for changing a sine wave to square wave. These are normally
utilized in applications like signal conditioning for removing signals noise in digital circuits.

3. Define hysteresis action?

Hysteresis can be a dynamic lag between an input and an output that disappears if the input is varied
more slowly; this is known as rate-dependent hysteresis. However, phenomena such as the magnetic
hysteresis loops are mainly rate-independent, which makes a durable memory possible

4. Define UTP?
The UTP and LTP in Schmitt trigger using op-amp 741 are nothing but UTP stands for upper trigger
point, whereas LTP stands for the lower trigger point. Hysteresis can be defined as when the input is
higher than a certain chosen threshold (UTP), the output is low.

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Experiment No: 7 Date:

IC 565 – PLL Applications.


i. To study the operation of NE565 PLL

ii. To use NE565 as a multiplier


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistors 6.8 kΩ 1
2 Capacitor 0.1μf 1
3 Capacitor 0.001μf 2
4 I.C. 565 1
5 Bread board 1
6 Connecting wires As required

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The 565 is available as a 14-pin DIP package. It is produced by signatic corporation. The output
frequency of the VCO can be rewritten as
f Hz
where RT and CTare the external resistor and capacitor connected to pin 8 and pin
9. A value between 2 k and 20 k is recommended for RT. The VCO free running frequency is
adjusted with RT and CT to be at the centre fo the input frequency range.

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iii. Connect the circuit using the component values as shown in the figure
iv. Measure the free running frequency of VCO at pin 4 with the input signal Vin set
= zero. Compare it with the calculated value = 0.25/ RTCT
v. Now apply the input signal of 1Vpp square wave at a 1kHz to pin 2
vi. Connect 1 channel of the scope to pin 2 and display this signal on the scope
vii. Gradually increase the input frequency till the PLL is locked to the input frequency. This frequency
f1gives the lower ends of the capture range. Go on increase the input frequency, till PLL tracks the
input signal, say to a frequency f2. This frequency f2 gives the upper end of the lock range. If the
input frequency is increased further the loop will get unlocked.
viii. Now gradually decrease the input frequency till the PLL is again locked. This is the frequency f3, the
upper end of the capture range. Keep on decreasing the input frequency until the loop is unlocked.
This frequency f4 gives the lower end of the lock range
 7.8 fo
ix. The lock range fL = (f2 – f4) compare it with the calculated value of

Also the capture range is fc = (f3 – f1). Compare it with the calculated value ofcapture range.


fo =
fL =
fC =

 7.8 fo
fL = (f2 – f4) =

 f 
1/ 2

fc = (f3 – f1) =
  
(2  )(3.6)(10 3 )xC) 

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fo =
fL = fC =


x. Check the circuit connections before switching on the power supply.

xi. Check the connection between pin 7 and 8
xii. Check the connections at the input.
xiii. Check the continuity of the connecting wires.

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1. What are the basic blocks of a PLL?

The block diagram of a basic PLL is shown in the figure below. It is basically a flip flop consisting of a phase
detector, a low pass filter (LPF),and a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). The input signal Vi with an input
frequency fi is passed through a phase detector.

2. Define VCO?
A voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is an electronic oscillator whose output frequency is proportional to its
input voltage. An oscillator produces a periodic AC signal, and in VCOs, the oscillation frequency is determined
by voltage.

3. What is PLL?
A phase-locked loop (PLL) is a closed-loop feedback control system, which synchronizes its output signal in
frequency as well as in phase with an input signal. The phase detector, the loop filter, and the voltage controlled
oscillator are the key parts of almost all PLLs

4. Define lock range?

The lock range is usually band of frequencies above and below the PLL free running frequency as described
earlier. If the frequency of the input signal is outside the PLL lock range than PLL will not be able to lock.
Under this condition, VCO frequency jumps to its fundamental free running frequency

5. What are the applications of PLL?

PLLs are widely used in wireless or radio frequency (RF) applications, including Wi-Fi routers, broadcast
radios, walkie-talkie radios, televisions and mobile phones. At its simplest, a phase-locked loop is a closed-loop
feedback control circuit that's both frequency- and phase-sensitive.

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Experiment No: 8 Date:

Voltage Regulator using IC 723, Three Terminal Voltage Regulators – 7805, 7809, 7912.

AIM: To Design a DC power supply using 723, three voltage Regulators-- 7805, 7809.7912

APPARATUS REQUIRED: Regulated DC Power Supply ----------------------------- 1


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor 10kΩ 1
2 Resistor 100kΩ 1
3 Resistor 560Ω 1
4 Capacitor 100pf 1
5 Decade Resistance Box 1
6 Bread board 1
7 Digital Multimeter 1
8 IC-723 1
9 Connecting wires As required


We have already explained in detail about the basics of regulated power supply, voltage
regulators and IC voltage regulators. Let us take a look at one of the most popular IC voltage
regulators, the 723 Voltage Regulator IC. The functional diagram of the voltage regulator is shown
below. It consists of a voltage reference source (Pin 6), an error amplifier with its inverting input on
pin 4 and non-inverting input on pin 5, a series pass transistor (pins 10 and 11), and a current limiting
transistor on pins 2 and 3. The device can be set to work as both posistive and negaive voltage
regulators with an output voltage ranging from 2 V to 37 V, and output current levels upto 150 m A.
The maximum supply voltage is 40 V, and the line and load regulations are each specified as 0.01%.
We have already explained in detail about the basics of voltage regulators and IC voltage regulators. Let
us take a look at one of the most popular IC voltage regulators, the 723 Voltage Regulator IC. The
functional diagram of the voltage regulator is shown below. It consists of a voltage reference source (Pin
6), an error amplifier with its inverting input on pin 4 and non-inverting input on pin 5, a series pass
transistor (pins 10 and 11), and a current limiting transistor on pins 2 and 3. The device can be set to
work as both posistive and negaive voltage regulators with an output voltage ranging from 2 V to 37 V,
and output current levels upto 150 m A.

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1) Connect the circuit as per given the circuit diagram.

2) Measure the reference voltage at pin no.6 It should be greater than 7V.
3) By varying the resistance (Decade Resistance Box) measures the output voltage with digital multimeter.
4) Calculate the theoretical values and compare with the practical values.
5) Plot the graph between X-axis on Resistance and Y-axis on Voltage.


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SL.NO. Load Resistance(RL)KΩ Pin Practical

No.6VREF(V) Vo(V)


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AIM: To study the voltage regulation characteristics and plot the response curve for line regulation and load
regulation using 7805, 7809, 7912 ICs.


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor 10kΩ 1
2 Capacitors 22µF,1000µF 1
3 Ammeter 1
4 Volte meter 1
5 Decade Resistance Box 1
6 Bread board 1
7 Digital Multi meter 1
8 IC-723 1
9 Regulator7805,7905,7912 1
10 Connecting wires As required


Figure.1 Fixed Positive Voltage regulator

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Figure.2 Fixed Negative Voltage Regulator

THEORY: A regulated power supply has to provide constant output voltage irrespective of variation in the load
connected to the power supply or variation in the input unregulated power given to the power supply. This is
achieved by taking the feedback from the output voltage and compared with a fixed reference voltage. Based on the
error, the output voltage is adjusted.


For fixed positive voltage regulator (7805 and 7809):

1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure.1.

2. Apply the unregulated voltage to the IC 7805 and note down the regulator output voltage. Vary input voltage
from 7V to 20V and record the output voltages.
3. Calculate the line regulation of the regulator using the formula.
4. Line Regulation = ΔVO /ΔVi.
5. Now, fix the input voltage as 15V and vary the load resistance RL, from 1K to 10 K ohms. Note down the
regulator output voltage.
6. Calculate the Load regulation of the regulator using the formula.
7. Load Regulation =ΔVO / ΔIL.
8. Repeat the above procedure for 7809.

For fixed negative voltage regulator (7912):

1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure.2.

2. Apply the unregulated voltage to the IC 7912 and note down the regulator output voltage.
3. Vary input voltage from 7V to 20V and record the output voltages.
4. Calculate the line regulation of the regulator using the formula.
5. Line Regulation = ΔVO / ΔVi.
6. Now, fix the input voltage as 15V and vary the load resistance RL, from 1K to 10 K ohms. Note down the
regulator output voltage.
7. Calculate the Load regulation of the regulator using the formula.

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1). For +Ve Voltage Regulator 7805

Line Regulation: (RL is constant)

S.No. Unregulated DC Input, Vi in Volts Regulated DC Output, VO in Volts

Load Regulation: (Vi is constant)

S.No. Load Resistance, RL in Ohms Regulated DC output, VO in Volts

2). For +Ve Voltage Regulator 7809

Line Regulation: (RL is constant)

S.No. Unregulated DC Input, Vi in Volts Regulated DC Output, VO in Volts

Load Regulation: (Vi is constant)

S.No. Load Resistance, RL in Ohms Regulated DC output, VO in Volts

3). For -Ve Voltage Regulator 7912

Line Regulation: (RL is constant)

S.No. Unregulated DC Input, Vi in Volts Regulated DC Output, VO in Volts

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Load Regulation: (Vi is constant)

S.No. Load Resistance, RL in Ohms Regulated DC output, VO in Volts


Fig 3. Line Regulation

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Figure 5. Line Regulation for 79XX

Figure 6. Load Regulation for 79XX


Studied the Voltage Regulator using IC 723, Three Terminal Voltage Regulators – 7805, 7809, 7912 and verified
the line & load regulations.

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1. Do not provide input voltage beyond specified range as with increase in voltage excess electricity is liberated
in form of heat from IC 7805 damaging the IC.
2. Use heat sink for input voltages beyond 20-25v
3. Keep current knob of power supply in max position.
4. Check the regulator before connections.
5. Avoid loose contacts.


1. What is a voltage regulator?

voltage regulator, any electrical or electronic device that maintains the voltage of a power source within
acceptable limits. The voltage regulator is needed to keep voltages within the prescribed range that can be
tolerated by the electrical equipment using that voltage

2. How current boosting is achieved in 723 IC?

The current boosting can be achieved by using external transistor connected in parallel with regulator IC. Thus
the output current of 78XX regulator which is 1A can be boosted

3. What is meant by line regulation?

The ability of a power-supply voltage regulator to maintain its output voltage despite variations in its input

4. What is meant by load regulation?

A circuit which is connected between the power source and a load, which provides a constant voltage despite
variations in input voltage or output load

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PART – II: Digital IC Applications

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Experiment No: 1 Date:

decoder using 74138

AIM: To verify the functionality of 3-8 Decoder -74LS138 with hardware


1. Digital IC Trainer kit

2. IC 74LS138
3. Regulated Power Supply
4. Connecting wires
A decoder is a multiple-input, multiple-output logic circuit that converts
coded inputs into coded outputs, where the input and output codes are different.
The 74x138 is a commercially available MSI 3 to 8 decoder. It has an 3-bit binary
input code and a 1-out-of-23 output code. The input code word A, B, C represents
an integer in the range 0 –7, the output code word Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6,
Y7 which are active low outputs has Yi equal to 1 if and only if the input code
word is the binary representation of ‘i’ and G1 = 1 , G2 A_L = 0, G2 B_L = 0,
where G1, G2A_L, G2B_L are three enable inputs. An output is asserted if and
only if the decoder is enabled and the output is selected.


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2. Connect the circuit as per the pin diagram.

3. Apply the inputs as shown in the truth table and observe the outputs.

OBSERVATIONS: Verify the Truth table

RESULT: The Functionality of 3-to-8 decoder is verified using IC74138.


1. Make the connections according to the IC pin diagram.

2. The connections should be tight on trainer kit.
3. The Vcc and ground should be applied carefully at the specified pin only


1. What is 3 to 8 decoder why is it used?

3 to 8 line decoder demultiplexer is a combinational circuit that can be used as both a decoder
and a demultiplexer. IC 74HC238 decodes three binary address inputs (A0, A1, A2) into eight
outputs (Y0 to Y7). The device also has three Enable pins. The same combination is used as a

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2. What can a 3/8 decoder implement?

3 to 8 line decoder demultiplexer is a combinational circuit that can be used as both a decoder
and a demultiplexer. IC 74HC238 decodes three binary address inputs (A0, A1, A2) into eight
outputs (Y0 to Y7). The device also has three Enable pins. The same combination is used as a

3. What are the types of decoder?

2 to 4 line decoder: In the 2 to 4 line decoder, there is a total of three inputs, i.e., A0, and A1 and E and
four outputs, i.e., Y0, Y1, Y2, and Y3. ...
3 to 8 line decoder: The 3 to 8 line decoder is also known as Binary to Octal Decoder. ...
4 to 16 line Decoder.

4. What is a decoder used for?

The name “Decoder” means to translate or decode coded information from one format into
another, so a binary decoder transforms “n” binary input signals into an equivalent code using
2n outputs

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Experiment No: 2 Date:

4- bit comparator using 7485

AIM: To verify the functionality of 4 bit comparator 74LS85 with hardware


1. Digital IC Trainer kit with IC 74LS85

2. Regulated Power Supply
3. Connecting wires
A single bit comparator circuit has 2 data inputs, three control inputs and there
compare outputs. The 3 control inputs provide a mechanism for generation of
multi bit comparators by cascading several bit comparators.

A 4 bit comparator consists of two 4 bit data inputs 3 control inputs, and 3
compare outputs. The functionality of these circuits is similar to that of the bit
comparator. The a>b output is 1 when data on the a input, treated as 4-bit positive
number is greater than the 4-bit positive on b or when data on a and b are w\equal
and the greater than input is 1. this statement uses a for loop with index I changing
from 1 to 2. the outputs are named a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b, which are same as
primary outputs of a nibble comparator.


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A3 A2 A1 A0 B3 B2 B1 B0


1. Connect the circuit as per the pin diagram.

2. Apply the inputs to A and B inputs and observe the outputs.
3. Verify the output with theoretical outputs.


The Functionality of 4-Bit Comparator is verified by IC 74LS85.


1. Make the connections according to the IC pin diagram.

2. The connections should be tight on trainer kit.
3. The Vcc and ground should be applied carefully at the specified pin only

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1. What is the output of a 7485 four bit magnitude comparator?
C 7485 is a four bit comparator IC. It compares two 4-bit words A(A3−A0) and B(B3–B0). It is
possible to cascade mode than one IC 7485 to compare words of almost any length by making use
of the cascade pins of the IC.

2. What is a 7485 comparator?

It compares two 4-bit words A(A3−A0) and B(B3–B0). It is possible to cascade mode than one IC
7485 to compare words of almost any length by making use of the cascade pins of the IC. The
logic diagram of IC 7485 is shown below

3. How the comparison of bits takes place in IC 7485?

There are also discrete ICs available for comparison of binary numbers. In this project SN7485
IC is used which is a 4-bit magnitude comparator. The two 4-bit .

4. How do you create a 4-bit magnitude comparator?

A comparator used to compare two binary numbers each of four bits is called a 4-bit magnitude

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Experiment No: 3 Date:

8*1 Multiplexer using 74151 and 2*4 Demultiplexer using 74155.


To verify the functionality of 8 x 1 Multiplexer-74151 and2X4

Demultiplexer – 74155 with hardware


1. Digital IC Trainer kit

2. IC 74LS151, IC 74LS155
3. Regulated Power Supply
4. Connecting wires
Multiplexing means transmitting a large number of information units over
a smaller number of channels or lines. A digital multiplexer is a combinational
circuit that selects binary information from one of many inputs lines and directs it
to a single output line. Normally there are 2^n input lines and n selection lines
whose bit combinations determine which input is selected. The selection depends
onset of selection lines. Also called as selector.
In 8to1 multiplexer, there are 3 select lines and 23 min terms by
connecting the function variables directly to select inputs, a multiplexer can be
made to a select and AND gate that corresponds to the min terms in the function.
The figure shows an 8-1 multiplexer. It has eight inputs. It provides two
outputs, one is active high, and the other is active low.


Demultiplexer is a combinational circuit that accepts single input and
distributes it several outputs (Selectively distributes it to 1 of N output channels)
& Exactly reverse of the multiplexer

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8-GND, 16-VCC


Select i/p Output

1 X X X 0
0 0 0 0 D0
0 0 0 1 D1
0 0 1 0 D2
0 0 1 1 D3
0 1 0 0 D4
0 1 0 1 D5
0 1 1 0 D6
0 1 1 1 D7

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1. Connect the circuit as per the pin diagram.

2. Apply the inputs as shown in the truth table and observe the outputs.

The functionality of 8x1 multiplexer and 1x4 line demultiplexer is verified by using ICs.


1. Make the connections according to the IC pin diagram.

2. The connections should be tight on trainer kit.
3. The Vcc and ground should be applied carefully at the specified pin only

1. What is multiplexer explain 4x1 and 8x1 multiplexers in detail?
We know that 4x1 Multiplexer has 4 data inputs, 2 selection lines and one output. Whereas, 8x1
Multiplexer has 8 data inputs, 3 selection lines and one output. So, we require two 4x1 Multiplexers
in first stage in order to get the 8 data inputs.

2. How many and gates are required for an 8x1 multiplexer?

In the 8 to 1 multiplexer, there are total eight inputs, i.e., A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, and A7, 3
selection lines, i.e., S0, S1and S2 and single output, i.e., Y. On the basis of the combination of inputs
that are present at the selection lines S0, S1, and S2, one of these 8 inputs are connected to the output.

3. What is mux and demux and their use?

A multiplexer (Mux) is a combinational circuit that uses several data inputs to generate a single
output. A demultiplexer (Demux) is also a combinational circuit that uses single input that can be

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directed throughout several outputs.

4. What is the use of 8x1 multiplexer?

An 8-to-1 multiplexer consists of eight data inputs D0 through D7, three input select lines S0
through S2 and a single output line Y. Depending on the select lines combinations,
multiplexer selects the inputs

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Experiment No: 4 Date:

D, JK Flip Flops using 7474, 7483.


To verify the functionality of D-flip-flop (74LS74) and JK Master-Slave Flip-Flop (74LS73) with


1. Digital IC Trainer kit

2. IC 74LS74, IC 74LS73
3. Regulated Power Supply
4. Multimeter / Volt Meter
5. Connecting wires.


IC 7474

This device contains two independent positive-edge-triggered D flip-flops with

complementary outputs. The information on the D input is accepted by the flip-flops on the positive
going edge of the clock pulse. The triggering occurs at a voltage level and is not directly related to
the transition time of the rising edge of the clock. The data on the D input may be changed while the
clock is low or high without affecting the outputs as long as the data setup and hold times are not
violated. A low logic level on the preset or clear inputs will set or reset the outputs regardless of the
logic levels of the other inputs.

IC 7473
This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip- flops with
complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flops after a complete clock
pulse. While the clock is LOW the slave is isolated from the master. On the positive transition of
the clock, the data from the J and K inputs is transferred to the master. While the clock is HIGH the
J and K inputs are disabled. On the negative transition of the clock, the data from the master is
transferred to the slave. The logic states of the J and K inputs must not be allowed to change while
the clock is HIGH. Data transfers to the outputs on the falling edge of the clock pulse. A LOW
logic level on the clear input will reset the outputs regardless of the logic states of the other

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Note 1: This configuration is non stable ; that is, it will not persist when either the preset and/or
clear inputs return to their inactive (high) level. Q0 = The output logic level of Q before the
indicated input conditions were established.

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H = HIGH Logic Level L =

LOWLogic Level
X = Either LOW or HIGH Logic Level
Q0 = The output logic level before the indicated input conditions were
Toggle = Each output changes to the complement of its previous level on each
HIGH level clock pulse.


2. Connect the circuit as shown in figure.

3. Apply the inputs and verify the truth table of D-flip-flop.
4. Repeat the same for the master-slave JK flip-flop.

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1. Realize the D-flip-flop using J-K flip-flop

2. Realize the T-flip-flop from D-flip-flop


The Functionality of D-Flip Flop and master-slave JK flip-flop is verified using ICs.


1. Make the connections according to the IC pin diagram.

2. The connections should be tight on trainer kit.
3. The Vcc and ground should be applied carefully at the specified pin only

1. Why do the D flip flops is known as data flip flops?
In D flip flop, the single input "D" is referred to as the "Data" input. When the data input is set to 1, the
flip flop would be set, and when it is set to 0, the flip flop would change and become reset.

2. What are JK flip flops used for?

A J-K flip-flop is nothing more than an S-R flip-flop with an added layer of feedback. This
feedback selectively enables one of the two set/reset inputs so that they cannot both carry an active signal
to the multivibrator circuit, thus eliminating the invalid condition

3. What is the working principle of JK flip-flop?

The JK flip flop work as a T-type toggle flip flop when both of its inputs are set to 1. The JK flip flop is an improved
clocked SR flip flop. But it still suffers from the "race" problem. This problem occurs when the state of the output Q is
changed before the clock input's timing pulse has time to go "Off"..

4. Why JK flip-flop is called universal flip-flop?

JK Flip Flop is a flip flop which consists of a few logic gates in front of a D-flip flop. A JK flip-flop is also
called a universal flip-flop because it can be configured to work as an SR flip-flop, D flip-flop or T flip-

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Experiment No: 1 Date:

Applications of Op-amp

Design and test the performance of the following circuits using Op-amp IC741/TL082 Inverting

To design and study the open loop gain from Inverting Amplifier circuit.


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Range Quantity

1 Function Generator 3 MHz 1
2 CRO 30 MHz 1
3 Dual Regulated Power Supply 0-30V 1
4 CRO probes -------- 2


S. No. Name of the Apparatus Quantity

1 Resistor 1.395K
2 Resistor 10.39K
3 Bread board 1
4 IC-741 1
5 Connecting wires Few No.


Inverting Amplifier circuit design has been implemented on the virtual breadboard using following
· Power Supply: +10v and -10v
· Function generator: Selected wave with following specifications:
Amplitude: 2V
· Resistor R2: 10.39K

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· Resistor R1: 1.395K


An inverting-amplifier circuit is built by grounding the positive input of the operational amplifier and
connecting resistors R1 and R2, called the feedback networks, between the inverting input and the signal
source and amplifier output node, respectively. With assumption that reverse-transfer parameter is
negligibly small, open-circuit voltage gain Av, input resistance Zin and output resistance Zo can be

Inverting Amplifier configuration of an op-amp


1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Give the input signal as specified.
3. Switch on the power supply.
Apply a square wave input 2 𝑉𝑝−p and 1 𝐾𝐻𝑍 to the inverting terminal at pin No.2 using function
4. Note down the outputs from the CRO
5. Draw the necessary waveforms on the graph sheet.


1. Observe the output waveform from CRO. An inverted and amplified waveform will be observed.
2. Measure the input and output voltage from the input and output waveform in the CRO.
3. calculate
V0= - VIN


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4. Compare the theoretical voltage gain from the above equation with the experimental value
obtained by dividing output voltage by input voltages observed.
5. Observe outputs of the inverting amplifier circuit using different input waveforms.


For example, a case has been taken and the required parameters values is being noted down below:
1. Input Voltage: 1.73VV
2. Frequency: 50Hz
3. Output Voltage: 11.9V


1. Theoretically voltage gain is given by:

R2 10.39 =7.41
A v= =
R1 1.395

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S. No Rf R1 Input Theoretical Practical

Vp-p input output
values values

1 1K 1K 2.5V 2.5V 2.2V

2 1K 2.2K 2.5V 5.5V 4.4V
3 1K 4.7K 2.5V 11.75V 10V



1. Connections should be verified before clicking run button.

2. The resistance to be chosen should be in K ohm range.
3. Best performance is being obtained within 50Hz to 1Mhz.

1. What is an op-amp?
An operational amplifier (op-amp) is an integrated circuit (IC) that amplifies the difference in voltage
between two inputs. It is so named because it can be configured to perform arithmetic operations

2. Adder is used in?

An op-amp based adder produces an output equal to the sum of the input voltages applied at its
inverting terminal. It is also called as a summing amplifier, since the output is an amplified one. In the
above circuit, the non-inverting input terminal of the op-amp is connected to ground

3. What is called a Subtractor or differential amplifier?

A differential amplifier (also known as a difference amplifier or op-amp subtractor) is a type of

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electronic amplifier that amplifies the difference between two input voltages but suppresses any voltage
common to the two inputs

4. What is the purpose of a comparator in op amps?

The Op-amp comparator compares one analogue voltage level with another analogue voltage level, or
some preset reference voltage, VREF and produces an output signal based on this voltage comparison

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Experiment No: 2 Date:

Precision rectifiers

Conduct experiments on half wave and full wave precision rectifiers and draw the output wave forms.

To Conduct experiments on half wave and full wave precision rectifiers and draw the output wave forms

Equipment Range/Type Purpose

Dual regulated Power supply +12V For biasing the device
Function generator 1 MHz To provide input
Oscilloscope 20 MHz dual To observe and measure input/output


Component Specification Quantity Purpose

Op-amp IC741 1 Amplification

Diode 1N4148 2 Rectification
Resistor R1 9.1k 1 input resistor
Resistor R2 9.1 k 1 feedback resistor
Resistor R3 4.7 k 1 Compensation resistor
Resistor R4 1k 1 Load


A rectifier is a circuit that converts alternating current (AC) to Direct current (DC). An alternating current
always changes its direction over time, but the direct current flows continuously in one direction. In a typical
rectifier circuit, we use diodes to rectify AC to DC. But this rectification method can only be used if the input
voltage to the circuit is greater than the forward voltage of the diode which is typically 0.7V. We previously
explained diode-based half-wave rectifier and full-wave rectifier circuit.

To overcome this issue, the Precision Rectifier Circuit was introduced. The precision rectifier is another
rectifier that converts AC to DC, but in a precision rectifier we use an op-amp to compensate for the voltage
drop across the diode, that is why we are not losing the 0.6V or 0.7V voltage drop across the diode, also the
circuit can be constructed to have some gain at the output of the amplifier as well

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So, in this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can build, test, apply, and debug a precision rectifier
circuit using op-amp. Alongside that, I will be discussing some pros and cons of this circuit as well. So,
without further ado, let's get started. The above figure shows the characteristics of an ideal rectifier circuit with
its transfer characteristics. This implies when the input signal is negative, the output will be zero volts and when
the input signal is positive the output will follow the input signal.


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1) Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.

2) The bias voltages are applied to the circuit i.e. 4th and 7th pin numbers.
3) Using function generator, adjust the amplifier of input sinusoidal voltage to 2VP-P and 1khz freq.
4) Precision half-wave rectifiers are commonly used with other op amp circuits such as a peak-
detector or bandwidth limited non-inverting amplifier to produce a DC output voltage.
5) This configuration has been designed to work for sinusoidal input signals between 0.2mVpp and
4Vpp at frequencies up to 50kHz


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Half wave rectifier:

Amplitude: 2x0.5=1v

Time period: 10x0.5ms=0.5ms

Full wave rectifier:

Amplitude: 2x5=10v

Time period:


We have designed and studied the Precision rectifiers using half wave and full wave with 741 IC, we have
drawn the output waveforms.


Half wave rectifier:

1. Explain why half-wave rectifiers are generally not used in dc power supply?
Ans. The type of supply available from half-wave rectifier is not satisfactory for general power supply. That is
Explain why it is generally not used in dc power supply.

2. Discuss in detail about different types of rectifiers and its features?

Ans. There are mainly 3 different types of rectifiers namely: Half wave, full wave and Bridge rectifiers. Out of
these three, Bridge rectifier is the best one among these because Bridge rectifier has more efficiency, less ripple
factor, more TUF, less peak factor, less PIV and less transformer cost.

3. Explain the process of converting AC to DC?

Ans.The process of converting an AC voltage to DC voltage requires 4 steps. First the AC voltage is fed to a
step down transformer. The 230V, 50Hz input AC voltage is step down to 10-30 V AC voltage. This reduced
voltage passes through a rectifier circuit. The heart of a rectifier circuit is a diode. After the rectifier, the voltage
is passed to filter circuit. Capacitor is the base of a filter circuit.

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4. Explain in detail about regulation and the need of regulation?

Ans.Basically we can say that regulation is the measure of change in the magnitude between the sending and
receiving end of a component. The use of a voltage regulator is to keep the power level in a stabilized manner.
The main use of voltage regulation is to keep the voltages within the required range of a electrical equipment. In
other words, in order to keep an electrical equipment work in its prescribed voltage levels, regulation circuit is

Full wave rectifier:

1. Explain why diodes are not operated in the breakdown region in rectifiers?
Ans. In breakdown region, a diode has a risk of getting damaged or burnt because the magnitude of current flowing
through it increases in an uncontrollable manner. That is Explain why diodes are not operated in the breakdown
region in rectifiers.

2. Define ripple as referred to in a rectifier circuit.

Ans. The ac component contained in the pulsating output of a rectifier is known as ripple.

. 3. The output of a 60Hz full-wave bridge rectifier has a 60 Hz ripple. It this circuit working properly?
Ans. A full-wave rectifier with 60Hz input must have lowest ripple frequency equal to twice the input frequency i.e.
120Hz. If the ripple frequency is 60Hz, it means some diodes in the circuit are not working.

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