ICS 2024 Info Package

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iCS 2024: Healthy Heritage

I. About iCS
i3L Competition Series (iCS) is an annual competition series held by Indonesia International
Institute for Life Sciences (i3L). Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L) is a
premium life sciences higher education and research institute.

This competition is specifically designed for high school students. iCS aims to explore the
potential of high school students in Indonesia to develop sustainable science and technology
tools/product advancement. Through this competition, students are expected to create
innovative new products as a response to the development of advanced science and
technology in Indonesia.

II. About iCS 2024

1. Theme: Healthy Heritage
iCS 2024 celebrates the transformative power of Indonesian healthy heritage. Share your
vision for products, practices, or initiatives that embody wellness through sustainability.
We invite high school students to participate in the development of packaged food and
beverage products that are not only healthy and sustainable but also authentically
- Embrace Indonesian heritage: Utilize indigenous ingredients, culinary techniques,
and flavors to create authentic and unique products.
- Promote health and well-being: Formulate products with nutritional value,
considering sugar, fat, and salt content, as well as the inclusion of essential vitamins,
minerals, and bioactive compounds.
- Prioritize sustainability: Focus on eco-friendly packaging, responsible sourcing of
ingredients, and minimization of ingredient waste throughout the production
process, such as the use of skin, seeds, or leaves of fruits and vegetables.

2. Goals of iCS 2024

- Increase the creativity and innovative mindset of high school students in developing
sustainable, healthy, and cultivated traditional Indonesian ingredients into creating
innovative food or beverage products.
- Raise awareness about healthy choices and build community impact.
- Inspire high school students to become changemakers by fostering creativity and
innovation in developing products that align with current and future lifestyles.

3. Rounds
- Preliminary Round
Here, the participants (a group of 3-5 people) are expected to deliver their idea of an
innovative packaged food/beverage product in the form of a well-understood
product idea proposal AND an Instagram Reels video.
- Semifinal Round
Following the preliminary round, the selected proposals will be invited to join
workshops at the i3L facility. In these workshops, the successful participants will be
taught essential skills in product development. Empowered by this training, they face
esteemed judges, presenting their polished proposals.
- Final Round
The selected semifinalists will become finalists who will deliver their final
presentation along with the prototype of their product in this stage. The assessment
will be conducted at this stage to determine the competition's winner.

4. Judging Criteria
a. Adherence to Theme (Element of Indonesian Heritage)
- How well does the product embrace Indonesian heritage and align with the
b. Healthiness and Nutritional Value
- Does the product promote health and well-being effectively?
- How well is the nutritional value of the product considered?
- Are there innovative approaches to improving the health aspects of the product?
c. Sustainability
- To what extent does the product prioritize sustainability?
- Sustainability of base ingredient
- Utilization of all parts of ingredients
- How eco-friendly is the packaging, and does it minimize environmental impact?
- Is waste minimized throughout the production process?
d. Innovation and Creativity
- Are there innovative elements in the formulation and production process?
- Does the product stand out in terms of uniqueness and creativity?
- How does your product's development or sourcing involve the community,
potentially solving local issues or utilizing local resources?
e. Problem-Solving Capability
- Does the product have the aim and capability to address and mitigate
food-related issues in Indonesia?
f. Market Reach and Engagement
- Is there consideration for consumer preferences and alignment with market
- Are there aspects of the product that make it attractive and competitive in the
- How will you effectively build awareness, interest, and desire for your product or
service within your designated market segment?
g. Presentation (for semifinal and final round)
- How well did the participants present their product, and were they able to
effectively communicate its unique features and benefits?
h. Prototype Development (for final round)
- How well was the prototype developed, and how closely does it match the
proposed product design?
- Product appearance and taste

5. Awards & Benefits

iCS 2024 offers the following awards and benefits:
1st Winner : Plaque, E-certificate, Prize Money IDR 12.500.000
2nd Winner : Plaque, E-certificate, Prize Money IDR 7.500.000
3rd Winner : Plaque, E-certificate, Prize Money IDR 5.000.000
Favorite Winner (IG Reels Winner) : E-Certificate, Prize Money IDR 2.500.000

III. Event Activities & Schedule

Date Activity Location Agenda/Description
Preliminary Round
Participants submit their proposal
May 1, 2024 to
Registration Period - via email and upload reels videos
July 3, 2024
about their product to Instagram.
Like Counting
July 13, 2024 -
Deadline for IG Reels
Announcement: Instagram
August 3, 2024 Semifinalists & @ics_competition
Favorite Winner & @i3l_official
Semifinal Round
- Session by i3L Faculty
August 10, 2024 Opening Ceremony Online via Zoom
- Semifinal Round Socialization
- Participants experience i3L's
August 24, 2024 i3L Workshop Onsite at i3L
- Seminar
- Campus Tour
- Semifinal Presentation
August 25, 2024 Hybrid - Finalists Announcement
- Final Round Socialization
Final Round
One-on-one consultation with
August 31, 2024 Consultation Session Online via Zoom experts to improve participant
project outcomes.
September 7, Participants make their product
Prototype Making Onsite at i3L
2024 prototype
Final Presentation &
September 8, - Final Presentation
Winner Onsite at i3L
2024 - Winner Announcement

IV. Participation Regulations

❖ Attending senior high school in Indonesia during the competition period. SMA/SMK or
other equivalent levels.
❖ Students of all senior grades (10-12) are allowed to participate.
❖ Students of all streams are encouraged to participate.
❖ One team can have a maximum of 5 (five) members and a minimum of 3 (three)
❖ Students of different grades (10-12) are allowed to be on the same team.
❖ Students of the same team must be from the same school.
❖ One school can deliver multiple teams to join this competition.
❖ One member must be assigned as the team leader who will be the contact person for
the team.
❖ All team members are required to fully commit to attending all event sessions and
workshops throughout the competition.
❖ In case of unforeseen circumstances that prevent a team member from attending, they
should contact the organizers as soon as possible to discuss potential solutions.

V. Registration Regulations
❖ Participants are required to fill in the application through Google Form:
bit.ly/ics2024registration. Fill the form only once by the team representative (team
❖ Participants have to pay a registration fee of IDR 50,000.00 through BCA Bank Account
094-883-8888 under the name Yay Scientia Internasional Indonesia.
❖ Participants are expected to submit proof of enrollment in high school grades 10-12 in
the form of Student ID through the Google Form (additional recommendation letters
can be provided but not mandatory and will not affect grading and judging).
❖ Participants are also required to post a twibbon on their Instagram account using the
template provided: http://bit.ly/TwibbonParticipantiCS2024.
❖ Submitted registration will be contacted through email by the committee to confirm the
❖ Registration upon entry is free of charge. The committee will not provide any
reimbursement for accommodation and transportation expenses.
❖ After registering, all participants must submit both a completed proposal and a link to
an uploaded Instagram Reel about their product through email: [email protected] to be
considered officially registered for the competition.
❖ Registration, proposal submission, and reels upload will open on May 1, 2024 and will
close on July 3, 2024 at 11:59 PM WIB.
Note: Participants may register themself first and submit the proposal and Reels link later
along the registration period

VI. Reels Video Guideline

❖ Format:
- 60-second Reels video explaining your product.
❖ Judging Criteria:
● Likes: 80%
- 80% of the final score will be based on the total number of likes received on your
Instagram Reel within the competition period by July 13, 2024.
● Content: 20% of the final score will be based on the following criteria:
- Creativity and originality
- Clarity and effectiveness in explaining the product
- Video quality
❖ Submission Guidelines:
● Post your Reel in Feeds and Instagram Story on the team leader’s Instagram account
using the hashtag #iCS2024 #HealthyHeritage.
● Send a collaboration request before publishing your Reel and choose
@ics_competition as your collaborator.
● Tag @i3l_official.
● In the caption, briefly describe your product and its connection to the iCS 2024
● Ensure your Reel is publicly visible throughout the competition period.

VII. Proposal Submission Guideline

❖ Format:
- Use a clear and consistent font (e.g., Arial, Times New Roman) and font size (e.g.,
- Double-space your lines.
- Number your pages.
- Include page breaks between sections.
- Include iCS & i3L logos on the cover. The logo can be found at bit.ly/icslogo.
- Save your document as a PDF file.
❖ The proposal consists of a minimum of 750 words and a maximum of 1500 words
(excluding references), written in Bahasa Indonesia or English. The proposal should
a. Introduction:
- Background information related to the issue that your product aims to solve and
explain how the innovative features of the product address this issue. Examples
of issues include:
★ Obesity prevention and weight management
★ Reduce stunting or wasting
★ Reduce anemia
★ Reduce the risk of NCDs (Non-Communicable Disease) such as blood
pressure, blood glucose, lipid profile
★ Improve cognition
★ Improve physical fitness
★ etc.
Note: These are just a few examples to get you started. We encourage you to
think outside the box and propose your own creative solutions!
- Emphasize how your product embraces Indonesian heritage and aligns with the
- Mention how your product's development or sourcing involves the community,
potentially solving local issues or utilizing local resources.
b. Product Description:
- Provide a detailed and engaging description of your product's features, taste,
texture, and appearance.
- Quantify the health benefits of your product (related to the background in the
- Discuss any innovative approaches you take to promote well-being through your
c. Sustainability Practices:
- Describe your commitment to sustainability throughout the production process.
- Provide concrete examples of sustainable practices, such as:
★ Eco-friendly packaging materials (e.g., recycled paper, compostable options)
★ Responsible sourcing of ingredients
★ Waste minimization at all stages of production and distribution
★ Use of waste/spent as ingredients (such as okara, coffee waste etc)
★ etc.
Note: Think beyond these examples! We're open to any innovative approach.
- Quantify the environmental impact reduction of your practices where possible.
d. Market Reach and Engagement:
- Demonstrate your understanding of consumer preferences and current market
trends relevant to your product.
- Describing your product's communication strategy.
e. Conclusion:
- Briefly summarize the key points from each section, reiterating your adherence
to the theme, health benefits, sustainability practices, innovation, and market
- End with a strong closing statement that emphasizes the potential impact and
success of your proposal.
f. References:
- Written using APA 7th style.
❖ Details of the submission date are as follows:
a. Proposal submission period starts on May 1st until July 3rd at 23.59 WIB
(Registration Period).
b. The proposal and poster should be submitted through email to [email protected].
c. The email subject is “Group Name_iCS 2024 Proposal”
❖ The selected participants entering the semifinal round will be announced on August 3rd,
2024 through Instagram @ics_competition.

VIII. Contact Person

❖ Figo Valentino
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/6289520740855

❖ Margaretha Clairine Sungkono

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/6281289414078

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