ANSR Quarterly GCC Report Q4

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Landscape Q4’23
March 2024
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

For Global Capability Centers (GCCs) in India and across the world, 2024 will be a year of infinite
opportunity, where the distance between the GCC and the headquarters will continue to diminish
considerably. GCCs have emerged as strategic hubs for organizations seeking to harness India’s
abundant talent pool and favorable business environment. At present, GCCs in India account for more
than 1% of the country’s GDP, and the share is expected to grow further. Companies from various
sectors are setting up GCCs in India, drawn by the country’s robust IT infrastructure, large pool of
skilled professionals, and mature ecosystem, making it an ideal destination for companies seeking
innovation, efficiency, and global competitiveness.

The newly established GCCs in India is strategically focus on advancing both tech and non-tech
capabilities to drive innovation and enhance organizational efficiency on a global scale. These GCCs
prioritize the nurturing of talent and technology, while also enhancing capabilities in areas such as
Gen AI, AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, and more.

Over three-fourths of new GCCs are building innovative tech capabilities such as AI/ML, Data
Analytics, RPA, and Cloud. Regardless of their size or industry, companies will persist in establishing
GCCs, resulting in the rapid standardization of setup and operational practices. Leading enterprises
across every industry will strategically harness their GCCs to conceptualize and materialize innovative
products and services, resulting in enhanced operational efficiency, superior quality standards,
unparalleled customer experiences, and a 360-degree diversification of the spectrum of their

The ANSR Quarterly GCC report assesses the GCC trends with a focus on new GCC establishment and
center expansion during the study period between September 2023 and January 2024. The report also
highlights the key trends, technology maturity at GCCs, and future digital investment priorities at
GCCs in India. The report showcases innovative GenAI use cases from GCCs operating in different
sectors. The report also provides insights on talent management and real-estate trends in the GCCs.

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Executive summary 04

A glimpse into 5 trends redefining GCCs in 2024 06

Q 4’23

GCC market snapshot 11

• Global GCC hubs
• India GCC landscape & key locations
• New GCC set up in India
• Center expansion of established GCCs in India


GCCs emerging as proof-of-concept hubs for GenAI 27

• Technology maturity at GCCs in India
• Future digital investments at GCCs in India
• Leading innovation with AI / GenAI – GenAI adoption in Retail,
use cases

Q uarterly

A glimpse into talent management trends in GCCs 34

• High demand technology & digital skills in GCCs
• Salary increase trends in GCCs
• Performance management and retention strategies in GCCs

Insights into real estate trends in GCCs 37
• GCCs pan India office leasing volumes

• India provide competitive office rentals for GCCs

• GCCs sharpening their sustainability focus

Addendum 41

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Executive summary
GCCs becoming mainstream
In the last 3-5 years, GCCs gained more mainstream acceptability. GCCs, in many cases,
outperformed standard organizations on important metrics such as business continuity and
information security, which are critical for large global companies.
Today, GCCs can support a range of critical business goals. They serve as ‘centers
of excellence’ specializing in areas like AI/ML, data analytics, cloud, AR/VR, robotic process
automation (RPA), Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain.
As companies increasingly realize that skills and innovation can traverse geographic
boundaries, and diversity in leadership has a positive impact on innovation, they are leaning
on their GCC teams to lead innovation efforts.

Trends redefining GCCs in 2024
For GCCs in India and across the world, 2024 will be a year of infinite opportunity, where the
distance between the GCC and the headquarters are becoming borderless. Below five trends
will define the GCC sector in the months to come:
I. GCCs to evolve towards becoming ‘digital twins’ of their headquarters
II. India GCCs to host as many as 60+ CIOs and global functional leaders
III. GCCs to become the hotbeds for new and disruptive technology
IV. Rise of the Hybrid GCC-Service Provider Model
V. Increased collaboration with startups to power corporate innovation

GCCs emerging as proof-of-concept hubs for GenAI applications
GenAI and Global Capability Centers (GCCs) are forging a powerful alliance. Companies are utilizing
GCCs as a sandbox environment to develop proofs of concepts (POCs) that accelerate their digital
journey by leveraging GenAI across relevant domains. From personalized user experiences and
predictive analytics to operational efficiency enhancements and risk management, the potential
applications span various industries.
Leveraging a symbiotic relationship between GenAI's advanced cognitive capabilities and
GCCs' strategic expertise, organizations can achieve breakthrough innovation and propel
themselves towards unexplored frontiers.

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Executive summary (contd.)

GCCs looking at product & platform – need for a GCC
The GCC landscape is evolving. A strategic shift is underway, moving beyond service delivery
towards product and platform ownership. This empowers GCCs to become self-sufficient
entities within the broader organization.
Furthermore, the growing trend of companies, irrespective of size, establishing GCCs
necessitates a standardized approach. This calls for the creation of a "SuperApp" for GCCs.
Such an application would streamline the setup process, offering pre-defined workflows, best
practices, and automated functionalities. This would lead to:
a. Increased Efficiency: Standardized processes ensure faster setup times
and reduced operational costs.
b. Predictable Outcomes: Defined workflows minimize errors and ensure
consistent results.
c. Scalability: The SuperApp enables the seamless onboarding of new GCCs,
setting up new capabilities (like AI) and facilitates future growth.
This shift positions GCCs as strategic assets, driving innovation and contributing significantly
to the organization's overall success.

Need for talent development in advanced capabilities
As GCCs mature and move up the value chain, they will transition from technology and business
hubs to integrated business outcome accelerators delivering exceptional value. This evolution
necessitates a very differentiated talent strategy where recruitment focuses on individuals with
a diverse skill set, including a blend of technical expertise, business acumen, and strategic
There is an ongoing commitment to talent development, with a specific focus on cultivating
advanced capabilities in areas such as GenAI, AI/ML, cybersecurity, and cloud, reflecting a
commitment to continuous growth.
Continuous upskilling and reskilling initiatives will ensure alignment with evolving industry
demands and foster a culture of innovation and agility within the organization.

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

A glimpse
into 5 Trends
redefining GCCs
in 2024

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

1 GCCs to evolve towards becoming

‘digital twins’ of their headquarters

GCCs are set to become seamless extensions of their headquarters, mirroring operations
and fostering real-time collaboration. Think of them as “digital twins”, empowered by
advanced technology, data analytics, and digital tools. The trend highlights the growing
convergence between GCCs and headquarters, eradicating the traditional gap and fostering
an interconnected and synchronized ecosystem between these entities. As a digital twin, the
GCC mirrors the digital footprint and operations of the headquarters, ensuring real-time
synchronization, collaboration, and operational coherence, ultimately enhancing efficiency
and innovation across the organization.
Leaders within this space will leverage advanced technologies, data analytics, and digital
tools to ensure the seamless alignment of the working dynamics, decision-making processes,
and overall ethos of the headquarters with the GCC. By championing a unified organizational
culture grounded in shared core values, mission, and vision, GCCs and headquarters are
poised to seamlessly adopt a "one enterprise, one culture" paradigm.
The metamorphosis of GCCs into integral components of enterprises will culminate in 2024
with the complete integration of GCCs as twins of their respective headquarters. GCCs and
headquarters will operate as a single entity, setting a new standard for global collaboration
and operational cohesion.

40% 4 in 10
of corporate headcount Enterprise technology & back-office
work out of GCCs operations leaders are placed at GCCs

30% 55%
of GCCs have their KPIs linked to of enterprise technology products
business outcomes are developed in GCCs

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

2 India GCCs to host as many as 60+ CIOs

and SVP leaders

In 2024, the world will see some of the biggest multinational enterprises across a diverse
range of industries being led by global leaders from India. From Target in India, Falabella,
Lowe’s, Maersk, Jaguar Land Rover among others - 2024 will see as many as 60+ CIOs and
SVP leaders that are based in India from various GCCs, spearheading their functions at a
global level.

Professionals holding global roles in GCCs in India



2023 2030 (estimated)

As a growing number of enterprises strategically transition significant portions of their

functions and operations to GCCs, India based GCC leaders effortlessly ascended to global
leadership positions, directing their functions at a global level. Presently, these adept
functional heads lead teams responsible for managing global business services, shared
services (finance, procurement, HR, etc.), and technology centers of excellence – completely
from India.
This “one-in-a-box” style of leadership, where a single leader has the front seat in a cockpit
and is directing every aspect of a functionality across the globe is going to be one of 2024’s
top GCC trends.

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

3 GCCs to become the hotbeds for new

and disruptive technology
Operating as an extension of the corporate headquarters, GCCs serve as invaluable
"sandboxes" for the seamless implementation of new technologies, offering an ideal
isolated atmosphere where innovative ideas can be tested and refined. Within this
environment, ideas for the implementation of new technologies can be systematically
conceived, rigorously tested, and seamlessly integrated into the overarching strategic
framework of the enterprise.
GCCs of today enable a wide range of critical business goals in their roles as ‘centers of
excellence’, leveraging Generative AI, machine learning, data analytics, augmented
reality, robotic process automation and many other such disruptive technologies to
develop vendor portals, intelligent chatbots, CRM tools, and other similar applications. As
per ANSR’s survey with 100+ GCC leaders, ~90% GCCs plan to harness the potential of
AI/ML/cognitive computing technologies in the next 2-3 Years.

4 Rise of the hybrid GCC-service provider

The 'Hybrid GCC' concept becomes a mainstream strategy, emphasizing collaboration with
external partners for efficiency. Strategically delegating non-core work to service providers
will enable GCCs to allocate their resources and talent more efficiently, redirecting them
toward higher-impact tasks that are aligned directly to the enterprise's core competencies. In
turn, GCCs will be able to focus on pivotal strategic initiatives, innovation, and fundamental
business functions, thereby nurturing the conditions necessary for enterprise growth and
bolstering competitiveness.
In 2024, the strategic external-service provision of ancillary and supplementary functions will
enable GCCs to allocate resources more efficiently, focusing on core competencies, strategic
initiatives, and innovation, consequently fostering conditions for enterprise growth and
competitiveness. In its simplest form, the hybrid model mantra will be – “use employees
where you should use employees and use partners where you need to use partners.” As per
various market estimates, service providers have around $80Bn opportunity to service the
GCC industry globally in 2024.

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

5 Increased collaboration with startups to

power corporate innovation
GCCs are forging strategic partnerships with agile startups, leveraging their disruptive energy to
unlock groundbreaking advancements. This symbiotic relationship will blur the lines between
established corporations and nimble disruptors, accelerating innovation across industries. An
additional advantage available to GCCs setup in India will be the access to the 3rd largest
startup ecosystem in the world, with 1,12,718 DPIIT-recognized startups as of December 2023.
This symbiotic relationship between GCCs and startups is poised for success because it offers
multiple benefits to both sides. By partnering with startups, GCCs combine external viewpoints
with in-depth industry expertise, facilitating accelerated innovation for enterprises and
enhanced scalability for startups. Access to state-of-the-art technology infrastructure and a
nimble go-to-market strategy enables GCCs to rapidly deploy innovations and contribute to the
overall growth and competitiveness of their enterprise.

Startup hubs of India

Top performing Indian states in terms of local startup ecosystem
Number of startups Cumulative funding amount

6.5K+ $39Bn
315+ $1.1Bn


216+ $816Mn Telangana

3K+ $2.5Bn
Maharashtra Karnataka
12K+ $20Bn 4K+ $62Bn

Tamil Nadu
3.1K+ $93Mn
2.7K+ $4Bn

Source: ANSR Research, Invest India, Inc42’s State of Startup Ecosystem Report 2023
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

GCC market

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Global GCC hubs

Mexico Colombia Brazil

Mexico (Mexico City, Monterrey, Colombia (Bogota) is leveraged for Brazil is the 9th largest economy in
Guadalajara) is the low-cost service contact center delivery and other the world. Its large talent pool, time
delivery alternative to US locations. transactional processes e.g., AP, AR. It zone advantage, and government
Mexican cities support delivery of offers cost competitiveness relative support make it an attractive hub for
both transactional and complex BP and to other major LATAM locations. GCCs.
IT processes.

Ireland UAE Vietnam & Malaysia

Ireland acts a low-cost alternative UAE's investor-friendly environment, Offers cost-effective talent, strategic
location to London (UK). It offers talent coupled with its status as a hub for location, and an emerging business
with several European language skills fintech, cybersecurity, AI/ML, among environment for GCC.
along with high-end technology other sectors, makes it an attractive
capabilities (e.g., AI/ML, analytics) location for businesses.

Central & Eastern China Philippines

Chinese cities are primarily leveraged Manila is one of the leading
Europe (CEE) for domestic delivery and not leveraged global services delivery location;
Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) offers a for global delivery due to low however, talent pool for digital
unique value proposition of multiple proficiency in English language skills technologies is relatively smaller
European language skills delivery. Most compared to India
CEE locations are leveraged for language-
related business process delivery. Along
with India and the Philippines, Poland is
also one of the leading global services
delivery location leveraged for both
complex business process and
information technology delivery

India accounts for over 50% of the global G C C market. Given its
unique mix of an attractive workforce, extensive start-up
ecosystem, and continuous government support, India is the
destination of choice to setup a GCC.

Note: Logos are for illustrative purposes

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

India – The global GCC capital

GCCs have emerged as strategic hubs for organizations seeking to harness
India’s abundant talent pool and favorable business environment. At present,
GCCs in India account for more than 1% of the country’s GDP and the share is
expected to grow further.
GCCs in India (count) Employment (In Mn) GCC market size (in US$ Bn)

1000+ 1600+ 2400+ 0.7+ 1.6+ 4.5+ 19.4 46.0 110.0

FY15 FY23 FY30(E) FY15 FY23 FY30(E) FY15 FY23 FY30(E)

Before 2000 2010 2020 2023 and beyond

Streamlining processes Moving beyond cost- Transitioning into Leading innovation
and executing tasks cutting measures to strategic partners for initiatives and driving
efficiently to maintain provide value-added the HQ, actively digital transformation
intellectual property services such as contributing to decision- within the organization,
and business analytics, research, making, innovation, and focusing on areas like
knowledge within the and development, revenue generation. GenAI, analytics,
organization. while fostering Positioned at the top of cybersecurity, and ML.
collaboration between the value chain, GCCs Thinking ahead of the HQ
GCCs and the HQ. started serving as to become committed
strategic advisors. innovators, rolling out
POCs across organization,
in-house innovation, and

India has emerged as the GCC capital of the world, hosting a thriving ecosystem of multinational
companies leveraging its diverse talent pool and favorable business environment. Renowned for its skilled
workforce in information technology, engineering, research, and development, India attracts organizations
seeking operational excellence and innovation.

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

GCC location landscape in India

Geographical reach of GCCs &
• Bengaluru - Hotspot for GCC buildouts, hub for
talent (FY23) startups and preferred choice for platform
engineering owing to access of 25% of India’s digital
• Hyderabad has emerged as a strong contender
to Bengaluru as the city has witnessed growth in
high quality talent, world class infra, fueled by
business-friendly policies.
• Delhi/NCR is the leading hub for professional
services and houses key BFSI GCCs. A matured
startup ecosystem (37 unicorns), and abundant
access to product management professionals have
led multiple firms to set up their tech & innovation
centers in the region.
• Chennai has a thriving education ecosystem,
abundant availability of high-quality tech and
business talent, progressive state administration,
and lower cost of operations are key drivers for the
city’s growth.
• Mumbai is dominated by BFSI and Retail/CPG GCCs.
The city is a major commercial and financial hub,
with a vast pool of educated and skilled
professionals, including graduates from prestigious
universities and engineers trained in various
technological fields.

No. of GCCs Tier 1 Locations • Pune stands as the favored choice for automotive
and industrial GCCs. Diverse talent pool, growing
infrastructure, product development capacity,
Talent Tier 2 Locations and a robust developer community are some key
enablers for growth.

GCCs have a presence in 15+ locations apart from these 6 tier-1 hubs - high attrition, rising inflation in
matured hubs driving GCC setups in tier-2 cities. Ahmedabad, Coimbatore, Bhubaneshwar, and
Vadodara lead the non- metro clusters.
Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City, Ahmedabad) is emerging as an attractive
destination for establishing GCCs. The regime at GIFT SEZ provides benefits such as a competitive
taxes, ease of doing business, comparatively lower operational costs and state-of-the-art

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

New GCC set

up in India
Note: The review period for the
analysis is Sep 2023 to Jan 2024
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Key sectors and location highlights –

new GCC set up
Key sectors – new GCC set up Key locations – new GCC set up

Tier-1 locations Tier-2 locations

7% 21%

7% Bhubaneshwar
Pune 1
7% 1



Healthcare 3
Manufacturing Chennai
Retail / CPG
Software & Tech 4
Transport & logistics
Media & Entertainment

Companies from various sectors are Chennai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad are
setting up GCCs in India. The country’s the most preferred locations to establish
robust IT infrastructure, large pool of GCCs. Factors like a skilled tech workforce,
enterprise-ready talent, cost- strong IT infrastructure, supportive
effectiveness, and a mature ecosystem, business environment, educational
making it an ideal destination for institutions, and proactive government
companies seeking innovation, efficiency, policies makes these destinations most
and global competitiveness. lucrative to setup GCCs.

Note: The analysis include new GCC set up or announced b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

World’s leading brands set up GCCs

in India
Healthcare Hi-Tech BFSI

Manufacturing Retail/CPG Software & Tech

Transport & Logistics Media & Entertainment

The list is non-exhaustive and is based on publicly available information

Note: The analysis include new GCC set up or announced b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Key capabilities in focus – new GCC

set up
Digital capabilities Traditional Tech capabilities
Artificial Intelligence/ Application Development and
80% 78%
Machine Learning (AI/ML) Maintenance (ADM)

IT Infrustructure
Data Analytics 80% 65%

Enterprise Resource
Cloud 75% 40%
Management (ERP)

Robotics Process
Automation (RPA)

Cybersecurity 40%

Non-Tech capabilities
Key takeaways:
Finance & Accounting
40% • Over three-fourths of new GCCs prioritize building
innovative tech capabilities such as AI/ML, data analytics,
Supply Chain
35% RPA, and cloud. As companies increasingly realize that
Management & Logistics
skills and innovation can traverse geographic boundaries,
and diversity in leadership has a positive impact on
Marketing 25% innovation, they are leaning on their G C C teams to lead
innovation efforts.
Procurement 25% • Key business functions such as F&A, SCM,
procurement, etc. are some of the top non-tech
Human Resource
20% capabilities being set up.
Management (HRM)

Customer Support 10%

The percentages in the chart represent the adoption in # of new GCCs set up during the review period
The detail definition of capabilities; ADM, ERP, and IT Infra Mgmt. is present in the Addendum section

Note: The analysis include new GCC set up or announced b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Location and capabilities – new GCC

set up (1/2)
The newly established global capability center in India is strategically focused on
advancing both tech and non-tech capabilities to drive innovation and enhance
organizational efficiency on a global scale.
Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Chennai lead in terms of new GCC
Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
DocuSign Software & Tech AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, ADM, ERP
HME Hi-Tech Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt., ADM
Waters Corporation Healthcare Data Analytics, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt., ADM

M31 Corp. Hi-Tech Product Engineering & Design

Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Evernorth Healthcare AI/ML., Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt.,
Lloyds Banking BFSI AI/ML., Data Analytics, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt.,
Group ADM, ERP, Cybersecurity
Warner Bros. Media & Data Analytics, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt., F&A, Procurement
Entertainment ADM, ERP

Note: The analysis include new GCC set up or announced b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Location and capabilities – new GCC

set up (2/2)
Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Corpay BFSI Data Analytics, ADM F&A, HRM, Customer Support,
Credit Underwriting
Adidas Retail/CPG F&A, Supply Chain & Logistics

UPS Transport & AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, ADM

MedExpert Healthcare AI/ML, Data Analytics, ADM

Coherent Corp Manufacturing Product Engineering & Design Coherent Corp

Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Atmus Filtration Manufacturing Data Analytics, IT Infra Mgmt., ADM Supply Chain & Logistics, Procurement,
Technologies F&A, HRM, Marketing

Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Signature IP Hi-Tech Product Engineering & Design Market Research, HRM, F&A

Note: The analysis include new GCC set up or announced b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

expansion of
GCCs in India
Note: The review period for the
analysis is Sep 2023 to Jan 2024
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Key sectors and location highlights –

GCC center expansion
Key sectors – center expansion Key locations – center expansion

Tier-1 locations Tier-2 locations

4% 4%
11% 26% Ahmedabad
1 Delhi
11% Vadodara
15% Pune
Transport & Logistics 1
Retail / CPG Chennai
Hi-Tech 7
Travel & Tourism

The manufacturing sector is at the Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad lead

forefront of GCC center expansion. This in terms of center expansions. The
growth is fuelled by the need to enhance availability of talent in engineering and
digital capabilities and scale operations innovative tech makes these cities a
through the development of new preferred choice for companies to expand
competencies. centers in India.

Note: The analysis include center expansion b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Top global brands expand their GCC

presence in India
Manufacturing Transport & Logistics BFSI

Hi-Tech Automotive Retail/CPG

Travel & Tourism Healthcare

Synopsys and Technip Energies have expanded centers across two locations
The list is non-exhaustive and is based on publicly available information
Note: The analysis include center expansion b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Key capabilities in focus – center

Digital capabilities Traditional Tech capabilities
Artificial Intelligence/ Application Development and
60% 55%
Machine Learning (AI/ML) Maintenance (ADM)

IT Infrustructure
Data Analytics 55% 45%

Enterprise Resource
Cloud 50% 35%
Management (ERP)

Robotics Process
Automation (RPA)

Cybersecurity 25%

Non-Tech capabilities
Key takeaways:
Finance & Accounting • Digital innovations in AI/ML, data analytics, cloud,
(F&A) etc. remains the key focus areas for these
expansion centers. ADM and IT Infra Mgmt.
Human Resource remains the key traditional capabilities in focus for
25% companies.
Management (HRM)
• Companies are recognizing that skills and
innovation are not restricted by geographic
Marketing 20% boundaries. Acknowledging the positive correlation
between diversity in leadership and innovation,
organizations are now relying on their global cross-
Supply Chain cultural teams to take the lead in driving innovative
Management & Logistics initiatives.


The percentages in the chart represent the adoption in # of new center expansion at GCCs during the review period
The detail definition of capabilities; ADM, ERP, and IT Infra Mgmt. is present in the Addendum section

Note: The analysis include new GCC set up or announced b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Location and capabilities – center

expansion (1/2)
Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Chennai lead in terms of center expansion from
existing GCCs.
Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Thales Manufacturing ADM, Product Engineering
Philips Manufacturing AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, F&A, Marketing, SCM, HRM
IT Infra Mgmt., ERP, Cybersecurity
Apple Hi-Tech ADM, Product Engineering & Design

AMD Manufacturing Product Engineering & Design

Delta Transport & Logistics AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud, ADM

Booking Holdings Travel & AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt.,
Tourism ADM, ERP, Cybersecurity
Victoria Secret Fashion F&A, Procurement, Store Design &
Construction, Real Estate Analysis
Boeing Transport & Logistics AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud, IT Infra
Mgmt., ADM, ERP, Cybersecurity,
Product engineering & Design

Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Goldman Sachs BFSI AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud, ADM HRM, F&A, Consumer Business Services
FedEx Transport & AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt.,
Logistics ADM, ERP
TJX Retail/CPG Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, Logistics, Merchandising, Sourcing &
IT Infrastructure Management., ADM, ERP, Procurement
Stellantis Automotive AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud, RPA, ADM,
IT Infra Mgmt., Product Engineering & Design
London Stock BFSI AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud, RPA, ADM, F&A, Marketing, Procurement
Exchange Group IT Infra Mgmt.
Bristol-Myers Healthcare AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt., Clinical Trials, Drug Discovery,
Squibb ADM, ERP, Cybersecurity Pharmacovigilance, Risk Management,
Regulatory Compliance, Biostatistics, F&A,
Procurement, Marketing, HRM
Inspire Brands Food Service AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, ADM, POS HRM, Marketing, Artwork Design,
System, Cybersecurity, IT Support Graphics Design

Note: The analysis include center expansion b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Location and capabilities – center

expansion (2/2)
Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Mizuho Bank BFSI AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, ADM,
Hapag-Lloyd Transport & Data Analytics, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt.,
Logistics ADM, ERP
Qualcomm Manufacturing Product Engineering & Design
KONE Corp Manufacturing Product Engineering & Design
Hitachi Energy Manufacturing AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt., ADM, Marketing, Supply Chain, Customer Support
Equiniti BFSI Cloud, IT Infra Mgmt., Data Analytics, ADM, ERP, F&A, HRM, Customer Service, Procurement,
Cybersecurity KYC / AML
Valeo Automotive AI/ML, Data Analytics, IT Infra Mgmt., Cybersecurity

Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Synopsys Hi-Tech AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud,
ADM, ERP, Cybersecurity
Technip Energies Hi-Tech Cloud, ERP, IT Infra. Mgmt. Market Research, HRM, F&A

Company Sector Digital & traditional tech Non-Tech capabilities
Aptiv Automotive Product Engineering & Design Market Research, HRM, F&A

Company Sector Digital & traditional tech Non-Tech ccapabilities
Technip Energies Hi-Tech Cloud, ERP, IT Infra. Mgmt. Market Research, HRM, F&A

Company Sector Digital & Traditional Tech Non-Tech capabilities
Metso Outotec Manufacturing Product Engineering & Design F&A, Supply Chain & Logistics, HRM

Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Kraft Heinz Retail/CPG AI/ML, Data Analytics, RPA, Cloud, ADM F&A, Supply Chain & Logistics,

Company Sector Digital & traditional Non-Tech capabilities
tech capabilities
Synopsys Hi-Tech AI/ML, Data Analytics, Cloud, ADM, ERP,
Note: The analysis include center expansion b/w Sep 2023 and Jan 2024

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

GCCs emerging
as proof-of-
concept hubs
for GenAI

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Technology maturity at GCCs in India

GCCs spearhead innovation through rapid tech adoption

Emerging High Growth Rapid Mature

Low Adoption Integration & Adoption Well Integrated

Big Data & Analytics

ERP Platforms

Technology Adoption



Location Technology

Hybrid Cloud Technology
*Cloud includes Infrastructure-as-a- Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software
as a Service (SaaS) and open API cloud
IoT platforms
*Experience Technology includes video
Visual Analytics consultations, image recognition, etc.
*RPA includes NLP, virtual assistants, BOT,

Adoption at GCCs

GCCs are strategically shifting towards a platform-based growth model, facilitating connections between business
ecosystems and consumers. Their adeptness in AI/ML and data analytics has enabled the development of a diverse array
of innovative tools and solutions. Furthermore, GCCs recognize the critical importance of cybersecurity measures in
fortifying company resilience, safeguarding sensitive data, ensuring regulatory compliance, and fostering trust, thereby
contributing to sustained business success.
Over the past 4-5 years, GCCs have increasingly embraced AR/VR technologies, leveraging their immersive capabilities
across various applications. Additionally, blockchain technology has found extensive utility within GCCs, particularly in
enhancing fraud detection within the supply chain.
In their nascent phases, GCCs are rapidly embracing cutting-edge technologies such as GenAI and Web3, incorporating
blockchain for enhanced security and augmented reality for immersive experiences.These nascent trends are being
harnessed by GCCs to attract new customers and cultivate loyalty through innovative experiences. GCCs stand at the
forefront of technological advancement, continuously evolving to meet the demands of the dynamic business landscape.

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

AI is at an inflection point within the

AI is emerging as a driver for new IT strategy

AI could contribute

74%+ $60Bn+ $150Bn -

CIOs believe that AI is amongst
the top 3 priorities for them for
projected to be spent on AI
and integration over the next
3 years
in operating profits across
retail, travel and financial

Towards building an
intelligent enterprise

Successful organizations will

build CoEs for AI integration.
Centralized governance and
decentralized execution
implemented by embedding
AI CoE into the organization

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

~90% GCCs plan to harness the

potential of AI/ML/cognitive computing
technologies in the next 2-3 Years

Future digital investments by GCCs

AI/ML/Cognitive Computing

Big Data Analytics

Cloud Computing


Enterprise Mobility

Internet of Things

Cyber Security

Robotics Process
Automation (RPA)


ERP Upgrade

Generative AI will lead this movement as the

technology garnering the highest adoption and
investment, with as many as 90% of GCCs
planning to explore its use cases.

*From our ANSR Leadership Forum Survey where we received insights from 100+ GCC leaders

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Use case – GenAI adoption in retail will

likely follow an S-curve
GenAI adoption in retail

• Product Categorization
• Enhanced Search Index
• Personalisation
• Product recommendation
by chatbots
• AI-Driven • Sentiment Analysis
Customer Support
• Inventory Management
• Language
Share of Retail translation
functions with • Product
GenAI • Demand Forecasting
applications • Fraud Detection
• Image editing
(%) • Virtual try on
• Product Design
• Planogram design
• Counterfeit identification
• Marketing

Ongoing GenAI development at retail GCCs

• As retail undergoes a significant transformation in response to the evolving consumer preferences, GenAI and Global
Capability Centers (GCCs) are forging a powerful alliance. In the retail sector, the value of GenAI has already begun to show.
Companies are leveraging GenAI to enable and enhance use cases in relevant domains. From personalized customer
experiences and demand forecasting to supply chain optimization and trend prediction, the potential is immense.
• The GCC serves as a controlled incubator for GenAI, providing a structured milieu for constructing use cases, conducting
experimentation, and creating sandbox environments. This controlled setting offers a safe space for testing and refinement,
allowing for a seamless transition of successful initiatives to the broader organizational framework.
• The integration of GenAI’s cognitive capabilities with GCCs’ strategic prowess creates a symbiotic relationship that propels
retail entities towards new frontiers. According to McKinsey, GenAI will deliver $190 billion in business value to retailers and
consumer goods companies. Leaders are leveraging it to enable and enhance a range of use cases — reshaping experiences
for customers and unlocking new points of difference to help them get ahead.

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Caselets – GCCs driving innovation

through GenAI
Leveraging GenAI for content and Leveraging GenAI for customer
graphic asset creation for journey enhancement on
marketing ecommerce website

• The India GCC of a large US luxury fashion • The Bangalore-based GCC of a Chilean
retailer houses critical role across multiple multinational retailer introduced GenAI-driven
functions including tech, analytics, enhancements to their ecommerce website, which
merchandising, finance, marketing and digital led to major improvements in the customer journey.
operations. • CTR surged by approximately 5% due to improved
• Leveraging GenAI tools such as, Adobe search relevance, while product recommendations,
Firefly, and, their marketing team achieved another critical aspect of the retail business, saw a
a remarkable increase in efficiency, in some cases 20% boost in revenue.
reducing content and graphic asset creation time by • The GCC’s GenAI journey also encompassed
up to 95%, from 60 minutes to just 3 minutes. a significant data engineering overhaul. Previously,
• Furthermore, the merchandising team leveraged data processing required weeks,
intelligent categorization and tagging of products but with GenAI, this time was reduced to as
on the website, eliminating the need to hire little as a day and a half.
additional talent.

Leveraging GenAI to elevate

customer engagement From search terms to GenAI
through chatbot powered online shopping

• A large Australian retailer’s India GCC successfully • The India GCC of a retail conglomerate helped
harnessed the power of GenAI to revolutionize its integrate GenAI to revolutionize the ecommerce
customer engagement strategy. shopping experience of its customer by helping
reduce time spend on scrolling, tapping and
• By implementing intelligent product
searching products.
recommendation chatbots, the retailer elevated the
• GenAI understands contextual queries, allowing
shopping experience, allowing customers to receive
customers to search by specific use cases,
personalized suggestions based on their prompts.
streamlining results and saving time.
• The GenAI-driven chatbots significantly boosted • Additionally, the technology facilitates decision-
cross-sells and up-sells, leading to a remarkable 30% making by creating concise product feature
increase in the add-to-cart ratio. highlights and summarizing reviews, empowering
customers to make informed choices efficiently.

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Caselets – GCCs driving innovation

through GenAI (contd.)
Leveraging GenAI to transform
customer relationship Improving patient’s
experience using GenAI
• The India GCC of a large North American • The India GCC of a German Healthcare provider
Financial company house dedicated AI CoE team serves as an innovation hub, focusing on cutting-
to creating AI-backed solutions. edge technologies such as GenAI.
• AI CoE teams in Bangalore and Chennai • The team developed ‘AI Pathway Companion’ - It
collaboratively developed an GenAI-driven integrates longitudinal patient data and co-relates
solution aimed at optimizing customer outreach. insights from imaging, pathology, lab, and genetics
This solution involved the real-time assessment of into a unified Fast Healthcare Interoperability
over 10 million customers. Resource based data model.
• The team developed an AI recommender system • The AI-based solutions empower the company to
that helped identify & address specific customer deliver more patient-centric care. The GCC has
needs. developed 40+ products and solutions that use
• The solution helped increase revenue by $3 Mn GenAI as their core technology.
per month by helping identify “next best
customer to connect with” to get better lead.

Source: ANSR Research

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

A glimpse
into talent
trends in

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

High demand technology & digital

skills in GCCs
Top in-demand job role in GCCs analysis – technology and digital

Low Future-Oriented Blockchain Specialist

IoT Architect
AR/VR Developer
IoT Engineer Blockchain Developer
Data Annotator
AI Researcher AR/VR Specialist
Prompt Engineering
Emerging AI/ML Consultant
Digital Forensics
Deep Learning Engineer
Data Architect
ML Engineer
BI Analyst Cloud Architect NLP Engineer
Job Role Adoption in

Compliance Data Engineer

Security Analyst Cybersecurity Architect Data Scientist
Cloud Security Analyst
SOC Analyst RPA Developer
Data Analyst

Threat Detection Application Architect

Cloud Platform Engineer
Engineer Automation Developer
Security Specialist RPA Administrator
Solution Architect
Cloud Consultant
RPA Engineer

Traditional Cloud Infrastructure Analyst

Cloud Administrator Full-Stack Developer

Python Developer
Software Frontend Engineer Java Developer
Backend Engineer
Low High
Job Role Complexity
AI/ML Data Analytics Cloud Computing Cybersecurity RPA

Blockchain Application Development & Maintenance AR/VR IoT

Top 5 emerging and future-oriented skills in demand at GCCs:

1. AI/ML: The paradigm shift introduced by AI and ML technologies is profoundly impacting industries. The heightened
demand for AI/ML experts underscores their pivotal role in catalyzing innovation at scale.
2. Data Analytics: Data analytics professionals drive informed decision-making, uncovering valuable insights, improving
efficiency, and enabling strategic growth for organizations through insights-driven solutions.
3. Cybersecurity: In a cyber-threat landscape, cybersecurity professionals are vital guardians of sensitive information.
GCCs actively seek experts to protect customer data, secure financial transactions, and maintain trust and
4. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing professionals are vital for organizations, ensuring efficient data storage, seamless
scalability, enhanced security, and innovative solutions, fostering digital transformation, agility, and competitive
5. Robotics Process Automation (RPA): RPA skilled professionals streamline workflows, enhance efficiency, and reduce
errors, enabling organizations to achieve cost savings and operational excellence.

Source: ANSR, Talent500 Research, Job Boards

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

10.1% average salary increase projection

for 2024 for GCC industry
India anticipates robust 7% GDP growth in FY 2024. However, global economic challenges have led to reduced salary
increments compared to previous years, a funding winter for startups, cost control measures, and layoffs in the product and
services sector. Consequently, GCCs are emerging as an attractive option for talent migration.

Salary increase trend GCC sector-wise salary increase

IT Product GCC IT Services trend, 2024 (P)
12.0 9.6 9.6


2022 2023 2024 (P) Retail/CPG Healthcare BFSI Travel &


Performance management and retention strategies in GCCs

Merit increase ratio Key takeaways:

Talent group average to overall employee average • Organizations are increasingly moving from the
traditional bell curve to no-rating models, rising from
6% 5% 6% in 2021 to 14% in 2023 across industries.
• Senior management (Business Lead and above) may
anticipate increments approximately 3% lower than
those for junior management and professionals
57% (Supervisors and below).
70% • Allocating separate budgets for different talent
82% groups (critical talent, high-potential individuals, and
top performers) aids in effective retention efforts.
• To attract suitable talent, rewards and benefits now
emphasize emotional quotient and match global
37% standards. GCCs are crafting competitive and
25% appealing rewards structures, prioritizing modern
10% benefits like ESOPs, staggered bonuses, and flexible
options to align with employees’ diverse needs.
Critical Talent Hi Potentials Top Performers

1x 1.5x to 2x 2.5x & above

Note: Salary hikes for employees in multinational organizations vary based on their home countries’
economic health and company performance, superseding local business sentiment and talent market dynamics.
Source: ANSR, Talent500 Research
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Insights into
real estate
trends in GCCs

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

GCCs maintains a healthy & consistent

share in pan India office leasing volumes

GCCs pan India office leasing volumes

20 27.3 30
16 22.0
Gross leasing volume (msf*)

19.8 19.6 19.5

Share of pan India GLV (%)

10 13.6 15
13.3 14.1 10
6 11.1
10.2 9.9 10.3 10.9
2 5.2

0 0
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
GCC leasing volumes (msf) Share of pan India leasing volume (%)

*msf = million square foot

Key takeaways:
• According to CBRE, GCCs are expected to lease about 60–62 million square feet of office space in 2023-25 period across
top six cities in India.
• In recent years, GCCs have been consistently accounting for nearly one-fifth of all space transacted (gross leasing volume) in
• GCCs are now becoming part of strategic conversations amongst real estate stakeholders as it has high potential to grow
from here. The share of GCCs in overall office leasing volumes reached a peak in 2019 and then normalized a bit during the
• Leasing volumes of GCCs could pick up in the medium-term as more companies draw plans to set-up their India capability

Source: Cushman & Wakefield, CBRE

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

India provides competitive office rentals

for GCCs
Rental comparison across APAC cities
Hong Kong 9.9
Tokyo 9.9
Singapore 7.4
Ho Chi Minh City 5.9
Sydney 5.3
Beijing 4.7
Seoul 3.4
Shanghai 3.3
Bangkok 3.3
Office Rentals (USD/SF/Mo)

Melbourne 3.2
Hanoi 3
Shenzhen 2.9
Brisbane 2.5
Guangzhou 2.4
Taipei 2.4
Jakarta 2.3
Manila 2.3
Nanjing 1.7
Mumbai 1.7
Kuala Lumpur 1.6
Chengdu 1.5
Bengaluru 1.2
Pune 1.1
Delhi-NCR 1.1
Real estate costs are lowest in
Hyderabad 1 India compared to other APAC
Chennai 0.9
Kolkata 0.7
Ahmedabad 0.6

Key takeaways:
• Indian cities are amongst most competitive Grade A office destinations, and this complements well with other factors such
as talent availability and a robust digital ecosystem.
• Given that GCCs look for premium office space with large floor plates, rentals can become an important consideration.
• India with lowest rents in the region offers biggest cost savings among the peers. Cities such as Bengaluru and Hyderabad
have emerged as major GCC hubs over the years.
• Several multinationals have expressed their intention to increase hiring in India in the near-to-medium term, which would
translate into strong office uptake. In such cases, competitive rentals become crucial with large enterprises scouting for
Grade A office spaces with modern amenities at relatively lower rates compared to other cities.

Source: Cushman & Wakefield

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

GCCs sharpening their sustainability

40% of pan India GCC-occupied stock is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
certified. Bengaluru has highest LEED-certified GCC stock, but Hyderabad leads in terms of share of
LEED certified stock followed by Chennai and Mumbai.

City-wise LEED certified stock and share of city’s GCC stock

25 70
22.1 63
20 53
16.9 50

Share of city GCC stock (%)

LEE Certified Stock (msf)

42 45
33 32 35
27 30
6.7 6.3 20
5 4.3 4.3 15
0 0
Bengaluru Hyderabad Chennai Delhi/NCR Pune Mumbai
LEED Certified Stock (msf) Share of city GCC stock (%)

Key takeaways:
• Sustainability is a key priority for most GCC occupiers. Several GCCs have initiatives focused on energy conservation, usage of
renewable energy, water recycling, rainwater harvesting etc.
• Office leasing decisions are being aligned to sustainability targets with ‘green leasing’ becoming an increasingly integral part of
GCC’s portfolio strategies
• Reduction of carbon footprint by making more efficient use of the physical space, limiting business travel by leveraging
technology, recycling of e-waste and greater usage of renewable resources are some of the strategies adopted by GCCs

Source: Cushman & Wakefield

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024


G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Details – new GCC set up (1/2)

Company GCC Detail
DocuSign Bengaluru • In Nov 2023, the company announced the opening of its India Development
Center in Bengaluru.
• DocuSign India Development Centre is part of the company’s strategy to invest in building
world class innovation hubs that will create a distinct advantage for the company. The
DocuSign India Development Center is instrumental in realizing the company’s vision of
Intelligent Agreement Management, leveraging an extensible product platform
encompassing Contract Intelligence, Data Analytics & Reporting, Semantic Search, Partner
Integrations, Global IT Application engineering, and IT operations.
Evernorth Hyderabad • In Jan 2024, the company opened its innovation hub in Hyderabad. The center will allow the
company to work with the incredible local talent to build greater capabilities and drive
HME Bengaluru • In Jan 2023, the company opened its GCC in Bengaluru to enable insource
of critical software development projects for HME Hospitality & Specialty Communications
(HSC) and JTECH, while driving knowledge consolidation
in the long run.
Lloyds Hyderabad • In Nov 2023, the company inaugurated its Lloyds Technology Centre (LTC) in Hyderabad. The
Banking center will play a key role in delivering AI, Cloud and Blockchain programs across the
Group organization.
UPS (United Chennai • In Aug-Sep 2023, the company inaugurated its global technology center in Chennai. The
Parcel center onboarded over 300 FTEs and plans to onboard 1000 more FTEs by the end of 2025.
Service) The center will work on par with global teams focus on advanced technologies such as, AI ,
automation, robotics, data analytics, etc.
Adidas Chennai • In Jan 2024, the company announced that it is setting to its Global Business Services (GBS)
hub in Chennai.
• The hub will play a crucial role in key processes such as source-to-pay (S2P), financial planning
& analysis (FP&A), invoice-to-cash (I2C), and record-to-report (R2R).
Warner Bros. Hyderabad • In Sep 2023, the company inaugurated its capability center in Hyderabad.
• The capability center is established to act as a strategic hub for the company’s operations in
India. In its first year of operations, the center plans to onboard 1200 FTEs.
Waters Bengaluru • In Dec 2023, the company inaugurated its GCC in Bengaluru. The center is expected to house
Corporation 300 FTEs from software engineering, mechanical engineering technology, product
development, data analytics and hardware engineering background. The center plays a
crucial role in insourcing work from the service provider.

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Details – new GCC set up (2/2)

Company GCC Detail
Corpay Chennai • In Dec 2023, the company announced launch of its center in Chennai. The center is planned
as a central services hub, and in the first phase of operations they plan to establish key
business functions such as F&A, data analytics, CRM, etc.
MedExpert Chennai • In Jan 2024, the company announced the setup of its GCC in Chennai. The center will play an
integral role in further developing and strengthening its revenue cycle management
workflow platform for healthcare providers.
Atmus Pune • In Dec 2023, the company inaugurated its its state-of-the-art GCC in Pune.
Filtration • The Global Capability Center is designed to enhance collaboration and cross- functional
Technology learning and employs advanced analytics to facilitate the development of cutting-edge
filtration technologies.
Coherent Chennai • In Sep 2023, the company announced the establishment of its global center of excellence
Corp. (CoE) in Chennai.
• The center acts as a R&D center to develop products and services for lasers, optical
networking components and systems, electric vehicle (EV) batteries, and semiconductor
Signature IP Bhubaneshwar • In Oct 2023, Signature IP, a leading innovator in intellectual property solutions, inaugurated
its R&D center in Bhubaneshwar.
• The center will help fostering innovation, nurturing local talent, and furthering its global
leadership in semiconductor IP solutions.
M31 Bengaluru • In Oct 2023, M31, a leading global silicon intellectual property provider, inaugurated its first
Technology overseas R&D design center in Bengaluru.
Corp. • The launch of the Bangalore R&D Center is an important milestone for M31 as it will lay a
solid foundation for the future development of M31’s global R&D capabilities

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Details – center expansion (1/2)

Company Expansion Detail
Inspire Hyderabad • In Sep 2023, the company inaugurated its innovation center in Hyderabad. The center is has
Brands onboarded around 200 FTEs and is expected to onboard 500 FTEs by 2025. The center will also
feature an innovation lab to collaborate with local start-ups on new solutions for productivity
optimization, workforce management, loyalty, payments systems, and more.
FedEx Hyderabad • In Dec 2023, the company inaugurated its Advanced Capability Center in Hyderabad. The company
started operations in early 2023. The center has currently onboarded over 350 FTEs and plan to
onboard over 5000 FTEs by 2026. The center acts as a hub for technological and digital innovation.
Bristol-Myers Hyderabad • The company started its operations in the 1st quarter of 2023. They recently inaugurated their new
Squibb office in Hyderabad. The new office is expected to act as a hub for global drug development and
digital innovation capabilities.
Delta Bengaluru • In Q4 2023, the company expanded their center in Bengaluru to scale their operations. The new
space expansion is expected to help the company strengthen and scale their current teams in
TJX Hyderabad • TJX is a leading Global off-price apparel and home fashions retailer, with seven brands, 4800+ stores
in nine countries, and six distinctive branded e-commerce sites. The company started its operations
in India in Q1 2023. They inaugurated their new office in Q4 2023 to support the rapidly growing
team, with 100+ Associates as of Q1 2024.
Victoria’s Bengaluru • In Q4 2023, the company expanded their center in Bengaluru to scale their operations. The new
Secret space expansion is expected to scale and establish teams in non-tech functions such as F&A,
procurement, store design, and legal, among others.
Apple Bengaluru • In Jan 2024, the company inaugurated its new office in Bengaluru. The company already has offices
in key locations such as Bengaluru and Hyderabad since 2017, and employees over 3000 individuals.
The new center is expected to help the company expand its tech capabilities at the GCC.
Kraft Heinz Ahmedabad • In Sep 2023, the company launched its first GCC in Ahmedabad. The center aims to hire over 1800
FTEs by 2026. The GCC aims to leverage advanced technologies, data analytics, and agile
methodologies to enhance operational efficiency and service delivery.
Booking Bengaluru • In Nov 2023, the company inaugurated its GCC in Bengaluru. The announcement regarding the
Holdings establishment of this new GCC in Bengaluru was made in October 2022. This marks the company's
second GCC, following the launch of one in Romania in 2021.
• They plan to onboard 1,000 technology and professional services FTEs by the end of 2026.
Philips Bengaluru • In Nov 2023, the company inaugurated its new office in Bengaluru. The new center is expected to
play a pivotal role in company’s digital transformation journey.
• The company has its presence in India from before year 2000 which capacitates built across both
tech and non-tech functions.
Qualcomm Chennai • In Jan 2024, the company announced setup of new design center in Chennai. The center is expected
to provide 1600 jobs.
• The center will focus on innovative tech and R&D. Qualcomm has its GCC presence in India since
2004 with capabilities across both tech and non-tech functions.
Stellantis Hyderabad • The company inaugurated its new software and digital hub in Hyderabad. The company has its GCC
in India since 2011 with centers in Pune, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Pune. The new center follows the
inauguration of its Software Hub in Bengaluru in 2022.
Boeing Bengaluru • In Jan 2024, the company inaugurates its largest aerospace engineering facility of Boeing outside the
US. The new center will help the company to expand its R&D capabilities by tapping into rich talent
force in the city.
Goldman Hyderabad • In Oct 2023, the company opened a new center of excellence in Hyderabad. he center will focus on
Sachs client onboarding and will house platform engineering and global enterprise partnerships teams. The
company has its presence in India since 2004 with centers in Bengaluru and Hyderabad.

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Details – center expansion (2/2)

Company Expansion Detail
Thales Bengaluru • In Nov 2023, the company launched its second office in Bengaluru. The new building will serve as an
extension of its Engineering Competence Centre (ECC) in Bengaluru, inaugurated in 2019. The center
will focus on software and hardware capabilities in civil and defense businesses to serve its global
Aptiv Pune • In Sep 2023, the company launched its new state-of-the-art facility for Tech Center in Pune. The
company has presence in India since the year 2000 with center in Bengaluru. The teams at new center
will focus on developing innovative engineering solutions.
London Hyderabad • In Jan 2024, the company announced the opening of its new CoE in Hyderabad. Starting with 300
Stock FTEs, the company aims to onboard over 1000 FTEs by the end of 2025. The new center will focus on
Exchange engineering services to support the company globally. The company has its GCC in India since mid-
Group 2010s with center in Bengaluru.
Hapag-Lloyd Chennai • In Nov 2023, the company launched its Hapag-Lloyd Technology Center (HLTC) in Chennai. The GCC
currently houses over 180 IT professionals to develop innovative software solutions for the maritime
industry. The company has its GCC presence in India since early 2000s with center in Mumbai, Pune,
and NCR, employing more that 3000 people.
Hitachi Chennai • In Oct 2023, the company inaugurated its Global Technology and Innovation center in
Energy • Chennai. The facility will house over 2,500 energy transition technologists specializing in grid
automation, transformers, high-voltage and grid integration. The company has its GCC presence in
India since 2003 with capabilities across both tech and non-tech functions.
KONE Corp Chennai • In Nov 2023, the company unveils its advanced R&D elevator test facility, complete with cutting-edge
tower and laboratories, to drive innovation in high-rise technology. The company has its presence in
India since 2001 with centers in Pune and Chennai.
AMD Bengaluru • In Nov 2023, the company inaugurated its new design center in Bengaluru. The company has its GCC
in India since 2004, located in Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and NCR.
• The campus will serve as a center of excellence for the development of leadership
• products across high-performance CPUs for the data center and PCs, data center and
• gaming GPUs, and adaptive SoCs and FPGAs for embedded devices.
Synopsis Bhubaneshwar, • In Jan 2024, the company inaugurated is new center in Noida. In Nov 2023, it inaugurated its center in
Noida Bhubaneshwar. Both the new centers serves as an expansion to current capabilities at the GCC. The
company has its GCC presence in India from before 2000s with centers in Bengaluru, Hyderabad,
Mumbai ,and NCR.
Metso Vadodara • In Han 2024, the company inaugurated its new engineering center at Vadodara. Currently, the
Outotec engineering center employs more than 90 persons; the new facility is set to grow in a short period of
time to more than 250 specialists covering several functions and capabilities.
Equiniti Chennai • In Jan 2024, the company inaugurated its new center in Chennai. It already has its presence in
Bengaluru and Chennai with around 1500 FTEs.
• The new center is established to expand operations and onboard around 800 more FTEs in the coming
Technip Mumbai, • In Jan 2024, the company inaugurated its 2 new offices in Mumbai and Gurugram. These offices are
Energies Gurugram expected to help company expand its GCC operations in India.
Mizuho Bank Chennai • In Jan 2024, the company launched its new global business center in Chennai. The center started with
250 FTEs and plans to scale to 1000 FTEs by 2025.
• The center will play a pivotal role in conducting high-end IT, RPA, AI, systems development,
cybersecurity, and general banking operations.
Valeo Chennai • In Jan 2024, the company inaugurated its new technology center in Chennai. The new center is
equipped with Hardware-in-the Loop (HIL)/ Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) farms and a cybersecurity test
lab and is expected to house 1000 FTEs..

Source: ANSR Research, News Articles, Company Press Release, Social Media, Job Boards
G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Abbreviations & definitions

GCC Global Capability Center HRM Human Resource Management

UK United Kingdom FP&A Financial Planning & Analysis
UAE United Arab Emirates HQ Headquarters
US United States SEZ Special Economic Zone
CoE Center of Excellence SCM Supply Chain Management
AI Artificial Intelligence RPA Robotic Process Automation
GenAI Generative AI AR/VR Augmented/Virtual Reality
ML Machine Learning IP Intellectual Property
IoT Internet of Things IT Information Technology
POS Point of Sale UI/UX User Interface/User Experience
FTE Full Time Employee ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
F&A Finance and Accounting R&D Research and Development
ADM Application Development BFSI Banking, Financial Services, and
and Maintenance Insurance

Acronyms Detail/Definition
ADM (Application • Application Development & Maintenance involves creating and updating software
Development & applications to meet evolving business needs, ensuring their functionality,
Maintenance) performance, and ongoing support and enhancements.
• Testing Support/Traditional Mobile & Web Development.
ERP (Enterprise • Integrates core business processes using a centralized database.
Resource Planning) Professionals in this role manage data, streamline workflows,
• and optimize business operations for efficiency.
• ERP Systems (Migration of Applications)/System Integration/ IT
Consulting/Solution Architect

IT Infrastructure • IT Infrastructure Management involves overseeing and maintaining an

Management organization’s technology infrastructure. Responsibilities include hardware
and software maintenance, system security, network management, and
ensuring optimal IT performance.
• Hosting and network services, IT services management, infrastructure
modernization, managing multi-cloud environments migration to cloud

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

What is a GCC?
Wholly owned,
integrated, strategic
platform typically
established in talent rich
locations (such as India)
for significantly
enhanced value.

Integrated Enhanced Value

Companies with GCCs control the agenda, own the IP, Companies set up & operate a GCC to access
build the institutional knowledge as the GCC is an global top-talent and build differentiating
extension of the enterprise. business capabilities.

Strategic Platform Wholly Owned

GCCs have evolved into centers of excellence GCCs are a mainstream strategy to establish
driving enterprise growth, transformation and new business capabilities, gain efficiencies and
innovation. optimize costs.

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

Research methodology

Data discovery
Identify GCC setups & expansion to gather insights
around service delivery capabilities, sectors, and
locations. Identify digital initiatives and adoption of
digital technologies across GCCs.

Data gathering and research

Aggregation of data sources (proprietary ANSR GCC
Data gathering from news articles, company press
releases, social media, job-boards, and annual

Extensive leverage of secondary sources (~80%) to
understand capabilities built by new GCCs setup and
in center expansions.
Analyze key tech adoption priorities at GCCs
through primary interviews with GCC leaders

Report creation
Analyzing GCC landscape in India and
key location.
Mapping of GCCs on capabilities across business
& technology functions as well as digital

G C C Quarterly Landscape – Q4’23 | March 2024

We extend our thanks to all the participants who invested their valuable time to
provide inputs and contribute to this report.
Our special thanks to the review panel for their strategic direction from
conceptualization to the launch of the report.

Vikram Ahuja Smitha Hemmigae

(Co-Founder, ANSR and CEO, (VP, Marketing, ANSR)
Team Members:

Ashutosh Bisht
(Director, Research & Advisory, ANSR)

Shekhar Anand
(Sr. Manager, Research & Advisory, ANSR)

Clint Thomas
(Associate Director, Content Marketing, ANSR)

Prem Kumar
(Director, Marketing, ANSR)

About ANSR
ANSR is the market leader in enabling organizations to build,
manage, and scale global teams through Global Capability
Centers (GCCs). ANSR’s suite of end-to-end AI-enabled
products and offerings are trusted by the world’s best
companies to help them set up, manage, and run their high-
impact technology centers.

120K 120+ 2M+

Professionals Global Centers sqft. of Workspace
Hired Established under Management

18+ $2B+
Years of Capital Investment
Experience Created

Contact Us
[email protected] |

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