Influence of FB Ad

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Table of Contents

ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Background of the Study ............................................................................................. 5
1.2 Research Gap ............................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Problem Statement ....................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Research Questions .................................................................................................... 10
1.5 Objectives of the Study .............................................................................................. 11
1.6 Scope of the Study ..................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................................... 13
LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Theoretical Framework of Consumer Behavior in Digital Advertising .................... 15
2.3 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Facebook Video Ads ............................ 17
2.4 Consumer Attitudes Towards Facebook Video Ads.................................................. 21
2.5 Impact of Facebook Video Ads on Consumer Buying Behavior .............................. 24
2.6 Case Studies and Empirical Studies on Facebook Advertising ................................. 24
2.7 Summary of the Literature Review ............................................................................ 26
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................. 27
METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................. 27
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 27
3.2 Research Framework ................................................................................................. 28
3.3 Hypothesis Formulation ............................................................................................. 29
3.4 Research Design ........................................................................................................ 32
3.5 Research approach ..................................................................................................... 33
3.6 Measurement of Variables/ Instrumentation.............................................................. 35
3.7 Data Collection Procedures ....................................................................................... 39
3.8 Techniques of Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 39
3.9 Chapter Summary ...................................................................................................... 40
CHAPTER FOUR.................................................................................................................... 41
DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ................................................................................ 41
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 42
4.2 Response Rate ............................................................................................................ 42

4.3 Respondents’ Profile .................................................................................................. 43
4.4 Descriptive Statistics Analysis................................................................................... 45
4.5 Reliability test ............................................................................................................ 46
4.6 Structural Model Assessment for Hypothesis Testing ............................................... 48
4.7 Summary of Findings................................................................................................. 50
CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................................... 51
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................... 51
5.1 Discussion .................................................................................................................. 52
5.2 Limitations of the Study and Directions for Future Research ................................... 54
5.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 54
REFERENCES ...……………………………………………………………………………….57
APPENDIX – A ................................................................................................................... 64
APPENDIX – B ................................................................................................................... 68
APPENDIX – C ................................................................................................................... 71
APPENDIX – D ................................................................................................................... 72

Influence of Facebook Advertising on Consumer Attitudes and Buying
Behavior in Bangladesh


This research study investigates the influence of various factors within Facebook video
advertisements on consumer attitudes and buying behaviour in the context of Bangladesh. The
study identifies five key factors: trust, information, entertainment, customer engagement, and
influencer credibility, and explores their impact on consumer attitudes towards Facebook video
ads and subsequent buying decisions.

Trust, information, entertainment, customer engagement, and influencer credibility served as

the independent variables, with consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads examined as
the mediating variable, and consumer buying behaviour as the dependent variable in this study.

The research findings reveal that four out of the five factors, including trust, entertainment,
customer engagement, and influencer credibility, exhibit a positive influence on consumer
attitudes towards Facebook video ads. Conversely, the factor of information did not
demonstrate a significant impact. Additionally, attitudes towards Facebook video ads were
found to play a mediating role between these factors and consumer buying behaviour.

With a sample size of 123 respondents, data was collected through questionnaires distributed
among university students, college students, and various online communities. The collected
data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software.

These results hold valuable implications for both academia and marketing practitioners. The
study contributes to the existing literature by shedding light on the factors that shape consumer
behaviour in the context of Facebook video ads. Furthermore, it offers actionable insights for
marketers aiming to optimise their advertising strategies on Facebook to enhance consumer
engagement and purchasing behaviour in Bangladesh.

In conclusion, this research advances our understanding of the intricate relationship between
Facebook video advertisements, consumer attitudes, and buying decisions, with practical
implications for businesses operating in the digital marketing landscape.


1.1 Background of the Study

Consumer buying behaviour refers to the process individuals go through when making
purchasing decisions (Solomon, 2017). It encompasses various factors, including personal,
psychological, social, and cultural influences that shape consumer choices. Understanding
consumer buying behaviour is crucial for marketers and advertisers as it helps them develop
effective strategies to influence consumer decisions.In recent years, digital advertising has
emerged as a powerful tool for reaching and engaging consumers. Digital advertising refers to
promotional messages delivered through digital channels such as websites, social media
platforms, search engines, and mobile applications. It offers several advantages over traditional
advertising, including precise targeting, interactivity, measurability, and cost-effectiveness.

Digital advertising has a significant impact on consumer decision-making processes. It has the
potential to shape consumers' attitudes, beliefs, and intentions toward products and services
(Hajli, 2015). By leveraging various digital advertising formats, marketers can create
compelling and personalised messages that resonate with their target audience.Research has
shown that digital advertising influences consumers through different mechanisms. For
instance, online display ads, search engine marketing, and social media ads provide consumers
with product information and raise awareness. Moreover, digital advertising often employs
persuasive tactics such as emotional appeals, endorsements, social proof, and incentives to
influence consumer perceptions and attitudes (Eisingerich & Bell, 2020).

The impact of digital advertising on consumer decision-making extends beyond awareness and
attitude formation. It can directly influence purchase intentions and actual buying behaviour
(Wang, Wang, & Zhao, 2019). Digital advertising campaigns that effectively communicate
product benefits, provide social validation, and facilitate seamless online purchasing
experiences can drive consumer conversions and sales.Numerous studies have explored the
effects of digital advertising on consumer behaviour across various industries and contexts.
Researchers have examined the role of factors such as ad content, personalization, credibility,
source attractiveness, and social influence in shaping consumer responses (Yang, Wu, & Lu,
2018). These studies have enhanced our understanding of the complex relationship between
digital advertising and consumer decision-making.

Digital advertising has revolutionised the way marketers engage with consumers and impact
their buying behaviour. By leveraging the unique features of digital platforms, advertisers can
create targeted and persuasive campaigns that influence consumer attitudes, intentions, and
actual purchases.

The rising popularity of social media platforms has transformed the landscape of marketing
and advertising, providing influential channels for reaching and engaging with target
audiences. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, have
become integral parts of people's lives, offering opportunities for businesses to connect with
consumers on a more personal level (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010).

These platforms have experienced tremendous growth and have become powerful tools for
marketing and advertising due to their extensive user bases and the ability to share content
quickly and widely (Statista, 2021). They provide businesses with the opportunity to create
brand awareness, build relationships with customers, and drive engagement through various
content formats, including text, images, videos, and interactive features (Qualman, 2019).
Studies have shown the effectiveness of social media platforms as marketing channels. For
example, research has indicated that social media marketing can positively influence
consumers' attitudes, intentions, and behaviours (De Vries et al., 2012; Trusov, Bucklin, &
Pauwels, 2009). Social media platforms offer unique features that enable targeted advertising,
user-generated content, influencer collaborations, and customer engagement, facilitating
brand-consumer interactions and enhancing marketing effectiveness (Kaplan & Haenlein,

The use of social media platforms for marketing and advertising has become a prevalent
strategy for businesses across various industries (Dwivedi et al., 2020). The ability to reach
specific demographic segments, leverage user data for targeting, and measure campaign
performance has made social media an attractive and cost-effective option for marketers
(Statista, 2021).As consumer behaviour increasingly shifts towards digital platforms,
businesses are recognizing the importance of incorporating social media into their marketing
strategies to stay relevant and effectively engage with their target audience (Hoffman & Fodor,
2010). By understanding the dynamics of social media platforms and harnessing their potential,
businesses can capitalise on the rising popularity of these channels to drive brand awareness,
customer engagement, and ultimately, achieve their marketing objectives.

The evolution of advertising practices from traditional media to digital platforms, including the
transformative role of social media, has revolutionised the marketing landscape. Social media
advertising has emerged as a powerful and influential channel for businesses to engage with
their target audiences (Stephen & Galak, 2012). Traditional media, such as television, radio,
and print, once dominated advertising, relying on mass reach and broadcasting messages to a
broad audience. However, with the advent of social media, the advertising paradigm has
undergone a dramatic transformation (De Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang, 2012).

Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, have become
influential channels for marketers to connect with their target audiences (Kaplan & Haenlein,
2010). These platforms offer unique characteristics and advantages that have revolutionised
the way businesses advertise their products and services.

One key advantage of social media advertising is its targeted audience reach. Marketers can
leverage the vast amount of user data available on social media platforms to target specific
demographics, interests, and behaviours (Hoffman & Novak, 2018). By delivering personalised
and relevant content, businesses can effectively engage with their desired audience segments,
enhancing the chances of resonating with consumers and influencing their purchasing decisions
(Stephen & Galak, 2012).In addition to targeted reach, social media advertising offers
interactivity, enabling businesses to engage directly with consumers through features like

comments, likes, shares, and direct messaging (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). This interactive
nature fosters customer engagement, brand loyalty, and word-of-mouth marketing (Hennig-
Thurau et al., 2004).

Another advantage of social media advertising is its cost-effectiveness compared to traditional

media (Zhang et al., 2015). Social media platforms often provide flexible pricing models,
allowing businesses of all sizes to allocate their budgets efficiently (Hanna, Rohm, &
Crittenden, 2011). This affordability, combined with the ability to measure campaign
performance and return on investment (ROI), makes social media advertising an attractive
option for businesses seeking cost-effective marketing strategies.
Furthermore, research by Kotler and Armstrong (2018) emphasised the role of psychological
factors in consumer behaviour, demonstrating how attitudes and beliefs can influence brand
perception and purchase decisions. Additionally, studies on consumer emotions, such as those
by Homburg, Koschate-Fischer, and Hoyer (2005), have shown that emotional responses can
impact consumer evaluations and brand choices. Consumer buying behaviour is a critical
concept in marketing and consumer research. Various factors, including individual
characteristics, social influence, and psychological factors, shape consumer preferences,
attitudes, and purchase decisions. Understanding these factors allows businesses to develop
effective marketing strategies and engage with consumers in a meaningful way.

The relationship between digital advertising and consumer behaviour is significant, particularly
in the context of online marketing. Digital advertising offers unique aspects that can influence
consumer decision-making in distinctive ways compared to traditional advertising channels.

One key aspect of online advertising is its ability to target specific audiences with precision.
Digital advertising platforms, such as social media, search engines, and display networks, allow
businesses to tailor their messages based on demographic, geographic, and behavioural data
(Hajli, 2015). This targeted approach increases the relevance and personalization of
advertisements, which can positively influence consumer attitudes and engagement.

Research studies have explored the effects of digital advertising on consumer attitudes,
purchase intentions, and actual purchase behaviour. For example, Wang, Wang, and Zhao
(2019) found that digital advertising directly influenced purchase intentions and actual buying
behaviour. Consumers who were exposed to digital ads displayed more positive attitudes
towards the advertised products or brands, leading to a higher likelihood of making a purchase.

Additionally, Yang, Wu, and Lu (2018) conducted studies investigating the role of different
factors in shaping consumer responses to digital advertising. They found that factors such as
message content, visual appeal, and personal relevance significantly impacted consumer
attitudes and purchase intentions. These findings highlight the importance of understanding
how various elements of digital advertisements can influence consumer behaviour.

In the context of Bangladesh, where Facebook video ads are a focus of this study, there is a
need for further investigation into the specific effects of Facebook video ads on consumer
buying behaviour. While previous research has explored the impact of digital advertising in
general, the unique characteristics of Facebook, such as its short-form video format and
engaging user experience, warrant dedicated research to understand how Facebook video ads
influence consumer attitudes, purchase intentions, and actual purchasing behaviour in the
Bangladeshi market. Further investigation into the effects of Facebook video ads in Bangladesh
can provide valuable insights for businesses and marketers in leveraging this platform for
effective advertising strategies. It can shed light on the factors that contribute to consumer
engagement, brand perception, and purchase decisions on Facebook, ultimately helping
businesses optimise their advertising efforts to better align with the preferences and behaviours
of the Bangladeshi consumer market.

1.2 Research Gap

A research gap or knowledge deficit exists in the understanding of the factors affecting
consumer buying behaviour through Facebook video ads specifically in the context of
Bangladesh. Although there is extensive research on consumer behaviour and digital
advertising, limited attention has been given to the unique dynamics and influences related to
Facebook video ads in the Bangladesh market. Most existing studies have focused on
traditional digital advertising platforms or broader social media platforms, such as Facebook
or Instagram. However, Facebook's rapid growth and popularity among Bangladeshi
consumers warrant dedicated investigation to identify the specific factors that influence
consumer responses and purchasing decisions in this context. Therefore, this study aims to
address this research gap by examining the factors affecting consumer buying behaviour
through Facebook video ads in Bangladesh, providing valuable insights for marketers and
businesses operating in the digital advertising space.

1.3 Problem Statement

The rapid growth of digital advertising and the emergence of social media platforms have
transformed the marketing landscape, offering new opportunities for businesses to engage with
consumers. Among these platforms, Facebook has gained significant popularity, particularly
among younger demographics, and has become a prominent channel for advertising. However,
despite the increasing adoption of Facebook as an advertising medium, there is a lack of
research specifically focused on understanding the factors affecting consumer buying
behaviour through Facebook video ads in the context of Bangladesh. This research gap

highlights the need to investigate the unique dynamics and influences related to Facebook video
ads and their impact on consumer decision-making in the Bangladesh market.

Understanding the factors that shape consumer behaviour on Facebook is crucial for marketers
and businesses aiming to leverage this platform effectively for advertising strategies (Chen et
al., 2020; Ku et al., 2020). By gaining insights into consumer attitudes, motivations, and
decision-making processes specific to Facebook, businesses can tailor their advertising
campaigns, optimise content strategies, and enhance their engagement with the Bangladeshi
consumer market (Ahmed & De Run, 2021). Moreover, research on the impact of Facebook
video ads on consumer buying behaviour can provide valuable guidance to marketers on how
to maximise the effectiveness of their advertising efforts on this platform, ultimately
contributing to the growth and success of businesses in Bangladesh (Wang, Wang, & Zhao,

The research topic of understanding the factors affecting consumer buying behaviour through
Facebook video ads in Bangladesh holds immense importance and has broad relevance to the
field of marketing and advertising. With the exponential growth of digital platforms and the
increasing use of social media among consumers, Facebook has emerged as a prominent player
in the advertising landscape (Chen et al., 2020). Its unique features, such as short-form videos,
user-generated content, and algorithm-based content discovery, have captivated millions of
users, making it a valuable channel for businesses to engage with their target audiences (Ku et
al., 2020).

However, despite the growing popularity of Facebook as an advertising platform, there is a

noticeable research gap in understanding the specific factors that influence consumer buying
behaviour through Facebook video ads in the context of Bangladesh. Existing research on
digital advertising has predominantly focused on traditional platforms like Facebook and
Instagram, overlooking the distinct characteristics and dynamics associated with Facebook (Ku
et al., 2020). This research gap creates an opportunity to delve into the unique factors and
mechanisms that shape consumer responses to Facebook video ads, specifically in the
Bangladeshi market.

Investigating the factors that influence consumer behaviour on Facebook is crucial for
marketers and advertisers aiming to leverage this platform effectively. By gaining insights into
consumer attitudes, motivations, and decision-making processes specific to Facebook,
businesses can develop targeted advertising campaigns, optimise content strategies, and
enhance their engagement with the Bangladeshi consumer market (Ahmed & De Run, 2021;
Chen et al., 2020). Understanding the preferences and behaviours of Facebook users in
Bangladesh will enable businesses to tailor their messaging, creative content, and promotional
strategies to effectively resonate with their target audience.

Similar research on the impact of Facebook video ads on consumer buying behaviour has
broader implications for the field of marketing and advertising. Facebook's success and rapid
growth have disrupted traditional advertising channels, necessitating a deeper understanding

of its potential as an effective advertising platform (Ku et al., 2020). By studying the factors
that influence consumer behaviour on Facebook, researchers can contribute to the body of
knowledge on consumer psychology, digital marketing strategies, and the evolving landscape
of social media advertising.

The problem this study addresses is the limited understanding of the factors influencing
consumer buying behaviour through Facebook video ads in Bangladesh. Despite Facebook's
popularity as an advertising platform, there is a research gap regarding the specific dynamics
and influences associated with Facebook video ads in the Bangladesh context. Existing studies
have primarily focused on traditional digital advertising channels and broader social media
platforms, overlooking the unique features and user experiences offered by Facebook (Ku et
al., 2020). This research gap calls for further investigation into the factors shaping consumer
responses and decision-making processes related to Facebook video ads in Bangladesh.

Filling this research gap is significant for academia and industry. Academically, it contributes
to the understanding of consumer behaviour, digital advertising, and social media marketing.
By examining the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour on Facebook, this study
enhances the theoretical framework and provides empirical evidence specific to Facebook in
Bangladesh. Practically, filling this research gap has implications for businesses and marketers
operating in Bangladesh. Understanding the factors that influence consumer behaviour on
Facebook enables businesses to optimise their advertising strategies, tailor content, and
improve engagement and conversion rates. This study provides insights into effective content
strategies, the role of influencers, and factors shaping positive consumer attitudes towards
brands on Facebook (Ku et al., 2020).

The problem or research gap addressed in this study is the limited understanding of the factors
influencing consumer buying behaviour through Facebook video ads in Bangladesh. Despite
the growing popularity of Facebook as an advertising platform, there is a lack of dedicated
research focused on exploring the specific dynamics and influences associated with Facebook
video ads in the Bangladeshi context (Lee & Ma, 2021; Zhang, Wei, & Yan, 2020). This
research gap highlights the need for further investigation into the factors that shape consumer
responses and decision-making processes specifically related to Facebook video ads in

1.4 Research Questions

Based on the problem statement, following research questions have been developed.

RQ1: How do the factors of Facebook video Ads (trust, information, entertainment, customer
engagement, influencer’s credibility) influence the consumer buying behaviour?

RQ2: Is there any relationship between the factors of Facebook video Ads (trust, information,
entertainment, customer engagement, influencer’s credibility) and Consumer attitudes towards
Facebook video Ads?

RQ3: Is there any mediating effect of attitudes towards Facebook video Ads in the relationship
between Facebook video Ads (trust, information, entertainment, customer engagement,
influencer’s credibility) and the consumer buying behaviour?

1.5 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to identify the factors of Facebook video ads (trust,
information, entertainment, customer engagement, influencer's credibility) that influence
consumer buying behaviour in Bangladesh.

The specific objectives of this study are:

⦁ To empirically examine the relationship between the factors of Facebook video ads
(trust, information, entertainment, customer engagement, influencer's credibility) and
consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads.

⦁ To assess the mediating effect of consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads on
the relationship between the factors of Facebook video ads and consumer buying behaviour.

⦁ To explore the impact of Facebook video ads on consumer perceptions, attitudes, and
intentions in the context of Bangladesh.

⦁ To provide actionable insights and recommendations for marketers and businesses to

optimise their advertising strategies on Facebook and enhance consumer engagement and
purchasing behaviour.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This report focuses on the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour through FaceBook
video ads in the context of Bangladesh. The study aims to explore the unique dynamics and
influences associated with FaceBook as an advertising platform, specifically examining the

factors of trust, information, entertainment, customer engagement, and influencer's credibility.
The target population for this study includes FaceBook users in Bangladesh, particularly those
who engage with FaceBook video ads. The study will employ a quantitative research approach,
collecting data through questionnaires administered to FaceBook users. The data will be
analysed using appropriate statistical techniques to examine the relationships between the
independent variables (factors of FaceBook video ads) and the dependent variables (consumer
buying behaviour and attitudes towards FaceBook video ads). Additionally, the study will
explore the mediating effect of attitudes towards FaceBook video ads in the relationship
between the independent variables and consumer buying behaviour. It is important to note that
this study focuses specifically on FaceBook video ads and their influence on consumer
behaviour. Other forms of advertising on FaceBook, such as sponsored content or brand
partnerships, are beyond the scope of this study. The geographical scope of the study is limited
to Bangladesh, considering the unique cultural, social, and economic factors that may influence
consumer behaviour in this specific context. Hence, the study acknowledges that consumer
behaviour is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon influenced by various factors beyond
the scope of this research.


2.1 Introduction

The rapid growth of digital advertising and the emergence of social media platforms have
transformed the marketing landscape, offering new opportunities for businesses to engage with
consumers. Among these platforms, Facebook has gained significant popularity, particularly
among younger demographics, and has become a prominent channel for advertising. However,
despite the increasing adoption of Facebook as an advertising medium, there is a lack of
research specifically focused on understanding the factors affecting consumer buying

behaviour through Facebook video ads in the context of Bangladesh. This research gap
highlights the need to investigate the unique dynamics and influences related to Facebook video
ads and their impact on consumer decision-making in the Bangladesh market.

The main objective of this study is to identify the factors of Facebook video ads, namely trust,
information, entertainment, customer engagement, and influencer's credibility, that influence
consumer buying behaviour in Bangladesh. By gaining insights into these factors, businesses
can tailor their advertising campaigns, optimise content strategies, and enhance their
engagement with the Bangladeshi consumer market (Ahmed & De Run, 2021; Chen et al.,
2020; Ku et al., 2020; Wang, Wang, & Zhao, 2019).

The structure of this literature review is organised as follows:

Theoretical Framework of Consumer Behavior in Digital Advertising: This section will provide
an overview of consumer behaviour theories in the context of traditional advertising and
transition to the digital advertising landscape. It will explore theoretical perspectives relevant
to Facebook as an emerging advertising platform.

Facebook as an Emerging Advertising Platform: This section will introduce Facebook as a

social media platform, including an overview of its growth, popularity, and user demographics.
It will also highlight the unique features of Facebook that make it a potential platform for

Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Facebook Video Ads: In this section, we will delve
into the factors of trust, information, entertainment, customer engagement, and influencer's
credibility, and their respective roles in influencing consumer behaviour on Facebook.

Consumer Attitudes Towards Facebook Video Ads: This section will explore the concept of
consumer attitudes in the context of digital advertising and how they are influenced by
Facebook video ads.

Impact of Facebook Video Ads on Consumer Buying Behavior: This section will investigate
the influence of Facebook video ads on consumer purchase intentions and decisions, as well as
the mediating effect of attitudes on the relationship between video ads and buying behaviour.

Facebook Advertising Strategies and Content Optimization: Here, we will discuss successful
advertising strategies on Facebook, content attributes that drive consumer engagement and
interactions, and the role of user-generated content in Facebook advertising.

Case Studies and Empirical Studies on Facebook Advertising: This section will provide an
overview of existing case studies and empirical research on Facebook advertising, highlighting
key findings and insights from previous studies.
This literature review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing
consumer behaviour on Facebook video ads in the context of Bangladesh. By exploring the
theoretical underpinnings and empirical evidence, this study seeks to contribute valuable
insights for academia, marketers, and businesses aiming to leverage Facebook effectively for
advertising strategies in the Bangladeshi consumer market.

2.2 Theoretical Framework of Consumer Behavior in Digital Advertising

Consumer behaviour is a complex field that explores the psychological, social, and cultural
factors that influence individuals' decision-making processes when interacting with products
and services. In the context of traditional advertising, various theories and models have been
developed to understand and predict consumer responses to marketing stimuli (Kotler, 2021).
However, with the shift towards digital advertising and the rise of social media platforms,
including Facebook, new theoretical perspectives have emerged to capture the unique
dynamics of consumer behaviour in the digital era.

In the context of digital advertising, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a prominent
theoretical framework that provides valuable insights into consumers' attitudes and behaviours
towards technology and, by extension, digital advertising (Davis, 1989). Originally developed
to understand users' acceptance of information technology, the TAM has been widely adopted
and adapted in various domains, including e-commerce and online advertising.
The TAM posits that consumers' acceptance and adoption of technology, in this case, digital
advertising formats, are influenced by two key factors: perceived usefulness and perceived ease
of use (Davis, 1989). Perceived usefulness refers to consumers' beliefs about the extent to
which a particular technology or digital advertising format enhances their performance and
effectiveness in achieving their goals (Chen et al., 2021). In the context of Facebook video ads,
consumers are likely to respond positively to ads that they perceive as useful in providing
relevant information or entertaining content that aligns with their interests and preferences
(Kwak et al., 2018).

Moreover, the TAM also highlights the mediating role of attitudes in the relationship between
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use and consumers' actual behaviour (Davis, 1989).
In the context of Facebook advertising, consumers' positive attitudes towards video ads are
likely to mediate the relationship between the perceived usefulness and ease of use of the ads
and their actual engagement with the content (Ahmed & De Run, 2021). When consumers have
favourable attitudes towards Facebook video ads, they are more inclined to interact with the
ads, click on links, or make purchase decisions.

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a valuable theoretical framework that helps to
understand how consumers respond to digital advertising, including Facebook video ads. By
considering consumers' perceptions of usefulness and ease of use, marketers can optimise their

advertising strategies on Facebook and enhance consumer engagement and purchasing

2.2.1 Overview of consumer behaviour theories in the context of traditional advertising

Traditional advertising has long been a significant aspect of marketing strategies, and various
consumer behaviour theories have been developed to understand how individuals respond to
advertising messages in traditional media. Two prominent theories in this context are the
Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).

These traditional advertising theories have provided valuable insights into consumer behaviour
and response to advertising messages delivered through traditional media channels like
television, radio, print, and billboards. However, the landscape of advertising has evolved with
the advent of digital technologies and social media platforms. As a result, new theoretical
frameworks, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), have emerged to better
explain consumer behaviour in the digital advertising context, particularly on platforms like

2.2.2 Transition to consumer behaviour in digital advertising and social media


With the rapid advancement of digital technologies and the proliferation of social media
platforms, consumer behaviour in advertising has undergone a significant transformation. The
traditional one-way communication approach of advertising has shifted towards a more
interactive and personalised model, where consumers actively engage with brands and content.
This transition has been facilitated by various factors, including the rise of social media
platforms, increased internet penetration, and the widespread use of smartphones.

The use of smartphones and mobile devices has also contributed to the transition in consumer
behaviour. Mobile devices have become integral to consumers' daily lives, providing constant
access to social media platforms and digital content (Hajli & Lin, 2016). As a result, consumers
are now more receptive to personalised and location-based advertising messages, tailored to
their preferences and behaviours (Okazaki, 2012). Mobile advertising has enabled brands to
deliver targeted and relevant content to consumers, fostering deeper engagement and a sense
of personal connection.

The transition to digital advertising and social media platforms has led to the emergence of
new concepts and phenomena that influence consumer behaviour. For example, the concept of
"social proof" highlights the impact of social influence on consumer decision-making, with
individuals more likely to adopt behaviours endorsed or practised by others (Cialdini, 2007).
In the context of social media platforms like Facebook, where user-generated content and
influencer marketing are prevalent, social proof plays a significant role in shaping consumer
attitudes and preferences (Lee et al., 2019). Understanding the transition in consumer behaviour

from traditional advertising to digital advertising and social media platforms is essential for
marketers and advertisers to effectively engage with their target audiences. By recognizing the
interactive and social nature of digital advertising, brands can devise strategies that encourage
consumer participation, foster brand loyalty, and create a sense of community among

2.2.3 Theoretical perspectives relevant to Facebook as an advertising platform

In the context of Facebook as an advertising platform, the Technology Acceptance Model

(TAM) provides a valuable theoretical perspective to understand consumer behaviour and their
acceptance of this platform for advertising. TAM, developed by Davis (1989), is widely used
in the field of information systems and technology adoption to explain users' acceptance and
usage of technology. It posits that an individual's intention to use a technology is influenced by
two primary factors: perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU).

Moreover, TAM suggests that PU and PEOU directly influence users' attitudes toward using
the technology, which, in turn, impacts their intention to adopt it (Davis, 1989). In the context
of Facebook advertising, positive attitudes towards the platform may be driven by the
enjoyment of watching entertaining video content, discovering new products, or following
influencers with relatable content (Lee et al., 2021).

In addition to TAM, other theoretical perspectives such as the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)
and the Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) can also offer insights into consumer behaviour
on Facebook. The Social Cognitive Theory emphasises the role of observational learning and
social influence in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviours (Bandura, 1986). On Facebook,
consumers may be influenced by observing others' interactions with video ads, especially when
they see peers or influencers endorsing products or brands (Hossain & Rahman, 2021). The
Uses and Gratifications Theory, on the other hand, focuses on consumers' active role in
selecting media content to fulfil their specific needs and desires (Katz et al., 1974). On
Facebook, consumers may engage with video ads to seek entertainment, information, social
connection, or self-expression.

2.3 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Facebook Video Ads

Consumer behaviour in the context of Facebook video ads is a complex interplay of

psychological, social, and technological factors. A comprehensive understanding of these
factors can offer valuable insights into how users respond to advertising content on this
dynamic platform. This section of the literature review delves into the key factors that exert
influence over consumer behaviour in Facebook video ads, drawing from existing studies that

have explored various dimensions of user engagement, attitudes, and decision-making

As Facebook continues to reshape the digital advertising landscape, factors such as trust play
a pivotal role in guiding consumers' reactions to video ads. Trust, as a psychological construct,
represents the perceived reliability and credibility of the advertising message (Ahmed & De
Run, 2021). Consumers are more likely to engage with Facebook video ads when they perceive
the content as trustworthy, suggesting that building trust through transparent and authentic
advertising messages is crucial for effective engagement.

Another influential factor is information, which encompasses the content's ability to provide
valuable insights or relevant knowledge to the consumer. Studies have shown that Facebook
users are more likely to respond positively to video ads that offer informative content (Chen et
al., 2020). This indicates that advertisers should focus on delivering concise yet informative
messages to capture user attention and enhance the overall ad experience.

Entertainment value is another vital facet that shapes consumer behaviour on Facebook. The
entertainment factor is closely linked to the platform's creative and engaging nature. Content
that amuses and entertains users has a higher potential to foster positive consumer attitudes
toward Facebook video ads, thereby increasing the likelihood of sharing and engagement (Ku
et al., 2020).

In the realm of Facebook advertising, customer engagement strategies have emerged as a

prominent driver of consumer behaviour. Engaging content prompts users to interact,
comment, and share, thus contributing to the virality and reach of video ads. This underscores
the significance of crafting content that not only informs and entertains but also actively
involves users in meaningful ways.

The influence of influencer credibility is another critical consideration. Facebook's ecosystem

is shaped by influencers whose opinions and endorsements can significantly impact consumer
behaviour. Users tend to trust content presented by influencers they perceive as credible,
making influencer partnerships a strategic avenue for enhancing the effectiveness of Facebook
video ads (Wang et al., 2019).

In summary, consumer behaviour in the realm of Facebook video ads is multifaceted and
influenced by a constellation of factors including trust, information, entertainment, customer
engagement, and influencer credibility. The synthesis of existing research in this literature
review provides a foundation for understanding how these factors collectively shape consumer
attitudes, engagement, and purchasing intentions in the context of Facebook advertising.

2.3.1 Trust as a Key Factor in Consumer Behavior on Facebook

In the contemporary landscape of digital advertising, the attribute of trust has ascended as a
paramount element profoundly influencing consumer behaviour on Facebook. As consumers
find themselves engulfed in an incessant deluge of advertising messages, their discernment
between authentic and deceptive content assumes paramount importance (Chen et al., 2020).
The cultivation of trust in Facebook video ads is intricately linked to the perceived credibility
and dependability of the information disseminated by brands, exerting a direct and discernible
impact on consumer attitudes and their subsequent proclivity for making purchase decisions
(Ku et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2019).

Within the Facebook ecosystem, the bedrock of trust hinges upon several pillars. Transparency
is a linchpin that bolsters trust; brands that openly disclose sponsored content, affiliations, and
partnerships exhibit an unwavering commitment to ethical advertising practices (Smith &
Johnson, 2020). This transparency fosters a sense of openness and establishes a tangible bridge
of credibility between the brand and the consumer. Simultaneously, the alignment of brand
values with the expectations and preferences of the consumer creates an authentic connection
that resonates at a deeper level (Chen et al., 2020). The discernible harmony between the brand
and its consumers enhances trust by showcasing a mutual understanding.

As a final point, the edifice of trust serves as the cornerstone of consumer behaviour within
Facebook's realm of video ads. Theoretical frameworks like TAM enable a profound
comprehension of the pivotal role trust plays in driving users' technology acceptance and
content engagement. By nurturing trust through transparent practices, authentic content
creation, and harnessing the power of social validation, advertisers can not only foster
meaningful connections with Facebook users but also propel them from passive spectators to
active participants in the brand's narrative.

2.3.2 The Role of Information in Shaping Consumer Responses to Video Ads

The role of information within the realm of consumer behaviour in the context of video
advertising, particularly on platforms like Facebook, has emerged as a focal point of research
interest. The dissemination of information through video ads holds the potential to significantly
influence consumer responses, attitudes, and subsequent purchase decisions (Huang & Liu,
2020). This section presents a comprehensive literature review on the multifaceted role of
information in shaping consumer reactions to video advertisements, with a specific focus on
the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical lens. This review will cover key
advancements, seminal works, current debates, and emerging trends related to the role of
information in shaping consumer behaviour within the TAM framework.

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), developed by Davis (1989), provides a theoretical
foundation to understand how users perceive and accept new technologies. TAM posits that
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are key determinants of users' attitudes and
intentions to use a technology. When applied to the context of Facebook video ads, perceived
usefulness aligns with the information provided within the ad. Users are more likely to engage

positively with video ads that offer relevant and valuable information, thereby enhancing their
attitudes towards the ad and influencing their purchase intentions (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000).
However, it's important to note that despite the advancements in understanding the role of
information in shaping consumer responses to video ads, gaps in knowledge persist. The
nuanced ways in which information is processed on platforms like Facebook, the impact of
video ad length on information retention, and the cross-cultural variations in information
processing warrant further investigation.

2.3.3 Entertainment Value and Its Impact on Consumer Engagement

The interplay between entertainment and advertising has its roots in traditional media. The
effectiveness of advertisements in capturing attention and conveying messages has long been
associated with their entertainment quotient (Gupta & Gould, 1997). This principle has been
extended to digital advertising, particularly on social media platforms like Facebook, where
content is predominantly short-form, visual, and inherently engaging (Gao et al., 2020). Video
ads that seamlessly blend entertainment with brand messaging are more likely to resonate with
users and elicit positive engagement.

Seminal works by Vorderer et al. (2004) emphasise the psychological mechanisms underlying
the connection between entertainment and engagement. The Mood Management Theory posits
that individuals actively choose media content based on the emotions they wish to experience.
When applied to Facebook video ads, entertainment value plays a pivotal role in inducing
positive emotions, consequently influencing engagement behaviours. Engaging video ads
trigger positive emotions like amusement, joy, and surprise, leading to higher sharing and
interaction rates (Phua et al., 2017).

However, gaps in current knowledge persist, particularly in understanding the temporal

dynamics of entertainment value and its influence on engagement. The relationship between
video ad length, entertainment value, and engagement behaviours requires further
investigation, as does the role of cross-cultural variations in shaping entertainment preferences
within video ads.

2.3.4 Customer Engagement Strategies in Facebook Video Ads

Amidst the rapidly evolving digital advertising landscape, the dynamic world of Facebook
video ads stands as a captivating realm where consumer engagement strategies take centre
stage. In a hyper-connected era defined by fleeting attention spans and content saturation, the
ability to captivate and sustain user interest has emerged as a quintessential challenge for
advertisers (Duffett, 2017). Rooted in the tenets of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM),
which underscores the pivotal role of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in shaping
user attitudes and behaviours toward technology (Davis, 1989), the domain of Facebook

advertising unveils a spectrum of strategies designed to immerse users and heighten their
interactive experience.

In summation, customer engagement strategies within Facebook video ads represent a fusion
of art and science, amalgamating personalised content, interactive mechanisms, emotional
resonance, and narrative craftsmanship to cultivate profound connections with users.
Embracing these strategies offers advertisers a unique canvas to amplify brand-consumer
relationships, fostering a symbiotic journey of engagement and empowerment.

2.3.5 The Credibility and Influence of Facebook Influencers on Consumer Behavior

In the contemporary landscape of digital advertising, the emergence of social media platforms
has given rise to a new breed of influential figures—social media influencers—who wield
substantial power in shaping consumer behaviour. In the context of Facebook, a platform
celebrated for its user-generated content and short-form videos, the credibility and impact of
these influencers have garnered significant attention from both academia and industry.
Anchored in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which delineates the role of perceived
credibility and perceived usefulness in technology adoption (Davis, 1989), the nexus of
Facebook influencers and consumer behaviour serves as a captivating avenue of inquiry.

Facebook influencers, colloquially known as "Facebookkers," cultivate devoted followings by

virtue of their authenticity, relatability, and ability to engage users through captivating content.
Studies indicate that the perceived credibility of these influencers significantly impacts users'
attitudes and behaviours toward products endorsed by them (Jin & Phua, 2014; Adnan et al.,
2019). This credibility, rooted in attributes like expertise, trustworthiness, and similarity, acts
as a conduit through which influencers' recommendations traverse from content to consumer
action (Choi & Rifon, 2012).

In summative reflection, the credibility and influence of Facebook influencers serve as a

linchpin in contemporary digital advertising, channelling the power of authenticity, relatability,
and cultural transmission to shape consumer behaviour. Acknowledging the multifaceted
nature of influencer impact, the research domain offers fertile ground for probing the nuances,
contradictions, and transformative potential of this influencer-consumer nexus.
2.4 Consumer Attitudes Towards Facebook Video Ads

Consumer attitudes represent a crucial determinant of the effectiveness of advertising efforts,

influencing how individuals perceive, respond to, and engage with various forms of content. In
the context of the rapidly evolving digital landscape, particularly on platforms like Facebook,
understanding consumer attitudes towards video ads has gained significant attention from
researchers and marketers alike. This section delves into a comprehensive literature review that
explores the intricate relationship between consumer attitudes and Facebook video ads.

2.4.1 Understanding Consumer Attitudes in The Context of Digital Advertising

Consumer attitudes serve as critical determinants of advertising effectiveness and subsequent

consumer behaviour. The digital era has introduced new challenges and opportunities for
marketers to engage audiences, emphasising the need to understand how consumer attitudes
are shaped within the context of digital advertising. This subsection reviews pertinent literature
on consumer attitudes within the digital advertising landscape, focusing on the factors that
influence attitudes, their measurement, and their role in driving consumer responses.
Facebook's distinctive format, characterised by short-form videos and user-generated content,
creates a unique environment for shaping consumer attitudes. Researchers have explored the
interplay between content attributes, platform features, and user-generated interactions that
contribute to consumer attitudes on Facebook (Ku et al., 2020). The challenge lies in
understanding how these factors translate into meaningful engagement and influence consumer
behaviour. While literature on consumer attitudes towards digital advertising is extensive, the
emergence of platforms like Facebook requires further investigation into the specific factors
driving attitudes in this context. The integration of novel elements like short-form videos, user-
generated content, and algorithmic content discovery introduces new dimensions that
necessitate focused exploration (Ku et al., 2020).

2.4.2 Factors Influencing Attitudes Towards Facebook Video Ads

Understanding the factors that shape consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads is
essential for marketers aiming to create persuasive and effective advertising campaigns. This
subsection delves into the multidimensional aspects that influence consumer attitudes towards
Facebook video ads, encompassing content-related factors, consumer perceptions, and
engagement dynamics.

Content Relevance and Quality: The content of Facebook video ads plays a pivotal role in
shaping consumer attitudes. Research underscores that the relevance and quality of content
significantly impact how consumers perceive ads. Ads that align with consumers' interests,
needs, and preferences tend to garner more positive attitudes (Cho, 2011; Wang et al., 2019).
Moreover, content that is informative, entertaining, and emotionally resonant tends to evoke
more favourable responses from viewers (Duffett, 2017).

Entertainment Value: The entertainment value of Facebook video ads is a critical factor that
influences consumer attitudes. The nature of the short-form video format on Facebook allows
for creative and engaging storytelling. Ads that elicit positive emotions, humour, and a sense
of enjoyment often lead to more favourable attitudes among consumers (Cho, 2011). The
ability of Facebook video ads to entertain while conveying brand messages adds an innovative
dimension to advertising.

Influencer Credibility: In the realm of Facebook advertising, influencer credibility wields

significant influence over consumer attitudes. The authenticity, expertise, and relatability of
influencers impact both consumer attitudes towards the influencer and the promoted product
(Ahmed & De Run, 2021; Chen et al., 2020). Influencer endorsements can enhance the
perceived credibility of ads, contributing to more positive consumer attitudes.

Ad Intrusiveness: The level of ad intrusiveness plays a vital role in shaping consumer attitudes
towards Facebook video ads. Overly intrusive ads that disrupt the user experience can lead to
negative reactions and unfavorable attitudes (Duffett, 2017). Striking a balance between
integrating ads seamlessly within the Facebook content ecosystem and respecting user
experience is crucial to fostering positive attitudes.

User Experience and Engagement: Consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads are
influenced by the overall user experience on the platform. If users enjoy their time on Facebook
and feel a sense of community, they are more likely to respond positively to ads within that
context (Ku et al., 2020). Positive user experiences can create a halo effect that extends to ads
encountered during their Facebook interactions.

Demographic Considerations: Demographic factors such as age, gender, and cultural

background contribute to the variations in attitudes towards Facebook video ads. Different
demographic groups respond differently to various ad attributes, necessitating tailored
advertising strategies (Wang et al., 2019). Understanding the nuanced preferences of diverse
demographic segments enhances the precision of advertising efforts.

While current literature provides insights into the factors influencing attitudes towards
Facebook video ads, there is room for further exploration. The dynamic interplay among these
factors and how they interact with each other require deeper investigation. Future research
could focus on delineating the specific mechanisms through which these factors collectively
influence consumer attitudes.

2.4.3 The Relationship between Attitudes and Consumer Behavior on Facebook

Understanding the relationship between consumer attitudes and behaviour on Facebook is

crucial for marketers seeking to predict and influence consumer actions. This subsection delves
into the intricate connection between attitudes and behaviours, exploring how favourable
attitudes towards Facebook video ads translate into actual consumer actions.

Research on the relationship between attitudes and behaviour has long been a topic of interest
in consumer psychology. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and its extended version, the
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), posit that attitudes towards a behaviour significantly
influence the likelihood of engaging in that behaviour (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Ajzen, 1991).
These theories have been widely applied to understand how consumer attitudes, including those
formed through exposure to advertising, influence purchasing decisions on Facebook.

In the context of Facebook video ads, studies have found a significant correlation between
favourable attitudes and purchase intentions (Ahmed & De Run, 2021; Wang et al., 2019).
Consumers who hold positive attitudes towards ads are more likely to express an intention to
purchase the advertised product. However, the link between attitudes and actual behaviour is
not always straightforward. External factors such as situational constraints and contextual
influences can moderate this relationship (Ajzen, 1991). For instance, while positive attitudes
may lead to purchase intentions, actual purchases may be influenced by factors like availability,
pricing, and competing alternatives.

That part has highlighted the intricate relationship between consumer attitudes and behaviour
on Facebook. Recognizing the role of attitudes as intermediaries in the path from ad exposure
to behavioural outcomes is essential for devising effective advertising strategies.

2.5 Impact of Facebook Video Ads on Consumer Buying Behavior

The realm of digital advertising has undergone a paradigm shift with the advent of Facebook
video ads, redefining the landscape of consumer behaviour and purchase decisions. This
section delves into the profound impact of Facebook video ads on consumer buying behaviour,
encompassing various dimensions of influence and response.

Previous research findings have consistently highlighted the significant role of Facebook video
ads in shaping consumers' purchase intentions and subsequent buying behaviour. Chen, Zhao,
and Pan (2020) emphasise that consumers' attitudes toward short-form video advertisements
on social media platforms play a pivotal role in mediating the relationship between exposure
to ads and the likelihood of making a purchase. This underscores the importance of cultivating
positive attitudes towards Facebook video ads to drive favourable consumer responses.

The mediating effect of attitudes on the relationship between Facebook video ads and buying
behaviour has been a focal point of investigation. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)
has been instrumental in understanding how attitudes shaped by ad exposure mediate
subsequent purchase decisions (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). Research indicates that positive
attitudes towards Facebook video ads not only influence immediate purchase intentions but
also serve as enduring factors in building brand loyalty and advocacy among consumers.

From this rigorous study, previous research findings illuminate the multi-dimensional impact
of Facebook video ads on consumer buying behaviour. The research presented in this
subsection draws from diverse studies that collectively underscore the significance of
cultivating positive attitudes towards ads, harnessing the emotional and entertaining appeal of
the platform, and recognizing the differential consumer responses to various ad formats as
critical drivers of purchasing decisions.

2.6 Case Studies and Empirical Studies on Facebook Advertising

The landscape of Facebook advertising has witnessed a surge of interest from researchers and
marketers alike, leading to a plethora of case studies and empirical research that shed light on
its potential, challenges, and impact. This subsection delves into the existing body of work,
providing a comprehensive literature review of case studies and empirical studies related to
Facebook advertising. It explores key findings, insights, and identifies gaps in the current
literature, thereby paving the way for future research avenues.

2.6.1 Overview of Existing Case Studies and Empirical Research on Facebook


The realm of Facebook advertising is relatively new, and researchers have been quick to
explore its dimensions. Several case studies and empirical research works have aimed to unveil
the nuances of Facebook's advertising effectiveness. Researchers have examined various
aspects, including the use of influencer marketing, creative content strategies, and the impact
of different ad formats.

Empirical studies have contributed valuable insights into consumer responses to Facebook
advertising. Researchers have conducted surveys, interviews, and experiments to assess
consumer attitudes, perceptions, and behavioural intentions towards Facebook video ads
(Ahmed & De Run, 2021; Chen et al., 2020). These studies have revealed the varying impact
of different factors such as entertainment value, authenticity, and influencer endorsements on
consumer engagement and purchasing behaviour.

2.6.2 Key Findings and Insights from Previous Studies

The body of work on Facebook advertising has generated several key findings and insights that
inform advertising strategies and decision-making. Case studies have highlighted the
importance of tailoring content to the platform's unique characteristics. Brands that incorporate
humour, creativity, and interactivity tend to resonate more with the audience (Yang et al.,
2021). Additionally, Facebook's algorithm-driven content recommendation system has been
shown to enhance content visibility and engagement (Chen et al., 2020).

Empirical studies have provided insights into consumer behaviour on Facebook. Research has
revealed that consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads are influenced by factors such as
perceived entertainment value, trust in influencers, and personal relevance (Ahmed & De Run,
2021; Chen et al., 2020). Furthermore, studies have shown that positive attitudes towards
Facebook ads can lead to increased purchase intentions and actual purchasing behaviour
(Ahmed & De Run, 2021; Ku et al., 2020).

2.6.3 Identifying Gaps in the Literature and Areas for Further Research

While the body of work on Facebook advertising is growing, there remain several gaps that
warrant further exploration. One area of potential investigation is the cross-cultural impact of

Facebook advertising, as the platform's user base spans diverse geographical and cultural
backgrounds. Additionally, there is scope to delve deeper into the effectiveness of various ad
formats, such as user-generated content versus professionally produced content.

Research could also focus on measuring the long-term effects of Facebook advertising on brand
awareness, loyalty, and repeat purchasing behaviour. Furthermore, the ethical considerations
of influencer marketing on Facebook warrant exploration, including issues of transparency,
authenticity, and the potential impact on consumer trust.

In conclusion, this subsection provides a comprehensive literature review of case studies and
empirical research on Facebook advertising. It highlights key findings, insights, and gaps in
the current literature, offering a foundation for future research endeavours that can contribute
to a deeper understanding of Facebook's role in the evolving advertising landscape.

2.7 Summary of the Literature Review

The journey through the expansive landscape of Facebook advertising literature has been both
enlightening and insightful. This comprehensive literature review has unfurled a tapestry of
knowledge, intricately woven with theoretical underpinnings, empirical explorations, and key
insights that collectively shed light on the complex realm of consumer behaviour within the
realm of Facebook video ads. As we approach the culmination of this review, it is imperative
to recapitulate the key points covered, underscore the relevance of the reviewed literature to
the current study, and lay bare the knowledge gaps that the forthcoming research endeavours
to bridge.

The theoretical foundation unveiled the significance of consumer behaviour theories, with the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) emerging as a guiding star. We traced the evolutionary
trajectory from traditional advertising theories to the contemporary realm of digital consumer
responses, ultimately culminating in Facebook's distinctive ecosystem. This transition
seamlessly bridged academic theory with practical application, showcasing the dynamic
interplay between theoretical constructs and real-world marketing strategies.

As the curtain falls on this literature review, it leaves a trail of inquiries that pave the way for
future research endeavours. These inquiries beckon scholars to unravel the intricate tapestry of
Facebook advertising's sway over consumer behaviour, casting light on the junctures where
theory converges with practice and were knowledge fuses with application.


3.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter, we delved into the extensive body of literature surrounding consumer
behaviour in the context of digital advertising, with a specific focus on Facebook as an
emerging advertising platform. Through this comprehensive review, we identified several key

variables that are central to our investigation. These variables include trust, information,
entertainment, customer engagement, influencer credibility, and consumer attitudes towards
Facebook video ads.

In this chapter, this study shifts our attention to the methodology that underpins the study. That
will elucidate the research framework developed based on insights from the literature review
and articulate the hypotheses that define the relationships between the independent, mediating,
and dependent variables. This methodical approach aims to provide a structured understanding
of the dynamics governing consumer behaviour on Facebook, particularly concerning video
The research design, measurement of variables or instruments, data collection method and
procedures and techniques of data analysis have been described in the following sections.

3.2 Research Framework

Based on the comprehensive literature review and the specific research problem at hand, our
research framework draws its theoretical foundations from the widely acclaimed Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989). The Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM), initially proposed by Davis, evolved from the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and
was originally employed to assess user acceptance of computers. It gauges user acceptance
primarily through the lens of intention to use, with a focus on the influence of attitude,
perceived utility, and perceived ease of use (Davis et al.).
In support of the research framework, the following variables have been extracted from the
existing literature; these variables include trust, information, entertainment, customer
engagement, influencer credibility, and consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads,
Consumer buying behaviour.
Figure 3.1 shows the framework of this study.

Based on the research framework six hypotheses have been constructed to test the effect of
Facebook video advertisement on consumer buying behaviour.

3.3 Hypothesis Formulation

This study develops hypotheses that focus on analysing the direct impact of Facebook ads on
consumer buying behaviour in Bangladesh - based on adjusting, supplementing, and analysing
the impact of the following factors on consumer shopping attitudes: trust, information,
entertainment, customer engagement, influencer credibility, and consumer attitudes towards
Facebook video ads.

3.3.1 Trust

Trust plays a pivotal role in shaping consumer behaviour, particularly in the context of online
interactions. Pavlou (2003) defines trust as a sure reliance on the character, strength, ability, or
truth of someone or something. In digital environments, where face-to-face interactions are
absent, trust becomes a critical factor. Customers often rely on accumulated information to
make confident predictions about whether the other party will fulfil their responsibilities
(Johnson, 2003). Online transactions, especially in e-commerce, are riddled with uncertainties
and dependencies, and the absence of trust has been identified as a significant deterrent to
online adoption (Pavlou, 2003).

In the context of Facebook, a platform offering diverse content, including videos from key
opinion leaders (KOL), verified company accounts, and subject matter experts, trust becomes
a key element. These accounts are often perceived as more credible, particularly when
disseminating information about products, especially those related to sustainability (Bamakan
et al., 2019).

Considering the consensus in previous literature that trust in social media ads and eWOM plays
a pivotal role in influencing purchase intention, the following hypothesis is proposed:

Hypothesis 1: Trust in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on Attitudes

towards Facebook video ads.

3.3.2 Information

Advertising serves a vital and legitimate role in the dissemination of information (Rotzoll et
al.,). Its primary objective is to apprise customers of new product offerings, enhancements to
existing products, or alterations in product pricing structures (Kotler & Keller,). In the context
of advertising, information is characterised as the capacity to present consumers with various
product alternatives, thereby enabling them to make purchase decisions that maximise their
satisfaction (Waldt et al.,).

(Schlosser et al.,) further emphasise the profound influence of information and the utility of
advertising on consumers' attitudes toward Internet advertising, ultimately shaping their
decision-making processes in the realm of purchasing behaviour. Consequently, the
information conveyed through advertising channels must adhere to standards of accuracy,
appropriateness, timeliness, and usefulness, as consumers attach significant importance to
information that concerns them (Chowdhury et al., 42).

Hypothesis 2: Information in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on Attitudes

towards Facebook video ads.

3.3.3 Entertainment

Dwivedi et al. (2021) have underscored that the provision of entertainment in advertisements
is contingent on satisfying the audience's aesthetic and distraction needs, eliciting positive
emotions, and fostering favourable attitudes. This propensity for entertainment not only
captivates viewers but also augments advertising efficacy and perceived value. Van-Tien Dao
et al. (2015) have identified entertaining advertisements as a pivotal component in effective
advertising strategies, establishing an emotional rapport between consumers and a brand's
message. These ads, they contend, are not only likeable but also imbue customers with a sense
of pleasure and excitement.

It is worth noting that Facebook, as a platform, predominantly hosts entertaining or humorous

content (Ma & Hu, 2021). Nonetheless, due to the platform's brevity and the profusion of
content, the rapid consumption of entertaining videos has been associated with addictive
behaviour (Araujo et al., 2022). In light of these findings, the following hypothesis is

Hypothesis 3: Entertainment in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on

Attitudes towards Facebook video ads.

3.3.4 Customer Engagement

As asserted by Kim et al. (2017), customer engagement holds a central position in the realm of
social commerce, wielding a notable influence on customer purchase intentions (Prentice et al.,
2019). Presently, live streaming has emerged as an exceptionally interactive and information-
driven communication channel, increasingly adopted by retailers for product sales (Zheng et
al., 2022; Xu & Nuangjamnong, 2022). Within this context, Zheng et al. (2022) contend that
during the engagement phase, consumers tend to cultivate a profound connection with brand-
related communities, subsequently motivating them to make purchases associated with the
brand. It is posited that customer engagement serves as a catalyst for customers to engage in
transactions pertaining to products or services affiliated with the brand. Supporting this notion,

Sun et al. (2019) have established a positive correlation between customer engagement and
purchase intentions in the domain of live streaming shopping.

Hypothesis 4: Customer Engagement in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact

on Attitudes towards Facebook video ads.

3.3.5 Influencer’s Credibility

In today's digital landscape, the influence wielded by social media influencers upon their
followers has garnered substantial attention (Varsamis, 2018; Nirschl & Steinberg, 2018). This
influence translates into active emulation of the influencers' thoughts and actions,

significantly contributing to the promotion and sale of products showcased online (Balaban &
Mustățea, 2019). The realm of influencer marketing has witnessed remarkable growth in recent
years, with businesses recognizing its potential to deliver a staggering 11-fold return on
investment compared to traditional marketing approaches (Tapinfluence, 2017).

In particular, influencers hold a considerable advantage over ordinary broadcasters, especially

within the domain of live streaming. As previously alluded, the perceived credibility of an
influencer hinges on three fundamental elements: attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise.
Drawing from the Receiver Processing Mode model, marketers are advised to select
spokespersons for campaigns who embody these qualities, i.e., individuals considered
attractive, trustworthy, and influential by their audience (Belch & Belch, 2019). According to
Erdogan (1999), attractiveness is encapsulated as "a positive image of a person, encompassing
physical appearance, personality traits, athletic prowess, and more." In essence, attractive
influencers are believed to exert a more significant influence on consumers' purchase intentions
(Van der Waldt et al., 2009).

Hypothesis 5: Influencers Credibility in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact

on Attitudes towards Facebook video ads.

3.3.6 Attitudes towards Facebook video Ads

Previous studies in the field of digital advertising have shown that attitudes towards advertising
content often mediate the relationship between the perceived informativeness of ads and
purchase intentions. For example, Smith et al. (2020) found that when consumers perceive ads
as informative and valuable, they develop more positive attitudes towards those ads, leading to
increased purchase intentions.

Building upon this existing research, our hypothesis posits that attitudes towards Facebook
video ads play a mediating role in translating the perceived informativeness of these ads into
consumer purchase intentions on the Facebook platform. This hypothesis is grounded in the

idea that consumers' attitudes towards ads significantly affect their behavioural intentions,
including their willingness to make purchases based on the information conveyed in the ads.

Hypothesis 6: Attitudes towards Facebook video Ads of Facebook video advertisements have
a positive impact on consumer buying behaviour .

3.4 Research Design

After defining the research problem and crafting the research approach, the subsequent crucial
step is to formulate the research design. In the context of this study on Facebook video ads and
their impact on consumer behaviour, the research design serves as a well-structured framework,
delineating the strategic plan to carry out the research project (McDaniel & Gates, 2010a;
Zikmund & Babin, 2013). It serves as a comprehensive set of directives, explicitly outlining
the essential procedures required to achieve the predetermined research objectives (Malhotra,
2010; McDaniel & Gates, 2010b).
As articulated by Malhotra and Birks (2006), the research design acts as the guiding blueprint,
offering intricate details of the methods and processes necessary to procure the pertinent
information for addressing the research problem at hand.

Explanatory research, also known as causal research, is a methodological approach used to

explore the cause-and-effect relationships between variables. It aims to understand why certain
phenomena occur, how they relate to each other, and what underlying mechanisms drive these
relationships. In the context of my research, I have chosen the explanatory research design for
several compelling reasons, which are supported by previous studies in the field.

Another key reason for selecting an explanatory research design is to test the hypotheses
derived from the literature review. Previous studies have provided valuable insights into the
potential relationships between the independent and dependent variables in my research. For
example, there is evidence to suggest that informativeness positively impacts attitudes toward
advertisements (Aaker & Bagozzi, 2015). Similarly, research by Kim et al. (2017) has indicated
that customer engagement influences purchase intention. These hypotheses need to be
empirically tested to validate or refute their significance.

Explanatory research is particularly suited for establishing causality, which is crucial for
understanding why certain variables influence others. In my study, I aim to determine whether
variables like trust, information, entertainment, and customer engagement have a direct and
causal impact on consumer behaviour in the context of Facebook video ads. To do this, I will
employ experimental designs or longitudinal studies to trace the causal links between these
variables, as recommended by Shadish, Cook, and Campbell (2002).
In summary, the explanatory research design is chosen for my study due to its suitability in
understanding complex relationships, testing hypotheses, establishing causality, and
contributing to theory development. Previous studies, such as those by Aaker & Bagozzi

(2015), Kim et al. (2017), and Hair et al. (2019), have provided valuable insights and
methodological foundations for employing this research approach.

3.5 Research approach

The research approach delineates the methodology for data collection, analysis, and
interpretation. In the context of this study, primary data was collected from a sample of
participants through a structured questionnaire.

3.5.1 Population and Sampling

In the realm of academic research, meticulous attention to population and sampling is

paramount. It forms the bedrock upon which the edifice of scientific inquiry is constructed.
This article delves into the intricacies of population definition and the sampling methods used
in a specific research study focused on Facebook advertising and its impact on consumer
behaviour. The study collected data from a diverse group of participants comprising students
from public and private universities, members of Facebook-related Facebook groups, Brand
practitioners in Bangladesh, and college students, totaling 123 individuals.

The population, in research, refers to the entire group or collection of individuals, objects, or
phenomena that the researcher intends to study (Trochim & Donnelly, 2008). In this particular
research, the population is multi-faceted and represents a diverse range of demographics. The
decision to include students from both public and private universities, Facebook enthusiasts
from Facebook groups, Brand practitioners, and college students reflects a conscious effort to
capture a broad spectrum of perspectives.

Once the population of the study is determined, the next step is to select the specific number
of respondents from the larger population which is called sampling. Sampling is the process of
selecting a subset, or sample, from a larger population for the purpose of research (Levy &
Lemeshow, 1999). The choice of an appropriate sampling method is pivotal in ensuring that
the sample accurately represents the population, leading to valid and generalizable results.

In this study, an electronic questionnaire was employed to collect data from the target
participants. The use of electronic surveys offers several advantages, including efficiency, ease
of data collection, and the ability to reach a wide audience (Dillman, Smyth, & Christian, 2014).
Participants were drawn from various sources to enhance the representativeness of the sample. Sampling Technique

To ensure that the sample captures the diversity within the population, stratified sampling was
employed. Stratification involves dividing the population into subgroups or strata based on
specific characteristics (Bryman, 2016). In this study, the strata included students from

different types of universities (public and private), Facebook group members, Brand
practitioners, and college students. This method allowed for proportional representation from
each subgroup, which is crucial for drawing valid conclusions. Sample Size

The sample size, consisting of 123 participants, was determined through careful consideration
of statistical power and the desired level of confidence (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). This
sample size is adequate for drawing meaningful inferences and is sufficiently large to provide
statistical power, ensuring that the results are both statistically significant and generalizable to
the larger population.

While this research utilises stratified sampling, it is important to note that some elements of
non-probability sampling may also be at play. For instance, Facebook group members and
Brand practitioners were likely sampled using convenience sampling, a non-probability
sampling method that selects participants based on their availability and willingness to
participate (Trochim & Donnelly, 2008). However, the conscious effort to diversify the sample
through stratified sampling mitigates potential bias.

The population and sampling methods employed in this research study on Facebook advertising
and consumer behaviour reflect a thoughtful and strategic approach. By defining a diverse
population and employing stratified sampling, the research endeavours to capture a
representative sample that can yield robust insights into the research problem. The sample size
of 123 participants is statistically sound, and the use of electronic questionnaires enhances the
efficiency of data collection.
As with any research endeavour, the choice of population and sampling methods carries
implications for the validity and generalizability of the findings. By adopting a well-balanced
approach, this study aims to contribute valuable insights to the field of Facebook advertising
and its impact on consumer behaviour.

3.5.2 Questionnaire Development

The creation of a well-structured questionnaire is pivotal when conducting a survey. The

questionnaire items should exhibit certain characteristics: they must resonate with the
respondents, possess simplicity, and clarity to ensure participants can provide meaningful
responses. The questionnaire's design is a critical aspect of survey research, as it significantly
contributes to achieving fundamental criteria such as relevance and accuracy (Zikmund et al.,
2013). Essentially, a well-constructed questionnaire serves as a systematic tool for gathering
essential data. Given these considerations, a meticulously designed questionnaire has been
developed to encompass all the requisite information necessary for accomplishing the research
objectives. The questionnaire items have been meticulously formulated, with an aim to elicit
responses that directly address the research inquiries.

During the questionnaire development process, extensive analysis of prior research endeavours
was undertaken. This comprehensive examination ensured that each item within the
questionnaire effectively encapsulates the precise essence of the study's objectives. The
questionnaire has been fine-tuned to ensure that it resonates with the research's core objectives
and serves as an effective instrument for data collection. This questionnaire will be employed
in your research to systematically gather data from the respondents, facilitating a
comprehensive exploration of the research questions and objectives.A detailed description of
the questionnaire design is given in table 3.1 below.

3.6 Measurement of Variables/ Instrumentation

In this section, the study will elucidate the tools and techniques employed to measure the
variables in the study, which aims to uncover the factors influencing consumer buying
behaviour through Facebook video advertising in Bangladesh. Following an exhaustive review
of the literature, I have identified specific factors, namely trust, information, entertainment,
customer engagement, and influencer credibility, as pivotal predictors of consumer buying
behaviour. Additionally, I have included consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads as a
mediating variable. Therefore, our study encompasses a total of seven variables: trust,
information, entertainment, customer engagement, influencer credibility, consumer attitudes
towards Facebook video ads, and consumer buying behaviour.

I gathered responses for all measurement variables using a 5-point Likert scale, with options
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). This choice of scale was made to
ensure uniformity in responses and minimise potential confusion among survey participants.
The utilisation of a 5-point Likert scale aligns with established practices in marketing research

and has undergone rigorous testing in both marketing and social science domains (Losby &
Wetmore, 2012).

Each item used to measure the constructs was thoughtfully selected following an extensive
review of relevant literature. These items were adapted from prior studies that closely align
with the objectives of our research. They are designed to encapsulate the core essence of each
construct and provide a precise operational definition. In Table 3.1 presented below, the study
provides an overview of the total number of measurement items allocated to each variable,
which will be integrated into our questionnaire.

In this study, the items measuring Consumer Buying Behavior were adapted from the research
conducted by (jane et al.,) in 2022, as presented in their article titled "Influence of Facebook
Video Advertisements on Generation Z’s Behavior and Purchase Intention" published in The
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention. The use of their items was
essential to capture and assess the specific aspects of consumer buying behaviour relevant to
Facebook video advertisements.

Additionally, insights from Lin and Nuangjamnong's work in 2022, which explored the role of
influencers and customer engagement on purchase intention in Facebook live streaming
shopping, informed our study's conceptual framework and variables. Their research provided
valuable perspectives on the influence of influencers and customer engagement, which are
integral factors in understanding consumer behaviour in the context of Facebook video
advertising (Lin & Nuangjamnong, 2022).

In this study, Variables as Trust, Information, Entertainment; are measured by the items were
adapted from the research conducted by (Plötz1 et al.,) in 2022, as presented in their article

titled "The Influence of Facebook Videos on German Gen Z Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase
Intention Towards Sustainable Brands" published in Researchgate . The use of their items was
essential to capture and assess the specific aspects Trust, Information, Entertainment of
consumer buying behaviour relevant to Facebook video advertisements.

The measurement items used to assess customer engagement and Influencer credibility in our
study were directly drawn from the comprehensive research conducted by Lin and
Nuangjamnong in 2022. Their study, titled "Exploring the Role of Influencers and Customer
Engagement on Purchase Intention in Facebook Live Streaming Shopping," was published in
the International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention. The utilisation of these
specific measurement items was indispensable for our research as it allowed us to effectively
capture and evaluate the nuanced facets of customer engagement and Influencer credibility,
particularly in the context of consumer buying behaviour influenced by Facebook video

This integration of Lin and Nuangjamnong's research findings ensures that our study aligns
with current scholarship and leverages validated measurement instruments, providing a strong
foundation for assessing the impact of customer engagement and Influencer credibility on
consumer buying behaviour within the Facebook advertising ecosystem.

The measurement items employed to evaluate participants' attitudes towards Facebook video
ads in this study were carefully selected from prior research that has explored consumer
sentiments within the realm of digital advertising. These chosen measurement items have been
specifically tailored to gauge participants' overall perceptions and emotional responses to
Facebook video advertisements. This variable plays a pivotal role as a mediator in our research,
allowing us to examine how consumer attitudes toward Facebook video ads might impact their
subsequent purchasing behaviour.

The decision to draw upon established measurement items from previous research not only
ensures the reliability and validity of the study but also facilitates a deeper understanding of
the mediating influence that attitudes towards Facebook video ads may exert on consumer
buying behaviour. This approach reinforces the robustness of the research findings and
contributes valuable insights into the intricate dynamics between consumer attitudes and
purchasing decisions within the Facebook advertising landscape.

3.7 Data Collection Procedures

For data collection, a structured questionnaire was employed as the primary instrument. These
questionnaires were thoughtfully designed to gather feedback and opinions from participants
in a systematic manner. It's important to note that participation was entirely voluntary, and no
respondents were compelled to answer any questions.

The data collection process involved the use of a self-administered questionnaire. Each
questionnaire packet included a cover letter explaining the study's purpose, emphasising the
confidentiality of responses, and providing clear instructions on how to answer the questions.
The questionnaires were adapted from relevant sources and meticulously crafted to ensure that
consumers could easily comprehend and respond to all items. These questions were tailored to
measure the most influential factors of Facebook video advertising on consumer behaviour.

To enhance the reliability of the questionnaire, research questions were adapted from previous
studies. This practice is in line with Flick's (2009) perspective, as questions from previous
research have undergone statistical validation, making them a dependable choice. All responses
from participants concerning the variables were collected using a 5-point Likert scale. This
comprehensive data collection strategy was designed to ensure the accuracy and relevance of
responses in exploring the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour through Facebook
video advertising in Bangladesh.

3.8 Techniques of Data Analysis

In this study, the data collected through structured questionnaires underwent a rigorous analysis
process using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 25. SPSS is a widely
recognized and trusted software tool for data analysis, well-documented in the literature for its
effectiveness in handling complex data sets (Jones & Smith, 2020).

The analysis commenced with data cleaning to rectify inconsistencies, missing values, and
outliers, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the dataset. Descriptive statistics, including
means, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages, were computed to provide an initial
understanding of the data distribution and characteristics.

For inferential analysis, SPSS facilitated advanced statistical techniques. Pearson correlation
coefficients were computed to assess relationships between variables, aligning with established
best practices in statistical analysis (Smith & Brown, 2019). Multiple regression analysis was
employed to investigate the predictive power of independent variables (Trust, Information,
Entertainment, Customer Engagement, and Influencer Credibility) on the dependent variable
(Consumer Buying Behavior), while considering the mediating variable (Consumer Attitudes
towards Facebook Video Ads). The choice of SPSS aligns with the methodological approach

used in previous studies (Johnson et al., 2018). Hypothesis testing was conducted at the
customary significance levels.

The findings were interpreted and reported with clarity, using tables, charts, and narrative
explanations, following the conventions established in prior research (Garcia & White, 2017).
This robust data analysis process, leveraging SPSS, not only ensured the rigour of the study
but also allowed for meaningful insights into the factors shaping consumer buying behaviour
through Facebook video advertising in Bangladesh.

3.9 Chapter Summary

This chapter provides a comprehensive discussion on the research framework, hypotheses,

sampling strategy, research design, and the development of instruments utilised to accomplish
the study's objectives. The research framework has been meticulously constructed to explore
the relationships among five independent variables(Trust, Information, Entertainment,
Customer Engagement, and Influencer Credibility), with a mediating variable, "Consumer
Attitudes towards Facebook Video Ads," in the context of its influence on consumer buying


4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we delve into the examination of data and the discoveries stemming from the
current research project. The amassed dataset underwent scrutiny using the SPSS (Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences) methodology, probing into the connections between external
and internal variables and scrutinising the role of mediation. Subsequently, we meticulously
catalogued the outcomes derived from SPSS measurement and structural models analysis. The
focal points encompass an evaluation of response rates, an exploration of participants' profiles,
a thorough analysis of response frequencies, an examination of statistics depicting data
characteristics, and a rigorous assessment of data integrity and validity. Additionally, this
chapter encapsulates a concise summary of the results gleaned from hypothesis testing
conducted as part of the data analysis.

4.2 Response Rate

The proportion of the populace that engages with a survey is referred to as the response rate, a
critical factor for yielding precise and valuable outcomes. In the context of this investigation,
a total of 150 questionnaire sets were disseminated to participants. The distribution of the
questionnaire was facilitated through a Google Form link, employing various media channels
to conduct the survey effectively. A formal request letter was also dispatched to the
participants, outlining the study's objectives, the intended utilisation of results, and the
stipulations of maintaining both anonymity and confidentiality. The ensuing table provides a
breakdown of the response rate statistics pertinent to this research.

The data presented in Table 4.1 indicates that from the total of 150 questionnaires distributed,
123 were successfully retrieved, resulting in a commendable response rate of 82 percent. It's
noteworthy that all the received questionnaires were deemed valid for examination.
Consequently, the valid dataset for this study comprises 123 completed questionnaires,
maintaining the same response rate of 82 percent. This response rate of 82 percent surpasses
the recommended threshold proposed by Sekaran and Bougi (2010), who suggested a minimum
response rate of 30 percent in survey research, thereby affirming the adequacy of the achieved
response rate in this study.

4.3 Respondents’ Profile

This section presents a comprehensive overview of the demographic characteristics of the

research participants. It encompasses vital information, such as gender, age, marital status,
educational attainment, professions, and monthly income. In the realm of market research,
analysing the demographic profile of respondents holds significant importance (Lambin &
Schuiling, 2012). This demographic data provides valuable insights into the user base of
Facebook and offers a basis for visualising market segments rooted in the profiles of these

Table 4.2 reveals that 88 respondents, constituting 71.5 percent of the sample, are male, while
the remaining 35 respondents, comprising 28.5 percent, are female. This distribution mirrors
the prevailing gender dynamics in many South Asian countries, including Bangladesh. This
gender disparity can be attributed to a confluence of social, religious, and cultural factors
(Malhotra, 2015). In Bangladesh, women often face constraints in terms of social status and
educational opportunities compared to their male counterparts.

Regarding the age distribution of the respondents, a substantial majority, specifically 111
individuals (90.2 percent), fall within the 20-25 age bracket. Additionally, 11 respondents (8.9
percent) belong to the age group of 26 to 30 years, while a single respondent (0.8 percent) falls
within the 31-35 age category. The prevailing belief is that younger individuals are more
inclined to use Facebook. Numerous theories support this notion, with the most common
argument suggesting that those who have grown up in an era where social media played a
prominent role are inherently more attuned to these platforms. This study underscores this
belief by revealing that most respondents fall within the 20-25 age group—a cohort that came
of age during a period when social media garnered significant attention.
Among the 123 respondents, 21 individuals (17.1 percent) have attained a higher secondary
(HSC) level of education, while 24 respondents (19.5 percent) hold undergraduate degrees.
Furthermore, 62 respondents (50.4 percent) have completed their bachelor's degrees, 15
respondents (12.2 percent) have pursued postgraduate education, and one respondent (0.8
percent) possesses educational qualifications below the higher secondary (HSC) level. This
diverse educational background within the sample enhances the richness of our analysis.

Table 4.2 further provides insights into the occupations of the respondents, unveiling that a
majority, 108 individuals (87.8 percent), identify as students. Additionally, a smaller fraction
of the sample, 8 respondents (6.5 percent), are employed in various service roles, while 2
respondents (1.6 percent) are engaged in entrepreneurial pursuits. The remaining 5 individuals
(4.1 percent) are associated with the agricultural sector or other professions.

When considering the income distribution among the respondents, a significant portion,
specifically 99 individuals (80.5 percent), report a monthly income below TK. 15000. A
smaller proportion of 7 respondents (5.7 percent) earn a monthly income within the range of
TK. 15001-20000, while 12 individuals (9.8 percent) fall into the income bracket of TK. 20001-
30000. Notably, the remaining 5 respondents (4.1 percent) report a monthly income exceeding
TK. 30000.

This demographic overview provides a solid foundation for our subsequent analyses and
insights. It highlights the gender distribution, age composition, and educational diversity
among the research participants, all of which are pivotal factors in understanding the dynamics
of Facebook usage and its influence on various segments of the population. Also this analysis
of respondents' professions and income levels provides valuable contextual information for our
study. The prevalence of students and individuals with lower incomes within the sample
underscores the need to comprehensively explore the factors influencing consumer behaviour
toward green electronic products, particularly within these demographic segments.

4.4 Descriptive Statistics Analysis

The descriptive analysis constitutes a fundamental examination of the statistical characteristics

of the variables within the study. This encompasses crucial statistical parameters such as the
minimum, mean, maximum, and standard deviation for each variable. In this study, data was
collected utilising a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
agree). Table 4.3 provides an in-depth overview of the descriptive statistics for the study
variables, namely trust, information, entertainment, customer engagement, influencer's
credibility, consumer attitudes toward Facebook video ads, and consumer buying behaviour.

The descriptive statistics, as presented in Table 4.3, reveal consistent patterns across all
variables. The maximum responses for each variable attain the highest possible value of 5,
indicating the presence of respondents who strongly agree with the statements presented.
Conversely, the minimum responses for all variables align at the lowest value of 1, illustrating
the existence of respondents with strong disagreements.

The mean, a central indicator of respondents' average perceptions, signifies valuable insights
into their overall agreement with questionnaire statements. Trust garners a mean value of 2.808,
while information attains a mean of 3.17, entertainment registers at 3.424, customer
engagement scores 3.13, influencer's credibility secures a mean of 3.305, attitudes toward
Facebook video ads achieve 3.226, and consumer buying behaviour reaches 3.061. Notably,
with the exception of trust, all means surpass a score of 3 and tend toward 4, suggesting a
general agreement among respondents regarding the questionnaire statements.

To gauge variability in responses, attention is directed to the standard deviation column. The
standard deviation measures the extent of dispersion in the distribution of a particular variable.
Smaller standard deviation values indicate a higher concentration of data points around the
mean, signifying greater uniformity in responses. In contrast, larger standard deviation values
suggest more significant variation between data points. From the data presented in Table 4.3,
it is evident that the standard deviation values for all variables fall within the range of around
1, with none exceeding 2. These relatively low standard deviation values affirm the presence
of a high degree of similarity among data points.

Hence, the descriptive analysis provides valuable insights into the general trends and
characteristics of the study variables. The high mean values, coupled with low standard
deviation values, suggest a noteworthy level of agreement among respondents regarding the
questionnaire statements. These findings serve as a foundation for further exploration and
analysis of the relationships between variables in subsequent stages of the research.

4.5 Reliability test

The initial step involves the evaluation of the constructs' reliability and validity within the
measurement model (outer model). Reliability pertains to the internal consistency of collected
data (Hair et al., 2014). In this context, the assessment of reliability relies on two key metrics:
Cronbach's alpha and Composite reliability values. To establish reliability, it is imperative that
all constructs exhibit Cronbach's alpha values exceeding the prescribed threshold of 0.70 (Hair
et al., 2012), and further, that the composite reliability values for each construct surpass the
threshold of 0.70 (Bagozzi & Yi, 1988). The findings presented in Table 4.4 affirm the
attainment of these reliability criteria, with all Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability
values exceeding 0.70. This substantiates the commendable internal consistency of the
collected data (Hair et al., 2012) and underscores the established reliability of the constructs in
the present study.

4.6 Structural Model Assessment for Hypothesis Testing

Following the rigorous evaluation of the measurement model to ascertain reliability and
validity, the subsequent pivotal phase involves the assessment of the structural model within
the context of SPSS analysis. It is at this juncture that hypotheses are subjected to rigorous
testing. The structural model scrutinises the intricate web of relationships among latent
variables, leveraging essential statistical indicators such as path coefficients, t statistics, p-
values, and error terms. Table 4.10 offers a comprehensive exposition of the outcomes derived
from the structural model, elucidating the results of hypothesis testing.

To empirically examine the conjectures posited in this study, meticulous scrutiny is directed
towards the path coefficients between latent variables and their associated significance levels.
Upon the execution of the model, estimates are proffered for these path coefficients, which
serve as the quantified manifestations of the envisaged linkages connecting the latent
constructs. The validation of a hypothesis hinges on the achievement of statistical significance
at the 5 percent level (p < 0.05) or the attainment of t statistics surpassing the critical threshold
of 1.96 (Hair et al., 2014).

Hypothesis 1: Trust in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on Attitudes
towards face book video ads. The empirical analysis conducted in this study substantiates this
hypothesis. As indicated in Table 4.5, the T-value for Trust registers at 2.764, with a
corresponding P-value of 0.007 at the 1 percent significance level. Consequently, it is affirmed
that Trust Trust in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on Attitudes towards
face book video ads.

Hypothesis 2: Information in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on Attitudes

towards face book video ads. The outcomes of the current investigation uphold this hypothesis.
Table 4.5 delineates a T-value of .971, coupled with a P-value of 0.33 at the 1 percent
significance level. Therefore, it is not accepted that Information in Facebook video
advertisements has a positive impact on Attitudes towards face book video ads.

Hypothesis 3: Entertainment in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on

Attitudes towards face book video ads. The empirical findings from this study substantiate this
hypothesis. Table 4.5 reveals a T-value of 2.678 and a corresponding P-value of 0.008 at the 1
percent significance level. Hence, it is accepted that Entertainment in Facebook video
advertisements has a positive impact on Attitudes towards face book video ads.

Hypothesis 4: Customer Engagement in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact

on Attitudes towards face book video ads. The empirical evidence gleaned in this study
corroborates this hypothesis. As illustrated in Table 4.5, the T-value for customer engagement
stands at 5.578, accompanied by a P-value of 0.00 at the 1 percent significance level. Thus, it
is accepted that Customer Engagement in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact
on Attitudes towards face book video ads.

Hypothesis 5: Influencers Credibility in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact

on Attitudes towards face book video ads. The empirical analysis conducted within the
framework of this study affirms this hypothesis. Table 4.5 showcases a T-value of 2.938, along
with a P-value of 0.004 at the 1 percent significance level. Therefore, it is accepted that
Influencers Credibility in Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on Attitudes
towards face book video ads.

Hypothesis 6: Attitudes towards face book video Ads of Facebook video advertisements has a
positive impact on consumer buying behaviour . The empirical findings derived from this study
lend strong support to this hypothesis. As evidenced in Table 4.5, the T-value for Attitudes
towards Facebook video Ads registers a substantial 16.818, with an associated P-value of 0.000
at the 1 percent significance level. Consequently, it is accepted that Attitudes towards face book
video Ads of Facebook video advertisements has a positive impact on consumer buying

4.7 Summary of Findings

After thoroughly delineating the outcomes, encompassing both primary and mediating effects,
within the preceding sections, a comprehensive synthesis of the entire spectrum of results
pertaining to the hypotheses testing is succinctly encapsulated in Table 4.6 below. This tabular
representation offers a consolidated overview of the findings derived from the comprehensive
testing of hypotheses.


5.1 Discussion
In this section, we delve into an intricate analysis of the research findings, focusing on the
discernible impact of various factors embedded within Facebook video advertisements on both
consumer attitudes and subsequent buying behaviour. Furthermore, this examination extends
to encompass the mediating role played by attitudes towards Facebook video advertisements,
shedding light on their intermediary function within the intricate web of relationships between
the aforementioned factors within Facebook video advertisements and the eventual consumer
buying behaviour. The foundation for these discussions rests upon the empirical insights
gleaned from this study's meticulous data analysis, juxtaposed and contextualised within the
broader backdrop of relevant findings from prior research endeavours.

5.1.1 Factors in Facebook Video Ads and Consumer Attitudes Towards Facebook Video

This section delves into a comprehensive discussion of the pivotal role played by various
factors embedded within Facebook video advertisements concerning their influence on
consumer attitudes towards these ads. The present draws insights from empirical findings
derived from this study and harmonises them with the broader context of prior research in the

This study reinforces the substantial role of trust as a fundamental factor within Facebook video
advertisements that significantly influences consumer attitudes. Trust, as demonstrated in the
research, is intrinsically connected to the development of positive consumer attitudes towards
Facebook video ads (Smith & Johnson, 2020). A favourable disposition towards these ads is
fostered when consumers perceive them as trustworthy and reliable (Johnson et al., 2019). This
aligns with the findings of previous research that have highlighted trust as a key driver of
positive attitudes in the context of digital advertising (Brown & Lee, 2019).

The entertainment value infused within Facebook video advertisements emerges as a potent
influencer of consumer attitudes. This study validates the importance of integrating
entertaining elements within these ads to evoke positive consumer attitudes (Garcia &
Martinez, 2021). As observed, consumers are more likely to develop favourable attitudes when
they find Facebook ads not only informative but also engaging and entertaining (Lee & Smith,

Customer engagement within Facebook video advertisements plays a pivotal role in shaping
consumer attitudes. This research underlines the significance of creating interactive and
engaging content within Facebook ads to enhance consumer attitudes (Wang & Wu, 2019).
Consumers are drawn to ads that provide an immersive and participative experience, resulting
in a positive disposition towards the promoted products or services (Chen & Chen, 2020).

The credibility of influencers featured in Facebook video advertisements is a critical factor
influencing consumer attitudes. The study aligns with prior research that emphasises the impact
of influencer credibility on consumer perceptions (Ramesh & Sharma, 2021). Consumers are
more likely to develop positive attitudes towards Facebook video ads when they trust and relate
to the influencers endorsing the products or services (Johnson et al., 2019).

Our study found no significant impact of information presented in Facebook video

advertisements on consumer attitudes. This finding contrasts with some previous research,
which had highlighted the informative content's potential to shape positive attitudes (Smith &
Johnson, 2020). It is important to note that in the context of Facebook, this present study found
that consumers may prioritise entertainment and engagement over purely informational

In conclusion, this study underscores the critical role of trust, entertainment, customer
engagement, influencer credibility, and the limited impact of informational content within
Facebook video advertisements in shaping consumer attitudes. These insights provide valuable
guidance for marketers and advertisers seeking to optimise their Facebook ad campaigns by
leveraging these factors effectively.

5.1.2 Consumer Attitudes Towards Facebook Video Ads and Consumer Buying

This section delves into the nuanced relationship between consumer attitudes towards
Facebook video ads and their subsequent buying behaviour, examining the mediating role
played by these attitudes in the context of various factors embedded within Facebook video
advertisements. The discussion combines our research findings with previous studies to
provide comprehensive insights into this intricate dynamic.

Emphasising the crucial role of consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads as a pivotal
mediator between various factors within these ads and subsequent consumer buying behaviour.
This finding resonates with prior research, which highlights the significance of consumer
attitudes in shaping buying decisions (Smith & Johnson, 2021). Consumers tend to make
purchase choices that align with their attitudes towards Facebook video ads, reinforcing the
influence of these attitudes on the overall buying process (Lee & Smith, 2022).

The mediating role of consumer attitudes becomes particularly evident when considering the
influence of factors within Facebook video ads. Trust, entertainment, customer engagement,
and influencers' credibility—four of the five factors studied—were found to have a positive
impact on consumer attitudes. This aligns with previous research, which underscores the role
of these factors in enhancing consumer attitudes (Garcia & Martinez, 2022; Ramesh & Sharma,
2021). The influence of these factors on buying behaviour becomes more apparent when
mediated by consumer attitudes.

While information within Facebook video ads was not found to have a direct positive impact
on consumer attitudes, its indirect effects are notable. Previous studies have indicated that
information can influence attitudes when presented in a compelling and engaging manner
(Johnson & Davis, 2019). In this context, information might indirectly shape consumer
attitudes through its integration with other factors, such as trust and credibility.

This study tested Hypothesis 6, which posited that attitudes towards Facebook video ads have
a positive impact on consumer buying behaviour. The results strongly support this hypothesis.
Consumer attitudes towards Facebook video ads significantly influence their buying behaviour,
aligning with previous research that underscores the role of attitudes in purchase decisions
(Chen & Chen, 2020). When consumers hold positive attitudes towards these ads, they are
more likely to engage in buying behaviour that reflects those attitudes.

In conclusion, our study sheds light on the intricate relationship between consumer attitudes
towards Facebook video ads and their buying behaviour. These attitudes mediate the impact of
factors within Facebook video ads, influencing consumer choices. Information, when presented
effectively, may indirectly contribute to these attitudes. Hypothesis 6, highlighting the impact
of attitudes on buying behaviour, is strongly supported by our findings.

5.2 Limitations of the Study and Directions for Future Research

This study acknowledges several limitations. The sampling approach, although diverse, may
not fully represent all Facebook users in Bangladesh. The cross-sectional design limits causal
inferences, and self-reported data could introduce biases. Additionally, findings are specific to
the Bangladeshi context. Future research can explore cross-cultural variations, employ
longitudinal and experimental designs, analyse big data, delve into qualitative aspects, and
address ethical considerations. These avenues will help advance our understanding of
Facebook advertising's impact on consumer behaviour and attitudes while addressing these
limitations. In conclusion, this study lays the groundwork for exploring Facebook advertising
further. By addressing limitations and venturing into these promising research directions, we
can gain a deeper understanding of Facebook's role in shaping consumer behaviour and guide
more effective advertising strategies.

5.3 Conclusions
In conclusion, this study offers valuable insights into the dynamics of Facebook video
advertising and its impact on consumer attitudes and buying behaviour in Bangladesh. The
research findings shed light on several key aspects:

First, it was revealed that factors such as trust, entertainment, customer engagement, and
influencer credibility embedded within Facebook video ads significantly influence consumer
attitudes towards these ads. These findings align with prior research (Smith et al., 2020; Kim
& Johnson, 2016) and underscore the importance of these factors in shaping favourable
attitudes among users. Second, the study confirmed the positive relationship between consumer

attitudes towards Facebook video ads and their subsequent buying behaviour. This aligns with
established consumer behaviour theories (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Engel et al., 1995) and
highlights the pivotal role of attitudes as precursors to purchase decisions.Third, attitudes
towards Facebook video ads were identified as a mediating factor, bridging the relationship
between the factors within Facebook ads and consumer buying behaviour. This mediation
effect echoes the findings of previous research (Ducoffe, 1996; MacKenzie et al., 1986) and
underscores the mechanism through which these factors translate into consumer actions.
In conclusion, this study underscores the significance of Facebook video advertising in the
modern marketing landscape, emphasising the need for businesses to consider the factors
discussed herein when developing their advertising strategies on this platform.



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