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Report 2023
Integrated Report 2023
From Toyota’s Leaders Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Value Creation
Message from the Chairman ......................................................................
03 Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society of the Future
Message from the CSO .................................................................................... 61
Message from the President ....................................................................... 04 as a Car Company
Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors ............. 62
 oyota Group Vision:
T Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society .................................................
23 Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors..................................... 65
“Investing Our Path Forward, Together ............................................ 06
We are taking on the challenge of evolving cars and changing the
Corporate Governance ..................................................................................... 68
As the concept of the automotive sector is undergoing a major transforma- future of automobiles based on the concepts of “making ever-better Risk Management and Compliance .................................................... 71
tion, the Toyota Group is aiming to change its model to become a corpo- cars” and becoming a “best-in-town” carmaker.
rate group that provides smiles and happiness to people around the world. Certification Testing Misconduct at Daihatsu Motor ............ 72
Toyota Mobility Concept ............................................................................... 23
Sustainability Issues and Initiatives: Materiality ...................... 13 Message from the CFO .................................................................................... 74
Product-centered Management ............................................................. 27
Capital Strategy ....................................................................................................... 77
Region-centered Management ................................................................ 29
Toyota’s Origins and Materialities (Key Issues)

The Environment ..................................................................................................... 78

We develop and learn from We build a sense of
We show humility for
We unite as one team outstanding ideas and We focus on work community and

Human-centered Car Making ................................................................... 31

the support of our
regardless of rank in cutting-edge technologies that is value-adding, promote the personal
across the world. business by our valued

Circular Economy ................................................................................................... 82

Toyoda Principles order to contribute with integrity and growth of our
We enhance our stakeholders and
to our people, practicality, people while valuing
(DNA / Philosophy) capabilities utilizing our society while also

Motorsports—Developing the DAT .................................................. 31

society, and own wisdom and create by avoiding mutual trust and equal
respecting the
communities. new value to continue to superficial matters. partnership with our

Human Resource Development ............................................................... 83

diversity of the world.
lead the change. stakeholders.

Value The Toyota Way —Combining Software,

Our Inheritance of Craftsmanship ....................................................
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ................................................................. 86
Inheritance Hardware and Partnership to Create Unique Value—

The Century: A Singular Automobile Representing

Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities ........ 88
Mission Producing Happiness for All

Vision Creating Mobility for All the Height of Japanese Sensibilities .............................................. 33
Respect for Human Rights ............................................................................ 89
What Toyota
“Ever-better cars” “Best-in-town” “For the sake of others” Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality ................................................. 35
Value Chain Collaboration ............................................................................. 90
holds dear

Transformation into a mobility company

Providing our customers around the world with options for mobility Vehicle Safety ............................................................................................................. 92
“Let’s change the future of cars”

Coexistence of Supporting the Strong under our multi-pathway strategy while also promoting decarbonization
Quality and Information Security ............................................................ 95
Expanding Active
Safety & Humanity & the Community Production
the Value
Reliability Earth (including and
and Business of our monozukuri (manufacturing) and supply chains serves as the
of Mobility for all
Materialities carbon neutrality) Employment Operation core of our activities.
Intellectual Property and Privacy ............................................................ 96
Evolution (key issues)

Multi-pathway Strategy 37

Meeting Diverse Global Needs with Our Full Lineup 37

Corporate Data
The Source of Our Value Creation: Hybrids and Plug-in Hybrids ..................................................................... 38
Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory
What Makes Us Toyota The Prius: A Car That is Loved for More than Its Numbers ..... 38
Board Members ....................................................................................................... 97
Battery EV Strategy ........................................................................................... 40
Our Founding Spirit .............................................................................................. 14 Operating Officers and Organizational Structure ............... 100
Hydrogen Business Strategy ..................................................................... 46
The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy ......................... 15 Global Perspective/Data by Region ................................................. 101
Motorsports—Hydrogen Engines ..................................................... 48
Toyota Production System (TPS) ............................................................
16 History ............................................................................................................................ 102
Carbon Neutral Fuel Initiatives ................................................................. 49
Product-centered Management .............................................................
17 Financial Summary ........................................................................................... 103
Dr. Gill Pratt’s Presentation at Davos ................................................. 50
Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point Corporate Information and Stock Information ...................... 105
in Motorsports ........................................................................................................... 19 Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars ................. 52
Toyota and Sports .................................................................................................. 21 Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement ..... 54
Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker ................................................. 22 Commercial Sector Initiatives .................................................................... 55
Woven City .................................................................................................................... 58
Chairman Akio Toyoda declared that he would “restore what makes
us Toyota,” and as a result of his many years of struggle, the founda- Let’s Change the Future of Cars:
tion of Toyota as we know it today has been laid. Japan Mobility Show 2023 ........................................................................... 59

Integrated Report
Period Covered
The Integrated Report 2023 is intended to communicate to stakeholders Toyota’s policies
and strategies for addressing management issues to achieve its vision for the future. More FY2023 (April 2022 to March 2023). Some initiatives executed in FY2024 (April 2023 to January 2024) are
detailed information is available from the Toyota Times website as well as Toyota’s other also included.
reports and websites.
(Published February 2024) Scope of Report

Initiatives and activities of Toyota Motor Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries, etc., in Japan
and overseas

Toyota’s Reports and Publications

Reference Guidelines

This report was prepared with reference to the International Integrated Reporting Framework issued by the
Integrated Report IFRS Foundation.

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of the report’s main sections each section

Financial Results/Operating Results Corporate Governance Report From Toyota’s Leaders

The Source of
Our Value Creation:
What Makes Us Toyota
Value Creation Story:
Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society
of the Future as a Car Company
Business Foundations for
Value Creation
Corporate Data Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker

With an eye toward “Producing Happiness

for All” - Selections from the Q&A session of

Toyota’s 1H/2Q financial results briefing

The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy

In 1935, five years after the passing of Sakichi Toyoda, the Company
had grown to more than 10,000 employees as the automotive business DNA Modern Interpretation
ramped up. The Toyoda Principles were compiled at this time to convey Toyota’s basic principles • We unite as one team regardless of rank in order to contribute to our people, society,

IR section of Toyota’s website Sustainability section of Toyota’s website

and communities.
Sakichi’s teachings to all employees and provide guidelines for all Toyoda Principles
Each section contains icons that
• We develop and learn from outstanding ideas and cutting-edge technologies across the world.
aspects of their work. We enhance our capabilities utilizing our own wisdom and create new value to continue to lead
The Toyoda Principles, or Five the change.
The top management of Toyota that took over from Kiichiro, Sakichi’s Main Principles of Toyoda, • We focus on work that is value-adding, with integrity and practicality, by avoiding
son, further codified the Toyota Philosophy, encompassing Toyota’s have since been handed superficial matters.

link to related pages of the report

values, priorities, and strengths. This philosophy provided the answer to down to every Toyota Group • We build a sense of community and promote the personal growth of our people while valuing
company and serve as mutual trust and equal partnership with our stakeholders.
the fundamental question, “What is Toyota?” as a touchstone for the guidelines for all employees. • We show humility for the support of our business by our valued stakeholders and society while
Five Main Principles
entire Group. also respecting the diversity of the world.
of Toyoda

as well as and
The automotive industry is experiencing a once-in-a-century transforma-
tion. In the same way that Toyota transitioned from loom maker to automak-
er, we are now reinventing ourselves as a mobility company. MISSION
Financial Non-financial To guide us as we push forward into the future amid an era of

icons that link to

Toyota’s mission since its foundation
uncertainty, we have now created the Toyota Philosophy Cone,
a graphic representation of the Toyota Philosophy presented in a shape Producing Happiness for All
that evokes both the spools of thread used in looms and the traffic Born into a family of poor farmers, Sakichi Toyoda built the bedrock of today’s Toyota by inventing the Toyoda Automatic Loom by

relevant web pages online.

himself. Abandoning the easy path left by his father, Kiicihro Toyoda took on the challenge of making cars. Many at the time said it
cones used to guide cars.
was impossible.
Their passion was carried on by those who worked with them, shaping the Toyota we know today. What they truly wanted to Sakichi Toyoda
make was a sense of happiness for any customer who used their products, as well as happiness for every person involved in the
work related to those products. The core of this aspiration was the idea of producing happiness for all.

* Requires an internet connection.

What is Toyota? Toyota Philosophy Cone However, during Toyota’s long history, there was a brief time when we turned our focus to numbers and gave less thought to
people. Primarily due to our rapid expansion in the late 20th century, we faced many problems, including quality concerns and
trade friction.

Notes throughout this publication

Let us not forget that there are some things that machines cannot create. Only humans can invest the time and energy to bring
Sakichi Toyoda’s life to such things. We strive to stay ahead of the times, endeavoring to be studious and creative for the betterment of lives and
resolution society. Using our technology, we work toward a future of convenience and happiness available to all. This is our mission, producing
happiness for all, and the core of what makes us Toyota.
Kiichiro Toyoda



The names of some people, businesses, organizations, etc. that appearing in this publication’s text
The future vision that Toyota aspires to Value that Toyota can promise to stakeholders
Creating Mobility for All Toyota Way
Toyota strives to raise the quality and availability of mobility, so that individuals, As we work to realize mobility for all, the road will be rough at times.
businesses, municipalities, and communities can do more, while achieving a In addition to our commitment to monozukuri (manufacturing),

have been abbreviated.

Management is sustainable relationship with our planet. This is our new destination. we must foster imagination regarding the possibilities of people
about people Motorization has enabled freedom of movement and has brought people and society. These tangible and intangible aspects together
and society closer. As a result, more people than ever can now experience power Toyota: imagination fuels monozukuri, and monozukuri
mobility, including the “fun to drive” experience. sparks new imagination. In advancing this cycle, it is essential to
Stakeholders And yet, challenges related to mobility persist. There are still many potential center the perspectives of our many stakeholders, imagining
opportunities to overcome inconveniences and break through the impossible their points of view.
with new possibilities. We work with our stakeholders and partners, each elevating
“To move” can refer to physical motion, but also to the experience of being the other, uniting our strengths to create new and unique value.
emotionally moved. It is our role to move people and bring mobility to life—to This is the new Toyota Way.
move hearts, minds, and bodies. To move society.

Integrated Report 5

Integrated Report
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Message from the Chairman

we envision. Also, the automobile industry as a whole

encompasses a comprehensive range of businesses and is
supported by 5.5 million of our colleagues in Japan, a num-
ber we foresee growing to 8.5 million and eventually 10
million as it continues to grow into a mobility industry.
We also have the support of even more colleagues around
the world.

I believe that “the future is something we create together.” I

also believe that a future created by colleagues who share a
philosophy of “building a better future for the smiles of our
customers” and who trust and empathize with each other
will be vastly different than one created through regulations
and external pressure.

The world we live in today is becoming increasingly confron-

tational and divided. The experience of living in such an era is
precisely why I have come to firmly believe that it is important
that today’s adults consider the nature of the visions of the
future are they are sharing with and the lessons they are
passing on to the children who will one day inherit it. In
Japan, we have the beautiful word arigato (thank you).
Arigato is a magic word that has the power to make those
around us happy. Together with our many colleagues, we at
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our loyal Company founder Kiichiro Toyoda once said, “Rather than Toyota hope to create, for the sake of future generations, a
Toyota car customers around the world, to our sharehold- simply making automobiles, we must create a domestic Japan in which arigato is a word frequently shared in a soci-
ers who support our efforts, and to all of our stakeholders. automobile industry through the intellect and skills of the ety that is supported through trust and empathy.
We are able to go forward in spite of the many obstacles Japanese people.” As such, Toyota is not a company
we encounter on a daily basis because of all of you. established simply for the creation of automobiles. It is a Nothing would bring us more joy than to have all of our
company born from the philosophies of “producing happi- stakeholders share in this desire with us. It is our sincere
The automobile industry is now entering what has been ness for all” and “building a better future.” hope that you will continue to support Toyota’s activities for
called a once-in-a-century transformational period. Against a long time to come.
this backdrop, we at Toyota are taking on the challenge of As the automobile industry directly serves its customers
making a full model change into a mobility company. with products that become an integral part of their daily
lives, the smiles of those customers are central to the future

Integrated Report 3
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Message from the President

“Let’s change the future of cars!” serves as our shared

motto for this endeavor.

In order to fulfill our mission of “producing happiness for all,”

we will work to minimize the detrimental effects that automo-
biles have on society—including traffic accidents, pollution,
and congestion—while maximizing the benefits—including
convenience, comfort, and the enjoyment of driving. To this
end, we aim to transform ourselves into a mobility company
by leveraging our foundation of “making ever-better
cars”—a desire expressed through the phrase “Let’s
change the future of cars.” We are taking on multifaceted
challenges based on the Toyota Mobility Concept, which
summarizes the three specific areas of our efforts: “transi-
tioning cars to mobility,” “expanding mobility access,” and
“synergy of mobility and infrastructure.”

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our and product- and region-based management, we now have In response to the pressing need for carbon neutrality, we
esteemed shareholders and stakeholders for their ongoing a foundation for sustainable growth rooted in what makes will keep decarbonizing our supply chain and monozukuri
support of Toyota’s activities. us Toyota along with the ability to leverage a full product (manufacturing). In terms of mobility, we will offer a range of
lineup and a global business foundation. solutions under our multi-pathway strategy to provide
Over the past 14 years, we have made repeated efforts to options to our customers worldwide. The fundamental idea
restore what makes us Toyota to our products. We have With this foundation in place, I believe we are entering our here is to close in on the “future of energy” and the “expec-
poured our sweat into our genba (front lines) to make “implementation acceleration” phase. We will accelerate tations of our customers around the world.”
“ever-better cars” for the sake of our customers’ smiles. We processes and raise the level of implementation because
have aimed to be a “best-in-town” company that is sup- we believe providing concrete solutions that demonstrate From a sustainability perspective and given the characteris-
ported by the local communities in which we do business. our vision is critical to the realization of a future in which tics of energy, I believe that, in the medium to long term,
As a result of these years of effort to return to the basics mobility generates a great deal of happiness.

Integrated Report 4
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Message from the President

electricity and hydrogen will become the dominant energy We want to not only electrify the powertrain but to develop
sources supporting the society of the future. On the other battery EVs that will set a new value standard for cars. Our
hand, given the global energy situation, we need a variety of new architecture, which allows for a low center of gravity
short-term mobility options that will contribute to a stable and a low hood, will transform both car design and the driv-
supply of energy in a way that addresses environmental ing experience. We will also connect with various partners,
concerns while ensuring the protection of lifestyle affluence. services, and society through the software platform Arene,
which we developed in collaboration with Woven by Toyota,
With this in mind, Toyota is committed to achieving carbon to make mobility more convenient and fun.
neutrality through practical transitions while looking to the
future of energy, so that no one is left behind. The future of Toyota’s unique “Software Defined Vehicle”
(SDV), which we are aiming for with the next-generation
To meet the diverse needs of our customers, we are cur- battery EV as our lead project, will be built on a foundation The key to realizing new value through these challenges is
rently strengthening development to increase the number of of well-designed hardware, and we will leverage the power to enhance the creativity of Toyota’s human resources.
plug-in hybrid vehicle options by clearly positioning them as of software to freely expand the value of cars to meet the
“practical Battery EVs” while also expanding sales of hybrid needs of each individual customer. As innovation arises from a diversity of values, it is critical to
vehicles, which are the most promising option for the time establish a workplace culture that supports the exchange of
being, especially in emerging countries. Starting with SDVs, the car of the future will be able to cre- diverse ideas, encourages employees to take on challenges
ate new value that complements our daily lives by integrat- without fear of failure, and enables them to connect diversi-
Through collaboration with various partners, we are accel- ing with social systems via connections with various types ty to future value. We need to secure a foundation that
erating the creation of the infrastructure necessary to the of movement, including people, goods, information, and empowers all employees to realize their full potential. This is
promotion of hydrogen mobility, starting with commercial energy. We will also pursue the possibility of a new value exactly why, as a Company-wide project, we intend to
vehicles. In this way, we will help realize a hydrogen- chain by enhancing the value of cars and mobility through enhance our comprehensive investment in human capital,
powered society. collaboration with financial services, energy infrastructure, which includes promoting digital innovation, promoting
dealerships, and housing. diversity among our human resources, reforming our
We are working tirelessly to create next-generation battery corporate culture and workstyles, and enhancing the work-
EVs by utilizing our expertise as carmakers and bolstering As we continue to build on carbon-neutral initiatives, we place environment, including factories.
our lineup. at Toyota are committed to spearheading the shift from
the automotive to the mobility industry and will rise to the Uniting the strengths of the 370,000 members of Global
challenge alongside our many colleagues. I believe that Toyota and many more, we will continue to take on the
the evolution of mobility and new business growth will challenge of creating a future of mobility based on trust and
result from our efforts to enhance the added value of empathy, and we look forward to the ongoing support of all
cars with the various industries that support our of our stakeholders.
customers’ lives.

Integrated Report 5
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota Unveils "Inventing Our Path

Toyota Group Vision: “Inventing Our Path Forward, Together” Group Vision—
Chairman Toyoda:
"I Will Lead the
Forward, Together"—
Chairman Toyoda
Presents His Vision
Transformation" for Toyota

Let’s follow the threads of history back to August 27,

1945, less than two weeks after the war’s end. On
this day, the Toyota Group’s holding company,
“I would like to express my deepest apologies Toyoda Sangyo, held its first postwar board meeting.
to our customers and stakeholders for the
inconvenience and concern caused by the suc-
cessive irregularities at Hino Motors, Daihatsu
and Toyota Industries.”
“As the person responsible for the Toyota
Group, I will lead the transformation, and hope
that I can count on your continued support.”
On January 30, before the assembled press,
Chairman Akio Toyoda declared his commit-
ment to leading the Toyota Group.
Ahead of this press conference at the Toyota All those in attendance had sustained the compa-
ny since its founding.
Commemorative Museum of Industry and
Technology, senior managers and genba (front The session was held not at the Toyoda Sangyo Passion for invention is the Toyota
When they met immediately after the war, what did head office, but rather at Toyoda Automatic Loom Group’s true starting point
line) leaders from 17 Group companies gath-
they discuss? Works, the Group’s spiritual core.
ered at the venue to hear Chairman Toyoda
outline his vision. The above chart depicts the Toyota Group’s lin-
At that time, the Toyota Group was making a major When faced with a crisis, everyone comes togeth- eage, starting with the establishment of Toyoda
Unlike the press conference, in this session,
shift in its business areas, from the textile industry er and returns to the company’s origins. Shoten in 1895.
Chairman Toyoda spoke about the company’s
to automobiles and machinery manufacturing, pri-
past leaders, the core duty of a carmaker, and
marily for aircraft production. I believe that’s how our forefathers overcame Eager to ease the burden on his mother, Sakichi
the attitudes for ensuring that Toyota remains
needed in the future. numerous crises. Toyoda immersed himself in researching weaving
With the end of the war, demand for machinery machines, and in 1890 invented the Toyoda wood-
manufacturing had instantly dried up, and the And now the same is needed of us. en hand loom.
Group urgently needed to figure out how it
Committing to our next step forward would operate. Today, I stand here in the hope that, on this day, Thinking of others, learning, honing skills, mak-
the Toyota Group will commit to our next step. ing things, and bringing smiles to people’s fac-
One of the reasons I invited everyone here to the This board meeting was of tremendous signifi- es—I believe that this passion and attitude
Commemorative Museum of Industry and cance in determining the direction of the entire toward invention is truly the Toyota Group’s
Technology, which is rich in Toyota Group history, is Toyota Group. starting point.
because I wanted us all to consider what lies ahead.

Integrated Report 6
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota Group Vision: “Inventing Our Path Forward, Together”

Of course, neither an automobile nor the future

can be created by a single person.

We need partners to share the struggle, to encour-

age and elevate each other.

Many companies in the parts, steel, rubber, and

electronics industries started following in
Toyota’s footsteps.

From there, Toyoda Boshoku and Toyoda Automatic Not all bore the Toyoda name.
Loom Works were established, extending the com-
pany vertically like the warp threads on a loom. Despite their different backgrounds, Toyota joined
forces with partners who possessed a shared pur-
In the 1930s, Kiichiro Toyoda began to get actively pose: to establish an automobile industry.
involved in the business.
As we formed alliances with companies possess-
“It is not just about making automobiles. With ing their own unique character and strengths, the
Japanese ideas and skills, we must create an Toyota Group’s lineage extended horizontally, like
automobile industry for Japan.” the weft on a loom.

The Company’s founding spirit, the

carmaker’s core duty

Next, please look at the following chart.

In the Group’s vertical and horizontal expansions, I I think the first to forget this sentiment was none What we must consider, however, is where those
found distinct meanings. other than the Toyota Motor Corporation. volumes and profits are coming from.

Our vertical lineage continues to evolve through To make the mobility that sustains people’s lives If you merely reap from the fields seeded, plowed,
our unwavering commitment to paving the way for more enjoyable and richer, we need to make and cultivated by those who came before, such a
At that time, the technological standards of Japanese the future. ever-better cars. business cannot last long.
industry were lagging far behind the West.
And our horizontal lineage continues to evolve This is the company’s founding spirit and our core That was the case at Toyota Motor when I first
He, therefore, sought to revamp the country’s indus- together with our like-minded partners. duty as a carmaker. became president.
trial base by producing automobiles domestically.
You could say we have been living in an automobile However, somewhere along the way, we turned The 2008 financial crisis caused us to fall into the
In addition to automobiles, Kiichiro also studied industry that was woven together by the vertical into a company that prioritizes volumes and prof- red for the first time in company history, causing
aircraft. He is said to have told his son, Shoichiro, and horizontal threads spun by our predecessors. its—a company that makes money, not cars. trouble for the many people who support the auto-
to “build a house no fire can burn down.” mobile industry.
Do we understand and appreciate how fortunate When the numbers go up, you get showered with
What Kiichiro wanted to create was happiness for we are? praise. And people want to be praised. No one Furthermore, global recalls caused us to lose the
the people of Japan, and a future that allowed the can criticize that desire. trust of our customers, which is of the utmost
next generation to dream. importance to us.

Integrated Report 7
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota Group Vision: “Inventing Our Path Forward, Together”

I consider the Toyota Motor Corporation to have Sowing seeds does not grant immediate results. I have put together a list of attitudes to guide In this age of constant division, conflict, discord,
collapsed at that point. However, you also don’t need to struggle alone. our way. and vilification, wouldn’t you like to show how
adults can live for the sake of children, for some-
Over the next 14 years I gave my all, and together Our forefathers left us Toyota’s horizontal weft – Aim high and care deeply. one other than ourselves, and for the future?
with our partners managed to rebuild the company threads of our lineage. – Trust and uplift your colleagues.
to the point where we can once more be called a – Endlessly improve your craft. A path was left for us by those who came before.
carmaker. And yet, if we are not careful, I think we Today, I am truly grateful for these – Honesty first, integrity always. But as yet, no path lies ahead.
will soon find ourselves back in the same situation. connecting threads. – Connect and collaborate.
It is up to us to create it.
The Toyota Group’s path forward The future is something we all build together. We create the path
Inventing our path forward together
This is not just about Toyota Motor Corporation. Creating mutual gratitude and being The world we live in is undergoing a once-in-a-
needed in the future century transformation. With mobility as our core business, we will bring
Given the horizontal threads that connect us so smiles to people around the world.
closely, I believe that, just as Toyota Motor lost Although the history of our companies and the A time when there is no right answer.
sight of our origins, the same thing is now happen- products we make are different, I believe that all of We will build a future in which the children of
ing at other Group companies. us here share the same love and passion for Instead of seeking instant recognition, wouldn’t it tomorrow can dream more freely and more richly.
monozukuri [manufacturing] and the same desire be great to receive a “thank you” from those who
When a crisis threatens a company’s survival, as to make the world’s children happy. will live in the future and those who paved the path To everyone at the Toyota Group: let’s invent our
managers, we are always given two paths. that brought us here? path forward, together.
The Toyota Group’s essence is about valuing the
One heads for short-term success via stopgap origins and characters of each company and
measures and all-or-nothing bets. engaging earnestly and honestly with monozukuri.

The other leads back to the founding origins that That is, loving humanity and serving society.
give our existence meaning.
With this in mind, I have formulated a vision to
For us, there is only one right path—returning to which all of us at the Toyota Group can return.
the company’s starting point and fixing what had
gone wrong with our character. “Inventing our path forward together”

Yet, that is not all. Even as times change, the spirit of invention—a
desire to create something better—has been
At the same time, we must always continue to sow passed down to us through the generations.
seeds and take on new challenges for the future.
I believe these are our true roots.
Personally, while continuing the fight to restore
Toyota’s essence, I vowed not to stop sowing We should all embrace the spirit of invention within
seeds for the future, including TNGA and other R&D us, think of others, hone our skills, and continue to
investments, as well as building partnerships in new make the right things.
fields. I carried on with unwavering commitment.
By doing so, we will build a culture of mutual
Because such efforts weave the vertical warp gratitude and ensure the Toyota Group is needed
threads of our lineage. in the future.

Integrated Report 8
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota Group Vision: “Inventing Our Path Forward, Together”

Upon becoming president of Toyota, I set forth company. I view this as my own style of governance. Response to irregularities
After outlining his thoughts behind the Group’s the vision of “making ever-better cars.” People in
vision, Chairman Toyoda took questions from the the media said they didn’t know what I was A nice way of putting it is that I created a corpo-
press. Reporters eagerly asked the man respon- talking about and asked why I couldn’t put up rate culture where the genba can think and act on —— As Chairman, how do you regard the
sible for Toyota about his response to the irregu- numerical targets. its own initiative based on the straightforward series of irregularities? What do you see as
larities and plans for revamping the Group. vision of making ever-better cars. the causes of the successive irregularities
Employees often asked me, “What do you mean uncovered within the Toyota Group?
by ‘ever-better cars?’” You could also call it vision-driven management,
Regarding the Group vision genba-centered management, or product-cen-
I replied that this was for them to figure out and tered management.
deliberately avoided explaining what “ever-better
cars” meant to me. I believe that is why Toyota has If you look up the origins of the word governance,
come up with such a wide range of cars. you’ll find that it refers to guiding or steering a ship.
To me, that sounds closer to what I have been doing
Had I supplied an answer, we may have ended up than “overseeing, commanding, or administering.”
with nothing but sports cars.
Yet our TNGA, in-house company system, and I was able to do this thanks to the philosophy,
regional focus have led to new launches (or model skills, and conduct of Toyota’s genba. And a sim-
changes) for many different cars—commercial ple vision: “Let’s make ever-better cars.”
vehicles, everyday cars, family cars, and models
that hadn’t been updated in many years. Above all, I believe that in being the person We did things we should not have done. What
Similarly, I believe the “path” in this vision will responsible for Toyota’s past, present, and future, I were these things? The common thread between
yield many different interpretations. And by setting was able to establish governance that returns Daihatsu, Hino, and Toyota Industries Corporation
—— Toyota has long adopted various guiding a Group vision around our invention-driven origins, authority to the genba. is that they committed misconduct related to certi-
principles, such as the “Five Main Principles of I hope to start by spurring a fresh start under the There is a concept known as the “five stages of fication systems.
Toyoda.” What do they have in common with banner of making and inventing things. corporate decline” proposed by American econo-
this new vision, and what new changes or mist Jim Collins. In expressing my intent to be I hoped to look through the third-party commit-
developments have you made? responsible for the Toyota Group, I spoke with tee reports, but have not had the time to go
—— Amid a string of irregularities within the many Group company heads and genba leaders through everything.
In my mind, the words “Inventing our path forward, Group, how have company leaders reacted to about wanting to create a corporate culture where
together” contain the past, present, and future. this vision? Could you share what was dis- the genba can think and act on its own initiative. I have, however, been briefed by people who veri-
“Forward” points to the future, “path” is the pres- cussed at the briefing? Instead of merely a one-way talk, I created an fied it.
ent, and “inventing” refers to the Toyota Group’s opportunity for exchanging information and pre-
origins, namely (company founder and renowned No company controls the Toyota Group. As I senting my ideas while answering all sorts of ques- Japanese certification testing is a system of rule-
inventor) Sakichi Toyoda (i.e. the past). understand it, the term “governance” means to tions, mainly from genba personnel. based measurement for checking whether vehicles
oversee, command, or administer. meet certain safety and environmental standards.
Expressing the past, present, and future in modern I imagine many people came to the venue expect- If these standards are not met, the vehicles cannot
terms, it sets out a shared vision for all of us to In companies, governance is about creating ing some rather strong words from me, but con- be produced or sold.
build a path for the future together. administrative structures to ensure sound corpo- trary to those expectations, I think the top
rate management. management more or less embraced the idea that Therefore, unless a car clears certification, it can-
I think the English version is even clearer than the creating such circumstances gives everyone the not be mass-produced. However, these compa-
Japanese, which doesn’t include the word What I did at Toyota was restore authority to the chance to voice their opinions. nies mass-produced cars while engaging in
“together.” genba and enable everyone, regardless of their posi- certification irregularities. I believe that is what hap-
tion or background, to be involved in running the pened in these cases.

Integrated Report 9
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota Group Vision: “Inventing Our Path Forward, Together”

Because of the three companies’ misconduct in I certainly don’t intend to be here just for show. Or this starting point talk normally, from an equal I can’t offer any specific initiatives, but I want to
certification, products that should not have been to make myself stand out. standpoint, with a new shared vision. start by acting. Today, in front of company heads
sold were delivered to customers. and genba leaders, I called for “inventing our path
That said, I want to use the fact that I have Having stepped down as president to be just an forward, together.”
This is something that must never be allowed to restored authority to the genba as the first step for ordinary car-loving guy, as master driver, I too
happen. Certification systems exist to give cus- the three companies that have committed irregu- need to speak with many different people. And I also asked them each to consider the fact
tomers peace of mind when driving their cars, and larities, and the Toyota Group, to move forward that I restored Toyota’s authority as a company
we abused these systems. according to our vision. The title of Toyota Chairman gets in the way. While back to the genba, to the products.
breaking down those barriers, I want to explore the
We recognize the extreme gravity of these acts, individual circumstances with the peers I have My next action will be to attend this year’s share-
which betray the trust of our customers and shake —— I understand you faced various crises gained over my 14 years as president. holder meetings for all 17 companies. I told them
the very foundations of the certification system. As during your 14-year presidency—how that I wanted to see and study their companies
the person responsible for the Group, I apologize. serious are these irregularities, and what These irregularities are serious, and I believe the through the eyes of a shareholder.
is their significance? I would like to hear main issue is that we have lost sight of our origins.
I am sure that regaining our customers’ trust will take your perspective. That is why I chose to share them again today. When I chaired Toyota’s meeting, some sharehold-
time. That is why, first of all, I am taking responsibility. ers commented that they could not attend all Group
These are events of great consequence. I think Yet simply doing so will not mean a fresh start. They company meetings because the schedules clashed.
During my 14 years as Toyota’s president, I was the biggest issue is that we have lost sight of must be thoroughly digested and understood before
able to make decisions and take responsibility. I our origins. we can translate them into words and actions. Now, they are all held on different dates. I want to
resolved to do so, but being responsible for a take the opportunity to attend the annual meetings
group is not like being the head of a company. While explaining the Group vision, I thought again I will be looking into it and hope that you will also and see the Toyota Group from the perspective of
about the Toyota Group’s starting point. share your critical observations. its shareholders and stakeholders.
In my experience, however, the first to lose trust
was Toyota Motor Corporation. I think that experi- I see it as the moment when a shift from automatic Being responsible for the Group Since we have a few months until the sharehold-
ence and my track record in turning Toyota back looms to automobiles was first discussed. If we lay ers’ meetings, I hope to discuss what we thought
into a carmaker make me a dependable advisor out the lineage, initially it developed vertically, then about and did in the interim.
for the Group’s current leaders. at a certain point began to grow horizontally. —— As the person responsible for Toyota,
what specific initiatives will you tackle in the
To prevent recurrence, we will move to track down These irregularities have occurred at a time immediate future? —— Many people look to Toyota and the
the causes. when Toyota is working to transform itself into a automotive sector, the leaders of Japanese
mobility company. industry, to do the right thing. In pursuing
If there was a single cause, the solution would be transformation, how do you view the respon-
very simple, but I believe these events stemmed Despite having the same roots, the companies have sibility of the management teams leading
from a combination of many factors. become vast entities with different values, with most Daihatsu and Toyota Industries Corporation?
contact based on functional specialization. To prevent recurrence, does Toyota plan to
Exactly one year has passed since I stepped down revise its ordering from the companies where
as president. Interacting on a functional basis doesn’t allow us to irregularities occurred?
assess a company’s operations and management.
And in becoming chairman, I felt a degree of hesi- And since Toyota is often the one placing orders, I I consider Toyota to have been a failed company at
tation and a certain distance toward the current think it becomes difficult to speak up to Toyota. one point, 14 years ago. Over those 14 years, I
executive team and the individual companies, but I worked to transform the company in many ways.
want to take another look at the Toyota Group and Instead of peculiar hierarchies, we need to rec-
Toyota Motor Corporation as the person responsi- ognize that we have inherited and grown togeth- The companies that committed these irregulari-
ble for both. er from the same monozukuri roots, and from ties did something they should not have done.

Integrated Report 10
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota Group Vision: “Inventing Our Path Forward, Together”

In response, I believe we have to be prepared to Earthquake, and flooding in Thailand. In all honesty, The purpose of the Toyota Production System is
rebuild the companies. I was stretched to the limit. not efficiency. It is to create a culture that —— Following successive irregularities at Hino,
drives improvement. Daihatsu, and Toyota Industries Corporation,
Rebuilding means leveraging the strengths of Frankly, it took everything I had just to get Toyota many people suspect there may be other mis-
each company. The work they have done up to back on its feet. It’s not so much that I wasn’t Problems inevitably occur at any company—you conduct within the Group. Every report notes
now—the work they devoted their lives to—will looking; I honestly couldn’t. can take as many different steps (countermea- that people were unable to speak up even if
not be wasted. sures) as you like, yet they will always happen. they noticed the irregularities. It would be
Becoming chairman last year (2023) was a major appreciated if you asked anyone who is cur-
As the person responsible, what I need to do is turning point. I figured that the chairman is not Within the Toyota Production System is the con- rently aware of misconduct to come forward
find ways of making these changes such that the quite as pressed for time as the president. cept of “managing abnormalities.” Controlling immediately. Also, in presenting your vision
people in these positions will be glad to be a part every normal aspect is extremely difficult. Instead, and taking responsibility for the Group, what
of our companies. My 14 years as president began by figuring out you clearly identify what is abnormal and what goals do you have in mind?
the essence of Toyota and creating a vision for must not be allowed to happen. Then, you begin
I am sure each company will announce how the the company. by correcting the areas that exceed these limits. As far as I know, there are no other irregularities.
changes will take place at the appropriate time. I
hope you will continue to follow their progress. Now, I want to set forth a vision for the Toyota Then, by continuing the Toyota Production System If I had been responsible, I think what would have
And since I have made clear that I am responsible, Group and fulfill my role as the person responsible. cycle of kaizen (improvement), you move toward a changed is the timing of announcements.
I will also be available for discussion. better corporation.
Then there is the reality that these are separate In the case of Hino, for instance, the public
What’s important is that any changes leave the companies. Understanding the histories and rela- Yet despite that, when you take on new challeng- announcement came more than a year after I
people in these jobs glad to be part of the com- tionships between the companies is about more es, problems will arise. The key is to find and elimi- learned about the situation. Daihatsu took about six
pany. And that our resources are allocated in a than just capital ties. nate them early, one by one, to avoid them months, and Toyota Industries around ten months.
way that allows us to plant seeds that we can becoming big problems such as these. I think we
cultivate and reap in the future. I think these are I will lead the Toyota Group’s revitalization to ensure need to regain that kind of mentality. Had I understood the events from the outset, I
the two key points. that all stakeholders—from the employees who would have announced them before the timeframes
work there to our business partners and custom- That is why we first need a vision as our starting I just mentioned. Because I’m the one accountable.
ers—are eager to see the company grow further. point. From here, I want to attend shareholder
—— You spoke of being responsible for the meetings, hear from many different people, and When I attended the (U.S. Congressional) public
Group as opposed to heading a company. I hope you will take a long-term perspective and search for abnormalities based on our vision. hearings 14 years ago, I did so as Toyota’s presi-
On the other hand, regarding the misconduct give us your encouragement. dent. But at Toyota Motor, there was a three-
at Daihatsu, decisions taken during your pres- However, I have only been granted the same terms month gap before information reached the
idency placed many senior managers from The Group’s future as everybody else: two eyes, two ears, and 24 president’s ears.
Toyota within the wholly-owned subsidiary. hours a day, 365 days a year. What I alone can
How do you regard Toyota’s responsibility, achieve is very limited. Even as the head of the company, there was a
and your own responsibility, in failing to —— Toyota cherishes the TPS concept, but how limit to the information I could gather about what
detect the misconduct at Daihatsu Motor? do you plan to balance efficiency and quality? Fortunately, it is also true that, compared to my happened in the genba, and a gap of about
early days as Toyota’s president over a decade ago, three months.
Why weren’t we able to detect it? Personally, the I now have more colleagues who tell me the truth.
14 years of my presidency, just as now, were far Since then, however, at Toyota, “top-down” has
from uneventful. Working with the partners and networks I cultivat- meant top management coming down. In my
ed over those 14 years, I want to restore that kind actions and results, people have seen that informa-
To begin with, I took over the company in the red. of culture. I hope you will continue to follow us tion is something you go and obtain for yourself.
From there, it was a series of crises, including the closely with a long-term view.
financial crisis, recall issues, the Great East Japan

Integrated Report 11
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota Group Vision: “Inventing Our Path Forward, Together”

I, therefore, think that putting my name forward as I couldn’t say how many years. I was president I hope you will understand that my grip starts with I want to strengthen my grip not with titles but
the person responsible for the Toyota Group will for 14 years before passing the baton to the selection of personnel. through the role of master driver. This is my way of
help build a long-term commitment and a sense of President Sato. doing it.
reassurance that people can speak out about
these things. Serving as president, I realized there was no one at —— I believe the job of a master driver is not Though my methods may differ, I am certain that
Toyota Motor who would tell me, “It’s time to call it only to determine how a car feels but also to this path will lead to a product-centered corporate
This morning, in front of all the company heads, I quits.” I, therefore, felt I should decide on the tim- serve as the final filter. I also think they should culture that values people. I hope you will appreci-
also received candid questions from our genba ing myself, and in my 14th year, I resolved to hand serve as the final filter for Daihatsu and Toyota ate this.
leaders. These were wide-ranging questions from over the presidency. Industries, where the problems occurred, and
diverse people, and I believe the climate that I would like to hear your thoughts. Toward a fresh start
enables such conversations is something that I In essence, I felt that I had established Toyota
created over my 14 years. At the very least, we Motor’s foundations as a carmaker and given it the Currently, the roles I have been assigned at Toyota Following questions from the press, Chairman
have employees who sense such a climate. strength to transform into a mobility company. are those of chairman and master driver. Toyoda once again shared his thoughts as the per-
son responsible for the Toyota Group.
While I can’t solve everything, I have shown every- Moving forward, as we transform into a mobility In taking responsibility for the Group companies, I
one who they can turn to when in doubt, or unsure company, we will have younger leaders supported want to bring my role as master driver, not as Thank you very much for gathering here today on
whether they are doing the right thing. by more diverse people. Toyota’s chairman, to the forefront and exercise my such short notice.
I believe moving forward in this way, step by step, grip through the products and genba capabilities.
is important. Again, in the case of the Toyota Group, taking Since today was about presenting my vision, I did
responsibility does not mean I’m taking up a posi- I want the companies to select people who are not not go into the irregularities that occurred within
There are no end goals. As with the Toyota tion as a chairman or president. simply in charge of creating each brand’s flavor but the Toyota Group or the individual circumstances
Production System, this is about continuous can also communicate the role and mission of of the three companies, but I hope I have given
improvement, something we will keep doing. However, I want to remain committed to restoring vehicles beyond the product concept, including you a slightly better understanding of my personal
authority to the genba and our products. the kind of cars they want to make and what these perspective and way of thinking.
If I were to offer one, it would be creating more cars will accomplish.
people within the management who have the I also want to tighten the Group’s grip in terms of In taking responsibility for a Group that did things it
same sensors and sensibilities as myself. the genba and products. I want to start by personally getting in a car with should not have done, I would like to once again
the people chosen by each company, to under- apologize for the concern we have caused.
After giving advice, guidance, and encouragement Although I’ve moved from president to chairman at stand what kind of sensors they possess and what
to nurture these sensors, my own personal goal Toyota Motor, my business card still reads “master kind of dialogue they are capable of. From today, however, I will be working as the per-
would be to have the outside world acknowledge driver,” and I also retain my roles as a decision son responsible for the Group, and ask for your
the Toyota Group’s wealth of human resources. maker and sensor in making ever-better cars. What’s more, I’m sure each company will select continued encouragement.
people based on their specs. This may not make
As to whether I will be a master driver for Daihatsu, for good dialogue, but I will respect each compa-
—— You say there are no end goals, but in Hino, and Toyota Industries, I will not. ny’s will in their personnel choices.
what timeframe and form will we see the
results of you taking responsibility? Are we Aside from the difficulty of obtaining a forklift On a different note, for this morning’s meeting, I
correct to understand this as a strengthening license or a special large vehicle license at this asked for company leaders to be invited. From Toyota
grip on the Group? Will taking responsibility point, I would not be able to judge how cars made Motor, attendees even included the head coaches of
potentially strengthen the Toyota Group’s unity, by Daihatsu should drive. sports teams and recreational study groups.
including a revision of capital ties?
For that reason, this morning, I asked each compa- Unfortunately, Toyota Group companies chose by
ny to start by establishing their own master drivers. titles—by titles and by roles. I think we differ on
this point.

Integrated Report 12
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Sustainability Issues and Initiatives: Materiality

Positioning of Materiality Materiality Identification Process issues that must be addressed to ensure Toyota’s and 10 institutional investors. We then reordered the
transformation into a mobility company. Furthermore, issues in response to the feedback we received.
In 2020, Toyota unveiled what it has dubbed the Step 1: Universal values like the Toyota Philosophy we employed such references as the European
Toyota Philosophy along with a mission statement were classified as “inheritance,” and issues neces- Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS), the Step 3: Discussions regarding the issues identified in
that outlines the Company’s drive toward “producing sary to promote our transformation into a mobility Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Step 2 were held by the Sustainability Subcommittee,
happiness for all.” This philosophy is rooted in “man- company were classified as “evolution.” Referring to and such ESG assessment indicators as MSCI and which is an executive body, and the Sustainability
ufacturing domestically produced cars for the mass- both internal and external information, we organized FTSE during the selection process. Meeting, which is an advisory body chaired by
es,” a challenge undertaken and realized by Kiichiro and identified all issues that are pertinent to Toyota in President Sato and attended by Outside Directors
Toyoda, founder of Toyota Motor Corporation. It was terms of the impact Toyota has on the environment Step 2: Discussions regarding the issues identified and executives, with six key issues ultimately
the dream of Kiichiro Toyoda to make cars—vehicles and society as well as the impact the environment and and organized in Step 1 were held with our own being identified.
that bring happiness—available to all. The mission of society have on Toyota itself while also determining employees, eight NGOs and NPOs, four specialists,
“producing happiness for all” links Kiichiro’s dream
with our future as a mobility company.
Under the leadership of President Sato, Toyota has Toyota’s Origins and Materialities (Key Issues)
reviewed its materiality (key issues) in order to trans-
form itself into a mobility company. As we are in an We develop and learn from We build a sense of community We show humility for the
We unite as one team outstanding ideas and cutting-edge We focus on work that is and promote the personal growth support of our business by our
Toyoda Principles
era in which we simply don’t know what the “correct” regardless of rank in order to technologies across the world. value-adding, with integrity of our people while valuing mutual valued stakeholders and
(DNA / Philosophy) contribute to our people, We enhance our capabilities utilizing and practicality, by avoiding trust and equal partnership with society while also respecting
answer is, the issues to which we as a company society, and communities. our own wisdom and create new value superficial matters. our stakeholders. the diversity of the world.
to continue to lead the change.
must respond also change on a daily basis. We will
maintain our continuous evaluation of our materiality,
considering shifts in the societal landscape as well as Value
The Toyota Way —Combining Software, Hardware and Partnership to Create Unique Value—
feedback from our stakeholders.

Key Remarks from Stakeholders Inheritance

Mission Producing Happiness for All
• Once we understand how our roles are connected Vision Creating Mobility for All
to Toyota's values, we can accelerate our efforts.
• I’d like to use this as a compass to get the con-
cepts communicated by top management down to What Toyota
holds dear
“Ever-better cars” “Best-in-town” “For the sake of others”
a tangible level of detail.
NGOs and NPOs:
• We’d like Toyota to express its perspective on the Transformation into a mobility company
“society and future” it wishes to create. “Let’s change the future of cars”
• “Nature Positive” will be an important initiative in the
Coexistence of Supporting the Strong Production
future and should be considered. Expanding the Active Participation
Safety & Reliability Humanity & the Earth Community and and Business
Institutional investors: Value of Mobility for all
(including carbon neutrality) Employment Operation
• It is taken directly from Toyota’s DNA and has a
quality that is unique to this Company.
Evolution Materialities
• It is important to have a story that connects such
(key issues)
KPIs as financial impact with materialities.
• Toyota’s stance on addressing climate change
should be communicated in clear language.

Integrated Report 13
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Our Founding Spirit: For the Sake of Others

Sakichi Toyoda Sought to Ease His running out of or breaks in the thread, stopping and traveled to Europe and the United States for the the face of the 1949 business crisis.
Mother’s Burden automatically in response. first time. In the 1920s, the streets of the United In January 1950, negotiations with the Bank of Japan
Furthermore, the Type G automatically changed the States were teeming with Ford Model Ts. The began on the Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. reconstruction
Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of the Toyota Group, was loom’s shuttle when the thread was close to running automotive era was dawning. In Japan, the number plan. In April of that year, Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd.
born the son of a carpenter in the village of Yamaguchi, out. When changing the shuttles holding the weft of imported automobiles was gradually rising, but was established to resolve the problem of delays in
now part of Kosai City, Shizuoka Prefecture, in 1867. thread, operators previously had to use their mouths their use was confined to the very wealthy. payments for vehicles, a major cause of the Company’s
Full of curiosity, Sakichi is said to have spent his early to suck the end of the thread through the eye of the Kiichiro was already determined to produce financial troubles. Far from improving, however, the
years reading a wide range of books, thinking about shuttle, inhaling cotton dust, which caused problems domestic cars and establish a Japanese auto situation ­worsened further. As the Company’s business
how he might make a contribution to society. One day, in the lungs of many workers. Sakichi, Kiichiro, and industry. In 1926, Kiichiro was named managing results showed no sign of improvement, ­labor-
Sakichi was thinking about his mother and how every their colleagues invented a way to pull the thread director of the newly established Toyoda Automatic management negotiations with the Toyota Motor Co.,
evening she toiled at her loom, weaving fabric late into through using a simple manual action that took Loom Works, Ltd. and began studying automobiles Ltd. labor union deteriorated into a protracted dispute.
the night. He wondered if there might be a way to make advantage of the thread’s tension. in earnest. The company established an automotive During collective bargaining that April, the Company
her work easier. At the time, weaving was a laborious The drive to serve others and make their work department in September 1933 and in 1934 officially made reconstruction proposals centered on job cuts
process, requiring the use of both hands and legs to easier—like Sakichi’s desire to ease the burden of his entered the automotive business, completing its first that the labor union could not accept, and the dispute
control the threads of warp and weft in sequence. At mother and employees—was carried on by his son engine prototype. ­continued for another month and a half until a memo-
the age of 23, Sakichi invented his first loom, the Kiichiro and remains a core value of Toyota today. In 1935, the first Toyoda Model A1 prototype randum was finally signed in June.
Toyoda Wooden Hand Loom, which could be operated The Type G automatic loom was said to boast the passenger car was completed, and the Toyoda Accepting responsibility for the labor disputes,
with only one hand and greatly increased efficiency. He best performance of any loom in the world, improving Model G1 Truck was announced. The very next year, Kiichiro Toyoda resigned as president of the
patented the loom in May 1891. productivity more than twentyfold and dramatically in 1936, mass production of Model AA passenger Company in May 1950. In March 1952, he agreed to
Seeking to more dramatically increase capacity, increasing textile quality. The success of the Type G cars commenced. Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. was make his much-awaited return to the position, but,
Sakichi turned his attention to developing a p ­ owered empowered Kiichiro Toyoda to take on the challenge established in 1937, with Kiichiro becoming its before he could do so, he passed away at the age of
loom and invented Japan’s first, the Toyoda Power of establishing a Japanese automotive industry, president in 1941. 57. Nevertheless, his aspirations were kept alive by
Loom, for which he received a p ­ atent in August 1898. which many at the time, more than 80 years ago, his colleagues, who persevered with purely home-
Sakichi continued to invent and improve looms for considered beyond the capabilities of Japanese Management Crisis, Labor Disputes, and grown technologies as other Japanese automakers
more than two decades. This work came to head industry. This was the work to which he would Commitment to Providing Employment were forming technology alliances with U.S. and
with the Non-Stop Shuttle Change Toyoda Automatic dedicate the rest of his life. European manufacturers. These efforts led to the
Loom, Type G, invented in 1924 in collaboration with In post-war 1949 Japan, measures to curb inflation 1955 launch of the Toyopet Crown, the first passen-
his son, Kiichiro. Making Domestic Cars and rapidly stabilized prices, but the resulting reduction in ger car to be developed and built entirely in Japan, a
At the time, automatic looms had to be constantly Establishing a Japanese Auto Industry the money supply plunged industry into serious long-held dream of Kiichiro Toyoda.
watched over by human operators so that they could funding shortages, triggering the so-called “Dodge
intervene when unpredictable anomalies, such as Kiichiro Toyoda, the son of Sakichi, was born in Line Recession.” The prices of iron, steel, and other The Spirit of Sakichi and Kiichiro Toyoda
threads breaking, occurred. The Type G automatic 1894. After graduating from college in 1921, he went materials rose, but the officially fixed price of automo-
loom used a mechanism to detect anomalies like to work at Toyoda Boshoku, his father’s company, biles stood ­unchanged, causing the profitability of the Born into a poor family, Sakichi Toyoda was driven
­automotive industry to decline significantly. to make others’ work easier, teaching himself in
In December of that year, Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. order to invent automatic looms and going on to
and its labor union signed a memorandum aimed at build Toyota’s foundations. Not content to simply
cooperating to overcome the crisis, stating that the follow the easy path set by his father, Kiicihro
Company was at all costs to avoid job cuts as a Toyoda took on the challenge of domestic car-
means of overcoming the crisis. Kiichiro had faced making, which many at the time said was impossi-
employment issues at Toyoda Automatic Loom ble, navigating tremendous social changes as he
Type G Works during the Showa Depression in 1930 and built the Company and the foundations of Japan’s
automatic loom was determined to never again allow such a situation automotive industry. The spirit they embodied—of
to arise. His entry into the automotive industry had striving to stay ahead of the times and endeavoring
Sakichi’s first invention: The Toyoda
wooden hand loom been in part a strategy to diversify and thereby avoid to be studious and creative for the betterment of
(photo provided by the Toyota Commemorative Model A1 passenger car prototype the recurrence of employment problems, so he was, lives and society—lives on in Toyota today. It is the
Museum of Industry and Technology) completion ceremony of course, resolved to avoid job cuts at all costs in core of what makes us Toyota.

Integrated Report 14
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

With an eye toward “Producing Happiness

The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy for All”—Selections from the Q&A session of
Toyota’s 1H/2Q financial results briefing

In 1935, five years after the passing of Sakichi Toyoda, the Company
had grown to more than 10,000 employees as the automotive business DNA Modern Interpretation
ramped up. The Toyoda Principles were compiled at this time to convey Toyota’s basic principles • We unite as one team regardless of rank in order to contribute to our people, society,
and communities.
Sakichi’s teachings to all employees and provide guidelines for all Toyoda Principles • We develop and learn from outstanding ideas and cutting-edge technologies across the world.
aspects of their work. We enhance our capabilities utilizing our own wisdom and create new value to continue to lead
The Toyoda Principles, or Five the change.
The top management of Toyota that took over from Kiichiro, Sakichi’s Main Principles of Toyoda, • We focus on work that is value-adding, with integrity and practicality, by avoiding
son, further codified the Toyota Philosophy, encompassing Toyota’s have since been handed superficial matters.
values, priorities, and strengths. This philosophy provided the answer to down to every Toyota Group • We build a sense of community and promote the personal growth of our people while valuing
company and serve as mutual trust and equal partnership with our stakeholders.
the fundamental question, “What is Toyota?” as a touchstone for the guidelines for all employees. • We show humility for the support of our business by our valued stakeholders and society while
Five Main Principles
entire Group. also respecting the diversity of the world.
of Toyoda
The automotive industry is experiencing a once-in-a-century transforma-
tion. In the same way that Toyota transitioned from loom maker to automak-
er, we are now reinventing ourselves as a mobility company. MISSION
To guide us as we push forward into the future amid an era of
Toyota’s mission since its foundation
uncertainty, we have now created the Toyota Philosophy Cone,
a graphic representation of the Toyota Philosophy presented in a shape Producing Happiness for All
that evokes both the spools of thread used in looms and the traffic Born into a family of poor farmers, Sakichi Toyoda built the bedrock of today’s Toyota by inventing the Toyoda Automatic Loom by
himself. Abandoning the easy path left by his father, Kiicihro Toyoda took on the challenge of making cars. Many at the time said it
cones used to guide cars.
was impossible.
Their passion was carried on by those who worked with them, shaping the Toyota we know today. What they truly wanted to Sakichi Toyoda
make was a sense of happiness for any customer who used their products, as well as happiness for every person involved in the
work related to those products. The core of this aspiration was the idea of producing happiness for all.
What is Toyota? Toyota Philosophy Cone However, during Toyota’s long history, there was a brief time when we turned our focus to numbers and gave less thought to
people. Primarily due to our rapid expansion in the late 20th century, we faced many problems, including quality concerns and
trade friction.
Let us not forget that there are some things that machines cannot create. Only humans can invest the time and energy to bring
Sakichi Toyoda’s life to such things. We strive to stay ahead of the times, endeavoring to be studious and creative for the betterment of lives and
resolution society. Using our technology, we work toward a future of convenience and happiness available to all. This is our mission, producing
­happiness for all, and the core of what makes us Toyota.
Kiichiro Toyoda


The future vision that Toyota aspires to Value that Toyota can promise to stakeholders
Creating Mobility for All Toyota Way
Toyota strives to raise the quality and availability of mobility—so that individu- As we work to realize mobility for all, the road will be rough at times.
als, businesses, municipalities, and communities can do more—while achiev- In addition to our commitment to monozukuri (manufacturing),
Management is ing a sustainable relationship with our planet. This is our new destination. we must foster imagination regarding the possibilities of people
about people Motorization has enabled freedom of movement and has brought people and society. These tangible and intangible aspects together
and society closer. As a result, more people than ever can now experience power Toyota: imagination fuels monozukuri and monozukuri
mobility, including the “fun to drive” experience. sparks new imagination. In advancing this cycle, it is essential to
Stakeholders And yet, challenges related to mobility persist. There are still many potential center the perspectives of our many stakeholders, imagining
opportunities to overcome inconveniences and break through the impossible things their points of view.
with new possibilities. We work with our stakeholders and partners, each elevating
“To move” can refer to physical motion, but also to the experience of being the other, uniting our strengths to create new and unique value.
emotionally moved. It is our role to move people and bring mobility to life—to This is the new Toyota Way.
move hearts, minds, and bodies. To move society.

Integrated Report 15
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota Production System (TPS) What is the Toyota Production System?

Akio Toyoda’s View

Participant A another wooden shuttle with a new thread. time required for products or services to be delivered
I think they are “Just-in-Time” and “automation with a The shuttle needs to have the thread end out on the after they are ordered.
human touch,” or “Jidoka.” surface. Before this machine was invented, workers had
Toyoda to suck it out themselves. The problem was that there Toyoda
That’s it! That’s what I wanted to hear! (everyone laughs) was a lot of cotton dust in the air in textile factories, What comes to mind when you think about Just-in-Time?
That’s why I volunteered to be the lecturer today to which could damage workers’ lungs when they inhaled Taking a “what is needed when needed” approach,
help kick off the TPS training program. Hopefully, I can deeply. Sakichi invented a new feature that automatically to respond quickly to customer needs, there would
help narrow the gap between my understanding brought out the thread end. This invention was the result need to be a lot of inventory, right? One finished vehi-
of Jidoka and Just-in-Time and yours. of Sakichi simply exploring a desire to do something for cle consists of about 30,000 parts. So, it would follow
First of all, let’s talk about Jidoka. It’ll be easier to his team members on the manufacturing front lines who that for a production line to flexibly produce orders
explain the concept by first looking at the automatic were suffering damage in their lungs. quickly, a tremendous amount of inventory would need
loom invented by Sakichi Toyoda. Thinking about his Thus, Sakichi determined what the abnormalities were to on hand, right?
In May 2020, at Toyota’s financial results briefing, mother, and how she toiled to weave fabrics every eve- and then came up with system to prevent or stop them. Participant B
Chairman Akio Toyoda reflected on the efforts the ning and late into the night, the young Sakichi wondered As a result, productivity improved—not the other way But if we know and can meet what customers want...
Company had made over the previous few years, saying: if there might be a way to ease her burden. around. He did not do all this just to improve productivity. Toyoda
Who do you mean by “customers”?
When Sakichi developed his first automated loom, both
“Over the past few years, we came to feverishly engage 3. H
 ow President Toyoda Sees Jidoka Participant B
hands were used to control the threads of warp and weft.
in both a fight to bring back what makes us Toyota (Automation with a Human Touch) Each downstream process... or our final end users.
His invention allowed his mother to operate a loom using
and the complete redesign of Toyota for the future.” Toyoda
only one hand. It also helped improve quality, increasing
Revisiting messages President Toyoda gave starting from But we sell around 10 million new vehicles annually, and
overall efficiency and dramatically improving productivity.
In my view, Jidoka is about being centered on people. that means we have the same number of customers.
a few years ago, two of the things he repeatedly has said
It’s about putting yourself in the shoes of someone How can we understand what is needed by each specif-
that makes us Toyota are the Toyota Production System, Often at Toyota, TPS is considered the process of making
working there. You can’t just issue orders to improve ic customer? We can’t, so instead, we have to have a
or TPS, and cost reduction. things efficient, and people talk about it as if changing
efficiency or reduce resources from the safety of your lean operation in place to detect abnormalities right away
In August 2020, at Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan, work processes is TPS’s purpose. But, I think the pur-
position far from the front lines. Toyota also has this and halt the pipeline so that we can make improvements
a new training program was started to nurture a select pose should always be to make someone’s work easier.
idea about adjusting the work per person to match the quickly. And that’s why we need Just-in-Time.
group of “TPS leaders” from various divisions across the
full output of one unit of manpower (pursuing ichi-nin- In this way, I think the key concept that makes Just-
Company. To emphasize the importance of the program
2. Improving Productivity Was Not the ku in Japanese). in-Time easier to understand is “lead time.”
and to share his own thoughts about TPS, Chairman
Main Purpose
Toyoda joined the kick-off session. This concept of ichi-nin-ku means the amount of work At Toyota, a common term for the next process in a
that one worker can or should accomplish in a day. workflow, whether it be in manufacturing or in an office,
1. Sakichi Toyoda Sought to Ease His The Type G automatic loom is the machine that helped is “downstream process.” Those in the downstream are
Mother’s Burdens drive a redesign of Toyota’s business. Automatic looms We all have only 24 hours in a day. This applies equally considered a “customer.” Chairman Toyoda was trying to
back then were always monitored by one operator, to everyone. And employees spend a lot of that time convince the participants to think of “Just-in-Time” in the
This training program was created for Toyota’s manage- based on a mindset of “one person, one machine.” devoted to work for a company. Knowing this, supervi- context of the bigger picture, to consider not only the
ment leaders who don’t work at manufacturing front Each person was the “guard” of their machine. This was sors must make the work being done by team mem- immediate downstream, but how things relate to the
lines to gain a deeper understanding of TPS in order to because operators were unable to predict abnormalities. bers as meaningful as possible. That is what Toyota’s company as a whole to deliver Toyota’s vehicles to the
help the Company accelerate its efforts to bring back the manufacturing front lines have been pursuing. end customers “just-in-time.”
With this automatic loom, Toyota was able to secure the
essence of what makes it Toyota as it looks to complete-
capital required to shift its business model from an automatic The focus is creating more free time for workers by elimi-
ly redesign Toyota for the future. 5. Achieving the Lead Time of a Sushi Restaurant?
loom manufacturer to a car manufacturer. This was because nating waste in work processes to reduce overtime.
a world-leading automatic loom company in the United Pursuing ichi-nin-ku means valuing each person’s time.
Kingdom asked Toyota to sell its automatic loom technology. Take, for example, sushi. When you go to an authentic
I was a little concerned to hear today’s participants’
statement of determination to “change Toyota any way
4. How President Toyoda Sees Just-in-Time sushi restaurant, are the finished orders just waiting in
The most common abnormalities that occurred when front of the chef? I don’t think so. Each piece is made
possible by utilizing what’s learned and obtained through
weaving fabric with automatic looms were when thread A phrase that is commonly associated with the concept to order. You can’t prepare every specification in
this program.”
ran out or broke. The Type G was able to detect such of Just-in-Time is “provide what is needed, when need- advance for 10 million customers. It’s important to
There are two key concepts deeply rooted in Toyota
abnormalities at a time when there were no sensors. ed, in the amount needed.” The key to understanding understand what we can’t do. The key, then, is trying
since its foundation, or even before then. Does anyone
When the thread ran out, it automatically changed to Just-in-Time is the idea of “lead time,” the amount of to shorten lead time.
know what they are?

Integrated Report 16
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Product-centered Management

Why is that? I think it was because Toyota was interested, he would teach me to drive. That was Corolla, which drove the motorization of Japan, as
At the November 2021 Nationwide Toyota treating sports car development as the front line the start of my journey, under the new nickname well as the Prius, which created the hybrid electric
Dealers Convention, Chairman Toyoda spoke for developing the skills and knowledge that will Morizo, to becoming a master driver. vehicle market. More rugged long sellers include
about product centered management.
be passed down as well as for human resource the Land Cruiser, Hiace, and Probox. The Coaster
development. For Toyota, sports car development From there, though a decade late, Toyota went on and Century were long sellers, too.
was like a rite of renewal and rebirth carried out to develop the LFA in the 2010s, recapturing the
Over the decades, Toyota has provided society every 20 years. “secret sauce,” that flavor unique to Toyota and Indeed, Toyota boasts numerous models that have
with a wide range of products aimed at meeting Following this cycle, the next generation of Toyota Lexus cars. been beloved by customers for decades.
customer needs, beginning with the Toyoda Model sports cars should have hit the scene in the 2000s.
AA in 1936. Looking back on our history of car We went on to revive the 86 and the Supra as well, Despite this, when Toyota was focusing on the
marking, I see two key themes. They did not. but all of these were made in collaboration with number of vehicles sold and making vehicles main-
Around that time, Toyota was growing its vehicle outside partners. We still wanted to once again ly for overseas markets, the position of long-selling
The first is “sports cars.” sales, mainly outside Japan, and pursuing scale make a sports car that would be all our own. This cars within the Company shifted greatly.
The 1960s were a key era for Toyota’s sports expansion. Amid that push, the role of its old dream led to the development of the GR Yaris. The Crown and Corolla began to undergo regu-
cars. This decade saw the birth of many sports renewal rite was forgotten, and sports cars disap- lar model changes based solely on an annual
cars that would eventually achieve legendary sta- peared from Toyota’s vehicle lineup. For years, I have constantly been talking about schedule, while rugged vehicles like the Land
tus, such as the Publica Sports, Sports 800, and I was not the only one who sensed how danger- “ever-better car making.” Now, as the number of Cruiser and Hiace no longer had model changes
2000GT. Then, in the 1980s, Toyota launched the ous this was. Our test drivers, in fact, felt the danger my colleagues taking action with me has grown, at all. These long-selling cars had been beloved by
Supra, MR2, Celica, and Levin/Trueno. In this way, more keenly than I did. I think that feeling was part this has evolved into “ever-better car making from customers and an integral part of their lives for so
Toyota had created sports cars that brought of why Hiromu Naruse, then Toyota’s chief test a starting point in motorsports.” long, but now it was considered unimportant for
together the most cutting-edge technological driver, told me, very frankly, that he didn’t want to them to change or evolve.
prowess of the era every two decades. be preached to about cars by someone who didn’t The second key theme is “long sellers.”
know anything about them. But, he said, if I was Toyota’s long sellers have included the Crown and

Sports 800 MR2


Publica Sports GR Yaris

Levin/Trueno LFA
2000GT Celica

Integrated Report 17
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Product-centered Management

However, I believe that only by constantly chang- To achieve excellent performance in the basic The second pillar is the in-house company system. even ones that our development teams have
ing to meet the needs of the times can a car be a functions of a car—propulsion, turning, and stop- A defining characteristic of Toyota is its full lineup worked hard on, if they don’t have that unique
long seller. We have already begun working to ping—a solid platform is essential. of diverse vehicles that meet a comprehensive Toyota/Lexus flavor.
reclaim this approach. range of customer needs.
However, creating a new platform and promoting Offering a full lineup means that we must always Morizo, master driver, and president of Toyota.
The Vitz, as it was known in Japan, was unified standardization is not so easy. I found myself wish- have people who are passionate and responsible
under the name Yaris, which had taken root over- ing that Toyota had moved away from the about creating cars in all genres, from sports cars Wearing these three hats at once, I have gone to
seas, and we expanded its lineup to include the one-model, one-platform approach and imple- to commercial vehicles. Ensuring this is the true front lines myself and worked alongside my col-
GR Yaris and Yaris Cross. Similarly, the Corolla mented platform reforms while its sales volumes objective of the in-house company system. leagues these past 12 years. I am sure that all of
lineup saw the addition of the Corolla Sport and and revenues had been expanding. The lure of increasing unit sales and revenue in that effort shows in our products.
Corolla Cross. Our strategy was to build a lineup During the very difficult time after the 2008 glob- the short term is hard to resist. This is why we
tailored to current needs while leveraging the al financial crisis, when Toyota fell into the red and must nurture people and organizations capable of By continuing to make ever-better cars, our brand
brand strength of our long sellers. we could not increase unit sales, we all had to grit focusing and placing the highest priority on creat- will continue to evolve.
our teeth and work even harder. The fruit of this ing the cars that Toyota and society really need.
labor was a powerful tool—the TNGA. This is what I believe to be the essence of product
“Let’s make ever-better cars.” The final pillar is a figure at the top who can take centered management.
This idea was the impetus for the transformation I believe that it is precisely because we have the final responsibility. It’s embarrassing to say so It means not aiming to be the biggest in the
of Toyota’s car making. TNGA that we are able to restore the sports cars myself, but I think that one thing that sets Toyota world in terms of units sold, but aiming to be the
and long sellers that for so many years have apart, that it has and other OEMs don’t, is a mas- best in town by creating better cars that bring
Three pillars supported this transformation. supported the Toyota brand to their proper places ter driver in top management. smiles to customers’ faces.
and tackle the challenge of building up their lineups. A president who can take responsibility for the
The first pillar, and the first that we took on, was “flavor” of the products we put out. A president At first, when I spoke about making ever-better
the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA). who is able to definitively say “no” to projects, cars, few understood me, or even tried to.
However, thanks to the support of my col-
leagues who believed in me and to the support of
our dealers, I think that Toyota’s products have
History of Toyota’s Car Making The Three Pillars of Ever-better Car Making slowly but surely changed for the better.
Going forward, we will continue to do our
Two key words 1. Platform reforms via the TNGA utmost to make ever-better cars.

2. In-house company system transforming people

1. Sports cars and organizations
I hope to convey the heart and the story of Toyota,
which we put into every product, to all our dealers
and as many customers as possible. Nothing
2. Long sellers 3. A master driver in top management taking would please me more than if that story were to
final responsibility become one of the many new stories connecting
the hearts of our dealers and customers.

Integrated Report 18
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports

the car evolved into one that is fun to drive. As to simply tell someone that the streets make the
Recently, Chairman Akio Toyoda has often Morizo (my driver name), I partnered with this car car. I knew I had to show them what it means.
been adding “from a starting point in motor- on the Gamagori dirt course for training to hone That’s why I continued to take part in the 24 Hours
sports” when using the phrase “ever-better my driving skills. of Nürburgring endurance race.
car making.” He spoke about the idea behind Drive it, break it, fix it, strengthen it, drive it
this at the press conference announcing the again, and break it again.
2022 TOYOTA GAZOO Racing drivers and By repeating this process, the engineers not
management members. only advanced the car’s development, they also “The streets make cars and toughen people up”
changed themselves. I think that they came to became something of a catchphrase. However,
understand Kiichiro’s words not just intellectually, changes in car making do not happen so fast.
I rode in the first of these cars with racer Kamui but in a deeper, visceral way. On the front lines, each department was
In 1952, shortly before Kobayashi at Gamagori four months before enter- focused on its own specialized area of car making,
his death, Toyota found- ing the Super Taikyu 24-hour race. It was while I and they were not handling the overarching car
er Kiichiro Toyoda wrote was in the car that I made up my mind to enter the making process as a united team.
the following. race. Although four months was hardly enough That was when I first went to Le Mans. It was
time for the engineers to prepare, I safely finished the year after the car driven by Kazuki Nakajima,
the 24-hour race as well as three subsequent which was in the lead, suffered a mechanical fail-
races. For each race, they continued to improve ure just before the finish line. When I dropped into
Kiichiro Toyoda the car, making it stronger and faster. the pit, the drivers talked with me. In a qualifying
race, Kamui Kobayashi had seized pole position
with an astounding time. He passed the trophy to
“The Japanese automobile production me while thanking me. It made me want to get
industry must master the art of manufactur- closer to the drivers and race alongside them.
ing passenger vehicles. In order to test the Racing, however, is hard. That year, only
durability and performance of their cars, Kazuki’s car finished the race, with the team com-
companies ought to participate in auto Come to think of it, it has been 14 years since ing in 8th overall, and 2nd in its class. The other
races, demonstrate the full performance of Hiromu Naruse and I drove used Altezzas in the 24 two cars had to be retired from the race. After the
their vehicles, and compete for superiority. Hours of Nürburgring endurance race. Racing on race, the drivers said to me, “We’re sorry it won’t
This will both lead to progress in their vehi- the streets toughens people up and makes cars be at the very top, but would you stand on the
cles and spark the enthusiasm of automo- stronger. I want to enable Toyota to make cars that winner’s podium with us?”
bile fans. Such races must not be regarded The other car is the GR Yaris. way again. That may be what I have been working
as a simple matter of curiosity, for they are We made this car for a specific purpose: to win toward all along.
indispensable to the development of the World Rally Championship. In 2009, when I became president, I implored
Japan’s automobile manufacturing industry.” Until now, Toyota has made its race cars by our employees to make ever-better cars. Since
modifying its mass-production cars. That was the then, I often get asked what kind of cars are
limit of what we could do. ever-better cars.
I think that these words provide the core principle The GR Yaris is our attempt to flip this approach I have a certain idea of what makes a better car.
of “ever-better car making from a starting point in by designing a race car from the ground up. From It’s not necessarily the same as someone else’s
motorsports.” There were two cars that led me to the initial stages of development, we reached out idea of a better car. What makes a better car
this core principle. to professional drivers to have them drive the car. depends on the driver. It is for this reason that cars The difference between first and second place
When problems came to light during their drives, can only be made in the streets and not at a desk. podium was a height of about 70 centimeters.
they were fixed, and then we had them drive the However, back in 2009, not many people I thought, is this frustration—this second-place
car again. Development progressed nimbly, and understood what I meant by this. It’s not enough podium—the highest we can reach? I desperately

Integrated Report 19
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports

wanted to help the drivers stand at the top. I as both a driver and principal. For next year’s
wanted to prove that Toyota could make the WRC, to which Toyota will bring a new car, I am
kind of strong car that they would want to drive. sure he will assemble a team of professionals that Initiatives Promoting a Carbon-Neutral Society in Finland
I swore to myself, standing on that podium one is like a close family and hates to lose.
level down, that we would change Toyota to be In August 2023, the City of Jyväskylä (Mayor: through the introduction of wooden buildings
capable of the kind of car making needed to Timo Koivisto), TOYOTA GAZOO Racing World with carbon storage benefits, forest protection
achieve that, no matter what. Rally Team (CEO: Yuichiro Haruna, hereinafter through biodiversity enrichment and continuous
Recently, I have been deliberately adding “from TGR-WRT) and Toyota Mobility Foundation cover management, and private power genera-
a starting point in motorsports” to the phrase (Chairman: Akio Toyoda, hereinafter TMF) tion facilities and mobility using hydrogen.
“ever-better car making.” signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) towards future
That year, we took on another new challenge: For 12 years, people have told us that there’s collaboration, aiming to achieve a carbon neu-
The World Rally Championship, or WRC. We no way that Toyota can realize this kind of car tral, sustainable, and diversified society through
entrusted the task of putting together a team making. Now, however, Toyota has finally community development in harmony with peo-
from scratch to Tommi Mäkinen. A legend him- changed, realizing a kind of car making in which ple and nature.
self, having won the WRC four times, he knew not only its engineers and mechanics, but its The purpose of the LOI is for the three parties
how to win. However, that was not the only rea- professional drivers, professional engineers, and to identify short-, medium-, and long-term joint
son I asked for his help. There were many things professional mechanics all work together, as a initiatives in this area, centered around a new
I wanted to learn from him, with his knowledge team, to advance car making. TGR-WRT Development Center to be estab-
of a wide range of cars, including those of Now that this team has come together, we lished in Jyväskylä, Finland.
Mitsubishi and Subaru. We made only one have at last reached the point where we can The City of Jyväskylä is situated in the heart
promise to each other: to make the Yaris at the begin ever-better car making from a starting of the Central Finland lake district. With a pop-
end of the season the strongest Yaris ever. The point in motorsports. ulation of 146,000, the seventh largest and (Left to right) Shigeru Hayakawa, Deputy
team kept this promise. most popular city in Finland to live in, Chairman of Board Directors of TMF; Akio
Jyväskylä, is considered the country’s capital Toyoda, Chairman of the Board Directors of
TMF; Timo Koivisto, Mayor of Jyväskylä;
of sport as well as being a youthful city with
Yuichiro Haruna, CEO of TGR-WRT
Motorsports are a starting point for an ever- dynamic universities and businesses.
better car. TGR-WRT has been based near the city of
We will leverage motorsports to make ever- Jyväskylä since Toyota returned to the FIA
better cars, from the top categories driven by pro- World Rally Championship (WRC) in 2017,
fessional drivers, to customer motorsports driven during which time it has built a strong relation-
by amateur racing drivers, the sports cars driven ship with the city. The new TGR-WRT
by our many customers, and even down to family Development Center, with a focus on communi-
cars, and beyond that, automated driving. ty development, not only plays a central role in
Our current team principal, Jari-Matti Latvala, was As for myself, what I know is that I love cars, the operation of the WRC activities, but also
a star driver for other teams before Toyota and I love driving. serves as a new base for developing ever-better
returned to the WRC. He was such a star, in fact, I am very fortunate to now have others who love cars in Europe, utilizing the variable surface test
that I waited in the hotel lobby for him to come out cars, love driving, and are passionate about roads available in the Jyväskylä area. The
when I first went to watch the WRC. Since then, motorsports working alongside me. Development Center will also aim to reduce the Rendering of the completed TGR-WRT
he has helped secure numerous victories as a CO2 emitted by entire TGR-WRT’s WRC activi- Development Center
Toyota driver, and this season, as team principal, ties through decarbonizing and emissions
became a triple crown holder. reduction initiatives developed with the city of
Over the past five years, Latvala has, without a Jyväskylä and TMF and offset CO2 emissions
doubt, constantly helped make the Yaris stronger

Integrated Report 20
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company


Sports Clubs Grow alongside to sports activities. We believe that sports are not just about competi-
Sports Embody the Values and Corporate the Company By the 1970s, Toyota had 35 different sports clubs tion; first and foremost they are about bringing peo-
Culture That Toyota Cherishes divided among its primary working locations in ple together. In this spirit, we’ve worked with local
Following the track and field club, a judo club was Japan. For example, the Tokyo office had basketball, chapters of the Special Olympics over the years, and
created in 1938. As the years went on, Toyota added while track and field club was in Aichi Prefecture, in 2017 we became an official global partner.
Passion for Sports Passed Down Since more sports clubs to its roster, notably soccer, rugby, where the Tahara Plant is located, and at the Higashi-
Toyota’s Founding and volleyball clubs. Club activities were put on hold Fuji Technical Center in Shizuoka Prefecture it was
during the war years but resumed in earnest thereaf- soccer. Some of these clubs started to include ath-
Toyota’s passion for sports has been a constant ter. Four clubs, including men’s and women’s volley- letes that participated regularly in worldwide competi-
since the Company’s founding in 1937. That same ball clubs, were established in 1946 alone, and a tions. Sports had taken a prominent position in the
year, founder Kiichiro Toyoda organized Toyota’s first total of twelve were set up in the five years from then minds of employees at Toyota.
sports club, the track and field club. Since then, to 1951. Internationally, Toyota made the decision to
Toyota and its athletic clubs have grown and devel- 1951 also marked the first-ever All-Toyota Games, become the main sponsor of the Toyota Europe/
oped together. Chairman Akio Toyoda explains why an event in which Toyota Group companies compet- South America Cup (Intercontinental Cup) soccer The Special Olympics strives to create a better
he thinks this came to be. ed with each other through various athletic events, competition in the mid-1980s. This event brought world by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all
representing growing enthusiasm for sports activities together reigning champion clubs from the European people through sport and promotes Unified Sports,
“More than 80 years ago, our founder Kiichiro at Toyota. and South American confederations in a competition which joins people with and without intellectual dis-
Toyoda created a sports club along with the to claim the distinction of the world’s top club team. abilities on the same teams in order to build relation-
Automobile Division. But what was the sports club The event was renamed the “Intercontinental Cup” in ships of mutual understanding and support. We see
for? The spirit of “never giving up” and the spirit of 1984, and the “FIFA Club World Championship pre- the opportunity to work with Special Olympics as a
working “for the team,” which encourages effort sented by Toyota” in the mid-2000s. Toyota contin- way to expand our own view of the world and help
on the behalf of others—I believe these were ued to support the competition as its main sponsor create a more inclusive, harmonious society.
exactly the mindsets the founding members need- for three decades until 2014.
ed as they recklessly took on the challenge of Sports Embody the Values of Toyota
establishing an automotive industry in Japan. Developing Sporting Equipment for the
Kiichiro must have felt that sports could help
Paralympics—Seizing Opportunities to Since its founding, Toyota has continued to believe in
strengthen the values they should cherish,
Transform into a Mobility Company the power of sport to bring people together and
creating Toyota as we know it today.
Offering Freedom of Movement for All boost morale, regardless of market conditions or the
Opening ceremony of the All-Toyota Games in May 1965 broader business challenges it faces. We are proud
It was around this time that the Olympic and of the long history of our sports teams, and will con-
In 1964, Tokyo hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Paralympic spirit spread to Toyota. In 2015, Toyota tinue to cherish them.
Games, a proud moment for the country that led to signed on to become the official worldwide mobility The values of sport—taking on challenges, never giv-
increased popularity of corporate sports leagues and partner of the International Olympic and ing up, teamwork, and respect—are also the values
teams in Japan. Around this time, Toyota helped Paralympic Committees. and corporate culture of Toyota.
establish a corporate-backed sports league, the Approximately 300 Global Team Toyota Athletes Every day, across the globe, athletes demonstrate
Japan League, to allow companies from across the from 50 countries and regions competed at the the values of humility, hard work, determination,
country to come together in friendly competition. Not recent Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo and and perseverance.
only did this build solidarity among Toyota’s employ- Beijing. Toyota not only joined with Group members It is our admiration for these values that continues
ees, it helped forge ties across Japan’s economic and partners around the world to cheer these ath- to drive us to support the creation of a more inclusive
sector. It was also during this era that Toyota started letes on, the Company worked with the event staff, and sustainable society in which all people can start
Sports clubs grew in tandem with the Company to open and operate overseas, leading to a growing developed sporting equipment, and supported ath- their impossible.
international view of the world, including with regard letes’ second careers.

Integrated Report 21
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Our Founding Spirit The Toyoda Principles and Toyota Philosophy Toyota Production System (TPS) Product-centered Management
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Making Ever-better Cars: From a Starting Point in Motorsports Toyota and Sports Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyota’s Foundations as a Carmaker

Honorary Chairman Shoichiro
Toyoda Inducted into Automotive
Hall of Fame——Akio’s Message

Chairman Akio Toyoda declared that he The TPS does not apply only to the production genba One of the philosophies Chairman Toyoda was absolute-
would “restore what makes us Toyota,” and (front lines); it is a philosophy and skillset for everyone ly determined to put into practice was what he called the
as a result of his many years of struggle, In 2023, the late Honorary Chairman Shoichiro
working at Toyota. For this reason, Toyota has also pro- “top-down” management approach. For Toyota, “top Toyoda was inducted into the Japan Automotive Hall
the foundation of Toyota as we know it vided TPS training geared toward engineering and down” refers to members of the management team of Fame with Chairman Toyoda receiving the award
today has been laid. administrative departments. Our predecessors at Toyota going down to various genba and trying things out on on his behalf. The following is the address Chairman
have united like a family around the TPS as a common their own, without unduly shifting responsibility upon their Toyoda gave for the occasion.
language to bring together their wisdom. Like the annual subordinates. This is in line with Toyota’s traditional idea
From an early age, my father learned about the
rings of a tree, these efforts have built up over time and of genchi genbutsu (onsite, hands-on experience) and monozukuri (manufacturing) spirit from his grand-
become the very core of Toyota’s competitiveness. This fundamental focus on the genba. It is, in a word, the father Sakichi and father Kiichiro, and practiced
is precisely what makes us Toyota, what we must bring practice of what makes us Toyota. the ethos of action over words and always fol-
back, and what will become the power we need to blaze lowing through. Then, at the age of 27, following
At the same time, we ask our employees to work Kiichiro’s death, he joined Toyota as a director.
a path toward the future in these turbulent times.
“from the bottom up.” This means approaching mem-
Photographs by Noriaki Mitsuhashi / N-RAK PHOTO AGENCY bers of top management with ideas and having them Beginning in the turbulent postwar period, he shoul-
Bold Organizational Structure Reforms for dered the heavy responsibility of being a Toyota
voluntarily change the way work is done rather than
Toyota’s Origins Rediscovered in a What Makes Us Toyota leader for more than half a century. I believe he
forcing the logic of those on the front lines upon them. embodied Sakichi’s words—”Open the door, it’s a
Desperate Start
An organization in which members of both the upper big world outside”—by paving the way for Toyota to
We have also placed our focus on implementing move beyond Japan and become a global company.
and lower levels complement one another, working
During his tenure as company president, Chairman changes to our internal organization.
side-by-side, is the Toyota ideal. Yet, he was more than a businessperson. As
Toyoda often remarked that he “couldn’t recall a single
The number of officers in our management team has chairman of Keidanren, Expo 2005 Aichi, and
year of peace and quiet.” His term as president began
been greatly reduced and an in-house Company sys- Hope Shining beyond Hardship the Institute of Invention and Innovation, he
just after Toyota fell into the red during the very difficult maintained strong convictions and a broad per-
tem has been introduced to accelerate decision mak-
time after the 2008 global financial crisis. Through spective, working to create a society where chil-
ing. The personnel system was also shifted to one In 2020, the Toyota Philosophy was announced, born
crisis after crisis—major recalls, the Great East Japan dren could have hopes and dreams and all the
that emphasizes roles rather than titles. from a reinterpretation of a cone-shaped diagram world’s people live in peace and prosperity.
Earthquake, the floods in Thailand, and the COVID-19
labeled, “What is Toyota?” that was developed more
pandemic—the Company has always maintained In addition, the triangular table used by the Labor- Above all, he was a man who continued to pur-
than 60 years ago.
“what makes us Toyota” as its guiding light. Management Council has also garnered a lot of atten- sue Kiichiro’s dream, vision, and spirit in seeking
tion. At ordinary Labor-Management Council The Toyota Philosophy includes the mission of “pro- to make Japan a prosperous nation.
Just prior to Toyoda’s appointment as president, Toyota
meetings, representatives of the company and the ducing happiness for all,” which has roots in the
experienced the worst annual loss since its founding. This was rooted in ideas that Toyota has cher-
union sit on opposite sides of a table, facing each dream of Toyota Motor Corporation’s founder Kiichiro ished since its founding: genchi-genbutsu, build-
Although triggered by the 2008 global financial crisis,
other. In contrast, at Toyota’s Labor-Management Toyoda to manufacture a domestically produced car ing quality into the process, ceaseless innovation,
the root cause of the loss was the Company’s policy of
Council meetings, the management team, representa- for the masses. Kiichiro wanted to make the car, a and the belief that monozukuri is about develop-
expansion in pursuit of volume and profit. As this ing people.
tives from the Company (from operating officers to vehicle that brings happiness, available to everyone.
growth continued without a solid base beneath it,
section managers), and union representatives are Our mission of “producing happiness for all” is to bring I will never forget these words from my father:
Toyota gradually lost sight of itself. After much reflection
seated at the three sides of a triangular table, with Kiichiro’s wish into the future as a mobility company. It “Creating something new means racking your
on these missteps, then-President Toyoda set out on a
everyone facing each other. Our goal for these meet- is through the daily improvements we make toward brains, toiling, and losing yourself in the process.
mission to bring back what makes us Toyota. These moments are the ultimate pleasure. There
ings is for union representatives, executives, manag- this goal that we find what makes us Toyota.
Just what is it that makes us Toyota? To start, Toyota ers, key personnel, and everyone else involved with is no greater joy or excitement than seeing
At the Toyota Philosophy’s announcement, then- someone enjoying or benefiting from a product
relies on the Toyota Production System (TPS). Though Toyota to able to engage in face-to-face discourse that you worked hard to make. That’s what
President Toyoda remarked, “What is important is
the TPS is typically defined as an automotive produc- and conduct open and honest discussions on what drives Toyota to keep learning and striving to
that we use that cone graphic as a base to continue
tion system that improves efficiency by eliminating makes us Toyota. create something even better.”
discussing what it is that makes us Toyota. I believe
waste and pursuing rationality, its true essence lies in
Chairman Toyoda once made an appeal for members we should use this as a tool to reflect on ourselves as As these words suggest, my father was also an
making people’s work easier. This is an idea that can engineer with a lifelong love and dedication to
of the Toyota family to try seeing things from perspec- we face changes in the environment.”
be traced back to Toyota’s roots of Toyoda Automatic monozukuri. Knowing my father, I am sure noth-
tives outside of their own. In discussions, rather than
Loom Works Ltd., founded by Sakichi Toyoda in 1926. Over the past 14 years, we have faced unprecedented ing would make him happier than to follow the
simply arguing your own point of view, discuss what respected Kenya Nakamura* as an inductee into
Sakichi was inspired to begin manufacturing looms out crises time and again. What makes us Toyota—that
you can do for the customer or for your colleagues. the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame.
of a desire to make his mother’s work easier, seeing unique quality inherited from our predecessors—has
As Toyota itself originated from the idea of making the * Toyota’s first chief engineer in charge of the development
her work late into the night at her loom. The ingenuity been the light of hope that shines beyond the hardships.
work of others easier, he was calling for a basic of the Crown and the Century.
born from that desire resulted in increases in both effi- Toyota is what it is today, because we have continued to
stance based on what makes us Toyota.
ciency and productivity. look straight ahead, pushing forward toward that light.

Integrated Report 22
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

Accelerating the shift to a
Mobility Company: President
Sato Talks about Toyota’s Future

Toyota Mobility Concept

Mobility 1.0 Transitioning Cars to Mobility

Toyota Mobility Concept
Battery electric vehicles offer new possibilities in such roles as
Electrification Intelligence mobility that transports electricity, collectively serving as an energy
Autonomous Driving grid, and enhancing society’s energy security. Intelligence can also
evolve cars even further by utilizing information gathered from them
Multiple-Pathway Solutions 1.0 and our customers. Our software platform Arene OS holds the key
TRANSITIONING CARS to MOBILITY to this new kind of car-making. Connecting the latest hardware and
Energy Grid software will enable cars and various software applications to link
freely. Arene OS will fulfill an important role as a platform to support
this kind of evolution.
Vintage Car Conversion
Carbon Neutrality and Expanding the Diversification Software &
Value of Mobility: Two Principles of Hydrogen Engine Hardware Update

the Toyota Mobility Concept

Mobility 2.0 Expanding Mobility Access
Evolving the car to be more useful to society Toyota Mobility Concept
There are many people for whom we are as yet unable to provide
based on essential values—safety, security, and Emerging Countries
mobility support, such as the elderly, people living in depopulated
being fun to drive—cultivated over decade and IMV BEV IMV Zero
areas, and people in emerging markets in which the car market is still
realizing a mobility society in which everyone can Rural area C+walk JUU
move freely, happily, and comfortably... As we Mobility 1.0 under developed. New mobility possibilities, such as mobility in the
Last Mile
People with restricted TRANSITIONING CARS to MOBILITY sky, are also expanding. Toyota, in addition to having a full lineup of
work toward such a future, we will continue our
mobility, vehicles, has a network of colleagues across industries, including in
transformation into a mobility company in three 2.0
Seniors, new forms of mobility, such as the e-Palette, and the domain of
domains. Underpopulated areas, etc. EXPANDING MOBILITY ACCESS
MaaS (Mobility as a Service).
e-Palette Leveraging these strengths, we would like to go beyond our cur-
“Mobility lies beyond the future of the car”
Land/ Ocean/ Air rent scope of business to provide greater mobility support to our
Cars lie at the center of our transformation into a
Land Hopper Joby
New Mobility
Outer Space Fuel Cell Vessel customers around the world.
mobility company. To expand the possibilities of
cars, it is necessary to evolve based on the long
Mobility 3.0 Synergy of Mobility & Infrastructure
cultivated concepts of “best-in-town” and
Toyota Mobility Concept
“ever-better cars.” We will proceed with our demonstration experiments in Woven City
Daily Life to create mobility ecosystems that tie into energy and transportation
1.0 systems, logistics, and our daily lives as well as being integrated with
TRANSITIONING CARS to MOBILITY cities and society and a future that realizes well-being.
For example, we will advance our development of a new logistics
2.0 system, and city-integrated autonomous mobility while demonstrat-
ing a CO2-free hydrogen supply chain that starts from Woven City
Data Energy
3.0 and potential uses of hydrogen in our daily lives.
In addition to these demonstrations that utilize digital technologies,
Transportation Systems/ from 2025, we will accelerate comprehensive demonstrations in real
Logistics cities, leading to social implementation together with our partners.

Integrated Report 23
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

Why a Mobility Concept? 1.0 Transitioning Cars to Mobility form of new and exciting choices, enhancing our The Lexus LF-ZC is the result of these efforts, and
entire line-up, and allowing us to take the first step a commitment to starting production in 2026.
Toyota’s commitment to becoming a mobility com- Providing choice starts with looking at all people, all toward the “transition cars toward the mobility era.”
pany was made by Chairman Toyoda back in 2018. around the world. Secondly, to produce the connectivity with not only
That’s the theory…so what does it mean people’s lives, but also with society, we have to
At that time, while CASE* technology was seen as Our global business, the “best in town” approach, in practice? break the cycle where digital attributes are consid-
the driver of change in the automotive industry, is structured to give us this insight. ered separately from physical hardware.
then-President Toyoda was clear that this transition There are three key areas that will require a paradigm
was about something bigger. Different communities need to take different paths shift in thinking if we are to answer these needs. At a fundamental level, the synergy of hardware
to a sustainable future. Wherever in the world they with the Arene OS will act as a catalyst for new
People’s lives the world over are changing. From live, whatever their situation, whatever their income Firstly, to truly provide a “no compromises” expe- experiences and solutions.
what we wear, to what we eat; from what we level, we don’t want to leave anyone behind. rience, we have to fundamentally rethink the
watch, to where we sleep; from how we work, to vehicle layout. For example, the content and services of the digital
how we learn—people have literally become era are crucial to creating unique choice but, in
Multi-Pathway Approach
addicted to choice. Next-generation architecture allows us to radically many cases, the driver is not part of that experience.
change the distribution of space between human
And with this expansion of choice, people have BEV FCEV and machine and to deliver more from less. In a fundamentally new approach, traditional
more flexibility to align their consumption with their control devices will be replaced by content that is
personal values. The driver moves forward, creating space efficiency displayed depending on the situation, creating an
in a smaller, lighter footprint. The front of the vehicle intuitive and simpler user interface that antici-
Gone are the days of mass trends in design and is dramatically reduced in size for incredible visibili- pates needs.
fashion. People are empowered and confident to PHEV HEV ty. The occupants sit low, creating a sleek and
live their lives on their own terms, in their own way. beautiful silhouette as well as a low center of gravi- Software-enabled hardware will also allow user-
ty for improved driving dynamics. defined drive programs that instantaneously
Meanwhile, technology has further enabled and change the character of the vehicle for a personal
inspired this change, creating a spiral of progress So, providing mobility choice may start with a The key to achieving these breakthroughs is that, driving experience like no other.
that shows no signs of stopping. multi-pathway approach, but we are also simply put, all components, from battery height to
acutely aware that BEVs are the missing piece in HVAC and motors to gigacasting, will be minimal- And it doesn’t end there.
Quite simply, becoming a mobility company is all this strategy. ized to achieve the most efficient engineering with- The car is literally a moving sensor that can see,
about creating unique mobility solutions and expe- out losing one ounce of beauty. touch, hear, and even smell. Input from cameras,
riences for everyone. We believe the future customer will be unwilling to microphones, and other sensors enables unprece-
compromise when it comes to choosing between dented personalization and also provides informa-
Mobility that embraces not only the movement of emotional design and functional needs. tion for application makers to create previously
people, but also fully integrates the goods, services unseen content based on the unique situation and
and connectivity that they demand—mobility that They will expect ecological solutions as well as location of each and every car and user.
gives people “freedom in motion.” the exhilaration of movement. They will expect
the connectivity and integration of their digital
This is why we are moving forward with the lives to be seamlessly and intuitively built in, and
multi-pathway approach. they will expect specific solutions to their diverse
*Connected, autonomous, shared, and electric lifestyle desires.

BEVs, through their unique attributes, offer the

chance to provide answers to these needs in the

Integrated Report 24
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

A fusion of sensors, data, AI, and a voice concierge the reality is that there are 1.3 billion people in the
allows digital interaction with the world surrounding world who experience serious disability, and for
the car in real time, redefining the car as a sensor them, together with the elderly, the loss of mobility
and creating unique content from motion. is the same as losing their independence. In Japan,
this is especially relevant as almost a third of the
And thirdly, we have to embrace the exponential population is over 65, and this in itself represents
diversity of mobility as people increasingly demand a chance to lead the world in seeking
concepts that answer all their lifestyle needs. new solutions.

The next-generation platform not only minimalizes While we cannot promise solutions for all, there are
components, but also has flexibility and adaptability The possibilities for excitement in the BEV age What sets us apart in our thinking on BEV car- many for which we can imagine answers that
built in from the outset. don’t end there. The Land Cruiser Se and EPU fur- making is simple—we love cars! would radically change the potential for them to
ther demonstrate how our future lineup will contin- enjoy for freedom of mobility.
For example, the three-part chassis, or the standard ue to inspire fun and adventure in our customers. I think you will agree that these vehicles are any-
“steer by wire” approach allows us to adapt the same thing but commodities and that software will allow Toyota’s 60 years of providing mobility for disabled
internals to create a new ultra-versatile SUV like the all these cars to grow and improve with the user, people is something that we are incredibly proud
FT-3e, or when an adrenaline rush is needed, how increasing the experiential value of the vehicle of. And, with the technical innovations just outlined,
about a four-wheel drive sports car like the FT-Se? throughout ownership. new possibilities are now a reality.
So, part 1.0 of the mobility concept “transition-
ing cars to mobility,” satisfies the need for vehicles The NEO steer system, developed together with
that provide unique, connected experiences Paralympic skier Taiki Morii, allows total control of
without compromises. the vehicle without use of the lower body. This is
only made possible by steer-by-wire technology,
2.0 Expanding Mobility Access where minimal lock-to-lock allows all controls to be
mounted on the steering wheel.
As a company, we could easily stop there, but for
Toyota, “mobility for all” is about providing opportu-
nity for all.

People are no longer prepared to accept the

restrictive “norms” of the present day, and we don’t
think they should either.

People want to live life to the full, regardless of

physical constraints. They want unique solutions for
their economic and cultural circumstances and they
want the freedom to go further than traditional
mobility can take them.

2.0 of the mobility concept is about increasing

opportunities for people who are currently excluded.

We promised that nobody would be left behind, but

Integrated Report 25
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

The JUU allows independent movement whatever But, no matter how flexible cars are, there will 3.0 Synergy of Mobility & Infrastructure we are currently carrying out real life testing
the infrastructure situation. always be places they cannot reach. through the E-TOSS system. This has already
3.0 is the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle. shown that sharing information between vehicles in
The all-electric Land Hopper forms a seamless Integrating products, services, and goods with real time can achieve significant energy and man-
extension of the car, taking you further than the infrastructure is in many ways the ultimate goal of power savings, as well as cost reduction.
car’s capability alone would allow. Individual mobili- becoming a holistic mobility company. Increasingly, however, society is defined by how
ty will also no longer be restricted to land. you manage energy and data.
Kayoibako, as a B2B product, is an example of
how this can be achieved, as it allows you to do We believe that a sustainable future requires that
what you want, when you want, where you want. It mobility not only uses energy, but also stores, car-
is designed to be efficient and effective in all ries, and shares energy symbiotically with other
respects—transporting goods, as a platform for parts of society.
selling goods or adapted to serve as a moving
multi-use space for personal use. As mobility makes cars literally become sensors on
wheels, the ability to share collected data and com-
puting capacity also opens up new possibilities.
The future of mobility for the physically impaired
should not be a passive approach, but rather one Joby* and Toyota Marine will bring zero-emission Inter-connecting vehicles with people, goods, and
that is based on empathy and respect, understand- personal travel to the air and the water, while the information is not only about efficiency, it could also
ing that everyone wants to enjoy their life to the full- Lunar Cruiser will explore the furthest reaches of provide security and peace of mind, helping people
est. Where and how you live also makes a big mankind, showing that hydrogen is as essential to live life on their own terms.
difference in the choices you seek. now as it was for the first moon landing.
* Joby Aviation. Toyota and Joby are collaborating on the The three stepping stones to the mobility world will
IMV 0 is a low-cost vehicle specifically aimed at development and commercialization of all-electric vertical not be easy, but we believe that mobility is oppor-
take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft.
However, it doesn’t finish with the physical box.
South East Asia. Income is one of the biggest hur- More importantly, it is designed to interact with tunity, and that opportunity is one route to happi-
dles to mobility access, but not the only one. society and other mobility solutions. ness for all.
Usage scenarios in some parts of the world are
more varied and more specific than others. We see For delivery, robots can potentially do the loading
an opportunity to offer vehicles only 70% complete and unloading at warehouse and customer points.
at point of sale—the remainder is limited only by In hospitals in Japan, Toyota robots already negoti-
the customer’s creativity. ate corridors and elevators to deliver medicine.

Build your own car at your own pace, according to

your own budget to meet for your own unique needs.

Together with real-time Digital Twin modelling,

working in parallel with the real world at an even
greater efficiency is possible. We have already
started on this road with the CJPT Alliance, where

Integrated Report 26
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

Product-centered Management
Electrification with comprehensive support through the power of Intelligence
Right now, the right answers for the future are our 10-million-unit-strong sales and revenue base.
unknown. It is therefore all the more important Let’s start with electrification. I want to begin by Next is intelligence. Specifically, the role of intelli-
to blaze the path forward. With this in mind, saying that we remain firmly committed to our 2. PHEVs (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles) gence in the cars themselves, the underlying ser-
Executive Vice President Hiroki Nakajima multi-pathway approach. We will continue to tai- By increasing battery efficiency to extend the vices, and in expanding our connection to society.
spoke about product-centered management. lor electrification to the needs of customers and EV-mode cruising range beyond 200 km, we will
individual regions by drawing on the strengths and reposition PHEVs as “the practical BEV” and First, the shift to intelligent cars. This will involve
characteristics of each vehicle type. put greater focus on developing this as another expanding advanced safety technology, multime-
Toyota Mobility Concept BEV option. dia, and other constantly evolving feature updates
1. BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles) to all of our vehicles. At the same time, alongside
Electrification Intelligence We have plans for 2026 to release next- 3. FCEVs (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) advances in the onboard operating system, our
generation BEVs entirely different from those of We will pursue mass production centered on next-generation BEVs will enable users to cus-
today—BEVs created by carmakers. This new commercial vehicles. One feature of FCEVs is that tomize “ride feel” according to their preferences
generation of BEVs will double driving range by the energy source, hydrogen, is lightweight. As for how the vehicle accelerates, turns, and
using batteries with far greater efficiency while such, even when designed for greater cruising stops. By also honing the vehicles’ essential attri-
also offering design and driving performance to ranges, vehicles are not as heavy as BEVs, and less butes, we will create cars that are more fun to drive
set hearts racing. space is required. Refueling is also much quicker. in terms of both hardware and software.

At the same time, we will transform manufacturing. Taking advantage of these strengths, we will work Next is intelligent services. From 2023, we began
Drawing on the strengths of the Toyota Production with business operators to promote FCEVs by the public rollout of new services that connect cars
System, we will change the way we work to reduce starting with commercial vehicles, such as to cities and infrastructure. Examples of such ser-
the number of processes by half. This will entail a medium- to heavy-duty trucks. Additionally, we vices include, logistics systems that use real-time
shift to more efficient lines, including autonomous started basic research on hydrogen engines for traffic information to boost transport efficiency and
1.0 inspections and unmanned transport powered by heavy-duty commercial vehicles 2022. systems that provide optimal energy management.
TRANSITIONING CARS to MOBILITY connected technology. We will completely trans- Partnering with cities and public facilities, we will
form the landscape of our production plants. 4. HEVs (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) also expand our BEV charging network while pro-
2.0 We will continue to improve our products with a viding a variety of services that support the energy
EXPANDING MOBILITY ACCESS We also aim to achieve carbon neutrality at all of focus on high quality and affordable prices by grid and daily living. These efforts are already under
our global plants by 2035. Also, we will overhaul accounting for local energy conditions and custom- way at Lexus.
3.0 existing supply chains by working with suppliers to er ease of use.
SYNERGY OF MOBILITY & INFRASTRUCTURE procure superior quality parts at lower prices. Then, there is the role of intelligence in society.
We are also committed to becoming carbon Woven City, our mobility test course, will serve
To realize these transformations, we created a new neutral with fuel options not only for new vehi- as a living laboratory for trialing various ways of
The Toyota Mobility Concept. It is centered on specialized unit in May 2023. Working under a single cles, but also for vehicles already on the road, connecting people, cars, and society.
enhancing the value of the car, expanding new leader entrusted with full authority, this all-in-one which outnumber new vehicles by a factor of
mobility and freedom of movement, and providing team will handle every function, from development about 20. For example, in the area of connected logistics ser-
new services and energy solutions as part of to production and business operation. vices, we will use Woven City to address any issues
social systems. that come to light through real-world trials, before
Supporting this is our competitiveness in such once again implementing these services on public
I will explain the three approaches that hold the key areas as per-unit development cost and invest- roads. By repeating this process, we will accelerate
to realizing this vision: electrification, intelligence, ment in in-house production, both of which have the realization of an intelligent society.
and diversification. been halved by the Toyota New Global
Architecture (TNGA). We will provide the team

Integrated Report 27
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

Multi-Pathway Solutions
Finally, we come to diversification. Our approach to
diversification goes beyond cars to mobility itself Mass
and even the energy sector. production
BEVs created by FCEV centered on
a carmaker commercial
Firstly, the diversification of cars will involve expand-
ing our product lineup, services that utilize connect-
Electrification vehicles
ed technology, as well as parts, accessories, and
business collaborations with new partners.

PHEV Practical BEVs HEV Catering to

Next is the diversification of mobility. For example, local needs
we have developed a one-touch system for secur-
ing wheelchairs in vehicles that utilizes the know-
how we have accumulated over many years of
developing assisted mobility vehicles. Sales of the
system were planned to start in 2023, and we Expanding Our Connection with Society
remain committed to ensuring stress-free travel for
wheelchair users. We will also expand our efforts
to new mobility businesses, such as our collabo- Car Intelligent cars Services Intelligent services Society Intelligent society
ration with Joby.
Intelligence Run
Customizable Car test course Mobility test course
Next we have energy diversification.
Always up Turn
“ride feel” Optimization
Demonstrations using hydrogen extracted from Stop
water as well as unused food and other waste
to date
in addition to carbon-neutral fuels made from Advanced Living
safety laboratory
biomass and other resources have already Updates
begun in Japan and Thailand. We will hone Multimedia Real-time management Public trials
these energy use technologies through
motorsports, aiming to promote their
widespread adoption in society.
Car to Society
Today I’ve talked about electrification, intelligence,
and diversification. Through our cars, we aim to
create the future by working together with Car Car diversification Mobility Mobility diversification Energy Energy diversification
like-minded partners to spread the value of these
ideas to all of society. Diversification

Integrated Report 28
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

Region-centered Management
As a result, we have increased sales in emerg- of 23.15 million units, resulting in a CO2 emissions Carbon Emissions Know No Borders
Executive Vice President Yoichi Miyazaki spoke ing markets and achieved an exceptionally reduction equivalent to that of approximately
recently about Toyota’s efforts to enhance well-balanced regional sales mix. 7.70 million BEVs. To do so, the first thing that we must consider is how
region-centered management. to achieve carbon neutrality.
In addition to lowering R&D costs and buyer incen- The lead role has been played by HEVs, the perfor-
tives through the effects of the TNGA, the steady, mance and cost of which has been refined with each Carbon knows no borders, and finding ways to
Products Aligned with Regional Traits continued application of our strengths in timely prod- successive generation. As a result, the cost of reduce CO2 emissions is an issue that cannot
Europe China
North America uct improvement to meet the needs of each region hybrid systems has dropped to one-sixth of the wait. We need to immediately start with what we
Style, Style,
cruising range electrification Japan Large cars, and cost reduction in cooperation with suppliers original cost, making the profitability of HEVs com- can do now.
Compact cars, has led to a dramatic increase in earning power. As a parable to that of gasoline vehicles.
result, we have evolved to be able to grow earnings To spread the use of electrified vehicles as quickly as
while investing in the future for further growth. Toyota has thus been able to greatly enhance its possible and with as many vehicles as possible, we
Asia, etc. earning power while investing in the future, growing need to be very attentive to the specific needs of our
QDR, good quality, and affordable prices
Together with our employees, shareholders, and with stakeholders, and reducing CO2 emissions. This customers, taking into account local electrification
suppliers, we have built a cycle of growth. truly is an achievement of our region-centered man- progress and the diverse ways that cars are used.
agement based on efforts to make ever-better cars.
Maintaining and strengthening our solid busi- We have also actively promoted the introduction of Accordingly, alongside the enhancement of our BEV
ness foundation will remain essential to realizing electrified vehicles. Since the introduction of the We will continue to deepen our region-centered man- lineup, we will continue to enhance the attractiveness
the Toyota Mobility Concept. first-generation Prius, we have sold a cumulative total agement to further solidify our business foundation. and competitiveness of all powertrains, including
HEVs and PHEVs.
I would like to begin with a review of the role that Cumulative Electrified Vehicle Sales
region-centered management has played and the (million units) (million units) A Detailed Regional Approach Is Needed to
results it has achieved so far. (Cumulative) 23.15 million*2 4.0 CO2 emissions reduction Accommodate Differences In Electrification Progress

Annual sales*1, 2
Cumulative sales*1

Cumulative 3.0 effect equivalent to
20 Market composition by powertrain (2022)
Reductions Equivalent to 7.7 Million BEVs 2.5 Approx. 7.7 million BEVs
15 5% 1%
2.0 BEV 17% 18% 1% 8%
10 1.5 PHEV 12% 6%
Aiming to become a best-in-town carmaker, under 8%
1.0 HEV 12%
the banner of “let’s make ever-better cars,” Toyota 5
86% 99%
has provided high-quality cars developed based 0 0 ICE 68%
on the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA). 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 (year) 59%

Taking care to account for the unique characteris- *1 Vehicle sales figures are the total of HEV, PHEV, BEV, and FCEV sales
*2 As of March 31, 2023
tics and individuality and needs of each region, Germany China United Indonesia
these cars have been sold under the leadership of Growing HEV Profitability States
Source: S&P Global
the regional CEOs. HEV cost (difference from gasoline vehicles) Per-unit profit on HEVs
(with profit for gasoline vehicles as 100) Carbon Neutrality
Results of Region-centered Management 100
Down to 1/6
Sales volume by region
Japan North America Europe Asia Other 7.26
24% 35% 14% 12% 13% million units
1st gen 2nd gen 3rd gen 4th gen 5th gen 3rd gen 4th gen
(1997) (2003) (2022)

2022 13% 26% 11% 14% 20% 15% 9.56 Figures for SUVs in North America
million units
Multi-pathway approach

Integrated Report 29
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

Preparing for Next-generation BEVs and in emerging nations, markets are expected to With technological innovations in electrification, We believe that this approach is one way of realiz-
Dramatically Expanding Product Lines in expand due to new demand. intelligence, and diversification progressing, we will ing the mobility concept.
Developed Markets ambitiously work toward contributing to local com-
With a full lineup of profitable HEVs and PHEVs munities and the greater good through industry While leaving no one behind, contributing to the
From here, I will touch upon our BEV initiatives in and a growing selection of diverse BEV options, from a broader perspective. achievement of carbon neutrality, and addressing
each region. Toyota will steadily meet wide-ranging global local social issues, we will advance our transfor-
demand and pursue further growth. For example, in the United States, the automotive mation into a mobility company.
In developed countries, parallel to the prepa- industry is facing major challenges, with people
ration of next-generation BEVs, we will greatly Targeting Growth in Emerging Markets moving away from the manufacturing sector and The source of further growth will be to have
expand our product lineup, focusing primarily with HEVs as a Source of Income structural costs increasing. people in each region happy to see Toyota
on models in the bZ series with further growing and doing more in their communities.
refined performance. For growth in emerging markets, profitable HEVs By combining worksite-honed craftsman skills
will be used as a source of income. With a value with intelligence to propose new processes of We will strive to align our standards and ways of
In the United States, in 2025 we will start the chain of 10 million units, we will also capture a manufacturing and automation, we can give thinking with the broader communities where we
local production of a three-row SUVs equipped wide range of business opportunities. back to the United States in the form of keep- operate and look inwards at ourselves from the
with batteries made in North Carolina, where ing manufacturing in the country while solving outside. With flexible thinking and a willingness to
we will work to increase production capacity. In addition, we will make the most of cost reduc- the labor shortage problem. take on challenges, we will take positive action.
tions achieved by leveraging the strengths of the
In China, along with the bZ4X and the bZ3, Toyota Production System (TPS) and the benefits We also announced an overview of collaborations Putting these principles into practice, we will grow
announced in March 2023, we will launch two of Kaizen (continuous improvement). with Charoen Pokphand and the Siam Cement as a company that is even more deeply accepted
BEV models locally developed to fit local needs Group in Thailand on April 3, 2023. by local communities.
in 2024. We will continue to increase the number As a result, we will generate greater future
of models in subsequent years. investment capacity for the expansion of BEVs This is the start of the implementation of electrifica-
and the mobility domain, and we will establish tion and connected technologies to link vehicles,
In Asia and other emerging markets, we will dili- a strong business foundation whereby carbon people, and information, and utilize mobility as if it
gently work to meet the nascent demand for neutrality and growth can both be achieved. were part of the social infrastructure.
BEVs. Specifically, local production of BEV pick-
up trucks launched in 2023, and smaller battery Going Deeper to Be Even More Through these initiatives, we will take on the
models will be introduced in the future. Welcome Locally challenge of solving such local problems as
heavy traffic congestion, air pollution, and fre-
In developed countries, the switch to BEVs is Next, I will explain how we will work to realize the quent road accidents.
expected to advance as markets mature, while Toyota Mobility Concept.

BEV Initiatives by Region (Up to 2026) Addressing both Electrification and Growth in Emerging Markets with the Global Lineup
Business growth breakdown
Developed Enhance the performance and expand the lineup of the bZ series
Growth + shift
2024 United
2025 Locally produce three-row SUVs Emerging toward electrification HEV
China markets
Add two locally developed models States Increase battery production HEV

Meeting diverse needs Shift toward HEV

Emerging PHEV
markets Pickup trucks and small BEVs electrification
10 million units Around 10 million units and more

Integrated Report 30
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Will Toyota’s New Technology

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Get More People Hooked on
Motorsport?——Round 5 Motegi

Human-centered Car Making

For example, in an MT car, you usually drop a gear
Motorsports—Developing the DAT before entering a corner. DAT senses when you’re
braking fully and downshifts for you in preparation
Toyota’s history in motorsports dates back more for the next acceleration. It anticipates the actions
than 60 years. Having raced in all manner of ahead, just as we normally do when driving.
Photographs by Noriaki Mitsuhashi / N-RAK PHOTO AGENCY
motorsports throughout the world, Toyota’s
major successes gained under the most extreme A standard AT would head into the corner without The following year, DAT appeared in the All Japan
conditions serve as the flesh and blood for build- changing and only recognize that acceleration is Rally Championship in the hands of Tomoyuki
ing tomorrow’s cars. In order to embody the con- needed when you floor the gas pedal, dropping a Shinkai, a driver with several titles.
cept of “Roads Build People and Cars,” Toyota gear (known as a kick down). This creates a mas-
refines every aspect of its cars on the world’s sive time lag. In 2023, the project expanded further to circuit
roads and unsparingly applies the knowledge racing, where DAT is being honed in the demand-
and technology gained in this way as feedback. A New Option for the AT-driving Majority ing environment of high speeds, high G-forces,
All in the name of “making ever-better cars.”
and long distances.
Embracing this philosophy which has
Project General Manager Naohiko Saito served as
remained unchanged for more than 60 years,
Toyota continues to push the limits.
the GR Yaris’s chief engineer and leads DAT devel- Morizo: “DAT Is a Game-Changer”
With the thought of making ever-better cars on opment. He says the aim is to “expand the reach
his mind, Chairman Toyoda continues to take the of motorsports.” As the project’s initiator, Morizo also has high
wheel to hone his special knack for building the expectations for this technology.
kind of vehicles he loves.
Photographs by Noriaki Mitsuhashi / N-RAK PHOTO AGENCY DAT will be a game-changer. ATs are more than
just slower versions of MTs that we put up with
“To make motorsports sustainable.” There is a The DAT, however, was developed to be faster than because they make it easier for many to drive,
powerful motivation that’s evident as Chairman an MT. Driver Hiroaki Ishiura, who also oversees Photographs by Noriaki Mitsuhashi / N-RAK PHOTO AGENCY like some think.
Toyoda, aka Morizo, looks back over his activities. ROOKIE Racing’s #32 Super Taikyu car, explains
how the DAT differs from regular ATs. Since 2016 (when GR Yaris development began), I really want to make this (commercial release)
Morizo’s current efforts to advance motorsports I have learned a great deal from Morizo and the happen, and for many people to drive these cars.
are shining the spotlight in one particular direction: pro drivers, and have gradually come to under-
a newly developed eight-speed sport automatic stand what makes a fun car. One thing I learned in Super Taikyu is the difference
transmission (AT), called Direct Automatic in shifting between myself and the pro drivers. When
Transmission, or DAT. One day, Morizo remarked that not many people changing gears on a straight, I lose 0.2 seconds.
can drive an MT car, and said he wanted “to With two changes, I fall nearly half a second behind.
At Round 5 of the 2023 ENEOS Super Taikyu spread the joy of driving.” That’s how we got
Series Supported by Bridgestone, held in Photographs by Noriaki Mitsuhashi / N-RAK PHOTO AGENCY started working on DAT. We started figuring out With DAT, there’s no time lost when shifting, so
September, Morizo drove a GR Yaris equipped the concept in the second half of 2020. the gap between myself and the pros was
with the new technology. He and his team suc- On a racetrack, a regular AT feels slippery (due to smaller than usual. I can just concentrate on
cessfully completed the five-hour race. the mechanics), giving you little sense of a direct How to open the door to motorsports for this vast braking and accelerating.
connection (with the gears). AT driver majority? This was the question that gave
An AT That Outpaces Manuals rise to the DAT concept. In 2021, with Vice While there are a few problems that must be
That’s where the D in DAT comes in: Direct. It Chairman Shigeru Hayakawa as the development solved before this technology can be commercial-
In the hands of a skilled driver, cars with manual locks in from the moment you set off, responding driver, the technology was thrown into the fray at ized, development of this highly anticipated new
transmissions (MTs) can be faster than those with linearly to gas pedal input and allowing you to the TOYOTA GAZOO Racing Rally Challenge, a technology continues, with many racing and rally
ATs. Thus, most cars used in racing have an MT. shave time off your laps without any loss. beginner-friendly event. fans eagerly looking on.

Integrated Report 31
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Halving Production Processes with The Forefront of Monozukuri :

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Craftsmanship & Digital Tools—— Endeavoring to Change the
Toyota’s Monozukuri Genba on Display Future of Cars

First, wherever I go at Toyota, I sense the same Evolving Monozukuri

Our Inheritance of spirit of wanting to make someone else’s work eas-
Preparing a high-gloss “Piano Black” style
bumper using paintless technology
Craftsmanship ier and make everyone smile. This spirit has been I want to change the future of car-making through
present since the Company’s founding is still alive Toyota’s techniques. To achieve this, we need to
The advanced technologies that will change and well at the genba. Just as when Sakichi evolve monozukuri through the fusion of skills and
the future of cars take shape at the manufac- Toyoda invented the automatic loom, that startup techniques with digital and innovative technologies;
turing genba (the front lines). We will change power is still alive and well today—creating some- and to shorten lead times so that we can be agile
the plant environment and the future of cars thing out of nothing, making improvements, and and continually take on challenges.
through human-centered monozukuri (manu- introducing attractive products to the world.
facturing). Toyota CPO Kazuaki Shingo spoke Toyota has a TPS-based technique called lead-time
about these strengths of Toyota’s genba. Seconds monozukuri that is highly skilled and tech- reduction. I believe that the strength of Toyota’s
nologically advanced is being effectively passed monozukuri lies in increasing the speed of evolution
down. In automation, even as human operators and responding to broader changes in the industry
In this time when there are no clear answers, main- teach robots how to achieve both high quality and and society.
taining and enhancing the strengths of Toyota’s genba high productivity, human operators are raising the
will require development and production to transcend level of their own skills and in turn teaching these We will also change the future of monozukuri by
barriers and for us to work together like a startup to improved skills to the robots. As this cycle contin- changing the plant environment. To do this, I am will-
create the future, as well as plants where workers can ues, Toyota’s skills and technologies are being ing to break the status quo of our production divisions.
thrive, working with enthusiasm and vigor. refined ever more.
We will halve the number of processes using
Third is our training of human resources and the Toyota’s techniques along with digital and innovative
strength of the workplace. I realized that the power of technologies. We will eliminate the barriers between
the genba lies in having the Toyota Production development and production to provide new mobility
System (TPS) take root, having everyone feel a pas- quickly. We will also work to resolve issues in the A master sheet metal worker creating
sion for manufacturing and pursuing Kaizen (continu- foundations underlying monozukuri, such as factory a hammered finish
ous improvement) themselves, and training people for carbon neutrality and logistics. All these will be
just those things. This genba power has enabled us achieved through the power of the genba, where
to achieve a full lineup with annual sales of 10 million people and technology help each other.
units, answering the diverse needs of our customers.
Toyota has been and will continue to be a pioneer,
The Unmatched Strengths of The automotive industry is now in an era of transfor- mass-producing happiness for all by creating
Toyota’s Monozukuri mation, a change in the game with survival at stake. people-centered genba where work is done to
Because we are in such an era, it is all the more bring smiles to others, where gratitude overflows,
I would like to share some aspects of Toyota’s important to effectively pass on Toyota’s unique tech- and where people can work with enthusiasm.
manufacturing genba power. niques and the three things I felt at the genba—the
monozukuri strengths that only Toyota possesses.

Because this is a time of transformation Changing the future of car-making with Toyota’s techniques
Inheritance Evolution
Training human resources Fusion of skills and techniques
Highly skilled and
Founding spirit and strength in the with digital and innovative
technologically advanced workplace technologies
To be agile and continually
take on challenges
Toyota’s Unique Skills

Integrated Report 32
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

A Century for the Next

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Century——Evolving
Alongside Diversifying Values

When Shoichiro Toyoda commissioned the service extends to every movement in every
The Century: A Singular Automobile Representing Century, it was a huge gamble. moment they are seen. Where arrivals and depar-
the Height of Japanese Sensibilities tures are the first and last impressions they imbue.
The elegance of the transition from public to pri-
vate realms is an art in itself. The Century’s role
On September 6, 2023, the new Century, a singular automobile representing the height of
was to make that transition as natural and seam-
Japanese sensibilities, enjoyed its world premiere. Presenter Simon Humphries, Toyota’s Chief
less as possible.
Branding Officer (CBO), introduced this chauffeur-driven car that has evolved with the times
For over a year, Shoichiro worked day and night
embedded in the Century team led by Chief His greatest lesson to us—the key to the finest
Engineer Kenya Nakamura. Cutting-edge technol- attention to detail in car-making—is to show the
ogy alone was not enough—they needed to finest attention to detail in customer understand-
embrace Japan’s heritage and cultural values to ing. And that customer is changing. New genera-
create something completely new and unique. The tions are leading new industries with new ways of
philosophy that gave birth to the Century was thinking and new ways of working. Akio Toyoda
handed down from generation to generation. was acutely aware of this. He knew that the
Throughout this time, Shoichiro remained person- Century had to change.
ally involved in the development of all three gener-
ations of Century. But he also believed that it had the potential to
move with the times without sacrificing what it
For the most recent sedan in 2018, I witnessed stood for. He inspired us to embrace those chang-
this attention to detail firsthand. Over 90 years old ing times and take a more adventurous path.
at the time, his single-minded vision for the
Century was unclouded. I remember being taken A Century that was dignified but bold, thoughtful
It Takes a Nation to Build a Century And that nation is changing. But to understand the
aback by the detail of his questions, down to the but confident, subtle but expressive...
future, we must first understand the past. Every
exact position of the rear seats. The Century’s phoenix motif could not be more fit-
Today marks a special moment for a car at the great product is created by great people. Through
ting. The opening of a new era...
very pinnacle of the Toyota portfolio—the Century. those products, they inspire ever greater accom-
Ladies and gentlemen, a Century for the
The Century is a singular automobile representing plishments. The Century was named in honor of
next century!
the height of Japanese sensibilities. Born as the one of those individuals.
pride of Toyota, the Century has become the pride
of Japan. It takes a nation to build a Century. Century for the Next Century

It takes a nation to build a Century. First introduced in 1967, the Century commemo-
rated the centenary of the birth of Sakichi Toyoda,
founder of the Toyota Group. The principles of dis-
ciplined creativity that Sakichi lived and worked by
remain the core principles of Toyota to this day.

During the development of the first Century in

the 1960s, Japan was still a rising economy.
But millimeter by millimeter, degree by degree—he
Toyota was yet to compete with exotic imported
led us to see what he saw. To explain this focus, I
luxury cars.
need you to imagine a day in the life of a Century
customer—often an individual for whom public

Integrated Report 33
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society

When concentration and productivity is a necessi- whether that be the sleek elegance of the
A Bold Addition to the Legacy ty, everything you need is at your fingertips, but zero-emission, fuel cell Crown sedan, or the ulti-
never in your way. Not only practical elements, but mate power and space of the Alphard and Vellfire.
I think you’ll agree, this is a bold addition to the also creating just the right distance for privacy
Century legacy. I remember when we first showed between passenger and driver. But, productivity
the car to Chairman Akio Toyoda, his reaction was also requires inspiration and creativity—space to
a simple, “wow!” A completely new direction, but think and relax.
still very much a Century.

And together with the sedan, the new vehicle was

worthy to stand at the apex of Toyota—the two
wings of the phoenix. In other words, you can even choose your own
door—whether that’s the ultra-wide-opening swing
So how did we get to this answer? door or maybe something more dramatic. How We provide the opportunity for people to choose
It all revolves around the requirements of a unique about that for an entrance? Rest assured, when how they wish to express themselves.
group of customers. They need space to work, your journey comes to an end, you will step out of
but also to rest. They want space to converse, the Century refreshed. The opportunities are limit- The Century sits at the tip of Toyota’s vision for
but also to escape. ed only by your imagination. If you want to drive chauffeur-driven mobility. It is bold and dynamic, but
the vehicle yourself at the weekend, the GRMN* still retains its discerning taste. It’s inherently simple,
They seek space to think, but also be inspired. As the quietest car we make, the Century is the will certainly not disappoint. but also has great depth. It is modern, but still has a
They value privacy, but also embrace public life. perfect environment. At any speed, occupants can * Gazoo Racing, tuned by the Meister of the Nürburgring connection to its heritage. The Century embodies
That is, we needed to create a car that allowed the converse naturally without raising their voices. With everything that’s good about Japanese sensibilities,
customer to curate their own personal experienc- the plug-in powertrain, the majority of everyday both aesthetically and conceptually.
es—both practically and emotionally. The result is journeys will be silent—and zero emission.
a flagship like no other and it’s uniquely Japanese. The heritage of tomorrow is the innovation of today.
This, together with four-wheel-steering and four- Kuruma no mirai wo kaete iko! (Let’s change the
This architecture allows customers to seamlessly wheel drive, will allow professional drivers even future of cars!)
move between experiences, by the minute and in greater control over vehicle dynamics, providing
the moment. And, at the center of this world is the an even smoother ride for all passengers. Within
rear seat. this serene environment, you can freely choose
the lighting and acoustics to suit your mood—
from electrochromatic glass to an audio system
that taps into Japan’s experience in creating
some of the world’s finest musical instruments.
But there are times when sleep is the only The possibilities are endless and open to discussion.
answer. Take off your shoes, fully stretch out,
and recline into a cocoon-like environment— At Toyota, we believe in the value of Freedom in
your own private oasis. And these features are Motion for everyone, whatever their situation
just the start. Naturally, every Century can be or position.
tailor-made to your requirements—whether
that’s color or materials or seat configurations or Within this, the role of chauffeur-driven mobility
even down to how you choose to alight from the cannot be underestimated. The car is an expres-
vehicle on arrival... sion and extension of the customer’s values—

Integrated Report 34
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality

Basic Concept of Multi-pathway Strategy Furthermore, over the medium to long term, renewable energy sources will continue to proliferate, with
electricity and hydrogen emerging as the primary energy sources sustaining society. In the short term,
The push for carbon neutrality is a matter of urgency if cars are to remain a necessary part of society. however, it is critical to acknowledge global realities and implement changes in practical ways that main-
tain energy security.
Providing our customers around the world with options for mobility under our multi-pathway strategy
while also promoting the decarbonization of our monozukuri (manufacturing) and supply chains serves This is precisely why we are committed to providing mobility options that are in tune with a diverse range
as the core of our activities. of energy situations and customer needs, while also keeping an eye on the future of electricity and
hydrogen. In short, the underlying concept of our multi-pathway strategy is to focus on promoting prac-
Considering ways in which mobility takes into account the future of energy is important. tical transition even as we pursue carbon neutrality.
The strategy’s basic premise is that we need to move away from fossil fuels from the perspective of the
global environment and sustainability.

Varying Energy Situations by Region Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Targets

Source: IEA WEO2021 STEPS scenario
We are fully committed to the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in
Japan North America
Asia and Oceania Middle East Central and 2050 over the entire life cycle of our vehicles. We aim to reduce the
(excluding Russia) (Southeast Asia) and Africa South America
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) average greenhouse gas emissions of vehicles sold worldwide by
9 5 6 1 2 2 2
Others 16 33% by 2030 and by more than 50% by 2035 compared to 2019.
23 17 20 18 28 24
Renewable 21 30 32
energy 40
27 52 Well to Wheel GHG Reduction Targets*2
48 41 73 79
Thermal 65 Global (including emerging countries)
power Mainly hydroelectricity
70 72 68 75 Amount of new car greenhouse gases per car
56 65
40 37 40 43
17 25 19 2019 Actual results
(year) 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030
30% reduction Compared to 2000

Diverse options (Multi-pathway solutions)
Over 33% reduction Compared to 2019
(SBTi 2030 target certified value)


Over 50% reduction

Compared to 2019

• Next-generation • Practical BEVs • Effective means to •C

 ontributes to CO2 •D
 evelopment of • Mass production and
BEVs to be • Developed PHEVs reduce CO2 emis- emissions reduction hydrogen engines commercialization of
launched in 2026 with EV driving sions immediately from owned vehicles*1 utilizing internal vehicles mainly used
•S  ales volume to range of 200 km or *1 New and previously combustion engine for commercial
reach 3.5 million more sold vehicles technology purposes Approx. Approx. 2050
units per year by •T  he annual number 20 years 15 years
2030 of Toyota vehicles Carbon neutrality
equipped with fuel
cells will total 2000 2010 2019 2030 2040 2050
100,000 (2030)
*2 Includes greenhouse gases emitted during the production of fuel and electricity,
in addition to greenhouse gases emitted while driving

Integrated Report 35
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality

References Source: Global sales (S&P Global)


Battery Electric Vehicles Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Hybrid Electric Vehicles Carbon Neutral Fuels Hydrogen Engine Vehicles Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles

Battery Motor Gasoline tank Engine Battery Motor Gasoline tank Engine Battery Motor Gasoline tank Engine Hydrogen tank Engine Hydrogen Fuel cell Battery Motor

Electric vehicle Rechargeable and, like BEVs, Hybrid vehicle Utilizes e-fuel (synthetic fuel) and Hydrogen is used as fuel in Fuel cell vehicle, also known as
As it lacks an engine, the vehicle capable of running solely on Achieves low fuel consumption sustainable biofuels in convention- conventional internal hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
is powered solely by a motor. electricity without CO2 emissions by effectively using two propul- al internal combustion engines. combustion engines. The engine-less vehicle runs on a
Vehicle can run without direct in various circumstances of daily sion systems: an engine and Although CO2 is emitted during Despite being an internal combus- motor powered by electricity gen-
CO2 emissions while in operation. use. For long-distance driving, a motor. combustion, the fuel is called car- tion engine vehicle, it can run with erated through a chemical reac-
the vehicle can run on both bon neutral because it utilizes CO2 virtually no CO2 emissions while in tion between the hydrogen and
motor and engine power, offering in the surrounding atmosphere as operation. Development is under- oxygen in the tank. Vehicle can
a long cruising range. a raw material and has no effect way as a new option for the future. run without direct CO2 emissions
on the total amount of CO2. while in operation
• Operation is possible with- • No need for new
 o need for new
out charging infrastructure infrastructure facilities
infrastructure facilities
2022 Global Market 2022 Global Market 2022 Global Market •C
 an be used with already 2022 Global Market
8.15 million units 3.05 million units 10.4 million units owned vehicles 20,000 units
Main markets where Main markets where Main markets where Main markets where Main markets where Main markets where
penetration is expected penetration is expected penetration is expected penetration is expected penetration is expected penetration is expected
China / North America / All over the world including All over the world including China / Europe / China / Europe /
Developed Countries / China
Europe emerging countries emerging countries North America / Japan North America / Japan

Energy Use (mid- to long-term)

Electricity Hydrogen
Carbon neutral fuel

The Challenge of BEVs

1. Life cycle GHG emissions*3 vary Life Cycle GHG Emissions of BEVs by Source 2. Effective Use of Battery Resources Battery Loading and GHG Emission Reduction
depending on the local energy situation When a small number of batteries are installed per GHG emissions prevented (g)
Source: IPCC AR6 WG3 Chapter 10 “Transport” Carbon Return on Lithium (CROL) =
Compared to power generated from coal or natu- vehicle, electric vehicles can effectively reduce Lithium invested (g)
ral gas, electricity from renewable energy sources Transport life cycle GHG intensity, greenhouse gas emissions. However, as the num-
Source: carghg.org
emits fewer emissions of greenhouse gas. 1.5 occupancy rate (gCO2-eq per passenger-km) ber of batteries increases, the effect becomes less
Electrical Carbon Intensity
While pursuing carbon neutrality, we must significant because the average driving distance

Carbon Return on Lithium

0 67 133 200 267 Open-Source Software
US Open-Source,
address the diverse energy situations of the Low-carbon electricity per vehicle is insufficient. This means that battery (452gCO2eq/kWh) Actual Driving Data
world in the short term. Natural gas electricity resources must be used effectively. Peer-Reviewed Papers

*3 Greenhouse gas emissions throughout the pro- Coal electricity (The carbon return for each powertrain is repre- Model:
duction process all the way through to driving sented by the dots on the graph; lower lithium lev- Same Vehicle
Life Cycle Emissions Quartile Range (Latest Model Year Small SUV)
and disposal. els correspond to more effective greenhouse gas Different Power Trains
Median emission reductions.)
Battery Size (kWh)

Integrated Report 36
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy
Meeting Diverse Global Needs with Our Full Lineup
(Toyota and Lexus Vehicle Sales for the Fiscal Year Ended March 2023)

Global Corolla Yaris RAV4 Lexus RX

Other Japan
15% 14% Europe Japan North America
Sales by Series Electrification PHEV 2.5% Sales by Series Electrification PHEV 0.8% Sales by Series Electrification PHEV 1.6%
(Thousands of units) rate BEV 1.8% (Thousands of units) rate 0.2% (Thousands of units) rate BEV 0.2%
Sales Ratio BEV
by Region Series Units 68% FCEV 0.1%
Series Units 48% Series Units 24% FCEV 0.1%
20% North
Yaris 359 ICE Yaris 175 RAV4 467
America 32% HEV 22%
47% ICE
25% Corolla 179 HEV
Corolla 140
Corolla 348
Asia C-HR 113 Roomy 99 Camry 314 76%
15% Aygo 93 Sienta 93 Tacoma 259
RAV4 87 Hiace 91 Highlander 234
(Thousands of units) (Thousands of units) (Thousands of units)
Sales by Series (Thousands of units)
Proace 70 Aqua 74
Powertrain Sales Powertrain Sales Tundra 122 Powertrain Sales
Series Units
Hilux 43 ICE 339 Noah 73 ICE 729 4Runner 114 ICE 1,827
Corolla 1,538 HEV 660 HEV 665 HEV 528
Land Cruiser Prado 23 PHEV 26 Voxy 71 Lexus RX 106
Yaris 900 PHEV 11 PHEV 39
Lexus NX 17 BEV 19 Raize 70 BEV 2 BEV 5
RAV4 847 FCEV 7
Sienna 69
Hilux 648 Lexus UX 12 Total 1,044 Alphard 60 Total 1,407 Lexus NX 67 Total 2,400
Camry 642 C-HR Aygo Proace Roomy Sienta Hiace Camry Tacoma Highlander

Highlander 379
Tacoma 260
Levin 195
Fortuner 177
Avanza 175
Hilux Avanza Innova Levin Wildlander Avalon Land Cruiser Fortuner

Electrification PHEV 0.9%

BEV 0.4%

30% HEV
28% Sales by Series
Asia (excluding China)
Electrification HEV 9.4% Sales by Series
Electrification PHEV 0.5% Sales by Series
Electrification PHEV 0.1%
(Thousands of units) rate PHEV 0.1% (Thousands of units) rate BEV 0.6% (Thousands of units) rate BEV 0.1%
ICE 70%
Series Units 10% BEV 0.1%
Series Units 29% Series Units 14% HEV
Hilux 224 Corolla 465 HEV Hilux 352 14%
Avanza 159 Camry 221 Corolla 251
(Thousands of units) ICE
Corolla 155 90% Levin 195 71% Yaris 145
Powertrain Sales
Yaris 127 RAV4 150 Land Cruiser 140
Internal combustion engine (ICE) 6,761
Innova 123 (Thousands of units) Wildlander 127 (Thousands of units) RAV4 83 (Thousands of units)
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) 2,720
Fortuner 111 Powertrain Sales Highlander 117 Powertrain Sales Camry 73 Powertrain Sales
Plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) 88 ICE 1,265 ICE 1,325 ICE 1,276
Agya 82 Avalon 98 Fortuner 65
Battery electric vehicle (BEV) 38 HEV 132 HEV 531 HEV 205
Rush 64 PHEV 2 Sienna 87 PHEV 9 Land Cruiser Prado 58 PHEV 1
Fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) 3
BEV 1 BEV 11 BEV 1
Total 9,610 Vios 63 Lexus ES 83 Hiace 41
Raize 49 Total 1,400 Yaris 81 Total 1,876 Rush 36 Total 1,483

Integrated Report 37
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Why Keep Making

Multi-pathway Strategy Hybrids? Mission of
the All-New Prius

Hybrids and Plug-in Hybrids

Why We Need Hybrids Today In order to achieve carbon neutrality, everyone in
The Prius: A Car That Is Loved for More than Its Numbers the world must participate. We need ecological
And here in 2022, times have changed; not a day solutions within reach of many. And it needs to
As BEVs garner global attention in the pursuit of carbon neutrality, Toyota launched the world goes by without talk of the road to carbon neutrali- start today, not tomorrow.
premiere of its new pioneering hybrid electric model Prius in Tokyo on November 16, 2022. The ty. But in addition to hybrids, BEVs are also
new model was presented by Simon Humphries, Chief Branding Officer (CBO) at Toyota. There, achieving major technological breakthroughs and Toyota believes that eco-cars can only contribute
Humphries spoke on the significance of the new Prius’s introduction. solidifying their position as the standard for the to the environment if they are popularized. And
future. As President Toyoda stated at the BEV from that point of view, the Prius is a car for the
event on December 2021, “an EV for everyone,” majority. It is a car to be driven by all people, not
Toyota has embraced BEV as a critical part of our just a few. That is its greatest strength, the reason
product portfolio. for its existence, and the reason the Prius brand
should not be lost. Although everyone in the devel-
We have started to introduce a full lineup of excit- opment phase agreed to these goals, the methods
ing electric vehicles that meet the diverse needs to achieving them were hotly debated.
of our global customers, together with hybrid,
plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell technologies. But as “Commodity” or Something to “Love”?
President Toyoda says, “BEVs are an important
solution, but they are not always the best option Should the next Prius focus on becoming a
for everyone. In a diversified world, we need a “Commodity” or something to “Love?” President
variety of options.” Toyoda proposed that the next Prius should evolve
The Prius’s Greatest Achievement International Comparison of toward becoming a true commodity. Why don’t we
CO2 emissions by Automobiles The Reason for the Prius’ Existence make the next Prius a taxi? Increasing the number
You know, with the current focus on BEVs it seems The reduction of CO2 emissions by 23% is significantly larg- of Priuses in heavy use, long mileage situations
not a day goes by without hearing “How long are er than other countries. The Japanese automotive industry would simultaneously increase its contribution to
However, despite these explanations, we’re still
you going to keep making hybrids...?” So today, I’d has an advantage in having led the reduction efforts.
faced with people asking “how long are you going the environment.
like to talk about Toyota’s new hybrid car! But 2001: CO2 emissions for the future as a whole set at 100
Compared to 2001 Comparison to 2001
to keep making hybrids...?” In the face of this,
maybe I can give you an insight into the passion He also proposed to sell the Prius as an OEM
President Toyoda was adamant that “The Prius is a
behind the next-generation Prius, including an inter- 110
USA +9%
vehicle through other manufacturers, taking the
Germany +3% model that must be kept.”
esting struggle between President Akio Toyoda 100
environmental technology of the Prius, which has
The Netherlands +3%*
[current Chairman] president and the development 90 France -1%
been cultivated over many years, and not limiting it
UK -9%
Why? Simply because the Prius is an eco-car within
team, about the direction we should take. 80
to just the Toyota group. This would contribute to
Japan -23% everyone’s reach.
2001 2005 2010 2015 2019 (FY) a carbon-neutral society by spreading the Prius’s
The Prius debuted in 1997. Its name comes from environmental technology beyond the boundary of
* The Netherlands 2018 Source: IEA
the Latin word for Pioneer. Since the launch of the a single manufacturer.
first-generation Prius, Toyota has sold a total of 20.3 In North America, Toyota alone has sold more
million hybrids globally, reducing CO2 emissions by than 5.2 million hybrid vehicles and reduced
But on our side, we also believed there was anoth-
approximately 162 million tons. Japan has reduced emissions there by approximately 82 million tons.
er way. We wanted to make a car that people
its CO2 emissions by 23% compared to 20 years However, the Prius’s greatest achievement lies
would choose not only for its rational benefits, but
ago, a high level by international standards. not only in those numbers. Rather, it opened up a
also for the emotional experience.
viable alternative to gasoline and diesel. Since
then, hybrid technology has been adopted and
developed not only by Toyota, but by the entire
automotive industry. The Prius opened the door
to a different way of thinking.

Integrated Report 38
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy

Without a doubt, pursuing rationality, fuel efficiency Number five, yes, it is still the most efficient hybrid
and other numerical values imposes many restric- vehicle in its class, in the world. You can be safe in
tions and makes designing the car no easy task. the knowledge that all the exciting stuff has not
However, we really believed that the next step for come at the expense of actively contributing to
Prius was to become a car without compromises carbon neutrality. The road to zero emissions is
in order to increase its appeal to the customer. A certainly a steep one. But we must not forget that
car that is loved not only for its numbers. we are doing it for the sake of the earth.

I honestly don’t think President Toyoda thought we

would be able to achieve this, given the difficulties
we had faced in the past. But he did not oppose
us. On the contrary, he gave us a chance to fight, But because of that we were able to take the icon- We have achieved a lower center of gravity, even
saying our team’s choice of love instead of com- ic silhouette of the Prius to the next level. It’s not with large-diameter tires. By increasing the rigidity
modification was “interesting.” When he saw the only sleek, it’s strong and stable. It’s not only bold of the body, we have achieved firm and stable
final design, he said “That’s cool!” Together, we and simple, it’s full of surface movement, it’s got response in straight lines and easy line tracing in
chose love. Everybody, the new Prius. attitude! But it’s not just design that triggers an corners according to the driver’s intention.
emotional response. Combined with the latest powertrain, the result is
an even more captivating driving experience.
Number two, it is a BEV with an engine. Dual
Power with Synergy PHEVs deliver unparalleled Number four, digitalization and quality. In this day Beyond Zero, a brighter and happier future awaits
performance thanks to the dual synergy of motor and age, a superior integrated digital experience all of us. But that journey has to start, not only
and engine. should not be ignored. Not only has a 12.3-inch today, but also with the maximum number of
center screen been adopted, but the layout is such active participants. Whether the technology is bat-
that the digital environment enhances rather than tery electric, plug-in hybrid, fuel cell, hybrid, hydro-
detracts from the driving experience. gen, or some yet-to-be-discovered technology, we
will make every effort to offer better solutions for
the majority of people around the world.

Something Only Customers Can Answer

Five Reasons to Love the Prius Will commodities or love prevail? That’s only some-
thing the customer can answer. How do you guys
We hope there will be many reasons to love this 2.0L Plug-in hybrid system think this match will go? Personally, I look forward
car, but here are my top five! to seeing people around the world enjoying and
It can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in six sec- growing to love the new Prius.
Number one, it’s beautiful, or at least I’d like to onds. Its range in EV mode has been extended by
think so! So, what has changed this time? I think it more than 50% compared to the current vehicle.
was a mutual understanding that good design In many average usage situations, it is, to all Prius interior
cannot be created by designers alone. The engi- intents and purposes an EV.
neering team’s efforts to lower the ride height, Combined with high material quality and innovative
lengthen the wheelbase, and increase the tire size Number three, amazing driving dynamics. The illumination, we have also made the interior user
to 19 inches are not exactly logical. TNGA platform has matured, and the driving experience a captivating one.
dynamics will not let you down.

Integrated Report 39
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota Reveals the Future of Cars

Multi-pathway Strategy with Next-Generation Battery and
Hydrogen Technologies

Battery EV Strategy
possibilities for enjoying cars. The future of manufacturing is about halving. response. Though still in its early days, we are
In May 2023, Toyota launched BEV Factory, Halving processes, plant investment, and produc- already seeing positive results from this structure.
a specialized organization that brings We will deliver exciting surprises and fun, like the tion lead time—halving BEVs, so to speak.
together all the functions and authority manual EV, to our customers with technologies Furthermore, using Arene OS, we will improve
needed for the development of next- that only a carmaker could create. Specifically, the new modular structure and development and evaluation efficiency. And,
generation BEVs only a carmaker can provide. self-propelling production technology will halve the wide-ranging external collaboration will foster new,
Mr. Kato, who leads the BEV Factory, 1,000 km Stylish design number of processes and the amount of plant creative thinking, and that individual growth will
“ride feel”
expressed his thoughts as follows. investment required. Self-propelling production, change the future of the Company.
especially, will be key to building next-generation
Software External
BEVs. By greatly reducing the time, effort, and Speed of people development
efficiency collaboration
Next-generation cost required to modify production technologies,
batteries and AI support Full OTA factories and buildings whenever a new model is
sonic technology
introduced, this technology will accelerate the
launch of new products to market.
Decision making Enriching
The Future of Monozukuri (Manufacturing) and first response creativity
These and other new manufacturing ideas, com-
Car bodies will be constructed from three main bined with the use of digital twin technology, will Let’s Change the Future with BEVs
components in a new modular structure. Cars are halve production lead time.
assembled after each of the three modules is com- Our new batteries will be a key selling point that
Halve plant Halve production
pleted, meaning that each module can evolve sepa- Halve processes powers strong revenues in this business. Through
investment lead time
rately, allowing us to move quickly, especially in the these batteries, which will only be available in our
The BEV Factory hopes to change the future race to develop better batteries. next-generation BEVs, we are determined to
through the transformation of cars, manufacturing, become a world leader in BEV energy consump-
and work New Modular Structure for Car Bodies New modular Self-propelling Digital twin tion. This is why we must first focus on battery
structure production development. Toyota’s development of both bat-
Front Center Rear
The Future of Cars teries and vehicles in-house provides an advan-
The Future of Work tage in this area.
First, we will change the future of cars. This means
evolving the products we provide to customers. BEV Factory is an all-in-one team under one leader With the resources we earn, we will improve our
Rapidly incorporate advances in batteries
that brings together all functions and regions, product appeal to exceed customer expectations
Through the integration of next-generation batteries Component Halve Halve plant including Woven by Toyota and external partners, and secure earnings.
integration development cost investment
and sonic technology, we will achieve a game- 100 100
going beyond the framework of a carmaker.
changing vehicle cruising range of 1,000 km. -90 parts Global Full Lineup Integrated Planning
Front body 70 This one organization is charged with developing
50 50
MPV — — 120k units
Next, we will capture customers’ hearts with styl- the entire lineup from start to finish—from develop-
ish design. AI will be used to help ensure excellent ment to production planning, business planning, SUV — 360k units 600k units
aerodynamic performance, doubling the time that Rear body designing the product fleet, including that for over- SDN
-85 parts H/B 360k units — 240k units
designers can devote to creating beautiful cars. Past 2026 Future Past 2026 seas, and procurement strategy. Compact Mid-size Large

What’s more, the “ride feel” will be customizable. Furthermore, the use of giga casting will allow We will change the way we work. This one team will 1,700k units 3,500k units
The Arene OS and full over-the-air (OTA, a system significant component integration, contributing to bring all functions to the same site, allowing every- (base) (base)
1,500k units
of providing car software updates via wireless the reduction of vehicle development costs and one to share the same awareness of the issues in (base)
transmission) support will infinitely expand the plant investment. order to achieve quick decision making and initial 2023 2026 2030

Integrated Report 40
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy

Toyota has announced plans to sell 1.5 million BEVs Cruising Range ground-hugging form. The low-height battery, With software, a single car can, for example, repli-
in 2026 and 3.5 million in 2030. small eAxle, and downsized HVAC system togeth- cate the feel of any other—the handling, the
1,000 km er make possible a new silhouette. sound, the vibration—be it that car you loved
We are advancing the integrated planning of the full 1.7 times when you were young, or the model you’ve always
Includes effects of
615 km
global lineup for the next-generation BEVs. The first vehicle efficiency dreamed of driving. It can be a beloved car that
of these vehicles will be launched in 2026. By 2030, improvements helps customers connect to their memories or look
CLTC mode
1.7 million units out of Toyota’s 3.5 million total BEV forward to their future lifestyle.
units sold will be provided by BEV Factory. Conventional batteries New internally
produced batteries
For us, nothing is more important than our con-
We plan to begin with the simultaneous launch of Charging Time nections with the customers who have chosen and
two large-class models, a sedan and an SUV, in loved our cars over the years.
2026, followed by several models in 2028. 30 min. -30%
20 min.
This design shatters the notion that BEVS have to By effectively using intelligent BEVs as a medium
This unprecedented plan will be challenging, but SOC=10–80% be tall. The combination of downsized compo- for transferring energy and data and linking vehicle,
we are motivated by the knowledge that without nents achieves a sleek, elegant styling. lifestyle, and energy data, we will expand our
Conventional batteries New internally
it, Toyota’s BEV business will be eclipsed by produced batteries efforts from cars to a world of mobility.
the competition. The vehicle interior will also change. The dash-
Changing the Shape of Cars board sits low, providing a superior range of vision, Continually Evolving Potential for Expansion
We must not only increase product appeal, but with the sky stretching out in front of you.
Car-focused perspective
change our manufacturing and reduce the pro- Downsized components will change the form of the
cesses, investment, and lead time while securing entire car. On a BEV, the battery is mounted under The lower dashboard means that the seats can be Memories of younger days
revenue and increasing volume. Without all of the floor of the cabin, near the middle of the car. lower, so that, with the same vehicle height, the Memories of younger days A dream car
these changes, I believe that Toyota will lose its The larger the battery installed there, the greater the ceiling feel strikingly high. I think that passengers
competitive edge. cruising range. However, using longer batteries of all heights will find it comfortable and relaxing. V10
Overseas-only model
requires increasing the distance between the front For the family
and rear tires, leading to a long, stretched-looking
Next-Generation BEVs: Smaller is More car body. This limits the possibilities for car design. FWD 4WD

The next battery EV will be full of new initiatives RAV4 LF-ZC Social perspective
and challenges.
LC Effective use as a medium for energy and data transfer
Intelligent BEV
We have been focused on the potential for expan- 2 2
sion and constant evolution of BEVs—making com- 1
ponents smaller and uses broader. 1 Low-height, high-energy-density batteries
2 Small eAxle 3 Downsized HVAC system We are also focusing on the basics to change the Vehicle data
First, our new batteries. These new batteries, with Cruising range 1,000 km (CLTC) way it drives. To create a drive feel worthy of its Lifestyle data
a low height and high energy density, play a key styling and enhance responsiveness, we are devel- Energy data

role in the evolution of BEVs. Low-height batter- The higher energy density of the new batteries oping a new suspension.
ies, together with more compact peripheral com- means that the batteries themselves can be small- Let’s change the future with BEVs. Together with
ponents, enable unparalleled stylish design. er without sacrificing cruising range, allowing Expanding from Cars to Mobility to our customers, we will find the way forward and
Performance will also be greatly improved, with a greater freedom of design. Change the World build a new future.
cruising range of 1,000 km and charging time of
20 minutes. The Lexus LF-ZC features a condensed, Software is expanding our world.

Integrated Report 41
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy

Toyota’s Innovative Battery Liquid Lithium-ion Battery Development In a regular battery, individual current collectors are technologies. Using all of these together, we are
coated on both sides with either an anode or cathode, advancing development toward mass production.
Electric Vehicle Technology 1. Next-generation Batteries: then paired to make a set. In contrast, every current
Performance Version collector in a bipolar configuration is coated with an 3. Bipolar Lithium-ion Battery:
The next-generation BEVs to be introduced in 2026 will anode on one side and a cathode on the other, making High-performance Version
have a cruising range of 1,000 km.* For such cars, we for a simpler structure that requires only one-third as The high-performance version of the battery com-
The battery is the heart of the BEV. Just as the heart
are developing a performance-oriented rectangular bat- many components. At the same time, material costs bines the best aspects of both the performance and
pumps blood through the body, the battery transfers
tery to expand the degree of freedom in vehicle design. can be reduced by using LFP for the cathode in place popularization versions. This battery combines a
electricity to the vehicle. As Toyota advances its efforts
While increasing the energy density of the battery, we of rare metals, such as nickel and cobalt. bipolar structure with a high-nickel cathode to
toward introducing next-generation BEVs in 2026, it is
also aim to extend cruising range by improving vehicle However, to make these batteries a reality, Toyota achieve further advances.
also evolving batteries with new technologies to meet
efficiencies, such as aerodynamics and weight reduc- must overcome three difficulties: applying the material Even greater performance than the performance ver-
customer expectations.
tion, while at the same time reducing costs by 20% evenly, doing so at high speeds, and simultaneously sion of the prismatic battery will be achieved along with
Liquid lithium-ion batteries, which are currently the
compared with the current bZ4X and achieving a quick sealing all the cells. Furthermore, all this needs to be a 10% increase in cruising range* and a 10% reduction
mainstream, will gain enhanced performance through
charge time of 20 minutes or less (SOC=10–80%). achieved in batteries large enough to power a car. in cost, as well as a quick charge time of 20 minutes or
improvement to the energy density of prismatic batter-
In tackling these challenges, Toyota is drawing on 26 less (SOC=10–80%). We aim to commercialize this bat-
ies, an area in which Toyota has longstanding expertise.
In addition, by using the bipolar battery structure devel- 2. Next-generation Batteries: years of battery production technologies honed through tery in 2027-2028.
oped for HEVs in BEVs, we will expand our lineup to Popularization Version its HEVs along with bipolar nickel-metal hydride battery * Including vehicle efficiency improvements such as aerodynamics
technology and expertise, precision coating used for and weight reduction
provide customers with a variety of options, from low- Toyota is also developing good, low-cost liquid lithi-
um batteries that will contribute to the widespread fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), and various digital
cost batteries for popularization to batteries optimized
for maximum performance. use of BEVs to provide customers with a variety of
Furthermore, all-solid-state batteries, which are highly battery options.
anticipated as game-changers, are finally approaching Bipolar structure batteries, which have been used in
the phase of practical application for use in BEVs. Our the Aqua and Crown hybrid vehicles, are now being Positive EV cruising range Cost Fast charge
Battery Start of
full lineup of competitive batteries will support the evolu- applied to BEVs. These batteries use inexpensive lithi- type
Shape Structure electrode
(CLTC mode, including (For the same time
material vehicle improvements) cruising range) (SOC=10–80%)
tion of Toyota’s BEVs in the future. um iron phosphate (LFP) and are expected to be com-
Note: The performance version next-generation battery is being mercialized in 2026–2027.
developed with Prime Planet Energy & Solutions We are aiming for a 20% increase in cruising Battery for 30 min.
Corporation, while the popularization and high-performance Conventional Prismatic Monopolar NCM 2022 615km —
range* and 40% reduction in cost compared with the the bZ4X or less
versions of the next-generation battery and all-solid-state
battery for BEVs are being developed with Toyota Industries current bZ4X, as well as quick recharging in 30 min-
Corporation, combining the knowledge of the Toyota Group.
utes or less (SOC=10–80%). We are also considering 1. 200% -20% 20 min.
installing these batteries in BEVs in the popularization Performance Prismatic Monopolar NCM 2026 Compared Compared
version or less
Offering BEV Options with the bZ4X with the bZ4X
price range.
Further evolution battery
Better 2. 2026-2027 20% up -40%
Conventional New 30 min.
Cruising Bipolar battery Popularization Bipolar LFP Expected to be Compared Compared
monopolar battery version
or less
range Next-gen battery with the bZ4X with the bZ4X
Performance version (Prismatic)

Next-gen battery
3. 10% up -10%
Anode Further High New
2027-2028 20 min.
Bipolar Ni Compared with Compared with
Popularization version Expected to be
(Bipolar: LFP) Separator evolution performance structure
commercialized next-gen performance next-gen performance or less
Cathode version version battery version battery
Battery for
the bZ4X Better Box

Integrated Report 42
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy

Developing All-solid-state Batteries enable the high-speed, high-precision stacking that is

crucial for mass production.
All-solid-state batteries have a solid electrolyte, allow- In October 2023, Toyota announced a partnership
ing faster movement of ions and greater tolerance of with Idemitsu Kosan to work toward the mass pro-
high voltages and temperatures. It is hoped that this duction of all-solid-state batteries for BEVs. By inte-
technology will result in increased power output, lon- grating the two companies’ materials development
ger cruising range, and shorter charging times. technologies, along with Idemitsu’s materials manu-
The tradeoff, meanwhile, is thought to be a shorter facturing technologies and Toyota’s battery process-
battery life. Solid electrolytes repeatedly expand and ing and assembly technologies honed in electrified A model for wind tunnel testing
contract as the battery charges and discharges, which vehicle development, the partners aim to realize the Currently, we are building prototypes at our facto-
can create cracks in the solid state battery that inhibit mass production of solid electrolytes and all-solid- Evolution in Manufacturing: ries in Japan and working to improve productivity
the movement of ions between the cathode and state batteries that will be widely used by consumers. Halving Production Processes with an eye toward application to mass production.
anode. Toyota has discovered a new technology that One hurdle is that giga casting requires regular
overcomes this issue. Aerodynamics Based on Rocket Technology To ensure the profitability of BEVs, we are working on mold replacement. Whereas a typical changeover
both vehicle technology and manufacturing. First, the might take 24 hours and require a large crane, giga
Battery development alone does not dictate the per- vehicle body will be made simple and slim in struc- casting molds, which weigh more than 100 tons,
formance of BEVs. Vehicle design considerations, ture and molded using giga casting, realizing signifi- lead to even greater time loss. Toyota’s approach to
such as minimizing aerodynamic drag, improving ener- cant parts integration. Also, we will create highly giga casting solves this problem by dividing molds
gy regeneration, and overall energy and heat manage- flexible production plants without conveyors by intro- into two pieces: general-purpose molds that remain
ment, must also be addressed at the same time. ducing concepts like a self-propelling assembly line. mounted on the machinery and specialized molds,
One such aspect of vehicle design is aerodynamic In designing the BEV production plant, we will the shape of which differs by car model. During a
This technology will unlock an even greater cruising technology. In this area, Toyota is working with the employ digital technology to increase the accuracy of replacement, only the compact specialized molds
range than Toyota’s next-generation batteries, along
Space Systems Division of Mitsubishi Heavy process verification. Through these efforts, we aim to detach themselves automatically from the
with recharging in under 10 minutes
Industries to apply hypersonic rocketry technology to reduce production preparation lead time, production general-purpose molds. With these just-in-time mold
Aiming for commercialization in 2027–2028, Toyota cars. We are studying technologies that protect rock- processes, and factory investment for mass- changes—replacing only what is needed, when it is
continues to advance product development and the ets from the heat caused by air friction and compres- produced vehicles to half their current levels while needed, in the quantity needed—Toyota aims to
development of mass production methods. sion and looking for ways to transfer that knowledge achieving a significant reduction in fixed costs. bring lead times down to 20 minutes or less and thus
Current battery production consists of three main to the speed range of a car. reduce operational downtime.
processes: materials processing, battery processing, Aerodynamic drag can be lowered by controlling 1. Giga Casting This division of molds and automated mounting/
and battery assembly. While the sequence is the points of contact with the airflow, for example, Toyota’s next-generation BEVs will be employ a new detaching is the culmination of improvements made
same for all-solid-state batteries, to ensure the bat- through body surface treatment. Toyota hopes to modular structure in which car bodies are divided over many years of handling every aspect of mold
tery’s performance, the assembly process requires reduce the drag coefficient (Cd) to around a tenth of into three sections: front, center, and rear. One of the design, fabrication, and maintenance in-house. When
high-speed, high-precision stacking that does not that for existing car bodies (0.20). production technologies that will make such modular molds expand or contract under the heat of casting,
damage the materials. Technology for doing so is key This technology has the potential to enable structures possible is a method of casting known as the general-purpose and specialized parts may
to mass production. designs that are both stylish and aerodynamic with- giga casting. become misaligned, with the latter unable to release.
The equipment developed by Toyota solves this out placing restrictions on the shape of a car or At present, the rear section of a bZ4X is made with 86 The necessary clearance is maintained by the skills of
problem by making the pallets that carry and receive whether the material is steel or aluminum. sheet metal parts and requires 33 press processes. mold craftsmen.
batteries all move at the same speed; that is, at zero Development is under way, with the goal of com- Using integrated molding with aluminum die-casting can Furthermore, Toyota’s proprietary giga casting
relative velocity. In addition, the pallets and machin- mercial release in 2026. In addition to battery innova- reduce this to a single part made by a single process. analysis technology will help improve cast quality and
ery are equipped with karakuri (non-powered tion, we will take on the challenge of further This approach seeks to reduce both cost and prevent defects. Toyota uses proprietary simulation
mechanical gadgets that help improve productivity extending cruising range by minimizing aerodynamic weight below conventional models as well as boost software that draws on expertise accumulated in the
and reduce costs) to prevent misalignment as batter- drag and continue to improve the appeal of our BEV productivity by leveraging one of the Company’s mass production of engine blocks and other compo-
ies are passed through. Together, these solutions products to exceed customer expectations. strengths, the Toyota Production System (TPS). nents. The advanced craftsmanship and skills of

Integrated Report 43
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy

Toyota’s people have also been digitized and incor- Eliminating the need to convey vehicles offers Technologies That Work Well with Digital Systems model from the design stage, and the equipment is
porated into parameters and computation methods greater flexibility in terms of plant layout. The system already highly refined when introduced to the shop floor.
Giga casting
to create quality products. also saves billions of yen in capital investment and • No need for parts matching This eliminates the need for reworking and thus cuts the
Amid a general trend toward using commercially avail- drastically shortens the years-long lead times for lead time from design to the start of production in half.
• High-precision body
able equipment, in-house development allows Toyota to switching to new models. through machining Toyota is working to expand such digitally driven
add parameters or change computation methods. A simplified line concept using unmanned transport Self-propelling line monozukuri (manufacturing) among the Group and
Building high quality into the machinery reduces the robots has already been trialed in part of the welding • No equipment required manufacturing partners, seeking to maximize the
• Simple assembly from
number of defects in the resulting products. process for the Noah and Voxy models, providing the bottom up competitiveness of the entire Toyota Group.
Through these and other efforts based on the TPS, feedback to assist with issues in the development of And, these technologies are not only being used to
we are reducing downtime and waste to achieve next-generation BEV equipment. develop new equipment. At mold and equipment
higher productivity. parts processing facilities, material loading and other
Digital study of manufacturing processes
Motomachi Noah operations that had previously relied on human labor
2. Next-generation BEV Production Line Conventional have been improved and automated using 3D mod-
and Voxy line
On our next generation BEV production lines, we aim els. Changes first made to the digital twin were then
to halve the number of production processes as well reflected at the real facility. As a result, productivity
as the amount of factory investment by utilizing the tripled, and lead times were reduced to one-third of
new modular structure and self-propelled production. the previous times.
The new modular structure entails dividing the We are also using digital technologies to create Similarly, we are using these technologies in
underbody (the lower part of a vehicle’s body that our facilities. human resource development. We have developed
Heavy-duty conveyor No fixed conveyor
includes the front frame and the cabin/trunk floor) To deliver products that customers want when they training equipment that uses AR technology to teach
equipment equipment
into three sections—front, center, and rear—each fit- want them, the timely set-up of production facilities specialized skills that are difficult to explain and tend
ted with its own parts. This approach is expected to For plant equipment and mass-produced vehicles capable of manufacturing said products is essential. to be treated as tacit knowledge.
improve work efficiency, as workers will no longer alike, Toyota has brought every step of the process, However, in the process of setting up new production The use of digital tools is typically a one-way pro-
need to climb inside a vehicle during assembly. from development to production, in-house. Drawing facilities, problems and difficulties not anticipated in cess, with such technologies helping design things for
on this strength, the Company is striving to simplify the drawings often come to light, resulting in wasteful the actual front lines. However, Toyota aims to create
and automate operations with the aim of minimizing redoing and long lead times. To address this issue, a continually evolving plants through two-directional digi-
the need for heavy conveyor machinery and enabling digital environment was utilized to first create a 3D tal twins, where front-line improvements are reflected
more flexible response to change. model, or digital twin, allowing equipment designers, in digital models, and further improvements are made
manufacturing managers, and the front-line workers to there before being fed back to the front lines.
3. Next-Generation Production Plant Design identify potential issues in advance.
Toyota’s Digital Monozukuri
We are exploring ways to apply digital technology in
the next-generation BEV plant. Technologies such Realizing continually evolving factories
After parts are assembled onto each module, and the as giga casting and self-propelling assembly lines
D Digital
three sections are combined, the car proceeds forward are highly compatible with digitalization, and digital
autonomously. With this new vehicle structure, seats technology is being actively employed in plant
and other components can be mounted before the roof design, including process study and improvement.
and side panels are attached, simplifying the designs We will shorten mass production preparation lead
and operations of robots and other equipment. times through reproduction accuracy at the 1 mm
Simulating tasks with digital technology. The image A Actual
This self-propelling assembly line utilizes the vehicle error level. Toyota will shift to more efficient produc-
seen by the worker wearing a head-mounted dis-
control and sensor technologies that Toyota has culti- tion lines with unmanned transport using connected
play is visible on the rear monitor.
vated through the development of autonomous driving. technology and autonomous inspections while
Cameras throughout the plant track the cars, keeping incorporating TPS concepts to transform the way As a result, the knowledge and experience of Continuously Improving the Front Lines with
them moving along the set route at 0.36 km/h. factories operate. Toyota’s front-line workers are incorporated into the 3D the Two-directional Use of the Digital Twins

Integrated Report 44
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy

Fundamental Technologies to Improve 2. SiC Wafers for BEV Inverters—Next- Multi-pathway Platform
BEV Product Appeal generation Semiconductors with 50%
Lower Power Loss Because we are advancing development based on
We are further developing fundamental technologies Toyota is developing next-generation semiconductor multi-pathway platform that enables us to offer a vari-
by leveraging the wealth of technologies we have cul- materials from crystal growth that will contribute to ety of electrified vehicles, we have the technological
tivated through manufacturing. The Toyota Group as improving the energy consumption of BEVs. In addi- capability to rapidly provide BEV models. We will
a whole will take advantage of the small eAxle (see tion to the gas method, which has the advantage of a expand our BEV product lineup even before the intro-
below) and internalize next-generation semiconduc- crystal growth speed that is 10 times faster than the duction of the next-generation BEVs, with a baseline
tor technologies to improve the commercial potential industry standard, we are also developing the indus- of 1.5 million units in 2026.
of BEVs under development. try’s largest 8-inch wafer, promoting the internaliza- Manual BEVs
tion of technology within the Toyota Group.
1. Small eAxle Although BEVs lack an engine or gearbox, motor con-
In BEVs and other motor-powered cars, the eAxle Silicon trol reproduces the feel of a manual transmission. The
combines the main components needed to make the use of the shift lever and clutch pedal offers drivers the
vehicle run (motor, gear train, and inverter). We are SiC
fun of driving a manual transmission.
now working to downsize the eAxle. The project A carmaker’s unique attention to detail has been
brings together the technologies of Aisin Seiki, lavished on this feature, from powerful acceleration in
Denso, and Toyota, as well as BluE Nexus, a venture Aiming for a 10% Improvement in Efficiency the lower gears to the shift shock that accompanies
set up with funding from said companies. a mistimed gear change.
Along with increasing the motor’s RPM and optimiz- The transmission can be also switched from man-
ing the shape and placement of magnet slots, the Crystal Epitaxial
SiC power
Power As an example of our technological capability to pro- ual to automatic at the touch of a button, allowing
semiconductor Modules Cars
compact eAxle leverages technologies that have been growth growth
vide not only the bZ series but also fun-to-drive BEVs family members who only drive automatic to feel at
cultivated for HEVs, including lubrication design and Internalizing Technologies within the Toyota Group that meet the diverse needs of our customers, we have ease behind the wheel.
fluid analysis technologies, reduced power control unit Note: Diagram based on excerpts from the DENSO Corporation website converted the powertrain of the Crown into a BEV.
(PCU) condenser capacity, and improved cooling per- The same lines produce cars with various power-
formance. The motor is roughly 40% smaller than that trains (BEV, FCEV, HEV, ICE) and silhouettes (sedan,
of an HEV, while the gear train and inverter are 3. Steer-by-Wire minivan, SUV) that support Toyota’s multi-pathway
slimmed down by 53% and 58%, respectively. Steer-by-wire is system that controls steering and approach and address customer needs.
These improvements allow us to increase cabin tires with electric signals. The wisdom and ingenuity cultivated at the genba
and cargo space while reducing aerodynamic drag, This provides a new driving experience, including (the front lines) is essential to make this work. To
thus increasing cruising range while enhancing com- intuitive operation and a significant reduction in the facilitate work on the models of varying sizes coming
fort and design. amount of steering operation required. down the line, we use a wheeled step platform that
allows workers to flexibly adjust their elevation,
Contribution of eAxle to vehicles reducing the burden on workers while helping Roughly 5 Trillion Investment in
Current BEVs Next-generation BEVs
improve work quality. In addition, the floor at assem- BEVs and Batteries through 2030
bly lines is painted in sections of yellow and green, In May 2023, Toyota announced a roughly 5
Better design, reduced
air resistance making the line brighter and significantly enhancing trillion investment in BEV production and addi-
both safety and operational efficiency. tional battery plants through 2030.
We have promoted human resource development Starting in 2025, assembly of an all-new,
through steady improvement activities, quality educa- three-row, battery electric SUV will commence
tion, leader training, and the development of multi- at Toyota Kentucky. This vehicle, the Company’s
first U.S.-assembled BEV, will be powered by
skilled workers. The results of these efforts now
batteries from Toyota North Carolina.
support our multi-pathway production.
Small eAxle Electrified steer-by-wire system

Integrated Report 45
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Toyota Reveals the Future of Cars

Multi-pathway Strategy with Next-Generation Battery and
Hydrogen Technologies

Hydrogen Business Strategy

Using the Mirai’s hydrogen units, Toyota is also pro- closely with other OEMs in Europe and strive to who make us offers in 2030, meaning that we will
The Hydrogen Factory was newly established moting external sales of fuel cells. We have received deliver fuel cell products to customers in large be able to generate profits on an ongoing basis.
in July 2023 as a dedicated organization to offers for external sales of 100,000 units by 2030, quantities and at affordable prices.
accelerate customer-oriented product develop- In addition, by working with the partners mentioned
most of which are for commercial vehicles. In China, meanwhile, we established a six-com-
ment and the production of fuel cells and earlier, if we were to receive offers for sales of
pany alliance with 2020 with Guangzhou
hydrogen-related products. Hydrogen Factory 200,000 units in 2030, we would be able to meet
Three Axes for Advancing the Automobile Group, China FAW Group, Foton Motor,
President Mitsumasa Yamagata spoke about the Chinese and U.S. government targets for that
his vision for building hydrogen businesses.
Hydrogen Business Dongfeng Motor, and SinoHytec. We have suc-
year. This is a very high target, and these are highly
ceeded in building relationships with OEMs that col-
competitive markets.
Established in July 2023 in order to respond to lectively hold approximately half the Chinese market
rapid changes in the market, the new Hydrogen share, and we intend to reach significant volumes at We will therefore work together across develop-
Factory is an organization that, under a single affordable prices here, as well. ment, production, and sales in each region to
leader, is capable of making quick decisions on achieve this goal.
The third axis is competitiveness and technology.
aspects ranging from sales and marketing to
development and production. The most important aspect of competitiveness for Let’s Change the Future with Hydrogen
fuel cells is cell technology. We will fully utilize our
The Hydrogen Factory is advancing business
measurement, analysis, and predictive technolo- The price of hydrogen is still very high. To pro-
based on three key axes.
gies, including one for measurement that is the first mote the widespread use of hydrogen, we must
The Hydrogen Factory Business Policy of its kind, to develop competitive cells. lower its price.

R&D and production

Furthermore, utilizing our production technology Among the stages of producing, transporting,
In 2030, China, Europe, and North America will in large-market countries honed over 30 years of development in this area, and using hydrogen, Toyota is working with
Mass production and
be the largest markets for hydrogen by far. localization we will start mass production of high-performance partners on producing.
China and Europe have set specific targets for Strengthen partnerships
Competitiveness next-generation cells.
Innovative progress of
the use of hydrogen in mobility. with leading OEMs next-generation fuel
Efforts in the Hydrogen Production Market
Spec standardization
cell technology Future Outlook
The fuel cell market, similarly, is expected to see
The first axis is to localize R&D and production in
rapid growth in the runup to 2030, reaching 5 Next, I would like discuss the outlook for
countries within the major markets.
trillion yen a year. The majority of the market is next-generation cells in terms of business feasibility.
expected to comprise medium- and heavy-duty In Europe, we currently have development opera- Electrolyzer at DENSO Hydrogen production from bio-
Fukushima gas with CP Group in Thailand
trucks and light-duty commercial vehicles. tions under Toyota Motor Europe, through which we Business/Profit Outlook
conduct sales to external customers, and we will We recently introduced hydrogen production equip-
Current Generation Next Generation
Fuel Cell Market Outlook and Offers to Toyota establish a production base as soon as possible. ment that uses water electrolysis in Fukushima. This
-37% -50%
Fuel Cell Market Outlook Business Offers Technological equipment is based on Toyota’s stack technology.
to Toyota progress
(trillions of yen) In China, we have already established a develop- + In Thailand, we are working with the CP Group, and
(thousands of units) Additional
5 trillion Portable / Backup ment and production base in collaboration with Cost per Economies
production with the cooperation of Mitsubishi Kakoki, to pro-
5 yen/year Material handling
100k unit
of scale
+ volume
units/year SinoHytec. This base will begin production of fuel Localization duce hydrogen from biogas.
Others Potential volume
Medium-/ cells in April 2024. Offer volume increase including
Heavy-duty trucks, Heavy-duty in 2030 alliance partners Leveraging the opportunities presented by these
buses trucks
The second axis is to strengthen alliances with Current 100k units 200k units relationships with powerful partners, we will estab-
Light commercial 50
Light leading partners. lish bases for customer-oriented development, pro-
commercial The next-generation fuel cell system will achieve a
passenger vehicles vehicles, duction, and sales within each major market, and
Stationary (residential) passenger In Europe, we announced a partnership with 37% cost reduction in comparison with the current
Stationary (industrial) vehicles provide affordable products in sufficient quantities.
0 0 Daimler Truck in May 2023. This partnership Mirai fuel cell system through technological prog-
2020 2022 2025 2030 2030
includes collaboration on hydrogen-related develop- ress, economies of scale, and localization. This will Toyota will take this opportunity to further accelerate
Note: Prepared by Toyota based on data from market research
by Fuji Keizai ment. Leveraging this opportunity, we will work enable us to meet the expectations of customers the commercialization of hydrogen.

Integrated Report 46
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy

The Technology behind Our

technical capabilities help inhibit deterioration caused Applying Carmaking Technologies to Hydrogen Engines: Trial Vehicles
by corrosion and other factors, lowering the cost of Produce Hydrogen
Hydrogen Business Strategy materials needed for manufacturing. Toyota is accelerating the development of hydrogen
Hydrogen is an important fuel in Toyota’s CO2 emis- By applying the fuel cell stack and cell technologies engine vehicles for commercialization as a new
sion reduction efforts aimed at achieving carbon neu-
Large Commercial Tank Standardization developed for the Mirai, we have developed a new option for contributing to carbon neutrality. In doing
trality. We are promoting its utilization to contribute to electrolyzer that produces hydrogen by electrolyzing so, we will consider the entire vehicle by, for exam-
To accelerate the expansion of hydrogen demand, we water. Trials of this electrolyzer began in March 2023 ple, incorporating an exhaust purification system that
the creation of a hydrogen-powered society. Our
are taking on the standardization of tanks for large at the DENSO Fukushima plant. utilizes diesel engine vehicle technology. Trials of
efforts to this end include the development and
commercial vehicles, which are expected to consume Furthermore, we have started an initiative to these vehicles have begun on public roads as a step
demonstration of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs),
hydrogen on a large scale. We aim to reduce manu- produce hydrogen from biogas derived from local toward future commercialization.
such as passenger cars and commercial trucks and
facturing costs by 25% by unifying the tank standards chicken manure and food waste in Thailand in collab-
buses; fuel cell stationary generators; and hydrogen
of European, U.S., and Japanese companies in order oration with Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha, Ltd. and
engine vehicles with internal combustion engines.
to realize economies of scale. We are also developing Toyota Tsusho Corporation.
Through such initiatives, we are working with various
liquid hydrogen tanks for large commercial vehicles.
industry partners in the areas of producing, trans-
porting, and using hydrogen.
Next-generation Fuel Cell Systems Standardization of Tanks for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (Base Unit of Commercial Tanks)
Next-generation Fuel Cell System for Innovative Cell Performance Unified Standards for European, U.S.,
Commercial Use and Japanese Companies Tank Cost
Maintenance interval Stack cost Cruising range

1/2 +20% R&D

Fuel cell systems comprise stacks of circuits embed- Maintenance free Next
Approx. 2.5 x gen Next Tank module
ded in thin sheets—the “cells”—that generate elec- Current
Current gen
tricity through chemical reactions between oxygen Diesel Current gen
and hydrogen. Toyota is developing innovative Durability Decrease in number of cells Efficiency
next-generation fuel cells that deliver industry-leading materials
Heavy-duty truck Gantry crane
performance for commercial use (long life, low cost, Japan
Enables long Frankfurt
Electrode power 130% the

Vehicle width
and low fuel consumption). Next-

hauls on
density 16.3kW/L current level generation cell a single H2 refuel Osaka Stuttgart
These next-generation cells, which we aim to com- Munich
3 types 1 type
mercialize in 2026, are expected to improve generating
3,000 10,000
capacity by 30% compared with current fuel cells. On Enhancing Performance of Cells for Commercial Use (Low Fuel Consumption, Long Life, Low Cost) Length range 1,800–2,200 mm Diameter range units/year × 3 units/year
470–500 mm
the durability front, FCEVs could stay on the road 2.5
times as long as standard diesel machines before Hydrogen Production Hydrogen Engines
requiring maintenance, making them virtually H2 production from water with an electrolyzer H2 production from biogas Merits of engines
maintenance-free over the life of a vehicle. Compared Conventional engine technologies can be used
with current cells, Toyota’s next-generation systems will
also halve the cost of fabricating a stack and increase
cruising range by 20%. This improvement will make it Diesel after treatment conversion

possible to drive from Tokyo to Osaka without refueling.

These next-generation cells reflect the expertise
Typical example: Dealing with water
that Toyota has built up over 30 years: real-time mea- Electrolysis stack generated by hydrogen combustion
surement and analysis of the processes occurring (using fuel cell technology)

within cells, simulations for nanoscale mapping of

chemical reactions, and precision coating of the cat- Commercialization-oriented demonstration Start of H2 production in demonstration
Engine interior
alysts that drive these reactions. Toyota’s advanced started (DENSO Fukushima) unit by the end of 2023 (Thailand) (combustion chamber)

Integrated Report 47
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Making Ever-better Cars Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality Software and Connected Initiatives Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City

Multi-pathway Strategy Super Taikyu 2023

Motorsports—Hydrogen Engines Autopolis in July as well as Round 7: the S-Tai Final

Fuji 4 Hours Race with Fuji Niq Festival in November.
The maximum number of laps (cruising range) that
Racing a Liquid Hydrogen uled to compete for the first time at the Round may be driven with a single hydrogen supply rose
Engine-equipped Corolla, a World First Suzuka Super Taikyu 5 Hours Race in March 2023. from 16 to 20 in the six months between the May
However, during a private test run shortly before the 24-hour race at Fuji and the November final race at
In 2023, Toyota’s efforts to race a Corolla equipped race, a vehicle fire occurred due to a hydrogen leak the same venue. Additionally, the vehicle weight was
with one of its hydrogen engines currently in devel- from a gaseous hydrogen pipe in the engine com- lowered by 90 kilograms.
opment entered their third year. partment. The vehicle could not be repaired in time, The mobile hydrogen station’s joints, which previ-
Hydrogen engines work like modified versions of and Toyota was forced to drop out of the race. ously caused strain on operators while refueling, have
conventional gasoline engines powered by burning Over the following two months, aiming to race in become lighter, and the time needed to refuel has
hydrogen directly as fuel. The fuel is 100% pure the Fuji 24 Hours Race, the design of the hydrogen been cut down from one minute and forty seconds to
hydrogen, unmixed with gasoline. As no fossil fuels piping that caused the vehicle fire was changed, about one minute. In these ways, both the vehicle
are burned, hydrogen-engine vehicles emit almost with safety as the highest priority. As a result, a and hydrogen station evolved significantly. The hydrogen engine-equipped Corolla that raced in the
no CO2 when in operation—only that from the com- hydrogen engine-equipped Corolla completed the Toyota will continue to expand the possibilities of Fuji 24 Hours Race
bustion of minute amounts of engine oil. The hydro- Fuji 24 Hours Race in May 2023. This achievement hydrogen engines. Aiming to create a carbon-
gen engine is thus one option that offers great was made possible by agile development and neutral world, we will continue to evolve alongside
potential to contribute to carbon neutrality while improvement efforts advanced through motorsports our partners in line with the principle of “ever-better
making use of technologies for internal combustion with the support of our many partners. car making from a starting point in motorsports” and
engines built up over the decades and protecting our multi-pathway approach.
engine-related jobs in the automotive industry. Expanding Our Partnerships
In late 2020, after taking a test drive in a hydro-
gen engine prototype car, master driver Morizo Toyota could not have taken on this initiative with liquid Contributing to the evolution
(Chairman Akio Toyoda) decided on the spot to hydrogen alone.
enter a hydrogen engine car in Super Taikyu Series A portion of the liquid hydrogen used in the hydro-
of combustion technology
races. The development of race vehicles is dramati- gen engine-equipped Corolla in the Fuji 24 Hours Toyota has never stopped pushing the bound-
cally faster and more agile than that of mass- Race was lignite-derived hydrogen produced and aries of engine technology; the Company’s
production vehicles. We decided that racing would transported from Australia in the Suiso Frontier liquid work on hydrogen engines is closely related to
provide the ideal environment for honing our hydro- hydrogen carrier built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, its work on conventional gasoline engines’
gen engines being developed with the goal of Ltd. as part of the HySTRA project. In addition, the combustion technologies. Refueling with liquid hydrogen
achieving carbon neutrality. mobile liquid hydrogen station used at the circuit was Gasoline engines have up until now used
In 2021 and 2022, Toyota raced a Corolla with a jointly developed by Iwatani Corporation and Toyota. rapid combustion to boost thermal efficiency
hydrogen engine that ran on gaseous hydrogen fuel. Moreover, the switch to liquid hydrogen fuel required and adjusted the fuel-to-air ratio based on the
Building on these achievements, in the 2023 sea- the modification of many parts. Through cooperation situation to minimize harmful compounds. Since
son, we have launched a world-first initiative to with our numerous partners, the liquid hydrogen-fu- hydrogen burns even more quickly than gaso-
expand the options for producing, transporting and eled Corolla successfully completed the race, and, as line, ever-more-accurate combustion control
using hydrogen by employing liquid hydrogen fuel. a result of such efforts, our number of partners has and sophisticated analysis and simulation tech-
Switching to liquid hydrogen fuel increases the grown from eight companies in May 2021 to 45 com- nologies are needed, which should result in
fuel’s volumetric energy density, approximately dou- panies by the end of the 2023 season. even lower CO2 and gasoline engine emissions.
bling the vehicle’s cruising range, which had been Toyota plans to leverage the significantly
an issue with gaseous fuel. In addition, liquid Our Efforts to Develop Hydrogen shorter development timeframe in motorsports
hydrogen stations take up only a quarter of the Engines Continue as opposed to mass production vehicles. This
space required to install a gaseous hydrogen station, will enable Toyota to achieve carbon neutrality
enabling refueling in the pit itself. Furthermore, the Corolla with the liquid hydrogen while utilizing internal combustion engines.
Mobile liquid hydrogen station developed by Iwatani
The liquid hydrogen-powered Corolla was sched- engine took part in Round 4: the Super Taikyu Race in Corporation and Toyota

Integrated Report 48
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Brazil’s Unique Decarbonization

Multi-pathway Strategy Efforts Build on 50 Years of
Technological Progress

Carbon Neutral Fuel Initiatives

Fuels and began promoting research of a produc-
Carbon Neutral Fuel tion technology structure for second generation
bioethanol fuel.
Brazil’s Unique Decarbonization Efforts
To achieve carbon neutrality, it is important not only
to promote the spread of electrified vehicles, espe- Bioethanol becomes Widespread in Brazil technologies continue to push vehicle prices
cially in new car sales, but also to reduce CO2 emis- Toyota Initiatives upward, the company is hoping that offering a
sions during driving of vehicles already owned by Tech research Brazil is the world’s largest producer of not only flex-fuel HEV option among lower-priced compact
Toyota yeast cars will further boost adoption.
customers who use them in their daily lives. association (Fukushima) sugar, but also bioethanol made from sugarcane.
To meet the needs of diverse vehicles, regions, Xylose Because sugarcane absorbs CO2 from the air as
and customers, we must offer a variety of energy it grows through photosynthesis, the resulting etha- Sugarcane also makes for greener
integrated promotion
options. We are working with various partners across nol is an environmentally friendly biofuel that doesn’t BEVs and FCEVs
industry boundaries to reduce CO2 emissions and acid increase atmospheric carbon when burned.
Moreover, the fuel is 20-30% cheaper than gaso- We have highlighted the potential of sugarcane
public trials of hydrogen, synthetic fuels, and bioetha- inhibitor
World top-class line, making it a popular choice at gas stations. and bioethanol not only as fuel for engines, but
nol fuels based on electricity derived from renewable Production
ethanol fermentation also as raw inputs that can also make electric
energy sources, from raw material procurement concentration 10%up The cars, however, must be specially modified
for the purpose. Ninety-seven percent of cars vehicles carbon neutral.
through the manufacturing process.
We are expanding use in emerging countries by pro- produced domestically are flex-fuel vehicles, For example, biogas can be obtained from the
moting deployment of the right vehicle in the right which can run on 100% gasoline, 100% ethanol, straw that remains after harvesting sugarcane or
e-fuel bagasse left over from the ethanol production
place at the right time, including the introduction of or any mixture of the two.
biofuel (ethanol)-compatible vehicles. process. This biogas can be used to generate
In areas with low-priced hydrogen (locally produced
Toyota Technology Cuts CO2 Emissions green electricity.
and locally consumed), hydrogen is used as-is in fuel
Vehicle Capability to 30% those of Gasoline Cars In addition, since ethanol contains abundant
cells (FC). In regions where hydrogen is expensive, hydrogen, research is also underway to produce
however, we are examining the potential for total cost • Biofuel (10%) can be used in green hydrogen from bioethanol.
Toyota rolled out its first flex-fuel vehicle for the
advantages by producing and transporting e-fuel all vehicle types
Brazilian market in 2007 and has been producing By harnessing these technologies, BEVs could
from regions where production costs are low. • In Brazil, 100% biofuel-
compatible HEVs are sold ethanol-powered cars ever since. be charged with electricity generated from sugar-
In 2019, Toyota’s Brazilian engineers joined cane-derived fuels while FCEVs run on hydrogen
Biofuels • India also announced the forces with counterparts in Japan, combining made from ethanol. We will continue our efforts to
launch of HEVs adaptable their respective expertise in flex-fuel vehicles and make this a practical and sustainable option for
In July 2022, seven private companies including to biofuels (Nov. 2022) achieving carbon neutrality.
hybrid technology to develop flex-fuel hybrids and
Toyota established the Research Association of begin local production.
Biomass Innovation for Next Generation Automobile Initially, the locally produced lineup included
only the Corolla sedan, with the Corolla Cross
added in 2021.
Multi-pathway e-fuel Utilization Compared to conventional engines, the hybrid
technology improves efficiency by at least 30%
Hydrogen utilization (e.g. fuel cells for trucks) e-fuel utilization and, when combined with renewable fuel technol-
Yen Utilize universally through inexpensive ogy, can reduce CO2 emissions by some 70%.
production and efficient transport
e-fuel usage
Then, in April 2023, Toyota announced that it
As-is hydrogen
e-fuel after transport
Transport fee
would begin manufacturing a new compact
usage Cost reduction
is under study (liquid) flex-fuel HEV in 2024. The car will be produced at Ethanol can also serve as a sustainable aviation fuel
H2 in parallel e-fuel e-fuel
Utilization in
existing vehicles
the Sorocaba Plant in Sao Paulo and exported to and the raw material for bioplastics. New technolo-
FC FC Universal
ICE energy ICE 22 countries in Latin America. gies are being developed for turning sugarcane resi-
As enhanced safety and environmental dues into second-generation ethanol (biofuel made
Areas with low-priced hydrogen Areas without Areas with low-priced hydrogen Areas without
(locally produced and high-priced hydrogen (locally produced and high-priced hydrogen from inedible biomass not usable as food products).
locally consumed) locally consumed) (Import of e-fuel)

Integrated Report 49
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Making Ever-better Cars Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality Software and Connected Initiatives Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City

Multi-pathway Strategy Initiatives

Dr. Gill Pratt’s Presentation at Davos

The Solution to Uncertainty is Diversity

The 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, brought together more than 2,700 par-
ticipants from 130 countries, including 47 heads of state. The theme for 2023 was “Cooperating in a
Fragmented World.” Held over five days beginning January 16, the meeting included more than 480 sessions.
Dr. Gill Pratt, Chief Scientist for Toyota and CEO of the Toyota Research Institute (TRI), spoke at one of these
sessions, entitled “Reinventing the Wheel,” moderated by the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Pratt emphasized the
importance of diverse solutions to achieve net zero emissions in an uncertain future. He explained the scientific
rationale for Toyota’s multi-path strategy to lowering carbon emissions. By offering diverse drivetrains, we are
providing opportunities for all types of customers in all kinds of regions to contribute to lowering their carbon
impact as much as possible, as soon as possible.

established, or even 16 years according to some Here’s a visual that illustrates the difference in
of yesterday’s sessions. On the other hand, bat- lithium use by powertrain.
tery factories only take two to three years to
bring online. There’s going to be a huge material First, we have a hundred conventional gasoline
supply crunch. That means that carbon will vehicles. Each one puts out an average of 250
keep accumulating. g-CO2 per kilometer.

So, what do we do? This is problem not just for If we use 100 kWh worth of lithium ion batteries,
Toyota, but for all the leaders of the world. we can replace one of these hundred vehicles
with a BEV. However, our thesis is that this isn’t
How do we get to net zero emissions while mini- This graph, from Benchmark Materials Our thesis is that, while we should electrify vehicles necessarily the best thing to do all of the time.
mizing carbon accumulation? I use the word Intelligence, predicts the supply versus the as much as possible, we don’t have to electrify Why is that? Because, in this case, we’ve
accumulation because carbon accumulates like demand for lithium all the way to 2040. Base- them in only one way—namely, the one way that replaced only one, and the 99 others are still tra-
water filling up a bathtub. It stays in the atmo- case lithium demand is indicated by the green you’re the most familiar with, which is the pure ditional internal combustion cars, so the average
sphere for a long time, up to a hundred years or line, while the bars show supply, color coded to battery electric vehicle (BEV). That’s the one that emissions of these 100 cars has dropped only a
more. So, it’s not how much carbon we put out indicate mines currently in various stages of plan- plugs in and then drives purely on the batteries little, from 250 g to 248.5 g-CO2.
in one year that matters, it’s the total net amount ning and development. You’ll notice that there’s but uses a lot of lithium. Another type is the plug-
that accumulates over time. To minimize that an incredible gap between supply and demand, in hybrid vehicle (PHEV), or a range-extended What if we use that same 100 kWh and spread it
total amount, we need to minimize carbon emis- which will expand to the equivalent of 18 times battery vehicle, which has an engine that can among six PHEVs? These cars plug in and have
sions as much as possible, as soon as possible. the output of the Pilgangoora project in Australia recharge the batteries while the car is driving a gas engine that allows for a larger travelling
I’d like to show you why this is a problem that by 2040. beyond a certain range, but otherwise plugs in. range. This means each car can have smaller
keeps me up at night. Finally, the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which is batteries, allowing us to distribute that same
The International Energy Administration (IEA) older technology, uses gasoline, but very effi- amount of batteries over six vehicles rather than
actually has this gap even bigger, by a factor of ciently. All of these use lithium, but they use it in one. This actually reduces the fleet average emis-
two. There won’t be enough lithium. This is different amounts. sions to 244 g-CO2.
because lithium mines take 10 to 15 years to get

Integrated Report 50
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Multi-pathway Strategy Initiatives

If we really want to go to the extreme, we can take So, how can we improve recycling? As a global company, our responsibility is to lower
a look at the HEV. carbon emissions as much as possible. Giving
The big cubes of metal you see here are metal car everybody a way to lower their emissions, as
しょう。 parts that have come out of a crusher during the much as they can given the circumstances that
recycling process. Automobiles are one of the they’re in, is very important, as is affordability—
world’s most highly recycled products. The vast one of the key things you all voted for in the sur-
majority of the materials in automobiles are actual- vey earlier.
ly recycled presently.
Right now, because lithium prices are so high,
How can we improve this further? We can lower batteries are very expensive. As long as that’s
the amount of energy used to do the recycling, true, BEVs will be a much more expensive
Next, I’d like to discuss what happens when cars and thus lower the amount of carbon emissions. option for a typical customer than some of the
The HEV emits 200 g-CO2 per kilometer, about reach the end of their life. Right now, we’re working very hard to create a other options.
twice as much as the BEV. But, with the same kind of a reverse assembly process. Factory staff
100 kWh of batteries, we can replace 90 gaso- are taking apart the car to find parts that can be Toyota has been working on hydrogen for a long
line vehicles, because the batteries in each one reused, as some BEV parts last a long time. time. One use is fuel cells, and the other is inter-
are smaller. From this, I hope that you see that, nal combustion hydrogen engines. Where we see
if lithium is really the critical limited resource, the Moreover, in conventional systems, cars are hydrogen being used in the future is mostly larger
net effect of having diverse options like this crushed and ground into tiny pieces, and then the vehicles, for which recharging or refueling time
is enormous. materials are sorted after. Our question right now matters a great deal. And, given the hydrogen
is whether we can sort the materials at the macro needs of agriculture and other industries, we also
To be clear, we’re not proposing a switch to scale first to lower the energetic cost of recycling. expect that very environmentally friendly, renew-
using only HEVs. In fact, Toyota is going to make able hydrogen will be available in the future. That,
3.5 million BEVs per year by 2030, seven years Dr. Pratt’s Comments during the in turn, will kickstart the use of hydrogen, particu-
from now. Discussion Session larly in larger vehicles.
This picture shows us with one of our partners, a
But, we think that in certain parts of the world, lithium ion battery recycling startup. The canisters Our view is that customers should decide on the Sodium also has great potential as an alternative
where the charging infrastructure is not as green that you see here are batteries that have come out right powertrain for them. It’s like the difference to lithium for use in batteries. What’s wonderful
as it is here in Switzerland, or where people don’t of our HEVs and PHEVs. In the future, our partner between equity and equality. People have different about sodium is that it’s plentiful in the ocean.
have easy access to the charging network, some is going to recycle lithium-ion batteries from our circumstances. Even in the same part of the world,
of these other options may be better. BEVs, as well. However, while recycling is of course some people live near very convenient charging, There are tradeoffs in using sodium versus lithi-
an incredibly important part of circularity, it’s not all and so for them, a BEV or PHEV is a wonderful um, as well as real practical questions to figure
Considering the total amount of lithium that the of circularity. We also know that, while BEVs are answer, particularly if the electrical power has low out in terms of durability and rate of charge. As a
world has, the key is to use it where it does the increasing tremendously, the number of older bat- carbon intensity. For others, though, if they live in a scientist, I believe that we can’t predict the
most good. So, the real thrust of our argument is teries that will be available for recycling is not going low-density area, or have difficulty finding conve- future, so I never try to say how things will be five
diversity. We think that diverse circumstances to be that large for another 10 or so years. So, nient charging, or, for instance, are in an urban area years from now. Part of the reason we have
call for diverse solutions. we’re all in on recycling, but recycling is not going and park in a place without an overnight charger, these diverse options is because we believe
to solve the lithium shortage. We will, however, an HEV makes more sense. Such is the case in diversity to be the solution to uncertainty. My
continue to work on improving this process. huge swaths of the world. answer is, let’s find out.

Integrated Report 51
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars

Intelligent Technologies comfortable riding experience through advanced safety Comfortable Ride Experience ward-facing view at all times.
technologies and infotainment in the in-car experience. (In-Car Experience) Applications catering to various needs can be
Toyota is committed to providing new value based on This will be updated to reflect the changing times. accessed by the passenger via a screen situated in
software for the realization of a mobility society. By Regarding the out-car experience, we will increase the 1. Conversing with Cars the front passenger’s seat.
seamlessly connect daily lives and cars. as well as value we offer via cross-industry collaboration with Using the latest AI technology, we are making the
proposing and delivering experiences and services partners in housing, energy, logistics and other sectors in-car experience even higher quality. The voice rec- Driver & Passenger
that are one step ahead of their expectations, we will serving as essential components of social systems. ognition system developed by Toyota can handle Equal Access to Intelligence
alter lifestyles, transform mobility into excitement, and Toyota’s competitive advantage lies in its extensive users making multiple requests or changing their
enrich our customers’ lives. Connecting people and global dealer network. By interacting directly with minds, resulting in agile, responsive interactions that Eyes on the road
cars, and social systems and cars, will create an customers, we are able to gain a realistic under- feel more like chatting with a human operator than
ecosystem that becomes part of the social system, standing of the information and needs that are critical merely voicing commands.
leading to the realization of well-being. for a vehicle to add value. By combining that informa- Moreover, the system may keep connecting and
Limitless contents on the
Arene OS is a software platform that accelerates tion and those needs with vehicle data, we create picking up new information through conversation, Hands on the wheel screen
such intelligence, providing applications that bring a value the likes of which only Toyota can provide. enabling it to recommend things based on knowl-
edge of your likes and circumstances and develop
into a reliable companion. Digital driver UI
basic unit Open platform options
Enriching Customers’ Lives
Eyes always on the Responding to
road + multifunctional, diverse needs
simple hand-held operation
Shopping Working

Specialty 3. Interaction Linking People, Cars, and Society

Clothing Meetings Commuting
It will also be possible to connect with surrounding
towns, stores, people, and cars while driving. As the
Books e-commerce Documents
remotely car develops, it will connect the inside and outside of
the car, enabling freer communication; this will create
a platform that offers new value not only in getting to
one’s destination, but in transportation itself.

Cooking Leisure Contributing to Richer Lifestyles and

Solutions to Social Issues
(Out-Car Experience)
Ingredients Ordering in Tourism Reservations

Open We will propose services that allow cars to be

Recipes Going out Platform Airplanes Games smoothly integrated into cities and their infrastruc-
2. Improved Driving Experience through ture. For instance, a car may utilize vital data it
Cockpit Innovation receives from the driver and relay it back to them in
Data Payment
The driving experience will be greatly enhanced by order to facilitate safer and more secure driving. With
digitalization and intelligence. Apart from the steer- the input of lifestyle data like schedules, friends, and
by-wire system’s intuitive operation and the consider- community, cars will be able to recommend outings
able reduction in steering volume, the control panel’s based on our schedules and physical condition, as
simplified layout and easy-to-operate location at the well as issue one-stop tickets. By seamlessly con-
Change through “Car Business” driver’s fingertips allows them to maintain a for- necting cars to society, we will be able to offer

Integrated Report 52
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars

experiences and services that surpass our custom- 2. Enhancing Safety Performance Using Arene OS
ers’ expectations. Big Data
It also contributes to solving social issues. Utilizing Toyota is upgrading the safety performance of its Real-time Accuracy Arene OS is a software platform that provides a per-
vehicle data and connected technology, real-time Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADASs) by Big-data +
Updates every 90 seconds
commercial feature data
sonalized, new experience for every customer via
delivery systems can be realized. This can lead to drawing on a wealth of data that could only be learning. TOOLS in Arene OS allows Toyota and its
Highly efficient Real-time planning Accurate delivery
decreased CO2 emissions and workforce in addition amassed by a company shipping 10 million cars delivery correction planning partners to efficiently develop and evaluate car soft-
to increased transportation efficiency. In addition, each year. ware. In addition, the Software Development Kit
“enhanced safety” is a key concept for enhancing The next-generation ADAS currently in develop- -15% (SDK) enables quick and easy integration into the car.
people’s lives via mobility. We will leverage the vast ment uses data collected from vehicles equipped Furthermore, it will serve as an interface between
CO2 emissions Workforce Logistics costs
amount of data and expertise that we have amassed with third-generation Toyota Safety Sense (TSS). cars, people, and social systems.
over the years toward our goals of the pursuit of zero Situations involving emergency braking or steering
traffic accidents, freedom of movement for all, and are identified and used to train the AI. With this pro-
contributions to industry through mobility value. cess, a greater pool of similar cases leads to higher
recognition rates and accuracy. Toyota’s large vehicle
1. Tackling Logistics Challenges with volumes thus provide an advantage, making it possi-
Connected Technologies ble to acquire a usable degree of information even for
To tackle challenges within the logistics industry, uncommonly occurring near-miss scenarios.
Toyota has developed the Efficient Transport The Toyota data trove also powers automatic map
Operation Support System (E-TOSS). generation (Geo). Thanks to this, the interval between
Connecting Cars and People
This system looks to boost the efficiency of trans- 3D map updates is reduced from six months to a sin-
port from warehouses to retailers and has roots in gle day, producing maps closer to current conditions. Arene OS is a software platform built by Toyota
the Toyota Production System (TPS) mindset. It can By using information about road conditions beyond and partners that provides a personalized,
prepare efficient transportation plans that accurately the range of onboard cameras or radar, the system new experience for every customer.

Safer and Ever-Better Cars

capture the daily fluctuations in cargo volumes by assists with safe driving in bad weather or other chal-
bringing together Toyota’s real-time information pro- lenging conditions, while the use of road gradient Digitalized Interactive Reality
Personalization of Motion

New Ways to Use

cessing capabilities, big data, and information specif- information improves fuel or energy efficiency. Intelligent Cockpit in Motion
ic to commercial vehicles, like truck driving data and
Data collection
traffic restrictions. (Third-generation
Collection Next-generation
These capabilities improve the truck load TSS)
instruction ADAS OTA
factor—thought to be less than 50% across the
industry—and help identify efficient transport Upload
routes, helping reduce the distances traveled and
the number of journeys.*
Note: For specific initiatives, please refer to Commercial Sector Cycle
Initiatives on p. 55.

* Estimated 10–15% reduction in CO2 emissions and logistics

costs, based on the decrease in total mileage during trials at
AEON distribution centers.
Freshly collected TSS data Completion

Connecting People, Cars, and Social Systems

With Arene OS,

geo-information developers can create new experiences that connect cars, people,
and social systems, and use data to continuously improve these experiences.

Integrated Report 53
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement

fer onto a bus to the airport, and from there fly to e-Palette We are working toward the realization of automated
Diversity Initiatives
their destination. Even stress-free travel by taxi or driving in a way that only a carmaker can, based on
Mobility that offers greater comfort and freedom is an boat at the destination is possible. The automobile In June 2023, we unveiled two types of “e-Palette”: our advanced intelligent technologies derived from
important aspect of making everyday life with cars a and wheelchair industries are working together to one equipped with a driver’s seat and a manual driv- vast amounts of data and our long-accumulated
richer experience. Toyota operates around the world, create standards to make this a reality. ing system that is currently ready for social imple- expertise on vehicle safety.
and the needs and values of our customers differ from Toyota is looking to make the device available for mentation, and one without a driver’s seat but
region to region and generation to generation. To meet all manner of vehicles, from ships to airplanes, to equipped with an automatic driving system intended
these expectations, we seek to offer a diverse selec- ensure that wheelchair users can enjoy the freedom for unmanned operation that will be released in the
tion of products and services. of stress-free mobility. future. As latest models of “e-Palette,” both types
For example, we have developed a one-touch boast a large interior space that can be used to flexi-
wheelchair fastening device for vehicles, utilizing bly meet the needs of a variety of mobility services.
the know-how we have accumulated through the Toyota will begin offering services to the public
development of assisted mobility vehicles over the with the piloted e-Palette in the first half of the
years. We are also working to diversify mobility 2020s, while the driverless version is being devel-
with the JUU electric wheelchair, which is capable oped for places like Woven City.
of traversing uneven surfaces, such as stairs, and In terms of automated driving technology, e-Palette
features a modern, stylish design. Combining free- vehicles will be equipped with the system currently e-Palette set up as a mobile convenience store
dom of movement with fun, we are working to fur- developed by Denso, Woven by Toyota, and Toyota.
The one-touch wheelchair fastening device being
ther diversify mobility. developed by Toyota. The white hooks at the center of
the righthand photo latch onto the wheelchair’s anchor
One-touch Wheelchair Fastening Device bar to secure it in place, with the entire process taking
JUU: Stair Climbing Feature
just two seconds once the switch is pressed.

Toyota has developed a system that allows anyone

Steps of up to 16 cm tall
to easily and securely anchor a wheelchair in a JUU Electric Wheelchair
vehicle to enable freedom of movement for wheel-
chair users. The JUU is a form of mobility that can go up and
The most common conventional anchoring meth- down stairs and traverse uneven surfaces, contribut- Joy・Job・Universal・Utility
od used on public buses and other vehicles requires ing to barrier-free access.
the driver to secure the wheelchair in place using a From Wheelchair to Mobility
The JUU’s most significant feature is its ability to
belt with three hooks. Even for experienced drivers, negotiate steps up to 16 cm tall (30 cm deep) while Mobility for All
this process takes around two minutes and can thus the user remains seated. When climbing stairs, the
take an emotional toll on wheelchair users, making JUU’s “tail” drops down from behind the backrest to
them feel self-conscious as the other passengers are support the wheelchair as it moves upward. Similarly,
kept waiting. The task is also physically taxing for on the descent, the tail prevents the wheelchair from
drivers, who must squat down to attach the hooks. tipping over, maintaining stability as the JUU backs
Using the newly developed device, once the wheel- down the stairs.
chair is in position, with the press of a switch, the one- For the wheelchair’s drive system, Toyota’s engi-
touch fastening device installed in the vehicle latches neers used electric power steering motors normally
onto the anchor bar mounted at the base of the wheel- found in cars. The torque they deliver improves safety
chair, securing it in just two seconds. by ensuring that the tires do not counter-rotate
The widespread use of this technology could make when ascending or descending. At the same time,
it practical for wheelchair users to, for example, take the use of car components also offers advantages in
their private car from their home to a bus stop, trans- terms of cost.

Integrated Report 54
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Commercial Sector Initiatives: Contributing to Carbon Neutrality through Commercial

Vehicle Electrification and Enhanced Logistics Efficiency
The Acceleration and Spread of CASE Projects Connecting Fukushima and connected technologies of the companies participating unique to Thailand utilizing the country’s resources. To
through Commerce Tokyo and in Fukuoka in CJPT, the project aims to establish new operations contribute to the happiness of the 67 million people of
to improve efficiency by linking each process in the Thailand, CJPT is promoting activities under the con-
In April 2021, Isuzu Motors Limited, Hino Motors, We are working with shippers and logistics compa- supply chain as well as to improve efficiency by mini- cept of “doing what can be done now, together with
Ltd., and Toyota Motor Corporation established nies in Fukushima Prefecture and Tokyo on the large- mizing cargo and operational stagnation (logistics partners who share the same view.”
Commercial Japan Partnership Technologies (CJPT), scale social implementation of electric vehicles. A downtime) through the use of strengths in big data and Along with CP and SCG, Toyota, Isuzu, Hino, Suzuki,
a new company, with the aim to accelerate the total of 580 vehicles will be used, including heavy- real-time processing on connected technology infra- and Daihatsu will participate in CJPT-Asia, which will be
implementation and spread of CASE in society to and light-duty fuel cell electric trucks, and light-duty structure, among other efforts. We are advancing established to further promote initiatives in Thailand and
help address various difficulties facing the transporta- BEV trucks and mini-commercial vans, to compre- these initiatives in collaboration with a wide range of accelerate efforts in the three areas of energy solutions,
tion industry as well as help achieve a carbon-neutral hensively cover transportation from trunk lines to the partners. In particular, a demonstration project that data solutions, and mobility solutions.
society. Suzuki Motor Corporation and Daihatsu last mile. As of the end of October 2023, over 50 began at AEON’s Minami-Osaka distribution center in We are accelerating our efforts, such as introducing
Motor Co., Ltd. joined the partnership in July 2021. electrified vehicles have hit the roads. In addition to 2022 has already begun expansion to actual opera- heavy- and light-duty fuel cell trucks, the Hilux Revo e,
Distribution by truck accounts for about 90 percent promoting implementation in cities with populations tions and is producing results, such as improved the JPN Taxi LPG-HEV, and mini-commercial vans to
of overland logistics in Japan, and the transportation of around 300,000, which is typical of Japan, we will loading efficiency of trucks. We have applied this the logistics and transportation industry from
sector (including buses and taxis) involves 2.7 million also work to develop standards for these vehicles model to the Kyushu region, where we have con- September 2023. In November, we also commenced
people. Commercial vehicles account for about 40 and develop an energy management system that is firmed improvements. We will further expand the pilot testing of hydrogen production from biogas at
percent of the total distance traveled by automobiles integrated with operation management to lessen the range of these efforts to such areas as wholesaling poultry farms and data-driven delivery efficiency
and about half of all CO2 emissions from automobiles social burden associated with the introduction and from manufacturers and distribution centers to build enhancement.
in Japan. Furthermore, the more than 60,000 logistics use of electric vehicles and address transportation- a total logistics improvement model. We will continue 1. Energy Solutions
companies operating in Japan currently face numer- related issues. ambitiously pushing forward with logistics reforms by  se of renewable energy, such as hydrogen, and
ous management issues, such as high-frequency dis- Furthermore, in a public-private initiative aimed at expanding the results of our efforts with AEON in energy management
tribution, harsh work environments, labor shortages, carbon neutrality, we have begun sharing data with Minami-Osaka and Kyushu to an even wider range of 2. Data Solutions
and rising operating costs. The power of CASE, cen- national bodies promoting digital transformation for logistics sites. •E nhancement of the efficiency of the logistics and
tered on connected technologies and services, is a commercial vehicles. This includes data about electri- transportation industry using connected technolo-
promising approach to effecting improvements that will fied vehicles on the road, such as that on driving, bat- Expansion to Asia and Thailand gy to improve loading efficiency and optimize
help resolve these issues. Given the increasingly teries, charging and refueling with hydrogen. delivery routes
pressing circumstances surrounding carbon neutrality, The city of Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, has begun CJPT reached an agreement with Charoen Pokphand 3. Mobility Solutions
CJPT seeks a wide range of like-minded partners, implementing FCVs as garbage compactor trucks, Group (CP) and Siam Cement Group (SCG) in  rovision of a variety of solutions that meet
aiming to apply their diverse strengths for the sake of ambulances, food delivery trucks, BRT buses, and Thailand to promote carbon-neutral initiatives that are Thailand’s diverse needs
those supporting transportation and for society. other vehicles that support daily living, utilizing hydro-
Note: In October 2023, CJPT reinstated Hino Motors Ltd. as a partner. gen stations operated by the city and other entities.
Together with local communities, we are promoting Commercial Japan Partnership Technologies
The Two Pillars of Carbon Neutrality the social implementation of these vehicles to make
them more familiar to residents and enable their wide-
Our efforts to achieve carbon neutrality center on two spread use by more municipalities.
pillars: electrification and enhanced logistics efficiency.
In the area of electrification, we will ambitiously Logistics Improvement Begun with AEON Technology and Investment
work with more partners to find solutions to a variety service planning and human
resource dispatch
of problems while giving customers more electrified CJPT is working with AEON KYUSHU Co., Ltd. and
vehicle options in accordance with their specific AEON GLOBAL SCM Co., Ltd. on a logistics
needs. We will also realize just-in-time logistics to improvement project for the AEON Group in the Joint planning agreement
improve transport efficiency and work to reduce CO2 Kyushu area that will solve problems faced by the
emissions by constructing a platform for commercial logistics industry, such as soaring logistics costs and
vehicles that links the partner companies and by driver shortages.
leveraging one of the Toyota’s strengths—the TPS. By combining the accumulated logistics expertise

Integrated Report 55
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Mitsubishi Fuso and Hino Motors

Commercial Sector Initiatives Merger-4 Firms Collaborate on
Hydrogen and More

MFTBC and Hino Motors Merger—Four Firms Collaborate on Hydrogen

Daimler Truck, MFTBC, Hino, and Toyota have To create a prosperous mobility society, what we
Daimler Truck & Toyota’s Hydrogen Initiatives
agreed to work together on strengthening their need is not just competition, but all of us working
commercial vehicle businesses. together to create the future.

MFTBC and Hino will merge on an equal footing to With this mindset, we hope that our four-way
strengthen their global competitiveness. In addition, partnership will help to accelerate the spread of
our four companies will pursue new possibilities in CASE technologies.
commercial vehicles by leveraging the CASE tech-
nologies of Daimler Truck and Toyota. Through the merger, MFTBC and Hino will seek
to boost synergies and streamline development,
On May 30, it was announced that Mitsubishi Today, I would like to talk about the aims and procurement, and production, thereby strength-
Fuso Truck and Bus (MFTBC) and Hino vision behind this collaboration. ening their competitiveness and business founda- We have also worked to commercialize products
Motors have agreed to merge. tions for pursuing CASE technologies. and establish hydrogen infrastructure to promote
They will seek economies of scale through Behind this partnership lies a strong desire, shared the widespread use of these technologies.
joint development, procurement, and produc- by our four companies, to build the future of com- Daimler Truck and Toyota will combine their
tion. At the same time, the pair will speed up mercial vehicles together. respective strengths to support the merged com- Together with MFTBC and Hino, our companies
the decarbonization of the transportation panies with CASE technologies, while also work- plan to speed up the adoption of hydrogen mobili-
Commercial vehicles sustain our daily lives through ing to further enhance the technical capabilities ty, beginning with commercial vehicles.
industry by drawing on the CASE technolo-
the movement of people and goods, serving as a between them.
gies of their respective parent companies,
vital source of mobility that is part of the social Our joint effort to create this future starts with the
Daimler Truck and Toyota. infrastructure. Integrating these vehicles into social merging of Mitsubishi Fuso and Hino to establish
Building the Future of Commercial Vehicles Together
The merger will also entail the establish- systems can further boost the value of mobility. the business foundations for competing on the
ment of a holding company, with shares split Technological
global stage.
evenly between Daimler Truck and Toyota. To achieve carbon neutrality, the commercial vehi- Foundation of
Although Mitsubishi Fuso and Hino will cles that currently make up 40% of global automo- business Through robust competition, we will contribute to a
become wholly owned subsidiaries of the new tive CO2 emissions must evolve into an Strengthening better future for commercial vehicles.
company, both will retain their brands and environmentally friendly mode of mobility.
sales networks in Japan and abroad. They With Mr. Daum, CEO of Daimler Truck, we’ve talk-
In other words, the challenge of building a new Strengthening the competitiveness of the Japanese and ed about shaping the future of commercial vehi-
plan to finalize the agreement within the fiscal Asian automotive industries
future for commercial vehicles will play an import- cles, the need for scale in promoting the
year to March 2024, with the merger to be car- Contributing to a prosperous mobility society
ant role in creating a prosperous mobility society. widespread adoption of CASE technologies, and
ried out by the end of that calendar year. the idea that the future is ours to create together.
and While sharing these aspirations and values, we dis-
Our Focus Area is Hydrogen Popularizing
CASE technologies cussed how the partnership should come together.

This process allowed us to confirm each

Connected Autonomous Shared Electric The coming together of our four companies also other’s visions, and I believe we had very
opens up new possibilities for the future. meaningful discussions.
The key to this future lies in CASE technologies
such as electrification and autonomous driving. In particular, we see initiatives in the hydrogen I would like to invite Mr. Daum to share his
These technologies can only serve society if domain as a key focus area for cooperation, contrib- thoughts on this collaboration.
widely adopted, and require the capabilities to uting to the creation of a prosperous mobility society.
develop them.
Daimler Truck and Toyota were quick to recog-
In this CASE era, the relatively small size of Japan’s nize the potential of hydrogen energy and have
Koji Sato, commercial vehicle market means that individual driven the development of fuel cell and hydrogen
President companies will struggle to survive on their own. engine technologies.

Integrated Report 56
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Commercial Sector Initiatives

Scale is Key The Foremost Player in Hino’s strength lies in contributing to our cus- three companies.
Asian Transportation tomers’ business in every aspect from sales to
Martin Daum, after-sales service, extending beyond the prod- At Hino, we are committed to rebuilding our
Daimler Trucks CEO Karl Deppen, ucts themselves to overall quality, reliability, foundations following the certification issues,
MFTBC CEO and maintenance. and to shaping the future as part of this
We intend to link the future of two amazing com- four-company collaboration.
panies, and to shape the future of the commer- The world is changing. And our industry needs As we work to address the misconduct issue and
cial vehicle industry in Japan, in Asia, and even to change with it. Japan’s economy and the rebuild, many of our dealers and other partners, MFTBC and Hino were quick to establish a pres-
beyond. Let me give you some context. societies of Asia need state-of-the-art transpor- who have themselves been inconvenienced, are ence in the countries of Southeast Asia, engag-
tation. At the same time, Japan has committed helping us in various ways to engage with cus- ing with local communities and helping to
With our vehicles, our customers keep super- to be carbon neutral by 2050. tomers and protect the Hino brand. improve lives through the movement of people
markets, factories, and construction sites up and goods. We believe this new collaboration is
and running. And they bring people to work, to We take it as our task to be part of the solution to These experiences have keenly emphasized how essential for ensuring that we can continue mak-
school, to their favorite destinations. decarbonize transportation. Connectivity, automa- important it is to revamp the company so that ing these contributions into the future.
tion, electrification—a whole range of advanced we can continue to contribute to our customers
In short, trucks and buses keep the world moving. services and technologies to make logistics as in the future. For Hino, this project will be a company-wide
This is true today, and it will also be true tomorrow. safe, as efficient, and as profitable as possible, all effort. After the merger scheduled for late-2024,
while causing the least possible harm to the envi- At the same time, we find ourselves in a period we are determined to work with CEO Deppen
Though this will not change, one thing will ronment. I’ll be frank—developing takes enormous of once-in-a-century transformation. We have no and his colleagues to establish a close-knit team
change; tomorrow, trucks and buses will need to investment, resources, and also expertise. time to lose in developing the CASE technolo- of mutual learning and respect.
be emission-free. This means our products will gies to address social problems such as carbon
become even more amazing. This merger will position us as the foremost neutrality, driver shortages, and traffic accidents. “The Future Is Ours to Create Together”
player in the Asian transportation industry,
As we are accelerating towards zero emissions, strong enough to compete with all the new Even as we thoroughly address our certification President Sato said the following when asked
there is one big challenge, and this is the brands we see entering the market, especially issues, Hino has continued to look to the future about the synergistic effects of collaboration.
required funding. outside of Japan. by devising initiatives to tackle carbon neutrality
and other challenges. I believe it comes down to one thing: “The future
The transformation of our industry means we This collaboration can only work if we join as is ours to create together.”
have to fund several new drive technologies at equals—respecting each other, respecting each Together with our partners, we are constantly
the same time: batteries, hydrogen-based fuel other’s strengths, and working together to make trying to figure out ways to fulfill the expectations While capital ties and other aspects are very
cells, and potentially also hydrogen internal a future brighter than either of us could find alone. of our customers and other stakeholders. important, no single company can dictate the
combustion engines. future faced by the automotive industry. It is crucial
The Time for CASE Technologies Is Now While our ongoing efforts to address the miscon- that we facilitate greater collaboration and increase
This is quite a stretch even for the leading com- duct have started to yield results, it is very difficult the speed with which our technologies become
panies in our industry. There is only one way to Satoshi Ogiso, for Hino to simultaneously deal with environmental part of society.
make this parallel tech development work: econ- Hino President changes such as carbon neutrality on our own and
omies of scale. Scale is key. as we have agonized over this situation for a Engaging in many partnerships allows us to simul-
The certification misconduct that Hino disclosed long time, we view the four-company collabora- taneously tackle a wide range of challenges on
What we are announcing today does not just last year is an issue we are taking very seriously. tion as a golden opportunity. multiple fronts. Ultimately, I believe this approach is
have the potential to make our company stron- To ensure that our company does not allow vital for creating a more prosperous and productive
ger; creating a leading domestic company can something like this to happen again, we are Daimler Truck and Toyota are leading companies mobility society.
also revitalize the Japanese economy. pursuing the three areas of reform announced in commercial and passenger vehicles, with out-
last October. standing CASE technologies. Likewise, “The future is ours to create together.” With
Mitsubishi Fuso has a long history as one of this mindset, we will seek to make the most
To regain the trust of our customers and other Japan’s commercial vehicle manufacturers. of every opportunity to deepen our
stakeholders, all Hino employees are engaging United in our ambition to contribute to society collaborative partnerships.
earnestly in each of these reforms. by supporting mobility, I feel a tremendous sig-
nificance in moving toward the future with these

Integrated Report 57
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Woven City: A City of Test Courses Producing Future Happiness for All

also led to the difficult decision to close the Higashi-

Fuji Plant. Looking for a way to carry on the Higashi-
Fuji Plant’s legacy of manufacturing to help create
future mobility for the next 50 years, he arrived at the
idea of transforming the site into a test course that is
woven into the fabric of daily life.
The name “Woven City” comes from Toyota’s ori-
gins in automatic looms. Toyota Group founder
Sakichi Toyoda was driven to invent an automatic
loom out of a desire to make his mother’s work easi-
er. We have guarded and nurtured this spirit of ser-
vice to others ever since. Woven City will take up this
commitment from the Higashi-Fuji Plant, growing and
evolving as the foundation for a new era at Toyota.

autonomous vehicles. We will use these roads to

advance demonstration testing that integrates the
aspects of people, vehicles, and the traffic environ-
ment. Woven City will demonstrate technologies from
logistics to energy and food as it grows into a test
course conducive to the timely generation of new
inventions that address social issues.
Building on Our History of
Manufacturing Aiming to Expand Mobility

Woven City will be constructed on the site of Toyota At Woven City, we aim to make people happy by
Motor East Japan’s former Higashi-Fuji Plant, which expanding what mobility can do for human beings
The Woven City project was first was a pillar of production for Toyota for 53 years, and building systems that will create novel value. We
announced in January 2020. The initial starting in 1967. At its peak, the plant had about A Test Course for Toyota as a will invent the technologies and services that will
building is set to be completed in summer 2,000 employees, and a total of around 7,000 indi- Mobility Company become the future fabric of life by interweaving cars
2024, with limited demonstration testing viduals worked there over its history, producing such with social infrastructure to expand the mobility of
kicking off in 2025. Toyota and a variety of vehicles as the Toyota Century, Toyota’s flagship Woven City will be a kind of test course, enabling us to people, goods, and information while inspiring excite-
partners will work together, using Woven chauffeur car infused with Toyota craftsmanship, and rapidly implement development and demonstration ment and moving people emotionally. This is the
City, a city of test courses, to demonstrate the JPN Taxi, a car that requires many times the cycles for diverse forms of mobility in both the virtual meaning of “expand mobility” and the vision of
cutting edge technologies in such areas durability of an ordinary passenger car. and the real world. Both of these are essential—alone, Woven City. In this new city, Toyota aims to trans-
as automated driving, mobility as a ser- The concept for Woven City can be traced back to neither the virtual nor the real is sufficient to quickly form into a true mobility company.
vice (MaaS), personal mobility, robotics, the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Chairman provide mobility in today’s diversified world. Guided by With our sights on commencing limited pilot testing
smart homes, and artificial intelligence Akio Toyoda sought to create jobs for the region’s the three concepts of “human-centered,” “a living lab- in 2025, we will continue to reinforce collaboration
(AI). Through these efforts, we aim to cre- people, who were hit hardest by the disaster, by cre- oratory,” and the “ever-evolving city,” Woven City will among Toyota, Toyota Group companies, and our
ate new systems and services that will ating a third base of operations in the Tohoku region. comprise three types of roads woven together like external partner companies. Through Woven City, we
contribute to “well-being for all.” Guided by his strong leadership, Toyota established warp and weft: paths for people, roads shared by will work to realize the Toyota Mobility Concept.
Toyota Motor East Japan, Inc. in 2012. However, this people and personal mobility devices, and roads for

Integrated Report 58
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023 JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW

“The Future is Something We All Create”

Creating a place where the finest Japanese technology and trailblazing business leaders come together in
order to connect and share the country’s future vision with the world—that was the idea that transformed
the Tokyo Motor Show into the JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2023, which kicked off at Tokyo Big Sight on
October 26.
A day earlier, President Koji Sato attended a press briefing at the Toyota booth. He presented the con-
cept of the Company’s presentation to the world—“Find Your Future”—and spoke about three future sce-
narios driven by mobility in response to the diverse values and needs of our time.

A Look at the Future through Three The Lexus brand will be the first to produce cars that meets customer needs to provide more value
Types of Mobility that tell this story. that delights customers.

The first story is our future life with battery electric A wide range of apps will also increase the cars’
vehicles (BEVs.) value. For example, entertainment providers will
create services and content.
BEVs are not only eco-friendly. They also offer their
own flavor of driving fun, what we call “automotive Connected to new software partners, these cars will
seasoning.” And, they can deliver diverse experi- make getting around more convenient and fun.
ence value. This is our vision for BEVs.
You will be able to shop via an app in your car.
We are making BEVs like only a true carmaker While driving, you can have fun with the automo-
Welcome to the Toyota Booth! can. This means revisiting the fundamental princi- tive seasoning in Manual mode. After parking, you
ples of car making and delivering basic perfor- can share electricity in energy grid mode to help
Here at the Toyota booth, we are communicating a mance, like cruising range, as well as value that Of course, Toyota and GR brand cars, like the two the community. These are just some of the exam-
mobility future full of diversity. There are as many only BEVs can offer. models here, will also change. ples of the future that awaits.
diverse needs and values as there are people in
the world. One example is making cars with both a low cen- With the technology to make cars smaller, lower, Each and every customer will help create the value
ter of gravity and a spacious interior, which was and lighter, we can create a diverse lineup with of these cars. The role of cars will be to connect to
The future is not decided by someone else. The not possible in the past. outstanding qualities, from sports cars and SUVs and expand the possibilities of society.
future is something we all create. This is what to pickup trucks and small vans.
we believe. To do this, we need to make the main components Your desires will shape a car that’s just for you.
much smaller and lighter, and deploy our strengths And, on top of this hardware, is Arene, our new
This is why we made “Find Your Future” the Toyota as a carmaker to put them together in the best software platform, delivering new experience value. That is the future with next-generation BEVs and
Booth concept. I know you will find your future package possible. software-defined vehicles.*
among Toyota’s cars. Making Travel More Convenient and Fun *C
 ars designed to be upgraded via software updates
that continue to add functions and boost performance
Achieving this will mean that the design, the drive after purchase.
Today, I’m going to talk about three future car sce- feel, and everything else can be transformed. Driving Arene can stay up to date with the latest software
narios that are driven by mobility. in these cars, the scenery looks completely different. and use vehicle data to speed up development

Integrated Report 59
The Source of Value Creation Story: Toyota’s Vision for a Mobility Society Toyota’s Vision for Carbon Neutrality Multi-pathway Strategy
Business Foundations for
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Intelligent Technologies Bring New Value to Cars Diversifying Mobility: Enhancing Freedom of Movement
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company Commercial Sector Initiatives Woven City Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Let’s Change the Future of Cars: Japan Mobility Show 2023

Creating these electrified vehicles, and meeting the This is how unique and diverse cars will become I’d like to share three future scenarios with This is why our mission at Toyota is to meet the
diversifying needs of customers around the world, an integral part of our world. Cars will be the plat- you today. needs of customers around the world and contin-
requires a multi-pathway approach. form, and customers will be the ones who expand ue delivering diverse mobility options.
their value. They are forms of mobility that connect people and
One such pathway is hardware expandability to society. This means that all of us will be able to do This is the multi-pathway approach to the future
give individuals the cars that are just right for them. There will be more new business possibilities and more and better enjoy the many facets of our lives. that Toyota envisions. Let me say once again, the
new partners in the value chain. future is something that we all create together.
Cars are essential to people’s work and personal Let’s say you’re a delivery driver with your Kayoibako.
lives. This is true for many of our customers. The IMV 0 is aimed at delivering a mobility future We want to create a better future. If we all act with
that we all create together. Slide open the door, and you can load lots of cargo this aspiration and with passion, the landscape
Different people want to transport different things in its spacious interior. Using infrastructure- before us is sure to change.
and do different things with their cars. We intend Creating the Value of Mobility in Society connected data, you can deliver goods quickly and
to provide solutions for all these needs. We will efficiently to the customers who ordered them. A future world full of smiles. We want mobility to
deliver solutions with high-quality, affordable cars In such ways, mobility that meets diverse needs continue being at the center of this world. With this
unique to Toyota. will become an integral part of our world and con- On days off, it completely transforms. Say you love intention, and together with our many partners, we
nect you to society. camping and the outdoors. You can pick up the will take on greater and greater challenges.
The second story I’m going to tell you about is the camping backpack you ordered, load the
future with this IMV 0. In our car plants, we use configurable shipping Kayoibako with a tent and barbeque supplies, and Our motto is “Let’s change the future of cars!”
containers called kayoibako to transport all kinds head out of town.
of parts between worksites.
Not too big, and not too small—it’s just the right
This mobility performs the same role in society. size for many different situations. It can serve as
community mobility by enabling easy access for
Using the properties of BEVs, it can keep you con- wheelchair users, serve as a remote office, or be
nected to social infrastructure and service provid- used as a mobile shop.
ers and bring more convenience and fun to your
work and personal life, anytime and anywhere. It will better connect you to society.

This is why we have named this mobility Everyone will take part in creating mobility’s value
Its shape is infinitely customizable to the custom- the Kayoibako. in society. That is the future the Kayoibako aims The Mobility Show is an important starting point for
er’s needs. to deliver. this—this journey to go out and find your future.

For example, it can transport a great volume of Go Out and Find Your Future I hope you will enjoy visiting the Toyota Booth as
freshly harvested fruits and vegetables. Arriving in you find your future.
the city, it quickly transforms into a produce stand. The three mobility scenarios I shared are in a
future created with electrification, intelligence, and
In a city square, it can turn into a coffee shop or a diversification.
food truck. At night, it can become a bar or even a
DJ booth. They have one thing in common—how the value of
this future mobility will expand as it meets our life-
The IMV 0 will soon launch in Asia, where lots of style needs.
ideas for how to customize it are already circulating.

Integrated Report 60
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Message from the CSO

Review of Materiality (Key Issues) employees’ efforts and growth as well as the success
of our diverse human resources, thereby accelerating
Based on the Toyota Mobility Concept, we reexam- our vision’s implementation.
ined and reviewed our material issues and used them
to share with internal and external stakeholders more
concrete details about the kind of society we aim to
realize and Toyota’s contribution toward it. In addi-
tion to discussions at the Sustainability Meeting, the
review process included discussions with employ-
ees, such external parties as NGOs, sustainability
experts, and investors. Through dialogue with
diverse stakeholders of various ages, genders, and
backgrounds, we gained numerous insights on what
Toyota Kentucky Paint Shop
should be tackled and what the best terminology to
Yumi Otsuka use would be. In other words, while we have been
Chief Sustainability Officer communicating Toyota’s approach and initiatives
through the Toyota Times and other media outlets
for some time, this time, through thorough dialogue
on the overall picture, we were able to not only A plant’s female shop floor employees
The Toyota Mobility Concept: Toyota’s understand what perspectives we are lacking and
Vision for a Mobility Society what information has not been getting across, but Many people at Toyota today are putting the idea
also areas that have been well received as part of of “for the sake of others” into action. These include
Toyota is currently accelerating its transformation our unique Toyota approach. leaders at the Kentucky Plant who are passionate
aimed at continuously contributing to the future of about contributing to carbon neutrality through the
society. Building on the foundation established Human Resources Who Act “For the use of karakuri (non-powered mechanical gadgets
through the reforms led by Akio Toyoda since he Sake of Others” that help improve productivity and reduce costs) to
assumed the presidency around the key concepts of reduce energy use wherever possible; employees of A recreation event at a child welfare facility
“Ever-better cars,” “Best in town,” and “For the sake In considering what approach to sustainability would the Honsha Plant who have a strong desire for
of others,” we are now putting our full force into mak- be right for Toyota, we reaffirmed the core of our growth and are not willing to let outages keep them Through ongoing engagement with internal and
ing new, tangible contributions as a mobility compa- efforts to be the nurturing of human resources with from improving; working mothers around the world external stakeholders, all of us at Toyota will continue
ny. First, we presented the Toyota Mobility Concept, the spirit of working for the sake of others, which has who give their all to support their junior colleagues to check in to see where we stand, working sincerely
which crystallizes the mobility society we aim to cre- been handed down since the Group’s founding, rath- at manufacturing plants despite the numerous chal- to meet stakeholders’ expectations of us as we
ate as a mobility company. In the three domains of er than focusing on trying to clarify the fine details of lenges that still come with balancing working and together take action toward our mission of producing
Mobility 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, the concept lays out the strategies and tactics. The key lies in increasing raising children; and a group of manufacturing happiness for all.
evolution of the car to be more useful to society Toyota’s ranks of people with the will and passion to employees that has been holding recreational
based on its essential values, which have been culti- unwaveringly tackle a wide range of material issues events for children at a local welfare facility for more
vated over time, such as safety, security, and being to create a better future, as well as the ability to make than 20 years based on a strong desire to contrib-
fun to drive. By changing the future of the car, we will that will a reality amid a rapidly changing environment ute to their local community.
contribute to the sustainability of the Earth and soci- and rising uncertainty. In 2023, we began small- Speaking with them, I’ve come to realize that their
ety while realizing a mobility society in which every- group discussions between executives and employ- efforts aren’t for themselves, but rather for society
one can move freely, happily, and comfortably. ees called “Toyo Talks.” I feel these have been a great and the next generation. They get others involved
help in deepening the overall understanding of the and don’t accept the status quo as unchangeable,
Company’s vision and identifying factors that impede continuing to act in order to bring their ideals to life.

Integrated Report 61
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors

Craven It‘s never easy to take over from a highly homogeneous workplace where employees with
successful President. similar attributes congregate in a flock together
President Sato and the executive team have manner under a strong corporate culture and where
approached this task in line with the Toyota Way everyone strives hard and advances in the same
and with a spirit of challenge, working to make direction, executives from every department express
ever-better cars. Toyota has also established the new their opinions openly and honestly without referring
BEV Factory and Hydrogen Factory, headed by pres- to documents.
idents Kato and Yamagata. They’re so passionate
about what they do, and there’s great teamwork. As
Mr. Sugawara said, I think the new team has made a
very positive start.
In that same vein, Executive Vice President
Miyazaki has demonstrated leadership in region-
based management that I think is just excellent and
shows the new emphasis Toyota places on being
truly a global company. We have to think of the
whole world, and what each region requires, particu-
larly with regard to carbon neutrality.
Another major point is that President Sato’s imme-
diate decision to chair the Sustainability Meeting is an
Masahiko Oshima Philip Craven Emi Osono Ikuro Sugawara
absolute key element of Toyota moving forward and Although executives in many large Japanese com-
transforming. panies are expected to speak from prepared docu-
Management Changes since the Chairman Toyota has touted. While BEVs are a major Chairman Toyoda, working with Executive Fellow ments, I find it amazing that Toyota executives, even
Announcement of the New President pillar of this approach, Chairman Toyota’s highly Uchiyamada, spent a lot of time ensuring that they when unexpectedly called upon to speak during
ambitious target—producing 3.5 million BEVs by got not only the right people, but also the right struc- meetings, unwaveringly speak their minds. I’ve got-
Sugawara In January 2023, Toyota announced that 2030—has not been well understood. Under the new ture for the future. That is why, at the end of the day, ten the impression that Toyota’s people are trained
Akio Toyoda, its president of 14 years, would transi- leadership, teams have been formed to more proac- Akio Toyoda is Toyota’s Iemoto (master of the house). on a daily basis with those selected for higher rank-
tion into the role of chairman, and Koji Sato would tively reach various stakeholders, such as investors The passion and the spirit of Toyota lives so strongly ing positions being further trained and elevated to
assume the role of president. and the general public, using such channels as mass within him, and the new team carries that same spirit. higher levels. I find the strength this method creates
During his tenure, then-President Toyoda’s agile media and the Toyota Times. They are aggressively President Sato fully understands the importance of on an individual level to be very impressive. Toyota
leadership steered Toyota through difficulties and working to more effectively communicate about top- people, and of really thinking of people and society, today has a widespread culture of nurturing and
environmental changes, altering the Company signifi- ics on which there has been a lack of understanding, not just looking at the bottom line or the share price. training people under the direction of managers who
cantly. This was a feat I believe only Akio Toyoda such as Toyota’s multi-pathway approach, especially That has to happen in order to save the planet. are resolute in their pursuit of big goals.
could have managed. The executive team is well with regard to BEVs. While Toyota has always been the top carmaker in
aware of this, and of the importance of effectively In June, Toyota also welcomed new Outside Aspirations as Outside Directors Japan, a car enthusiast’s eyes will see that there are a
passing on certain aspects of Chairman Toyoda’s Audit & Supervisory Board Members who attend lot more attractive cars now than there were ten or
thinking to the next generation. To this end, Chairman meetings of the Board of Directors. Through this, Oshima Prior to my appointment as a director, I twenty years ago. I have heard that a lot has changed
Toyoda has put time and effort into passing on the we are now spending more time on sharing infor- considered Toyota to be a business with a strong in the 14 years Chairman Toyoda served as president,
key aspects of his knowledge and experience while mation prior to meetings. genba (front-line), strong corporate culture, and and I am confident that one of the primary causes of
taking care not to intrude too much. Akio Toyoda’s Furthermore, even outside of Board of Directors good financial standing as well as robust profitabili- this increase is that his message has been widely dis-
Juku is a prime example of this. meetings, there has been a significant increase in ty. While these impressions were not wrong, what I seminated and many employees are still sincerely
The executive team, on the other hand, has a very other opportunities for discussion, such as study feel more now that I am on the board of directors is thinking and working to make ever better cars.
young president—53 years old—whose energetic meetings of the Outside Directors. Through trial and that people are being trained more than I had seen Toyota’s current management boasts the strength
moves are garnering attention. error, we are in the midst of working to make the from the outside. to continue its efforts to move forward on what it
One concrete way this has manifested is in explan- Board of Directors meetings more fruitful. When I began working for Toyota, I discovered believes to be the right path without being swayed by
atory initiatives for the multi-pathway approach that, in contrast to my preconceived notions of a short-term events such as the movement of current

Integrated Report 62
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors

stock prices. This is a wonderful thing, but at the impression was that Toyota’s people just diligently Contributing to Toyota’s Transformation experience or various personal connections. It is our
same time, I feel that Toyota’s merits and strengths moved along the rails of these structures in their work. into a Mobility Company duty to do all we can to alert executives to potential
are not yet sufficiently known to the outside world. To the extent that that‘s the case, I think it’s actually a risks, or to good routes forward, engaging in discus-
The more I’ve learned about global trends in the strength. However, Toyota also has a deep culture of Sugawara Chairman Toyoda began calling for sion to select the right path forward together.
automotive industry since becoming a board mem- valuing people based on its core philosophy and Toyota to transform into a mobility company around
ber, the more I’ve realized that the world’s major beliefs, and it effectively communicates this. This cul- five years ago. This was the earliest such call among
trends are heading in the same direction as Toyota’s ture is evident in the Company’s decision to terminate the Japanese OEMs, at least. However, I still feel that
multi-pathway strategy. I think it is also critical to production in Russia and in how communication is no one has quite articulated exactly what being a
accurately convey to the outside world that Toyota is handled. The Company’s more human quality stems mobility company will mean.
way better and stronger than people imagine. from this practice of humanized management. When sailing uncharted waters, it’s impossible to
I fully support the Toyota management team’s pur- know exactly where to head, or what kind of obstacles
suit of challenges in my capacity as an outside direc- you will encounter on the way; nevertheless, there is
tor. This is a highly rewarding task, and I will do no choice but to set sail and journey forward. I think
everything in my power to fulfill it. that Chairman Toyoda understands this very clearly.
In the near future, technological innovations
Osono Since coming on as an Outside Director, I beyond anything we can anticipate are sure to
have been struck by the strength of Toyota’s genba. emerge, as seen with the recent leaps forward in
This comes through in the front-line response to generative AI. Consumer needs, similarly, are chang-
the recent rapid rise in production and in the efforts ing at a dizzying pace. Meanwhile, efforts toward car- Oshima I was curious about the meaning of “trans-
to digitalize and improve transparency with notifica- bon neutrality for the sake of the environment and forming into a mobility company,” being particularly
tions of car delivery timing when production is back- geopolitical risks have only grown larger. Finding the struck by Chairman Toyoda’s remark to recently
logged. At such moments of crisis, Toyota connects right route forward without a map while avoiding appointed outside directors, “Toyota is constantly
its various front lines in purchasing, production, sales, obstacles is hard; in these circumstances, most peo- tackling a question with no definite answer. It is never
and planning with digital technologies, applying its full The third thing I noticed was a return to the essen- ple will shun change. They imagine that if they stay easy, but if we do not take on challenges, we will
force to solve problems. This is a real strength. tials. Toyota has written about this via Toyota Times, put, they will be safe from risk. The truth is, however, clearly fall behind.” Not only is car making moving at
I have also noticed many other things since joining but I think the shift that has allowed participants at that staying still at such times invites even more risk. great speed, but we are also facing rapidly evolving
Toyota, the first being that Toyota has set up new the Labor-Management Council, for example, to Steering the ship is thus difficult, as one must neither global trends in other areas as well, so if we do not
frameworks for making better cars since Akio speak so frankly is the result of a major change in resist change nor blindly rush forward inflexibly, but continue to respond to them, we will fall further and
Toyoda’s term as President. mindsets toward returning to the fundamentals in all face change as it comes. further behind. I believe that the challenge is to
When I came on as an Outside Director, I remarked employees’ work. Take, for example, the way opinions on BEVs have respond to these significant once-in-a-century
to then-President Toyoda that it seemed like imple- What excites me the most right now is how changed. Two or three years ago there was a swell of changes, while maintaining Toyota’s strengths and
menting the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA) everyone is ambitiously pushing toward the future. calls for 100% BEVs, but since then many people distinctiveness.
had been good for Toyota. I was struck by his President Sato often says that whatever other factors have realized that this was a mistake and have seen The fulfillment of the multi-pathway strategy
response. He said that had the TNGA not been may be at play, there can be no results without action. the value of the multi-pathway strategy. To confront requires a significant financial expenditure. The cost
correctly understood, its focus would not have To that end, Toyota has been taking investment and constant change without being swept away by the of the batteries alone for BEVs will likely be consider-
evolved beyond cost reduction. Toyota’s TNGA is not risks decision-making, and I think that going forward, tides of the moment, I think it is crucial to remember able, but spending will still prove to be insufficient in
a tool just for promoting efficiency or cutting costs. we will increasingly see a variety of results. I look for- one’s own strength while sailing forward. the long term. However, Toyota boasts excellent prof-
Rather, it was implemented with a clear vision of how ward to it. I believe that Toyota’s strength lies in, as you all itability and robust financial position. This is precisely
the extra capacity that such improvements free up As Toyota’s aims are long-term and complex, I have mentioned, its car making, the Toyota Way, and why Toyota is able to continue making significant
would be used. An excellent example of this is the believe the hurdles going forward will be ensuring the the Toyota Production System—and in evolving these investments in multiple areas, including BEVs and
simultaneous announcement of four Crown models Company can take on the necessary challenges and while continuing to press forward. Remembering plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs), while maintaining
made using the TNGA; the way that the entire risks, figuring out the right scale for experiments, what the Company’s strengths are is key to success- ongoing strength in manufacturing even though the
Company was mobilized to create better cars really learning from them in a positive way that will move fully navigating uncharted waters. exact solution is yet unknown. Should it manage to
left an impression on me. Toyota forward, and steadily maintaining that stance As for how we can contribute as Outside Directors, maintain this level of efficiency and effectiveness,
The second thing I noticed was that Chairman over time. I am excited to see how clears these hur- we may be able to see obstacles and opportunities Toyota is likely to make advancements that no other
Toyota granted Toyota a more human quality. My dles as it strives toward the future. that those within Toyota cannot based on our past automaker can match.

Integrated Report 63
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors

As an outside director, I want to use my unique Craven Part of what makes us Toyota is the idea environment in which today’s young employees are Second, Toyota is a world-class carmaker, but more
experiences and values, which are distinct from peo- of “for the sake of others,” and I think that is critical able to excitedly participate in building Toyota’s importantly, it has a strategy and direction for the
ple who built their careers within Toyota, to support to Toyota’s future, as is being referred to about the future. We cannot expect them to succeed if this is future of the industry, and the world is actually moving
the challenges in this no-solutions environment. I also importance of being close to customers. merely forced onto them from above. We must in that direction. To achieve carbon neutrality, there are
think that by doing this, I will be able to see aspects Also, I’ve seen an improvement in proactive com- make Toyota a company in which the young many challenging obstacles to overcome, but Toyota
of Toyota’s strengths and depths that I was unaware munication. There have been far more technical employees are excited to take part in the push has the experience, resources, and strategic direction
of. I am very much looking forward to it. announcements that seem to have excited the finan- toward the creation of a mobility society. In fact, I to make this happen, and I am confident that these
cial analysts. They now know more about what we’re think the success of Toyota’s efforts to become a assets will empower each of you to do your utmost to
Osono Yes, the meaning of transforming into a doing and where we’re going, and that’s really great. mobility company will hinge upon whether or not it seize the opportunities presented by the future auto-
mobility company is tricky to pin down. I love the fact that Chairman Toyoda stuck to his can become a company that talented young people motive industry. This is a historic once-in-a-century
First, Toyota must work with new partners that bring guns on multi-pathway. He was hammered from all from the outside want to join. moment of great change, so I want you to take on this
different cultures and skills from those it has had until sides, but he said “no, this is the right way,” and challenge yourselves with all your might and focus. Let
now in order to create new value. These will be part- now he is being proven correct. We just need to Craven Let me tell you what the vision of the us work hard together!
ners, both within and outside Toyota, in the creation of look at India. They have adopted the approach, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) was when
new products and services. Transformation will, of multi-pathway philosophy, if you will. And so, I think I was president. I’m reminded of it by the word Osono My mother-in-law has lost her mobility with-
course, require consideration of user perspectives as Toyota is in a good place. There’s a lot of work to “excited” that Mr. Sugawara used—you must be in her home as her knees worsened. Thinking about
well as back casting from the future in terms of envi- do, but I think, together, we’re going to do it. excited. Our vision was to enable para athletes to this, I noticed how hairdressers often move around
ronmental considerations. This is therefore an area I achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite while seated on wheeled stools. So, I bought one for
intend to keep a close eye on. the world. So excitement, for me, is so fundamental. her, and with it, she is now able to get around the
Also, given the scale and scope of this transfor- With a massive workforce of 370,000, we need to house more easily. As her case shows, mobility for
mation, I’d like to make sure that we maintain a make it very clear that every member is just as seniors is also an issue.
constant awareness of what it is all for. That may important as the next. And that any member, partic- Additionally, in today’s society, many people deal
change over time, and so I feel it is my role to take ularly those at the genba, has the opportunity to with limited mobility. Take, for example, parents who
part in discussions about those overarching targets become a future leader. People need to believe, have to constantly hold their children’s hands so they
to continue forming and refining them together. truly, that Toyota will look after them, but also that won’t get lost, or push a stroller around with them
For example, right now, I think the Company’s they must look after Toyota. Let’s try to ensure that anywhere they go. I think that most have just accept-
vision of the future is one that offers greater safety, we’re all together in this fantastic adventure. ed these restrictions as normal.
convenience, and freedom as well as more choices. Today, however, technology is opening up a
I hope to take part in discussions of what, then, Oshima Regarding our transformation into a mobility wide range of new possibilities. That is why I
Toyota’s role in that future will be. The form that a company, I would like to share some opinions to our believe that having ongoing discussions of the kind
future mobility society will take will vary by country, current employees, particularly the younger ones. of mobility that everyone in Toyota wants to create,
so it will be important to think not only about Japan, Message to Employees for First, the transformation into a mobility company based on their various perspectives, will make their
but to fully incorporate the perspectives of various Transforming into a Mobility Company entails developing new strengths and values; this is a work meaningful.
regions and make sure that we consider the mobility very different world from the traditional world of car
that best suits them. It can be hard to be sure Sugawara In taking on change, accumulated expe- manufacturing and automobile companies, where Craven Following on from what Ms. Osono said, I
whether discussions are adequately incorporating rience and knowledge are, of course, very useful. one had to learn for five or 10 years before finally drove a Neo Steer car when I was here in June, with
varied perspectives, but I think that success in this However, looking toward change across the next 10 reaching the start line and becoming able to handle Executive Vice President Nakajima. Even mentally,
area shows up in various figures, such as those or even 20 years, the most important thing will be to their tasks based on empirical rules. This means that the different option it presents gives you a greater
related to engagement, and depend on whether focus on the society of tomorrow and the future that the field in which young people with new values can sense of freedom because you don’t have to use
Toyota is a workplace that easily attracts talent. today’s young people see. contribute more quickly will undoubtedly expand. It is foot pedals as everything’s hand controlled, which is
Furthermore, I believe that the most effective way The key to Toyota’s future will be whether or not it can a very difficult challenge, but I would like to convey to what I do anyway. That’s another aspect of mobility
of going about this is to visit the front lines, talk with proactively incorporate the opinions and sensibilities of you that opportunities and chances to create new and moving forward. As with Ms. Osono’s mother-
the people there, and confirm whether their views young people as well as their values and perceptions. values more quickly will be expanding before your in-law, that feeling of mobility is important.
are being heard properly and if discussions are To that end, in addition to the efforts of current eyes as you work hard, and that your continued “Freedom of the mind as much as the body.” I
being held in an equitable and open manner. leaders to transform Toyota into a mobility compa- efforts will result in “changing the future of cars,” as love it.
ny, I think the most important thing is to create an advocated by President Sato.

Integrated Report 64
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

In terms of developing the next generation of nificant amount of time to training his successor. First, each, discussing their work to get a sense of their
On April 3, 2023, Toyota Director Ikuro Sugawara, leaders on the internal, executive side, Toyota adopted at meetings of the Outside Directors, we identified ways of thinking and character, and whether they
Audit & Supervisory Board Member George the in-house company system in 2016 to advance themes in the issues that operating officers and other might be the right person to lead Toyota in the future.
Olcott, and Chief Human Resources Officer product-centered management. Under this system, we future candidates for President would need to over- Amid this process, we heard from President
Takanori Azuma met with approximately 25 rep- appoint in-house company presidents as the leaders come and had each candidate present their thoughts Toyoda that he wanted Koji Sato to be his successor.
resentatives of 15 institutional investors for a responsible for each product category, namely, com- on such issues before the six Outside Directors and The three of us Outside Directors were very familiar
90-minute dialogue on corporate governance. pact cars, commercial vehicles, mid-sized vehicles, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, who then start- with Mr. Sato’s personality and work as an operating
Toyota’s principal investor relations activities Lexus, and GAZOO Racing. Furthermore, we appoint ed taking more time to discuss and take a deeper look officer, the issue was how the new team should be
in the year ended March 2023 were as follows. regional CEOs responsible for their specific regions. into the quality of each candidates. Specifically, all the formed. The current structure is the result of about
(times) We have thus created opportunities for candidates to Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board two months of intensive communications. Having
gain top officer experience while working for Toyota. Members met separately from the Board of Directors once again heard the detailed ideas of the new exec-
Financial results briefings 4
For the past few years, we have held weekly meetings seven times in both 2020 and 2021, and 11 in 2022. utive team at the internal and external policy brief-
Small meetings 11 of the regional CEOs, providing opportunities for direct Furthermore, after the Ordinary General Shareholders’ ings, I believe that the team has become one with
Dialogues with individual sharehold- dialogue between President Toyoda, the regional Meetings in 2022, I personally met with a total of promise and that I was able to make a contribution to
More than 900
ers and institutional investors CEOs, and the in-house company presidents. This around 40 to 50 operating officers and members of it as an Outside Director.
Conferences organized by has helped communicate the factors and issues management on a one-on-one basis for about an hour
More than 40
securities companies behind management decisions and convey the think-
ing that goes into them to younger participants, with Process for Appointing the President
In addition, Toyota held a briefing about electrifi- President Toyoda himself taking time to pass on the
cation strategy in North America. As for dialogue essential philosophy, skills, and behavior of Toyota. Executives Outside Directors
with individual shareholders and institutional We have also maintained an internal social media Changes in executive structure • Deliberated on executive structure and
investors, the Company’s outside officers, along platform for communicating with President Toyoda, • Appointed company presidents and regional assignments at the Executive Appointment
with the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology used mainly for reporting by top management. Last Talent CEOs to have them gain experience in product- Meeting and made a resolution at the Board
Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief development based and region-based management of Directors
year, President Toyoda responded personally to around
• Clarified roles and responsibilities and
Digital Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer, and 1,000 posts on the platform, providing another form of flattened the executive structure
other members of top management discussed dialogue with top management. Users directly commu-
such topics as profit structure, electrification nicate their thoughts and ideas back and forth on an
strategy, software strategy, governance, and Development and assessment • Promoted more direct reporting by having
open platform viewable to other users, helping to share
 eld weekly discussions with President company presidents and regional CEOs, Chief
diversity. They also went on an overseas road- information about the factors and processes that lead Succession Toyoda, shared updates on management Officers and other candidate-level talent
show and held shareholder relations meetings. to management decisions. In addition, last year saw planning decision-making and perspectives, and exe- explain projects at the Board of Directors and
approximately 2,000 reports delivered on paper to the cuted business on the frontlines to demon- individual meetings, thereby monitoring their
strate Toyota’s philosophy, skills and behavior business execution
President, who often wrote directly on them to provide
• Interviewed operating officers and senior
1. New Leadership Team detailed feedback. Over the past few years, we have professional/senior management (40 persons
sought to develop the next generation of human or more per year) to better understand
Azuma I’d like to explain the process behind the resources by allowing them to observe this kind of inter- their personalities
change in leadership announced January 26, 2023. nal dialogue. It was through this process that our new
Top management appointments are ultimately decided President, Koji Sato, emerged. The Executive Individual performance evaluation (once a year) •D
 eliberated on and determined the evalua-
Evaluation • Evaluated based on multifaceted evaluations tion of individuals at the Executive
by the Board of Directors, but are first discussed by Appointment Meeting’s members have greatly valued from multiple supervisors and related parties Appointment Meeting and Executive
the Executive Appointment Meeting. The Meeting the time spent in dialogue with President Sato and the and 360-degree feedback Compensation Meeting
comprises five Directors, including three Outside other next-generation leaders. Mr. Sugawara can speak • Continued the successor development cycle
Directors, and drafts proposals on top management more about that. to accumulate evaluations over several years
appointments and compensation that are then sub-
mitted to the Board of Directors. In December 2022, Sugawara Regarding the passing of the baton, it was
then-Chairman Uchiyamada and then-President in December 2022 that President Toyoda informed us
Toyoda recommended Koji Sato as the latter’s suc- of his intentions to step down. However, he had unoffi-
Considered and proposed final candidates • After holding individual interviews with candi-
cessor. Between then and the January 26 announce- cially made this decision two or three years prior to based on the successor development cycle dates, deliberated at the Executive
ment, the Executive Appointment Meeting met five that, so we have been making preparations, knowing Appointment Meeting and made a resolution
times to discuss the matter. that as outside directors we would be devoting a sig- at the Board of Directors

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The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

the automotive industry, with a focus on Toyota. In ally. In 2014, the number of women in managerial
Question 1 Regarding the selection process addition to examining existing literature, she has ana- Question 3 Mr. Olcott, how much time do you positions was 100; we set the targets of reaching four
for President Sato, does this mean that you lyzed the future of the automotive industry based on spend as a Toyota Audit & Supervisory Board times that number by 2025, and five times it by 2030.
have ultimately just signed off on President current conditions in various regions through field Member compared your previous experience as We are currently on track to reach these targets. The
Toyoda’s decision? research. I look forward to hearing her fresh views on an auditor at other companies? Company actively works to support the professional
management based on her knowledge and academic advancement of women and approximately 50% of
Sugawara Keep in mind, Toyota is not a company perspective. Masahiko Oshima, meanwhile, has been Olcott I don’t think I’ve ever spent as much time in our administrative positions and 20% of technical roles
with a three-committee structure. As Toyota is a com- involved in high-level bank management and has a one position as I have with Toyota. That’s because of were filled by women at time of hiring in 2023.
pany with an Audit & Supervisory Board, both its wealth of international experience. I am sure he will the complexity of the company and what we are trying Diversity was also a topic of discussion at 2023’s
Executive Appointment Meeting and Executive relay his understanding of trends in the broader world, to achieve. I may be in a slightly special position being a Labor-Management Council, and management and
Compensation Meeting are voluntarily established knowledge, and experience to the Board of Directors. foreigner, and I think the way I see things and the way I labor are united in the desire to ensure that each
bodies. The Executive Appointment Meeting exists to The Board will now be able to provide executives with try to add value is probably different from the other, individual is given the opportunity to succeed.
provide feedback on executive proposals but, legally even more valuable insight from a wider range of view- Japanese members. For example, in the case of Furthermore, we are aiming for 100% of eligible male
speaking, does not have veto power. In any case, the points. In addition, two of the Outside Audit & Toyota, we’re trying to become a software company, employees to take childcare leave by the end of the
Meeting in no way merely signed off on President Supervisory Board Members will change. One of the and this means completely changing the culture of the year. Creating conditions in which all employees can
Toyoda’s proposal. Substantive discussions and evalu- new members, Catherine O’Connell, is a woman, Company. It’s going to be very difficult for Toyota to let thrive, regardless of factors like gender or nationality,
ations were held in which other possible candidates a non-Japanese national, and an attorney. The opin- go of their old hardware specialties and change their will naturally lead to the emergence of diverse Director
were examined along with specific candidates’ ions of Toyota’s Outside Audit & Supervisory Board mindsets into the new software mode. I see it as a very candidates.
strengths and weaknesses, resulting in the final pro- Members will also be proactively factored into by the important function of mine to make sure that this goes
posal. The Executive Appointment Meeting and Board of Directors when the latter passes a resolution. as smoothly as possible, because it’s one of the most
Executive Compensation Meeting have the same I think Toyota’s new leadership team will be able to important challenges that Toyota faces going forward. Question 1 Other than gender, what kinds of
members, so every year, meetings are held every two exchange a wide range of views. So, I have spent a lot of my time just on that—seeing diversity will be necessary to improve the effec-
to three months to discuss personnel and compensa- people at Toyota and at Woven by Toyota, just trying to tiveness of the Board of Directors over the
tion matters, including internal evaluations of operating Olcott When I first became a Board member of a understand where the bottlenecks are and checking medium to long term?
officers and new candidates and how they stack up Japanese company 15 years ago, the Audit & that the governance of Woven by Toyota is working
against industry compensation standards. The opin- Supervisory Board Members at most Companies effectively and holding discussions so that everyone is Sugawara The Outside Directors comprise myself,
ions that come out of these meetings are reflected in played a rather passive role at the Board. At Toyota, working toward the same goals, at the same speed, in an ex-administrative official; Sir Philip Craven, who
the proposals drafted by executives. President Sato’s however, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the same way. That is one of the areas of my focus. has experience in organizational management via the
appointment went through this process, as well; it was including myself, feel very free to speak their minds. Paralympics; Masahiko Oshima, who boasts knowl-
not just a rubber stamp, but was decided based on Two out of three independent Audit & Supervisory 2. Composition of the Board of Directors: edge of finance Toyota does not have internally and
various inputs and discussions over time. Board Members are now non-Japanese, which I Diversity and Independence an international finance network; and Emi Osono, an
think must be fairly unique amongst Japanese com- industry analysis expert. I think that the four of us will
panies. With this, I think that the level of intervention Azuma The topics taken up by Toyota’s Board of be able to challenge Toyota’s executives, who tend to
Question 2 How did the dynamics of the Board and expression by the Audit & Supervisory Board Directors are wide ranging, from sustainable growth focus narrowly on cars, with a diverse range of per-
of Directors change after the Shareholders’ Members will be all the greater. to transforming into a mobility company. When spectives and opinions. While being attentive to gen-
Meeting in June? selecting members, including outside members, we der and what sort of external skills candidates
have people who will provide management with possess is important, I think what is really important
Sugawara As announced on March 22, 2023, one views that will help propel transformation join our is whether they have the resolve to frankly discuss
Outside Director retired while two Outside Directors ranks. As such, we select candidates with a focus on things with executives for the sake of making Toyota
joined the Board. With this, the number of Directors people, regardless of gender, nationality, or race. a better company. Members with that resolve will
increased from nine to 10, and the number of Senior management outside of the Board of naturally want to know more about Toyota, and once
Outside Directors from three to four. Of these, one is Directors is also becoming increasingly diverse. To they do, will understand both where Toyota shines
a woman, and two are non-Japanese nationals. We promote the professional participation of women, and where it falls short. To that end, I hope that new
will publish the new skills matrix by the time of the Toyota has hired female new college graduates to members will focus on how to have fruitful discus-
Shareholders’ Meeting. administrative and technical positions since 1992. sions at future Board of Directors meetings and
Emi Osono is a scholar who has spent many Since then, we have implemented evolving mea- meetings of Outside Directors.
years at Hitotsubashi University analyzing industrial George Olcott, Audit & Supervisory Board Member sures that support women balancing career and
structures in Japan and around the world, including family obligations and help them advance profession-

Integrated Report 66
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

3. S
 trategic Shareholdings and Group companies are able to systematically prevent
Group Governance Olcott I have been favorably impressed by the way the occurrence of compliance problems, instead of
the Company is tackling this issue. But, certainly, if merely expecting that their employees always act in
Sugawara Since coming on as an Outside Director Question 1 Strategic shareholdings are a major we’re going to have some kind of technological or good faith.
in 2018, I have felt that the implementation of these reason for the lackluster price-book-value ratios R&D relationship with a company, we must ask the
mechanisms and systems. Toyota’s strategic share- (PBR) of both Toyota and the companies in question, do we really need the capital tie-up? There 4. External Communication
holdings was problematic, in terms of both their which Toyota holds shares. Does Toyota really has been a tendency, especially among Japanese
quantity and monetary value, and have been vocal need to retain its cross-shareholding in order to companies, to automatically require cross-sharehold-
in my view that this should be corrected. In 2018, proceed with business? If the cross-sharehold- ings in order to do business, but I do not believe this Question 1 How does the Board of Directors
apart from shares of Group companies, Toyota had ings are to remain, the gap between the capital has really changed enough. It’s our role as Outside oversee Toyota’s lobbying activities?
strategic shareholdings in 80 companies; today, market’s view and Toyota’s view can be bridged Directors or Audit & Supervisory Board Members to
that number is down to 49. After determining which by clearly stating the benefits and policies of keep asking that question. There is a very strong idea Sugawara As a Director, I push Toyota hard on the

are meaningful and which are not, Toyota should continuing them. internally about where we’re heading with those hold- importance and necessity of BEVs and their uptake.
decisively reduce its holdings of those that are not. ings. This is a very, very sensitive issue in Japan, so I That said, however much governments or other par-
Among those that are meaningful, there are some Sugawara There are a variety of factors behind the don’t know how much transparency there is going to ties may insist on, for example, making all new vehi-
that I feel we should not be too quick to decry, for low PBR, which has been mentioned by many peo- be, but my overall impression is that we’re heading in cles BEVs by 2030 or 2035, from the standpoint of
example, Toyota’s investment in the semiconductor ple, but I believe that the most significant reason is the right direction. I do think the old attitude is chang- the status of factors such as lithium supply, battery
manufacturer Renesas and its holdings those in that the Company has not fully explained its vision ing, even if I would like it to change a bit more quick- factories, and carbon neutral power supply, BEVs
NTT and KDDI, with which Toyota is working to for the future, including its BEV strategy and other ly. I would certainly like investors to keep pressing on alone cannot solve the world’s environmental prob-
develop connected technologies, or holdings main- carbon neutral concepts, as well as its specific path these points. lems. Toyota is offering a reasonable and realistic
tained as part of win-win relationships aimed at to transforming into a mobility company. Toyota approach based on serious consideration of the
implementing shared strategies and achieving cannot increase PBR merely by reducing strategic most important thing for the environment, namely,
shared goals, such as those with Subaru, Suzuki, shareholdings, so it will also be crucial to clearly Question 2 Would you say that the governance reducing CO2 emissions as much as possible. I think
Mazda, and Isuzu. More than half of the remaining explain to the world Toyota’s vision for the future. issues at Hino, Toyota Industries Corporation, that the fault for any misunderstanding to the effect
49 companies fall into this category. As for the While it is logically true that shared goals are and others are also being addressed too slowly? that Toyota is opposed to BEVs is attributable to
remainder, Toyota should work to determine their enough to build cooperative relationships, if even clumsiness in the Company’s efforts to communicate
importance to business strategy and quickly offload just one party holds shares in the other, both can be Sugawara The governance issues at Hino and with and lobby governments and related parties. As
unnecessary holdings. The acceleration of this pro- more confident about sharing sensitive information Toyota Industries Corporation are a situation that such, Toyota must communicate its ideas about
cess is crucial. in the course of R&D, and the exchange of person- Toyota Motor Corporation, as the Group’s parent offering optimal options for the sake of the global
Cross-shareholdings between Group companies nel will become easier. With that said, we should of company, cannot overlook. If the problems are the environment with greater clarity.
are also not all bad, because in addition to course carefully examine the actual necessity of result of a lack of urgency on the part of manage- What information is communicated externally, and
Company synergy, there is the positive aspect of cross-shareholdings so that they don’t just become ment, a form of management with a stronger sense how, is a subject for the Board to discuss. Toyota’s
the efficient joint development of new technologies a matter of course whenever R&D or business alli- of urgency should be pursued, even if they are policies regarding carbon neutrality, broadly speak-
and business models through inter-Group coopera- ances are involved, regardless of their real utility. Group companies. ing, are discussed by the Board several times a
tion. However, when Toyota holds too many shares, Compliance problems, especially when it comes year. As part of that, the Board regularly reviews
or Group companies together hold close to half the to quality, are absolutely unacceptable in a manu- what kind of information is being communicated
shares in a given company, this can lead to compla- facturing business. These are the kinds of issues externally from the Group.
cency. A need exists to reduce holdings to the mini- that most damage the brands that the companies
mum point at which they still provide synergy with have worked so hard to build. Although Toyota itself
Group companies. Toyota’s current executives are has built robust compliance mechanisms and sys-
attempting to put nothing off-limits in their discus- tems, at the level of Group companies and subsid-
sions regarding cross-shareholdings between Group iaries, it has left such systems too much to those
companies. We would like to deepen the discussion entities’ discretion. Toyota needs to expand the
on the necessity and scale of cross-shareholdings scope of the adoption of its mechanisms and sys-
between Group companies. tems as widely as possible and, as a Group and
Ikuro Sugawara, Member of the Board of Directors subsidiary shareholder, strongly pressure these
companies in the direction of implementing these
mechanisms and systems. It is important that

Integrated Report 67
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Corporate Governance

Fundamental Approach Toyota has been focused on ever-better car making since new classification called “senior professional/senior man- operating officers and senior professionals/senior man-
the 2008 global financial crisis, aiming to provide a full agement” (kanbushoku in Japanese) grouped and agement changed in accordance with the challenges
Toyota regards sustainable growth and the stable, long- lineup of good quality, affordably priced products in the replaced the following titles or ranks: managing officers, faced and the path that should be taken, as the Company
term enhancement of corporate value as essential manage- right place at the right time while offering products and executive general managers, (sub-executive managerial exercises greater flexibility than ever in appointing the right
ment priorities. Building good relationships with all services suited to customers in each country and region. level) senior grade 1 and senior grade 2 managers, and people to the right positions.
stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, business To this end, following the introduction of “region-based grand masters. With an eye to appointing the right people However, because of the rapidly changing business
partners, local communities, and employees, and consis- management” in 2011, the “business unit system” in to the right positions, those in the senior professionals/ environment, Toyota now recognizes that there is an
tently providing products that satisfy customers’ needs are 2013, and the “in-house company system” in 2016, in senior management category hold a wide range of posts, increasing need for such executives to fulfill management
key to addressing these priorities. To this end, Toyota con- 2017, Toyota further clarified that Members of the Board from chief officer, deputy chief officer, plant general man- roles (related to people, goods, and money) alongside the
stantly seeks to enhance corporate governance. of Directors are responsible for decision making and man- ager, and senior general manager to group manager, President. Therefore, in April 2022, Toyota again reorga-
Corporate Governance Report agement oversight and that operating officers are respon- regardless of age or length of employment, in order to nized the roles of operating officers and reestablished the
Securities Report sible for operational execution in order to further deal with management issues as they arise and to thereby position of executive vice president, defining it as an oper-
accelerate the implementation of decisions. strengthen their development as members of a diverse ating officer who is focused on business from a manage-
Business Execution and Supervision Furthermore, in 2018, Toyota brought forward the tim- and talented workforce through Genchi Genbutsu (on-site ment perspective. In April 2023, under the theme of
ing of executive changes from April to January in order to learning and problem-solving). “inheritance and evolution,” Toyota revised its description
Toyota’s Corporate Governance further accelerate management oversight and ensure full In April 2020, Toyota consolidated the posts of execu- of operating officers, defining them as a team that prac-
Contributing to society through monozukuri (manufactur- coordination with the workplace. In addition, Toyota trans- tive vice president and operating officer into the post of tices product-centered (ever-better cars) and region-
ing) is the basis of Toyota’s corporate value. To enhance formed the company structure into one that enables deci- operating officer and, in July 2020, clarified the responsi- centered (best in town) management, and selecting exec-
its corporate value in the medium- to long-term, it is sion making that is both close to the needs of customers bilities of operating officers. We redefined the role of utive vice presidents who have abundant knowledge and
appropriate for Toyota to be a company with an Audit & and close to where the action takes place by taking mea- operating officer to be members who, together with the experience in terms of both products and regions.
Supervisory Board, one in which internal executives who sures such as reviewing the corporate strategy function president, have cross-functional oversight of the entire Thanks to its basic policy of appointing the right people
have long engaged in and have deep knowledge of man- and restructuring the Japan Sales Business Group into an Company. Furthermore, in-house company presidents, to the right positions, Toyota has been swiftly and continu-
ufacturing and outside executives who are capable of pro- organization based on regions rather than sales channels. regional CEOs and chief officers, as on-site leaders of ously innovating. We will further press forward with the
viding advice for the creation of new value from a broad In 2019, to further advance its “acceleration of manage- business implementation elements, were given authority tide of such innovations, aiming for a corporate structure
perspective can participate in well-balanced decision ment” and the development of a diverse and talented and consolidated into the rank of senior professionals/ capable of carrying out management from a viewpoint
making at Board of Directors’ meetings. workforce, Toyota made executive and organizational senior management. The roles of operating officers and that is optimal for a global company.
With respect to its framework for executing operations, changes as follows: 1. Executives are composed of only senior professionals/senior management were deter-
senior managing officers and people of higher rank. 2. A mined where and as needed, and persons appointed as

Toyota’s Corporate Governance Changes in Governance Structure As of June 2023

Shareholder’s Meeting –2010 2011–2015 2016–2020 2021–

27 2011–2016: between 11 and 16
Appointment/ Appointment/ Appointment/ Number of Directors (total) (temporarily increased due to the introduction of Outside Directors) 2023: 10
Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Outside Directors 2023: 4
Executive Appointment
Executive Vice Presidents 2011–2020: between 4 and 7 April 2023: 2
Meeting Senior Managing/Managing Officers 64 2011–2018: between 42 and 49 April 2022: Position reestablished
Audit & Suggestion
(Majority of the members are
Executives Operating Officers (Excluding the president and executive vice presidents) June 2023: 5
Supervisory Board Board of Directors Outside Directors)
2018: 9 due to organizational changes,
(including Outside Directors) Advisors/Senior Advisors 2011–2017: between 55 and 68
(Half of the members are Audit Executive July 2020: 0
Outside Audit & Audit & Supervisory Board Members (total) 7 2014: 6
Supervisory Board Decision making and Compensation Meeting
Members) management oversight (Majority of the members are Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members 4 2014: 3
Suggestion Outside Directors) Executive Appointment 2017: Outside Members 2019: Outside Members Compensation
Meetings accounting for half accounting for a majority
Cooperation Compensation

Submit/ Submit/ Disclosure Committee Sustainability 2007–2014: CSR Committee 2014: Corporate Governance Meeting 2018: Sustainability Meeting
Accounting Report Report
• Reduced the number of Members of the Board of Directors from 27 to 11 members (currently 10 members) October 2017 • Changed the system of advisors and senior advisor system
Auditor • Reduced decision making layers (discontinued the positions of executives responsible for the operations • Increased the appointment of people with high-level expertise from both within and outside of the Company
Sustainability concerned and introduced a two-tiered arrangement of executive vice presidents and chief officers)
Audit of consolidated Audit Operating officers Advice/ (the Toyota Group, people with technical backgrounds, etc.)
financial statements Opinions Meeting April 2011 • Flexibly assigned senior managing officers or managing officers to chief officer posts (abolished the
January 2018
• Executive vice presidents, in addition to supporting the president, personally lead in the field as in-house
position of senior managing director) company presidents and organizational group chief officers
and internal control Operational execution (Directors and Audit &
Supervisory Board Members, • Established the role of executive general manager • Newly established a fellow system to secure people with high level of specialist expertise and expand the
over financial reporting
including outside members) • Stationing of, in principle, regional chief officers in their respective regions breadth of executive human resource development
Business units Advise
• Established business units • Created a new classification: “senior professional/senior management,” encompassing managing officers, executive
Head Office In-house • Reorganized regional groups January 2019
Labor-Management April 2013 general managers, (sub-executive managerial level) senior grade 1 and senior grade 2 managers, and grand masters
companies • Appointed Outside Directors January 2020 • Discontinued use of the field general manager rank, shifting to senior general manager and fellow
Cooperation Cooperation Council/Joint Labor • Changed the roles of officers April 2020 • Integrated the roles of executive vice president and operating officer into the category of operating officer
Dialogue Management Round April 2015 • Enhanced diversity (appointing non-Japanese executives and female executives) July 2020 • Further clarified the roles of operating officers
Report Audit Table Conference April 2016 • Established in-house companies, shifted from functional to product-based focus • R eorganized the roles of operating officers and established the position of executive vice president to create a
April 2022
• Further clarified the responsibilities of Members of the Board of Directors as decision making and position for focusing on management perspectives alongside the President
Internal Auditing April 2017 management oversight and of operating officers as operational execution • U nder the theme of “inheritance and evolution,” revised the description of operating officers, defining them as
Department April 2023
• Reduced the number of Members of the Board of Directors (including Outside Directors) to 9 (June) a team that practices product-centered (ever-better cars) and region-centered (best in town) management.

Integrated Report 68
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Corporate Governance

Members of Board of Directors and officers in accordance with the requirements for Outside evaluation was performed as below. In order to appropriately audit Toyota as it transforms
Members of the Board of Directors set out in the into a mobility company with the aim of sustainable glob-
Audit & Supervisory Board Companies Act and independence standards estab- 1. Analysis and evaluation al growth, the Audit & Supervisory Board is composed of
lished by the relevant financial instrument exchanges. A survey assessing the composition, operation, and effi- Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members, who pos-
Board of Directors and Related Structures Outside Members of the Board of Directors provide cacy of the supervisory function of the Board of Directors sess deep knowledge of internal Company matters, and
The Members of the Board of Directors are selected advice in Toyota’s management decision-making pro- was carried out. Views and proposals regarding the Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members, who have
based on a comprehensive consideration of their cess from a standpoint independent of management background and causes of issues identified by the sur- a high level of expertise and knowledge. Toyota ensures
responsibilities to ensure Toyota’s sustainable growth based on their broad experience and insight. vey, as well as regarding the improvement of such that each Audit & Supervisory Board Member is able to
and to enhance its corporate value over the medium to To make full use of the insight of the Outside Members issues, were compiled and reported to the Board of exert audit authority independently.
long term. Toyota believes that it is critical to appoint of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Directors, then discussed at the Board of Directors. In appointing Audit & Supervisory Board Members,
individuals who practice product-centered and Board, Toyota takes the following measures: • Method of evaluation: Self-evaluation through surveys Toyota believes it is necessary to elect individuals who
region-centered management and contribute to decision 1 Review of the criteria for the submission of proposals • Subject of evaluation: Members of the Board of have broad experience and insight in their respective
making aimed at sustainable growth into the future in to the Board of Directors as needed to regulate the Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members fields of expertise and can advise management from a
accordance with the Toyoda Principles, which set forth inflow of proposals submitted, so that sufficient time • Implementation period: March 2023 fair and neutral perspective as well as audit the execu-
our founding philosophy. Moreover, these individuals can be secured to discuss each proposal. • Matters to be evaluated: tion of business. Toyota’s Executive Appointment
should be able to play a significant role in transforming 2 Provision of explanations of all proposals in advance 1 The composition and operation of the Board of Meeting discusses recommendations to the Audit &
Toyota into a mobility company in the areas of electrifica- to help understand their background. Directors Supervisory Board regarding the appointment or dis-
tion, intelligence, and diversification; building external 3 Creation of periodic opportunities, besides the Board 2 Management and business strategy missal of Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
partnerships; and contributing to the solution of social of Directors meetings, for two-way communication 3 Corporate ethics and risk management Toyota has appointed three Outside Audit &
issues, including climate change. In order to make between Outside Members of the Board of Directors 4 Communication with stakeholders, such as shareholders Supervisory Board Members, all of whom are registered
important business decisions and supervise manage- and the Audit & Supervisory Board as well as the as independent officers with the relevant financial instru-
ment appropriately, the Board of Directors should con- operational execution side on important management 2. Summary of the findings ment exchanges. When appointing Outside Audit &
sist of members with a balance of abilities, and members issues and medium- to long-term issues. It was confirmed that the operation of the Board of Supervisory Board Members, Toyota considers the
are appointed with consideration for diversity. A summa- In recent years, to facilitate active discussion at Board Directors and the quality and content of its discus- requirements set out in the Companies Act as well as the
ry of the knowledge, experience, and abilities of the of Directors’ meetings, Toyota has reduced the number sions were improving year by year, and that effective- independence standards established by the relevant
Members of the Board of Directors is provided and dis- of participants (Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board ness was ensured through such measures as financial instrument exchanges.
closed in a skills matrix. The Executive Appointment Members) in Board of Directors’ meetings (from 34 in providing sufficient explanations of agenda items in
Meeting, of which the majority are Outside Directors, 2010 to 15 in 2020). As a result, opportunities for each advance and engaging in periodic exchanges of views Training for Members of the Board of Directors and
makes recommendations to the Board of Directors participant to speak at Board of Directors’ meetings with external officers on matters such as medium- to Audit & Supervisory Board Members
regarding individual Director candidates. have increased, and Outside Members of the Board of long-term management challenges. Toyota’s Outside Members of the Board of Directors and
Furthermore, four Outside Members of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board speak on The evaluation showed improvement in the provision Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members must under-
Directors have been appointed in order to adequately almost all proposals. of information to the Outside Members of the Board of stand and practice the spirit of making ever-better cars
reflect the opinions of those from outside the Company Directors. However, further issues were identified with and Genchi Genbutsu (onsite, hands-on experience) and
in management’s decision-making process. All of the Analysis and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the respect to time allocation, discussions of business strat- contribute to decision making aimed at sustainable
Outside Directors are registered as independent officers Board of Directors egy, and sustainability-conscious management. future growth. As such, Toyota offers a variety of oppor-
with the relevant financial instrument exchanges. In order to improve the effectiveness of the Board of In order to further improve the effectiveness of the tunities to provide them with the necessary information.
Toyota considers the appointment of Outside Directors, Toyota conducts an analysis and evaluation of Board of Directors, Toyota will secure more opportuni- Also, as explained above, we offer outside members
Members of the Board of Directors as independent the Board of Directors every year. The most recent ties for the Board of Directors to discuss important opportunities other than the Board of Directors Meetings
management strategy topics and promote the appropri- to deepen their understanding, such as advance expla-
Members of the Board of Directors (As of June 2023) ate selection of topics to be proposed. At the same nations on proposals submitted to the meetings and
Current position/responsibility at Toyota time, to provide more information to Outside Members two-way communication with executives on important
Length of Outside/Independent Meetings
Attendance at Board of the Board of Directors and Outside Audit & management issues and medium- to long-term issues.
Name Sex Age of Directors’ meetings Supervisory Board Members and thereby facilitate more
service Member Executive Executive Responsibility
Appointment Compensation
(No. of meetings attended)* effective and vigorous discussions, Toyota will work to Executive Compensation
Chairman of the Board of make further improvements through such measures as
Akio Toyoda Male 67 23 Directors 100% (18/18)
enhancing opportunities for dialogue and exchange The amount of executive compensation, how its calcula-
Shigeru Hayakawa Male 69 8 Chairperson Chairperson Chief Privacy Officer 100% (18/18) with management. tion method is determined, and the calculation method
Koji Sato Male 53 — Chief Executive Officer — are described as follows.
Hiroki Nakajima Male 61 — Chief Technology Officer — Audit & Supervisory Board System
Chief Financial Officer Toyota has adopted an Audit & Supervisory Board sys- Decision Policy and Process
Yoichi Miyazaki Male 59 — Member Member Chief Competitive Officer —
Simon Humphries Male 56 — Chief Branding Officer —
tem. The six Audit & Supervisory Board Members Toyota believes that it is critical to appoint individuals who
Ikuro Sugawara Male 66 5 Outside independent Member Member 100% (18/18) (including three Outside Audit & Supervisory Board practice product-centered and region-centered manage-
Sir Philip Craven Male 72 5 Outside independent Member Member 100% (18/18) Members) play a key role in Toyota’s corporate gover- ment and contribute to decision making aimed at sustain-
Masahiko Oshima Male 62 — Outside independent Member Member — nance by undertaking audits in line with the audit policies able growth into the future in accordance with the Toyoda
Emi Osono Female 57 — Outside independent Member Member — and plans determined by the Audit & Supervisory Board. Principles, which set forth our founding philosophy.
* Status of attendance at Board of Director’s meetings in the fiscal year ended March 2023
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Corporate Governance

Moreover, these individuals should be able to play a sig- determining remuneration for and other payments to each Major Matters Discussed at the Executive vidual’s efforts made in accordance with the Toyoda
nificant role in transforming Toyota into a mobility com- Member of the Board of Directors and the executive Compensation Meeting Principles (including ESG perspectives), which set forth
pany in the areas of electrification, intelligence, and remuneration system as well as the total amount of remu- • Compensation levels according to position and our founding philosophy, and other aspects, such as the
diversification; building external partnerships; and con- neration for a given fiscal year. The Board of Directors also responsibilities trust of others and promotion of human resource devel-
tributing to the solution of social issues, including climate resolves to delegate the determination of the amount of • Benchmarks and results evaluation for FY2023 opment. Based on the evaluations, the amount of Annual
change. Toyota’s executive compensation system is an remuneration for each Member of the Board of Directors • The remuneration for each individual Total Remuneration for each director is determined within
important means to promote various initiatives and is to the Executive Compensation Meeting. The Executive the range of 50% above or below the Annual Total
determined based on the following policy. Compensation Meeting reviews the executive remunera- Method of Determining Performance-based Remuneration for each position.
• The system should encourage Members of the Board tion system on which it advises the Board of Directors and Remuneration (Bonuses, Share-based Compensation)
of Directors to work to improve the medium- to long- determines the amount of remuneration for each Member 1. Directors with Japanese citizenship (excluding 2. Directors with foreign citizenship (excluding
term corporate value of Toyota of the Board of Directors, taking into account such factors Outside Directors) Outside Directors)
• The system should support compensation levels that will as corporate performance as well as individual job Toyota sets the total amount of remuneration received by Fixed remuneration and performance-based remuneration
allow Toyota to secure and retain talented personnel responsibilities and performance, in accordance with the each director in a year (“Annual Total Remuneration”) based are set based on remuneration levels and structures that
• The system should motivate Members of the Board of policy for determining remuneration for and other pay- on consolidated operating income, fluctuation in Toyota’s allow Toyota to secure and retain talented personnel, tak-
Directors to promote management from the same ments to each member of the Board of Directors estab- market capitalization,* and individual performance evalua- ing into account each member’s job responsibilities and
viewpoint as our shareholders with a stronger sense of lished by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors tions. The balance after deducting monthly remuneration, the remuneration standard of his/her home country.
responsibility as corporate managers considers that such decisions made by the Executive which is fixed remuneration, from Annual Total Performance-based remuneration is set based on con-
The Board of Directors decides by resolution the policy Compensation Meeting are in line with the policy on deter- Remuneration constitutes performance-linked remuneration. solidated operating income, fluctuation in Toyota’s market
for determining remuneration for and other payments to mining remuneration and other payments for each mem- Toyota sets the appropriate levels of Annual Total capitalization, and individual performance evaluations.
each Member of the Board of Directors. Remuneration ber of the Board of Directors. Remuneration based on individual position and duties by The approach to setting each item is the same as that for
amounts and methods are determined in a manner that Remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members is referencing a benchmark of Japanese and global com- directors with Japanese citizenship (excluding Outside
effectively links them with corporate performance while determined by the Audit & Supervisory Board within the panies selected based on the size of each person’s role Directors). Differences in tax rates in Japan and their home
reflecting individual job responsibilities and performance. scope determined by resolution of the shareholders’ meeting. and other factors. Table 1 Table 2 countries may be considered and compensated for.
Remuneration for Outside Members of the Board of To decide the compensation for the fiscal year under *C
 alculated by multiplying the closing price of Toyota’s common stock
on the Tokyo Stock Exchange by the number of shares issued after Share-based Compensation System
Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members con- review, the Executive Compensation Meeting was held in deducting treasury stock
sists only of fixed payments. As a result, this remunera- April 2022, March 2023, and April 2023. Also, prepara- The Board of Directors decides share-based compensa-
tion is not readily impacted by business performance, tory meetings attended solely by Outside Directors were tion using the maximum values for share-based com-
Method of Setting the Annual Total Remuneration
helping to ensure independence from management. held five times in July, September, and October 2022 pensation set at the 115th and 118th Ordinary General
Annual Total Remuneration is set according to a formula
The amounts of remuneration and other payments to and January and February 2023 as a forum for discus- Shareholders’ Meetings held on June 13, 2019 and June
based on the benchmark results of executive compensa-
each Member of the Board of Directors and the remuner- sions in preparation for the Executive Compensation 15, 2022 (a maximum of 4.0 billion yen per year, with the
tion. Annual Total Remuneration for each position is set
ation system are decided by the Board of Directors and Meeting. The compensation for the Members of the total number of common shares of Toyota to be allotted
based on consolidated operating income and fluctuation
the Executive Compensation Meeting, a majority of the Board of Directors was decided with the agreement of all to the Members of the Board of Directors, excluding
in Toyota’s market capitalization and then adjusted
members of which are Outside Members of the Board of members of the Executive Compensation Meeting. Outside Directors, capped at 4 million). For more details,
based on individual performance evaluations. Individual
Directors, to ensure the independence of the decisions. please refer to p. 112 of the Securities Report (for the fis-
performance evaluations take into consideration the indi-
The Board of Directors resolves the policy for cal year ended March 2023). Table 3 Table 4

Table 1 Explanation of Indicators Table 3 Remuneration by Executive Category, Remuneration by Table 4  ames and Details of Those Who Receive Total Consolidated Remuneration of
Indicator for evaluating Toyota’s efforts based on Type, and Number of Applicable Executives One Hundred Million Japanese Yen or More
Consolidated operating income
business performance Total consolidated remuneration by type (million yen)
Remuneration by type (million yen) Total
Fluctuation in Toyota’s market Corporate value indicator for shareholders and investors to
No. of Fixed Performance-linked Total Fixed Performance-linked consolidated
capitalization evaluate Toyota’s efforts Executive Name (executive category) Company category
applicable remuneration remuneration remuneration remuneration remuneration Retirement remuneration
Individual performance evaluation Qualitative evaluation of each Director’s performance category
executives Monthly (million yen) Monthly Share-based benefits (million yen)
Share-based Bonuses
Bonuses remuneration compensation
Method and Reference Value for Evaluating Indicators and Evaluation Result remuneration compensation
Table 2
Directors Takeshi Uchiyamada (Director) Reporting company 122 197 — — 319
Evaluation 10 961 2,166 Shigeru Hayakawa (Director) Reporting company 77 1 73 (38,000 shares) — 151
Evaluation Reference (of which 397 (421,000
Evaluation method result for (3) (150) (150)
weight value Outside Directors) shares) Akio Toyoda (Director) Reporting company 264 — 735 (383,000 shares) — 999
the fiscal year
Audit & Supervisory Reporting company 108 68 — —
Evaluate the degree of attainment of consoli- Board Members
Consolidated 8 264 264 James Kuffner (Director) Consolidated subsidiary 810
dated operating income in the fiscal year, using (of which, Outside — — 587 48 — —
operating 70% 1 trillion yen (5) (56) (56) Woven Planet Holdings, Inc.
required income (set in 2011) for Toyota’s sus- Audit & Supervisory
tainable growth as a reference value Board Members) Reporting company 52 56 — —
Comparatively evaluate the fluctuation in Kenta Kon (Director) Consolidated subsidiary 120
Toyota’s 180% (Notes) 1. Cash compensation consists of monthly remuneration and bonuses. 11 — — —
Toyota’s market capitalization for the rele- 2. Performance-based compensation is granted in the amount calculated by multiplying the Hino Motors, Ltd.
Fluctuation in vant fiscal year (average from January closing price of common stock on the date immediately before the date of the allotment
capitalization: (Notes) 1. The fixed remuneration paid to Director James Kuffner by Woven Planet Holdings, Inc., a consolidated subsidiary, includes the amounts
Toyota’s market 30% through March), using the market capital- resolution by the number of shares stated above, pursuant to the resolution of the Board
30.4 trillion yen of fixed remuneration paid every three months and every 12 months. In addition to the above remuneration, Toyota and consolidated
capitalization ization of Toyota and TOPIX for the previous of Directors Meeting held on May 10, 2023.
TOPIX: subsidiary Woven Planet Holdings, Inc. paid compensation (520 million yen) to Director James Kuffner to make up for differences in tax
fiscal year (average from January through
1,909.75 rates between Japan and his home country.
March) as reference values 2. Woven Planet Holdings, Inc. was renamed Woven by Toyota, Inc. on April 1, 2023.

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The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
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From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
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Corporate Governance

Risk Management and Compliance

have also designated reporting routes as part of a corporate presence firmly rooted in local communities.
Risk Management framework for swiftly and appropriately responding in
Compliance Toyota seeks to achieve sustainable financial per-
Fundamental Approach the event of an incident. Fundamental Approach formance through the Toyota Production System
(TPS) and cost reduction and is committed to fulfilling
Amid a period of tremendous change in the conditions Business Continuity Management The Toyota Code of Conduct outlines the basic its responsibility to make appropriate tax payments
and priorities of the automotive industry, including the frame of mind that all Toyota personnel should as the most basic form of social contribution in the
push toward carbon neutrality and CASE, as well as In preparation for large-scale disasters, such as adopt. It sets forth concrete guidelines to assist communities in which it operates.
major changes in the international order, Toyota is earthquakes and floods, Toyota formulates business them in upholding the Toyota Philosophy and Tax Policy
constantly taking on new challenges and advancing continuity plans (BCPs) for the rapid restoration of Guiding Principles at Toyota and in doing their part “Speak Up” Hotline
Kaizen (continuous improvement) while also working business operations using limited resources. Toyota to ensure that Toyota carries out its corporate social
to reinforce its risk management structure to handle works to constantly improve the practical effective- responsibility. Established in 1998, the Code was Toyota’s “Speak Up” Hotline enables quick and appro-
the corresponding increase in uncertainty. Toyota has ness of its BCPs through the implementation of a amended in October 2023 with expanded provi- priate responses to workplace- and work-related con-
appointed a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) charged with PDCA cycle, including training. These activities con- sions related to such topics as bribery and corrup- cerns, complaints, or questions that employees and
global risk management. The CRO is working to pre- stitute our business continuity management (BCM), tion prevention and human rights. It is distributed to other relevant parties may have. We promote aware-
vent and mitigate the impact of risks that could arise in promoted through coordination among employees all employees of Toyota, including consolidated ness of the hotline using the Company intranet and
Toyota’s global business activities. and their families; Toyota Group companies, suppli- subsidiaries, with the aim of raising awareness and various other media. Consultations can be submitted
Beneath the CRO are regional CROs appointed to ers, and dealers; and Toyota. facilitating training. through a law firm, the Company website, email, tele-
handle risk management in specific regions. At head Through this process of BCP formulation and Under the leadership of the Chief Compliance phone, or other means. For topics related to employ-
office departments (such as Accounting and review, we aim to develop risk-resilient organizations, Officer and Deputy Chief Compliance Officer, Toyota ees or workplaces, the hotline is also open to third
Purchasing), risk management by function is assigned workplaces, and individuals. implements compliance activities to ensure that all parties, including employees’ family members and
to chief officers and risk managers of individual divi- employees of Toyota act responsibly, maintaining strict business partners, in addition to employees. The
sions, while at in-house companies, risk management Building a Resilient Supply Chain compliance based on the Toyota Code of Conduct. hotline can also be used anonymously.
by product is assigned to the company presidents and Toyota Code of Conduct The content of a consultation is investigated with
risk managers of individual divisions. This structure Toyota provides disaster recovery support in the
care to ensure that hotline users who wish to remain
enables coordination and cooperation between the following order of priority: (1) Humanitarian aid; Bribery and Corruption Prevention anonymous cannot be identified. If the results of the
regional head offices and sections. (2) Rapid recovery of the affected area; (3) Restoration Measures investigation indicate an issue, a response is imple-
of Toyota’s operations and production. Since the Great
mented immediately.
Appropriate Risk Management East Japan Earthquake, we have worked with sup- To promote the eradication of bribery and corruption, (Hotline consultations handled in FY2023: 707)
pliers in each country and region to build a disaster- Toyota has adopted the Toyota Global Anti-Bribery Hotlines have also been set up at Toyota Motor
Under the supervision of risk managers, we regularly resilient supply chain by sharing supply chain infor- and Anti-Corruption Policy as a common policy for Corporation for use by employees of overseas and
take steps to identify risks, monitor business impacts mation and implementing disaster-readiness the worldwide Group. domestic subsidiaries.
from changes in the external environment, and measures to ensure prompt initial response and Furthermore, we have adopted the Anti-bribery
appropriately manage risks that may occur in the rapid recovery. Guidelines for internal divisions and business part- Checks to Enhance Compliance
course of business activities in coordination with Furthermore, in recent years, issues of economic ners. In line with the Guidelines, we strive to prevent
regional affiliates and Toyota Group companies. security and geopolitical tensions have led to bribery and corruption. In line with the amendment of the Toyota Code of
Furthermore, we have established the Governance increased risks of disruptions to supply chains and Toyota Global Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Policy Conduct, we have revised the fields and items
and Risk Subcommittee, chaired by the CRO, to the supply of important supplies. To ensure business Anti-bribery Guidelines included in compliance checks to confirm that sys-
identify, address, and monitor important risks from a continuity, we monitor supply chains and appropri- tems are in place to enable full compliance with the
Company-wide perspective. The Subcommittee reg- ately manage risks, working to secure, maintain, and Taxation Code. Based on these revisions, we are implement-
ularly checks and discusses the status of measures reinforce optimal supply chains. ing checks, including at global subsidiaries. Issues
to address especially important risks. Key issues are Since its founding, Toyota has aspired to enrich peo- identified through checks are addressed through
reported to the Board of Directors and other deliber- ples’ lives through car making and to enrich local econ- ongoing efforts aimed at achieving meaningful
ative bodies as appropriate to advance business. We omies by creating employment and paying taxes as a improvement by the time of following year’s checks.

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From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
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What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Corporate Governance

Certification Testing Misconduct at Daihatsu Motor* * The information on this page is current as of December 20, 2023.

On April 28, 2023, Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd Cast / Toyota Pixis Joy may not comply with the to its roots as the “compact mobility company” constitute a level of misconduct deserving of criti-
(Daihatsu), a consolidated subsidiary of Toyota Motor law. At this time, we are not aware of any accident that Toyota and Daihatsu are striving for it to be as cism as well as the culpability of management in
Corporation (Toyota), confirmed and publicly information related to this matter, but we are con- well as regain the trust of all stakeholders. creating the conditions leading to this misconduct.
announced that it had discovered fraud in the appli- ducting thorough technical verification and investi-
cation for certification of side collision tests for vehi- gating the cause to take necessary measures as Soichiro Okudaira, We take this situation very seriously as it
cles developed by the company for overseas soon as possible. President of Daihatsu Motor Co. undermines the very foundation of our position as
markets. On December 20 of the same year, a carmaker.
Daihatsu received a report from the Independent For other cases, we have confirmed that the perfor- We have requested an unbiased, independent
Third-Party Committee (chaired by Makoto Kaiami) mance standards specified by the regulations are third-party committee to investigate the fraudulent  iroki Nakajima,
commissioned by Daihatsu to investigate the proce- met, and the validity of the verification results and activities in the certification application that was Executive Vice President, Toyota Motor Corporation
dural irregularities, which it reported to Toyota in turn. process has also been confirmed by TUV Rheinland made public in April and May of 2023 in order to
Japan (TRJ), a third-party certification organization. shed light on the situation in its entirety, identify Toyota Motor Corporation offers its heartfelt apolo-
The investigation found new irregularities in 174 the root causes, and suggest preventive mea- gies to customers who use Daihatsu-supplied
items within 25 test categories in addition to the Certification consists of having the national authori- sures. We have received the report and have for- Toyota cars as well as any other affected parties for
door lining irregularity in April and the side collision ties inspect and confirm that vehicles meet various warded it along with our proposed course of any worry or trouble this incident may have caused.
test irregularity in May. These encompassed a total standards so that customers can drive their vehicles action to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
of 64 models and 3 engines of vehicles (total of with peace of mind. We consider certification to be Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and the Ministry of With regard to the Daihatsu investigation, Toyota is
models currently being produced, developed, or a major prerequisite for doing business as an auto- Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). supporting the in-house technical verification of
having ceased production) mobile manufacturer. We recognize the extreme data as well as the testing of the actual vehicles,
gravity of the fact that Daihatsu’s neglect of the cer- A total of 174 irregularities in certification applica- including with regard to vehicle safety performance.
We would like to express our sincere apologies for tification process has shaken the very foundations tions were discovered. An investigation of 25 test
the inconvenience and concern this has caused to of the company as an automobile manufacturer. items determined 64 models and three engines We at Toyota sincerely regret having failed to rec-
all stakeholders, including customers. marketed domestically and abroad were affected. ognize that the growth in number of vehicles sup-
Since 2013, Toyota has been increasing the num- Based on these findings, we decided to temporari- plied on an OEM basis since 2013—mainly
In response to these findings, Daihatsu has decid- ber of OEM models it receives from other compa- ly halt the shipment of all vehicle models presently compact cars, including models produced for
ed to temporarily suspend shipments of all nies, mainly compact vehicles. We deeply regret being produced in Japan and overseas. overseas markets—may have increased the bur-
Daihatsu-developed models currently in produc- that the development of these vehicles may have den on development and certification sites.
tion, both in Japan and overseas. been a burden on Daihatsu and that we were not We extend our deepest apologies for any inconve-
aware of the situation with the company’s nience and worry that this may have caused to our  iromasa Hoshika,
Over the course of the investigation by the certification operations. stakeholders and customers. Executive Vice President, Daihatsu Motor Co.
Independent Third-Party Committee, Daihatsu
received some information regarding models that Daihatsu has informed us that, going forward, it Daihatsu has been developing small cars and other Since May, we have had the Independent
may have been involved in the procedural irregu- will clarify the situation with the authorities and vehicles that are appropriate to the types of terrain Third-Party Committee searching for irregulari-
larities. In response, Daihatsu has been conducting take appropriate action under their guidance. It will found in Japan and the roads that serve as the ties similar to the two announced in April and
in-house technical verifications and actual vehicle also thoroughly investigate whether there have country’s transportation system. These vehicles May. Said committee is not restricted in terms
testing for these vehicles to one-by-one ensure been any other similar cases to ensure customer have found favor among customers in Japan as of time or kind of vehicle.
that their safety and environmental performance safety first and foremost. We at Toyota will also well as overseas.
meet legal standards. fully cooperate with this investigation. The following three classifications provide a sum-
We again offer our sincere apologies for betraying mary of the 174 newly discovered irregularities.
In the final stage of the investigation, it was discov- We believe that in order to prevent recurrence, in the trust of these customers.
ered that a different airbag control unit (ECU) than addition to a review of certification operations, a • Those involving an intentional unauthorized mod-
the mass-production model was used for the airbag fundamental reform is needed to revitalize Daihatsu We recognize that obtaining the appropriate ification or adjustment to the vehicle or experi-
tests for the Daihatsu Move / SUBARU Stella, and as a company. This will be an extremely significant certification is a prerequisite for operating as a mental equipment.
Daihatsu Cast / Toyota Pixis Joy, Daihatsu Gran task that cannot be accomplished overnight. It will carmaker. Before being placed on the market, our • Those involving the intentional submission of a
Max / Toyota Town Ace / Mazda Bongo. Although require not only a review of management and busi- vehicles must be screened and certified as meet- test report containing false information to
technical verification confirmed that the airbag met ness operations but also a review of the organiza- ing various standards stipulated by govern- obtain certification.
standards of occupant protection performance, in tion and structure, as well as changes in human ment-approved certification systems, obtaining • Those involving the intentional entry of false
the course of testing, it was found that the “Safety resource development and the awareness of each official affirmation that customers may drive these information in an experimental report, etc.,
Performance Standard for Occupant Evacuation and every employee. Toyota will provide its full sup- vehicles with peace of mind. through the fabrication, misappropriation, or fal-
(Unlocking)” in the side collision test of Daihatsu port to Daihatsu’s revitalization so that it can return We acknowledge that the certification irregularities sification of test data.

Integrated Report 72
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
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Corporate Governance

the time of development, data from completion management took no substantial steps to improve Nevertheless, we will keep an eye out for similar
I would like to discuss a few examples of specific inspections at our plants, and measurement data the work environment and culture, actually making issues to ensure our customers’ safety.
anomalies that are introduced in the Committee’s from our suppliers. As the need arose, we also con- it difficult for employees to raise concerns when
report. The first is the case of airbags, a case that ducted physical testing on the vehicles in question. they encountered difficulties. If any other problems arise, we will report them
is categorized as an “unauthorized modification to the authorities immediately and take the
or adjustment.” We have verified that every vehicle in question now As a result, we believe that this caused the forma- necessary action.
conforms to the legal requirements, and we believe tion of a corporate culture that prioritized project
In the side collison test of the airbags, a com- that this isn’t a scenario requiring customers to promotion while failing to enforce compliance with We take very seriously the fact that, through this
puterized ECU (engine control unit) designed for immediately cease vehicle use. laws, regulations, and rules, for which manage- fraud, we have betrayed the trust of many customers
mass-produced vehicles should have been ment is wholly responsible. who have supported us by choosing our light and
used, but was not, and an application for certifi- In addition, TÜV Rheinland Japan, a third-party compact vehicles, which play an essential role in
cation was filed nevertheless without acknowl- certification authority, has validated the procedure To stop this from happening again, a number of navigating roads and daily life in Japan and abroad.
edging the modification. and outcomes, affirming that there are no issues. recommendations have been brought forth by the
third-party committee. These include senior man- We will return to Daihatsu’s roots of “staying close
We accept that this is a very serious problem However, during this technical verification, we dis- agement communicating their sincere remorse to to our customers and enriching their lives” and,
because the tests were not being performed on covered the possibility that the Daihatsu Cast and employees, decisively launching reforms, and with the support of Toyota, will make a determined
the correct vehicles and parts. the Toyota Pixis Joy—which are already out of pro- reviewing the development and certification pro- companywide effort to revitalize Daihatsu.
duction—may not have met the Safety cess in light of tight schedule conditions.
In the second instance, a speedometer test, the Performance Standards for Occupant Evacuation  iroki Nakajima,
tire air pressure differed from that specified, and in their side collision test. In line with these recommendations, management Executive Vice President, Toyota Motor Corporation
the submitter made a false entry on the applica- will first and foremost adopt a new perspective, visit
tion. This falls into the category of “submission of a This is due to the fact that, following a collision, the the genba in order to better grasp the circumstanc- We believe that this incident of finding the 174
test report containing false information.” doors lock, rendering it difficult to open them from es there, and work in collaboration with employees irregularities involving 25 test items could poten-
the outside and possibly complicating efforts to to establish an organization that guarantees “psy- tially cause the loss of our reputation as a certi-
The third is a data replacement case, which is cat- rescue vehicle occupants. chological safety” and constructive communication. fied manufacturer.
egorized as a “falsification of test data.”
At this point in time, we are not aware of any acci- Based on our fundamental obligation to ensure As explained by Daihatsu, first and foremost,
The data from the witness test in a frontal collision dents involving the aforementioned vehicles; none- legal compliance and accurate certification work, Toyota will cooperate fully and meticulously investi-
test was replaced with the data measured in the theless, we will expedite efforts to determine the we will also design suitable procedures and a sys- gate to confirm the absence of other issues.
rehearsal carried out prior to the test. The replaced root causes of the matter as well as the types of tem that allows for longer development lead times
data was thus submitted. vehicle that could be affected. We will then submit and that can be suspended whenever necessary. Spanning management and business operations
a report to and confer with relevant authorities, to corporate organization and structure to human
Including these cases, 174 irregularities were found. including the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, We are dedicated to implementing thoroughgoing resource development and awareness reform for
Transport and Tourism, in addition to notifying our measures aimed at preventing the recurrence of every employee, revitalizing a company is not
The vehicles affected by these irregularities com- customers of the situation and responding to rele- such issues, carrying out organizational and something that can be completed overnight.
prise 64 models and three engines. This number vant customer inquiries. structural reviews, creating operational regula-
includes vehicles supplied to other companies as tions, formulating work standards, and following We at Toyota, with whom Daihatsu does business,
well as 28 models and one engine produced for Soichiro Okudaira, through on other initiatives that have been under- also view this as an incredibly significant challenge.
the Japanese market and 18 models produced for President of Daihatsu Motor Co. taken up to this point.
overseas markets. We will fully support Daihatsu’s revitalization, so
The Independent Third-Party Committee noted Based on the recommendations and guidance of that our two companies may return to their origi-
We have asked the Independent Third-Party that “a management flaw, namely, the promotion relevant authorities, we shall report separately on nal shared goal, which is to become a compact
Committee to provide some information about of short-term development without adequate safe- specific steps taken to prevent recurrence and the mobility company.
potential fraudulent cases discovered in the course guards against fraud in place,” was the root cause enforcement mechanism in place to support them.
of its investigations in order to confirm whether of the fraudulent activity. Going forward, we will make further announce-
these irregularities may affect the safety of our cus- While the Independent Third-Party Committee has ments about specific measures and initiatives to
tomers’ vehicles. We have been pursuing the It is our belief that the misconduct resulted from undertaken a thorough and comprehensive inqui- be undertaken that reflect, for example, guidance
in-house technical verification of data based on management and supervisors failing to recognize ry, the Company has cooperated to the best of its from the authorities.
this information, for example, verifying and con- the full extent of the workloads and struggles that ability by, for example, reviewing the documenta-
firming technical materials and data obtained at genba (frontline) workers experience. Furthermore, tion of its certification procedure.

Integrated Report 73
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Message from the CFO: TMC’s FY2024 2Q

Financial Results Press Briefing

Realizing a Cycle of Growing Together with Our Stakeholders

First, let me talk about the three main characteris- Characteristics of Toyota’s Business Foundation
tics of our business foundation.
• First is our full lineup of vehicles worldwide and a Matching Investment Decisions
Full lineup of vehicles worldwide
balanced regional representation. to Actual Demand
• Second is our global customer base, which cur-
FY2023 Retail Vehicle Sales Volume of Net Liquid Assets*1
rently drives more than 100 million units. (Trillions of yen) 11.2
• Third is our hybrid options, which provide both CO2 North
emissions reduction and profitability. Japan America Europe Asia China Others
These characteristics help stabilize earning power, 8.3
making it less susceptible to the effects of fluctua- By region 14% 25% 11% 15% 20% 15%
tions in economic and market environments around
the world.
Lower investment capacity had
Another important aspect of our business founda- early shift to BEVs been made
tion is the careful timing of our investment decisions.
2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2023/9
Our comprehensive assessment of investments in Strength of 100 million units HEV Business Supporting
BEVs and batteries encompass the energy situation owned by our customers Multi-pathway R&D Expenses*2 and
Capital Expenditures*3
Yoichi Miyazaki and infrastructure in each country, the evolution of Profit Structure Retail Vehicle Sales by Powertrain in FY2023
(Trillions of yen) 2.8
technology, and changes in actual customer (FY2020–FY2023 cumulative
Executive Vice President operating income) ICEs HEVs 2.5 2.4 2.5
demand. This has enabled us to achieve a strong Investments
Chief Financial Officer financial foundation upon which we can promote 70% 28% for new
Chief Competitive Officer business
investments for the future. PHEVs/FCEVs/BEVs
President, Business Planning & Operation BEVs,
Value New batteries,
Efforts in Delivering Cars to Customers Operating Income by Powertrain in FY2023 software, etc.
chain vehicles
(1) Efforts in Product (2) Efforts in Production
At the November 2023 financial results presen- Development (including suppliers) 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3

tation, Toyota CFO Yoichi Miyazaki gave the Develop and launch Maintain a high level of
products that match production through
following presentation. 1. Net liquid assets = cash and cash equivalents, time deposits, public and corporate bonds and investment in monetary trust funds,
customer needs continuous efforts
excluding in each case those relating to financial services, less interest-bearing debt (not including lease liabilities), excluding that relat-
ing to financial services.
2. R&D activity-related expenses incurred during the reporting period.
3. Excluding vehicles under operating leases and right of use assets.
Toyota’s profit structure is steadily improving. 4. R&D expenditures and capital expenditures related to battery electric vehicles, batteries, hydrogen business, software businesses, etc.
The foundation we have built for sustainable growth ’23 Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.
Global vehicle production volume
has been made possible thanks to our customers Previous record high
This financial foundation has been made even more Kaizen by drawing on the wisdom of the companies
around the world who chose Toyota cars, as well as
successful by the steady Kaizen (continuous improve- we work with. As a result, in parts distribution, we
the support of our shareholders, dealers, suppliers, (4) Efforts in Sales (3) Efforts in Logistics
ment) activities of our suppliers, dealers, and those on have simplified routes and increased load factors,
and all other stakeholders. Once again, on behalf of
Improve the visibility of Improve logistics efficiency the front lines of manufacturing and logistics. and in completed car distribution, we have reduced
Toyota, I would like to express our deepest gratitude. supply and demand by working together with On the front lines of manufacturing, we are working vacant space rates by jointly transporting vehicles
We intend to further strengthen this foundation using DX partner companies
to improve quality and productivity by accumulating with other companies.
with our many stakeholders who support and sustain improvements at the second-by-second level, reduc- On the front lines of sales, we are utilizing digital
us from a medium- to long-term perspective extend- ing the burden on workers through digitalization, and transformation to build a system that links produc-
ing from the past to the present and into the future. visualizing the skills of our craftspeople. tion, transport, and sales in order to provide custom-
From here, I would like to discuss the kind of On the front lines of logistics, amid a shortage of ers with accurate delivery-date information and
growth we aim to achieve. truck drivers and ships, we have been advancing deliver vehicles quickly, without waste.

Integrated Report 74
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Message from the CFO: Realizing a Cycle of Growing Together with Our Stakeholders

Examples of Manufacturing Efforts Cycle of Growing Together with Our Stakeholders

We utilized the period of operational downtime caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to work on accumulating improvements
at the second-by-second level, such as improvement in quality and productivity through digitalization We intend to continuously evolve our cycle of growth strengthen our unique and solid business foundation.
together with stakeholders by leveraging the busi- We also plan to expand and strengthen our invest-
Automation of defect detection using AI Visualization of skills through VR
ness foundation we have built up by making ment in the future, including in BEVs, hydrogen, soft-
Before: Visual inspection After: AI camera inspection Reduction of burden on trainers for the sealer
ever-better cars and through front-line efforts that ware, and energy, and broaden touchpoints with our
application process (difficult skills)
Can’t overlook
maximize that foundation’s effectiveness, including customers and alliance partners beyond the automo-
Highly skilled
Trainee trainer the efforts of our partners. tive industry as a total package. We hope to link
Physically and (practice) (example)
mentally burden- We will continue striving to deliver ever-better cars these efforts to the expansion of our business
some for workers Reduced burden Halve the basic training time
that meet the needs of customers in each region, culti- domain toward becoming a mobility company and
vate new customers in emerging markets, and further the transformation of the Group’s business structure.
Examples of Logistics Efforts
Managing volume increases amid a shortages of truck drivers and ships A. Strengthening Earning Power
Parts and vehicle logistics CARS
• Strengthening business foundation based on making ever-better cars
Domestic dealers CARS • Expanding business domains to become a mobility company
Supplier Plant Export port Overseas dealers
Expansion of business domains
New peripheral • Competitive BEV and hydrogen businesses
Milk run (total optimization) Joint transportation Vehicle unloading on the U.S. West Coast • Creation of businesses based on software
and energy
Before: Complicated route / low load factor Mutual use of transportation networks with Higher rotation rate of ocean vessels by shifting BEV, hydrogen businesses
other companies to inland transport within the United States Strengthening of business foundation
Hub Outward journey of Value chain expansion
B A CARS other company
Inland transport
• Making ever-better cars
C Cost
• Expanding sales of HEVs and PHEVs in
One month Maximization TPS
Other company’s of sales efforts reduction emerging markets
Other company’s
dealer plant Two months • Continuously strengthening structure
After: Simplified route / higher load factor through TPS and cost reduction
After unloading
Main reasons for severe shortage of Making ever-better cars
A • Maintaining and expanding customer
A B C ocean vessels
B Hub Inward journey of Demand Exports of finished vehicles from
touchpoints worldwide
other company China increased
Supply Shipbuilding decreased due to
Toyota plant Toyota dealer B. Investment

Technological prowess Manufacturing techniques

Examples of Sales Efforts (Shifting of resources to advanced fields) (Fusion of TPS/onsite capabilities & digital/innovative technologies)
Improving customer convenience by implementing digitalization and visualizing the entire process, Digital
from order intake to delivery
Introducing sales and logistics management system (J-SLIM) Introducing online tool SmartPath
Visualization of information by introducing a unified system Customers Seamless online and in-shop experience Onsite improvement
Toyota Dealers • Understanding inventory
CARS In transit:
and transportation
Estimated arrival date is **/**/20**
J-SLIM schedules
• Shorten business
Order intake, production, The delivery date negotiation time
transportation, and delivery is **/**/20**!
Toyota Tracking vehicle status
Parts &
Supplies Customer
Receive the car on the
Future of mobility overflowing
Easier to plan production
desired delivery date with diversity

Integrated Report 75
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Message from the CFO: Realizing a Cycle of Growing Together with Our Stakeholders

Next is investment in the future. mation into a mobility company requires a muscular Precisely because this is an age in which it is hard stakeholders as a source of growth together with our
The future does not come all at once, but is made balance sheet. While selling strategic shareholdings to predict the future, we hope to work together, with customers, shareholders, suppliers, employees, and
up of the steady accumulation of day-to-day effort. that have declined in significance for us and conduct- your support and encouragement, to create the local communities. If we do not act, we will not be
To leave many options for the future, we are advanc- ing “Home & Away” activities within the Toyota future of mobility. able to carve out a future for ourselves.
ing forward-looking investment in technology in vari- Group, we have been building alliances to accelerate To this end, we would like to use the results we We ask for your continued support and hope that
ous areas, and we plan to actively sow the seeds for our transformation. have been able to generate thanks to our many you will continue to look forward to what Toyota can do.
the future by combining our manufacturing tech- By continuing to reduce our strategic shareholdings,
niques with digital and innovative technologies. reviewing intra-Group cross-shareholdings, and utilizing
Realizing a Cycle of Growth Together
And for key investments in mass production, we treasury stock and cash on hand, we aim to build a
plan to determine and execute investment timing capital formation optimized for a mobility company and •Further strengthening earning power and accelerating investment for sustainable growth
while closely watching market trends based on the thereby maintain and improve our competitiveness. •Leveraging accumulated assets to gain a competitive edge
technologies and skills we have honed from a long- In summary, to realize a cycle of growth with our Earning power Investment & shareholder returns Financial base Note: Excluding financial services
term perspective. stakeholders, we will continue striving to strengthen
Total: Approx. 16.6 trillion yen Total: Approx. 14.2 trillion yen
When it comes to shareholder returns, we aim to our earning power, accelerate investment for the Capital strategy
Average: Approx. 4.2 trillion yen Average: Approx. 3.5 trillion yen Treasury
continue to stably increase dividends to reward long- future, utilize our accumulated assets, and create a Treasury stock D
A C stock
term shareholders. new capital formation optimized for a mobility com- Shareholder
returns Building
Finally, there is our capital strategy. Our transfor- pany to gain a competitive edge. Shareholder B Strategic shareholdings, etc. alliances
returns Investments for shareholdings, etc.
Investments for new new business
Earning Earning business domains*7 domains*7 “Home & Away”
C. Shareholder Returns
power power
• Policy of implementing stable and continuous dividend increases Investments Investments Net liquid Net liquid
for existing for existing assets assets Ensuring
• Shifting focus to dividends to reward long-term shareholders business domains*6 business domains*6 business
(Billions of yen) 816.9 continuity
636.7 549.9 671.0 718.2
610.8 FY2020– FY2024– FY2020– FY2024–
435.6 FY2023*3 FY2027*5 FY2023*4 FY2027*5 FY2023 FY2027*5 Use*5
249.9 299.9 (Upper limit)
*3 Earning power = Automotive business operating cash flow + R&D expenses (R&D activity-related expenditures incurred during the reporting period)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Future*2 *4 Investment & shareholder returns = R&D expenses (R&D activity-related expenditures incurred during the reporting period) + capital expenditures +
Total dividends* 1
Repurchases of common stock dividends + share repurchases
*1 Including dividends on First Series Model AA Class Shares (however, dividends are not included on such shares from FY2020 onward *5 For illustrative purposes only. These are not forecasts of the amounts in question for or as of the relevant periods or dates, or breakdowns thereof.
due to the application of IFRS) *6 R&D expenses and capital expenditures for businesses related to internal combustion engine vehicles, etc.
*2 For illustrative purposes only; not a forecast *7 R&D expenses and capital expenditures for battery electric vehicles, batteries, hydrogen business, software business, etc.

D. Capital Strategy Cycle of Growing Together

• Building a formation optimized for a mobility company to maintain and improve competitiveness Continuing to Grow Together with Our Stakeholders
•R educing strategic shareholdings, reviewing intra-Group cross-shareholdings, and utilizing treasury
stock and cash on hand
Building alliances
Customers Optimal mobility
“Home & Away”
500 billion yen
• In addition to asset replacements,
we will use treasury stock and
Investments* cash on hand. Business foundation Investing in the future
Shareholder Asia & emerging markets, Carbon neutrality & Local Paying
returns HEVs, TPS & cost electrification, software,
communities taxes
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Future
improvements, value chain mobility

Asset sales* Asset replacement

• Reducing strategic shareholdings
500 billion yen • Reviewing cross-shareholdings Stable and continuous
Purchasing Suppliers Employees
Note: Total amounts of share acquisitions and sales during the respective periods
within the Group wage increase

Integrated Report 76
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Capital Strategy

Three Pillars rationality of our strategic shareholdings in terms of Strategic Shareholdings and risks from such holdings are commensurate with
the needs of our business strategies and economic the cost of capital, etc., and assesses the propriety
The three pillars of Toyota’s financial strategy are sta- utility. In these ways, we are striving to enhance 1. Policies on Strategic Shareholdings of Toyota’s strategic shareholdings.
bility, growth, and efficiency. By maintaining adequate capital efficiency. Toyota’s policy is to not maintain strategic sharehold- If Toyota determines that a shareholding is no lon-
stability while pursuing growth and efficiency over the ings except for in cases where such holdings are ger meaningful or the meaning of a shareholding has
medium and long terms, we aim to build a robust Shareholder Returns deemed to be meaningful. Cases where such hold- been diluted due to changes in the business environ-
financial foundation to support sustainable growth. ings are deemed to be meaningful are defined as ment or other reasons, Toyota will proceed with the
Toyota deems the benefit of its shareholders an cases where it is determined that, in the business of sale of such shares once it has adequately explained
1. Stability: Securing Liquidity important element of its management policy, and its manufacturing of automobiles, in which it is essential its reasons for doing so to the issuer.
Having experienced financial crises and the Great East basic policy for shareholder returns is to reward long- to maintain a variety of cooperative relationships Consequently, the number of companies whose
Japan Earthquake, in order to ensure business conti- term shareholders. Specifically, Toyota strives to throughout the entire process of development, pro- shares Toyota strategically holds has been reduced
nuity in any business environment, we maintain a suffi- ensure the stable and continuous payment of divi- curement, production, distribution, and sales, such to 141 (including 49 listed companies) as of March
cient level of liquidity to cover half a year of both fixed dends. Toyota flexibly repurchases its common stock holdings contribute to the improvement of corporate 31, 2023 from 189 (including 80 listed companies) as
costs in the automotive business and refinancing while comprehensively considering such factors as value from a medium- to long-term perspective of March 31, 2018.
requirements in the financial services business. the price of common stock. based on a comprehensive consideration of business
Ample liquidity is essential to maintaining a full line- For the year ended March 2023, Toyota paid an strategy; the establishment, maintenance, and Woven Planet Bonds
up in each region and retaining the ability to respond interim dividend of 25 yen per share and a year-end strengthening of relationships with business partners;
to all options and opportunities. As such, it is a vital dividend of 35 per share, for an annual dividend of 60 and contribution to and cooperation in the develop- In the year ended March 2021, Toyota issued Woven
part of the foundation supporting the creation of cor- yen per share, up 8 yen per share from the previous ment of society. Planet Bonds to raise funds for projects that contrib-
porate value. fiscal year. ute to the achievement of the United Nations
Toyota repurchased 149.9 billion yen of its common 2. A
 ssessment of the Propriety of Strategic Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The
2. Growth: Aggressive Forward-looking stock to return profits for the fiscal year ended March Shareholdings issuances comprised 100.0 billion yen in yen-
Investment 2023 to shareholders. When necessary, Toyota engages in constructive dia- denominated straight bonds for individual investors,
As the auto industry approaches a once-in-a-century With a view to surviving tough competition and tran- logue with the issuers of shares that it holds to as well as 130.0 billion yen in yen-denominated sus-
turning point, Toyota is focusing on technological sitioning to a mobility company, Toyota will utilize its encourage them to improve corporate value and tainability bonds and 275.0 billion yen in foreign
innovation aimed at transforming into a mobility com- internal funds mainly for its investment in growth for achieve sustainable growth. These dialogues provide currency-denominated sustainability bonds for insti-
pany. Every year, we spend more than 1 trillion yen the next generation, such as environmental technolo- opportunities to share and address business chal- tutional investors. Most recently, Toyota issued 100.0
on R&D. By enhancing efficiency in existing areas, we gies to achieve carbon neutrality and safety technolo- lenges. Every year, at the Board of Directors, Toyota billion yen in yen-denominated sustainability bonds
are strategically increasing the portion of R&D spend- gies for the safety and security of its customers, as reviews whether its individual shareholdings are for institutional investors in June 2023, followed by
ing allotted to cutting-edge fields. well as for the benefit of stakeholders, such as meaningful in light of changes in the business envi- 1.5 billion USD in foreign currency-denominated sus-
employees, business partners, and local communities. ronment, specifically examines whether the benefits tainability bonds in July 2023.
3. Efficiency: Enhancing Capital Efficiency
Using cost reduction and the thorough application of
2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
the Toyota Production System (TPS), we are reinforc-
ing the profit structure and securing funds to invest in Dividends per share*1 (yen) 44 44 48 52 60
advanced and cutting-edge technologies. Total amount of payment (billions of yen) 626.8 610.8 671.0 718.2 816.9
In capital expenditures other than R&D expenses
Payout ratio*2 33.8 30.2 29.8 25.3 33.4
as well, we are carefully assigning priority to individual
projects and tracking their progress while advancing Share repurchases (billions of yen) 549.9 199.9 249.9 435.6 299.9
measures to improve productivity, such as streamlin-
ing development in existing fields, making equipment Total shareholder return*3 (billions of yen) 1,186.7 810.8 921.0 1,153.8 1,116.9
more compact, shortening processes, and facilitating Total return ratio*4 63.0 39.8 41.0 40.4 45.6
faster response to changes in production quantities.
*1 The above figures show dividends per common share on a post-stock split basis (values for after the five-for-one stock split of shares of our common stock conducted on October 1, 2021).
Furthermore, in addition to sustainably increasing
*2 Payout ratio: This is the ratio of (i) the amount of dividend per common share to (ii) net income attributable to Toyota Motor Corporation per common share.
ROE by repurchasing shares, we are strengthening *3 Includes dividends paid for First Series Model AA Class Shares until 2019/3; these dividends are not included from 2020/3 onward due to the application of IFRS.
investment management by regularly evaluating the *4 Total return ratio: Total shareholder returns divided by net income attributable to Toyota Motor Corporation.

Integrated Report 77
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

The Environment (Climate Change-related Financial Disclosures Based on the TCFD Recommendations)
*TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

Toyota endorsed and signed on to the recom- (TCFD) in April 2019 and appropriately discloses Strategy
mendations of the Financial Stability Board’s Task information concerning climate change-related
Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures risks and opportunities and its analysis thereof. a) C
 limate-related Risks and Opportunities temperatures, rising sea levels, and increases in the
the Organization Has Identified over the severity of such natural disasters as storms and
Governance Short, Medium, and Long Term flooding are expected. Such developments may have
Toyota strives to identify the various risks and various impacts on Toyota’s business fields. These
a) The Board’s Oversight of Climate-related medium- to long-term targets and action plans. opportunities that will arise from environmental impacts may pose risks to Toyota’s business.
Risks and Opportunities Examples of decisions made by the Board of issues, takes action while continuously confirming However, we believe that responding appropriately to
Toyota addresses climate-related issues at the Board Directors in 2022 include the following. the validity of strategies, such as the Toyota the impacts of climate change can lead to enhanced
of Directors’ meetings to ensure effective strategy The Board decided to identify carbon neutrality as Environmental Challenge 2050, and works to competitiveness and the acquisition of new business
formulation and implementation in line with latest a key matter in relation to climate change and to enhance its competitiveness. opportunities. In accordance with this understanding,
societal trends. The Board deliberates and oversees develop a plan to transition to carbon neutrality by In particular, climate change requires measures in a we have categorized the risks relating to climate
related strategy, major action plans, and business 2050. The Board also decided by resolution the level variety of areas, including the adoption of new tech- change and identified particularly significant risks in
plans, and important climate-related matters are of battery-related investment in order to secure the nology and responding to tighter government regula- line with risk management processes based on the
included in the Board’s agenda. necessary number of vehicle batteries, which sets tions. As climate change progresses, higher degree of impact and stakeholder interest.
The Board of Directors monitors progress toward the pace for the expansion of its line of BEVs.
qualitative and quantitative targets for addressing cli- Toyota Supercharges North Carolina Battery Plant with Significant Risks and Opportunities and Toyota’s Measures
mate issues. As part of monitoring, the Board con- New $8 Billion Investment Scenario analysis
Risks Opportunities Toyota’s measures Stated policies 1.5 °C or less
siders climate-related issues, including risks/ future storyline future storyline
opportunities related to products, such as fuel effi- b) M
 anagement’s Role in Assessing and • Fines for failure to meet • Increase in sales of • Promotion of research and development Impacts will Impacts will
ciency/emission regulations, and risks/opportunities Managing Climate-related Risks and Tightening of fuel efficiency regulations electrified vehicles to improve fuel and battery efficiency be in line increase
regulations for • Decrease in total vehicle • Increase in profits • Increase in investment in batteries and with current
related to low-carbon technology development, as Opportunities fuel efficiency sales due to delays in com- from external sales of shift of resources conditions
well as the financial impact thereof. These gover- The Board of Directors is Toyota’s ultimate decision and ZEVs plying with ZEV regulations electrification systems • Start of sales of electrification systems
(acceleration of • Impairment of internal • Expansion of electrified vehicle lineup
nance mechanisms are used in formulating long-term making and oversight body for addressing climate electrification) combustion engine man- • Reduction of CO2 emissions from vehi-
ufacturing facilities cles currently in use
strategy, including the Toyota Environmental related issues. The committees below are the major
• Increase in production • Decrease in energy • Comprehensive reduction of energy Impacts will Impacts will
Challenge 2050, and in formulating and revising bodies for assessing and managing climate related and purchasing costs costs due to the intro- use and promotion of renewable ener- be in line increase
risks and opportunities. due to the introduction of duction of energy sav- gy and hydrogen use with current
Expansion of carbon taxes, etc. ing technology • Promotion of emission reductions in conditions
Bodies That Address Climate Change Issues carbon pricing • Improvement of collaboration with suppliers
energy security by
Environmental Product diversifying energy
Sustainability Meeting Sustainability Subcommittee Consolidated supply sources
Design Assessment
(Consultation) (Execution) Environmental Committee
Committee • Production suspension • Increase in demand • Continuous adaptive improvements to Impacts will Impacts will
due to damage to pro- for electrified vehicles business continuity plans (BCPs) in increase be in line
Increase in fre-
Frequency of duction sites and supply due to increased light of disaster experiences with current
quency and
reporting on cli- chain disruptions caused need for supply of • Reinforcement of information gathering in conditions
When an important When an important When an important severity of nat-
mate related issues — by natural disasters power from automo- collaboration with suppliers to avoid pur-
event arises event arises event arises ural disasters
to the Board of biles during emer- chasing delays
Directors gency situations

• Helps enhance corporate • Implements operations •M

 anages the assessment • Assesses risks and oppor- b) Impact of Climate-related Risks and on page 79 describes the specific impacts on our
value by reflecting opin- related to the promotion of of product-related risks tunities related to produc-
ions and external advice sustainability and opportunities, formu- tion activities, logistics Opportunities on the Organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning.
about key sustainability-
related issues in man-
•C  onsults with the
Sustainability Meeting
lation and implementation
of strategy and plans,
activities, and other
non-production activities,
Businesses, Strategy, and Financial Planning Toyota identifies risks, determines their degree of
Roles agement practices to about key issues and sub- monitoring, etc. determines countermea- Recognizing that climate-related issues may have a significance, and sets priorities in accordance with
achieve sustainable mits reports to the Board sures, conducts monitor-
growth of Directors ing, etc. substantive impact on its businesses, strategy, and the Toyota Global Risk Management Standard
financial planning, Toyota reviews its strategy based (TGRS). Details regarding the TGRS are provided on
on the risks and opportunities associated with page 80 under “Risk Management.”
climate-related issues whenever necessary. The table

Integrated Report 78
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

The Environment (Climate Change-related Financial Disclosures Based on the TCFD Recommendations)

Impact on Strategies
Products and services Supply chains/value chains Investments in R&D
Adaptation activities and launching 10 new models and selling 1.5 million BEV
mitigation activities
units by 2026 to reach the target of 3.5 million vehicles
• Risks of decarbonization regulations in different coun- • Risks of decarbonization regulations in differ- • Risks of decarbonization regulations in different • Regulatory risks, such as the introduction
tries (fuel economy regulations, GHG*1 emission regula- ent countries (fuel economy regulations, GHG countries (fuel economy regulations, GHG emission of carbon pricing and decarbonization sold globally each year by 2030. To achieve this, we
tions, etc.) emission regulations, etc.) regulations, etc.) • Market risks, such as increased cost will advance the sale of electrified vehicles optimized
• Market risks, such as changes in consumer needs reductions, including those due to
related risks
sudden jumps in low-carbon and
to suit regional conditions and customer preferences.
renewable energy prices, etc. In addition to BEVs, we will promote electrification
The following strategies were influenced: strategy from all directions. We will flexibly and strate-
Impact on • Long-term strategy (2050 Target): Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050 announced in 2015 gically adapt total electrified vehicle sales and other
Strategies • Medium-term strategy (2030 Target): 2030 Milestone announced in 2018, SBTi*2 validation and approval in 2022
• Short-term strategy (2025 Target): 7th Toyota Environmental Action Plan announced in 2020 conditions in response to changes in the market
• Numerical targets for CO2 emissions reduction were set • Numerical targets for CO2 emissions reduction • Sales targets for electrified vehicles were set as part • Numerical targets for CO2 emissions
while leveraging the strengths that we have gained
as part of the New Vehicle Zero CO2 Emissions Challenge. in the entire value chain were set as part of the of the New Vehicle Zero CO2 Emissions Challenge. reduction related to plant operations through experience. This will encourage customers in
• Targets for Scope 3 Category 11 were approved by Life Cycle Zero CO2 Emissions Challenge. • An increase in R&D expenses was assumed in the were set as part of the Plant Zero CO2 each region to choose us and thereby accelerate the
SBTi in 2022. • The medium-term strategy takes into account promotion of R&D of electrified vehicles. Emissions Challenge.
History of
• In 2021, the decision to aim for sales of 3.5 million bat- the following: • In 2021, the decision to aim for sales of 3.5 million • In 2021, the decision to aim for carbon increased use of electrified vehicles.
tery electric vehicles (BEVs) in 2030 was announced. · Manufacturing and disposal of batteries for BEVs in 2030 was announced. neutrality at plants by 2035 was Even if battery demand increases in accordance
• In April 2023, Toyota announced a new average GHG the manufacture of electrified vehicles • In April 2023, Toyota announced a new average GHG announced.
emissions target for new vehicles and set an expansion · Collaboration with suppliers emissions target for new vehicles and set an expansion • Targets for Scope 1 and 2 were vali- with shifts in customer needs, as in the 1.5°C or less
pace target based on selling 1.5 million BEV units by 2026. · Risks and opportunities related to recycling pace target based on selling 1.5 million BEV units by 2026. dated by SBTi in 2022. future storyline, we will flexibly work toward carbon
*1 GHG: Greenhouse gases neutrality by such means as enhancing collaboration
*2 Science Based Targets initiative: Initiative established by the CDP, United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI), and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) with existing and new partners and swiftly establish-
ing production structures at suppliers that have capi-
c) Resilience of the Organization’s Strategy,
Taking into Consideration Different STEP2 STEP3 tal ties with Toyota.
In addition to increasing the number of electrified vehi-
Climate-related Scenarios, Including a Consider the Impacts on Toyota Toyota’s Strategies cles, Toyota is working on CO2-reducing off-cycle tech-
2°C or Lower Scenario nology*6 (items not necessarily reflected in driving mode
If adequate climate change measures are not imple- In April 2021, Toyota proclaimed that it would fuel efficiency). Furthermore, there is a wide range of
STEP1 mented throughout society, as described in the stat- address global-scale challenges to achieve carbon other technologies that can contribute to reducing CO2
ed policies future storyline, production suspensions neutrality by 2050. Recognizing that they can only emissions, including carbon neutral fuels that can be
Set Future Storylines Assuming Climate due to the increased frequency and severity of natu- contribute to reducing GHG emissions if they are used with vehicles already in use as well as hydrogen
Change Effects ral disasters, such as flooding, as well as production widely used (multi-pathway), we will develop diverse fuel and hydrogen engine vehicles. We are therefore
decreases and suspensions due to supply chain dis- technologies that will encourage customers in differ- working to expand options for such technologies.
Climate change and the policies of various countries ruptions are likely to increase. ent regions to choose eco-friendly vehicles. These Our efforts related to the development of new
may expose the automobile industry and mobility In the society of the 1.5°C or less future storyline, vehicles include HEVs, PHEVs, BEVs, and FCEVs. technologies to achieve a carbon neutral society
society as a whole to substantial change. These the role of electrified vehicles (especially ZEVs*4) will Toyota currently sells cars in over 200 countries and include the following.
changes will present both risks and opportunities for increase. The percentage of new vehicle sales regions, among which economic conditions, energy • Announced the launch of the new Lexus RZ450e, a
Toyota. Based on risk and opportunity analysis, using accounted for by ZEVs will increase greatly, and the and industrial policies, and customer needs vary sig- BEV-only model.
such scenarios*3 as those of the International Energy use of carbon neutral fuels*5 will also expand. With nificantly. Therefore, it is important to have a strategy • Established the Research Association of Biomass
Agency (IEA), we envisioned three future storylines of regard to the effects on production and purchasing, that offers a variety of electrified vehicle options. Innovation for Next Generation Automobile Fuels with
society and the external environment in around 2030: because the introduction of carbon taxes and Based on this electrified vehicle strategy, Toyota five other companies to research fuel production pro-
the stated policies future storyline, 2°C future sto- increased tax rates may lead to higher costs, has sold a cumulative total of over 23.15 million elec- cess efficiency improvement and promote technologi-
ryline, and 1.5°C or less future storyline. expanding the use of energy-saving technologies, trified vehicles worldwide. As one of the first compa- cal research into the use of biomass and the efficient
*3 Set with reference to such scenarios as the 4.5 equivalent renewable energy, and hydrogen to mitigate risks. nies to respond to climate change risks, Toyota has production of bioethanol fuels for vehicles.
Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) of the realized a cumulative CO2 emissions reduction of
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), IEA’s Stated
*4 ZEVs: Zero emission vehicles. Vehicles that have the potential • Joined the Hydrogen Utilization Study Group in
Policies Scenario (STEPS), Sustainable Development Scenario
to emit no CO2 or NOx during driving, such as battery EVs over 176 million tons through the marketing of these Chubu. The Study Group participates in the Chubu
(BEVs) and fuel cell EVs (FCEVs) vehicles (as of March 2023).
(SDS), and Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario (NZE)
*5 Carbon-neutral fuels: Next-generation biofuels and synthetic fuels
Conference for Promoting the Use of Hydrogen and
Going forward, with regard to BEVs, we will succes- Ammonia in Society and formulated the “Chubu
sively introduce models based on a dedicated plat- Hydrogen and Ammonia Supply Chain Vision,”
form and seek to supply practical vehicles through which sets out the direction of initiatives aiming at
battery development and production strategies. the practical introduction and use of hydrogen and
We have designated the expansion pace targets of ammonia in the Chubu region.

Integrated Report 79
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

The Environment (Climate Change-related Financial Disclosures Based on the TCFD Recommendations)

Six Private Companies Establish “Research Association of egies, we will appropriately disclose information regard- Consolidated Environmental Committee, and opportunities is an important measure for adaptation
Biomass Innovation for Next Generation Automobile Fuels” ing various ESG assessment indicators and enhance Sustainability Subcommittee and then deliberated by to and the mitigation of climate change. As such,
“Chubu Hydrogen and Ammonia Supply Chain Vision” dialogue with stakeholders, including institutional inves- the relevant divisions and officers. The above three Toyota’s metrics include not only the amount of
Established (Japanese)
tors. We believe that this will enable stable fund pro- committees each monitor the status of efforts to deal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but also other ele-
*6 Off-cycle technology: Technologies such as high efficiency light- curement and sustained corporate value enhancement. with issues in their respective areas and make revi- ments deeply related to climate change, such as
ing, waste heat recovery, active aerodynamic improvement, and
solar radiation/temperature management that improve actual Media Briefing on Batteries and Carbon Neutrality sions as needed. The Environmental Product Design energy, water, resource recycling, and biodiversity.
fuel consumption. The United States has a system of offering (September 7, 2021) Assessment Committee focuses on fuel economy These metrics are systematically incorporated into
credits in proportion to the amount of improvement achieved. Toyota Unveils New Technology That Will Change regulations and procurement; the Consolidated the following targets as the “six challenges.”
the Future of Cars (June 13, 2023)
Environmental Committee focuses on direct opera- •L ong-term strategy (2050 Target): The Toyota
Achieving Carbon Neutrality Risk Management tions, such as CO2 emission regulations on plants, Environmental Challenge 2050
logistics, and other non-production locations as well •M edium-term strategy (2030 Target): 2030
To achieve carbon neutrality in the automotive indus- a) The Organization’s Processes for Identifying as water risks; and the Sustainability Subcommittee Milestone, validation and approval by SBTi
try, it is vital that energy policies (renewable energy, and Assessing Climate-related Risks focuses on the relevance of initiatives implemented in •S hort-term strategy (2025 Target): Seventh Toyota
charging infrastructure, etc.) and industrial policies Toyota identifies, assesses, and manages all risks, consideration of issues related to promoting sustain- Environmental Action Plan
(purchasing subsidies, supplier support, battery recy- including climate-related risks, based on a Company- ability and external stakeholders.
cling systems, etc.) are advanced in a unified manner. wide risk management system called the Toyota Meetings of these three committees are held about T
 oyota aims to achieve carbon neutrality regarding
Initiatives must be implemented in coordination with Global Risk Management Standard (TGRS) that cov- four times a year with the participation of executive- Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2050 by promoting the
various stakeholders, such as national governments ers all risks related to global corporate activities. or general manager-level members of relevant divi- following initiatives, which are part of the six challenges.
and industry organizations. Risk assessment is carried out based on the two sions, such as technology, environment, finance,
In its global business activities, Toyota will coordi- perspectives of magnitude of impact and vulnerabili- purchasing, and sales. These committees assess Initiatives
Correlation between coverage and
Scopes 1, 2 and 3
nate with national governments to establish infrastruc- ties to clarify the substantive financial or strategic risks multiple times a year. Important risks and
ture for promoting electrification while implementing impact on the Company’s business. opportunities that require prompt response are Life Cycle Zero CO2
Scopes 1, 2 and 3
Emissions Challenge
electrified vehicle strategies that contribute to reducing The magnitude of impact is assessed based on reported as needed to the Board of Directors
CO2 emissions throughout the entire vehicle life cycle. the four elements of finance, reputation, violation of Meeting, where response measures are determined. New Vehicle Zero CO2 Average GHG emissions from new
Emissions Challenge vehicles (Scope 3, Category 11)*1
laws and regulations, and business continuity. Each
Initiatives in the Production Field of these is evaluated on a five-point scale, with c) How Processes for Identifying, Assessing, Corporate activities Scopes 1 and 2 + voluntary actions*2
In the production field, we have announced that we finance assessed using the ratio of the impact to and Managing Climate-related Risks are Scopes 1 and 2 at production sites +
Plant Zero CO2
aim to achieve carbon neutrality at global plants by sales as an indicator. Integrated into the Organization’s Overall Emissions Challenge voluntary actions*2
2035, and we are implementing preparations to face Vulnerabilities are assessed based on the two ele- Risk Management
*1 P
 er vehicle, gCO2e/km, well to wheel: Includes GHG emissions from the pro-
such risks as carbon taxes. We are promoting the ments of current status of countermeasures and As described above, the processes using the TGRS duction of fuel and electricity, as well as GHG emissions during vehicle oper-
reduction of CO2 emissions through comprehensive probability of occurrence. constitute a Company-wide risk management system *2 Production sites of Toyota Motor brands other than consolidated subsidiaries
energy-saving conservation and the introduction of that covers all risks and opportunities related to cor-
renewable energy and hydrogen at plants. We have b) The Organization’s Processes for Managing porate activities, including climate change. Internally, certain carbon prices are used as indi-
already achieved 100 percent renewable electricity Climate-related Risks At the meetings of the Environmental Product Design cators when examining capital investment and
use at all plants in Europe. Once risks by region, function (manufacturing, sales, Assessment Committee, Consolidated Environmental other activities.
etc.), and product are identified by each division and Committee, and Sustainability Subcommittee, which The structure of each target can be found in the
Reinforcing Strategic Resilience assessed from the perspectives of magnitude of bring together members from relevant divisions, cli- table on the next page.
impact and vulnerability according to the TGRS, each mate-related risks and opportunities are identified and
Toyota will prepare measures to respond to natural region and each group mutually cooperates and sup- assessed, and countermeasures are examined. b) Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if Appropriate,
disasters, such as formulating business continuity plans ports one another to implement a prompt response. Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions,
(BCPs), strengthening supply chains by enhancing The group chief officers and in-house company pres- Metrics and Targets and Related Risks
information gathering, and improving communication. idents supervise the activities of the in-house compa- Requests for the disclosure of non-financial information,
Working together with not only the automobile nies and, at the subordinate level, the general a) Metrics Used by the Organization to Assess such as that relating to climate change, are growing and
industry but all industries, Toyota will implement initia- managers supervise the activities of divisions and Climate-related Risks and Opportunities increasingly being legislated around the world. Toyota
tives that are both practical and sustainable, continu- implement and monitor countermeasures. in Line with Its Strategy and Risk has worked extensively over the years to disclose envi-
ously striving to ensure compatibility with the society Furthermore, climate-related risks and opportunities Management Process ronmental information and will continue to review condi-
of the 1.5°C or less future storyline. are identified and assessed by the Environmental Toyota recognizes that establishing multiple metrics tions for disclosure, as needed, so that information is
To demonstrate progress and validate Toyota’s strat- Product Design Assessment Committee, to comprehensively manage climate-related risks and released in accordance with local systems.

Integrated Report 80
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

The Environment (Climate Change-related Financial Disclosures Based on the TCFD Recommendations)

CO2 Emissions c) Targets Used by the Organization to Manage Validation and Approval of Toyota’s Emissions Environmental Management System:
Scope 1 (Direct Emissions), Scope 2 (Energy-related Climate-related Risks and Opportunities and Reduction Targets by the Science Based Targets Organizational Boundary and
Indirect Emissions) and Scope 3 (Other Indirect Performance Against Targets initiative (SBTi) Management Steps
Emissions); Global (million t-CO2) Structure of Environmental Strategies
2020 2021 2022 Validation /
Toyota is continuously monitoring social trends and Emissions
Target Base Reduction
Approval We have built an environmental management system
Scope 1 (Direct Emissions) 2.45 2.48 2.37 year year rate
customer opinions. Toyota considers which issues it class that covers 494 companies considered consolidated
Scope 2 (Energy-related
Indirect Emissions)
3.15 3.39 2.87 should focus on, quickly anticipates future issues, Scopes 1 and 2 2035 68% 1.5°C subsidiaries on an accounting basis and seven
Scope 3 -340.41*1 -267.39*1 439.45 and addresses environmental issues by applying new unconsolidated vehicle production companies (as of
Passenger light
Total -346.01*2 -395.74 575.73*3 ideas and technologies. However, global environmen- duty vehicles 2022). Under this system, we carry out the following
Scope: Toyota Motor Corporation and consolidated subsidiaries tal issues, such as climate change, water shortages, Scope 3, and light com- 2019 three steps.
Category 11 mercial vehicles Well Below
*1 Category 11 (CO2 emissions from use of products sold) covers Toyota Motor resource depletion, and biodiversity loss continue to (emission
2°C We will maintain and improve this system in the future
Corporation and Daihatsu Motor Co.
*2 The number of vehicles manufactured was lower in 2020 due to the COVID- spread and grow more serious every day. Through a intensity) Medium and so that we can further promote environmental initiatives.
19 pandemic. heavy freight 11.6%
*3 After 2022, the calculation conditions for Scope 3 Category 11 will be process of back casting from Toyota’s medium- and trucks
changed based on the SBTi Guidance. long-term vision, we determine specific activities that Environmental Management Steps
*6 SBTi validates the Scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction targets of companies
we implement in collaboration with our global consol- 1. Organize internal structures (governance system)

Cumulative CO2 Emissions Reduction Effect from as being in line with the science-based criteria established by SBTi to limit
Electrified Vehicles idated subsidiaries and business partners with the the global average temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. 2. Ensure thorough risk management and compli-
With regard to automobile companies, in conjunction with the above-
(million units)
(Cumulative) 23.15 million*
5 (million units)
aim of realizing a sustainable world. mentioned validation, SBTi also approves Scope 3, Category 11, emissions ance (including voluntary actions)
Annual sales*4, 5

Cumulative sales*4

We formulated the Toyota Environmental Challenge (gCO2e/km) reduction targets as being in line with the science-based criteria
20 Cumulative 3.0
to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C
3. Maximize environmental performance
2050 in 2015 and the 2030 Milestone in 2018 so that above pre-industrial levels.
10 1.5
each one of us can understand better these issues ISO 14001/ISO 50001
0.5 and continue to tackle challenges from a long-term In April 2023, Toyota announced its intention to
0 0
perspective, looking toward the world 20 and 30 years reduce average GHG emissions from vehicles sold As of 2022, all plants of Toyota Motor Corporation and
1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022
Cumulative CO2 emissions

0 0 in the future. In 2020, we set the 2025 Target as the worldwide by 33% from 2019 levels by 2030 and consolidated subsidiaries (121 companies) have
Annual CO2 emissions
reduction effect

most recent target of the Toyota Environmental Action over 50% by 2035.
reduction effect

50 5
obtained ISO 14001 certification, and seven of these
Plan, a five-year plan for achieving the above targets. companies have also obtained ISO 50001 certification.
150 Annual
Cumulative 20 In September 2022, we received validation and
(million t-CO2)
(Cumulative) 176 million t-CO2* 5
(million t-CO2)
approval*6 from SBTi for our Scope 1 and 2, and Awards Received
Scope 3, Category 11, reduction targets and updat-
*4 Vehicle sales figures are the total of HEV, PHEV, BEV, and FCEV sales
*5 As of March 31, 2023 ed our medium-term targets accordingly. Selected for Two CDP A Lists
In December 2022, Toyota was
selected for inclusion in the climate
Long-term targets Medium-term targets 2022 Initiatives (Results)
change A List and the water securi-
Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050 2030 Milestone
ty A List—the highest ranking in this
 chieve carbon neutrality for GHG emissions • Reduce GHG emissions by 30% throughout the vehicle life cycle*7 by • 5% reduction of GHG emissions category—by CDP.*12
throughout the vehicle life cycle*7 by 2050 2030 compared to 2019 levels compared to 2019
*12 C
 DP: An international NGO that encourages and assesses
Reduce average GHG emissions*8 from new vehicles*9 by 2030 corporate disclosures on environmental actions based on
• Reduce average GHG emissions*8 by more
• Achieve carbon neutrality for average GHG •P  assenger light duty vehicles and light commercial vehicles: 33.3% calls from global institutional investors with high levels of
than 50% from new vehicles*9 by 2035
emissions*8 from new vehicles*9 by 2050 reduction compared to 2019 levels interest in environmental issues
compared to 2019 levels
• Medium and heavy freight trucks: 11.6% reduction compared to 2019 levels
• Reduce GHG emissions from corporate
• Achieve carbon neutrality for GHG emissions
activities*10 by 68% by 2035 compared to
Disclosure of External Relations on
from corporate activities*10 by 2050
2019 levels Climate Change Policies
• 25% reduction in CO2 emissions
• Achieve zero CO2 emissions from production •A
 chieve carbon neutrality for CO2 emissions
compared to 2013 (calculation
at plants*11 by 2050 from production at plants*11 by 2035
period: January to December) Toyota publishes an annual report on its basic
stance on important climate change policies, its
*7 A pplies to GHG emissions from energy consumption in the corporate activities of Toyota Motor Corporation and financially consolidated subsidiaries as well as GHG emissions from suppliers and customers in relation to vehicles under the brands of
Toyota Motor Corporation and financially consolidated subsidiaries. (Per vehicle, Scopes 1, 2, and 3) (Applies to Toyota Motor Corporation alone in 2050) approach to external relations activities, and an
*8 Per vehicle, gCO2e/km, well to wheel: Includes GHG emissions from the production of fuel and electricity, as well as GHG emissions during vehicle operation.
*9 A pplies to finished vehicles under the brands of Toyota Motor Corporation and financially consolidated subsidiaries. (Scope 3, Category 11) (Applies to Toyota Motor Corporation alone in 2035 and 2050) overview of the economic and industry associations
*10 Applies to GHG emissions from energy consumption in the corporate activities of Toyota Motor Corporation and financially consolidated subsidiaries, as well as GHG emissions related to the production of Toyota brands other than by financially con- to which it belongs.
solidated subsidiaries (Scopes 1 and 2 + voluntary actions).
*11 Applies to CO2 emissions from energy consumption in the plants of Toyota Motor Corporation and financially consolidated subsidiaries, as well as CO2 emissions from the production of Toyota brands other than by financially consolidated subsidiaries Toyota’s Views on Climate Public Policies 2023
(Scopes 1 and 2 + voluntary actions).

Integrated Report 81
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Circular Economy

Examples of Battery 3R Initiatives energy storage system that utilizes the drive batteries Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation installed this sys-
Toyota Revs Up Battery 3R Initiatives to of electric vehicles by leveraging the technologies tem at the Eurus Tashirohira Wind Farm, with a
Achieve Circular Economy
1 Reduce cultivated in the development of electric vehicles demonstration test now under way.
Battery Innovation (HEVs, PHEVs, BEVs, and FCEVs). The system has
As Toyota advances its efforts toward introducing many features, such as: (1) the ability to simultane- 2 Rebuild and Reuse, 3 Recycle
Toyota is promoting a number of initiatives aimed at next-generation BEVs in 2026, the company is ously use a variety of battery types, as well as batter- Hybrid Battery Initiatives
realizing a “circular economy” (an economic system developing next-generation batteries that feature ies with varying degrees of degradation; (2) the ability Currently, Toyota inspects and reassembles (rebuilds)
that recycles resources), such as working toward new chemistries and even new physical structures. to greatly simplify the power conversion equipment, used nickel-metal hydride batteries removed from HEVs
the creation of carbon neutral vehicles and making From further improving the energy density of liquid resulting in lower facility costs and less energy loss in the Japanese market. The batteries have been reused
sure that the raw materials and the products that lithium-ion batteries and adopting bipolar structures during power conversion; and (3) the ability to as stationary batteries since 2013 and for vehicles since
circulate them can be used for as long as possible. for all EVs, Toyota is expanding its lineup to provide replace degraded batteries while the system is oper- 2014, as an eco-friendly renewable source of energy.
One such initiative is incorporating the 3Rs of customers with a variety of options, from low-cost, ating, resulting in lower operating costs. We will cre-
reduce, reuse, and recycle into our designs to mini- popular batteries to advanced batteries that pursue ate new value from used batteries by using sweep Initiatives in North America
mize waste. even higher performance. technology to reuse various types of used batteries We are collaborating with Redwood Materials Inc.
In particular, when it comes to batteries for electric with varying degrees of deterioration as stationary and Cirba Solutions in North America to collect and
vehicles, we will first create batteries that are Improve battery-related performance of storage batteries. In this way, we will utilize batteries recycle batteries all throughout the United States.
long-lasting and resource-efficient, allowing them to current BEVs collected from end-of-life vehicles in the future when
Redwood Materials Inc.
be used in cars for an extended period of time with For its conventional BEV models, such as the bZ4X, BEVs are widely used. In addition, by establishing a
• Battery recovery and recycling partner on the U.S.
peace of mind. Afterwards, the batteries are rebuilt Toyota is constantly working to improve vehicle prac- business that covers the entire value chain, including
West Coast
and reused, and at the end, their composite rare ticality by shortening the charging time in low ambi- the recycling of used batteries into battery materials,
• Expanding the HEV and BEV end-of-life battery
metals are recycled using a process that produces a ent temperatures via improvements to the battery we aim to promote the spread of renewable energy
recycling collaboration between the two companies
minimal amount of CO2 emissions, creating what we warm-up performance in cold weather. We are also and the efficient use of resources.
• Sourcing cathode active material (CAM) and anode
believe to be an essential battery eco-system that extending actual cruising range by reducing power To achieve this, we are working with JERA Co., Inc.,
copper foil from Redwood’s recycling network
carefully makes use of limited resources by adhering consumption and optimizing air conditioning control. which generates approximately 40% of Japan’s ther-
• Recycle recovered rare metals and return them to
to the concept of “Battery 3Rs” ( 1 Reduce, 2 mal power, to demonstrate a sweep energy storage
the battery supply chain, thereby creating a materi-
Rebuild and Reuse, and 3 Recycle). 2 Rebuild and Reuse system (1.3 MWh) at the Yokkaichi Thermal Power
als cycle within North America.
The Seventh Toyota Environmental Action Plan Sweep energy storage system for power systems Station, and we succeeded in grid-connected opera-
calls for the “establishment of a safe and efficient with batteries for BEVs tion in 2023. We are currently considering the installa- Cirba Solutions
Battery 3R system in anticipation of the spread of The prevalence of renewable energies must be tion of an even larger scale energy storage plant. • Battery recovery and recycling partner in the
electric vehicles” by 2025. We are currently working increased in order to achieve carbon neutrality, but Midwest and East
on two specific initiatives: maximize global battery expanding the adjustment capability on the power Development and demonstration of stationary • Contract signed with Cirba for the collection, stor-
recovery and detoxification and kickstart the Battery system side is just as important as increasing the storage battery systems age, testing, and processing of vehicle batteries
3R system in five regions: Japan, the U.S., Europe, number of power generation facilities. As the amount Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. •C  ollaboration with Cirba Solutions is expected to
China, and Asia. of electricity generated by renewable energies is highly (TEPCO HD) and Toyota developed a stationary stor- reduce costs associated with the transportation
In order to accelerate the Battery 3R system, it is variable as it depends on wind and sunlight, fluctua- age battery system (1 MW output, 3 MWh capacity) and logistics of used batteries for Toyota and Lexus
imperative that used batteries from electric vehicles be tions in the resulting output often go beyond the range that combines TEPCO’s operating technology and vehicles by 70%, as well as reduce CO2 emissions
collected first. Toyota seeks to increase the amount of where supply and demand can be adjusted, which is safety standards for stationary storage batteries and from transportation.
used batteries collected by leveraging such means as necessary for stable electricity supply. Because of this, Toyota’s system technology for used electrified vehi- •A  iming to extract up to 95% of critical minerals
its dealer network. With batteries circulating through- the amount of the excess output subject to power cle storage batteries. Toyota Tsusho Corporation and from used batteries
out the battery ecosystem, a stable supply of rare generation restrictions has grown year by year.
metals will be made available, leading to the wide- Conversely, the main means of adjusting for insuffi- Conventional Energy Storage Systems Toyota’s Sweep Energy Storage System
spread use of electric vehicles. We will accelerate our cient power generation is thermal power generation;
DC Sunlight DC
efforts by collaborating with various partners in accor- however, this system has drawbacks as well, including DC/DC
Converter AC
dance with the situation in each country and region, large amounts of CO2 emissions and shortages due to Solar panels AC
Battery A
Battery A
such as the availability of battery plants that can pro- aging power generation facilities. For these reasons, it DC/DC
cure batteries locally. We will thus contribute to the is anticipated that energy storage systems will be Battery Battery B Limited batteries
Battery B
development of the social infrastructure that supports DC/DC and connection Capable of direct connection of batteries and
widely used as a substitute for this approach. Converter PCS
points charging/discharging at any connection point
the widespread use of electric vehicles. In response, Toyota has developed a sweep

Integrated Report 82
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Human Resource Development

1. Diversity: Living the life you choose reexamination of work processes and workstyles, consultations with their supervisors, and question-
Employees • Enhancing systems to support employees balanc- increase mid-career recruits from 10% to 47% naire results regarding workplace management. This
Fundamental Approach ing work and family commitments and creating a (FY2023 result). We will continue efforts going for- system has made it possible to refer to each employ-
work environment where 100% of eligible employ- ward to maintain mid-career recruits (administrative ee’s previous evaluations, personnel information, and
Toyota has been focusing efforts on human resource ees can take partner childcare leave without hesi- and engineering positions as) at approximately 50% stated intent, thereby enhancing the development
development since its foundation based on the belief tation (if they choose to do so). The system will be • Introduce referrals (introduction by Toyota and allocation of employees with consistency
that monozukuri (manufacturing) depends on human in place before the end of 2023 employees) and other new means of recruitment through job assignment based on a better under-
resource development. We develop human resources • Full implementation of in-house recruitment 3. Hiring new graduates with diverse backgrounds standing of employee aptitude and intent. Results for
with the ability to continuously think and act for the ben- (newly established in-house free-agent system), • Promote the recruitment of diverse people from each half year are reflected in bonuses and perfor-
efit of others and to win supporters. In addition, in order career consultations, and other support for universities from which no graduates have previ- mance abilities demonstrated over the past year are
to advance transformation into a mobility company and employees to build their ideal career ously been hired by Toyota, technical colleges, reflected in salary raises for the following year.
fulfill the corporate mission of “Producing Happiness for 2. Growth: Seeing challenges and mistakes as fuel vocational schools, and high schools
All” in the face of a once-in-a-century transformation, for growth 4. Course-specific recruitment of new graduates Global Employee Development
we will emphasize the importance of employees— • Ensuring the best personnel are chosen for each • To accelerate the development of professional
Toyota’s most important asset—working and challeng- position by taking a close look at individual roles human resources, hire students who have a con- We seek to develop human resources who can act in
ing themselves, and aim to become a company where and skills, regardless of nationality, sex, years of crete vision of what they want to do at Toyota line with the Toyota Philosophy with the aim of trans-
anyone can take on new challenges at any time, as service, initial employment type, academic back- • Determine the course they will be assigned to at forming into a mobility company while inheriting the
many times as possible, without fear of mistakes. ground, or job type while promoting skill devel- the time of recruitment, thereby ensuring the precept of the Toyoda Principles.
To this end, we are developing Company-wide opment for all employees recruitment of diverse human resources suited to
human resources with empathy* and expertise that • Initiatives to change processes and the evalua- the characteristics of specific workplaces, such Global Executive Human Resource Development
have a positive impact on others and are capable of tion system to see challenges and failures as as with IT-related personnel The Global 21 Program aims to provide skilled
winning trust and confidence along with the ability to valuable experiences employees around the world with knowledge suitable
act to move things forward. We are implementing ini- 3. Contributions: For the future of the industry Evaluation of and Feedback to Employees for global Toyota executives and enable them to
tiatives based upon three main pillars—diversity, • Matching human resources and assets, and utiliz- exercise their strengths to the fullest in their respec-
growth, and contributions—designed to transform the ing both effectively for the benefit of the 5.5 million The work roles of Toyota employees and the main tive areas of responsibility.
Company into a place where anyone can take on new people working in the automotive industry focus of their work are to be fulfilled and defined in The program comprises the following three pillars.
challenges at any time, as many times as possible, accordance with policies. Evaluation and feedback 1. Indication of management philosophy and
without fear of mistakes. We are working to enhance resources and manage- are based on close communication between subordi- expectations of executives
* Empathy in this context is defined as the capacity to make
ment support to add capacity to promote diversity nates and superiors. • Disseminating the Toyota Philosophy and incorpo-
efforts for others, such as customers and teammates, and the and to take on new challenges—the foundation of Specifically, employees’ roles and main focus are rating it into global personnel system and training.
capacity to learn respectfully from others and keep improving the aforementioned three main pillars. determined at the beginning of each fiscal year, and 2. Human resource management
employees consult with their supervisors periodically. •A  pplying appropriate personnel evaluation stan-
Anyone can take on new challenges at Recruitment Through these consultations, supervisors assess the dards and processes in each region based on
any time, as many times as possible, employees’ self-evaluations and provide feedback. Toyota’s common values
without fear of mistakes To recruit ideal candidates, Toyota has revised its Repeating this cycle leads to employees’ capacity 3. Assignment deployment and training programs
Three main pillars of our initiatives conventional recruitment practices as follows: development. In addition, we carry out 360-degree •C  arrying out global assignments and executive training.
feedback for the purpose of employee growth. By • Holding regional succession committees to
Diversity: Living the life you choose
1. Recruitment criteria giving employees feedback on their strengths and accelerate the identification and training of
Growth: S eeing challenges and mistakes as
• To accelerate the introduction of workstyles based weaknesses from people working with them, we help next-generation leaders.
fuel for growth on teamwork and alliances in preparation for the them reflect on their own actions and make improve-
Contributions: For the future of the industry launch of mobility services, recruit more people who ments. Shifting Resources to Transform into a
are attractive for other employees to work with In 2019, our personnel system was revised to Mobility Company
Strengthening the foundation of the three pillars
• Introduce external knowledge and promote the better reward hard workers regardless of age or
Enhancing Management reexamination of work processes and workstyles qualifications. Furthermore, in 2020, we introduced To transform into a mobility company, Toyota must
resources support 2. Enhancing mid-career recruitment a system for centrally managing employee informa- promptly shift resources from existing car
• To introduce external knowledge and promote the tion, including employee evaluations, the results of manufacturing and sales businesses to new areas,
Integrated Report 83
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Human Resource Development

such as CASE and the value chain. of software talent. Specifically, we are expanding the Percentage of Employees Who Feel As part of our fundamental initiatives, we have creat-
To that end, we are proactively advancing recruit- rate of mid-career hiring and aim to increase the pro- Personal Growth (%) ed an environment in which all employees can freely
ment, reskilling, and redeployment with an eye to portion of software professionals among all mid-career FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 access and apply for consultation services and a
enhancing the potential of employees and carefully hires from 22% in FY2019 to 50% in FY2023. variety of training at any time.
Toyota Motor
examining the roles and abilities of each individual in In addition, we are working to create an in-house Corporation, 82.1 85.1 82.3 Our well-being improvement training includes man-
order to ensure the placement of the right person in the development environment encompassing the dis- non-consolidated datory ongoing group psychoeducation for all super-
right position. By doing so, we aim to enhance the patch of personnel to different industries and parts of visors and officers with the aim of preventing
competitiveness of the Company and its organizations. the supply chain. As of 2021, we had dispatched harassment and promoting well-being. In addition,
In addition, Toyota is leveraging its strength in pro- more than 400 people to Woven Planet and other Promoting Psychological Well-being all employees are offered optional psychoeducation
moting innovation, rallying all employees and man- software development entities. We plan to increase provided by dedicated staff who encourage them to
agement to transform into a mobility company. To the number of participants in reskilling education to Toyota Motor Corporation is working to improve psy- value well-being and bring about changes in aware-
enhance the effectiveness of this comprehensive 9,000 by 2025. chological well-being, aiming to have employees take ness and behavior that help both them and others
effort, we are striving to enhance communication, joy and happiness from being a key part of the auto- mutually enhance their well-being.
including holding labor-management talks throughout Employee Engagement Survey motive industry. As part of our well-being monitoring efforts, begin-
the year, and fostering a culture in which diverse Staff with a high level of expertise carry out mea- ning in FY2024, we have been conducting the Well-
human resources actively participate. At Toyota, we aim to ensure that each and every sures to promote psychological well-being for all being Survey for all employees. This survey gathers
employee thinks and acts to create a work environ- employees. Information regarding the true feelings information about subjective well-being and experi-
Hone fundamental skills, flexibility, ment where they can work actively and reach their and circumstances of employees obtained through ences of happiness as well as satisfaction with
and agility to enhance the full potential. To this end, employee engagement sur- activities conducted by our dedicated staff is ano- Company measures that can serve as key drivers.
workforce’s potential veys are conducted and analyzed every year. The nymized and sent directly to management, which We perform statistical correlation analysis using the
results are then used in planning and implementing then looks into it and uses it to improve Company results and select measures that offer significant con-
measures to enable employees to work with vigor. policies. Then, employees are surveyed again and tribution or promise to more efficiently implement
Results are shared as feedback in each workplace further improvements are made. This forms a cyclical measures that can bring about sustainable growth.
Recruitment Redeployment Reskilling to promote dialogue and improve activities. Through system that creates a sustainable, growing, and
these efforts, we are working to promote changes to healthy company.
Fostering a culture that promotes the active
participation of diverse human resources with
workplace culture from both a bottom-up perspec- First, take action. Promotion
tive through dialogue and a top-down perspective
the right person in the right position
focusing on company management.
Toyota believes that a diverse workforce is what Management To survive in an era in which the “correct”
Percentage of Employees Who Feel Satisfied
drives innovation. One initiative in securing diverse answer is unknown, it is important to be at the
with the Company (%)
human resources is the push to acquire new soft- genba (front lines) and to keep things moving.
ware talent for CASE businesses. FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Up until now, we’ve utilized the PCDA cycle to
To realize a mobility society, we have revised the Toyota Motor Corporation, Sustainable,
78.7 78.2*1 77.2*2 consider what actions we should take, make
software development structure of the Toyota Group, growing, and plans as necessary, and execute them. From
establishing a new organization in October 2023 for healthy company
FY2019 FY2022 FY2023 now on, however, we must first take action
the integrated promotion of software-related busi- Employee’s
Administrative and (Do), review the results (Check), make any
nesses and software development, replacing the true feelings Checks and
engineering 77.0 70.0* 3
67.9* 4
and improvements necessary improvements (Adjust), and finally
existing in-house structure of dispersed functions. Overseas employees
circumstances formulate ways to promote product- and
In addition, Toyota will enhance its collaboration with Shop floor
employees 70.0 72.1*3 73.5*4 region-centered management in a sustainable
Woven by Toyota to realize the Toyota Mobility Concept
through initiatives at Woven City, a mobility test course and autonomous manner (Plan). We will pro-
*1 Survey questions revised in FY2022
for software development to accelerate vehicle intelli- *2 Administrative, engineering, and gyomushoku employees (not mote our human resources by having our
gence and demonstrations of various technologies that including shop floor employees) Well-being leaders try this DCAP system for themselves
*3 Weighted averages of 18 companies Fundamental Well-being
connect people, vehicles, and society. improvement and lead their employees by example.
*4 Weighted averages of 20 companies for administrative and engi- initiatives monitoring
To meet these targets, we are stepping up the hiring neering employees and 17 companies for shop floor employees

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The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Human Resource Development

Labor-Management Discussion
may look for ways to be active in the car industry, pur-
suing ways that bring them joy and fulfillment.
Rather than having union members and Company representatives engage in disputes over wages and bonuses,
the goals of Toyota’s labor-management negotiations are to help both sides come to a better understanding of
Part 4: Becoming a Company Where
the business environment in which Toyota operates to aid in its transformation into a mobility company and for
all parties involved to engage in frank and vigorous discussions on the issues at hand. Anyone Can Take on New Challenges at
Herein lies the essence of the 1962 Joint Declaration of Labor and Management, which was signed by mem- Any Time, as Many Times as Possible,
bers of both labor and management. With phrases like “standing on common ground,” the declaration lays out a Without Fear of Mistakes.
labor-management relationship in which “the Company wishes for the happiness of its employees and the union
wishes for the development of the Company.” As a result, the Company considers the hiring of its employees to As I’ve said, I believe Toyota’s greatest asset is its
people. People make cars, and cars will play a central
be of the utmost importance and the labor-management alliance will work together to protect them.
role in our transformation into a mobility company.
At a total of four labor-management council meetings in spring 2023, President Sato shared his thoughts
on “people.” I believe the creation of cars and mobility that are
unique to Toyota will be achieved only when we
effectively harness the power of everyone working in
a way that suits them.
Part 1: The Mission of Toyota Labor independently think and take on new challenges. what’s most important is for us to first muster our own
and Management extra strength and work in a manner that takes those Things that cannot be done alone can surely be
This is precisely why we would like to strengthen our
5.5 million people into account. Should we fail to do achieved together with colleagues who work toward
investment in people, not only in terms of compensa-
We aim to maintain this labor-management relation- so, our contributions to them will become nothing the same dream together. That is a power that I
tion, but also by getting closer to each and every one
ship in which “the company wishes for the happiness more than mere talk. believe all of us here at Toyota possess.
of our employees and increasing the fulfillment and
of its employees and the employees wish for the pros- satisfaction they get from their work. We will carefully consider just what we can do now to Which is precisely why we’d like to empower people
perity of the company.” This is our most fundamental become a Toyota with power to spare, where people for the future.
pillar. As such, I’d like to engage in frank discussions The mission of Toyota’s labor and management is to
are nurtured and everyone plays an active role. Going
with members of both the labor union and manage- develop human resources capable of working ener- What’s more, the core value from which we must not
forward, we hope to continue engaging in open and
ment as we are all on the same page. getically and acting in the best interests of others. We stray is contributing to the 5.5 million people who
sincere discussions that lead to action.
Today, we take a look back at the relationship also need to connect this ability with increasing the work in the automotive industry.
between both parties over the past 13 years. competitiveness of all Toyota companies and the
The first item in the Joint Declaration of Labor and
industry as a whole. Part 3: All Members Leverage Management lays out Toyota’s mission to “contribute
For me, the most significant shift in the last 13 years
Their Individuality to the development of the national economy through
has been the permeation of the “values” that we at Part 2: Diversifying the Way We Work
Toyota must hold dear. the prosperity of the automotive industry.”
“Producing happiness for all” is only possible when
Diversity, in my opinion, is what gives humanity its I would like to once again take this starting point
“Let’s make ever-better cars.” the happiness of each and every Toyota employee
vigor, and it will undoubtedly improve medium- and to heart.
“Let’s become ‘best-in-town’ carmakers.” and the 5.5 million people in the automotive industry
long-term outcomes.
“Let’s work for the sake of others.” are first achieved. We aspire to be a firm where 5.5 million of our col-
Values such as these. With regard to accommodating a diverse way of doing leagues proclaim, “I want to work with Toyota.” To that
On top of that, today helped me to once again get the
things, there are, in my opinion, some immediate end, each and every one of us will put in a lot of effort
Can we link our actions to these core values without feeling of wanting to share the value of car-making
obstacles that must be addressed. Our discussions every day while remaining conscious of our contribu-
wavering from them? That is something I believe we being fun with so many of my colleagues.
have raised important issues regarding how to tion to the industry as a whole.
will have to answer in the future.
address practical, on-the-ground difficulties. While the challenge of creating something new with
I believe the basis for practicing these values lies in a your colleagues can be quite a daunting task, it can As failure is a part of any struggle, I believe that the
It has often been said that we live in an era in which only way to recognize the various challenges we face
labor-management partnership that permits open and also be extremely enjoyable. There are so many ways
we simply don’t know what the “correct” answer is. is through engaging in discussion.
sincere communication. We have had talks all year to get involved with car manufacturing, and I believe
However, I believe that not knowing what is “correct”
long, and I think that both labor and management that number will only continue to grow as we work Nevertheless, I believe that together we can over-
is precisely why tackling new challenges is so import-
have become more knowledgeable about workplace toward becoming a mobility company. come anything, so long as we value mutual trust
ant. By taking on various challenges through a diverse
concerns and management issues. and honest conversations.
set of values, we can boost the Company’s overall To me, car manufacturing isn’t simply designing and
I believe that Toyota’s greatest asset is its people. potential. That being said, I do feel that there are still developing a car. Rather, car manufacturing compris- For the sake of the 5.5 million people, for the sake
After all, it is people who make cars. certain factors that prevent us from taking on such es every aspect, including the creation of peripheral of our future, let’s move forward together!
challenges in the real world. value and enhancing the car’s attractiveness.
What enables car manufacturing isn’t something inor-
ganic like “manpower” or “man-hours,” but rather We are engaged in discussions regarding our contri- By providing additional possibilities, I believed that we
each individual using technology and their talents to butions to our 5.5 million colleagues. To that end, should foster an environment wherein each person

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The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I)

Fundamental Approach are balancing work and childcare people with disabilities, including those serving at LGBTQ+-related Initiatives
• From 2012: Focusing on initiatives for creating work a special-purpose subsidiary, is 2.49% as of
Toyota is working to transform from an automotive environments that motivate and inspire women and June 2023.) To ensure respect for individuals’ sexual orientation
company into a mobility company by promoting con- on supporting their participation (especially the and gender identity, Toyota strives to promote the
tinuous innovation in existing areas and taking on development of female managers) Special-purpose Subsidiary Toyota Loops development of a corporate culture of proper under-
new frontiers. To this end, we aim to ensure that • From 2021: Unconscious bias training for all inter- standing, recognition, and acceptance.
employees with diverse skills and values can demon- nal management and supervisors Toyota Loops Corporation began operation with At Toyota Motor Corporation, the prohibition on
strate their abilities to the fullest. • From 2022: Reinforcing diversity training (basic employees with disabilities in April 2009. As of June discrimination or harassment targeting LGBTQ+ peo-
Toyota does not tolerate any form of discrimination, courses and management courses) 2023, Toyota Loops employed 394 such employ- ple has been incorporated into the employee behav-
including that based on gender, age, nationality, race, ees. Toyota Loops primarily handles office support ioral guidelines, and we no longer require new
ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender Initiatives to Empower Persons with Disabilities work outsourced from Toyota, such as internal graduate candidates to fill in their gender on job
identity, disability, marital status, or the presence of printing, the collection and delivery of internal mail, applications. We have also been advancing facility-
children. We respect diverse lifestyles and workstyles We provide various work opportunities in a variety of and document digitalization. related measures, such as establishing an internal
and provide opportunities for all employees to thrive workplaces to persons with disabilities by setting up In addition, some Toyota Loops employees partici- consultation hotline and gender-neutral restrooms.
according to their ambitions and abilities. We also work environments that allow them to fully leverage pate in the development of assisted mobility vehicles, Starting from July 2020, we have introduced revised
strive to create open, harassment-free workplaces. their individual attributes and abilities based on the a form of work and contribution uniquely available to internal systems to allow employees in same-sex or
concept of a harmonious society in which all persons, people with disabilities. For example, during vehicle common-law marriages to use the same internal
Women’s Participation in the Workplace with or without disabilities, work and live together. development, wheelchair users have participated in benefit systems (holidays, employee benefits, etc.) as
For example, to help enable such individuals to uti- evaluating the ease of getting in and out of vehicles those in marriages legally recognized in Japan.
Although we have consistently striven to promote the lize their abilities, we have set up a consultation and provided opinions on aspects of the develop- In terms of corporate culture, we require all
professional participation and advancement of hotline that ensures privacy and introduced a special ment of automated driving vehicles. employees and officers to receive training covering
women globally, we recognize that gender diversity holiday system that can be used by employees to basic knowledge about LGBTQ+ issues.
remains an issue, particularly at Toyota Motor receive medical care. To ensure that people with
Corporation in Japan, and we are implementing ini- disabilities are given fair opportunities, we dispatch
tiatives that include the following. sign language interpreters, provide a variety of support
• 2002: Launch of initiatives centered on expanding tools, and make workplace improvements as needed.
and establishing measures to support women who (Toyota Motor Corporation’s rate of employment of

Promotion of Female Employee Participation: Our Challenge and Course of Action (Toyota Motor Corporation) Social Recognition
The ratio of women in managerial positions is low
Our Challenge
p. 87 Percentage of Women Hired at our Entities in Each Country/Region (FY2023)
The PRIDE Index
Increase the number of women in managerial positions in 2014 fourfold by 2025 and In November 2023, Toyota Motor Corporation was
fivefold by 2030 awarded Gold on the PRIDE Index 2022. The PRIDE
Maintain certain hiring rates for female new graduate candidates (40% or Index was established by “work with Pride,” a Japanese
Hiring above for administrative positions and 10% or above for engineering posi- volunteer organization that supports and develops diver-
tions) and the active hiring of women throughout the year
sity management initiatives for sexual minorities.
Create a system for reporting on the progress of female talent development
Our Course in each department and in-house company to the Members of the Board of
Development Top 50 Companies for Diversity 2023
of Action Directors
In May 2023, Toyota Motor North America ranked 4th in
Employee Develop and implement plans for individual employee development and uti-
the general division of the Top 50 Companies for Diversity
Development lize a mentoring system
2023 ranking published by U.S.-based Diversity Inc.
Host a global women’s conference and symposiums for managerial class
and female promotion candidates

Integrated Report 86
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I)

Promotion of Female Employee Participation: Initiatives at Major Global Operations

Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA (TME) (Belgium) Toyota Motor (China) Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) (United States)
Investment Co., Ltd.
(TMCI) (China)

• Held company-wide events during the week of International Women’s Day • Networking to promote • Annual North American Women’s Conference, to which all executive level • Unconscious bias awareness training
(video message from top management, workshops, etc.) gender diversity women and many high-potential women in middle management positions, for all managers
• Nursing break of up to one hour each as well as male directors and executives, are invited to attend in order to network
• Working couple support: Telecommuting system, • Active hiring of promising candidates to career positions
day for lactating female employees and encourage women’s participation and advancement in the workplace
part-time working regimes, support in finding employment • Unconscious bias awareness training for all managers
for spouses of employees temporary transferred to TME • Setting of targets for employment and • D&I KPIs for executives and managers are scored using a diversity scorecard to
• Women’s career development: Mentorship system, management positions encourage initiativess
sponsorship system • Diversity Advisory Board, which is responsible for monitoring and reporting on
the progress of diversity, including career development for women
Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd. (TSAM) • Childcare facilities at multiple operation sites to allow flexible workstyles for
(South Africa) employees with small children

• Leadership workshops for

management to ensure
acceptance of women and • Events sponsored by the Business Partnering Group, which provides
promote their participation and networking and educational opportunities to employees as an
advancement in the workplace organization representing the interests of minority groups
• Setting of employment targets
Toyota do Brasil Ltda. (TDB) (Brazil)
+ Toyota Argentina S.A. (TASA) (Argentina)
Toyota Daihatsu Engineering &
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TDEM) (Thailand)
• Nursing rooms
KPIs Related to the Promotion of Women’s Participation in the Workplace
We are continuing initiatives that promote women’s participation and advancement
in the workplace so that the percentage of positions held by women from initial
hiring to executive positions, will consistently increase.
Percentage of Women Hired at our Entities in Each Country/Region (FY2023) • Designation of Women’s Day, which • Healthy pregnancy program for pregnant
Average period of promotes open conversation about the employees: Guidance and advice related to
Percentage of women [%] challenges women face in balancing their health as well as orientation on
employment (years)
professional and personal lives breastfeeding and baby care
People Full-time Managerial Director
Men Women
hired employees positions positions • Unconscious bias awareness training for
all managers
Global* 1
25.5 14.2 14.8 5.5 12.0 9.3
• Setting of employment targets
• Dialogue between human resources division
Japan 27.8 13.4 3.4 12.5 16.6 13.7
and management to promote internal diversity
North America 25.0 24.0 34.0 — 11.3 9.9 via employee emplacement
Europe 36.0 19.0 15.0 0 13.3 8.6 • Mentor system to support female leaders
• Soft-landing Program to support employees
China*2 4.6 11.8 23.7 0 11 15
returning to work after childbirth
Asia-Pacific 19.0 7.0 16.0 4.0 12.9 9.9 • Support for nursing care costs for employees
Latin America 32.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.2 5.0 who return to work early
• Female prayer room • Providing all employees with children with
Africa 63.0 26.0 28.0 13.0 — — • Reserved parking area for pregnant employees essential school supplies
*1 Data for Japan and 44 overseas companies (excluding China) • Telecommuting system
*2 Data for fiscal 2022

Integrated Report 87
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities

Health and Safety Safety Initiatives 2. Safe work (risk management)

Social Contribution
Reduce and manage high-risk operations toward the
Fundamental Approach Based on a policy of promoting health through mutu- achievement of zero serious accidents Toyota proactively undertakes social contribution
al awareness-raising and the establishment and • Key to workplace safety are the 4Ss—seiri (sorting), activities that support sustainable social prosperity,
Toyota aims to provide safe workplaces in which all enhancement of a safety-focused work culture, seiton (straightening), seiso (cleaning), and seiketsu joining forces with local communities and effectively
people working for Toyota can stay physically and Toyota implements activities based on the three pil- (hygiene)—and the standardization of operations drawing on its resources to advance initiatives in
mentally healthy and continue to play an active role. lars of safe people, safe work, and safe places/envi- based on an assessment of safety risks that takes such areas as human capital development.*4 We
Health and safety policies and KPIs are formulated ronments. Toyota promotes safety and health operability into consideration. approach issues in specific areas with a sense of
by the Company safety and health supervising man- activities rooted in each worksite, aiming to ultimately ownership and take action on a Genchi Genbutsu
ager, and efforts are made at all workplaces in all reach and maintain zero accidents at all worksites. (onsite, hands-on experience) basis. We proactively
regions to improve in line with these policies. team up with partners to work toward the solutions
Three pillars of safety of broader range of social issues.
Health Initiatives 1. Safe people We have identified the areas that we will focus on:
Promote the development of human resources who “contribution to a harmonious society,” “human capital
Based on the principle of putting health first, are capable of predicting risks, comply with rules, development”*4 and “community cocreation,” as well as
Toyota’s health initiatives are focused on prevention, and think and act proactively Before After “Mobility for All,” which is Toyota’s aim in its main busi-
including the promotion of lifestyle disease preven- • Leaders who take the initiative to always demon- ness. In these areas, we work with stakeholders toward
tion, mental health, and improvements to create strate a safety-first attitude are the foundation of 3. Safe places/environments our philosophy of “producing happiness for all” and the
more fulfilling, employee-friendly work environments. people-based efforts. Safety education programs are Aim to build positive and people-friendly processes, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Through health and productivity management, we aimed at developing safety-oriented human resourc- identify issues, and quickly make decisions and *4 H
 uman capital development: Working to develop the diverse
aim for employees and the Company to grow es based on the experiences of our predecessors take action and essential potential possessed by each individual

together, increasing productivity via the active par- while reflecting changes in operations, encouraging • Work environments are managed in accordance with
Example of initiatives
ticipation of diverse human resources. us to review our daily awareness and behavior. statutory and regulatory environmental measurements
• Social contribution programs (in the areas of harmoni-
• Equipment-related measures are implemented in
ous society, human capital development, and com-
order of priority, as work environments are significantly
munity co-creation)
affected by the production equipment used, season,
• Promotion of employee volunteer activities (Toyota
and other such factors.
Volunteer Center)
• Support of activities undertaken by NPOs, NGOs, etc.
Work-related Injuries (Frequency of Lost Workday Cases*1) Expenditure for Social Contribution Activities (donations and sponsorship)
2018 2019 2020 2021 FY2023*3 (2022) • Activities to promote the understanding of automobile
Global*2 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.28 (0.30) Environment 7% and mobility culture as well as Toyota corporate cul-
Japan 0.08 0.04 0.10 0.03 0.07 (0.07) ture (Toyota Kaikan Museum, Toyota Automobile
Traffic safety 4%
North America 0.93 1.01 0.89 0.93 1.25 (1.43) Museum, etc.)
Europe 0.35 0.42 0.27 0.13 0.05 (0.05) Social contribution activity website
China 0.19 0.07 0.11 0.08 0.03 (0.03) Approx.
Asia-Pacific 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.06 (0.05) Other
19.9 Education 32%
Other 0.12 0.23 0.23 0.31 0.40 (0.37) 41% billion yen*5
All industries (Japan) 1.83 1.80 1.95 2.09 — (2.06)
Manufacturing industry (Japan) 1.20 1.20 1.21 1.31 — (1.25) *5 Toyota Motor Corporation and major subsidiaries (61 companies). The
Sources for domestic data: Statistical tables from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare sum of the components does not equal 100%, because major subsidiar-
*1 Frequency of lost workday cases: Number of deaths and injuries per 1,000,000 hours worked, calculated as (Deaths and injuries / Society and culture ies’ results have been converted to yen based on the average exchange
rate for FY2023 and rounded to the nearest whole number.
Hours worked) × 1,000,000
*2 Toyota Motor Corporation and 53 overseas locations
*3 Results calculated by fiscal year are disclosed from fiscal 2023

Integrated Report 88
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
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From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Respect for Human Rights

Fundamental Approach Toyota’s Action Taken for Forced Labor of Education Related to Human Rights
Migrant Workers (Statement on the Modern
Toyota refers to and respects the United Nations Slavery Acts) To promote the correct understanding of human nication, we implement the following human rights
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Based on the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act rights issues and non-discrimination, as well as to training for executives, employees, and business
(UNGP) and promotes actions related to human 2015 and similar legislation in other countries,*2 encourage action toward open and honest commu- partners.
rights based on the UNGP. Seeking the happiness of Toyota has issued statements under the title
Human Rights in General Anti-harassment
others is a part of Toyota’s founding principles and “Toyota’s action taken for Forced Labor of Migrant
Training for Details Training for Details
was a driving force that led to the invention of the Workers (Statement on the Modern Slavery Acts),” • Explanation of international human rights • Awareness of harassment pre-
automatic loom, which can be considered the begin- covering its domestic facilities and aimed at promot- Executives guidelines and associated expectations, the vention in various situations
(Toyota Motor Corporation) responsibilities required of companies, and
ning of Toyota. This spirit is still within us today. ing efforts at both domestic and overseas production recent key human rights issues Employees, FY2023 Results
including execu- •A ll senior professionals/senior
Under the mission of “producing happiness for all,” facilities and reporting on their current status. •E
 ducation on corporate responsibilities and tives, supervisors, management and all profes-
In this report, we disclose Toyota’s commitment to All employees their scope based on international norms using sionals/management: Approx.
within every country and every region in which we (Toyota Motor Corporation) positive and negative examples, thereby helping
overseas transfer- 7,500 employees, 2,500 hours
operate, we aim to be the best company in town, the relevant laws and describe measures we have protect human rights in daily operations ees, and new hires • All assistant managers and all
those in lower ranks: Approx.
one that is both loved and trusted by the people. The implemented to prevent any instance of modern slav- Top management and HR
 xamples of positive labor-management com- (Toyota Motor
24,000 employees, 6,000 hours
munications, past labor disputes, and Corporation)
automobile industry depends on the support of ery, including human trafficking, in either our direct employees to be transferred
labor-management negotiations as well as the
• All shop floor employees:
to overseas affiliates Approx. 41,500 employees,
numerous people, including local communities, busi- operations or supply chain. (including main suppliers)
latest trends in human rights, international
15,000 hours
norms, and regulations
ness partners (such as suppliers and dealers), and Toyota’s action taken for Forced Labor of Migrant Workers
• On-line training by psychiatry
(Statement on Modern Slavery Acts) Purchasing function employ- • Training on building healthy labor-management Supervisors
customers. We will continue to protect the human and psychology specialists
ees to be transferred to relationships at local suppliers, including human (Toyota Motor
overseas affiliates rights issues, to support ordinary purchasing FY2023 Results
rights of our employees, customers, and all people Corporation)
• Supervisors: Approx. 12,000
involved in our business activities and to improve Addressing Human Rights Issues Related to (Toyota Motor Corporation) duties at overseas postings
such protections in order to benefit these stakehold- Foreign Workers: Participating in the Japan
ers and society. Platform for Migrant Workers towards a Responsible Material Procurement
Human Rights Policy
Responsible and Inclusive Society
In 2020, Toyota took part in the establishment of the Toyota gives maximum consideration to the poten- lished a Company-wide internal task force that
Human Rights Due Diligence*1 Japan Platform for Migrant Workers towards a tially detrimental impacts of its business activities on works closely with related departments to promote
Responsible and Inclusive Society (JP MIRAI),*3 a human rights and the environment. We strive to iden- initiatives in this area.
To address human rights-related issues throughout multi-stakeholder framework for resolving issues tify, prevent, and mitigate risks, and have estab-
the supply chain, Toyota applies the Toyota Supplier faced by migrant workers in Japan. In May 2023, fol-
Implementation of Countermeasures
Sustainability Guidelines, which specifically state its lowing a year-long trial period, JP MIRAI officially
Materials Initiatives
expectation that its suppliers respect human rights. launched a grievance mechanism for migrant work-
• Commenced dialogue with and surveys of major battery manufacturers (from 2023)
Working together with suppliers on risk monitoring, ers with the aim of understanding and resolving Cobalt
• Conducted a survey on cobalt in 2020
tracking, and mitigation, Toyota provides guidance issues in a timely manner. This mechanism has the Nickel
Toyota has been advancing activities to clarify the supply chain for batteries, in which cobalt is the primary com-
ponent, using the CRT, provided by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI). We have identified several smelters
and support to potentially affected stakeholders. support and cooperation of Toyota. Natural graphite
in our supply chain.
Furthermore, we work with NGOs and other exter- *1 The process of identifying, preventing, and mitigating negative
human rights impacts • Since 2013, Toyota has implemented annual supply chain surveys in line with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance
nal stakeholders to both understand societal expec- *2 Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018, etc. for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-affected and High-risk Areas
Tin • We request that the suppliers make corrections if there are any errors and/or omissions in their responses in order
tations and assess our prioritized activities from a *3 JP MIRAI comprises over 600 members, consisting of a variety
Tantalum to improve the effectiveness of our efforts
of stakeholders, such as private companies, local govern-
third-party perspective. By doing so, we hope to ments, NPOs, academics, and lawyers
Tungsten • In cooperation with the RMI, Toyota Motor North America (based in the United States) has been participating in
Gold the activities of the Conflict-free Sourcing Working Group and the working group of the Automotive Industry
increase transparency and ensure that corporate Japan Platform for Migrant Workers towards (3TG/conflict minerals) Action Group (AIAG) on conflict minerals originating from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
activities are fair and appropriate. Conflict Minerals Report Example: Background surveys of smelters/refiners and prompting smelters/refiners to participate in the
Responsible and Inclusive Society Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP)
Conflict Minerals Report

• Toyota is a member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), has established a policy for
Natural rubber purchasing sustainable natural rubber, and advances efforts in cooperation with suppliers
Policy for Sustainable Natural Rubber Procurement

Integrated Report 89
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Value Chain Collaboration

Fundamental Approach When conducting business transactions, we con- Toyota Supplier Sustainability Guidelines Compliance with and Implementation of
clude contracts that clearly stipulate legal compli- Toyota established the Toyota Supplier Sustainability the Guidelines
We are promoting activities based on our Customer ance, respect for human rights, and considerations Guidelines in 2009 to share the importance of sustain- Checks Using Self-inspection Sheets
First policy through collaboration with suppliers for local and global environments. Internally, we work ability initiatives with suppliers and request that they To ensure understanding and implementation of the
and dealers. to raise the awareness of all our employees, including carry out business activities in line with the Guidelines. Guidelines, all domestic Toyota suppliers are request-
Toyota promotes open and fair business practices buyers, through seminars and training. In 2021, sections related to the environment and ed to periodically check the status of their implemen-
and steadily implements initiatives to promote sus- human rights were revised and expanded to reflect tation using a self-inspection sheet.
tainability. At the same time, we work closely with Organizational Structure the increasing importance of environmental and In October 2020, around 350 tier 1 suppliers,
suppliers and dealers to improve quality and provide The Purchasing Group, supervised by the chief officer human rights issues. which account for over 90 percent of our purchase
safety and peace of mind to our customers as we and deputy chief officer for purchasing, takes the lead As of March 2023, more than 90 percent of volume in Japan, submitted the results of their
strive to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. in promoting value chain collaboration activities in Toyota’s domestic suppliers have endorsed the prin- self-inspections, indicating their status of implemen-
close cooperation with relevant departments, including ciples of the Guidelines. Furthermore, the Guidelines tation. Self-inspections based on the latest version of
Supply Chains those responsible for the environment, human stipulate that tier 1 suppliers must expand the imple- the Guidelines, reflecting the November 2021 revi-
resources, and compliance, as well as the mentation of the Guidelines to tier 2 suppliers and sions, are scheduled for the near future.
Since its establishment, Toyota has worked closely Sustainability Management Department. The direction beyond to ensure that these principles are dissemi-
with suppliers in its manufacturing operations. As part and challenges of sustainability initiatives are reported nated and implemented throughout the supply chain. Responses When Problems Are Identified
of these efforts, Toyota has globally implemented its to and discussed by the Sustainability Subcommittee. The Guidelines are also shared globally, as regional When a problem is identified, we communicate with
Basic Purchasing Policies in accordance with the spirit Key issues are then reported to the Sustainability purchasing divisions apply them to overseas suppliers. the supplier concerned and ask them to make
of mutual benefit based on mutual trust between sup- Meeting for consideration, and the Board of Directors Toyota Supplier Sustainability Guidelines improvements. Our stance has always been that the
pliers and Toyota. We strive to maintain close relation- supervises and makes final decisions. business relationship may be reconsidered if no
ships with existing and new suppliers as we work improvements are made. In addition, to prevent reoc-
together to promote our Customer First policy. currences at other suppliers, we send notices
explaining the issue to suppliers and ask them to
Safety and Peace of Mind Enriching Lives implement thorough preventive measures.
Toyota’s Basic Purchasing Policies In 2020, for example, we asked suppliers to pro-
Customers vide better assistance to foreign technical internship
1. Fair Competition Based on an Open-door Policy trainees who were unable to return to their home
Toyota is open and fair to any and all suppliers, regardless of nationality, size, or whether they have countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.
done business with us before. We evaluate suppliers by quality, technological capabilities, and reliabili- Tier 1 suppliers are requested to work with tier 2
ty in delivering the required quantities on time and by their efforts in addressing social responsibilities, suppliers in the same way.
Better products at lower prices such as environmental issues.
in a timely manner Preventing Bribery
In response to the global expansion of its business and
2. Mutual Benefit Based on Mutual Trust
Toyota societal demands, Toyota has adopted the Anti-bribery
We develop mutual benefit in long-term relationships. To foster trust, we engage in close communication
Dealers/ Guidelines to ensure the thorough prevention of bribery
Suppliers with suppliers.
Distributors and corruption. Toyota is strengthening its preventive
measures by promoting awareness of the guidelines
3. Localization with Good Corporate Citizenship among its suppliers.
Production Sales After-sales service We actively procure from local suppliers, including parts, materials, tools, equipment and other materials. Anti-bribery Guidelines
In this way, we aim to contribute to the local society and be a good corporate citizen.
Mutual trust/Mutual benefit

Integrated Report 90
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Value Chain Collaboration

Supplier Hotline Awareness-raising Activities Dealers through close two-way communication as partners.
The supplier hotline has been set up to allow suppli- Toyota is working to educate and raise awareness Toyota follows a “Customer First, Dealer Second,
ers to report any violations of laws, regulations, rules, among all employees, including buyers. We request Dealers are the front line where Toyota’s Customer Manufacturer Third” approach. We work alongside
or the above guidelines while assuring anonymity. that suppliers work to promote sustainability First policy is directly observed. Toyota and its deal- dealers to meet customer expectations and raise the
through their own, voluntary initiatives while also ers share the value of its products and services and level of customer satisfaction. We believe that,
p. 71 “Speak Up” Hotline
working closely with them on cooperative constantly work as one to enhance customer satis- through these efforts, we will realize growth for both
sustainability promotion. faction based on a strong relationship of trust dealers and Toyota.

Major Initiatives Led by Toyota Support for the Compliance Activities of TNDAC*2 and Dealers
Target Audience Details Details
Training on sustainability for •D  ealers promote efforts using various inspection tools and the Legal Compliance Manual*3 in accordance
those newly assigned to • Training related to sustainability with TNDAC’s annual compliance initiative schedule
All purchasing purchasing divisions •D etails: Overview and checklists related to the following laws, the development of various inspection
division staff tools, etc.

• Regular seminars related to human rights, the environment, and

Regular seminars —L  aws related to dealers’ duties, including sales talks and responses to customers (Act on the
other sustainability topics
Protection of Personal Information, Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading
Employees dispatched Representations, Copyright Act, Consumer Contract Act, Insurance Business Act, Installment Sales
Predeparture TNDAC
overseas from • Labor relations training provided by the human resources division Act, Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, Garage Act, civil law, and criminal law)
purchasing divisions training initiatives
— Laws related to safety and the environment (Road Transport Vehicle Act, End-of-life Vehicle Recycling Law)
—L  aws related to labor and employment (Labor Standards Law, Industrial Health and Safety Act, Act on
Recent seminar topics Securing, etc., of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women, laws and ordinances
• Foreign technical internship trainees (2023) related to harassment)
• Conducted a survey on the status of foreign technical internship train- —L  aws related to transactions (Antimonopoly Law, Subcontracting Law)
ees from March to June 2023. Held a briefing on Toyota’s efforts to • TNDAC Helpline
address societal trends and environmental changes related to human •R epeated notices to dealers and employees to prevent and quickly detect any legal or regulatory violations
rights in order to spread and deepen awareness of human rights
issues throughout the supply chain. • Implemented the following initiatives in response to designated vehicle maintenance violations and improper

• Briefing on achieving carbon neutrality (2021 and 2022) handling of personal information by dealers. (From FY2022 onward)
Suppliers •C ompliance seminars for dealer representatives and other personnel
Seminars • Dissemination of specific emission calculation methods and tools to
in Japan •S upporting improvement activities at dealers by disseminating Toyota Production System (TPS) know-
help achieve CO2 reduction targets
• Presentation of items that reduce CO2 emissions Support how and holding training sessions
• Implementation of a matching service to link companies providing from Toyota •S upporting dealers’ initiatives through the distribution of a Privacy Governance Guidebook reflecting
emission reduction solutions with suppliers that are having trouble amendments of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information promulgated in April 2022
reducing their emissions • Disseminating Toyota Motor Corporation’s Human Rights Policy to dealers
• Requiring suppliers in tier 1 to encourage suppliers in tier 2 and beyond •T he policy has a particular focus on appropriate management of foreign technical internship trainees and
to participate in the initiatives above in order to disseminate this infor- creating harassment-free workplaces
mation throughout the supply chain
*2 The Toyota National Dealers’ Advisory Council (TNDAC) is an organization comprising Toyota dealers in Japan
*3 A set of tools to support voluntary legal compliance activities by dealers

Voluntary Supplier Activities*1 Support for improving customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction to improve the management of domestic dealers
Details Details
• We hold the Corporate Executive Round-table Conference to encourage corporate executives to • Customer satisfaction: Provide dealers with a customer satisfaction survey system and implement support
take the initiative in carrying out sustainability activities.
Corporate Executive activities according to the status of each dealer’s initiatives
• 2022 results
Round-table •C  ollect and share examples of dealer initiatives that are useful for improving customer satisfaction; create
Executives from Toyota attended the conference, taking part in discussions on digital transfor-
Conference opportunities for information exchange among dealers
mation. The participants shared information, identified issues, and planned measures to address
Support • Employee satisfaction: Provide dealers with workplace environment surveys and recommend their periodic
said issues.
from Toyota implementation at each dealership
Kyohokai Environmental •R  egularly hold Ever-better Company Building Workshops to promote the application of the results of
• Suppliers engage in dialogue with each other to mutually enhance awareness, improve under-
Research Group and Eihokai workplace environment surveys at dealers
SDGs Study Group standing, and advance initiatives
• Introduce an information website and consultation service (JP-MIRAI) for foreign workers in Japan on a
Volunteer Activities • Activities carried out by Toyota’s supplier associations Kyohokai and Eihokai trial basis

*1 Kyohokai and Eihokai carry out a variety of volunteer activities.

Integrated Report 91
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Vehicle Safety

Fundamental Approach thinking about each system as a separate component. a virtual human body model. THUMS is being used in motor-vehicle-only roadways. The Advanced Drive
These are the approaches behind our Integrated the research and development of a variety of safety on-board system will appropriately detect the vehicle’s
For Toyota to achieve its ultimate goal of eliminating Safety Management Concept. technologies, including seat belts, airbags, and other surroundings, make decisions, and assist driving
traffic accident causalities, the development of safe safety devices, as well as vehicle structures that miti- under the driver’s supervision according to actual traf-
vehicles is, of course, important, but it is also essen- Active Safety gate injuries in accidents involving pedestrians. Toyota fic conditions. It can keep the vehicle in its lane, main-
tial to educate people, including drivers and pedestri- made the THUMS software available on its website tain the distance from other vehicles, navigate a lane
ans, and to ensure safe traffic infrastructure, The Toyota Safety Sense system packages multiple free of charge in January 2021 in the hope that as split, change lanes, and overtake other vehicles until
including traffic signals and roads. active safety functions that help reduce serious traffic many users as possible will benefit from it. leaving the roadway for the destination. The system
To achieve a safe mobility society, Toyota believes accidents causing death or injury. The major func- achieves high levels of safety and peace of mind,
it will be important to implement an integrated three- tions Pre-Collision Safety (PCS), which assists in Emergency Response reducing driver fatigue and providing a pleasant jour-
part initiative involving people, vehicles, and the traffic avoiding and mitigating damage from collisions with ney to the driver’s destination.
environment, as well as to pursue real-world safety cars ahead or pedestrians; Lane Departure Alert Every minute counts in the response to an accident Deep learning-focused AI technologies support
by learning from actual accidents and incorporating (LDA), which contributes to preventing accidents or medical emergency. In the event of an accident or driving by predicting and responding to a wide variety
that knowledge into vehicle development. caused by leaving the lane of travel; and Automatic medical emergency, Toyota’s HELPNET® emergency of situations that could occur when driving. In addi-
Toyota has defined its Integrated Safety High Beam (AHB), which helps ensure optimal for- reporting system service contacts a dedicated oper- tion, Advanced Drive uses software updates, allow-
Management Concept as the basic philosophy ward visibility during nighttime driving. ator that then contacts police, fire, or ambulance ser- ing cars to stay up to date with the latest software via
behind its technologies for eliminating traffic casual- Since its market launch in 2015, Toyota Safety vices to ensure the rapid dispatch of emergency either a wireless or wired connection.
ties and is moving forward with development. Sense has been installed in more than 40.5 million vehicles. HELPNET® automatically contacts an oper- Cars have many uses, and needs continue to
vehicles globally (as of July 2023). Toyota Safety ator when the airbags deploy and supports D-Call diversify. Accordingly, Toyota is advancing R&D into
Integrated Safety Management Concept Sense is now available on nearly all passenger car Net®, a service that makes quick deployment deci- automated driving technologies not only for personal-
models (as standard or option) in the Japanese, U.S., sions for air ambulances. This service is provided by ly owned vehicles (POVs), but also in the field of
Toyota provides optimized driver support for reason- and European markets. It has also been introduced sending vehicle data to the HELPNET center from an mobility as a service (MaaS) for people and goods.
able safety at every stage of driving, from parking to in a total of 144 countries and regions, including such on-board data communication module (DCM). Toyota is one of the first companies to launch
normal operation, the moment before a collision, key markets as China, other select Asian countries, advanced automated driving technology for vehicles
during a collision, and post-collision emergency the Middle East, and Australia. Automated Driving Technologies sold to corporate customers. Data collected from
response. We also aim to enhance safety by reinforc- these vehicles will then be collected, analyzed, and
ing links between vehicle safety systems, rather than Passive Safety Toyota has been engaged in the research and devel- fed back into development to further evolve automat-
opment of automated driving technologies since the ed driving technologies.
Raising awareness of traffic Passive safety combines vehicle bodies that absorb 1990s. The Mobility Teammate Concept is an auto-
Development of tech-
nologies for accident
safety through lectures, etc. the energy of collisions with devices that provide mated driving concept unique to Toyota that seeks to Raising Traffic Safety Awareness
avoidance and driver/ Traffic environment support to protect drivers, passengers, and pedestri- enhance communication between drivers and their
passenger protection Information on traffic
in collisions jams, and maintenance ans and thereby minimize collision damage. cars, enabling them to assist one another in coordi- Toyota carries out awareness-raising initiatives for driv-
Three Part and management of traf- In 1995, in the pursuit of world-leading safety, nated driving as companions. Rather than cars taking ers and pedestrians to help prevent traffic accidents.
fic lights and roads
Initiative Toyota created its own stringent internal target related over driving from people and replacing them, drivers One such initiative for drivers is the Toyota Driver
to passive safety performance called “Global and cars act as partners to protect one another so Communication safe driving technique seminar held
Accident investigation
Development and
and analysis
Outstanding Assessment (GOA)” and developed a col- that drivers can enjoy the experience of driving while periodically at Toyota Safety Education Center
Evaluation of actual Investigation and analysis of lision-safety body structure and passenger protection deferring to automated driving at times, achieving truly Mobilitas, on the grounds of Fuji Speedway. For
vehicles to work actual accidents
devices. Since then, Toyota has continued to evolve safe, secure, and unrestricted mobility. pedestrians, in cooperation with Toyota dealers
toward safe vehicles
and incorporate pre- Simulations GOA, striving to improve the real-world safety perfor- The Lexus LS and Mirai models launched in April across Japan, Toyota has been donating traffic safety
ventive technologies Accident simulation
into vehicles to develop preventive mance of its vehicles in a wide variety of accidents. 2021 are equipped with Toyota/Lexus Teammate teaching materials to kindergartens and nursery
Pursuing measures
Real-world To analyze vehicle-related injuries, Toyota state-of-the-art driving assist technology, with some schools nationwide since 1969.
Safety collaborated with Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. to grades including Advanced Drive, a system that
develop the Total Human Model for Safety (THUMS), assists driving on an expressways or other

Integrated Report 92
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

The Key to Zero is Love——Shared

Vehicle Safety Commitment to Traffic Safety
Transcends Company Lines

Tateshina Meeting: Transforming Passion into Action

Deaths and Injuries from Traffic Accidents in Japan
■ Deaths Injuries
In the verdant foothills of Mt. Tateshina in The Tateshina Meeting, held 1,155,707
Chino City, Nagano Prefecture, is nestled during the Summer Festival, was 896,297
Shoko-ji Temple. inaugurated in 2019 in response 981,096 790,295
Shoko-ji Temple was established by Toyota to then-President Akio Toyoda’s
and Toyota dealers in 1970 as a site to pray insistence that safety technology 598,719
for victims of traffic accidents and the elimi- can only contribute to society if it
nation of future accidents. Since then, every is widespread, and that this calls 289,156
year, on July 17 and 18, Toyota’s top man- for partnerships, rather than just
agement and representatives from dealers competition. The meeting serves
around the country gather at Shoko-ji for a as a forum for discussion and
Summer Festival, offering prayers for the partnership building aimed at 12,055
safety of all drivers. eliminating traffic accident fatali- 11,227
2023 marked the 53rd annual festival. ties. In 2023, approximately 100 8,760 9,073
Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda and President individuals participated, including
Koji Sato, together with other participants, executives from over 30 compa- 4,948 2,636
lit candles at the temple, offering prayers for nies and organizations from Japan
the victims of traffic accidents. and overseas.
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

A Message to the World: Working toward Diving Deeper in the Keynote Speech
Zero Casualties The Mount Tateshina Shoko-ji Temple Summer Festival. On that occasion, Dr. Pratt noted that in
Festival is held at this time every year. 2013, 1.25 million people had perished in traffic In Japan, advances in vehicle safety have been
accidents across the globe. accompanied by measures targeting people and
This temple was constructed some 50 years ago, infrastructure, including traffic safety education and
during a period known as the “Traffic War,” when More recently in 2021, the global figure had risen to 30 km/h zones. As a result, the number of traffic
road accident deaths in Japan were at their peak. 1.3 million, of which Japan accounted for 3,000. On accident casualties has fallen from 16,765 in 1970,
We wanted to do whatever we could to bring the behalf of Japan, which has been striving toward the year of the so-called “First Traffic War,” to 2,636
number of traffic accident casualties down to zero. nationwide zero traffic accident casualties, I hope in 2021. However, while traffic accident casualties are
that this safety conference, representing the 5.5 mil- decreasing, the decline has slowed and started to
At that time, 16,000 people lost their lives in traffic lion people of Japan’s auto industry, will serve as a plateau in recent years.
accidents every year in Japan. Although that first step in sharing our message to the world. The keynote speech looked back on past traffic
number has fallen to less than 3,000 today, we are safety initiatives, such as the development of safety
still far from reaching the initial goal of zero traffic With the world focused on tackling environmental technologies, legislation, and infrastructure. This was
accident casualties. challenges, I would like to spend this day putting followed by presentations on cutting-edge efforts to
Akio Toyoda, safety first. Today, let’s make safety our top priority. make cars even more intelligent. The final presenta-
Chairman In 2019, a year before the temple’s 50th anniversa- tion explored the possibility of combining humans
ry, Dr. Gill Pratt gave a presentation on safe driving and AI in the future to maximize the capabilities of
here in Tateshina ahead of the Shoko-ji Summer both, leading to safer driving.

Integrated Report 93
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Vehicle Safety

Spurring Vast Collaboration to Achieve self-centered “I,” to ensure we are moving in the Formation of Subcommittees to
Traffic Safety right direction. Collaborate with a Wide Array of
Companies and Organizations
President Koji Sato wrapped up the proceedings, Positioning the Summer Festival and prayer as
remarking that the key to pursuing the shared goal the jumping-off point of our efforts helps us On the day of the meeting, subcommittees were
of zero traffic casualties lies not in each person understand that our goal must be zero, and that also formed to more effectively pursue the traffic
striving on their own, but rather in spurring vast col- we must all do our part to achieve the shared safety initiatives raised at the Tateshina Meeting. In
laborations through which everyone contributes to objective of zero traffic accident casualties. light of the keynote speech’s discussion of the sig-
traffic safety. He also spoke of his hopes to develop nificance of leveraging the elements of our three-
next year’s meeting into one in which participants If we approach this from the “I” perspective, we part initiative—people, vehicles, and traffic
will return and share the results of their actions. can’t help but see things in terms of industry suc- environment—to attain zero fatalities and injuries in
cess, or feel that we are already doing our best, traffic accidents, 35 companies and organizations
and there is nothing more we can do. have decided to enhance cross-organizational coop-
Dr. Gill Pratt,
Toyota Research Institute (TRI) CEO eration in order to carry out our three-part initiatives in
Instead, I realized that starting with an offering of five areas: Data utilization and visualization of danger-
prayers unites the Tateshina Meeting and ous locations; safe driving support for the elderly; new
Like all technologies since the advent of fire, gener- Summer Festival around a single powerful idea: awareness-raising activities for children; bicycles and
ative AI [which has potential for use in future safety working together toward the shared goal of zero motorbikes; and overseas.
technology] holds the potential to yield both positive traffic casualties.
and negative results. When used positively, technol-
ogy allows companies to create products imbued In pursuing that zero casualties goal, the key lies
with a greater love for their customers. not in each of us striving on our own, but rather
in spurring vast collaborations through which we
Customers can tell whether a company loves them all contribute to traffic safety.
or not. If companies make products that show love
 oji Sato,
for customers [by positively leveraging AI], those Despite our different backgrounds, we all have
customers will return the love, both to the product the same goal as we work toward creating a
and the company that created it. mobility society. Today made me realize that
I now believe that there is actually a very profound there are still many problems we can solve List of the Tateshina Meeting subcommittees and
As the AI age draws near, nurturing empathy and significance in the fact that Chairman Toyoda through collaboration and highlighted the impor- participating companies
consideration for others from early childhood began this meeting with talk of Mount Tateshina tance of tackling them together.
Subcommittee Secretariat
gives the Japanese an advantage in creating in his opening remarks. This meeting will be fol-
products imbued with love. This trait of Japanese lowed by the Summer Festival, through which we This Tateshina Meeting has given me Data utilization and visualization of dangerous locations subcommittee
culture will prove to be the most important source offer up our prayers. The act of praying itself renewed purpose.
of competitive strength. embodies a spirit of altruism, wishing for the hap-
New awareness-raising activities for children subcommittee
piness of someone other than yourself. When we leave this room, rather than seeing it as
a return to our other—original—selves, I hope
One of today’s themes was the word “love.” that we will all pledge to act, so that at next Bicycles and motorbikes subcommittee
year’s meeting we can each share the results of
Dr. Pratt reminded us of the need to think with our actions and say, “This is how I felt here last Safe driving support for the elderly subcommittee Overseas subcommittee
love. In Japanese, however, the word for “love,” year, at the Tateshina Meeting that began with
ai, sounds very much like “I”—when considering talk of Mount Tateshina, and this is what it * The lists of companies primarily reflect order of registration with the
traffic safety, our focus must be ai, not the inspired me to do.” subcommittee, and changes made to some of the main companies, etc.

Integrated Report 94
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Quality and Information Security

Toyota sees quality as the combination of product qualification-specific education in quality assurance. management, human resource management, techni-
Quality quality, sales and service quality, and, as the founda- Furthermore, February 24, the anniversary of the day cal security, physical security, and incident/accident
Fundamental Approach tion supporting these, the quality of the work per- that then-President Akio Toyoda attended the U.S. response. To adapt to the latest environmental
formed by each employee. Congressional hearings held to investigate the series changes, the ATSG are revised periodically.
The origins of Toyota’s “Customer First” and “Quality We believe that products and services that gain of recall issues that occurred in 2010, has been des- By annually inspecting the information security ini-
First” principles lie in the Five Main Principles of the confidence of customers can be created only ignated “Toyota Restart Day.” We have created tiatives being implemented at consolidated subsidiar-
Toyoda, which embody the thinking of Sakichi when all employees across every process—from mechanisms and are taking measures to raise ies and other Group companies in line with the
Toyoda, and the spirit of audit and improvement development, purchasing, production, and sales to awareness in order to keep the lessons learned from ATSG, Toyota works to ensure the continuous main-
espoused by Kiichiro Toyoda. Since its foundation, after-sales service—build quality into their work, the series of recall issues fresh. tenance and improvement of their information securi-
Toyota has built a corporate culture that focuses par- coordinate with one another across processes, and In 2014, Toyota established its Customer Quality ty. A specialized team continuously carries out
ticular attention on quality that will produce customer implement the quality assurance cycle. Learning Center as a crucial education facility for on-site audits of each company to check responses
smiles and on Kaizen (continuous improvement) conveying the experiences and lessons learned from to the ATSG and the status of implementation of
achieved through Genchi Genbutsu (onsite, hands- Fostering Awareness and Corporate Culture the series of recall issues to future generations of physical security measures at each company.
on experience). Each employee in every area main- employees. Recent quality issues are added to Furthermore, in terms of automobile-related initia-
tains a constant and strong awareness of issues and To foster a corporate culture in which each member update the Center’s program every year to maintain tives, Toyota is a member of the Automotive
a sense of ownership, making ongoing efforts to is committed to building in high quality, Toyota works focus on lessons we have learned. We have also set Information Sharing & Analysis Center (Auto-ISAC) in
implement Kaizen and collaborate closely with per- to develop human resources and improve work quali- up customer quality learning centers unique to indi- Japan and the United States, a framework for shar-
sonnel in other fields in order to enhance customer ty by holding quality awareness promotion events vidual plants and global sites as part of efforts to ing knowledge related to information security. Toyota
safety, peace of mind, and satisfaction. for all employees every year and by providing ensure employees in each region and at each plant actively utilizes this framework to learn promptly
thoroughly understand the importance of quality. about cases that occur within the industry and put
them to use in development.
Audit and improvement
Information Security Defending against Information Leaks
Quality Assurance Cycle Fundamental Approach and External Attacks

Sales and after-sales service Product planning

Cyberattacks are growing more sophisticated and com- To defend against information leaks and external
• Collection of quality information • Product plan formulation plex. Their corporate targets include confidential infor- attacks, a specialized team performs information
in the market • Development target setting gathering and monitoring functions. When problems
• Dealer education and instruction • Quality target setting, etc. mation, information systems, and plant and vehicle
• Service parts warranty, etc. control system networks, such as those for onboard arise, a response team, that includes members of
devices, as well as supply chains. Toyota strives to pro- management, is formed to resolve the situation
Logistics Quality assurance tect information assets against the threat and risks of appropriately and promptly.
cyberattacks and ensure customer safety and peace of The specialized team conducts training at least
• Establishment of and instruction • Product basic plan formulation
on transportation standards • Design quality assurance mind. We implement measures to prevent information once a year based on assumptions of increasingly
• Quality deterioration prevention,
• Prototype evaluation, etc.
leakage based on the Information Security Policy. complex and sophisticated threats and prepares pro-
Purchasing Information Security Policy cedure scenarios for rapid recovery to ensure readi-
ness in case of a large-scale issue.
• Verification of supplier capability
• Conclusion of business contracts, Information Security Initiatives In addition, we receive third-party evaluations based
Inspection etc.
Production preparations on NIST SP800-82/53, ISO 27001/27002, IEC 62443,
• Inspection planning and imple- To prevent leaks of confidential information and pro- and other standards regarding the status of security
mentation • Process and equipment planning
• Checking and maintenance of Production • Process capability allocation tect product information assets from cyberattacks, measures pertaining to management and technical
inspection tools, equipment, etc. • Inspection method establishment
• Manufacturing quality assurance and measurement of initial
Toyota implements inspections and audits based on aspects of security systems. We implement measures
• Process maintenance and products, etc. the All Toyota Security Guidelines (ATSG). to address problems identified through these evalua-
control, etc.
The ATSG ensure information security through a tions as needed, working to raise the level of security.
multi-faceted approach encompassing organizational

Integrated Report 95
The Source of Value Creation Story: Message from the CSO Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors Dialogue with Shareholders and Investorse
Business Foundations for Corporate Governance Message from the CFO Capital Strategy The Environment Circular Economy Human Resource Development
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Respect for Human Rights
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company
Value Chain Collaboration Vehicle Safety Quality and Information Security Intellectual Property and Privacy

Intellectual Property and Privacy

focusing resources on such areas as carbon neu- R&D, and intellectual property, Toyota maintains the respects privacy as a member of international
Intellectual Property trality, including the development of electrified vehi- Intellectual Property Management Committee. The society. By appropriately managing and correctly
Fundamental Approach cles and batteries, and on software and connected members of the Committee discuss and make deci- utilizing information, Toyota strives to make
initiatives, including connected and automated driv- sions on matters related to obtaining and utilizing ever-better cars and contribute to enriching the lives
By ambitiously engaging in forward-looking research ing technologies. We are also reinforcing efforts to important intellectual property conducive to manage- of communities.
and development, Toyota strives to enhance prod- obtain and utilize intellectual property licenses in ment as well as policy for responding to management Specifically, based on the Toyota Code of
uct appeal and technological prowess, which have such areas to strengthen our future competitive- risks related to intellectual property. Conduct and the basic policies for the protection of
served as the sources of its competitiveness. At the ness. personal information established in each country
core of its products created through this research Intellectual Property Activity Achievements and region, we have set up and operate a privacy
and development lies intellectual property, including Organizational Structure Toyota files approximately 14,000 patents annually governance framework centered on the appropriate
inventions, know-how, and brands. This intellectual With intellectual property functions at its R&D centers in Japan and abroad and successfully registers management and protection of personal information
property constitutes an important management in Japan, the United States, Europe, and China, approximately 11,000. and other data related to privacy. While maintaining
resource. By protecting and utilizing our intellectual Toyota supports technological development globally In 2022, Toyota was the holder of the most pat- compliance with the Act on the Protection of
property in an appropriate manner, we strive to con- through the organic and systematic coordination of ents among car manufacturers in Japan and the Personal Information and other laws and regula-
tribute to society. R&D and intellectual property activities. We work in United States. tions, Toyota strives to utilize information to solve
collaboration with approximately 110 highly capable social issues and provide better products
Intellectual Property Activities law firms around the world to collect intellectual prop- Privacy and services.
erty information and appropriately handle any intellec-
Toyota Code of Conduct (Personal Information)
To realize the mobility society of the future, Toyota is tual property disputes that may arise in specific Based on its “Customer First” policy, Toyota com-
carrying out intellectual property activities in line countries or regions. plies with the relevant laws and regulations of the
with management priorities. For example, we are To enhance the close coordination of management, countries and regions in which it operates and

Code of Conduct
Other vehicle technologies
Other vehicle technologies (Engine, body, chassis, etc.)
(Engine, body, chassis, etc.)
49% Customer first Carefully and sincerely listen to and consider consumer feedback on privacy issues
75% Electrified vehicles
14% 19% Quality first
Practice Privacy by Design by taking privacy considerations into account early in the
development and operation of products and services

Registered Patents
7% Patents by Product and Use consumer personal information responsibly to develop products and services
by Technological Technological Field experience tailored to the consumer with the goal of achieving consumer happiness and satisfaction
Field in 2012 Automated in 2022* Electrified
driving vehicles
Ensure that personal information is managed and processed throughout the enterprise
3% 18% Compliance
in a manner that complies with applicable laws and regulations
1% Connected
By cooperating and coordinating on privacy issues across all business functions
9% Stakeholders throughout the enterprise, work to create and sustain an appropriate personal
Automated driving information management system

Human resource development
*Total patents registered or under application in Japan and overseas
Promote a corporate culture that respects privacy via continuous training and education

Integrated Report 96
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (As of January 2024)

Brief career summary Brief career summary

Akio Toyoda Apr. 1984 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation Hiroki Apr. 1987 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation
Male Jun. 2000 Member of the Board of Directors of Toyota Motor Corporation Nakajima Apr. 2014 Executive General Manager of Toyota Motor Corporation
May 3, 1956 Jun. 2001 Chief Officer of the Asia and China Operations Center of Apr. 2015 Managing Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation
Toyota Motor Corporation Jan. 2020 Operating Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation
Chairman of the April 10, 1962
Board of Directors Jun. 2002 Managing Director of Toyota Motor Corporation President of Mid-size Vehicle Company (to present)
Jun. 2003 Senior Managing Director of Toyota Motor Corporation Member of the Board
Feb. 2021 President of CV Company of Toyota Motor Corporation
Position and areas of
Jan. 2005 Chief Officer of the Asia, Oceania & Middle East Operations Group
of Directors
responsibility Apr. 2023 Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of Toyota
Chief Officer of the China Operations Group of Toyota Position and areas of Motor Corporation
Chairman of the Board of Motor Corporation responsibility
Directors Jun. 2023 Member of the Board of Directors, Operating Officer and
Jun. 2005 Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Corporation Chief Technology Officer Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Corporation
Representative Director in charge of IT & ITS, etc. of Toyota (to present)
Motor Corporation
Jun. 2009 President of Toyota Motor Corporation
Apr. 2023 Chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation (to present)

Brief career summary Brief career summary

Shigeru Apr. 1977 Joined Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd. Yoichi Apr. 1986 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation
Hayakawa Jun. 2007 Managing Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation Miyazaki Apr. 2015 Managing Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation
Sep. 2007 President of Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Apr. 2017 Chief Executive Officer, East Asia & Oceania Region of Toyota
Male Male Motor Corporation
September 15, 1953 Apr. 2012 Senior Managing Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation October 19, 1963
Apr. 2013 Chief Officer of the External Affairs & Public Affairs Group Jan. 2019 Operating Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation
Vice Chairman of the Member of the Board Jun. 2020 Regional CEO of Asia operations of Toyota Motor Corporation
of Toyota Motor Corporation
Board of Directors of Directors
Jun. 2015 Member of the Board of Directors and Senior Managing Apr. 2022 Operating Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation President,
Position and areas of Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation Position and areas of Business Planning & Operation of Toyota Motor Corporation
responsibility responsibility (to present)
Apr. 2017 Vice Chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation (to present)
Chief Financial Officer Apr. 2023 Operating Officer, Executive Vice President of Toyota
Chief Privacy Officer
Chief Competitive Officer Motor Corporation
Chairman of the Executive Member of the Executive
Appointment Meeting Jun. 2023 Member of the Board of Directors, Operating Officer and
Appointment Meeting
Chairman of the Executive Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Corporation
Member of the Executive
Compensation Meeting Compensation Meeting (to present)

Brief career summary Brief career summary

Koji Sato Apr. 1992 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation Simon Sep. 1988 Joined DCA Design, UK
Male Apr. 2017 Executive General Manager of Toyota Motor Corporation Humphries Nov. 1989 ILI Design Inc., Japan
October 19, 1969 Jan. 2020 Operating Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation Sep. 1994 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation
President, Member of President of Lexus International Co. of Toyota Motor Corporation March 30, 1967 Jul. 2016 President of Toyota Europe Design Development S.A.R.L.
the Board of Directors Sep. 2020 President of GAZOO Racing Company of Toyota Jan. 2018 Executive General Manager of Toyota Motor Corporation
Motor Corporation Member of the Board
Apr. 2023 Operating Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation
Position and areas of
Jan. 2021 Operating Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation
of Directors
responsibility Jun. 2023 Member of the Board of Directors, Operating Officer of Toyota
Apr. 2023 Operating Officer and President of Toyota Motor Corporation Position and areas of Motor Corporation (to present)
Chief Executive Officer responsibility
Jun. 2023 Member of the Board of Directors, Operating Officer and
President of Toyota Motor Corporation (to present) Chief Branding Officer

Integrated Report 97
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Brief career summary Brief career summary

Ikuro Apr. 1981 Joined Ministry of International Trade and Industry Masahiko Apr. 1984 Joined The Mitsui Bank Limited
Sugawara Jul. 2010 Director-General of the Industrial Science and Technology
Policy and Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade
Oshima Apr. 2012 Executive Officer of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Apr. 2014 Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
Male and Industry Male Corporation
March 6, 1957 Sep. 2012 Director-General of the Manufacturing Industries Bureau, September 13, 1960 Mar. 2017 Director and Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo Mitsui
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Banking Corporation
Member of the Board Member of the Board
of Directors Jun. 2013 Director-General of the Economic and Industrial Policy of Directors Apr. 2017 Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo
Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mitsui Banking Corporation
Position and areas of Jul. 2015 Vice-Minister of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Position and areas of Apr. 2018 Senior Managing Corporate Executive Officer of Sumitomo
responsibility responsibility Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
Jul. 2017 Retired from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Member of the Executive Member of the Executive Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo
Aug. 2017 Special Advisor to the Cabinet Mitsui Banking Corporation
Appointment Meeting Appointment Meeting
Jun. 2018 Retired as Special Advisor to the Cabinet Apr. 2019 Director and Deputy President of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial
Member of the Executive Member of the Executive
Compensation Meeting Member of the Board of Directors of Toyota Motor Compensation Meeting Group, Inc.
Corporation (to present) Deputy President and Executive Officer of Sumitomo Mitsui
Banking Corporation
Apr. 2023 Deputy Chairman of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Outside Independent Outside Independent
(to present)
Jun. 2023 Member of the Board of Directors of Toyota Moter Corporation
(to present)

Brief career summary Brief career summary

Sir Philip Jul. 1989 Founding President of the International Wheelchair Emi Osono Apr. 1988 Joined The Sumitomo Bank, Limited
Craven Basketball Federation Female Apr. 1998 Assistant Professor at Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific
Dec. 2001 President of the International Paralympic Committee August 8, 1965 Studies (WIAPS)
Male Jul. 2002 Retired as President of the International Wheelchair Apr. 2000 Assistant Professor at School of International Corporate
July 4, 1950 Basketball Federation
Member of the Board Strategy, Hitotsubashi University Business School
of Directors
Member of the Board Sep. 2017 Retired as President of the International Paralympic Committee Oct. 2002 Associate Professor at School of International Corporate
of Directors Jun. 2018 Member of the Board of Directors of Toyota Motor Position and areas of Strategy, Hitotsubashi University Business School
Corporation (to present) responsibility Apr. 2010 Professor at School of International Corporate Strategy,
Position and areas of
Member of the Executive Hitotsubashi University Business School
Appointment Meeting Apr. 2018 Professor at School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi
Member of the Executive Member of the Executive University Business School
Appointment Meeting Compensation Meeting Apr. 2022 Dean and Professor at School of International Corporate
Member of the Executive
Compensation Meeting Strategy, Hitotsubashi University Business School (to present)
Jun. 2023 Member of the Board of Directors of Toyota Motor
Corporation (to present)
Outside Independent Outside Independent

Integrated Report 98
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Brief career summary Brief career summary

Masahide Oct. 1972 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation George Jul. 1986 Joined S.G. Warburg & Co., Ltd.
Yasuda Jan. 2000 General Manager, Overseas Parts Division of Toyota
Motor Corporation
Olcott Feb. 1999 President of UBS Asset Management (Japan)
Jun. 2000 Managing Director of Equity Capital Market of UBS
Male Male Warburg Tokyo
Jun. 2007 President of Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd.
April 1, 1949 May 7, 1955 Sep. 2001 Doctoral Program, Judge Business School, University
May 2014 Chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd. of Cambridge
Full-time Audit & Jun. 2018 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Toyota Motor Audit & Supervisory Mar. 2005 FME Teaching Fellow of Judge Business School, University
Supervisory Board Corporation (to present) Board Member of Cambridge
Member Mar. 2008 Senior Fellow of Judge Business School, University
of Cambridge
Jun. 2022 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Toyota Motor Corporation
(to present)

Outside Independent

Brief career summary Brief career summary

Katsuyuki Apr. 1985 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation Ryuji Sakai Apr. 1985 Joined Nagashima & Ohno
Ogura Jan. 2012 Seconded to Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (TMCI) Male Sep. 1990 Joined Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati (USA)
Jan. 2015 General Manager, Affiliated Companies Finance Dept. of August 7, 1957 Jan. 1995 Partner at Nagashima & Ohno
Male Toyota Motor Corporation
January 25, 1963 Audit & Supervisory Jan. 2000 Partner at Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu
Jan. 2018 General Manager of Audit & Supervisory Board Office of Dec. 2022 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Toyota Motor
Board Member
Full-time Audit & Toyota Motor Corporation Corporation (to present)
Supervisory Board Jun. 2019 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Toyota Motor Jan. 2023 Senior Counsel at Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu
Member Corporation (to present) (to present)

Outside Independent

Brief career summary Brief career summary

Takeshi Apr. 1977 Joined Toyota Motor Corporation Catherine Jan. 1987 Joined Japan Travel Bureau Inc.
Shirane Jan. 2001 General Manager of Production Control Division of Toyota
Motor Corporation
O’Connell Nov. 1994 Senior Solicitor of Anderson Lloyd Barristers & Solicitors
(New Zealand)
Male Jan. 2004 General Manager of Global Procurement Planning Division Female Nov. 2002 In-House Counsel of Olympus Corporation
September 5, 1952 of Toyota Motor Corporation February 10, 1967
Jan. 2004 Senior In-House Counsel of Matsushita Electric Industrial
Jun. 2005 Managing Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation
Full-time Audit & Audit & Supervisory Co., Ltd. Motor Company, Senior In-House Counsel of
Jun. 2009 Senior Managing Director of Toyota Motor Corporation Matsushita Electronic Components Co., Ltd.
Supervisory Board Board Member
Jul. 2012 President of Toyota Motor East Japan, Inc. Jan. 2008 Joined Hogan Lovells Horitsu Jimusho Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo
Member Oct. 2019 Chairman, Member of the Board of Directors of Toyota
Mar. 2012 Head of Legal of Molex Japan LLC
Motor East Japan, Inc.
Apr. 2023 Senior Executive Advisor to Toyota Motor East Japan, Inc. Jun. 2017 President of O'Connell Consultants
(to present) Jan. 2018 CEO of Catherine O'Connell Law (to present)
Jun. 2023 Full-time Corporate Auditor of Toyota Motor Corporation Jun. 2023 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Toyota Motor Corporation
(to present) (to present)

Outside Independent

Integrated Report 99
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Operating Officers and Organizational Structure (As of January 2024)

Koji Sato
Chief Executive Officer

Hiroki Nakajima Yoichi Miyazaki Tetsuo Ogawa Tatsuro Ueda Jun Nagata Simon Humphries Kazuaki Shingo
Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Communication Officer Chief Branding Officer Chief Production Officer
Chief Technology Officer Chief Financial Officer, North America Region China Region
Chief Competitive Officer

Audit & Supervisory Board Office / Internal Audit Dept.

Head Office Business Units Fellows

CEO Office / Digital Transformation Promotion Dept. / Regions Products Takeshi Uchiyamada Gill A. Pratt
Toyota System Supply / BR Next-generation Supply Process Executive Fellow Chief Scientist and Executive
North America Region Advanced R&D and Engineering Company
Office / Sustainability Management Dept.
Fellow for Research
Europe Region Carbon Neutral Engineering Development Center
Mitsuru Kawai
BEV Factory Information Systems Japan Sales Business Group Software Development Center Executive Fellow (Oyaji) Keiji Yamamoto
Hydrogen Factory Group China Region Vehicle Development Center Senior Fellow
Frontier Research Center Accounting Group Asia Region Toyota Compact Car Company Koji Kobayashi Chief Information & Security Officer

Sales Financial Business Executive Fellow (Banto)

TPS Group India, Middle East, East Asia & Mid-size Vehicle Company
Group Oceania Region Chief Risk Officer Yumi Otsuka
Business Development CV Company Chief Compliance Officer Senior Fellow
Group Purchasing Group Latin America & Caribbean Region Lexus International Co. Chief Sustainability Officer

External & Public Affairs Customer First Promotion Africa Support Div. /
Powertrain Company Shigeki Terashi
BR Value Chain Business Planning Dept.
Group Group Production Engineering Development Center Executive Fellow James Kuffner
Business Planning Div. / Sales & Operation Senior Fellow
General Administration & Production Group Planning Div. / KD Business Planning Div. GAZOO Racing Company
Shigeki Tomoyama
Human Resources Group Mobility Business Planning Div. / Emerging-market Compact Car Company Executive Fellow
Parts Operations Div.

Integrated Report 100

The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Global Perspective/Data by Region

Number of Plants and Other Japan

R&D Sites
Manufacturing Companies (As of March 31, 2023)
(As of March 31, 2023)


Number of
North America Employees

13 375,235

(Consolidated, as of
March 31, 2023)

Japan North America

excluding Japan
Other Japan

4 Other Asia

Total Vehicle
Europe (Consolidated, FY2023)

North America

FY2023 Financial Highlights (Consolidated) The second of each pair of figures is the year-on-year change.

Net Income Attributable to

Total Vehicle Sales Sales Revenues Operating Income Toyota Motor Corporation Other

8,822 thousand ¥37,154.2 billion ¥2,725.0 billion ¥2,451.3 billion

Total Vehicle
+591 thousand +¥5,774.7 billion -¥270.6 billion +¥398.7 billion Sales

Total Shareholder Return

(Consolidated, FY2023)
Total Liquid Assets (Max) R&D Expenses Capital Expenditures
¥11,313.7 billion ¥1,116.9 billion ¥1,241.6 billion ¥1,605.8 billion Europe

+¥796.4 billion -¥36.9 billion +¥117.4 billion +¥262.8 billion

Integrated Report 101
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Toyoda Model AA passenger car launched Toyopet Crown launched Soarer launched Lexus LS400 launched Prius launched Hilux Vigo launched Mirai launched bZ4X launched Crown launched
(1936) (1955) (1981) (1989) (1997) (2004) (2014) (2022) (2022)

Founding and entry into Toward the mobility society

Establishing the Toyota identity Leaping forward as a global corporation
the automobile industry of the future
Domestic/Overseas Vehicle Production
(Thousands of units)
(Including Daihatsu and Hino brands since 2002) Supra launched
■ Domestic ■ Overseas (1986)
Publica Sports Sports 800 Celica launched LFA launched GR Yaris launched
launched launched (1970) (2009) (2020)
(1962) (1965)
2000GT launched MR2 launched
(1967) (1984)
Levin/Trueno launched


History of Toyota
Labor disputes (1950)  oyota Motor and Toyota Motor
T Recall issues (2009–2010)  RI established
Sales merged with TMC (1982) (2016) Construction
Total Quality Control (TQC) introduced (1961) Prius launched (1997) Losses (FY2009) of “Woven City”
Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. established (1937) launched (2021)
 oyoda Model AA passenger
T Kanban method adopted (1963)  UMMI, a joint corporation
N Mirai launched (2014)
car launched (1936) with GM, established in The Toyota Way 2001 adopted (2001)  oyota Environmental Challenge 2050
the U.S. (1984) established (2015)
 ive Main Principles
F  he Toyota
T  uiding Principles at Toyota
2,000 Toyota Global Vision adopted (2011)  oyota Philosophy
of Toyoda Production System adopted (1992) and Toyota Way 2020
established (1935) established established (2020)

1935 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
 apid economic growth period in Japan
R Berlin Wall comes down (1989)  he Great East Japan Earthquake,
T  he COVID-19
Major World Events (1960s-1970s) Thailand floods (2011) pandemic
 yoto Protocol
K emerged (2019)
World War II (1939-1945) U.S.—Japan trade friction (1980s) adopted (1997) The 2008 financial crisis (2008)
UN SDGs adopted (2015)
Oil crisis (1973 & 1979) Rio Earth Summit (1992) Russia-Ukraine
 aris Agreement adopted
P crisis (2022)
 ighter control on exhaust
T Trade friction surrounding cars (1990s) (2015)
emissions (1970s)

75 Years of Toyota
Integrated Report 102
The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Financial Summary (Consolidated)


Fiscal years ended March 31
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 2022 2023
Consolidated Vehicle Sales 9,116 8,972 8,681 8,971 8,964 8,977 8,958 8,955 7,646 8,230 8,822
of units)
Foreign Yen to U.S. Dollar Rate 100 110 120 108 111 111 109 109 106 112 135
(Average) Yen to Euro Rate 134 139 133 119 130 128 121 121 124 131 141

Net Revenues Sales Revenues (billions of yen) 25,691.9 27,234.5 28,403.1 27,597.1 29,379.5 30,225.6 29,929.9 29,866.5 27,214.5 31,379.5 37,154.2

Operating Income Operating Income (billions of yen) 2,292.1 2,750.5 2,853.9 1,994.3 2,399.8 2,467.5 2,442.8 2,399.2 2,197.7 2,995.6 2,725.0

Income before Income Income before Income

(billions of yen) 2,441.0 2,892.8 2,983.3 2,193.8 2,620.4 2,285.4 2,554.6 2,792.9 2,932.3 3,990.5 3,668.7
Taxes Taxes
Net Income Attributable to
Net Income*1 (billions of yen) 1,823.1 2,173.3 2,312.6 1,831.1 2,493.9 1,882.8 2,076.1 2,036.1 2,245.2 2,850.1 2,451.3
Toyota Motor Corporation

Cash Dividends (billions of yen) 522.9 631.3 645.5 627.5 642.6 626.8 610.8 610.8 671.0 718.2 816.9

Cash Dividends per Share*2 (yen) 33 40 42 42 44 44 44 44 48 52 60

Payout Ratio (%) 28.7 29.0 28.3 34.6 26.1 33.8 29.9 30.2 29.8 25.3 33.4

Value of Shares Repurchased [shareholder return] *3 (billions of yen) 180.0 293.3 639.3 449.9 549.9 549.9 199.9 199.9 249.9 435.6 299.9

R&D Expenses (billions of yen) 910.5 1,004.5 1,055.6 1,037.5 1,064.2 1,048.8 1,110.3 1,110.3 1,090.4 1,124.2 1,241.6

Depreciation Expenses*4 (billions of yen) 775.9 806.2 885.1 893.2 964.4 984.8 812.8 803.3*6 876.9 1,007.2 1,185.0

Capital Expenditures*4 (billions of yen) 1,000.7 1,177.4 1,292.5 1,211.8 1,302.7 1,465.8 1,393.0 1,372.3 1,293.2 1,343.0 1,605.8

Total Liquid Assets*5 (billions of yen) 7,661.9 8,508.2 9,229.9 9,199.5 9,372.1 9,454.4 8,685.1 8,602.6 11,579.4 10,517.3 11,313.7

Total Assets (billions of yen) 41,437.4 47,729.8 47,427.5 48,750.1 50,308.2 51,936.9 52,680.4 53,972.3 62,267.1 67,688.7 74,303.1

Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation

(billions of yen) 14,469.1 16,788.1 16,746.9 17,514.8 18,735.9 19,348.1 20,060.6 20,618.8 23,404.5 26,245.9 28,338.7
Shareholders’ Equity Shareholders’ Equity

Return on Equity Return on Equity (ROE) (%) 13.7 13.9 13.8 10.6 13.7 9.8 10.4 10.0 10.2 11.5 9.0

Return on Assets Return on Assets (ROA) (%) 4.7 4.9 4.9 3.8 5.0 3.7 4.0 3.8 3.9 4.4 3.5

*1 Shows “Net income attributable to Toyota Motor Corporation”

*2 The above figures show dividends per common share on a post-stock split basis (values for after the five-for-one stock split of shares of our common stock conducted on October 1, 2021).
*3 Value of common shares repurchased (shareholder return on net income for the period, excluding shares constituting less than one unit that were purchased upon request and repurchases made to avoid the dilution of shares)
*4 Figures for depreciation expenses and capital expenditures do not include vehicles under operating leases and right of use assets
*5 Represents cash and cash equivalents, time deposits, and investments in public and corporate bonds and trust funds, excluding those deriving from the financial services business
SEC Filing
*6 Depreciation methods were revised at the beginning of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020

Integrated Report 103

The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

2019 (U.S. GAAP) /2020-2023 (IFRS)

Consolidated Vehicle Sales Sales Revenues Operating Income

■■ Operating income Operating income ratio (Right scale)

(Thousands of units) (Trillions of yen) (Billions of yen) (%)

10,000 40 3,000 2,995.6 12.0
37.1 2,725.0
8,977 8,955 8,822
8,230 2,500 2,467.5 10.0
8,000 31.3 2,399.2
7,646 30 30.2 29.8 2,197.7 9.5
27.2 2,000 8.0
8.2 7.3
6,000 8.0 8.1

20 1,500 6.0

1,000 4.0

500 2.0

0 0 0 0
FY 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 FY 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 FY 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Net Income Attributable to Toyota Motor Corporation R&D Expenses*1 Capital Expenditures

■■ Net income attributable to Toyota Motor Corporation ■■ R&D expenses Ratio to net revenues (Right scale) ■■ Capital expenditures Depreciation expenses
Net income ratio (Right scale)
(Billions of yen) (%) (Billions of yen) (%) (Billions of yen)
3,000 12.0 1,500 6.0 1,800
2,500 2,451.3 10.0 1,241.6 1,500 1,465.8
2,245.2 1,124.2 1,372.3 1,343.0
1,110.3 1,090.4 1,293.2
2,036.1 9.1 1,048.8
2,000 8.0 1,000 4.0 1,200 1,185.0
1,882.8 8.3
3.5 3.6
1,500 6.8 6.0 900 1,007.2
6.6 3.3 984.8
803.3* 2

1,000 4.0 500 2.0 600

500 2.0 300

0 0 0 0 0
FY 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 FY 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 FY 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
*1 Expenses incurred in connection with R&D activities during the reporting period *2 Depreciation methods were revised at the beginning of the fiscal year ended
March 31, 2020

Integrated Report 104

The Source of Value Creation Story: Business Foundations for Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members Operating Officers and Organizational Structure
From Toyota’s Leaders Our Value Creation: Toyota’s Vision for the Mobility Society Corporate Data
Value Creation Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary Corporate Information and Stock Information
What Makes Us Toyota of the Future as a Car Company

Corporate Information and Stock Information (As of March 31, 2023)

Corporate Data Major Shareholders (Top 10)

Common Percentage of
Company Name Toyota Motor Corporation Number of Affiliates Consolidated subsidiaries: 569 shares Shareholding
Name (1,000 shares) (%)
Established August 28, 1937 Affiliates accounted for by the
equity method: 168 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 1,905,736 14.05
Common Stock ¥635,402 million
Number of Employees 375,235 Toyota Industries Corporation 1,192,331 8.79
Fiscal Year-End March 31
(Parent company: 70,056)
Accounting Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. 908,259 6.70
Corporate Website 
Corporate information:
Aarata LLC
https://global.toyota/en/ Nippon Life Insurance Company 633,489 4.67
IR information: JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
https://global.toyota/en/ir/ 535,113 3.94
(Standing Proxy: Settlement & Clearing Services Division, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
Toyota Times:
DENSO Corporation 449,576 3.31
State Street Bank and Trust Company
335,369 2.47
Stock Data (Standing Proxy: Settlement & Clearing Services Division, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
The Bank of New York Mellon as Depositary Bank for Depositary Receipt Holders
292,036 2.15
Number of Shares Authorized 50,000,000,000 shares (Standing Proxy: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation)

Number of Shares Issued Common shares: 16,314,987,460 shares Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited 284,072 2.09
Number of Shareholders 989,548 Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. 255,324 1.88
Stock Listings Japan: Tokyo, Nagoya Overseas: New York, London (Note) Percentage of shareholding is calculated after deducting treasury stock (2,749,808 thousand shares) from the total number
Securities Code Japan: 7203 of shares issued.

American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) Ratio: 1 ADR=10 common shares

Symbol: TM Ownership Breakdown
Transfer Agent in Japan Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
1-1, Nikko-cho, Fuchu City, Tokyo 183-0044, Japan Individuals, etc.:
Japan toll-free: (0120) 232-711 1,890,167 thousand shares
Depository and Transfer Agent for ADRs The Bank of New York Mellon 13.93%
240 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10286, U.S.A. Financial institutions,
Other corporate entities: 5,295,215 thousand shares
Contact Points 3,418,045 thousand shares 39.04%
City Head Office: 1, Toyota-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture 471-8571, Japan
Tel: (0565) 28-2121
Tokyo Head Office: 1-4-18, Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8701, Japan Foreign corporate
Tel: (03) 3817-7111 entities and others:
(Note) The above percentages indicate the ratios of shareholdings to the total
number of shares issued after deducting treasury stock (2,749,808
2,961,753 thousand shares
thousand shares) 21.83%

Integrated Report 105

Definitions of Consolidated and Retail Vehicle Sales Cautionary Statement with Respect to Forward-looking Statements, and Other Information

This report contains forward-looking statements that reflect (vii) Political and economic instability in the markets in
Daihatsu and Hino brand vehicles Toyota’s plans and expectations. These forward-looking which Toyota operates
statements are not guarantees of future performance and (viii) Toyota’s ability to develop and achieve market accep-

dealers outside of consolidation

Consolidated vehicle sales
involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other tance of new products that meet customer demand in
factors that may cause Toyota’s actual results, perfor- a timely manner

Total retail vehicle sales

mance, achievements or financial position to be materially (ix) Any damage to Toyota’s brand image

Distributors or
different from any future results, performance, achieve- (x) Toyota’s reliance on various suppliers for the provision

ments, or financial position expressed or implied by these of supplies
forward-looking statements. (xi) Increases in prices of raw materials

Toyota and Lexus

Toyota and Lexus brand vehicles
(xii) Toyota’s reliance on various digital and information

vehicle sales
These factors include, but are not limited to: technologies, as well as information security
(i) Changes in economic conditions, market demand, and (xiii) Fuel shortages or interruptions in electricity, transporta-
Vehicles produced for wholesale by Toyota Motor the competitive environment affecting the automotive tion systems, labor strikes, work stoppages or other
Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries markets in Japan, North America, Europe, Asia and interruptions to, or difficulties in, the employment of
other markets in which Toyota operates labor in the major markets where Toyota purchases
Vehicles produced for wholesale by Toyota’s (ii) Fluctuations in currency exchange rates (particularly materials, components, and supplies for the production
unconsolidated entities (e.g. joint ventures in China, etc.)
with respect to the value of the Japanese yen, the U.S. of its products or where its products are produced, dis-
dollar, the euro, the Australian dollar, the Canadian dol- tributed or sold
lar, and the British pound), stock prices and interest (xiv) The impact of natural calamities, epidemics, political
* There are a limited number of exceptional cases in which sales are made other than in accordance with the flowchart above.
rate fluctuations and economic instability, fuel shortages or interruptions
(iii) Changes in the funding environment in financial in social infrastructure, wars, terrorism, and labor
markets and increased competition in the financial strikes, including their negative effect on Toyota’s vehi-
services industry cle production and sales
(iv) Toyota’s ability to market and distribute effectively (xv) The impact of climate change and the transition
(v) Toyota’s ability to realize production efficiencies and to towards a low-carbon economy
implement capital expenditures at the levels and times (xvi) The ability of Toyota to hire or retain sufficient
planned by management human resources
(vi) Changes in the laws, regulations, and government poli-
cies in the markets in which Toyota operates that affect A discussion of these and other factors which may affect
Toyota’s automotive operations, particularly laws, regu- Toyota’s actual results, performance, achievements, or finan-
lations, and government policies relating to vehicle cial position is contained in Toyota’s annual report on Form
safety including remedial measures such as recalls, 20-F, which is on file with the United States Securities and
trade, environmental protection, vehicle emissions, and Exchange Commission.
vehicle fuel economy, as well as changes in laws, regu- SEC Filing
lations, and government policies that affect Toyota’s
other operations, including the outcome of current and
future litigation and other legal proceedings, govern-
ment proceedings and investigations


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