Invoice Op 7351842-Sewa Sound

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Date 15/08/23 Purchase Order No.

7351842 - OP Version 000

PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia To BUMDES Alam Sejahtera Desa Kerta Buana Deliver To MSJ Coal Mine Project
NPWP Jl. Raya Utama Dusun Budi Daya Desa Bukit Pariaman RT.13
NPPKP Kerta Buana L4 Kec. Tenggarong Seberang
KUTAI KERTANEGARA KTM 75262 Kutai Kartanegara

South Quarter, Tower B Supplier No. 1601686 Attention

Lantai 12, unit A-I
Jl. R.A. Kartini Kav. 8 Fwd Via
Kelurahan Cilandak Barat, Contact Ariasa I Nyoman
Kecamatan Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan,
DKI Jakarta, 12430, Indonesia
Phone 0812 54174539 Order Raised by
Fax Name Oktaviani, Nyoman Ayu Tri
PO Box 1143
JAKARTA SELATAN 12011 E-mail [email protected] Phone
Indonesia E-mail [email protected]
Telephone: +62 21 2754 9999
Facsimile: +62 21 2754 9802

Please supply the following goods:-

Quantity UOM Part No. Details Promised Unit Price VAT % Extended Price
Delivery (Exclusive) (Exclusive)
1.00 ST SEWA SOUND SYSTEM 18/08/23 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

1.00 ST ARTIS PERORANGAN 18/08/23 350,000.00 350,000.00

1.00 ST KEYBOARD 18/08/23 500,000.00 500,000.00

1.00 ST FEE BUMDES 10% 18/08/23 185,000.00 185,000.00

P2 ID:17617 18/08/23


OR 8343667 THIESS MSJ 18/08/23



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Date 15/08/23 Purchase Order No. 7351842 - OP Version 000

PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia To BUMDES Alam Sejahtera Desa Kerta Buana Deliver To MSJ Coal Mine Project
NPWP Jl. Raya Utama Dusun Budi Daya Desa Bukit Pariaman RT.13
NPPKP Kerta Buana L4 Kec. Tenggarong Seberang
KUTAI KERTANEGARA KTM 75262 Kutai Kartanegara


For PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia ____________________________________ Oktaviani, Nyoman Ayu Tri
VAT INCL TOTAL (IDR) Rp2,035,000.00

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PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia
Standard Conditions For Purchase Orders
1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION (ii) workers' compensation insurance as required by Law, if the Supplier is performing work on a site; and
"Acceptance" of the Goods occurs when the Goods have been inspected and tested to the satisfaction of the Company after delivery and unpacking or (iii) marine cargo insurance covering loss or damage to Goods in transit (if applicable); and
following installation or incorporation of the Goods into plant or premises. (iv) any other insurance required by the Company for supply of the Goods.
"Company" means PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia of South Quarter Tower B, Lantai 12, Unit A - I, JI. R.A. Kartini Kav. 8, Jakarta 12430, Indonesia and (c) Prior to commencing work under this Purchase Order or at such other times as the Company may request, the Supplier must provide evidence
any company wholly or partially owned by PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia (either directly or through other entities) or any joint venture, partnership or to the Company as to the existence, currency and terms of the policies it has taken out pursuant to clause 6(b).
alliance in which PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia or its subsidiaries materially participate in.
"Delivery Address" is the address stated against 'Deliver To' on the front sheet of this Purchase Order. 7. PATENT, TRADE MARK, COPYRIGHT, LICENCES, ETC
"Goods" means the goods and/or services or any part of them the subject of the Purchase Order. (a) The Supplier indemnifies the Company and its successors in interest, against any action, suit, claim, demand, cost, loss, expense or damage
"Governing Contract" means a contract already in place and agreed between the Company and the Supplier for the supply of the Goods described in this arising out of or in any way connected with the infringement of intellectual property rights relevant to or in any way connected with the Goods,
Purchase Order. including the use of the Goods.
"Purchase Order" means this Standard Purchase Order, including these terms of Purchase. (b) If the Supplier represents that the Goods are protected by one or more patents and any such patent is found to be invalid the Company may
"Supplier" means the Supplier named in the Purchase Order for the Goods. cancel this Order and recover any money paid to the Supplier.
This Purchase Order is governed by and must be construed according to the laws of the State or Territory in Indonesia in which the Delivery Address is (c) The Supplier at its cost must obtain all necessary licences, permits or authorities required for the performance of this Purchase Order and must
located. comply with all applicable laws and regulations in relation to the Goods.
If any part of this Purchase Order is found to be void then that part will be deleted and the balance of the Purchase Order will continue without the deleted
(a) The Supplier must supply the Goods with all engineering, technical and other data required for the satisfactory use, maintenance, repair
2. CONTRACT installation or operation of the Goods.
(a) The Supplier must supply the Goods to the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Purchase Order. (b) Goods made or completed according to the Company's design or specification or developed for the Company at the Company's direction and
(b) Any terms and conditions seeking to limit the liability of the Supplier which may be contained in sales literature, tenders, quotations, information, notices, any designs or specifications supplied by the Company, including all copies may be held by the Supplier on the Company's behalf and must not
delivery dockets, acceptance letters, tax invoices or other material provided by the Supplier, are excluded, even if a representative of the Company signs be disclosed or furnished to any third party without the prior written consent of the Company.
those terms and conditions or annexes them to a Purchase Order.
(c) No amendment or alteration to this Purchase Order may be made without the written agreement of the Supplier and the Company.
(a) All rights and remedies of the Company contained in this Purchase Order are cumulative and in addition to and without prejudice to the rights
(d) If applicable, the terms and conditions of the Governing Contract take precedence over the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order and the Governing
and remedies of the Company at law or by statute.
Contract applies to the extent of any inconsistency with these Purchase Order terms and conditions.
(b) If the Supplier fails to:
3. QUALITY, QUANTITY, DELIVERY, WARRANTIES (i) supply the Goods to meet the requirements of the Purchase Order;
(a) The Goods delivered by the Supplier must conform precisely in quality, quantity, specification and description with this Purchase Order and comply with any (ii) promptly and properly make good or re-supply any defective Goods or make good any damage or loss for which the Supplier is
drawings, plans, specifications or other description issued or nominated by the Company, including any samples of Goods inspected by the Company. responsible;
(b) Time is of the essence in relation to the performance of the Purchase Order. (iii) remove rubbish or other items belonging to the Supplier from the Delivery Address; and/or
(c) The Goods must be new and free from all liens, charges and encumbrances of any kind and must be the property of the Supplier. (iv) comply with any other obligation it has under this Purchase Order (including, without limitation, failing to deliver the Goods to the Delivery
(d) The Goods must comply with all relevant standards and statutory requirements. Address by the date for delivery),
(e) The Goods must be fit for the purpose for which goods of the same kind are commonly supplied and any other purpose made known to the Supplier. The then
Goods must be of merchantable quality and be free from defect in materials and workmanship. (v) the Company may, in its discretion and without obligation, remedy or mitigate that failure on behalf of the Supplier and the cost of doing so
(f) All warranties implied at law apply to the Goods, in addition to any express warranty, manufacturer's warranty, service guarantee or guarantee of will be a debt due from the Supplier to the Company and may be recovered from the Supplier in accordance with clause 4(d); and
performance. In the event of any inconsistency between any implied warranty or express warranty or guarantee, the most favourable to the Company (vi) any cost, loss or damage that the Company has incurred or is likely to incur as a result of the Supplier's default will be a debt due from the
prevails. Supplier to the Company and may be recovered by the Company in accordance with clause 4(d); and/or
(vii) terminate this Purchase Order and recover from the Supplier its costs and damages including consequential damages, if any, sustained by
4. PRICE the Company.
(a) All prices stated in this Purchase Order are firm and not subject to escalation. (c) If the Supplier commits an act of bankruptcy or becomes bankrupt or assigns his estate for the benefit of his creditors or being a corporation is
(b) The purchase price stated in this Purchase Order includes the cost of everything necessary (labour, materials, plant and equipment) for the supply, delivery insolvent or goes into liquidation or has a receiver, official manager or provisional liquidator appointed of its affairs or enters into a deed of
to and off loading of the Goods at the Delivery Address and packaging of the Goods in accordance with the delivery instructions specified in the Purchase arrangement of composition with its creditors then the Company may:
Order and includes Customs Duty (if applicable), Excise or any other charge, levy, cost, expense or Government Tax applicable to the Goods. (i) cancel this Purchase Order; or
(c) Payment must be made by the date specified in the Governing Contract, or if there is no Governing Contract, within 60 working days after the correct (ii) give to the manager, controller, receiver, trustee, liquidator, administrator or other person in whom the Supplier's affairs have vested the
invoice has been received by the Company after delivery of the Goods, provided that no payment will be made by the Company unless the Supplier: option of carrying out this Purchase Order, subject to satisfactory guarantees.
(i) has performed its obligations in accordance with this Purchase Order; and (d) The Company may at any time cancel this Purchase Order for convenience and will pay to the Supplier actual costs incurred by the Supplier in
(ii) its employees and subcontractors have been paid all amounts due and payable to them; and respect of the Goods up to the date of cancellation, as agreed by the Supplier and the Company. Upon such payment (if any), title to and
(iii) provided to the Company the data required by clause 8 (if applicable); and property in any material or completed Goods, passes to the Company.
(iv) provided complete documentation in relation to the invoicing; and
(v) issued a Tax Invoice for the Goods showing the date and place of supply of the Goods and the calculation of any applicable VAT, Customs Duty, 10. WAIVER
Excise or other Government Tax, charge or levy applicable to the Goods. (a) Failure by the Company to insist upon strict performance of any term or condition of the Purchase Order is not deemed to be a waiver of any
(d) If the Supplier fails to comply with the conditions in clause 4(c)(i) to (v) the Company may withhold, deduct or set-off, in its sole discretion, any reasonable rights the Company may have and is not deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of any term or condition.
amounts due to the Supplier for the supply of the Goods, until the Supplier has complied with all its obligations under the Purchase Order to the satisfaction (b) The Company and the Supplier agree to waive Articles 1266, 1267 and 1611 of the Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Undang-undang Hukum
of the Company. Perdata) to the extent that a judicial decision is required to cancel or terminate this Purchase Order, or for the award of damages.


(a) The Company may inspect all work related to the manufacture and/or supply of the Goods. Any such inspection will not affect the obligations of the Supplier (a) A Tax Invoice has the same meaning as in the VAT Regulations as applicable for tax invoices.
with respect to the Goods. (b) The Supplier warrants that the Supplier is and will remain registered under the VAT Regulations and that each supply made by the Supplier
(b) In every case inspection and testing must be carried out to the satisfaction of the Company. under this Purchase Order is a taxable supply.
(c) The Supplier shall assist Thiess (or its representative) during inspection and testing. (c) The Supplier shall indemnify and defend the Company from any claim and/or any party due to a failure by the Supplier to deposit or pay any
applicable tax.
(a) Subject to the Company's right to reject the Goods, property in and title to the Goods passes to the Company upon delivery but risk in the Goods does not 12. CODE OF CONDUCT
pass to the Company until Acceptance of the Goods. Signature by or on behalf of the Company will not be construed as Acceptance by the Company of The Supplier must comply with the Leighton Group Code of Business Conduct and the Guide to the Code for Business Partners. The Supplier
the Goods. Where the Goods are destroyed or damaged prior to delivery or Acceptance, the Company may cancel this Purchase Order and where any must not make payments or provide financial or other advantages for unlawful purposes to any person including any public official to secure any
payment for the Goods has been made, the Company may recover in full the monies paid by it. improper advantage. The Supplier indemnifies the Company against all loss or damage that the Company may incur for any breach of a
(b) The Supplier must effect and maintain the following types of insurance until Acceptance of the Goods: provision of this clause 12.
(i) works/goods insurance covering physical loss or damage to the Goods and work under this Purchase Order until Acceptance; and

Report any genuine business conduct concerns to the Thiess Ethics Line ? Ph 1300 THIESS or [email protected]
2021-02-04 TG-LEG-CO-106
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