MG2 - Ajloun - ESMP - Final 29-9-2023 - Disclose 2

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T‭ he Rehabilitation of‬‭Ajloun Public Park MG2 Sub-Project‬

‭Ajloun Municipality‬

‭Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)‬

‭Revised by MSSRP, June 2023‬

‭ riginal document prepared by Musab Al Hour (an individual consultant) in September‬

‭2022‬‭for MSSRP‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭o List of Abbreviation‬ ‭5‬
● ‭‬
‭●‬ ‭5‬
‭A- About MSSRP‬ ‭9‬
‭B- About the Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park – (subject of this report) – MG2 Sub-Project‬ ‭13‬
‭o C - Rational of ESMP‬ ‭15‬
‭1.1 The rationale of the sub-project‬ ‭16‬
‭1.2 Geographic Area of The Project‬ ‭16‬
‭1.3 Project Description‬ ‭17‬
‭2.1 Jordanian Laws and Regulations‬ ‭20‬
‭2.2 Institutional framework‬ ‭26‬
‭2.3 Donors Standards‬ ‭27‬
‭3.1 Climate‬ ‭31‬
‭ .1.1 Temperature‬
3 ‭ 1‬
‭3.1.2 Precipitation‬ ‭31‬
‭3.2 Biodiversity‬ ‭32‬
‭4.1 Stakeholders‬ ‭34‬
‭4.2 Demographics‬ ‭34‬
‭ .2.1 Population‬
4 ‭ 4‬
‭4.2.2 Education‬ ‭35‬
‭4.2.3 Health Care‬ ‭36‬
‭4.3 Employment‬ ‭37‬
‭4.4 Child labor‬ ‭37‬
‭4.5 Land Use/ Land Acquisition‬ ‭38‬
‭4.6 Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH)‬ ‭38‬
‭4.7 People with Special Needs‬ ‭38‬
‭4.8 Vulnerable groups‬ ‭39‬
‭4.9 Social conflicts‬ ‭39‬
‭4.10 Cultural heritage‬ ‭40‬
‭5.1 Socio-Economic Impacts‬ ‭45‬
‭ .1.1 Employment‬
5 ‭ 5‬
‭5.1.2 Child Labor‬ ‭46‬
‭5.1.3 Social Conflict‬ ‭46‬
‭5.1.4 Gender and Social Inclusion‬ ‭46‬
‭5.1.5 Vulnerable Groups‬ ‭47‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ .1.6 Access Road and Parking Areas‬

5 ‭ 7‬
‭▪‬ ‭49‬
‭5.2 Biodiversity‬ ‭49‬
‭5.3 Environmental impacts‬ ‭52‬
‭ .3.1 Air Quality‬
5 ‭ 2‬
‭5.3.2 Water Resources‬ ‭53‬
‭5.3.3 Noise‬ ‭54‬
‭5.3.4 Waste Management‬ ‭55‬
‭5.3.5 Wastewater Management‬ ‭56‬
‭5.4 Community Health and Safety‬ ‭57‬
‭ .4.1 Accidental Fires‬
5 ‭ 7‬
‭5.4.2 Potential Injuries‬ ‭57‬
‭5.4.3 Sub-Contractors compliance‬ ‭58‬
‭5.4.4 SEA/SH‬ ‭58‬
‭5.4.5 People with Special Needs‬ ‭59‬
‭5.4.6 Public Safety and Security‬ ‭60‬
‭5.5 Occupational Health and Safety‬ ‭60‬
‭5.5.1 General Worksite Safety Management‬ ‭60‬
‭5.6 Cultural Heritage‬ ‭62‬
‭5.7 Traffic‬ ‭63‬
‭6.1 Introduction‬ ‭65‬
‭6.2 Objectives‬ ‭65‬
‭6.3 Implementation Arrangements‬ ‭65‬
‭6.4 Environmental and Social Mitigation Measures‬ ‭69‬
‭6.4.1 Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase‬ ‭69‬
‭▪ A - Mitigation Measures funded and covered by the Subproject budget under the MG2 grant‬ ‭69‬
▪‭ B - Mitigation Measures - Associated Facilities‬ ‭ 9‬
‭i.‬ ‭79‬
‭6.4.2 Mitigation Measures during Operation Phase‬ ‭79‬
‭6.5 Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan‬ ‭82‬
‭ .5.1 Monitoring Plan during Construction Phase‬
6 ‭ 2‬
‭6.5.2 Monitoring Plan during Operation‬ ‭95‬
‭6.6 Budget‬ ‭98‬
‭6.7 Incident Reporting and Investigation‬ ‭98‬
‭6.8 Plans Required to be Developed by the Contractor‬ ‭98‬
‭7.1 Initial consultation‬ ‭99‬
‭7.2 Final Consultation‬ ‭101‬
‭ .3 Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)‬
7 ‭ 02‬
‭● Annexes‬ ‭107‬
‭o Annex 1 – Screening Checklist‬ ‭108‬
‭o Annex 2 – Project Land Ownership‬ ‭114‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭o Annex 3 - Supplementary Particular Conditions‬ ‭117‬

‭o Annex 4 – Code of conduct‬ ‭139‬
‭o Annex 5 – GBV Action Plan‬ ‭142‬
‭o Annex 6 - MSSRP Chance Find Procedure‬ ‭156‬
‭o Annex 8 Municipality official letter requesting the land allocation from Government’s treasury‬ ‭160‬
‭o Annex 9 – Initial Session Report‬ ‭161‬
‭o Annex 10 – Final Consultation session report‬ ‭168‬

‭List of Tables‬

T‭ able ‎2-1: Responsibilities of the relevant regulatory authorities‬ ‭ 0‬

‭Table ‎2-2: WB safeguard policies (Operational Policies (OPs))‬ ‭12‬
‭Table ‎2-3: National legislations and their key points related to the study project‬ ‭14‬
‭Table ‎4-1: Gender Gap in Education in Jordan, 2020-2021‬ ‭23‬
‭Table ‎4-2: Distribution of Schools in Ajloun by Authority, Gender for the Year 2020-2021‬ ‭24‬
‭Table ‎4-3: Distribution of Students in Ajloun by Authority and gender‬ ‭24‬
‭Table ‎4-4: Health Centers in Jordan and Ajloun Governorate‬ ‭25‬
‭Table ‎4-5: Age distribution of total employed in Ajloun and Jordan‬ ‭26‬
‭Table ‎5-1: Relevant concerns and its impact during construction phase‬ ‭29‬
‭Table ‎5-2: Relevant concerns and its impact during construction phase‬ ‭31‬
‭Table ‎6-1: Mitigation Measures for Socio-Economic during construction phase‬ ‭62‬
‭Table ‎6-2: Mitigation Measures for Biodiversity during construction phase‬ ‭64‬
‭Table ‎6-3: Mitigation Measures for Public Health during construction phase‬ ‭65‬
‭Table ‎6-4: Mitigation Measures for Occupational Health and Safety during construction phase‬ ‭68‬
‭Table ‎6-5: Mitigation Measures for Cultural Heritage during construction phase‬ ‭71‬
‭Table ‎6-6: Mitigation Measures for Water Resources during construction phase‬ ‭72‬
‭Table ‎6-7: Mitigation Measures during operation phase‬ ‭74‬
‭Table ‎6-8: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Socio-economic during Construction Phase‬ ‭77‬
‭Table ‎6-9: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Biodiversity during Construction Phase‬ ‭79‬
‭Table ‎6-10: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Public Health during Construction Phase‬ ‭82‬
‭Table ‎6-11: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Occupational Health and Safety during‬
‭Construction Phase‬ ‭ 7‬
‭Table ‎6-12: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Cultural Heritage during Construction Phase‬ ‭95‬
‭Table ‎6-13: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Water Resources during Construction Phase‬ ‭96‬
‭Table ‎6-14: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Public Health during Operation Phase‬ ‭98‬

‭List of Figures‬

F‭ igure ‎1-1: Project Area‬ ‭ 6‬

‭Figure ‎3-1: Average High and Low Temperature in Ajloun‬ ‭36‬
‭Figure ‎3-2: Average Monthly Rainfall in Ajloun‬ ‭37‬
‭Figure ‎5-1: Summary of MSSRP GRM mechanism‬ ‭119‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ‭List of Abbreviation‬

‭ HS‬
C ‭ ommunity health and safety‬
‭CVDB‬ ‭Cities and Villages Development Bank‬
‭DLS‬ ‭Department of Land and Survey‬
‭E&S‬ ‭Environmental and Social‬
‭ESF‬ ‭Environmental and Social Framework‬
‭ESIA‬ ‭Environmental and Social Impact Assessment‬
‭ESMF‬ ‭Environmental and Social Management Framework‬
‭ESMP‬ ‭Environmental and Social Management Plan‬
‭ESS‬ ‭Environmental and Social Standards ‬
‭ESSRP‬ ‭Emergency Services and Social Resilience Project‬
‭GOJ‬ ‭Government of Jordan‬
‭HSE‬ ‭Health, Safety and Environment‬
‭IBA‬ ‭Important Bird Area‬
‭IF‬ ‭Innovation Fund‬
‭MG2‬ ‭Municipal Grant Cycle 2‬
‭ILO‬ ‭International Labor Organization‬
‭JADIS‬ ‭Jordan Antiquities Database and Information System‬
‭MoL‬ ‭Ministry of Labor‬
‭MoLA‬ ‭Ministry of Local Administration‬
‭MOPIC‬ ‭Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation‬
‭MSSRP‬ ‭Municipal Services and Social Resilience Project‬
‭NGO‬ ‭Non-Governmental Organization‬
‭OHS‬ ‭Occupational health and safety‬
‭PAP‬ ‭Project Affected Person(s)‬
‭PM‬ ‭Participating Municipality‬
‭PMU‬ ‭Project Management Unit‬
‭PPE‬ ‭Personal Protection Equipment‬
‭RPF‬ ‭Resettlement Policy Framework‬
‭RSCN‬ ‭The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature‬
‭SEF‬ ‭Stakeholder Engagement Framework‬
‭SH‬ ‭Sexual Harassment‬
‭WB‬ ‭World Bank‬
‭WAJ‬ ‭Water Authority of Jordan‬


‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


T‭ his‬ ‭executive‬ ‭summary‬ ‭is‬ ‭aimed‬ ‭at‬ ‭presenting‬ ‭the‬ ‭main‬ ‭findings‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Environmental‬‭and‬‭Social‬
‭Management‬ ‭Plan‬ ‭(ESMP)‬ ‭of‬ ‭The‬ ‭Rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Public‬ ‭Park‬ ‭sub-Project‬ ‭funded‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬
‭the sub-project as follows:‬

‭●‬ E‭ valuated‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project’s‬ ‭potential‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬ ‭risks‬ ‭and‬ ‭impacts‬‭on‬‭their‬
‭areas of influence.‬
‭●‬ ‭Reviewed sub-project’s environmental and social policies and legal framework.‬
‭●‬ ‭Identified‬ ‭and‬ ‭recommended‬ ‭actions‬ ‭to‬ ‭avoid‬ ‭and/or‬ ‭prevent,‬ ‭minimize,‬ ‭mitigate‬ ‭or‬
‭compensate‬ ‭potential‬ ‭adverse‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭that‬ ‭will‬ ‭improve‬
‭environmental performance and be integrated in the sub-project overall management plan.‬

‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭were‬ ‭identified‬ ‭accordingly.‬ ‭The‬ ‭existing‬ ‭conditions‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭sub-project site were documented based on the conducted site visits and desktop review.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭scope‬ ‭of‬ ‭work‬ ‭includes‬ ‭preparing‬ ‭an‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Impact‬ ‭Plan‬ ‭(ESMP)‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬
‭ESMP‬ ‭includes:‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures,‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭party‬ ‭for‬ ‭applying‬ ‭mitigations,‬ ‭monitoring‬
‭measures,‬ ‭and‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭party‬ ‭for‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬‭the‬‭cost‬‭of‬‭implementing‬‭the‬
‭identified mitigation measures.‬

‭Chapter 1 - Project Information‬

T‭ his‬ ‭chapter‬ ‭presents‬ ‭the‬ ‭Background‬ ‭of‬ ‭Rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Public‬ ‭Park‬ ‭Sub-Project,‬ ‭the‬
‭rationale‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭reasons‬ ‭behind‬ ‭choosing‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-project,‬ ‭describing‬ ‭the‬
‭geographic‬ ‭area‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project's‬ ‭components‬‭and‬‭activities‬‭in‬‭detail‬‭while‬
‭explaining the course of each activity.‬

‭Chapter 2 - Relevant Laws, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines‬

T‭ his‬‭chapter‬‭provides‬‭an‬‭overview‬‭of‬‭the‬‭pertinent‬‭national‬‭legal‬‭and‬‭policy‬‭framework‬‭applicable‬‭to‬
‭and World Bank applicable safeguards policies. ‬

‭Chapter 3 - Environmental and Social Baseline Conditions‬

T‭ his‬‭chapter‬‭outlines‬‭the‬‭current‬‭environmental‬‭baseline‬‭of‬‭the‬‭project‬‭area‬‭in‬‭terms‬‭of‬‭climate‬‭and‬
‭biodiversity, which will be used to study the project impacts on these parameters.‬

‭Chapter 4 - Socio-Economic Conditions‬

T‭ his‬ ‭chapter‬ ‭discusses‬ ‭the‬ ‭socio-economic‬ ‭baseline‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭area,‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭includes‬ ‭a‬
‭description of the status of different socio-economic components including:‬

‭●‬ D
‭ emographics;‬‭this‬‭sub-component‬‭discusses‬‭the‬‭different‬‭statistics‬‭related‬‭to‬‭population,‬‭in‬
‭the‬ ‭current‬‭education‬‭and‬‭health‬‭care‬‭sectors‬‭in‬‭the‬‭project‬‭area‬‭compared‬‭to‬‭the‬‭national‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ E‭ mployment;‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-component‬ ‭presents‬ ‭a‬ ‭statistical‬ ‭review‬ ‭of‬ ‭employment‬ ‭relevant‬
‭issues‬ ‭including;‬ ‭age‬ ‭distribution,‬ ‭unemployment‬ ‭rate,‬ ‭and‬‭male‬‭to‬‭female‬‭ratio,‬‭in‬‭project‬
‭area as well as on a national level.‬
‭●‬ ‭Child‬ ‭Labor;‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-component‬ ‭discusses‬ ‭the‬ ‭child‬ ‭labor‬ ‭status‬ ‭in‬ ‭Jordan‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭in‬
‭project‬ ‭area,‬ ‭including‬ ‭the‬ ‭national‬ ‭legal‬ ‭framework,‬ ‭in‬‭addition‬‭to‬‭outlining‬‭the‬‭measures‬
‭in any of its sub activities.‬
‭●‬ ‭Land‬‭Use/‬‭Land‬‭Acquisition;‬‭this‬‭sub-component‬‭discusses‬‭the‬‭current‬‭ownership‬‭statues‬‭of‬
‭project‬ ‭land‬ ‭and‬ ‭if‬ ‭there‬ ‭is‬ ‭any‬ ‭form‬ ‭of‬ ‭land‬ ‭acquisition‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭associated‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭sub-project‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭where‬ ‭it‬ ‭was‬ ‭clearly‬ ‭found‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭area‬ ‭is‬‭totally‬‭owned‬‭by‬
‭Ajloun‬ ‭Municipality‬ ‭without‬ ‭any‬ ‭encroachment,‬ ‭hence‬ ‭the‬‭sub-project‬‭will‬‭not‬‭include‬‭any‬
‭form of acquisition.‬
‭●‬ ‭Sexual‬‭Exploitation‬‭and‬‭Abuse‬‭and‬‭Sexual‬‭Harassment‬‭(SEA/SH);‬‭this‬‭sub-component‬‭provide‬
‭about this topic in Jordan.‬
‭●‬ ‭People‬ ‭with‬ ‭Special‬ ‭Needs;‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-component‬ ‭outlines‬ ‭some‬ ‭statistics‬ ‭about‬ ‭disabled‬
‭segment‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭community,‬ ‭in‬ ‭addition‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭measures‬ ‭carried‬ ‭out‬ ‭by‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭project‬ ‭to‬
‭insure‬ ‭social‬‭inclusion‬‭of‬‭disabled‬‭people‬‭in‬‭sub-project’s‬‭activities‬‭considering‬‭their‬‭unique‬
‭requirements and creating an inclusive and accessible environment.‬
‭●‬ ‭Vulnerable‬ ‭groups;‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-component‬ ‭defines‬ ‭the‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭groups‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬
‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭Group‬ ‭as‬ ‭a‬ ‭group‬ ‭at‬ ‭risks,‬ ‭and‬ ‭identifies‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭groups‬ ‭that‬ ‭fall‬ ‭under‬ ‭this‬
‭category‬ ‭in‬ ‭project‬ ‭area,‬ ‭including‬ ‭youth,‬ ‭elderly,‬ ‭persons‬ ‭with‬ ‭disabilities,‬ ‭women,‬ ‭and‬
‭●‬ ‭Social‬‭conflicts,‬‭this‬‭sub-component‬‭investigate‬‭the‬‭possibility‬‭of‬‭any‬‭social‬‭conflict‬‭related‬‭to‬
‭in the sub-project area.‬
‭●‬ ‭Cultural‬‭heritage;‬‭this‬‭sub-component‬‭discusses‬‭the‬‭history‬‭of‬‭sub-project‬‭area‬‭and‬‭existence‬
‭archaeological‬ ‭sites‬ ‭exist‬ ‭within‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Governorates,‬ ‭none‬ ‭of‬ ‭these‬‭sites‬‭have‬‭a‬‭direct‬‭lay‬
‭with the sub-project area.‬

‭Chapter 5 - Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Proposed Mitigation Measures‬

T‭ his‬ ‭chapter‬ ‭discusses‬ ‭the‬ ‭identification‬ ‭and‬ ‭evaluation‬ ‭of‬ ‭anticipated‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭from‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Public‬
‭Park‬ ‭Rehabilitation‬ ‭project,‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭suggested‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭that‬ ‭avoid,‬‭or‬‭if‬‭avoidance‬‭not‬
‭following Valued Environmental and Social Components (VESCs):‬

● S‭ ocio-economic Impacts.‬
‭●‬ ‭Biodiversity‬
‭●‬ ‭Environmental impacts.‬
‭●‬ ‭Community Health and Safety (CHS)‬
‭●‬ ‭Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).‬
‭●‬ ‭Cultural Heritage‬
‭●‬ ‭Traffic impacts‬

T‭ he‬‭study‬‭results‬‭have‬‭shown‬‭a‬‭high‬‭level‬‭of‬‭social‬‭acceptance‬‭toward‬‭the‬‭project,‬‭noting‬‭that‬‭some‬
‭mitigation measures described in this chapter.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

T‭ he‬ ‭study‬ ‭identified‬ ‭several‬ ‭risks‬ ‭and‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭associated‬‭with‬‭Community‬‭Health‬‭and‬‭Safety‬‭(CHS)‬

‭and‬ ‭Occupational‬ ‭Health‬ ‭and‬ ‭Safety‬ ‭(OHS),‬ ‭that‬ ‭include‬ ‭air‬ ‭quality,‬ ‭noise,‬ ‭waste,‬ ‭wastewater,‬ ‭and‬
‭other‬ ‭concerns‬ ‭described‬ ‭in‬ ‭this‬ ‭chapter,‬ ‭however,‬ ‭the‬ ‭study‬ ‭also‬ ‭found‬ ‭that‬ ‭with‬ ‭appropriate‬
‭measures these risks and impacts can be minimized to acceptable levels.‬

‭ ccording‬‭to‬‭cultural‬‭heritage,‬‭the‬‭study‬‭has‬‭clearly‬‭found‬‭that‬‭the‬‭sub-project‬‭area‬‭doesn’t‬‭have‬‭any‬
‭direct‬ ‭or‬ ‭indirect‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭on‬ ‭any‬ ‭known‬ ‭archeological‬ ‭site,‬ ‭however,‬ ‭the‬ ‭study‬ ‭has‬ ‭addressed‬‭the‬
‭possibility‬ ‭of‬ ‭a‬ ‭“Chance‬ ‭Find”‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭and‬ ‭highlighted‬ ‭the‬ ‭appropriate‬
‭Chance Find Procedure.‬

‭Chapter 6 - Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)‬

T‭ he‬‭Environmental‬‭and‬‭Social‬‭Management‬‭Plan‬‭(ESMP)‬‭addresses‬‭the‬‭identified‬‭environmental‬‭and‬
‭social‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭sub-project.‬ ‭The‬ ‭ESMP‬ ‭suggest‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent,‬
‭It also includes the actions and measures to implement the suggested mitigation measures.‬

‭Chapter 7 - Stakeholder Engagement & Information Disclosure‬

T‭ his‬ ‭chapter‬ ‭details‬ ‭the‬ ‭different‬ ‭consultation‬ ‭activities‬ ‭that‬ ‭were‬ ‭carried‬ ‭out‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭study‬
‭period, that include initial and secondary consultation sessions.‬

T‭ his‬ ‭Chapter‬ ‭also‬ ‭discusses‬ ‭the‬ ‭Grievance‬ ‭mechanism‬ ‭where‬ ‭the‬ ‭operator‬ ‭of‬ ‭Ajloun‬‭Public‬‭Park‬‭is‬
‭applies‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project.‬ ‭The‬ ‭chapter‬ ‭highlights‬ ‭the‬ ‭methods‬ ‭used‬ ‭and‬ ‭recommended‬ ‭some‬
‭suggestions to improve the efficiency of the grievance redress system.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭Project‬ ‭established‬ ‭a‬ ‭basic‬‭operational‬‭Grievance‬‭Redress‬‭Mechanism‬‭(GRM)‬‭system‬‭in‬

‭all‬ ‭the‬ ‭26‬ ‭participating‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭(PMs)‬ ‭and‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭central‬ ‭level‬ ‭in‬ ‭CVDB‬ ‭to‬ ‭address‬
‭complaints/grievances‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭social‬ ‭issues‬ ‭that‬ ‭may‬ ‭arise.‬ ‭This‬ ‭GRM‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭considered‬ ‭to‬
‭enhance‬ ‭the‬ ‭already‬ ‭existing‬ ‭system‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipality.‬ ‭The‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭project‬ ‭level‬ ‭GRM‬ ‭receives‬
‭complaints,‬ ‭grievances,‬ ‭queries,‬ ‭and‬ ‭suggestions.‬ ‭There‬ ‭are‬ ‭GRM‬ ‭Focal‬ ‭Points‬‭(FPs)‬‭in‬‭all‬‭PMs‬‭and‬
‭who‬ ‭follow‬ ‭up‬ ‭on‬ ‭complaints‬ ‭processing‬ ‭and‬ ‭handling.‬ ‭The‬ ‭system‬ ‭provides‬ ‭several‬ ‭avenues‬ ‭for‬
‭stakeholders‬ ‭to‬ ‭lodge‬ ‭their‬ ‭complaints‬ ‭and‬ ‭concerns‬‭related‬‭to‬‭the‬‭project‬‭including‬‭phone,‬‭email,‬
‭walk-in,‬ ‭written‬ ‭complaints,‬ ‭social‬ ‭media‬ ‭(Facebook,‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭websites,‬ ‭etc.),‬ ‭etc.‬ ‭Municipalities‬
‭document‬ ‭and‬ ‭track‬‭the‬‭complaints‬‭received‬‭through‬‭the‬‭“complaints‬‭log”‬‭and‬‭a‬‭copy‬‭of‬‭this‬‭log‬‭is‬
‭an‬ ‭Independent‬ ‭third-party‬ ‭organization‬ ‭(GBV‬ ‭Service‬ ‭Provider)‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭a‬ ‭dedicated‬ ‭hotline‬ ‭to‬
‭receive‬ ‭GBV‬ ‭and‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭(Sexual‬ ‭Exploitation‬ ‭and‬ ‭Abuse‬ ‭or‬ ‭Sexual‬‭Harassment)‬‭related‬‭complaints‬
‭the sub-project at the existing GRM at the central level.‬

‭Chapter 8 - Capacity Building‬

T‭ his chapter identifies the capacity building activities that need to be conducted by the PMU to the‬
‭subproject participating municipality.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭A-‬ ‭About MSSRP‬
‭ esponding‬‭to‬‭the‬‭request‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Government‬‭of‬‭Jordan‬‭to‬‭address‬‭the‬‭impact‬‭of‬‭the‬‭large‬‭influx‬‭of‬
‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees‬ ‭on‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭host‬ ‭communities,‬ ‭the‬ ‭World‬‭Bank‬‭launched‬‭the‬‭Emergency‬‭Services‬
‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Resilience‬ ‭Project‬‭(ESSRP)‬‭in‬‭2013.‬‭The‬‭Project‬‭was‬‭approved‬‭on‬‭October‬‭12,‬‭2013,‬‭with‬
‭the‬ ‭objective‬ ‭of‬ ‭helping‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭and‬ ‭host‬ ‭communities‬ ‭address‬ ‭the‬ ‭immediate‬
‭economic‬‭development.‬ ‭The‬‭first‬‭component‬‭of‬‭the‬‭ESSRP‬‭provided‬‭municipal‬‭grants‬‭to‬‭participating‬
‭help‬ ‭mitigate‬ ‭the‬ ‭rise‬ ‭in‬ ‭community‬‭tensions‬‭through‬‭improved‬‭confidence‬‭in‬‭local‬‭authorities‬‭and‬
‭supporting‬‭community‬‭coping‬‭mechanisms.‬ ‭The‬‭second‬‭component‬‭provided‬‭technical‬‭assistance‬‭to‬
‭the‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Affairs‬ ‭(MOMA)‬ ‭to‬ ‭support‬ ‭their‬ ‭implementation‬ ‭and‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭of‬‭the‬
‭Program.‬ ‭In‬ ‭addition,‬ ‭it‬ ‭provided‬ ‭capacity‬ ‭building‬ ‭support‬ ‭to‬ ‭municipalities,‬ ‭governorates‬ ‭and‬
‭central authorities to enhance their risk management and disaster preparedness capacity.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭primary‬ ‭beneficiaries‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭ESSRP‬ ‭were‬ ‭the‬ ‭communities‬ ‭residing‬ ‭in‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭that‬‭have‬
‭of‬ ‭implementation‬‭(through‬‭December‬‭2014),‬‭the‬‭Project‬‭benefited‬‭a‬‭total‬‭of‬‭9‬‭municipalities‬‭who,‬
‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭time,‬ ‭hosted‬ ‭300,000‬ ‭refugees‬ ‭representing‬ ‭an‬ ‭estimated‬ ‭50%‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭total‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugee‬
‭scope‬ ‭to‬ ‭include‬ ‭an‬ ‭additional‬ ‭seven‬ ‭new‬ ‭municipalities‬‭bringing‬‭the‬‭total‬‭number‬‭of‬‭participating‬
‭municipalities (PMs) to sixteen.‬

T‭ he‬‭second‬‭phase‬‭of‬‭the‬‭ESSRP,‬‭the‬‭Municipal‬‭Services‬‭and‬‭Social‬‭Resilience‬‭Project‬‭(MSSRP),‬‭aims‬‭to‬
‭shift‬‭the‬ ‭focus‬‭on‬‭responding‬‭to‬‭an‬‭emergency‬‭situation,‬‭and‬‭deepen‬‭the‬‭capacity‬ ‭of‬‭municipalities,‬
‭other‬ ‭highly-stressed‬ ‭municipalities‬‭to‬‭further‬‭institutionalize‬‭the‬‭Project’s‬‭model‬‭for‬‭responding‬‭to‬
‭local level.‬

‭ roject‬ ‭Development‬ ‭Objective:‬ ‭The‬ ‭objective‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭MSSRP‬‭is‬‭to‬‭support‬‭Jordanian‬‭municipalities‬

‭affected‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭influx‬ ‭of‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees‬ ‭in‬ ‭delivering‬ ‭services‬ ‭and‬ ‭employment‬ ‭opportunities‬ ‭for‬
‭Jordanians and Syrians.‬

‭ roject‬ ‭Beneficiaries:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Project‬ ‭targeted‬ ‭26‬ ‭municipalities‬‭:‬ ‭14‬ ‭participating‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭(PMs)‬
‭that‬ ‭are‬ ‭already‬ ‭part‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭parent‬ ‭ESSRP‬ ‭and‬ ‭an‬ ‭additional‬ ‭7‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭under‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipal‬
‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭total‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭beneficiaries‬ ‭will‬ ‭reach‬ ‭around‬ ‭3‬ ‭million,‬ ‭including‬ ‭more‬ ‭than‬ ‭500,000‬
‭Syrians,‬ ‭who‬ ‭represent‬ ‭more‬ ‭than‬ ‭70‬ ‭percent‬ ‭of‬ ‭Syrians‬ ‭living‬ ‭in‬ ‭host‬ ‭communities‬ ‭other‬ ‭than‬
‭Greater Amman Municipality (44% of Syrians living across the country).‬

‭ roject‬ ‭Components‬‭:‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭maintained‬ ‭the‬ ‭Parent‬ ‭Project’s‬ ‭two‬ ‭main‬ ‭components:‬ ‭(i)‬‭Municipal‬
‭Fund‬ ‭under‬ ‭component‬‭1.‬‭Additional‬‭adjustments‬‭with‬‭respect‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Parent‬‭Project‬‭pertain‬‭to‬‭the‬
‭way‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭the‬ ‭activities‬ ‭are‬ ‭selected‬ ‭and‬ ‭delivered‬ ‭(including‬ ‭introducing‬ ‭an‬ ‭element‬ ‭of‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

c‭ ompetition‬ ‭for‬ ‭accessing‬ ‭grants‬ ‭and‬ ‭placing‬ ‭greater‬ ‭focus‬ ‭on‬ ‭labor‬ ‭intensive‬ ‭works,‬ ‭in‬ ‭line‬ ‭with‬
‭lessons learned from ESSRP implementation).‬

‭Component 1: Municipal Grants (estimated US$27million)‬

‭ unicipal‬‭grants‬‭will‬‭be‬‭provided‬‭annually‬‭for‬‭a‬‭total‬‭of‬‭26‬‭municipalities.‬‭While‬‭the‬‭focus‬‭under‬‭the‬
‭parent‬ ‭ESSRP‬‭was‬‭on‬‭the‬‭provision‬‭of‬‭timely‬‭delivery‬‭of‬‭services‬‭as‬‭an‬‭emergency‬‭response,‬‭the‬‭AF‬
‭placed‬ ‭higher‬ ‭emphasis‬ ‭on‬ ‭sustainability,‬ ‭responsiveness,‬ ‭and‬ ‭efficiency‬ ‭of‬ ‭services‬ ‭in‬ ‭a‬ ‭way‬ ‭that‬
‭promotes‬ ‭longer-term‬ ‭resilience‬ ‭and‬ ‭mitigates‬ ‭risks‬ ‭to‬ ‭social‬ ‭cohesion‬ ‭at‬ ‭local‬ ‭levels.‬ ‭This‬ ‭was‬
‭achieved‬ ‭by:‬ ‭(i)‬ ‭focusing‬ ‭on‬ ‭more‬ ‭inclusive‬ ‭community‬ ‭consultations‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭investments‬
‭better‬ ‭reflect‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭and‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭women's‬ ‭and‬ ‭men’s‬ ‭needs‬‭and‬‭priorities;‬ ‭(ii)‬‭emphasizing‬‭that‬
‭investments‬ ‭made‬ ‭through‬ ‭sub-projects‬‭are‬‭aligned‬‭with‬‭municipalities’‬‭strategic‬‭planning‬‭over‬‭the‬
‭medium-term;‬ ‭(iii)‬ ‭ensuring‬ ‭predictability‬ ‭of‬ ‭funding‬ ‭to‬ ‭allow‬ ‭for‬ ‭better‬ ‭planning‬ ‭that‬ ‭takes‬ ‭into‬
‭to‬ ‭use‬ ‭labor-intensive‬ ‭techniques‬ ‭for‬ ‭public‬ ‭works‬ ‭to‬ ‭support‬ ‭the‬ ‭generation‬ ‭of‬ ‭jobs‬ ‭for‬ ‭Syrian‬
‭refugees and Jordanians.‬

‭ iven‬‭the‬‭amount‬‭of‬‭funding‬‭that‬‭the‬‭14‬‭PMs‬‭under‬‭ESSRP‬‭have‬‭already‬‭received‬‭over‬‭the‬‭past‬‭three‬
‭maintaining‬ ‭viable‬ ‭levels‬ ‭of‬ ‭service‬ ‭delivery‬ ‭and‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭operation‬ ‭and‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭of‬ ‭capital‬
‭investments‬ ‭financed‬ ‭under‬ ‭the‬ ‭ESSRP.‬‭The‬‭allocations‬‭will‬‭be‬‭further‬‭reduced‬‭in‬‭subsequent‬‭years‬
‭with‬ ‭a‬ ‭view‬‭to‬‭gradually‬‭phase‬‭out‬‭external‬‭assistance‬‭and‬‭have‬‭municipalities‬‭better‬‭manage‬‭their‬
‭own‬ ‭resources‬ ‭over‬ ‭the‬ ‭course‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭AF.‬ ‭To‬ ‭maximize‬ ‭the‬ ‭efficiency‬ ‭of‬ ‭investments‬ ‭amongst‬
‭municipalities‬ ‭that‬ ‭have‬ ‭benefited‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭ESSRP,‬ ‭the‬ ‭renewal‬ ‭of‬ ‭their‬ ‭eligibility‬ ‭for‬ ‭second-‬‭and‬
‭third-year‬ ‭grants‬ ‭would‬ ‭be‬ ‭conditioned‬ ‭upon‬ ‭achieving‬ ‭a‬ ‭certain‬ ‭minimum‬ ‭percentage‬ ‭of‬
‭commitments.‬ ‭New‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭have‬ ‭received‬‭higher‬‭per‬‭capita‬‭municipal‬‭grants‬‭commensurate‬
‭with‬ ‭their‬ ‭needs‬ ‭to‬ ‭rapidly‬ ‭improve‬ ‭their‬ ‭highly‬ ‭stressed‬ ‭local‬ ‭services.‬ ‭In‬ ‭the‬ ‭same‬ ‭vein,‬ ‭new‬
‭municipalities would benefit from more flexibility in prioritizing their investments.‬

S‭ uch‬ ‭sub-projects‬ ‭could‬ ‭focus‬ ‭on,‬ ‭inter‬ ‭alia:‬ ‭(a)‬ ‭enhancements‬ ‭in‬ ‭basic‬ ‭infrastructure‬ ‭including‬
‭rehabilitation‬ ‭and‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭of‬ ‭road‬ ‭networks‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭urban‬ ‭infrastructure,‬ ‭buildings,‬ ‭parks‬
‭and‬ ‭economic‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬ ‭infrastructure;‬ ‭(b)‬ ‭procurement‬ ‭of‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭to‬ ‭support‬ ‭a‬ ‭range‬ ‭of‬
‭municipal‬ ‭services‬ ‭including‬ ‭solid‬ ‭waste‬ ‭management,‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭works‬ ‭and‬ ‭sanitation;‬ ‭c)‬
‭delivering‬ ‭improved‬ ‭social‬ ‭services‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭community‬ ‭with‬ ‭special‬ ‭focus‬ ‭on‬ ‭women,‬ ‭youth‬ ‭and‬
‭not‬ ‭limited‬ ‭to,‬ ‭procuring‬ ‭solid‬ ‭waste‬ ‭equipment,‬ ‭small‬ ‭recycling‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭investing‬ ‭in‬ ‭alternative‬
‭energy‬ ‭sources,‬ ‭roads‬ ‭improvement,‬ ‭social‬ ‭services‬ ‭and‬ ‭skills‬ ‭development‬ ‭training,‬ ‭particularly‬
‭those targeting youth and women, recreational and community facilities, public leisure spaces, etc.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭first‬ ‭component‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭project,‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭responsibility‬ ‭of‬ ‭MOLA,‬ ‭includes‬ ‭the‬
‭Such impacts require measures to avoid, reduce and mitigate them.‬

‭ nder‬ ‭the‬ ‭component,‬ ‭additional‬ ‭effort‬ ‭was‬ ‭made‬ ‭to‬ ‭strengthen‬ ‭the‬ ‭processes‬ ‭of‬ ‭planning,‬
‭consider‬‭gender-specific‬‭needs‬‭of‬‭targeted‬‭communities.‬ ‭The‬‭AF‬‭provided‬‭the‬‭municipalities‬‭with‬‭an‬
‭current‬ ‭challenges,‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭expansion‬ ‭and‬ ‭highly‬ ‭strained‬ ‭services,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭potential‬ ‭for‬ ‭city‬
‭growth and planned development.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ unicipal‬‭investment‬‭plans‬‭were‬‭presented‬‭to‬‭the‬‭communities‬‭during‬‭community‬‭consultations‬‭and‬
‭the‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭interventions‬ ‭were‬ ‭prioritized‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭communities.‬ ‭The‬‭emphasis‬‭was‬‭on‬‭inclusive‬
‭community‬ ‭consultations,‬ ‭where‬ ‭women,‬ ‭youth,‬ ‭refugees‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭marginalized‬ ‭groups‬ ‭are‬ ‭well‬
‭represented‬ ‭and‬ ‭their‬ ‭voices‬ ‭are‬ ‭heard.‬‭The‬‭AF‬‭also‬‭encouraged‬‭and‬‭implemented‬‭tools‬‭for‬‭citizen‬
‭to‬ ‭include‬ ‭management‬ ‭plans‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭quality‬ ‭and‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭of‬ ‭service‬ ‭delivery‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬
‭process‬ ‭for‬ ‭selection‬ ‭of‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭investments‬ ‭financed‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭AF,‬ ‭including‬ ‭guidelines‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬
‭consultation process and appraisal criteria, was detailed in the Project Operational Manual.‬

‭ n‬ ‭Innovation‬ ‭Fund‬ ‭(IF)‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭introduced‬ ‭under‬ ‭Component‬ ‭1‭.‬‬ ‭The‬ ‭IF‬ ‭financed‬ ‭demand-driven‬
‭opportunities‬ ‭for‬ ‭Syrians‬ ‭and‬‭Jordanians.‬ ‭Municipalities‬‭were‬‭furthermore‬‭encouraged‬‭to‬‭consider‬
‭project‬ ‭ideas‬ ‭that‬ ‭have‬ ‭surfaced‬ ‭through‬ ‭other‬ ‭donor-financed‬ ‭engagements,‬ ‭including‬ ‭the‬
‭and International NGOs.‬

I‭ nnovation‬ ‭Fund‬ ‭processes‬ ‭and‬‭procedures‬‭.‬‭To‬‭start,‬‭the‬‭IF‬‭was‬‭launched‬‭as‬‭a‬‭pilot‬‭during‬‭the‬‭first‬

‭year‬ ‭and,‬‭subject‬‭to‬‭availability‬‭of‬‭additional‬‭funds,‬‭it‬‭could‬‭be‬‭replicated‬‭in‬‭a‬‭second‬‭round.‬‭The‬‭IF‬
‭cycle‬ ‭has‬ ‭a‬ ‭two-step‬ ‭prioritization‬ ‭and‬ ‭selection‬ ‭process.‬ ‭Both‬ ‭steps‬ ‭involve‬ ‭that‬ ‭projects‬ ‭are‬
‭prioritized‬ ‭and‬ ‭selected‬ ‭based‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭following‬ ‭criteria:‬ ‭(i)‬ ‭high‬ ‭focus‬ ‭on‬ ‭women,‬ ‭youth,‬ ‭and‬
‭marginalized‬ ‭populations‬ ‭as‬ ‭direct‬ ‭beneficiaries‬‭;‬ ‭(ii)‬ ‭high‬ ‭labor‬ ‭content‬‭(labor‬‭intensive‬‭works)‬‭;‬‭(iii)‬
‭employment‬ ‭generation‬ ‭potential‬ ‭for‬ ‭Syrians‬ ‭and‬ ‭Jordanians‬‭;‬ ‭(iv)‬ ‭established‬ ‭partnerships‬ ‭with‬
‭estimated average grant size amounting to US$250,000.‬

‭ omponent‬‭2‬‭–‬‭Institutional‬‭Support‬‭and‬‭Project‬‭Management‬‭(Estimated‬‭Amount‬‭US$3.0‬

‭ ctivities‬ ‭under‬ ‭this‬ ‭component‬ ‭include:‬ ‭i)‬ ‭institutional‬ ‭strengthening‬ ‭with‬ ‭experts’‬ ‭support,‬ ‭ii)‬
‭capacity‬ ‭building‬ ‭and‬ ‭training,‬ ‭iii)‬ ‭technical‬ ‭assistance.‬ ‭Under‬ ‭institutional‬ ‭strengthening,‬ ‭local‬
‭experts‬ ‭were‬ ‭hired‬ ‭(Annex‬ ‭IV),‬ ‭to‬ ‭support‬ ‭and‬‭strengthen‬‭the‬‭oversight‬‭and‬‭monitoring‬‭capacity‬‭of‬
‭the‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭while‬ ‭providing‬ ‭implementation‬ ‭support‬ ‭to‬ ‭PMs.‬ ‭PMs‬ ‭will‬ ‭also‬ ‭benefit‬ ‭from‬ ‭customized‬
‭technical‬ ‭assistance‬ ‭and‬ ‭training‬ ‭to‬‭improve‬‭the‬‭quality‬‭and‬‭efficiency‬‭of‬‭their‬‭services,‬‭focusing‬‭on‬
‭the‬ ‭following‬ ‭key‬ ‭aspects:‬‭(i)‬‭improved‬‭strategic‬‭and‬‭financial‬‭planning,‬‭(ii)‬‭improved‬‭accountability‬
‭vis-à-vis‬ ‭the‬ ‭communities‬ ‭through‬ ‭the‬ ‭use‬ ‭of‬ ‭citizen‬ ‭outreach‬‭and‬‭engagement‬‭tools,‬‭(iii)‬‭targeting‬
‭youth‬ ‭and‬ ‭women‬ ‭through‬ ‭inclusive‬ ‭practices‬ ‭and‬ ‭projects‬ ‭in‬ ‭order‬ ‭to‬ ‭strengthen‬ ‭social‬ ‭cohesion‬
‭between‬ ‭Syrians‬ ‭and‬ ‭Jordanians.‬ ‭Finally,‬ ‭this‬ ‭Component‬ ‭will‬ ‭finance‬ ‭contracts‬ ‭with‬ ‭other‬
‭organizations‬ ‭for‬ ‭supporting‬‭implementation,‬‭including‬‭contracts‬‭with‬‭experts‬‭in‬‭labor-based‬‭works‬
‭investments and youth and third-party monitoring.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Environmental categorization‬

T‭ he‬‭MSSRP‬‭project‬‭applies‬‭the‬‭Environmental‬‭and‬‭Social‬‭Safeguards‬‭Policies‬‭of‬‭the‬‭World‬‭Bank‬‭and‬
‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭classified‬ ‭as‬ ‭a‬ ‭Category‬ ‭B.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Project‬ ‭has‬ ‭prepared‬ ‭an‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬
‭Management‬ ‭Framework‬ ‭(ESMF)‬ ‭and‬ ‭a‬ ‭Resettlement‬ ‭Policy‬‭Framework‬‭(RPF)‬‭that‬‭were‬‭cleared‬‭by‬
‭the Bank and disclosed by the Bank and the project in 2020‬‭1‬‭.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭Rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭public‬ ‭park‬ ‭in‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭is‬ ‭under‬ ‭component‬ ‭2‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬
‭screening process described in the ESMF.‬

T‭ herefore,‬ ‭this‬ ‭report‬ ‭aims‬ ‭constitutes‬ ‭the‬ ‭ESMP‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭aforementioned‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭activities‬
‭toassess,‬ ‭avoid‬ ‭where‬ ‭possible,‬ ‭and‬ ‭mitigate‬ ‭and‬ ‭monitor‬ ‭the‬ ‭potential‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬
‭risks‬ ‭and‬ ‭impacts,‬ ‭that‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭different‬ ‭throughout‬‭the‬‭sub-project‬‭cycle‬
‭(construction and operation).‬

‭Project Selection Process for the Municipal Grants Cycle Two (MG2)‬

T‭ he‬‭selection‬‭of‬‭Municipal‬‭Grants‬‭(MG)‬‭cycle‬‭2‬‭sub-projects‬‭was‬‭carried‬‭out‬‭in‬‭two‬‭phases,‬‭the‬‭first‬
‭phase‬ ‭included‬ ‭the‬ ‭identification‬ ‭of‬ ‭activities‬ ‭of‬ ‭urgent‬ ‭needs,‬ ‭by‬ ‭consulting‬ ‭local‬ ‭communities,‬
‭where‬ ‭each‬ ‭participating‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭have‬ ‭approached‬ ‭its‬ ‭local‬ ‭community‬ ‭using‬ ‭an‬ ‭online‬
‭questionnaire‬ ‭(published‬ ‭on‬ ‭Facebook)‬ ‭to‬ ‭discuss‬ ‭projects‬‭and‬‭activities‬‭of‬‭importance‬‭to‬‭enhance‬
‭provided municipal services.‬

T‭ o‬‭ensure‬‭good‬‭level‬‭of‬‭participation‬‭from‬‭the‬‭residents‬‭of‬‭the‬‭26‬‭PMs,‬‭several‬‭awareness‬‭tools‬‭were‬
‭website,‬ ‭and‬ ‭Dissemination‬ ‭of‬ ‭information‬ ‭and‬ ‭results‬ ‭through‬ ‭the‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭(such‬ ‭as‬
‭CVBD and Ministry of Local Affairs) in communicating with their beneficiary groups.‬

‭ uring‬ ‭this‬ ‭phase‬ ‭8,924‬ ‭eligible‬ ‭participants‬ ‭(Above‬ ‭the‬ ‭age‬ ‭of‬ ‭18‬‭and‬‭living‬‭in‬‭one‬‭of‬‭the‬‭26‬‭PMs‬
‭process resulted in identifying 3-5 potential sub-projects for each municipality.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭second‬ ‭phase‬ ‭involved‬ ‭the‬ ‭selection‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭most‬ ‭important‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭(which‬ ‭received‬ ‭the‬
‭highest‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭votes)‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭identified‬ ‭sub-projects‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭first‬ ‭phase,‬‭the‬‭selection‬‭process‬
‭was‬ ‭done‬ ‭by‬ ‭electronic‬ ‭voting‬ ‭tool,‬ ‭were‬ ‭each‬ ‭PM‬ ‭invited‬ ‭its‬‭community‬‭to‬‭vote‬‭on‬‭the‬‭identified‬
‭sub-project to select the project of highest importance to the community.‬

‭ 8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A9_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A6%D9%8A%D8%A9_%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭B-‬ ‭About the Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park – (subject of this report) –‬
‭MG2 Sub-Project‬
T‭ he‬‭Rehabilitation‬‭of‬‭Ajloun‬‭Public‬‭Park‬‭Project‬‭in‬‭Ajloun‬‭Municipality‬‭is‬‭one‬‭of‬‭6‬‭MG‬‭cycle‬‭2‬‭(MG2)‬
‭sub-projects‬ ‭that‬ ‭were‬ ‭classified‬ ‭category‬ ‭B‬ ‭under‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭safeguards,‬ ‭and‬ ‭category‬ ‭2‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬
‭is prepared.‬

‭Figure 1: project area‬

T‭ he‬‭total‬‭area‬‭of‬‭the‬‭existing‬‭Ajloun‬‭Public‬‭Park‬‭is‬‭40‬‭km‬‭2‭,‬ ‬‭the‬‭rehabilitation‬‭activities‬‭will‬‭be‬‭carried‬
‭out‬ ‭on‬ ‭an‬ ‭area‬ ‭of‬ ‭12‬ ‭km‬‭2‭,‬ ‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭park‬‭include‬‭common‬‭trees‬‭(oak,‬‭pines,‬‭eastern‬‭strawberry‬‭Tree,‬
‭at different locations as in the figure above.‬

‭The sub-project activities consist of:‬

‭●‬ T‭ he‬‭construction‬‭of‬‭a‬‭guard‬‭room‬‭and‬‭restrooms‬‭for‬‭male-female‬‭and‬‭people‬‭with‬‭disabilities‬
‭at the park entrance (gate 1).‬
‭●‬ ‭The construction of Kids’ area near the current wooden observation platform‬
‭●‬ ‭Removing‬ ‭the‬ ‭old‬ ‭Seating‬ ‭areas‬ ‭and‬ ‭building‬‭new‬‭ones‬‭with‬‭chairs‬‭and‬‭barbecue‬‭places‬‭at‬
‭different locations with walking paths connecting them.‬
‭●‬ ‭Replacing the old gates.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ ‭Rehabilitation of the current wooden platform.‬

‭ ll‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭and‬ ‭rehabilitation‬ ‭works‬‭will‬‭be‬‭in‬‭which‬‭the‬‭area‬‭is‬‭devoid‬‭of‬‭any‬‭biodiversity‬

‭form,‬‭noting‬ ‭that‬‭the‬‭existing‬‭restrooms‬‭area‬‭already‬‭includes‬‭an‬‭existing‬‭mobile‬‭toilet,‬‭that‬‭will‬‭be‬
‭removed from the area and replaced with permanent facility.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭project‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented‬ ‭by‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Municipality,‬ ‭through‬ ‭a‬ ‭fund‬ ‭from‬ ‭Jordan‬ ‭Municipal‬
‭and Cities and Villages Development Bank (CVDB).‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ‭C - Rational of ESMP‬
‭ ccording‬‭to‬‭the‬‭“Screening‬‭Checklist‬‭for‬‭Assessment‬‭of‬‭Environmental‬‭and‬‭Social‬‭Impact‬‭for‬‭MG2”‬
‭Ajloun‬ ‭Public‬ ‭Park‬ ‭Sub-Project,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Public‬ ‭Park‬ ‭classified‬ ‭as‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬
‭Category‬ ‭B‬ ‭under‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭safeguards,‬ ‭which‬ ‭requires‬ ‭the‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭of‬ ‭site-specific‬ ‭ESMP.‬ ‭Under‬
‭the‬ ‭safeguards‬ ‭policies‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank,‬ ‭as‬ ‭stipulated‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Safeguards‬ ‭instruments‬ ‭of‬ ‭MSSRP‬
‭namely‬ ‭the‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Management‬ ‭Framework‬ ‭(ESMF)‬ ‭and‬ ‭Resettlement‬ ‭Policy‬
‭Framework (RPF) of the MSSRP.‬

‭ nnex‬ ‭1‬ ‭-‬ ‭Screening‬ ‭Checklist‬ ‭for‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭of‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬‭Impact‬‭for‬‭Ajloun‬‭Public‬
‭Park Sub-Project‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


T‭ his‬ ‭Chapter‬ ‭presents‬ ‭the‬ ‭Background‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Public‬ ‭Park‬ ‭Sub-Project,‬ ‭the‬
‭rationale‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭reasons‬ ‭behind‬ ‭choosing‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-project,‬ ‭describing‬ ‭the‬
‭geographic‬ ‭area‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project's‬ ‭components‬‭and‬‭activities‬‭in‬‭detail‬‭while‬
‭explaining the course of each activity.‬

‭1.1‬ ‭The rationale of the sub-project‬

T‭ he‬ ‭project‬ ‭aims‬ ‭to‬ ‭rehabilitate‬ ‭a‬ ‭recreational‬ ‭and‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭park‬ ‭in‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭city,‬ ‭that‬ ‭will‬
‭generate‬ ‭an‬ ‭escape‬ ‭of‬ ‭people‬ ‭from‬ ‭life‬‭stresses‬‭in‬‭one‬‭of‬‭the‬‭most‬‭amazing‬‭green‬‭areas‬‭in‬‭Jordan,‬
‭noting‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭park‬ ‭was‬ ‭originally‬ ‭rehabilitated‬ ‭to‬ ‭help‬ ‭preserve‬ ‭local‬ ‭trees‬ ‭from‬ ‭excessive‬
‭tree-cutting activities in the area in addition to the recreational objectives of such facilities.‬

‭1.2‬ ‭Geographic Area of The Project‬

T‭ he‬ ‭project‬‭is‬‭located‬‭in‬‭Ajloun‬‭Governorate,‬‭in‬‭Anjara‬‭Village.‬‭Ajloun‬‭Governorate‬‭is‬‭located‬‭in‬‭the‬
‭Irbid‬ ‭Governorate‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬‭north‬‭and‬‭west,‬‭specifically‬‭the‬‭Jordan‬‭Ghour‬‭region,‬‭which‬‭is‬‭situated‬‭32‬
‭km‬ ‭away.‬ ‭To‬ ‭the‬ ‭east‬ ‭lies‬ ‭Jerash‬ ‭Governorate,‬ ‭which‬ ‭is‬ ‭approximately‬ ‭25‬ ‭km‬ ‭away,‬ ‭while‬ ‭Balqa‬
‭Governorate is positioned to the south, around 72 km away.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭Park‬ ‭is‬ ‭situated‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭confines‬ ‭of‬ ‭Anjara‬ ‭village‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭eastern‬ ‭side,‬ ‭specifically‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬

T‭ he‬‭total‬‭area‬‭of‬‭the‬‭existing‬‭Ajloun‬‭Public‬‭Park‬‭is‬‭40‬‭km‬‭2‭,‬ ‬‭the‬‭rehabilitation‬‭activities‬‭will‬‭be‬‭carried‬
‭out‬ ‭on‬ ‭an‬ ‭area‬‭of‬‭12‬‭km‬‭2‭,‬ ‬‭as‬‭the‬‭park‬‭includes‬‭common‬‭trees‬‭(oak,‬‭pines,‬‭eastern‬‭strawberry‬‭Tree,‬
‭Atlantic Pistachio).‬

T‭ he‬‭surrounding‬‭lands‬‭of‬‭the‬‭park‬‭are‬‭privately‬‭owned‬‭by‬‭citizens,‬‭and‬‭no‬‭encroachments‬‭are‬‭taking‬
‭any‬ ‭nearby‬ ‭commercial‬ ‭activities‬ ‭or‬‭parking‬‭area.‬‭However,‬‭the‬‭park‬‭is‬‭bordered‬‭by‬‭unpaved‬‭roads‬
‭meters‬ ‭apart,‬ ‭as‬ ‭illustrated‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭picture‬ ‭below.‬ ‭Construction‬ ‭activities‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭subproject‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬
‭situated‬ ‭far‬ ‭from‬ ‭this‬ ‭area.‬ ‭The‬ ‭neighboring‬ ‭houses‬ ‭do‬ ‭not‬ ‭rely‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭park‬ ‭for‬ ‭any‬ ‭means‬ ‭of‬
‭livelihood. Individual consultations were conducted with each household to confirm this.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Paved road unpaved road main Gate Rehabilitation activities‬

‭1.3‬ ‭Project Description‬

T‭ he‬‭subproject‬‭aims‬‭to‬‭rehabilitate‬‭12‬‭km‬‭2‬ ‭of‬‭the‬‭existing‬‭40‬‭km‬‭2‬ ‭area‬‭of‬‭Ajloun‬‭Public‬‭Park.‬‭The‬‭Park‬
‭be no land acquisition since the whole land is owned by Ajloun Municipality.‬

T‭ he‬‭Park‬‭rehabilitation‬‭sub-project‬‭aims‬‭to‬‭transform‬‭the‬‭current‬‭state‬‭of‬‭the‬‭project‬‭area.‬‭Currently,‬
‭the‬ ‭existing‬ ‭park‬ ‭features‬ ‭scattered‬‭old‬‭seating‬‭areas‬‭that‬‭are‬‭in‬‭a‬‭state‬‭of‬‭disrepair‬‭and‬‭in‬‭need‬‭of‬
‭renovation.‬ ‭The‬ ‭existing‬ ‭walking‬ ‭paths‬ ‭are‬ ‭damaged‬ ‭and‬ ‭require‬ ‭enhancement‬ ‭to‬‭ensure‬‭they‬‭are‬
‭including restroom facilities, which are essential amenities for park-goers.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭seeks‬ ‭to‬ ‭address‬ ‭these‬ ‭shortcomings‬ ‭by‬ ‭implementing‬ ‭a‬ ‭comprehensive‬
‭rehabilitation plan. This plan includes:‬

‭1.‬ S‭ eating Area Renovation‬‭: The old seating areas will‬‭be refurbished and strategically placed‬
‭throughout the park to provide comfortable resting spots for visitors. New, durable seating‬
‭options will be installed to improve the overall aesthetic and functionality of the park.‬
‭2.‬ ‭Pathway Improvement:‬‭The damaged walking paths will‬‭be repaired and upgraded to ensure‬
‭they are smooth, even, and safe for pedestrians. This enhancement will promote ease of‬
‭movement throughout the park and enable visitors to enjoy leisurely strolls.‬
‭3.‬ ‭Nature-Inspired Playground Features:‬‭Within the "back‬‭to nature" kids play area, children‬
‭will encounter nature-inspired playground features designed to spark their imagination and‬
‭curiosity; Kids can explore, discover, and play while feeling connected to the natural‬
‭4.‬ ‭Public Restrooms:‬‭To enhance visitor comfort and convenience,‬‭the project will include the‬
‭construction of public restroom facilities. These facilities will be strategically located within‬
‭the park, ensuring easy access for all visitors.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭5.‬ A ‭ esthetic Enhancements:‬‭The rehabilitation project will also focus on improving the overall‬
‭aesthetics of the park. This may include landscaping, the addition of greenery, and‬
‭beautification efforts to create an inviting and pleasant environment.‬
‭6.‬ ‭Accessibility:‬‭The Park will be made more accessible‬‭to people of all ages and abilities. This‬
‭may involve the installation of ramps, handrails, and other features to ensure inclusivity.‬
‭7.‬ ‭Safety Measures:‬‭Safety measures such as adequate‬‭lighting and signage will be‬
‭incorporated to create a secure and welcoming atmosphere within the park.‬

‭ dditionally,‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭includes‬ ‭the‬ ‭rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Wooden‬ ‭Platform‬ ‭Overlooking‬ ‭Area‬‭,‬
‭which‬ ‭is‬ ‭situated‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭park's‬ ‭elevated‬ ‭terrain,‬ ‭the‬ ‭rehabilitated‬ ‭wooden‬ ‭platform‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭a‬
‭designated‬ ‭sanctuary‬‭for‬‭visitors‬‭seeking‬‭breathtaking‬‭views‬‭providing‬‭an‬‭engaging‬‭and‬‭educational‬
‭to‬ ‭nature"‬ ‭theme,‬ ‭while‬ ‭accessibility‬ ‭measures‬ ‭will‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭everyone‬ ‭can‬ ‭enjoy‬ ‭the‬ ‭stunning‬
‭focal point within the park, inviting everyone to connect with the beauty of the landscape.‬

I‭n‬ ‭a‬ ‭nutshell,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Park‬ ‭rehabilitation‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭aims‬ ‭to‬ ‭revitalize‬ ‭the‬ ‭area,‬ ‭making‬ ‭it‬ ‭a‬ ‭more‬
‭enjoyable‬ ‭and‬ ‭accessible‬ ‭public‬ ‭space‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭community.‬ ‭It‬ ‭seeks‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭a‬ ‭place‬ ‭where‬
‭individuals‬ ‭and‬ ‭families‬ ‭can‬ ‭relax,‬ ‭exercise,‬ ‭and‬ ‭connect‬ ‭with‬ ‭nature‬ ‭while‬ ‭addressing‬ ‭the‬‭current‬
‭deficiencies in infrastructure and amenities.‬

I‭t's‬ ‭worth‬ ‭mentioning‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭design‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭was‬ ‭revised‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭it‬ ‭does‬ ‭not‬
‭the‬ ‭forest's‬ ‭growth‬ ‭by‬ ‭planting‬ ‭as‬ ‭many‬ ‭additional‬ ‭trees‬ ‭as‬ ‭possible.‬ ‭This‬ ‭commitment‬ ‭to‬ ‭tree‬
‭sustainability and the enhancement of its natural beauty.‬

‭Sub-project Construction Activities:‬

‭The sub-project activities include:‬

‭●‬ ‭Site Preparation:‬

o‬ ‭Clearing and leveling the construction site.‬

o‬ ‭Excavating for foundations, utilities, and infrastructure.‬

o‬ ‭Demolishing existing structures if necessary.‬

o‬ ‭Foundation and Structural Work:‬

‭●‬ C ‭ onstructing‬‭the‬‭building's‬‭foundation,‬‭which‬‭may‬‭include‬‭excavation,‬‭forming,‬‭and‬‭pouring‬
‭concrete footings.‬
‭●‬ ‭Building structural elements, such as columns, beams, and load-bearing walls.‬
‭●‬ ‭Framing‬ ‭and‬ ‭Roofing:‬ ‭Erecting‬ ‭the‬ ‭building's‬ ‭framework‬ ‭using‬ ‭steel,‬ ‭wood,‬ ‭or‬ ‭reinforced‬
‭concrete‬ ‭and‬ ‭Installing‬ ‭roof‬ ‭trusses‬ ‭or‬ ‭framing,‬ ‭followed‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭installation‬ ‭of‬ ‭roofing‬

‭●‬ ‭Exterior Work:‬

o‬ ‭Constructing exterior walls using brick, concrete blocks, or other appropriate materials.‬

o‬ ‭Installing doors, windows, and exterior finishes, such as siding or cladding.‬

o‬ ‭Creating‬ ‭accessible‬ ‭entrances‬‭with‬‭ramps‬‭or‬‭steps‬‭and‬‭ensuring‬‭compliance‬‭with‬‭building‬

‭codes, and accessibility standards including people with special needs.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ ‭Interior Work:‬

o‬ ‭Constructing interior walls to create individual rooms or spaces.‬

o‬ ‭Installing‬ ‭electrical,‬ ‭plumbing,‬ ‭and‬ ‭HVAC‬ ‭(heating,‬ ‭ventilation,‬ ‭and‬ ‭air‬ ‭conditioning)‬

o‬ ‭Implementing fire protection systems, such as sprinklers and smoke detectors.‬

o‬ ‭Completing interior finishes, including flooring, painting, and ceiling installation.‬

o‬ ‭Installing fixtures, such as lighting, plumbing fixtures, and cabinetry.‬

‭●‬ ‭Utilities and Infrastructure:‬

o‬ ‭Connecting‬ ‭the‬ ‭building‬ ‭to‬ ‭utilities,‬ ‭including‬ ‭water‬ ‭supply,‬ ‭sewerage,‬ ‭and‬ ‭electrical‬

o‬ ‭Installing plumbing fixtures, electrical outlets, switches, and communication networks.‬

o‬ ‭Ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations for utility connections.‬

‭●‬ ‭Landscaping and Outdoor Amenities:‬

o‬ ‭Creating outdoor spaces, such as walkways, paths, and parking areas.‬

o‬ ‭Landscaping, including planting trees, shrubs, and grass.‬

o‬ ‭Installing‬ ‭outdoor‬ ‭amenities,‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭benches,‬ ‭lighting‬ ‭fixtures,‬ ‭and‬ ‭waste‬ ‭management‬

o‬ ‭Implementing drainage systems to manage stormwater runoff.‬

‭●‬ ‭Finishing Touches: Cleaning the construction site and removing debris.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ HAPTER 2 -‬
T‭ his‬ ‭section‬ ‭provides‬ ‭an‬ ‭overview‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭pertinent‬ ‭national‬ ‭legal‬ ‭and‬ ‭regulatory‬ ‭considerations‬
‭applicable‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭project,‬ ‭the‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭international‬ ‭conventions‬ ‭and‬ ‭treaties‬ ‭of‬ ‭which‬
‭Jordan is a part/signatory, and the World Bank requirements.‬

‭ ccording‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭-‬‭ESMF‬‭document,‬‭this‬‭project‬‭is‬‭classified‬‭as‬‭Above–average‬‭impact‬‭(new‬

‭construction‬ ‭and/or‬ ‭expansion‬ ‭onto‬ ‭new‬ ‭site).‬ ‭This‬ ‭corresponds‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭category‬ ‭“B”‬
‭which‬ ‭requires‬‭the‬‭preparation‬‭of‬‭site-specific‬‭ESMP,‬‭and‬‭Category‬‭“2”‬‭according‬‭to‬‭Government‬‭of‬
‭prepared as a part of the World Bank E&S requirements.‬

‭2.1‬ ‭Jordanian Laws and Regulations‬

T‭ he‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭legal‬‭requirements‬‭were‬‭reviewed.‬‭A‬‭summary‬‭of‬‭legal‬‭framework‬‭was‬
‭given‬ ‭outlining‬ ‭all‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭national‬ ‭institutional‬ ‭and‬ ‭regulatory‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬ ‭laws,‬
‭by-laws, regulations and standards.‬

‭Table‬‭‎‬‭2-3 below summarizes the related key points‬‭of the applicable national regulations.‬

‭Table 2
‎ -3: National legislations and their key points related to the study project (Sub-Project)‬

‭ ational‬
‭Key Points Relevant to the Sub-Project‬
‭-‬ ‭ o consider the Ministry of Environment, the Competent Authority‬
‭with all that related to the environment protection and the related‬
‭issues at the national, regional and international level.‬
‭-‬ ‭To protect the environment and promote all its elements such as‬
‭water, air and land in a sustainable manner, as well as to monitor the‬
‭ nvironmental‬ ‭Law‬
‭measuring of these elements and their components.‬
‭No.‬ ‭6‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Year‬
‭-‬ ‭Coordinate efforts to predict climate change and reduce greenhouse‬
‭gas emissions.‬
‭-‬ ‭To authorize (license) to non-government bodies, working in the‬
‭environment protection domain.‬
‭-‬ ‭To prohibit the admission of harmful & hazardous substances, safe‬
‭disposal or embedding them in the Kingdom's lands.‬
‭-‬ ‭The Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) is in charge of water and‬
‭sanitation service provision directly or through public companies that‬
‭it owns.‬
‭-‬ ‭WAJ is also responsible, together with the Ministry of Water and‬
‭Irrigation, for water resources planning and monitoring. WAJ also‬
‭regulates water abstraction by all users, including itself, by issuing‬
‭ ater‬
W ‭Authority‬ ‭licenses.‬
‭Law‬ ‭No.‬ ‭18‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭-‬ ‭Article 30: violations in case of, inter alia, establishing buildings or‬
‭Year 1988‬ ‭construction of any kind on State owned land, causing damage to any‬
‭of the Authority projects, or ruining or destroying or polluting any‬
‭water resources or the Authority's public sewers, drilling unlicensed‬
‭ground water wells, carrying out works or duties which are considered‬
‭the sole responsibility of the Authority, illegal usage of water or the‬
‭public sewers, carrying out any works regarding water sewerage‬
‭without obtaining the licenses‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ational‬
‭Key Points Relevant to the Sub-Project‬
‭This‬ ‭law‬ ‭displays‬‭the‬‭roles‬‭and‬‭responsibilities‬‭of‬‭the‬‭municipalities‬‭such‬
‭ unicipalities‬ ‭Law‬ a
M ‭ s:‬
‭No.‬ ‭41‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Year‬ ‭construction‬ ‭licenses,‬ ‭coordination‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭parties‬ ‭regarding‬
‭2015‬ ‭provision‬ ‭of‬ ‭infrastructure‬ ‭services‬ ‭(water,‬ ‭electricity,‬ ‭etc.),‬‭solid‬‭waste‬
‭management,‬ ‭and‬‭any‬‭related‬‭responsibilities‬‭mentioned‬‭in‬‭article‬‭5‬‭and‬
‭-‬ ‭This Law consisting of 73 articles divided in XIV Sections aims at‬
‭re-organizing agriculture sector in the Kingdom of Jordan. The related‬
‭sections are: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures; Plant Production;‬
‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬
‭Seeds; Fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators; Pesticides; Control of‬
‭Agriculture‬ ‭Law‬‭No.‬
‭Plant Pests and Plant Quarantine; Protection of Wild Birds and Wild‬
‭13 of the Year 2015‬
‭-‬ ‭Public health measures and sanitary plant measures are discussed in‬
‭articles 5-8.‬
‭-‬ ‭Articles 6-8 list the measures to be taken to prevent pollution and‬
‭reduce its risk on the environment, public health and sustainable‬
‭development, the principles that shall be adopted in Waste‬
‭management and its requirements‬
‭Waste‬ ‭Management‬
‭-‬ ‭Articles 11-13, lists the duties of the Holder, Operator or Generator,‬
‭Framework‬ ‭Law‬‭No.‬
‭who possess any amount of hazardous Waste or One Thousand (1000)‬
‭16 for the Year 2020‬
‭tons or more of nonhazardous Waste annually‬
‭-‬ ‭Articles 16 – 20‬
‭-‬ ‭Article 21 enforces obtaining the necessary Licenses from the‬
‭Competent Authorities, and the Environmental Approvals from the‬
‭This‬ ‭law‬ ‭aims‬ ‭at‬ ‭natural‬ ‭resources‬ ‭development,‬ ‭together‬ ‭with‬ ‭their‬
‭sustainable exploitation, and to regulate mining activities.‬
‭-‬ ‭Article 30: All minerals existing in Jordan, whether found on the‬
‭Natural‬ ‭Resources‬
‭surface, underground, in territorial waters, rivers and internal waters,‬
‭Law‬ ‭No.‬ ‭19‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬
‭shall be considered as a State domain‬
‭Year 2018‬
‭-‬ ‭Article 33: No exploration permit, prospecting license or mining right‬
‭may be granted for Government and Waqf property unless upon‬
‭Law No. 47 details activities that are deemed to be incidents of violation‬
‭of public hygiene. Mentioned below are examples of activities that may‬
‭pertain to the proposed project:‬
‭-‬ ‭Non-hazardous and hazardous discharges, including dump pits,‬
‭operations, materials, noise, dust, or waste;‬
‭-‬ ‭Any craft or profession implemented in such a way that could harm‬
‭Law‬ ‭of‬ ‭Public‬ ‭the health of the workers and public; and‬
‭Health‬ ‭No.‬ ‭47‬ ‭of‬ ‭-‬ ‭Dumping of trash, solid and liquid wastes in public yards and grounds.‬
‭the Year 2008‬
‭place‬ ‭other‬ ‭than‬ ‭specified‬ ‭places‬ ‭(i.e.‬ ‭sewage‬ ‭pit),‬ ‭as‬‭identified‬‭by‬‭the‬
‭official authorities, is considered as a hygiene incident.‬
‭The‬ ‭project‬ ‭administration‬ ‭should‬ ‭comply‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭instructions‬ ‭of‬ ‭law‬
‭(1/2013)‬ ‭for‬ ‭prevention‬ ‭of‬ ‭hygiene‬ ‭incidents‬ ‭that‬ ‭may‬ ‭result‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬
‭workers' assemblies.‬
‭Civil‬ ‭Defense‬ ‭Law‬ ‭-‬ ‭Obtain the needed licenses to ensure the availability of‬
‭No.‬ ‭18‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Year‬ ‭self-protection, warning and fire protection means‬
‭-‬ ‭Covid- 19 related regulations (if applicable)‬

‭ aw‬ ‭of‬ ‭Traffic‬ ‭No.‬ L

L ‭ aw‬ ‭49‬ ‭outlines‬ ‭how‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭licensed,‬ ‭characterized,‬ ‭and‬
‭49 of the Year 2008‬ ‭described, particularly as it relates to transport of materials.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ational‬
‭Key Points Relevant to the Sub-Project‬
‭ ny term in any contract between both parties that contradicts the labour‬
‭law is considered invalid.‬
‭Employment contracts can be limited or unlimited contracts, the law has‬
‭specified the specific conditions for each.‬
‭The project shall comply with:‬
‭-‬ ‭ he work hours limit stated by article (56) paragraphs (a) & (b);‬
‭including the right of workers to not work more than eight hours per‬
‭-‬ ‭ rticle (73) of this act that bans employment of the under-aged (less‬
‭than 16 years).‬
‭-‬ ‭ rticle (78) of the Law, which relates to occupational health and‬
‭safety. Under this law, project sponsors are obligated to take proper‬
‭ abour‬‭Law‬‭No.‬‭8‬‭of‬
L ‭precautions to protect workers from the risks of the hazardous‬
‭1996‬ ‭and‬ ‭its‬ ‭operations and diseases, and supply appropriate Personal Protective‬
‭amendments‬ ‭Equipment (PPE). Moreover, the project shall have a program to‬
‭educate the workers as to any job hazards, and outline means of‬
‭mitigation for these hazards. First Aid / lifesaving / and other‬
‭equipment as required shall be made available by the project‬
‭sponsors to the work force on the site.‬
‭-‬ ‭ rticle (79) of this law, in accordance with the directions issued by‬
‭the Minister of Labour, necessitates that the project follows certain‬
‭principles and standards to ensure a workplace free of environmental‬
‭pollutants. Workers shall receive protective equipment in conditions‬
‭where noise, vibration, or other factors pose potential harm to the‬
‭workers. Workplace conditions shall comply with International‬
‭Standards with regards to noise, vibration, or other factors.‬
‭-‬ ‭ edical tests shall be provided to workers where necessary, along‬
‭with instructions on the frequency of any tests.‬
r‭ anging from 6 months to 10 years imprisonment and / or a fine.‬
‭ nti-Trafficking‬‭Law‬
‭No.‬ ‭9‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Year‬
‭of‬ ‭Ministries‬ ‭and‬ ‭concerned‬ ‭authorities’‬ ‭representatives,‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬
‭established.‬ ‭In‬ ‭coordination‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭concerned‬ ‭authorities,‬ ‭the‬
‭committee‬ ‭is‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭for‬ ‭reviewing‬ ‭and‬ ‭developing‬ ‭legislations‬ ‭on‬
‭combating human trafficking and raising awareness among employers.‬
‭In‬ ‭accordance‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭Antiquities‬ ‭Law‬ ‭No.‬ ‭21‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭year‬ ‭1988,‬ ‭as‬
‭mentioned‬ ‭in‬ ‭article‬ ‭No.‬ ‭31‬ ‭(No‬ ‭permit‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭granted‬ ‭for‬ ‭any‬
‭ ntiquities‬ ‭Law‬ ‭No.‬
‭construction‬ ‭project‬ ‭including‬ ‭buildings‬ ‭and‬ ‭fences,‬‭unless‬‭a‬‭distance‬‭of‬
‭(21)‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Year‬
‭5-50‬ ‭meters‬ ‭is‬ ‭left‬ ‭between‬ ‭them‬ ‭and‬ ‭any‬ ‭antiquity‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬
‭directors’ decision‬
‭Articles 5, 9, 13-15, 21, 26-28 and 30‬
‭ aw‬ ‭for‬ ‭Protection‬
I‭n‬ ‭accordance‬ ‭with‬‭the‬‭Law‬‭for‬‭Protection‬‭of‬‭Cultural‬‭Heritage‬‭and‬‭Sites‬
‭No.‬ ‭5,‬ ‭as‬ ‭mentioned‬ ‭in‬ ‭article‬ ‭No.3‬ ‭(this‬ ‭law‬ ‭aims‬ ‭to‬ ‭protect‬ ‭and‬
‭and‬ ‭Sites‬ ‭No.‬‭5,‬‭for‬
‭Rehabilitate the Cultural Heritage and Sites)‬
‭the Year 2005‬
‭Real‬ ‭Estate‬
‭the‬ ‭conditions‬ ‭and‬ ‭procedures‬ ‭of‬ ‭land‬ ‭acquisition‬ ‭and‬ ‭compensation‬
‭Ownership‬ ‭Law‬ ‭No.‬
‭13 of the year 2019‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ational‬
‭Key Points Relevant to the Sub-Project‬
‭ rticle‬ ‭4‬ ‭mentions‬ ‭the‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭classification‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭activities‬
‭practiced‬ ‭by‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭based‬ ‭on‬ ‭their‬ ‭level‬ ‭of‬ ‭impact‬‭on‬‭environment‬‭in‬
‭accordance with Appendix 1 of this Regulation.‬
‭-‬ ‭This regulation sets forth the responsibilities and requirements of‬
‭proposed establishments to protect air quality.‬
‭-‬ ‭ he Jordanian standard JS 1140/2006 (ambient air quality standard)‬
‭defines the maximum allowable limits of different pollutants in‬
‭ambient air.‬
‭-‬ ‭ ny facility should designate an officer who will be responsible to the‬
‭relevant local operation committee for presenting and implementing a‬
‭contingency plan for the facility.‬
‭-‬ ‭ ach facility should meet protection requirements such as necessary‬
‭man power, tools and equipment, ready for use in any emergency‬
‭-‬ ‭ rticle 3 imposes upon all establishments and installations the respect‬
‭of maximum emission levels of air pollutants‬
‭ ir‬
A ‭Quality‬
-‭ ‬ ‭ rticle 6 defines requirements and conditions for places and sites of‬
‭the Year 2005‬ ‭-‬ ‭ rticle 7 refers to officers and specialists in charge for the control and‬
‭inspection of installations producing air pollutants.‬
‭-‬ ‭ rticle 8 entrusts the Minister of Environment to issue the necessary‬
‭instructions for the reduction of pollutants from vehicles. ‬
‭-‬ ‭Article 13 pertains to the obligations of installation-owners.‬
‭-‬ ‭ rticle 14 decrees the ban on the use of materials depleting the ozone‬
‭ ny‬ ‭facility‬‭shall‬‭ensure‬‭that‬‭no‬‭leak‬‭or‬‭emission‬‭of‬‭air‬‭pollutants‬‭occurs‬
‭where‬ ‭a‬ ‭project‬ ‭is‬ ‭being‬ ‭built‬ ‭is‬ ‭appropriate‬ ‭for‬ ‭its‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬
‭permissible‬ ‭limits‬ ‭for‬ ‭air‬ ‭pollutants‬ ‭are‬ ‭not‬‭exceeded,‬‭and,‬‭in‬‭all‬‭cases,‬
‭the permissible limits.‬

‭ he‬‭establishment‬‭or‬‭amendment‬‭of‬‭any‬‭natural‬‭reserve‬‭or‬‭national‬‭park‬
‭boundaries‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬ ‭decision‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Council‬ ‭of‬ ‭Ministers‬ ‭based‬ ‭on‬ ‭a‬
‭recommendation‬ ‭by‬ ‭MOE.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭in‬ ‭coordination‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭competent‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭organizes‬ ‭placement‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭purchase,‬
‭rental‬ ‭or‬ ‭easement‬ ‭of‬ ‭owned‬ ‭lands‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭boundary‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭natural‬
‭reserve‬ ‭or‬ ‭the‬ ‭national‬ ‭park.‬‭Otherwise,‬‭the‬‭owners‬‭of‬‭these‬‭lands‬‭have‬
‭Natural‬ ‭Reserves‬ ‭&‬
‭the‬ ‭right‬ ‭to‬ ‭use‬ ‭their‬ ‭land‬ ‭so‬ ‭long‬ ‭that‬ ‭it‬ ‭does‬ ‭not‬ ‭interfere‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭National‬ ‭Parks‬
‭Regulation‬ ‭NO.‬ 2 ‭ 9‬
‭or national park.‬
‭of the year 2005‬
‭-‬ ‭Article 7 deals with allowed activities and services in national parks‬
‭and protected areas.‬
‭-‬ ‭ rticle 9 prohibits carrying out activities in the aforementioned areas‬
‭before the obtainment of necessary authorizations from competent‬
S‭ oil‬ ‭Protection‬ S‭ oil‬‭maps‬‭from‬‭the‬‭national‬‭project‬‭for‬‭soil‬‭mapping‬‭and‬‭land‬‭use‬‭shall‬‭be‬
‭Regulation‬ ‭NO.‬ ‭25‬ ‭used‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭body‬ ‭to‬ ‭determine‬ ‭the‬ ‭degree‬ ‭of‬ ‭suitability‬ ‭of‬ ‭an‬
‭of the year 2005‬ ‭area for agriculture, grazing and other human activities.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ational‬
‭Key Points Relevant to the Sub-Project‬
‭ his‬‭Act‬‭makes‬‭provision‬‭with‬‭respect‬‭to‬‭the‬‭procedures‬‭and‬‭processes‬‭in‬
‭Land‬‭Use‬‭Regulation‬ ‭managed,‬ ‭monitored‬ ‭and‬ ‭evaluated.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Act‬ ‭sets‬ ‭out‬ ‭the‬ ‭fundamental‬
‭NO.‬ ‭6‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭year‬ ‭principles‬ ‭of‬ ‭land‬ ‭use,‬ ‭establishes‬ ‭land‬ ‭use‬ ‭planning‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭and‬
‭2007‬ ‭provides‬‭with‬‭respect‬‭to‬‭land‬‭planning‬‭procedures‬‭and‬‭authorizations.‬‭The‬
‭water and forest resources) and sets out requirements of environment‬
‭Management‬ ‭and‬
‭and‬ ‭Hazardous‬ ‭Not relevant‬
‭Waste‬ ‭By-Law‬ ‭No.‬
‭24 of the Year 2005‬
‭Management‬ ‭of‬ ‭Article‬ ‭(5)‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭regulation‬ ‭outlines‬ ‭the‬ ‭requirements‬ ‭for‬ ‭any‬
‭Solid‬ ‭Waste‬ ‭establishment‬ ‭or‬ ‭project‬ ‭that‬ ‭produces‬ ‭solid‬ ‭waste.‬ ‭This‬ ‭law‬ ‭stipulates‬
‭Regulation‬‭No.‬‭27‬‭of‬ ‭projects‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭sufficient‬ ‭personnel‬ ‭and‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭to‬ ‭properly‬
‭the Year 2005‬ ‭collect, manage and dispose of solid waste.‬
‭Ground‬ ‭Water‬
‭This‬ ‭regulation‬ ‭manages‬ ‭the‬ ‭licensing‬ ‭process‬ ‭of‬ ‭groundwater‬ ‭wells‬
‭related activities.‬
‭Year 2002.‬
‭Regulation‬ ‭No.‬ ‭(7)‬
‭Of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Year‬ ‭1998‬
‭The‬ ‭Regulation‬ ‭of‬
‭Committees‬ ‭and‬
‭This‬ ‭Regulation‬ ‭lists‬ ‭the‬ ‭responsibilities‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭company‬ ‭owners‬ ‭to‬
‭Supervisors‬ ‭of‬
‭provide‬ ‭all‬ ‭the‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭Occupational‬ ‭Safety‬‭and‬‭Health‬‭measurements‬
‭Occupational‬ ‭Safety‬
‭to assure the safety for their staff.‬
‭and‬ ‭Health‬ ‭Issued‬
‭by‬ ‭virtue‬ ‭of‬ ‭Article‬
‭(85)‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Labor‬
‭Law‬ ‭No.‬ ‭(8)‬ ‭Of‬ ‭the‬
‭Year 1996"‬
‭These‬ ‭instruction‬ ‭lists‬ ‭prohibited‬ ‭actions‬ ‭that‬ ‭will‬ ‭generate‬ ‭excessive‬
‭noise,‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭those‬ ‭listed‬ ‭in‬ ‭Article‬ ‭5‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭act.‬ ‭The‬ ‭instruction‬ ‭also‬
‭determines‬ ‭the‬ ‭maximum‬ ‭permissible‬‭noise‬‭limits‬‭during‬‭the‬‭day‬‭/‬‭night‬
‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭land‬ ‭use‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭area.‬ ‭It‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭noted‬ ‭that‬ ‭such‬ ‭limits‬
‭apply‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭outer‬ ‭perimeter‬ ‭of‬ ‭working‬ ‭areas,‬ ‭whereas‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬
‭working area perimeter, the regulations of the Ministry of Labour apply.‬

‭Maximum Allowable Noise Limits‬

‭ revention‬
P ‭and‬
‭Protection‬ ‭from‬ ‭Allowable Limits for‬
‭Noise‬ ‭Instruction‬ ‭of‬ ‭Area‬ ‭Noise Levels (dBA)‬
‭the Year 2003‬
‭Day‬ ‭Night‬
‭ esidential‬ ‭Areas‬ ‭within‬
‭60‬ ‭50‬
‭ esidential‬ ‭Areas‬ ‭within‬
‭55‬ ‭45‬

‭ esidential‬ ‭Areas‬ ‭within‬

‭50‬ ‭40‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ational‬
‭Key Points Relevant to the Sub-Project‬

‭ esidential‬ ‭Areas‬ ‭with‬

‭Commercial‬ ‭Activities,‬
‭65‬ ‭55‬
‭Services,‬ ‭Light‬‭Handcrafts,‬
‭and City Centre‬

I‭ndustrial‬ ‭Areas‬ ‭(Heavy‬

‭75‬ ‭65‬
‭Places‬ ‭of‬ ‭Education,‬
‭Worship,‬ ‭Treatment‬ ‭and‬ ‭45‬ ‭35‬

‭ his‬ ‭standard‬ ‭defines‬ ‭the‬ ‭maximum‬ ‭allowable‬ ‭limits‬ ‭of‬ ‭different‬

‭pollutants‬ ‭in‬ ‭ambient‬ ‭air.‬ ‭The‬ ‭project‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭required‬ ‭to‬ ‭comply‬ ‭with‬
‭these limits, especially those related to dust creation / emissions.‬

‭Jordanian Ambient Air Quality Standards (JS 1140/2006)‬

‭Units‬ ‭Number of‬

‭Averagin‬ ‭ ermissible‬
‭Pollutant‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭3‬
‭g time‬ ‭ppm*‬ ‭exceedances/yea‬
S‭ ulphur‬ ‭1-hour‬ ‭ .31‬
0 -‭ ‬ ‭3‬
‭Dioxide‬ ‭ 4 hour‬
2 ‭0.14‬ ‭-‬ ‭1‬
‭(SO‬‭2‭)‬ ‬ ‭Annual‬ ‭0.04‬ ‭-‬ ‭-----‬
‭Carbon‬ ‭1-hour‬ ‭26.00‬ ‭-‬ ‭3‬
‭8-hour‬ ‭9.00‬ ‭-‬ ‭3‬
‭Nitrogen‬ ‭1 hour‬ ‭ .21‬
0 -‭ ‬ ‭‬
‭Dioxide‬ ‭24 hour‬ ‭0.08‬ ‭-‬ ‭3‬
‭(NO‬‭2‭)‬ ‬ ‭Annual‬ ‭0.05‬ ‭-‬ ‭------‬
‭Hydrogen‬ ‭1 hour‬ ‭0.03‬ ‭-‬ ‭3‬
‭24 hour‬ ‭0.01‬ ‭-‬ ‭3‬
‭e (H‬‭2‭S‬ )‬
‭ mbient‬ ‭Air‬ ‭Quality‬
A ‭ -hour‬
1 ‭ .12‬
0 -‭ ‬ -‭ ------‬
‭Ozone (O‬‭3‭)‬ ‬
‭Standard‬‭No.1140‬‭of‬ ‭8-hour‬ ‭0.08‬ ‭-‬ ‭-------‬
‭the Year 2006‬ ‭270‬
‭24 hour‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭3‬
‭Ammonia‬ ‭3‬
‭(NH‬‭3‭)‬ ‬ ‭8‬
‭Annual‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭-------‬
‭ otal‬
T ‭24 hour‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭3‬
‭Suspended‬ ‭3‬
‭Particulates‬ ‭75‬
‭(TSP)‬ ‭Annual‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭-------‬
‭24 hour‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭3‬
‭Annual‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭--------‬
‭24 hour‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭3‬
‭Annual‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭---------‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ational‬
‭Key Points Relevant to the Sub-Project‬
‭ alendar‬
‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭----------‬
‭Lead (Pb)‬
‭Annual‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭---------‬
‭24 hour‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭3‬
‭Phosphate‬ ‭3‬
‬ ‬
)‬ ‭40‬
‭Annual‬ ‭-‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭---------‬
‭ admium‬
‭Annual‬ ‭Annual‬ ‭µg/m‬ ‭----------‬
*‭ ppm: parts per million‬
‭** µg/m‬‭3‭:‬ microgram per cubic meter‬

‭Noting‬ ‭that‬ ‭there‬ ‭is‬ ‭a‬ ‭gap‬ ‭between‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭and‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank’s‬
s‭ tandards (Please refer to Gap Analysis Section)‬

‭2.2‬ ‭Institutional framework‬

‭The following Table‬‭‎‬‭2-1 shows a summary of responsibilities‬‭of the relevant regulatory authorities‬

‭Table 2
‎ -1: Responsibilities of the relevant regulatory authorities‬

‭Regulatory Authorities‬ ‭Responsibilities‬

‭ inistry of Environment‬
M ‭-‬ ‭ esponsible for environmental licensing and permissions of projects.‬
‭(MoEnv).‬ ‭-‬ ‭Issuing the Environmental Legislations.‬
‭Inspection on labor issues during construction and operation phases‬
‭-‬ ‭Possible employment during construction and operation phases.‬
‭Ministry of Labor (MoL)‬ ‭-‬ ‭Local and foreign workers issues.‬
‭-‬ ‭Ensure good working environment and make sure also that employees‬
‭are treated fairly (e.g. salary, working hours, human right and‬
‭employee housing during construction).‬
‭ inistry of Local‬
‭-‬ ‭Waste management.‬
‭Administration (MoLA)‬
‭Inspection‬ ‭on‬ ‭health‬ ‭issues‬ ‭during‬ ‭construction‬ ‭and‬ ‭operation‬ ‭phases‬
‭Ministry of Health (MoH)‬
‭-‬ ‭ isease transmission due to introduction of foreign workers and‬
‭capacity of health care centers.‬
‭-‬ ‭Disease control for workers.‬
‭ inistry of Public Works‬
M -‭ ‬ ‭Management of Infrastructure activities.‬
‭and Housing (MPWH).‬ ‭-‬ ‭Inspection and complying with axial loads on roads.‬
‭Ministry of Industry, Trade‬
‭-‬ ‭Issuance of import and export licenses.‬
‭and Supply (MITS)‬
‭Comply with Ministry of Transport Regulations such as:‬
‭ inistry of Transport‬
‭(MoT)‬ ‭-‬ I‭mplementing of safely transport policy including transporting of‬
‭hazardous and non-hazardous goods, regulations and accident‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Regulatory Authorities‬ ‭Responsibilities‬

‭ revention due to possible increase in traffic movements and traffic‬

-‭ ‬ ‭Issues related to transport of raw materials and products.‬
‭ inistry of Agriculture‬
M ‭-‬ ‭Managing of Forest Lands.‬
‭(MoA)‬ ‭-‬ ‭Monitoring and controlling of assaulting in Forest Lands.‬
‭Ministry of Tourism and‬ ‭-‬ ‭The department has the right to assess the significance of any such‬
‭Antiquities (MoTA)‬ ‭finds and to make recommendations accordingly.‬
-‭ ‬ ‭Formulation of the economic and social general policy.‬
‭ inistry of Planning and‬
‭-‬ ‭Monitoring of the national development programs.‬
‭International Cooperation‬ ‭-‬ ‭Improving the developmental policies.‬
‭ irectorate of Civil‬
D ‭-‬ ‭Approval for construction plans and permitting prior to operation.‬
‭Defense (DCD)‬ ‭-‬ ‭Firefighting system approval.‬
‭Public Security‬
‭Directorate - Royal‬
-‭ ‬ ‭ rotecting the environment.‬
‭Department for‬
‭-‬ ‭Implementing the environmental legislations.‬
‭Protecting Environment‬
‭and Tourism‬
‭Jordan Customs‬ ‭-‬ ‭Import and export issues.‬
‭The Royal Society for‬ ‭-‬ ‭ anaging the natural reserves including special conservation, important‬
‭Conservation of Nature‬ ‭bird areas and wetlands.‬
‭(RSCN)‬ -‭ ‬ ‭Conserving and protecting the habitats.‬
‭-‬ ‭Managing and developing water resources and joint water for all uses.‬
‭-‬ ‭Managing, protecting land to sustain development and conserve the‬
‭Jordan Valley Authority‬
‭environment in the Jordan Valley.‬
‭-‬ ‭Licenses for water wells.‬

‭2.3‬ ‭Donors Standards‬

‭World Bank Environmental and Social Standards ‬

T‭ he‬‭project‬‭was‬‭classified‬‭as‬‭World‬‭Bank‬‭category‬‭“B”.‬‭This‬‭ESMP‬‭has‬‭been‬‭prepared‬‭to‬‭comply‬‭with‬
‭the‬ ‭safeguards‬ ‭policies‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank,‬ ‭as‬ ‭stipulated‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Safeguards‬ ‭instruments‬ ‭of‬ ‭MSSRP‬
‭namely‬ ‭the‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Management‬ ‭Framework‬ ‭(ESMF)‬ ‭and‬ ‭Resettlement‬ ‭Policy‬
‭Framework (RPF) of the MSSRP.‬

‭ s‬‭the‬‭potential‬‭adverse‬‭environmental‬‭and‬‭social‬‭impacts‬‭of‬‭the‬‭project‬‭are‬‭site-specific,‬‭reversible,‬
‭the Environmental and Social Safeguards Policies.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank’s‬ ‭Safeguard‬ ‭Policies‬ ‭are‬ ‭a‬ ‭tool‬ ‭used‬ ‭for‬ ‭tackling‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬
‭issues throughout‬‭the‬‭project’s‬‭life‬‭cycle,‬‭these‬‭policies‬‭provide‬‭as‬‭well,‬‭a‬‭framework‬‭for‬‭consultation‬
‭with communities and for public disclosure.‬

T‭ his‬ ‭study‬ ‭was‬ ‭carried‬ ‭out‬ ‭in‬ ‭accordance‬ ‭with‬‭project’s‬‭ESMF‬‭2‬ ‭&‬‭RPF‬‭3‭,‬ ‬‭that‬‭details‬‭agreed‬‭policies,‬

‭Environmental and Social Management Framework‬
‭ ttps://‬
‭Resettlement Policy Framework,‬
‭ ttps://‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ f‬ ‭the‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭with‬ ‭applicable‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭laws‬ ‭and‬ ‭regulations‬ ‭and‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬
‭environmental and social safeguards policies triggered for this sub-project, that include:‬

● ‭ B General EHS Guidelines‬
‭●‬ ‭WBG EHS Guidelines for tourism and Hospitality Development‬
‭●‬ ‭IFC/WB General EHS Guidelines / Life and Fire Safety (L&FS)‬
‭●‬ ‭labor influx guidance notes (2016)‬
‭●‬ ‭Environmental Assessment (OP/BP/GP 4.01)‬
‭●‬ ‭Physical Cultural Property (OP 4.11)‬

T‭ he‬‭following‬‭Table‬‭‎‬‭2-2‬‭illustrate‬‭the‬‭relevance‬‭of‬‭WB‬‭safeguard‬‭policies‬‭(Operational‬‭Policies‬‭(OPs))‬
‭and EHS Guidelines to the project:‬

‭Table 2
‎ -2: WB safeguard policies (Operational Policies (OPs)) and EHS Guidelines‬

‭Policy‬ ‭Summary of core requirements‬ ‭Relevance to the project‬

‭-‬ ‭ his policy is triggered‬

‭at the MSSRP level.‬
‭-‬ ‭The sub-project was‬
‭subject to screening‬
‭ P 4.01‬
O S‭ creen early for potential impacts and select an‬ ‭and a mitigation plan‬
‭Environmental‬ ‭appropriate instrument to assess, minimize and‬ ‭in accordance with‬
‭Assessment‬ ‭mitigate potential adverse impacts.‬ ‭these requirements.‬
‭This ESMP is the result‬
‭of the E&S screening‬
‭of this sub-project.‬

‭-‬ ‭ his policy is triggered‬

‭at the MSSRP level.‬
‭ ppropriate‬ ‭measures‬ ‭are‬ ‭carefully‬ ‭planned‬ ‭and‬ ‭-‬
A ‭The sub-project was‬
‭selected‬ ‭and‬ ‭carried‬ ‭out‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent‬ ‭the‬ ‭severe‬ ‭subject to screening‬
‭ P 4.12 -‬
‭long-term‬ ‭hardship‬ ‭that‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬ ‭caused‬ ‭by‬ ‭and the results‬
‭involuntary‬ ‭resettlement‬ ‭by‬ ‭avoiding‬ ‭the‬ ‭demonstrated that no‬
‭involuntary‬ ‭resettlement‬ ‭where‬ ‭feasible,‬ ‭or‬ ‭land acquisition is‬
‭minimized, exploring all viable alternative‬ ‭required for this‬

‭-‬ ‭ his policy is not‬

‭triggered at the MSSRP‬
‭ ssists countries to avoid or mitigate adverse‬
‭impacts on physical cultural resources from‬
‭-‬ ‭The sub-project was‬
‭development projects that it finances. The‬
‭ P 4.11 -‬
O ‭screened for impacts‬
‭impacts on physical cultural resources resulting‬
‭Physical‬ ‭on physical cultural‬
‭from project activities, including mitigating‬
‭Cultural‬ ‭resources and chance‬
‭measures, may not contravene either the‬
‭Resources‬ ‭find procedures will be‬
‭borrower’ national legislation, or its obligations‬
‭prepared by the‬
‭under relevant international environmental‬
‭treaties and agreements‬

‭ ssisting‬ ‭to‬ ‭manage‬ ‭pests‬ ‭that‬ ‭affect‬ ‭either‬ -‭ ‬

A ‭ his policy is triggered‬
‭agriculture‬ ‭or‬ ‭public‬ ‭health,‬ ‭supports‬ ‭a‬ ‭strategy‬ ‭at the MSSRP level.‬
‭ P 4.09 - Pest‬
O ‭that‬ ‭promotes‬ ‭the‬ ‭use‬ ‭of‬ ‭biological‬ ‭or‬ ‭-‬ ‭The sub-project was‬
‭Management‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭control‬ ‭methods‬ ‭and‬ ‭reduces‬ ‭screened for potential‬
‭reliance‬ ‭on‬ ‭synthetic‬ ‭chemical‬ ‭pesticides.‬‭Issues‬ ‭pests impacts.‬
‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭context‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭project's‬ ‭environmental‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Policy‬ ‭Summary of core requirements‬ ‭Relevance to the project‬

‭ ssessment.‬ ‭In‬ ‭appraising‬ ‭a‬ ‭project‬ ‭that‬ ‭will‬

‭involve‬ ‭pest‬ ‭management,‬ ‭the‬‭Bank‬‭assesses‬‭the‬
‭capacity‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Country’s‬ ‭regulatory‬ ‭framework‬
‭and‬ ‭institutions‬ ‭to‬ ‭promote‬ ‭and‬ ‭support‬ ‭safe,‬
‭effective,‬ ‭and‬ ‭environmentally‬ ‭sound‬ ‭pest‬
‭management.‬ ‭As‬ ‭necessary,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬
‭borrower‬ ‭incorporate‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬‭components‬
‭to strengthen such capacity‬
‭ P‬ ‭4.10‬ ‭-‬
‭Indigenous‬ ‭N/A‬ ‭-‬ ‭N/A‬
‭OP/BP‬ ‭4.04‬ ‭-‬
‭Natural‬ ‭N/A‬ ‭-‬ ‭N/A‬
‭OP/BP‬ ‭4.36‬ ‭-‬
‭N/A‬ ‭-‬ ‭N/A‬
‭OP/BP‬ ‭4.37‬ ‭-‬
‭N/A‬ ‭-‬ ‭N/A‬
‭Safety of Dams‬
‭7.60‬ ‭-‬‭Projects‬
‭N/A‬ ‭-‬ ‭N/A‬
‭in‬ ‭disputed‬
‭7.50‬ ‭-‬ ‭Project‬
‭on‬ ‭N/A‬ ‭-‬ ‭N/A‬
‭ ccording‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭screening‬ ‭results‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭subproject,‬ ‭the‬ ‭EHS‬ ‭project‬ ‭EHS‬ ‭hazards‬ ‭and‬
‭General‬ ‭associated risks as has been identified‬
‭Environmental‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭facility‬ ‭development‬ ‭or‬ ‭project‬ ‭cycle,‬
‭,‬ ‭Health‬ ‭and‬ ‭including‬‭the‬‭incorporation‬‭of‬‭EHS‬‭considerations‬
-‭ ‬ ‭Relevant‬
‭Safety‬ ‭into‬ ‭the‬ ‭site‬ ‭selection‬ ‭process,‬ ‭product‬ ‭design‬
‭Guidelines‬ ‭process,‬ ‭engineering‬ ‭planning‬‭process‬‭for‬‭capital‬
(‭ EHSG‬‭4‬‭)‬ ‭requests,‬ ‭engineering‬ ‭work‬ ‭orders,‬ ‭facility‬
‭modification‬ ‭authorizations,‬ ‭or‬ ‭layout‬ ‭and‬
‭process change plans‬
‭EHS‬ ‭Guidelines‬
‭insurance‬ ‭requirements‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭building‬ ‭codes,‬
‭related‬‭to‬‭Life‬‭and‬ ‭-‬ ‭Relevant‬
‭the‬ ‭buildings‬ ‭and‬ ‭including‬ ‭Life‬ ‭and‬ ‭Fire‬ ‭Safety‬
‭Fire Safety (L&FS).‬
‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭in‬ ‭accordance‬ ‭with‬ ‭GIIPs‬
‭throughout the projects’ lifecycle.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭project‬ ‭will‬ ‭comply‬ ‭with‬ ‭all‬ ‭applicable‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭laws,‬ ‭policies‬ ‭and‬ ‭regulations‬‭that‬‭pertain‬‭to‬
‭social‬ ‭standards,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭applicable‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭safeguard‬ ‭policies‬ ‭and‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭ratified‬
‭international‬ ‭laws‬ ‭and‬ ‭treaties.‬ ‭This‬ ‭includes‬ ‭the‬ ‭adherence‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭General‬ ‭EHS‬ ‭Guidelines‬ ‭on‬
‭cross-cutting environmental, health, and safety issues as described above.‬


‭ ttps://‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Managing Labor Influx‬

T‭ he‬ ‭Guidance‬ ‭Note‬ ‭for‬ ‭Managing‬ ‭the‬ ‭Risks‬ ‭of‬ ‭Adverse‬ ‭Impacts‬ ‭on‬ ‭Communities‬ ‭from‬ ‭Temporary‬
‭Project‬ ‭Induced‬ ‭Labor‬ ‭Influx‬ ‭(2016)‬‭5‬ ‭was‬ ‭considered‬ ‭in‬ ‭preparing‬ ‭this‬ ‭ESMP.‬ ‭Labor‬ ‭Influx‬ ‭is‬ ‭not‬
‭anticipated‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭given‬ ‭the‬ ‭small‬ ‭scale‬ ‭of‬ ‭works‬ ‭and‬ ‭also‬ ‭the‬ ‭recruitment‬ ‭process,‬
‭which‬ ‭will‬ ‭hire‬ ‭unskilled‬ ‭labor‬ ‭through‬ ‭a‬ ‭lottery‬ ‭system‬ ‭from‬ ‭a‬ ‭pool‬ ‭of‬ ‭local‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭and‬‭Syrian‬
‭refugees.‬ ‭However,‬‭the‬‭principles‬‭of‬‭this‬‭Guidance‬‭note‬‭include‬‭the‬‭avoidance‬‭of‬‭risks,‬‭assessing‬‭its‬
‭implication‬ ‭on‬ ‭local‬‭communities‬‭particularly‬‭women‬‭will‬‭be‬‭considered‬‭in‬‭designing‬‭the‬‭mitigation‬


‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


‭3.1‬ ‭Climate‬
‭3.1.1‬ ‭Temperature‬

I‭n‬ ‭Ajloun,‬ ‭the‬ ‭summers‬ ‭are‬ ‭long,‬ ‭warm,‬ ‭arid,‬ ‭and‬ ‭clear‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬‭winters‬‭are‬‭cold‬‭and‬‭mostly‬‭clear.‬
‭Over‬ ‭the‬ ‭course‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭year,‬ ‭the‬ ‭temperature‬ ‭typically‬ ‭varies‬ ‭from 2°C to 30°C and‬ ‭is‬ ‭rarely‬
‭below -1°C or above 33°C.‬

‭ s‬ ‭shown‬ ‭in‬ ‭Figure‬ ‭‎‬3-1,‬ ‭The hot‬ ‭season lasts‬ ‭for 4.4‬ ‭months,‬ ‭from May‬ ‭25 to October‬ ‭7,‬ ‭with‬ ‭an‬
‭average‬‭daily‬‭high‬‭temperature‬‭above 26°C.‬‭The‬‭hottest‬‭month‬‭of‬‭the‬‭year‬‭in‬‭Ajloun‬‭is August,‬‭with‬
‭an average high of 30°C and low of 18°C.‬

‭ oreover;‬‭The cool‬‭season lasts‬‭for 3.2‬‭months,‬‭from December‬‭5 to March‬‭10,‬‭with‬‭an‬‭average‬‭daily‬

‭high‬ ‭temperature‬ ‭below 14°C.‬ ‭The‬ ‭coldest‬ ‭month‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭year‬‭in‬‭Ajloun‬‭is January,‬‭with‬‭an‬‭average‬
‭low of 2°C and high of 11°C.‬

‭Figure ‎3-1: Average High and Low Temperature in Ajloun‬

‭3.1.2‬ ‭Precipitation‬

‭ eadings‬ ‭show‬ ‭variation‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭months‬ ‭and‬ ‭not‬ ‭just‬ ‭the‬ ‭monthly‬ ‭totals,‬ ‭we‬ ‭show‬ ‭the‬ ‭rainfall‬
‭accumulated‬ ‭over‬ ‭a‬ ‭sliding‬ ‭31-day‬ ‭period‬ ‭centered‬ ‭around‬ ‭each‬ ‭day‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭year.‬ ‭Ajloun‬
‭experiences significant seasonal variation in monthly rainfall.‬

T‭ he rainy period‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭year‬‭lasts‬‭for 5.7‬‭months,‬‭from October‬‭23 to April‬‭14,‬‭with‬‭a‬‭sliding‬‭31-day‬

‭rainfall‬‭of‬‭at‬‭least 13‬‭millimeters.‬‭The‬‭month‬‭with‬‭the‬‭most‬‭rain‬‭in‬‭Ajloun‬‭is January,‬‭with‬‭an‬‭average‬
‭rainfall of 56 millimeters.‬

T‭ he rainless period‬‭of‬‭the‬‭year‬‭lasts‬‭for 6.3‬‭months,‬‭from April‬‭14 to October‬‭23.‬‭The‬‭month‬‭with‬‭the‬

‭least rain in Ajloun is July, with an average rainfall of 0 millimeters.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Figure ‎3-2: Average Monthly Rainfall in Ajloun‬

‭3.2‬ ‭Biodiversity‬
‭ iodiversity‬ ‭means‬ ‭the‬ ‭variety‬ ‭of‬ ‭life‬ ‭on‬ ‭earth.‬ ‭This‬ ‭variety‬ ‭can‬ ‭be‬ ‭measured‬ ‭on‬ ‭several‬ ‭different‬
‭diversity levels: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity.‬

‭ enetic‬ ‭diversity‬ ‭measures‬ ‭variation‬ ‭between‬ ‭individuals‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭same‬ ‭species,‬ ‭whereas‬ ‭species‬
‭diversity is the variety of species in a given region or area.‬

‭ ommunities‬ ‭of‬ ‭plants‬ ‭and‬ ‭animals‬ ‭together‬ ‭with‬‭the‬‭physical‬‭characteristics‬‭of‬‭their‬‭environment‬

‭diversity‬ ‭is‬ ‭more‬ ‭difficult‬ ‭to‬ ‭measure,‬ ‭since‬ ‭there‬ ‭are‬ ‭rarely‬ ‭clear‬ ‭boundaries‬ ‭between‬ ‭different‬
‭ecosystems, but the number and distribution of species in the ecosystem can be measured.‬

‭ iodiversity‬ ‭researchers‬ ‭have‬ ‭estimated‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭total‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭species‬ ‭around‬ ‭the‬ ‭world‬ ‭is‬
‭approximately 15 million species. Currently, researchers have identified only 1.7 million species.‬

J‭ ordan‬ ‭is‬ ‭rich‬ ‭and‬ ‭highly‬ ‭diverse‬ ‭country‬ ‭with‬ ‭around‬ ‭2,543‬‭6‬ ‭recorded‬ ‭species‬ ‭of‬ ‭vascular‬ ‭plants,‬
‭are‬ ‭endemic,‬ ‭forming‬ ‭about‬ ‭2.5%‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭total‬‭flora‬‭of‬‭Jordan.‬‭Many‬‭species‬‭are‬‭considered‬‭rare‬‭or‬
‭endangered,‬ ‭but‬ ‭the‬ ‭status‬ ‭of‬ ‭many‬ ‭plants‬ ‭remains‬ ‭unknown.‬ ‭A‬ ‭total‬ ‭of‬ ‭82‬‭2‬ ‭mammal‬ ‭species‬ ‭are‬
‭known‬ ‭to‬ ‭exist‬ ‭in‬ ‭Jordan.‬ ‭These‬ ‭species‬ ‭belong‬ ‭to‬ ‭7‬ ‭orders‬ ‭and‬ ‭24‬ ‭families.‬ ‭A‬‭total‬‭of‬‭98‬‭2‬ ‭reptile‬
‭species belonging to 18 families are recorded in Jordan.‬

J‭ ordan‬‭has‬‭a‬‭wide‬‭diversity‬‭of‬‭bird‬‭habitat‬‭types‬‭due‬‭to‬‭its‬‭varied‬‭topography‬‭and‬‭climate‬‭as‬‭well‬‭as‬
‭its‬ ‭biogeographical‬ ‭location.‬ ‭More‬ ‭than‬ ‭436‬‭2‬ ‭bird‬ ‭species‬ ‭belonging‬ ‭to‬ ‭58‬ ‭families‬ ‭have‬ ‭been‬
‭recorded in Jordan.‬

‭ lthough‬‭Jordan‬‭is‬‭a‬‭small‬‭country‬‭of‬‭about‬‭89,000‬‭km‬‭2‬‭,‬‭it‬‭has‬‭a‬‭great‬‭variety‬‭of‬‭wildlife‬‭due‬‭to‬‭the‬
‭formation‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Great‬ ‭Rift‬ ‭Valley‬‭2‭,‬ ‬ ‭geographical‬ ‭location‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭junction‬‭of‬‭three‬‭continents;‬‭Asia,‬
‭Africa and Europe, as well as its diverse landscape, weather conditions and geological structure.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭project‬ ‭area‬ ‭is‬ ‭within‬ ‭a‬ ‭very‬ ‭important‬ ‭biodiversity‬ ‭area‬ ‭of‬ ‭Jordan‬‭considering‬‭the‬‭number‬‭of‬


‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

F‭ lora‬‭in‬‭addition‬‭to‬‭being‬‭close‬‭to‬‭Ajloun‬‭Forest‬‭Reserve‬‭(AFR).‬‭Although;‬‭the‬‭Flora‬‭biodiversity‬‭is‬‭high‬
‭in the project area, no Fauna were recorded during the survey.‬

‭ long‬ ‭with‬ ‭stretches‬ ‭of‬ ‭Evergreen‬ ‭Oak ‭Q

A ‬ uercus‬‭calliprinos‬‭,‬‭the‬‭thriving‬‭woodlands‬‭of‬‭Ajloun‬‭Forest‬
‭Reserve‬‭are‬‭dominated‬‭by‬‭Carob ‬‭Ceratonia‬‭siliqua‬‭,‬‭wild‬‭Pistachio ‬‭Pistacia‬‭palaestina‬‭and‬‭Strawberry‬
‭tree ‭A ‬ rbutus‬‭andrachne‬‭.‬‭Throughout‬‭the‬‭years,‬‭these‬‭trees‬‭have‬‭been‬‭important‬‭to‬‭local‬‭people‬‭for‬
‭woodlands‬ ‭also‬ ‭support‬ ‭a‬ ‭wide‬ ‭range‬ ‭of‬ ‭plant‬ ‭and‬ ‭animal‬ ‭biodiversity,‬ ‭including‬ ‭herds‬ ‭of‬ ‭wild‬
‭boarSus‬‭scrofa,‬‭the‬‭Stone‬‭Marten ‬‭Martes‬‭foina‬‭,‬‭which‬‭is‬‭a‬‭carnivore‬‭that‬‭is‬‭known‬‭to‬‭be‬‭restricted‬‭to‬
‭forest‬‭habitats,‬‭and‬‭the‬‭Golden‬‭Jackal ‬‭Canis‬‭aureus‬‭,‬‭which‬‭can‬‭still‬‭be‬‭found‬‭in‬‭good‬‭numbers‬‭in‬‭and‬
‭around‬ ‭the‬ ‭reserve,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭Red‬ ‭Fox‬‭Vulpes‬ ‭vulpes‬‭,‬ ‭Striped‬ ‭Hyena ‬‭Hyaena‬ ‭hyaena‬‭,‬ ‭Persian‬
‭Squirrel ‬‭Sciurus‬ ‭anomalus‬‭,‬ ‭Indian‬ ‭Crested‬ ‭Porcupine ‬‭Hystrix‬ ‭indica‬‭,‬ ‭and‬ ‭wolf ‬‭Canis‬ ‭lupus‬‭.‬ ‭A‬ ‭wide‬
‭by BirdLife International and RSCN, as an Important Bird Area in Jordan.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


‭4.1‬ ‭Stakeholders‬
T‭ he‬ ‭Sub-Project‬‭will‬‭be‬‭funded‬‭by‬‭Jordan‬‭Municipal‬‭Services‬‭and‬‭Social‬‭Resilience‬‭project‬‭(MSSRP)‬
‭and will be implemented by Ajloun municipality.‬
‭Key Stakeholders Relevant to the Sub-Project are divided into two groups as follows:‬
‭●‬ ‭Project Affected Parties:‬

‭⮚‬ ‭Project Affected communities/persons:‬

o‬ s‭ urrounding‬‭residents,‬‭local‬‭communities‬‭who‬‭will‬‭be‬‭impacted‬‭by‬‭the‬‭generated‬

‭noise, project workers and the current park visitors‬
‭⮚‬ ‭Project Beneficiaries:‬
o‬ A
‭ ‭ ll‬‭residents‬‭of‬‭Ajloun,‬‭Local‬‭communities,‬‭families‬‭in‬‭general‬‭(women,‬‭children‬
‭and teens), workers and the current park visitors.‬

‭●‬ ‭Other Interested Groups:‬

‭⮚‬ ‭Government‬ ‭Agencies:‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬ ‭Land‬ ‭Administration,‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬ ‭Environment,‬
‭ inistry‬‭of‬‭Labor,‬‭Cities‬‭and‬‭Villages‬‭Development‬‭Bank,‬‭Ajloun‬‭Governorate,‬‭Agriculture‬
‭Directorate and Ajloun Tourism Directorate‬
‭⮚‬ ‭Contractors‬

‭⮚‬ ‭Development Partners:‬‭The World Bank, The International‬‭Labor Organization (ILO)‬

‭●‬ V
‭ ulnerable‬ ‭groups:‬ ‭In‬ ‭the‬ ‭operational‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭groups‬ ‭will‬ ‭include‬ ‭women‬ ‭and‬ ‭girls‬
‭(with‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭risks),‬ ‭the‬ ‭elderly,‬ ‭and‬ ‭disabled‬ ‭persons.‬ ‭Specific‬ ‭measures‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭taken‬ ‭into‬
‭consideration to care for them, as outlined in the mitigation plan in the sections below.‬

‭4.2‬ ‭Demographics‬
‭4.2.1‬ ‭Population‬
‭ ccording‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭latest‬ ‭figures‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Department‬ ‭of‬ ‭Statistics‬ ‭(DoS)‬ ‭the‬‭population‬‭of‬‭Jordan‬‭was‬
‭also‬ ‭shows‬ ‭that‬ ‭males‬ ‭are‬ ‭representing‬ ‭52.94%‬ ‭of‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭population‬ ‭compared‬ ‭to‬ ‭47.06%‬

‭ ccording‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬‭DoS,‬‭Ajloun‬‭population‬‭will‬‭reach‬‭208,500‬‭in‬‭the‬‭year‬‭2020,‬‭among‬‭which‬‭51.47%‬

‭to gender.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 4
‎ -1: Estimated Population at end-year 2020‬

‭District‬ ‭Male‬ ‭Female‬ ‭Total‬

‭Ajlun Qasabah‬
‭49,680‬ ‭46,490‬ ‭96,170‬
‭- Ajloun‬
‭Ajlun Qasabah‬
‭21,060‬ ‭20,220‬ ‭41,280‬
‭- Sakhrah‬
‭Ajlun Qasabah‬
‭13,210‬ ‭12,540‬ ‭25,750‬
‭- Orjan‬
‭Kufranjah‬ ‭23,350‬ ‭21,950‬ ‭45,300‬
‭Total Governorate‬ ‭107,300‬ ‭101,200‬ ‭208,500‬

‭Table 4
‎ -2: Family size‬

‭Number of Families‬ ‭Family size‬

‭Ajloun‬ ‭19,226‬ ‭5.1‬

‭Jordan (total)‬ ‭1.1 million‬ ‭4.8‬

‭ s‬ ‭per‬‭the‬‭acquired‬‭data‬‭from‬‭the‬‭Department‬‭of‬‭Statistics‬‭(DoS),‬‭the‬‭poverty‬‭rates‬‭and‬‭number‬‭of‬
‭poor individuals in Ajloun compared to the national rates are as follows:‬

‭Table 4
‎ -3: Poverty Rates‬

‭Number of poor individuals‬
‭Ajloun‬ ‭13.3‬ ‭17,783‬
‭Jordan (total)‬ ‭13.3‬ ‭781403‬

‭4.2.2‬ ‭Education‬


I‭n‬ ‭the‬ ‭year‬ ‭2021‬ ‭the‬ ‭total‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭schools‬ ‭reached‬ ‭7,127‬ ‭nationally,‬ ‭while‬ ‭schools‬ ‭in‬ ‭Ajloun‬
‭represent 3.1% of schools in Jordan with a total number of 219 schools.‬

T‭ he‬‭Ministry‬‭of‬‭Education‬‭(MoE)‬‭is‬‭the‬‭main‬‭operator‬‭of‬‭schools‬‭in‬‭Jordan‬‭as‬‭MoE‬‭schools‬‭represent‬
‭55.67%‬ ‭of‬ ‭schools‬ ‭in‬ ‭Jordan,‬ ‭while‬ ‭in‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭governorate‬ ‭the‬ ‭MoE‬ ‭schools‬ ‭represent‬ ‭61.19%‬ ‭of‬
‭schools.‬ ‭Private‬ ‭education‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬ ‭second‬ ‭major‬ ‭operator‬ ‭of‬ ‭schools,‬ ‭which‬ ‭represents‬ ‭38.81%‬ ‭of‬
‭schools in Jordan.‬

‭and private education are the only providers of education services as described in Table‬‭‎‬‭4-5.‬

‭Table 4
‎ -5: Distribution of Schools in Ajloun by Authority, Gender for the Year 2020-2021‬

‭ inistry of‬
M ‭ rivate‬
P ‭ ther‬
‭Gender‬ ‭UNRWA‬ ‭Grand Total‬
‭Education‬ ‭Schools‬ ‭Governmental‬

‭Male‬ ‭51‬ ‭0‬ ‭0‬ ‭51‬

‭Female‬ ‭83‬ ‭0‬ ‭0‬ ‭168‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Total‬ ‭134‬ ‭85‬ ‭0‬ ‭0‬ ‭219‬


‭ jloun‬‭schools‬‭represent‬‭1.84%‬‭of‬‭students‬‭in‬‭Jordan‬‭with‬‭a‬‭total‬‭number‬‭of‬‭48,277‬‭students‬‭in‬‭the‬
‭female‬ ‭students,‬ ‭as‬ ‭female‬ ‭students‬ ‭represent‬ ‭48.8%‬ ‭of‬ ‭students‬ ‭in‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭compared‬‭to‬‭51.2%‬‭of‬
‭male students, as shown in Table ‎4-6‬

‭Table 4
‎ -6: Distribution of Students in Ajloun by Authority and gender‬

‭Gender‬ ‭Ministry of Education‬ ‭Private Schools‬ ‭Grand Total‬

‭Male‬ ‭19,502‬ ‭5,205‬ ‭24,707‬

‭Female‬ ‭20,611‬ ‭2,959‬ ‭23,570‬
‭Total‬ ‭40,113‬ ‭8,164‬ ‭48,277‬

‭Higher Education‬

I‭n‬ ‭Ajloun,‬ ‭higher‬‭education‬‭is‬‭represented‬‭with‬‭one‬‭private‬‭university‬‭(Ajloun‬‭University‬‭College)‬‭in‬

‭addition to one community college (Ajloun National University).‬

‭4.2.3‬ ‭Health Care‬

J‭ ordan‬ ‭is‬‭considered‬‭one‬‭of‬‭the‬‭most‬‭advanced‬‭health‬‭care‬‭service‬‭providers‬‭in‬‭the‬‭region‬‭and‬‭was‬
‭provided by the Ministry of Health (MoH), the Armed Forces and the private sector.‬

‭ owever,‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭city‬ ‭hosts‬ ‭one‬ ‭governmental‬ ‭hospital‬‭(Al-Eman‬‭Hospital)‬‭with‬‭a‬‭total‬‭of‬‭130‬‭beds,‬

‭due‬ ‭to‬ ‭construction‬ ‭and‬ ‭demolition,‬ ‭the‬ ‭hospital‬ ‭capacity‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭reduced‬‭to‬‭90‬‭beds,‬‭there‬‭are‬
‭438 employees, including 50 doctors.‬

‭ s‬‭per‬‭Primary‬‭Health‬‭Care‬‭services‬‭in‬‭Ajloun,‬‭the‬‭available‬‭data‬‭from‬‭Ministry‬‭of‬‭Health‬‭presented‬‭in‬
‭Table‬ ‭‎‬4-7‬ ‭shows‬ ‭the‬ ‭distribution‬ ‭of‬ ‭primary‬ ‭health‬ ‭care‬ ‭sector‬ ‭in‬‭Ajloun‬‭governorate‬‭compared‬‭to‬
‭country level.‬

‭Table 4
‎ -7: Health Centers in Jordan and Ajloun Governorate‬

‭ rimary‬
P ‭Secondary‬ ‭Maternal‬
‭ omprehensive‬
C ‭ ental‬
‭Health‬ ‭Health‬ ‭Child health‬
‭Health Center‬ ‭Clinic‬
‭Center‬ ‭Center‬ ‭Center‬
‭Ajloun‬ ‭6‬ ‭15‬ ‭10‬ ‭24‬ ‭25‬
‭Jordan (in‬
‭117‬ ‭372‬ ‭188‬ ‭505‬ ‭431‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭4.3‬ ‭Employment‬
T‭ he‬ ‭data‬ ‭acquired‬ ‭from‬ ‭DoS‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭year‬ ‭2021,‬ ‭shows‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭economically‬ ‭active‬ ‭Jordanians‬ ‭in‬
‭females.‬ ‭The‬ ‭percentage‬ ‭of‬ ‭employed‬ ‭people‬ ‭in‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Governorate‬ ‭is‬ ‭28.6%‬ ‭whereas‬ ‭the‬
‭unemployed are 8.2%.‬

T‭ he‬‭age‬‭distribution‬‭of‬‭employment‬‭among‬‭the‬‭economically‬‭active‬‭(above‬‭15‬‭years‬‭old)‬‭is‬‭illustrated‬
‭in‬ ‭Table‬‭‎‬‭4-5,‬‭it‬‭is‬‭clear‬‭that‬‭the‬‭child‬‭labor‬‭(Less‬‭than‬‭18‬‭years‬‭old)‬‭in‬‭Ajloun‬‭governorate‬‭is‬‭limited,‬
‭with‬ ‭1.6%‬ ‭child‬ ‭labor‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭total‬‭employed,‬‭Ajloun‬‭governorate‬‭is‬‭lower‬‭than‬‭the‬‭national‬‭level‬‭of‬
‭child labor that reaches 1.8% in the year 2021.‬

‭Table 4
‎ -8: Age distribution of total employed in Ajloun and Jordan‬

‭Age Category‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Jordan‬

‭15 - 19‬ ‭1.6‬ ‭1.8‬

‭20 - 29‬ ‭29.4‬ ‭25.2‬

‭30 - 49‬ ‭58.4‬ ‭59.8‬

‭50 - 59‬ ‭9.4‬ ‭10.7‬

‭+ 60‬ ‭1.3‬ ‭2.4‬

‭18.76%‬ ‭compared‬ ‭to‬ ‭81.24%‬ ‭of‬ ‭males.‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Governorate‬ ‭represents‬ ‭2.44%‬ ‭of‬ ‭this‬ ‭figure‬ ‭with‬
‭the national figure in which females occupy 19.27% of jobs in Ajloun compared to 80.73% of males.‬

‭4.4‬ ‭Child labor‬

‭ hild‬‭labor‬‭is‬‭prevalent‬‭in‬‭all‬‭the‬‭sectors‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Jordanian‬‭economy,‬‭especially‬‭the‬‭agriculture‬‭sector.‬
‭However,‬‭the‬‭National‬‭Child‬‭Labor‬‭Survey‬‭of‬‭2016‬‭7‬ ‭indicates‬‭that‬‭around‬‭1.9‬‭percent‬‭of‬‭children‬‭aged‬
‭5–17,‬ ‭representing‬ ‭700,000‬ ‭children,‬ ‭are‬ ‭working‬ ‭under‬ ‭child‬ ‭labor‬ ‭condition,‬‭the‬‭vast‬‭majority‬‭of‬
‭years‬‭were‬‭engaged‬‭in‬‭agriculture‬‭8‭.‬ ‬‭Child‬‭laborers‬‭also‬‭work‬‭in‬‭the‬‭manufacturing,‬‭construction,‬‭and‬
‭wholesale and trade sectors.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭Labor‬ ‭Law‬ ‭and‬ ‭its‬ ‭amendments‬ ‭prohibit‬‭the‬‭work‬‭of‬‭children‬‭under‬‭16‬‭years‬‭of‬‭age‬

‭Article‬ ‭(73),‬ ‭while‬ ‭Article‬‭(75-74)‬‭allows‬‭children‬‭between‬‭16‬‭and‬‭18‬‭years‬‭of‬‭age‬‭to‬‭work‬‭no‬‭more‬
‭than‬ ‭36‬ ‭hours‬ ‭per‬ ‭week‬ ‭in‬ ‭occupations‬ ‭not‬ ‭classified‬ ‭as‬ ‭dangerous,‬ ‭exhausting‬‭or‬‭harmful.‬‭Article‬

‭Center for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan.‬‭National Child Labour Survey 2016 of Jordan - Summary Report on Main Findings.‬
‭August 2016.‬‭‬

‭Understanding Children's Work project based on data‬‭from ILO, UNICEF and the World Bank. Available at‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

c‭ onsent‬‭to‬‭work‬‭in‬‭the‬‭institution,‬‭and‬‭these‬‭documents‬‭are‬‭kept‬‭in‬‭a‬‭special‬‭file‬‭for‬‭the‬‭juvenile‬‭with‬
‭sufficient‬ ‭data‬ ‭about‬ ‭the‬ ‭place‬ ‭of‬ ‭his‬ ‭residence,‬ ‭date‬ ‭of‬ ‭employment,‬ ‭work‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭he‬ ‭was‬
‭employed,‬ ‭wages‬ ‭and‬‭leave.‬ ‭Given‬‭the‬‭inherent‬‭potential‬‭for‬‭dangerous‬‭and‬‭harmful‬‭conditions‬‭at‬
‭construction sites, all workers for the MSSRP project must be 18 years or older.‬

‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Specifications‬ ‭including‬ ‭“decent‬ ‭working‬ ‭conditions”‬‭that‬‭are‬‭included‬‭in‬
‭the‬ ‭Project’s‬ ‭ESMF‬ ‭and‬ ‭are‬ ‭now‬ ‭integrated‬ ‭into‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭standard‬ ‭bidding‬ ‭documents‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭workers under the age of 18 years old.‬

‭4.5‬ ‭Land Use/ Land Acquisition‬

T‭ he‬ ‭project‬ ‭area‬ ‭is‬ ‭totally‬ ‭owned‬ ‭by‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Municipality,‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭park‬ ‭already‬ ‭exists‬ ‭and‬
‭any privately owned property.‬

‭Please See Annex 2 – Project Land Ownership‬

‭4.6‬ ‭Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH)‬

‭ iscrimination‬ ‭based‬ ‭on‬ ‭race,‬ ‭language,‬ ‭and‬ ‭religion‬ ‭is‬ ‭prohibited‬ ‭by‬ ‭Article‬ ‭6‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jordanian‬
‭94.1%‬ ‭of‬ ‭survivors‬ ‭assisted‬ ‭by‬ ‭data‬ ‭gathering‬ ‭organizations‬ ‭were‬ ‭female,‬ ‭this‬‭is‬‭in‬‭line‬‭with‬‭global‬
‭a‬ ‭limited‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭organizations‬ ‭provide‬ ‭hotlines‬ ‭for‬ ‭women‬ ‭victims‬ ‭of‬ ‭violence.‬ ‭The‬ ‭National‬
‭Centre‬ ‭for‬ ‭Human‬ ‭Rights‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭State’s‬ ‭Family‬ ‭Protection‬ ‭Department‬ ‭operate‬ ‭national‬ ‭hotlines‬
‭providing emergency support 24 hours.‬

‭ ased‬ ‭on‬ ‭available‬ ‭research,‬ ‭the‬ ‭prevalence‬ ‭of‬ ‭sexual‬ ‭violence‬ ‭in‬ ‭Jordan‬ ‭(9.2%)‬‭is‬‭higher‬‭than‬‭the‬
‭regional‬ ‭average‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Middle‬ ‭East‬ ‭and‬ ‭North‬ ‭Africa‬ ‭(6.85%),‬ ‭the‬ ‭prevalence‬ ‭of‬ ‭intimate‬ ‭partner‬
‭violence‬ ‭is‬ ‭lower‬ ‭than‬ ‭the‬ ‭regional‬ ‭average‬ ‭(23.6%‬ ‭per‬ ‭DHS‬ ‭2012,‬ ‭1%‬ ‭below‬ ‭regional‬ ‭average).‬‭9‬
‭Jordan‬ ‭has‬ ‭also‬ ‭enacted‬ ‭laws‬‭on‬‭sexual‬‭harassment‬‭(Penal‬‭Code,‬‭Arts.‬‭305‬‭and‬‭306),‬‭which‬‭outline‬
‭employer or supervisor.‬‭10‬

T‭ he‬‭environmental‬‭and‬‭social‬‭assessment‬‭(Chapter‬‭5)‬‭provides‬‭more‬‭details‬‭on‬‭measures‬‭developed‬
‭by‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭to‬ ‭minimize‬ ‭or‬ ‭prevent‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭within‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭and‬ ‭all‬ ‭activities‬ ‭funded‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬
‭including Ajloun.‬

‭4.7‬ ‭People with Special Needs‬

I‭n‬ ‭this‬ ‭era,‬ ‭particularly‬ ‭in‬ ‭developing‬ ‭societies,‬ ‭and‬ ‭as‬ ‭a‬ ‭result‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭rapid‬‭spread‬‭of‬‭information,‬
‭institutions‬ ‭and‬ ‭organizations‬ ‭have‬‭had‬‭to‬‭raise‬‭awareness‬‭and‬‭develop‬‭data‬‭collection‬‭methods‬‭to‬
‭keep‬ ‭pace‬ ‭with‬ ‭global‬ ‭developments‬ ‭to‬ ‭overcome‬ ‭current‬ ‭realities‬ ‭and‬ ‭address‬ ‭challenges‬ ‭and‬
‭obstacles for the persons with disabilities to reach their rights.‬
‭Jordan enacted a “Law on Protection from Domestic‬‭Violence” (no.15\2017) which was promulgated in April 2017. The law requires the‬
F‭ amily Protection Department to settle disputes in misdemeanor cases filed by victims, and it enables courts to impose protective‬
‭measures and protection orders. In addition, specialized judges are identified to address urgent violence cases. After the law came into‬
‭effect in 2017, the Judicial Council appointed 107 judges to consider domestic violence cases across the country in a specialized manner.‬
‭The Judicial Council adopted a guide for judges on responding to cases of violence against women prepared by the Legal Network for Arab‬
‭Women. Eighty judges have been trained in the central and southern governorates.‬
‭UNFPA. However, the scope of these laws is unclear, and it does not address cyber-sexual harassment.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

I‭n‬ ‭Jordan,‬ ‭people‬ ‭with‬ ‭special‬ ‭needs‬ ‭form‬ ‭an‬ ‭important‬ ‭percentage‬ ‭(11.1%)‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jordanian‬
‭community,‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jordan‬ ‭Department‬ ‭of‬ ‭Statistics‬ ‭published‬ ‭statistics‬ ‭showing‬ ‭that‬ ‭out‬ ‭of‬
‭every nine people aged 5 and above in Jordan, one has impairment (functional difficulty).‬

‭ SSRP‬ ‭have‬ ‭addressed‬ ‭the‬‭importance‬‭of‬‭people‬‭with‬‭special‬‭needs‬‭inclusions‬‭in‬‭the‬‭sub-projects,‬

‭Annex‬ ‭5:‬ ‭Screening‬ ‭Checklist‬ ‭for‬ ‭Assessment‬ ‭of‬ ‭Environment‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Impacts‬‭of‬‭the‬‭ESMF,‬‭that‬
‭and financially feasible.‬

‭ dditionally,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭regulations‬ ‭have‬ ‭addressed‬ ‭the‬ ‭importance‬ ‭of‬ ‭having‬ ‭disabled‬ ‭people‬
‭friendly‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭The‬ ‭Code‬ ‭of‬ ‭Building‬ ‭Requirements‬ ‭for‬ ‭The‬ ‭Disabled‬ ‭(2018‬ ‭Edition),‬ ‭is‬
‭designs‬ ‭approved‬ ‭by‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭authority‬ ‭have‬ ‭passed‬ ‭all‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭National‬ ‭Building‬
‭Codes requirements including The Code of Building Requirements for The Disabled.‬

T‭ he‬‭project‬‭design‬‭considers‬‭the‬‭special‬‭needs‬‭of‬‭people‬‭with‬‭disabilities,‬‭in‬‭which‬‭the‬‭planning‬‭and‬
‭movement for all users and people with special needs.‬

‭4.8‬ ‭Vulnerable groups‬

T‭ he‬ ‭term‬‭"vulnerable‬‭groups"‬‭is‬‭usually‬‭synonymous‬‭with‬‭"groups‬‭at‬‭risk".‬‭As‬‭stated‬‭in‬‭Gender‬‭and‬
‭social‬ ‭inclusion‬ ‭Assessment,‬ ‭“vulnerable"‬ ‭refers‬ ‭to‬ ‭those‬ ‭who‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬ ‭more‬ ‭likely‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭adversely‬
‭affected‬ ‭by‬ ‭project‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭and/or‬ ‭more‬ ‭limited‬ ‭than‬‭others‬‭in‬‭their‬‭ability‬‭to‬‭take‬‭advantage‬‭of‬‭a‬
‭assistance‬ ‭to‬ ‭do‬ ‭so.‬ ‭Some‬ ‭groups‬ ‭that‬ ‭fall‬ ‭under‬ ‭this‬ ‭category‬ ‭are‬ ‭youth,‬ ‭elderly,‬ ‭persons‬ ‭with‬
‭disabilities,‬ ‭women,‬ ‭and‬ ‭refugees”.‬ ‭Within‬ ‭the‬ ‭context‬ ‭of‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-project,‬‭individuals‬‭that‬‭identify‬
‭with‬ ‭one‬ ‭or‬ ‭more‬ ‭of‬ ‭these‬ ‭groups‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬ ‭vulnerable.‬ ‭The‬ ‭project’s‬‭efforts‬‭to‬‭consult‬‭with‬‭people‬
‭with‬ ‭vulnerabilities‬ ‭are‬ ‭summarized‬ ‭in‬ ‭Section‬ ‭7.‬ ‭The‬ ‭differentiated‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬‭on‬
‭these individuals are assessed in Section 5.‬

‭4.9‬ ‭Social conflicts‬

T‭ here‬‭are‬‭no‬‭social‬‭conflicts‬‭in‬‭the‬‭sub-project‬‭area‬‭(i.e.‬‭related‬‭to‬‭contestation‬‭over‬‭land‬‭or‬‭natural‬
‭resources).‬ ‭The‬ ‭sub-project‬‭takes‬‭place‬‭on‬‭municipal‬‭owned‬‭land‬‭within‬‭the‬‭municipality‬‭of‬‭Ajloun.‬
‭enhance‬ ‭social‬ ‭cohesion‬ ‭through‬ ‭improved‬ ‭confidence‬ ‭in‬ ‭local‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭and‬ ‭through‬ ‭economic‬
‭opportunities for both Jordanians and Syrians.‬

F‭ ollowing‬‭to‬‭the‬‭consultation‬‭session‬‭conducted‬‭during‬‭the‬‭ESMP‬‭study,‬‭site‬‭visits,‬‭and‬‭upon‬‭further‬
‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭area,‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭contrary,‬ ‭all‬ ‭stakeholders,‬ ‭including‬ ‭the‬ ‭people‬ ‭living‬ ‭or‬ ‭have‬ ‭private‬
‭properties‬ ‭around‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭area‬ ‭have‬ ‭shown‬ ‭great‬ ‭optimism‬ ‭towards‬ ‭the‬‭project‬‭in‬‭which‬‭they‬
‭believe that they will be the direct beneficiary of the project.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭4.10‬‭Cultural heritage‬
‭ jloun‬‭is‬‭located‬‭76‬‭kilometers‬‭north‬‭west‬‭of‬‭Amman,‬‭there‬‭are‬‭more‬‭than‬‭220‬‭archaeological‬‭sites‬
‭and‬ ‭334‬ ‭AD.‬ ‭Road‬ ‭networks‬ ‭and‬ ‭water‬ ‭infrastructure‬ ‭were‬ ‭a‬‭preoccupation‬‭of‬‭Roman‬‭leaders‬‭and‬
‭and Mamluk (1250-1517 AD) periods.‬

‭ EGA‬ ‭Jordan‬ ‭(the‬ ‭improved‬ ‭version‬‭of‬‭Jordan‬‭Antiquities‬‭Database‬‭and‬‭Information‬‭System‬‭JADIS)‬

‭was‬ ‭checked‬ ‭to‬ ‭verify‬ ‭the‬ ‭archaeological‬ ‭sites‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭area.‬ ‭It‬ ‭was‬ ‭found‬ ‭at‬ ‭a‬ ‭188‬
‭archaeological‬ ‭site‬ ‭within‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Governorate.‬ ‭However,‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬‭area‬‭is‬‭not‬‭located‬‭within‬
‭artifacts‬ ‭during‬ ‭excavation‬ ‭activities,‬‭in‬‭which‬‭the‬‭following‬‭sections‬‭discuss‬‭anticipated‬‭impacts‬‭on‬
‭archeology and the chance find procedure that to be followed by the relevant stakeholder.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


T‭ his‬ ‭chapter‬ ‭is‬ ‭discussing‬ ‭the‬ ‭identification‬ ‭and‬ ‭evaluation‬ ‭of‬ ‭potential‬ ‭impacts‬‭from‬‭Construction‬
‭and‬ ‭Rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭Recreational‬ ‭Facilities‬ ‭in‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Public‬ ‭Park‬ ‭Project,‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭suggested‬
‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭that‬ ‭avoid,‬ ‭or‬ ‭if‬ ‭avoidance‬ ‭not‬‭possible,‬‭reduce‬‭potentially‬‭adverse‬‭social‬‭and‬
‭environmental impacts to acceptable levels.‬

T‭ he‬‭Identification‬‭process‬‭of‬‭potential‬‭impacts‬‭(concerns)‬‭has‬‭taken‬‭into‬‭consideration‬‭the‬‭nature‬‭of‬
‭(VESCs). The following environmental and social risks and impacts have been identified:‬

● S‭ ocio-economic Conditions.‬
‭●‬ ‭Environmental impacts.‬
‭●‬ ‭Community Health and Safety (CHS)‬
‭●‬ ‭Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).‬
‭●‬ ‭Cultural Heritage‬
‭●‬ ‭Traffic impacts‬

T‭ he‬ ‭identification‬ ‭process‬ ‭was‬ ‭followed‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭assessment‬ ‭of‬ ‭impacts’‬ ‭significance‬ ‭that‬ ‭take‬ ‭into‬
‭consideration the likelihood and severity of each impact according to the following:‬

‭ ‬ T‭ he level of impact was ranked as 1 (low), 2 (moderate) and 3 (high).‬

‭●‬ ‭The likelihood of occurrence was ranked as a (low), b (moderate) and c (high).‬
‭●‬ ‭All‬‭interactions‬‭ranked‬‭2b,‬‭2c,‬‭3a,‬‭3b‬‭and‬‭3c‬‭may‬‭have‬‭environmental‬‭and‬‭social‬‭impacts‬‭and‬
‭will be assessed in the ESMP study.‬

‭ onsidering the nature of the project, the majority of impacts occur during the construction phase,‬
‭while operation phase concerns are limited to cleaning and maintenance activities.‬

T‭ he data shown in Table ‎5-1 and Table ‎5-2 summarize all identified risks and impacts and its relevant‬
‭VESCs in addition to impact magnitude during project different phases.‬
‭Table 5
‎ -1: Relevant concerns and its impact during construction phase‬

‭Risks and Impacts‬ ‭Relevant VESCs‬ ‭Impact Magnitude‬

‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬

‭Water Resources pollution‬ ‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭2b‬

‭Biodiversity‬ ‭2b‬

‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭Improper disposal of‬
‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭2b‬
‭construction waste‬
‭Biodiversity‬ ‭1b‬

‭OHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭Dust emissions‬ ‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭2b‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭CHS‬ ‭1b‬

‭CHS‬ ‭1b‬
‭ aseous emissions from‬
‭construction equipment and‬ ‭OHS‬ ‭3b‬
‭transportation vehicle‬
‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭2b‬

‭CHS‬ ‭1b‬
‭ ibration from construction‬
‭equipment and transportation‬ ‭OHS‬ ‭3b‬
‭Environmental impacts‬

‭CHS‬ ‭1b‬
‭Improper disposal of domestic‬
‭wastewater generated from‬ ‭OHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭restroom‬‭s‬‭and washing facilities‬ ‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭1b‬
‭for workers‬
‭Park Biodiversity‬ ‭2b‬

‭Traffic impacts‬ ‭1b‬

‭ raffic conjunctions due‬
‭transporting of staff, equipment‬ ‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭and materials‬
‭OHS‬ ‭1b‬

‭Disruption of normal traffic flow‬ ‭Traffic impacts‬ ‭1b‬

‭ r temporary road closures near‬
‭the park during construction.‬ ‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬

‭OHS‬ ‭1b‬

‭Inadequate signage or safety‬ ‭Traffic impacts‬ ‭1b‬

‭ easures to guide drivers and‬
‭pedestrians around construction‬
‭zones, leading to accidents or‬ ‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭OHS‬ ‭1b‬

‭OHS‬ ‭3b‬

‭Improper disposal of metallic oils‬ ‭CHS‬ ‭1b‬

‭from machineries and vehicle‬ ‭Park Biodiversity‬ ‭2b‬

‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭1b‬

‭ nforeseen discovery of‬

‭archaeological artifacts,‬
‭historical remains, or cultural‬
‭heritage objects during‬ ‭Cultural heritage‬ ‭3c‬

‭Potential damage or destruction‬

‭of cultural heritage due to‬
‭Cultural heritage‬ ‭3c‬
‭excavation, construction‬
‭activities, or improper handling.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Lack of awareness or knowledge‬

‭regarding the significance and‬
‭preservation of cultural heritage‬ ‭Cultural heritage‬ ‭3c‬
‭among construction workers.‬

‭CHS‬ ‭3c‬

‭OHS‬ ‭3c‬
‭Lack of compliance to laws and‬ ‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭1c‬
r‭ egulations by subcontractors (if‬
‭any)‬ ‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭3c‬

‭Cultural heritage‬ ‭3c‬

‭Park Biodiversity‬

‭No evaluation of work‬

‭OHS‬ ‭3b‬
‭environment and associated risks‬

‭Lake of personal protective‬

‭OHS‬ ‭3c‬
‭equipment (PPEs)‬

‭OHS‬ ‭3b‬

‭Improper disposal of waste‬ ‭CHS‬ ‭1b‬

‭generated from workers‬ ‭Park Biodiversity‬ ‭2b‬

‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭1b‬

‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬

‭High noise levels‬ ‭OHS‬ ‭3b‬

‭Environmental impacts‬ ‭3b‬

‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭3b‬

‭Inefficient grievance mechanism‬
‭OHS‬ ‭3b‬

‭Socio-Economic impacts‬
‭Child labor‬ ‭2b‬

‭ exual Exploitation and Abuse‬

S ‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭2b‬
‭and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH)‬ ‭OHS‬ ‭2b‬

‭Lack of transparency in‬

‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭2b‬
‭employment process‬

‭Unequal employment‬
‭opportunities for women and‬ ‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭2b‬
‭people with disabilities‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Lack of friendly workplace‬

‭environment for women and‬ ‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭2b‬
‭people with disability‬

‭Lack of access to employment‬

‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭2b‬
‭opportunities for Syrian refugees‬

‭Inadequate consideration for‬

‭accessibility requirements,‬
‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭2b‬
‭limiting the participation of‬
‭people with disabilities.‬

‭Insufficient amenities or‬

‭facilities to accommodate‬
‭diverse user needs and‬ ‭Socio-Economic impacts‬ ‭2b‬

‭Removing vegetative cover‬

‭during excavation and‬ ‭Park Biodiversity‬ ‭3c‬
‭construction activities‬

‭Causing nuisance to wild habitat‬ ‭Park Biodiversity‬ ‭3c‬

‭Table 5
‎ -2: Relevant concerns and its impact during operational phase‬

‭Concerns‬ ‭Relevant VESCs‬ ‭Impact Magnitude‬

‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬
I‭mproper disposal of‬
‭OHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭maintenance waste‬
‭Biodiversity‬ ‭2b‬

‭ ccumulation of solid wastes‬

A ‭CHS‬ ‭1b‬
‭from park visitors‬ ‭Biodiversity‬ ‭2b‬
I‭mproper management of organic‬
‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭waste from (ex. trimming trees)‬
‭OHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭ ccidental Fires from park‬
‭Public Health‬ ‭2b‬
‭v isitors’ barbeque‬
‭Biodiversity‬ ‭2b‬
I‭mproper disposal of domestic‬ ‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭wastewater generated from‬
‭restroom‬‭s‬ ‭Biodiversity‬ ‭2b‬
‭OHS‬ ‭2b‬
‭Potential injuries‬
‭CHS‬ ‭2b‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭5.1‬ ‭Socio-Economic Impacts‬

I‭n‬ ‭general‬ ‭the‬ ‭overall‬ ‭assessment‬ ‭of‬ ‭socio-economic‬ ‭conditions‬ ‭indicates‬ ‭for‬ ‭a‬ ‭positive‬ ‭impacts‬
‭employment‬ ‭opportunities‬ ‭during‬ ‭operation‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭additionally‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭will‬ ‭also‬ ‭have‬‭positive‬
‭destination‬ ‭which‬ ‭will‬ ‭encourage‬ ‭people‬ ‭from‬ ‭outside‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭to‬ ‭visit‬‭the‬‭park‬‭and‬‭spend‬‭a‬‭quality‬
‭time inside the beautiful nature of Ajloun Park.‬

‭5.1.1‬ ‭Employment‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

T‭ he‬‭analysis‬‭of‬‭potential‬‭environmental‬‭and‬‭social‬‭impacts,‬‭shows‬‭that‬‭the‬‭project‬‭is‬‭associated‬‭with‬
‭several‬ ‭potential‬ ‭negative‬ ‭and‬ ‭positive‬ ‭impacts.‬ ‭One‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭main‬ ‭positive‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬
‭construction‬‭phase‬‭is‬‭associated‬‭with‬‭the‬‭temporary‬‭job‬‭opportunities.‬ ‭The‬‭sub-‬‭project‬‭is‬‭expected‬
‭to‬ ‭generate‬‭around‬‭10‬‭–‬‭20‬‭jobs‬‭to‬‭be‬‭filled‬‭from‬‭the‬‭local‬‭community‬‭of‬‭Ajloun‬‭including‬‭a‬‭special‬
‭quota‬ ‭for‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭groups‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭women‬ ‭and‬ ‭people‬ ‭with‬ ‭special‬ ‭needs,‬ ‭in‬ ‭addition‬ ‭to‬ ‭Syrian‬
‭refugees.‬ ‭These‬ ‭inclusive‬ ‭job‬ ‭opportunities‬ ‭are‬ ‭connected‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭project’s‬ ‭theory‬ ‭of‬ ‭change‬ ‭for‬
‭enhanced social within the hosting community.‬

‭The project is also expected to generate around 5 job opportunities during its operation phase.‬

‭The impact assessment process has addressed the following concerns:‬

● L‭ ack of transparency in employment process‬
‭●‬ ‭Unequal employment opportunities for women and people with disabilities‬
‭●‬ ‭Lack of friendly workplace environment for women and people with disability‬
‭●‬ ‭Lack of access to employment opportunities for Syrian refugees‬
‭with disabilities.‬
‭ ‬ ‭Insufficient amenities or facilities to accommodate diverse user needs and preferences.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭ owever,‬‭the‬‭project‬‭is‬‭considered‬‭to‬‭have‬‭a‬‭strong‬‭positive‬‭impact,‬‭it‬‭is‬‭important‬‭to‬‭ensure‬‭fair‬‭and‬
‭chosen‬ ‭randomly‬ ‭from‬ ‭a‬ ‭data‬ ‭bank‬ ‭that‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭developed‬ ‭by‬ ‭ILO,‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭ILO‬ ‭will‬ ‭provide‬ ‭the‬
‭contractor with required amount of personnel.‬

‭ s‬‭per‬‭the‬‭skilled‬‭personnel,‬‭another‬‭data‬‭bank‬‭will‬‭be‬‭developed‬‭by‬‭ILO‬‭that‬‭include‬‭all‬‭specialties‬
‭the‬ ‭numbers‬ ‭and‬‭specialties‬‭needed,‬‭ILO‬‭will‬‭provide‬‭the‬‭contractor‬‭with‬‭3‬‭candidates‬‭for‬‭each‬‭job‬
‭opportunity, and he will interview them and chose the best candidate for each job.‬

T‭ he‬‭priority‬‭for‬‭employment‬‭will‬‭be‬‭for‬‭women,‬‭youth‬‭and‬‭those‬‭with‬‭special‬‭needs‬‭and‬‭addressing‬
‭barriers‬ ‭for‬ ‭women,‬ ‭young‬ ‭people‬ ‭and‬ ‭those‬ ‭with‬ ‭special‬ ‭needs‬ ‭to‬ ‭access‬ ‭economic‬ ‭services‬ ‭and‬
‭opportunities‬ ‭where‬ ‭the‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭project‬ ‭will‬ ‭meet‬ ‭the‬ ‭needs‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭local‬ ‭community‬ ‭in‬ ‭an‬
‭innovative way.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

F‭ inally,‬ ‭ILO‬ ‭will‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭fair‬ ‭distribution‬ ‭of‬ ‭jobs‬ ‭between‬ ‭community‬‭members‬‭in‬‭which‬‭30%‬‭of‬‭the‬
‭new‬ ‭jobs‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬‭given‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Syrian‬‭refugees‬‭compared‬‭to‬‭70%‬‭for‬‭Jordanians,‬‭additionally‬‭ILO‬‭will‬
‭ensure that a special quota shall be given to women and people with special needs.‬

‭The following mitigation measures should be addressed by the contractor:‬

‭●‬ E‭ qual‬‭remuneration:‬‭Equal‬‭remuneration‬‭for‬‭men,‬‭women,‬‭Syrian‬‭workers,‬‭and‬‭people‬‭with‬
‭disability for work of equal value‬
‭●‬ ‭Minimum‬‭age‬‭for‬‭work‬‭is‬‭18:‬‭Ensure‬‭that‬‭no‬‭juveniles‬‭under‬‭the‬‭age‬‭of‬‭18‬‭are‬‭engaged‬‭in‬‭this‬
‭health and safety of children.‬
‭●‬ ‭Equal‬ ‭employment‬ ‭opportunities‬ ‭for‬ ‭Women:‬ ‭The‬ ‭contractors‬ ‭are‬ ‭required‬ ‭to‬ ‭allocate‬ ‭at‬
‭least 10% of labor days to female workers‬
‭●‬ ‭Employment‬‭opportunities‬‭for‬‭people‬‭with‬‭disability:‬‭The‬‭contractors‬‭are‬‭required‬‭to‬‭allocate‬
‭at least 3% of labor days to persons with disabilities.‬
‭●‬ ‭Employment‬ ‭of‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭will‬ ‭recruit‬ ‭30%‬ ‭of‬ ‭workers‬ ‭from‬ ‭Syrian‬
‭nationality. The Contractor will secure their work permits from the local department of Labor‬
‭●‬ ‭Task-based‬ ‭daily‬ ‭wage:‬ ‭To‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭all‬ ‭workers,‬ ‭independent‬ ‭of‬ ‭their‬ ‭sex,‬ ‭ethnicity‬ ‭or‬
‭mental or physical condition, receive the same salary for the same type of work done‬

‭ dditionally,‬‭whereas‬‭applicable,‬‭the‬‭contractor‬‭is‬‭obligated‬‭to‬‭follow‬‭all‬‭measures‬‭highlighted‬‭in‬‭the‬
‭draft‬ ‭Supplementary‬ ‭Particular‬ ‭Conditions‬ ‭developed‬‭by‬‭the‬‭International‬‭Labor‬‭Organization‬‭(ILO),‬
‭as described in Annex 8 of the ESMF document.‬

‭ uring‬ ‭operation,‬ ‭the‬ ‭expected‬ ‭job‬ ‭opportunities‬‭to‬‭be‬‭generated‬‭have‬‭to‬‭be‬‭filled‬‭in‬‭coordination‬

‭with ILO to ensure transparency and inclusion of all community categories.‬

‭Please see Annex 3 - Supplementary Particular Conditions‬

‭5.1.2‬ ‭Child Labor‬

T‭ he‬ ‭project’s‬ ‭minimum‬ ‭age‬ ‭of‬ ‭employment‬ ‭is‬ ‭18‬‭.‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭is‬ ‭collaborating‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭International‬
‭Labor‬ ‭Organization‬ ‭(ILO)‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭proper‬ ‭labor‬ ‭and‬ ‭working‬ ‭conditions.‬ ‭The‬ ‭ILO‬ ‭has‬ ‭developed‬
‭standard‬ ‭bidding‬ ‭documents‬ ‭under‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭and‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭applied‬ ‭to‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-project.‬ ‭These‬
‭conditions‬ ‭clearly‬ ‭prohibit‬ ‭the‬ ‭employment‬ ‭of‬‭workers‬‭under‬‭the‬‭age‬‭of‬‭18‬‭years‬‭old,‬‭in‬‭which‬‭the‬
‭contractor must comply with these requirements.‬

‭5.1.3‬ ‭Social Conflict‬

‭ lthough‬‭the‬‭assessment‬‭process‬‭shows‬‭that‬‭the‬‭project‬‭is‬‭not‬‭associated‬‭with‬‭any‬‭social‬‭conflict,‬‭it‬
‭is‬ ‭important‬ ‭to‬ ‭note‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭stakeholders‬ ‭(Contractor,‬ ‭Municipality,‬ ‭PMU,‬ ‭etc.)‬
‭should comply with MSSRP GRM discussed in section 7.3.‬

‭5.1.4‬ ‭Gender and Social Inclusion‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

S‭ ince‬ ‭ratifying‬ ‭numerous‬ ‭international‬ ‭human‬ ‭rights‬ ‭conventions‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭equality‬ ‭and‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

a‭ chievement‬ ‭of‬ ‭gender‬ ‭equality‬ ‭at‬ ‭both‬ ‭the‬ ‭national‬ ‭and‬ ‭international‬ ‭levels.‬ ‭Additionally,‬ ‭the‬
‭National‬ ‭Strategy‬ ‭for‬ ‭Women‬ ‭in‬ ‭Jordan‬ ‭(2020–2025)‬ ‭was‬ ‭approved,‬ ‭reinforcing‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jordanian‬
‭Government's‬ ‭commitment‬ ‭to‬ ‭empowering‬ ‭women‬ ‭and‬ ‭protecting‬ ‭their‬ ‭rights‬‭as‬‭well‬‭as‬‭signaling‬
‭the‬ ‭Government's‬ ‭commitment‬ ‭to‬ ‭adolescent‬ ‭girls.‬ ‭Despite‬ ‭Jordan's‬ ‭concerted‬ ‭efforts,‬ ‭the‬ ‭review‬
‭women.‬ ‭Women's‬ ‭economic‬ ‭involvement‬ ‭and‬ ‭violence‬ ‭against‬ ‭women‬ ‭are‬ ‭two‬ ‭major‬‭obstacles‬‭to‬
‭achieving gender equality and social inclusion.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

T‭ he‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭is‬ ‭working‬ ‭to‬ ‭make‬ ‭sure‬ ‭that‬ ‭social‬ ‭inclusion‬ ‭and‬ ‭gender‬ ‭equality‬ ‭are‬ ‭mainstreamed‬
‭throughout‬ ‭all‬ ‭aspects‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Project‬ ‭and‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭procedures‬ ‭followed‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭identification,‬
‭women,‬ ‭men,‬ ‭boys,‬ ‭and‬ ‭girls,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭groups‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭communities‬ ‭being‬ ‭served.‬ ‭The‬
‭MSSRP‬ ‭will‬ ‭develop‬ ‭a‬ ‭specific‬ ‭gender‬ ‭plan‬ ‭for‬ ‭this‬ ‭project,‬ ‭the‬ ‭section‬ ‭5.4.4‬ ‭provides‬ ‭more‬
‭information‬ ‭about‬ ‭this‬ ‭plan.‬ ‭This‬ ‭responsibility‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬‭assigned‬‭to‬‭the‬‭PMU's‬‭gender‬‭specialist,‬
‭employees,‬ ‭pertinent‬ ‭clients‬ ‭and‬ ‭stakeholders,‬‭host‬‭communities,‬‭including‬‭Syrian‬‭refugees,‬‭NGOs,‬
‭women,‬ ‭men,‬ ‭and‬ ‭youth.‬ ‭Additionally,‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭set‬ ‭a‬ ‭goal‬‭of‬‭allocating‬‭30%‬‭of‬‭municipal‬‭grants‬
‭developed by PMU.‬

‭5.1.5‬ ‭Vulnerable Groups‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

‭ ulnerable‬ ‭groups‬ ‭for‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭are‬ ‭refugees,‬ ‭disabled‬ ‭persons,‬ ‭and‬ ‭women.‬ ‭Workers‬
‭employed on the project may also be vulnerable to poor working conditions.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭The contractor will ensure the following during construction for people with special needs:‬

● ‭ ccessible parking spaces‬
‭●‬ ‭Accessible entrance/door‬
‭●‬ ‭Bathrooms with accessible features‬
‭●‬ ‭Safe floor surface‬

T‭ he contractor will ensure fair and equal employment opportunities for women, refugees, and‬
‭persons with disabilities‬

‭5.1.6‬ ‭Access Road and Parking Areas‬

‭A - Access Road:‬

‭Impact Assessment - Access Road:‬

T‭ he‬‭access‬‭road‬‭to‬‭the‬‭park‬‭presents‬‭considerable‬‭challenges‬‭for‬‭both‬‭pedestrians‬‭and‬‭vehicles,‬‭both‬
‭during‬ ‭construction‬ ‭and‬ ‭throughout‬ ‭its‬ ‭operational‬ ‭phase.‬ ‭Its‬ ‭steep‬ ‭slope‬ ‭renders‬ ‭it‬ ‭slippery‬ ‭and‬
‭hazardous‬ ‭for‬ ‭potential‬ ‭users,‬ ‭whether‬ ‭they‬ ‭be‬ ‭pedestrians‬ ‭or‬ ‭vehicles.‬ ‭Furthermore,‬ ‭the‬ ‭base‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

a‭ dversely‬‭affecting‬‭not‬‭only‬‭the‬‭road's‬‭functionality‬‭but‬‭also‬‭the‬‭surrounding‬‭agricultural‬‭areas.‬ ‭The‬
‭Access‬ ‭Roads‬ ‭are‬ ‭considered‬ ‭Associated‬ ‭Facilities‬ ‭as‬ ‭per‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭definitions‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭following‬
‭reasons:‬ ‭a)‬ ‭they‬ ‭are‬ ‭directly‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭project,‬ ‭b)‬ ‭carried‬ ‭out‬ ‭contemporaneously‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭project, and c) they are necessary for the project to be viable.‬

‭Mitigation Measures - Access Road‬

E‭ fforts‬ ‭to‬ ‭enhance‬ ‭accessibility‬ ‭necessitate‬‭the‬‭rehabilitation‬‭of‬‭the‬‭access‬‭road,‬‭a‬‭task‬‭that‬‭will‬‭be‬

‭and‬ ‭safe‬ ‭passage‬ ‭for‬ ‭users.‬ ‭Through‬ ‭this‬‭endeavor,‬‭the‬‭municipality‬‭is‬‭committed‬‭to‬‭improving‬‭the‬
‭road‬ ‭infrastructure,‬ ‭thus‬ ‭facilitating‬ ‭better‬ ‭access‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭during‬ ‭construction‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬
‭park’s‬ ‭visitors‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭park‬ ‭operation.‬ ‭The‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭will‬ ‭take‬ ‭two‬ ‭steps.‬ ‭First,‬ ‭during‬
‭construction,‬ ‭temporary‬ ‭measures‬‭will‬‭be‬‭put‬‭in‬‭place,‬‭including‬‭creating‬‭a‬‭temporary‬‭access‬‭route‬
‭before‬ ‭construction‬ ‭starts.‬ ‭Second,‬ ‭upon‬ ‭completion‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭project,‬ ‭a‬ ‭permanent‬
‭solution‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented.‬ ‭The‬ ‭construction‬ ‭of‬ ‭a‬ ‭designated‬ ‭access‬ ‭road‬‭with‬‭long-term‬‭safety‬
‭and‬ ‭accessibility‬ ‭standards‬ ‭will‬ ‭commence‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬‭construction‬‭phase‬‭of‬‭the‬‭project.‬ ‭The‬‭access‬
‭road construction should conclude before the completion of the subproject.‬
T‭ hese‬ ‭measures‬ ‭aim‬ ‭to‬ ‭meet‬ ‭immediate‬ ‭and‬ ‭long-lasting‬ ‭accessibility‬ ‭needs‬ ‭while‬ ‭minimizing‬
‭disruptions and improving the park's safety and usability.‬

‭ nnex‬ ‭7‬ ‭includes‬ ‭a‬ ‭letter‬‭from‬‭the‬‭municipality‬‭directed‬‭to‬‭MOLA,‬‭affirming‬‭its‬‭dedication‬‭to‬‭completing‬‭the‬

‭the access road's construction will be guaranteed throughout the operational phase.‬

‭B- Parking Areas:‬

‭Impact Assessment - Parking Areas:‬

‭and‬ ‭may‬ ‭create‬ ‭challenges‬‭for‬‭community‬‭members‬‭and‬‭visitors.‬‭This‬‭lack‬‭of‬‭parking‬‭infrastructure‬
‭As‬ ‭part‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭project's‬ ‭rehabilitation‬ ‭efforts,‬‭specific‬‭attention‬‭will‬‭be‬‭given‬‭to‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭of‬
‭dedicated‬ ‭parking‬ ‭areas.‬ ‭This‬ ‭initiative‬ ‭aims‬ ‭to‬ ‭enhance‬ ‭park‬ ‭accessibility,‬ ‭promote‬ ‭community‬
‭associated with parking needs. Parking areas are also considered associated facilities.‬

‭Mitigation Measures - Parking Areas‬

T‭ o‬ ‭mitigate‬ ‭the‬ ‭current‬ ‭absence‬ ‭of‬ ‭designated‬ ‭parking‬ ‭areas‬ ‭and‬ ‭enhance‬ ‭park‬ ‭accessibility,‬
‭dedicated‬ ‭parking‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭constructed‬ ‭near‬ ‭park‬ ‭entrances.‬ ‭These‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭will‬
‭will‬ ‭minimize‬ ‭ecological‬ ‭impact‬ ‭during‬ ‭construction.‬ ‭Safety‬ ‭measures‬ ‭will‬ ‭prioritize‬ ‭efficient‬ ‭traffic‬
‭flow, and improvements to visitor experience will be incorporated.‬

‭ nnex‬‭8‬‭includes‬‭a‬‭letter‬‭from‬‭the‬‭municipality‬‭addressed‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Ministry‬‭of‬‭Agriculture,‬‭seeking‬‭approval‬‭for‬
‭the‬‭transfer‬‭of‬‭land‬‭designated‬‭for‬‭the‬‭project's‬‭parking‬‭area.‬ ‭The‬‭identified‬‭land‬‭is‬‭situated‬‭opposite‬‭the‬‭park,‬
‭for reference).‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


‭5.2‬ ‭Biodiversity‬
‭Impact Assessment‬

T‭ he‬‭ecological‬‭value‬‭of‬‭biodiversity‬‭associated‬‭with‬‭this‬‭sub-project‬‭lies‬‭in‬‭the‬‭rich‬‭green‬‭cover‬‭that‬
‭characterizes‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭area.‬ ‭It‬ ‭encompasses‬ ‭a‬ ‭diverse‬ ‭array‬ ‭of‬ ‭tree‬ ‭species‬ ‭that‬ ‭exhibit‬
‭into a detailed exploration of the observed tree species during the comprehensive site visit.‬

‭Arbutus andrachne‬

‭ rbutus‬‭andrachne‬‭also‬‭known‬‭as‬‭Eastern‬‭Strawberry‬‭Tree‬‭(English),‬‭Greek‬‭Strawberry‬‭Tree‬‭(English),‬
‫ ‬‮القطلب‬‭(Arabic)‬‭and‬‫‬‮قيقب‬‭(Arabic),‬‭is‬‭a‬‭typical‬‭Mediterranean‬‭species,‬‭which‬‭is‬‭commonly‬‭found‬‭in‬‭the‬
‭Mediterranean‬ ‭highlands‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭north‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬‭south‬‭of‬‭Jordan.‬‭However,‬‭Arbutus‬‭andrachne‬‭was‬

‭Less than 5‬‭Arbutus andrachne‬‭trees were recorded‬‭during the survey.‬

‭Quercus ithaburensis Decne‬

‭ uercus‬ ‭ithaburensis‬‭Decne‬‭,‬‭also‬‭known‬‭as‬‭Mt.‬‭Tabor‬‭Oak‬‭(English),‬‭Vallona‬‭Oak‬‭(English),‬ ‫‬‮بلوط ‬‮رويم‬

‭Decne‬ ‭grows‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Mediterranean‬ ‭zone,‬ ‭in‬ ‭forests‬ ‭and‬ ‭forest‬ ‭remnants‬‭on‬‭various‬‭soils‬‭in‬‭Jerash,‬
‭Ajloun, Salt, Alouk and Irbid.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Less than 10‬‭Quercus ithaburensis Decne‬‭trees was recorded during the survey‬

‭Quercus Coccifera L‬

‭ uercus‬ ‭Coccifera‬ ‭L‬‭,‬ ‭also‬ ‭known‬ ‭as‬ ‭Kemeres‬ ‭oak‬ ‭(English)‬ ‭and‬ ‫ ‬‮سنديان‬‭(Arabic),‬ ‭this‬ ‭species‬ ‭is‬
‭and‬ ‭area‬ ‭of‬ ‭occupancy‬ ‭(AOO)‬ ‭figures‬ ‭qualify‬ ‭it‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Endangered‬ ‭category,‬‭the‬‭species‬‭was‬
‭downgraded‬ ‭to‬ ‭Vulnerable‬ ‭due‬ ‭to‬ ‭its‬ ‭wide‬ ‭global‬ ‭distribution‬ ‭all‬ ‭across‬ ‭the‬ ‭Mediterranean,‬ ‭in‬
‭addition‬ ‭to‬ ‭its‬ ‭high‬ ‭level‬ ‭of‬ ‭regeneration‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭country.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Quercus‬ ‭Coccifera‬ ‭L‬ ‭was‬ ‭recorded‬‭in‬
‭Jerash, Ajloun, Shobak, Irbid, Dana, Salt, Dibeen, Tafila, Petra and Karak.‬

‭Less than 10‬‭Quercus Coccifera L‬‭trees were recorded‬‭during the survey.‬

‭Pistacia atlantica Desf.‬

‭ istacia‬ ‭atlantica‬ ‭Desf.‬‭,‬ ‭also‬ ‭known‬ ‭as‬ ‭Atlantic‬ ‭Pistachio‬ ‭(English),‬ ‭Mount‬ ‭Atlas‬ ‭Mastic‬ ‭(English),‬
‭Cashew‬‭(English),‬‭and‬ ‫‬‮بطم ‬‮أطليس‬‭(Arabic).‬‭This‬‭species‬‭is‬‭widely‬‭distributed‬‭throughout‬‭the‬‭country‬‭in‬
‭all‬ ‭Mediterranean‬ ‭vegetation‬ ‭areas,‬ ‭and‬ ‭is‬ ‭recorded‬ ‭as‬ ‭a‬ ‭Mediterranean‬ ‭element‬ ‭in‬ ‭several‬ ‭other‬
‭recorded in Wadi Butum, Amman, Irbid, Azraq, Shobak and Dana.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭mentioned‬ ‭species‬ ‭constitutes‬ ‭the‬ ‭predominant‬ ‭tree‬ ‭population‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭area,‬
‭accounting for over 60 individual trees.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭overall‬ ‭evaluation‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭vegetative‬ ‭cover‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭areas‬ ‭indicate‬ ‭a‬ ‭very‬ ‭important‬
‭vulnerable‬ ‭flora‬ ‭species‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭park,‬ ‭moderate‬‭risks‬‭are‬‭expected‬‭due‬‭to‬‭its‬‭current‬‭use‬‭as‬‭a‬‭public‬
‭recreational‬ ‭area.‬ ‭Proper‬ ‭management‬ ‭and‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭are‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭to‬ ‭protect‬ ‭these‬
‭delicate‬ ‭plant‬ ‭populations‬ ‭and‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭their‬ ‭conservation.‬ ‭Although‬‭the‬‭Flora‬‭biodiversity‬‭is‬‭high‬‭in‬
‭the project area, no Fauna were recorded during the survey.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭most‬ ‭important‬ ‭threat‬ ‭to‬ ‭biodiversity‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭area‬ ‭is‬ ‭fire‬ ‭and‬ ‭cutting‬ ‭for‬‭firewood,‬‭it‬‭is‬
‭from cutting for firewood, which is considered a phenomenon in Ajloun.‬

‭ onsidering‬ ‭the‬ ‭nature‬ ‭of‬ ‭suggested‬ ‭activities‬ ‭in‬ ‭this‬ ‭sub-project,‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭will‬ ‭not‬ ‭have‬ ‭a‬
‭during the different phases which addresses the following concerns:‬

● ‭ emoving vegetative cover during excavation and construction activities‬
‭●‬ ‭Dust emissions‬
‭●‬ ‭Gaseous emissions from construction equipment and transportation vehicle‬
‭●‬ ‭Vibration from construction equipment and transportation vehicle‬
‭●‬ ‭Improper disposal of domestic wastewater generated from workers‬
‭●‬ ‭Improper disposal of metallic oils from machineries and vehicle‬
‭●‬ ‭Improper disposal of waste generated from workers‬
‭●‬ ‭Improper disposal of construction waste‬
‭●‬ ‭Causing nuisance to wild habitat‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭‬ A
● ‭ ccidental Fires from park visitors’ barbeque‬
‭●‬ ‭Improper disposal of visitors’ waste‬
‭●‬ ‭Lack of compliance to laws and regulation by subcontractors (if any)‬

‭ ll‬‭impacts‬‭related‬‭to‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭phase‬‭are‬‭considered‬‭temporary‬‭impacts,‬‭and‬‭will‬‭cease‬‭once‬
‭construction activities are completed.‬

‭within the park.‬

‭ s‬ ‭per‬ ‭the‬ ‭operation‬ ‭phase,‬‭the‬‭project‬‭is‬‭expected‬‭not‬‭to‬‭have‬‭any‬‭activities‬‭that‬‭might‬‭affect‬‭the‬

‭diversity‬ ‭in‬ ‭project‬ ‭location‬ ‭except‬ ‭the‬ ‭waste‬ ‭accumulated‬ ‭from‬ ‭park‬ ‭staff‬ ‭and‬ ‭visitors‬ ‭that‬ ‭might‬
‭cause‬ ‭low‬ ‭significant‬ ‭impact,‬ ‭in‬ ‭addition‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭potential‬ ‭of‬ ‭fires‬ ‭from‬ ‭barbeque‬‭activities‬‭by‬‭park‬
‭visitors which can be minimized through proper mitigation measures.‬

I‭t‬ ‭is‬ ‭important‬ ‭to‬‭highlight‬‭that,‬‭the‬‭nearest‬‭preserved‬‭biosphere‬‭(Ajloun‬‭Forest‬‭Reserve)‬‭is‬‭located‬

‭on the reserve.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭The following mitigation measures shall be ensured:‬

‭●‬ ‭Vegetative Cover‬

o‬ ‭Whereas‬‭applicable‬‭removing‬‭of‬‭vegetation‬‭cover‬‭and‬‭soil‬‭layers‬‭during‬‭construction‬

‭activities must be avoided.‬
o‬ ‭No‬‭tree‬‭whether‬‭endangered‬‭or‬‭vulnerable‬‭species‬‭or‬‭any‬‭other‬‭common‬‭tree‬‭shall‬

‭be removed or translocated‬
o‬ ‭Building‬ ‭and‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭project‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭minimized‬ ‭in‬‭size‬‭wherever‬

‭possible and must be located in an area with no vegetation cover.‬
o‬ ‭Alien species shall not be introduced to the study area.‬

‭●‬ ‭Air Quality: All air quality mitigation measures highlighted in Section 5.3.1 are applicable.‬
‭●‬ ‭Waste‬ ‭Management:‬ ‭All‬ ‭waste‬ ‭management‬ ‭related‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭highlighted‬ ‭in‬
‭Section 5.3.3 are applicable.‬
‭●‬ ‭Wastewater Management‬
o‬ ‭Domestic‬‭wastewater‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭collected‬‭and‬‭disposed‬‭of‬‭in‬‭accordance‬‭with‬‭national‬

‭applicable regulations‬
‭●‬ ‭Nuisance to wild habitat‬
o‬ ‭Minimizing‬‭as‬‭much‬‭as‬‭possible‬‭the‬‭creation‬‭of‬‭barriers‬‭to‬‭the‬‭wildlife‬‭movement‬‭in‬

‭the project site and surrounded areas during construction activities.‬
o‬ ‭Avoiding‬ ‭heavy‬ ‭and‬ ‭noisy‬ ‭work‬ ‭during‬ ‭night-time‬ ‭as‬ ‭much‬ ‭as‬ ‭possible,‬ ‭since‬

‭carnivores are nocturnal species, which are active in night-time.‬
‭●‬ ‭Soil‬
o‬ ‭Topsoil,‬ ‭containing‬ ‭the‬ ‭most‬ ‭nutrient‬ ‭rich‬ ‭soils,‬‭that‬‭to‬‭be‬‭removed‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭stored‬

‭safely and spread over the site when construction is completed.‬
o‬ ‭Avoiding as much as possible soil compaction‬

‭●‬ ‭Noise: All noise related mitigation measures highlighted in Section 5.3.2 is applicable‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ uring‬ ‭the‬ ‭operation‬ ‭phase‬ ‭the‬ ‭following‬ ‭measures‬ ‭is‬ ‭suggested‬ ‭to‬ ‭avoid‬ ‭or‬ ‭minimize‬ ‭potential‬
‭impacts from waste and accidental fires:‬

‭●‬ ‭Waste Management‬

o‬ ‭The‬‭operator‬‭(Ajloun‬‭Municipality)‬‭should‬‭develop‬‭a‬‭proper‬‭waste‬‭management‬‭plan‬

‭to ensure proper collection and disposal of waste generated inside park,‬
o‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭collection‬‭and‬‭disposal‬‭of‬‭barbeque‬‭ashes‬‭after‬‭making‬‭sure‬‭that‬‭the‬‭ash‬‭is‬

‭cool, the disposal of waste ashes should be done in a proper manner,‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭operator‬ ‭is‬ ‭advised‬ ‭to‬ ‭consider‬ ‭waste‬ ‭recovery‬ ‭and‬ ‭recycling‬ ‭options‬ ‭(ex.‬

‭Compost) as part of the management plan.‬
‭●‬ ‭Accidental Fires‬
o‬ ‭Not allowing barbeque activity in the non-specified areas‬

o‬ ‭Set-up‬‭the‬‭barbeque‬‭areas‬‭on‬‭a‬‭flat‬‭ground‬‭and‬‭away‬‭from‬‭fences,‬‭trees,‬‭shrubs‬‭and‬

o‬ ‭Barbeque grills should be placed fixed (non-movable) and stable‬

o‬ ‭Do not allow the use of petrol or paraffin to start or revive barbeque fire - use‬

‭firelighters or starter fuel on cold coals‬
o‬ ‭Ensure the availability of fire extinguisher nearby barbeque areas‬

o‬ ‭Train Park personnel on using fire extinguisher‬

o‬ ‭Implementing‬ ‭regular‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭for‬ ‭fire‬ ‭extinguishers‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭their‬ ‭readiness‬

‭and functionality.‬
‭●‬ ‭Wastewater‬
o‬ ‭Domestic‬‭wastewater‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭collected‬‭and‬‭disposed‬‭of‬‭in‬‭accordance‬‭with‬‭national‬

‭applicable regulations‬

‭5.3‬ ‭Environmental impacts‬

‭5.3.1‬ ‭Air Quality‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

T‭ here‬‭are‬‭many‬‭processes‬‭that‬‭could‬‭cause‬‭dust‬‭emissions‬‭during‬‭the‬‭rehabilitation‬‭process‬‭of‬‭Ajloun‬
‭Environmental‬ ‭Park,‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭associated‬ ‭activities‬ ‭with‬ ‭site‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭accompanying‬
‭excavations‬ ‭activities‬ ‭and‬ ‭backfilling,‬ ‭construction‬ ‭materials‬ ‭transporting‬ ‭and‬ ‭mixing‬ ‭on-site,‬ ‭soil‬
‭will be emitted from the vehicles and other construction machinery.‬

I‭t‬ ‭is‬ ‭expected‬ ‭that‬ ‭dust,‬ ‭soot‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭gaseous‬ ‭pollutants‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭Sulfur‬ ‭Dioxide‬ ‭(SO2),‬ ‭Carbon‬
‭Monoxide‬ ‭(CO),‬ ‭Hydrocarbons‬ ‭(HC)‬ ‭and‬ ‭Nitrogen‬ ‭Oxides‬ ‭(NOx)‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭emitted‬‭from‬‭the‬‭proposed‬
‭project‬ ‭activities‬ ‭mainly‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭phase.‬ ‭Total‬
‭Volatile‬ ‭Organic‬ ‭Compounds‬ ‭(TVOCs)‬ ‭could‬ ‭be‬ ‭also‬ ‭released‬ ‭from‬ ‭coating‬ ‭activities‬ ‭and‬ ‭asphalt‬
‭paving, which could also participate in the odor issue.‬

‭ ust‬ ‭enters‬ ‭the‬ ‭body‬ ‭through‬ ‭inhalation,‬ ‭swallow‬ ‭or‬ ‭skin‬ ‭absorption.‬ ‭Dust‬ ‭could‬ ‭be‬ ‭annoying,‬
‭size, composition, period of exposure and the size of the dose.‬

S‭ oot‬‭(diesel‬‭soot)‬‭which‬‭is‬‭emitted‬‭from‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭machinery‬‭as‬‭well‬‭as‬‭from‬‭transport‬‭trucks‬
‭has‬ ‭negative‬ ‭health‬ ‭effects,‬ ‭especially‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬‭lungs‬‭and‬‭cardiovascular‬‭system.‬‭Soot‬‭could‬‭increase‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

t‭ he‬ ‭possibility‬ ‭of‬ ‭allergies,‬‭asthma‬‭attacks‬‭and‬‭bronchitis,‬‭in‬‭addition‬‭to‬‭increasing‬‭the‬‭risk‬‭of‬‭heart‬

‭attack and lung cancer.‬

S‭ ulfur‬ ‭Dioxide‬ ‭(SO2)‬ ‭is‬ ‭an‬ ‭irritant‬ ‭gas‬ ‭that‬ ‭affects‬ ‭human‬ ‭health,‬ ‭mainly‬ ‭due‬ ‭to‬ ‭its‬ ‭high-water‬
‭solubility‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭mucous‬ ‭membranes‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭respiratory‬ ‭tract‬ ‭and‬ ‭eyes.‬ ‭It‬ ‭adversely‬ ‭affects‬ ‭the‬
‭of nasal breathing. High sulfur content in the diesel may result in the release of SO2.‬

‭ arbon‬ ‭Monoxide‬ ‭(CO)‬ ‭is‬ ‭produced‬ ‭by‬ ‭incomplete‬ ‭combustion;‬ ‭therefore,‬ ‭it‬ ‭can‬ ‭be‬ ‭found‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬
‭vehicle‬ ‭and‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭off-gas.‬ ‭The‬ ‭gas‬ ‭is‬ ‭colorless,‬ ‭odorless‬ ‭and‬ ‭lighter‬‭than‬‭air.‬‭The‬‭gas‬‭can‬‭bind‬
‭photochemical formation of ground-level ozone.‬

‭ itrogen‬ ‭Oxides‬ ‭(NOX)‬ ‭have‬ ‭adverse‬ ‭effects‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭eyes,‬ ‭mucous‬ ‭membranes‬ ‭and‬ ‭lungs,‬ ‭causing‬
‭diseases such as bronchitis, allergies, irritation, and pulmonary edema.‬

‭ ydrocarbons‬ ‭(HC),‬ ‭especially‬ ‭the‬ ‭Poly-Aromatic‬ ‭Hydrocarbons‬ ‭(PAHs),‬ ‭are‬ ‭frequently‬ ‭absorbed‬ ‭to‬
‭particulate‬ ‭matter‬ ‭(diesel‬ ‭soot).‬ ‭Some‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭PAHs‬‭are‬‭carcinogenic.‬‭More‬‭than‬‭100‬‭different‬‭PAHs‬
‭are produced as a result of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels.‬

‭ uring‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭the‬ ‭air‬ ‭quality‬ ‭impact‬ ‭is‬ ‭considered‬ ‭temporary‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭duration‬‭of‬
‭inside the park from cutting activities.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭The following mitigation measures shall be ensured:‬

‭●‬ ‭Dust resulting from construction activities‬

o‬ ‭All‬ ‭active‬ ‭construction‬ ‭areas‬ ‭including‬ ‭the‬ ‭access‬ ‭road‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭wetted‬ ‭slightly‬ ‭to‬

‭reduce‬ ‭dust‬ ‭generation.‬ ‭Wetting‬ ‭process‬ ‭depends‬‭on‬‭the‬‭type‬‭of‬‭operation‬‭and‬‭on‬
‭the wind speed‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭paved‬ ‭roads‬ ‭and‬ ‭areas‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭cleaned‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭visible‬ ‭soil‬ ‭carried‬ ‭out‬ ‭by‬

‭construction activities on a daily basis‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭unused‬ ‭materials‬ ‭piles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭covered‬ ‭to‬ ‭minimize‬ ‭dust‬ ‭resulting‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬

‭wind, and they shall be removed promptly‬
o‬ ‭All trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose materials shall be covered well.‬

o‬ ‭Regular visual assessment of dust emissions shall be applied‬

o‬ ‭The‬‭unloading‬‭of‬‭loose‬‭solid‬‭materials‬‭from‬‭the‬‭trucks‬‭at‬‭site‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭managed‬‭well‬

‭well as the area shall have walls against wind direction.‬
‭●‬ ‭Machinery‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭not‬ ‭be‬ ‭left‬ ‭idling‬ ‭for‬ ‭long‬ ‭periods‬ ‭if‬ ‭they‬ ‭are‬ ‭not‬ ‭in‬‭use‬‭(>‬‭5‬
‭●‬ ‭It‬ ‭is‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭to‬ ‭monitor‬ ‭vehicular‬ ‭emissions‬ ‭regularly‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭conduct‬ ‭periodical‬
‭maintenance‬ ‭of‬ ‭construction‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭and‬ ‭machinery,‬‭in‬‭order‬‭to‬‭reduce‬‭their‬‭emissions‬‭to‬
‭comply with the limits of national and international standards.‬

‭5.3.2‬ ‭Water Resources‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

T‭ he analysis of potential impacts as a result of project implementation, shows that the project will‬
‭not have significant impacts on water resources.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

I‭mpacts assessment process indicated for low significance on water resources during the different‬
‭project phases, water resources have significant importance due to the national water status,‬
‭therefore, the following preventive measures is suggested to protect water resources from any‬
‭potential damage:‬

‭●‬ T‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭use‬ ‭temporary‬ ‭tanks‬ ‭for‬ ‭water‬ ‭that‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭filled‬ ‭by‬ ‭water‬ ‭tankers‬
‭depending on water consumption in the project during the construction phase.‬
‭●‬ ‭Any spilled chemical shall be immediately collected and disposed of in appropriate manner‬
‭●‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭fuel‬ ‭containers‬ ‭are‬ ‭sealed‬ ‭after‬ ‭use‬ ‭and‬ ‭stored‬ ‭in‬ ‭an‬ ‭area‬ ‭with‬
‭impervious surface‬
‭●‬ ‭Maintain all machinery, equipment and vehicles within the site in order to avoid any leakage‬

‭5.3.3‬ ‭Noise‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

E‭ xposure‬ ‭to‬ ‭noise‬ ‭is‬‭known‬‭to‬‭affect‬‭hearing‬‭and‬‭might‬‭cause‬‭gradual‬‭hearing‬‭loss‬‭due‬‭to‬‭frequent‬

‭exposure‬ ‭to‬ ‭high‬ ‭noise‬ ‭levels,‬ ‭additionally,‬ ‭Excessive‬ ‭exposure‬ ‭to‬ ‭noise‬ ‭is‬ ‭associated‬ ‭with‬ ‭several‬
‭health‬ ‭issues‬ ‭that‬ ‭contribute‬ ‭to‬ ‭stress‬ ‭related‬‭diseases‬‭including‬‭high‬‭blood‬‭pressure‬‭and‬‭coronary‬
‭artery disease.‬

E‭ xposure‬‭to‬‭noise‬‭as‬‭a‬‭result‬‭of‬‭this‬‭project‬‭is‬‭limited‬‭to‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭phase,‬‭where‬‭high‬‭level‬‭of‬
‭noise‬ ‭is‬ ‭expected‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭generated‬ ‭as‬ ‭a‬ ‭result‬‭of‬‭excavation‬‭and‬‭construction‬‭machinery‬‭that‬‭to‬‭be‬
‭used such as graders, backhoes, jackhammers and tankers.‬

‭ owever,‬‭noise‬‭during‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭phase‬‭is‬‭considered‬‭of‬‭low‬‭significance‬‭due‬‭to‬‭its‬‭temporary‬
‭nature and that the activities are away from receptors.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭●‬ A
‭ ll‬ ‭equipment,‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭maintained‬ ‭in‬ ‭line‬ ‭with‬ ‭manufacturer's‬
‭recommendations to meet relevant standards in terms of noise level.‬

‭●‬ T‭ he‬‭vehicles,‬‭machinery‬‭and‬‭machines‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭used‬‭responsibly,‬‭e.g.‬‭machines‬‭and‬‭vehicles‬
‭shall not be left idling for long periods if they are not in use (> 5 minutes).‬

‭●‬ T‭ he‬ ‭transportation‬ ‭activities‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭performed‬ ‭during‬ ‭day‬ ‭time‬ ‭only‬ ‭if‬ ‭the‬ ‭route‬ ‭goes‬
‭through residential areas. Night time and weekend day shall be excluded‬

‭●‬ W
‭ hereas applicable, for transportation materials and equipment; the contractor shall avoid‬
‭routes that include sensitive receptors.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭5.3.4‬ ‭Waste Management‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

‭During construction‬

T‭ he‬ ‭maximum‬ ‭amount‬ ‭of‬ ‭domestic‬ ‭waste‬ ‭expected‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭generated‬ ‭by‬ ‭workers‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬
‭existing‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬‭working‬‭site.‬‭The‬‭estimated‬‭figure‬‭provided‬‭is‬‭based‬‭on‬‭the‬‭expected‬‭workforce‬‭size‬
‭for‬ ‭this‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭which‬ ‭is‬ ‭anticipated‬ ‭to‬ ‭reach‬ ‭approximately‬ ‭20‬ ‭employees.‬ ‭However,‬ ‭the‬ ‭exact‬
‭number of workers in the site.‬

‭ s‬‭per‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭waste,‬‭the‬‭effect‬‭of‬‭excavated‬‭soil‬‭(debris),‬‭and‬‭the‬‭residues‬‭of‬‭the‬‭building‬
‭materials‬ ‭on‬ ‭public‬ ‭health‬‭depends‬‭on‬‭how‬‭these‬‭wastes‬‭are‬‭managed‬‭and‬‭disposed-off,‬‭in‬‭case‬‭of‬
‭improper‬ ‭management‬ ‭these‬ ‭wastes‬ ‭might‬ ‭become‬ ‭a‬ ‭hospitable‬ ‭environment‬ ‭for‬ ‭rodents,‬‭insects‬
‭and reptiles which considered a public health issue.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭hazardous‬ ‭waste‬ ‭during‬ ‭construction‬ ‭phase‬ ‭is‬ ‭commonly‬ ‭associated‬ ‭with‬ ‭oils,‬ ‭fuel‬ ‭and‬
‭consumables‬ ‭used‬ ‭for‬ ‭construction‬ ‭machines‬ ‭and‬ ‭equipment,‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭spillage‬ ‭of‬ ‭these‬ ‭materials‬
‭also‬ ‭be‬ ‭considered‬‭as‬‭hazardous‬‭waste‬‭such‬‭as‬‭paints,‬‭solvents,‬‭etc.‬‭as‬‭well‬‭as‬‭empty‬‭containers‬‭of‬
‭these materials. Improper management of these materials might cause a public health issue.‬

‭During Operation‬

T‭ he‬ ‭types‬ ‭and‬ ‭quantities‬ ‭of‬ ‭wastes‬ ‭associated‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭operation‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭is‬ ‭generally‬ ‭varies‬ ‭from‬
‭generated during operation:‬

‭‬ D
● ‭ omestic wastes from park visitors and staff‬
‭●‬ ‭Maintenance waste‬

I‭mproper‬ ‭management‬ ‭of‬ ‭waste‬ ‭will‬ ‭generate‬ ‭public‬ ‭health‬ ‭issues,‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭odor,‬ ‭rodents,‬‭insects,‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭During Construction‬

‭●‬ S‭ ome‬‭of‬‭the‬‭waste‬‭could‬‭be‬‭avoided‬‭by‬‭good‬‭planning‬‭during‬‭the‬‭pre-construction‬‭phase‬‭and‬
‭follow a waste minimization hierarchy (avoid, minimize, reuse).‬
‭●‬ ‭Resulted cut materials shall be tested for possible use as backfill material, sub-base or base.‬
‭●‬ ‭All excavation surpluses shall be disposed of from the working site‬
‭●‬ ‭All‬ ‭domestic‬ ‭solid‬ ‭wastes‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭collected‬ ‭in‬ ‭compatible‬ ‭closed‬ ‭containers‬ ‭and‬ ‭then‬
‭relevant authorities‬
‭●‬ ‭Throwing away any type of waste is strictly forbidden as well as burning any type of waste.‬
‭●‬ ‭Littering shall be prevented, even during the transport activities‬
‭●‬ ‭All machines shall be regularly maintained to avoid any oil spillage‬
‭●‬ ‭A‬‭specified‬‭area‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭prepared‬‭for‬‭maintenance‬‭work‬‭with‬‭containment‬‭area,‬‭which‬‭shall‬
‭be impervious to collect any oil spill‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ W ‭ aste‬ ‭oil‬ ‭generated‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭collected‬ ‭and‬
‭the Ministry of Environment.‬
‭●‬ ‭All‬ ‭hazardous‬ ‭wastes‬ ‭generated‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬
‭Handling (2019) issued by the Ministry of Environment‬

‭During Operation‬

‭●‬ S‭ ufficient‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭waste‬ ‭containers‬ ‭with‬ ‭proper‬ ‭distribution‬ ‭and‬ ‭capacities‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬
‭made available‬
‭●‬ ‭Ajloun municipality is responsible for collecting wastes on regular bases‬
‭●‬ ‭For‬ ‭organic‬ ‭waste,‬ ‭it‬ ‭is‬ ‭recommended‬ ‭to‬ ‭study‬ ‭the‬ ‭possibility‬ ‭of‬ ‭turning‬ ‭this‬ ‭waste‬ ‭into‬
‭compost as a recycling option.‬
‭●‬ ‭The municipality is advised to study recycling options for domestic wastes‬
‭●‬ ‭Municipality‬ ‭is‬ ‭advised‬ ‭to‬ ‭raise‬ ‭awareness‬ ‭among‬ ‭park‬ ‭visitors‬ ‭towards‬ ‭solid‬ ‭waste‬
‭management and minimization.‬
‭●‬ ‭Maintenance waste should be kept minimum as possible‬
‭●‬ ‭Different‬ ‭waste‬ ‭streams‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭disposed‬ ‭of‬ ‭responsibly,‬ ‭requiring‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭secure‬ ‭waste‬
‭collection, e.g. not vulnerable to scavengers and being blown away by high wind.‬

‭5.3.5‬ ‭Wastewater Management‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

T‭ he‬‭amount‬‭of‬‭wastewater‬‭generated‬‭from‬‭worksite‬‭on‬‭a‬‭daily‬‭basis‬‭is‬‭variable,‬‭in‬‭which‬‭it‬‭depends‬
‭reach‬ ‭4‬ ‭m‭3‬ ‬ ‭per‬ ‭day‬ ‭considering‬ ‭that‬ ‭20‬ ‭employees‬ ‭are‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭worksite.‬ ‭Improper‬ ‭disposal‬ ‭of‬
‭wastewater could generate public health problems.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭amounts‬ ‭of‬ ‭waste‬ ‭water‬ ‭generated‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭operation‬‭phase‬‭are‬‭dependent‬‭on‬‭numbers‬‭of‬

‭park visitors in addition to visit duration.‬

‭Mitigation Measure‬

‭During Construction‬

‭●‬ M ‭ obile‬‭toilets‬‭with‬‭water‬‭basins‬‭as‬‭well‬‭as‬‭shower‬‭rooms‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭available‬‭to‬‭be‬‭used‬‭by‬‭the‬
‭workers during construction‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭domestic‬ ‭wastewater‬ ‭generated‬ ‭by‬‭the‬‭workers‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭collected‬‭in‬‭(septic)‬‭tanks‬‭and‬
‭then transported to the nearest wastewater treatment plant‬

‭During Operation‬

‭●‬ W ‭ astewater‬ ‭generated‬ ‭during‬ ‭operation‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭collected‬ ‭and‬ ‭disposed‬ ‭of‬ ‭in‬
‭accordance with applicable national regulation‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭municipality‬‭should‬‭study‬‭the‬‭possibility‬‭of‬‭connecting‬‭park‬‭facilities‬‭to‬‭the‬‭sewer‬‭system‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭5.4‬ ‭Community Health and Safety‬

‭5.4.1‬ ‭Accidental Fires‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

‭ ccording to park designs, the park facility will include several barbeque places, in which it could be a‬
‭source of fire risk that might generate a potential hazard to park visitors and nearby community as‬
‭well as park staff during the operation phase. However, the level of impact is considered moderate,‬
‭the risk of fire can be mitigated if appropriate measures are adopted.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭The following mitigation measures should be addressed by park operator (Municipality):‬

● ‭ ot allowing barbeque activity in the non-designated areas‬
‭●‬ ‭Set-up the barbeque areas on a flat ground and away from fences, trees, shrubs and sheds.‬
‭●‬ ‭Barbeque grills should be placed fixed (non-movable) and stable‬
‭●‬ ‭Do‬‭not‬‭allow‬‭the‬‭use‬‭of‬‭petrol‬‭or‬‭paraffin‬‭to‬‭start‬‭or‬‭revive‬‭barbeque‬‭fire‬‭-‬‭use‬‭firelighters‬‭or‬
‭starter fuel on cold coals‬
● ‭Ensure the availability of fire extinguisher nearby barbeque areas‬
‭●‬ ‭Train Park personnel on using fire extinguisher‬
‭●‬ ‭Implementing‬ ‭regular‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭for‬ ‭fire‬ ‭extinguishers‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭their‬ ‭readiness‬ ‭and‬
● ‭Park personnel should be trained on quick response measures in case of fires‬
‭●‬ ‭Park personnel should be equipped with appropriate PPEs‬

‭5.4.2‬ ‭Potential Injuries‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

‭ ue to the nature of the park and the expected activities associated with its operation, park user’s‬
‭safety should be addressed. However, the expected impact of injuries is low, proper mitigation‬
‭measures should be addressed to avoid any potential injuries.‬

I‭t is worth mentioning that such impact is restricted to the operation phase since no public visits will‬
‭be allowed during construction phase, and the injuries risks associated with workers during‬
‭construction are to be covered in the OHS plan.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

T‭ he Park operator (Municipality) should provide first aid kits in the guard room to be available to the‬
‭park visitors.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭5.4.3‬ ‭Sub-Contractors compliance‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

T‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭might‬‭consider‬‭sub-contracting‬‭some‬‭activities‬‭during‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭phase,‬‭where‬
‭and regulation in addition to measures outlined in this ESMP study.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭●‬ T‭ he contractor is responsible that all activities carried out is under his direct supervision, in‬
‭which he will be responsible for any violation done by his staff or by other sub-contractor‬

‭●‬ A
‭ ll‬‭relevant‬‭measures‬‭highlighted‬‭in‬‭section‬‭5.1‬‭must‬‭be‬‭followed‬‭by‬‭the‬‭contractor,‬‭workers‬

‭5.4.4‬ ‭SEA/SH‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

I‭n‬ ‭assessing‬ ‭risks‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭SEA/SH,‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭project‬ ‭has‬‭considered‬‭the‬‭guidance‬‭of‬‭the‬‭World‬
‭Bank’s‬ ‭Good‬ ‭Practice‬ ‭Note‬ ‭on‬ ‭Addressing‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭Risks‬ ‭in‬ ‭Investment‬ ‭Project‬ ‭Financing‬ ‭Involving‬
‭Major‬ ‭Civil‬ ‭Works.‬ ‭A‬ ‭project-level‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭risk‬ ‭assessment‬ ‭was‬ ‭conducted‬ ‭as‬ ‭part‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Project’s‬
‭Gender and Social Inclusion Assessment (May 2020) and identified the following key risk factors:‬

‭●‬ T‭ he‬ ‭geographically‬ ‭dispersed‬ ‭nature‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-projects‬ ‭has‬ ‭the‬ ‭potential‬ ‭to‬ ‭give‬ ‭rise‬ ‭to‬
‭situations‬ ‭of‬ ‭SEA/SH.‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭sub-projects‬ ‭are‬ ‭by‬ ‭nature,‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭roads,‬ ‭parks,‬ ‭and‬
‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭groups‬ ‭on‬ ‭a‬ ‭daily‬ ‭basis.‬ ‭These‬ ‭sub-projects‬ ‭are‬ ‭scattered‬ ‭across‬ ‭26‬
‭participating‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭(PMs)‬ ‭throughout‬‭Jordan.‬‭Other‬‭project‬‭activities‬‭that‬‭routinely‬
‭led by the municipality, the Local Development Unit (LDU), or the PMU.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭project’s‬ ‭target‬ ‭population‬ ‭includes‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees,‬ ‭80%‬ ‭of‬ ‭which‬ ‭live‬ ‭outside‬‭camps‬
‭living‬ ‭in‬ ‭host‬ ‭communities‬ ‭targeted‬ ‭by‬ ‭MSSRP.‬ ‭Refugees‬ ‭are‬ ‭considered‬ ‭vulnerable‬
‭populations for SEA/SH risks.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭small,‬‭dispersed‬‭works‬‭and‬‭activities‬‭under‬‭the‬‭project‬‭makes‬‭it‬‭difficult‬‭to‬‭monitor‬‭SEA‬
‭across‬ ‭the‬ ‭full‬ ‭span‬ ‭of‬ ‭works‬ ‭and‬ ‭activities.‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭sub-projects‬ ‭are‬ ‭undertaken‬ ‭by‬
‭supports‬ ‭labor-intensive‬ ‭work‬ ‭programs).‬ ‭The‬ ‭sub-projects‬ ‭are‬ ‭supervised‬ ‭by‬ ‭municipal‬
‭engineers‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU,‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭also‬ ‭engages‬ ‭youth‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭community‬ ‭as‬
‭monitors.‬ ‭Women‬ ‭are‬ ‭generally‬ ‭poorly‬ ‭represented‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭contracted‬ ‭workforce‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭project.‬ ‭Although‬ ‭cultural‬ ‭norms‬ ‭highly‬ ‭support‬ ‭gender‬ ‭segregated‬ ‭work‬ ‭areas‬ ‭and‬
‭environments,‬ ‭there‬ ‭are‬ ‭instances‬ ‭where‬ ‭women‬ ‭might‬ ‭be‬ ‭in‬ ‭unsupervised‬‭environments,‬
‭for example, female engineers at the worksite.‬

‭ verall,‬ ‭the‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭risks‬ ‭rating‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭works‬ ‭is‬ ‭low.‬ ‭However‬ ‭local‬ ‭capacity‬ ‭to‬
‭May‬ ‭2020)‬ ‭conducted‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Services‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Resilience‬ ‭Project‬ ‭and‬ ‭includes‬ ‭key‬
‭SEA/SH‬ ‭Risk‬ ‭Mitigation‬ ‭and‬ ‭Response‬ ‭Measures‬ ‭in‬ ‭line‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭Good‬ ‭Practice‬ ‭Note‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

(‭ February‬ ‭2020).The‬ ‭SEA/SH‬‭Risk‬‭Mitigation‬‭Action‬‭Plan‬‭which‬‭the‬‭project‬‭intends‬‭to‬‭disclose‬‭soon,‬

‭focuses‬ ‭on‬ ‭key‬ ‭actions‬ ‭that‬ ‭are‬ ‭in‬ ‭place‬ ‭currently‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭undertaken‬ ‭immediately‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬
‭remaining project implementation duration.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭●‬ T‭ he‬ ‭project‬ ‭has‬ ‭adopted‬ ‭a‬ ‭Code‬ ‭of‬ ‭Conduct‬ ‭for‬ ‭all‬ ‭project‬ ‭staff,‬ ‭consultants,‬ ‭PMs‬ ‭and‬
‭contractors.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Code‬ ‭of‬ ‭Conduct‬ ‭for‬ ‭project‬ ‭staff,‬ ‭consultants‬ ‭and‬ ‭PMs‬ ‭is‬ ‭called‬ ‭the‬
‭documents and are required to enforce it for their workers.‬
‭●‬ ‭Additionally,‬ ‭a‬ ‭“Supervision‬ ‭Strategy‬ ‭and‬ ‭Guiding‬ ‭Procedures‬ ‭for‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭adherence‬ ‭to‬
‭the‬ ‭Commitment‬ ‭Letter‬ ‭(CL)‬ ‭for‬ ‭Employees,‬ ‭Consultants,‬ ‭Contractors‬ ‭and‬ ‭Participating‬
‭Municipalities‬ ‭regarding‬ ‭Gender‬ ‭Based‬ ‭Violence‬ ‭-‬ ‭Sexual‬ ‭Exploitation‬ ‭and‬ ‭Abuse/Sexual‬
‭Harassment” has been developed for the MSSRP and will be applicable to this sub-project.‬
‭●‬ ‭Another‬‭tool‬‭to‬‭ensure‬‭a‬‭proper‬‭work‬‭environment,‬‭free‬‭of‬‭SEA/SH‬‭problems,‬‭the‬‭PMU‬‭has‬
‭assigned‬ ‭a‬ ‭third‬ ‭party‬ ‭with‬ ‭a‬‭hotline‬‭to‬‭handle‬‭any‬‭SEA/SH‬‭cases‬‭related‬‭grievances,‬‭which‬
‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭available‬ ‭for‬ ‭all‬ ‭project‬ ‭staff‬ ‭and‬ ‭beneficiaries‬ ‭in‬‭the‬‭project‬‭area,‬‭including‬‭Ajloun.‬
‭This‬ ‭will‬ ‭allow‬ ‭any‬ ‭complaints‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭handled‬ ‭confidentially‬ ‭using‬ ‭a‬ ‭survivor-centered‬
‭protocols for referring complaints.‬

‭During Operation‬

‭●‬ T‭ he‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭will‬ ‭actively‬ ‭consider‬‭conducting‬‭awareness‬‭activities‬‭aimed‬‭at‬‭preventing‬

‭sexual harassment;‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭Gender‬ ‭Specialist‬ ‭will‬ ‭develop‬ ‭a‬ ‭tailored‬ ‭gender‬ ‭action‬ ‭plan‬ ‭for‬ ‭this‬ ‭project,‬
‭incorporating‬ ‭all‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭identified‬ ‭through‬ ‭a‬ ‭gender‬ ‭safety‬ ‭audit‬
‭conducted at the site.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭hotline‬ ‭information‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭posted‬ ‭at‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Municipality‬ ‭Facebook‬‭page‬‭(+962‬‭777‬
‭387‬ ‭221).‬ ‭This‬‭hotline‬‭will‬‭serve‬‭the‬‭sub-project‬‭until‬‭the‬‭closing‬‭of‬‭MSSRP.‬‭The‬‭municipality‬‭would‬
‭have to provide GBV mitigation measures beyond the MSSRP project.‬

‭Please see Annex 5 - MSSRP‬‭GBV Action Plan‬

‭5.4.5‬ ‭People with Special Needs‬

‭ owever,‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭through‬‭its‬‭screening‬‭process‬‭has‬‭ensured‬‭addressing‬‭the‬‭special‬‭requirements‬‭of‬

‭with‬ ‭Higher‬ ‭Council‬ ‭of‬ ‭Disabled‬ ‭People‬‭(HCD)‬‭to‬‭review‬‭the‬‭designs,‬‭and‬‭giving‬‭a‬‭quota‬‭to‬‭persons‬
‭with‬ ‭disabilities‬ ‭in‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭employment‬ ‭opportunities.‬ ‭It‬ ‭is‬ ‭important‬ ‭to‬ ‭highlight‬ ‭the‬ ‭owner‬ ‭and‬
‭contractor‬ ‭must‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭any‬ ‭building‬ ‭or‬ ‭infrastructure‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭barrier‬ ‭free‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭different‬
‭project phases, more over the contractor must ensure the following:‬

‭‬ A
● ‭ ccessible parking spaces‬
‭●‬ ‭Accessible entrance/door‬
‭●‬ ‭Ramps at correct height‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭5.4.6‬ ‭Public Safety and Security‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

‭ ecreational areas in Jordan can sometimes attract individuals who disrupt the park's purpose,‬
‭causing inconvenience and safety risks based on past experiences.‬

‭Mitigation Measures:‬

‭To address this concern, the municipality will take steps to enhance park safety:‬

‭●‬ ‭Coordinate with security authorities like the Royal Department for Protecting Environment‬
‭and Tourism.‬

‭●‬ ‭Provide security personnel with proper training and equipment.‬

‭●‬ ‭Ensure the physical and mental fitness of security personnel.‬
‭●‬ ‭Maintain park security officers on-site 24/7 during operational hours, including closing hours.‬

‭5.5‬ ‭Occupational Health and Safety‬

‭5.5.1‬ ‭General Worksite Safety Management‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

T‭ he‬ ‭nature‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭suggests‬ ‭that‬‭the‬‭significant‬‭occupational‬‭issues‬‭will‬‭mainly‬‭occur‬‭during‬

‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭phase.‬ ‭During‬ ‭the‬ ‭operation‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭the‬ ‭level‬ ‭of‬ ‭safety‬ ‭risks‬ ‭is‬ ‭low‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭exception of potential maintenance-related activities and potential injuries of park staff.‬

‭ nderstanding‬‭risks‬‭associated‬‭with‬‭the‬‭workplace‬‭environment‬‭is‬‭critical‬‭to‬‭ensure‬‭safety‬‭of‬‭workers‬
‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭worksite,‬ ‭in‬ ‭which‬ ‭work‬ ‭injuries‬ ‭might‬ ‭result‬ ‭due‬‭to‬‭improper‬‭management‬‭of‬‭safety‬‭issues‬
‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭worksite,‬ ‭the‬ ‭nature‬ ‭of‬ ‭risks‬ ‭varies‬ ‭depending‬ ‭on‬‭the‬‭activities’‬‭nature.‬‭The‬‭anticipated‬
‭risks were found to be associated with the following activities‬

● E‭ lectric works‬
‭●‬ ‭Excavation works‬
‭●‬ ‭Construction works‬
‭●‬ ‭Working at height‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

T‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭should‬‭develop‬‭an‬‭occupational‬‭health‬‭and‬‭safety‬‭(OHS)‬‭plan‬‭to‬‭prevent‬‭such‬‭injuries‬
‭and‬ ‭suggest‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭in‬ ‭case‬ ‭of‬‭incidents.‬‭Workers‬‭and‬‭employee’s‬‭safety‬‭will‬‭be‬‭taken‬
‭into consideration to ensure that accidents are avoided during the construction phase.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭developed‬ ‭OHS‬‭plan‬‭should‬‭consider‬‭specific‬‭work‬‭conditions‬‭and‬‭its‬‭associated‬‭risk‬‭and‬

‭appropriate‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures,‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭electric‬ ‭works,‬ ‭excavation‬ ‭sites‬ ‭and‬ ‭working‬ ‭at‬ ‭heights,‬
‭additionally the OHS plan should include the following:‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ C ‭ onsider‬ ‭the‬ ‭General‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭Health‬ ‭and‬ ‭Safety‬ ‭Guidelines‬ ‭(EHSGs)‬ ‭and‬ ‭as‬
‭appropriate,‬ ‭the‬ ‭industry-specific‬ ‭EHSGs‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭Good‬ ‭International‬ ‭Industry‬ ‭Practice‬
‭●‬ ‭Identification and assessment of potential risks‬
‭●‬ ‭Each identified risk should be associated with appropriate mitigation measures‬
‭●‬ ‭Assigning Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) officer‬
‭●‬ ‭Life and Fire Safety (L&FS) Plan identifying‬
o‬ ‭Major fire risks,‬

o‬ ‭Applicable codes, standards and regulations, and‬

o‬ ‭Mitigation measures‬

‭●‬ ‭Safety and health induction‬
o‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭responsible‬‭for‬‭the‬‭safety‬‭of‬‭all‬‭activities‬‭on‬‭the‬‭Site.‬‭He/she‬

‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭all‬ ‭personnel‬ ‭on‬ ‭site‬ ‭with‬ ‭adequate‬‭safety‬‭protection‬‭equipment‬‭and‬
‭clothing, as appropriate to the work being performed.‬
o‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭provide‬‭instructions‬‭on‬‭Occupational‬‭Health‬‭and‬‭Safety‬‭as‬‭part‬

‭of the induction process for new workers.‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭Employer‬‭(contractor)‬‭may‬‭organize‬‭campaigns‬‭for‬‭enhancing‬‭safety‬‭awareness‬

‭among‬ ‭the‬ ‭workforce‬ ‭on‬ ‭site‬ ‭and‬ ‭regarding‬ ‭general‬ ‭health‬ ‭issues.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬
‭and without deduction of pay.‬
o‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor,‬‭shall‬‭ensure,‬‭so‬‭far‬‭as‬‭is‬‭reasonably‬‭practicable,‬‭that‬‭the‬‭workplaces,‬

‭health,‬ ‭and‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭chemical,‬‭physical‬‭and‬‭biological‬‭substances‬‭and‬‭agents‬‭under‬
‭are‬ ‭taken;‬ ‭and‬ ‭provide,‬ ‭where‬ ‭necessary,‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭protective‬ ‭clothing‬ ‭and‬
‭or of adverse effects to health.‬
o‬ ‭Contractors‬‭shall‬‭provide‬‭at‬‭all‬‭times‬‭instruction‬‭on‬‭safety‬‭and‬‭health‬‭procedures‬‭to‬

‭all personnel during the work operations on sites.‬
o‬ ‭Contractors‬‭shall‬‭establish‬‭a‬‭program‬‭of‬‭inspections‬‭of‬‭work‬‭activities,‬‭locations‬‭and‬

‭workers to assess safety practices and conditions against contractual requirements.‬
‭●‬ ‭Social Security or Workers Insurance‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭register‬‭all‬‭workers‬‭in‬‭the‬‭national‬‭Social‬‭Security‬‭Scheme‬‭and‬

o‬ ‭The‬ ‭Purpose:‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬‭financial‬‭backing‬‭to‬‭any‬‭worker‬‭who‬‭gets‬‭hurt,‬‭disabled‬‭or‬

‭loses their life due to a work-related accident.‬
o‬ ‭Note:‬ ‭The‬ ‭insurance‬ ‭needs‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭valid‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭entire‬ ‭duration‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭work.‬ ‭The‬

‭from the work site.‬
‭●‬ ‭Drinking‬ ‭Water:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭access‬ ‭to‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭clean‬‭drinking‬‭water‬‭with‬
‭sufficient‬ ‭quantities‬ ‭(2‬ ‭Liters‬ ‭per‬ ‭person‬ ‭per‬ ‭day)‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent‬ ‭heat‬ ‭stress,‬ ‭heat‬ ‭stroke,‬
‭hyperthermia‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭medical‬‭condition‬‭of‬‭dehydration.‬‭These‬‭are‬‭all‬‭threats‬‭to‬‭workplace‬
‭safety,‬ ‭especially‬ ‭in‬ ‭settings‬ ‭where‬ ‭employees‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬ ‭working‬ ‭at‬ ‭very‬ ‭high‬ ‭or‬ ‭low‬
‭temperatures, or outside‬
‭●‬ ‭Restrooms‬ ‭and‬ ‭Washing‬ ‭facilities:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭restrooms‬ ‭and‬
‭washing facilities for workers.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭contractor‬‭must‬‭ensure‬‭the‬‭safety‬‭of‬‭the‬‭working‬‭site,‬‭as‬‭it‬‭will‬‭not‬‭be‬‭accessible‬‭by‬‭any‬
‭non-authorized personnel.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ll‬ ‭forms‬ ‭of‬ ‭Forced‬ ‭Labor‬‭are‬‭prohibited.‬‭Additionally,‬‭the‬‭project‬‭must‬‭comply‬‭with‬‭local‬‭laws‬‭and‬

‭regulations such as labor law and Anti-Trafficking Law No. 9 of the Year 2009.‬

‭ dditionally,‬‭COVID-19‬‭(Coronavirus)‬‭safety‬‭measures‬‭will‬‭be‬‭implemented‬‭at‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭sites.‬
‭Workers‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭informed‬ ‭about‬ ‭the‬ ‭risk‬ ‭of‬ ‭exposure‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭prevention‬ ‭procedures‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭site.‬
‭Clean‬ ‭running‬ ‭water,‬ ‭soap‬ ‭and‬ ‭sanitizers‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬‭provided‬‭and‬‭the‬‭number‬‭of‬‭workers‬‭on‬‭a‬‭task‬
‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭minimized‬ ‭where‬ ‭possible.‬ ‭During‬ ‭the‬ ‭operation‬ ‭of‬‭the‬‭project,‬‭the‬‭expected‬‭impact‬‭on‬
‭include a high or medium risk.‬

‭Emergency Management Plan (EMP)‬

‭ uring‬‭the‬‭operational‬‭phase,‬‭it‬‭is‬‭crucial‬‭to‬‭have‬‭EMP‬‭in‬‭case‬‭of‬‭an‬‭accident,‬‭as‬‭it‬‭helps‬‭prepare‬‭for‬
‭an‬ ‭emergency‬ ‭by‬ ‭identifying‬ ‭risks‬ ‭to‬ ‭critical‬ ‭areas‬ ‭and‬ ‭how‬ ‭to‬ ‭best‬ ‭protect‬ ‭them.‬ ‭The‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭will‬
‭provide‬ ‭training‬ ‭for‬ ‭all‬ ‭PMs‬‭in‬‭order‬‭to‬‭be‬‭able‬‭to‬‭prepare‬‭an‬‭appropriate‬‭EMP‬‭for‬‭all‬‭sub-projects,‬
‭accredited by the PMU.‬

‭shall be trained to an Evacuation plan in case of Natural Risks.‬

I‭n‬ ‭order‬ ‭to‬ ‭avoid‬ ‭these‬ ‭risks,‬ ‭the‬ ‭following‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭are‬ ‭expected‬‭during‬‭construction‬

‭●‬ I‭mplement‬ ‭strict‬ ‭safe‬ ‭system‬‭of‬‭work‬‭(work‬‭permit‬‭system,‬‭risk‬‭assessment,‬‭site‬‭inspection‬

‭by safety team and managers)‬

‭●‬ "‭ Directorate‬‭No.‬‭9‬‭“Health‬‭and‬‭safety‬‭mitigation‬‭procedures‬‭to‬‭reduce‬‭spread‬‭of‬‭COVID-19”‬

‭apply‬ ‭to‬ ‭all‬ ‭industrial‬ ‭establishments‬ ‭and‬ ‭non-industrial‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬

‭The Contractor(s) must ensure the following:‬

T‭ he‬ ‭ESMP‬ ‭suggested‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭and‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭measures‬ ‭to‬ ‭assure‬ ‭a‬ ‭safe‬ ‭environment‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬
‭workers and the public including preparation of OHS plan by the contractor and approved by PMU.‬

‭5.6‬ ‭Cultural Heritage‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

‭ hile‬ ‭there‬ ‭are‬‭no‬‭known‬‭physical‬‭cultural‬‭resources‬‭in‬‭close‬‭proximity‬‭to‬‭the‬‭project‬‭site,‬‭there‬‭is‬

‭still‬ ‭a‬‭potential‬‭for‬‭unexpected‬‭discoveries‬‭of‬‭buried‬‭cultural‬‭artifacts‬‭or‬‭resources,‬‭and‬‭there‬‭could‬
‭improper handling during excavation activities.‬

T‭ hroughout‬ ‭the‬ ‭operational‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭is‬ ‭not‬ ‭anticipated‬ ‭to‬ ‭directly‬ ‭impact‬ ‭the‬
‭archaeological‬ ‭sites‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭area.‬ ‭This‬ ‭is‬ ‭attributed‬‭to‬‭the‬‭fact‬‭that‬‭the‬‭project‬‭does‬‭not‬‭intersect‬‭or‬
‭overlap with any archaeological sites.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭national‬ ‭procedures‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭national‬ ‭procedures‬ ‭for‬ ‭archaeological‬ ‭chance‬ ‭finds‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭followed‬
‭during implementation.‬

I‭t‬ ‭shall‬ ‭also‬ ‭be‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor's‬ ‭responsibility‬ ‭to‬ ‭notify‬ ‭the‬ ‭supervisor‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Cultural‬ ‭resources‬
‭Management‬ ‭Office‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Department‬ ‭of‬ ‭Antiquities‬ ‭of‬ ‭antiquities‬ ‭are‬ ‭encountered‬ ‭in‬ ‭any‬ ‭era‬
‭during‬ ‭construction,‬ ‭and‬ ‭Clause"‬ ‭V‬‭of‬‭the‬‭General‬‭Conditions‬‭of‬‭contract‬‭must‬‭be‬‭closely‬‭observed‬
‭and also specifications set in articles 15 of the antiquities law No. 21. (1988).‬

‭ lthough‬ ‭the‬ ‭likelihood‬ ‭of‬ ‭finding‬ ‭any‬ ‭artifacts‬ ‭is‬ ‭low,‬ ‭as‬ ‭per‬ ‭the‬ ‭law‬ ‭above,‬ ‭MoLA,‬ ‭CVBD,‬ ‭the‬
‭municipality‬ ‭and‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭are‬ ‭required‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭aware‬ ‭that‬ ‭if‬ ‭an‬ ‭item‬ ‭of‬ ‭archaeological‬ ‭significance‬ ‭is‬
‭contractor, in case of Chance Find, shall stop all works and notify DoA.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭seek‬ ‭the‬ ‭written‬ ‭approval‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭DoA‬ ‭before‬ ‭the‬ ‭removal‬ ‭of‬ ‭any‬‭chance‬‭find‬
‭is‬ ‭close‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭site.‬ ‭All‬ ‭designated‬ ‭salvageable‬ ‭material‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭removed,‬ ‭without‬ ‭causing‬
‭unnecessary‬ ‭damage,‬ ‭and‬ ‭in‬ ‭sections‬ ‭or‬ ‭pieces,‬ ‭which‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬ ‭readily‬ ‭transported,‬ ‭and‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬
‭started‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭at‬ ‭approved‬ ‭locations,‬ ‭for‬ ‭later‬ ‭use‬ ‭or‬ ‭possession‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭department‬ ‭of‬

I‭f‬ ‭any‬ ‭site‬ ‭found‬ ‭during‬ ‭construction‬ ‭is‬ ‭damaged‬ ‭by‬ ‭construction‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Department‬ ‭of‬
‭Antiquities‬ ‭will‬ ‭assess‬ ‭the‬‭discovered‬‭remains‬‭and‬‭may‬‭carry‬‭out‬‭an‬‭emergency‬‭salvage‬‭excavation.‬
‭Salvage‬ ‭excavation‬ ‭means‬ ‭archaeological‬ ‭excavation‬ ‭conducted‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭phase.‬ ‭It‬
‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭conducted‬ ‭only‬ ‭when‬ ‭an‬ ‭archaeological‬ ‭site‬ ‭is‬ ‭found‬ ‭by‬ ‭accident‬ ‭(chance‬ ‭find)‬ ‭during‬
‭construction.‬ ‭Given‬ ‭the‬ ‭short‬ ‭time‬ ‭available‬ ‭for‬ ‭a‬ ‭salvage‬ ‭excavation,‬ ‭this‬ ‭type‬ ‭of‬ ‭work‬ ‭should‬‭be‬

T‭ he‬‭available‬‭short‬‭time‬‭for‬‭salvage‬‭excavations‬‭cannot‬‭be‬‭considered‬‭an‬‭authorization‬‭to‬‭destroy‬‭the‬
‭destruction can be authorized.‬

‭Jordanian laws and integrate it with the procedure highlighted in Annex 6.‬

‭Please see Annex 6- MSSRP Chance Find Procedure‬

‭5.7‬ ‭Traffic‬
‭Impact Assessment‬

‭ ased‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭anticipated‬ ‭construction‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭the‬ ‭rehabilitation‬ ‭and‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭tasks‬ ‭are‬
‭relatively‬ ‭straightforward‬ ‭and‬ ‭do‬ ‭not‬ ‭involve‬ ‭complex‬ ‭operations.‬ ‭This‬ ‭indicates‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭need‬ ‭for‬
‭equipment,‬ ‭workers,‬ ‭and‬‭vehicle‬‭transportation‬‭will‬‭be‬‭minimal.‬‭The‬‭following‬‭impacts‬‭or‬‭concerns‬
‭were assessed:‬

‭ ‬ T‭ raffic conjunctions due transporting of staff, equipment and materials‬

‭●‬ ‭Disruption‬ ‭of‬ ‭normal‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭flow‬ ‭or‬ ‭temporary‬ ‭road‬ ‭closures‬ ‭near‬ ‭the‬ ‭park‬ ‭during‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ I‭nadequate‬‭signage‬‭or‬‭safety‬‭measures‬‭to‬‭guide‬‭drivers‬‭and‬‭pedestrians‬‭around‬‭construction‬
‭zones, leading to accidents or confusion.‬

‭ owever,‬ ‭specific‬ ‭measures‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭any‬ ‭potential‬ ‭impact‬ ‭on‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭is‬
‭effectively addressed and mitigated.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭During Construction‬

T‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭submit‬ ‭prior‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭start‬ ‭of‬ ‭any‬ ‭work‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭management‬ ‭plan‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU‬
‭also should include:‬

‭‬ M
● ‭ onitor and investigate complaints and propose appropriate mitigation measures.‬
‭●‬ ‭Trucks‬‭and‬‭involved‬‭vehicles‬‭should‬‭follow‬‭specific‬‭&‬‭identified‬‭truck‬‭ways‬‭(applicable‬‭to‬‭the‬
‭project site and the rural access road).‬
‭●‬ ‭Designate‬ ‭a‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭officer‬ ‭and‬ ‭flagman‬ ‭to‬ ‭warn‬ ‭of‬ ‭dangerous‬‭conditions‬‭(if‬‭required‬‭for‬‭24‬
‭●‬ ‭Protect‬ ‭all‬ ‭sites‬ ‭and‬‭open‬‭excavations‬‭with‬‭barriers‬‭and‬‭signs‬‭to‬‭protect‬‭pedestrians‬‭and‬‭to‬
‭prevent vehicles damaging the work or falling into excavations.‬
‭●‬ ‭The contractor shall comply with all applicable laws regarding road safety and transport.‬
‭●‬ ‭Report all traffic incidents and accidents to the site Engineer, PMU, and the World Bank‬

‭During Operation‬

‭ oting‬‭that‬‭the‬‭project‬‭is‬‭rehabilitation‬‭project‬‭with‬‭minor‬‭construction‬‭activities,‬‭which‬‭implies‬‭that‬
‭the‬ ‭park‬ ‭is‬ ‭already‬ ‭established,‬ ‭hence‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭is‬ ‭not‬‭expected‬‭to‬‭cause‬‭a‬‭significant‬‭impact‬‭on‬
‭traffic than the current situation during operation‬

‭ owever,‬ ‭it‬ ‭is‬ ‭worth‬ ‭noting‬ ‭that‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭is‬ ‭currently‬ ‭developing‬ ‭“ The‬ ‭Traffic‬‭and‬‭Road‬‭Safety‬
‭Guidelines”‬ ‭which‬‭will‬‭be‬‭implemented‬‭for‬‭all‬‭the‬‭MSSRP‬‭sub-projects.‬‭These‬‭guidelines‬‭will‬‭cover‬‭all‬
‭Road‬ ‭and‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭and‬ ‭pedestrian‬ ‭safety‬ ‭risks,‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭and‬ ‭pedestrian‬ ‭safety‬ ‭features‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬
‭design, pedestrian crosswalks, traffic lights recommended for accessing the site safety.‬

‭ dditionally,‬ ‭it‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬ ‭responsibility‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭operator‬ ‭to‬ ‭monitor‬ ‭the‬ ‭effectiveness‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭developed‬
‭traffic plan and suggest any necessary measures to improve traffic status.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ HAPTER 6 -‬
‭6.1‬ ‭Introduction‬
T‭ he‬‭Environmental‬‭and‬‭Social‬‭Management‬‭Plan‬‭(ESMP)‬‭addresses‬‭the‬‭identified‬‭environmental‬‭and‬
‭includes the actions and measures to implement the suggested mitigation measures.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭ESMP‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭fully‬ ‭integrated‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭contractor’s‬ ‭obligations‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭the‬
‭the‬ ‭implementation‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭proposed‬‭mitigation‬‭measures‬‭and‬‭compliance‬‭with‬‭the‬‭applicable‬‭laws‬
‭for implementing the measures proposed in the ESMP.‬

‭ ll‬‭mitigation‬‭measures‬‭included‬‭in‬‭the‬‭ESMP‬‭will‬‭be‬‭integrated‬‭in‬‭the‬‭MSSRP‬‭bidding‬‭documents‬‭of‬
‭described‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Supplementary‬ ‭Particular‬ ‭Conditions‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contract‬ ‭(PCC)‬ ‭(Annex‬ ‭3‬ ‭which‬ ‭was‬
‭prepared by ILO for the IF subprojects).‬

‭6.2‬ ‭Objectives‬
T‭ he‬ ‭ESMP‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭prepared‬ ‭to‬ ‭eliminate‬ ‭or‬ ‭minimize‬ ‭as‬ ‭much‬ ‭as‬ ‭possible‬ ‭the‬
‭negative impacts and enhance the positive ones during the project phases.‬

‭The main objectives of ESMP are as follows:‬

‭ ‬ T‭ o ensure compliance with relevant regulatory authorities as well as legislation.‬

‭●‬ ‭To‬ ‭undertake‬ ‭a‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭program‬ ‭to‬ ‭assess‬ ‭the‬‭effectiveness‬‭of‬‭the‬‭proposed‬‭mitigation‬
‭measures‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭ESMP‬‭and‬‭undertake‬‭the‬‭necessary‬‭changes‬‭in‬‭the‬‭mitigation‬‭measures‬‭or‬
‭construction activities.‬
‭●‬ ‭Provide‬ ‭a‬ ‭framework‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭who‬ ‭will‬ ‭carry‬ ‭out‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭works‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭and social impacts.‬

‭6.3‬ ‭Implementation Arrangements‬

‭This section details the roles and responsibilities of key entities involved in the subproject including:‬

‭The Contractor‬

‭The contractor shall undertake the construction works. He will be responsible for the following:‬

‭●‬ I‭mplementing‬ ‭all‬‭the‬‭mitigation‬‭measures,‬‭monitoring‬‭program‬‭and‬‭training‬‭as‬‭described‬‭in‬

‭the ESMP.‬
‭●‬ ‭Preparing‬ ‭and‬ ‭implementing‬ ‭the‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭plans‬ ‭as‬ ‭described‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭ESMP‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬
‭occupational health and safety plans.‬
‭●‬ ‭Preparing and implementing the necessary instructions and procedures.‬
‭●‬ ‭Conducting inspections on all environmental, social, health and safety issues.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ S‭ ubmit‬ ‭the‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭reports‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU.‬ ‭Additionally,‬ ‭the‬
‭contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭submit‬ ‭an‬ ‭immediate‬ ‭report‬ ‭for‬ ‭certain‬ ‭cases‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭serious‬ ‭accidents‬
‭resulting in serious injury and chance find.‬
‭●‬ ‭Raising‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬ ‭awareness‬ ‭among‬ ‭the‬ ‭workers‬ ‭by‬ ‭conducting‬ ‭awareness‬
‭●‬ ‭Ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭all‬‭subcontractors‬‭that‬‭were‬‭hired‬‭by‬‭the‬‭contractor‬‭are‬‭following‬‭the‬‭ESMP‬‭by‬
‭carrying‬ ‭out‬ ‭regular‬ ‭inspections‬ ‭and‬ ‭raising‬ ‭their‬ ‭awareness‬ ‭on‬ ‭all‬ ‭environmental,‬ ‭social,‬
‭safety and health aspects.‬


I‭n‬ ‭addition‬ ‭to‬ ‭its‬ ‭role‬ ‭in‬ ‭managing‬ ‭the‬ ‭day-to-day‬ ‭activities‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭project,‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU,‬ ‭which‬ ‭is‬ ‭an‬
‭extension‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Ministry,‬ ‭is‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭for‬ ‭facilitating‬ ‭the‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭activities‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭proper‬
‭implementation‬ ‭of‬ ‭ESMP.‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭within‬ ‭MOLA,‬ ‭consisting‬ ‭of‬ ‭a‬ ‭Project‬‭Director,‬‭one‬‭Deputy‬‭Director‬
‭(from‬ ‭MOLA),‬ ‭a‬ ‭Monitoring‬ ‭and‬ ‭Evaluation‬ ‭Expert‬ ‭and‬‭support‬‭staff‬‭are‬‭responsible‬‭for‬‭day-to-day‬
‭Project coordination, management and implementation oversight. This involves, inter alia:‬

‭●‬ P ‭ roviding‬ ‭support‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭SC,‬ ‭planning‬ ‭and‬ ‭supervision‬ ‭of‬ ‭Project‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭coordination‬
‭amongst institutional partners and donors, organizing annual joint missions, etc.;‬
‭●‬ ‭Project monitoring, financial management (FM), audits, safeguards compliance, etc.;‬
‭●‬ ‭Project‬ ‭reporting‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Government‬ ‭and‬ ‭donors,‬ ‭including‬ ‭the‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭and‬
‭dissemination of Project progress reports including the safeguard reports;‬
‭●‬ ‭Project related information and communication activities; and‬
‭●‬ ‭Management‬ ‭and‬ ‭implementation‬ ‭of‬ ‭Subcomponent‬ ‭2B,‬ ‭which‬‭involves‬‭building‬‭capacities‬
‭for emergency preparedness and risk management systems in Jordan.‬

‭CVDB:‬‭under a management contract and is responsible‬‭for providing‬

‭●‬ F‭ iduciary‬ ‭support‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Project,‬ ‭including‬ ‭the‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭of‬ ‭withdrawal‬ ‭applications‬ ‭and‬
‭other financial requests.‬
‭●‬ ‭Procurement‬ ‭of‬ ‭works,‬ ‭goods‬ ‭and‬ ‭services‬ ‭for‬ ‭items‬ ‭that‬ ‭are‬ ‭beyond‬ ‭the‬ ‭procurement‬
‭thresholds set for municipalities under the current regulations.‬
‭●‬ ‭FM and reporting.‬

‭ rocurement‬ ‭of‬ ‭annual‬ ‭audits‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬‭entire‬‭Project,‬‭including‬‭expenses‬‭made‬‭under‬‭Component‬‭2‬

‭and‬ ‭assurance‬ ‭audits‬ ‭of‬ ‭participating‬ ‭municipalities.‬ ‭CVDB‬ ‭assigns‬ ‭a‬ ‭nodal‬ ‭officer‬ ‭who‬ ‭acts‬ ‭as‬‭the‬
‭Deputy Director of the PMU and reports to the Project Director on the above set of activities.‬

‭International Labor Organization (ILO)‬

T‭ he‬ ‭main‬ ‭objective‬ ‭of‬ ‭ILO‬ ‭assignment‬ ‭with‬ ‭MSSRP,‬ ‭is‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭support‬ ‭to‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭by‬ ‭assessing,‬
‭shall be provided by ILO is as follows:‬

T‭ he‬‭development‬‭objective‬‭of‬‭the‬‭ILO‬‭Project‬‭is‬‭“to‬‭help‬‭Jordanian‬‭municipalities‬‭address‬‭the‬‭service‬
‭delivery‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugee‬ ‭influx‬ ‭and‬ ‭support‬ ‭investments‬ ‭that‬ ‭generate‬ ‭jobs‬ ‭and‬
‭improve‬ ‭social‬ ‭and‬ ‭economic‬ ‭conditions‬ ‭of‬ ‭host‬ ‭communities”‬ ‭(which‬ ‭is‬ ‭consistent‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭development objective of the MSSRP).‬

T‭ he‬ ‭immediate‬ ‭objective‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭ILO‬ ‭Project‬ ‭is‬ ‭“to‬ ‭support‬ ‭and‬ ‭build‬ ‭capacity‬ ‭in‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭and‬ ‭its‬
‭implementing‬ ‭agencies‬ ‭(Ministry‬ ‭of‬ ‭Local‬ ‭Administration)‬ ‭to‬ ‭assess,‬ ‭monitor‬ ‭and‬ ‭increase‬ ‭the‬
‭labor-intensity of its capital investments”.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

T‭ he‬ ‭outputs‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭ILO‬ ‭support‬ ‭will‬ ‭contribute‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭overall‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭objectives‬ ‭whilst‬ ‭also‬
‭contributing to Decent Work Country program (DWCP) objectives.‬

‭The outputs and activities of the ILO project are set out below:‬

‭●‬ D
‭ evelopment‬ ‭of‬ ‭guidelines‬ ‭and‬ ‭specifications‬ ‭on‬ ‭labor-based‬ ‭methodologies‬ ‭for‬ ‭different‬
‭categories of works‬

o‬ P
‭ ‭ roduction‬ ‭of‬ ‭guidelines‬ ‭and‬ ‭specifications‬ ‭including‬ ‭amendment‬ ‭of‬ ‭FIDIC‬ ‭Special‬
‭Conditions‬ ‭of‬ ‭Contract‬ ‭to‬ ‭cover‬ ‭labor-intensity‬ ‭provisions,‬ ‭decent‬ ‭work‬ ‭provisions‬
‭and safeguards (such as welfare, safety etc.)‬
o‬ ‭Review of MSSRP Operations Manual for coverage of the above.‬

o‬ ‭Propose‬ ‭social‬ ‭safeguards‬ ‭and‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭for‬ ‭social‬ ‭impact‬ ‭on‬ ‭local‬

‭communities possibly resulting from labor-based works.‬

‭●‬ P
‭ articipation‬ ‭in‬ ‭Introductory‬ ‭Workshops‬ ‭on‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭(principles‬ ‭of‬ ‭employment‬ ‭generation‬
‭and LB methods)‬

‭ ‭Introduction‬ ‭to‬ ‭concepts‬ ‭of‬ ‭optimal‬ ‭employment‬ ‭generation,‬ ‭viable‬ ‭use‬ ‭of‬ ‭LB‬
‭ ethods,‬‭decent‬‭work‬‭provisions‬‭and‬‭safeguards‬‭and‬‭operation‬‭and‬‭maintenance‬‭of‬
‭infrastructure assets‬
o‬ ‭Training to MOLA and municipalities on LB technologies.‬

‭●‬ ‭Capacity Building on Labor-Based Works Methodologies‬

o‬ C
‭ ‭ arry‬ ‭out‬ ‭a‬ ‭Training‬ ‭Needs‬ ‭Analysis‬‭(focusing‬‭on‬‭Participating‬‭Municipalities‬‭(PMs),‬
‭and MOLA,)‬
o‬ ‭Provide‬ ‭Advice/training‬ ‭to‬ ‭MOLA,‬‭and‬‭PMs‬‭on‬‭coverage‬‭of‬‭employment‬‭generation‬

‭and‬ ‭optimization‬ ‭of‬ ‭LB‬ ‭issues‬ ‭in‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭of‬ ‭proposals‬ ‭and‬ ‭detailed‬ ‭designs,‬
‭application‬ ‭of‬ ‭guidelines,‬ ‭specifications‬ ‭and‬‭decent‬‭work‬‭provisions‬‭and‬‭safeguards‬
‭(including‬ ‭FIDIC‬ ‭Special‬ ‭Conditions‬ ‭of‬ ‭Contract)‬ ‭–‬ ‭including‬ ‭providing‬ ‭Training‬ ‭of‬
‭Trainer‬ ‭s‬ ‭for‬ ‭MOLA,‬ ‭and‬ ‭selected‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭staff,‬ ‭on‬ ‭related‬ ‭management‬ ‭and‬
‭guidance to provide to prequalified/interested contractors.‬
o‬ ‭Provide‬ ‭training‬ ‭for‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭Contract‬ ‭Engineers‬ ‭and‬ ‭consultants‬ ‭about‬‭preparing‬

‭Tendering‬ ‭Documentation‬ ‭using‬ ‭LBT‬ ‭clauses,‬ ‭specifications‬ ‭and‬ ‭decent‬ ‭work‬
‭provisions and safeguards (in relevant to applicable local contracting procedures)‬

‭●‬ S‭ upport‬ ‭to‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭in‬ ‭preparation‬ ‭of‬ ‭project‬ ‭proposals‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭adherence‬ ‭to‬
‭labor-based approaches‬

o‬ S‭ upport‬ ‭to‬ ‭MoLA‬ ‭in‬ ‭review‬ ‭of‬ ‭draft‬ ‭project‬ ‭proposal‬ ‭templates‬ ‭under‬ ‭municipal‬

‭grants and the innovation fund, with the view of introducing LB works methods.‬
o‬ ‭Support‬ ‭and‬ ‭training‬ ‭to‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭staff‬ ‭to‬ ‭scope‬ ‭their‬ ‭proposals‬ ‭taking‬ ‭into‬

‭labor-based works.‬
o‬ ‭Participate‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭initial‬ ‭evaluation‬ ‭to‬ ‭appreciate‬ ‭which‬ ‭proposals‬ ‭are‬ ‭tentatively‬

‭acceptable‬ ‭under‬ ‭the‬ ‭innovation‬ ‭fund;‬ ‭provide‬ ‭pragmatic‬ ‭feedback‬ ‭for‬
‭revised proposals‬
‭ ‬ ‭Representation on Technical Review Committee (Innovation Fund)‬

o‬ ‭Screening and approval of proposals submitted by MSSRP PMs.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ ‭Procurement and contract award‬

‭‬ C
o ‭ arry out a Training Needs Analysis (contractors)‬
o‬ ‭Provide‬ ‭Advice/training‬ ‭to‬ ‭short-listed‬ ‭contractors‬ ‭and‬ ‭works‬ ‭supervisors‬ ‭in‬

‭preparation‬ ‭of‬ ‭bids‬ ‭(to‬ ‭cover‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭requirements‬ ‭for‬ ‭LB‬ ‭methods,‬ ‭employment‬
‭generation‬ ‭and‬ ‭recruitment,‬ ‭guidelines,‬ ‭specifications,‬ ‭decent‬ ‭work‬ ‭provisions‬‭and‬
‭safeguards, and employment safety and labor rights and decent work standards)‬

‭●‬ ‭Implementation and Employment Monitoring and Reporting‬

‭‬ C
o ‭ apacity building of national partners including municipalities and MSSRP‬
o‬ ‭Mentorship‬‭of‬‭contractors,‬‭works‬‭supervisors‬‭and‬‭municipalities‬‭in‬‭viable‬‭application‬

‭of LB methods‬
o‬ ‭Developing‬ ‭a‬ ‭framework‬ ‭and‬ ‭recommendations‬ ‭for‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭and‬ ‭reporting‬ ‭on‬

‭of‬ ‭Egyptian‬ ‭labor,‬ ‭targets‬ ‭for‬ ‭participation‬ ‭of‬ ‭women‬ ‭and‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭groups‬ ‭and‬
‭days,‬ ‭labor‬ ‭as‬ ‭proportion‬ ‭of‬ ‭total‬ ‭intervention/contract‬ ‭value),‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭with‬
‭decent‬ ‭work‬ ‭guidelines‬ ‭and‬ ‭safeguards‬ ‭(including‬ ‭engagement‬ ‭of‬ ‭youth‬ ‭in‬
‭monitoring and reporting processes)‬
o‬ ‭Training‬ ‭for‬‭youth‬‭monitors‬‭(for‬‭employment‬‭generation‬‭issues)‬‭–‬‭including‬‭training‬

‭of trainers‬

‭●‬ ‭Employment Impact Assessment‬

‭‬ S‭ tudy at municipal level on Employment Impacts‬

o‬ ‭Dissemination of findings‬

‭●‬ ‭Oversight and technical backstopping‬

o‬ R
‭ ‭ egular‬ ‭(weekly)‬ ‭site‬ ‭visits‬ ‭and‬ ‭technical‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭and‬ ‭reporting‬ ‭on‬ ‭labor-based‬
‭works and decent work.‬

‭Environmental and Social Monitoring Firm‬

‭The‬ ‭Royal‬ ‭Society‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Conservation‬ ‭of‬ ‭Nature‬ ‭(RSCN)‬ ‭is‬ ‭assigned‬ ‭to‬ ‭Monitor‬ ‭the‬ ‭social‬ ‭and‬
e‭ nvironmental‬ ‭measures‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP's‬ ‭sub-projects‬‭in‬‭accordance‬‭with‬‭the‬‭reference‬‭standards,‬
‭prepared‬ ‭E&S‬ ‭instruments‬ ‭and‬ ‭contractual‬ ‭requirements‬ ‭in‬ ‭addition‬ ‭to‬ ‭design‬ ‭and‬ ‭implement‬ ‭an‬
‭issues were completed.‬

‭Participating Municipalities (Ajloun Municipality):‬

T‭ he‬ ‭participating‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭are‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭identification‬ ‭and‬ ‭delivery‬ ‭of‬ ‭priority‬
‭infrastructure‬ ‭and‬ ‭services‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭financed‬ ‭through‬ ‭the‬ ‭Project,‬ ‭in‬ ‭close‬ ‭collaboration‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭beneficiary communities. This involves:‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ T‭ he‬‭identification‬‭of‬‭priority‬‭needs,‬‭the‬‭costing‬‭of‬‭alternative‬‭programs‬‭affordable‬‭within‬‭the‬
‭financial‬ ‭envelope‬ ‭allocated‬ ‭through‬ ‭the‬ ‭Project,‬ ‭an‬ ‭arbitrage‬ ‭amongst‬ ‭the‬ ‭various‬
‭alternatives, and the final consolidation of the priority list of eligible expenses;‬
‭●‬ ‭Formulation of local economic development plans, working with governorate level LDUs;‬
‭●‬ ‭Detailed‬ ‭programing‬ ‭of‬ ‭technical‬ ‭requirements,‬ ‭procurement‬ ‭of‬ ‭works,‬ ‭good,‬ ‭and‬‭services‬
‭according to the current regulatory thresholds; and‬
‭●‬ ‭Management‬ ‭of‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭including‬ ‭consultation‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭communities‬ ‭and‬ ‭work‬
‭●‬ ‭Once‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭is‬‭finished‬‭and‬‭the‬‭project‬‭is‬‭handed‬‭to‬‭the‬‭municipality,‬‭the‬‭operation‬
‭phase‬ ‭starts.‬ ‭The‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬ ‭owner‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭and‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭in‬ ‭charge‬ ‭of‬
‭normally covered by the municipality.‬

T‭ he‬‭municipalities‬‭are‬‭supported‬‭by‬‭the‬‭CVDB‬‭on‬‭the‬‭Project’s‬‭screening‬‭criteria‬‭and‬‭applying‬‭them‬
‭systematically.‬ ‭On‬ ‭the‬ ‭other‬ ‭hand,‬ ‭CVDB‬ ‭undertakes‬ ‭a‬ ‭review‬ ‭(both‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭identified‬ ‭first‬ ‭10%‬ ‭of‬
‭priority‬ ‭sub-set‬ ‭of‬ ‭projects‬ ‭and‬ ‭as‬ ‭a‬‭mechanism‬‭for‬‭all‬‭subsequent‬‭demand-driven‬‭investments)‬‭to‬
‭required‬ ‭consultant‬ ‭services.‬ ‭In‬ ‭addition,‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭team‬ ‭(PMU)‬ ‭conducts‬ ‭spot‬ ‭checks‬ ‭on‬
‭prospective or actual sub-project sites to ensure quality.‬

‭6.4‬ ‭Environmental and Social Mitigation Measures‬

T‭ his‬ ‭section‬ ‭presents‬ ‭all‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭that‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬
‭implementing‬ ‭the‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭phase‬ ‭under‬ ‭HSE‬ ‭Engineer‬
‭supervision‬ ‭and‬ ‭follow‬ ‭up.‬ ‭The‬ ‭project‬ ‭developer‬ ‭(the‬ ‭municipality)‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭entity‬ ‭for‬
‭implementing the proposed mitigation measures during the operation and decommissioning phases.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭cover‬ ‭the‬ ‭issues‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭following‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬

● S‭ ocio-economic Conditions.‬
‭●‬ ‭Biodiversity‬
‭●‬ ‭Environmental impacts.‬
‭●‬ ‭Community Health and Safety (CHS)‬
‭●‬ ‭Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).‬
‭●‬ ‭Cultural Heritage‬
‭●‬ ‭Traffic impacts‬

‭6.4.1‬ ‭Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase‬

‭▪‬ ‭A - Mitigation Measures funded and covered by the Subproject budget under the MG2 grant‬

T‭ able‬ ‭6-1‬ ‭to‬ ‭Table‬ ‭6-6‬ ‭summaries‬ ‭the‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭that‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬
‭construction phase for all environmental and social aspects.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 6
‎ -1: Mitigation Measures for Socio-Economic during construction phase‬

‭Socio-Economic / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

‭The contractor will follow the employment process that to be managed by ILO for skilled and unskilled staff‬

‭ qual‬ ‭remuneration:‬ ‭Equal‬ ‭remuneration‬ ‭for‬ ‭men,‬ ‭women,‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭workers,‬ ‭and‬ ‭people‬ ‭with‬ ‭disability‬ ‭for‬
‭work of equal value‬

‭ inimum‬ ‭age‬ ‭for‬‭work‬‭is‬‭18:‬‭Ensure‬‭that‬‭no‬‭juveniles‬‭under‬‭the‬‭age‬‭of‬‭18‬‭are‬‭engaged‬‭in‬‭this‬‭work.‬‭Note:‬

‭Although‬ ‭the‬‭Section‬‭74‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Jordanian‬‭Labor‬‭Code‬‭allows‬‭in‬‭certain‬‭cases‬‭the‬‭employability‬‭of‬‭juveniles‬
‭the nature of the infrastructure work may risk the health and safety of children.‬

‭ qual‬‭employment‬‭opportunities‬‭for‬‭Women:‬‭The‬‭contractors‬‭are‬‭required‬‭to‬‭allocate‬‭at‬‭least‬‭10%‬‭of‬‭labor‬
‭days to female workers‬
‭Employment‬ ‭Contractor‬
‭ mployment‬‭opportunities‬‭for‬‭people‬‭with‬‭disability:‬‭The‬‭contractors‬‭are‬‭required‬‭to‬‭allocate‬‭at‬‭least‬‭3%‬‭of‬
‭labor days to persons with disabilities‬

‭ mployment‬ ‭of‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭will‬ ‭recruit‬ ‭30%‬ ‭of‬ ‭workers‬ ‭from‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭nationality.‬ ‭The‬
‭Contractor will secure their work permits from the local department of Labor‬

‭ ask-based‬‭daily‬‭wage:‬‭To‬‭ensure‬‭that‬‭all‬‭workers,‬‭independent‬‭of‬‭their‬‭sex,‬‭ethnicity‬‭or‬‭mental‬‭or‬‭physical‬
‭condition, receive the same salary for the same type of work done‬

‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭measures‬ ‭highlighted‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Supplementary‬‭Particular‬‭Conditions‬
‭developed by the International Labor Organization (ILO) – Annex 3‬

‭Child Labor‬ ‭The contractor must not employ any worker under the age of 18 years old‬ ‭Contractor‬

‭Forced Labor‬ ‭Migrant workers, refugees are vulnerable to forced labor practices such as exploitation and abuse‬ ‭Contractor‬

‭Labor Influx‬ ‭Labor Influx is not anticipated for the sub-project given the small scale of works‬ ‭Contractor‬

‭ rievance‬ ‭Redress‬
‭The contractor must comply with GRM developed MSSRP PMU, presented in Section 7.3‬ ‭Contractor‬
‭Mechanism (GRM)‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 6
‎ -2: Mitigation Measures for Environmental Impacts during construction phase‬

‭Environmental Impacts / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

‭Dust resulting from other construction activities‬

‭●‬ ‭All‬ ‭active‬ ‭construction‬ ‭areas‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭wetted‬ ‭slightly‬ ‭to‬ ‭reduce‬ ‭dust‬ ‭generation.‬ ‭Wetting‬ ‭process‬
‭ epends on the type of operation and on the wind speed‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭paved‬‭roads‬‭and‬‭areas‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭cleaned‬‭from‬‭the‬‭visible‬‭soil‬‭carried‬‭out‬‭by‬‭construction‬‭activities‬
‭on a daily basis‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭unused‬‭materials‬‭piles‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭covered‬‭to‬‭minimize‬‭dust‬‭resulting‬‭from‬‭the‬‭wind,‬‭and‬‭they‬‭shall‬‭be‬
‭removed promptly‬
● ‭All trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose materials shall be covered well.‬
‭Air Quality‬ ‭●‬ ‭Regular visual assessment of dust emissions shall be applied‬ ‭Contractor‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭unloading‬ ‭of‬ ‭loose‬ ‭solid‬ ‭materials‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭trucks‬ ‭at‬ ‭site‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭managed‬ ‭well‬ ‭to‬ ‭avoid‬ ‭dust‬
‭against wind direction.‬

‭Machinery and vehicles shall not be left idling for long periods if they are not in use (> 5 minutes)‬

‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭should‬ ‭monitor‬ ‭vehicular‬ ‭emissions‬ ‭regularly‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭conduct‬ ‭periodical‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭of‬
‭and international standards‬

‭ eet relevant standards in terms of noise level‬

‭Noise‬ ‭Contractor‬
i‭dling for long periods if they are not in use (> 5 minutes)‬

‭The‬ ‭transportation‬ ‭activities‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭performed‬‭during‬‭day‬‭time‬‭only‬‭if‬‭the‬‭route‬‭goes‬‭through‬‭residential‬

‭ reas. Night time and weekend day shall be excluded‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Environmental Impacts / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

‭Whereas‬ ‭applicable,‬ ‭for‬ ‭transportation‬ ‭materials‬ ‭and‬ ‭equipment;‬ ‭the‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭avoid‬ ‭routes‬ ‭that‬
i‭nclude sensitive receptors.‬
‭The‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭measures‬ ‭highlighted‬ ‭in‬‭the‬‭Supplementary‬‭Particular‬‭Conditions‬
‭ eveloped by the International Labor Organization (ILO) – Annex 3‬

‭Some‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭waste‬ ‭could‬ ‭be‬ ‭avoided‬ ‭by‬ ‭good‬ ‭planning‬ ‭during‬ ‭pre-construction‬ ‭phase‬ ‭and‬ ‭follow‬ ‭waste‬
‭ inimization hierarchy (avoid, minimize, reuse)‬

‭Resulted cut materials shall be tested for possible use as backfill material, sub-base or base‬

‭All excavation surpluses shall be disposed of from the working site‬

t‭ o the authorized waste disposal site with prior coordination with the relevant authorities‬

‭ revented, even during the transport activities‬

‭Waste Management‬ ‭All machines shall be regularly maintained to avoid any oil spillage‬ ‭Contractor‬

t‭ o collect any oil spill‬

t‭ o “Management and Handling of Used Oil Regulations (2014)” issued by the Ministry of Environment‬

‭ ll‬ ‭hazardous‬ ‭wastes‬ ‭generated‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭collected‬ ‭and‬
‭managed‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬‭Instructions‬‭of‬‭Hazardous‬‭Waste‬‭Management‬‭and‬‭Handling‬‭(2019)‬‭issued‬‭by‬‭the‬
‭Ministry of Environment.‬

‭The‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭measures‬ ‭highlighted‬ ‭in‬‭the‬‭Supplementary‬‭Particular‬‭Conditions‬
‭ eveloped by the International Labor Organization (ILO) – Annex 3‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Environmental Impacts / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

‭Mobile toilets with water basins as well as shower rooms shall be available to be used by the workers‬
‭ astewater‬
‭Management‬ ‭ he‬‭domestic‬‭wastewater‬‭generated‬‭by‬‭the‬‭workers‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭collected‬‭in‬‭(septic)‬‭tanks‬‭and‬‭then‬‭transported‬
‭to the nearest wastewater treatment plant‬
‭Possible‬ ‭impact‬ ‭on‬ c‭ onsumption in the project during the construction phase‬
‭ ater consumption‬
‭ esponse Plan and‬
‭ ossible‬ ‭Impact‬ ‭on‬
‭the‬ ‭groundwater‬ ‭Contractor shall ensure fuel containers are sealed after use and stored in an area with impervious surface‬
‭Maintain all machinery, equipment and vehicles within the site in order to avoid any leakage‬

‭Table 6
‎ -3: Mitigation Measures for Occupational Health and Safety during construction phase‬

‭Occupational Health and Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭will‬‭develop‬‭an‬‭occupational‬‭health‬‭and‬‭safety‬‭(OHS)‬‭plan,‬‭that‬‭to‬‭be‬‭approved‬‭by‬‭PMU,‬‭it‬‭is‬
‭important to highlight that the developed plan will include the following:‬

● I‭dentification and assessment of potential risks‬
‭ eneral‬ ‭Worksite‬
G ‭●‬ ‭Provide appropriate mitigation measures‬
‭Safety‬ ‭●‬ ‭Assigning HSE officer‬
‭Management‬ ‭●‬ ‭Life and Fire Safety (L&FS) Master Plan identifying‬
o‬ ‭Major fire risks,‬

o‬ ‭Applicable codes, standards and regulations, and‬

o‬ ‭Mitigation measures‬

‭●‬ ‭Safety and health induction‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Occupational Health and Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

o‬ T
‭ ‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭responsible‬‭for‬‭the‬‭safety‬‭of‬‭all‬‭activities‬‭on‬‭the‬‭Site.‬‭He/she‬‭shall‬‭provide‬
‭work being performed.‬
o‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭provide‬‭instructions‬‭on‬‭Occupational‬‭Health‬‭and‬‭Safety‬‭as‬‭part‬‭of‬‭the‬‭induction‬

‭process for new workers.‬
o‬ ‭The‬‭Employer‬‭may‬‭organize‬‭campaigns‬‭for‬‭enhancing‬‭safety‬‭awareness‬‭among‬‭the‬‭workforce‬‭on‬‭site‬

‭and‬ ‭regarding‬ ‭general‬ ‭health‬ ‭issues.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭allow‬ ‭his‬ ‭staff‬ ‭to‬ ‭attend‬ ‭to‬ ‭these‬
‭campaign events during normal working hours and without deduction of pay.‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor,‬ ‭shall‬ ‭ensure,‬ ‭so‬ ‭far‬ ‭as‬‭is‬‭reasonably‬‭practicable,‬‭that‬‭the‬‭workplaces,‬‭machinery,‬

‭equipment‬ ‭and‬ ‭processes‬ ‭under‬ ‭their‬ ‭control‬ ‭are‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭without‬ ‭risk‬ ‭to‬ ‭health,‬ ‭and‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬
‭chemical,‬ ‭physical‬ ‭and‬ ‭biological‬ ‭substances‬ ‭and‬ ‭agents‬ ‭under‬ ‭their‬ ‭control‬ ‭are‬ ‭without‬ ‭risk‬ ‭to‬
‭health‬ ‭when‬ ‭the‬ ‭appropriate‬ ‭measures‬ ‭of‬ ‭protection‬ ‭are‬ ‭taken;‬ ‭and‬ ‭provide,‬ ‭where‬ ‭necessary,‬
‭adequate‬ ‭protective‬ ‭clothing‬ ‭and‬ ‭protective‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent,‬ ‭so‬ ‭far‬ ‭as‬ ‭is‬ ‭reasonably‬
‭practicable, risk of accidents or of adverse effects to health.‬
o‬ ‭Contractors‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭at‬‭all‬‭times‬‭instruction‬‭on‬‭safety‬‭and‬‭health‬‭procedures‬‭to‬‭all‬‭personnel‬

‭during the work operations on sites.‬
o‬ ‭Contractors‬ ‭shall‬ ‭establish‬ ‭a‬ ‭program‬ ‭of‬ ‭inspections‬ ‭of‬ ‭work‬ ‭activities,‬ ‭locations‬ ‭and‬ ‭workers‬ ‭to‬

‭assess safety practices and conditions against contractual requirements.‬
‭●‬ ‭Social Security or Workers Insurance‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬‭register‬‭all‬‭workers‬‭in‬‭the‬‭national‬‭Social‬‭Security‬‭Corporation‬‭(SCC)‬‭and‬‭pay‬

‭the required contributions of the worker and organization to cover the working period.‬
o‬ ‭The‬‭Purpose:‬‭to‬‭provide‬‭financial‬‭backing‬‭to‬‭any‬‭worker‬‭who‬‭gets‬‭hurt,‬‭disabled‬‭or‬‭loses‬‭their‬‭life‬

‭due to a work-related accident.‬
o‬ ‭Note:‬‭The‬‭insurance‬‭needs‬‭to‬‭be‬‭valid‬‭for‬‭the‬‭entire‬‭duration‬‭of‬‭the‬‭work.‬‭The‬‭insurance‬‭will‬‭cover‬

‭all work-related accidents including the transportation to and from the work site.‬
‭●‬ ‭Drinking‬ ‭Water:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭access‬ ‭to‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭clean‬ ‭drinking‬ ‭water‬ ‭with‬ ‭sufficient‬
‭quantities‬ ‭(2‬ ‭Liters‬ ‭per‬ ‭person‬ ‭per‬ ‭day)‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent‬ ‭heat‬ ‭stress,‬ ‭heat‬ ‭stroke,‬ ‭hyperthermia‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬
‭employees may be working at very high or low temperatures, or outside‬
‭●‬ ‭Toilet‬ ‭and‬ ‭Washing‬ ‭facilities:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭toilets‬ ‭and‬ ‭washing‬‭facilities‬‭for‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭must‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭the‬ ‭safety‬ ‭of‬ ‭working‬ ‭site,‬ ‭as‬ ‭it‬ ‭should‬ ‭not‬ ‭be‬ ‭accessible‬ ‭by‬ ‭any‬
‭non-authorized personnel‬

‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭measures‬ ‭highlighted‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭draft‬ ‭Supplementary‬ ‭Particular‬
‭Conditions developed by the International Labor Organization (ILO) – Annex 3‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Occupational Health and Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬‭will‬‭report‬‭promptly‬‭to‬‭the‬‭PMU‬‭and‬‭Municipal‬‭Engineer‬‭any‬‭incident‬‭or‬‭accident‬‭relating‬‭to‬
‭the‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭which‬ ‭has‬ ‭or‬ ‭likely‬ ‭to‬ ‭have‬ ‭a‬ ‭significant‬ ‭adverse‬ ‭effect‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭environment,‬ ‭affected‬
‭communities, the public or workers, including fatalities and serious injuries.‬
‭Contractor to maintain accident and incident records, including near miss-events.‬
‭ ccidents‬
A ‭and‬ ‭ unicipal‬
‭Incidents‬ ‭PMU and Municipal Engineer to review accident and incident records during site inspections, and on request.‬ ‭Engineer‬
‭ he‬‭PMU‬‭will‬‭cause‬‭the‬‭contractor‬‭to‬‭take‬‭immediate‬‭measures‬‭to‬‭address‬‭such‬‭accidents‬‭or‬‭incidents‬‭and‬‭to‬
‭prevent any recurrence.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 6
‎ -4: Mitigation Measures for Community Health during construction phase‬

‭Community health and Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭ spects /‬
‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

‭ he contractor is responsible that all activities carried out is under his direct supervision, in which he will be‬
‭responsible for any violation done by his staff or by other sub-contractor staff‬
‭ ll relevant measures highlighted in section 5.1 must be followed by the contractor, workers and any third‬
‭party associated with construction activities (sub-contractors, service provider, etc.)‬

‭ xploitation and‬
‭Abuse and Sexual‬ ‭The contractor must comply with SEA/SH procedures and guidelines developed by PMU‬ ‭Contractor‬

‭Risks of possible exclusion from project benefits‬

‭The contractor will ensure the following during construction for people with special needs:‬
‭●‬ ‭Accessible parking spaces‬
‭Gender and Social‬ ‭●‬ ‭Accessible entrance/door‬
‭●‬ ‭Bathrooms with accessible features‬
‭●‬ ‭Safe floor surface‬
‭ he contractor will ensure fair and equal employment opportunities for women, refugees, and persons with‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 6
‎ -5: Mitigation Measures for Cultural Heritage during construction phase‬

‭Cultural Heritage / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects‬ ‭/‬
‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬
‭ oncern‬
t‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭will‬‭follow‬‭chance‬‭find‬‭procedure‬‭highlighted‬‭in‬‭section‬‭5.6,‬‭as‬‭required‬‭by‬‭the‬‭Jordanian‬‭laws‬
‭Unexpected finds‬ ‭and integrate it with the MSSRP chance find procedure highlighted in Annex 6‬ ‭Contractor‬

‭Table 6
‎ -6: Mitigation Measures for Traffic and Road Safety during construction phase‬

‭Traffic and Road Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects‬ ‭/‬
‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬
‭ oncern‬
‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭submit‬‭prior‬‭to‬‭the‬‭start‬‭of‬‭any‬‭work‬‭a‬‭traffic‬‭and‬‭Road‬‭Safety‬‭management‬‭plan‬‭for‬‭the‬
‭PMU approval. The Contractor shall abide by the measures of the plan which also should include:‬

● ‭Monitor and investigate complaints and propose appropriate mitigation measures.‬
‭●‬ ‭ rucks‬‭and‬‭involved‬‭vehicles‬‭should‬‭follow‬‭specific‬‭&‬‭identified‬‭truck‬‭ways‬‭(applicable‬‭to‬‭the‬‭project‬
‭site and the rural access road).‬
‭●‬ ‭Designate‬ ‭a‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭officer‬ ‭and‬ ‭flagman‬ ‭to‬ ‭warn‬ ‭of‬ ‭dangerous‬ ‭conditions‬ ‭(if‬ ‭required‬ ‭for‬ ‭24‬
‭Traffic‬ ‭and‬ ‭Road‬ ‭●‬ ‭Protect‬‭all‬‭sites‬‭and‬‭open‬‭excavations‬‭with‬‭barriers‬‭and‬‭signs‬‭to‬‭protect‬‭pedestrians‬‭and‬‭to‬‭prevent‬ ‭Contractor‬
S‭ afety‬ ‭vehicles damaging the work or falling into excavations.‬
● ‭The contractor shall comply with all applicable laws regarding road safety and transport.‬
‭●‬ ‭Report all traffic incidents and accidents to the site Engineer, PMU, and the World Bank‬

‭The‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭measures‬ ‭highlighted‬ ‭in‬ ‭Annex‬ ‭3,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Supplementary‬ ‭Particular‬
‭ onditions‬‭developed‬‭by‬‭the‬‭International‬‭Labor‬‭Organization‬‭(ILO)‬‭–‬‭Annex‬‭3,‬‭and‬‭good‬‭international‬‭industry‬
‭practice to protect the public from traffic and road safety risks.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 6
‎ -7: Mitigation Measures for Cultural Heritage during construction phase‬

‭Biodiversity / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects‬ ‭/‬
‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬
‭ oncern‬

‭ hereas‬ ‭applicable‬ ‭removing‬ ‭of‬ ‭vegetation‬ ‭cover‬ ‭and‬ ‭soil‬ ‭layers‬ ‭during‬ ‭construction‬ ‭activities‬
‭must be avoided.‬

‭ egetative‬
V ‭ uilding‬ ‭and‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭project‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭minimized‬ ‭in‬‭size‬‭wherever‬‭possible‬‭and‬
‭cover‬ ‭preferably located in an area with little or no vegetation cover‬

‭Alien species shall not be introduced to the study area‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭▪‬ ‭B - Mitigation Measures - Associated Facilities‬

T‭ he‬‭following‬‭mitigation‬‭measures‬‭are‬‭obligatory‬‭for‬‭the‬‭project‬‭to‬‭be‬‭implemented;‬‭however,‬‭they‬
‭will be funded by the Municipality outside the budget allocated for this MG2 subproject.‬

‭ ‬ ‭-‬ ‭The‬ ‭Construction‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Access‬ ‭Road:‬ ‭This‬ ‭crucial‬ ‭measure‬ ‭entails‬ ‭the‬ ‭design‬ ‭and‬
‭prioritize‬ ‭accessibility‬ ‭for‬ ‭all‬ ‭individuals,‬ ‭including‬ ‭those‬ ‭with‬ ‭mobility‬ ‭challenges,‬ ‭and‬
‭consider‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭preservation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭to‬ ‭reduce‬ ‭ecological‬ ‭impact‬ ‭during‬

‭ nnex‬ ‭7‬ ‭provides‬ ‭a‬ ‭letter‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭addressed‬ ‭to‬ ‭MOLA,‬ ‭expressing‬ ‭its‬
‭commitment to execute the access road in accordance with the requirements of MSSRP.‬

‭ nnex‬ ‭8‬ ‭includes‬ ‭a‬ ‭letter‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭addressed‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬ ‭Agriculture,‬ ‭seeking‬
‭approval‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭transfer‬ ‭of‬ ‭land‬ ‭designated‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭project's‬ ‭parking‬ ‭area.‬ ‭The‬ ‭identified‬ ‭land‬ ‭is‬
‭situated‬ ‭opposite‬ ‭the‬ ‭park,‬ ‭there‬ ‭is‬ ‭no‬ ‭current‬ ‭land‬ ‭use/encroachment‬ ‭(formal‬ ‭or‬ ‭informal)‬ ‭as‬
‭depicted in Figure 1 above (reposted here for reference).‬


‭6.4.2‬ ‭Mitigation Measures during Operation Phase‬

T‭ able‬‭6-7‬‭summarizes‬‭the‬‭mitigation‬‭measures‬‭that‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭implemented‬‭during‬‭‎the‬‭‎operation‬‭phase‬
‭for all environmental and social aspect‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 6
‎ -8: Mitigation Measures during operation phase‬

‭Community Health and Safety / Operation Phase‬

‭Aspects/Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

● ‭ ot allowing barbeque activity in the non-designated areas‬
‭●‬ ‭Set-up the barbeque areas on a flat ground and away from fences, trees, shrubs and sheds.‬
‭●‬ ‭Barbeque grills should be placed fixed (non-movable) and stable‬
‭●‬ ‭Do‬‭not‬‭allow‬‭the‬‭use‬‭of‬‭petrol‬‭or‬‭paraffin‬‭to‬‭start‬‭or‬‭revive‬‭barbeque‬‭fire‬‭-‬‭use‬‭firelighters‬‭or‬‭starter‬‭fuel‬
‭on cold coals‬ ‭ jloun‬
‭Accidental fires‬
‭●‬ ‭Ensure the availability of fire extinguisher nearby barbeque areas‬ ‭Municipality‬
‭●‬ ‭Train Park personnel on using fire extinguisher‬
‭●‬ ‭Implementing regular maintenance for fire extinguishers to ensure their readiness and functionality.‬
‭●‬ ‭Park personnel should be trained on quick response measures in case of fires‬
‭●‬ ‭Park personnel should be equipped with appropriate PPEs‬
‭The‬ ‭Park‬ ‭operator‬ ‭(Municipality)‬ ‭should‬ ‭provide‬ ‭first‬ ‭aid‬ ‭kits‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭guard‬ ‭room‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭available‬ ‭to‬‭the‬‭park‬ ‭ jloun‬
‭Potential injuries‬
‭visitors.‬ ‭Municipality‬
‭Sufficient number of waste containers at different locations of the road‬
‭Ajloun municipality is responsible for collecting wastes on regular bases‬
‭ ption‬
‭The municipality is advised to study recycling options for commercial wastes‬ ‭ jloun‬
‭Waste Management‬
‭Municipality‬ ‭is‬ ‭advised‬ ‭to‬ ‭raise‬ ‭awareness‬ ‭among‬ ‭road‬ ‭visitors‬‭and‬‭surrounding‬‭investors‬‭towards‬‭solid‬‭waste‬ ‭Municipality‬
‭management and minimization‬
‭Maintenance waste will be kept minimum as possible‬
‭Different‬ ‭waste‬ ‭streams‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬‭disposed‬‭of‬‭responsibly,‬‭requiring‬‭safe‬‭and‬‭secure‬‭waste‬‭collection,‬‭e.g.‬‭not‬
‭vulnerable to scavengers and being blown away by high wind‬
‭●‬ ‭The municipality will consider carrying out an awareness campaign against sexual harassment‬
‭●‬ ‭Maintain a Grievance Mechanism that is gender sensitive.‬ ‭ jloun‬
‭●‬ ‭Follow all the necessary mitigation measures identified by the MSSRP gender specialist through safety‬ ‭Municipality‬
‭audit for gender action plan for this project.‬
‭ raffic and Road‬
T ‭●‬ ‭Ensure proper implementation of Traffic and Road Safety Plan‬ ‭ jloun‬
‭safety‬ ‭●‬ ‭Instruct drivers to comply with all road ordinances, such as speed limits‬ ‭Municipality‬
‭●‬ ‭Regular maintenance of the park components‬
‭ ublic Health &‬
P ‭●‬ ‭Records of accidents and incidents records‬
‭ jloun‬
‭Safety‬ ‭●‬ ‭Provide police patrols especially in the evenings‬ ‭Municipality‬
‭●‬ ‭Provide a first aid kit at the park‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Community Health and Safety / Operation Phase‬

‭Aspects/Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Responsibility‬

‭●‬ A ‭ rrangements‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭made‬ ‭with‬ ‭security‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭(ex.‬ ‭Royal‬ ‭Department‬ ‭for‬ ‭Protecting‬
‭Environment and Tourism)‬
‭●‬ ‭Equip security personnel with proper training and equipment‬
‭●‬ ‭Security personnel should be physically and mentally fit ‬
‭●‬ ‭Ensure‬ ‭availability‬ ‭of‬ ‭park’s‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭security‬ ‭officers‬ ‭throughout‬ ‭the‬ ‭operational‬ ‭hours‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭park and during the closing hours (24/7)‬
‭●‬ ‭ he municipality will keep a complaints log and record grievances and actions taken to address grievances‬
‭GRM‬ ‭ jloun‬
‭received against the project‬ ‭Municipality‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭6.5‬ ‭Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan‬

‭6.5.1‬ ‭Monitoring Plan during Construction Phase‬

T‭ ables‬ ‭‎6-9‬ ‭to‬ ‭6-13,‬ ‭summarize‬ ‭the‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭plan‬ ‭that‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬
‭construction‬ ‭phase‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭performs‬ ‭and‬ ‭adheres‬ ‭to‬ ‭all‬ ‭environmental‬ ‭and‬
‭social mitigation measures and requirements.‬

‭ uring‬ ‭construction,‬ ‭the‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭required‬ ‭to‬ ‭conduct‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭against‬ ‭contractual‬
‭requirements,‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭ESMP,‬ ‭on‬ ‭a‬ ‭continuous‬ ‭basis,‬ ‭is‬ ‭sufficient‬ ‭to‬ ‭confirm‬ ‭adherence‬ ‭to‬ ‭those‬
‭requirements.‬ ‭The‬‭contractor‬‭must‬‭report‬‭on‬‭E&S‬‭compliance‬‭through‬‭regular‬‭construction‬‭progress‬

‭There are a number of entities that conduct supervision during construction.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭and‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Engineers‬ ‭provide‬ ‭overall‬ ‭construction‬ ‭oversight‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭and‬ ‭have‬
‭responsibility‬ ‭for‬ ‭approving‬ ‭Contractor’s‬ ‭environmental,‬ ‭health‬ ‭and‬ ‭safety‬ ‭and‬ ‭social‬ ‭monitoring‬
‭plans. They have a presence on the site on a regular and on-going basis.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Monitoring‬ ‭NGO‬ ‭and‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭E&S‬ ‭specialists‬ ‭conduct‬ ‭spot‬ ‭checks‬ ‭of‬
‭the‬ ‭start‬ ‭of‬ ‭work.‬ ‭ILO‬ ‭also‬ ‭conducts‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭of‬ ‭labor-intensive‬ ‭works‬ ‭and‬ ‭decent‬ ‭work‬
‭requirements in the contracts.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭supervision‬ ‭methods‬ ‭and‬ ‭frequencies‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭table‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬ ‭shared‬ ‭by‬ ‭one‬ ‭or‬ ‭more‬ ‭of‬ ‭these‬
‭oversight entities.‬

‭ ll‬ ‭E&S‬ ‭non-compliances‬ ‭identified,‬ ‭are‬ ‭reported‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU,‬ ‭and‬ ‭addressed‬ ‭through‬ ‭written‬
‭instructions to the Municipality who issues corrective actions to the Contractor.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 6
‎ -8: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Socio-economic during Construction Phase‬

‭Socio-Economic / Construction Phase‬

‭ requency of Monitoring,‬
‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring method‬
‭Risks‬ ‭Supervision, and Reporting‬

‭ ontinuous.‬
C ‭Report‬
‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭must‬‭follow‬‭the‬‭employment‬‭process‬‭that‬‭to‬‭be‬‭managed‬
T ‭ ontractor’s‬
C ‭compliance‬ ‭in‬ ‭progress‬
‭by ILO for skilled and unskilled staff‬ ‭self-inspections‬ ‭reports‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Municipality‬
‭and PMU‬

‭ uman‬
H ‭Resources’‬
‭Documents‬ ‭Review,‬
‭supplemented‬ ‭with‬
‭Equal‬ ‭remuneration:‬ ‭Equal‬ ‭remuneration‬ ‭for‬ ‭men,‬ ‭women,‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭interviews‬ ‭of‬ ‭workers‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭spot‬
‭ orkers, and people with disability for work of equal value‬
w ‭if appropriate‬ ‭checks (bi-weekly)‬

‭ uman‬
H ‭Resources’‬
‭Documents Review‬ S‭ upervision: Regular spot‬
‭checks (bi-weekly)‬
‭ hild‬‭Labor‬‭:‬‭Minimum‬‭age‬‭for‬‭work‬‭is‬‭18:‬‭Ensure‬‭that‬‭no‬‭juveniles‬‭under‬
‭the‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭Labor‬ ‭Code‬ ‭allows‬ ‭in‬ ‭certain‬ ‭cases‬ ‭the‬ ‭employability‬ ‭of‬
‭juveniles‬‭aged‬‭16-17,‬‭for‬‭the‬‭purpose‬‭of‬‭this‬‭project‬‭no‬‭one‬‭under‬‭the‬‭age‬ v‭ isual‬ ‭inspection‬ ‭and‬
‭of‬ ‭18‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭permitted‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭employed,‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭nature‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭interviews‬ ‭with‬
‭infrastructure work may risk the health and safety of children.‬ ‭workers‬ ‭as‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭spot‬
‭appropriate‬ ‭during‬ ‭checks (weekly)‬
‭regular‬ ‭site‬

‭Equal‬‭employment‬‭opportunities‬‭for‬‭Women:‬‭The‬‭contractors‬‭are‬‭required‬ ‭ uman‬
H ‭Resources’‬ S‭ upervision: Regular spot‬
t‭ o allocate at least 10% of labor days to female workers‬ ‭Documents Review‬ ‭checks‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Socio-Economic / Construction Phase‬

‭ requency of Monitoring,‬
‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring method‬
‭Risks‬ ‭Supervision, and Reporting‬

‭Employment‬‭opportunities‬‭for‬‭people‬‭with‬‭disability:‬‭The‬‭contractors‬‭are‬ ‭ uman‬
H ‭Resources’‬ S‭ upervision: Regular spot‬
r‭ equired to allocate at least 3% of labor days to persons with disabilities‬ ‭Documents Review‬ ‭checks (e.g. bi-weekly)‬

‭ mployment‬ ‭of‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭will‬ ‭recruit‬ ‭30%‬ ‭of‬
‭ uman‬
H ‭Resources’‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭spot‬
‭Documents Review‬ ‭checks (e.g. bi-weekly)‬
‭permits from the local department of Labor‬

‭ ask-based‬ ‭daily‬ ‭wage:‬ ‭To‬ ‭ensure‬‭that‬‭all‬‭workers,‬‭independent‬‭of‬‭their‬

‭ uman‬
H ‭Resources’‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭spot‬
‭Documents Review‬ ‭checks (e.g. bi-weekly)‬
‭the same type of work done‬

‭ ontinuous‬
C ‭monitoring.‬
‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭measures‬ ‭highlighted‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬
‭ ontractor’s‬
C ‭Report‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭in‬
‭self-inspection‬ ‭Progress‬ ‭Reports‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬
‭Organization (ILO) – Annex 3‬

v‭ isual‬ ‭inspection‬ ‭and‬

‭interviews‬ ‭with‬
‭Forced Labor‬ ‭Migrant‬ ‭workers,‬ ‭refugees‬ ‭are‬ ‭vulnerable‬ ‭to‬‭forced‬‭labor‬‭practices‬‭such‬ ‭workers‬ ‭as‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭spot‬
‭ s exploitation and abuse‬
a ‭appropriate‬ ‭during‬ ‭checks (weekly)‬
‭regular‬ ‭site‬

v‭ isual‬ ‭inspection‬ ‭and‬

‭interviews‬ ‭with‬
‭Labor Influx‬ ‭Labor‬‭Influx‬‭is‬‭not‬‭anticipated‬‭for‬‭the‬‭sub-project‬‭given‬‭the‬‭small‬‭scale‬‭of‬ ‭workers‬ ‭as‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭spot‬
‭ orks‬
w ‭appropriate‬ ‭during‬ ‭checks (weekly)‬
‭regular‬ ‭site‬

‭Grievance‬ ‭Redress‬ ‭The‬‭contractor‬‭must‬‭comply‬‭with‬‭GRM‬‭developed‬‭MSSRP‬‭PMU,‬‭presented‬ ‭Complaint’s log‬ ‭ ontractor‬ ‭uses‬ ‭complaint‬

‭ echanism (GRM)‬
M i‭n Section 7.1.1‬ ‭log‬ ‭on‬ ‭ongoing‬ ‭basis‬ ‭and‬
‭provides‬ ‭Complaint‬ ‭Log‬ ‭in‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Socio-Economic / Construction Phase‬

‭ requency of Monitoring,‬
‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring method‬
‭Risks‬ ‭Supervision, and Reporting‬

‭ ontractor’s‬
C ‭Progress‬
S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Review‬
‭Progress report‬

‭ isual‬ ‭Inspection‬ ‭of‬

‭complaint‬ ‭log‬ ‭during‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Spot‬ ‭checks‬
‭site inspections‬ ‭(e.g. bi-weekly)‬

‭Table 6
‎ -9: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Environmental impacts during Construction Phase‬

‭Environmental impacts / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects‬ ‭/‬ ‭ requency of Monitoring,‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring‬
‭ oncerns‬
C ‭Supervision and Reporting‬

‭Dust resulting from other construction activities‬

‭●‬ ‭ ll‬‭active‬‭construction‬‭areas‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭sufficiently‬‭wetted‬‭to‬‭reduce‬‭dust‬
‭generation.‬ ‭Wetting‬ ‭process‬ ‭depends‬‭on‬‭the‬‭type‬‭of‬‭operation‬‭and‬‭on‬
‭the wind speed‬ ‭ MU‬ ‭to‬ ‭review‬ ‭and‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭paved‬‭roads‬‭and‬‭areas‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭cleaned‬‭from‬‭the‬‭visible‬‭soil‬‭carried‬ ‭approve‬ ‭OHS‬ ‭Plan‬‭before‬
‭out by construction activities on a daily basis‬ ‭start of works‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭unused‬‭materials‬‭piles‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭covered‬‭to‬‭minimize‬‭dust‬‭resulting‬
‭from the wind, and they shall be removed promptly‬ ‭ ontractor‬‭to‬‭include‬‭at‬‭a‬
‭●‬ ‭All‬‭trucks‬‭hauling‬‭soil,‬‭sand‬‭and‬‭other‬‭loose‬‭materials‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭covered‬ ‭minimum,‬‭but‬‭not‬‭limited‬
‭well.‬ ‭to,‬ ‭these‬ ‭mitigation‬
‭●‬ ‭Regular visual assessment of dust emissions shall be applied‬ ‭measures, in OHS Plan.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭unloading‬‭of‬‭loose‬‭solid‬‭materials‬‭from‬‭the‬‭trucks‬‭at‬‭site‬‭shall‬‭be‬
‭managed‬ ‭well‬ ‭to‬ ‭avoid‬ ‭dust‬ ‭emissions,‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭applying‬ ‭the‬ ‭most‬
‭Air Quality‬
‭appropriate‬ ‭angle‬ ‭of‬ ‭unloading‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭area‬ ‭shall‬ ‭have‬ ‭walls‬
‭against wind direction.‬
‭The‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭measures‬‭highlighted‬‭in‬‭the‬‭draft‬
‭Supplementary‬ ‭Particular‬ ‭Conditions‬ ‭developed‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭International‬ ‭Labor‬
‭Organization (ILO) – Annex 3‬

‭ achinery‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭not‬ ‭be‬ ‭left‬ ‭idling‬‭for‬‭long‬‭periods‬‭if‬‭they‬‭are‬

M S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Frequent‬
‭Visual Inspection‬
‭not in use (> 5 minutes)‬ ‭(daily)‬

‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭should‬‭monitor‬‭vehicular‬‭emissions‬‭regularly‬‭and‬‭to‬‭conduct‬
S‭ upervision:‬ ‭review‬
‭periodical‬ ‭maintenance‬‭of‬‭construction‬‭vehicles‬‭and‬‭machinery,‬‭in‬‭order‬‭to‬ ‭ aintenance‬
M ‭Records‬
‭maintenance‬ ‭records‬
‭reduce‬ ‭their‬ ‭emissions‬ ‭to‬ ‭comply‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭limits‬ ‭of‬ ‭national‬ ‭and‬ ‭Review‬
‭periodically (weekly)‬
‭international standards‬

‭ ll‬ ‭equipment,‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭maintained‬ ‭in‬ ‭line‬ ‭with‬
A S‭ upervision:‬ ‭review‬
‭Maintenance‬ ‭Records‬
‭Noise‬ ‭manufacturer's‬ ‭recommendations‬ ‭to‬ ‭meet‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭standards‬ ‭in‬ ‭terms‬ ‭of‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭records‬
‭ eview‬
‭noise level‬ ‭periodically (weekly‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Environmental impacts / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects‬ ‭/‬ ‭ requency of Monitoring,‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring‬
‭ oncerns‬
C ‭Supervision and Reporting‬

‭ he‬ ‭vehicles,‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭and‬ ‭machines‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭used‬ ‭responsibly,‬ ‭e.g.‬
‭machines‬‭and‬‭vehicles‬‭shall‬‭not‬‭be‬‭left‬‭idling‬‭for‬‭long‬‭periods‬‭if‬‭they‬‭are‬‭not‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: Daily‬
‭in use (> 5 minutes)‬

‭ he‬‭transportation‬‭activities‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭performed‬‭during‬‭day‬‭time‬‭only‬‭if‬‭the‬
‭route‬ ‭goes‬ ‭through‬ ‭residential‬‭areas.‬‭Night‬‭time‬‭and‬‭weekend‬‭day‬‭shall‬‭be‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: Daily‬

‭ hereas‬ ‭applicable,‬ ‭for‬ ‭transportation‬ ‭materials‬ ‭and‬ ‭equipment;‬ ‭the‬

‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: Daily‬
‭contractor shall avoid routes that include sensitive receptors‬

‭ MU:‬‭Review‬‭and‬‭approve‬
S‭ ome‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭waste‬ ‭could‬ ‭be‬ a ‭ voided‬ ‭by‬ ‭good‬ ‭planning‬ ‭during‬ ‭ESMP‬ ‭before‬ ‭start‬ ‭of‬
‭pre-construction‬ ‭phase‬ ‭and‬ ‭follow‬ ‭waste‬ ‭minimization‬ ‭hierarchy‬ ‭(avoid,‬ ‭Document review‬ ‭construction‬
‭minimize, reuse)‬

‭ esulted‬ ‭cut‬‭materials‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭tested‬‭for‬‭possible‬‭use‬‭as‬‭backfill‬‭material,‬
R ‭Review‬ ‭of‬ ‭Contractor‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭review‬
‭sub-base or base‬ t‭ esting records‬ ‭records (weekly)‬

‭ eview‬
R ‭of‬ ‭ isposal‬
d S‭ upervision:‬ ‭weekly‬ ‭site‬
‭All excavation surpluses shall be disposed of from the working site‬ ‭records‬ ‭and‬ ‭ isual‬
V ‭inspections‬‭and‬‭review‬‭of‬
‭ aste‬
W ‭observations‬ ‭Contractor records‬
‭ ll‬‭domestic‬‭solid‬‭wastes‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭collected‬‭in‬‭compatible‬‭closed‬‭containers‬
A ‭ eview‬ ‭of‬ ‭Contractor‬
R ‭Supervision:‬ ‭weekly‬‭site‬
‭and‬ ‭then‬ ‭transferred‬ ‭frequently‬ ‭to‬‭the‬‭authorized‬‭waste‬‭disposal‬‭site‬‭with‬ ‭Records‬ ‭and‬ ‭site‬ i‭nspections‬ ‭and‬
‭prior coordination with the relevant authorities‬ ‭observations‬ ‭document review‬

‭ hrowing‬‭away‬‭any‬‭type‬‭of‬‭waste‬‭is‬‭strictly‬‭forbidden‬‭as‬‭well‬‭as‬‭burning‬‭any‬
‭type‬ ‭of‬ ‭waste.‬ ‭Littering‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭prevented,‬ ‭even‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭transport‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: Daily‬

‭All machines shall be regularly maintained to avoid any oil spillage‬ ‭ ontractor‬
C ‭maintains‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Daily‬ ‭visual‬
‭maintenance‬ ‭records‬‭and‬ ‭observations,‬ ‭monthly‬
‭prevents spills‬ ‭document review‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Environmental impacts / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects‬ ‭/‬ ‭ requency of Monitoring,‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring‬
‭ oncerns‬
C ‭Supervision and Reporting‬
‭ ocument‬ ‭review‬ ‭and‬
‭ ‬ ‭specified‬‭area‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭prepared‬‭for‬‭maintenance‬‭work‬‭with‬‭containment‬
‭area, which shall be impervious to collect any oil spill‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: weekly‬

‭ aste‬ ‭oil‬ ‭generated‬‭from‬‭the‬‭construction‬‭machinery‬‭and‬‭vehicles‬‭shall‬‭be‬

W ‭Review‬ ‭of‬ ‭Contractor‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭weekly‬
‭collected‬‭and‬‭managed‬‭according‬‭to‬‭“Management‬‭and‬‭Handling‬‭of‬‭Used‬‭Oil‬ ‭ ecords‬
R ‭records check‬
‭Regulations (2014)” issued by the Ministry of Environment‬
‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: Daily‬
‭ ll‬ ‭hazardous‬ ‭wastes‬ ‭generated‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭machinery‬ ‭and‬
‭vehicles‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭collected‬ ‭and‬ ‭managed‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Instructions‬ ‭of‬ ‭Review‬ ‭of‬ ‭Contractor‬
‭Supervision: weekly‬
‭Hazardous‬‭Waste‬‭Management‬‭and‬‭Handling‬‭(2019)‬‭issued‬‭by‬‭the‬‭Ministry‬‭of‬ ‭ ecords‬

‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭measures‬‭highlighted‬‭in‬‭the‬‭draft‬

‭Supplementary‬ ‭Particular‬ ‭Conditions‬ ‭developed‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭International‬ ‭Labor‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: daily‬
‭Organization (ILO) – Annex 3‬

‭ obile‬ ‭toilets‬‭with‬‭water‬‭basins‬‭as‬‭well‬‭as‬‭shower‬‭rooms‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭available‬
‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: daily‬
‭to be used by workers‬
‭ astewater‬
‭Management‬ ‭ he‬ ‭domestic‬ ‭wastewater‬ ‭generated‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭workers‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭collected‬ ‭in‬
‭Review‬ ‭of‬ ‭disposal‬
‭(septic)‬ ‭tanks‬ ‭and‬ ‭then‬ ‭transported‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭nearest‬ ‭wastewater‬ ‭treatment‬ ‭Supervision: weekly‬
r‭ ecords‬
‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭use‬ ‭temporary‬ ‭tanks‬ ‭for‬ ‭water‬ ‭that‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭filled‬ ‭by‬
‭ ossible‬ ‭impact‬
P ‭water‬ ‭tankers‬ ‭depending‬ ‭on‬ ‭water‬ ‭consumption‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬
‭on‬ ‭water‬ ‭construction phase‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Supervision: Daily‬
‭ ny‬ ‭spilled‬ ‭chemical‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭immediately‬ ‭collected‬ ‭and‬ ‭disposed‬ ‭of‬ ‭in‬
‭ ossible‬ ‭Impact‬
P ‭accordance with Spill Prevention and Response Plan and‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Daily‬
‭on‬ ‭the‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Environmental impacts / Construction Phase‬

‭Aspects‬ ‭/‬ ‭ requency of Monitoring,‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring‬
‭ oncerns‬
C ‭Supervision and Reporting‬
‭ roundwater‬
g ‭ ontractor‬‭shall‬‭ensure‬‭fuel‬‭containers‬‭are‬‭sealed‬‭after‬‭use‬‭and‬‭stored‬‭in‬‭an‬
‭basins‬ ‭area with impervious surface‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Daily‬

‭ aintain‬ ‭all‬ ‭machinery,‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬‭within‬‭the‬‭site‬‭in‬‭order‬‭to‬

‭avoid any leakage‬ ‭Documents review‬ ‭Daily‬

‭Table 6
‎ -10: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for public health during Construction Phase‬

‭Community health and safety / Construction Phase‬

‭ requency of Monitoring,‬
‭Aspects / Concern‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring method‬
‭Supervision and Reporting‬
‭ ontinuous‬
C ‭monitoring.‬
‭ ontractor‬‭self-inspections‬
C ‭Report‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭in‬
‭and records‬ ‭progress‬‭reports‬‭to‬‭the‬‭PM‬
‭and PMU‬
S‭ exual‬ ‭Exploitation‬
‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭must‬ ‭comply‬ ‭with‬ ‭Sexual‬ ‭Exploitation‬ ‭and‬ ‭Abuse‬
‭and‬ ‭Abuse‬ ‭and‬ ‭Document Review‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭spot‬
‭(SEA)/Sexual‬ ‭Harassment‬ ‭(SH)‬ ‭procedures‬ ‭and‬‭guidelines‬‭developed‬‭by‬
‭Sexual‬ ‭Harassment‬ ‭checks (e.g. bi-weekly)‬
‭ isual‬ ‭observations‬ ‭and‬
‭interviews‬‭with‬‭workers‬‭as‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭spot‬
‭appropriate‬ ‭during‬ ‭site‬ ‭checks (bi-weekly)‬
‭ ith special needs:‬
‭●‬ ‭Accessible parking spaces‬ ‭ ontractor:‬
C ‭continuous‬
‭●‬ ‭Accessible entrance/door‬ ‭ eview‬
R ‭Contractor's‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭and‬ ‭Report‬
S‭ ocial‬ ‭inclusion‬ ‭for‬ ‭●‬ ‭Bathrooms with accessible features‬ ‭employment‬ ‭plan‬ ‭and‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭in‬ ‭progress‬
‭vulnerable groups‬ ‭●‬ ‭Safe floor surface‬ ‭ongoing records‬ ‭reports to the PMU‬
‭Site inspection‬ ‭Supervision:‬ ‭Daily‬ ‭site‬
‭The‬‭contractor‬‭will‬‭ensure‬‭fair‬‭and‬‭equal‬‭employment‬‭opportunities‬‭for‬ ‭inspection‬
‭ omen, refugees, and persons with disabilities‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Community health and safety / Construction Phase‬

‭ requency of Monitoring,‬
‭Aspects / Concern‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring method‬
‭Supervision and Reporting‬
‭ ontractor:‬
C ‭Continuous‬
‭monitoring.‬ ‭Report‬
‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭is‬‭responsible‬‭that‬‭all‬‭activities‬‭carried‬‭out‬‭is‬‭under‬‭his‬
‭compliance‬ ‭in‬ ‭weekly‬ ‭and‬
‭direct‬‭supervision,‬‭in‬‭which‬‭he‬‭will‬‭be‬‭responsible‬‭for‬‭any‬‭violation‬‭done‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬
‭monthly‬ ‭Progress‬ ‭Reports‬
‭by his staff or by other sub-contractor staff‬
‭to the PMU‬
‭Supervision: Daily‬
S‭ ub-Contractors‬
‭compliance‬ ‭ ontractor:‬
C ‭continuous‬
‭monitoring‬ ‭and‬ ‭Report‬
‭ ll‬‭relevant‬‭measures‬‭highlighted‬‭in‬‭section‬‭5.1‬‭must‬‭be‬‭followed‬‭by‬‭the‬
‭compliance‬ ‭in‬ ‭progress‬
‭contractor,‬ ‭workers‬ ‭and‬ ‭any‬ ‭third‬ ‭party‬ ‭associated‬ ‭with‬ ‭construction‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬
‭reports to the PMU‬
‭activities (sub-contractors, service provider, etc.)‬
‭Supervision:‬ ‭Daily‬ ‭site‬

‭Table 6
‎ -11: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Occupational Health and Safety during Construction Phase‬

‭Occupational Health and Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Frequency of Monitoring,‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Monitoring‬
S‭ upervision and Reporting‬
‭ he‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭will‬ ‭develop‬ ‭an‬ ‭occupational‬ ‭health‬ ‭and‬ ‭safety‬ ‭(OHS)‬
‭plan,‬‭that‬‭to‬‭be‬‭approved‬‭by‬‭Municipal‬‭Engineer‬‭and‬‭PMU,‬‭it‬‭is‬‭important‬ ‭ MU‬‭and‬‭Municipal‬‭Engineer‬
‭to highlight that the developed plan should include the following:‬ ‭to‬‭approve‬‭OHS‬‭Plan‬‭before‬
‭Document Review‬ ‭start of works‬
● I‭dentification and assessment of potential risks‬
‭●‬ ‭Provide appropriate mitigation measures‬
‭General‬ ‭Worksite‬ ‭●‬ ‭Assigning HSE officer‬ ‭ isual‬ ‭inspections‬ ‭and‬
V ‭ ontractor‬
C ‭conducts‬
S‭ afety Management‬ ‭●‬ ‭Life and Fire Safety (L&FS) Master Plan identifying‬ ‭interviews‬ ‭with‬ ‭workers‬ ‭continuous‬ ‭monitoring‬ ‭and‬
o‬ ‭Major fire risks,‬
‭ ‭as needed.‬ ‭reports‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭in‬
o‬ ‭Applicable codes, standards and regulations, and‬
‭ ‭weekly‬ ‭and‬ ‭monthly‬
o‬ ‭Mitigation measures‬
‭ ‭progress reports.‬
‭●‬ ‭Safety and health induction‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭safety‬ ‭of‬ ‭all‬


‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Occupational Health and Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Frequency of Monitoring,‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Monitoring‬
S‭ upervision and Reporting‬
‭with‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭safety‬ ‭protection‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭and‬ ‭clothing,‬ ‭as‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭frequent‬ ‭spot‬
‭ ppropriate to the work being performed.‬
a ‭checks‬ ‭(daily)‬ ‭and‬ ‭reviews‬
‭ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭instructions‬ ‭on‬ ‭Occupational‬ ‭progress reports.‬
‭Health‬ ‭and‬ ‭Safety‬ ‭as‬ ‭part‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭induction‬ ‭process‬ ‭for‬ ‭new‬
‭ ‭The‬ ‭Employer‬ ‭may‬ ‭organize‬ ‭campaigns‬ ‭for‬ ‭enhancing‬ ‭safety‬
‭awareness‬ ‭among‬ ‭the‬ ‭workforce‬‭on‬‭site‬‭and‬‭regarding‬‭general‬
‭health‬ ‭issues.‬‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭allow‬‭his‬‭staff‬‭to‬‭attend‬‭to‬ ‭.‬
‭these‬ ‭campaign‬ ‭events‬ ‭during‬ ‭normal‬ ‭working‬ ‭hours‬ ‭and‬
‭without deduction of pay.‬
‭ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor,‬ ‭shall‬ ‭ensure,‬ ‭so‬ ‭far‬ ‭as‬ ‭is‬ ‭reasonably‬
‭practicable,‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭workplaces,‬ ‭machinery,‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭and‬
‭processes‬ ‭under‬ ‭their‬ ‭control‬ ‭are‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭without‬ ‭risk‬ ‭to‬
‭health,‬ ‭and‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭chemical,‬ ‭physical‬ ‭and‬ ‭biological‬
‭substances‬ ‭and‬ ‭agents‬ ‭under‬ ‭their‬ ‭control‬ ‭are‬ ‭without‬‭risk‬‭to‬
‭and‬ ‭provide,‬ ‭where‬ ‭necessary,‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭protective‬ ‭clothing‬
‭and‬ ‭protective‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent,‬ ‭so‬ ‭far‬ ‭as‬ ‭is‬ ‭reasonably‬
‭practicable, risk of accidents or of adverse effects to health.‬
‭ ‭Contractors‬‭shall‬‭provide‬‭at‬‭all‬‭times‬‭instruction‬‭on‬‭safety‬‭and‬
‭health‬ ‭procedures‬ ‭to‬ ‭all‬‭personnel‬‭during‬‭the‬‭work‬‭operations‬
‭on sites.‬
‭ ‭Contractors‬ ‭shall‬ ‭establish‬ ‭a‬ ‭program‬ ‭of‬ ‭inspections‬ ‭of‬ ‭work‬
‭conditions against contractual requirements.‬

‭●‬ S‭ ocial Security or Workers Insurance‬

o‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭register‬‭all‬‭workers‬‭in‬‭the‬‭national‬‭Social‬

‭Security‬ ‭Scheme‬ ‭and‬ ‭pay‬ ‭the‬ ‭required‬ ‭contributions‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭worker and organization to cover the working period.‬
o‬ ‭The‬ ‭Purpose:‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭financial‬ ‭backing‬ ‭to‬ ‭any‬ ‭worker‬ ‭who‬

‭gets‬ ‭hurt,‬ ‭disabled‬ ‭or‬ ‭loses‬ ‭their‬ ‭life‬ ‭due‬ ‭to‬ ‭a‬ ‭work-related‬
o‬ ‭Note:‬‭The‬‭insurance‬‭needs‬‭to‬‭be‬‭valid‬‭for‬‭the‬‭entire‬‭duration‬‭of‬

‭the‬ ‭works.‬ ‭The‬ ‭insurance‬ ‭should‬ ‭cover‬ ‭all‬ ‭work-related‬
‭accidents‬ ‭including‬ ‭the‬ ‭transportation‬ ‭to‬ ‭and‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭work‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Occupational Health and Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Frequency of Monitoring,‬

‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Monitoring‬
S‭ upervision and Reporting‬
‭●‬ ‭ rinking‬ ‭Water:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭access‬ ‭to‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬
‭clean‬ ‭drinking‬‭water‬‭with‬‭sufficient‬‭quantities‬‭(2‬‭Liters‬‭per‬‭person‬
‭medical‬ ‭condition‬ ‭of‬ ‭dehydration.‬ ‭These‬ ‭are‬ ‭all‬ ‭threats‬ ‭to‬
‭workplace‬ ‭safety,‬ ‭especially‬ ‭in‬ ‭settings‬ ‭where‬ ‭employees‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬
‭working at very high or low temperatures, or outside‬
‭●‬ ‭Toilet‬‭and‬‭Washing‬‭facilities:‬‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭provide‬‭adequate‬
‭toilets and washing facilities for workers.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭contractor‬‭must‬‭ensure‬‭the‬‭safety‬‭of‬‭working‬‭site,‬‭as‬‭it‬‭should‬
‭not be accessible by any non-authorized personnel.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭contractor‬‭is‬‭obligated‬‭to‬‭follow‬‭all‬‭measures‬‭highlighted‬‭in‬‭the‬
‭draft‬ ‭Supplementary‬ ‭Particular‬ ‭Conditions‬ ‭developed‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬
‭International Labor Organization (ILO) – Annex 3‬

‭Table 6
‎ -12: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Cultural Heritage during Construction Phase‬

‭Cultural Heritage / Construction Phase‬

‭ requency of Monitoring,‬
‭Aspects / Concern‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring method‬
‭Supervision and Reporting‬

‭ eriodic‬
P ‭Documents‬
‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭will‬‭follow‬‭chance‬‭find‬‭procedure‬‭highlighted‬‭in‬‭section‬
T ‭review‬ ‭during‬ ‭site‬ ‭Supervision: Bi-weekly‬
‭5.6,‬‭as‬‭required‬‭by‬‭the‬‭Jordanian‬‭laws‬‭and‬‭integrate‬‭it‬‭with‬‭the‬‭MSSRP‬ ‭inspections‬
‭Unexpected finds‬ ‭chance find procedure highlighted in Annex 6‬
‭Visual‬ ‭Inspection‬ ‭of‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Daily‬ ‭during‬
‭ xcavations‬
e ‭excavation activities‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Table 6
‎ -13: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Traffic and Road Safety during Construction Phase‬

‭Traffic and Road Safety / Construction Phase‬

‭ requency of Monitoring,‬
‭Aspects / Concern‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring method‬
‭Supervision and Reporting‬

‭ MU:‬
P ‭Review‬ ‭and‬
‭ ocument‬ ‭Review‬ ‭and‬
‭Approval‬ ‭before‬ ‭start‬ ‭of‬
‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭submit‬ ‭prior‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭start‬ ‭of‬ ‭any‬ ‭work‬ ‭a‬ ‭traffic‬
‭ raffic‬
T ‭and‬ ‭Road‬ ‭management‬ ‭plan,‬ ‭consistent‬ ‭with‬ ‭requirements‬ ‭set‬ ‭out‬ ‭in‬ ‭ILO‬
‭Safety‬ ‭supplementary‬ ‭conditions‬ ‭Annex‬ ‭3,‬ ‭and‬ ‭good‬ ‭international‬ ‭industry‬ S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Frequent‬
‭practice, for the PMU approval‬ ‭(daily)‬ ‭spot‬ ‭checks‬ ‭to‬
‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭adherence‬ ‭to‬
‭Traffic‬ ‭and‬ ‭Road‬ ‭Safety‬
‭Management Plan.‬

‭Table 6
‎ -14: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Biodiversity during Construction Phase‬

‭Biodiversity / Construction Phase‬

‭ requency of Monitoring,‬
‭Aspects / Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring‬
‭Supervision and Reporting‬

‭ hereas‬‭applicable‬‭removing‬‭of‬‭vegetation‬‭cover‬‭and‬‭soil‬‭layers‬‭during‬
‭Visual Inspection‬
‭construction activities must be avoided.‬

‭ uildings‬ ‭and‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭proposed‬ ‭project‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭minimized‬ ‭in‬
B S‭ upervision:‬ ‭Daily‬‭during‬
‭Vegetative cover‬ ‭size‬ ‭wherever‬ ‭possible‬ ‭and‬‭preferably‬‭located‬‭in‬‭an‬‭area‬‭with‬‭little‬‭or‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭excavation activities‬
‭no vegetation cover‬

‭Alien species shall not be introduced to the study area‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭6.5.2‬ ‭Monitoring Plan during Operation‬

T‭ able‬‭6-15‬‭summaries‬‭the‬‭monitoring‬‭plan‬‭that‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭implemented‬‭during‬‭the‬‭operation‬‭phase‬‭for‬
‭all environmental and social aspects.‬
‭Table 6
‎ -15: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan for Operation Phase‬

‭Operation Phase‬

‭ requency of‬
‭Aspects/Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring‬
● ‭ ot allowing barbeque activity in the non-designated areas‬
‭●‬ ‭Set-up‬ ‭the‬ ‭barbeque‬ ‭areas‬ ‭on‬‭a‬‭flat‬‭ground‬‭and‬‭away‬‭from‬‭fences,‬‭trees,‬
‭shrubs and sheds.‬
● ‭Barbeque grills should be placed fixed (non-movable) and stable‬
‭●‬ ‭Do‬‭not‬‭allow‬‭the‬‭use‬‭of‬‭petrol‬‭or‬‭paraffin‬‭to‬‭start‬‭or‬‭revive‬‭barbeque‬‭fire‬‭-‬
‭use firelighters or starter fuel on cold coals‬
● ‭Ensure the availability of fire extinguisher nearby barbeque areas‬
‭Accidental fires‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Continuous‬
‭●‬ ‭Train Park personnel on using fire extinguisher‬
‭●‬ ‭Implementing‬ ‭regular‬ ‭maintenance‬ ‭for‬ ‭fire‬ ‭extinguishers‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭their‬
‭readiness and functionality.‬
‭●‬ ‭Park‬ ‭personnel‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭trained‬ ‭on‬ ‭quick‬ ‭response‬ ‭measures‬ ‭in‬ ‭case‬ ‭of‬
‭●‬ ‭Park personnel should be equipped with appropriate PPEs‬

‭The‬ ‭Park‬‭operator‬‭(Municipality)‬‭should‬‭provide‬‭first‬‭aid‬‭kits‬‭in‬‭the‬‭guard‬‭room‬
‭Potential injuries‬ ‭Visual Inspection‬ ‭Continuous‬
t‭ o be available to the park visitors.‬
‭Sufficient number of waste containers at different locations of the road‬ ‭ isual Inspection‬
V ‭ onthly‬
‭Ajloun municipality is responsible for collecting wastes on regular bases‬ ‭Document Review‬ ‭Monthly‬
‭Maintenance waste will be kept minimum as possible‬ ‭Document Review‬ ‭Yearly‬
‭Waste Management‬
‭Different‬ ‭waste‬ ‭streams‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭disposed‬ ‭of‬ ‭responsibly,‬ ‭requiring‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬
‭secure‬‭waste‬‭collection,‬‭e.g.‬‭not‬‭vulnerable‬‭to‬‭scavengers‬‭and‬‭being‬‭blown‬‭away‬ ‭Document Review‬ ‭Monthly‬
‭by high wind‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭municipality‬‭will‬‭consider‬‭carrying‬‭out‬‭an‬‭awareness‬‭campaign‬‭against‬
‭sexual harassment‬
‭●‬ ‭Maintain a Grievance Mechanism that is gender sensitive.‬ ‭●‬ ‭ ocument Review‬
D ‭●‬ ‭ nce‬
‭SEA/SH, GBV‬ ‭●‬ ‭Site inspection‬ ‭●‬ ‭Daily‬
‭●‬ ‭Follow‬ ‭all‬ ‭the‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭measures‬ ‭identified‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬
‭gender‬ ‭specialist‬ ‭through‬ ‭safety‬ ‭audit‬ ‭for‬ ‭gender‬ ‭action‬ ‭plan‬ ‭for‬ ‭this‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭design‬ ‭has‬‭taken‬‭into‬‭account‬‭the‬‭effect‬‭on‬‭the‬‭traffic‬‭jam‬‭so‬‭that‬‭a‬
‭Traffic‬ ‭suitable parking lots has been allocated‬ ‭ onitor‬
M ‭using‬ ‭the‬
‭designated parking lots‬
‭●‬ ‭Instruct drivers to comply with all road ordinances, such as speed limits‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Operation Phase‬

‭ requency of‬
‭Aspects/Concerns‬ ‭Mitigation Measures‬ ‭Monitoring‬
● ‭ egular maintenance of the park components‬
‭●‬ ‭Records of accidents and incidents records‬
‭●‬ ‭Provide police patrols especially in the evenings‬
‭●‬ ‭Provide a first aid kit at the park‬ ‭●‬ ‭ egular‬ ‭inspections‬
‭ ublic Health &‬
P ‭on‬ ‭accidents‬ ‭and‬
‭●‬ A ‭ rrangements‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭made‬ ‭with‬ ‭security‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭(ex.‬ ‭Royal‬
‭incidents records‬ ‭Daily‬
‭Safety‬ ‭Department for Protecting Environment and Tourism)‬ ‭●‬ ‭Set‬ ‭a‬ ‭grievance‬
‭●‬ ‭Equip security personnel with proper training and equipment‬ ‭mechanism‬
‭●‬ ‭Security personnel should be physically and mentally fit ‬
‭●‬ ‭Ensure‬ ‭availability‬ ‭of‬ ‭park’s‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭security‬ ‭officers‬ ‭throughout‬ ‭the‬
‭ perational hours of the park and during the closing hours (24/7)‬
‭●‬ ‭ RM Municipal‬
‭●‬ ‭ he municipality will keep a complaints log and record grievances and‬
‭GRM‬ ‭Grievance Log‬ ‭Continuous‬
‭actions taken to address grievances received against the project‬
‭●‬ ‭Site inspection‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭6.6‬ ‭Budget‬
‭ s‬‭it‬‭can‬‭be‬‭seen‬‭from‬‭the‬‭ESMP‬‭matrix,‬‭the‬‭nature‬‭of‬‭most‬‭of‬‭the‬‭suggested‬‭mitigation‬‭measures‬‭do‬
‭investment‬ ‭allocations,‬ ‭exact‬ ‭cost‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭calculated‬‭by‬‭the‬‭contractor;‬‭as‬‭it‬‭is‬‭very‬‭hard‬‭to‬‭identify‬
‭cost at this stage.‬

‭6.7‬ ‭Incident Reporting and Investigation‬

T‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭shall‬‭establish‬‭an‬‭incident‬‭reporting‬‭and‬‭investigation‬‭system‬‭and‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭developed‬
‭before‬ ‭starting‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭works.‬ ‭The‬ ‭system‬ ‭shall‬ ‭include‬ ‭proper‬ ‭reporting‬ ‭procedure‬ ‭and‬
‭investigation.‬ ‭This‬ ‭system‬ ‭will‬ ‭help‬ ‭in‬ ‭evaluating‬‭all‬‭incidents‬‭occurring‬‭with‬‭their‬‭causes‬‭to‬‭reduce‬
‭the‬ ‭occurrence‬ ‭of‬‭such‬‭incidents‬‭in‬‭future.‬‭The‬‭contractor‬‭shall‬‭immediately‬‭notify‬‭the‬‭PMU‬‭of‬‭any‬
‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭environment,‬‭the‬‭affected‬‭communities,‬‭the‬‭public‬‭or‬‭workers,‬‭including,‬‭inter‬‭alia,‬‭cases‬‭of‬
‭sexual‬ ‭exploitation‬ ‭and‬ ‭abuse‬ ‭(SEA),‬ ‭sexual‬ ‭harassment‬ ‭(SH), and accidents‬ ‭that‬ ‭result‬ ‭in‬ ‭death,‬
‭serious,‬ ‭multiple‬ ‭or‬ ‭lost‬ ‭time‬ ‭injury,‬ ‭incidents‬ ‭of‬ ‭child‬ ‭or‬ ‭forced‬ ‭labor,‬ ‭unexpected‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭on‬
‭heritage‬ ‭resources, disease‬ ‭outbreaks, acts‬‭of‬‭violence‬‭or‬‭protest.‬‭Such‬‭notification‬‭may‬‭initially‬‭be‬
‭the corrective action taken to prevent a recurrence.‬

‭6.8‬ ‭Plans Required to be Developed by the Contractor‬

T‭ he‬‭contractor‬‭must‬‭develop‬‭the‬‭following‬‭plans‬‭prior‬‭to‬‭the‬‭commencement‬‭of‬‭work,‬‭in‬‭which‬‭the‬
‭developed plans must be approved by the PMU‬

● ‭ ccupational Health and Safety (OHS) plan‬
‭●‬ ‭Traffic Management Plan‬
‭●‬ ‭Waste Management Plan‬
‭●‬ ‭Emergency Management Plan (EMP)‬
‭●‬ ‭chance find procedure‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


T‭ o‬ ‭institutionalize‬ ‭the‬ ‭stakeholder‬ ‭engagement‬ ‭processes‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭participating‬ ‭municipalities‬
‭(“Stakeholder‬ ‭Engagement‬ ‭Framework-‬ ‭SEF‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Grants‬ ‭Cycle‬ ‭1&2‬ ‭and‬‭Innovation‬‭Fund”‬‭and‬
‭disclosed‬ ‭at‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭web‬ ‭page‬ ‭on‬ ‭Facebook‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭Facebook‬ ‭page).‬ ‭The‬ ‭SEF‬
‭guides‬ ‭community‬ ‭consultations,‬ ‭outreach,‬ ‭and‬ ‭all‬‭other‬‭stakeholder‬‭engagement‬‭processes‬‭under‬
‭the‬‭MSSRP.‬ ‭Stakeholder‬‭engagement‬‭plays‬‭a‬‭critical‬‭role‬‭in‬‭all‬‭Project‬‭activities,‬‭including‬‭Municipal‬
‭Grants‬ ‭(Cycles‬ ‭1‬ ‭and‬ ‭2)‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭Innovation‬ ‭Fund‬ ‭(IF).‬ ‭The‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭followed‬ ‭the‬ ‭guidance‬
‭social aspects related to this project.‬

S‭ takeholder‬ ‭engagement‬ ‭was‬ ‭carried‬ ‭out‬ ‭over‬ ‭several‬ ‭consultation‬ ‭activities‬ ‭that‬ ‭include‬
‭consultation sessions as per the following:‬

‭ -‬ I‭nitial Consultation‬
‭B-‬ ‭Final Consultation‬

‭7.1‬ ‭Initial consultation‬

T‭ he‬ ‭main‬ ‭purpose‬ ‭of‬ ‭this‬ ‭consultation‬ ‭activity‬ ‭was‬ ‭to‬ ‭engage‬ ‭the‬ ‭local‬ ‭community‬ ‭and‬ ‭relevant‬
‭tools due to the status of COVID-19 as described below.‬

‭Phase 1 – Potential Projects Identification‬

T‭ he‬ ‭first‬ ‭phase‬ ‭included‬ ‭the‬ ‭identification‬ ‭of‬ ‭activities‬ ‭of‬ ‭urgent‬ ‭needs,‬ ‭by‬ ‭consulting‬ ‭local‬
‭communities,‬ ‭where‬ ‭each‬ ‭participating‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭has‬ ‭approached‬ ‭its‬ ‭local‬ ‭community‬ ‭using‬ ‭an‬
‭online‬ ‭questionnaire‬ ‭over‬ ‭a‬ ‭month‬ ‭(July‬ ‭-‬ ‭August,‬ ‭2020)‬ ‭to‬ ‭discuss‬ ‭projects‬ ‭and‬ ‭activities‬ ‭of‬
‭importance to enhance provided municipal services.‬

T‭ o‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭a‬ ‭good‬ ‭level‬ ‭of‬ ‭participation‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬‭residents‬‭of‬‭Ajloun,‬‭several‬‭awareness‬‭tools‬‭were‬

‭adopted,‬ ‭that‬ ‭include‬ ‭social‬ ‭media‬ ‭platforms,‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Billboard,‬ ‭municipality’s‬ ‭website,‬ ‭and‬
‭Dissemination‬ ‭of‬ ‭information‬ ‭and‬ ‭results‬ ‭through‬ ‭the‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭in‬ ‭communicating‬ ‭with‬
‭their beneficiary groups.‬

‭ uring‬ ‭this‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭439‬ ‭eligible‬ ‭participants‬ ‭(Above‬ ‭the‬ ‭age‬ ‭of‬‭18‬‭and‬‭living‬‭in‬‭Ajloun)‬‭shared‬‭their‬
‭feedback‬ ‭through‬ ‭the‬ ‭online‬‭tool,‬‭among‬‭these‬‭participants‬‭95‬‭were‬‭Syrian,‬‭254‬‭were‬‭women,‬‭206‬
‭as per the following:‬

● ‭ onstruction and rehabilitation of public gardens and parks‬
‭●‬ ‭Rehabilitation, maintenance, and opening of roads and streets‬
‭●‬ ‭Income-generating projects such as (dairy factory / water bottling factory)‬
‭●‬ ‭Rainwater drainage‬
‭●‬ ‭Local market and local product stalls‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Phase 2 – Project Selection‬

T‭ he‬ ‭second‬ ‭phase‬ ‭involved‬ ‭the‬ ‭selection‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭most‬ ‭important‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭identified‬
‭sub-projects‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭first‬ ‭phase,‬ ‭the‬ ‭selection‬ ‭process‬ ‭was‬‭done‬‭by‬‭electronic‬‭voting‬‭tool,‬‭were‬‭181‬
‭participants‬ ‭from‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭community‬ ‭voted‬ ‭for‬ ‭Construction‬ ‭and‬ ‭Rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭Recreational‬
‭Facilities‬ ‭in‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Public‬ ‭Park‬ ‭and‬ ‭no‬ ‭concerns‬ ‭or‬ ‭objections‬ ‭were‬ ‭raised‬ ‭at‬ ‭this‬ ‭point‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬
‭community regarding the selected project, the distribution of participants was as follows:‬

● ‭ 00 Syrians‬
‭●‬ ‭165 Women‬
‭●‬ ‭136 Youth‬
‭●‬ ‭13 Person with disabilities‬

‭ oreover,‬‭Greater‬‭Ajloun‬‭Municipality‬‭held‬‭an‬‭initial‬‭session‬‭for‬‭the‬‭local‬‭community‬‭to‬‭collect‬‭their‬

‭Session information:‬
‭-‬ ‭Session date: 19 / 8 / 2020‬
‭-‬ ‭Session Venue: Ajloun Village Hall‬
‭-‬ ‭Attendance:‬‭A‬‭total‬‭of‬‭15‬‭people‬‭attended‬‭the‬‭consultation‬‭session‬‭from‬‭different‬‭groups‬‭and‬
‭sectors‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭local‬ ‭community‬ ‭from‬ ‭Jordanians‬ ‭and‬ ‭Syrians,‬ ‭including‬ ‭women‬ ‭/‬ ‭youth‬ ‭/‬
‭people with special needs / the elderly / members of the municipal council‬

‭The following concerns were raised:‬

‭Concerns‬ ‭Resolution‬
‭-‬ ‭ he‬ ‭Municipality‬ ‭has‬ ‭performed‬ ‭other‬
‭questionnaires‬ ‭for‬ ‭other‬ ‭international‬ ‭funds,‬
‭-‬ ‭ hoosing‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭through‬ ‭filling‬ ‭a‬
C ‭and‬ ‭it‬ ‭worked‬ ‭out‬ ‭well,‬ ‭also‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipality‬
‭questionnaire‬ ‭is‬ ‭not‬ ‭a‬ ‭reliable‬ ‭tool‬‭since‬‭many‬ ‭has‬ ‭opened‬ ‭its‬ ‭communication‬ ‭channels‬
‭people‬ ‭fill‬ ‭it‬ ‭without‬ ‭really‬ ‭understanding‬ ‭the‬ ‭(Municipality‬ ‭phone,‬ ‭Facebook‬ ‭page,‬ ‭Municipal‬
‭projects' significance or the need for it.‬ ‭Billboard,‬ ‭etc.)‬ ‭for‬ ‭any‬ ‭questions,‬ ‭notes‬ ‭or‬
‭comments‬ ‭regarding‬ ‭the‬ ‭questionnaire‬ ‭or‬ ‭the‬
‭sub-project selection.‬
‭-‬ S‭ ome‬ ‭population‬‭groups‬‭(tribes)‬‭were‬‭supposed‬
‭to‬‭be‬‭invited‬‭to‬‭the‬‭consultation‬‭session‬‭due‬‭to‬ ‭-‬ ‭ he‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭has‬ ‭confirmed‬ ‭that‬ ‭all‬ ‭the‬
‭their‬ ‭significant‬ ‭impact‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭governorate‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭stakeholders‬ ‭were‬ ‭invited‬ ‭to‬ ‭all‬ ‭the‬
‭residents,‬ ‭and‬ ‭not‬ ‭inviting‬ ‭them‬ ‭might‬ ‭create‬ ‭consultation‬ ‭sessions‬ ‭and‬ ‭these‬ ‭tribes‬ ‭have‬
‭problems‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipality,‬ ‭and‬ ‭hence‬ ‭representatives in this sessions as well.‬
‭affect the project outcomes.‬
‭-‬ ‭Suggestion‬‭to‬‭create‬‭a‬‭group‬‭(WhatsApp)‬‭for‬‭all‬ ‭-‬ ‭ he‬‭municipality‬‭will‬‭inform‬‭the‬‭public‬‭through‬
‭those‬ ‭who‬ ‭participated‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭initial‬ ‭session,‬ ‭social‬ ‭media‬ ‭platforms,‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Billboard,‬
‭including‬ ‭NGO's,‬ ‭to‬ ‭regularly‬ ‭be‬ ‭informed‬ ‭with‬ ‭municipality’s‬ ‭website,‬ ‭and‬ ‭through‬ ‭the‬
‭the‬ ‭projects'‬ ‭proposals,‬ ‭and‬ ‭follow-up‬ ‭on‬‭their‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭authorities/NGOs‬ ‭in‬ ‭communicating‬
‭implementation,‬ ‭and‬ ‭provide‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭with‬ ‭their‬‭beneficiary‬‭groups‬‭(women,‬‭disabled‬
‭with feedback/suggestions.‬ ‭people, etc.).‬
‭-‬ ‭To‬‭ensure‬‭a‬‭good‬‭level‬‭of‬‭participation‬‭from‬‭the‬
‭residents‬ ‭of‬ ‭Ajloun,‬ ‭several‬ ‭awareness‬ ‭tools‬
‭-‬ ‭ oncern‬ ‭about‬ ‭the‬ ‭level‬ ‭of‬ ‭participation‬ ‭from‬
C ‭were‬ ‭adopted,‬ ‭that‬ ‭include‬ ‭social‬ ‭media‬
‭the‬‭residents‬‭of‬‭Ajloun‬‭who‬‭don’t‬‭have‬‭interest‬ ‭platforms,‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Billboard,‬ ‭municipality’s‬
‭in‬‭the‬‭Municipal‬‭activities‬‭or‬‭live‬‭in‬‭rural‬‭areas,‬ ‭website,‬ ‭and‬ ‭Dissemination‬ ‭of‬ ‭information‬ ‭and‬
‭and‬ ‭how‬ ‭will‬ ‭they‬ ‭participate‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭selection‬ ‭results‬ ‭through‬ ‭the‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭in‬
‭process (filling the questionnaire)‬ ‭communicating‬ ‭with‬ ‭their‬ ‭beneficiary‬ ‭groups‬
‭(women, disabled people etc.).‬

‭Please See Annex 9 – initial Session Report‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭7.2‬ ‭Final Consultation‬

T‭ he‬‭consultation‬‭session‬‭was‬‭conducted‬‭on‬‭Thursday‬‭September‬‭8,‬‭2022,‬‭in‬‭coordination‬‭with‬‭Ajloun‬
‭municipality.‬ ‭The‬ ‭session‬ ‭followed‬ ‭the‬ ‭SEF‬ ‭and‬ ‭ensured‬ ‭the‬ ‭participation‬ ‭of‬ ‭all‬‭community‬‭groups‬
‭(Youth,‬ ‭Women,‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭Refugees,‬ ‭People‬ ‭with‬ ‭Special‬ ‭Needs,‬ ‭etc),‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭stakeholder‬
‭assessment‬ ‭mentioned‬ ‭in‬ ‭section‬ ‭4.1,‬‭all‬‭relevant‬‭stakeholders‬‭were‬‭invited‬‭to‬‭the‬‭session‬‭through‬
‭invited as well and each of the two households was consulted individually.‬

‭Date and time‬ ‭Thursday 8/9/2022 | 10:00 am‬

‭The place‬ ‭Greater Ajloun municipality‬
(‭ 50) people, representation as follows:‬
‭Attendance number‬
‭-people with disabilities‬
‭●‬ C ‭ ategories‬‭and‬‭sectors‬‭of‬‭the‬‭local‬‭community‬‭of‬‭Jordanians‬‭and‬‭Syrians‬
‭●‬ ‭Women/men/youth/disabled/elderly‬
‭ ttendance‬
A ‭●‬ ‭Institutions of civil society (including NGOs)‬
‭Categories‬ ‭●‬ ‭Municipal Council members‬
‭●‬ ‭Employees‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Local‬ ‭Development‬ ‭Unit‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Greater‬ ‭Ajloun‬
‭●‬ ‭Project staff‬

‭During the session the following activities was carried out:‬

● ‭ elcoming notes‬
‭●‬ ‭Purpose of the session‬
‭●‬ ‭Introducing project team‬
‭●‬ ‭Presenting the ESMP study Findings‬
‭●‬ ‭Open discussion‬

T‭ he‬ ‭main‬ ‭questions‬ ‭raised‬ ‭by‬ ‭participants‬ ‭were‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭employment‬ ‭process‬ ‭and‬ ‭how‬‭to‬‭apply‬
‭that include the following:‬

‭Table 14: Final Consultation Session Responses‬

‭Suggestions Raised‬ ‭Resolution‬

‭●‬ ‭ hese‬ ‭were‬ ‭considered‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭design‬
‭●‬ ‭ nsure‬ ‭occupational‬ ‭health‬ ‭and‬ ‭safety‬
‭measures during project different phases‬
‭phase of the project‬
‭●‬ ‭ outh‬‭should‬‭build‬‭their‬‭capacities‬‭in‬‭order‬
‭●‬ ‭There‬ ‭are‬ ‭initiatives‬ ‭targeting‬ ‭enhancing‬
‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭qualified‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭employment‬
t‭ he capacities of youth in Ajloun.‬
‭●‬ ‭ he‬ ‭employment‬ ‭process‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭held‬
‭●‬ ‭ oncern‬ ‭about‬ ‭the‬ ‭transparency‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬
‭under‬ ‭the‬ ‭guidelines‬ ‭developed‬ ‭with‬ ‭ILO‬
‭employment process‬
‭for the project.‬
‭have raised the following comments:‬
‭●‬ ‭Priority‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭given‬ ‭to‬ ‭women,‬ ‭youth‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭employment‬ ‭process‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭held‬
‭and‬ ‭people‬ ‭with‬ ‭special‬ ‭needs‬ ‭when‬ ‭it‬
‭under‬ ‭the‬ ‭guidelines‬ ‭developed‬ ‭with‬ ‭ILO‬
‭comes to employment opportunities‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭project.(10%‬ ‭women,‬ ‭3%‬ ‭people‬

‭ ith disability)‬
‭●‬ ‭This‬‭concern‬‭is‬‭triggered‬‭where‬‭the‬‭MSSRP‬
‭has‬ ‭signed‬ ‭an‬ ‭agreement‬ ‭with‬ ‭the Higher‬
‭Council for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Rights‬ ‭of‬ ‭Persons‬ ‭with‬
‭Disabilities‬ ‭HCD,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Sub-Project‬
‭●‬ ‭ aking‬‭into‬‭consideration‬‭the‬‭special‬‭needs‬
‭design‬ ‭was‬ ‭reviewed‬ ‭by‬ ‭HCD‬ ‭in‬ ‭order‬ ‭to‬
‭of people with special needs‬
‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭design‬ ‭is‬ ‭taking‬
‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭more‬ ‭friendly‬ ‭to‬ ‭people‬ ‭with‬
‭special needs‬

‭ ll‬‭concerns‬‭raised‬‭during‬‭the‬‭consultations‬‭were‬‭answered‬‭by‬‭the‬‭project‬‭and‬‭study‬‭teams‬‭and‬‭were‬
‭relevance to study components.‬

‭Please See Annex 10 – Final Consultation session report‬

‭7.3‬ ‭Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)‬

‭Impact Assessment‬

‭ rievance‬ ‭is‬ ‭an‬ ‭important‬ ‭issue‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭citizen’s‬ ‭where‬ ‭they‬ ‭can‬ ‭express‬ ‭their‬ ‭objections‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬
‭Municipality’s‬ ‭actions‬ ‭or‬‭decisions.‬‭In‬‭order‬‭to‬‭draw‬‭the‬‭attention‬‭of‬‭officials‬‭to‬‭the‬‭problem‬‭of‬‭the‬
‭services provided to them by this authority.‬

‭Mitigation Measures‬

‭ SSRP‬ ‭has‬ ‭established‬‭a‬‭basic‬‭operational‬‭GRM‬‭across‬‭all‬‭the‬‭26‬‭participating‬‭municipalities‬‭(PMs)‬

‭and‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭central‬ ‭level‬ ‭in‬ ‭CVDB,‬ ‭where‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭receives‬ ‭complaints,‬ ‭grievances,‬ ‭queries,‬ ‭and‬
‭handling.‬ ‭The‬ ‭system‬ ‭provides‬ ‭several‬ ‭avenues‬ ‭for‬ ‭stakeholders‬ ‭to‬ ‭lodge‬ ‭their‬ ‭complaints‬ ‭and‬
‭concerns‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭including‬ ‭phone,‬ ‭email,‬ ‭walk-in,‬ ‭written‬ ‭complaints,‬ ‭social‬ ‭media‬
‭Head‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭and‬ ‭is‬ ‭available‬‭during‬‭working‬‭hours‬‭(between‬‭8‬‭am‬‭till‬‭3‬‭pm).‬‭The‬‭project‬‭also‬
‭within all activities funded under the project.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭Project‬ ‭Management‬ ‭Unit‬ ‭(PMU)‬ ‭in‬ ‭MoLA‬ ‭and‬ ‭CVDB‬ ‭continues‬ ‭to‬ ‭monitor‬ ‭the‬ ‭GRM‬‭function‬
‭through‬ ‭field‬ ‭visits‬ ‭to‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭engineers‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬‭Communication‬‭and‬‭Outreach‬
‭Policies and Involuntary Resettlement Policies.‬

T‭ he‬‭GRM‬‭is‬‭also‬‭applicable‬‭to‬‭all‬‭contractors‬‭and‬‭consultants‬‭contracted‬‭by‬‭the‬‭project‬‭who‬‭are‬‭also‬
‭required‬ ‭to‬ ‭maintain‬ ‭a‬ ‭grievance‬ ‭registry‬ ‭or‬ ‭record‬ ‭complaints‬ ‭received‬ ‭directly‬ ‭from‬ ‭community‬
‭members‬ ‭during‬ ‭their‬‭assignment.‬‭Contractors‬‭are‬‭also‬‭required‬‭to‬‭provide‬‭a‬‭GRM‬‭system‬‭for‬‭their‬
‭own workers who could lodge complaints in relation to their work on the project.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭The following Figure‬‭‎5-1 illustrate‬‭MSSRP GRM system:‬

‭Figure ‎5-1: Summary of MSSRP GRM mechanism‬


‭The existing channels at the central level are:‬

‭●‬ A ‭ ll‬ ‭existing‬ ‭channels‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬ ‭Local‬ ‭Development-‬ ‭MOLA‬ ‭(phone:‬ ‭064641393,‬
‭complaints box, fax: 064640404, staff emails, webpage:‬‭‬‭, etc.)‬
‭●‬ ‭Hotline managed by the PMU: 06-5650264‬
‭●‬ ‭Email:‬‭[email protected]
‭●‬ ‭PMU staff including field engineers‬
‭●‬ ‭GBV Hotline (+962 777 387 221)‬

‭The existing uptake channels at the municipality’ level include:‬

‭●‬ ‭Municipality main phone number (+962 2 642 1400)‬
‭●‬ ‭Fax‬
‭●‬ ‭Complaints and suggestions box managed by the Diwan (secretariat of the municipality)‬
‭●‬ ‭Walk-ins to the municipality premises and received by the Diwan of the municipality‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭‬ W
● ‭ ritten complaints documented in the project’s complaints log‬
‭●‬ ‭Social media: Facebook (including Messenger)‬
‭oun-municipality-828862453831040/photos/?_rdc=1&_rdr), municipal web pages,‬
‭WhatsApp groups, advertisement websites‬
‭●‬ ‭GRM‬ ‭Focal‬ ‭Point‬ ‭at‬‭Ajloun‬‭Municipality‬‭who‬‭documents‬‭written‬‭complaints‬‭in‬‭the‬‭project’s‬
‭complaints log (the phone number for the Focal Point of Ajloun is: (+962 2 642 1400))‬
‭●‬ ‭Municipal engineers‬
‭●‬ ‭Complaints received through contractors‬
‭●‬ ‭Community meetings with Mayor‬

T‭ he‬ ‭community‬ ‭is‬ ‭made‬ ‭aware‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭GRM‬ ‭contact‬ ‭numbers‬ ‭and‬ ‭contact‬ ‭person‬ ‭in‬ ‭PMs‬
‭construction sites, and the MSSRP Facebook page (‬‭‬‭)‬‭.‬

‭ dditionally,‬‭all‬‭contractors‬‭are‬‭required‬‭to‬‭provide‬‭and‬‭install‬‭project‬‭signage‬‭at‬‭the‬‭project‬‭location‬
‭including‬ ‭the‬ ‭basic‬ ‭information‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭project.‬‭Most‬‭importantly,‬‭the‬‭project‬‭signage‬‭will‬‭also‬‭state‬
‭related complaints.‬

‭Sorting and Processing‬

T‭ he‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭engineer‬ ‭on‬ ‭site‬ ‭and/or‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬‭first‬‭level‬‭of‬‭GRM‬‭which‬‭offers‬‭the‬‭fastest‬

‭and‬ ‭most‬ ‭accessible‬ ‭mechanism‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭resolution‬ ‭of‬ ‭grievances.‬ ‭Contractors‬ ‭are‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭for‬
‭regular‬ ‭reports‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭GRM‬ ‭Focal‬ ‭Point‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭(through‬ ‭the‬ ‭field‬ ‭engineers).‬
‭Secondly,‬ ‭the‬ ‭GRM‬ ‭Focal‬ ‭Point‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬ ‭key‬ ‭officer‬ ‭for‬ ‭receiving‬ ‭and‬ ‭handling‬
‭complaints‬ ‭and‬ ‭grievances‬ ‭from‬ ‭anyone‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭community‬ ‭regarding‬ ‭the‬ ‭project.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Focal‬ ‭Point‬
‭documents‬ ‭grievances‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭complaints’‬ ‭logs‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬‭following‬‭elements:‬‭complainant‬
‭name‬ ‭(unless‬ ‭anonymity‬ ‭is‬ ‭requested),‬ ‭contact‬ ‭address,‬ ‭date‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭complaint,‬ ‭uptake‬ ‭channel,‬
‭description‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭grievance,‬ ‭procedures‬ ‭taken‬ ‭to‬ ‭resolve‬ ‭the‬ ‭complaints,‬ ‭timeframe‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭resolution,‬ ‭description‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭resolution,‬‭and‬‭name‬‭of‬‭the‬‭person‬‭who‬‭received‬‭the‬‭complaint.‬‭The‬
‭Focal‬ ‭Points‬ ‭also‬ ‭handle‬ ‭the‬ ‭complaints‬‭that‬‭are‬‭within‬‭their‬‭power‬‭but‬‭refer‬‭all‬‭others‬‭to‬‭relevant‬
‭departments‬ ‭and‬ ‭sections‬‭in‬‭the‬‭municipality‬‭and‬‭continue‬‭to‬‭follow‬‭up‬‭on‬‭the‬‭complaint‬‭until‬‭it‬‭is‬
‭resolved.‬ ‭The‬ ‭standard‬ ‭response‬ ‭time‬ ‭to‬ ‭resolve‬ ‭a‬ ‭complaint‬ ‭is‬ ‭seven‬ ‭days‬ ‭but‬ ‭depending‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬
‭topic‬ ‭and‬ ‭nature‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭complaint‬ ‭some‬ ‭are‬ ‭resolved‬ ‭instantly,‬ ‭and‬ ‭others‬ ‭could‬ ‭take‬ ‭up‬ ‭to‬ ‭one‬
‭PMU‬ ‭(or‬ ‭the‬ ‭Grievance‬ ‭Redress‬ ‭Committee-GRC‬ ‭established‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬‭level‬‭depending‬‭on‬‭the‬
‭nature‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭complaint).‬‭The‬‭PMU‬‭will‬‭conduct‬‭the‬‭same‬‭steps‬‭in‬‭documenting‬‭the‬‭complaint‬‭and‬
‭review the grievance details and possible ways of resolving it.‬

‭Verify, Investigate, and Act‬

T‭ he‬‭GRM‬‭focal‬‭points‬‭at‬‭the‬‭PMs‬‭(and‬‭the‬‭GRM‬‭focal‬‭point‬‭at‬‭the‬‭PMU‬‭in‬‭some‬‭instances)‬‭investigate‬
‭the‬ ‭complaints‬‭received‬‭from‬‭external‬‭stakeholders‬‭against‬‭the‬‭project’s‬‭related‬‭interventions.‬ ‭The‬
‭FPs‬ ‭gather‬ ‭the‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭information‬ ‭and‬ ‭data‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬‭the‬‭received‬‭grievances‬‭and‬‭contact‬‭and‬
‭consultations with relevant parties (e.g., affected persons, contractors, witnesses, etc.).‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Provide Response to the Complainant‬

‭ nce‬ ‭the‬ ‭resolution‬ ‭is‬ ‭identified‬ ‭and‬ ‭agreed‬ ‭upon,‬ ‭the‬ ‭FP‬ ‭documents‬ ‭the‬ ‭resolution‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬
‭complaints‬ ‭log‬ ‭and‬ ‭provides‬ ‭a‬ ‭copy‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭log‬ ‭with‬ ‭all‬ ‭received‬‭complaints‬‭and‬‭their‬‭status‬‭to‬‭the‬
‭they are requested to come to the municipality.‬

‭Escalation Process‬

T‭ he‬‭central‬‭PMU‬‭serves‬‭as‬‭the‬‭first‬‭level‬‭of‬‭escalation‬‭in‬‭case‬‭the‬‭grievances‬‭couldn’t‬‭be‬‭handled‬‭at‬
‭the‬ ‭PMs‬ ‭level.‬ ‭In‬ ‭case‬ ‭the‬ ‭complainant‬ ‭is‬ ‭not‬ ‭satisfied‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭resolution,‬ ‭the‬ ‭FP‬ ‭transfers‬ ‭the‬
‭complaint‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭GRM‬ ‭Focal‬ ‭Point‬ ‭at‬‭the‬‭PMU,‬‭alternatively,‬‭the‬‭complainant‬‭can‬‭call‬‭the‬‭project’s‬
‭hotline‬ ‭(assigned‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Head‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU).‬ ‭If‬ ‭complainants‬ ‭are‬ ‭not‬ ‭satisfied‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭proposed‬
‭resolution‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭they‬ ‭have‬ ‭the‬ ‭possibility‬ ‭to‬ ‭escalate‬ ‭their‬ ‭complaints‬ ‭to‬‭the‬‭project’s‬‭level‬
‭escalation‬ ‭committee‬ ‭which‬ ‭is‬ ‭in‬ ‭this‬ ‭case‬ ‭the‬ ‭Project’s‬ ‭Steering‬ ‭Committee.‬ ‭Sensitive‬ ‭complaints‬
‭has the right to resort to law.‬

‭Gender- Based Violence (GBV) Complaints‬

T‭ he‬ ‭MSSRP/PMU‬ ‭has‬‭contracted‬‭an‬‭Independent‬‭third-party‬‭organization‬‭(GBV‬‭Service‬‭Provider)‬‭to‬

‭provide‬ ‭a‬ ‭dedicated‬ ‭hotline‬ ‭to‬ ‭receive‬ ‭GBV‬ ‭and‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭(Sexual‬ ‭Exploitation‬ ‭and‬ ‭Abuse‬ ‭or‬ ‭Sexual‬
‭387 221.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


‭ ‬ ‭comprehensive‬ ‭capacity‬ ‭building‬ ‭program‬ ‭for‬ ‭Partner‬ ‭Municipalities‬ ‭will‬‭be‬‭implemented‬‭by‬‭the‬
‭PMU‬ ‭Safeguards‬ ‭Team.‬ ‭The‬ ‭program‬ ‭will‬ ‭include‬ ‭twelve‬ ‭(12)‬ ‭interactive‬ ‭training‬‭sessions‬‭together‬
‭with on job training, training material are currently being prepared by the MSSRP Safeguards Team.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ ‭Annexes‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

o ‭Annex 1 –‬‭Screening Checklist‬
‭for Assessment of Environmental and Social Impact for Ajloun Public Park Sub-Project‬

‫‬‮قائمة مراجعة أولية لفحص تقييم اآلثار البيئية واالجتماعية‬ )‫‬‮‬‭1‬

‫‬‮لمشاريع المرحلة النهائية من منح البلديات‬
‭Screening Checklist for Assessment of Environmental and Social Impact‬
‭For MG2‬
‭Project background‬ ‫‬‮نبذة‬‮عن‬‮المشروع‬
‭Date:25-4-2022‬ ‭2022‬-‫‬‮‬‭4‬-‫‬‮‬‭25‬:‫‬‮التاريخ‬‮‬
‭Municipality:Greater Ajloun‬ ‫ بلدية عجلون الكبرى‬:‫‬‮اسم البلدية‬
‭Governorate: Ajloun‬ ‫ عجلون‬:‫‬‮المحافظة‬
‭ ame/Sub Project Action: Construction and rehabilitation‬
‫ ‬‮إعادة‬‮تأهيل‬‮المرافق‬‮الترفيهية‬‮في‬‮متنزه‬‮ام‬‮الجمال‬:‫نشاط‬‮المشروع‬/‫‬‮اسم‬
‭of recreational facilities in Ajloun existing Public park.‬
‭Engineer :Hussam al-smadi‬ ‫حسام‬‮الصمادي‬.‫‬‮م‬:‫‬‮ممثل‬‮المشروع‬‮‬

‭Phone Number:0797050656‬ ‭0797050656‬:‫‬‮رقم‬‮الهاتف‬‮‬

‭Email:[email protected]‬ ‭[email protected]‬:‫‬‮البريد‬‮االلكتروني‬
‭ roject Description:‬
‭The public park is a rehabilitation of an existing park‬
‭with an area of 40 donums, the park will be built on‬
:‫‬‮وصف المشروع‬
‭an area of 15-20 dunoms, as the park include‬
‭common trees (oak, pines….) and areas surrounded‬ ‫‬‮حيث‬‮يشمل‬‮المنتزه‬‮على‬‮أشجار‬،‫‬‮دونم‬‭20‬-‫‬‮‬‭15‬‫‬‮الحديقة‬‮على‬‮مساحة‬‮تتراوح‬‮من‬
‭by a metal fence around the park with a height of 2‬ .‫‬‮م‬‮وبوابة‬‭2‬‫‬‮ومساحات‬‮يحيطها‬‮شيك‬‮بارتفاع‬
‭meters and a gate.‬
‭The subproject consists of an administrative building‬ ‫ وغرفة حارس وحمامات‬،‫‬‮يتكون المشروع من مبنى إداري يضم (غرفة إدارة‬
‭that includes (administration room, guard room,‬ ‫ وسيتم‬،‫ سيتم إعداد أماكن للجلوس من مقاعد وأماكن للشواء‬،)‫‬‮للجنسين وذوي اإلعاقة‬
‭restrooms for male-female and people with‬ ‫ وإنشاء‬،‫ وسيتم تعديل الشيك الحالي وتغيير البوابة‬، ‫‬‮تزويد الحديقة بسالت للمهمالت‬
‭disabilities), seating areas (chairs and barbecue‬ .)‫‬‮منطقة رملية (ألعاب أطفال‬
‭places), playing area for children’s will be‬
:‫‬‮تتضمن عناصر التطوير المقترح ما يلي‬
‭established, waste baskets, the existing fence will‬
‭be modified and the gate will be replaced.‬ ‫اعمال‬ ‫الى‬ ‫باالضافة‬ ‫الحارس‬ ‫وغرفة‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮حفريات تسوية والوحدات الصحيه‬
‭The subproject activities include:‬ ‫‬‮اساسات القواعد واالعمدة‬
‭●‬ ‭Excavation, foundation and structural skeleton.‬ ‫‬‮توريد طمم من خارج الموقع‬ ●‫‬‮‬
‭●‬ ‭Supplying filling material.‬ ‫‬‮سم‬‭20‬‫‬‮توريد‬‮وفرد‬‮فرشيات‬‮حصوية‬‮بسماكة‬ ●‫‬‮‬
‭●‬ ‭Base course layers with maximum thickness 20‬ ‫‬‮توريد واعمال الخرسانة الجاهزة‬ ●‫‬‮‬
‭cm‬ ‫‬‮اعمال التشطيب من طوب وقصارة وبالط‬ ●‫‬‮‬
‭●‬ ‭pouring concrete works‬
‭●‬ ‭Finishing work of bricks, plaster and tiles and‬
‭electromechanical work.‬
‭Project Location description :‬
: ‫‬‮وصف موقع المشروع‬
‭The proposed project development covers the puplic park‬
.‫‬‮يغطي تطوير المشروع المقترح منطقة المنتزه الشعبي داخل بلدية عجلون‬
‭area within the municipality of Ajloun.‬
‫ تبعد أرض المشروع ما يقارب‬.‫‬‮يقع المشروع على منتزه الند يتميز بغطاء مروج‬
‭The project is located on the park land characterized by‬
‭lawns cover. The project land is approximately (5) km‬
‫ مدينة عجلون‬/ ‫‬‮قرية عنجرة‬
‭away from residential areas, as it is considered a vital‬
‭tourist area. It is located in the village of Anjara / Ajloun‬
‭The project is located in the eastern part of the village of‬
‫‬‮يقع المشروع في الجزء الشرقي من قرية عنجرة في حوض الشكير بالقرب من‬
‭Anjara in the Al-Shakair basin, near the al-qaaedah area.‬
.‫‬‮منطقة القاعدة‬
‭Ajloun park has been a regular destination for the local‬
‭community. It’s rich of oak trees, as this kind of trees is‬
‭very popular in Ajloun. The Park is on a land of 40‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ onums. The project seeks to establish a garden on 15 - 20‬

d ‫ ألن‬، ‫ إنها غنية بأشجار البلوط‬.‫‬‮كانت حديقة عجلون وجهة منتظمة للمجتمع المحلي‬
‭donums.‬ ‭40‬‫‬‮الحديقة‬‮على‬‮مساحة‬.‫‬‮هذا‬‮النوع‬‮من‬‮األشجار‬‮يحظى‬‮بشعبية‬‮كبيرة‬‮في‬‮عجلون‬
‭ escription of the site (village, city, commercial street,‬
‭etc.):‬ ).... ,‫ شارع تجاري‬, ‫ مدينة‬,‫‬‮وصف الموقع(قرية‬
‭It is located in the village of Anjara / Ajloun city‬
‭The project is located in the eastern part of the village of‬ ‫ مدينة عجلون‬/ ‫‬‮تقع في قرية عنجرة‬
‭Anjara in the Al-Shakair basin, near the al-qaaedah area.‬ ‫‬‮يقع المشروع في الجزء الشرقي من قرية عنجرة في حوض الشكير بالقرب من‬
‭Ajloun park has been a regular destination for the local‬ .‫‬‮منطقة القاعدة‬
‭community. It’s rich of oak trees, as this kind of trees is‬ ‫ و‬، ‫ إنها غنية بأشجار البلوط‬.‫‬‮كانت حديقة عجلون وجهة منتظمة للمجتمع المحلي‬
‭very popular in Ajloun. The Park is on a land lot of 40‬ ‭40‬‫‬‮الحديقة‬‮على‬‮قطعة‬‮أرض‬‮مساحتها‬.‫‬‮هذا‬‮النوع‬‮من‬‮األشجار‬‮شائع‬‮في‬‮عجلون‬
‭donums. The project seeks to establish a garden on 15 - 20‬ .‫‬‮دونم‬‭20‬-‫‬‮‬‭15‬‫‬‮يسعى‬‮المشروع‬‮إلنشاء‬‮حديقة‬‮بمساحة‬.‫‬‮دونًم ا‬

‭ ub project screening part-A‬

S ‫ مراجعة أولية لمشروع فرعي‬/‫‬‮الجزء االول‬
‭(general)‬ )‫‬‮(عام‬

‭Does the subproject involve …‬‭?‬ ‭Yes/No‬ ‫ ال‬/ ‫‬‮نعم‬ ‫ ؟‬.... ‫‬‮هل يشمل المشروع على‬
‭1)‬ S‭ olid waste collection equipment and‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭services?‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮معدات وخدمات جمع النفايات الصلبة؟‬‭1‬
‭2)‬ ‭Water and sewerage portable‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮معدات وخدمات مياه وصرف صحي متنقلة؟‬‭2‬
‭ quipment and services?‬
‭3)‬ ‭Maintenance and/or rehabilitation of‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫ أو إعادة تأهيل اآلبار العامة؟‬/ ‫‬‮) ‬‮صيانة و‬‭3‬
‭public wells?‬

‭4)‬ ‭Rehabilitation and‬‭contruction‬‭of existing:‬ ‫ أو إعادة تأهيل الموجود‬/ ‫‬‮) ‬‮صيانة و‬‭4‬

‭‬ R
● ‭ oads and sidewalk?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮طرق وأرصفة؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Parks and/or community recreational‬
‭Yes‬ ‫‬‮نعم‬ ‫ أو مساحات ترفيهية مجتمعية؟‬/ ‫‬‮● ‬‮متنزهات و‬
‭●‬ ‭Libraries?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮مكتبات؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Community centres?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮مراكز مجتمعية؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Women’s and youth centres?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮مراكز المرأة والشباب؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Cemeteries?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮المقابر؟‬
‭5)‬ ‭New construction within footprint:‬ :‫‬‮)‬‮بناء‬‮جديد‬‮أو‬‮توسعة‬‮مساحة‬‭5‬
‭●‬ S‭ anitation type (Network Sewer‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮من ‬‮نوع ‬‮الصرف ‬‮الصحي ‬‮(شبكة ‬‮صرف‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭System or Septic Tank)‬ )‫‬‮صحي أو خزان صرف صحي‬
‭‬ R
● ‭ oads and sidewalks?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮الطرق واألرصفة؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Parks and/or community recreational‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫ أو مساحات ترفيهية مجتمعية؟‬/ ‫‬‮● ‬‮متنزهات و‬
‭●‬ ‭Libraries?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮مكتبات؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Community centres?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮مراكز مجتمعية؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Women’s and youth centres?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮مراكز المرأة والشباب؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Cemeteries?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮● ‬‮المقابر؟‬
‭●‬ ‭Other eligible constructions?‬ ‭yes‬ ‫‬‮نعم‬ ‫‬‮إنشاءات مؤهلة أخرى؟‬

‭6)‬ ‭Fumigation vehicles, insecticides,‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮مركبات ‬‮التبخير ‬‮ومبيدات ‬‮الحشرات ‬‮ومبيدات ‬‮اآلفات‬‭6‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭pesticides, and or rodenticides?‬ ‫‬‮أو مبيدات القوارض؟‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ub‬‭project‬‭screening‬‭part-B‬
‫ مراجعة أولية لمشروع فرعي‬/‫‬‮الجزء الثاني‬
‫‬‮في حالة ما إذا كان أي عمل مدني ينطوي على‬
I‭n the case that any civil work involves any‬
‭new construction on a current property or‬ ‫‬‮أي بناء جديد على ممتلكات حالية أو توسيع‬
‭footprint expansion of a currently-existing‬
‭public site, please answer the following‬ ‫ يرجى اإلجابة‬،‫‬‮مساحة موقع عام موجود حاليًا‬
‭questions about landownership:‬
:‫‬‮عن األسئلة التالية المتعلقة في ملكية االرض‬
?…‫‬‮‬‭Is‬‭it‬‭possible‬‭that‬‭this‬‭sub-project‬ ‭Yes/No‬ ‫ ال‬/ ‫‬‮نعم‬ ‫؟‬... ‫‬‮هل من الممكن أن يكون هذا المشروع الفرعي‬
‭1)‬ R ‭ equires the acquisition of private‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮يتطلب استمالك على أراض خاصة (بصورة مؤقتة‬‭1‬
‭land (temporarily or permanently)‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭for its development?‬ ‫‬‮أو دائمة) لتطويرها؟‬
‭2)‬ ‭Are there any land ownership or‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮هل هناك أي تضارب في ملكية األرض‬‭2‬
‭title conflicts?‬
‭3)‬ ‭Will‬‭cause‬‭loss‬‭or‬‭restricted‬‭access‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيتسبب ‬‮في ‬‮فقدان ‬‮أو ‬‮تقييد ‬‮الوصول ‬‮إلى‬‭3‬
‫‬‮المصادر ‬‮الطبيعية ‬‮أو ‬‮المجتمعية ‬‮(مثل ‬‮المراعي ‬‮أو‬
‭(e.g.‬ ‭pasture,‬ ‭fishing‬ ‭locations,‬
‭forests,‬ ‭water‬ ‭sources,‬ ‭places‬ ‭of‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮مواقع ‬‮الصيد ‬‮أو ‬‮الغابات ‬‮أو ‬‮مصادر‬‮المياه‬‮أو‬‮أماكن‬
‭worship,‬ ‭or‬ ‭public‬ ‭spaces)‬ ‭occur‬ ‫‬‮العبادة ‬‮أو‬‮األماكن‬‮العامة(أسر‬‮ومجتمعات‬‮نتيجة‬‮هذا‬
‭a result of this subproject?‬ ‫‬‮المشروع الفرعي؟‬
‭4)‬ ‭Require‬ ‭displacement‬ ‭of‬ ‭any‬
‫ ‬‮مساكن ‬‮سكنية ‬‮(أي ‬‮هل‬/‫‬‮) ‬‮يتطلب ‬‮تشريد ‬‮أي ‬‮منازل ‬‮‬‭4‬
‭houses/‬ ‭residential‬ ‭dwellings‬ ‭(i.e.‬
‭do‬‭any‬‭people‬‭live‬‭on‬‭the‬‭proposed‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮يعيش ‬‮أي ‬‮شخص ‬‮على ‬‮موقع ‬‮مقترح ‬‮بما ‬‮في ‬‮ذلك‬
‭site‬ ‭including‬ ‭tenants‬ ‭or‬ ‭informal‬ ‫‬‮مستأجرين أو مستوطنين غير رسميين)؟‬
‭5)‬ R‭ esult‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭temporary‬ ‭or‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮يؤدي ‬‮إلى ‬‮خسارة ‬‮مؤقتة ‬‮أو ‬‮دائمة ‬‮لألنشطة‬‭5‬
‭permanent‬ ‭loss‬ ‭of‬ ‭economic‬ ‫ ‬‮مثل ‬‮المحاصيل ‮‬واألشجار ‬‮المثمرة ‬‮أو‬،‫‬‮االقتصادية ‬‮‬
‭activities‬ ‭,‬ ‭like‬ ‭crops‬ ‭fruit‬ ‭trees,‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭business‬ ‭(including‬ ‭commercial‬ ‫‬‮األعمال ‬‮التجارية ‬‮(بما ‬‮في ‬‮ذلك ‬‮المستأجرين‬
‭tenants), or assets?‬ ‫‬‮التجاريين) أو األصول؟‬
‭6)‬ R‭ esult‬ ‭in‬ ‭damage‬‭or‬‭loss‬‭of‬‭household‬
‫‬‮) ‬‮يؤدي ‬‮إلى ‬‮إلحاق ‬‮ضرر ‬‮أو ‬‮تلف ‬‮أو‬‮فقدان‬‮أصول‬‮أو‬‭6‬
‭assets‬ ‭or‬ ‭structures‬ ‭such‬ ‭(such‬ ‭as‬
‭storage,‬ ‭outside‬ ‭toilets‬ ‭and‬ ‭kitchens,‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫ ‬‮والمراحيض ‬‮الخارجية‬،‫‬‮هياكل ‬‮منزلية ‬‮مثل ‬‮(التخزين‬
‭fences, etc.)?‬
)‫ الخ‬... ‫ واألسوار‬،‫‮‬والمطابخ‬
‭7)‬ A‭ re‬‭there‬‭any‬‭squatters‬‭or‬‭encroachers‬ ‭No‬
‭on the site?‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮هل يوجد أي واضعي يد على الموقع؟‬‭7‬

‭Refer to resettlement policy Framework for guidance on any questions answered‬

‫ ‬‮مراجعة ‬‮اوليه ‬‮للمشروع‬/‫‬‮الجزء ‬‮الثالث‬

I‭n‬‭the‬‭case‬‭that‬‭any‬‭civil‬‭work‬‭involves‬‭any‬ ‫‬‮في ‬‮حالة ‬‮ما ‬‮إذا ‬‮كان ‬‮أي ‬‮عمل ‬‮مدني ‬‮ينطوي ‬‮على ‬‮أي ‬‮بناء‬
‭new‬‭construction‬‭on‬‭a‬‭current‬‭property‬‭or‬ ‫‬‮جديد ‬‮على ‬‮ممتلكات ‬‮حالية ‬‮أو ‬‮توسعة ‬‮مساحة ‬‮لموقع ‬‮عام‬
‭public‬‭site,‬‭please‬‭answer‬‭the‬‭following‬ ‫ ‬‮يرجى ‬‮اإلجابة ‬‮عن ‬‮األسئلة ‬‮التالية ‬‮المتعلقة ‬‮في‬،‫‬‮موجود ‬‮حاليًا‬
:‫‬‮‬‭questions‬‭about‬‭environmental‬‭framework‬ :‫‬‮االطار البيئي للمشروع‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Is it possible that this sub-project …?‬ ‭Yes/No‬ ‫ ال‬/ ‫‬‮نعم‬ ‫؟‬... ‫‬‮هل من الممكن أن يكون هذا المشروع الفرعي‬
‭2)‬ W ‭ ill operating noise level exceed‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيتجاوز ‬‮مستوى ‬‮ضجيج ‬‮التشغيل ‬‮حدود ‬‮ال‬‭1‬
‭allowable/ambient noise limits?‬ ‫ المحيط؟‬/ ‫‬‮الضجيج المسموح به‬
‭3)‬ ‭Will subproject generate large‬
‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيولد ‬‮المشروع ‬‮الفرعي ‬‮كميات ‬‮كبيرة ‬‮من‬‭2‬
‭amounts of residual hazardous‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮النفايات ‬‮الخطرة ‬‮المتبقية ‬‮(نفايات ‬‮صلبة ‬‮أو‬
‭wastes (solid or liquid wastes),‬
‫ بما في ذلك نفايات طبية؟‬،)‫‬‮سائلة‬
‭including medical waste?‬
‭4)‬ ‭Will the subproject require the use‬
‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيتطلب ‬‮المشروع ‬‮الفرعي ‬‮استخدام ‬‮مبيدات‬‭3‬
‭of Pesticides, Insecticides,‬
‫‬‮آفات ‬‮ومبيدات ‬‮حشرات ‬‮ومبيدات ‬‮أعشاب ‬‮أو ‬‮أي ‬‮ال‬
‭Herbicides or any other Poisonous or‬ ‭No‬
‫‬‮مواد ‬‮كيميائية ‬‮سامة ‬‮أو ‬‮خطرة ‬‮أخرى ‬‮مثل ‬‮هذه‬
‭Hazardous Chemicals such‬
‫‬‮المواد الكيميائية؟‬
‭5)‬ ‭Will subproject generate large‬
‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيولد ‬‮المشروع ‬‮الفرعي ‬‮كميات ‬‮كبيرة ‬‮من‬‭4‬
‭amounts of residual wastes,‬ ‫‬‮نعم‬
‭yes‬ ‫‬‮أو‬‮نفايات‬‮مواد‬‮البناء‬‮أو‬‮يتسبب‬،‫‬‮النفايات‬‮المتبقية‬
‭construction material waste or‬
‫‬‮في تآكل التربة؟‬
‭cause soil erosion‬
‭6)‬ ‭Will subproject result in soil or‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيؤدي ‬‮المشروع ‬‮الفرعي ‬‮إلى ‬‮تلوث ‬‮التربة‬‭5‬
‭water contamination (e.g. from oil,‬ ‭yes‬ ‫‬‮أو ‬‮المياه ‬‮(على ‬‮سبيل ‬‮المثال‬‮من‬‮الزيت‬‮والشحوم‬
‭grease and fuel from equipment)?‬ ‫‬‮والوقود من المعدات)؟‬
‭7)‬ ‭Will the project impact the safety‬ ‫‬‮نعم‬
‭yes‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮هل سيؤثر المشروع على سالمة عمال الموقع؟‬‭6‬
‭of site workers?‬
‭8)‬ W ‭ ill the project impact‬ ‫ ‬‮ال‬/‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيؤثر ‬‮المشروع ‬‮على ‬‮صحة ‬‮المجتمع ‬‮و ‬‮‬‭7‬
‭community’s health and/or safety?‬ ‫‬‮أو سالمته؟‬
‭9)‬ ‭Will impact any environmentally‬
‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيؤثر ‬‮على ‬‮أي ‬‮مناطق ‬‮حساسة ‬‮بيئيًا ‬‮أو‬‭8‬
‭sensitive areas, protected areas or‬
‫‬‮مناطق ‬‮محمية ‬‮أو ‬‮أنواع ‬‮مهددة ‬‮بما ‬‮في ‬‮ذلك‬
‭threatened species including intact‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮الغابات ‬‮الطبيعية ‬‮السليمة ‬‮والغابات ‬‮النهرية‬
‭natural forests, riverine forest,‬
/‫ ‬‮األنهار ‬‮‬/‫‬‮واألراضي ‬‮الرطبة ‬‮(البحيرات ‬‮‬
)‫‬‮المناطق الغارقة موسميًا‬
‭inundated areas)‬
‭10)‬‭Will subproject involve the‬
‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيتضمن‬‮المشروع‬‮الفرعي‬‮تعطيل‬‮أو‬‮تعديل‬‭9‬
‭disturbance or modification of‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮قنوات ‬‮الصرف ‬‮الحالية ‬‮(األنهار ‬‮والقنوات) ‬‮أو‬
‭existing drainage channels (rivers,‬
‫‬‮األجسام المائية السطحية؟‬
‭canals) or surface water bodies?‬
‭11)‬ ‭Will the subproject -directly or by‬ ‫‬‮بشكل‬‮مباشر‬‮أو‬-‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيؤدي ‬‮المشروع‬‮الفرعي‬‮‬‭10‬
‭induced development- lead to the‬ ‫‬‮إلى‬‮إتالف‬‮أو‬‮ضرر‬‮بالنظم‬-‫‬‮عن ‬‮طريق ‬‮التنمية ‬‮‬
‭destruction or damage of terrestrial or‬
‫‬‮البيئية ‬‮األرضية ‬‮أو ‬‮المائية ‬‮أو ‬‮موائل ‬‮األنواع ‬‮ال‬
‭aquatic ecosystems or habitats of‬ ‭No‬
‭endangered species for which‬ ‫‬‮المهددة ‬‮باالنقراض ‬‮والتي ‬‮تتطلب ‬‮الحماية‬
‭protection is required under Jordanian‬ ‫ ‬‮أو ‬‮االتفاقيات‬/‫‬‮بموجب ‬‮القوانين ‬‮األردنية ‬‮و ‬‮‬
‭laws and/or international agreements?‬ ‫‬‮الدولية؟‬
‭12)‬‭Will the subproject lead to the‬
‭disruption/destruction of wildlife‬ /‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيؤدي ‬‮المشروع ‬‮الفرعي ‬‮إلى ‬‮تعطيل ‬‮‬‭11‬
‭through interruption of migratory‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮تدمير ‬‮الحياة ‬‮البرية ‬‮من ‬‮خالل ‬‮قطع ‬‮طرق‬
‭routes, disturbance of wildlife‬ ‫ واضطراب موائل الحياة البرية؟‬،‫‬‮الهجرة‬
‭13)‬‭Is nearby potable water sources‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮قريب ‬‮من ‬‮مصادر ‬‮مياه ‬‮صالحة ‬‮للشرب ‬‮تحتاج‬‭12‬
‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭that need to be protected?‬ ‫‬‮إلى الحماية؟‬
‭14)‬‭Is vulnerable to natural hazards‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭No‬ ( ‫‬‮) ‬‮عرضة للمخاطر الطبيعية (مثل السيول‬‭13‬
‭(e.g. flash floods)‬
‭15)‬‭Is near to any neighboring hazards‬
‫‬‮) ‬‮بالقرب ‬‮من ‬‮أي ‬‮مخاطر ‬‮مجاورة ‬‮(مثل ‬‮مسارات ‬‮ال‬‭14‬
‭(e.g. highway tracks; industrial‬ ‭No‬
‫‬‮الطرق السريعة واألنشطة الصناعية)؛‬
‭16)‬‭Is near to any steep slopes?‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮بالقرب من أي منحدرات حادة؟‬‭15‬
‭17)‬‭Will be in proximity to densely‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮هل ‬‮سيكون ‬‮على ‬‮مقربة‬‮من‬‮المناطق‬‮ذات‬‮الكثافة ‬‮ال‬‭16‬
‭populated areas or sensitive‬ ‫‬‮السكانية ‬‮العالية ‬‮أو ‬‮المستقبالت ‬‮الحساسة ‬‮مثل‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

r‭ eceptors such as schools or,‬ ‫‬‮المدارس ‬‮أو ‬‮المستشفيات ‬‮أو ‬‮المنظمات‬

‭hospitals, community organizations?‬ ‫‬‮المجتمعية؟‬
‭18)‬‭Involves significant excavations,‬
‭demolition, and movement of earth,‬ ‫ ‬‮حركة ‬‮ال‬،‫ ‬‮هدم‬،‫‬‮) ‬‮ينطوي ‬‮على ‬‮حفريات ‬‮كبيرة‬‭17‬
‭flooding or other environmental‬ ‫ فيضانات أو تغيرات بيئية أخرى؟‬،‫‬‮األرض‬
‭19)‬‭Is located in, any designated or‬
‭protected cultural heritage site‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮يقع ‬‮في ‬‮أي ‬‮موقع ‬‮تراث ‬‮ثقافي ‬‮مخصص ‬‮أو ‬‮ال‬‭18‬
‭under international convention or‬ .‫‬‮محمي بموجب اتفاقية دولية أو قوانين أردنية‬
‭Jordanian laws.‬
‭20)‬‭Check the parcel of land through‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮التحقق ‬‮من ‬‮قطعة ‬‮األرض ‬‮من ‬‮خالل ‬‮سجالت‬‭19‬
‭the records of the Directorate of‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
.‫‬‮مديرية اآلثار‬
‭21)‬‭Check the parcel of land through‬ ‫‬‮) ‬‮التحقق ‬‮من ‬‮قطعة ‬‮األرض ‬‮من‬‮خالل‬‮نظام‬‮توثيق‬‭20‬
‭MEGA Jordan‬ ‭No‬ ‫‬‮األردني ‬‮ال‬ ‫‬‮الحضاري‬ ‫‬‮التراث‬ ‫‬‮وإدارة‬
‭(‬ )‫‬‮‬‭‬(‫‬‮‬
‭22)‬‭Located in the vicinity of,‬
‭designated cultural heritage sites,‬
‫‬‮أو‬‮في‬،‫‬‮) ‬‮يقع ‬‮بالقرب ‬‮من‬‮مواقع‬‮تراث‬‮ثقافي‬‮معينة‬‭21‬
‭or to a place with spiritual or‬ ‫‬‮ال‬
‭No‬ ‫ ‬‮له ‬‮قيمة‬،‫‬‮مكان ‬‮ذو ‬‮معنى ‬‮روحاني ‬‮أو ‬‮ثقافي‬
‭cultural meaning, has historic value,‬
‫ أو قد يحتوي على قطع أثرية تاريخية؟‬،‫‬‮تاريخية‬
‭or might contain historical‬
‭23)‬‭Includes new buildings or‬
‫ ‬‮أو ‬‮طرق‬‮سيتمكن ‬‮نعم‬،‫‬‮) ‬‮يشمل ‬‮مباني ‬‮أو ‬‮هياكل ‬‮جديدة‬‭22‬
‭structures, or roads that will be‬ ‭yes‬
‫‬‮الجمهور من الوصول إليها‬
‭accessed by the public?‬

P : ‫‬‮اعداد‬
‭Name: Hosam Alsmadi‬ ‫‬‮المهندس حسام الصمادي‬:‫‬‮االسم‬
‭Title Organization and projects engineer‬ ‫ مهندس تنظيم ومشاريع‬: ‫‬‮الوظيفة‬
‭Municipality: Greater Ajloun Municipality‬ ‫ بلدية عجلون الكبرى‬: ‫‬‮البلدية‬
‭Date: 8/8/2022‬ ‭25/4/2022‬:‫‬‮التاريخ‬‮‬

:‫التقييم البيئي االولي‬/‫‬‮الجزء السادس‬
‫ ال‬/ ‫‬‮نعم‬
‭Yes/No‬ ‫‬‮الترتيب‬

‭ as‬‭the‬‭project‬‭been‬‭identified‬‭to‬‭have‬
‭Yes‬ ‫‬‮نعم‬ ‫ ‬‮هل تحدد بأن للمشروع آثار سلبية على البيئة؟‬.‫‬‮‬‭1‬

‭Evaluation/Feedback:‬ :‫مالحظات‬/‫‬‮التقيم‬
*‭ *This part is for the Environmental Impact‬
‫‮**‬‮هذا‬‮الجزء‬‮خاص‬‮بفريق‬‮تقييم‬‮االثر‬‮البيئي‬‭.‬ ‬
‭Assessment team.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ased on the above assessment and the‬

‭ESMF, this subproject would be‬
‭categorized as ‘Average impact (civil-work‬
‭rehabilitation on existing site), this‬
‭corresponds to World Bank Category “B”‬
‭and Category “2” according to Jordan‬
‭The Technical Environmental Guidelines‬
‭(TEG) for this subproject is TEG 4 and the‬ ‫ سيتم تصنيف هذا‬، ‫‬‮بناًء على التقييم أعاله وإطار اإلدارة البيئية واالجتماعية‬
‫‬‮المشروع الفرعي على أنه "متوسط األثر (إعادة تأهيل العمل المدني في الموقع‬
‭relevant TEGs items are identified as‬ .‫‬‮"وفًقا‬‮للحكومة‬‮األردنية‬‭2‬"‫‬‮وهذا‬‮يتوافق‬‮مع‬‮فئة‬‮البنك‬‮الدولي"‬‮ب‬‮"والفئة‬،‫‬‮الحالي)‬‮‬
‭stated below including preparation of‬ ‫‬‮ويتم‬‭TEG‬‭4‬‫‬‮)‬‮لهذا‬‮المشروع‬‮الفرعي‬‮هي‬‭TEG‬(‫‬‮المبادئ‬‮التوجيهية‬‮البيئية‬‮الفنية‬‮‬
‭simplified EMP. The bidding documents‬ ‫‬‮ذات‬‮الصلة‬‮كما‬‮هو‬‮مذكور‬‮أدناه‬‮بما‬‮في‬‮ذلك‬‮إعداد‬‮خطة‬‭TEGs‬‫‬‮تحديد‬‮عناصر‬
‫ ستشمل وثائق العطاء لهذا المشروع الفرعي اللوائح‬.‫‬‮اإلدارة البيئية المبسطة‬
‭for this subproject will include the‬ ‫‬‮نقص‬:‫‬‮على‬‮النحو‬‮التالي‬‭TEG4‬‫‬‮األردنية‬‮وبنود‬‮ضمانات‬‮البنك‬‮الدولي‬‮لـ‬
‭Jordanian regulations and World Bank‬ ‫ والتغيرات في استخدام األراضي جودة‬، ‫ وحوادث العمال‬، ‫‬‮المعلومات المجتمعية‬
‭safeguards clauses for TEG4 as follows:‬ ‫ وفقدان‬، ‫ واضطرابات الضوضاء في المجتمع‬، ‫ واضطرابات المجتمع‬، ‫‬‮الهواء‬
‫ فقدان الغطاء‬، ‫ عوائق في أنظمة الصرف الطبيعي‬، ‫‬‮األرواح البشرية في الحوادث‬
‭Lack of community information, Worker‬ ‫ تثبيت‬، ‫ إزالة حطام البناء بشكل مناسب‬، ‫ البناء‬/ ‫‬‮النباتي أثناء تحضير األرض‬
‭accident,s Changes in land use Air quality,‬ ‫ عدم وجود الفتات ما بعد البناء‬، ‫‬‮اإلضاءة العامة المناسبة للسالمة‬
‭disruptions to community, Noise‬
‭disruptions to community, Loss of human‬
‭life in accidents, Obstructions in natural‬
‭drainage systems, Loss of vegetation‬
‭during land preparation/construction,‬
‭Appropriate construction debris removal,‬
‭Install proper public lighting for safety,‬
‭Lack of post-construction signage‬

‫‬‮مراجعة وتصحيح‬
‭ ame:‬‭Manar Obidat‬
N ‫‬‮المهندسة‬‮منار‬‮عبيدات‬:‫‬‮االسم‬‮‬
‭Title: Environmental, social Coordinator‬ ‫‬‮الضمانات‬‮البيئية‬‮واالجتماعية‬‮والسالمة‬‮العامة‬:‫‬‮الوظيفة‬‮‬
‭Cities and Villages Development Bank‬ ‫‬‮بنك تنمية المدن والقرى‬
‭Date:‬ ‫‬‮التاريخ‬

‭Approved by:‬ :‫‬‮تمت الموافقة من قبل‬

‭Name: KhuloodTubaishat‬ ‫‬‮خلود‬‮طبيشات‬:‫‬‮االسم‬‮‬
‫مستشار‬‮الضمانات ‬‮البيئية ‬‮واالجتماعية ‬‮والسالمة‬:‫‬‮الوظيفة‬‮‬
‭Title: Senior Safeguards Advisor‬
‭ unicipality:‬
M :‫‬‮وحدة‬‮ادارة‬‮المشروع‬‮‬
‭Date:‬ ‫‬‮التاريخ‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ‭Annex 2 – Project Land Ownership‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ‭Annex 3 - Supplementary Particular Conditions‬
‭The Employment Intensive Approaches by the International Labor Organization, ILO‬

‭ .‬
1 ‭The‬ ‭Development‬ ‭objective‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Services‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Resilience‬ ‭Project‬ ‭(MSSRP)‬‭is‬‭to‬
‭Support‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭affected‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭influx‬ ‭of‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees‬ ‭in‬ ‭delivering‬ ‭services‬ ‭and‬
‭employment‬ ‭opportunities‬ ‭for‬ ‭Jordanians‬ ‭and‬ ‭Syrians.‬ ‭Therefore,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬ ‭Local‬ ‭Administration‬
‭(MOLA)‬ ‭signed‬ ‭an‬ ‭agreement‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭International‬ ‭Labor‬ ‭Organization‬ ‭(ILO)‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭the‬ ‭technical‬
‭support‬ ‭to‬ ‭assess,‬ ‭monitor‬ ‭and‬ ‭increase‬ ‭the‬ ‭labor-intensity‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭capital‬ ‭investments‬ ‭through‬
‭applying Employment Intensive Approaches (EIA) at the project’s interventions.‬

‭ .‬ ‭The‬‭application‬‭of‬‭Employment‬‭Intensive‬‭Approaches‬‭in‬‭the‬‭MSSRP‬‭requires‬‭an‬‭enabling‬‭environment‬
‭employment generation and improve working conditions in the construction sector in Jordan.‬

‭ .‬ ‭These‬‭Particular‬‭Conditions‬‭include‬‭Environmental,‬‭Social,‬‭Health‬‭and‬‭Safety‬‭Safeguard‬‭requirements‬
‭Social‬ ‭Management‬ ‭Plans‬ ‭(ESMP‬ ‭–‬ ‭Annex‬ ‭1)‬ ‭or‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Impact‬ ‭Assessments‬ ‭and‬
‭management‬ ‭plans‬ ‭that‬ ‭have‬‭been‬‭prepared‬‭to‬‭meet‬‭the‬‭World‬‭Bank‬‭requirements,‬‭and‬‭are‬‭included‬‭in‬
‭General Conditions and Specifications shall be designed to comply with these requirements.‬

‭ .‬ ‭These‬‭Supplementary‬‭Particular‬‭Conditions‬‭are‬‭considered‬‭an‬‭integral‬‭part‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Contract‬‭Document‬
‭conditions, these conditions shall prevail.‬

‭ .‬ ‭On‬‭March‬‭11,‬‭2020,‬‭World‬‭Health‬‭Organization‬‭(WHO)‬‭declared‬‭that‬‭COVID-19‬‭is‬‭characterized‬‭as‬‭a‬
‭pandemic.‬ ‭The‬ ‭impact‬‭of‬‭this‬‭crisis‬‭affects‬‭various‬‭areas‬‭during‬‭the‬‭implementation‬‭of‬‭projects‬‭including‬
‭contractual‬ ‭consequences‬ ‭due‬ ‭to‬ ‭suspension‬ ‭of‬ ‭works‬ ‭during‬ ‭national‬ ‭lockdown,‬ ‭activating‬ ‭emergency‬
‭laws‬ ‭or‬ ‭national‬ ‭defense‬ ‭orders,‬ ‭applying‬ ‭preventive‬ ‭measures‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭workplace,‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭relevant‬
‭consequences.‬ ‭The‬ ‭local/‬ ‭national‬ ‭authorities’‬‭instructions‬‭during‬‭this‬‭crisis‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭applied‬‭at‬‭all‬‭times.‬
‭The Contractor is advised to use the Employment Intensive Guide in response to COVID-19 (Annex 2).‬

‭ .‬ ‭The‬‭Occupational‬‭Safety‬‭and‬‭Health‬‭(OSH)‬‭measures‬‭in‬‭ordinary‬‭circumstances‬‭specified‬‭in‬‭“ The‬‭Safety‬
‭and‬ ‭Health‬ ‭in‬ ‭Construction‬ ‭Convention‬ ‭in‬ ‭1988‬‭(C167)”‬‭and‬‭its‬‭accompanying‬‭Recommendation‬‭in‬‭1988‬
‭(R175) will remain valid at all situations.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Application of Employment Intensive Approaches‬

‭ .‬ ‭The‬‭application‬‭of‬‭Employment‬‭Intensive‬‭Approaches‬‭(EIA)‬‭shall‬‭cover‬‭the‬‭project’s‬‭phases‬‭starting‬
‭from bidding phase until the end of implementation.‬

‭8.‬ ‭All‬‭bidders‬‭must‬‭attend‬‭the‬‭mandatory‬‭EIA‬‭training‬‭on‬‭bidding‬‭for‬‭labor-based‬‭works‬‭provided‬‭by‬‭the‬
‭ILO.‬ ‭The‬ ‭ILO‬ ‭shall‬ ‭present‬ ‭session‬ ‭(Training‬ ‭module:‬ ‭LRB-4‬ ‭)‬ ‭through‬ ‭physical‬ ‭seminar‬ ‭and/or‬ ‭virtual‬
l‭earning‬ ‭platforms‬ ‭as‬ ‭part‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭pre-tendering‬ ‭meeting‬ ‭to‬ ‭introduce‬‭the‬‭modifications‬‭on‬‭the‬‭Contract‬
‭by‬ ‭registering‬ ‭the‬‭Company‬‭name‬‭in‬‭the‬‭attendance‬‭sheet‬‭with‬‭submitting‬‭valid‬‭copy‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Commercial‬
‭Registration Certificate. The attendance of this session is mandatory for all bidders.‬

‭ .‬ ‭The‬‭awarded‬‭contractor‬‭(the‬‭Contractor)‬‭shall‬‭nominate‬‭at‬‭least‬‭one‬‭engineer‬‭and‬‭one‬‭supervisor‬‭to‬
‭conduct‬ ‭the‬ ‭training‬ ‭after‬ ‭signing‬ ‭the‬ ‭agreement‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor,‬ ‭through‬ ‭physical‬ ‭seminar‬‭and/or‬
‭virtual learning platforms.‬

‭ 0.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭achieve‬ ‭minimum‬ ‭worker‬ ‭days‬ ‭through‬ ‭executing‬ ‭the‬‭activities‬‭of‬‭the‬‭project‬
‭purposes, the Contractor shall achieve the minimum worker days determined in the Appendix to Tender.‬

‭ 1.‬ ‭Attached‬‭with‬‭the‬‭Statement‬‭at‬‭Completion,‬‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭submit‬‭Summary‬‭of‬‭total‬‭number‬‭of‬
‭workers,‬ ‭worker‬ ‭days‬ ‭and‬ ‭amount‬ ‭of‬ ‭paid‬ ‭wages‬ ‭according‬‭to‬‭table‬‭(T1)‬‭reviewed‬‭and‬‭approved‬‭by‬‭the‬
‭for the unachieved worker days:‬

‭Item‬ ‭Description‬ ‭Unit‬ ‭Value of Reduction‬

‭Number‬ ‭of‬ N
‭ ot‬‭achieving‬‭95%‬‭of‬‭the‬‭minimum‬
‭ orker‬
W ‭14‬ ‭JOD‬ ‭X‬ ‭the‬ ‭unachieved‬
‭ orker‬
W ‭worker‬ ‭days‬ ‭as‬‭determined‬‭in‬‭the‬
‭day‬ ‭ orker days‬
‭days‬ ‭Appendix to Tender‬

‭ 2.‬ ‭After‬ ‭the‬ ‭issuance‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Taking-Over‬‭Certificate‬‭for‬‭the‬‭Works‬‭pursuant‬‭to‬‭Sub-Clause‬‭10.1‬‭[Taking‬

‭Over‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Works‬ ‭and‬ ‭Sections]‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contract,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Engineer‬ ‭shall,‬ ‭upon‬ ‭a‬ ‭notice‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Employer‬
‭the Statement at Completion prior to applying the above deductions.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

I‭n‬ ‭the‬ ‭event‬ ‭changes‬ ‭were‬ ‭instructed‬ ‭by‬‭the‬‭Engineer‬‭pursuant‬‭to‬‭Sub-Clause‬‭13.1[Right‬‭to‬‭Vary]‬‭of‬‭the‬

‭General‬ ‭Conditions‬ ‭of‬ ‭Contract,‬ ‭or‬ ‭a‬ ‭proposal‬ ‭submitted‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭pursuant‬‭to‬‭Sub-Clause‬‭13.2‬
‭shall submit to the Engineer the revised number of worker days for his review and approval.‬

‭13.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭is‬ ‭obligated‬ ‭to‬ ‭hire‬ ‭specific‬ ‭unskilled‬ ‭workers‬ ‭selected‬ ‭through‬ ‭a‬ ‭public‬
l‭ottery,‬ ‭which‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭communicated‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭and‬ ‭ILO.‬ ‭This‬ ‭may‬
‭unskilled‬ ‭workers‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭such‬ ‭that,‬ ‭across‬ ‭all‬ ‭MSSRP-supported‬ ‭sub-projects,‬ ‭the‬ ‭following‬
‭proportions‬ ‭of‬ ‭workers‬ ‭are‬ ‭achieved:‬ ‭70%‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭Jordanian‬ ‭nationals;‬ ‭30%‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭Syrian‬
‭refugees;‬ ‭10%‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭women;‬ ‭and‬ ‭3%‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭persons‬ ‭with‬ ‭disabilities.‬ ‭However,‬‭the‬‭ratio‬‭for‬
‭each‬ ‭sub-project‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬ ‭different,‬ ‭and‬ ‭this‬ ‭will‬ ‭not‬ ‭be‬ ‭at‬‭the‬‭discretion‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Contractor.‬‭For‬
‭skilled‬ ‭positions,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭can‬ ‭employ‬‭workers‬‭of‬‭any‬‭nationality,‬‭but‬‭only‬‭Jordanian‬‭and‬
‭Syrian‬ ‭nationals‬ ‭will‬ ‭count‬ ‭towards‬ ‭the‬ ‭minimum‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭worker‬ ‭days‬ ‭specified‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬
‭appendix‬‭of‬‭the‬‭tender.‬ ‭Copies‬‭of‬‭Ministry‬‭of‬‭Interior‬‭(MOI)‬‭cards‬‭should‬‭be‬‭provided‬‭in‬‭order‬‭to‬‭serve‬
a‭ s‬‭evidence‬‭of‬‭the‬‭nationality‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Syrian‬‭workers,‬‭and‬‭the‬‭Jordanian‬‭workers‬‭should‬‭provide‬‭copies‬‭of‬
‭national ID cards.‬

‭ 4.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭sign‬‭the‬‭Employment‬‭Contract‬‭and‬‭Code‬‭of‬‭Conduct‬‭with‬‭each‬‭worker‬‭regardless‬
‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭recruitment‬ ‭duration‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Employment‬ ‭Contract‬ ‭Template‬ ‭(T2).‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬
‭and signed Code of Conduct forms for each worker with copies of the workers’ IDs and MOI cards.‬

‭ 5.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭issue‬ ‭work‬ ‭permits‬ ‭for‬ ‭all‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭applicable‬‭Regulations‬‭and‬
‭ensure‬ ‭the‬ ‭validity‬ ‭of‬ ‭these‬ ‭permits‬ ‭during‬ ‭the‬ ‭implementation‬ ‭of‬‭works‬‭at‬‭the‬‭project.‬‭The‬‭Contractor‬
‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭the‬ ‭Engineer‬ ‭with‬ ‭copies‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭valid‬ ‭work‬ ‭permits‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Syrians‬ ‭prior‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬
‭commencement of work.‬

‭Recruitment Process:‬

‭ 6.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭not‬ ‭recruit‬ ‭more‬ ‭than‬ ‭10%‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭total‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭workers‬ ‭from‬ ‭his/‬ ‭her‬
‭permanent‬ ‭staff,‬ ‭while‬ ‭not‬ ‭less‬ ‭than‬ ‭90%‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭workers‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭recruited‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭local‬ ‭community‬
‭for‬ ‭lack‬ ‭of‬ ‭available‬ ‭workers‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipality‬ ‭borders,‬ ‭he/‬ ‭she‬ ‭can‬ ‭recruit‬ ‭workers‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬
‭governorate border in coordination with the Engineer.‬

‭ 7.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭fill‬‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭Staff‬‭Table‬‭(T3).‬‭The‬‭total‬‭number‬‭of‬‭skilled‬‭workers‬‭from‬‭the‬
‭Contractor’s staff is (____)‬

‭ 8.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭recruit‬ ‭minimum‬ ‭90%‬ ‭of‬ ‭workers‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭local‬ ‭community‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭project’s‬
‭location.‬ ‭The‬ ‭recruitment‬ ‭of‬ ‭unskilled‬ ‭and‬ ‭semi-skilled‬ ‭workers‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭conducted‬ ‭through‬ ‭an‬ ‭open‬
‭unskilled‬ ‭and‬ ‭semi-skilled/‬ ‭skilled‬ ‭workers‬ ‭will,‬ ‭furthermore,‬ ‭be‬ ‭selected‬ ‭through‬ ‭a‬ ‭public‬ ‭lottery.‬
‭Application‬ ‭templates‬ ‭for‬ ‭unskilled,‬ ‭semi-skilled‬ ‭and‬ ‭skilled‬ ‭workers‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭prepared‬ ‭and‬ ‭distributed‬
‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭organize‬ ‭the‬ ‭recruitment‬ ‭process‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭Employment‬ ‭Procedure‬

‭ 9.‬ ‭All‬‭workers‬‭in‬‭the‬‭lists‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭given‬‭sequence‬‭numbers‬‭through‬‭the‬‭public‬‭lottery.‬‭Any‬‭replacement‬‭of‬
‭worker shall be done according to her/his sequence in the waiting list.‬

‭ 0.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭prepare‬ ‭and‬ ‭fill‬ ‭four‬ ‭lists‬ ‭of‬ ‭semi-skilled‬‭and‬‭unskilled‬‭worker:‬‭the‬‭Jordanians‬
‭Recruitment‬ ‭List‬ ‭(A4),‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jordanians‬ ‭waiting‬‭list‬‭(A5),‬‭the‬‭Syrians‬‭Recruitment‬‭List‬‭(A6),‬‭and‬‭the‬‭Syrians‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ aiting‬ ‭list‬ ‭(A7).‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬‭provide‬‭signed‬‭copies‬‭of‬‭the‬‭lists‬‭to‬‭the‬‭municipality,‬‭MSSRP‬‭PMU‬

‭and the ILO.‬

‭ 1.‬ ‭Eligibility‬ ‭of‬ ‭skilled‬ ‭workers‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭determined‬‭based‬‭on‬‭the‬‭criteria‬‭set‬‭in‬‭Annex‬‭3‬‭and‬‭technical‬

‭interviews shall be conducted with the qualified candidates to select the workers for the required skills.‬

‭ 2.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭of‬ ‭any‬ ‭costs‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭recruitment‬ ‭process,‬ ‭without‬ ‭any‬
‭additional costs on the contract.‬

‭Implementation of Works‬

‭ 3.‬ ‭The‬‭Works‬‭shall‬‭generally‬‭be‬‭carried‬‭out‬‭using‬‭local-resource-based‬‭methods;‬‭giving‬‭preference‬‭to‬‭the‬
‭use of local labor, materials and services.‬

‭ 4.‬ ‭Light‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭support‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬ ‭required‬ ‭to‬‭carry‬‭out‬‭some‬‭specific‬‭activities.‬‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭will‬

‭supply‬ ‭the‬ ‭Engineer‬ ‭within‬ ‭seven‬ ‭days‬ ‭prior‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭commencement‬ ‭date‬ ‭with‬ ‭a‬ ‭list‬ ‭and‬ ‭details‬ ‭of‬
‭equipment,‬ ‭which‬ ‭he‬ ‭intends‬ ‭to‬ ‭use‬ ‭on‬ ‭site.‬ ‭He‬ ‭shall‬ ‭further‬‭notify‬‭the‬‭Engineer‬‭prior‬‭to‬‭bringing‬‭in‬‭or‬
‭removing any equipment to and from the site.‬

‭ 5.‬ ‭Use‬ ‭of‬ ‭heavy‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭limited‬ ‭and‬ ‭in‬ ‭any‬ ‭event‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭conditional‬ ‭upon‬ ‭the‬ ‭written‬
‭consent‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Engineer.‬‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭not‬‭also‬‭remove‬‭any‬‭of‬‭his‬‭heavy‬‭equipment‬‭from‬‭the‬‭site‬
‭without the prior consent of the Engineer’s as per the requirements of sub-Clause 4.17 of the contract.‬

‭ 6.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭observe‬‭and‬‭fulfil‬‭particularly‬‭the‬‭following‬‭conditions‬‭with‬‭respect‬‭to‬‭all‬‭persons‬
‭employed by him in the execution of the Contract under a Task System:‬

‭a.‬ ‭The‬‭size‬‭of‬‭the‬‭daily‬‭task‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭that‬‭which‬‭a‬‭worker‬‭can‬‭reasonably‬‭complete‬‭during‬‭a‬‭normal‬
‭worker day (8 hours).‬

‭b.‬ ‭The level of the task will vary depending‬‭upon the site conditions.‬

‭c.‬ T‭ he‬‭Task‬‭Rates‬‭Table‬‭(A8)‬‭includes‬‭the‬‭estimated‬‭rates‬‭for‬‭some‬‭labor‬‭works‬‭in‬‭the‬‭project.‬‭The‬
‭the ILO representative.‬

‭ 7.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭not‬‭perform‬‭any‬‭work‬‭outside‬‭normal‬‭agreed‬‭site‬‭working‬‭hours‬‭unless‬‭authority‬
‭to do so has been obtained in writing from the Engineer.‬

‭ 8.‬ ‭The‬‭worker‬‭is‬‭entitled‬‭to‬‭obtain‬‭paid‬‭weekly‬‭holiday‬‭according‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Labor‬‭Law‬‭(one‬‭full‬‭day‬‭for‬‭six‬
‭working‬ ‭days‬ ‭per‬‭week‬‭and‬‭less‬‭than‬‭1-day‬‭proportional‬‭to‬‭the‬‭working‬‭days‬‭per‬‭week).‬‭In‬‭addition,‬‭the‬
‭paid in proportion at the end of his service period.‬

‭ 9.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭register‬ ‭each‬ ‭worker‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Security‬ ‭System‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭national‬
‭active‬ ‭registration‬ ‭sheet‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭evidences‬ ‭of‬ ‭payment‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Security‬ ‭Corporation‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭to register the workers in the Social Security System and pay their contribution fees on time.‬

‭ 0.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭provide‬‭his‬‭labor‬‭force‬‭with‬‭hand‬‭tools‬‭of‬‭adequate‬‭quality,‬‭appropriate‬‭for‬‭each‬
‭activity, sufficient in numbers and shall maintain the tools in good and safe working conditions.‬

‭ 1.‬ ‭The‬ ‭application‬ ‭of‬ ‭Labor-Based‬ ‭construction‬ ‭methods‬ ‭requires‬ ‭an‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭qualified‬
‭employed‬ ‭by‬ ‭submitting‬ ‭the‬ ‭Curricula‬ ‭Vitae‬ ‭of‬ ‭these‬ ‭personnel‬ ‭within‬ ‭seven‬ ‭days‬ ‭prior‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Works‬
‭commencement date.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ 2.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor’s‬ ‭supervisory‬ ‭staff‬ ‭must‬ ‭have‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭technical‬ ‭education‬‭and‬‭sufficient‬‭previous‬
‭attendance of his supervision staff to the Employment Intensive Approaches training.‬

‭ 3.‬ ‭In‬ ‭light‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭COVID-19‬ ‭pandemic‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭health‬ ‭impacts‬ ‭that‬ ‭may‬ ‭arise‬ ‭from‬ ‭this‬‭situation,‬‭the‬
‭and‬ ‭Health‬ ‭section‬ ‭in‬ ‭this‬ ‭document,‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭applicable‬ ‭governmental‬ ‭instructions‬ ‭regarding‬ ‭the‬
‭pandemic situation.‬

‭Impact Evaluation‬

‭ 4.‬ ‭The‬‭MSSRP‬‭will‬‭conduct‬‭an‬‭impact‬‭evaluation‬‭(IE)‬‭activity‬‭in‬‭the‬‭project‬‭focusing‬‭on‬‭the‬‭labor-intensive‬
‭approaches‬ ‭under‬‭the‬‭Municipal‬‭Grants‬‭II‬‭projects.‬‭These‬‭approaches‬‭create‬‭the‬‭conditions‬‭under‬‭which‬
‭Jordanians‬ ‭and‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees‬ ‭can‬ ‭come‬ ‭into‬ ‭contact‬ ‭with‬ ‭one‬ ‭another‬ ‭repeatedly‬ ‭and,‬ ‭furthermore,‬
‭gaps between groups.‬

‭ 5.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭submit‬‭Recruitment‬‭Plan‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Engineer‬‭and‬‭the‬‭World‬‭Bank‬‭Representative‬‭for‬
‭revision‬ ‭and‬ ‭approval‬ ‭within‬ ‭7‬ ‭days‬‭after‬‭receiving‬‭the‬‭Letter‬‭of‬‭Acceptance.‬‭The‬‭Recruitment‬‭Plan‬‭shall‬
‭in accordance with the approved Recruitment Plan (A9).‬

‭ 6.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭ensure‬‭that‬‭no‬‭changes‬‭occurs‬‭for‬‭the‬‭assigned‬‭group‬‭(T4).‬‭No‬‭worker‬‭is‬‭allowed‬
‭to‬ ‭change‬ ‭his/‬ ‭her‬ ‭assigned‬ ‭group‬ ‭for‬ ‭any‬ ‭reason.‬ ‭If‬ ‭any‬ ‭worker‬ ‭changed‬ ‭his/‬ ‭her‬ ‭assigned‬ ‭group,‬ ‭a‬
‭deduction of daily wage (14 JOD) per day shall be made on the Contractor’s Interim Payment.‬

‭ 7.‬ ‭Any‬‭change‬‭in‬‭the‬‭formation‬‭of‬‭the‬‭group‬‭(in‬‭terms‬‭of‬‭number‬‭or‬‭nationality‬‭percentage)‬‭at‬‭the‬‭site‬
‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭arranged‬ ‭in‬ ‭coordination‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭Engineer‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭Representative.‬ ‭Such‬‭changes‬
‭must, however, be avoided unless they are considered absolutely necessary to continue the works.‬

‭ 8.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Engineer‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭names‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭Representative(s)‬
‭the‬ ‭health‬ ‭and‬ ‭safety‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭evaluators‬ ‭through‬ ‭providing‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭induction,‬ ‭personal‬ ‭protective‬
‭equipment and hygiene facilities at the site.‬

‭ 9.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭facilitate‬‭the‬‭work‬‭of‬‭the‬‭World‬‭Bank‬‭Representative(s)‬‭in‬‭coordination‬‭with‬‭the‬
‭Engineer and MSSRP-PMU.‬

‭Reporting Requirements‬

‭ 0.‬ ‭The‬‭contractors‬‭will‬‭be‬‭required‬‭to‬‭maintain‬‭the‬‭Recruitment‬‭Lists‬‭of‬‭the‬‭workers.‬‭Any‬‭replacement‬‭for‬
‭in‬ ‭advance‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭Engineer‬ ‭and‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭Representative‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭purposes‬ ‭of‬ ‭maintaining‬ ‭groups’‬
‭configuration of Impact Evaluation.‬

‭ 1.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭submit‬‭a‬‭detailed‬‭work‬‭program‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Engineer‬‭according‬‭to‬‭the‬‭agreed‬‭program‬
‭respect the groups’ assignments identified for the Impact Evaluation purposes.‬

‭ 2.‬ ‭During‬ ‭the‬ ‭execution‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contract,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭register‬ ‭all‬ ‭workers‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬
‭Registration Template (T5) and provide the employer with revised records before any payment is due.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ 3.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭further‬‭maintain‬‭detailed‬‭Muster‬‭Payrolls‬‭according‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Daily‬‭Attendance‬‭Sheet‬
‭Template‬ ‭(T6)‬‭showing‬‭daily‬‭attendance‬‭and‬‭wages‬‭paid‬‭to‬‭all‬‭personnel‬‭employed,‬‭and‬‭shall‬‭produce‬‭at‬
‭any time such records for inspection by any person authorised by the Employer.‬

‭ 4.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭further‬ ‭keep‬ ‭daily‬ ‭records‬ ‭of‬ ‭all‬ ‭information‬ ‭and‬ ‭data‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭laborers‬
‭of workers employed, and productivity per person.‬

‭45.‬ ‭Other information are gender records,‬‭wage rate, machine output etc.‬

‭ 6.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭required‬ ‭to‬ ‭submit‬ ‭the‬ ‭Monthly‬ ‭Progress‬ ‭Report‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬‭the‬‭Progress‬
‭Report Template (T7) attached, and provide a copy of the report to the MSSRP-PMU and the ILO.‬

‭47.‬ ‭Each report shall include clean photographs‬‭showing the status of progress on the Site.‬

‭ 8.‬ ‭The‬‭records‬‭for‬‭each‬‭calendar‬‭month‬‭during‬‭construction‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭made‬‭available‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Employer‬‭not‬
‭later‬ ‭than‬ ‭the‬ ‭first‬ ‭week‬‭of‬‭the‬‭following‬‭month,‬‭together‬‭with‬‭the‬‭monthly‬‭Interim‬‭Payment‬‭Certificate‬
‭(ICP)‬ ‭submission.‬ ‭Any‬ ‭Payment‬‭Request‬‭from‬‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭include‬‭all‬‭relevant‬‭workers’‬‭records‬
‭covering the achieved works duration‬‭.‬

‭ 9.‬ ‭Along‬‭with‬‭the‬‭Final‬‭Payment‬‭of‬‭Contract,‬‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭submit‬‭approved‬‭Summary‬‭for‬‭number‬
‭of workers and worker days according to the Template (T1).‬

‭Workers’ Payment‬

‭ 0.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭pay‬‭14.00‬‭JOD‬‭(Fourteen‬‭Jordanian‬‭Dinars)‬‭as‬‭the‬‭fixed‬‭daily‬‭wage‬‭for‬‭unskilled‬
‭workers‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭assigned‬ ‭task(s)‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬ ‭normal‬ ‭working‬ ‭hours.‬‭This‬‭rate‬‭does‬‭not‬‭include‬‭the‬‭Social‬
‭or more, without upper limit.‬

‭ 1.‬ ‭All‬‭workers‬‭will‬‭be‬‭paid‬‭equal‬‭wages‬‭for‬‭work‬‭of‬‭equal‬‭value.‬‭No‬‭discrimination‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭made‬‭between‬
‭workers based on nationality, gender, age or other social status.‬

‭ 2.‬ ‭Workers‬‭should‬‭be‬‭paid‬‭regularly‬‭and‬‭on‬‭time‬‭(at‬‭least‬‭once‬‭a‬‭month).‬‭Workers‬‭should‬‭be‬‭paid‬‭in‬‭full‬
‭each time and not partially. Wage entitlements are communicated clearly to all workers.‬

‭ 3.‬ ‭The‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭use‬ ‭electronic‬ ‭payment‬ ‭systems/‬ ‭e-wallets‬ ‭to‬ ‭pay‬ ‭the‬ ‭workers’‬ ‭wages.‬ ‭Cash‬
‭and the amount paid to each worker.‬

‭ 4.‬ ‭Any‬‭dispute‬‭between‬‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭and‬‭workers‬‭regarding‬‭delayed‬‭payment‬‭or‬‭default‬‭in‬‭payment‬‭of‬
‭fair or complete wages, if not resolved immediately, may force the Employer to intervene.‬

‭ 5.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Employer‬ ‭will,‬ ‭upon‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor’s‬ ‭failure‬ ‭to‬ ‭make‬ ‭timely‬ ‭payment‬ ‭in‬ ‭accordance‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬
‭any monies which may become due to the Contractor under the Contract.‬

‭ 6.‬ ‭In‬‭such‬‭events,‬‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭is‬‭bound‬‭to‬‭co-operate‬‭with‬‭the‬‭Employer‬‭in‬‭processing‬‭the‬‭payment‬‭of‬
‭days‬ ‭reports,‬ ‭and‬ ‭pay-sheets.‬ ‭Proof‬ ‭of‬ ‭payment‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭provided‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭to‬ ‭maintain‬ ‭in‬ ‭his‬

‭ 7.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭bear‬‭the‬‭administrative‬‭cost‬‭and‬‭any‬‭other‬‭costs‬‭incurred‬‭by‬‭the‬‭Employer‬‭as‬‭a‬
‭filled in by Employer].‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ 8.‬ ‭In‬‭case‬‭of‬‭omission‬‭of‬‭part‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Works‬‭pursuant‬‭to‬‭Sub-Clause‬‭13.1‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Contract,‬‭no‬‭employment‬
‭have been or will be settled.‬

‭Decent Work Provisions‬

‭ 9.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭undertakes‬ ‭to‬ ‭respect,‬ ‭at‬ ‭all‬ ‭times‬ ‭and‬ ‭in‬ ‭all‬ ‭circumstances‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬
‭performance‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contract‬ ‭and‬ ‭in‬ ‭relation‬ ‭to‬ ‭all‬ ‭its‬ ‭personnel,‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭its‬ ‭subcontractors‬
‭respect‬ ‭the‬ ‭following‬ ‭principles‬ ‭concerning‬ ‭the‬ ‭international‬ ‭labor‬ ‭standards‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭International‬‭Labor‬

a‭ .‬ ‭the‬‭freely-exercised‬‭right‬‭of‬‭workers,‬‭without‬‭distinction,‬‭to‬‭organize,‬‭further‬‭and‬‭defend‬‭their‬
‭interests‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭bargain‬ ‭collectively,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭protection‬‭of‬‭those‬‭workers‬‭from‬‭any‬‭action‬‭or‬
‭activities and to bargain collectively;‬

‭b.‬ ‭the prohibition of forced or compulsory labor‬‭in all its forms;‬

‭c.‬ ‭equal remuneration for men and women for‬‭work of equal value;‬

‭ .‬
d ‭equality‬ ‭of‬ ‭opportunity‬ ‭and‬ ‭treatment‬ ‭in‬ ‭respect‬ ‭of‬ ‭employment‬ ‭and‬ ‭occupation‬ ‭without‬
‭where the performance, in whole or in part, of the Contract takes place;‬

e‭ .‬ ‭the‬‭prohibition‬‭of‬‭the‬‭employment‬‭of‬‭persons‬‭under‬‭the‬‭age‬‭of‬‭eighteen‬‭(18)‬‭for‬‭work‬‭that,‬‭by‬‭its‬
‭such persons;‬

f‭.‬ ‭The‬‭payment‬‭of‬‭wages‬‭in‬‭legal‬‭tender,‬‭at‬‭regular‬‭intervals‬‭no‬‭longer‬‭than‬‭one‬‭month,‬‭in‬‭full‬‭and‬
‭Deductions‬ ‭from‬ ‭wages‬ ‭are‬ ‭permitted‬ ‭only‬ ‭under‬ ‭conditions‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭extent‬ ‭prescribed‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬
‭such deductions at the time of each payment.‬

g‭ .‬ ‭the‬‭provision‬‭of‬‭wages,‬‭hours‬‭of‬‭work‬‭and‬‭other‬‭conditions‬‭of‬‭work‬‭not‬‭less‬‭than‬‭14‬‭JOD‬‭per‬‭8‬
‭hours working day‬

‭ .‬
h ‭the‬ ‭need‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure,‬ ‭so‬ ‭far‬ ‭as‬ ‭is‬ ‭reasonably‬ ‭practicable,‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭workplaces,‬ ‭machinery,‬
‭equipment‬ ‭and‬ ‭processes‬ ‭under‬ ‭their‬ ‭control‬ ‭are‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭without‬ ‭risk‬ ‭to‬ ‭health,‬ ‭and‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬
‭when‬ ‭the‬ ‭appropriate‬ ‭measures‬ ‭of‬ ‭protection‬ ‭are‬ ‭taken;‬ ‭and‬ ‭provide,‬ ‭where‬ ‭necessary,‬ ‭adequate‬
‭protective‬ ‭clothing‬ ‭and‬ ‭protective‬ ‭equipment‬‭to‬‭prevent,‬‭so‬‭far‬‭as‬‭is‬‭reasonably‬‭practicable,‬‭risk‬‭of‬
‭accidents or of adverse effects to health;‬

i‭.‬ ‭All‬‭applicable‬‭laws‬‭or‬‭regulations‬‭concerning‬‭terms‬‭of‬‭employment‬‭and‬‭conditions‬‭of‬‭work,‬‭any‬
‭collective agreements to which it is party, or any other related measure with which it must comply.‬

‭Social, Health and Safety, and Environmental Safeguards‬

‭ 0.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭take‬ ‭all‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭measures‬ ‭to‬ ‭comply‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭Social‬ ‭and‬ ‭Environmental‬
‭Safeguards‬ ‭Requirements‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭instructions‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Social‬ ‭and‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭officer‬
‭nominated by the Employer with no extra charges.‬
‭61.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Employer‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Management‬ ‭Plan‬
‭(ESMP‬ ‭–‬ ‭Annex‬ ‭1).‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭comply‬‭at‬‭all‬‭times‬‭with‬‭the‬‭ESMP‬‭requirements.‬‭Moreover,‬‭the‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ontractor‬‭shall‬‭also‬‭provide‬‭a‬‭method‬‭statement‬‭for‬‭the‬‭Environmental‬‭and‬‭Social‬‭Management‬‭including‬
‭a health and safety plan (A10).‬
‭62.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭regularly‬ ‭check‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭against‬ ‭specifications‬ ‭using‬‭the‬‭Social,‬‭Health‬‭and‬
‭Safety‬ ‭and‬ ‭Environmental‬ ‭Safeguards‬ ‭Compliance‬ ‭Checklists‬ ‭(T9).‬ ‭In‬ ‭case‬ ‭of‬ ‭non-compliance,‬ ‭the‬
‭as appears under Annex 11.‬
‭63.‬ ‭The‬‭Engineer‬‭may‬‭require‬‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭to‬‭remove‬‭(or‬‭cause‬‭to‬‭be‬‭removed)‬‭any‬‭person‬‭employed‬
‭on the Site, including the Contractor’s Representative, who:‬
‭⮚‬ ‭Persists in any misconduct or lack of care,‬
‭⮚‬ ‭Carries out duties incompletely or negligently,‬
‭⮚‬ ‭Fails to conform with any provisions of the Contract,‬‭or‬
‭⮚‬ ‭Persists‬ ‭in‬ ‭any‬ ‭conduct,‬ ‭which‬ ‭is‬ ‭prejudicial‬ ‭to‬ ‭safety,‬ ‭health,‬ ‭or‬ ‭the‬ ‭protection‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬

‭64.‬ ‭In summary, the Social and Environmental Safeguards‬‭to be taken in account by the Contractor are:‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Social and Environmental Safeguards Requirements‬

‭Occupational Safety and Health Specifications‬

‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭responsible‬‭for‬‭the‬‭safety‬‭of‬‭all‬‭activities‬‭on‬‭the‬‭Site.‬‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬
‭also‬ ‭assess‬ ‭the‬ ‭risks‬ ‭for‬ ‭all‬ ‭such‬ ‭activities,‬‭ensure‬‭that‬‭adequate‬‭safety‬‭controls‬‭are‬‭in‬‭place‬‭as‬
‭appropriate to the work being performed.‬

‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭and‬‭shall‬‭comply‬‭with‬‭the‬‭below‬‭requirements‬‭in‬‭handling‬‭hazardous‬‭material‬‭and‬
‭equipment/tool and provide a job hazard analysis and protective measures for all identified risks.‬

‭ he‬‭Contractor,‬‭shall‬‭ensure,‬‭so‬‭far‬‭as‬‭is‬‭reasonably‬‭practicable,‬‭that‬‭the‬‭workplaces,‬‭machinery,‬
‭equipment‬ ‭and‬ ‭processes‬ ‭under‬ ‭their‬ ‭control‬ ‭are‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭without‬ ‭risk‬ ‭to‬ ‭health,‬ ‭and‬‭that‬‭the‬
‭chemical,‬ ‭physical‬ ‭and‬ ‭biological‬ ‭substances‬ ‭and‬ ‭agents‬ ‭under‬ ‭their‬ ‭control‬ ‭are‬ ‭without‬‭risk‬‭to‬
‭health‬ ‭when‬ ‭the‬ ‭appropriate‬ ‭measures‬ ‭of‬ ‭protection‬ ‭are‬ ‭taken;‬ ‭and‬ ‭provide,‬ ‭where‬ ‭necessary,‬
‭adequate‬ ‭protective‬ ‭clothing‬ ‭and‬ ‭protective‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent,‬ ‭so‬ ‭far‬ ‭as‬ ‭is‬ ‭reasonably‬
‭practicable, risk of accidents or of adverse effects to health, at the Contractor’s expense.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭instructions‬ ‭on‬ ‭Occupational‬ ‭Health‬ ‭and‬ ‭Safety‬
‭(OSH) as part of the induction process for new workers.‬

I‭n‬ ‭the‬ ‭context‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭COVID-19‬ ‭pandemic,‬ ‭it‬ ‭is‬ ‭of‬ ‭utmost‬ ‭importance‬ ‭that‬
‭workers,‬ ‭contractors,‬ ‭and‬ ‭public‬ ‭authorities‬ ‭understand‬ ‭the‬ ‭importance‬ ‭of‬
‭preventive‬ ‭measures‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭workplace‬‭and‬‭at‬‭home.‬‭Before‬‭the‬‭commencement‬
‭of‬ ‭works,‬ ‭OSH‬ ‭training‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭organized‬ ‭to‬ ‭engage‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭stakeholders,‬
‭which‬ ‭now‬ ‭should‬ ‭extend‬ ‭its‬ ‭scope‬ ‭to‬ ‭include‬ ‭an‬ ‭awareness-raising‬ ‭sessions‬ ‭on‬
‭preventive measures against COVID-19.‬

‭ hese‬ ‭stakeholders‬ ‭include‬ ‭but‬ ‭are‬ ‭not‬ ‭limited‬ ‭to‬ ‭municipalities/‬ ‭government‬
‭authorities, contractors, site supervisors, workers and local communities.‬

‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭should‬‭facilitate‬‭the‬‭establishment‬‭of‬‭a‬‭team‬‭with‬‭appointed‬‭focal‬
‭points‬ ‭for‬ ‭COVID-19‬ ‭responses.‬ ‭The‬ ‭team‬ ‭with‬ ‭focal‬ ‭points‬ ‭should‬ ‭consist‬ ‭of‬
‭different‬ ‭stakeholders‬ ‭including‬ ‭contractor,‬ ‭site‬ ‭supervisor(s),‬ ‭and‬ ‭workers’‬
‭with a disability, if possible.‬

‭ he‬ ‭focal‬ ‭point‬ ‭should‬ ‭request‬ ‭workers‬ ‭to‬ ‭wash‬ ‭hands‬ ‭and‬ ‭measure‬ ‭body‬
‭machine‬ ‭operators‬ ‭upon‬ ‭their‬ ‭arrival‬ ‭at‬ ‭workplace,‬‭to‬‭monitor‬‭fever‬‭symptoms.‬
‭Safety‬ ‭and‬ ‭or‬‭difficulties‬‭in‬‭breathing,‬‭and‬‭ensure‬‭that‬‭workers‬‭are‬‭not‬‭exposed‬‭to‬‭potential‬
‭risks (e.g. travel, contact with sick people, participation in large gatherings).‬
‭induction‬ ‭ he‬‭Employer‬‭may‬‭organize‬‭campaigns‬‭for‬‭enhancing‬‭safety‬‭awareness‬‭among‬‭the‬
‭his‬ ‭staff‬ ‭to‬ ‭attend‬ ‭to‬ ‭these‬ ‭campaign‬ ‭events‬ ‭during‬ ‭normal‬ ‭working‬ ‭hours‬ ‭and‬
‭without deduction of pay.‬

‭ ontractors‬‭shall‬‭regularly‬‭provide‬‭instruction‬‭on‬‭safety‬‭and‬‭health‬‭procedures‬‭to‬
‭all personnel during the work operations on sites.‬

‭ ontractors‬ ‭shall‬ ‭establish‬ ‭a‬ ‭program‬‭of‬‭inspections‬‭of‬‭work‬‭activities,‬‭locations‬

‭and‬ ‭workers‬ ‭to‬ ‭assess‬ ‭safety‬ ‭practices‬ ‭and‬ ‭conditions‬ ‭against‬ ‭contractual‬

‭COVID-19 induction at the site:‬

‭ wareness‬ ‭creation‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭done‬‭in‬‭three‬‭ways:‬‭(i)‬‭training‬‭sessions,‬‭(ii)‬‭posters‬
‭and‬ ‭handouts,‬ ‭and‬ ‭(iii)‬‭information‬‭sharing‬‭through‬‭the‬‭project’s‬‭focal‬‭points‬‭on‬
‭Important things to remember:‬
‭ )‬
1 ‭COVID-19‬ ‭virus‬ ‭can‬ ‭travel‬ ‭in‬ ‭aerosols‬ ‭for‬ ‭some‬ ‭distance‬ ‭and‬ ‭remains‬
‭viable on surfaces for hours‬
‭2)‬ ‭COVID-19‬‭is‬‭present‬‭in‬‭sewerage‬‭and‬‭feces‬‭of‬‭infected‬‭people.‬‭Be‬‭extra‬
‭careful around sewerage.‬
‭3)‬ ‭Take‬ ‭all‬ ‭normal‬ ‭precautions‬ ‭and‬ ‭extra‬ ‭care‬ ‭as‬ ‭per‬ ‭the‬ ‭related‬
‭authorities’ announcements and declarations‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ )‬ ‭Take‬‭the‬‭basics‬‭for‬‭post‬‭visit‬‭sanitation‬‭with‬‭you‬‭(soap‬‭and‬‭water,‬‭clean‬
‭area while maintaining hand protection‬
‭5)‬ ‭Remember‬ ‭to‬ ‭sanitize‬ ‭steering‬ ‭wheel,‬ ‭gear‬ ‭change,‬ ‭keys‬ ‭and‬ ‭door‬
‭handles of vehicle when you get home.‬

‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭register‬ ‭all‬ ‭workers‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭national‬‭Social‬‭Security‬‭Scheme‬

‭and‬ ‭pay‬ ‭the‬ ‭required‬ ‭contributions‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭worker‬‭and‬‭organization‬‭to‬‭cover‬‭the‬
‭Social‬ ‭working period.‬
‭Security‬ ‭or‬
‭ he‬ ‭Purpose:‬‭to‬‭provide‬‭financial‬‭backing‬‭to‬‭any‬‭worker‬‭who‬‭gets‬‭hurt,‬‭disabled‬
‭Workers‬ ‭or loses their life due to a work-related accident. ‬
‭ he‬ ‭insurance‬ ‭must‬‭be‬‭valid‬‭for‬‭the‬‭entire‬‭duration‬‭of‬‭the‬‭works.‬‭The‬‭insurance‬
‭should‬ ‭cover‬‭all‬‭work‬‭related‬‭accidents‬‭including‬‭the‬‭transportation‬‭to‬‭and‬‭from‬
‭the work site.‬

‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭access‬ ‭to‬ ‭safe‬ ‭and‬ ‭clean‬ ‭drinking‬ ‭water‬ ‭with‬
‭sufficient‬ ‭quantities‬ ‭(2‬ ‭Litres‬ ‭per‬ ‭person‬ ‭per‬ ‭day)‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent‬ ‭heat‬ ‭stress,‬ ‭heat‬
‭stroke,‬ ‭hyperthermia‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭medical‬ ‭condition‬ ‭of‬ ‭dehydration.‬ ‭These‬ ‭are‬ ‭all‬
‭threats‬ ‭to‬ ‭workplace‬ ‭safety,‬ ‭especially‬ ‭in‬ ‭settings‬ ‭where‬ ‭employees‬ ‭may‬ ‭be‬
‭working at very high or low temperatures, or outside.‬
I‭n‬ ‭areas‬ ‭where‬ ‭centralized‬ ‭safe‬ ‭water‬ ‭supplies‬ ‭are‬ ‭not‬ ‭available,‬ ‭basic‬ ‭water‬
‭treatment‬ ‭technologies‬ ‭are‬ ‭effective‬ ‭in‬ ‭removing‬ ‭or‬ ‭destroying‬ ‭viruses,‬ ‭such‬‭as‬
‭authorities‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭appropriate‬ ‭water‬ ‭filtration/purification‬ ‭equipment.‬
‭Separate‬ ‭cups‬ ‭for‬ ‭drinking‬ ‭water‬ ‭should‬ ‭also‬ ‭be‬ ‭prepared‬ ‭for‬ ‭each‬ ‭worker,‬‭and‬
‭these cups should be washed thoroughly after use.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬‭provide‬‭well-maintained‬‭and‬‭separate‬‭sanitary‬‭facilities‬‭for‬

‭and always be clean.‬

‭ he‬‭facilities‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭sufficient‬‭in‬‭number‬‭and‬‭conveniently‬‭and‬‭safely‬‭located‬‭to‬
‭meet‬ ‭the‬ ‭worker’s‬ ‭most‬ ‭essential‬ ‭needs.‬ ‭Since‬ ‭construction‬‭works‬‭usually‬‭move‬
‭from‬ ‭one‬ ‭place‬ ‭to‬ ‭another,‬ ‭the‬ ‭provision‬ ‭of‬ ‭mobile‬ ‭sanitary‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭is‬
‭necessary‬‭.‬ ‭Hand‬ ‭washing‬ ‭facilities‬ ‭are‬ ‭ideally‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭located‬‭within‬‭5‬‭meters‬‭of‬
‭toilets and at close range of eating space.‬

‭Suitable rest facilities should also be provided for workers to eat meals, etc.‬

‭The Contractor shall also:‬

‭Toilet‬ ‭and‬
‭1)‬ ‭Ensure soap is available at hand washing stations.‬
‭Washing‬ ‭2)‬ ‭Place‬ ‭hand‬ ‭sanitizer‬ ‭stations‬ ‭near‬ ‭toilets,‬ ‭in‬ ‭hallways,‬ ‭and‬ ‭at‬
‭facilities‬ ‭entrances/exits.‬
‭3)‬ ‭Clean‬‭toilets‬‭at‬‭least‬‭once‬‭a‬‭day,‬‭particularly‬‭surfaces‬‭with‬‭high‬‭contact‬
‭(e.g., railings, tables, door and window handles, etc.).‬
‭4)‬ ‭Use‬‭sodium‬‭hypochlorite‬‭at‬‭0.5%‬‭(equivalent‬‭5000ppm)‬‭can‬‭be‬‭used‬‭for‬
‭disinfecting‬ ‭surfaces;‬ ‭70%‬ ‭ethyl‬ ‭alcohol‬ ‭for‬ ‭disinfection‬ ‭of‬ ‭small‬ ‭items.‬ ‭For‬
‭outdoor cleaning, 0.05% diluted concentrate to be used through spray.‬
‭5)‬ ‭Ensure that rubbish is removed daily and disposed‬‭safely.‬
‭6)‬ ‭Used PPE should be disposed separately.‬
‭7)‬ ‭For‬ ‭site‬ ‭offices,‬ ‭toilets‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭actively‬ ‭aerated‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭correct‬
‭aeration‬ ‭is‬ ‭available,‬ ‭then‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭air‬ ‭flow‬ ‭throughout‬ ‭the‬ ‭building‬ ‭is‬
‭adequate to clean the air.‬
‭8)‬ ‭Encourage flushing of toilets with the lid‬‭down.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭for the health and safety of the site and workers as following:‬

‭Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), tools and behaviour:‬

‭ mployment-intensive‬ ‭works‬ ‭necessitate‬ ‭the‬ ‭use‬ ‭of‬ ‭a‬ ‭range‬ ‭of‬ ‭hand‬ ‭tools‬ ‭and‬
‭and‬ ‭thus‬ ‭ordinary‬ ‭OSH‬ ‭measures‬ ‭should‬ ‭always‬ ‭apply.‬ ‭In‬ ‭the‬ ‭current‬
‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭use‬ ‭of‬ ‭tools‬ ‭and‬ ‭equipment.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭should‬ ‭also‬ ‭consider‬ ‭the‬
‭to‬ ‭pre-procure‬ ‭prevention‬ ‭equipment,‬‭such‬‭as‬‭soap,‬‭surgical‬‭masks,‬‭tissues,‬‭and‬
‭hand sanitizers to be stored at the office.‬

‭ ll‬‭workers‬‭(not‬‭only‬‭individuals‬‭who‬‭develop‬‭symptoms)‬‭should‬‭be‬‭instructed‬‭to‬
‭use‬ ‭their‬ ‭elbow‬ ‭to‬ ‭cover‬ ‭their‬ ‭mouth‬ ‭when‬ ‭sneezing‬ ‭and‬ ‭coughing,‬ ‭which‬‭is‬‭an‬
‭effective‬ ‭prevention‬ ‭not‬ ‭only‬ ‭against‬ ‭COVID-19‬ ‭but‬ ‭also‬ ‭for‬ ‭other‬ ‭diseases.‬ ‭For‬
‭those‬ ‭who‬ ‭have‬ ‭a‬ ‭symptom‬ ‭of‬ ‭runny‬ ‭nose,‬ ‭they‬ ‭should‬‭be‬‭advised‬‭to‬‭use‬‭tissue‬
‭paper‬ ‭to‬ ‭blow‬ ‭their‬ ‭nose‬ ‭and‬ ‭these‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭discarded‬ ‭immediately‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬
‭On-site‬ ‭provided‬ ‭disposal‬ ‭bins.‬ ‭Frequently‬ ‭touching‬ ‭their‬ ‭nose,‬‭eyes‬‭and‬‭mouth‬‭directly‬
‭ orking‬
‭physical‬ ‭greetings‬ ‭should‬ ‭also‬ ‭be‬ ‭avoided‬ ‭at‬ ‭all‬ ‭time‬ ‭during‬‭the‬‭crisis‬‭and‬‭after‬
‭during‬ ‭and‬ ‭the crisis as long as the virus still remains a threat.‬
‭Site Offices:‬
‭1)‬ ‭Conduct‬‭one-time‬‭deep‬‭clean‬‭for‬‭the‬‭offices‬‭before‬‭resuming‬‭work‬‭after‬
‭suspension periods,‬
‭2)‬ ‭Keep‬‭at‬‭all‬‭times‬‭the‬‭minimum‬‭social‬‭distance‬‭between‬‭persons.‬‭WHO‬
‭guidelines‬ ‭are‬ ‭for‬ ‭a‬ ‭minimum‬ ‭social‬ ‭distance‬ ‭of‬ ‭1‬ ‭metre‬ ‭(approximately‬ ‭3‬
‭feet). Two metres is preferable.‬
‭3)‬ ‭Use‬‭remote‬‭meeting‬‭facilities‬‭(e.g.,‬‭telephone‬‭or‬‭video‬‭conferencing),‬‭as‬
‭much as possible, particularly for large meetings.‬
‭4)‬ ‭Consider‬‭taking‬‭in-person‬‭meetings‬‭outdoors.‬‭Otherwise,‬‭limit‬‭the‬‭size‬‭of‬
‭indoor‬ ‭meetings‬ ‭according‬ ‭the‬ ‭space‬ ‭available‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭room.‬ ‭Always‬ ‭use‬‭the‬
‭biggest room available.‬

‭Site Work:‬ ‭129‬

‭5)‬ ‭Wear appropriate PPE at all times‬
‭6)‬ ‭Apply‬‭social‬‭distancing‬‭on‬‭all‬‭types‬‭of‬‭works.‬‭1‬‭metre‬‭(approximately‬‭3‬
‭feet). Two metres is preferable.‬
‭7)‬ ‭Identify/control‬ ‭the‬ ‭stock‬ ‭of‬ ‭PPE‬ ‭and‬ ‭any‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭special‬ ‭medical‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ 2)‬ ‭Establish‬ ‭enough‬ ‭easily‬ ‭accessible‬‭points‬‭for‬‭disposing‬‭of‬‭contaminated‬

‭equipment or used PPE‬
‭13)‬ ‭Update‬‭and‬‭train‬‭the‬‭health‬‭and‬‭safety‬‭officer‬‭and/or‬‭security‬‭personnel‬
‭about the supplementary site regulations‬
‭14)‬ ‭Instruct the personnel regarding the supplementary/new‬‭regulations‬
‭15)‬ ‭Clear‬‭tracing‬‭policy‬‭and‬‭procedure‬‭that‬‭can‬‭be‬‭put‬‭in‬‭place‬‭immediately‬
‭it is known a contact has taken place.‬

‭Sick leave and quarantine:‬

I‭f‬ ‭a‬ ‭worker‬ ‭develops‬ ‭a‬ ‭mild‬ ‭symptom‬ ‭similar‬ ‭to‬ ‭that‬ ‭of‬ ‭COVID-19,‬ ‭the‬ ‭worker‬
‭project‬ ‭managers‬ ‭should‬ ‭immediately‬ ‭contact‬ ‭the‬ ‭nearest‬ ‭designated‬ ‭medical‬
‭facility‬ ‭for‬ ‭testing‬ ‭(if‬ ‭possible)‬ ‭and‬ ‭arrange‬ ‭logistics.‬ ‭Care‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭taken‬ ‭to‬
‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭risk‬ ‭of‬ ‭contact‬ ‭with‬ ‭other‬ ‭people‬ ‭is‬ ‭minimized‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭worker‬ ‭is‬ ‭in‬
‭transit to home.‬

‭ ontractors‬ ‭and‬ ‭workers‬‭need‬‭to‬‭abide‬‭by‬‭established‬‭conditions‬‭of‬‭employment‬

‭view‬ ‭of‬ ‭national‬ ‭legal‬ ‭requirements‬ ‭and‬ ‭local‬ ‭practices,‬ ‭available‬ ‭project‬
‭resources, as well as donor obligation‬

‭ t‬‭all‬‭times‬‭the‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭comply‬‭with‬‭applicable‬‭Governmental‬‭guidelines‬
‭construction works.‬

‭Specific safety equipment specifications‬

‭ he‬‭contactor‬‭shall‬‭ensure‬‭that‬‭works‬‭are‬‭carried‬‭out‬‭in‬‭a‬‭manner‬‭to‬‭prevent,‬‭as‬
‭reasonably practicable, accidental death and injuries to workers. ‬

‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭also‬‭ensure‬‭that‬‭no‬‭firearms,‬‭weapons,‬‭illegal‬‭substances‬‭or‬
‭Safety‬ ‭alcoholic‬ ‭beverages‬ ‭are‬ ‭brought‬ ‭onto‬ ‭site‬ ‭and‬ ‭that‬ ‭no‬ ‭personnel‬ ‭under‬ ‭the‬
‭influence‬ ‭of‬ ‭alcohol‬ ‭or‬ ‭drugs‬ ‭are‬ ‭permitted‬ ‭on‬ ‭sites.‬ ‭All‬ ‭personnel‬ ‭shall‬‭always‬
‭obey‬ ‭the‬ ‭warning‬ ‭signs‬ ‭and‬ ‭drivers‬ ‭or‬ ‭operators‬ ‭of‬ ‭vehicles,‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭and‬
‭machinery follow the rules for safe operations.‬

‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭provide‬ ‭personal‬ ‭protective‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭to‬ ‭workers‬ ‭–‬
‭against cuts, corrosive liquids, and chemicals.‬

‭Required‬ ‭Safety‬
‭Type of Task‬ ‭Why‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ igging,‬‭carrying,‬‭levelling;‬‭working‬
‭Repetitive‬ ‭work‬ ‭without‬ ‭gloves‬ ‭can‬
‭with‬ ‭cement,‬ ‭concrete‬ ‭bitumen‬ ‭or‬ ‭Gloves‬
c‭ ause abrasions and other minor injury.‬
‭similar material‬

‭ orking‬ ‭with‬ ‭sharp‬‭tools‬‭(e.g.‬‭pick‬

‭ ‬‭minor‬‭mistake‬‭from‬‭any‬‭of‬‭these‬‭tasks‬
‭axes), carrying heavy loads;‬
‭could‬ ‭cause‬ ‭serious‬ ‭injury‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭feet,‬
‭potentially‬ ‭resulting‬ ‭in‬ ‭permanent‬
‭ orking‬ ‭with‬ ‭cement,‬ ‭concrete‬
‭physical disability.‬
‭bitumen or similar material‬

‭Breaking rocks‬
‭Safety‬ ‭goggles‬
‭ ‬ ‭stone‬ ‭flying‬ ‭into‬ ‭a‬ ‭worker’s‬‭eye‬‭may‬
‭ loves‬
‭Cutting stone‬ ‭cause‬ ‭serious‬ ‭injury,‬ ‭including‬
‭permanent loss of sight.‬

‭ orks‬ ‭inside‬ ‭buildings,‬ u
W ‭ nder‬
‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭person‬ ‭is‬ ‭not‬ ‭wearing‬‭a‬‭safety‬
‭bridges‬ ‭or‬ ‭lower‬ ‭parts‬ ‭of‬ ‭steep‬ ‭Hard hats‬
‭hat,‬ ‭this‬ ‭could‬ ‭cause‬ ‭serious‬ ‭injury,‬
‭slopes where rocks may fall‬
‭even death.‬

‭ right‬ ‭vests‬ ‭will‬ ‭help‬ ‭drivers‬ ‭identify‬

‭Any works‬ ‭Bright Vest‬ ‭workers‬ ‭from‬ ‭a‬ ‭distance‬ ‭and‬ ‭prevent‬

‭ ust‬ ‭can‬ ‭cause‬ ‭respiratory‬ ‭problems,‬

‭which‬ ‭is‬ ‭especially‬ ‭serious‬ ‭for‬ ‭persons‬
‭Work that produces a lot of dust‬ ‭Dust Masks‬
‭health issues.‬

‭Working‬ ‭under‬ ‭direct‬ ‭sunlight‬ ‭for‬

‭ orks‬‭under‬‭direct‬‭sunlight‬‭with‬‭no‬ H
W ‭ ats‬ ‭and‬ ‭UV‬ e ‭ xtensive‬ ‭periods‬ ‭of‬ ‭time‬ ‭can‬‭result‬‭in‬
‭proper shade nearby‬ ‭sunglasses‬ ‭heatstroke.‬ ‭Regular‬ ‭rest‬ ‭breaks‬ ‭can‬
‭mitigate this.‬

‭ rovision‬‭of,‬‭or‬‭allowance‬‭for,‬‭or‬‭access‬
‭to‬ ‭safe‬ ‭drinking‬ ‭water.‬ ‭Special‬
‭Any works‬ ‭Water‬ ‭consideration‬ ‭is‬ ‭required‬ ‭in‬ ‭remote‬
‭areas‬ ‭far‬ ‭from‬ ‭a‬ ‭potable‬ ‭water‬ ‭source‬
‭or shop.‬

‭ ‬ ‭comprehensive‬ ‭kit‬ ‭must‬ ‭be‬ ‭held‬ ‭at‬

‭Any works‬ ‭First aid kits‬
‭the‬ ‭site‬ ‭camp.‬ ‭Comprehensive‬ ‭or‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭smaller‬ ‭kits‬ ‭must‬ ‭be‬ ‭with‬ ‭working‬

‭ roups at all times.‬

‭ ny‬ ‭work‬ ‭during‬

A ‭and‬ ‭After‬
‭ edical‬
M f‭ ace‬
‭COVID-19 pandemic‬
‭masks‬ ‭(N95‬ ‭face‬
‭mask type)‬ ‭ o prevent the spread of spit.‬
‭ rior‬ ‭to‬ ‭entering‬ ‭the‬ ‭site‬ ‭and‬ ‭are‬
‭disposed‬ ‭of,‬ ‭in‬ ‭safe‬ ‭places,‬ ‭before‬
‭leaving the site.‬

‭Gender Equity, Disability Inclusion and Child Protection Specifications‬

‭ qual‬ ‭remuneration‬ ‭for‬ ‭men,‬ ‭women,‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭workers,‬ ‭and‬ ‭people‬ ‭with‬
‭remuneration‬ ‭disability for work of equal value.‬

‭ nsure‬‭that‬‭no‬‭juveniles‬‭under‬‭the‬‭age‬‭of‬‭18‬‭are‬‭engaged‬‭in‬‭this‬‭work.‬‭Note:‬
‭Minimum age for‬ ‭Although‬‭the‬‭Section‬‭74‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Jordanian‬‭Labor‬‭Code‬‭allows‬‭in‬‭certain‬‭cases‬
‭work is 18‬ ‭the‬‭employability‬‭of‬‭juveniles‬‭aged‬‭16-17,‬‭for‬‭the‬‭purpose‬‭of‬‭this‬‭project‬‭no‬
‭the infrastructure work may risk the health and safety of children.‬

‭ orkers.‬

‭Equal‬‭employment‬ T ‭ he‬ ‭Occupational‬ ‭Safety‬ ‭and‬ ‭Health‬ ‭of‬ ‭Women‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Workplace‬ ‭restricts‬
‭opportunities‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭employment‬ ‭of‬ ‭women‬ ‭in‬‭hazardous‬‭occupations,‬‭as‬‭referred‬‭to‬‭in‬‭the‬
‭Jordanian‬ ‭Labor‬ ‭Law;‬ ‭(in‬ ‭accordance‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭decision‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Minister‬ ‭of‬
‭underground, and welding of all kinds of metals.‬

‭ ith disabilities.‬
‭opportunities for‬ ‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭should‬‭have‬‭adequate‬‭knowledge‬‭to‬‭promote‬‭the‬‭inclusion‬‭of‬
‭people with‬ ‭people‬ ‭with‬ ‭disabilities‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭workforce.‬ ‭Note:‬ ‭Persons‬ ‭with‬ ‭disabilities‬
‭disability‬ ‭other‬‭citizen‬‭according‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Law‬‭on‬‭the‬‭Rights‬‭of‬‭Persons‬‭with‬‭Disabilities‬
‭and non-discrimination among persons on the basis of physical disability.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Establish childcare‬
‭twenty‬ ‭married‬ ‭women‬ ‭workers‬ ‭in‬ ‭their‬ ‭employment‬ ‭in‬ ‭one‬ ‭site‬ ‭location‬
‭centres near the‬ ‭shall‬‭provide‬‭an‬‭adequate‬‭facility‬‭under‬‭the‬‭care‬‭of‬‭a‬‭trained‬‭nurse‬‭for‬‭the‬
‭workplace‬ ‭women‬‭workers'‬‭children‬‭under‬‭four‬‭years‬‭of‬‭age,‬‭if‬‭at‬‭least‬‭ten‬‭of‬‭them‬‭are‬
‭in such an age group.‬

‭The‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭will‬ ‭provide‬ ‭each‬ ‭contractor‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭unskilled‬ ‭workers‬
r‭ equired‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭completion‬ ‭of‬ ‭each‬ ‭sub-project.‬ ‭These‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭randomly‬
‭Employment of‬ ‭through‬ ‭a‬ ‭public‬ ‭lottery‬ ‭carried-out‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭respective‬ ‭municipality.‬ ‭The‬
‭Contractor‬ ‭will‬ ‭secure‬ ‭their‬ ‭work‬ ‭permits‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭local‬ ‭department‬ ‭of‬
‭Syrian refugees‬
‭semi-skilled occupations.‬

‭Task-based‬ ‭daily‬ p ‭ hysical‬‭condition,‬‭receive‬‭the‬‭same‬‭salary‬‭for‬‭the‬‭same‬‭type‬‭of‬‭work‬‭done.‬
‭wage‬ ‭The‬ ‭task-based‬ ‭payment‬ ‭method‬ ‭also‬ ‭facilitates‬ ‭the‬ ‭implementation‬ ‭of‬
‭same‬ ‭salary‬ ‭for‬ ‭work‬ ‭that‬ ‭is‬ ‭of‬ ‭equal‬ ‭value.‬ ‭However,‬ ‭the‬ ‭time-based‬
‭method may be applied for some workers who are disabled.‬

‭Environmental Safeguards specifications‬

‭a)‬ ‭Confirm‬‭with‬‭local‬‭authorities‬‭about‬‭identified‬‭and‬‭approved‬
‭ ater supply sources.‬
‭Site‬ ‭management‬ ‭b)‬ ‭Make‬‭sure‬‭that‬‭the‬‭project’s‬‭drinking‬‭water‬‭requirements‬‭do‬‭not‬
‭and utilities‬ ‭affect‬ ‭the‬ ‭availability‬‭of‬‭drinking‬‭water‬‭for‬‭the‬‭local‬‭population.‬‭If‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ )‬
a ‭Store‬ ‭fuels‬ ‭and‬‭other‬‭hazardous‬‭substances‬‭on‬‭hard‬‭standing‬
‭area‬ ‭and‬ ‭protect‬ ‭with‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭roofing‬ ‭(to‬ ‭protect‬ ‭it‬ ‭from‬ ‭rain),‬
‭with‬ ‭a‬ ‭containment‬ ‭wall‬ ‭and‬ ‭a‬ ‭proper‬ ‭system‬ ‭for‬ ‭safe‬‭disposal,‬‭in‬
‭case of waste.‬
‭b)‬ ‭Only‬ ‭personnel‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭capacity‬ ‭to‬ ‭handle‬ ‭stored‬ ‭fuel‬ ‭and‬
‭situations‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭authorized‬ ‭to‬ ‭access‬ ‭the‬ ‭stores‬ ‭and‬‭deal‬‭with‬
‭fuel‬ ‭and‬ ‭hazardous‬ ‭substances.‬ ‭Equipment‬‭to‬‭deal‬‭with‬‭emergency‬
‭situations should be available.‬
‭c)‬ ‭Hazardous‬ ‭substance‬ ‭storage‬ ‭containers‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭in‬ ‭good‬
‭condition‬ ‭with‬ ‭proper‬ ‭labelling.‬ ‭Containers‬ ‭need‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭checked‬
‭Storage and‬
‭regularly‬ ‭for‬ ‭leakage‬ ‭and‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭repaired‬ ‭immediately‬ ‭or‬
‭chemicals‬ ‭replaced if leaking.‬
‭d)‬ ‭Waste‬‭fuel‬‭and‬‭oil‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭removed‬‭and‬‭used‬‭for‬‭recycling‬‭or‬
‭disposed in landfills.‬
‭e)‬ ‭Equipment/vehicle‬‭maintenance‬‭and‬‭refuelling‬‭to‬‭be‬‭done‬‭in‬
‭areas that are designed to contain spilled lubricants and fuels.‬
‭f)‬ ‭If‬‭spillage‬‭occurs‬‭it‬‭must‬‭be‬‭immediately‬‭cleared‬‭with‬‭utmost‬
‭disposal.‬ ‭If‬ ‭it‬ ‭occurs‬ ‭on‬ ‭a‬ ‭road,‬ ‭cover‬ ‭with‬ ‭sawdust‬ ‭or‬ ‭sand,‬ ‭then‬
‭a proper waste container.‬

‭ )‬ ‭Confirm approved sites for the asphalt plant‬‭and rock crusher.‬

‭b)‬ ‭Asphalt‬‭plants‬‭and‬‭rock‬‭crusher‬‭must‬‭not‬‭be‬‭located‬‭on‬‭the‬‭road‬
‭and‬ ‭at‬ ‭least‬ ‭500‬ ‭meters‬ ‭away‬ ‭from‬ ‭settlements,‬‭schools,‬‭hospitals‬
‭and protected areas.‬
‭c)‬ ‭Install rock crusher with dust suppression‬‭equipment.‬
‭d)‬ ‭Petroleum‬ ‭products‬ ‭used‬ ‭to‬ ‭heat-up‬ ‭the‬ ‭bitumen‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬
‭handled‬ ‭properly‬ ‭to‬‭avoid‬‭any‬‭spill‬‭and‬‭empty‬‭bitumen‬‭drums‬‭shall‬
‭be kept in safe areas.‬
‭Asphalt mixing‬ ‭e)‬ ‭Bitumen‬ ‭storage‬‭and‬‭mixing‬‭areas‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭protected‬‭against‬
‭and rock crushing‬ ‭spills‬ ‭and‬ ‭all‬ ‭contaminated‬ ‭soil‬ ‭must‬ ‭be‬ ‭properly‬ ‭handled‬ ‭and‬
‭dumped in designated areas.‬
‭f)‬ ‭Bitumen‬‭mixing‬‭areas‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭protected‬‭and‬‭any‬‭spill‬‭shall‬‭be‬
‭contained and disposed in an authorized area.‬
‭g)‬ ‭Empty‬ ‭drums‬ ‭have‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭stored‬ ‭in‬ ‭appropriate‬‭places‬‭on‬‭the‬
‭construction sites.‬
‭h)‬ ‭Accidental‬‭spill‬‭of‬‭bitumen‬‭or‬‭chemicals‬‭should‬‭be‬‭cleaned‬‭up‬
‭immediately,‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭top‬ ‭2‬‭cm‬‭of‬‭contaminated‬‭soil‬‭and‬‭chemical‬
‭waste disposed of in approved disposal site.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ )‬
a ‭Confirm‬‭with‬‭Municipality‬‭about‬‭designated‬‭landfill‬‭for‬‭waste‬
‭and‬ ‭treatment‬ ‭plants‬ ‭for‬ ‭solid‬ ‭and‬ ‭liquid‬ ‭waste‬ ‭disposal‬ ‭before‬
‭starting the construction.‬
‭b)‬ ‭All‬ ‭solid,‬ ‭liquid‬ ‭and‬ ‭hazardous‬ ‭wastes‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭collected‬ ‭and‬
‭defined and approved by the Municipality.‬
‭Waste and water‬
‭c)‬ ‭Burning‬ ‭of‬ ‭construction‬ ‭and‬ ‭domestic‬ ‭wastes‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬
‭management‬ ‭prohibited.‬
‭d)‬ ‭Segregate‬‭hazardous‬‭wastes‬‭(oily‬‭wastes,‬‭used‬‭batteries,‬‭fuel‬
‭drums,‬ ‭etc.)‬ ‭and‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭storage,‬ ‭transport‬ ‭and‬ ‭disposal‬ ‭shall‬
‭not cause pollution.‬
‭e)‬ ‭Ensure‬‭that‬‭all‬‭waste‬‭storage‬‭containers‬‭are‬‭in‬‭good‬‭condition‬
‭with proper labelling.‬

‭ )‬
a ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭submit‬ ‭prior‬‭to‬‭the‬‭start‬‭of‬‭any‬‭work‬‭a‬
‭traffic‬ ‭plan‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Engineer’s‬ ‭approval.‬ ‭The‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭plan‬ ‭shall‬
‭include‬ ‭all‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭measures‬ ‭to‬ ‭keep‬ ‭pedestrians‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬
‭away‬ ‭from‬ ‭each‬ ‭other‬ ‭and‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭location‬ ‭of‬ ‭work‬ ‭signs‬ ‭and‬
‭equipment‬ ‭in‬ ‭order‬ ‭to‬ ‭reduce‬ ‭the‬ ‭risks‬ ‭of‬ ‭accidents.‬ ‭Upon‬ ‭the‬
‭approval‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭plan,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭abide‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬
‭measures of the plan.‬
‭b)‬ ‭Monitor‬ ‭and‬ ‭investigate‬ ‭complaints‬ ‭and‬ ‭propose‬ ‭appropriate‬
‭mitigation measures.‬
‭c)‬ ‭Mixing‬ ‭and‬ ‭crusher‬ ‭plants‬ ‭need‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭equipped‬ ‭with‬ ‭dust‬
‭suppressor devices such as water sprayers.‬
‭d)‬ ‭As‬ ‭much‬ ‭as‬ ‭possible,‬ ‭noisy‬ ‭activities‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭kept‬ ‭to‬ ‭a‬
‭minimum,‬ ‭in‬ ‭particular‬ ‭in‬ ‭residential‬ ‭areas‬ ‭and‬ ‭near‬ ‭schools,‬
‭hospitals, mosques, churches, etc.‬
‭Traffic, noise, and‬
‭e)‬ ‭Set-up‬ ‭speed‬ ‭limits‬ ‭to‬‭minimize‬‭dust‬‭emission‬‭near‬‭sensitive‬
‭dust management‬ ‭receptors‬ ‭like‬ ‭residential‬ ‭areas.‬ ‭Indicate‬ ‭speed‬ ‭limits‬ ‭with‬ ‭sign‬
‭boards and speed bumps.‬
‭f)‬ ‭Trucks‬‭and‬‭involved‬‭vehicles‬‭should‬‭follow‬‭specific‬‭&‬‭identified‬
‭truck ways.‬
‭g)‬ ‭Provide‬ ‭sufficient‬ ‭lighting‬ ‭at‬ ‭night‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬ ‭areas‬
‭when‬ ‭night‬ ‭work‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭instructed.‬ ‭Ensure‬ ‭lights‬ ‭do‬ ‭not‬ ‭shine‬
‭directly into homes, hospitals, etc.‬
‭h)‬ ‭Designate‬‭a‬‭traffic‬‭officer‬‭and‬‭flagman‬‭to‬‭warn‬‭of‬‭dangerous‬
‭conditions (if required for 24 hours/day).‬
‭i)‬ ‭Maintain‬ ‭construction‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭and‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭regularly‬ ‭to‬
‭prevent or minimize pollution.‬
‭j)‬ ‭Protect‬‭all‬‭sites‬‭and‬‭open‬‭excavations‬‭with‬‭barriers‬‭and‬‭signs‬‭to‬
‭protect‬ ‭pedestrians‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent‬ ‭vehicles‬ ‭damaging‬ ‭the‬ ‭work‬‭or‬
‭falling into excavations.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭a)‬ ‭Confirm‬‭designated‬‭areas‬‭for‬‭spoil‬‭disposal‬‭before‬‭starting‬‭the‬
‭ roject.‬
‭b)‬ ‭Storage‬‭of‬‭stockpiles‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭located‬‭at‬‭least‬‭50‬‭meters‬‭away‬
‭from water bodies.‬
‭c)‬ ‭Spoils‬ ‭shall‬ ‭only‬ ‭be‬ ‭disposed‬ ‭to‬ ‭areas‬ ‭approved‬ ‭by‬ ‭local‬
‭d)‬ ‭If‬‭required,‬‭stockpiles‬‭shall‬‭be‬‭provided‬‭with‬‭bunds‬‭to‬‭prevent‬
‭siltation of rivers and other water bodies through erosion.‬
‭Spoil management‬
‭e)‬ ‭Spoil‬ ‭disposal‬ ‭sites‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭located‬ ‭at‬‭least‬‭50‬‭meters‬‭from‬
‭surface water courses and protected from erosion.‬
‭f)‬ ‭Spoil‬ ‭disposal‬ ‭areas‬‭need‬‭to‬‭be‬‭rehabilitated.‬‭Disposed‬‭spoil‬
‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭spread‬ ‭in‬ ‭layers,‬ ‭compacted‬ ‭at‬ ‭optimum‬ ‭soil‬ ‭moisture‬
‭content,‬ ‭covered‬ ‭with‬ ‭top‬ ‭soil,‬ ‭landscaped‬ ‭and‬ ‭provided‬ ‭with‬
‭drainage and vegetation to prevent erosion.‬
‭g)‬ ‭In‬ ‭consultation,‬ ‭spoil‬ ‭can‬ ‭be‬ ‭used‬ ‭to‬ ‭fill‬ ‭eroded‬ ‭gullies‬ ‭and‬
‭degraded lands.‬

‭Material‬ ‭ s‬ ‭much‬ ‭as‬ ‭possible,‬ ‭re-use‬ ‭top‬ ‭soils‬ ‭and‬ ‭low‬ ‭quality‬ ‭materials‬ ‭for‬
‭management‬ ‭construction‬ ‭works.‬ ‭Provide‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭drainage‬ ‭during‬ ‭quarry‬ ‭and‬ ‭borrow‬
‭operation to avoid the development of mosquito breeding areas.‬

‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭safety‬ ‭and‬ ‭health‬ ‭of‬ ‭people,‬
‭ roperties and communities who may be affected by the Works.‬

‭ he‬ ‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭take‬‭care‬‭not‬‭to‬‭interfere‬‭unnecessarily‬‭or‬‭improperly‬
‭Community Health‬
‭occupation‬ ‭of‬ ‭all‬ ‭roads‬‭and‬‭footpaths,‬‭homes‬‭and‬‭businesses,‬‭regardless‬‭of‬
‭and Safety‬ ‭whether they are public or in the possession of the Employer or others.‬

‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭identify‬‭areas‬‭that‬‭require‬‭restricted‬‭access,‬‭including‬
‭potentially‬ ‭hazardous‬ ‭locations.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭must‬ ‭guard‬ ‭and‬ ‭protect‬
‭such areas from access by unauthorized persons.‬

‭Protection from Violence and Harassment‬

‭65.‬ V‭ iolence‬ ‭and‬ ‭harassment‬ ‭behaviors‬ ‭are‬ ‭prohibited‬ ‭in‬ ‭all‬ ‭its‬ ‭forms‬ ‭and‬ ‭against‬ ‭any‬ ‭person‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬

‭66.‬ A ‭ ccording‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Report‬‭(V)‬‭2,‬‭Ending‬‭Violence‬‭and‬‭Harassment‬‭in‬‭the‬‭World‬‭of‬‭Work,‬‭International‬
‭Labor‬ ‭Organization‬ ‭Conference‬ ‭108th‬ ‭Session,‬ ‭the‬ ‭term‬ ‭“violence‬ ‭and‬ ‭harassment”‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬
‭understood‬ ‭as‬ ‭a‬ ‭continuum‬ ‭of‬ ‭unacceptable‬ ‭behaviors‬ ‭and‬ ‭practices,‬‭or‬‭threats‬‭thereof,‬‭whether‬‭a‬
‭single‬ ‭occurrence‬ ‭or‬ ‭repeated,‬ ‭having‬ ‭the‬ ‭aim‬ ‭or‬‭effect‬‭of‬‭causing‬‭physical,‬‭psychological,‬‭sexual‬‭or‬
‭economic harm, and includes gender-based violence and discrimination, including domestic violence.‬

‭67.‬ A‭ nyone‬‭who‬‭has‬‭been‬‭found‬‭to‬‭have‬‭committed‬‭an‬‭act‬‭of‬‭violence‬‭and/or‬‭harassment‬‭against‬‭another‬
‭person under the terms of this policy is liable to any of the following sanctions:‬
‭•‬ ‭Informal warning;‬
‭•‬ ‭Formal warning;‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

•‭ ‬ ‭Additional training;‬
‭•‬ ‭Loss of up to one week's salary;‬
‭•‬ ‭Suspension‬‭of‬‭employment‬‭(either‬‭administrative‬‭leave‬‭as‬‭above‬‭or‬‭without‬‭payment‬‭of‬
‭salary), for a minimum period of 1 month up to a maximum of 6 months;‬
‭•‬ ‭Termination of employment; and/or,‬
‭•‬ ‭Referral to the police or other authorities‬‭as warranted.‬
‭68.‬ ‭The‬‭nature‬‭of‬‭the‬‭sanctions‬‭will‬‭depend‬‭on‬‭the‬‭gravity‬‭and‬‭extent‬‭of‬‭the‬‭act‬‭and‬‭shall‬‭comply‬‭with‬‭the‬
‭deterrent‬ ‭sanctions‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭applied‬ ‭to‬ ‭ensure‬ ‭that‬ ‭incidents‬ ‭of‬ ‭violence‬‭and/or‬‭harassment‬‭are‬‭not‬
‭treated as trivial.‬

‭69.‬ T‭ he‬‭Code‬‭of‬‭Conduct‬‭at‬‭the‬‭Work‬‭Place‬‭applies‬‭to‬‭the‬‭Contractor,‬‭every‬‭sub-contractor,‬‭and‬‭all‬‭other‬
‭Workers.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭will‬ ‭not‬ ‭tolerate‬ ‭violence‬ ‭or‬‭personal‬‭harassment‬‭and/or‬‭discrimination‬‭of‬
‭any‬ ‭kind‬ ‭in‬ ‭project‬ ‭site.‬ ‭For‬ ‭that‬ ‭reason,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭shall‬ ‭sign,‬ ‭apply‬ ‭and‬ ‭uphold‬ ‭the‬‭Code‬‭of‬
‭All‬ ‭Contractor‬ ‭staff‬ ‭are‬ ‭accountable‬ ‭and‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭for‬ ‭enforcing‬‭this‬‭code.‬‭They‬‭must‬‭make‬‭every‬
‭effort‬ ‭to‬ ‭prevent‬ ‭discrimination,‬ ‭harassment‬ ‭and/or‬ ‭violent‬ ‭behavior‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭site,‬ ‭and‬ ‭must‬
‭terms would be deemed a violation of this code.‬

‭ 0.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭nominate‬‭one‬‭official‬‭to‬‭be‬‭responsible‬‭for‬‭receiving‬‭complaints‬‭pursuant‬‭to‬‭the‬
‭Code‬ ‭of‬ ‭Conduct.‬ ‭This‬ ‭official‬ ‭will‬ ‭receive‬‭training‬‭on‬‭the‬‭content‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Code,‬‭its‬‭enforcement,‬‭and‬‭the‬
‭complaints‬ ‭procedure,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭nature‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭sanctions‬ ‭and‬‭the‬‭disciplinary‬‭measures‬‭available‬‭in‬
‭coordination with the grievance redress focal point assigned in the municipality.‬

‭ 1.‬ ‭The‬‭Contractor‬‭shall‬‭also‬‭train‬‭certain‬‭individuals,‬‭including‬‭supervisors‬‭on‬‭the‬‭content‬‭of‬‭the‬‭Code‬‭of‬
‭World of Work, and the grievance redress mechanism available.‬

‭ 2.‬ ‭Employees‬ ‭who‬ ‭report‬ ‭misconduct‬ ‭under‬ ‭the‬ ‭Code‬ ‭of‬ ‭Conduct‬ ‭or‬ ‭suspected‬ ‭violation‬ ‭must‬ ‭be‬
‭protected‬ ‭from‬ ‭retaliation.‬ ‭This‬ ‭applies‬ ‭to‬ ‭both‬ ‭unofficial‬ ‭and‬ ‭official‬ ‭complaints.‬ ‭Employees‬ ‭that‬ ‭are‬
‭found guilty of retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action that may also‬‭result in termination‬‭.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Annexes and Templates‬

‭Annex #‬ ‭Annex Title‬

‭A1‬ ‭Environmental and Social Management Plan‬

‭A2‬ ‭Considerations for employment-intensive works in response to COVID-19‬

‭A3‬ ‭MSSRP Recruitment Strategy‬

‭A4‬ ‭Recruitment List – Jordanians (Male and Female and PWDs)‬

‭A5‬ ‭Waiting Lists – Jordanians (Male and Female and PWDs)‬

‭A6‬ ‭Recruitment Lists – Syrians (Male and Female and PWDs)‬

‭A7‬ ‭Waiting Lists – Syrians (Male and Female and PWDs)‬

‭A8‬ ‭Recruitment Plan‬

‭A9‬ ‭Task Rates Table‬

‭A10‬ ‭Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Method Statement‬

‭A11‬ ‭Penalties for Non-Compliance with the Safeguards‬

‭Template #‬ ‭Template Title‬

‭T1‬ ‭Summary of Workers Days, Workers and Wages Paid‬

‭T2‬ ‭Employment Contract Template – with the code of conduct page for signature‬

‭T3‬ ‭Contractors Staff Table‬

‭T4‬ ‭Groups Configuration‬

‭T5‬ ‭Workers Registration template‬

‭T6‬ ‭Muster Payroll/ Daily Attendance Sheet‬

‭T7‬ ‭Monthly Progress report‬

‭T8‬ ‭Social and Environmental Safeguards Compliance Checklists‬

‭[1]‬‭LRB-4 Module: Local Resources-Based training‬‭module‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ‭Annex 4 – Code of conduct‬

‭Municipal Services and Social Resilience Project, MSSRP‬

‭Code of Conduct at the Work Place‬

‭Project: Contract No:‬

‭Employer: Contractor/ Sub-contractor:‬

‭Worker: Worker ID:‬

‭●‬ ‭Scope of activation and application:‬

‭ he‬‭Contractor‬‭is‬‭committed‬‭to‬‭the‬‭implementation‬‭of‬‭this‬‭Code,‬‭which‬‭is‬‭known‬‭as‬‭the‬
‭work‬ ‭sites‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭project.‬ ‭The‬ ‭rules‬ ‭of‬‭this‬‭Code‬‭shall‬‭also‬‭apply‬‭to‬‭all‬‭subcontractors‬
‭and suppliers working within the project sites.‬
‭●‬ ‭The objection of this Code of Conduct:‬
‭national‬ ‭labor‬ ‭law‬ ‭by‬ ‭reflecting‬ ‭the‬‭aspirations‬‭of‬‭individuals‬‭in‬‭their‬‭professional‬‭lives‬
‭and recognize their role.‬

‭ irst:‬ ‭Obligations‬ ‭and‬ ‭commitments‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭Employer‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭Original‬ ‭or‬
‭The‬ ‭Employer‬ ‭or‬ ‭his‬ ‭Representative‬ ‭shall‬ ‭promote‬ ‭and‬ ‭enforce‬ ‭the‬ ‭Fundamental‬
‭Principles and Rights at Work by:‬
‭The‬ ‭employer‬‭shall‬‭not‬‭be‬‭allowed‬‭to‬‭keep‬‭the‬‭workers'‬‭passports‬‭or‬‭any‬‭document‬
‭of their own for any reason.‬
‭the‬ ‭workplace‬ ‭shall‬ ‭be‬ ‭prohibited‬ ‭in‬ ‭all‬ ‭its‬ ‭forms,‬ ‭including:‬ ‭assault‬ ‭Verbal‬ ‭abuse,‬
‭threats‬ ‭to‬ ‭workers‬ ‭for‬ ‭any‬ ‭reason,‬ ‭abuse,‬ ‭sexual‬ ‭harassment‬ ‭in‬ ‭all‬ ‭its‬ ‭forms‬ ‭and‬
‭manifestations.‬ ‭Sexual‬ ‭harassment‬ ‭includes‬‭unwelcome‬‭sexual‬‭advances,‬‭requests‬
‭occurring between personnel/staff working on the project.‬
‭B.‬ ‭Prohibit‬ ‭the‬ ‭employment‬ ‭of‬ ‭any‬ ‭child‬ ‭under‬ ‭the‬ ‭age‬ ‭of‬ ‭18‬‭:‬ ‭by‬ ‭not‬ ‭employing‬
‭children‬ ‭or‬‭juveniles‬‭in‬‭any‬‭way,‬‭by‬‭confirming‬‭the‬‭ages‬‭of‬‭the‬‭workers‬‭prior‬‭to‬‭their‬
‭employment, interviewing them and verifying the documents of the workers.‬
‭any‬ ‭worker‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭basis‬ ‭of‬‭family‬‭status,‬‭ethnicity,‬‭race,‬‭gender,‬‭religion,‬‭language,‬
‭marital‬ ‭status,‬ ‭age,‬ ‭disability‬ ‭(physical‬ ‭and‬ ‭mental),‬ ‭political‬ ‭conviction‬ ‭or‬ ‭social,‬
‭civic, or health status.‬
‭working‬ ‭environment‬ ‭by‬ ‭taking‬ ‭precautions‬ ‭and‬ ‭measures‬ ‭necessary‬ ‭to‬ ‭protect‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ orkers‬ ‭and‬ ‭members‬ ‭of‬ ‭local‬ ‭community‬ ‭and‬ ‭affected‬ ‭persons‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭hazards‬
‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭personal‬ ‭protection‬ ‭equipment‬ ‭and‬ ‭protection‬ ‭to‬ ‭workers‬ ‭from‬ ‭work‬
‭hazards‬ ‭and‬ ‭occupational‬ ‭diseases‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭clothes,‬ ‭glasses,‬ ‭Shoes,‬ ‭etc.,‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬
‭familiarize‬ ‭workers‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭dangers‬ ‭of‬ ‭work‬ ‭and‬ ‭occupation‬ ‭before‬ ‭their‬

‭Second: Obligations of the Worker‬

‭ .‬ ‭The‬ ‭performance‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭work‬ ‭by‬ ‭the‬ ‭worker‬ ‭himself/‬ ‭herself,‬ ‭and‬ ‭this‬ ‭obligation‬
‭requires‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭work‬ ‭assigned‬ ‭to‬ ‭him‬ ‭and‬ ‭agreed‬ ‭upon‬‭in‬‭the‬‭contract‬‭himself‬‭be‬
‭the employer‬
‭worker‬ ‭or‬ ‭his‬ ‭colleagues‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭affirmation‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭principle‬‭of‬‭executing‬‭contracts‬‭in‬
‭good faith‬
‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭presence‬ ‭of‬ ‭workers‬ ‭and‬ ‭their‬ ‭departure,‬ ‭and‬ ‭not‬ ‭to‬ ‭delay‬ ‭the‬ ‭times‬ ‭of‬
‭attendance‬ ‭or‬ ‭early‬ ‭departure‬‭from‬‭site‬‭without‬‭permission‬‭or‬‭legitimate‬‭justification‬
‭violating working hours in one day and obtaining permission or permission to do so‬
‭4.‬ ‭The‬‭obligation‬‭to‬‭keep‬‭the‬‭things‬‭delivered‬‭to‬‭him/‬‭her‬‭for‬‭the‬‭performance‬‭of‬‭his‬
‭work,‬ ‭and‬ ‭includes‬ ‭the‬ ‭obligation‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭worker‬ ‭to‬ ‭perform‬ ‭the‬ ‭work‬ ‭carefully,‬ ‭the‬
‭documents‬ ‭placed‬ ‭at‬ ‭his‬ ‭disposal‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭preserve‬ ‭them,‬ ‭and‬ ‭to‬ ‭take‬‭all‬‭necessary‬
‭measures to its protection and safety.‬
‭5.‬ ‭Commitment‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭good‬ ‭treatment‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭employer‬ ‭and‬ ‭respect‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬
‭supervisors‬ ‭and‬ ‭colleagues‬ ‭and‬ ‭cooperation‬ ‭with‬ ‭them,‬ ‭where‬ ‭concerted‬ ‭efforts‬ ‭to‬
‭each‬ ‭worker‬ ‭to‬ ‭his/‬ ‭her‬ ‭superiors‬ ‭and‬ ‭colleagues‬ ‭so‬ ‭that‬ ‭the‬ ‭familiarity‬ ‭and‬
‭cooperation among all.‬
‭7.‬ ‭Preserving‬ ‭the‬ ‭dignity‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭work‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭conduct‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭appropriate‬ ‭conduct.‬
‭dignity and respect.‬
‭8.‬ ‭Maintain‬ ‭safety‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭workplace‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭safety‬ ‭of‬ ‭colleagues‬ ‭and‬ ‭abide‬ ‭by‬ ‭all‬
‭relevant legal provisions.‬
‭9.‬ ‭Respectful‬ ‭treatment‬ ‭and‬ ‭mutual‬ ‭respect‬ ‭for‬ ‭both‬ ‭sexes‬ ‭and‬ ‭workers‬ ‭with‬
‭disabilities and their needs.‬

‭Common Provisions‬

‭ .‬ ‭The‬ ‭Worker‬ ‭and‬ ‭employer‬ ‭shall‬‭convey‬‭an‬‭attitude‬‭of‬‭respect‬‭to‬‭the‬‭members‬‭of‬

‭affected person(s).‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ .‬ ‭The‬ ‭Worker‬ ‭and‬ ‭employer‬ ‭shall‬ ‭prohibit‬ ‭use‬ ‭of‬ ‭sexual‬ ‭language‬ ‭or‬ ‭behavior,‬ ‭in‬
‭particular‬ ‭towards‬ ‭women‬ ‭and/or‬‭children,‬‭that‬‭is‬‭inappropriate,‬‭harassing,‬‭abusive,‬
‭sexually‬ ‭provocative,‬ ‭demeaning‬‭or‬‭culturally‬‭inappropriate.‬‭In‬‭addition,‬‭prohibit‬‭use‬
‭of‬ ‭acts‬ ‭that‬‭inflict‬‭physical,‬‭mental‬‭or‬‭sexual‬‭harm‬‭or‬‭suffering,‬‭threats‬‭of‬‭such‬‭acts,‬
‭coercion, and deprivation of liberty‬
‭3.‬ ‭The‬ ‭Worker‬ ‭and‬ ‭employer‬ ‭shall‬ ‭prohibit‬ ‭the‬ ‭exchange‬ ‭of‬ ‭money,‬ ‭employment,‬
‭goods,‬ ‭or‬ ‭services‬ ‭for‬ ‭sex,‬ ‭including‬ ‭sexual‬ ‭favors‬ ‭or‬ ‭other‬ ‭forms‬ ‭of‬ ‭humiliating,‬
‭degrading‬ ‭behavior,‬ ‭exploitative‬ ‭behavior‬ ‭or‬ ‭abuse‬ ‭of‬ ‭power.‬ ‭Prohibited‬ ‭sexual‬
‭to,‬ ‭profiting‬ ‭monetarily,‬ ‭socially‬ ‭or‬ ‭politically‬‭from‬‭the‬‭sexual‬‭exploitation‬‭of‬‭another.‬
‭Sexual‬ ‭abuse‬ ‭is‬ ‭further‬ ‭defined‬ ‭as‬ ‭“the‬ ‭actual‬ ‭or‬ ‭threatened‬‭physical‬‭intrusion‬‭of‬‭a‬
‭sexual‬ ‭nature,‬ ‭whether‬ ‭by‬ ‭force‬ ‭or‬ ‭under‬ ‭unequal‬ ‭or‬ ‭coercive‬‭conditions.”‬‭Women,‬
‭girls,‬ ‭boys‬ ‭and‬ ‭men‬ ‭can‬ ‭experience‬ ‭SEA,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭project‬ ‭beneficiaries‬ ‭or‬
‭or‬ ‭abuse,‬ ‭or‬ ‭otherwise‬‭unacceptable‬‭behavior‬‭towards‬‭children,‬‭limiting‬‭interactions‬
‭with children, and ensuring their safety in project areas.‬
‭3. The worker and the employer shall read this Code and abide by all its provisions.‬
‭of the provisions of the Code and its full compliance with its provisions.‬
‭and‬ ‭shall‬ ‭take‬ ‭disciplinary‬ ‭measures‬ ‭and‬ ‭penalties‬ ‭against‬ ‭him/‬ ‭her‬ ‭in‬ ‭accordance‬
‭with the terms of the contract. .‬

‭Declaration ………………… the Contract …………….. the worker …………….‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ‭Annex 5 – GBV Action Plan‬

‭Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)/Sexual Harassment (SH) Risk Mitigation Action Plan‬
‭Key Activities for follow-up‬
‭July 2022 – December 2022‬
‭P161982 Municipal Services and Social Resilience Project‬

‭Level of Risk: Substantial‬

‭Section I: Summary‬

T‭ his‬‭Action‬‭Plan‬‭builds‬‭upon‬‭the‬‭recently‬‭completed‬‭Gender‬‭and‬‭Social‬‭Inclusion‬‭Assessment‬‭(GSIA,‬
‭May‬ ‭2020)‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Services‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Resilience‬ ‭Project‬ ‭and‬ ‭includes‬ ‭key‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭Risk‬
‭Mitigation‬ ‭and‬ ‭Response‬ ‭Measures‬ ‭in‬ ‭line‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭World‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭Good‬ ‭Practice‬ ‭Note‬ ‭(February‬
‭proposed to be undertaken immediately within the next 6 months and beyond.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭GBV‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭Risk‬ ‭mitigation‬ ‭Action‬ ‭Plan‬ ‭adopted‬ ‭the‬ ‭suggested‬ ‭GBV‬ ‭model‬ ‭which‬ ‭had‬ ‭been‬
‭developed‬ ‭according‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭GSIA‬ ‭findings‬ ‭and‬ ‭placed‬ ‭importance‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭localization‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭GBV‬
‭context in the municipalities and local communities.‬

T‭ he following activities, addressing priority SEA/SH risks for PMU staff and consultants have been‬
‭carried out June 2021- July 2022‬‭11‬‭:‬

o‬ D
‭ ‭ evelopment, endorsement and signature of MSSRP Codes of Conduct (CoCs)‬‭12‬‭by all Project‬
‭Management Unit (PMU)/project staff‬
o‬ ‭Identification of Gender Based Violence (GBV) service providers. Based upon the initial list of‬

‭service providers in the GSIA, a second round of vetting to ensure quality of services.‬
o‬ ‭Tendering for independent GBV/SEAH Service Provider responsible for managing the‬

‭provision of services to prevent and respond to GBV, including SEA/(SH, in support of the‬
‭MSSRP.‬‭The PMU decided for technical reasons t not‬‭to continue with the selected service‬
‭provider and to go forward to recruit another agency for this task.‬
o‬ ‭Training delivery on the MSSRP’ CoC content and SEA/SH to PMU staff, including basic‬

‭reporting mechanism and referral information to GBV services.‬
o‬ ‭Training of direct workers (PMU staff and consultants) on SEA/SH, GBV drivers/risks and Codes‬

‭of Conduct in order for them to support the process of rolling out mitigation measures.‬
o‬ ‭Codes of Conduct for project as a whole, PMU staff and consultants has developed and a‬

‭commitment letters have been signed by MSSRP staff , all projects documents were updated‬
‭for the launch of Innovation Fund and Second Cycle of Municipal Grants sub-projects and‬
‭include a COC with SEA/GBV language for contractors (and their workers) undertaking‬
‭It is noted that the proposed timeline of the implementation of these activities is tight, however given the‬
s‭ ubstantial risk of SEA/SH for the project, the timeline reflects the urgency with which the project must put in‬
‭place risk mitigation measures.‬
‭A customized commitment letter has been derived from both; the Public Service’ CoC and the World Bank‬
‭SEA/SH protocols. It was signed by PMU/MSSRP staff and consultants in May 2021.‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭‬ S‭ upervision strategy to monitor adherence to the Code of Conduct‬

o‬ ‭PMU has hired a GBV, Gender & inclusion specialist July 2022‬

‭ ther‬‭measures‬‭targeted‬‭at‬‭project‬‭beneficiaries,‬‭such‬‭as‬‭strengthening‬‭the‬‭GRM‬‭in‬‭28‬‭participating‬
‭municipalities‬ ‭with‬ ‭specialized‬ ‭entry‬ ‭points‬ ‭for‬ ‭SEA/SH‬ ‭complaints,‬ ‭build‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭findings‬ ‭and‬
‭recommendations‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭GSIA.‬ ‭F‬‭unding‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭Human‬ ‭Rights‬ ‭and‬ ‭Development‬ ‭Trust‬ ‭Fund‬
‭(HRDTF)‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭granted‬ ‭to‬ ‭support‬ ‭the‬ ‭Task‬ ‭Team‬ ‭in‬ ‭undertaking‬ ‭rights‬ ‭based‬‭GRM‬‭design‬‭and‬
‭awareness raising at the participating municipalities’ level.‬

‭Specialists who will support this action plan:‬

o‬ G
‭ ‭ ender specialist staff member within the PMU‬‭will‬‭be involved in training and consulting‬
‭project staff.‬
o‬ ‭Independent long term GBV-SEAH service provider NGO procured by the MOLA/CVDB -‬

‭▪‬ ‭The newly selected NGO will move forwards as follows:-‬
‭ ‬ I‭t will be hired immediately via rapid procurement processes.‬

‭●‬ ‭It will be‬‭responsible for managing an independent‬‭GRM for SEAH‬
‭complaints from MSSRP staff and beneficiaries, including response‬
‭and accountability protocols.‬
o‬ ‭It will develop and deliver training and awareness raising sessions on topics related to its‬

‭scope of work to MSSRP team and PMs work contractors/engineers.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Section II: Detailed Action Plan:‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬

‭A.‬ ‭Trainings (PMU)‬

‭Carry out training.‬
‭ ugust 30,‬
‭ rainings‬ ‭must‬ ‭use‬ ‭an‬
‭additional‬ ‭training‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬
‭ raining‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬
‭PMU‬ ‭should‬ ‭be‬ ‭oriented‬ ‭ orld Bank‬
‭internal‬ ‭CoC‬
‭towards‬ ‭sexual‬ ‭harassment‬ ‭GBV‬
‭violation’‬ ‭complaint‬
‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭workplace‬ ‭and‬ ‭Codes‬ ‭Specialists, as‬ ‭ ovember 30,‬
‭mechanisms‬ ‭ oC’ supervision strategy is‬
C ‭No gaps now‬
‭of‬‭Conduct.‬ ‭Training‬‭to‬‭later‬ ‭well as Gender‬ ‭2022‬
‭approved by the MOLA SG,‬
‭be‬‭rolled‬‭out‬‭to‬‭Participating‬ ‭Specialist from‬
‭ oC‬
C ‭supervision‬ ‭and the World Bank.‬
‭Municipalities (PM).‬ ‭the PMU.‬
‭ &IS‬‭will‬‭create‬‭the‬‭training‬
‭material‬ ‭and‬ ‭carry‬ ‭out‬ ‭the‬ ‭ 0 August‬
‭training‬ ‭2022‬

‭B.‬ ‭Inclusion of women in the project‬

‭ MU‬ ‭currently‬ ‭contains‬ ‭more‬
P ‭ ncourage this as a policy‬
‭than‬‭50‬‭percent‬ ‭of‬‭female‬‭to‬ ‭down the road for future‬
‭ easures‬ ‭in‬‭place‬‭to‬
M ‭male‬‭staff‬‭and‬‭Deputy‬‭Project‬ ‭No gaps now‬ ‭hiring and staff‬
‭PMU gender‬
‭hire‬ ‭women,‬ ‭Director‬ ‭(‬ ‭the‬ ‭second‬ ‭highest‬ ‭appointments at the PMU‬
‭including‬‭in‬‭positions‬ ‭management‬ ‭authority‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭level.‬
‭of‬ ‭leadership‬ ‭and‬ ‭PMU) is a female‬
‭The long term‬
‭with‬‭decision-making‬ ‭ overmber‬
‭authority,‬ ‭applicable‬ ‭ owever,‬ ‭feedback‬ ‭from‬
H ‭ eview men to women ratio‬
R ‭30, 2022‬
‭to‬ ‭all‬ ‭women‬ ‭community‬ ‭members‬ ‭ pplying gender‬
A ‭of municipal staff for gender‬
‭NGO service‬
‭project-related‬ ‭as‬‭reported‬‭in‬‭the‬‭GSIA‬‭noted‬ ‭equality policy in‬ ‭gap‬
‭staff,‬ ‭including‬ ‭that‬ ‭at‬ ‭the‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭level,‬ ‭terms of recruitment‬
‭Municipal Staff.‬ ‭the‬ ‭higher‬ ‭ratio‬ ‭of‬ ‭men‬ ‭staff‬ ‭at PMs Staff.‬ ‭ ncourage municipalities to‬
‭may‬ ‭discourage‬ ‭reporting‬ ‭or‬ ‭consider gender equality‬
‭complaints of SEA/SH.‬ ‭processes by addressing‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬
i‭nequalities in recruitment‬

‭ ecruit the long term NGO‬

‭service provider for‬
‭managing an independent‬
‭GRM for SEAH complaints‬

S‭ trengthening‬‭the‬‭GRM‬‭in‬ ‭28‬
‭PMs‬ ‭with‬ ‭specialized‬ ‭entry‬
‭points for SEA/SH complaints‬

‭1. GBV services mapping of project areas‬

‭ arrow down the mapping to‬
‭key organizations and‬
‭conduct a more in-depth‬
‭quality assessment‬ ‭ MU gender‬
‭specialist and‬
‭Maintain connection with‬ ‭The long term‬
‭service providers to ensure‬ ‭independent‬
‭ apping of local GBV services‬
‭ BV services‬
G ‭that mapping is kept up to‬ ‭GBV/ SEAH‬
‭included in the GSIA,‬ S‭ eptember‬
‭mapping of project‬ ‭date‬ ‭NGO service‬
‭including basic‬‭quality‬ ‭30, 2022‬
‭areas‬ ‭provider‬
‭Regularly Update the GBV SP‬
‭mapping list by adding new‬
‭referral partners of the‬
‭recruited GBV NGO, if‬

‭2. Codes of Conduct with language on GBV/SEA‬‭‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬

I‭dentify‬ ‭steps/strategies‬ ‭to‬

‭protect‬ ‭GBV/SEAH‬
‭complainants and witnesses.‬
‭ he newly recruited PMU staff‬
‭sign the commitment letter‬
‭ llocate‬
A ‭a‬ ‭specific‬
‭ odes of conduct to‬
‭communication‬ ‭mechanism‬
‭be signed in both‬ ‭ ll the sub project‬
‭i.e.‬ ‭(anonymous‬ ‭email)‬ ‭for‬
‭languages English &‬ ‭contractors and workers will‬ ‭ ctober 30,‬
‭sensitive‬ ‭SEAH‬ ‭complaint‬ ‭at‬
‭Arabic‬ ‭sign the CL once start the‬ ‭2022‬
‭No gap‬ ‭MOLA level.‬
‭implementation of the‬
‭sub-projects (IF, MG2)‬
‭ reate‬‭a‬‭specific‬‭mechanism‬
‭complain‬ ‭against‬ ‭GBV/SEAH‬
‭if‬ ‭feeling‬ ‭more‬ ‭comfortable‬
‭not‬ ‭to‬ ‭directly‬ ‭complain‬ ‭to‬
‭ he‬ ‭CoC/CL‬ ‭identifies‬ t‭ he‬
T ‭Develop CoCsupervision‬
‭supervision‬ ‭strategy‬ ‭in2‬ ‭strategyfor PMU staff and‬
‭ ack of appropriate‬
‭clauses; 25 and 26,‬ ‭consultants(ILO can play a‬
‭capacity to intake‬
‭role).The supervision‬
‭and respond to‬
‭Clause‬ ‭25:‬ ‭identifies‬ ‭the‬ ‭strategy would be to monitor‬ ‭ MU with‬
‭GBV/SEAH’ cases at‬
‭ wareness sessions‬
A ‭authorization‬ ‭public‬ ‭that all workers and staff‬ ‭support from‬
‭public entities i.e.‬
‭and consultations‬ ‭employees‬ ‭who‬ ‭are‬ ‭have signed the CoC and‬ ‭World Bank.‬
‭with MOLA about‬ ‭responsible‬ ‭for‬ ‭receiving‬ ‭the‬ ‭attended training; monitor‬ ‭ ecember 30,‬
‭because the topic is‬
‭their respond to GBV‬ ‭complaints.‬ ‭the functioning of the‬ S‭ enior‬ ‭2022‬
‭totally new to them.‬
‭and SEAH‬ ‭GRM/SEA channels; and to‬ ‭management‬
‭investigation‬ ‭ uthorization‬‭team‬‭consists‬‭of‬
A ‭develop an accountability‬ ‭of MOLA and‬
S‭ EAH investigation‬
‭PMU‬ ‭management,‬ ‭MOLA‬ ‭and‬ ‭protocol in case of breach.‬ ‭CVDB‬
‭protocol is not‬
‭CVDB‬ ‭gender‬ ‭units‬ ‭and‬
‭grievance‬ ‭redress‬ ‭units‬ ‭at‬ S‭ EAH’ case management and‬
‭MOLA‬ ‭and‬ ‭CVDB‬ ‭and‬ ‭a‬ ‭third‬ ‭investigation techniques‬
‭independent‬ ‭party‬ ‭is‬ ‭training.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬
s‭ eparately‬ ‭mentioned‬ ‭as‬ ‭one‬ A ‭ bsence of Zero‬
‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭complaints’‬ ‭pathways‬ ‭tolerance‬ S‭ tructure a specialized and‬
‭options.‬ ‭terminology related‬ ‭trained investigation team to‬
‭toGBV/SEAH.‬ ‭undertake the responsibility‬
‭Clause‬ ‭26:‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭of applying a SEAH‬
‭management‬ ‭unit‬ ‭(director‬ ‭responsive protocol.‬
‭and‬ ‭deputy‬ ‭director)‬ ‭will‬
‭oversee‬ ‭the‬ ‭implementation,‬ f‭ inalize SOPs for the‬
‭commitment‬ ‭and‬ ‭compliance‬ ‭investigation team ensuring‬
‭with‬ ‭CL’‬ ‭provisions.‬‭Oversight‬ ‭gender responsive measures,‬
‭of‬ ‭administrative‬ ‭confidentiality and‬
‭accountability‬ ‭is‬ ‭entrusted‬ ‭accountability.‬
‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭application‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭CL,‬ ‭to‬ ‭H.E.‬ ‭the‬
‭Secretary-General of MOLA.‬

‭3. CoC Training of all project workers‬

S‭ upervisors (PMU‬
‭management staff, site‬ ‭ he long term‬
‭engineers, etc) will also be‬ ‭independent‬
‭ raining of all other‬
T ‭trained on their‬ ‭GBV/ SEAH‬
I‭LO scope of work covers‬
‭contracted workers‬ ‭ iscuss with ILO any‬
D ‭responsibility to monitor and‬ ‭NGO service‬ ‭ ecember 31,‬
‭training of contractors,‬
‭(i.e. those recruited‬ ‭additional training‬ ‭enforce the CoCs.In addition‬ ‭provider‬ ‭2022‬
‭including on CoC.‬
‭by contractors)‬ ‭needs of contracted‬ ‭to the CoC, the training‬ ‭, and ILO,‬
‭workers.‬ ‭must also include how to‬ ‭supported by‬
‭report a SEA/SH complaint‬ ‭PMU and ILO‬

‭To do and report in progress‬

‭Circulated and signed‬
‭ oCs signed by all‬
‭All workers hired by works‬ ‭ o‬ ‭copy‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬
‭the new PMU staff‬ ‭ o‬‭hand‬‭a‬‭copy‬‭of‬‭the‬‭signed‬
‭contractors have to sign a CoC‬ ‭signed‬ ‭CL‬ ‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭PMU‬ ‭Continuous‬
‭and contracted‬ ‭CL to staff for reference.‬
‭as per the project’s Standard‬ ‭given‬ ‭to‬ ‭MSSRP‬ ‭staff‬
‭workers and on file‬
‭Procurement Documents.‬ ‭for reference.‬
‭Place‬ ‭the‬ ‭CL‬ ‭document‬ ‭in‬
‭the one drive.‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬

‭4. GRM for PMU staff and consultants that is sensitive to SEA/SH complaints‬
‭ stablish permanent GRM for‬
‭PMU staff, including entry‬
‭points that are sensitive‬ ‭The‬ ‭long‬ ‭term‬
‭ stablish an‬
E ‭especially to sexual‬ i‭ndependent‬
‭permanent‬ ‭GRM/SEAH allocated‬ ‭harassment complaints.‬ ‭GBV/‬ ‭SEAH‬
‭mechanism for‬ ‭ he‬ ‭CL‬ ‭was‬ ‭developed,‬ f‭ or PMU staff is not‬
T ‭NGO‬ ‭service‬
‭ y October‬
‭handling SEA/SH‬ ‭disseminated‬ ‭among‬ ‭in place yet.‬ ‭ s an interim measure,‬
A ‭provider‬
‭30, 2022‬
‭complaints by PMU‬ ‭MSSRP/PMU for signature.‬ ‭World Bank will procure an‬
‭workers‬ ‭external GBV agency to‬ ‭ OLA‬
M ‭and‬
‭provide oversight in the‬ ‭CVDB‬ ‭relevant‬
‭development and handling of‬ ‭units‬ ‭indicated‬
‭SEA/SH complaints‬ ‭in the CL.‬

‭Tendering phase‬
‭ ire a long-term‬
‭external GBV‬ ‭Procurement process‬
‭ RM-GBV/SEAH’ service‬
G ‭PMU,‬
‭specialized agency‬ S‭ eptember‬
‭provider NGO’ TORs has been‬ ‭NA‬
‭ stablish the applications‬
E ‭30, 2022‬
‭customized and a RFQs sent‬
‭review committee‬
‭out to the shortlisted NGOs‬
‭for application.‬
S‭ trengthen GRM that‬ ‭ urrent Project GRM‬
‭ o do, part of scope of work‬
‭includes‬ ‭is focused on‬
‭of external specialized‬
‭measures sensitive‬ ‭complaints from‬
‭agency to develop a detailed‬
‭to reporting SEA/SH‬ ‭project‬
‭SEA/SH GRM protocol for the‬ ‭ he long term‬
‭complaints.‬ ‭beneficiaries; there‬
‭project.‬ ‭independent‬
‭GRM includes‬ ‭ BV-SEAH service provider‬
G ‭is a gap in reporting‬
‭GBV/ SEAH‬ ‭ ctober 30,‬
‭provision of‬ ‭NGO recruitment is in the‬ ‭mechanism for‬
‭ ather information from‬
G ‭NGO service‬ ‭2022‬
‭basic/minimum GBV‬ ‭procurement process‬ ‭project staff.‬
‭PMU/project staff‬ ‭provider‬
‭services, and an‬ ‭Further investigation‬
‭(especially women) on‬
‭actionable SEA/SH‬ ‭of existing GRM for‬
‭accessible entry points and‬
‭response protocol‬ ‭project staff,‬
‭use this to help design‬
‭and accountability‬ ‭including SEA/SH‬
‭framework‬ ‭entry points needed.‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬

‭ ong-term: Maintain‬
‭ RM operators/focal‬
G ‭ he long term‬
‭ ssigned GRM focal point for‬
A ‭PMU focal point and‬ ‭ RM FPs receive training on‬
‭points trained on‬ ‭independent‬
‭the PMU, ensuring sufficient‬ ‭add external GBV‬ ‭how to handle SEA/SH cases‬ ‭ ermanent‬
‭GRM implementation‬ ‭GBV/ SEAH‬
‭female focal points (CL‬ ‭specialized agency‬ ‭and sign ethical code of‬ ‭November 30,‬
‭and roles and‬ ‭NGO service‬
‭clauses; 25).‬ ‭conduct that obliges‬ ‭2022‬
‭responsibilities‬ ‭provider and‬
‭ rained GRM focal‬
T ‭confidentiality and privacy.‬

‭ RM is functional‬
G ‭ ermanent‬
‭ OLA SG and‬
‭(complaints being‬ ‭NA‬ ‭Not capacitated yet‬ ‭Monitor implementation‬ ‭December‬
‭processed)‬ ‭2022‬

‭5. GRM for project beneficiaries that is sensitive to SEA/SH complaints‬

‭ here is a basic operational‬
T ‭ here is no Standard‬
S‭ tandard Operating‬
‭GRM in place in all‬ ‭Operating Protocol‬
‭Procedures for municipal‬
‭participating municipalities‬ ‭for the GRM‬
‭GRMs should be finalized.‬
‭(PM). Affected persons can‬ ‭including entry‬
‭ stablish SOP for‬
E ‭register their grievances with‬ ‭points for GBV, and‬
‭ efine methodology for‬
R ‭PMU,‬
‭general GRM for‬ ‭the PMU at the central level‬ ‭t‬‭here are no written‬
‭involving external GBV‬
‭project beneficiaries‬ ‭and/or at the municipal level.‬ ‭procedures about the‬
‭specialized agencies. This‬
‭GRM process or‬ ‭ ctober 31,‬
‭could include developing a‬ ‭ he long term‬
‭ ire a long term‬
H ‭ ach PM has an assigned GRM‬
E ‭confidentiality‬ ‭2022‬
‭TOR to hire one agency to‬ ‭independent‬
‭independent GBV/‬ ‭Focal Point. Complaints are‬ ‭requirements‬
‭develop the SEA/SH GRM‬ ‭GBV/ SEAH‬
‭SEAH NGO service‬ ‭logged and the GRM is‬
‭design, and one or more‬ ‭NGO service‬
‭provider‬ ‭monitored by PMU staff.‬ ‭ urrent entry points‬
‭external GBV specialized‬ ‭provider‬
‭are not confidential‬
‭agencies for geographical‬
‭ he GRM at the municipal‬
T ‭enough for SEA/SH‬
‭coverage, to act as an‬
‭level is overseen by the‬ ‭complaints‬
‭independent GRM‬
‭Executive Officer of the‬
‭manager(s) for SEA/SH‬
‭municipality with inputs from‬ ‭ he lack of the‬
‭complaints, to ensure equal‬
‭the PMU/CVDB staff.‬ ‭institutionalization‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬
‭ f the GRM and the‬
o t‭ reatment and‬
‭ unicipalities have more than‬
M ‭informal, personal‬ ‭confidentiality.‬
‭one uptake channel (e.g.‬ ‭ties that govern it‬
‭Facebook page; walk into the‬ ‭poses an obstacle for‬ ‭ ights-based GRM design is‬
‭municipal office;‬ ‭complaints related to‬ ‭an ongoing process and will‬
‭phone-number). The PMU‬ ‭GBV and abuse of‬ ‭be consulted with‬
‭also recently established a‬ ‭power, undermining‬ ‭stakeholders through the‬
‭hotline for receiving‬ ‭the accountability of‬ ‭HRDTF‬‭scope of work in 2021‬
‭complaints at the sub-project‬ ‭the municipalities‬ ‭and will extend beyond this‬
‭level (for example, from‬ ‭and social contract.‬ ‭action plan.‬
‭beneficiaries);‬ ‭(GSIA)‬

‭ he GSIA has been completed‬

T ‭ omen are reluctant‬
‭with an assessment of the‬ ‭to turn to public‬
‭GRM design. A GSIA action‬ ‭entities for‬
‭plan is currently being‬ ‭assistance in‬
‭developed to address the gaps‬ ‭addressing sexual‬
‭in the GRM design, including‬ ‭abuse and prefer to‬
‭entry points for GBV.‬ ‭use private‬

‭ esign GRM that‬

D ‭ he protocols must be‬
‭includes‬ ‭actionable and include‬
‭measures sensitive‬ ‭guidance on how to link and‬
‭to reporting SEA/SH‬ ‭integrate the SEA/SH‬
‭complaints.‬ ‭There are no written‬ ‭protocol into the overall‬ ‭ he long term‬
‭GRM includes‬ ‭procedures about the‬ ‭project’s protocol. For‬ ‭independent‬
‭Recruiting a long term‬
‭provision of‬ ‭GRM process or‬ ‭example, when the SEA/SH‬ ‭GBV/ SEAH‬ ‭ ctober 30,‬
‭independent GBV/ SEAH NGO‬
‭basic/minimum GBV‬ ‭confidentiality‬ ‭manager receives a‬ ‭NGO service‬ ‭2022‬
‭service provider in progress‬
‭services, and an‬ ‭requirements in a‬ ‭complaint, in what manner‬ ‭provider‬
‭actionable SEA/SH‬ ‭GRM protocol.‬ ‭will they communicate with‬
‭response protocol‬ ‭the PMU? And when the‬
‭and accountability‬ ‭project’s general GRM‬
‭framework‬ ‭receives a SEA/SH‬
‭complaint, how will they‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬
c‭ onnect the complainant‬
‭with the SEA/SH GRM‬

‭ or‬‭both the general project‬

‭GRM and the SEA/SH GRM:‬
‭ here are currently‬
‭ stablish clear ToRs with‬
‭17 male and 4‬
‭criteria and an interview‬
‭female GRM FPs in‬
‭process for the GRM focal‬
‭the 21‬
‭point position to ensure that‬
‭ he GRM FPs have undergone‬
T ‭municipalities. The‬
‭individuals are qualified for‬
‭several gender trainings‬ ‭recommendation of‬ ‭PMU,‬
‭ RM operators/focal‬
G ‭the role.‬
‭courses under the supervision‬ ‭the GSIA was to have‬
‭points trained on‬ ‭Appoint more women to‬
‭of a PMU gender specialist, in‬ ‭PM’s appoint one‬ ‭ he long term‬
‭GRM implementation‬ ‭fulfill the responsibility of‬
‭addition to specialized‬ ‭male GRM FP and‬ ‭independent‬ ‭ ecember 30,‬
‭and roles and‬ ‭handling the GRM to‬
‭courses in GRM by the PMU.‬ ‭one Female GRM FP‬ ‭GBV/ SEAH‬ ‭2022‬
‭responsibilities‬ ‭increase the comfort and‬
‭However, according to most‬ ‭from each‬ ‭NGO service‬
‭including SEA/SH‬ ‭confidence of vulnerable‬
‭interviewees, there was no‬ ‭municipality (they‬ ‭provider‬
‭GRM‬ ‭groups to use the‬
‭training on how to integrate‬ ‭are generally not‬
‭gender in the GRM‬ ‭hired externally;‬
‭GRM FPs receive training on‬
‭they are appointed‬
‭how to handle SEA/SH cases‬
‭from existing‬
‭and sign ethical code of‬
‭municipal staff).‬
‭conduct that obliges the‬
‭person responsible for‬
‭ensuring confidentiality and‬
‭ verall, the GRM‬
O ‭PMU,‬
I‭mplement planned‬
‭utilization rates are‬ ‭ ctober 30,‬
‭measures to strengthen the‬
‭ urrent GRM‬
C ‭ ecruitment of a long term‬
R ‭low.‬ ‭ he long term‬
T ‭2022‬
‭GRM (see steps above),‬
‭functionality is‬ ‭independent GBV/ SEAH NGO‬ ‭independent‬ ‭On going‬
‭ensure appropriate and‬
‭enhanced‬ ‭service provider is in progress‬ ‭Confidentiality and‬ ‭GBV/ SEAH‬
‭timely tracking of‬
‭discretion are serious‬ ‭NGO service‬
‭challenges in‬ ‭provider‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬
‭ andling any‬
‭complaints, let alone‬
‭GBV complaints as‬
‭part of municipalities‬
‭6. Awareness raising and community outreach‬
‭ o communication‬
‭plan in place yet to‬
‭organize exchanging‬ ‭ ontinue to ensure that all‬
‭GRM information‬ ‭stakeholder engagements‬
‭ he project has developed a‬
‭ wareness raising‬
A ‭between‬ ‭provide information about‬
‭Stakeholder Engagement Plan‬
‭ongoing (by firm or‬ ‭stakeholders and‬ ‭the project GRM and‬
‭(SEP) with Technical‬
‭directly by the PMU)‬ ‭MSSRP.‬ ‭information is posted at‬
‭Assistance from the World‬
‭and are accessible to‬ ‭sub-project sites.‬
‭Bank with due focus on‬
‭and attended by‬ I‭nformation‬
‭inclusion of vulnerable‬
‭women and girl‬ ‭dissemination plan‬
‭groups, including women and‬
‭community members‬ ‭about GBV/SEAH‬ ‭ eed awareness raising on‬
N ‭ ctivities‬
‭various engagements‬
‭risks related to the‬ ‭how to access the GRM, with‬ ‭started by‬
‭throughout the project cycle.‬ ‭PMU‬
I‭nformation on‬ ‭MSSRP not developed‬ ‭special focus on women and‬ ‭October 15,‬
‭possible GBV/SEA‬ ‭yet as‬ ‭refugees.‬ ‭then on-going‬
‭ he new communication‬
‭risks related to the‬ ‭communication‬
‭specialist is hired in June‬
‭project, CoC,‬ ‭specialist position‬ ‭ ublish and distribute‬
‭reporting through‬ ‭was vacant till early‬ ‭communication materials on‬
‭the GRM, response‬ ‭June.‬ ‭GRM, including entry points‬
S‭ ee work planned under‬
‭protocols‬ ‭for SEA/SH once in place.‬
‭ ovid- 19 and its‬
‭implications hinder‬ ‭Coordinate with HRDTF.‬
‭the implementation‬
‭of the planned‬
‭awareness sessions‬
‭Feedback from women’s‬
‭ ather‬ ‭feedback‬
G ‭ ommunication‬
C ‭Continue to gather‬
f‭ ocus groups so far has been‬ ‭ MU, PMU‬
‭from‬ ‭all‬ ‭plan not produced‬ ‭feedback from all the‬ ‭ ngoing (1-2‬
‭included in the GSIA. For‬ ‭gender‬
‭beneficiaries‬ ‭yet.‬ ‭beneficiaries including‬ ‭times per year)‬
‭example, w‬‭omen focus group‬ ‭specialist&‬
‭including‬ ‭women‬ ‭women and girls regularly‬
‭participants expressed that‬
‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ BV Risk Mitigation‬
G ‭ imeline/‬
‭Actions in place‬ ‭Gaps‬ ‭Actions needed‬ ‭Responsible‬
‭Steps‬ ‭Deadline‬
‭ nd‬ ‭girls‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ t‭ hey prefer to address any‬
a S‭ uspension of the‬ ‭ ommunicatio‬
‭topics above‬ ‭GBV incidents privately and‬ ‭MSSRP negatively‬ ‭n and outreach‬
‭therefore do not report any,‬ ‭affects‬ ‭specialists.‬
‭though that does not‬ ‭communication‬
‭necessarily mean that‬ ‭between MSSRP and‬
‭SEA/SH is not happening.‬ ‭PMs.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ‭Annex 6 - MSSRP Chance Find Procedure‬

‭Chance Find Procedures‬

‭ ontracts for civil works involving excavations should normally incorporate procedures for dealing‬
‭with situations in which buried physical cultural resources (PCR) are unexpectedly encountered. The‬
‭final form of these procedures will depend upon the local regulatory environment, including any‬
‭chance find procedures already incorporated in legislation dealing with antiquities or archaeology.‬
‭For MSSRP, chance finds procedures contain the following elements:‬

‭1. PCR Definition‬

I‭n some cases the chance finds procedure is confined to archaeological finds; more commonly it‬
‭covers all types of PCR. In the absence of any other definition from the local cultural authorities, the‬
‭following definition could be used: “movable or immovable objects, sites, structures or groups of‬
‭structures having archaeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, religious, aesthetic, or‬
‭other cultural significance”.‬


T‭ he identity of the owner of the artifacts found should be ascertained if at all possible. Depending on‬
‭the circumstances, the owner could typically be, for example, the state, the government, a religious‬
‭institution, the land owner, or could be left for later determination by the concerned authorities.‬

‭3. Recognition‬

‭ s noted above, in PCR-sensitive areas, recognition and confirmation of the specific PCR may require‬
‭the contractor to be accompanied by a specialist. A clause on chance finds should be included in‬
‭every contractor’s specifications.‬

‭4. Procedure upon Discovery‬

S‭ uspension of WorkIf a PCR comes to light during the execution of the works, the contractor shall‬
‭stop the works. Depending on the magnitude of the PCR, the contractor should check with MOMA‬
‭for advice on whether all works should be stopped, or only the works immediately involved in the‬
‭discovery, or, in some cases where large buried structures may be expected, all works may be‬
‭stopped within a specified distance (for example, 50 meters) of the discovery. MOMA‟s decision‬
‭should be informed by a qualified archaeologist. After stopping work, the contractor must‬
‭immediately report the discovery to the Resident Engineer. The contractor may not be entitled to‬
‭claim compensation for work suspension during this period. The Resident Engineer may be entitled‬
‭to suspend work and to request from the contractor some excavations at the contractor’s expense if‬
‭he thinks that a discovery was made and not reported.‬

‭Demarcation of the Discovery Site‬

‭ ith the approval of the Resident Engineer, the contractor is then required to temporarily‬
‭demarcate, and limit access to, the site.‬

‭Non-Suspension of Work‬

T‭ he procedure may empower the Resident Engineer to decide whether the PCR can be removed and‬
‭for the work to continue, for example in cases where the find is one coin.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Chance Find Report‬

T‭ he contractor should then, at the request of the Resident Engineer, and within a specified time‬
‭period, make a Chance Find Report, recording:‬

‭· Date and time of discovery;‬

‭· Location of the discovery;‬

‭· Description of the PCR;‬

‭· Estimated weight and dimensions of the PCR;‬

‭· Temporary protection implemented.‬

T‭ he Chance Find Report should be submitted to the Resident Engineer, and other concerned parties‬
‭as agreed with the cultural authority, and in accordance with national legislation. The Resident‬
‭Engineer, or other party as agreed, is required to inform the cultural authority accordingly.‬

‭Arrival and Actions of Cultural Authority‬

T‭ he cultural authority undertakes to ensure that a representative will arrive at the discovery site‬
‭within an agreed time such as 24 hours, and determine the action to be taken. Such actions may‬
‭include, but not be limited to:‬

‭· Removal of PCR deemed to be of significance;‬

‭· Execution of further excavation within a specified distance of the discovery point;‬

‭· Extension or reduction of the area demarcated by the contractor.‬

T‭ hese actions should be taken within a specified period, for example, 7 days. The contractor may or‬
‭may not be entitled to claim compensation for work suspension during this period. If the cultural‬
‭authority fails to arrive within the stipulated period (for example, 24 hours), the Resident Engineer‬
‭may have the authority to extend the period by a further stipulated time. If the cultural authority‬
‭fails to arrive after the extension period, the Resident Engineer may have the authority to instruct‬
‭the contractor to remove the PCR or undertake other mitigating measures and resume work. Such‬
‭additional works can be charged to the contract. However, the contractor may not be entitled to‬
‭claim compensation for work suspension during this period.‬

‭Further Suspension of Work‬

‭ uring this 7-day period, the Cultural authority may be entitled to request the temporary suspension‬
‭of the work at or in the vicinity of the discovery site for an additional period of up to, for example, 30‬
‭days.The contractor may, or may not be, entitled to claim compensation for work suspension during‬
‭this period. However, the contractor will be entitled to establish an agreement with the cultural‬
‭authority for additional services or resources during this further period under a separate contract‬
‭with the cultural authority.‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ nnex 7 Municipality official letter commitment to pave the road on their‬

‭own budget‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭‬ ‭Annex 8 Municipality official letter requesting the land allocation from‬

‭Government’s treasury‬

‫‬‪‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬‬

‫‪‭‬‬ ‫‬‪‭Annex 9 –‬‭Initial Session Report‬‬

‫‬ ‬"‪‭‬‮المنح‬‮البلدية‬‮"المرحلة‬‮الثانية‬

‫‬‮أو ‪ :‬المعلومات الخاصة بالجلسة‬

‫‬‮مالحظات‬ ‫‬‮مدون‪/‬ة‬‮المالحظات‬ ‫‬‮ميسر‪/‬ة‬‮الجلسة‬ ‫‬‮مكان‬‮الجلسة‬ ‫‬‮تاريخ‬‮الجلسة‬

‫‬‪‭-‬‬ ‫‬‮مروان‬‮الدباس‬ ‫‬‮د‪‬.‬‮اسماء‬‮عبداله‬ ‫‬‮القاعة‬‮الحضرية‬ ‫‬‪‭19 / 8 / 2020‬‬

‫‬‮* الحضور وتصنيفاتهم‬‮‪:‬‬

‫‬‮تصنيف‬‮الحضور‬ ‫‬‮عدد‬‮الحضور‬
‫‬‮سوريون‬ ‫‬‮اردنيون‬
‫‬‮ذوى‬‮احتياجات‬‮خاصة‬ ‫‬‮نساء‬ ‫‬‮رجال‬ ‫‬‮ذوى‬‮احتياجات‬‮خاصة‬ ‫‬‮نساء‬ ‫‬‮رجال‬
‫‬‪‭-‬‬ ‫‬‪‭-‬‬ ‫‬‪‭3‬‬ ‫‬‪‭-‬‬ ‫‬‪‭7‬‬ ‫‬‪‭5‬‬ ‫‬‪‭15‬‬

‫‬‪‬‭1‬‮) ‬‮شارك بالجلسة التعريفية ممثيل ‪/‬ات‬

‫‬‮رقم التلفون‬ ‫‬‮الجهة‬ ‫‬‮األسم‬ ‫‬‮الرقم‬

‫‬‪‭ 777860961‬‬
‫‪0‬‬ ‫‬‮بلدية عجلون‬ ‫‬‮محمد على القضاة‬ ‫‬‪‭1‬‬
‫‬‪‭0796559711‬‬ ‫‬‮ألجئ سوري‬ ‫‬‮مالك احمد المحمود‬ ‫‬‪‭2‬‬
‫‬‪‭0796553711‬‬ ‫‬‮ألجئ سوري‬ ‫‬‮أحمد فارس الحمود‬ ‫‬‪‭3‬‬
‫‬‪‭0778420969‬‬ ‫‬‮سكرتير جمعية تعاونية‬ ‫‬‮على حسين د الزغول‬ ‫‬‪‭4‬‬
‫‬‪‭0778421051‬‬ ‫‬‮أعمال حرة‬ ‫‬‮م‪ .‬إبراهيم الزغول‬ ‫‬‪‭5‬‬
‫‬‪‭0792878055‬‬ ‫‬‮الهالل األحمر األردني‬ ‫‬‮م‪.‬حسام السمردلي‬ ‫‬‪‭6‬‬
‫‬‪‭0798492369‬‬ ‫‬‮ألجئ سوري‬ ‫‬‮إياد توفيق القادري‬ ‫‬‪‭7‬‬
‫‬‪‭0777900608‬‬ ‫‬‮عضو جمعية‬ ‫‬‮م‪.‬عبد الناصر الموسى‬ ‫‬‪‭8‬‬
‫‬‪‭0795528896‬‬ ‫‬‮موظفة حكومة‬ ‫‬‮م‪ .‬جانيت الربضي‬ ‫‬‪‭9‬‬
‫‬‪‭0775207522‬‬ ‫‬‮مواطنة –عاطلة عن العمل‬ ‫‬‪‬ ‭10‬‮ساجدة عبدهللا الصمادي‬
‫‬‪‭0792871731‬‬ ‫‬‮هيئة شباب كلنا االردن‬ ‫‬‪‬ ‭11‬‮إبتهاج معتصم غصاب‬
‫‬‪‭0777776022‬‬ ‫‬‮جمعية سيدات عجلون الخيرية‬ ‫‬‪‬ ‭12‬‮نسرين محمد ربابعة‬
‫‬‪‭0786637250‬‬ ‫‬‮جمعية االماني لالسرة والطفولة‬ ‫‬‪‬ ‭13‬‮بتول احمد البصول‬
‫‬‪‭0788534525‬‬ ‫‬‮البلدية – موظفة العالاقات العامة‬ ‫‬‪‬ ‭14‬‮عال الزغول‬
‫‬‮‪-‬‬ ‫‬‪‬ ‭15‬‮معالي عبد الهادى إنجادات ‬‮جمعية عجلون لذوى االعاقة الفكرية‬

‫‬‪‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬‬

‫‬‪‬‭2‬‮) ‬‮موظيف وحدة تنمية المحلية يف بلديةعجلون‬

‫‬‮● ‬‮م‪ .‬محمد القضاة‬
‫‬‮● ‬‮عال الزغول‬
‫‬‪‬‭3‬‮) ‬‮موظيف الم وع وهم‪:‬‬
‫‬‮● ‬‮مروان الدباس – مستشار تخطيط المشاريع‬
‫‬‮● ‬‮الدكتورة أسماء عبدهللا‬

‫‬‪‬‭4‬‮) ‬‮الية التواصل اليت تم استخدامها للدعوة ‪:‬‬

‫‬‮البلدية‬‮‪ :‬األتصاألت الهاتفية المبارش ة وعن طريق الرسائل‬‮الهاتفية والواتس أب‪.‬‬

‫‬‮فريق المرش وع‪‬ :‬‮التواصل عرب الهاتف والمسجات والواتس‬‮آب‬

‫‬‮ثاني ‪ :‬أهداف الجلسة التوجيهية‬

‫‬‮● ‬‮تم ‬‮عقد ‬‮اجتماع ‬‮مع ‬‮الجهات ‬‮ذات ‬‮العالقة ‬‮من ‬‮المجتمع ‬‮المحيل ‪‬ /‬‮لمناقشة ‬‮آليات ‬‮الوصول ‬‮اىل‬
‫‬‮احتياجات ‬‮وأوليات ‬‮افراد ‬‮المجتمع ‬‮المحيل ‬‮من ‬‮جميع ‬‮الفئات ‬‮واألعمار ‬‮باالضافة ‬‮اىل ‬‮تحقيق ‬‮األهداف‬

‫‬‮✔ ‬‮التعريف بخطة إدماج الجهات ذات العالقة والمراحل الخاصة بها‬

‫‬‮✔ ‬‮التعريف‬‮بخطة‬‮إدماج‬‮الجهات‬‮ذات‬‮العالقة‬‮لمكون‬‮المرش وع‬‮–‬‪‭MG2‬‬

‫‬‮✔ ‬‮االطالع عىل خطة االستجابة لمواجهة جائحة كورونا يف مرش وع الخدمات البلدية والتكيف‬

‫‬‮✔ ‬‮الوقوف عىل التحديات يف الوصول اىل الفئات المستهدفة المشاركة يف صنع القرار‪.‬‬

‫‬‮✔ ‬‮التعرف ‬‮اىل ‬‮افضل ‬‮الطرق ‬‮لمشاركة ‬‮الجهات ‬‮ذات ‬‮العالقة ‬‮بالمعلومات ‬‮والمستجدات ‬‮المتعلقة ‬‮بكل‬

‫‬‮مرحلة من مراحل المرش وع‬

‫‬‮ثالث ‪ :‬أجندة الجلسة‬

‫‬‮الميسر‪/‬ة‬ ‫‬‮النشاط‬ ‫‬‮الوقت‬

‫‬‮‪‬ -‬‮االستقبال والترحيب‬ ‫‬‪‭11:00-11:15‬‬

‫‬‪‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬‬

‫‬‮التسجيل‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬‮التعارف‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬‮االتفاق على قواعد الجلسة‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬ ‫‬‪‭11:15-11:30‬‬
‫‬‮اجراءات السالمة‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬– ‪‭ 1:30‬‬
‫‬‮أهمية‬‮ادماج‬‮الجهات‬‮ذات‬‮العالقة‬ ‫‬‪‭11:40- 11:50‬‬
‫‬‮التعريف باهداف ومكونات خطة ادماج‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬‮الجهات ذات العالقة‬
‫‬‮عرض تقديمي عن أهمية إدماج الجهات‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬‮ذات العالقة والخطوات الالزمة لخطة‬ ‫‬‪‭ 1:50-‬‬
‫‬‮االدماج – ومكون المشروع‬ ‫‬‪‭:12:30‬‬
‫‬‮المرحلة‬‪‬‭2‬‮من‬‮المنح‬‮البلدية‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬‮إجراءات االستجابة لمواجهة جائحة‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬‮عرض االستبيان‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬‪‭12:30- 1:00‬‬
‫‬‮نقاش مفتوح ‪ /‬اسئلة‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬ ‬)‪‭‬‮تقييم‬‮جلسة‬‮التدريب‬‮(‬‮توزيع‬‮النموذج‬ ‫‬‪‭1:00 – 1:15‬‬

‫‬‮رابع ‪ :‬مراحل سري الجلسة‬

‫‬‮‪‬ -‬‮الرت حيب بالشكر لجميع المشاركني ‪/‬ات لالنضمام إىل الجلسة وحضورهم‪/‬ن‬
‫‬‮رش ح الغرض من الجلسة وأهدافها‬ ‫‬‮‪-‬‬
‫‬‮‪‬ -‬‮التأكيد ‬‮عىل ‬‮قواعد ‬‮الجلسة ‬‮واالعتبارات ‬‮االخالقية ‬‮واليت ‬‮تتضمن"التعبري ‬‮عن ‬‮آلراء ‬‮بكل ‬‮شفافية‬
‫‬‮ورصحة‪ ،‬احرت ام الرأي والرأي اآلخر‪ ،‬حسن االستماع‪ ،‬أجهزة الهاتف صامت ‪"...‬‬
‫‬‮‪‬ -‬‮الحصول عىل الموافقة عىل توثيق الجلسة بالسماح بالتسجيل والتصوير خالل الجلسة‬
‫‬‮‪‬ -‬‮االتفاق عىل ادارة الحوار وكيفية توزيع األدوار‬
‫‬‮‪‬ -‬‮تقديم فريق التيسري‬
‫‬‮‪‬ -‬‮توضيح آلية سري الجلسة واجراءاتها‬
‫‬‮‪‬ -‬‮البدء بالجلسة‬
‫‬‮خامس ‪ :‬مخرجات الجلسة التوجيهية‬

‫‬‮❖ ‬‮قدم ‬‮المهندس ‬‮محمد ‬‮القضاة ‬‮من ‬‮بلدية ‬‮عجلون ‬‮لمحة ‬‮موجزة ‬‮عن ‬‮هدف ‬‮األجتماع ‬‮من ‬‮منظور ‬‮نشاط ‬‮البلدية‬
‫‬‮والتعريف ‬‮بالسيرة ‬‮التاريخية ‬‮للمنح ‬‮التي ‬‮حصلت ‬‮عليها ‬‮البلدية ‬‮ضمن ‬‮برامح ‬‮الخدمات ‬‮البلدية ‬‮والتكيف‬
‫‬‮األجتماعي ‪.‬‬
‫‬‪‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬‬

‫‬‮❖ ‬‮االراء والنقاشات اليت تمت اثناء الجلسة التوجيهية بما يتعلق بما ييل ‪- :‬‬

‫‬‮● ‬‮م‪ .‬حسام السمرديل – جمعية الهالل األحمر األردين‬

‫‪‬ ‭‬‮بني ‬‮أن ‬‮البلدية‬‮قد‬‮توجه‬‮المواطنني ‬‮اىل‬‮إختيار‬‮مشاريع‬‮ليست‬‮ذات‬‮اولويه‬‮من‬‮خالل‬‮المشاورات‬
‫‬‮أو ‬‮من ‬‮خالل ‬‮تعبئة ‬‮األستبيان ‬‮والتخوف ‬‮من ‬‮أن ‬‮اليعيط ‬‮تعبئة ‬‮األستبانة ‬‮األختيار‬‮األمثل‬‮ألولوية‬
‫‬‮المشاريع ‬‮‪‬،‬‮حيث‬‮من‬‮المعروف‬‮ان‬‮معظم‬‮عمليات‬‮الحصول‬‮عىل‬‮معلومات‬‮بهذه‬‮الطريقة‬‮تكون‬
‫‬‮غري ذات اهتمام ويقوم الشخص بإختيار مشاريع لمجرد تعبة األستبانة‪.‬‬
‫‪‬ ‭‬‮بني ‬‮السيد ‬‮السمردىل ‬‮ان ‬‮عدد ‬‮كبري ‬‮من ‬‮أعضاء ‬‮جمعية ‬‮الهالل ‬‮األحمر ‬‮قد ‬‮شاركوا ‬‮بعدد ‬‮من‬
‫‬‮الجلسات ‬‮التشاورية ‬‮المتعلقة ‬‮بالمنح ‬‮السابقة ‬‮للبلدية ‬‮وسيقوم ‬‮عدد ‬‮من ‬‮متطويع ‬‮الجمعية‬
‫‬‮بمساعدة ‬‮المواطنني ‬‮لتعبئة ‬‮األستبانة ‬‮واألجابة ‬‮عىل ‬‮أية ‬‮أسئلة ‬‮قد ‬‮تطرح ‬‮من ‬‮قبلهم ‬‮حيث ‬‮ان‬
‫‬‮الجلسة التعريفية قد وضحت كل األمور المكمن إثارتها واألستفسار عنها‪.‬‬

‫‬‮● ‬‮مآلحظات ومداخالت من عدد من المشاركني‬

‫‪‬ ‭‬‮بينت ‬‮أن ‬‮هنالك ‬‮مجموعات ‬‮ذات ‬‮تاثري ‬‮عشائري ‬‮حسب ‬‮الرت كيبة ‬‮السكانية ‬‮للمحافظة ‬‮يجب ‬‮ان‬
‫‬‮يتم ‬‮دعوتها ‬‮لمثل ‬‮هذه ‬‮األجتماعات ‬‮لما ‬‮من ‬‮تأثري ها ‬‮عىل ‬‮عدد ‬‮كبري ‬‮من ‬‮مواطين ‬‮المحافظة ‬‮وقد‬
‫‬‮تكون ‬‮هذه ‬‮الفئة ‮‬غري ‬‮داعمة ‬‮او ‬‮يكون ‬‮لها ‬‮توجهات ‬‮سلبية ‬‮التخدم ‬‮مصلحة ‬‮البلدية ‬‮يف ‬‮حال‬
‫‬‮تجاهل دعوتها للمشاركة يف األجتماعلت التشاورية‪.‬‬
‫‪‬ ‭‬‮كان ‬‮هنالك ‬‮تسائل ‬‮من ‬‮عدد ‬‮من ‬‮الحضور ‬‮يتعلق ‬‮بموضوع ‬‮إختيار ‬‮مشاريع ‬‮اخرى ‬‮وإختيار ‬‮من‬
‫‬‮قائمة ‬‮مشاريع ‬‮تنموية ‬‮قد ‬‮ال ‬‮تكزن ‬‮ذات ‬‮أولوية ‬‮للمجتمع ‬‮وأنما ‮‬يه ‬‮توجهات ‬‮ألعتبارات ‬‮إهتمام‬
‫‬‮شخيص ‪.‬‬

‫‬‮❖ ‬‮آراء وتعليقات ذات عالقة بآداء البلديات بشكل عام أو اية مالحظات‬

‫‬‮لم يطرح اي شئي ‪.‬‬

‫‬‮❖ ‬‮آراء‬‮وتعليقات‬‮ذات‬‮عالقة‬‮بمرش وع‬‮الخدمات‬‮البلدية‬‮والتكيف‬‮االجتمايع ‬‮بمكوناته‬‮السابقة‬‮(‬‮المنح‬

‫‬‮بالمرحلة االوىل – المشاريع االبتكارية)‬

‫‬‮لم يطرح اي شئي ‪.‬‬

‫‬‪‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬‬

‫‬‮❖ ‬‮آراء‬‮وتعليقات‬‮حول‬‮مرش وع‬‮المنح‬‮البلدية‬‪‭MG2‬‬

‫‬‮● ‬‮تحدث ‬‮بعض ‬‮الحضور ‬‮عن ‬‮أهمية ‬‮الوصول ‬‮اىل ‬‮الفئات ‬‮اليت ‬‮ليس ‬‮لديها ‬‮دراية ‬‮أو ‬‮اهتمام ‬‮بعمل ‬‮ونشاط‬
‫‬‮البلدية ‬‮وبرامجها ‬‮من ‬‮حيث ‬‮ليس ‬‮لهم ‬‮مصالح ‬‮أو ‬‮تعامل ‬‮مع ‬‮البلدية ‬‮وهذه ‬‮الفئة ‬‮تشكل ‬‮عدد ‬‮كبري ‬‮من‬
‫‬‮المواطنني ‬‮وخاصة ‬‮من ‬‮فئة ‬‮النساء‪‬ ،‬‮سواء ‬‮لمعيقات ‬‮أجتماعية ‬‮وعشائرية ‬‮او ‬‮بشكل ‬‮عام ‬‮من ‬‮الناحية‬
‫‬‮● ‬‮اقرت ح ‬‮بعض ‬‮الحضور ‬‮ان ‬‮تهتم ‬‮البلدية ‬‮والكوادر ‬‮المعنية ‬‮بمرش وع ‬‪‭ SSRP‬‬
‫‪‬ M‬‮والمكون ‬‪‬ ‭MG2‬‮ان ‬‮يتم‬
‫‬‮عمل ‬‮موقع ‬‮( ‬‪‬ ‭Group‬‮) ‬‮عىل ‬‮الواتس ‬‮أب ‬‮للجهات ‬‮والمواطنني ‬‮اللذين ‬‮شاركوا ‬‮يف ‬‮الجلسة ‬‮التعريفية‬
‫‬‮وبعض ‬‮منظمات ‬‮المجتمع ‬‮المحيل ‬‮الفاعلية ‬‮وأطالعهم ‬‮بصفة ‬‮مستمرة ‬‮عن ‬‮مقرت حات ‬‮المشاريع‬
‫‬‮المختارة ومتابعة تنفيذها وتزويد البلدية وإدارة المرش وع بأي مقرت حات ومالحظات‪ ...‬الخ‪.‬‬

‫‬‮❖ ‬‮آراء المشاركون‪/‬ات بأهم التحديات يف الوصول اىل الفئات المستهدفة المشاركة يف صنع القرار‬

‫‬‮● ‬‮ابدت ‬‮السيدة ‬‮نرسين ‬‮ربابعة ‬‮تخوفها ‬‮من ‬‮ان ‬‮نسخة ‬‮األستبانة ‬‮قد ‬‮ال ‬‮تصل ‬‮ألغلب ‬‮القرى ‬‮والتجمعات‬
‫‬‮السكانية يف المحافظة والمنترش ة ضمن مساحات جغرافية متعددة بشكل واسع‪.‬‬
‫‬‮● ‬‮عدم المقدرة عىل تعبئة االستبانة‬
‫‬‮● ‬‮عدم االستجابة يف تعبئة االستبانة‬
‫‬‮سادس ‪ :‬انطباعات الميرس‪ /‬ة عن الجلسة‬

‫‬‪‬‭1‬‮) ‬‮أن ‬‮يعمل ‬‮المشاركين ‬‮بتحفيز ‬‮المجتمع ‬‮المحلي ‬‮على ‬‮خلق ‬‮الظروف ‬‮المناسبة ‬‮للمشاركة ‬‮المجتمعية‬
‫‬‮لجميع ‬‮القطاعات ‬‮( ‬‮منظمات ‬‮المجتمع ‬‮المحلي ‬‮‪‬ ،‬‮الجمعيات ‬‮مراكز ‬‮الشباب ‬‮قطاع ‬‮األعمال‬
‫‬‮والخدمات ‬‮‪...‬الخ ‬‮) ‬‮بحيث ‬‮يشكلون ‬‮سويا ‬‮إئتألفا ‬‮مجتمعيا ‬‮بحيث ‬‮يمكن ‬‮هذا ‬‮األئتالف ‬‮من ‬‮تحسين‬
‫‬‮قدرة المجتمع وتمكينه من إختيار المشاريع المناسبة والتي تحقق طموحاتهم وتنمية مجتمعاتهم‪.‬‬
‫‬‪‬‭2‬‮) ‬‮أن ‬‮يتم ‬‮فهم ‬‮نضرة ‬‮المجتمع ‬‮المحلي ‬‮الى ‬‮طبيعة ‬‮كل ‬‮مسألة ‬‮من ‬‮المسائل ‬‮والطروحات ‬‮موضوع‬
‫‬‪‬‭3‬‮) ‬‮أن ‬‮يتم ‬‮أجماع ‬‮وبناء ‬‮مشاركة ‬‮فاعلة ‬‮ومتداخلة ‬‮بين ‬‮جميع ‬‮القطاعات ‬‮المجتمعية ‬‮بدء ‬‮من ‬‮مرحلة‬
‫‬‮األختيار والوصول للألوليات وخالل التنفيذ والتشغيل وقياس المخرجات‪.‬‬
‫‬‪‬‭4‬‮) ‬‮ان ‬‮يتم ‬‮بشكل ‬‮واضح ‬‮تحديد ‬‮أفضل ‬‮الوسائل ‬‮المتاحة ‬‮التي ‬‮يستطيع ‬‮من ‬‮خاللها ‬‮أعضاء ‬‮األئتالف‬
‫‬‮التواصل ‬‮فيما ‬‮بينهم‬‮وبدورهم‬‮التواصل‬‮مع‬‮مختلف‬‮فئات‬‮المجتمع‬‮ذات‬‮العالقة‬‮وخاصة‬‮التواصل‬
‫‬‪‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬‬

‫‬‮مع ‬‮الفئات ‬‮الضعيفة ‬‮أو ‬‮الفئات ‬‮المحايدة ‬‮( ‬‮الصامتة ‬‮) ‬‮ليكون ‬‮لإلختيار ‬‮معني ‬‮ومحققا ‬‮العدالة ‬‮في‬
‫‬‮الحصول على مختلف الخدمات وخلق فرص عمل وهذا المطلب األهم‪.‬‬
‫‬‪‬‭5‬‮) ‬‮وبالمقابل ‬‮يجب ‬‮تحديد ‬‮دائرة ‬‮الوصول ‬‮العامة ‬‮مقابل ‬‮الوصول ‬‮الى ‬‮الفئات ‬‮المستهدفة ‬‮وحثهم ‬‮على‬
‫‬‮المشاركة باألختيار‬
‫‬‮سابع ‪ :‬صور الورشة‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭ ‭Annex 10 – Final Consultation session report‬

‭Greater Ajloun municipality‬

‭Community consultation session 8/9/2022‬

‭1.‬ ‭General information about the session:‬

‭Date and time‬ ‭ hursday 8/9/2022 | 10:00 am‬

‭The place‬ ‭Greater Ajloun municipality‬

(‭ 50) people, percentages as follow:‬

‭Attendance number‬
‭-people with disabilities‬

‭●‬ C ‭ ategories and sectors of the local community of‬

‭Jordanians and Syrians from:‬
‭●‬ ‭Women/men/youth/disabled/elderly‬
‭●‬ ‭Institutions of civil society‬
‭ ttendance‬
A ‭●‬ ‭Municipal Council members‬
‭Categories‬ ‭●‬ ‭Employees of the Local Development Unit in the‬
‭Greater Ajloun Municipality‬
‭●‬ ‭Project staff:‬
‭‬ ‭Eng. Mosab Al-Hour‬
o‬ ‭Eng. Manar obeidat: Environmental and Social Safeguards‬



‭affected‬ ‭by‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugee‬ ‭inflows‬ ‭and‬ ‭promote‬ ‭broader‬ ‭crisis‬ ‭resilience‬ ‭through‬ ‭three‬ ‭elements:‬
‭support‬ ‭to‬ ‭participating‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭to‬ ‭provide‬ ‭additional‬ ‭services‬ ‭based‬ ‭on‬ ‭local‬ ‭needs,‬ ‭the‬
‭strengthening‬ ‭of‬ ‭community‬ ‭resilience‬ ‭through‬ ‭local‬ ‭economic‬ ‭development‬ ‭and‬ ‭community‬
‭engagement,‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭strengthening‬ ‭of‬ ‭institutional‬ ‭resilience‬ ‭to‬ ‭crises‬ ‭through‬ ‭development‬ ‭of‬
‭conditions‬ ‭and‬ ‭emerging‬ ‭needs,‬ ‭the‬ ‭project‬ ‭may‬ ‭include‬ ‭additional‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭or‬ ‭eliminate‬
‭existing‬ ‭ones‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭future.‬ ‭The‬ ‭project‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented‬ ‭over‬ ‭a‬ ‭period‬ ‭of‬ ‭38‬ ‭months.‬ ‭It‬ ‭will‬
‭comprise‬ ‭two‬ ‭components:‬ ‭(i)‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Grants;‬ ‭and‬ ‭(ii)‬ ‭Institutional‬ ‭Development‬ ‭and‬ ‭Project‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭Component 1:‬

‭ irect‬ ‭Municipal‬ ‭Grant‬ ‭based‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭extent‬ ‭of‬ ‭Syrian‬ ‭refugees‬ ‭hosted.‬ ‭The‬ ‭grants‬ ‭will‬ ‭allow‬
‭municipalities‬ ‭to‬ ‭finance‬ ‭additional‬ ‭municipal‬ ‭services‬ ‭and‬ ‭programs‬ ‭to‬ ‭help‬ ‭reduce‬ ‭communal‬
‭tensions‬ ‭and‬ ‭enhance‬‭social‬‭cohesion.‬‭These‬‭services‬‭will‬‭include‬‭those‬‭that‬‭are‬‭directly‬‭within‬‭the‬
‭municipal‬ ‭competence‬ ‭(e.g.,‬ ‭solid‬ ‭waste‬ ‭management‬ ‭(mainly‬ ‭garbage‬ ‭compacting‬ ‭trucks),‬
‭rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭existing‬ ‭roads,‬ ‭street‬ ‭lighting,‬ ‭pest‬ ‭control,‬ ‭recreational‬ ‭facilities,‬ ‭local‬ ‭economic‬
‭development‬ ‭and‬ ‭livelihoods,‬ ‭etc.),‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭certain‬ ‭services‬ ‭that‬ ‭can‬ ‭be‬ ‭contracted‬ ‭out‬ ‭by‬
‭municipalities‬ ‭to‬ ‭other‬ ‭service‬ ‭providers‬ ‭(e.g.,‬ ‭water,‬ ‭wastewater,‬ ‭sanitation,‬ ‭etc.).‬‭Grants‬‭will‬‭also‬
‭allow‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭to‬ ‭support‬ ‭community‬ ‭development‬ ‭programs‬ ‭and‬ ‭services‬ ‭to‬ ‭vulnerable‬
‭communities.‬ ‭Finally,‬ ‭municipalities‬ ‭can‬ ‭also‬ ‭procure‬ ‭urgent‬ ‭and‬ ‭temporary‬ ‭human‬ ‭resources‬ ‭to‬
‭and‬ ‭solutions,‬ ‭planning,‬ ‭and‬ ‭accountability‬ ‭processes‬ ‭in‬ ‭order‬ ‭to‬ ‭build‬‭strong‬‭local‬‭ownership‬‭and‬
‭thereby‬ ‭strengthen‬ ‭community‬‭resilience‬‭and‬‭social‬‭cohesion.‬‭The‬‭prioritization‬‭of‬‭key‬‭investments‬
‭will especially take into account needs of women, youth and other targeted and vulnerable groups.‬

‭Component 2:‬

I‭nstitutional‬ ‭Development‬ ‭and‬ ‭Project‬ ‭Management.‬ ‭This‬ ‭component‬ ‭will‬ ‭provide‬ ‭technical‬
‭meet‬ ‭the‬ ‭urgent‬ ‭service‬ ‭delivery,‬‭local‬‭economic‬‭development‬‭and‬‭Resettlement‬‭Policy‬‭Framework‬
‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jordan‬ ‭Emergency‬ ‭Services‬ ‭and‬ ‭Social‬ ‭Resilience‬ ‭Project‬ ‭7‬ ‭livelihoods‬ ‭needs‬ ‭of‬ ‭host‬
‭communities‬ ‭and‬ ‭refugees,‬ ‭as‬ ‭well‬ ‭as‬ ‭project‬ ‭management‬ ‭support‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬ ‭Municipal‬
‭Affairs‬ ‭(MOMA),‬ ‭the‬ ‭Cities‬ ‭and‬ ‭Village‬ ‭Development‬ ‭Bank‬ ‭(CVDB)‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭relevant‬ ‭central‬ ‭and‬
‭to‬ ‭enhance‬ ‭the‬ ‭institutional‬ ‭capacity‬ ‭of‬ ‭government‬ ‭(municipal,‬ ‭governorate,‬ ‭and‬ ‭national)‬ ‭and‬
‭for emergency preparedness, and risk planning, management and financing.‬

‭3. Introduction to the MG2 Project‬

T‭ he‬‭public‬‭park‬‭is‬‭a‬‭rehabilitation‬‭of‬‭an‬‭existing‬‭park‬‭with‬‭an‬‭area‬‭of‬‭40‬‭donums,‬‭the‬‭park‬‭will‬‭be‬‭built‬
‭by a metal fence around the park with a height of 2 meters and a gate.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭subproject‬ ‭consists‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭construction‬‭of‬‭administrative‬‭building‬‭that‬‭includes‬‭(administration‬

‭be modified and the gate will be replaced.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭administrative‬ ‭building‬ ‭and‬ ‭public‬ ‭facilities‬‭(restrooms)‬‭will‬‭be‬‭established‬‭at‬‭park‬‭entrance,‬‭in‬

‭permanent facility.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭remaining‬ ‭rehabilitation‬ ‭works,‬ ‭include‬ ‭cleaning‬ ‭and‬ ‭rehabilitation‬ ‭of‬ ‭an‬ ‭existing‬ ‭facilities‬
‭(seating areas), The sub-project activities include:‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

● E‭ xcavation, foundation and structural skeleton.‬
‭●‬ ‭Supplying filling material.‬
‭●‬ ‭Base course layers with maximum thickness 20 cm‬
‭●‬ ‭pouring concrete works‬
‭●‬ ‭Finishing work of bricks, plaster and tiles and electromechanical work.‬

T‭ he‬ ‭project‬ ‭will‬ ‭be‬ ‭implemented‬ ‭by‬ ‭Ajloun‬ ‭Municipality,‬ ‭through‬ ‭a‬ ‭fund‬ ‭from‬ ‭Jordan‬ ‭Municipal‬
‭and Villages Development Bank‬

‭4.‬ ‭Introduction to the Environmental Impact Assessment Study‬

T‭ he study aims to present the main results of the Ajloun park project funded by the World Bank,‬
‭where an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study was conducted. The study team‬
‭assessed the potential environmental and social impacts resulting from the proposed project as‬

‭‬ A
● ‭ ssessment of the project's potential environmental risks and impacts on the areas of impact.‬
‭●‬ ‭Reviewing the environmental policy and legal framework of the project.‬
‭●‬ ‭Specific and recommended actions to avoid and/or prevent, reduce, mitigate or compensate for‬
‭potential negative environmental and social impacts that will improve environmental‬
‭performance and incorporate them into the overall project management plan‬

T‭ he social and environmental impacts of the project were assessed during the construction and‬
‭operation phases. Determining the potential effects takes into account the nature of the proposed‬
‭project, its location, implementation area, activities and human resources, as the study indicates‬
‭positive environmental and social impacts during the implementation and operation phases.‬

‭5.‬ ‭Objectives of the session‬

T‭ he session aims to discuss and present the results of social and environmental studies of‬
‭innovative projects and share them with the local community of all groups and ages to‬
‭determine the following:‬

‭●‬ T‭ he opinions of citizens from all segments of society about the innovative project and its‬
‭●‬ ‭The views of citizens from all segments of society on the environmental/social impacts of the‬
‭innovative project.‬
‭●‬ ‭Any suggestions that the local community deems necessary for the success of the project.‬

‭6.‬ ‭Stages of the session‬

‭‬ A
● ‭ welcoming and a thanking note to all participants in the session.‬
‭●‬ ‭Explain the purpose and objectives of the session‬
‭●‬ ‭Clarify the general rules of the session and ethical considerations, including the approval of‬
‭recording and filming during the session.‬
‭●‬ ‭Presenting the team project staff.‬
‭●‬ ‭Clarify the session mechanism and procedures‬
‭●‬ ‭Starting with the session, which included the following topics:‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

o‬‭An introduction about the innovation project, including the size, objectives and components (Eng.‬

‭Mosab Al-hour)‬

o‬‭An introduction about the framework for the stakeholders inclusion and community participation‬

‭since the beginning of the project (Eng Manar Obidat)‬

o‬‭A presentation about the environmental and social study and its results (Eng. Mosab Al-hour)‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


‭ajloun Innovation Project‬‭(Eng. Mosab Al-hour & Eng‬‭Manar Obidat)‬

‭7.‬ ‭Questions and concerns:‬

‭❖‬ ‭Questions regarding‬‭:‬

‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭starting‬ ‭date‬‭of‬‭the‬‭project‬‭and‬‭the‬‭date‬‭of‬‭submitting‬‭the‬‭bid‬‭related‬‭to‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭number‬ ‭of‬ ‭job‬ ‭opportunities‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭categories‬ ‭to‬ ‭be‬ ‭covered‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬
‭recruitment process.‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭mechanism‬ ‭and‬ ‭date‬ ‭of‬ ‭submitting‬ ‭employment‬ ‭applications‬ ‭within‬ ‭the‬
‭implementation and operation phase of the project.‬

‭❖‬ ‭Suggestions‬ ‭and‬ ‭opinions‬ ‭to‬ ‭develop‬ ‭and‬ ‭improve‬ ‭the‬ ‭project's‬ ‭work‬ ‭and‬

‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭endorsement‬ ‭and‬ ‭approval‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭local‬‭community‬‭regarding‬‭the‬‭results‬
‭of the study and the expected social and environmental effects.‬
‭●‬ ‭Encouraging‬ ‭young‬ ‭people‬ ‭to‬ ‭go‬ ‭to‬ ‭training‬ ‭courses‬ ‭such‬ ‭as‬ ‭(painting,‬
‭stages of the project.‬

‭❖‬ ‭Opinions that empower women, youth, people with special needs, and‬

‭Syrian refugees‬
‭●‬ ‭Requesting to give the priority to youth, women and people with special needs‬
‭when hiring.‬
‭●‬ ‭There is a question about the jobs that the project will provide ,the areas that will‬
‭be covered by employment, and the priorities for employment and the categories‬
‭that will be obtained have been clarified.‬
‭●‬ ‭Taking into account the needs of people with disabilities in the project facilities.‬

‭❖‬ ‭Project risks and local community concerns:‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭●‬ ‭Focusing‬ ‭on‬ ‭the‬ ‭idea‬ ‭of‬ ‭​sustainability‬ ‭and‬ ‭finding‬ ‭a‬ ‭specialized‬ ‭partner‬ ‭whose‬
‭the municipality's main role in this investment relationship.‬
‭●‬ ‭Concerns about the method of jobs distribution among the municipality's areas.‬

‭8.‬ ‭During the consultative session, the following was taken into account:‬

‭‬ G
● ‭ iving an introductions about the innovative project and its most important themes.‬
‭●‬ ‭Creating a poster for the environmental and social study of the innovative project,‬
‭which shows the social and environmental impacts, and display it in the meeting‬
‭room "in front of the participants".‬
‭●‬ ‭The presence of a paper containing the mechanisms of Grievance Procedure related‬
‭to the project in the sessions meeting room.‬
‭●‬ ‭Documenting the session by photos and videos and publishing information related to‬
‭this session with the local community through the project's Facebook page page and‬
‭the municipality's Facebook page.‬

‭9.‬ ‭Attendance sheet:‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬

‭MSSRP - ESMP - Rehabilitation of Ajloun Public Park MG2 Subproject‬


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