Smart Building Guideline (ENG)

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Smart Building
Green and Digital Transformation
Nusantara Capital Authority

© 2023 Nusantara Capital Authority 1

NUMBER : 009/SE/Kepala-Otorita IKN/VIII/2023



“Nusantara’s Smart Building Guideline” is the official translation of

Circular Letter Nomor: 009/SE/Kepala-Otorita IKN/VIII/2023

© 2023 Nusantara Capital Authority 2

Introduction 9

Sustainable Development within

the Context of Nusantara 12

Smart Building Principles 14

Sustainable Resource
Management 16

Implementation Guidelines 21

Implementation of Smart
Building in Nusantara 97

© 2023 Nusantara Capital Authority 3

Green and Digital Transformation

Copyright ©2023
Green and Digital Transformation
Nusantara Capital Authority
17th Floor Menara Mandiri 2, Senayan
Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta
Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12190

Ir. Bambang Susantono, MCP., MSCE., Ph.D.
Chairman of Nusantara Capital City Authority
Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.
Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation

Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.
Prof. Yandi Andri Yatmo, M.Arch., Ph.D.
Dr. Mustika Sari, S.Ars., M.T.
Sylvia Putri Larasati, S.T.
Evan Roberts, S.T.

Green and Digital Transformation Working Group

Sylvia Putri Larasati, S.T.

Ministry of Public Works and Housing

This guideline is the result of the in-house production of the Deputy for Green and Digital
Transformation of the Nusantara Capital Authority, which is an accumulation of learning
and research that has been carried out over the past 10 years by the team of authors at
Universitas Indonesia. Before the smart building guideline book was published, a Focus
Group Discussion was held at Le Meridien Hotel Jakarta on June 9-10, 2023 and involved
more than 50 institutions from various related ministries including the Ministry of Health,
Ministry of Communication and Information, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of
Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Energy and Human Resources,
academics from 9 universities, practitioners and construction companies and technology
providers from within and outside the country.

© 2023 Nusantara Capital Authority 4


Developing a city and its infrastructure is arguably one of the main drivers of
economic growth. New city development can form the backbone of an economy, as
they provide social and economic benefits to the society. The economic role and
significance of city development must consider other dimensions of sustainable
development, particularly its environmental aspects. Thus, the development of modern
cities enables competitive advantage in the global economy and contributes to a
nation’s economic and social growth.
Nusantara Capital City will be planned as green open space where 65% is a
protected area and 10% is for food production and the rest, the development area will
consist of various zones of mixed-use and neighbourhood. On top of that, Nusantara
will be utilized as a clean energy source and mobilization within Nusantara will be
heavily accomplished by public transportation.
The creation of a new city requires careful preparation in terms of planning and
project implementation. Well-prepared technical, financial, and good governance
frameworks need to be in place before the construction of a new city can be carried
out. Implementing accountable and prudent good governance in the development
process is among the important factors in the construction of a new capital city’s mega
project. Based on the presidential regulation on the master plan of Nusantara, we then
develop a more detailed plan as shown in this guideline.
Smart city development aims to produce a resilient and sustainable city by
producing better city services, from improvements in transportation, energy, and water
resources to waste disposal and health services. Smart cities can improve a city’s
ability to use natural resources efficiently, make public transportation more attractive,
and further provide data to planners and decision makers to allow them to allocate
resources appropriately. In other words, the smart city concept contributes to the
formation of a high-quality, healthy, and regenerative built environment that is modelled
on a circular economy and has an overall positive impact on the environment.
Science and technology development plays a significant role in achieving
sustainable development by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of new and
more long-lasting ways of building and living. Investments in green technology, more
streamlined and targeted processes, safer materials, and improved performances and
outcomes are some of the results of such development. Technological advances in
utilizing renewable energy resources, building urban water systems and sustainable
public infrastructure, and producing environmentally friendly materials and products
are among the pathways along which technology will significantly contribute to
sustainable new smart city development.

Bambang Susantono
Chairman of Nusantara Capital City Authority

© 2023 Nusantara Capital Authority 5


As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, our buildings are

transforming into intelligent, connected entities capable of improving how we live, work,
and interact with our surroundings. The concept of smart buildings has received a lot of
traction in recent years as businesses and governments have realized how revolutionary
these cutting-edge buildings may make the way we plan, develop, use, and maintain our
built environment.
The demand for comfort, efficiency, and sustainability is growing, and smart
buildings are emerging as a robust solution to address the challenges caused by the
inadequate supply of these demands. In this book, we go into the topic of smart buildings
to offer a thorough guide that covers the terminology, background, elements, and
technological approaches used in these innovative buildings.
We start by delving into the definition of smart buildings, moving beyond the
buzzword to comprehend the essential elements that develop a building as smart. We
look at the numerous aspects of smart buildings and how they fit into the larger picture
of smart cities, where connectivity and data-driven decision-making are changing the
look of metropolitan areas.
Next, we explore the components of smart buildings, revealing the essential
elements that serve as the foundation of these intelligent structures. From advanced
sensors and controls to energy-efficient systems, we explore the inner workings of smart
buildings, emphasizing how these components work to maximize building performance,
improve user experience, and reduce environmental impact.
However, what truly distinguishes smart buildings are the innovative
technological solutions that enable their transformation. In this book, we present an in-
depth examination of the advanced technologies driving smart building growth. We
investigate the role of these technologies in enabling buildings with intelligence and
connection, ranging from artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to the
Internet of Things (IoT) and big data analytics.
This book results from extensive research, expert insights, and practical
recommendations to guide industry experts, policymakers, and stakeholders in
navigating the fascinating world of smart buildings. It is a comprehensive resource that
can help architects, engineers, facility managers, and urban planners understand,
develop, and execute smart building solutions that are user-centric, efficient, and
"Smart Building Guidelines" is aimed to encourage the implementation of smart
buildings that contributes to the growth of sustainable and intelligent built environments.
I hope you can join us on this transformative journey as we uncover the potential of
smart buildings and shape the future of our cities.

Mohammed Ali Berawi

Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation
Nusantara Capital City Authority

© 2023 Nusantara Capital Authority 6

Executive Summary

A smart city is an approach that utilizes advances in information and

communication technology, urban data management, and digital technology to plan and
manage core urban functions in an efficient, innovative, inclusive, and resilient manner.
Based on technological priorities, smart buildings are a component that is expected to be
present at the beginning of Nusantara Capital City. Therefore, this guideline is established
as a standard for smart building planning in the Nusantara region. With the application of
the features in this guideline, it is expected that all buildings in Nusantara can optimally
achieve their performance goals. The application of smart buildings is one of the
supporters of Nusantara Capital City’s vision, namely 'World City for All' through
sustainable development in the energy, water, waste, environment & biodiversity,
economy, tourism, security, and technology sectors. Smart buildings have 6 principles
namely automation, multi-functionality, adaptability, interactivity, inclusivity, and
efficiency. Smart buildings are equipped with a range of features that allow for greater
energy efficiency, convenience, and safety. Each feature in a smart building must fulfil the
following functional requirements and specifications.

 Integrated Building Management
 Intercom System
 Control Room and Data Center
 Audio Visual & Digital Signage
 Fiber-to-the Room (FTTR)
 Digital Twin
 Smart Water Management
 Intelligent Video Surveillance
 Smart Drinking Water Fountain
 Smart Locking System
 Smart Waste Chute
 Virtual Gates
 Smart Bin
 Occupancy Monitoring
 Smart Restroom
 Touchless Access Control
 Smart Lighting System
 Visitor Management
 Automatic Meter Readers MOBILITY SYSTEM
 Automatic Sub-meter Readers  Smart Escalator and Auto walk
 Electricity Load Balancing  Smart Elevator
 Public Electric Vehicle Charging  Smart Parking System
 Active Disaster Response System  Air Quality Monitoring
 Smart Fire Suppression System  Air Conditioning System
 Emergency Button  Air Purification and Filter Monitoring
 Fire Safety Device Maintenance  Demand Controlled Ventilation
 Animal Hazard Protection  Climate Detection System

© 2023 Nusantara Capital Authority 7

Table 1. System Integration Matrix

The table above shows the integration between systems in a smart building.
Integration between systems in smart buildings must be done carefully and planned by
considering the needs and objectives of building use, namely energy efficiency, increased
productivity, increased occupant comfort and safety.
The implementation of smart building in Nusantara consists of several stages to
ensure the achievement of performance target, from building planning and design,
performance review, system implementation, and performance evaluation.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 8

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Law No. 3 of 2022 has decreed that Indonesia's capital city will move from
Jakarta to the Nusantara, located in East Kalimantan. The development plan of
the Nusantara Capital City is described in Presidential Regulation Number 63 of
2022 concerning the Master Plan for the Nusantara Capital City. In the regulation,
it is explained that the basic principles of developing the capital city area combine
three concepts of urban development, namely forest city, sponge city, and smart
A smart city is an approach that utilizes advances in information and
communication technology, urban data management, and digital technology to
plan and manage core urban functions in an efficient, innovative, inclusive, and
resilient manner. Based on technological priorities, smart buildings are a
component that is expected to be present at the beginning of Nusantara Capital
City. Plus, President Jokowi has emphasized that on Indonesia's Independence
Day in 2024, a flag ceremony will be held with a complete city ecosystem,
including office and residential buildings of course. So, building designs that
include smart features are important from the planning phase.
The application of smart buildings has begun in Indonesia, such as
parking systems with sensors, surveillance with CCTV, automatic lighting
systems, and others. However, the understanding of the smart building concept is
still different from one building to another. In Indonesia, there is no policy or
standard that specifically explains smart buildings. Therefore, this guideline is
established as a standard for smart building planning in the Nusantara Capital City
region. With the application of the features in this guideline, it is expected that all
buildings in Nusantara can optimally achieve their performance goals.

1.2 Limitations of this Guideline

 This guideline only regulates the design of building towers
 This guide is not universally applicable, as it is dependent on specific
conditions, functions, and locations. It is not a substitute for accurate
calculations and modelling by the design team.
 The effectiveness of the design methods and systems outlined in this guide
will be determined by the design, implementation, and operation of the
relevant systems.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 9

1.3 Why Smart Building?
According to IEA data from 2021, building operations account for 30% of
global final energy consumption and 27% of total energy sector emissions [28].
Therefore, the building sector has a vital role to play in responding to the climate
emergency. Engineers in the construction world are starting to conceptualize more
environmentally friendly buildings such as green buildings and sustainable buildings.
Many studies have proven that the condition of buildings greatly affects the
productivity of the people who move in them. Indoor environmental quality, such as
air and lighting conditions, can affect human health and comfort. Therefore, the
condition of building occupants is also starting to become a major concern in building
design [29].
This smart building guideline was developed to promote building practices
within Nusantara that take into account, not only the impact of buildings on the
environment, but also on the well-being of their occupants with the help of the latest
The application of the smart building concept offers many advantages
 Optimize energy use and minimize energy waste, thereby reducing operating
costs and helping to protect the environment.
 Air quality can be better monitored and regulated, improving the health and
comfort of building occupants.
 Equipped with better security and safety systems, such as CCTV monitoring
systems, fire sensors, and alarm systems, so as to help protect building
 With the right use of technology, smart buildings can help reduce building
operational and maintenance costs.
 Smart buildings can be connected to other systems, such as public transportation
and urban infrastructure, helping to reduce traffic congestion and improve
transportation efficiency.
 Improve the productivity and well-being of building occupants by providing a
better environment to work or live in.
 Provide a better and more efficient user experience in the use of building facilities
and services.

1.4 Is Smart Building More Expensive?

The perception that smart buildings cost more than conventional buildings is
not necessarily true. The initial cost of implementing technology for smart buildings
can indeed increase building costs by up to 25%. However, with the application of
these technologies, building operational costs can decrease to 38% [8]. In addition,
there are many other financial benefits that come from implementing smart building
concepts such as increasing occupant productivity, increasing building asset value,
and reducing carbon tax costs.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 10

1.5 Smart Building Study Cases

JTC Summit, Singapore

JTC Summit is a smart office building in
Singapore’s Jurong Lake district. The 31-story building
incorporates a network of approximately 60,000 sensors to
collect various building systems data. By using open digital
platform, they are able to merge various technologies, such
as smart energy, building management, and robot delivery
services, into a single platform. The building’s owners are
able to see data virtually via the building’s digital twin to
help them in decision making regarding energy use, system
malfunction, remotely unlocking gates in real time. In
addition, the building is equipped with robots that are
capable of delivering packages, detecting maintenance
problems, and conducting security patrols throughout its
corridors [40]. Source:

The Crystal, London

The Crystal is a sustainable urban development
center in London that is considered to be one of the most
sustainable buildings in the world. The building was opened
in 2012 and was designed by Siemens as a showcase for
sustainable technology and urban planning. The building is
designed to be highly energy efficient, with features such as
triple-glazed windows, a high-performance building
envelope, and a rooftop solar array that generates electricity.
A number of smart control systems manage its energy use
through building management systems and an integrated
energy management system that tracks and analyzes energy
Source: use in real-time [27].

The Edge, Amsterdam

The Edge Amsterdam is considered one of the most
intelligent and sustainable buildings in the world. The building
is located in the Zuidas business district of Amsterdam,
Netherlands and was completed in 2015. It was designed by
the architectural firm PLP Architecture and built by OVG Real
Estate. The building is equipped with over 28.000 sensors to
monitor lighting, temperature, humidity, and other factors,
resulting in a 70% reduction in energy consumption. A
significant amount of its energy is provided by over 4.000
solar panels on the roof of the building. The building is
equipped with an indoor climate control system, smart
lighting system, and smart parking system. The building
collects data on several metrics and analyzes them to make
informed decisions about the building operations and
management [2].

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 11

2. Sustainable Development Within
the Context of Nusantara
One of Nusantara's main goals in achieving the vision of a 'World City for All' is to
develop sustainable cities in the world. Nusantara is designed to be a pioneer in sustainable
cities and is expected to become a model for other regions in Indonesia. The master plan
for the Nusantara capital city, as stated in Presidential Regulation 63 of 2022, describes
sustainable development as follows.

2.1 Energy
All energy infrastructure is gradually directed towards using 100
percent renewable energy by 2045 throughout the Nusantara Capital City
region. Renewable energy sources are produced through hydroelectric power
plants, solar farms, rooftop solar panels, floating solar panels, bioenergy, and
other potentials such as green hydrogen.
Specifically in the building infrastructure, the key performance indexes
(KPI) in 4.2 with topic low carbon emission for the Nusantara Capital City is
60% energy savings for energy conservation in buildings. In the transportation
sector, the use of electric vehicles and the development of supporting
infrastructure are also part of the renewable energy development strategy in
the Nusantara Capital City region as part of efforts to achieve the Net Zero
Emission target.

2.2 Water
The sponge city concept is applied in the Nusantara Capital City, as
stated in the masterplan part, to restore and maintain the natural cycle
of water which has changed due to changes in function and land cover. The
sponge city concept is implemented in an integrated manner at the smallest to
urban settlement scale to slow down and restrain the flow of water, harvest
rainwater, and increase the absorption of rainwater into the ground.
Buildings in Nusantara are conceptualized to be flood-resistant using
in-place rainwater retention features, porous surfaces, and green roofs to hold
and filter water before discharge. Technology also plays an important role in
sustainable water management on a city or building scale.

2.3 Waste
Nusantara's KPI in point 5 with topic circular and tough for the waste
sector is 60% recycling of solid waste by 2045 in sub point 2 (5.2) and 100%
of waste water will be treated through a treatment system by 2035 in sub point
3 (5.3). Both targets are achieved by the development of facilities and
infrastructure as well as the management of integrated waste and wastewater
management systems from upstream to downstream by applying circular

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 12

2.4 Environment & Biodiversity
Nusantara’s development concept as a forest city is a nature-based solution. The
concept of a forest city is a realization of the concept of a sustainable city by maintaining,
managing, and restoring forest ecosystems to anticipate various social and environmental
changes. The application of forest city has advantages in economic, social, and environmental
aspects, which include increasing biodiversity, maintaining water and air quality, and
overcoming climate change.

2.5 Economic
Referring to President Regulation No. 63 of 2022 (Nusantara’s master plan) where
the smart city aims to become an Economic Superhub. In order to achieve the GDP projection
of 13900 - 14700 per capita in 2045 for the smart city, one of the requirements is the
implementation of smart buildings to support 6 components of 6 industrial clusters and 2
enablers. Economically, the development of smart buildings would be much more effective
compared to conventional buildings. By calculation, it can reduce costs by 50% and even more
depending on the desired PEB (Pre-Engineered Buildings) and BEC (Business Environment
and Concepts). Additionally, maintenance will be more efficient, coupled with guaranteed
connectivity between smart buildings, which will accelerate economic circulation.

2.6 Tourism
Referring to President Regulation No. 63 of 2022 part, the development of
ecotourism in Nusantara Capital City is centered around the natural environment and/or
traditional culture. The concept of ecotourism aims to minimize negative impacts on the natural
environment and socio-culture. Nusantara can become a unique destination through the
development of a sustainable ecotourism identity that meets ecological, socio-cultural and
economic criteria. Nusantara's KPI in point 5 with topic circular and tough for the waste sector
is 60% recycling of solid waste by 2045 in sub point 2 (5.2) and 100% of waste water will be
treated through a treatment system by 2035 in sub point 3 (5.3). Both targets are achieved by
the development of facilities and infrastructure as well as the management of integrated waste
and wastewater management systems from upstream to downstream by applying circular

2.7 Technology
Nusantara’s KPI in point 7 with topic comfortable and efficient in technology in the
subpoint 2 (7.2) contains 100% connectivity digital and technology, information, and
communication for all citizens and business. The utilization of technological advances in the
development of Nusantara is implemented in the smart city concept. The emergence of
various innovations in improving environmental sustainability and improving the welfare of the
community is a parameter for the successful implementation of this concept. In the sustainable
aspect, technology has the benefit of better environmental quality by reducing greenhouse
gas emissions, water wastage, and waste generation. The smart city concept in the Nusantara
Capital City Region is categorized into 6 (six) domains, namely governance, natural resources
and energy, living, transportation and mobility, industry and human resources, and built
environment and infrastructure.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 13

3. Smart Building Principles

3.1 Automation
A smart building should be able to utilize advanced technology for the purpose of
managing and improving building systems. The integration of various building systems,
along with the monitoring of building conditions through sensors, and the use of automation
and data analytics are key principles of smart building automation. By automating and
centralizing building management, smart building automation can lead to lower energy
usage, increased efficiency, and an enhanced user experience [13].

3.2 Multi-functionality
A smart building should be able to serve various purposes and adapt to changing
user requirements. This principle involves integrating various building systems and
technologies such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, lighting, and security to
create a versatile and adaptable building environment. The primary aim of smart building
multifunctionality is to optimize the use of building space and resources, minimize expenses,
and enhance user satisfaction. By designing buildings that can perform multiple functions
and cater to various users' needs, smart building multifunctionality can boost building
sustainability and value [45].

3.3 Adaptability
A smart building should be able to learn, predict and satisfy the needs of users and
the stress from the external environment. Integration between different aspects in the
building gathers information internally and externally from a range of sources. Smart
buildings utilize this information to prepare the building for a particular event before the event
has happened. For example, sensors and smart control in air conditioning systems can be
used to detect and respond to changes in air quality and other environmental factors. A
smart building should be able to adapt its operations and physical form for these events to
increase energy efficiency, occupant’s comfort and productivity [9].

3.4 Interactivity
The systems in a smart building should be able to interact and communicate with
one other as well as with building occupants. Advanced sensors and control systems that
can detect changes in occupancy, temperature, lighting, and other aspects can be used to
create interactivity. This enables real-time communication between a smart building and its
residents. A smart building, for instance, may recognize when a room is empty and
automatically switch off the lights. Building inhabitants can utilize a smartphone app as a
communication platform to modify the lighting, temperature, and other systems as needed.
With demand response programs, interactivity can improve occupant security and safety,
comfort and productivity, and energy efficiency [33]. The system should also be open
platform so that it is open to future technological developments.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 14

3.5 Efficiency
A smart building should be able to increase energy, time, and costs in several ways.
Real-time data can inform decision-making, streamlining building operations to help building
managers. Predictive maintenance through the use of sensors and data analytics can
prevent major maintenance issues and further save time and cost on repairs. Automated
systems can also improve efficiency by reducing the time required for manual adjustments.
Improved productivity and retention rates, leading to cost savings, can also be achieved by
improving occupant experience through personalized settings. This can be implemented to
all building systems to, not only to increase efficiency, but also create a more sustainable
and comfortable environment for occupants [12].

3.6 Inclusivity
Designing, creating, and operating smart buildings in a way that is inclusive,
equitable, and accessible to everyone, regardless of their skills or impairments, is known as
inclusivity. Smart buildings should be made accessible and useful by everyone, regardless
of their age, size, ability, or disability. This entails following accessibility guidelines, offering
inclusive technology, and interacting with the neighborhood to learn about the requirements
and tastes of various user groups.

3.7 Green Building

The principle of green building is one of the main foundations in planning the smart
building concept. Regulations regarding green buildings in Indonesia have been regulated
in the Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 21 of 2021 concerning Green Building
Performance Assessment. The principles are:
 Site management
 Energy use efficiency
 Water use efficiency
 Indoor air quality
 Use of environmentally friendly materials
 Waste management
 Wastewater management

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 15

4. Sustainable Resource Management

4.1 Energy Management

Managing energy is important to smart buildings in Nusantara because it uses
the most modern technology to make efficiency & reduce energy consumption and
carbon emissions. The ways that energy systems can be managed sustainably:

 Renewable Energy Sources

The integration of renewable energy sources like solar panels, wind turbines, and
geothermal systems into the building's energy infrastructure can help reduce reliance
on fossil fuels and decrease carbon emissions. This not only makes the building
more sustainable but also saves costs in the long run.

 Energy Efficient HVAC Systems

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are among the most
significant energy consumers in a building. Smart buildings can use energy-efficient
HVAC systems that are designed to optimize energy consumption and reduce waste.
For instance, using smart thermostats that can adjust the temperature based on
occupancy or outside temperature can reduce energy consumption.

 Efficient Lighting Systems

Smart buildings can implement efficient lighting systems that use motion sensors
and timers to turn off lights in unoccupied areas. This helps reduce energy
consumption and also prolongs the lifespan of lighting systems.

 Energy Storage Systems

Energy storage systems like batteries can store excess energy generated by
renewable energy sources or during off-peak hours for later use when the demand
for energy is high. This helps reduce peak-hour energy demand and also ensures a
reliable and continuous energy supply.

 Energy Management Systems (EMS)

Energy management systems (EMS) can help monitor, manage and optimize the
energy consumption of a smart building. This system integrates with the building's
various energy systems and provides data-driven insights and recommendations for
reducing energy consumption and increasing efficiency.

 Monitoring and Analytics

Smart buildings can incorporate sensors and monitoring systems to collect and
analyze energy data. By analyzing this data, building managers can identify areas of
high energy consumption and optimize energy consumption in real-time.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 16

4.2 Air Management
The air management system is an important aspect for smart building as people
spend 90% of their time indoor. Therefore, following are some ways to manage air
systems sustainably in a smart building:

 Efficient Ventilation Systems

A smart building can implement efficient ventilation systems that can reduce energy
consumption and improve indoor air quality. The ventilation system can use sensors
to control the amount of outdoor air brought into the building based on occupancy
levels. This ensures that the ventilation system operates only when neccessary thus
reducing energy consumption.

 Air Quality Monitoring

Smart buildings can use sensors to monitor indoor and outdoor air quality, including
humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Monitoring and analyzing this data can help identify sources of indoor air pollution
and take necessary actions to improve air quality.

 Air Purification Systems

Air purification systems, such as air filters, can help remove pollutants and allergens
from the air, improving indoor air quality. These systems can be integrated with the
building's HVAC system to ensure optimal air quality and energy efficiency.

 Proper Maintenance and Cleaning

Regular maintenance and cleaning of air systems, including HVAC systems and air
filters, can help improve air quality and reduce energy consumption. Dirty filters and
ducts can impede airflow, forcing HVAC systems to work harder to circulate air,
resulting in increased energy consumption.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 17

4.3 Water Management
Sustainable resource management of water systems is a crucial aspect of a
smart building, as it helps reduce water consumption, minimize water waste, and
conserve natural resources. So, following some ways to implement sustainable resource
management in water systems in a smart building:

 Rainwater Harvesting
Capturing and utilizing rainwater as a water source can reduce health and
environmental impacts, reduce runoff and provide economic benefits to building

 Water Recycling
Grey water is domestic wastewater that comes from the results of daily household
activities such as bathing and washing, excluding toilets. Grey water can be treated
and redistributed to toilets and urinals for flushing and irrigation purposes.

 Efficient Plumbing Fixtures

Smart buildings can incorporate water-efficient plumbing fixtures such as low-flow
toilets, faucets, and showerheads. These fixtures can help reduce water consumption
without compromising performance.

 Water Monitoring and Analytics

Smart buildings can use sensors to monitor water consumption and identify areas of
high consumption. By analyzing this data, building managers can identify
inefficiencies and implement corrective measures.

 Leak Detection Systems

Smart buildings can incorporate leak detection systems to identify and address leaks
in real-time. These systems can use sensors to detect leaks and notify building
managers before they become major issues.

 Smart Irrigation Systems

Smart buildings can use sensors and weather data to optimize irrigation systems.
This can help reduce water waste and ensure that irrigation occurs only when

 Proper Maintenance and Cleaning

Regular maintenance and cleaning of water systems, including plumbing fixtures and
irrigation systems, can help improve efficiency and reduce water waste. Dirty fixtures
and clogged pipes can impede water flow, resulting in increased water consumption.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 18

4.4 Economic
Sustainable resource management is not only about
environmental conservation, but it also includes economic
sustainability. Smart buildings can implement various
strategies to achieve economic sustainability while
promoting environmental conservation.

 Energy Efficiency
Smart buildings can implement energy-efficient
strategies such as using efficient HVAC systems, lighting
systems, and appliances. This can help reduce energy
consumption, which can lead to significant cost savings
in the long run.

 Renewable Energy
Smart buildings can incorporate renewable energy
systems such as solar panels, wind turbines, and
geothermal systems. This can help reduce energy costs,
and in some cases, generate revenue by selling excess
energy back to the grid.

 Demand Response Programs

Smart buildings can participate in demand response
programs that incentivize energy reduction during
periods of peak demand. This can help reduce energy
costs by avoiding high-demand charges.

 Smart Metering
Smart buildings can install smart metering systems that
can track energy and water consumption in real-time.
This can help identify areas of high consumption,
optimize energy usage, and minimize costs.

 Building Automation Systems

Smart buildings can incorporate building automation
systems that can monitor and control building systems
such as HVAC, lighting, and security systems. This can
help optimize energy usage, reduce costs, and improve
occupant comfort.

 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis

Smart buildings can use life-cycle cost analysis to
evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different sustainability
measures. This can help prioritize investments that
provide the greatest long-term economic benefits.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 19

4.5 Technology
Sustainable resource management in technology systems of smart buildings
involves the implementation of efficient and effective technologies that reduce energy and
resource consumption, minimize waste, and promote sustainability. Here are some ways
to implement technology in the sustainable resource management smart building in
Nusantara New Capital City:

 Virtualization and Cloud Computing

Virtualization and cloud computing can help reduce the need for physical
infrastructure and equipment, leading to a reduction in energy usage, waste, and

 Smart Monitoring and Analytics

Smart monitoring and analytics systems can help optimize energy usage and identify
areas of waste and inefficiency in technology systems. This can help reduce energy
waste and promote sustainability in the operation of the building's technology

 Automation Decision Making

Automation decision making in smart buildings involves the use of sensors and data
analysis to make real-time decisions about the operation of various building systems.
By using automation decision making in smart buildings, for example machine
learning and artificial intelligence, businesses and organizations can reduce their
environmental impact while also improving efficiency and reducing costs. However, it
is important to ensure that these systems are designed and implemented in a
sustainable and responsible way.

By implementing these strategies, smart buildings can promote sustainable resource

management in technology systems, reduce the environmental impact of the building, and
improve the overall sustainability of the technology systems. It is important to consider
sustainability as part of the overall technology strategy and promote sustainable practices
throughout the lifecycle of the building's technology systems.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 20

5. Implementation Guidelines
Smart buildings are equipped with a range of features that allow for greater energy
efficiency, convenience, and safety. Each feature in a smart building must fulfill the
following functional requirements and specifications.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 21

5.1 Basic Requirements
5.1.1 Integrated Building Management System
Smart buildings have emerged as pioneers of efficiency and sustainability, with
Integrated Building Management Systems at their core. The Integrated Building
Management System is a framework that governs communication and limitless control
among various building systems. One crucial layer within the Integrated Building
Management System is the Automation Layer, where Building Automation Systems take
the lead.
The Automation Layer serves as the nerve center of smart buildings, integrating
various controllers, panels, and adapters that seamlessly connect and regulate all
interconnected systems. Advanced sensor and actuator networks facilitate this complex
interaction, ensuring optimal functionality and resource utilization.
Building automation systems are crucial in enabling the Automation Layer to
function effectively. Gateways connect various smart building systems in the Field
Application Layer, which includes HVAC systems, energy systems, lighting systems,
resource systems, mobility systems, communication systems, access control systems,
security systems, and safety systems.
Aligning various interconnected systems in smart buildings using Integrated
Building Management Systems will enhance efficiency and lay the foundation for a more
environmentally friendly, responsive, and future-ready built environment. With
technological advancements, the potential of smart buildings and their contribution to
sustainable living will continue to evolve, revolutionizing how we inhabit and interact with
the environment.

Figure 1. Integrated Smart Building Management System

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 22

Functional Requirement
The system must be able to integrate all systems and devices in
Integration [1]
the building.
Building The system must be able to control various systems and devices
Automation [1] within the building.
The system must have data analysis capabilities that can provide
insight into building performance and identify areas for
Data analysis [1]
improvement. This will enable operators to make informed
decisions and optimize building performance over time.
Compliance and Systems must comply with applicable data security regulations and
Data Security standards to protect sensitive data related to building operations.
Mandatory for buildings and landed houses, [2] Mandatory for buildings and
recommended for landed houses, [3] Recommended for buildings and landed houses

Reference Standard

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for cloud services

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation

135-2020 and Control Networks

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 23

5.1.2 Control Room and Data Center
A data center is a specialized facility that houses and manages computer systems,
servers, network equipment and other critical infrastructure components for storing,
processing and managing large amounts of data. The data center is the central hub for an
organization's IT operations and hosts a variety of hardware and software resources that
support various applications, services, and business processes.
A control room is a centralized facility designed to monitor and manage complex
systems, processes or operations in real-time.

Functional Requirements
The control room must be equipped with the necessary sensors and
control systems to monitor and control all the building systems in real-
time. This will enable the operators to quickly identify and resolve any
and control [2]
issues that may arise
The control room must be able to integrate with all the building
systems, including HVAC, lighting, security, and energy management
with building
systems. This will allow the operators to control and manage all the
systems [2]
systems from a central location
The control room must have a user-friendly interface that is easy to
navigate and understand. This will allow the operators to quickly
interface [2]
access the information they need and take appropriate action
The control room must be equipped with an alerting and notification
Alerting and system that can quickly inform the operators of any issues or
notification [2] malfunctions in the building systems. This will allow the operators to
take immediate action and prevent any potential damage or downtime
The control room must have a robust energy management system
Energy that can monitor and optimize the building's energy consumption. This
management [2] will help reduce energy costs and minimize the building's carbon
The control room must be equipped with a data analytics and
reporting system that can provide insights into the building's
Data analytics
[2] performance and identify areas for improvement. This will allow the
operators to make informed decisions and optimize the building's
performance over time
The control room must have a robust security and access control
Data reporting system to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the
building systems. This will help prevent unauthorized access and
protect the building from potential security threats.
Security and
The control room should have a data backup and recovery system in
access control
[2] anticipation of an emergency or cyber hazard.

The control room must be equipped with the necessary sensors and
Data Backup
control systems to monitor and control all the building systems in real-
and Recovery
[2] time. This will enable the operators to quickly identify and resolve any
issues that may arise

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 24

Hardware Software
o UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
o System Operation Server
o HVAC and Security
o Database Management System
o Storage
o Web Server
o Server
o Server Virtualization
o Advance monitor
o Monitoring Tools and Dashboard
o Power Backup
o Backup and Recovery Tools
o Cooling Machine
o Remote Access Software
o Security Software
o Fire extinguisher

Figure 2. Control Room and Data Center

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 25

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021

SNI 8799:2019 Information Technology - Data Center

Information Technology - Security Engineering -

SNI 7512:2008
Information security incident management

SNI 19-7013-2004 Data Center Building Security Requirements

Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data

TIA 942-B
Information technology – Data Centre Facilities and
ISO/IEC 22237

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for cloud services

ISO 11064 Ergonomic Design of Control Centres

Information technology - Data centres - Key

ISO/IEC 30134-1 performance indicators - Part 1: Overview and general

Lainnya And other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 26

5.1.3 Fiber-to-the-Room (FTTR)
FTTR (Fiber to The Room) is a telecommunications infrastructure concept that
involves deploying fiber optic cables directly to individual rooms or living areas within a
building or facility. In the FTTR architecture, fiber-optic connectivity extends into the end-
user space, providing high-speed, high-bandwidth communication services directly to
each individual location.

Functional Requirements
The main purpose of FTTR is to provide fast and reliable internet
connectivity to every room in the building. The network must be
able to support high-bandwidth applications such as video
connectivity [1]
streaming, online gaming, and video conferencing
FTTR should be designed to support future network growth and
Scalability [2]
expansion, as more users and devices are added to the system
Networks should be designed with redundancy and failover
Reliability [1] mechanisms to ensure uninterrupted connectivity even in the
event of fiber or equipment failure
FTTR networks must be secure to prevent unauthorized access
Security [1]
and protect user data from cyber threats
The network must be compatible with a wide range of devices
Compatibility [1] and operating systems, including smartphones, laptops, tablets,
and smart home devices
FTTR networks should be easy to manage and monitor, with
Management [1] tools and software for network administrators to troubleshoot
and optimize performance
Cost- FTTR networks should be designed to minimize costs, with
effectiveness efficient installation and maintenance procedures, and energy-
efficient equipment and technology
Hardware Software
o Optical receiver o Guest Wi-Fi Management
o Network equipment Software
o Fiber cable o Network Management Software
o Media conversion o Billing and Revenue
Management Software
o Fiber Optic Test and Analysis

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 27

Figure 3. Fiber-to-the-Room (FTTR) System

Reference Standard

ISO 33.180 Fibre Optic Communication

Space systems — Fiber optic components — Design

ISO 20780:2018
and verification requirements

IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standards

IEEE 802.3 Ethernet

Space systems — Electromagnetic compatibility

ISO 14302

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO/IEC 29794-5-1:2022 FTTR network topology

Information technology - Implementation and operation

ISO/IEC 14763-3:2019 of customer premises cabling - Part 3: Testing of
optical fibre cabling

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 28

5.1.4 Digital Twin
Digital Twin refers to a virtual representation of a physical object, system or
process, which is a digital replica that reflects the real world in real-time, capturing its
physical and behavioral characteristics. This technology combines multiple data sources,
such as sensors, IoT devices, and simulations, to create dynamic, interactive models that
reflect the current state and behavior of the physical entities they represent.

Functional Requirements
Accurate The digital twin must provide an accurate representation of the
representation physical asset or system, including its geometry, behavior, and
interactions with other systems.
The digital twin must be updated in real-time with data from
Real-time data [2] sensors, devices, and other sources to reflect the current state of
the physical asset or system.
The digital twin must provide visualizations that enable users to
Visualization [2] interact with and explore the virtual replica of the physical asset
or system.
The digital twin must support analysis and simulation capabilities,
Analysis and such as predictive maintenance, energy optimization, and fault
simulation [2] detection, to help optimize the performance of the physical asset
or system.
The digital twin must be able to integrate with other systems and
platforms, such as building management systems or
Integration [2]
manufacturing control systems, to enable seamless data
exchange and interoperability.
The digital twin must be designed with security and privacy in
Security and
mind, with measures in place to protect against unauthorized
privacy [2]
access and data breaches.
The digital twin must be scalable to support large and complex
Scalability [2] assets or systems, and be able to handle increasing amounts of
data and users over time.
Hardware Software
o Digital twin software
o AR (Augmentation Reality) Devices
o Augmentation and virtual reality
o VR (Virtual Reality) Devices
o Computer

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 29

Figure 4. Digital Twin System

Reference Standard

ISO 16739 Digital twin framework for manufacturing

ISO 23247 The Digital Twin framework for manufacturing.

Developed by the International Telecommunication

ITU-T F.746.10
Information Technology - Security Engineering -
SNI 7512:2008
Information security incident management

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

IPC-2551 International Standard for Digital Twin

Standards for the Twin Digital Maturity Model and

IEEE P3144
Assessment Methodology in Industry

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 30

5.2 Access Control System

5.2.1 Touchless Access Control

Touchless Access Control is a security system or technology that allows access to
a specific area or facility without requiring physical contact with a device or surface.

Functional Requirements
The touchless access control system must be able to authenticate
Authentication the user's identity through various means, such as facial
recognition, iris scanning, or voice recognition.
The system must be able to grant or deny access to the user based
Access control [2]
on their authentication status and the level of access granted.
The touchless access control system must be able to control
Physical access
[2] physical access to areas or equipment, such as doors, elevators,
or turnstiles, without requiring the user to touch any surfaces.
The system must be able to provide remote access to users, such
Remote access [2]
as via mobile devices or other wireless technologies.
Temperature The system must be able to monitor visitors body temperature to
Checking [3] track visitor’s health condition and to protect others.
The touchless access control system must be integrated with other
Integration [2] building automation systems, including HVAC, CCTV, and alarm
The system must have a user management interface for adding,
modifying, and deleting users, as well as assigning access levels
management [2]
and permissions.
The touchless access control system must be scalable to adapt to
Scalability [2] changes in user volume, new access points, and evolving security
Hardware Software
o Biometric software
o Biometric Sensor
o Mobile apps
o Motion Sensor
o RFID card management
o Bluetooth-enabled locks
o Access control management
o RFID cards and readers
o Automatic doors/gates
o Visitor management software

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 31

Figure 5. Touchless Access Control System

Reference Standard
IEC 60839-11-1 dan -11- Electronic Access Control Systems and Application
2 Guidelines
Information technology - Biometric data interchange
ISO/IEC 19794-6:2019
formats - Part 6: Iris image data
Information technology - Biometric data interchange
ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011
formats - Part 5: Face image data

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

Standard for Biometrics Open Protocol Extended

IEEE 2410-2020
Frameworks (OPEN)

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 32

5.2.2 Visitor Management
Visitor management is a systematic and efficient management of visitors, guests
and individuals entering or leaving a building or facility, which involves the use of
advanced technology and integrated systems to streamline the process of welcoming,
monitoring and controlling visitor access to the venue.

Functional Requirements
Mobile check-in The system ought to have a mobile check-in feature that enables
guests to sign up beforehand using a mobile app or website.
The system must be capable of following guests around the
building in real-time, giving hosts or security personnel precise
tracking [2]
location data.
The system ought to make use of predictive analytics to foresee
visitor traffic and offer insights for building management, such as
analytics [2]
optimizing staffing levels or modifying HVAC settings.
Depending on the visitor's preferences, the system must be able
Personalization to tailor the experience they have while they are there, for
example, by pointing them in the direction of meeting spaces they
prefer or recommending amenities close by.
Depending on the volume of visitors and the occupancy levels,
the system must be able to modify the lighting, temperature, and
controls [2]
other environmental elements.
The system must be able to generate reports on user activity,
Reporting [2] access attempts, and system events for audit and compliance
To improve building performance and efficiency, the system must
be able to integrate with other smart building technologies,
Integration [2]
including IoT sensors, smart lighting, and energy management
Hardware Software

o Visitor management software

o Building automation systems
o Camera
o Mobile apps

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 33

Figure 6. Visitor Management System

Reference Standard
Information technology — Functional safety requirements for
ISO 14762
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Electronic Access Control Systems and Application

IEC 60839-11-1 dan -11-2
Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats -
ISO/IEC 19794-6:2019
Part 6: Iris image data
Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats -
ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011
Part 5: Face image data

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 34

5.3 Communication System
5.3.1 Intercom System
The intercom system is an internal communication system that allows users or
building occupants to communicate by voice or video with other people in the building,
designed to facilitate communication between building occupants or between users and
security or administrative officers without having to move from their place.

Functional Requirements
The smart intercom system must be accessible remotely,
Remote access
[2] allowing users to answer calls and grant access from their
mobile devices or computers.
Video The system must have a video intercom feature that allows
Intercom [3] users to see and speak with visitors before granting access.
Access control The system must be able to grant or deny access to visitors
based on user authorization levels and visitor permissions.
The system must be integrated with visitor management
systems to streamline the visitor check-in process and provide
management [2]
accurate visitor information to users.
The system must support two-way communication between
[2] users and visitors with video quality and clear audio.

The smart intercom system must be integrated with other smart

Integration [2] building technologies, such as security cameras, access control
systems, and building automation systems.
Users must be allowed to answer calls, receive notifications,
Mobile app [3] and manage access control settings through mobile apps from
their mobile devices.
The system must be customizable, allowing users to adjust
settings such as microphone sensitivity, camera quality, and
settings [2]
access control rules.
Hardware Software
o Building automation system
o Visitor management system
o Video and audio intercom system
o Intercom software
o Mobile apps

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 35

Figure 7. Intercom System

Reference Standard

DS/EN 62820 Building intercom system

Residential Telecommunications Infrastructure

Information technology — Functional safety
ISO 14762 requirements for Home and Building Electronic
Systems (HBES)

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

Others And other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 36

5.3.2 Audio Visual & Digital Signage
Audio Visual & Digital Signage is a technology system that enables the display
of information, images and other multimedia content in an interactive and attractive
digital form, and can be integrated with other systems, such as security systems or
building management systems.

Functional Requirements
The system must have a centralized control panel that allows
users to manage and monitor all audiovisual and digital signage
control [2]
components from one control system.
The system must allow users to create or display custom content
such as graphics, videos, or announcements, on digital signage
content [2]
The system must be able to provide real-time updates on
building events, schedules, or emergency notifications through
updates [2]
digital signage displays.
The system must support interactive features, such as touch
screens or motion sensors, to enhance user engagement and
features [2]
promote building interactivity.
The system must adhere to accessibility guidelines, such as
Accessibility [2] offering text-to-speech features or larger fonts for users who are
blind or visually handicapped.
To maximize building performance and efficiency, the smart AV
and digital building signage system must be able to integrate with
Integration [2]
other smart building technologies, such as occupancy sensors or
energy management systems.
In order to give information for content improvement, the system
Analytics [2] must provide analytics on user involvement, such as the quantity
of interactions or clicks on digital signage displays.
The system must be able to personalize the user experience
[3] based on individual preferences, such as displaying personalized
content or adjusting display settings.
The system must provide multilingual support, including signage
and audio cues in different languages to accommodate visitors
support [2]
from diverse backgrounds.
Hardware Software
o Screen display
o Media player
o Real-time voice transcription and
o Camera
o Sensor
o Interactive display features
o Power distribution system
o Communication infrastructure

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 37

Figure 8. Audio Visual and Digital Signage

Reference Standard

ISO 2846 Graphic technology

Information technology — Computer graphics, image

processing and environment data representation —
ISO/IEC 23488:2022 Object/environmental representation for image-based
rendering in virtual/mixed and augmented reality
Accessible design — Application of braille on signage,
ISO 17049:2013
equipment and appliances

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for sharing data

IEC 62443-4-1 Secure product development lifecycle requirements

Others And other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 38

5.4 Energy System
5.4.1 Automatic Meter Readers
Automatic Meter Reader is a technology system used to automate the collection
and monitoring of data on energy usage, such as electricity, water or gas, that occurs
inside certain buildings or facilities, by utilizing sensor technology and remote
communication to automatically collect data from various meters measurements installed
in the building.

Functional Requirements
The system must automatically read and record the data of the
Automatic meter
meter, so that the personnel of the electricity company does not
reading [1]
have to read the meter manually.
The system must provide real-time data on energy usage and
Real-time data [1] other metrics so that users can monitor and adjust energy usage
in real time.
The system must be remotely accessible so users can monitor
Remote access
[2] meter activity and energy usage from their mobile devices or
The smart meter reader system must be able to integrate with
other smart building technologies, such as energy management
Integration [1]
systems or HVAC controls, to optimize building performance and
The system must provide analytics on energy use, such as peak
Analytics [1] usage times or energy-saving opportunities, to provide insights
for energy optimization.
The system must allow users to set up customizable alerts for
abnormal energy usage or meter readings, to notify them of
alerts [1]
potential issues.
The system must be compatible with existing meters and support
Compatibility [1] multiple communication protocols, such as cellular or Wi-Fi, to
accommodate different building configurations.
The system must be scalable to accommodate changes in
Scalability [2] building occupancy, user volume, and evolving energy
management needs.
The system must have maintenance features in place, such as
Maintenance [1] reporting and tracking meter issues or requesting repairs, to
ensure accurate and reliable meter readings.
The system must prioritize security by implementing appropriate
Security [1] data protection measures and secure access controls to prevent
unauthorized access or breach.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 39

Hardware Software
o Energy management software
o Smart electric meter
o Building automation software
o Smart gas meter
o Data analytics software
o Smart current sensor
o Visualization software
o Smart voltage sensor

Smart Meters

Data Center

Monitoring and

Figure 9. Automatic Meter Readers

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021

SNI 62053 Electric Meter Equipment

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 40

5.4.2 Automatic Sub-meter Readers
Automatic Sub-meter Reader is an automatic system used to monitor and
measure electricity consumption specifically at the sub-meter level inside a building
that is installed on a certain circuit or device, such as electronic equipment, lighting,
heating systems, air conditioning, and others, which has a separate electrical load from
the main meter of the building. Automatic Sub-meter readers work automatically and
in real-time to collect energy consumption data from sub-meters installed at various
locations in the building.

Functional Requirements
The system must automatically read and record sub-meter
data, eliminating the need for manual meter reading by
meter reading [3]
building management or tenants.
The system must provide real-time data on energy usage and
Real-time data [3] other sub-meter readings, allowing users to monitor and adjust
energy usage in real-time.
The system must provide granular monitoring of energy usage
for individual tenants or sub-zones, to help identify energy-
monitoring [3]
saving opportunities and allocate energy costs accurately.
The smart sub-meter reader system must be able to integrate
with other smart building technologies, such as energy
Integration [3]
management systems or billing software, to optimize building
performance and efficiency.
The system must provide analytics on energy usage, such as
Analytics [3] peak usage times or energy-saving opportunities, to provide
insights for energy optimization and cost reduction.
The system must allow users to set up customizable alerts for
abnormal energy usage or meter readings, to notify them of
alerts [3]
potential issues or opportunities for cost reduction.
The system must be scalable to accommodate changes in
Scalability [3] building occupancy, user volume, and evolving energy
management needs.
The system must have maintenance features in place, such as
Maintenance [3] reporting and tracking sub-meter issues or requesting repairs,
to ensure accurate and reliable sub-meter readings.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 41

Hardware Software
o Smart sub-meter o Energy management software
o Data concentrator o Building automation system
o Communication Infrastructure o Cloud-based platforms

Smart Meters

Data Center

Monitoring and

Figure 10. Automatic Sub-meter Readers

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021

SNI 62053 Electric Meter Equipment

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 42

5.4.3 Electricity Load Balancing
Electrical Load Balancing is a technique used to ensure a balanced distribution of
electrical loads throughout a building's electrical system, which aims to avoid load
imbalances between various electrical circuits or devices in a building, thus preventing
overloading on one circuit or device and optimizing efficient use of power.

Functional Requirements
Real-time The system must provide real-time monitoring of electricity demand
monitoring [1] and supply, allowing for quick adjustments to load balancing.
The system must automatically balance the electrical load of the
Automatic load
building or building, ensuring efficient distribution of energy
balancing [1]
The system must be able to automatically shed non-critical loads
Load shedding [1] during peak periods to prevent system overload and ensure a
stable power supply.
The system must use predictive analysis to predict future demand
and adjust load balancing accordingly to optimize energy
analytics [1]
consumption and minimize costs.
The load balancing system must be able to integrate with other
Integration [1] smart building technologies, such as HVAC controls or lighting
systems, to optimize building performance and efficiency.
The system must be scalable according to changes in building
Scalability [2] occupancy, number of users and changing energy management
The load balancing system must be capable of incorporating energy
storage solutions such as batteries or other storage systems to
Energy storage [2]
store excess energy during periods of low demand and release it
during periods of peak demand.
Renewable The system must be able to integrate with renewable energy
energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines to optimize energy
integration [2] consumption and reduce dependence on the grid.
The system must be able to detect faults or anomalies in the load
Fault detection [1] balancing process and alert building management or maintenance
for quick resolution.
The system must prioritize security by implementing appropriate
data protection measures and secure access control measures to
Security [1]
prevent unauthorized access or unauthorized modification of load
balancing information.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 43

Hardware Software
o Smart meter o Energy management software
o Power management system o Building automation system
o Energy storage system o Cloud-based platforms

Figure 11. Electricity Load Balancing

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021

SNI 6390-2020 Energy conservation of building air conditioning systems

SNI 6197-2020 Energy conservation in lighting systems

SNI 62053 Electric Meter Equipment

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Building environment design — Guidelines to assess

ISO 23045:2008
energy efficiency of new buildings

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 44

5.4.4 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations are facilities designed to recharge
electric vehicle batteries in general, which can be used by the public with the aim of
providing accessible and reliable infrastructure.

Functional Requirements
Fast charging [3] The system should have sufficient energy output so that it can
charge electric vehicles quickly.
The system should support various charging standards to
Compatibility [2]
ensure the system can serve different types of electric vehicles.
The system should have a user-friendly user interface that
User-friendly allows property managers or maintenance workers to easily
user interface [3] monitor and control the system. It also increases user comfort
in operating the system.
Renewable The system should be able to integrate with renewable energy
energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines to optimize
integration [2] energy consumption and reduce dependence on the grid.
The system should have maintenance features, such as testing
Maintenance [2] and inspection schedules, to ensure that the system is working
and coded correctly.
The system should provide real-time data on energy usage and
Real-time data [2] other metrics so that users can monitor and adjust energy usage
in real time.
The system should be remotely accessible so that users can
Remote access
[2] monitor meter activity and energy usage from their mobile
devices or computers.
The system should prioritize security by implementing
Security [2] appropriate data protection measures and secure access
controls to prevent breaches or unauthorized access.
The system should allow users to set customizable alerts for
users or building management, to notify them of potential
alerts [2]
emergencies and prompt action.
More than one The system must have more than one charging port to
charging port [2] simultaneously accommodate multiple vehicle charging.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 45

Hardware Software
o Charging management system
o Charging station
o User interface
o Control panel
o Monitoring system
o Authentication system
o Integration with other energy
o Payment system
o Internet connection
o Power loading algorithm

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Minister of Energy and
Mineral Resources Provision of Electric Charging Infrastructure for
Regulation Number 1 Battery-based Electric Motor Vehicles
of 2023
Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication
ISO 15118
Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of
IEEE 1547-2018 Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric
Power Systems Interfaces

IEC 61851 Electric vehicle conductive charging system

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

Power Grid PEVCS (SPKLU) Electric Vehicle

Figure 12. Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 46

5.5 Safety System

5.5.1 Active Disaster Response System

Active Disaster Response System is a technology used to provide a fast and
efficient response in dealing with emergency or disaster situations with the help of artificial
intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and integration with related parties.

Functional Requirements
Sensor and The system must include a network of sensors and monitoring
monitoring devices that detect changes in temperature, humidity, air quality
system [2] and the presence of smoke, gas and other hazards.
The system must be able to quickly alert building occupants and
emergency responders when a potential threat is detected. This
Alert system [2]
could include audible alarms, visual alerts, and/or automated
notifications to smartphones or other devices.
The system must provide a reliable communication channel for
building occupants and emergency responders to communicate
system [3]
with each other and coordinate response efforts.
Automatic shut- The system must automatically shut-off systems for utilities such
off system [2] as gas, water, and electricity in case of emergency situations.
The system must include automatic emergency lighting that turns
on in the event of a power outage or other emergency situation.
lighting [2]
Remote access The system must provide remote access to building controls, such
to building as HVAC systems and elevators, to enable building managers
controls [2] and emergency responders to adjust settings as needed.
The system must include machine learning and artificial
Real-time data intelligence algorithms to analyze data from sensors and devices
analysis [2] in real-time to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate
potential threats.
Disaster The system must have a disaster recovery plan in place to ensure
recovery system that critical data and systems can be quickly restored in case of a
The system must be integrated with other systems in order to
Integration [2]
maintain the safety of building occupants
Manual override The system must be able to be controlled manually when there is
an automatic system failure in the event of a disaster.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 47

Hardware Software
o Disaster response software
o Sensors and detectors
o Alert management software
o Alarms and alerts
o Data analysis software
o Communication devices
o Remote access software
o Control devices
o User interface software
o Data storage devices
o Building management system

Figure 13. Active Disaster Response System

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 48

Reference Standard

ISO 22329 Security and Resilience – Emergency management

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

ISO 8201:2017 Alarm systems

ISO 30061:2007 Emergency lighting

Fire safety engineering — Verification and validation

ISO 20414:2020
protocol for building fire evacuation models

SNI 8840 Early warning system

Public safety - Emergency management - Requirements

SNI ISO 22320-2012
for incident handling (ISO 22320:2011, IDT)

Others And other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 49

5.5.2 Smart Fire Suppression System
Smart Fire Suppression System is a technology used to detect, track and
respond to fires quickly and efficiently with the help of Internet of Things (IoT) devices
and integration with other building systems.

Functional Requirements
Real-time The system must enable real-time monitoring of the building or
monitoring [1] facility for potential fire hazards or outbreaks of fires.
The system must automatically detect and extinguish fires
Automatic fire
using sprinklers or other fire suppression methods to minimize
suppression [2]
damage and protect passengers.
The system must be able to quickly alert building occupants
and emergency responders when a potential fire threat is
Alert system [1] detected. This could include audible alarms, visual alerts,
and/or automated notifications to smartphones or other
To optimize building safety and efficiency, a fire suppression
Integration [2] system must be able to integrate with other smart building
technologies, such as smoke detectors.
The system must be scalable according to building occupancy,
Scalability [2]
number of users and changing security requirements.
The system must have redundant parts, such as multiple water
Redundancy [2] sources or backup power sources, to ensure reliable operation
in case of failure or emergency.
The system must have maintenance features, such as testing
Maintenance [1] and inspection schedules, to ensure that the system is working
and coded correctly.
The system must have a user-friendly user interface that allows
property managers or maintenance workers to easily monitor
user interface [2]
and control the system.
The system must allow users to set custom alerts for potential
fires or system failures, notify them of potential problems, and
alerts [3]
act quickly.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 50

Hardware Software
o Temperature sensor
o Building Automation System
o Smoke sensor
o Flow sensor
o Fire Alarm and Control Software
o Water supply and pump
o Fire Suppression and Control
o Sprinkler head
o Fire extinguisher

Figure 14. Smart Fire Supression System

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 51

Reference Standard

ISO 7240 Fire detection and alarm systems

ISO 8201:2017 Alarm systems

ISO 30061:2007 Emergency lighting

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Fire safety engineering — Verification and validation

ISO 20414:2020
protocol for building fire evacuation models
Fire-safety engineering — Technical information on
ISO 16738:2009 methods for evaluating behaviour and movement of
Sistem pengendali asap kebakaran pada bangunan
SNI 03-6571-2001
Procedures for planning, installation, and testing of
SNI 03-3985-2000 fire detection and alarm systems for fire prevention in
Procedures for planning, installation of light fire
SNI 03-3987-1995 extinguishers for fire prevention in houses and
Public safety - Emergency management -
SNI ISO 22320-2012 Requirements for incident handling (ISO 22320:2011,

Others And other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 52

5.5.3 Emergency Button
Emergency Button is a technology designed to provide quick assistance and
emergency response in situations that threaten the life or safety of a person through
integration with relevant parties.

Functional Requirements
The system must provide quick response in case of
Quick response
[2] emergencies, allowing occupants to quickly and easily request
The emergency button system must be able to integrate with
other smart building technologies, such as security cameras or
Integration [2]
access control systems, to optimize building safety and
The system must be scalable to accommodate changes in
Scalability [2] building occupancy, user volume, and evolving safety
The system must be able to track the location of the emergency
button activation, to facilitate quick response and efficient
tracking [2]
allocation of resources.
The system must allow users to set up customizable alerts for
emergency response teams or building management, to notify
alerts [3]
them of potential emergencies and prompt action.
The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows
building occupants to easily locate and activate emergency
interface [2]
The system must be compatible with different types of
emergency buttons and support multiple communication
Compatibility [2]
protocols, such as cellular or Wi-Fi, to accommodate different
building configurations.
The system must have maintenance features in place, such as
Maintenance [2] testing and inspection schedules, to ensure that the system is
functioning properly and up to code.
Hardware Software
o Building Automation System (BAS)
o Emergency button
o Emergency response management
o Intercom system
o Access control system
o Incident management software
o Panic alarms
o Mass notification software

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 53

Figure 15. Emergency Button System

Reference Standard

ISO 8201:2017 Alarm systems

ISO 30061:2007 Emergency lighting

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Fire safety engineering — Verification and validation

ISO 20414:2020
protocol for building fire evacuation models
Fire-safety engineering — Technical information on
ISO 16738:2009 methods for evaluating behaviour and movement of
Public safety - Emergency management -
SNI ISO 22320-2012 Requirements for incident handling (ISO 22320:2011,

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 54

5.5.4 Fire Safety Device Maintenance
Fire Safety Device Maintenance is a technology used to ensure proper
maintenance of fire equipment through scheduling inspections and detecting damage
or loss of equipment.

Functional Requirements
The system must provide real-time monitoring of fire safety
devices, such as smoke detectors or fire extinguishers to
monitoring [3]
ensure they are working.
The system must use predictive analytics to detect potential
equipment failures before they occur, enabling preventative
maintenance [3]
The system must maintain documentation of all maintenance
[3] activities, including inspection results, repairs, and
replacement records.
The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows
building management or maintenance staff to easily access
interface [3]
maintenance records and schedules.
Hardware Software

o PIR/Weight sensor o Fire Alarm Maintenance Software

o Inspection Software
o Camera
o Preventive Maintenance Software

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 55

Figure 16. Fire Safety Device Maintenance

Reference Standard

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Information technology — Security techniques —

ISO/IEC 27037:2012 Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition
and preservation of digital evidence

SNI 6570-2023 Fixed pump installation for fire protection

SNI 03-6571-2001 Fire smoke control system in buildings

SNI 03-6462-2000 Fire damper installation procedure

Procedures for planning and installing means of

SNI 03-1746-2000
egress for rescue against fire hazards in buildings
Procedures for planning, installation of light fire
SNI 03-3987-1995 extinguishers for fire prevention in houses and

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 56

5.5.5 Animal Hazard Protection
Animal Hazard Protection is a technology that is able to detect the presence
of animals in the vicinity of buildings and provide measures to safely remove these
animals and alert building occupants automatically.

Functional Requirements
Smart building technology must include surveillance systems
such as sensors and cameras to detect the presence of
system [3]
insects and animals in and around buildings.
The monitoring systems must be able to provide real-time
Real-time alerts
[3] alerts to building managers and occupants when insects or
animals are detected.
The system must include automated pest control
Automated pest
mechanisms such as insecticide sprays or traps to control
control [3]
insect populations and prevent infestations.
Automated Smart building technology can be used to install automated
deterrent deterrent systems that use lights, sound, or other means to
systems [3] scare animals away from the building.
Smart building technology can be used to install air curtains
Air curtains [3] that can create a barrier between indoor and outdoor
environments, preventing insects from entering the building.
Smart building technology can be used to analyze data on
insect populations and environmental factors to identify
Data analytics [3]
patterns and develop strategies to prevent future insect
Hardware Software
o Wild animal monitoring
o Sensors o Safe zone integration
o Cameras o Smart pesticides monitoring
o Pest control mechanisms o Automated pest control
o Animal repellent o Automated deterrent systems
o Real-time alert system

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 57

Figure 17. Animal Hazards Protection

Reference Standard
Minister of Health Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental
2023 Health

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Information technology — Environmental Data

ISO/IEC 18025:2014
Coding Specification (EDCS)
Information technology — Security techniques —
ISO/IEC 27037:2012 Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition
and preservation of digital evidence

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 58

5.6 Heating, Ventilation, and Air
Conditioning (HVAC) System
5.6.1 Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring
Indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring is a system to measure and monitor
air quality both inside buildings and outdoors. Indoor air quality monitoring identifies
and reduces indoor pollution, as well as maintaining a healthy environment for
occupants. Meanwhile, outdoor air quality monitoring involves measuring pollutants in
the outdoor air of buildings and surrounding environments to understand the level of
outdoor air pollution and identify efforts that can be made to minimize its impact on
occupant health

Functional Requirements
The system must utilize sensors to measure and monitor air
quality parameters according to the building and room
monitoring [1]
The system must provide real-time monitoring of indoor air
quality, alerts, and reporting of potential deviations from
monitoring [1]
desired indoor air quality levels.
The system must collect and analyze historical data on air
Historical data quality, providing insights and recommendations to improve
analysis [1] building ventilation, air filtration, or other actions to enhance
indoor air quality.
The air quality monitoring system must be integrated with other
smart building technologies, such as demand-driven
Integration [1]
ventilation systems or building automation systems, to
optimize the building's energy use and indoor air quality.
The system must provide alerts and notifications for
Maintenance [1] maintenance and repair needs, such as sensor calibration or
Hardware Software
o Air quality monitoring sensor o Building automation system
o Connectivity o Monitoring software

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 59

Figure 18. Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Minister of Health
Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of
number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Building environment design — Indoor environment

ISO 16813:2006
— General principles
Building environment design — Indoor air quality —
ISO 16814:2008 Methods of expressing the quality of indoor air for
human occupancy
Energy performance of buildings — Overall energy
ISO 1777-1:2017
performance assessment procedures

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 60

5.6.2 Air Conditioning System
Air Conditioning System is a technological system that regulates and controls the
air temperature inside a building with the aim of creating a comfortable environment for its
occupants, by lowering the air temperature inside the building when the outside conditions
are too hot or increasing the temperature when the outside conditions are too cold, thus
creating interior climate conditions optimally according to the preferences of the occupants.

Functional Requirements
The system must be able to maintain a comfortable temperature
in the building, adjusting automatically according to the
control [1]
preferences of the occupants.
The system must be energy-efficient, reducing energy
consumption and costs by optimizing cooling and heating based
efficiency [1]
on occupancy, ambient temperature, and other factors.
The system must allow building management or occupants to
Remote access
[2] remotely access and control the air conditioning system, using a
mobile app or web portal.
The smart air conditioning system must be able to integrate with
other smart building technologies, such as building automation
Integration [1]
systems, occupancy sensors, or weather forecasting systems, to
optimize building energy use and comfort.
The system must support zoning, allowing different parts of the
Zoning [2] building to be cooled or heated independently, based on
occupancy or other criteria.
The system must provide alerts and notifications for maintenance
Maintenance [1] and repair needs, such as filter replacement, refrigerant leaks, or
system failures.
The system must collect and analyze data on energy use,
temperature settings, and occupancy patterns, providing insights
Data analytics [1]
and recommendations for optimizing building energy efficiency
and comfort.
The system will manage the condition of indoor air automatically
Automation [1] from recommendations given by data analytics, but it can be
interrupted by humans.
The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows
User-friendly building occupants or management to easily adjust temperature
interface [2] settings, view energy consumption data, and access other
system features.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 61

Hardware Software
o Heavy-duty pressure
o Thermal sensor o Building automation system
o Gas quality sensor o Monitoring software
o Humidity sensor

Figure 19. Air Conditioning System

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 62

Reference Standard
Energy conservation of air conditioning systems in
SNI 6390:2020
Procedures for designing ventilation and air
SNI 03-6572-2001
conditioning systems in buildings
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Minister of Health
Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of
number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Building environment design — Indoor environment —

ISO 16813:2016
General principles
Recommended Practice for the Application of Low
IEEE 3004.8-2016 Voltage (600 V and below) Air Conditioning and Heat
Pump Equipment
Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for
ISO 17772-2:2017 buildings - Part 2: Ventilation requirements for non-
residential buildings

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 63

5.6.3 Air Purification and Filter Monitoring
Air Purification and Filter Monitoring is a technology system that can clean and
monitor air quality inside buildings with the goal of creating a healthy and comfortable
environment for occupants by removing dust particles, dirt, pollutants, and allergens
from the air, as well as regulating humidity and temperature levels to create an optimal
indoor environment.

Functional Requirements
The system must use sensors to measure and monitor indoor
Sensor-based air quality parameters such as particulate matter, volatile organic
monitoring [1] compounds (VOCs), or other relevant factors with high
sensitivity and low error from the sensor.
The system must be equipped with air purification capabilities,
Air purification
[1] such as HEPA filters or activated carbon, chlorine, nitrogen, etc
filters, to remove gas pollutants from the air.
The system must provide real-time monitoring of indoor air
quality, with alerts and notifications for any deviation from the
monitoring [1]
desired indoor air quality levels.
The system must monitor the status of air filters, alerting users
Filter monitoring
[2] when it's time for replacement, and track the history of filter
replacements devices and sensors.
The air purification and filter monitoring system must be able to
integrate with other smart building technologies, such as building
Integration [1]
automation systems or air quality monitoring systems, to
optimize building energy use and indoor air quality.
The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows
User-friendly building occupants or management to easily access and view
interface [2] indoor air quality data, receive alerts, and access other system
features, including filter replacement.
The system must provide alerts and notifications for
Maintenance [1] maintenance and repair needs, such as filter replacement or
system cleaning.
The system must collect and analyze data on indoor air quality
Data analytics [1] parameters, providing insights and recommendations for
optimizing air purification and filter replacement.
Hardware Software
o Gas Quality sensor
o Airflow sensor
o Simulation software
o Humidity sensor
o Monitoring HVAC
o Particle sensor
o Controlling HVAC
o Basic switch
o Thermal sensor

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 64

Figure 20. Air Purification and Filter Monitoring

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 65

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Minister of Health
Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of
number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health
Building environment design — Indoor environment —
ISO 16813:2006
General principles

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Building environment design — Indoor air quality —

ISO 16814:2008 Methods of expressing the quality of indoor air for human
Energy performance of buildings — Overall energy
ISO 1777-1:2017
performance assessment procedures

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 66

5.6.4 Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV)
DCV is a ventilation system that automatically adjusts the amount of fresh air
brought into the building based on real-time occupancy and air quality data that
optimizes indoor air quality while minimizing energy consumption by providing
ventilation in response to actual demand.
Functional Requirements
The system must use sensors to detect occupancy and air
Sensor-based quality parameters according to the building and room
ventilation [1] functions to adjust the level of ventilation and appropriate
The system must be energy-efficient, reducing energy
consumption and costs by optimizing ventilation based on
efficiency [1]
occupancy, air quality, and other factors..
The Demand-based ventilation systems should be integrable
with other smart building technologies, such as building
Integration [1]
automation systems or air quality monitoring systems, to
optimize building energy usage and indoor air quality.
The system must support zoning, allowing various parts of the
Zoning [2] building to ventilate independently based on occupancy or
other criteria.
User preerences The system must allow building occupants to adjust ventilation
levels based on their preferences or health conditions.
The system must provide alerts and notifications for
Maintenance [1] maintenance and repair needs, such as filter replacement or
sensor calibration.
The system must collect and analyze data on occupancy, air
quality, and energy usage, providing insights and
Data analytics [1]
recommendations to optimize building energy efficiency and
indoor air quality.
The system will manage ventilation automatically based on
Automation [1] data analytics recommendations but can be intervened by
Hardware Software
o Humidity sensor
o Gas quality sensor
o Particle sensor o Building Automation System (BAS)
o Thermal sensor o Monitoring dashboard
o Occupancy sensor
o Airflow sensor

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 67

Figure 21. Demand Controlled Ventilation

Reference Standard
Energy conservation of air conditioning systems in
SNI 6390:2020
Procedures for designing ventilation and air
SNI 03-6572-2001
conditioning systems in buildings
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Building environment design — Indoor environment —

ISO 16813:2006
General principles

ISO 1777-1:2017 Energy performance of buildings

Energy performance of buildings - Part 3: Ventilation

ISO 16798-3:2019 for buildings - Performance requirements for ventilation
and room-conditioning systems

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 68

5.6.5 Climate Detection System
A system that monitors and controls various climate parameters inside buildings
to create optimal and comfortable environmental conditions for occupants while
optimizing energy use.

Functional Requirements
The system must use sensors to measure and monitor indoor
climate parameters such as temperature, humidity, and air
monitoring [1]
The system must provide real-time monitoring of indoor climate
conditions, with alerts and notifications for any deviation from the
monitoring [1]
desired indoor climate levels.
The system must collect and analyze historical data on indoor
Historical data climate conditions, providing insights and recommendations for
analysis [1] improving building energy efficiency, comfort, and indoor air
The climate detection system must be able to integrate with other
smart building technologies, such as HVAC systems or building
Integration [1]
automation systems, to optimize building energy use and indoor
climate control.
The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows
User-friendly building occupants or management to easily access and view
interface [2] indoor climate data, receive alerts, and access other system
The system must provide alerts and notifications for maintenance
Maintenance [1]
and repair needs, such as sensor calibration or replacement.
The system must prioritize security by implementing appropriate
Security [1] data protection measures and secure access controls to prevent
unauthorized access or tampering of system data.
The system must comply with relevant indoor climate standards
and guidelines, such as the American Society of Heating,
Compliance [1]
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
standards or local building codes.
The system must provide mobile access to indoor climate data
and alerts, allowing building occupants to monitor indoor climate
Mobile access [2]
remotely and take necessary actions to improve comfort and
indoor air quality.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 69

Hardware Software
o Humidity sensor o Data processing application
o Air quality sensor o Air quality monitoring algorithms,
o Thermal sensor notifications and automatic actions
o IoT device o Control dashboard

Figure 22. Climate Detection System

Reference Standard
Minister of Health
Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of
number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health

ISO 16484 Building automation and control systems

Energy conservation of air conditioning systems in

SNI 6390:2020
Procedures for designing ventilation and air conditioning
SNI 03-6572-2001
systems in building
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Building environment design — Indoor environment —
ISO 16813:2006
General principles

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 70

5.7 Lighting System
5.7.1 Sistem Pencahayaan Cerdas
A lighting system equipped with intelligent technology capable of detecting the
environment and set automatically or through smart control. Intelligent lighting systems
are able to adjust lighting levels so as to minimize energy use and maintain occupant

Functional Requirements
Automated The system must be able to automatically turn lights on or off
controls [1] based on occupancy, time of day, or other specified conditions.
The system must use sensors to detect occupancy or daylight
levels, allowing for more precise and energy-efficient lighting
controls [1]
The system must allow for customization of lighting settings,
such as dimming levels, color temperature, or lighting scenes, to
settings [1]
meet the needs of different spaces or tasks.
The lighting system must be able to integrate with other smart
building technologies, such as building automation systems or
Integration [1]
occupancy sensors, to optimize building energy use and lighting
The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows
User-friendly building occupants or management to easily adjust lighting
interface [2] settings, schedule lighting scenes, or access other system
The system must provide alerts and notifications for
Maintenance [1] maintenance and repair needs, such as bulb replacement or
sensor cleaning.
The system must be able to monitor energy use and provide
insights and recommendations for optimizing lighting control and
monitoring [1]
energy efficiency.
The system must prioritize security by implementing appropriate
Security [1] data protection measures and secure access controls to prevent
unauthorized access or tampering of system data.
The system must comply with relevant lighting standards and
Compliance [1] guidelines, such as the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
standards or local building codes.
The system must provide mobile access to lighting control and
Mobile access [2] settings, allowing building occupants to adjust lighting remotely
and increase energy savings.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 71

Hardware Software
o Intelligent algorithm
o Motion (PIR) sensor
o Lighting analysis software
o Illumination sensor
o Lighting design software

Control Room

Data Center

Motion Sensor Light Sensor Software

Figure 23. Lighting System

Reference Standard

SNI 6197:2020 Energy Conservation in Lighting System

Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Minister of Health
Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of
number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health
Light and lighting — Energy performance of lighting in
ISO/CIE 20086:2019

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 72

5.8 Mobility System
5.8.1 Smart Escalator and Autowalk
Escalator and/or autowalk systems are systems that can improve safety and energy
efficiency by detecting the presence of users, dangerous behavior, and integration with other
building systems. The system is able to adjust the operating speed according to the user's
presence and automatically stop in case of an emergency.

Functional Requirements
The smart escalator and autowalk system must prioritize safety, by
Safety [2] implementing appropriate safety features such as anti-skid surfaces,
emergency stop buttons, and handrail speed monitoring.
The smart escalator and autowalk system must prioritize efficiency and
Efficiency [2] reduce waiting times, by using algorithms to calculate the most optimal
escalator and autowalk routing and speed control.
The smart escalator and autowalk system must integrate with other
smart building technologies, such as building automation systems or
Integration [2]
occupancy sensors, to optimize building operations and
escalator/autowalk usage.
The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows building
occupants to easily access and use the escalator or autowalk, view
interface [3]
system status, and receive alerts or notifications.
The smart escalator and autowalk system must have an emergency
Emergency management system, such as fire service mode, earthquake mode, and
management [2] blackout mode, to ensure the safe evacuation of occupants in
emergency situations.
The system must provide alerts and notifications for maintenance and
Maintenance [2] repair needs, such as mechanical failures or wear and tear, allowing for
proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.
The smart escalator and autowalk system must prioritize energy
Energy efficiency
[2] efficiency, by using features such as regenerative braking, low-energy
LED lighting, and sleep mode to reduce energy consumption.
The smart escalator and autowalk system must prioritize security by
implementing appropriate access controls, data protection measures,
Security [2]
and secure communication protocols to prevent unauthorized access or
tampering of system data.
The smart escalator and autowalk system must provide real-time
monitoring of escalator and autowalk usage, traffic patterns, and other
monitoring [2]
relevant data, allowing for continuous improvement and optimization.
The system will change slowly or fast automatically from
Automation [2] recommendations given by data analytics, but it can be interrupted by

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 73

Hardware Software
o Sensor o Escalator management system
o Controller o User interface
o Motors o Predictive maintenance software
o Steps and handrails o Energy management software

Figure 24. Smart Escalator System

Reference Standard
Minister of
Elevator Occupational Safety & Health
Regulation Number 6
of 2017

EN 115-1:2017 Safety of escalators and moving walks

EN 115-2:2010 Safety of escalators and moving walks

ISO 25745 Energy performance of lifts, escalators, and moving walks

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for cloud services

IEC 62443-4-1 Secure product development lifecycle requirements

Industrial Automation & Control - Technical security
IEC 62443-4-2
Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 74

5.8.2 Elevator Cerdas
Smart Elevator is elevator system that improves energy efficiency, user
experience and safety by detecting user presence, determining effective routes, and
integration with emergency systems.
Functional Requirements
The smart elevator system must prioritize efficiency and reduce
Efficiency waiting times, by using algorithms to calculate the most optimal
elevator route and elevator group control.
The smart elevator system must have secure access control,
allowing authorized individuals to access specific floors or areas
Control [2]
based on their credentials.
The smart elevator system must integrate with other smart
building technologies, such as building automation systems or
Integration [2]
occupancy sensors, to optimize building operations and elevator
The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows
User-friendly building occupants to easily select their desired floor or
interface [3] destination, view elevator status, and receive alerts or
The smart elevator system must have an emergency
Emergency management system, such as fire service mode, earthquake
management [2] mode, and blackout mode, to ensure the safe evacuation of
occupants in emergency situations.
The system must provide alerts and notifications for
maintenance and repair needs, such as mechanical failures or
Maintenance [2]
wear and tear, allowing for proactive maintenance and
minimizing downtime.
The smart elevator system must prioritize energy efficiency, by
using features such as regenerative braking, low-energy LED
efficiency [2]
lighting, and sleep mode to reduce energy consumption.
The smart elevator system must prioritize security by
implementing appropriate access controls, data protection
Security [2]
measures, and secure communication protocols to prevent
unauthorized access or tampering of system data.
The smart elevator system must provide real-time monitoring of
elevator usage, traffic patterns, and other relevant data, allowing
monitoring [2]
for continuous improvement and optimization.
Hardware Software
o Sensor (Weight, motion) o Elevator management system
o Controller o User interface & IoT device
o Motor o Predictive maintenance software
o Elevator car o Energy management software

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 75

Figure 25. Smart Elevator System

Reference Standard
Minister of Manpower
Regulation Number 6 of Elevator Occupational Safety & Health
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021

SNI 03-6573:2001 Design procedure for vertical transportation system

SNI 03-7017.1:2004 Handover inspection and testing

SNI 03-7017.2:2014 Periodic inspection and testing

General requirements for roomless elevator machine

SNI 05-7052:2004

EN 81-20:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts

EN 81-50:2014 Design rules, calculations, examinations

Energy performance of lifts, escalators, and moving

ISO 25745

ISO 8100-34:2021 Measurement of lift ride quality

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for cloud services

IEC 62443-4-1 Secure product development lifecycle requirements

Industrial Automation & Control - Technical security

IEC 62443-4-2

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 76
5.8.3 Smart Parking System
Smart Parking System is a technology system that uses various sensors and
smart devices to optimize and manage the parking process in building parking areas to
improve efficiency, safety and user experience.

Functional Requirements
Real-time The system must provide real-time monitoring of parking
monitoring [3] occupancy and availability.
Accurate The system must be able to accurately detect the presence or
detection [3] absence of vehicles using sensors and/or cameras.
Easy The system must provide clear and easy-to-follow navigation
navigation [3] to available parking spaces.
Reservation The system must allow users to reserve parking spots in
system [3] advance, either through a mobile app or a web interface.
The system must provide a payment system that allows users
to pay for parking with credit cards, mobile payments or other
system [3]
payment methods.
The system must be integrated with other building systems,
Integration with
such as security systems, building automation systems, and
other systems [3]
transportation systems.
The system must provide alerts and notifications for
maintenance and repair needs, such as mechanical failures or
Maintenance [3]
wear and tear, allowing for proactive maintenance and
minimizing downtime.
The system must prioritize security by implementing
appropriate access controls, data protection measures, and
Security [3]
secure communication protocols to prevent unauthorized
access or tampering of system data.
Energy The system must prioritize energy efficiency, by using low-
efficiency [3] power sensors and sleep mode to reduce energy consumption.
The system must comply with relevant parking and
Compliance [3] transportation regulations, such as accessibility requirements
and local parking codes.
The system must analyze parking data over time, identifying
Data analysis [3] patterns and trends, and provide data-driven insights to building
management for decision making.
The system must provide a positive user experience, with
intuitive interfaces, clear instructions, and responsive customer
experience [3]

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 77

Hardware Software
o Sensors (Ultrasonic, magnetic, o Parking management system
infrared) o User application
o Cameras o Dashboard control and monitoring
o LED displays
o Communication devices
o Barrier gates
o Parking systems
o Central server or cloud

Mobile Application dissemination

Sensor Cashless

Figure 26. Smart Parking System

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Intelligent transport systems — Assisted parking
ISO 16787:2017
system (APS)

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 78

5.9 Security System
5.9.1 Intelligent Video Surveillance
Intelligent Video Surveillance is a security system that uses surveillance camera
technology equipped with artificial intelligence to increase effectiveness and efficiency in
surveillance and security monitoring through motion, face, object and action detection as
well as integration with related parties.

Functional Requirements
High-quality The video surveillance system must provide high-resolution
video video footage to capture clear and detailed images of all areas
resolution [2] within the building.
The video surveillance system must provide real-time monitoring
of all areas within the building, allowing security personnel to
monitoring [1]
quickly respond to any security incidents.
The video surveillance system must incorporate intelligent video
Intelligent video analytics technology to detect and alert security personnel of any
analytics [1] suspicious behavior or security threats. This includes facial
recognition, object detection, and people counting.
The video surveillance system must be able to send automated
alerts to security personnel when suspicious behavior or security
alerts [1]
threats are detected.
The video surveillance system must be able to integrate with
Integration with
other security systems such as access control systems, alarm
other security
systems, and intercom systems to provide a comprehensive
systems [1]
security solution.
The video surveillance system must be able to store and retrieve
Storage and
video footage for a predetermined amount of time, allowing
retrieval [1]
security personnel to review past footage for investigations.
The video surveillance system must be accessible remotely,
allowing authorized personnel to view live footage and access
monitoring [1]
recordings from a remote location.
The video surveillance system must comply with data protection
Compliance with
regulations, including GDPR, by ensuring that the data captured
data protection
is used and stored securely and only accessed by authorized
regulations [1]
Hardware Software
o Biometric Readers o Video Management Software
o Camera o Access Control Software
o Barriers o Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
o Buzzer Machine Learning (ML)

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 79

Figure 27. Intelligent Video Surveillance

Reference Standard
Information technology - Use of biometrics in video
ISO 30137
surveillance systems
Information technology — Security techniques —
ISO/IEC 27037:2012 Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and
preservation of digital evidence

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for cloud services

IEC 62443-4-1 Secure product development lifecycle requirements

Standard for Biometrics Open Protocol Extended

IEEE 2410-2020
Frameworks (OPEN)

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 80

5.9.2 Smart Locking System
Smart Locking System is a technology that can increase the efficiency and
security of access control and door locking by selecting various locking methods,
integration with applications and related parties, real-time data collection and detection
of restricted access.

Functional Requirements
The system must provide access control, allowing only
Access control [1] authorized personnel to enter the building or specific areas
within the building.
The system must provide a high level of security to prevent
Security [1] unauthorized entry, such as using strong encryption, tamper-
proof hardware, and intrusion detection.
The system must be easy to use for authorized personnel,
Ease of use [1] requiring minimal training to operate and providing clear
feedback on access status.
The system must be scalable, allowing for easy expansion to
Scalability [2] accommodate growing building needs and changing access
The system must provide remote management capabilities,
allowing administrators to control access from a centralized
management [1]
location and monitor access logs.
The system must integrate with other building systems, such as
Integration [1] security systems and building automation systems, to optimize
building operations and security.
The system must provide emergency access to authorized
personnel in case of emergency, such as using emergency
access [1]
override keys or providing access to first responders.
Durability and The system must be durable and reliable, able to withstand
reliability [1] frequent use and exposure to harsh environmental conditions.
The system must comply with relevant building codes and
Compliance [1]
regulations, such as ADA requirements and fire safety codes.
Cost- The system must be cost-effective, providing value for money
effectiveness [1] while meeting building security needs.
Hardware Software
o Biometric Sensor o Door locking system
o RFID Reader o Monitoring dashboard
o Camera o Access control software
o Battery o Alarm management software
o IOT device
o Door locking equipment

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 81

Figure 28. Smart Locking System

Reference Standard
Information technology - Use of biometrics in video
ISO 30137
surveillance systems
Information technology — Security techniques —
ISO/IEC 27037:2012 Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and
preservation of digital evidence

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for cloud services

IEC 62443-4-1 Secure product development lifecycle requirements

Standard for Biometrics Open Protocol Extended

IEEE 2410-2020
Frameworks (OPEN)

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 82

5.9.3 Virtual Gates
Virtual Gate is a technology that can control access to an area without the need
to use a physical door or a conventional gate, but with smart devices such as surveillance
cameras and sensors. Integration with other building systems is needed so that building
managers can manage occupant access and get warnings if violations occur.

Functional Requirements
The system must be able to verify the user's identity and grant
Access control [3]
access or deny access based on their permission level.
When a virtual gateway is used to control physical access points,
Integration with
it must be integrated with hardware such as card readers or
hardware [3]
biometric scanners.
The system must be able to monitor the status of the port and
provide real-time alerts about potential problems such as
monitoring [3]
unauthorized access attempts.
A virtual gateway must be customizable to meet the specific
Customization [3] needs of the organization, such as setting access levels,
managing user profiles, and defining access rules.
The system must provide detailed reporting and analysis to help
Reporting and
organizations understand and optimize their access control
analysis [3]
The system must be designed to scale as the organization grows
Scalability [3]
and accommodate future expansion.
The virtual port must have an intuitive and user-friendly interface
User interface [3]
that makes it easy for users to interact with the system.
The system must be able to verify the user's identity and grant
Access control [3]
access or deny access based on their permission level.
Hardware Software
o Depth camera o Video analytics software
o Network video recorders o Access control software
o Access control systems o Alarm management software
o Proximity Sensor

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 83

Figure 29. Virtual Gates

Reference Standard
Information technology - Use of biometrics in video
ISO 30137
surveillance systems
Information technology — Security techniques —
ISO/IEC 27037:2012 Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and
preservation of digital evidence

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for cloud services

IEC 62443-4-1 Secure product development lifecycle requirements

Standard for Biometrics Open Protocol Extended

IEEE 2410-2020
Frameworks (OPEN)

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 84

5.9.4 Occupancy Monitoring
Occupancy Monitoring is a technology that is able to detect and observe the
occupancy level of a building to improve security and safety through accurate occupancy
tracking, real-time data collection, and integration with other building systems

Functional Requirements
Accurate The system must accurately track the number of people in a
occupancy building or specific areas of the building using sensors, cameras,
tracking [2] or other technology.
The system must provide real-time data on occupancy levels,
Real-time data [2] allowing building management to make informed decisions about
building operations and resources.
The system must provide data analytics on occupancy patterns
Data analytics [2] and trends, enabling building management to identify
opportunities for optimization and improvement.
The system must protect the privacy of occupants by using
anonymous data collection and ensuring compliance with
protection [2]
relevant privacy regulations.
The system must integrate with other building systems, such as
Integration with
HVAC, lighting, and security, to optimize building operations and
other systems [2]
energy efficiency.
Customizable The system must provide customizable alerts and notifications
alerts and based on occupancy levels, enabling building management to
notifications [2] respond to changing conditions.
The system must be scalable to accommodate buildings of
Scalability [2] different sizes and complexities, from small offices to large
commercial or residential buildings.
Energy The system must prioritize energy efficiency by using low-power
efficiency [2] sensors and sleep mode to reduce energy consumption.
Remote The system must allow building management to remotely monitor
monitoring and and control occupancy levels through a centralized platform or
control [2] mobile app.
The system must prioritize health and safety by ensuring
Health and
compliance with relevant regulations and codes related to
safety [2]
occupancy levels and building capacity.
Cost- The system must be cost-effective, providing value for money
effectiveness [2] while meeting building occupancy monitoring needs.
The system must be flexible enough to accommodate different
Flexibility [2] occupancy tracking methods and technologies, depending on the
needs of the building and occupants.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 85

Hardware Software
o Motion sensor o Occupancy management software
o RFID tag o Indoor positioning software
o Bluetooth low energy (BLE) o People counting software
beacon o Video analytics software
o Camera

Figure 30. Occupancy Monitoring

Reference Standard
Information technology - Use of biometrics in video
ISO 30137
surveillance systems
Information technology — Security techniques —
ISO/IEC 27037:2012 Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and
preservation of digital evidence

ISO 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection

ISO 27010:2015 Information security controls for cloud services

IEC 62443-4-1 Secure product development lifecycle requirements

Standard for Biometrics Open Protocol Extended

IEEE 2410-2020
Frameworks (OPEN)

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 86

5.10 Resource System
5.10.1 Smart Water Management
Smart Water Management is a technology system used to optimize the
management of water resources by collecting precise and real-time data regarding water
infrastructure and usage. An intelligent water management system is designed to detect
leaks and measure water quality automatically and alert building managers.

Functional Requirements
Water quality The system must be able to continuously monitor water quality
monitoring [1] to ensure it fulfills health and safety standards.
The system must be able to detect leaks and alert the building
Leak detection [1] managers in real-time to minimize water damage and prevent
The system must track water use and provide analysis of usage
Water usage
patterns to enable facility managers to identify areas of waste
tracking [1]
and optimize water use.
Water The system must be able to identify inefficient water fixtures and
conservation [1] suggest upgrades or replacements that will reduce water usage.
The system must include smart irrigation controls that adjust
Smart irrigation irrigation schedules based on weather conditions and soil
moisture to reduce water waste and maintain healthy
Remote The system must allow building managers to remotely monitor
monitoring and and control water usage through a centralized platform or mobile
control [2] app.
The system must be integrated with other building systems, such
Integration with
as lighting systems and HVAC, to optimize water usage and
other systems [2]
improve overall building performance.
The system must alert and notify for maintenance and repair
Maintenance [1] needs, such as leaks, clogs, or malfunctioning equipment,
allowing for proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.
Energy The system must prioritize energy efficiency by using low-power
efficiency [1] sensors and sleep mode to reduce energy consumption.
The system must provide a positive user experience, with
intuitive interfaces, clear instructions, and responsive customer
experience [2]

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 87

Hardware Software
o Smart water meters o Smart Irrigation Controller
o IoT pump switch o Smart Metering
o Water level sensor o Waste Management and Treatment
o Flow sensor Controller
o Automated valves
o Leak detection sensor
o Water quality sensor
o Water filtration and purification
o Soil moisture level sensor
o Automated irrigation sprinkler



Meter Pump

Figure 31. Smart Water Management

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Minister of Health
Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of
number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health
Information technology — Environmental Data Coding
ISO/IEC 18025:2014
Specification (EDCS)
Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater
services — Guidelines for the management of drinking
ISO 24512:2007
water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 88
5.10.2 Smart Drinking Water Fountain
Smart Drinking Water Fountain is a smart facility designed to provide reliable
drinking water to the public by ensuring water hygiene, providing a good user experience
and minimizing water wastage.

Functional Requirements
Dispensing The fountain must be able to dispense water when activated by a
water [3] user.
The fountain must be able to control the temperature of the water
Controlling water
that is dispensed, allowing users to choose between cold, room
temperature [3]
temperature, and hot water.
Filtration The fountain must have a filtration system that removes impurities
system [3] from the water, ensuring that the water is safe and clean to drink.
Water level The fountain must be able to monitor the water level in its
monitoring [3] reservoir and alert maintenance staff when the water level is low.
The fountain must have a touchless operation mode, allowing
users to activate the fountain without touching any buttons or
operation [3]
The fountain must be equipped with an automatic shut-off feature
Automatic shut-
that turns off the water flow after a certain amount of time to
off [3]
prevent water wastage.
The fountain must be able to send alerts to maintenance staff
when filters need to be replaced or when other maintenance tasks
alerts [3]
need to be performed.
The fountain must have an easy-to-use user interface that allows
User interface [3]
users to select the water temperature and activate the fountain.
The fountain must be able to monitor the amount of water
Water usage
dispensed over a certain period of time to help facility managers
monitoring [3]
keep track of water usage and identify any leaks or other issues.
The fountain must be able to connect to a network, allowing
Connectivity [3] maintenance staff to remotely monitor and control the fountain,
and to collect data for analytics purposes.
Hardware Software
o Dispenser mechanism o Firmware
o Water tank o User interface software
o Filtration system o Maintenance software
o Temperature control system o Analytics software
o Sensors
o User interface

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 89

Figure 32. Smart Drinking Water Foundation

Reference Standard
Minister of Health Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of 2023 number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health

SNI 2547-2019 Specification of potable water meter

SNI 7831-2012 Water supply system planning

Information technology — Environmental Data Coding

ISO/IEC 18025:2014
Specification (EDCS)
Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater
services — Guidelines for the management of drinking
ISO 24512:2007
water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 90

5.10.3 Smart Waste Chute
Smart Waste Chute is a technology system used to optimize waste management
efficiently and integratedly by collecting precise and real-time data, optimizing waste
collection routes, and integrating with authorities.

Functional Requirements
The system must enable automated waste disposal by
Automated waste
integrating with waste collection vehicles and providing real-time
disposal [2]
data on the fill levels of the waste chutes.
The system must enable waste sorting and recycling by
Waste sorting
including sensors and cameras to identify and sort different
and recycling [3]
types of waste.
The system must provide data analytics on waste generation
Data analytics [2] patterns, enabling building management to identify opportunities
for waste reduction and recycling.
The system must provide alerts and notifications for
Maintenance and maintenance and repair needs, such as equipment malfunctions
repair [2] or blockages, allowing for proactive maintenance and
minimizing downtime.
Energy The system must prioritize energy efficiency by using low-power
efficiency [2] sensors and sleep mode to reduce energy consumption.
The system must provide a positive user experience, with
intuitive interfaces, clear instructions, and responsive customer
experience [3]
The system must integrate with waste management companies
Integration [2]
to ensure efficient collection and disposal of waste.
Remote The system must allow building management to monitor and
monitoring and control waste disposal and recycling remotely through a
control [3] centralized platform or mobile app.
The system must prioritize health and safety by ensuring proper
Health and
waste disposal and minimizing risks associated with waste
safety [2]
handling and storage.
The system must prioritize sustainability by enabling waste
Sustainability [2] reduction and recycling, and promoting environmentally
responsible practices.
Hardware Software
o Smart trash chutes o Waste management software
o Compactors o Building automation systems
o Waste sorting stations o Cloud-based platforms
o CCTV cameras

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 91

Figure 33. Smart Waste Chute System

Reference Standard
Government Regulation Management of Household Waste and Waste Similar to
Number 81 of 2012 Household Waste
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
The procedure for planning operational techniques for
SNI 8632-2018
urban waste management

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 92

5.10.4 Smart Bin
The Smart Waste Bin is a technology used to optimize waste management
through the use of sensors and integration with relevant parties. This technology can
determine the operation schedule of the system, detect the level of container fullness,
and alert relevant parties about waste collection..

Functional Requirements
The system must use sensors and/or cameras to sort waste
into different categories automatically, such as recyclables,
waste sorting [3]
organic waste, and general waste.
The system must provide real-time data on waste volume
Real-time data [3] levels and categories, enabling building management to make
informed decisions about waste management and collection.
The system must provide data analytics on waste patterns and
Data analytics [3] trends, enabling building management to identify opportunities
for optimization and improvement.
Remote The system must allow building management to monitor and
monitoring and control waste levels and collection remotely through a
control [3] centralized platform or mobile app.
Customizable The system must provide customizable alerts and notifications
alerts and based on waste levels and collection schedules, enabling
notifications [3] building management to respond to changing conditions.
The system must prioritize health and safety by ensuring
Health and
compliance with relevant regulations and codes related to
safety [3]
waste management and collection.
Durability and
The system must be durable and weatherproof to withstand
outdoor conditions and daily use.
resistance [3]
User-friendly The system must have a user-friendly interface that is easy for
interface [3] building occupants to use and understand.
Energy The system must prioritize energy efficiency by using low-
efficiency [3] power sensors and sleep mode to reduce energy consumption.
The system must be flexible enough to meet different waste
Flexibility [3] management needs and requirements, depending on the needs
of the building and occupants.
Hardware Software
o Camera Module o Garbage type recognition algorithm
o Proximity Sensor o Data processing applications,
o Load Sensor notifications and automated actions
o GPS module o Dashboard monitoring

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 93

Figure 34. Smart Bin System

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Government Regulation Management of Household Waste and Waste Similar to
Number 81 of 2012 Household Waste
The procedure for planning operational techniques for
SNI 8632-2018
urban waste management
Smart community infrastructures - Smart waste
ISO 24533:2019

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 94

5.10.5 Smart Restroom
Toilet Cerdas adalah teknologi yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi
sumber daya dan pengalaman pengguna melalui penggunaan utilitas hemat sumber daya,
sensor, dan integrasi dengan sistem bangunan lainnya.

Functional Requirements
Automated The system must have automated cleaning and maintenance
cleaning and features, such as self-cleaning toilets and floors, and automated
maintenance [3] refill of consumables like soap and paper towels.
Real-time The system must use sensors to monitor restroom occupancy in
occupancy real-time, enabling building management to optimize cleaning
monitoring [3] schedules and avoid congestion.
Queue The system must provide real-time information on restroom
management [3] availability and queue times to help users plan their visits.
The system must have sensors to monitor air quality, temperature,
and humidity in the restroom to ensure user's comfort and
monitoring [3]
Remote The system must allow building management to monitor and
monitoring and control the restroom's status remotely, including occupancy,
control [3] cleaning, and maintenance.
The system must provide accessible features such as wheelchair-
Accessibility [3] accessible stalls, grab bars, and audio cues for the visually
The system must prioritize hygiene and sanitation, using
Hygiene and
contactless technology and self-cleaning features to minimize the
sanitation [3]
spread of germs and bacteria.
The system must prioritize sustainability by using water-saving
Sustainability [3] appliances, smart LED lighting, and other energy-efficient features
to minimize environmental impact.
The system must provide a feedback system, such as a mobile
User feedback [3] app or touch screen display, to allow visitors to provide feedback
on their restroom experience and suggest improvements.
The system must ensure privacy and security, using features such
Privacy and
as private stalls, locks, and surveillance cameras to ensure visitor
security [3]
safety and deter vandalism.
The system must provide multilingual support, including signage
and audio cues in different languages to accommodate visitors
support [3]
from diverse backgrounds.
The system must provide data analytics on restroom usage,
occupancy patterns, and maintenance needs, enabling building
Data analytics [3]
management to optimize operations and improve visitor

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 95

Hardware Software
o Smart Mirror o Control and monitoring dashboard
o Smart Toilet o Mobile Applications
o Camera module o Voice-enabled Assistants
o Voice detection o Cleaning and Sanitizing Software
o Proximity Sensor
o Microphone & Speaker

Figure 35. Smart Restroom

Reference Standard
Minister of Public
Works and Housing
Green Building Performance Assessment
Regulation Number 21
of 2021
Minister of Health
Implementation regulation of government regulation
Regulation No. 2 of
number 66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health
Non-sewered sanitation systems — Prefabricated
ISO 30500 integrated treatment units — General safety and
performance requirements for design and testing
Information technology — Environmental Data Coding
ISO/IEC 18025:2014
Specification (EDCS)
Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater
services — Guidelines for the management of drinking
ISO 24512:2007
water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water

Others and other applicable regulations or standards

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 96

6. Implementation of Smart Building in Nusantara

6.1 Implementation Stages

The implementation of smart building is aimed to support the vision of

Nusantara Capital City, namely 'World City for All' through sustainable
development in the energy, water, waste, environment & biodiversity,
economy, tourism, security, and technology sectors. The application of
smart technologies should be integrated within the whole building design
as an approach to achieve the targeted performance. To ensure the
achievement of the smart building performance, the implementation of
smart building in Nusantara consists of several stages, from planning
and design, performance review, implementation, and performance

The planning and design stage should be conducted based on the

targeted performance of each building project, which should support
the Nusantara targeted performance. Each building project should
define the specific targeted priority in relation to the specific building
uses. Depending on the building type, some building projects could have
different priorities regarding the energy efficiency, increased
productivity, and occupant comfort and safety. The site of each building
project should also become a consideration in defining the targeted
priority. Building project located on different sites might need to apply
different smart technologies to respond to the specific environmental
contexts and conditions. The planning and design stage should integrate
various smart building systems as stated in this guideline in accordance
to the targeted performance.

Based on the smart building design proposed for each building project,
performance review should be conducted on the proposed smart
building system design to ensure that the proposed system could
achieve the targeted performance. This stage is necessary to ensure
the use of appropriate smart technologies that are relevant to the
targeted performance while at the same time fit to the building
environmental context. Each aspect of smart building design should be
reviewed in accordance with the relevant standard of performance. The
performance review result will become the basis for finalizing the smart
building design.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 97

The implementation stage of smart building
integrates the smart building technologies within
the process of building construction. The
implementation stage should demonstrate the
sustainable construction process from the beginning to
the completion. The process should adhere to the
principles of efficiency and effectiveness, and utilize the
smart technologies and relevant platforms for
monitoring and coordinating the process of

The success of a smart building system can only be

proven after the building is used and occupied.
Post-occupancy evaluation to assess the performance
of the smart building should become an integral part of
the smart building implementation. Regular monitoring
and reporting of the smart building performance should
be conducted continuously to ensure the achievement
of performance targets throughout the lifecycle of the

Through the implementation of smart building systems

for the building projects in Nusantara from the planning
and design stage to evaluation stage, it is expected that
the buildings in Nusantara could implement the
appropriate smart technologies that could support the
achievement of targeted performance.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 98

6.2 Benefits of Smart Building

Figure 36. Smart Building Benefit

Smart buildings play a crucial role in creating a more sustainable and energy-efficient built
environment, which benefits both living things and mother earth. By incorporating advanced
technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, artificial intelligence, and machine
learning, smart buildings can, among other things, optimize energy consumption, reduce
pollution, and enhance indoor air quality.
Table 1. Environmental Benefits of Smart Building

Code Benefit Description

By automating and optimizing systems such as heating,
ventilation, and lighting, smart building technologies can help
reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency,
leading to lower carbon emissions and a decreased carbon
footprint. For example, the monitoring and controlling systems
for the humidity levels, temperature, and air quality that enhance
E1 the indoor air quality in smart buildings can also help reduce the
need for ventilation systems that are energy intensive.
Moreover, smart buildings can determine when a room is vacant
using occupancy sensors, allowing for the optimization of
heating, ventilation, and lighting systems that further decreases
energy consumption and contributes to a smaller carbon
Smart buildings can be designed to integrate renewable energy
sources like solar, wind, and geothermal power. These systems
E2 energy
produce clean energy and can aid in decreasing reliance on
fossil fuels.
To reduce water usage and conserve water resources, smart
Water buildings incorporate water-saving technologies such as low-
conservation flow fixtures, rainwater harvesting, and intelligent irrigation
Waste management technologies, such as recycling and
decomposition systems, can be installed in smart buildings to
E4 reduce waste. Moreover, this technology also lowers
greenhouse gas emissions and aids in conserving natural

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 99

From the human perspective, smart buildings can provide greater comfort and convenience for
occupants through automated lighting, temperature control, and security systems. In addition,
they can boost productivity and well-being by optimizing illumination and air quality to create a
healthier and more comfortable indoor environment.

Table 2. Occupant Benefits of Smart Building

Code Benefit Description

Smart building technologies can monitor and control
temperature, humidity, air quality, and ventilation,
Improved indoor
L1 improving indoor air quality and reducing the risk of
environmental quality
respiratory illnesses. This can benefit both humans and
Smart building technologies can control lighting
Natural light systems to optimize natural light exposure, which has
optimization been shown to improve mental health, productivity, and
the overall well-being of occupants.
Smart building technologies can monitor occupancy
levels and adjust heating, cooling, and lighting systems
to ensure optimal comfort levels for occupants.
L3 Occupancy comfort
Occupant safety is also supported by smart building
technology, creating a sense of comfort for occupants.
This can enhance productivity and reduce stress levels.
Smart buildings can use noise reduction technologies
like acoustic panels to improve sound quality and
L4 Management/Acoustic
reduce noise pollution. This can lead to a more peaceful
environment for both humans and animals.
Smart building technologies can optimize heating and
cooling systems to create a comfortable environment
L5 Climate control for living things. This is especially important for plants
and animals that require specific temperature and
humidity conditions.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 100

Table 3. Benefits of Each Smart Building Features
Features Benefits
Touchless Access Control L3
Visitor Management L3
Intercom system L3
AV & Digital Signage L3
Smart Meter Readers E1, E2, E3
Automatic Sub-Meter Readers E1, E2, E3
Electricity Load Balancing E1, E2
Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station E1, E2
Active Disaster Response System L3
Smart Fire Suppression System L3
Emergency Button L3
Fire Safety Device Maintenance L3
Animal Hazard Protection L3
Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring L1, L3, L5, E1
Air Conditioning System L1, L3, L5, E1
Air Purification and Filter Monitoring L1, L3, L5, E1
Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) L1, L3, L5, E1
Climate detection system L1, L3, L5, E1
Smart Lighting System L1, L2, L3, E1
Smart Escalator and/or Autowalk E1
Smart Elevator E1
Smart Parking System L3
Intelligent Video Surveillance L3
Smart Locking System L3
Virtual Gates using CCTV Cameras L3
Occupancy Monitoring L3
Smart Drinking Water Fountain E1, E3
Smart Water Management E1, E3
Smart Waste Chutes E4
Smart Bin E4
Smart Restroom L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, E1, E3

The effectiveness of smart buildings ultimately depends on how they

are designed, implemented, and used. Smart buildings must prioritize
both environmental sustainability and human well-being instead of
focusing merely on one or the other. Additionally, it is essential to
ensure that smart building technology is accessible and affordable.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 101

Smart building feature implementation guidelines are determined for state building based on
the state building classification as shown in Table 4 and the implementation matrix in Table

Table 4. Building Class Classification (State Building)

Classification Definition
Simple Buildings with simple technology and specifications include:
1. Office buildings and other state buildings with the number of
floors up to 2 (two) floors;
2. Office buildings and other state buildings with an area of up to
500 square meters (m2); and
3. State houses include country houses type C, type D, and type
Not Simple Buildings with technology and specifications are not simple include:
1. Office buildings and other state buildings with more than 2
(two) floors;
2. Office buildings and other state buildings with an area of more
than 500 m2; and
3. State houses include type A and type B country houses
Special Be:
1. State building that has special standards, as well as in its
planning and implementation requires special completion or
2. State building which has a high level of confidentiality in the
national interest;
3. State building whose implementation can endanger the
surrounding community; and
4. State building that has a high risk of harm

1. State palace;
2. House of office of former presidents and/or former Vice
3. House of ministerial posts;
4. State guesthouse;
5. Nuclear installation building;
6. Radioactive buildings;
7. Defense installation building;
8. Police of the Republic of Indonesia building with special uses
and standards;
9. Air, sea and land terminal buildings;
10. Railway station;
11. Stadiums or sports halls;
12. High-security detention centers;
13. Data centers;
14. Dangerous goods warehouse
15. Buildings are monumental;
16. Heritage building; and
17. State representative building of the Republic of Indonesia
© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 102
Table 5. Smart Building Feature Matrix Based on State Building Classification

State building Classification

Simple Not Simple Special
Integrated Building Management ✓ ✓ ✓
Control Room and Data Center ✓ ✓
Fiber-to-the Room (FTTR) ✓ ✓ ✓
Digital Twin ✓ ✓
Touchless Access Control + ✓ ✓
Visitor Management + ✓
Intercom system + ✓ ✓
AV & Digital Signage + ✓
Smart Meter Readers ✓ ✓ ✓
Automatic Sub-Meter Readers + + +
Electricity Load Balancing ✓ ✓ ✓
Public Electric Vehicle Charging
✓ ✓
Active Disaster Response System + ✓ ✓
Smart Fire Suppression System ✓ ✓ ✓
Emergency Button + ✓ ✓
Fire Safety Device Maintenance + +
Animal Hazard Protection + + +
Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality
✓ ✓ ✓
Air Conditioning System ✓ ✓ ✓
Air Purification and Filter Monitoring ✓ ✓ ✓
Demand Controlled Ventilation
✓ ✓ ✓
Climate detection system ✓ ✓ ✓
Smart Lighting System ✓ ✓ ✓
Smart Escalator and/or Autowalk ✓ +
Smart Elevator ✓ ✓
Smart Parking System + +
Intelligent Video Surveillance ✓ ✓ ✓
Smart Locking System ✓ ✓ ✓
Virtual Gates using CCTV Cameras + +
Occupancy Monitoring + ✓ ✓
Smart Water Management ✓ ✓ ✓
Smart Drinking Water Fountain + +
Smart Waste Chutes ✓ ✓
Smart Bin + + ✓
Smart Restroom + + +
✓ = Mandatory implementation + = Recommended to implement

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 103

Guidelines for the implementation of smart features in smart buildings are also
specified for non-state buildings, with building class classifications as listed in Table
6 and Table 7.

Table 6. Building Class Classification (Non-State Building)

Definition Example
Class 1a One single house, one or more articulated Simple houses, row houses,
houses separated by fireproof walls villas, garden houses
Class 1b Dormitories, hostels or the like with a Boarding houses, inns,
maximum area of 300 m2 and not occupied hostels that cover an area of
by more than 12 people no more than 300 m2 and
are inhabited by no more
than 12 people
Class 2 Residential buildings consisting of 2 or more Complex houses
residential units, each of which is a separate
Class 3 Residential buildings outside classes 1 and 2, Dormitories, guest houses,
which are commonly used as old or inns, and the like
temporary residences by a number of
unrelated people
Class 4 Residential buildings that are located within a Mixed-use apartments
building of class 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 and is a
residence within the building
Class 5 Buildings used for professional business Office buildings, government
purposes, administrative management, or buildings, and its kind
commercial enterprises, outside of class 6, 7,
8, or 9 buildings
Class 6 Shop buildings or other buildings used for Shops, restaurants, markets,
retail sales of goods or direct needs services car showrooms, and its kind
to the community
Class 7 Building used as storage Public buildings and parking
Class 8 Laboratory buildings and buildings used for Laboratories, auto repair
processing a production, assembly, change, shops, factories and its kind
repair, packing, finishing, or cleaning of
production goods in the context of trading or
Class 9a Public building for health care services Hospital
Class 9b Public meeting building that does not include Schools, places of worship,
any part of a building that constitutes another places of culture, workshops,
class and its kind
Class Non-residential buildings in the form of Private garages, public
10a facilities or infrastructure built separately garages and its kind
Class Structure in the form of facilities or Fences, antennas (masts),
10b infrastructure built separately swimming pool, and
its kind

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 104

Tabel 7. Smart Building Feature Matrix Based on Non-State Building Classification

Non-State Building Classification

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9a 9b 10a 10b
Integrated Building Management ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ +
Control Room and Data Center ✓ ✓ + ✓ +
Fiber-to-the Room (FTTR) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ +
Digital Twin ✓ ✓ + ✓ +
Touchless Access Control + + + ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ + +
Visitor Management + + + + ✓ ✓ + +
Intercom system + + + ✓ ✓ + ✓ ✓ + +
AV & Digital Signage + + + + ✓ +
Smart Meter Readers ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Automatic Sub-Meter Readers + + + + + + + ✓ +
Electricity Load Balancing ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Public Electric Vehicle Charging ✓ ✓ + ✓ + +
Active Disaster Response System + + + ✓ ✓ + + ✓ ✓ ✓ + +
Smart Fire Suppression System ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Emergency Button + + + ✓ ✓ ✓ + ✓ ✓ ✓ + +
Fire Safety Device Maintenance + + + + +
Animal Hazard Protection + + + + + + + +
Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Air Conditioning System ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Air Purification and Filter Monitoring ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Climate detection system ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Smart Lighting System ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Smart Escalator and/or Autowalk ✓ ✓ ✓ +
Smart Elevator ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Smart Parking System + + + + + +
Intelligent Video Surveillance ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ +
Smart Locking System ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ + +
Virtual Gates using CCTV Cameras + + ✓ +
Occupancy Monitoring + + + ✓ ✓ + + + ✓ ✓ + +
Smart Water Management ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ + ✓ ✓ ✓ + +
Smart Drinking Water Fountain + + + +
Smart Waste Chutes ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Smart Bin + + + + + + + ✓ ✓
Smart Restroom + + + + + + + ✓ ✓
✓ = Mandatory implementation + = Recommended to implement
© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 105
Determination of feature implementation obligations in table 5 and table 7
is determined as follows.

1. A feature becomes mandatory when it becomes a requirement for

another feature.
2. A feature becomes mandatory when it is critical in saving a building's
3. A feature becomes mandatory when its main function is to maintain
the safety and security of the occupants.
4. A feature becomes mandatory if it can only be installed during the
construction stage and cannot be installed as an add-on during the
operational stage.

© Nusantara Capital Authority 2023 106


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