PDNA Transport FINAL

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The Transport Sector, in accordance with the most recent International Standard Industrial Classification of All
Economic Activities of the world-wide System of National Accounts (United Nations, International Standard
Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4, New York, 2008, (http://unstats.org/unsd/cr/registry/),
includes the following set of activities to move both persons and cargo:

• Road transport

• Railroad transport

• Pipeline transport

• Air transport

• Transport support, including airports, ports, tunnels, bridges, etc.

• Postal services

As in other sectors of economic and social activity, the Transport Sector may sustain destruction of its physical
assets – infrastructure and vehicles – (damage) and changes in its production flows, which may include both
decline in production and higher production costs.

The Transport Sector is so vast and complex that in many countries several governmental bodies – ministries or
other offices – may have to cover it, depending on each country´s size and governmental structure; and such
government bodies may exist both at national and sub-national levels.

This chapter describes the procedure to assess the effects of a disaster on the Transport Sector, following the
traditional methodology originally developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and
the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC) (Handbook for estimating the socio-economic and environmental impact of disas-
ters, 4 volumes, United Nations, 2003), further developed by the World Bank´s Global Facility for Disaster Recov-
ery and Reduction (GFDRR) (Guidance Notes for Damage, Loss and Needs Assessment, 3 volumes, The World
Bank, Washington, D.C., 2010), and now expanded and adopted by the PDNA. Application of the methodology
enables the assessment of disasters’ economic and social impact on the Transport Sector, and the estimation of
post-disaster needs for recovery and reconstruction.

The value of destroyed assets is estimated by first measuring the physical quantities that may have been de-
stroyed and then multiplying them by the unit construction cost prevailing at the time of the disaster to replace
the destroyed units with the same characteristics they had prior to the disaster event.

The value of production flow changes in the Transport Sector may include both a decline in quantity and value
of the transport services of persons and cargo as well as a possible increase in the costs of transport. In this re-
gard, it must be mentioned that it has been found in the many cases of disaster impact assessment conducted
in the past years in different countries of the world, that traffic of persons and cargo is not necessarily fully or
permanently interrupted after a disaster; rather, after a brief initial paralysis of traffic flows, part of the traffic
may be delayed and another part may be re-routed via alternative roads or modes of transport. Therefore, the
total gross value of transport service provision may not actually change very much, but its breakdown among
sub-sectors or modes may be altered due to the disaster. However, when alternative routes are used – having
different characteristics in comparison to the destroyed one – changes occur in the total value added of transport
production, caused by changes in intermediate consumption (i.e. higher transport costs).

The most frequent case of higher transport costs in this sector occurs with vehicular traffic that must utilise al-
ternative, longer and lower-quality physical routes that result in higher costs of operation. Other higher costs are
incurred when users are required to use alternative ports or airports that have higher operational costs than the
ones they normally use. In addition, transport production losses may be incurred when certain products cannot
reach the intended markets in time due to damage to their normal routes of transport. This is typical for perish-
able agricultural and fishery products that do not reach markets in time; however, these costs refer to the value
of the production that does not reach the market, and should be accounted for under the Primary Production
Sector and not under Transport.

Special care must be exercised therefore in separating disaster effects within the TransportSector and those
caused in other sectors that make use of the transport infrastructure and services.

To conduct a full assessment of the Transport Sector after disasters, the sectoral assessment team must in-
clude civil, transport and structural engineers for the estimation of the value of destruction (damage), and
transport economists with experience in the sector must participate in the estimation of changes in the pro-
duction flows of transport services. This sectoral assessment team must be fully knowledgeable in the possible
modification of traffic flows that may arise after a disaster, the possible shift of cargo and persons between
transport modes or sub-sectors, and the methodology of estimating the value of transport costs, an essential
part of transport economics.

In view of the similarities among these sub-sectors, only the procedure for assessment of road transport will be
described in full.

The following information is essential for the estimation of disaster effects, and must be collected as the first
stage of the assessment:

• Location and capacities of each of the transport sub-systems as listed above, and their main indi-
vidual components;

• Number and capacities of the vehicular stock available in each of the sub-systems;

• Most recent origin and destination surveys in the affected and nearby areas;

• Marginal operating costs in each of the transport modes for different types of vehicles; and

• Annual reports of performance of (private or public) transport enterprises.

This type of information is normally available from the ministries of public works or transport, in the respec-
tive departments of roads, ports and airports; from private enterprises that operate roads, railways, ports and
airports under concession arrangements; from building contractors and associations, civil defence institutions
and – in some cases – insurance companies. Data on transport flows is usually available from the planning and
operations departments of ministry of public works, and may also be obtained from recent feasibility studies of
new roads.


A field visit or visits by the Transport Sector Assessment Team to directly observe the effects of the disaster in
the affected areas is essential, and should be undertaken as the second stage of the assessment. Where initial
damage assessments (IDAs) have been undertaken, the Transport Sector Assessment Team would engage in field
visits for verification purposes. In many cases, an initial aerial survey – if feasible – may provide the necessary over-
view on which to base subsequent, detailed field visits by road, boat or foot to key points of the transport system.
During the field visits, the sectoral team assessing the effects of the disaster must draw its own conclusions with
regard to the post-disaster status of the entire system, the requirements for rehabilitation and reconstruction, and
the manner in which the system may function or perform under abnormal, post-disaster conditions.

Needless to say, the sectoral team entrusted with the assessment must have previous experience in analysing
post-disaster situations and scenarios in the Transport Sector.

Detailed procedures for the estimation of disaster effects in the road Transport Sector are described here; disas-
ter effects on other sub-sectors of transport may be estimated following similar procedures. In due time, similar
detailed methodological notes for the other sub-sectors may be developed and added to the PDNA Handbook.

When undertaking the assessment, it must be remembered that the Transport Sector is usually one of the most
affected in terms of disaster effects, frequently surpassing the destruction to housing and agriculture, depend-
ing on the type and extent of the natural phenomena that caused the disaster. In addition, one should bear in
mind that destruction (damage) is sustained not only by road surfaces or structures, but by associated bridges,
culverts and other drainage works. In addition, in cases of earthquakes, damage is caused not only by the initial
earth tremor but by aftershocks as well. Floods may cause both the collapse of structures and the erosion of
road surfaces and earth fills.

Another consideration to be kept in mind during an assessment is that not all damage is evident immediately af-
ter the disaster; other damage may become obvious only days after the initial disaster. This is usually the case af-
ter long-term flooding when, after water subsides, the road surfaces may appear undamaged. Generally, water
may seep through porosities in the pavement surface and erode the base and sub-base of the road, a condition
aggravated by the continued use of the road. This leads to subsidence that may cause serious accidents. Another
misleading case is that of structures that may seem to keep their verticality after earthquakes, although their
construction materials may have lost their elasticity and structural capacity. In both cases, the affected structures
must be demolished and replaced.

Other types of natural hazards that may cause damage to road transport are landslides and mudslides, which
may destroy the road carpeting and interrupt vehicular traffic, resulting in higher transport costs.

In general terms, the value of damage in this sector may be estimated as the value of investment required to re-
place the physical assets of the sector assuming the same physical characteristics as they had prior to the disaster,
and the unit costs prevailing at the time of the disaster.

It is customary to break down the entire road Transport Sector into the following components to undertake the
assessment: primary roads network, secondary roads network, and tertiary roads network. This is so because
their characteristics are usually different among the three types of roads, and also because different government
level organisations usually undertake their construction, maintenance and operation. In some countries, primary
roads fall within the purview of the central government, while secondary roads are usually built and maintained
by provincial governments, and tertiary roads are built and maintained by district or municipal governments.
Should they exist in the disaster-affected area, roads under concession may be added into the above analysis
and classification, duly recognising that their construction, maintenance and operation fall under the jurisdiction
of a private or public enterprise.

During the field surveys, the Transport Sector Assessment Team must ascertain the extent and cost of rehabilita-
tion or reconstruction of road transport works, based on the type and severity of destruction. The physical and
traffic absorption characteristics of each affected component or road sections must be combined with the unit
cost of rehabilitation or reconstruction, as required.

Unit costs for rehabilitation may be obtained from the Study and Design and Maintenance Departments or Units
in the Transport or Public Works ministry or agency, in the cases where they would be entrusted with the task.
When rehabilitation or reconstruction is to be entrusted to private contractors, unit costs may be obtained from
private contractors who work in the sector.

Unit costs for reconstruction can only be obtained after a detailed design of the new infrastructure has been
completed. However, preliminary estimations may be obtained from Planning and Design Departments of the
Public Works ministry or agency that may have recently developed similar new projects for construction.

As an aid to the specialist involved in the assessment of disaster damage, Table 1 shows the range of costs for
rehabilitation and reconstruction of different types of roads in the Latin America and Caribbean region. This ta-
ble has been developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-
ECLAC) for use within the Latin America and Caribbean region. Similar values may be used in other developing
countries located in different regions. Special care must be exercised by the Transport Assessment Team when
applying these figures, to give due consideration to local cost conditions and to adjust for inflation.

Table 1: Ranges in the Cost of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Two-Way Roads (US Dollars per kilometer, in 2003)

Type of work Range in Cost

Dirt road, flat terrain 4,000 – 5,000
Dirt road, undulating terrain 5,000 – 6,000
Dirt road, mountainous terrain 6,000 – 8,000+
Gravel road, flat terrain 12,000 – 14,000
Gravel road, undulating terrain 15,000 – 18,000
Gravel road, mountainous terrain 18,000 – 21,000+
Paved road, flat terrain 22,000 – 25,000
Paved road, undulating terrain 25,000 – 28,000
Paved road, mountainous terrain 28,000 – 32,000+
Dirt road, flat terrain 8,000 – 10,000
Dirt road, undulating terrain 10,000 – 18,000
Dirt road, mountainous terrain 18,000 – 25,000+
Gravel road, flat terrain 45,000 – 50,000
Gravel road, undulating terrain 50,000 – 65,000
Gravel road, mountainous terrain 65,000 – 80,000+
Paved road, flat terrain 100,000 – 150,000
Paved road, undulating terrain 150,000 – 180,000
Paved road, mountainous terrain 180,000 – 250,000+

Source: UN-ECLAC

Destruction to vehicle stock – including automobiles, buses, trucks and other smaller vehicles – must also be
estimated during the assessment for the Transport Sector. In addition, construction and maintenance equipment
of the sector must be duly included. There are exceptions to the above general guideline: first of all, only vehicles
used for collective transportation of persons and of cargo are to be included in the Transport Sector; second,
destroyed household-owned vehicles for transport of family members are not usually included in the estimation
of damage for the Transport Sector; and destroyed agricultural tractors and other equipment are included in the
Agricultural Sector.

For the estimation of damage to vehicles, the following simple classification may be adopted to
facilitate calculations:

Light passenger vehicle

Medium passenger vehicle

Large passenger bus

Rigid (2-3 axle) cargo vehicle

Flexible (4 or more axles) cargo trucks

The number of destroyed vehicles is usually estimated during the emergency phase. It may be estimated through
consultations with transport enterprise associations and insurance company representatives. Their monetary val-
ue may be estimated on the basis of information given in the Highway Design Model (HDM) used by the World
Bank. When vehicles have only been partially destroyed, simple assumptions on their repair value must be made
in comparison to their full value, to facilitate estimations; consultations with local repair shops may be required
to ascertain typical unit costs under assumed conditions.

As mentioned above, the Transport Sector Assessment Team should be aware of the fact that only vehicles
owned by private and public transport enterprises should be included as damage in the assessment of the
Transport Sector, for delivery to the Macroeconomic Impact Assessment Team, and that household or individual
vehicles should not be added to the sector´s assets that were destroyed by the disaster. Instead, the value of
destroyed family or individually owned vehicles is to be estimated by the Transport Sector Assessment Team, and
delivered to the assessment team in charge of estimating disaster impact on human development.

Another important consideration to be made by the Transport Sector Assessment Team is that the value of de-
stroyed assets that is required is that of the full replacement of destroyed infrastructure and equipment (including
vehicles) and not that of the depreciated assets. However, it is important that the average age of the destroyed
infrastructure or equipment be delivered as well to the Macroeconomic Impact Assessment Team for further
utilisation in their analysis of disaster impact.


Transport flow changes may occur in the Transport Sector after disasters, over the time required for the rehabil-
itation and reconstruction of transport works: their value may exceed that of damage and in some cases may
lead to overall inflation; hence, the importance of their estimation. Transport flow changes in this sector include

a combination of: (i) the value of transport flows that are interrupted by the disaster, and (ii) temporary higher
transport costs that may be incurred when longer alternate routes are necessary, and/or when alternate modes
of transport are adopted after disasters.

In order to estimate transport flow changes, three key elements are required: the volume of traffic flows, the
resulting higher unit operating costs of vehicles that occur after the disaster, and the time required for the reha-
bilitation or reconstruction.

With regard to the time of rehabilitation and reconstruction, the usually accepted time periods range from a
minimum of three months for full rehabilitation, to about six months for the construction of alternate short road
sections, through one to five years for full reconstruction (which may involve mitigation works through redesign
and reinforcement) of entire road sections.

To estimate the flows of traffic that will be involved in the assessment of higher transport costs, the traffic pat-
terns and volumes under pre-disaster conditions must be obtained, and rapid, post-disaster manual counts must
be made of the expected temporary changes of flow brought about by the disaster. The pre-disaster traffic flows
can be collected directly from the local authorities through the appropriate division or unit of the Transport or
Public Works ministry or agency, using the most recent survey of origin and destination, duly updated when
necessary. The modified post-disaster traffic flows must be measured by the Transport Sector Assessment Team
or by the pertinent national or local authorities, bearing in mind the time required for rehabilitation and recon-
struction of the affected roads.

The marginal operating cost of vehicles varies depending on the type of vehicle, type of terrain and quality of
road surface. It includes different cost components, such as fuel, repairs, tires, depreciation, crew salaries, addi-
tional time for passengers, etc. Such operating costs are normally available in the affected country for their direct
application in the estimation of traffic flow changes. In fact, planning departments of the Transport or Public

Works ministries or agencies usually have the required information. Should this information not be available,
use can be made of data shown in Table 2 in the next page, duly adjusted to local conditions by the Transport
Assessment Team, which provides the ranges of typical values of marginal operating costs for different road
conditions and for the main types of vehicles in developing countries of the Latin America and Caribbean region.
These ranges have been developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Ca-
ribbean (ECLAC). The range indicated goes from good to poor state of conservation of the road surface, using
roughness as the main parameter.

Table 2: Marginal Operating Costs of Different Types of Vehicles in Different Types of Road Conditions
(US Cents Per Vehicle-Kilometer, in 2003)

Type of vehicle
Type of Type of Cars and
road terrain Medium size Flatbed and Rigs and
other light Large buses
buses other trucks trailer trucks
Paved roads Flat 29 – 32 63 - 69 80 - 91 107 - 126 139 - 154
Undulating 30 – 33 65 - 75 112 - 120 125 - 156 155 - 181
Mountainous 31 – 34 69 - 80 144 - 157 156 - 182 156 - 225
Gravel roads Flat 44 – 56 106 - 126 135 - 163 179 - 220 203 - 243
Undulating 49 – 63 111 - 136 157 - 189 180 - 225 204 - 267
Mountainous 46 – 67 114 - 144 197 - 234 184 - 249 207 - 246
Dirt roads Flat 44 – 56 90 - 111 125 - 147 179 - 223 203 - 243
Undulating 45 – 63 92 - 113 127 - 162 180 - 226 206 - 246
Mountainous 46 – 57 96 - 113 134 - 176 184 - 249 207 - 267

Source: UN-ECLAC

For the assessment of road transport flow changes, separate estimations are to be made of the following possi-
ble components, and the total aggregated for delivery to the Macroeconomic Assessment Team:

• Gross value of temporarily interrupted transport of cargo and persons, when significant in compar-
ison to the non-disaster annual amount;

• Gross value of temporary decline in toll receipts in roads under concession agreements;

• Urgent expenditures made to re-open transport traffic under at least minimum conditions, during
the emergency stage, after the disaster has caused traffic interruptions; and

• Higher cost of transport due to the temporary utilisation of alternative (longer and lower quality)
road sections, incurred by transport companies during the period of recovery and reconstruction,
which in fact represents an increase in intermediate consumption for the sector.

When analysing disaster effects on public and private enterprises that administer or manage airports, ports, and
other transport terminals, the changes in transport flows must include:

• Possible temporary decline in revenues earned by public and private transport enterprises caused
by stoppage or slowdown of operations; and

• Possible higher costs of operation of the enterprise caused by the disaster.

The Transport Sector Assessment Team should be aware that in the above estimation of changes in Transport
Sector flows, only the modifications in transport flows of private and public transport enterprises are to be in-
cluded and delivered to the Macroeconomic Assessment Team. It is essential that any changes occurring in the
transport flows of persons, using their family-owned vehicles, are not to be added to the total, since private
personal transport is not included in the road Transport Sector accounts.

In connection with the above, estimations of the possible changes in private personal transport costs are to be
made by the assessment team as well, but used only to provide inputs to the assessment team in charge of
estimating disaster impact on human development. The latter team will use such information to ascertain the
aggregated impact of the disaster on human development, through analysis of household or personal income
decline and of cost-of-living increases caused by the disaster.


The Transport Sector infrastructure is normally owned by the public sector while transport services are usually in
the hands of private sector entities; in addition, the public sector is responsible for the function of oversight and
regulation of the sector. Disasters usually disrupt the function of governance, and the assessment should analyse
this effect.

Governance is affected in five possible areas:

1. Knowledge and skills: technical expertise and institutional information for the sector;

2. Resources: human, material and financial, including availability of skilled labour, raw materials for
processing, cost and price structure, etc.;

3. Systems, information management, communications and basic inputs; and

4. Legal authority, monitoring, oversight and reporting.

As part of the assessment, the team must ascertain how the capacity of the public sector to oversee the normal
functioning of the Transport Sector may have been compromised (including the availability of registries, etc.),
how the disaster may have modified the structure of costs for transportation services that may require modifica-
tion of tariffs, and also the availability of skilled labour for the sector.

Transport tariffs might rise, and users would face higher costs of living. It is also possible that, rather than transfer-
ring such transport costs to the public, government subsidies may be chosen. This possibility needs to be analysed
by the assessment team, and its recommendations transferred to the Macroeconomic Impact Assessment Team.


After a disaster, risk for transport infrastructure and services must be re-examined. Pre-existing disaster risk
assessment of some transport system components may not have taken place, as they may have been located
in disaster-prone geographical areas due to the absence or insufficiency of land-zone mapping and of drainage
standards. In addition, the disaster may have increased risk and vulnerability of transport infrastructure through
instability of sloping terrain that may cause further landslides, the occurrence of aftershocks following an earth-
quake, the possible occurrence of further intensive rainfall and flooding, etc. Such higher risks need to be fully
analysed and schemes for reducing or eliminating them must be devised as part of recovery and reconstruction
with risk reduction.
In addition to the estimation of the value of destroyed assets and of production flow changes for the sector, the
Transport Sector Assessment Team is required to carry out additional estimations and their results are to be deliv-
ered to the team in charge of the assessment of macroeconomic impact and the team entrusted with analysing
disaster impact on human development.

For the analysis of disaster impact on macroeconomic conditions, these additional estimations include the pos-
sible impact on the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), on the balance of payments (BoP) and trade (BoT),
and on the fiscal budget. These estimations are to be made regardless of whether the transport facilities and
services are government-owned or under concession to private enterprises. The macro analysis is carried out by
a different assessment team.

The Transport Sector damage assessment should include the necessary breakdowns so that estimations can be
made of the value of rehabilitation and reconstruction items that must be imported from abroad – including
equipment, machinery, construction materials and skilled labour – due to absence of domestic production (the
so called “imported component” of damage).

Estimations must be made of the impact of transport flow changes on the country’s balance of payments and
trade, through the estimation of any significant amounts of increased imports or decreased exports of fuels for
the Transport Sector arising from the disaster. In addition, the impact of losses on the government budget must
be ascertained in terms of increased operational costs and lower revenues when the government directly owns
transport enterprises and services.

The above information is to be delivered by the Transport Sector Assessment Team to the separate assessment
team in charge of overall macroeconomic impact analysis.

In addition to the previously described estimations, when the Transport Sector Assessment Team has completed
the estimation of higher transport costs faced by households and individuals when using private transport means
(i.e. their own vehicles) such additional costs are to be delivered to the assessment team in charge of analysing
disaster impact on human development.

During the assessment, several cross-cutting issues must be given due consideration. These include the differen-
tial impact of the disaster on gender and the possible impact on the environment.

For the Transport Sector, the gender breakdown of the labour force – whether skilled or not – is an essential
part of the baseline information gathered at the start of the assessment, together with information on wages
and salaries. Once the estimated values of production losses for the Transport Sector have been made, separate
estimates are to be made of the number of jobs temporarily or permanently lost due to the disaster for both men
and women, together with how their personal income may have declined.

Due to the disaster, environmental conditions may be altered which may cause further difficulties to the Trans-
port Sector. Any such difficulties must be quantified by the assessment team with assistance from environmental
economists, and expressed in monetary terms for inclusion in the assessment.


The Transport Sector Assessment Team should be aware that the estimation of post-disaster financial require-
ments to achieve economic recovery and disaster-resilient reconstruction of the sector cannot be undertaken un-
til it has completed the estimation of the value of destroyed assets (damage) and the value of transport produc-
tion flows, and after these results have been delivered to the assessment team in charge of estimating disaster
impact at the macroeconomic level. Completion of the above before undertaking the estimation of post-disaster
recovery and reconstruction needs is required to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the entire assessment,
as well as guaranteeing the absence of any undue influences in the estimation of needs.

The financial requirements or needs for economic recovery of the Transport Sector are defined as the amounts
of financing required to ensure the progressive return of the service to normalcy. In a sense, these requirements
involve the reduction of higher transport costs, and may involve some of the following activities:

• Setting up of temporary bridges or fords to facilitate traffic over road sections where bridges or
other drainage works have been destroyed, until they may be rebuilt;

• Possible temporary government subsidies to collective transport systems in urban areas that
are facing post-disaster higher transport costs, thus avoiding increases in transport tariffs
charged to users;

• Setting up of possible, alternative, temporary schemes of transport in lieu of regular transport

schemes that have been destroyed; and

• Possible temporary tax relief schemes for private and public transport companies over the
recovery period.

The cost of such schemes should not in any case exceed the value of higher transport costs that have been esti-
mated by the Transport Sector Assessment Team as arising due to the disaster. In addition, the value of possible
insurance proceeds on transport services sales must be deducted from the estimated recovery needs values.

The financial requirements or needs for disaster-resilient reconstruction of destroyed assets are estimated by
taking the estimated value of damage and increasing it by a certain percentage, whose magnitude depends on
the degree of modernization, technological improvement and disaster-risk reduction degree that is required in
the recovery and reconstruction strategy.

In that respect, reconstruction may involve higher standards of design and construction for bridges, culverts
and other drainage works to accommodate for higher flood discharge capacities or increased resilience against
earth tremors, and/or the addition of flood-control or landslide protection works for strategic road sections. The
nominal transport capacity of the road and ancillary works, however, is not to be increased, since that would be
a development requirement that is not associated with the reconstruction after a disaster.

The experience gained over the last 40 years over which post-disaster assessments have been conducted as a
basis for defining recovery and reconstruction requirements indicate that the range to increase the value of dam-
age falls between 12 to 25 percent. It is up to the experts comprising the Transport Sector Assessment Team to
define the value of this coefficient, bearing in mind both the degree of disaster resilience required and the design
standards prevailing when the destroyed assets were originally built.

The amount of possible insurance proceeds on destroyed transport assets should be deducted from the estimat-
ed value of reconstruction needs.


Human development recovery needs in the Transport Sector are the amounts of financing that may be required
for affected individual households during the recovery and reconstruction stages to continue to have adequate ac-
cess to transport services, without incurring additional costs of living. As was initially stated in the introduction to
this chapter, such possible higher transport costs are not to be added to the estimated changes in Transport Sector
flow costs; instead, they should be estimated and kept separately by the Transport Sector Assessment Team, and
should be delivered to the assessment team in charge of estimating human development recovery needs.

Should the Transport Sector Assessment Team estimate higher collective transport costs in urban systems that
are to be met through a scheme of temporary government subsidy in order to avoid a general increase of trans-
port tariffs as discussed in the preceding section, there would be no need to estimate additional or separate
human development recovery needs for the users of the collective urban transport systems.

However, for families who may face higher transport costs after a disaster through higher consumption of fuel
in their family vehicles and/or having to pay tolls for roads under construction, government schemes to alleviate
such decline in human development and well-being should be explored. A temporary government scheme of
reducing import duties on fuel or of providing subsidised fuel to these affected families, over the recovery period
required to return to normalcy after the disaster, may be recommended; and its cost may be estimated as no

higher than the estimated higher cost of transport that these households may face after the disaster. Needless
to say, implementing such scheme will have a negative bearing on the fiscal position, as it would imply lower
revenues for the government in comparison to non-disaster conditions, and its cost to the government should
be reported by the Transport Assessment Team to the Macroeconomic Assessment Team as well.

In any case, the estimated value of such a human development recovery need is not to be mixed or added
to the estimated economic recovery needs described in the preceding section of this chapter, and should be
kept separately.


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