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International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and IT
ISSN: (2349-0322)
Impact Factor- 5.489, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2018
Website-, Email : [email protected] , [email protected]


C. Sunitha Ram
CSE, SCSVMV University, India

Student Project Management System (SPMS) is essential for an institution or to a college or to a
university, which effective use of computer, also which reduces manpower. Student Project
Management System manages all the activities of the final year projects. It is a system for
supervision, controlling, monitoring the final year projects of students. It is a web based portal
or application which is useful for students, Head of the department, project coordinator and
project guide. The main objective is to digitalize the whole process of project approval process
by introducing an application as an update to the existing conventional model. This minimizes
lot of time and it would be convenient for both the staff and the student. Initially all the students
require to register into the system using registration form. Then registered students can login
into the system using their id and password to get authenticated. When the students login to the
system, then they will form the groups by their own. Similarly, project guide needs to login into
the system using their id and password. SPMS also allows the group of the students to provide at
least three project domains and then system will automatically assign the guides to the group of
students based on project domains. Project coordinator is main characteristic of the system
which will allocate different tasks to the students. Project coordinator and project guide is co-
ordinate with each other and finally results should be intimated to Head of the department as
well as required parameters to the students. Depending upon the different parameters, the work

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is assigned by the coordinator and the progress plan of the group is created. For creating
progress plan, the marks will automatically get assigned for particular group of the students. To
take advantage of the latest technology and to facilitate students to make online inquiries about
their project status a different tools are developed in SPMS.

I. Introduction

In today‘s world, no one takes an initiative to look for notices which are displayed on the
notice boards. Many students miss the information about some important notices and updates
related to their final year projects. Also, the students are not able to keep track of their project
related activities. It becomes very easy if all the details and updates of the project from guides
and coordinator are readily available for the students. Supervising the final year projects
manually is very stressful job. Nowadays the different tool i s i n i t i a t e d to manage all the
projects effectively and ensure that projects cycle goes on smoothly and they are completed on
time. While accepted student‘s requirements, all necessary validations should be performed. In
existing system project coordinator should generate the Student‘s list with group, Staff‗s name
list with student group, Project domain name details, Project title list reports and project
coordinator work to report status of the student project manually.

But using simple web portal anyone can carry out their project related work which is the
main aim of Student Project Management System (SPMS). Project management is the process of
planning, scheduling, resource management, requirement analysis, designing and testing to
achieve project goals and objectives. Without student project management system it is difficult to
complete projects in given time. Therefore, student project management system is required to
remove such barriers in project development and to achieve specific goals.It provides students,
Project coordinator and Project guides a simple web portal to manage and monitor the overall
project activities. All the modules of the system have a unique user id and password. Then any
module can login into the system using their id and password to get authenticated further. SPMS
allows the group of students to provide project domains and then the system will automatically
assign the guides to the groups of students. Project coordinator is the main module of the system
which assigns various tasks to the students. Project coordinator and Project guide are interacted

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with each other. Depending upon the different parameters related to the work assigned by the
coordinator, the progress plant of the group is created and grades will get automatically assigned
for the particular group of the students. E-mail notifications are sending to the groups about the
important notices and updates related to their final year project.

II. Literature survey

Anthony [3],Ackoff [1], Koontz and O'Donnell [7], and McGuire [8] discuss about general
management literature.This literature has ad-vocated basic principles of management, but they
are far too wide to be of express use in collecting data for the review of an existing management
system and they do not link the theory to the design of better management systems. However, the
structure provided by these principles is necessary for the orderly development of our approach.

Glans, et al.. [6] and Couger [5] explains about systems analysis. These authors have tended
to confer very detailed questions about systems operations. They often include checklists,
paperwork flow analysis dealings, flowcharting, and other techniques which are used to analyze
the clerical or operating subsystems of an organization. The approach tends to be ad hoc in
nature and it presumes the type of improvements which are needed. Moreover, the systems
analysis approach has notion the past concentrated sufficiently on the planning and control
functions of management. Rather, it has been primarily concerned with improving operations.
There is a need for the development of better methods for the review of management systems. In
developing the review phase, the thrust is to provide an approach which is based on data
collection and analysis and is systematic in nature. The next section provides a general
description of the review phase structure which forms a basis for the development of specific
data collection methodology.

Sanket Kale 2017 implement a system which can manage project cognate all work
consummated by utilized and Project coordinator or guide. Coordinator updates project cognate
information, view work done by a student at which time and view progress chart of work done
by student, progress chart is developed utilizing WBS (―Work Breakdown Structure‖).Student

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retrieved the given work information updates and consummates this work at given time and
submits into the project management system.

Xian Shannxi 2010 introduce the model, which drives the entire system architecture to
the brand new software growing ideological system that put forward faces to item control
organization. On this paper, the complex hassle oversimplifies and abstract problem pictorially
as base. It takes software venture manages process visualization and controllable as simple

Roy Oberha user 2011 proposed a model that extends the goal-question-Metric
technique and automates the tracking of satisfactory desires via a multi-agent system with the
assist of competitive bidding agent conduct for proactive vs. cooperative vote casting for reactive

Sue Newell 2012 has defined mini-music, which makes a specialty of numerous areas of
IT Enterprise and assignment control which can be a hobby to diverse lecturers and practitioners.

Violeta Bozhikova gives an introduction of the art of software project management
and fixes its place in the scope of project management discipline. The development of Project
Management Software (PMS) is an active research area in the field of Project Management. A
classification of the existing PMS is proposed manually. There are in need of development web
based and collaborative PMS is commented in comparison with other PMS.
Gabriele Bavota et al 2012 presented a practical approach for teaching two different courses of
Software Engineering (SE) and Software Project Management (SPM) in an integrated way. The
two courses are taught in the same semester, thus allowing to build mixed project teams
composed of five-eight Bachelor‘s students (with development roles) and one or two Master‘s
students (with management roles). In this paper is insufficient to simulate a real-life development
scenario giving to the students the possibility to deal with issues arising from typical project
situations, such as working in a team, organizing the division of work and coping with time
pressure and strict deadlines.

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Iulian Intorsureanu, et al 2009 describes a design model for an integrated document system
for project management, which takes into account the key requirement of ensuring consistent and
high-quality project management documentation. The model is based on structured documents
which rely on a static model of project management-relevant entities.

Michael M. Marti, P.E., et al 2005 designed PMS to make the job of a project manager easier
and more efficient, providing applications to aid in planning, to manage project costs, and to
track activities and monitor schedules. As more and more public works departments face the
realities of increasing workloads and shrinking resources, finding technology applications that
allow productivity gains becomes ever more important. The use of project management software
as a tool for managing and organizing work has grown and continues to grow at a rapid pace in
all industries. This paper reviews the ways in which it is currently being used in the course of
transportation project delivery in Minnesota, and provides a tool to assist in choosing the right
application to meet a local city or county‘s needs.

III. Existing System

Existing system of student project management system is maintained manually. Project
coordinator or guide gives assignment for student manually. Student complete the work which is
given by coordinator or guide and submits manually, in this system all work is done by manually
so it can take more time to complete project related work. Project coordinator or guide requires
remembering in mind when and which student completed the task. In the existing system does
not help users to get project information at right time.

Limitations of existing system

1. It is time consuming.
2. Project information is not retrieved at right time.
3. Any updates by team members or the Project coordinator or guide cannot remember
immediately by the rest of the team.
4. All work is done manually.

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IV. Proposed system
Summarizes these problem, in this proposed system can implement a system which can
manage project related all work consummated by Project coordinator or guide. Project
coordinator updates and associated information, view work done by a student at which time and
view progress plan of work done by student, progress plan is developed. Student retrieved the
given work information updates and consummates this work at given time and submits into the
SPMS as shown in fig 1. To take advantage of the latest technology and to facilitate clients to
make online inquiries about their project status a tool need to be developed. The tool should
accomplish the following functions:

 Record different phases of a project.

 Facility to interact between student and guide.
 Define phase wise tasks.
 Keep a track of project schedules.
 Update the information about report .
 Phase wise project closures.
 Assign resources to a project.
 Access control for resources.
 Take daily efforts from each status

Project Co-ordinator Head of the department Project Guide

Login SPMS Report

information Repository

Group 1 (Students) Group 2 (Students) Group N (Students)

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V. Discussion
Developing the SPMS has helped as web based tool instead of manual in development
procedures. In future it can be developed with chat module between student and staff. The UI of
this dashboard can be modified for user comfort. This can also be developed as an application.
SPMS is a very effective application which can be used to a great extent. When all the students
register to our portal, the group formation takes place and the next step includes assigning of
guides according to their domains which are provided by the groups this unique assigning of
guides to the groups is done which is frequently used technique in DotNet. Admin, Hod, Project-
in-charge, Project Guide and Student modules are described in following diagrams sequentially.

Project Co-ordinator Head of the department Project Guide

Login SPMS Report

information Repository

Group 1 (Students) Group 2 (Students) Group N (Students)

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Fig 2 Admin module

Fig 3 HOD module

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Fig 4 Project –in-charge module

Fig 5 Project Guide(staff) module

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Fig 6 Student module

VI. Conclusion
Objectives that had been charted out in the initial phases were achieved successfully. System
has strong security by providing user id and password. System is fully GUI based. It is easy to
operate and user-friendly. Platform includes the in built back-up and recovery facility. It can be
helpful to communicate and better understand the importance of planning and designing as a part
of software development. The concept of peer-reviews helped to rectify the problems as and
when they occurred and also helped to get some valuable suggestions that were incorporated.
SPMS have many advantages over the traditional system. Some of these advantages are
centralized data, up-to-date status reporting, E-mail notification, ease of use, backups etc. The
use of this application reduces the extra time and efforts required to manage and monitor the
final year projects in colleges. Feature of DotNet technology automatically assign the guides to
the groups of students and different phases of JBC (job breakdown construction) for grading of
the particular group. It also provides a good interface which is easy to understand by the users
and helps in adapting to the use of this web application.

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