Crime Essential and Stages: Definition
Crime Essential and Stages: Definition
Crime Essential and Stages: Definition
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section 11 of IPC defines the word person and it says that word
person Includes any company or asSC>Ciatlon or body of persona
whether incorporated or not.
The word person Includes artiflcla·I or Juridical persons.
In Messer Syndicate Transport Private Limited 1965 the Bombay
High Court clarified that a company cannot be held guilty of those
crimes which can be committed only by human being such as the
rape, bigamy, Murder etc. similarly a company cannot be held
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Actus Reus Is the physical act which a person does and.mens rea •
Is the 'guilty mind' with which a crime Is committed. So the Intent
and the act both must concur to constitute a crime.
2. Preparation to Commit Crime : The second stage Is termed as
preparation. It Is at this stage that the person prepares or does
acts which wlll help him In committing the criminal act. It needs
to be kept In mind that the criminal act has not been committed
yet and therefore this stage is not punishable.
For example- 'A' thinks of kJlling a person, be btl)'I a pistol, buys a
railway ticket to go to the place where the murder Is to be done.
Since he did not cross the stage of preparation to do all this.
Therefore. he will not be considered a criminal.
Therefore, In general, preparation of an offense Is not punishable,
but In the following cases, preparation la punishable under the
Indian Penal Code.
1. Waging war against the Government of lndta (Sec.122).
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1. Waging war against the Government of India (Sec.122).
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