Activation Layers
Activation Layers
Activation Layers
Training large transformer models is one of the most important computational challenges of
modern AI. In this paper, we show how to significantly accelerate training of large transformer
models by reducing activation recomputation. Activation recomputation is commonly used to work
around memory capacity constraints. Rather than storing activations for backpropagation, they
are traditionally recomputed, which saves memory but adds redundant compute. In this work, we
show most of this redundant compute is unnecessary because we can reduce memory consumption
sufficiently without it. We present two novel yet very simple techniques: sequence parallelism
and selective activation recomputation. In conjunction with tensor parallelism, these techniques
almost eliminate the need to recompute activations. We evaluate our approach on language models
up to one trillion parameters in scale and show that our method reduces activation memory by
5×, while reducing execution time overhead from activation recomputation by over 90%. For
example, when training a 530B parameter GPT-3 style model [20] on 2240 NVIDIA A100 GPUs,
we achieve a Model Flops Utilization of 54.2%, which is 29% faster than the 42.1% we achieve
using recomputation. Our implementation will be available in both Megatron-LM1 and NeMo-
Megatron2 .
1 Introduction
As transformer models scale towards trillions of parameters, model parallelism is required to distribute
model parameters, activations, and optimizer state across devices for them to fit into device memory
and be trainable in a realistic amount of time. Although model parallelism linearly reduces the number
of parameters per device, e.g., number of parameters per device is halved when model parallel size is
doubled, there are limits to scale model parallelism. Tensor-level model parallelism increases commu-
nication requirements and introduces smaller and less performant matrix multiplications, making it
inefficient to split a model across a large number of devices. As a result, tensor-level model parallelism
is typically limited to a relatively small group of GPUs that are connected with high speed bandwidth,
such as GPUs connected with NVLink inside a DGX server. Pipeline parallelism requires storing the
activations of several microbatches to reduce the pipeline bubble [13]. As a result, pipeline parallelism
can only help with the memory needed to store model parameters and optimizer state and cannot
reduce the memory needed for activations while maintaining high device utilization. Thus the storage
of activations quickly becomes a critical problem to scaling large transformer models.
To quantify this, Figure 1 shows the memory required for four model configurations ranging from
22 billion parameters to 1 trillion parameters (details of the model configurations are provided in Table
3). It can be seen that for all these cases, the required memory for the baseline cases is above the 80GB
memory provided by an NVIDIA A100 GPU. The standard approach to alleviate this memory pressure
is to simply not store most of the activations and recompute them as necessary to calculate gradients
during the backward pass [5]. Unfortunately this method, usually called “gradient checkpointing” or
1 Megatron-LM is an ongoing research project pushing the limits of scale
Figure 1: Parameters, optimizer state, and activations memory. The dashed red line represents the
memory capacity of an NVIDIA A100 GPU. Present work reduces the activation memory required to
fit the model. Details of the model configurations are provided in Table 3.
“activation recomputation”, incurs a steep penalty of reducing training efficiency. For transformer
architectures, majority of prior work has checkpointed, or stored, the activations at transformer layer
boundaries and recomputed the rest of the necessary activations in the backward pass. In this paper
we refer to this method as “full activation recomputation”. In our training runs, we observe 30 − 40%
execution time overhead when full activation recomputation is used.
In this paper we present novel techniques that help alleviate the memory pressure of storing ac-
tivations and thus reduce the need to recompute activations. These techniques are specific to the
transformer architecture and are both simple to implement and have no, or very low, impact on com-
pute efficiency. As we detail in Section 2, there are several other techniques to reduce the memory
requirements of training large models, such as partitioning various data across the data parallel ranks
or offloading data to CPU memory [14, 17]. These techniques are complementary to the techniques
presented here and could be additionally employed for even greater memory savings; however, in gen-
eral these other techniques have both higher implementation cost and a larger impact on compute
efficiency than the techniques presented in this paper. An analysis comparing these techniques to ours
is outside the scope of this paper and left for future work.
We begin with a brief review of the transformer architecture and then build up an approximate
formula for the memory required to store activations of a transformer model. Using this formula we
can then study how different forms of model parallelism impact the activation memory requirements.
We introduce sequence parallelism alongside tensor parallelism to prevent redundant storage of acti-
vations in regions that are not conducive to standard tensor parallelism. We then show that by being
selective in what activations are saved and what are recomputed we can eliminate much of the cost of
recomputation while using only a fraction of the memory when no recomputation is used. Finally, we
present several experiments that measure the improvements these techniques make to both individual
components of training as well as the full training throughput.
2 Related Work
Model parallelism enables training very large models across multiple GPUs. Model parameters along
with the associated optimizer states of these models require a huge amount of memory and do not fit
on a single GPU. Even if we are able to fit the model in a single GPU (e.g., by swapping parameters
between host and device memory [17]), the high number of compute operations required can result
in unrealistically long training times. This calls for parallelism. Two forms of model parallelism
are commonly used to distribute the model parameters across GPUs: 1) tensor parallelism where
a number of attention heads p pipeline parallel size
b microbatch size s sequence length
h hidden dimension size t tensor parallel size
L number of transformer layers v vocabulary size
parameters of each layer are distributed across many devices [18, 19, 21], and 2) pipeline parallelism
where the model is split along the layer dimension of the network [7, 10, 11]. Some recent approaches
combine both types of model parallelism to enable training large models up to 1T parameters [13].
An alternative to model parallelism is to combine a number of training techniques along with data
parallelism to enable large scale model training [14, 17, 15, 16]. This approach is based on sharding the
optimizer states, gradients, and parameters across data-parallel ranks. Also, a recent extension [15]
uses CPU off-loading techniques to enable multi-trillion parameter model training on a small number
of GPUs. Compared to model parallelism, these techniques, which are based on data parallelism,
are less efficient and do not scale well to a large numbers of GPUs [13] and are thus a better fit for
finetuning models in resource-constrained environments. This paper focuses only on model parallelism
optimizations. An analysis comparing these techniques to ours is outside the scope of this paper.
In addition, tensor parallelism as introduced in Megatron-LM [19] helps to reduce the activation
memory to some extent. In this approach, there are parts of the transformer where activations are not
split across tensor parallel ranks, adding to activation memory overhead. Sequence parallelism as sug-
gested in [9] where activations are partitioned along sequence dimensions throughout the network can
alleviate this problem. However, their approach, similar to data parallelism, requires the parameters
and optimizer state to be replicated on all of the devices which makes it not suitable for large model
training. Sagemaker [8] and GSPMD [21] propose memory efficient versions of tensor parallelism which
splits the activations across the devices along the hidden dimension throughout the network. The main
drawback of these approaches is that they encompass multi-device layer normalization which is very
compute/communication inefficient. Along with layer-norm communication, Sagemaker [8] does four
reduce-scatter communications per transformer layer in comparison to just two all-reduce communi-
cations in the Megatron-LM approach. In this paper, we present a new technique which leverages the
advantages of both tensor parallelism and sequence parallelism without any of the previous approaches’
shortcomings. In other words, our technique, which mixes both tensor and sequence parallelism, re-
duces the activation memory significantly without any additional compute, communication, or memory
3 Transformer Architecture
In this work, we consider a single stack transformer encoder or decoder with L layers as shown in
Figure 2. At the start of the network, the input tokens are fed into a word embedding table with size
v ×h and the token embeddings are combined with learned positional embeddings with size s×h where
s is the sequence length, h is the hidden dimension, and v is the vocabulary size. The output of the
embedding layer, which is the input to the transformer block, is a 3-D tensor of size s × b × h where
b is the microbatch size. Each transformer layer consists of a self-attention block with a attention
heads followed by a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with two layers which increase the hidden size to
4h and then reduce it back to h. Input to and output from each transformer layer have the same size
s × b × h. The output from the last transformer layer is projected back into the vocabulary dimension
to calculate the cross-entropy loss. We assume that word embedding and output layer weights are
shared. Variable names are listed in Table 1 for reference.
4 Activation Memory
In this section, we derive an approximate formula for the memory required to store activations in the
forward pass of a single stack transformer model as shown in Figure 2. Note that “activations” in this
paper refers to any tensor that is created in the forward pass and is necessary for gradient computation
Figure 2: Transformer Architecture. Each gray block represents a single transformer layer that is
replicated L times.
during back-propagation. As a result, this excludes the main parameters of the model and optimizer
state, but, for example, includes the mask used by the dropout operation.
In addition, we only consider the main contributors to the memory and ignore small buffers. For
example, for a layer normalization block, the input to the layer as well as the input’s mean and variance
are required to calculate the gradients. The input contains sbh elements whereas mean and variance
have only sb elements each. Since h is large (of order of thousands), we have 2sb sbh. As a result it
is a good approximation to only consider the memory required to store the input, i.e., we only include
sbh, not sbh + 2sb.
We also assume that the network and the activations are stored in a 16-bit floating point format
and therefore each element requires 2 bytes for storage. The only exceptions are the dropout masks
which only require a single byte per element. Note that all the reported sizes in this section are in
bytes and not number of elements unless explicitly mentioned.
Figure 3: Self-attention block. The red dashed line shows the regions to which selective activation
recomputation is applied (see Section 5 for more details on selective activation recomputation).
The above equation is for the case that no form of model parallelism is applied.
Figure 4: Transformer layer with tensor parallelism. f and f¯ are conjugate. f is no operation in the
forward pass and all-reduce in the backward pass. f¯ is all-reduce in the forward pass and no operation
in the backward pass.
Not only does tensor parallelism parallelize model parameters and optimizer states inside the at-
tention and MLP blocks, but it also parallelizes the activations inside those blocks. Note that the
input activations to these blocks (for example input to the Q, K, and V matrix multiplies or input to
the h → 4h linear layer) are not parallelized, and only activations within each block are divided across
the tensor parallel group3 . Assuming t-way tensor parallelism, the per-layer memory required to store
the activations reduces from Equation 1 to:
24 as
Activations memory per layer = sbh 10 + +5 . (2)
t ht
3 The tensor parallel group is the group of accelerators that participate in tensor parallelism
4.2.2 Sequence Parallelism
Tensor parallelism, as shown in Figure 4, parallelizes the parts of the transformer layer that take
the most time during training and as a result, it is computationally efficient. However, it leaves the
layer-norms as well as the dropouts after attention and MLP blocks intact and as a result, they are
replicated across the tensor parallel group. These elements do not require a lot of compute but demand
a considerable amount of activation memory. Quantitatively, the 10sbh part of Equation 2 is due to
these replicated operations and as a result they are not divided by the tensor parallel size t.
We notice that in the non-tensor parallel regions of a transformer layer, the operations are inde-
pendent along the sequence dimension. This characteristic allows us to partition these regions along
the sequence dimension s. Partitioning along the sequence dimension reduces the memory required
for the activations. This extra level of parallelism introduces new communication collectives before
f and after f¯ which will act as converters between sequence and tensor parallel regions. For exam-
ple, in the forward pass, we need an extra all-gather before the operator f in Figure 4. These extra
communications introduce overhead and will slow down the training.
To avoid these extra communications, we combine these operations with the f and f¯ operators and
introduce new operations g and ḡ as shown in Figure 5. As it can be seen, g and ḡ are the converters
between sequence and tensor parallel regions. We derive these operations in the remainder of this
Figure 5: Transformer layer with tensor and sequence parallelism. g and ḡ are conjugate. g is all-gather
in the forward pass and reduce-scatter in the backward pass. ḡ is reduce-scatter in forward pass and
all-gather in backward pass.
We detail g and ḡ’s derivation using the MLP block. In the non-parallel form, as shown in Figure
2, the layer-norm followed by the MLP block can be formulated as:
Y = LayerNorm(X),
Z = GeLU(Y A),
W = ZB,
V = Dropout(W ),
where X is input to the layer-norm with size s × b × h and A and B are the weight matrices of the
linear layers with size h × 4h and 4h × h, respectively. The combined tensor and sequence parallel form
of the above operations is shown in Figure 6. The subscripts represent splitting among accelerators
and superscripts depict the dimension along which the splitting is done. For example, X1s is the first
accelerator’s part of X that is split along the s dimension (sequence dimension) while Z2h is the second
accelerator’s part of Z that is split along the h dimension (hidden dimension).
The input to the layer-norm is parallelized along the sequence dimension X = [X1s , X2s ]. As a result,
the output of the layer-norm will also be parallel along the sequence dimension Y = [Y1s , Y2s ]. The
linear layer with GeLU non-linearity requires the entire input Y and therefore we need to perform an
all-gather. This implies that g is an all-gather operation along the sequence dimension in the forward
pass. By splitting A along its columns (Ac1 and Ac2 ) and B along its rows (B1r and B2r ), we avoid
communications (for more details please see [19]) and arrive at W1 and W2 . These two tensors are not
parallel anymore and need to be summed as W = W1 + W2 before they are fed into the dropout layer.
However, dropout needs its input to be parallel in the sequence dimension s. Instead of summing and
Figure 6: MLP layer with tensor and sequence parallelism. g and ḡ are conjugate. g is all-gather in
forward pass and reduce-scatter in backward pass. ḡ is reduce-scatter in forward pass and all-gather
in backward pass.
then parallelizing in the sequence dimension, we combine these two operations into a reduce-scatter
operation. As a result, ḡ can be a single reduce-scatter operation in the forward pass. Putting it all
together, we arrive at:
If we follow a similar break-down for the backward pass, we find that g and ḡ are conjugate of each
other. g is an all-gather in the forward pass and a reduce-scatter in the backward pass, and ḡ is a
reduce-scatter in the forward pass and an all-gather in the backward pass. A similar breakdown done
for the layer-norm followed by the attention part of the transformer layer arrives at Figure 5.
Tensor parallelism requires four all-reduces in a single forward and backward pass whereas tensor
together with sequence parallelism requires four all-gathers and four reduce-scatters in a single forward
and backward pass. At the first look, it seems that tensor with sequence parallelism requires more
communications compared to tensor parallelism. However, we note that a ring all-reduce is composed
of two steps: a reduce-scatter followed by an all-gather. As a result, the communication bandwidth
used for tensor parallelism and tensor together with sequence parallelism are the same. Therefore,
sequence parallelism does not introduce any communication overhead.
From Equation 3, sequence parallelism along with tensor parallelism divides all the activations
required for the backward pass along the parallel dimension except for the tensor Y that is required
for the first linear operation. To alleviate this issue, we do not store the full tensor Y for the backward
pass. Instead, we store only the Yis part on the ith tensor parallel rank and perform an extra all-gather
in the backward pass. To eliminate the latency introduced by this extra all-gather, we overlap this
communication with the computation required to calculate gradients with respect to Y , and as a result,
we reduce the overhead.
Using sequence parallelism along with tensor parallelism, the memory required to store the activa-
tions per transformer layer reduces from Equation 2 to:
10 24 as sbh as
Activations memory per layer = sbh + +5 = 34 + 5 . (4)
t t ht t h
The above equation is now Equation 1 divided by the tensor parallel size. This means that using tensor
and sequence parallelism, we can distribute activations among the tensor parallel group and reduce
the required memory by tensor parallel size t.
4.2.3 Pipeline Parallelism
Pipeline parallelism simply divides the L layers of the transformer into L/p groups of layers where p
is the pipeline parallel size. However, pipeline parallelism does not uniformly divide the total memory
required for activations by p. This is due to the overlapping that pipeline parallel schedules introduce
to reduce the pipeline bubble [13].
To quantify this, we consider the 1F1B pipeline schedule developed in PipeDream [12]. Schedules
that have a minimized pipeline bubble put the most memory pressure on the first stage of the pipeline
(first stage of the pipeline refers to first group of L/p layers which also includes the input embeddings).
A visualization of activation memory as a function of pipeline stage is shown in Appendix B. To
keep the pipeline pressurized and avoid extra idle time, the first stage must store activations for p
microbatches (for more details see Figure 4-top of [13]). Each stage contains L/p layers so the first
stage must store p × L/p = L layers worth of activations regardless of the pipeline parallel size p.
Therefore, the total memory required to store activations in the first stage is:
sbhL as
Total activations memory = 34 + 5 . (5)
t h
For other pipeline schedules, the total memory required would be slightly different. For example,
the interleaving schedule developed in Megatron-LM [13] requires storing activations for L(1 + p−1 pm )
layers where m is the number of interleaving stages. As a result, if the interleaving schedule is used,
then the total activation memory should be scaled by (1 + p−1
pm ).
Configuration Activations Memory Per Transformer Layer
sbh 34 + 5 as
no parallelism h
+ 5 as
tensor parallel (baseline) sbh 10 + t ht
+ 5 as
tensor + sequence parallel sbh t ht
tensor parallel + 24
sbh 10 + t
selective activation recomputation
tensor parallel + sequence parallel +
sbh( 34
t )
selective activation recomputation
full activation recomputation sbh(2)
Table 2: Activations memory, in bytes, per transformer layer for different techniques.
required memory can be further reduced to 2sbhL/t if we only store a portion of activations in each
tensor parallel rank. However, this approach requires an extra all-gather per layer and will add
communication overhead and, as a result, we do not consider this approach.
Compared to storing all activations (Equation 5), checkpointing all transformer layers significantly
reduces the amount of memory required to train a model. This reduction does come at the cost of the
recomputation (an extra forward pass) which can introduce as much as 30 − 40% computational time
overhead. To balance the memory savings and computational overhead, it is ideal to only checkpoint
enough activations to allow a given model-parallel configuration to train given the constraints of device
memory. The memory savings provided by sequence parallelism allows many more configurations to
train without recomputation than before, but the optimal model parallel configurations of large models
still generally require some saving and recomputing of activations. A simple approach to choose the
amount of activations that are stored vs recomputed is to only checkpoint some of the transformer layers
and store all the activations of other layers. This approach does not scale very well to large models;
for example, when training MT-NLG there are only three layers per device, limiting the granularity at
which you can balance memory vs compute. Additionally, we note that not all activations require the
same amount of operations to recompute so it is beneficial to be smarter in selecting which activations
to store and which to recompute.
Instead of checkpointing and recomputing full transformer layers, we propose to checkpoint and
recompute only parts of each transformer layer that take up a considerable amount of memory but
are not computationally expensive to recompute, or selective activation recomputation. To this end,
we note that the term 5as/h in Equation 5 is due to the attention operations after the width of the
network is increased by the linear layer calculating the Q, K, and V values; i.e., QK T matrix multiply,
softmax, softmax dropout, and attention over V as shown in Figure 3. These operations generally
have large input sizes and thus large activations, however, the number of floating-point operations
(FLOPs) per input element is very low. The rest of the transformer layer accounts for the 34 term in
Equation 5. Thus, for large models where 5as/h > 34, if we checkpoint and recompute this part of the
transformer layer, we store less than half of the activations and only have a modest cost to recompute
those that aren’t stored.
To quantify this, let’s consider GPT-3 [4] and MT-NLG [20] models, some of the largest models that
have been trained so far. For GPT-3, a = 96, s = 2048, and h = 12288 and as a result 5as/h = 80. For
MT-NLG, a = 128, s = 2048, and h = 20480 so 5as/h = 64. Comparing these numbers to 34, which
is the factor for the rest of the layer, we can see these activations account for a large portion of the
total activations. Thus, by using selective activation recomputation we can save 70% and 65% of the
required memory for activations for the GPT-3 and MT-NLG models, respectively. The recomputation
of these activations introduces only 2.7% and 1.6% FLOPs overhead for these two models. For more
details on the FLOPs calculations see Appendix A.
Using this form of selective activation recomputation, the memory needed to store activation de-
creases from Equation 5 to:
Total required memory = 34 . (6)
Model Attention Hidden Tensor Pipeline Number Global Micro
Size Heads Size Layers Parallel Parallel of Batch Batch
Size Size GPUs Size Size
22B 64 6144 48 8 1 8 4 4
175B (GPT-3) 96 12288 96 8 8 64 64 1
530B (MT-NLG) 128 20480 105 8 35 280 280 1
1T 160 25600 128 8 64 512 512 1
Table 3: Model configurations used during evaluation. Note that no data parallelism is used in our
evaluations and as a result, the batch sizes as well as total number of GPUs are set to a value much
lower than the ones in the end-to-end training.
The above equation shows that using selective activation recomputation allows the required acti-
vation memory to scale linearly with sequence length and be independent of the number of attention
heads. As was discussed in Section 4.2.3, in the case of an interleaved pipeline schedule, the above
equation needs to be multiplied by (1 + p−1
pm ).
When using pipeline parallelism, as discussed in Section 4.2.3, even though a given device only
has L/p layers, the first stage must still store an equivalent of L layers of activations since it must
store activations for p microbatches to keep the pipeline pressurized. An additional technique that
can be employed to reduce the recomputation cost in this case is to store all the activations for as
many microbatches as possible given available device memory, and do full or selective recomputation
of the rest. In practice we find that after applying sequence parallelism and selective activation
recomputation the recomputation overhead is small enough that this additional technique provides
very modest improvement. This technique is described in more detail and analyzed in Appendix C.
6 Evaluations
In this section, we evaluate the impact of our proposed approach on both memory usage as well as
execution speed of training. Table 3 lists the model configurations used in the evaluations. We consider
models up to one trillion parameters and for all these models, the tenor parallel size is set to 8. We use
the interleaving schedule with three interleaving stages (m = 3) for the 175B and 530B models. For
all the cases, sequence length is set to s = 2048 and vocabulary size is set to v = 51200. We also note
that no data parallelism is considered in these evaluations since our approach is independent of data
parallelism. As a result, the batch sizes used in our analysis are much lower than the ones used for the
end-to-end training. All of our results are run with mixed precision on the Selene supercomputer [3].
Each cluster node has 8 NVIDIA 80GB A100 GPUs [1] connected to each other by NVLink and
NVSwitch [2]. Each node has eight NVIDIA Mellanox 200Gbps HDR Infiniband HCAs for application
Figure 7: Percentage of required memory compared to the tensor-level parallel baseline. As the model
size increases, both sequence parallelism and selective activation recomputation have similar memory
savings and together they reduce the memory required by ∼ 5×.
Table 4: Time to complete the forward and backward pass of a single transformer layer of the 22B
modest improvement to the time it takes to complete one transformer layer, reducing the forward time
from 7.7ms to 7.2ms, a 6% speedup. This improvement comes from the layer-norm and dropout layers
being performed on 1/t of the data. We also found that even though the amount of data moved is
the same, the execution of reduce-scatter and all-gather combined is slower than an all-reduce alone,
reducing the improvement from sequence parallelism. Note that this speedup is an additional benefit
to the primary advantage of using sequence parallelism, which is the memory savings that allow for
less recomputation of activations.
The next two rows in Table 4 show that if we are selective in what operations are recomputed,
which we can be in more configurations thanks to sequence parallelism, we can significantly reduce the
overhead of recomputation in the backward pass. The overhead of selective recomputation is 1.3ms,
or 11% of the 11.9ms baseline, vs 7.6ms or 64% overhead for recomputing the full layer. For the
combined forward and backward time, the overhead is 7% vs 39%. Note that the overhead of 39% for
recomputing the full layer (as opposed to the expected 33%) is due to an optimization in the backward
pass where we overlap all-reduce communication with the linear weight’s gradient computation. As we
see later, this benefit increases with model size. The bottom row in Table 4 shows the combined benefit
of selective recomputation and sequence parallelism. When the two techniques are used together, the
overhead drops to just 4%.
Figure 8 shows this same break down for all of our test cases. We see that as the model size grows,
the reduction in overhead also increases. For the 530B and 1T cases, the overhead is just 2%, compared
to 36% overhead for full recompute.
Figure 8: Per layer breakdown of forward, backward, and recompute times. Baseline is the case with
no recomputation and no sequence parallelism. Present work includes both sequence parallelism and
selective activation recomputation.
Table 5: End-to-end iteration time. Our approach results in throughput increase of around 30%.
parallelism. These savings will be directly translated into shorter training times.
We define the model FLOPs utilization (MFU) and hardware FLOPs utilization (HFU) similar to
Chowdhery, et al. [6]. Model FLOPs are the floating point operations required to perform a single
forward and backward pass (single iteration) regardless of the implementations and hardware limi-
tations. As a result, model FLOPs are hardware and implementation independent and only depend
on the underlying model. On the other hand, the hardware FLOPs represent the floating point op-
erations that are actually performed on the hardware per iteration. Therefore, if an implementation
requires activation recomputation (for example ours), then the hardware FLOPs are going to be larger
than model FLOPs. We provide a tight lower bound formula for the model and hardware FLOPs in
Appendix A. For our method, the hardware to model FLOPs ratio is approximately 1 + s/6h.
Subsequently, we define the model and hardware FLOPs per second as the model and hardware
FLOPs divided by the iteration time, respectively. Using these definitions, the MFU and HFU are
defined as model and hardware FLOPs per second divided by the accelerator theoretical peak FLOPs
per second5 . Both the MFU and HFU are provided in Table 5 for all four configurations. As the model
size increases, we achieve better GPU utilization and for the one trillion parameter model, we reach a
MFU and HFU of 56.3% and 57.0%, respectively.
We should note that the results in Table 5 do not use any data parallelism. Data parallelism
5 For NVIDIA A100 GPUs, the peak theoretical FLOPs per second is 312 teraFLOPs/sec.
introduces some overhead due to the gradient all-reduce required between the data parallel groups.
However, for large transformer models, this overhead is not large. For example, if we scale the 530B
model to 8-way data parallellism (2240 GPUs) while keeping batch size per model instance constant –
i.e., the batch size is also multiplied by the data parallel size – the time per iteration increases slightly
from 37.83 seconds to 39.15 seconds. This results in an MFU drop from 56.0% to 54.2% which is not
substantial. We note that we do not use any overlapping of gradient all-reduces with back-propagation
and an efficient overlap can almost entirely eliminate this increase in the iteration time.
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A FLOPs Calculation
For FLOPs calculations, we follow the derivation from Narayanan,[13] and only consider the
matrix multiplications (GEMMs) which are the main contributors to the number of floating-point op-
erations. For the attention block, the main contributors to floating-point operations are: key, query,
and value transformation (6Bsh2 operations), attention matrix computation (2Bs2 h operations), at-
tention over values (2Bs2 h operations), and post-attention linear projection (2Bsh2 operations) where
B is the microbatch size.
For the feed-forward network that increases the hidden size to 4h and then reduces it back to h,
we have 16Bsh2 floating-point operations. Summing these together, each transformer layer results in
24Bsh2 + 4Bs2 h FLOPs for the forward pass. The other main contributor to the number of floating-
point operations is the logits layer in the language model head, which transforms features of dimension
h to the vocabulary dimension v. The required FLOPs for this operation is 2Bshv.
The backward pass requires double the number of FLOPs since we need to calculate the gradients
with respect to both input and weight tensors. Summing all the contributions, the number of FLOPs
required to do one forward and one backward pass (denoted by model FLOPs) is:
s v
model FLOPs per iteration = 72BLsh2 1 + + . (7)
6h 12hL
Selective activation recomputation requires an additional forward pass attention matrix computa-
tion (2Bs2 h operations) and attention over values (2Bs2 h operations). Adding these required FLOPs
to Equation 7, the total number of FLOPs we require per iteration (denoted by hardware FLOPs) is:
s v
hardware FLOPs per iteration = 72BLsh2 1 + + . (8)
3h 12hL
One can see that in our approach, model FLOPs are very close to the hardware FLOPs. Assuming
3h s and 12hL v and only considering main terms, the ratio of the hardware to model FLOPs
can be approximated as:
hardware FLOPs s
≈1+ . (9)
model FLOPs 6h
Figure 9: Activation memory of each pipeline parallel rank, shown for both an unoptimized case (blue),
and with our memory optimization that deallocates the output tensor of each pipeline rank (yellow).
The 530B model (see Table 3) is used for this experiment.
In this figure, we can observe the linear memory decrease along the pipeline ranks (directly observ-
able for pipeline ranks 1 and above), along with the additional sbhp memory spike on pipeline rank 0
due to the embedding layer’s activation memory (see Section 4.3).
In the case of applying the output-tensor-deallocation optimization, we save sbhr memory per
pipeline rank, where r is the number of microbatches in flight on each rank, peaking at r = p on the
first pipeline stage. Using the hyperparameters for the 530B model (see Table 3), and this setup’s
2 bytes per data element, the theoretical savings for this optimization on the first pipeline stage is
sbhp = 2.73 GB, which closely matches the difference between the lines shown in the figure for rank 0.
(a) Baseline
1 2 3 4 1 1 5 2 2 6 3 3 7 4 4 8 5 5 9 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9
(b) Skip checkpointing micro-batches out of the outstanding micro-batch back-propagation steps
GPU Memory
Memory allocated
Forward prop
1 2 3 4 1 5 2 2 6 3 3 7 4 4 8 5 9 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 Recompute
Figure 10: Computation and memory usage patterns of the baseline activation recomputation and
microbatch level activation recomputation. Yellow boxes are a forward pass with activations check-
pointed (i.e. only some activations are saved), red boxes are activation recomputation, blue boxes are
backpropagation, and white boxes are a foward pass with all activations saved.
Microbatch level activation recomputation increases the model FLOPs utilization of the 175B and
530B parameter models to 52.3% (+0.7%) and 56.4% (+0.4%), respectively, compared to the baseline
with both sequence parallelism and selective activation recomputation. The gain is small because
the selective recomputation overhead is as small as ∼2%. However, one can imagine model parallel
configurations where there is nearly enough memory for no recomputation, in which case microbatch
level activation recomputation could provide more improvement to training speed.