Energy Budgeting and Life Cycle Assessment of Cashew Cultivation Under Different Planting Densities
Energy Budgeting and Life Cycle Assessment of Cashew Cultivation Under Different Planting Densities
Energy Budgeting and Life Cycle Assessment of Cashew Cultivation Under Different Planting Densities
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) is a nut crop Ivory Coast are the major cashew producers in the
native to Brazil. Currently, cashew is cultivated in world (FAOSTAT, 2018). Cultivation of cashew in
over 30 countries and has emerged as a potential India is mainly confined to the coastal areas and in
foreign-exchange earning crop in the developing recent times it has been spread to plains of
countries. Cashew is good source of carbohydrates Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and hills of the North
(22%), proteins (21%), fat (47%) and minerals Eastern States. Energy is the basic driver of
(calcium, iron and phosphorous) (Sharma, 2004) agricultural crop production and practices (Ozkan
and offers 575 kcal of energy per 100 g (Sathe, et al., 2004). Limited agricultural land availability
1994). Historically India dominated the global due to urbanization has necessitated the need for
cashew market (Nayak and Savadi, 2019) intensive agriculture. The success of sustainable
(Anonymous, 2014). Currently, Vietnam, India and agriculture depends on the utilization of energy
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Manjunatha et al.
sources in an efficient manner (Fadavi et al., 2011). an improved energy efficiency of 1.72 and net
For agriculture, the energy needs are split into two energy of 19625 MJ/ha under the organic nutrient
categories, viz. direct and indirect. The crop management due to lower energy intake
production activities such as land preparation, (30722MJ/ha) and higher energy output
irrigation, weeding, harvesting, and threshing and (50347MJ/ha), compared to the no-manuring and
transportation of various inputs for agricultural integrated nutrient management practices.
production come under the direct energy category In India, cashew is generally grown as rainfed crop
(Singh, 2000). The energy for activities such as under wider spacing of 7.5 x 7.5 m with 178 trees
packaging of agricultural produce and per hectare. However, under wider spacing system,
transportation of the seeds, fertilizers, farm the plants take 7-8 years to cover the allotted space
machines, insecticides and pesticides are regarded as a result the resources such as land, sunlight,
as indirect energy. Yet another classification of the chemical inputs etc go wasted (Nayak et al., 2019).
energy is as non-renewable or renewable energy The adoption of high density and ultra-density
sources based on the capability of being renewed planting systems in cashew helps to utilise the land
(Rajesh et al., 2018). and input resources more effectively in the initial
An energy assessment of the crop production years of plantation establishment and as
system and practices is required to determine the consequence, increased productivity per unit area.
optimal energy input for achieving different The energy budgeting in cashew production
productivity levels. Minimizing or combining systems has received little attention and there are
machinery operations may minimize the energy no reports energy budgeting in cashew. The present
input, time and labour (Esengun et al., 2007; Karale study was undertaken to find out the energy
et al., 2008). Analysis of energy involved in requirement and life cycle assessment of cashew
agricultural production is often used as the basic cultivation under different planting densities in
components for life cycle assessments. (Piringer & coastal India. This is first report of energy
Steinberg, 2006). Several investigations have been budgeting in cashew crop production, which can
done on energy usage in different agricultural facilitate effective utilization inputs and energy
systems including fruit and nut crops (Strapatsa et resource to attain better productivity with little
al., 2006; Demircan et al., 2006; Fadavi et al., energy wastage and environmental damage.
2011; Paramesh et al., 2018; Bartzas and
Komnitsas, 2018). The energy indicators and the Material and Methods
energy expenditure per unit of apple production Experimental site
was estimated in West Azarbaijan, Iran by Fadavi The investigation was carried out at the ICAR-
et al. (2011). The values of energy productivity, net Directorate of Cashew Research Puttur, Karnataka,
energy and output-input energy were estimated to India. The study area has hot and humid climate
be 101.50 MJ/ha, 0.23 kg/MJ, –56.32 MJ/ha and with annual average precipitation of 3500 mm and
0.44, respectively. The study findings indicated that the soil is sandy clay loam with a pH of 5.25. The
96.7% of total energy input was in the form of non- present study was conducted from 2015 to 2020 to
renewable sources. Hatirli et al. (2006) analysed the assess the life cycle and energy budgeting of
correlation between energy inputs and crop yields cashew cultivation under three planting densities
for greenhouse tomato cultivation in Turkey and [2.5 x 2.5 m, 5 x 5 m and 7.5 x 7.5 m] under rainfed
developed an economic model. Likewise, in sweet condition. The experiment was designed in a
cherry production, Demircan et al. (2006) showed randomized block design (RBD) with three
that the fertilizers (45.35%) were the foremost replications. The jumbo nut cashew hybrid, H-130,
energy-consuming input source followed by diesel a pruning responsive cultivar planted during 2013
oil (21.53%). In pistachio production, the total at the three different spacings was chosen for the
energy intake under irrigated conditions in Greece study.
was found to be 41.9 GJ/ha, while the ratio of Computation of parameters
energy productivity and energy efficiency rate was The energy assessment was carried out on the basis
0.06 kg/MJ and 70%, respectively (Bartzas and of various farm operations (planting, weeding,
Komnitsas, 2018). Paramesh et al. (2019) reported harvesting) as well as on the direct (human labour
Environment Conservation Journal
Energy budgeting and life cycle assessment of cashew
and fuel) and indirect (farm machines, chemical operations and energy inputs was collected and
fertilizers and pesticides) energy resources used in quantified using the energy coefficient in order to
the crop production process. Information on the estimate energy usage in a particular unit operation
duration, quantity and frequency of the unit (Table 1).
Table 1: Resource input, outputs, and their energy equivalents
Input Energy Equivalent Unit Reference
Paramesh et al. (2019); Erdal et al. (2007); Nassiri & Singh
Human labour 1.96 MJ/man h
(2009); Mohammadi et al. (2008)
Paramesh et al. (2019); Mohammadi et al. (2008); Singh & Mittal
Machinery 62.7 MJ/kg
(1992); Gündoğmuş (2006)
Paramesh et al. (2019); Taki et al. (2012); Hatirli et al. (2006);
FYM 0.3 MJ/kg
Demircan et al. (2006)
N 60.6 MJ/kg Singh & Mittal (1992); Gündoğmuş (2006)
P 11.1 MJ/kg Singh & Mittal (1992); Gündoğmuş (2006)
K 6.7 MJ/kg Singh & Mittal (1992); Gündoğmuş (2006)
Insecticide 184.63 MJ/kg Pimentel (1980)
Petrol 48.23 MJ/l Singh & Mittal (1992)
Paramesh et al. (2019); Gündoğmuş (2006); Mohammadi et al.
Diesel 56.31 MJ/l
68.4 MJ/kg Singh & Mittal (1992)
Cashew fruit 1.9 MJ/kg Singh & Mittal (1992)
The methodology adopted for the analysis for input material used in the plots with the energy
assessing the energy inputs used in cashewnut content of each input sources(Azam & Singh,
production is as follows. 1996; Khan & Singh, 1997).
1. The use of human energy was calculated by In the present study, useful life and average annual
taking into account the time of labour-intensive working hours were used as perIS:9164 (1979). The
activity and the total number of people following equation was used to calculate the energy
involved in that particular farm operation. The expenditure from farm machines (Rajesh et al.,
gross human energy expenditure was estimated 2018).
by multiplying the energy coefficient of the
human power for unit man-hour by the total EM = (Eqm × Wm × Whm) / (Lm × Whym) (1)
number of hours of human activity in the
particular unit operation (Sharma et al., 2020). Where,
EM = Energy from farm machines
2. In the case of the tractor, diesel engine or other Eqm= Energy equivalent for machinery
machinery, the volume of fuel used for a Wm= Weight of machine
specific field operation was determined using Whm= Machine working hours
the top-fill method. The energy consumption to Lm= Life of machine
Whym= Machine working hours/year
manufacture machineries such as tractors,
weeders and other farm equipment was
Energy indicators
determined based on their weight, useful life
The identified set of indicators was calculated
and average annual working hours.
based on the energy equivalents of inputs and
3. The quantity of input materials like farmyard
outputs to determine the energy efficiency as
manure (FYM), chemical fertilizers and
follows (Balogh & Hall, 2016; Hall, 2011; Martin
insecticides/pesticides utilized in cashew
et al., 2014; Mohammadi & Omid, 2010; Singh et
production has been converted to energy
al., 1997).
equivalent by multiplying the amount of the
Environment Conservation Journal
Manjunatha et al.
Energy use efficiency MJ/ha) followed by the fuel (diesel) (27479 MJ/ha)
The energy use efficiency shows the effectiveness (Table 2). The fuel energy (diesel oil) was used
of a crop production system. It is important to mainly to run earth moving machines for the initial
remember that the energy consumed in input can be land development activities. Therefore, exact
minimized by optimizing energy consumption or to chemical fertilizer management, taking the amount
increase the crop yield by optimizing farming and frequency of fertilization into account, as well
practices in order to enhance energy use efficiency as proper selection and management of machinery
during the cultivation cycle. to reduce direct use of diesel fuel are required to
save non-renewable energy sources without
Total energy output (MJ/ha)
Energy use efficiency = (2) compromising the yield or profitability and to
Total energy input (MJ/ha)
increase the energy use efficiency of cashew
production. Proebsting (1980) estimated that the
Net energy
energy expenditure for fuel (diesel oil) was 14.87%
Net energy is one of the key performance indices
and 14.75% of the overall energy intake for the red
that show the relationship between the gross energy
tart and sweet cherry respectively. The energy
produced from the main and by-product and the
consumption for machinery, farmyard manure
total input energy required for crop production.
(FYM) chemicals, petrol and human energy were
Net Energy = Energy output (MJ/ha) − Energy input (MJ/ha) (3) found to be 22405, 6000, 5760, 1746 and 1724
MJ/ha, respectively.
Energy productivity A cashew tree starts bearing two years after
It defines the amount of product obtained per unit planting in closer spacing but widely spaced
of input energy used. The input energy sources like planting takes six to seven years for commercial
human labour and FYM comes under renewable production. The energy efficiency, specific energy,
energy sources; while non-renewable energy energy productivity and net energy of cashew
consists of energy inputs from machines, fuel, production were also estimated for 2.5x2.5 m
chemical fertilizers and chemicals. spacing (Table 2). The mean yield of cashew crop
was determined to be 1248 kg/ha in the second year
Crop yield (kg/ha) and it was significantly increased to 2432 kg/ha
Energy productivity = (4)
Total energy input (MJ/ha) during the fourth year. The energy ratio (also
known as energy use efficiency) varied from 12.2
Specific energy to 24.6% in the cashew orchards, showing the
This index represents how much of energy is used ineffective utilization of energy in the cashew
by a product to produce 1 kg and is typically used production. It is important to note that the
to compare various product categories. The entire proportion can be maximized by enhancing the crop
crop production process is more effective when the yield (the cashew apple energy coefficient is
specific energy is less. relatively less) and/or by reducing input energy
expenditure (input management). The specific
Total energy input (MJ/ha)
Specific energy = (5) energy for cashew production varied from 8.22 to
Crop yield (kg/ha)
4.06 MJ/kg. The study findings showed that energy
productivity and net energy varied from 0.06 to
0.13 kg/MJ and -17,126.66 to -14,158.49 MJ/ha
Results and discussion respectively. This means an average output of 0.10
Analysis of input-output energy use for cashew
units per unit of energy was achieved. The net
production and energy indicators
energy calculated was negative inferring that in
The total energy expenditure and different energy
cashew production, the energy was wasted. Fadavi
indices for the production of cashew at 2.5 x 2.5 m
et al. (2011) observed that net energy and energy
spacing showed that the overall energy used in
productivity for apples were –64,556 MJ/ha and
various unit operations in cashew production was
0.19 kg/MJ, respectively. The net energy
120903 MJ/ha (Table 2). The maximum energy
of tangerine (-8201 MJ/ha) and plum (-116,219 and
intake was utilized by chemical fertilizers (55788
-125,788 MJ/ha) was reported by
Environment Conservation Journal
Energy budgeting and life cycle assessment of cashew
Table 2: Energy consumption and different energy indices for cashew production (2.5 x 2.5 m spacing)
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Manjunatha et al.
Table 3: Energy consumption and different energy indices for cashew production (5 x 5 m spacing)
Table 4: Energy consumption and different energy indices for cashew production (7.5 x 7.5 m spacing)
second-largest contribution to energy consumption energy use efficiency, specific energy, energy
was the use of diesel energy (13993.04 MJ/ha) productivity and net energy were determined based
followed by machinery (12465.71 MJ/ha). Diesel on the energy output from the cashew (Table 4).
oil is primarily used for operating earth moving The calculated average energy use efficiency and
machines and tiller operated sprayers engaged in energy productivity values varied from 8.46 to
different farming activities such as land preparation 9.52% and 0.04 to 0.05 kg/MJ respectively. Energy
and spraying of plant protection chemicals. The productivity is low compared to the results reported
share of electricity was only 2806.99 MJ/ha (3.73% in other fruits such as apricot (0.24 kg/MJ)
of the overall energy intake). The FYM contributed (Esengun et al., 2007), and apple (0.49
2.47%, while chemicals and human labour kg/MJ)(Rafiee et al., 2010). It implies that extra
contributed even less i.e., 1.51% and 1.09%, energy should be spent to increase the crop yield. It
respectively. The various energy indicators viz., was also observed that energy consumption has a
Environment Conservation Journal
Energy budgeting and life cycle assessment of cashew
positive correlation with crop yield. Specific energy chemical fertilizer is one of the most significant
shows the amount of energy spent to produce a unit energy input sources followed by diesel oil and
of product. It was slightly higher (11.82 to 10.50 machinery. Therefore, we need to focus more on
MJ/kg). Bartzas and Komnitsas (2018) found that efficient use of chemical fertilizers, fuel (diesel) for
the average specific energy of pistachios production various operations and energy for different
was 16.97 MJ/kg, implying that 16.97 MJ of energy machinery to reduce energy expenditure in cashew
was consumed in pistachios for the production per production compared to other factors. Special crop
unit of dry in-shell pistachios. The net energy in management practices and application procedures
cashew production system varied from -14852.47 to should be followed to minimize the inputs.
-10265.46 MJ/ha indicating that the present Mangalassery et al. (2019) reported the biomass
production system is not energy efficient. generated in mature cashew plantation can be
In this study, the total energy expenditure in cashew converted to compost with 65% recovery and about
production for different plant densities during 4 50% of the nutrient requirement of cashew
years in coastal India was assessed and presented in plantation can be met by proper recycling of
Table 5. The calculated energy consumption for biomass generated in cashew plantations
different plant densities varied from 75292.68 to (Mangalassery et al., 2019; Rupa, 2017). Other
120903.58 MJ/ha. means for reducing the reliance on chemical
The study showed that energy consumption in fertilizers without compromising on soil quality is
cashew production increases with an increase in the to go for green manuring, application of bio
number of plants per unit area. The energy use fertilizers and organic farming (Kalaivanan &
efficiency gap recommends improving the crop Rupa, 2017; Yadukumar et al., 2008). Proper
yield by optimizing the farming practices or management of critical inputs can reduce energy
minimizing the input energy utilized by optimizing use on cashew production and can improve energy
energy consumption. In cashew production, efficiency.
Table 5: Total energy equivalents (MJ/ha) in 4 years under different plant densities
Spacing (m)
Inputs 2.5 x 2.5 5x5 7.5 x 7.5
Human labour 1724.22 1021.32 817.71
Machinery 22405.33 14738.71 12465.71
FYM 6000.00 4200.00 1858.50
Chemical fertilizer 55788.38 55788.86 42215.26
Chemicals 5760.46 2570.05 1135.47
Petrol 1745.93 2749.11 2806.99
Diesel 27479.28 17463.98 13993.04
Total Energy Consumption (MJ/ha) 120903.58 98532.04 75292.68
Yield (kg/ha) 5920.00 3160.00 1886.82
Total Energy output (MJ/ha) 11248 6004 3584.958
Energy use efficiency 9.30 6.09 4.76
Specific energy (MJ/kg) 10.75 16.41 21.00
Energy productivity (kg/MJ) 0.05 0.03 0.03
Net energy yield (MJ/ha) -109655.58 -92528.04 -71707.72
order to bring down the energy consumption in energy content of fertilizers. The fuel (diesel)
cashew production the management of input energy has ranked second place in energy
consumption is more important. Among the overall consumption accounting for about 18.0% of the
overall input energy followed by energy from
machinery (15 %). However, energy from FYM,
5% chemicals, petrol and human labour consumed
1% Human labour about 4, 2, 3 and 1%of the overall input energy
Machinery respectively. Similarly, in ultra-density planting
1% 23% 19% (2.5 x 2.5 m spacing), the indirect energy (77297.62
MJ/ha), sources were much greater in cashew
Chemical fertilizer
production contrast to direct energy (21234.42
Chemicals MJ/ha). The indirect energy input persisted at
5% 46%
Petrol 78.45% of the total energy input compared with
Diesel 21.60% of the direct energy. There was greater
consumption of non-renewable sources (94.7%)
than renewable form (5.3%) (Table 6).
Figure 1: Percentages of total energy input for cashew Consumption of both non-renewable sources and
production (2.5 x 2.5 m spacing) renewable sources of energy varied with various
inputs used in crop production. The decrease in the
usage of non-renewable sources has a direct impact
1% Human labour on the cultivation cost. The non-renewable energy
Machinery component is high in cashew production. The
18% 15% 4% maximum contribution of non-renewable energy
FYM sources comes from the use of fertilizers, diesel,
Chemical farm machines, chemical and petrol. The findings
fertilizer of the energy distribution in the present study are in
Chemicals close agreement with reports of Bartzas and
57% Petrol Komnitsas (2018) for the production of irrigated
pistachio and they also reported non-renewable
Diesel sources and indirect energy sources accounts for
about 81% and 66% of the overall energy
Figure 2: The anthropogenic energy inputs in the expenditure.Source-wise energy analysis for
production of cashew (5 x 5 m spacing) cashew production at normal planting system
(7.5 x 7.5 m) showed that the chemical fertilizers
energy utilized, 25.60% was direct energy and took a larger share of energy consumption (55.6%
74.40% was indirect energy sources whereas, non- of overall energy intake), followed by diesel energy
renewable form and renewable form of energy (19% of overall energy intake) (Figure3). The
sources were recorded as 93.61% and 6.39%, contribution of energy from machinery sources was
respectively (Table 6). It was also noted that the determined to be 17% of the total energy
impact of indirect energy was proved to be more requirements. However, energy sources like
effective than compared to direct energy sources. FYM,chemicals, petrol and human labour
Hatirli et al. (2006) observed the effect of indirect consumed about 2, 1, 4 and 1% of the total input
energy’s on yield was more significant than direct energy. Under normal planting system, 93.45% and
energy's. Hatirli et al. (2005) also observed a 76.60% of the overall input energy utilized for
greater impact of non-renewable energy sources on cashew production is non-renewable energy and
crop yield compared to renewable sources. indirect energy sources whereas, the amount of
In 5 x 5 m spacing, the energy consumption by crop renewable and direct energy sources was found to
management accounted for 57% of overall energy be 3.55 and 23.40%, respectively (Table 6). Similar
usage (Figure 2). The increased energy inputs used results were observed by Afshar et al. (2013) for
in the management of crops are due to the higher pistachio production in irrigated condition and
Environment Conservation Journal
Energy budgeting and life cycle assessment of cashew
showed 86 % of total energy consumption for non- in several other fruit tree production, like apple
renewable energy sources. Likewise, the (Fadavi et al., 2011) and almonds (Beigi et al.,
distribution of sources of energy has been recorded 2016).
The source wise energy expenditure pattern for the coastal India and is heavily reliant on non-
production of cashew under various plant densities renewable energy and indirect energy sources.
are depicted in Figure 4. Among the different plant
densities, chemical fertilizer consumed the
maximum energy, followed by diesel fuel. As
regards to the share of the total energy, expenditure
is concerned the energy consumption per unit area
was slightly higher for ultra-density plantation 1% Human labour
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Environment Conservation Journal