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Nazma Akter
ID: 143-15-4267

This Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Computer Science and Engineering.

Supervised By

Nazmun Nessa Moon

Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University

Co-Supervised By

Dr. Farnaz Narin Nur

Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University



07 May 2018

At first I express my heartfelt thanks & express almighty Allah for his delightful blessing makes
achievable to complete this project effectively.

To make a report and deal with a practical world is not so easy work if not get support by others.

I am grateful & willing my reflective my gratitude to Nazmun Nessa Moon, Assistant

Professor, Department of CSE, Daffodil International University, Dhaka. She guided me to finish
this task successfully. His continuous persistence, academic control, frequent support, steady and
active direction, productive analysis, precious opinion, evaluation all substandard summary and
correct them at every stapes to finished it achievable to entire the Project.

I convey my sincere gratefulness to Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain, Professor & Head of the
Department of Computer Science & Engineering; I cannot finish my project without his help &
other faculty member & Staff of Computer Science & Engineering department of Daffodil
International University.

And lastly but immensely express my utmost gratitude to my parents for their love and support,
affection and inspiration.


This project “A Web Based System for School Management” focuses on web development
and design for school management system. I create a website for school management system.
To build the project I develop a plan, I collect the data, design the website and developed it.
In this project I am trying to give the idea about management system of school this will be
help for maintain school management. The project also provides some services about school
website. In this website student got their update notice in homepage. They also got their result
& routine on the link of download button. Student should know their payment status on
admission button. I have use adobe Dreamweaver CS6 tools, HTML, CSS, ADOBE
PHOTSHOP, JAVASCRIPT to design the website layout and XAMPP server, MySQL, PHP
to develop the website. I get some valuable learning experiences from this project. This
project is inspiring me to do other project about development. This experience will help me in
my future work.



Approval i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv



1.1 Introduction 7
1.2 Motivation 7
1.3 Objectives 8
1.4 Expected outcome 8
1.5 Report Layout 9


2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Related works 10
2.3 Comparative studies 11
2.4 Scope of the problem 11
2.5 Challenges 12


3.1 Business Process modeling 14

3.2 Requirement collection & analysis 16
3.3 Use case Modeling and description 17
3.4 Logical data model 19
3.5 Design Requirements 21


4.1 Front-end Design 22

4.2 Back-end Design 22
4.3 Interaction Design and UX 23
4.4 Implementation requirements 23


5.1 Implementation of Database 42

5.2 Implementation of Front-end Design 42
5.3 Implementation of Interaction 43
5.4 Testing Implementation 43
5.5 Test Results and reports 44


6.1 Discussion and conclusion 46

6.2 Scope of Further Developments 46



APPENDIX A: Project Reflection 48

APPENDIX B: Related Diagrams 48



Figure 3.1: Business process modeling with login process and admission process 14

Figure 3.2: Business process modeling with pay process and exam process 15

Figure 3.3: Use case modeling 18

Figure 3.4: Logical data model of system. 19

Figure 3.5: ER Diagram of project. 20

Figure 4.1: Setup XAMMP Version 7.1.11(64 bit) 24

Figure 4.2: Install XAMMP Server 25

Figure 4.3: Table list of a Database 1. 26

Figure 4.4: Table list of a Database 2. 27

Figure 4.5: Home page of Bright star school. 29

Figure 4.6: About Section of Home page. 30

Figure 4.7: Principal massage of Bright Star School. 31

Figure 4.8: Admission panel page of Bright Star School 32

Figure 4.9: Dashboard. 33

Figure 4.10: Student Registration 34

Figure 4.11: Student List of Bright Star School. 35

Figure 4.12: New Subject Entry From. 36

Figure 4.13: Subject Entry From. 36

Figure 4.14: Notice Entry From 37

Figure 4.15: Notice List of Brighter School. 37

Figure 4.16: Routine Entry From. 38

Figure 4.17: Course Section of Brighter School. 38

Figure 4.18: Course Group of Bright Star School. 39

Figure 4.19: Course Exam of Bright Star School. 39

Figure 4.20: Bright Star School Batch List 40

Figure 4.21: Human Resource & Position. 40

Figure 4.22: Password Change System. 41



Table 3.1: Requirement collection & analysis 16

Table 5.1: Test case of testing implementation 43


1.1 Introduction

The project experience is designed to provide students working towards certificates or

Corrections with an opportunity to develop insight into the practical application of academic

I think that part of the explanation schools accept SMS haven't details steady development in
student result is the calculated outcomes correspond to only some of the school's goals. To look
at this problem I am evaluate the goals get by schools in a large city region to the goals for SMS
create in the text. This site has a summary of my results about the prospect for the School
management System & my examine remarks for mention object. I have also incorporated notes
for extra item that were pertinent in count; I have built-in relations to other web sites that may be
helpful for study School Management System.

1.2 Motivation

 Gain practical knowledge about website design.

 Gain practical knowledge about website development
 Gain practical knowledge about various programming language, Web Server and database.
 Gain working experience in practical life.
 Improve communication skills.
 Knowledge of key professionals.
 Improve analytical and research skills.
 Open issue: Managing the information electronically.
 Goals: managing information on students, employees ,teaching processes etc

1.3 Objectives

 To make easily communicate with students & Guardians.

 To easily collect information about student, parents, teachers & school notice.

 To create strong and secret database that allows for any connection in a secret way.

 To build a time saving system.

 To make a cost efficient system.

1.4 Expected outcome

The School Management System software computerize the case of life cycle of student from
admission Pass-out, continue academic records, make easy teamwork, and let school to gather
fees behavior exams print account cards.

PHP known as a widely used open source common point for scripting language which is mainly
suited for server scripting language which designed for web development & turn to entrench into

I used PHP tool in my project as front end of the online rental information & MySQL should be
used my back end system.

Relational database management system (RDBMS) is the most usually open-source & MySQL is
the next usually used relational database management system (RDBMS). In web applications
MySQL is a most admired option of database. PHP known as object-oriented scripting language
& MySQL known as relational database management system.

In the other hand I used the CSS, BOOTSTRAP, & JAVA-SCRIPT for designing web page
purpose. I create my project with raw PHP.

If anyone can use of my school management system at the time of learning supports, I can
modernized & controlled my school system so that anyone can methodically work to achieve
following outcomes:

• categorize and address barriers that affect teaching and learning

• Slowly force school climate
• add to the resources available to students and their families
• enhance the rate of graduation
• Re-engage cut off students
• Increase school-family-community teamwork

This strategy is very consistent with material based programming.

1.5 Report Layout

In this report, I have organized the rest of part as follows, I have discussed about application
background with related works, comparative studies, Scope of the Problem, Challenges in
chapter 2. Then in chapter 3, I described about Business Process Modeling, Requirement
Collection and Analysis, Use Case Modeling and Description, Logical Data Model, Design
Requirements. In chapter 4, I have conversed about design and Implementation. In this section, I
have deliberated about Front-end Design, Back-end Design, Interaction Design and UX,
Implementation Requirements. After that in chapter 5, I have discussed about Implementation of
Database, Implementation of Front-end Design, Implementation of Interactions, Testing
Implementation, Test Results and Reports. Finally, I have concluded the report with future
scopes in chapter 6.



2.1 Introduction

The main goal of this project is to design and implementation the “A Web Base System for
School Management”. Education system is the strength of character for each state. And
therefore it is vital to make available a well-built educational base for the youthful invention to
make sure the progress of flexible worldwide nation protected the hope for one and all.

School Management System(SMS) works as a registered student, producing result, producing

notice, producing official transcript, preparing timetable & creating dissimilar information for
Lecturer, Parents, administrators and additional.

Automation likes consumption of skill to change person among engine that can execute extra
hastily & more constantly.

2.2 Related works

In internet, there is many similar web application or website. Some of them are under below:

2.2.1. Adamjee Cantonment Public School

Adamjee Cantonment Public School is single of the majority impressive and significant
learning organization in Dhaka & situated in the middle of Dhaka Cantonment, including of 05
acres of territory. Al-Haj Gul Mohammed established the school in 1960. They have also a
school management system. But they not maintained it regularly & not updated.

2.2.2. Bangladesh International School and College (BISC)

Bangladesh International School & College (|BISC), previously Bangladesh Internationa

School (BIS) a classified school & situated at Moakhali (New DOSH) in Dhaka. In 1995 the
school was established to give edifying services in English. Brigadier General Md. Zahedur
Rahaman is the current Chairman of BISC. They also maintain a school management system. In
this web site they cannot focus the content & gather the information at a glance system this is so

2.2.3. Fedena

Fedena handling records with open-source school administration software. Fedena proffer
unrestricted management & for logins student should be use their system, all along with limitless
lessons & batches. Ruby on Rails developed this system, for this school administrator without
difficulty modify the code for school requirements. Human resources, a calendar, economic
management, exam management & student/parent logins all are included in this system.

Fedena is a complimentary edition of school management software. At the time evaluate, it

found & clear that this version is lacking in a number of characteristics, as well as stock,
institution information, register, & regulation.

2.3 Comparative studies

There will be two type of user in this website. One is the “Admin”, another is the “Student”.
Each of them will have their own ID and password. That means each one will get different
access privileges. For doing these the new system will provide the following facilities:

 At beginning of the region, signifying its consequence and importance of future.

 An Indication of the available research, Quantity, Type & quality.

 Detection and conversation of key examine papers & result.

 Promising communication at that time.

 Proposal as to main concern part, subject, & rising technologies for prospect study.

 Elected study for prospect analysis.

 Appendix offer ideas & review wrap up with the list of references in this report.

 Important resource & field for related text.

2.4 Scope of the problem

 Since the system is a web base site, security is a very important issue. If security is
compromised then it would be a great problem.
 It is an open platform where all users can interact easily.
 Student can easily create account and log in then they can get access.
 Admin can distribute all student access for post and view.
 No Redundancy
 In our proposed system we ensure information will not be repetitive somewhere, at
storage space. These should be confirming and makes sure of our database.
 There are so many problems in manual system in instant storage spaces at the time of
large amount of store. But in my system I tried to avoid this kind of problem.

About this Project

 This is simple, safe and secure method that takes minimum period of time.
 By developing application which will be solution of this problem. The Administration
panel will maintain this application.

2.5 Challenges

 To collect data.

 Ensure that bar code Identity is unique.

 To find out algorithm for processing Data.

 Ensure security for the Student.

 Ensure that student id will count automatically

 Ensure that a student id cannot repeat.

 Ensure that student id will increment as appropriate candidate

 Ensure that result cannot published before complete the semester.

 Ensure that student cannot update profile without confirmation of the admin.

 Admin must define student can get access or not.
 Admin maintain the whole database and save to unauthorized access.
 Individual post is shown to all.


3.1 Business Process modeling

Business process modeling is regulation in process management; which uses different methods to
discover, analysis, measurement, improvement, optimization and the discover of automated
business process. To easily analyze I divided the BPM (Business Process Modeling) in to two

In the 1st picture here is two part, login process & admission process. In the login process admin
enter user name & password for login. In the other hand staff also login by using user name &
password. In the login process make sure user name, password & explain massage it right or not.

In the admission process student fill the form for admission & get admission as a student. On the
other hand staff submits staff details & get job as a staff. Business process modeling with login
process and admission process are in the following figure 3.1:

Figure 3.1: Business process modeling with login process and admission process

In the 2nd picture here is also two parts, Pay Process & Exam Process. In the pay process student
pay fees with details & get fees receipt on the other hand pay process insert fees & payment
details. Student can see anytime anywhere their fees & payment details.

In the exam process admin provide exam details, staff give exam timetable details in the exam
process for student. Admin insert the exam timetable in the exam process for student & staff.
Finally staff & student can see the exam timetable details. Business process modeling with pay
process and exam process are in the following figure 3.2:

Figure 3.2: Business process modeling with pay process and exam process

3.2 Requirement collection and analysis:

There are some basic requirements collected during implementation of the software and in the
data collection. Here are some given below in table 3.1:

Table: 3.1: Requirement collection and analysis

SL No. Requirement Name Analysis of required

1 Student Login In this system students must be login.

2 Registration student This system permits you to register/accept

a new student.

3 Student Subject and classes On the system the student class is

maintained and given in the given class.

4 Student outcome The system maintains the record of the

subjects of the special category.

5 Class fees of student The system maintains different type of

classes in the class.

6 Teacher work The system helps the teacher to build a

record of students like the whole class,
mid-term and final test marks.

7 Principal The system allows students, fees and staff

to see the full record of data and

3.3 Use case modeling and description

Use case diagrams are used as diagrams of behaviors commonly used to determine whether some
system or systems should work in some systems or system with the help of one or more external
users of the system.

Use case diagram for school management system is shown below. At the same time, different
actors have been described as follows:-

Actors:- Admin, Faculty, Students.

Matching use cases for these actors are:-

Admin: Login, logout, add faculty, user profile, manage student groups, student registration,
manage test, showing result.

Faculty: Login, logout, user profile, manage student groups, manage test, add mark, check

Student: Student login, logout, user profile, appears for test, result.

Use a use case diagram following the figure 3.3:

Figure 3.3: Use case modeling

3.4 Logical data model

Logical data model for school management system is shown below.

Different classes of systems are:

School: Subjects, routines, batches, results, notices, photos, exam, group, content group.

The logical data model for school management system is shown figure 3.4:

Figure: 3.4: Logical data model of system

ER Diagram of the Project

This is the Bright Star School ER Diagram this diagram shows the entity and attribute. Student
and exam have a relationship because student gives exam. Section and Routine also have a
relationship. Exam and result have a relationship. And subject and result have a relationship
because which subject you pass the exam.

The ER Diagram of the project in following figure 3.5.

Figure: 3.5: ER Diagram of project

3.5 Design Requirements

My system is followed totally dynamic web based rule. In this system, we used some web
programming language are HTML, CSS, Java Script. We use MYSQL database server. This
project mainly using to Laravel Frame work.

 HTML is a markup language use to composition text and multimedia documents and to
set up hypertext links among documents, used at length on the World Wide Web. The
purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into visible or
audible web pages.
 CSS locate for cascading style sheets. The styles classify how to show the HTML
almost all websites on the internet’s on the internet use css this permit websites
developers to give style updates. If you make use of an outside style sheet and you would
similar to transform the background this can be complete to a certain extent quickly.

 JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the Website. JavaScript is simple
to study. JavaScript is one of the three foundation technologies of World Wide Web
content production. It is used to build web pages interactive and give online programs,
counting video games. The greater part of websites employ it, and all current web
browsers maintain it without the required for plug-in by income of a built-in Java Script

 Laravel is a web submission construction with open, graceful syntax. We believe

development should be a pleasurable, imaginative skill to be justly satisfying. Laravel
attempts to get the hurt out of development by reduction common tasks used in the
greater part of web projects, such as confirmation, routing, sessions, and caching. Laravel
aims to create the development procedure a enjoyable one for the developer without let
go application functionality. Happy developers make the best code.


4.1 Front-end Design

Front-end users design with everything, counting design and some languages similar to
HTML and CSS. Front-end design is the representation of software. This is the way of
interaction way between the users and the servers. Front-end design is known as a client-side
development. In the most aspect of a software development the most important part is to design
the front-end. We created a simple front-end design for the users to co-operate with the software

4.2 Back-end Design

The "server-side" on the whole works, updates and changes the site. It refers to everything that
users can't observe in the browser, similar to databases and servers. Generally people who work
on the server-side are called programmers or developers. Back-end developers are more often
than not concerned about the security, structure and content of school management. It is the most
crucial part of software. The whole system depends on it. In back-end there are many factors
consists like the scripting languages or the server-side language, automated framework, database
management, security, authentication, authorization, data parsing, data validating, data backups
and so on. I developed “Online” using Raw PHP, in here all the logical thing and the hosting site
provide us the MySQL database for saving the data information and the work flow of the

4.3 Interaction Design and UXnnnnn

I designed this web software using bootstrap framework and font awesome. Those two helps us
to design a better visual for the users and it is also responsive in many formats.

“The process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability,
accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product”. “Designers focus on
creating engaging web interfaces with logical and thought out behaviors and actions. Successful
interactive design uses technology and principles of good communication to create desired user

4.4 Implementation requirements

 The design needed to implement in web programming language PHP with Raw PHP.
 Preferred Database is MySQL
 Schedule wise backup from server (Both source code and Database).
 Failed log in needed to store in database.
 SQL injection needed to protect with string escaping.
 Form validation needed using java-script before server site validation.
 CROSS-SITE-SCRIPTING needed to verify.
 Unauthorized attach needed to prevent with maximum attach limit.
 Invalid data input should display error message.
 For specific design Query needed to be implemented.
 In front end design bootstrap framework is needed.
 For visual aspect different types of fonts and icons are collected from Google font and
font awesome.

Install XAMMP Server

The XAMMP (Windows, Apache, MySql, FileZilla, Mercury and Tomcat) is all in one
packages, which installs the basic programs. I will need a local host running and to be able to
build and run PHP scripts.

I installed XAMMP Version 7.1.11(64 bit) in my computer with windows 10. Following the
Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Setup XAMMP Version 7.1.11(64 bit)

Following the XAMMP Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2: Install XAMMP Server

Create Database through MySQL

Step 1

Show makes the database. as of the MySQL command line, go into the command CREATE
DATABASE <DATABASENAME>; Replace <DATABASENAMEs> by means of the name of
your database. It cannot take in seats.

Example, to generate a database of every the my story, you force go into CREATE DATABASE
my story;

Note: Commands do not include to be come into in upper-case.

Note: All My-SQL command have to end by “;”. If you not remember to take in the semicolon,

You can enter just “;” on the next line to procedure the before command.

Create a Database my story. All Data Stored in a Database Following the Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: Table list of a Database 1

Step 2
Display a table list of obtainable databases. Enter the command explain database; the complete
database like submit. This figure show created a ten table under the database my story. Category,
Comment, Comment_like, Profession, reply, Reply like, Story, Story_has_tag, story_like, Tag,
User, User_Session, User_group. Following the Figure: 4.4.

Figure 4.4: Table list of a Database 2

Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are goals that describe how an Intern will be different because of a learning
experience. More specifically, learning outcome are the information, ability approach, and
behavior of intellect that students get by them from a education skill.

 Identify and implement the optimum the techniques for communicating complex
information on the web.
 Understand the primary elements of interface design and apply the principles and tools of
interactive components to Rich Interactive Applications (RIAs) and standard Web pages
and sites.
 Master digital graphics design tools and principles and apply them creatively and
appropriately to a wide range of audiences and for different content and media.

 Master current and evolving Web language for integrating media and user interaction in
both front sends back end element of a web site. Included in the languages are HTML,
CSS, JavaScript and PHP.

 Identify multiple, comprehensive multimedia strategies for solving the problem within a
given context.
To state some learning outcomes in the time of whole project period of the school web site. I
should say that basically I was a trainee but I have done one projects partially so far. Project
review that I have done completely.

Main home page, in this section user can browser all the section category wise and see the
information. Header section given Manu bar, content section Given write story and Right side
given categories, tag, most rated & footer section.

Figure: 4.5 showing the welcome message, latest notice, contact, date and time.

Figure 4.5: Home page of Bright star school

Figure: 4.6 showing about section. About section introduce the introduction message and
general information. Introduction just shows the simple message of talent teaching home.
General information is the information part of school.

Figure 4.6: About section of Home page

Showing my home page of principal massage in following the figure: 4.7.

Figure 4.7: Principal massage of Bright star school

When your Registration is complete the going to Login page. Showing the admin panel figure
number 4.8.

Figure 4.8: Admin panel page of Bright star school

Admin category continues web system presentation by check and psychoanalysis system
performance and tuning; problem solving system hardware, software and operating system;
Following the Dashboard Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9: Dashboard

Add Students:

Student is the as well one of the major components of the system. Admin be able to add
to the student explanation any time.

Observation and upload home work - The student resolve clever to see the detail of the
exact timeframe, questions, previous payment dates, how many marks it has been given,
and so on. By completing training, the student is able to upload the exertion in the entry,
which will also be reproducing in the teacher's account. Showing the Following Figure
add the student 4.10, 4.11.

Figure 4.10: Student Registration From

Figure 4.11: Student list of Bright Star School

In this page I can add new subject & previous subject list should be shown at a glance. Following
the Figure: 4.12.

Figure 4.12: New subject Entry From

Figure 4.13: Subject Entry From

In this page I can entry new notice & previous notice list should be shown at a glance. Following
the add notice of the Figure: 4.14, 4.15.

Figure 4.14: Notice Entry Form

Figure 4.15: Notice list of Bright star school

In this page I can entry routine from. Showing the add routine of the Following Figure: 4.16.

Figure 4.16: Routine Entry From

This page I can entry course section, course group & course exam. Following course selection,
group & course exam of the Figure: 4.17, 4.18, 4.19.

Figure 4.17: Course section of Bright Star School

Figure 4.18: Course Group of Bright Star School

Figure 4.19: Course Exam of Bright Star School

Other some fetcher adds in school management system. Following the Figure: 4.20, 4.21, 4.22.

Figure 4.20: Bright Star School Batch List

Figure 4.21: Human Resource position

Figure 4.22: password Change system


5.1 Implementation of Database

Because of using PHP Raw PHP and MySQL we made migration table which describe about the
contents’ attribute and the data types. Since MySQL is the model controller database. So, there
is no direct SQL query needed to perform actions. In the model the data can be checked weather
user has the permission to input the data directly in the database. We used PHP Myadmin for
DBMS. There are some tables in our DBMS.

5.2 Implementation of Front-end Design

It’s very challenging to make a simple UI design for the users, we try making as simple as
possible. Nowadays, there are many devices like smart mobile, tablets, desktop, 4k desktop etc.
We make our website responsive so that user can visit from different devices with a marginable
scale of the website and easily interact. We make interface relative and standard with the help of
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and query technologies.

There are some factors of implementing the front-end design are given below

 There will be three types of users like Admin, Student & Guardian.
 Every type of user must be registered by filling up the required information fields.
 User can login using their registered email and password.
 User can reset password by filling up the form of forget password.
 For updating user profile, user must enter the password for the security purpose.

5.3 Implementation of Interaction

Implementation of Interactions engages nonstop assessment of the new method, Performance

monitoring against the purpose the usability. Understand the communication requirements of
everyday activities. Examine various social contexts in which interaction might occur:

 Structure of social interactions

 How interactions are initiated, maintained, terminate and what vocabulary is needed to do
 What communication functions are used within interactions and what vocabulary is
needed to meet those functions

5.4 Testing Implementation

5.4.1 Test Case

This test case describes four types like as explanation test data likely result and finally real
Result. The explanation position shows valid and invalid username or password or both. Such an
example show the test study data like as username or password. Lastly real result shows the
absolute result. Showing the test case table 5.1:

Table 5.1: Test Case of Testing Implementation

stud explanation Test information likely Result real

y Result

1. Get the login button with Username=”ABC” A massage box outdo

unfounded username or appears that hold
password or both. unacceptable
username &

2. get on the login button Username=”admin” Forward to specific outdo

with valid username or user to specific
password home page.

5.4.2 Functional Requirement:

 Student will be connected with the teacher.

 Student will have to take exam.
 Login to the teacher must be.
 Communicate the teacher’s administrator, student and student parents.
 Teachers who will be recruited to recruit students.
 Teachers must take exams online.
 The teacher will be marked online presence.
 The teacher will declare online results.
 Parents will login with their child ID.
 Parents will see the results of their child.
 Parents will contact the teacher.

5.5 Test Results and reports

Need a test report to officially reflect the results of the test, which gives an opportunity to
quickly guess the result of the test. This is a document that records the data obtained from a
valuation test in a controlled method, description of environmental or operating condition & test
results shows the comparison results with the object.

Test report is very important, and it is needed to know that the system is ready/ not ready for
implementation? This is a document that records the data obtained from an evaluation test. There
is many types of testing to run which are following:

There are many types of testing:

 Functionality
 Regression
 Security
 Performance
 Scalability

So at the end we can carry out the results as the benefits of usability testing.
 Good Quality of application.
 System is easier to use in the system.
 Application is more readily accepted by users.
 Easy to use for the new users.



6.1 Discussion and conclusion

The Bright Star School project that I used to gain a lot of experience and this is my
futures which will be a lot of work. I was able to create a project by web design and
development. Overall, I can say that I'm discussing this internship is very useful for
my web development career, I have learned a lot and have the potential to implement.
It helped me to enrich my working in software based company and learning about
enterprise also. Those experiences I gathered from the stated internship will surely
help in near future in my career. It’s rich in the work of my software-based company
and helped to learn about the enterprise. The experiences I have collected from the
stated internships will definitely help me in the near future.

6.2 Scope of Further Developments

 In near future the organism will be extended many types to features so that efficiency can
be improved.

 In future we intend to implement an artificial intelligence which will put the feedback
automatically in future.
 Make sure that can submit individual post within a time frame.
 Will implement notification system.
 System features will be upgraded day by day for its better use.


[1] Adamjee Cantonment Public School, https://www.acps.edu.bd, last

accessed on 18-03-2017

[2 Bangladesh International School and College (BISC), http://bisc.com.bd,

last accessed on 04-04-2018.

[3] Fedena, https://fedena.com/demo last accessed on 20-03-2018.

Upgrading MYsystem as.

APPENDIX A: Project Reflection

From Summer-2017 semester I Had started my journey to make a system, where teachers and
students can communicate easily from anywhere and it will save valuable times as well. I
followed the model to implement and monitor our system, with the hard work and spending a lot
of time finally I were able to reach our goal at last.

So, I believe that my “The Mead School” project will be positive and effective and helpful thing
for both the owners and the users. I will be continuously.

APPENDIX B: Related Diagrams



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