Liebherr LHM Product Range Brochure English

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Mobile harbour
Product range

Maritime cranes

Liebherr’s range of mobile harbour cranes (LHM) is extremely versatile making it an universal all-rounder. The LHM is a
key asset for handling all types of cargo from containers to bulk commodities, general cargo and even heavy lifts up to
308 tonnes at 18 metres outreach and up to 100 tonnes at 47 metres outreach. The product range covers all vessel sizes
up to megamax and capesize. Diverse applications and varying terminal designs call for different equipment configurations.
The Liebherr mobile harbour cranes ­enable full modularity, and so flexibility, across the entire product range. The travelling
system, whether rubber-tyred, rail-mounted or a floating unit, can be easily adapted to meet the port infrastructure.
This also applies to the drive concept which can be chosen from a conventional diesel engine, a hybrid drive or an electric
drive system.

2 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 3

Unique features
1 4-chord boom 5 Tubular tower design
The four struts (lattice design) of the boom provide The round tower design minimises torsion and distributes
1 forces evenly to the steel structure and the slewing ring.
maximum stability meaning precise crane movement and
a longer service life. As a result, the service life of the crane is significantly

In addition, the enclosed design of the tower provides the

2 Luffing cylinder crane driver with secure and weatherproof access to the
tower cabin.
The tension cylinder is located above the boom. Thus it is
protected from damage through swinging loads. There is
no risk of buckling and the piston rod is fully protected in 6 Machinery housing
parking ­position. The machine housing is made of Glass-Fibre Reinforced
5 Polymer (GFRP) making it low weight and corrosion-free.
Furthermore, all components are easily accessible for
maintenance work.
3 Hydrostatic drive
The swing radius lies within the support base for all
Closed hydraulic loops are used for all main functions such crane types in the LHM series and so eliminates the risk
as hoisting, slewing and luffing. The crane driver benefits of collision and the crane driver can concentrate solely
from extremely precise control, the service personnel on his work.
benefits from a minimum number and size of components
and the operating company benefits from reduced fuel 2
consumption thanks to the standard use of reverse power.
7 Individual wheel sets
All wheel sets are individually steerable and have
load balancing, whereby the ground pressure for each
4 X-Shaped support base wheel does not exceed six tonnes. Access from all
sides provides for easy maintenance. Furthermore,
Thestar-shapedsupportingbasereduces the torsion strain the 360° mobility ensures highest maneuverability. This
on the steel structureandensuresoptimalvertical stability is a decisive advantage at narrow quays and terminals.
during operation.

3 6

4 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 5

LHM – Liebherr Harbour Mobile LPS – Liebherr Portal Slewing
Typical mobile harbour cranes from Liebherr are represented Liebherr’s Portal Slewing cranes, type LPS, are specially
by the range of LHM cranes. Their decisive feature is the designed for installation on quays or wharves where space
rubber-tyred travelling system. Each set of wheels can be is limited or traffic is high. The upper part is installed on
individually controlled enabling maximum mobility in all a rail-mounted gantry enabling efficient cargo-handling
directions and even turning on the spot, knowing no limits. without restricting quayside infrastructure and transporta-
tion of goods.

Applied modularity
The Liebherr mobile harbour crane concept as a whole is characterised by an outstanding modularity designed to meet LFS – Liebherr Fixed Slewing LPM – Liebherr Portal Mobile
with all port requirements. The upper part of the cranes (slewing platform, tower and boom) remains basically the same. Liebherr Fixed Slewing cranes, type LFS, is the preferred Liebherr Portal Mobile cranes, type LPM, are an ingenious
However, depending on the conditions and requirements at the harbour, the substructure can be chosen from a number choice when stress levels on the ground must be kept low combination of LHM and LPS cranes. Here, the upper part
of variants resulting in five different types of lifting solutions. and space in the harbour is limited. The upper carriage is is installed on a gantry which is fitted with conventional
fitted on a fixed base column so reducing the space rubber tyres instead of being rail-mounted. The LPM pro-
required but also ensuring the high productivity rates vides utmost mobility and all advantages of a gantry crane,
from the range of mobile harbour cranes. without the need of rail infrastructure at the quay.

6 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 7

One machine, many possibilities
The multifunctionality of Liebherr’s mobile harbour cranes makes them effective for all areas of application in the
harbour. Lifting attachments can be exchanged within a matter of minutes thanks to the simple modular structure.
After selecting the software, the respective lifting attachment is ready for immediate use.

Container handling Bulk handling General cargo Heavy lift

The cranes are able to serve vessels with widths of up to Liebherr offers a wide product portfolio for highly effective Lifting attachments can be quickly and easily exchanged to Liebherr’s flagship model in the mobile harbour crane sector
22 rows of containers, which means from Feeder ships bulk handling using various types of grabs. With a maximum suit the actual handling requirements. Litronic®, Liebherr’s has a maximum load capacity of 308 tonnes at 18 metres
up to ­Ultra Large Container Vessels (ULCV). Using manual, material handling rate of up to 2,300 tonnes per hour, own crane control system, automatically recognizes and outreach, which can even be doubled in tandem operation.
semi or fully automatic telescopic spreaders, all regular mobile harbour cranes from Liebherr are not only suitable pre-selects the lifting device ensuring unique versatility and With this high tonnage Liebherr proves its conviction to
container sizes between 10’ and 53’ in single or twin lift for inland ports, but also large sea ports. continuity. satisfy ever-increasing market demands.
can be handled.

8 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 9

Product range
--- Ultra Large
Feeder Container Operation Container
Through many years of experience and customer-oriented Vessel

engineering, the range of Liebherr mobile harbour cranes

sets new standards in innovation and quality. Very Large
Handysize Grab Operation
Bulk Carrier

In terms of harbour management, versatility is as important
as specialisation, and Liebherr’s mobile harbour cranes
combine these factors for all types of cargo in practically 64 t Lifting Capacity 308 t
every harbour. Comprehensive basic equipment, easy
transportation and high flexibility underline the cranes’
effectiveness as an i­nvestment.
35 m Outreach 66 m

LHM 180 LHM 280 LHM 420 LHM 550
600 800

+ High + High + High

Rise Rise Rise

Diesel Engine Hybrid Drive Electric Drive

LPM 180 LPM 280 LPM 420 LPM 550

LPS 180 LPS 280 LPS 420 LPS 550 LPS 600 LPS 800

LFS 180 LFS 280 LFS 420 LFS 550 LFS 600 LFS 800

10 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 11

Infinite driving pleasure
Working environment Crane control and assistant systems
Driver comfort is just as important as a good-quality machine. The Litronic® crane control system, developed by Liebherr,
Liebherr mobile harbour cranes are designed to support the focuses on precision, safety and productivity. The crane
driver with regards to safety, comfort and control. An excel- driver benefits from the immediate response of the machine
lent and unobstructed view of the working area is provided for consistently high productivity and a high level of safety.
through the forward-mounted position of the tower cabin Numerous assistant systems have been developed by Liebherr
which is made of 70% glass (safety glass). Ergonomically to facilitate the working processes, including for example:
arranged monitors and controls can be easily operated from
an adjustable comfort driver’s seat. The conditions in the
cabin are further improved through air conditioning and
swing equalizers which reduce any vibration to an unnotice-
able minimum. Furthermore, the cabin is noise insulated.

SmartGrip® Sycratronic® Cycoptronic®

This unique, game-changing system This feature enables the operation of This highly attractive system assists
optimises grab filling rates in a two Liebherr mobile ­harbour cranes the crane driver by successfully count-
self-learning manner. As such, it auto- in tandem mode with just one single er-acting disruptive load sways and
matically adjusts its behaviour by crane driver. While manual tandem swings, including wind impact, by
recognizing bulk density, compression, lifts require crane downratings of 25 % electronically controlling both the
granularity, depth of impression or and more, this unique system enables slewing and luffing gear. Thereby
type of grab. The advantages speak the usage of 100 % crane capacity Cycoptronic® automatically initiates
for themselves: more turnover, perfect during tandem lifts. This ensures a dynamic counter-balancing move-
crane utilization, less stress for the better utilization of the cranes and ments for quick and efficient elimina-
crane and the crane operator. thus saving additional costs. Potential tion. Consequently, cycle times are
misunderstandings between crane reduced and energy is saved.
drivers can be avoided. Increased
safety and simplified control leads to
­faster operation times.

12 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 13

A new evolutionary stage
The Liebherr mobile harbour crane series enters a new evolutionary stage and gets ready for the future.
The new LHM is more digital, more efficient and impresses with a modern exterior design. A new
crane control system, advanced sensor integration and digital information transmission enable
future assistance and partial automation systems. In addition, the Liebherr Pactronic hybrid system
and the operator’s cab have been improved to meet customer needs.

control unit
The decisive innovation of the new LHM is the
implementation of the “Master V” crane control
system. Together with an even more efficient
software architecture, this forms the basis for
integrating future assistance and partial automa-
tion systems into the crane in the long term.
Overall, the crane will become much more
digital, networked and smarter.

Pactronic 2.0
The Pactronic 2.0 hybrid system represents the
second generation of the Liebherr hydraulic
drive system using hybrid technology. Pactronic 2.0
offers the operator a choice of two operating
modes, depending on the current work situation:

Boost mode
In this mode, the Pactronic acts as a significant
power amplifier. Lifting speeds are significantly
increased – without the aid of a larger or even
additional main unit for more power.

Green mode
This mode is designed to save fuel or power con-
sumption and to reduce CO2 emissions. During the
lifting process, the Pactronic supports the main
unit to such an extent that less power is required
by the main drive, despite the lifting speeds
remaining the same.

14 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 15

High-tech site
Maritime hub on the baltic sea
From Rostock to the world: Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH,
founded in 2002, develops and manufactures ship cranes,
mobile harbour cranes and offshore cranes. Reachstackers
and components for container cranes are also covered in its
product portfolio. The plant’s location direct at the Baltic
Sea provides the best logistics conditions.

Ready for operation

When shipping large equipment semi-erected or even fully
assembled by Ro-Ro vessel means that Liebherr mobile
harbour cranes can be ready for operation immediately after
driving off the vessel onto the quay.

Achieving excellence
Before shipment, every crane is put through an intense
factory testing program. This means that every single crane
is fully assembled and tested before delivery, which results
in extraordinary quick commissioning. Under normal condi-
tions Liebherr mobile harbour cranes are assembled and
ready for operation within just two weeks after delivery.

Gold sustainability rating from EcoVadis

For its long-standing commitment to sustainability,
Liebherr-MCCtec GmbH was awarded a gold medal by the
independent rating agency EcoVadis. This puts the company
in the top 3% of all evaluated companies of its industry.
EcoVadis score sustainability using indicators in four key
areas; Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics and
Sustainable Procurement.

The Liebherr Group aims to honor its responsibility to

society and the environment at all times. In its long history,
the company has grown successfully through responsible
as well as future-oriented behavior.

16 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 17

Customer service
Based on many years of experience Liebherr provides effective assistance and support to its customers and will
continue to do so in the future. The continuous improvement and expansion of the service network is part of
Liebherr’s commitment to offer the best possible support to customers worldwide.

Testing Shipment Training

Mobile harbour cranes go through an Located at the Baltic Sea Liebherr Liebherr offers a range of flexible, high
extensive testing programme. Prior to ­Rostock provides the best conditions quality training solutions to fulfill
delivery all electrical and hydraulic for fast and effective shipment of specific customer training needs.
installations undergo detailed exami- large maritime cargo handling solu- Thereby, the main focus lies on creat-
nation. After assembly on the test bed tions. ­Mobile harbour cranes can be ing a sustainable awareness for effi-
Liebherr service engineers conduct transported fully or semi erected also cient and safe crane operations. In ad-
final adjustments of limit switches and by Ro-Ro shipment. This guarantees dition, it has always been Liebherr’s
proof the crane’s functions through an fast ­commissioning. The good connec- philosophy to train customers’ engi-
overload test. tion to the motorway also enables a neers in all aspects of crane mainte-
road transportation. nance, repair and operation. Where
necessary, customer personnel are
then able to ensure that crane down-
time is reduced to a ­minimum.

Technical service & maintenance Upgrades & retrofits Spare parts

A team of more than 600 experienced, It might be required to upgrade cranes Every operational hour is vital if cranes
multi-skilled and factory-trained ser- due to changes in the installation lay- are to function effectively. Liebherr
vice engineers is based in more than out, changes in rules and ­regulations, original ­spare parts (OEM) and service
50 service centres around the globe. operational requirements or just to ex- staff are at our customers’ disposal
They are available ad hoc or on a tend the service life of an older crane. 24/7. Availability of components over
contractual basis. The continuous In consideration of new conditions the whole service life of the crane is
expansion of our worldwide sales and Liebherr offers retrofits of existing guaranteed. Liebherr also ­recommends
service network is part of Liebherr’s drive systems and structural a steady supply of critical spare parts
commitment to offer the maritime inspections. on-site. In combination with Liebherr
industry the best possible support. training on technical specifics, this
allows for minimal downtime of

18 Mobile harbour crane Mobile harbour cranes 19

Subject to change without notice.

Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH • Liebherrstraße 1 • 18147 Rostock, Germany • Phone +49 381 6006 5020
[email protected] • •

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