How9billionairesstarttheirmornings Teacherguide

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TEACHER’S GUIDE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021.

For use only with license

How 9 Billionaires Start Their Morning (B1 - B2)

Preview 1
Part 1. Discussion about mornings and morning routines. Answers will vary.
Part 2. Discussion about morning habits after waking up. Answers will vary.
Part 3. Information about the billionaires. Answers will vary. Teacher’s answers:
(1) Oprah Winfrey - Talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and
(2) Elon Musk - Businessman, Industrial designer and engineer. He is the founder and
co-founder of several well-known companies such as Tesla and SpaceX.
(3) Bill Gates - A software developer, founder of Microsoft, philanthropist, and known to be
one of the richest men in the world.
(4) Warren Buffet - One of the most successful investors in the world and has a net
worth of over US $80 billion.
(5) Jeff Bezos - The founder of the company Amazon and known to be the richest man in
the world as of 2020.
(6) Mark Zuckerberg - The founder of Facebook.
Part 4. Choose the correct verbs. (1) get (2) make (3) stay

Preview 2
Part 1. Choose the correct definitions. (1) b (2) a (3) c (4) c (5) a
Part 2. Compound nouns in the images. (1) treadmill (2) backyard (3) workout

Viewing Activity
Part 1. The morning routines of Oprah Winfrey and Elon Musk:
Oprah Winfrey: The first thing she does when she rises at 7 AM is brush her teeth before
taking her 5 dogs for a walk. While she waits for her espresso to brew, she reads a card
from her 365 “gathered truths” box and reads her “daily bowl of Saki”. (These are spiritual
or inspirational messages). Next, she meditates, followed by a workout in the hills of her
Elon Musk: His mornings are not as calm as Oprah’s. The first thing he does is get right
to business, reading and responding to critical emails while drinking coffee. He says he’s
too busy for breakfast. After sending his 5 sons to school, he showers, then drives to work.
Part 2. Finish the sentences with the information from the video.
(1) Jeff Bezos wakes up naturally without an alarm clock.
(2) Bill Gates starts his day with cardio by running on the treadmill.
(3) The first thing Mark Zuckerberg does is check his phone and Facebook account in bed.
Part 3. Question about “high IQ meetings”. a. mentally challenging meetings
Part 4. Discussion topic. Answers will vary.

Post-Viewing 1
Part 1. Write the adverb phrase used. He wears pretty much the same outfit every day.
Part 2. Choose the correct noun. (1) business (2) priority (3) desire (4) brand
Part 3. Compound nouns. (1) workout / backyard (2) treadmill
TEACHER’S GUIDE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license
How 9 Billionaires Start Their Morning (B1 - B2)

Post-Viewing 1 (continued)
Part 4. Write a second sentence using Instead, ... Answers will vary. Teacher’s answers:
(1) Instead, I read books and play video games.
(2) Instead, I go running outside next to the river or in the park.
(3) Instead, she rides a bicycle.

Post-Viewing 2
Part 2. Sentences reporting indirect speech.
(1) Jeff Bezos says he makes it a priority to get 8 hours of sleep per night.
(2) Oprah Winfrey says one of the first things she does is brush her teeth.
(3) Mark Zuckerberg says he doesn’t like wasting time on small decisions.
(4) Mark Zuckerberg says one the first things he does is check his phone in bed.
(5) Sarah Blakely says she’s never had a cup of coffee.

Post-Viewing 3
Speaking Tasks. Answers will vary. Correct students’ mistakes and contribute your own thoughts
to the conversation.

Quiz & Review

Part 1. Refer to Viewing Activity.
Part 2. Vocabulary phrases.
(1) get right to work: to start working immediately
(2) make something a priority: make something a very important thing in your life
(3) stay true to a brand: to buy or use the product / service of the brand often.
Part 3. Vocabulary.
(1) treadmill (2) desire (3) pretty (4) Instead
Part 4. Grammar. Sentences reported about another student’s or teacher’s morning routine.
Answers will vary.

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