Mori 2015
Mori 2015
Mori 2015
Izuru Mori
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1 Notations and terminologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Classes of algebras to study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 The category of d-regular modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 The conditions (CM) and (LGK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 The category of d-regular modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 2-Dimensional weighted polynomial algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1 Points of a noncommutative projective scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 25400037.
I. Mori (B)
Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Shizuoka University,
Shizuoka 422-8529, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
I. Mori
1 Introduction
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
tame, then they are parameterized by the point scheme of A, which is not P2 in general
(Theorem 4.21). We will also give a characterization for a 2-dimensional quantum Beilison
algebra of Type S to be 2-representation tame using the techniques of noncommutative
algebraic geometry (Theorem 4.17). We hope to study more general Beilinson algebras in
the future.
First, we fix some notations and terminologies. Throughout this paper, we fix an algebraically
closed field k of characteristic 0. An algebra means an algebra over k. For an algebra R,
we denote by Mod R the category of right R-modules, and by mod R the full subcategory
consisting of finitely presented modules. The category of left R modules is identified with
Mod R o where R o is the opposite algebra of R, and the category of R-R bimodules is identified
with Mod R e where R e := R o ⊗k R is the enveloping algebra of R. For M ∈ Mod R, define
D M := Homk (M, k) ∈ Mod R o . If R is a commutative noetherian algebra, then mod R is
equivalent to the category coh Spec R of coherent sheaves on Spec R. By this reason, for a
noncommutative algebra R, we use the notation Specnc R for an imaginary “locally ringed
space” whose category of “coherent sheaves” is mod R.
In this paper, a graded algebra means a Z-graded algebra A = i∈Z Ai over a field k
although we mainly deal with an N-graded algebra A = ⊕i∈N Ai . We denote by GrMod A
the category of graded right A-modules, and by grmod A the full subcategory consisting of
finitely presented modules. Morphisms in GrMod A are right A-module homomorphisms
preserving degrees. For M ∈ GrMod A, define the Matlis dual of M by D M ∈ GrMod Ao
where (D M)i = D(M−i ). Recall that a graded algebra A is called graded right coherent if
every finitely generated homogeneous right ideal of A is finitely presented. It is known that
A is graded right coherent if and only if grmod A is an abelian category.
Let M = ⊕i∈Z Mi ∈ GrMod A be a graded module. We say that M is locally finite
if dimk Mi < ∞ for all i ∈ Z. Note that if A is a finitely generated N-graded algebra
with dimk A0 < ∞, then A is locally finite, and if A is locally finite, then every finitely
generated graded right A-module is locally finite. The Hilbert series of a locally finite module
M ∈ GrMod A is defined by
HM (t) := (dimk Mi )t i ∈ Z[[t, t −1 ]].
For an integer n ∈ Z, we define the truncation M≥n := i≥n Mi , which is a graded submod-
ule of M if A is N-graded, and the shift M(n) ∈ GrMod A by M(n)i := Mn+i for i ∈ Z. We
say that M is left bounded if M = M≥n for some n ∈ Z, and right bounded if M≥n = 0 for
some n ∈ Z. The rule M → M(n) is a k-linear autoequivalence for GrMod A, called the shift
functor. For M, N ∈ GrMod A, we write the vector space ExtiA (M, N ) := ExtiGrMod A (M, N )
and the graded vector space
ExtiA (M, N ) := ExtiA (M, N (n)).
where m = A≥1 . The cohomologies of its right derived functor are denoted by
Him (M) := Ri m M = lim ExtiA (A/A≥n , M).
I. Mori
as before.
If A is a graded right coherent algebra, then we define the quotient category tails A :=
grmod A/ tors A where tors A := Tors A ∩ grmod A. If A is a commutative graded algebra
finitely generated in degree 1 over k, then tails A is equivalent to the category coh Proj A of
coherent sheaves on Proj A by Serre. By this reason, for a noncommutative graded algebra
A, we use the notation Projnc A for an imaginary “locally ringed space” whose category of
“coherent sheaves” is tails A.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
On the other hand, in representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, finite dimen-
sional hereditary algebras and their preprojective algebras are important classes of algebras
to study. Recently, Herschend et al. [11] extended the notion of finite dimensional hereditary
algebra to finite dimensional algebras of global dimension d ≥ 1 and introduced the notion of
d-representation infinite algebra, which is exactly same as a quasi (extremely) Fano algebra
of dimension d introduced in [16].
For an abelian category C , we denote by D(C ) the derived category of C , and by Db (C )
the bounded derived category of C .
Definition 1.3 [11, Definition2.7, Proposition 4.15] Let R be a finite dimensional algebra
of gldim R = d < ∞. We define an autoequivalence νd ∈ Aut k Db (mod R) by νd (M) :=
M ⊗LR D R[−d]. We say that R is d-representation infinite if νd−i (R) ∈ mod R for all i ∈ N.
A d-regular module over a d-representation infinite algebra R is an R-module M ∈ mod R
such that νdi (M) ∈ mod R for all i ∈ Z. The full subcategory of mod R consisting of d-regular
modules is denoted by R(R).
The preprojective algebra of a d-representation infinite algebra R is the graded algebra
defined by R := TR (ExtdR (D R, R)) with the tensor algebra grading.
We will see now that AS-regular algebras, d-representation infinite algebras and prepro-
jective algebras are strongly related. Let A be a graded algebra and r ∈ N+ . Recall that the
r th Veronese algebra of A is a graded algebra defined by
A(r ) := Ari .
Definition 1.4 [23, Definition 3.7] Let A be a graded algebra and r ∈ N+ . The r th quasi-
Veronese algebra of A is a graded algebra defined by
⎛ ⎞
A(r ) A(1)(r ) · · · A(r − 1)(r )
⎜ A(−1) (r ) A (r ) · · · A(r − 2) ⎟ (r )
⎜ ⎟
A[r ] = ⎜ .. .. .. .. ⎟
⎝ . . . . ⎠
A(−r + 1) (r ) A(−r + 2) (r ) ··· A (r )
r −1
with the multiplication (ai j )(bi j ) := ( k=0 ak j bik ).
Although GrMod A and GrMod A(r ) are hardly ever equivalent, the functor Q :
GrMod A → GrMod A[r ] defined by
⎛ ⎞
M(r − 1)(r )
⎜ .. ⎟
⎜ . ⎟
Q(M) := ⎜ ⎟
⎝ M(1)(r ) ⎠
M (r )
with the action (m i )(bi j ) := ( rk=0 m k bik ) is an equivalence functor for any r ∈ N+ by [23,
Lemma 3.9].
There is another typical graded Morita equivalence. For a graded algebra A and a graded
algebra automorphism θ ∈ Aut k A, we define a graded algebra Aθ by Aθ = A as a graded
k-vector space with the new multiplication a ∗ b := aθ i (b) for a ∈ Ai , b ∈ A j . Similarly,
for M ∈ GrMod A, we define M θ ∈ GrMod Aθ by M θ = M as a graded k-vector space
with the new action m ∗ b := mθ i (b) for m ∈ Mi , b ∈ A j . This gives an equivalence functor
I. Mori
Definition 1.5 [17, Definition 4.7] The Beilinson algebra of an AS-regular algebra A of
Gorenstein parameter is defined by
⎛ ⎞
A0 A1 · · · A−1
⎜ 0 A0 · · · A−2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
. ⎟∼
∇ A := (A[] )0 = ⎜ . . . = End A (⊕i=0 A(−i)).
⎝ .. .. . . .. ⎠
0 0 · · · A0
Theorem 1.6 [17, Theorem 4.12, Theorem 4.14] Let A be an AS-regular algebra of dimen-
sion d + 1 and of Gorenstein parameter . Then the following holds.
The above theorem provides strong interactions between noncommutative algebraic geom-
etry and representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. We expect to transfer many
results of AS-regular algebras of dimension d + 1 to those of d-representation infinite alge-
bras. The purpose of this paper is to study d-regular modules over d-dimensional Beilinson
algebras using the techniques of noncommutative algebraic geometry.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
It is not clear from the definition that the category of d-regular modules is abelian. In this
section, we will show that the category of d-regular modules over a Beilinson algebra ∇ A of
a finitely generated graded right coherent AS-regular algebra A is abelian if A satisfies the
condition (CM).
Definition 2.1 Let A be a graded algebra. For M ∈ GrMod A, we define the following
• the Gelfand–Kirillov dimension (GKdimension for short) of M by
GKdim M := inf{ρ ∈ R+ | dimk Mi ≤ i ρ−1 for all i 0}.
• the grade of M by
j (M) := inf RHom A (M, A) = inf{i ∈ Z | ExtiA (M, A) = 0}.
If A is N-graded, then we define the following numbers:
• the depth of M by
depth M := inf R m (M) = inf{i ∈ Z | Him (M) = 0}.
• the local dimension of M by
ldim M := sup R m (M) = sup{i ∈ Z | Him (M) = 0}.
We say that M is Cohen–Macaulay if depth M = ldim M < ∞, that is, for some m ∈ N,
Him (M) = 0 for all i = m and Hm
m (M) = 0.
Definition 2.2 We say that a graded right coherent algebra A satisfies the Cohen–Macaulay
property with respect to GKdimension (CM) if
j (M) + GKdim M = GKdim A
for all 0 = M ∈ grmod A.
Example 2.3 We expect that every noetherian AS-regular algebra satisfies (CM). In fact, an
iterated graded Ore extension of k is a typical example of a noetherian AS-regular algebra
satisfying (CM) by [15, Lemma p184]. In particular, every weighted skew polynomial algebra
satisfies (CM). Every noetherian AS-regular algebra of dimension 3 satisfies (CM) by [6,
Theorem 4.1], and many examples of 4-dimensional quantum polynomial algebras are known
to satisfy (CM) (cf. [32, Corollary 1.6], [27, Corollary 1.8]).
Definition 2.4 We say that an N-graded right coherent algebra A satisfies (LGK) if ldim M =
GKdim M for all 0 = M ∈ grmod A.
I. Mori
We expect that every noetherian AS-regular algebra satisfies (LGK) by the following
theorem. Note that a connected graded right coherent algebra A is finitely generated as a
graded algebra if and only if k ∈ grmod A is finitely presented as a graded right A-module
if and only if A is Ext-finite, that is, dimk ExtiA (k, k) < ∞ for all i ∈ N (cf. [24]).
Let A be an N-graded right coherent algebra. In [11], the full subcategory grmod≤i A =
{M ∈ grmod A | ldim M ≤ i} of grmod A and the quotient category tailsi A :=
grmod≤i+1 A/ tors A were introduced for each i ∈ N to prove the following theorem.
Theorem 2.6 [11, Theorem 6.5] If R is a d-representation infinite algebra such that its
preprojective algebra T := R is graded right coherent, then the equivalence functors
πT (− ⊗LR T ) : Db (mod R) ←→ Db (tails T ) : RHomT (T , −)
quasi-inverse to each other restrict to equivalence functors
πT (− ⊗ R T ) : R(R) ←→ tails0 T : HomT (T , −)
quasi-inverse to each other.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
Let A be a graded right coherent algebra. We define another full subcategory grmod≤i A =
{M ∈ grmod A | GKdim M ≤ i} of grmod A for each i ∈ N. For a short exact sequence
0→L→M →N →0
Lemma 2.7 If A is a graded right coherent algebra, then tailsi A is an abelian category for
every i ∈ N.
Lemma 2.8 If A is a finitely generated connected graded right coherent algebra satisfying
(LGK), then grmod≤i A = grmod≤i A for every i ∈ N. In particular, tails0 A = tails0 A.
Proof By the condition (LGK), grmod≤i A = grmod≤i A for every i ∈ N. Since A is finitely
generated connected graded algebra, every M ∈ grmod A is locally finite and left bounded.
It follows that grmod≤0 A = tors A is the full subcategory of grmod A consisting of finite
dimensional modules, so
Theorem 2.9 Let A be a finitely generated graded right coherent AS-regular algebra.
(1) For every i ∈ N, tailsi A ∼
= tailsi ∇ A and tailsi A ∼
= tailsi ∇ A.
(2) The equivalence functor
RHomA (⊕i=0 A(−i), −) : Db (tails A) → Db (mod ∇ A)
I. Mori
Db (tails A[] ) −−−−→ Db (tails T ).
Since F̄ = (−)ν ◦ Q̄ : tails0 A → tails0 T and HomT (T , −) : tails0 T → R(∇ A) are
equivalence functors, the above commutative diagram restricts to the following commutative
diagram of equivalences
HomA (⊕i=0 A(−i),−)
tails0 A −−−−−−−−−−−−−→ R(∇ A)
⏐ ⏐Hom (T ,−)
Q̄ ⏐ T
tails0 A[] −−−−→ tails0 T.
(3) If A satisfies (CM), then A satisfies (LGK) by Theorem 2.5, so R(∇ A) ∼
= tails0 A =
tails0 A is an abelian category by Lemma 2.8 and Lemma 2.7.
As a first step, we will study regular modules over the Beilinson algebra ∇ A of a 2-
dimensional noetherian AS-regular algebra A. It is known [29] that every 2-dimensional
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
Lemma 3.2 Let A be a graded algebra. If M ∈ GrMod A is i-critical, then every non-zero
graded submodule 0 = N ⊂ M is i-critical.
Lemma 3.3 (cf. [6, Proposition 2.30(i)]) Let A be a right noetherian graded algebra and
M ∈ grmod A. If GKdim M = i, then there exists a graded submodule N ⊂ M such that
M/N is i-critical.
Definition 3.4 Let A be a graded algebra. We say that M, N ∈ GrMod A are equivalent if
πM ∼ = π N in Tails A. A point of Projnc A is an equivalence class of 1-critical modules. In
other words, a point of Projnc A is an isomorphism class of objects in Tails A of the form
π M where M ∈ GrMod A is a 1-critical module. The set of points of Projnc A is denoted by
| Projnc A|.
Lemma 3.5 If A is a right noetherian graded algebra, then a point of Projnc A is an isomor-
phism class of simple objects in tails0 A.
I. Mori
Proof This is an easy consequence of Theorem 2.9 (3) and Lemma 3.5.
In order to make more detailed analysis, we will distinguish three types of points depending
on their multiplicities. For this purpose, we now introduce a rather technical condition on a
graded algebra, which plays an important role in this paper.
Definition 3.7 Let A be a connected graded algebra. We say that A satisfies (H) if there exist
a1 , . . . , an ∈ N+ such that, for every M ∈ grmod A,
f M (t)
HM (t) = n
i=1 (1 − t )
An algebra satisfying (H) was called geometric in [29]. We will not use this terminology
since a geometric algebra has a different meaning in this paper. It is easy to prove the following
If A is a right noetherian connected graded algebra satisfying (H), then it is easy to see that
every graded quotient algebra of A also satisfies (H). It follows that every graded quotient
algebra of a right noetherian connected graded algebra of finite global dimension satisfies (H).
In particular, every noetherian commutative connected graded algebra satisfies (H) because
it is a graded quotient algebra of a weighted polynomial algebra. In general, GKdimension
may not be an integer, so the property (H) is essential in this paper by the following lemma.
Lemma 3.9 [31, Corollary 2.2] If A is a connected graded algebra satisfying (H) and M ∈
grmod A, then GKdim M is the order of the pole of HM (t) at t = 1. In particular, GKdim M ∈
Definition 3.10 Let A be a connected graded algebra satisfying (H). We define the multi-
plicity of M ∈ grmod A by e(M) := limt→1− (1 − t)GKdim M HM (t).
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
The above definition of the multiplicity agrees with the usual one in nice cases.
Lemma 3.11 (cf. [6, Proposition 6.4]) Let A be a graded quotient algebra of a right
noetherian connected graded algebra S of finite global dimension such that HS (t) =
1/(1 − t)d . For any M ∈ grmod A with GKdim M = 1, dimk Mi = e(M) for all i 0.
Lemma 3.12 Let A be a finitely generated connected graded right coherent algebra, and
M, N ∈ grmod A. If π M ∼
= π N , then GKdim M = GKdim N . In addition, if A satisfies
(H) and GKdim M ≥ 1, then e(M) = e(N ).
Definition 3.13 (cf. [3]) Let A be a finitely generated connected graded right coherent algebra
satisfying (H).
(1) An ordinary point of Projnc A is an equivalence class of finitely generated 1-critical
modules of multiplicity 1.
(2) A fat point of Projnc A is an equivalence class of finitely generated 1-critical modules of
multiplicity > 1.
(3) A thin point of Projnc A is an equivalence class of finitely generated 1-critical modules
of multiplicity < 1.
If A is a right noetherian connected graded algebra satisfying (H), then every point of
Projnc A is of the form π M where M ∈ grmod≤1 A is cyclic and 1-critical by the proof of
Lemma 3.5, so every point is either ordinary, fat, or thin.
Lemma 3.14 If A is a right noetherian N-graded algebra satisfying (LGK), then every point
of Projnc A is given by π M where M is a cyclic critical Cohen–Macaulay module of depth
Proof Let π M ∈ Tails A be a point. By the proof of Lemma 3.5, we may assume that
M ∈ grmod≤1 A is a cyclic 1-critical module. Consider the exact sequence
0 → H0m (M) → M → M/ H0m (M) → 0
in grmod A. Since M is 1-critical, if H0m (M) = 0, then GKdim M/ H0m (M) < 1. Since
H0m (M) ∈ tors A, it follows that GKdim H0m (M) = 0, so
GKdim M = max{GKdim H0m (M), GKdim M/ H0m (M)} < 1,
which is a contradiction, hence H0m (M) = 0. Since A satisfies (LGK), 1 ≤ depth M ≤
ldim M = GKdim M = 1, so M is a cyclic critical Cohen–Macaulay module of depth 1.
I. Mori
Lemma 3.15 Let A = k[x, y] be a 2-dimensional weighted polynomial algebra with deg x =
a, deg y = b ∈ N+ such that gcd(a, b) = 1. Then M ∈ grmod is a cyclic critical Cohen–
Macaulay module of depth 1 generated in degree 0 if and only if M is isomorphic to A/(x),
A/(y), or A/(βx b − αy a ) for (α, β) ∈ P1 \{(0, 1), (1, 0)}.
0 → ⊕i≥1 A(−i)bi → A → M → 0
Theorem 3.16 Let A = k[x, y] with deg x = a, deg y = b ∈ N+ such that gcd(a, b) = 1.
Suppose that a, b ≥ 2.
(1) All thin points of Projnc A are π M p0 (−i) where i = 0, . . . , b − 1, and π Mq0 (− j) where
j = 0, . . . , a − 1.
(2) All ordinary points of Projnc A are π M p where p ∈ P1 \{ p0 , q0 }.
(3) There are no fat points of Projnc A.
Proof For i, j, k ∈ Z and p ∈ P1 \{ p0 , q0 }, M p0 (−i), Mq0 (− j), and M p (−k) are 1-critical
modules by Lemma 3.15, so π M p0 (−i), π Mq0 (− j), and π M p (−k) are points of Projnc A.
On the other hand, by Lemma 3.14, every point of Projnc A is given by π M where M is a
cyclic critical Cohen–Macaulay module of depth 1, so every point of Projnc A is one of the
above forms by Lemma 3.15. Since
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
e(M p0 (−i)) = 1/b < 1, e(Mq0 (− j)) = 1/a < 1, e(M p (−k)) = 1 are distinct, so there are
no isomorphisms among three types of points π M p0 (−i), π Mq0 (− j), π M p (−k) in tails A
by Lemma 3.12.
For p ∈ P1 \{ p0 , q0 }, since there are exact sequences
0 → M p (−a) −−−−→ M p → M p /x M p → 0
0 → M p (−b) −−−−→ M p → M p /y M p → 0
in grmod A with M p /x M p , M p /y M p ∈ tors A, it follows that π M p (−a) ∼ = π Mp ∼ =
π M p (−b). Since gcd(a, b) = 1, there exist s, t ∈ Z such that 1 = as + bt, so
π M p (−1) = π M p (−as)(−bt) ∼ = π M p , hence π M p (−i) ∼
= π M p for all i ∈ Z.
If x i y j ∈ A(ab) for i, j ∈ N, then ab | ai + bj. Since gcd(a, b) = 1, it follows that a | j,
and b | i, so A(ab) = k[x b , y a ] =: B with deg x b = deg y a = 1. An exact sequence
0 → (βx b − αy a ) → A → M p → 0
in grmod A induces an exact sequence
0 → (βx b − αy a )(ab) → A(ab) = B → M (ab)
p →0
We will leave the reader to modify the above theorem if one of (or both of) a and b is 1.
Let A = k[x, y] be a weighted polynomial algebra. In this subsection, we will find mod-
uli spaces parameterizing the isomorphism classes of simple regular modules and regular
components over the Beilinson algebra ∇ A. Moreover, we will give a way of explicitly cal-
culating regular modules over ∇ A corresponding to points of Projnc A found in the previous
Lemma 3.17 Let a, b ∈ N+ such that gcd(a, b) = 1. For any integer d ≥ ab, there exist
unique integers 0 ≤ i, 0 ≤ j ≤ a − 1 such that d = ai + bj.
Proof Since gcd(a, b) = 1, there exist i, j ∈ Z such that d = ai + bj. For any k ∈ Z,
a(i − bk) + b( j + ak) = ai + bj = d, so there exist i ∈ Z and 0 ≤ j ≤ a − 1 such that
d = ai + bj. Since bj ≤ b(a − 1) ≤ d, it follow that i ∈ N. If 0 ≤ i , 0 ≤ j ≤ a − 1 such
that d = ai + bj , then a(i − i ) = b( j − j). Since gcd(a, b) = 1, it follows that a | j − j.
Since 0 ≤ j, j ≤ a − 1, it follows that j = j, so i = i.
I. Mori
Proposition 3.18 Let A = k[x, y] with deg x = a, deg y = b ∈ N+ such that gcd(a, b) = 1.
(1) For every point p ∈ P1 \{ p0 , q0 }, Hωπ M p (t) = i=−∞ ti .
(2) For any m ∈ Z, Hωπ M p0 (−m) (t) = i=−∞ t bi+m .
(3) For any m ∈ Z, Hωπ Mq0 (−m) (t) = i=−∞ t ai+m .
as rational functions by [13, Proposition 5.5]. Since there exists an exact sequence
0 → H0m (M) = 0 → M → ωπ M → H1m (M) → 0
in GrMod A by [7, Proposition 7.2(2)], Hωπ M (t) = HM (t) + HH1 (M) (t) as Laurant power
If M = M p where p ∈ P1 \{ p0 , p1 }, then
1 − t ab 1 + t b + t 2b + · · · + t (a−1)b
HM (t) = =
(1 − t )(1 − t )
a b 1 − ta
a−1 ∞
= t bj t ai = t ai+bj .
j=0 i=0 i=0 j=0
1 1/t b
HH1 (M) (t) = −H M (t) = − =− = t −b(i+1) ,
m 1−t b 1/t − 1
so Hωπ M (t) = HM (t) + HH1 (t) = bi
i=−∞ t , hence
m (M)
Hωπ M(−m) (t) = t m t bi = t bi+m
i=−∞ i=−∞
for any m ∈ Z. Similarly, Hωπ Mq0 (−m) (t) = i=−∞ t
ai+m for any m ∈ Z.
Theorem 3.19 Let A = k[x, y] with deg x = a, deg y = b ∈ N+ such that gcd(a, b) = 1.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
(1) The isomorphism classes of simple regular modules over ∇ A are parameterized by
| Projnc A| = |P1 | { p1 , . . . , pb−1 , q1 , . . . , qa−1 }.
(2) Regular components of ∇ A are parameterized by | Proj A| = |P1 |.
Proof (1) By Theorem 3.6, the isomorphism classes of simple regular modules over ∇ A
are parameterized by | Projnc A|, which consist of π M p where p ∈ P1 \{ p0 , q0 }, π M p0 (−i)
where 0 ≤ i ≤ b − 1, and π Mq0 (− j) where 0 ≤ j ≤ a − 1 by Theorem 3.16. By writing
π M pi := π M p0 (−i), π Mq j := π Mq0 (− j) for i, j ∈ Z by abuse of notation, we obtain the
(2) Since A is symmetric, M ⊗L ∼
A KA = M(−), so we have the following commutative
RHomA (⊕i=0 A(−i),−)
Db (tails A) −−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Db (mod ∇ A)
⏐ ⏐
RHomA (⊕i=0 A(−i),−)
Db (tails A) −−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Db (mod ∇ A)
by the proof of [17, Theorem 4.12]. It follows that simple regular modules over ∇ A cor-
responding to points M, N of Projnc A are in the same regular component if and only if
N ∼= M(−i) for some i ∈ Z. By the proof of Theorem 3.16, M p0 (−i) ∼ = M p0 (−i ) if
and only if i ≡ i (mod b), and Mq0 (− j) = Mq0 (− j ) if and only if i ≡ i (mod a).
Example 3.20 The behavior of regular modules over a path algebra of an extended Dynkin
quiver is well-known [28]. The following is a noncommutative algebraic geometric interpre-
4 . If A = k[x, y] with deg x = 2, deg y = 3 so that the Gorenstein parameter of
tation for k A
A is 5, then ∇ A is isomorphic to the path algebra of the following quiver by [24, Theorem
x /4
@2 ^== y
0 NNN p 1
NN ppp
y NN' wppp x
We now explicitly calculate the simple regular module over ∇ A corresponding to each
point of Projnc A. Recall that the simple regular module corresponding to a point π M of
Projnc A is given by
HomA (⊕i=0
A(−i), π M) ∼
= ⊕i=0
HomA (A, π M(i)) ∼
= ⊕i=0
(ωπ M)i .
Let M = A/(βx 3 − αy 2 ) ∈ grmod A where 0 = α, β ∈ k. By the proof of Theorem 3.16,
π M(2) ∼
= π M in tails A, so we may compute
HomA (⊕i=0
A(−i), π M) ∼
= HomA (⊕i=0
A(−i), π M(2))
= ⊕i=0 (ωπ M(2))i ∼
∼ 4
= ⊕i=0
(ωπ M)i+2
= ⊕ (ωπ M)i .
I. Mori
and the map M1 = k1 −−−y−→ M4 = ky is the identity (in this case, an arbitrary shift is not
Using similar calculations for the other points, we have the correspondence in the next
A regular component of π A/(βx 3 − αy 2 ) contains a unique simple regular module and
is a homogeneous stable tube. A regular component of π A/(x) contains three simple regular
modules and is a stable tube of rank 3. A regular component of π A/(y) contains two simple
regular modules and is a stable tube of rank 2.
In this last section, we will give some detailed study on 2-regular modules over Beilison alge-
bras of 3-dimensional quantum polynomial algebras of Type S, which are the path algebras of
the 2-dimensional Beilinson quiver with quantum relations. Although these algebras are the
simplest examples of 2-representation infinite algebras, the behavior of 2-regular modules
largely depends on the quantum relations.
In this subsection, we will recall from [5] and [3] some geometric techniques to study 3-
dimensional quantum polynomial algebras in noncommutative algebraic geometry.
Definition 4.1 Let A be a graded algebra finitely generated in degree 1. We say that M ∈
GrMod A is a point module if M is cyclic and HM (t) = 1/(1 − t).
Let A be a graded algebra. If M ∈ GrMod A is a point module, then it is easy to see that
M is 1-critical and e(M) = 1, so π M is an ordinary point of Projnc A. We will see that there
exists a bijection between the set of isomorphism classes of point modules over A and the
set of ordinary points of Projnc A if A is a geometric quantum polynomial algebra defined
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
π A/(βx 3 − αy 2 )
1 /k
@k ^==β/α
k k
NNN pp
1 N& k xpp 1
π A/(x) 0 0
k NNN 0
1 N&
π(A/(x))(−1) 0 k ^==1
0 k
π(A/(x))(−2) k 0
0 0
π A/(y)
1 /k
k 0
π(A/(y))(−1) 0 0
0 pk
xp 1
Note that if A is not generated in degree 1, then the above notion of point module is not
very useful, so, in this subsection, we will assume that A is finitely generated in degree 1. In
this case, we can express A as a graded quotient algebra of the tensor algebra A = T (V )/I
where V is a finite dimensional vector space and I is a homogeneous two-sided ideal of
T (V ). Using this expression, for a point p ∈ P(V ∗ ), we define M p = A/ p ⊥ A ∈ GrMod A
where p ⊥ = { f ∈ V = A1 | f ( p) = 0}. Note that, for p, q ∈ P(V ∗ ), M p ∼ = Mq if and only
if p = q.
It is easy to see that if X ⊂ Pn−1 is a projective variety (over an arbitrary field k) and
A = k[x1 , . . . , xn ]/I (X ) is the homogeneous coordinate ring of X so that X = Proj A,
then the map p → M p gives a bijection from | Proj A| to the set of isomorphism classes of
point modules over A. Moreover, if k is an algebraically closed field (which is a standard
assumption of this paper), then the map p → π M p gives a bijection from | Proj A| to
| Projnc A|. It follows that there is no thin point nor fat point of Projnc A.
I. Mori
Definition 4.2 [19, Definition 4.3] Let A = T (V )/(R) be a quadratic algebra where R ⊂
V ⊗k V is a subspace and (R) is the homogeneous two-sided ideal generated by R.
(1) We say that A satisfies (G1) if there exist a closed subscheme E ⊂ P(V ∗ ) and an
automorphism σ ∈ Aut k E such that
{( p, q) ∈ P(V ∗ ) × P(V ∗ ) | f ( p, q) = 0 for all f ∈ R}
= {( p, σ ( p)) ∈ P(V ∗ ) × P(V ∗ ) | p ∈ E}.
If this is the case, we write P(A) = (E, σ ).
(2) We say that A satisfies (G2) if there exist a closed subscheme E ⊂ P(V ∗ ) and an
automorphism σ ∈ Aut k E such that
R = { f ∈ V ⊗k V | f ( p, σ ( p)) = 0 for all p ∈ E}.
If this is the case, we write A = A(E, σ ).
(3) We say that A is geometric if A satisfies both (G1) and (G2) by the same pair (E, σ ),
that is, A = A(P(A)).
Example 4.3 All skew polynomial algebras, and all 3-dimensional quantum polynomial alge-
bras are geometric. Moreover, all known examples of 4-dimensional quantum polynomial
algebras satisfy (G1). In particular, every 4-dimensional Auslander-regular quantum poly-
nomial algebra satisfying (CM) satisfies (G1) by [27, Theorem 1.4].
If A is a quadratic algebra satisfying (G1) with P(A) = (E, σ ), then the assignment
p → M p gives a bijection from |E| to the set of isomorphism classes of point modules over
A, and Mσ ( p) ∼
= M p (1)≥0 . By this reason, E is called the point scheme of A.
For a reasonably nice class of algebras, we expect that two point modules are equivalent
if and only if they are isomorphic. Unfortunately, this is false in general. For example, if
A = k x, y/(x y), then there are non-isomorphic point modules M, N ∈ GrMod A such
that π M ∼ = π N (cf. [20, Example 4.4]).
Proposition 4.4 Let A be a right noetherian quadratic algebra of finite global dimension
with H A (t) = 1/(1 − t)d . If A satisfies (G1) with P(A) = (E, σ ), then the functor π :
grmod A → tails A induces a bijection from the set of isomorphism classes of point modules
over A to the set of ordinary points of Projnc A. In particular, ordinary points of Projnc A are
parameterized by |E|.
Proof Let P be the set of the isomorphism classes of point modules over A and O the set of
ordinary points of Projnc A. If M is a point module, then it is easy to see that M is 1-critical
and e(M) = 1, so π M is an ordinary point of Projnc A, so the functor π : grmod A → tails A
induces a map π : P → O. If M p , Mq ∈ grmod A are point modules where p, q ∈ E such
that π M p ∼
= π Mq in tails A, then p = q by [26, Lemma 3.4], so M p ∼ = Mq , hence the map
π : P → O is injective.
If π M is an ordinary point of Projnc A where M ∈ grmod≤1 A is a 1-critical module with
e(M) = 1, then there exists n ∈ N such that dimk Mi = 1 for all i ≥ n by Lemma 3.11. For
0 = m ∈ Mn , 0 = m A ⊂ M≥n ⊂ M is a non-zero graded submodule, so M≥n /m A is finite
dimensional because M≥n is 1-critical by Lemma 3.2. Since HM(n)≥0 (t) = 1/(1−t) and A is
generated in degree 1, M(n)≥0 = m A, so M(n)≥0 is a point module so that M(n)≥0 ∼ = Mp
for some p ∈ E. Since Mσ −n ( p) is a point module such that
(Mσ −n ( p) )≥n (n) ∼
= Mσ −n ( p) (n)≥0 ∼
= Mp ∼
= M(n)≥0 ∼
= M≥n (n),
π Mσ −n ( p) ∼
= π M, so π : P → O is surjective.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
We now pay attention to thin points and fat points. The following lemma says that there
is no thin point in a quantum projective space.
Lemma 4.5 (cf. [6, Proposition 2.21(iii)]) If A is a connected graded right coherent algebra
of finite global dimension satisfying (H), and 0 = M ∈ grmod A, then e(M)/e(A) ∈ N+ . In
particular, if A is a graded quotient algebra of a quantum polynomial algebra, then there is
no thin point in Projnc A.
Note that if A = A(E, σ ) is a geometric algebra and L = O E (1) is the very ample
invertible sheaf corresponding to the embedding E ⊂ P(V ∗ ), then
||σ || = inf{i ∈ N+ | (σ i )∗ L ∼
= L}.
Lemma 4.7 [3, Theorem 3.4(i)] Let A = A(E, σ ) be a 3-dimensional quantum polynomial
algebra. If M ∈ GrMod A is a 1-critical module, then either e(M) = 1 or e(M) = ||σ ||.
Proof This follows from Theorem 2.9, Lemma 3.5 and Proposition 4.4.
Let R be a finite dimensional hereditary algebra of infinite representation type, that is, a 1-
representation infinite algebra. Here, infinite representation type means that there are infinitely
many isomorphism classes of indecomposable R-modules. In the study of such an algebra
R, understanding regular modules is essential. For this reason, infinite representation type
is divided further into two types, roughly speaking, tame representation type where the
class of regular modules can be controlled, and wild representation type where it cannot be
controlled. It is natural to extend the notion of tame representation type to d-representation
infinite algebras.
Definition 4.9 [11, Definition 6.10] We say that a d-representation infinite algebra R is d-
representation tame if R is right noetherian and finite over its center.
I. Mori
It is easy to see that the above isomorphisms are compatible with multiplications, so Z (A[r ] ) ∼
Z (A)(r ) as graded algebras.
Let A be a graded algebra and r ∈ N+ . If A is right noetherian, then it is known that A(r )
is right noetherian and the exact functor (−)(r ) : GrMod A → GrMod A(r ) restricts to the
exact functor (−)(r ) : grmod A → grmod A(r ) .
0≤i, j≤r −1
Since Z (A) is noetherian, the functor grmod Z (A) → grmod Z (A)(r ) ; M → M (r ) is well-
defined. Since A ∈ grmod Z (A), we have A(r ) ∈ grmod Z (A)(r ) , so A[r ] is finite over
Z (A)(r ) = Z (A[r ] ) by Lemma 4.10. Since Z (A[r ] ) ∼
= Z (A)(r ) is noetherian, A[r ] is right
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
I. Mori
Lemma 4.16 Let A, A be d-dimensional quantum polynomial algebras satisfying (G1) with
P(A) = (E, σ ), P(A ) = (E , σ ). If GrMod A ∼
= GrMod A , then the following hold.
(1) ||σ || = ||σ ||.
(2) Projnc A is finite over its center if and only if Projnc A is finite over its center.
(3) k(Projnc A) ∼ = k(Projnc A ) as k-algebras.
(4) ∼
∇ A = ∇ A as graded algebras.
Proof (1) By [26, Lemma 2.5], there exists a sequence of automorphisms τi ∈ Aut k Pd−1
such that σ = τi+1 σ τi−1 . If ||σ || = n < ∞, then (σ )n = τn σ n τ0−1 extends to an automor-
phism of Pd−1 , so ||σ || ≤ n = ||σ ||. By symmetry, ||σ || = ||σ ||.
(2) Clear from the definition.
(3) Since GKdim A = d, it follows that grmod A = grmod≤d A. It is well-known (cf. [6,
Proposition 2.30(v)]) that the functor − ⊗ A Q gr (A) : grmod A → grmod Q gr (A) induces
an equivalence of categories
tailsd−1 A := grmod A/ grmod≤d−1 A ∼
= grmod Q gr (A).
Since A is generated in degree 1, Q gr (A) is strongly graded, so the functor (−)0 :
grmod Q gr (A) → mod k(Projnc A) is an equivalence functor. Since any equivalence functor
GrMod A → GrMod A restricts to an equivalence functor grmod≤i A → grmod≤i A for
every i ∈ N by [34], we have
mod k(Projnc A) ∼
= tailsd−1 A := grmod≤d A/ grmod≤d−1 A
∼ grmod≤d A / grmod≤d−1 A =: tailsd−1 A ∼
= = mod k(Proj A ).
Proof By Lemma 4.16, we may replace A by an algebra which is graded Morita equivalent
to A. Since every 3-dimensional quantum polynomial algebra of Type S is graded Morita
equivalent to that of Type S1 by [26, Lemma 3.8], we may assume that
A = k x, y, z/(yz − αzy, zx − βx z, x y − γ yx)
for some α, β, γ ∈ k, αβγ = 0, 1 by Lemma 4.13.
(1) ⇒ (2): By Lemma 4.13, if ||σ || = |αβγ | < ∞, then there exists
A = k x, y, z/(yz − zy, zx − x z, x y − αβγ yx) = A(E, σ )
such that GrMod A ∼ = GrMod A . Since |σ | = |αβγ | = ||σ || < ∞, A is finite over its
center by [6, Theorem 7.1], hence Projnc A is finite over its center.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
(2) ⇒ (1): Conversely, if Projnc A is finite over its center, then there exists a 3-dimensional
quantum polynomial algebra A = A(E , σ ) finite over its center such that GrMod A ∼ =
GrMod A , so ||σ || = ||σ || ≤ |σ | < ∞ by Lemma 4.16.
(1) ⇐⇒ (3): Since k(Projnc A) ∼ = Q(k x, y/(x y − αβγ yx)) the total right quotient ring
of k x, y/(x y − αβγ yx), ||σ || = |αβγ | < ∞ if and only if k(Projnc A) is finite over its
center by [2, Proposition 3.2].
(1)√⇐⇒ (4): If A = k x, y, z/(yz − δzy, zx − δx z, x y − δyx) = A(E, σ ) where
δ = 3 αβγ , then A is a 3-dimensional symmetric quantum polynomial algebra such that
GrMod A ∼ = GrMod A by Lemma 4.13, so ∇ A ∼ = ∇ A ∼ = (A )[3] by Lemma 4.16 (4)
and Theorem 1.6 (2).
If ||σ || < ∞, then |σ | = |δ 3 | = |αβγ | = ||σ || < ∞, so A is finite over its center by
[6, Theorem 7.1]. By [18, Theorem 3.3], Z (A ) = k[x s , y s , z s , x yz] is noetherian where
s := |δ| < ∞, so ∇ A ∼ = (A )[3] is right noetherian and finite over its center by Proposition
4.11, hence ∇ A is 2-representation tame.
Conversely, if ||σ || = ∞, then |δ| = ∞, so Z (A ) = k[x yz] by the proof of [18, Theorem
3.3], hence Z (∇ A ) = Z ((A )[3] ) = Z (A )(3) = k[x yz](3) = k[w] with deg w =
1 by Lemma 4.10. Since GKdim ∇ A = GKdim A = 3 and GKdim Z (∇ A ) =
GKdim k[w] = 1, it follows that ∇ A ∼ = ∇ A is not finite over its center, hence ∇ A is
not 2-representation tame.
By Lemma 4.13 and Theorem 4.17, A = k x, y, z/(yz − αzy, zx − βx z, x y − γ yx) is
finite over its center if and only if α, β, γ are all roots of unity, and Projnc A is finite over its
center if and only if αβγ is a root of unity. So it could be possible that A is not finite over its
center but ∇ A is 2-representation tame.
In this subsection, we will find a moduli space parameterizing the isomorphism classes of
simple 2-regular modules over a 2-dimensional quantum Beilinson algebra of Type S. In
order to do this, we need the notion of point for a noncommutative affine scheme as well.
Definition 4.18 Let R be an algebra. A point of Specnc R is an isomorphism class of finite
dimensional simple R-modules. The set of points of Specnc R is denoted by | Specnc R|. A
point M ∈ mod R is called ordinary if dimk M = 1, and is called fat if dimk M > 1.
If R is a commutative algebra (over an algebraically closed field), then every simple R-
module is 1-dimensional, that is, every point of Specnc R is ordinary, and the maps m → R/m
and M → Ann R M give bijections inverses to each other between | Spec R| and | Specnc R|.
Lemma 4.19 (cf. [30]) Let R = k x, y/(x y − αyx) where 0 = α ∈ k.
(1) All ordinary points of Specnc R are given by
N(a,0) := R/(x − a)R + y R,
N(0,b) := R/x R + (y − b)R,
where a, b ∈ k, so ordinary points of Specnc R are parameterized by |V (x y)| |A2 |.
(2) If |α| = ∞, then there are no fat points.
(3) If |α| = n < ∞, then all fat points of Specnc R are given by
n √
N(a,b) := R/(x n − a)R + ( bx + n −a y)R
where 0 = a, b ∈ k, so fat points of Specnc R are parameterized by |A2 \V (x y)|.
I. Mori
Proof (1) and (2) were shown in [30], so we will omit the proof.
(3) If |α| = n < ∞, then all fat points are given by the modules N(a,b) where 0 = a, b ∈ k
with the following properties [30]:
• dimk N(a,b) = n.
• Ann R (N(a,b) ) = (x n − a, y n − b).
• For c, d ∈ k, there is a surjective map R/(cx +dy) → N(a,b) if and only if cn a +d n b = 0.
It follows that there exists a surjective map
n √
R/(x n − a)R + (y n − b)R + ( bx + n −a y)R → N(a,b) .
√ √
It is easy to see that dimk (R/(x n − a)R + (y n − b)R + ( n bx + n −a y)R) ≤ n, so
√ √ √ √
N(a,b) ∼
n n
= R/(x n −a)R +(y n − b)R +( bx + −a y)R = R/(x n − a)R +( bx + −a y)R
n n
√ √
where 0 = a, b ∈ k. By [30], N(a,b) does not depend on the choice of n −a, n b ∈ k. It is
easy to see that N(a,b) ∼= N(c,d) if and only if (a, b) = (c, d), so fat points of Specnc R are
parameterized by |A2 \V (x y)|.
Theorem 4.20 Let A be a right noetherian connected graded algebra satisfying (H), u ∈ A
a homogeneous regular normalizing element of positive degree, f : A → A/(u) the natural
surjection, and g : A → A[u −1 ] the natural embedding. If A[u −1 ] is strongly graded, then
the functors
Tails A/(u) → Tails A; π A/(u) M → π A f ∗ M
Mod A[u −1 ]0 → Tails A; N → π A g∗ (N ⊗ A[u −1 ]0 A[u −1 ])
give a bijection from | Projnc A/(u)| | Specnc A[u −1 ]0 | to | Projnc A|. Moreover, in this
correspondence, the fat points correspond to fat points.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
by Theorem 4.20 and Lemma 4.19, hence the isomorphism classes of simple 2-regular R-
modules are parameterized by |P2 |.
In the above theorem, the isomorphism classes of simple 2-regular modules over ∇ A
are parameterized (controlled) by algebraic varieties in both cases, so it may be reasonable
to call ∇ A 2-representation tame in both cases. That is, it may be a better definition for a
d-representation infinite algebra R to be d-representation tame if R is right noetherian as
a ring, dropping the requirement that R is finite over its center.
Lemma 4.23 Let A be a right noetherian connected graded algebra satisfying (H), u ∈ A
a homogeneous regular normalizing element of positive degree, and g : A → A[u −1 ] the
natural embedding.
(1) For N ∈ GrMod A[u −1 ], ω A π A g∗ N ∼
= g∗ N in GrMod A and g ∗ ω A π A g∗ N ∼
= N in
GrMod A[u ].
(2) For M ∈ GrMod A, if GKdim M = 1 and Ann M (u) := {m ∈ M | mu = 0} = 0, then
ωAπA M ∼
= g∗ g ∗ M in GrMod A and π A M ∼ = π A g∗ g ∗ M in Tails A.
I. Mori
for all i ∈ Z. Since A is right noetherian connected graded, we have an exact sequence
0 → H0m (g∗ N ) → g∗ N → ω A π A g∗ N → H1m (g∗ N ) → 0
by [7, Proposition 7.2(2)], so ω A π A g∗ N ∼ = g∗ N in GrMod A. Since g ∗ g∗ ∼
= IdGrMod A[u −1 ] ,
it follows that g ω A π A g∗ N ∼
= g g∗ N ∼
= N in GrMod A[u −1 ].
(2) Let u ∈ Ad . Since Ann M (u) = 0, for each i, the map Mi −−− −→ Mi+d is injective,
so {dimk Mi+ jd } j∈N is an increasing sequence. Since A satisfies (H) and M ∈ grmod A,
there exist polynomials p0 (t), . . . , pr (t) ∈ Z[t] of degree < GKdim M such that dimk Mn =
pi (n) for n 0 with n (mod r ) = i by the proof of [31, Corollary 2.2]. Since GKdim M = 1,
pi (t) are constant functions, so there exists e ∈ N such that dimk Mi ≤ e for all i ∈ Z. It
follows that there exists i 0 such that, for any i ≥ i 0 and any j ∈ N, Mi −−− ·u j
−→ Mi+ jd is
surjective. For any i ≥ i 0 and any element mu − j ∈ M[u −1 ]i , there exists m ∈ Mi such that
m = m u j , so mu − j = m ∈ Mi , hence (g∗ g ∗ M)≥i0 = M[u −1 ]≥i0 ∼ = M≥i0 in GrMod A.
It follows that π A g∗ g ∗ M ∼
= π A M in Tails A, so ω A π A M ∼= ω A π A g∗ g ∗ M ∼= g∗ g ∗ M in
GrMod A by (1).
Proposition 4.24 Let A be a 3-dimensional quantum polynomial algebra of Type S. For any
fat points M, N of Projnc A, the following are equivalent:
(1) RHomA (M, N ) = 0.
(2) Ext1A (M, N ) = 0.
(3) N ∼
= M.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
Let g : A → A[z −1 ] be the natural embedding and consider the following composition
of functors
−⊗ A[z −1 ] A[z −1 ] π A g∗
h ∗ : Mod A[z −1 ]0 −−−−−−−−−−→ GrMod A[z −1 ] −−−−→
Tails A
g∗ ω A (−)0
h ∗ : Tails A −−−−→ GrMod A[z −1 ] −−−−→ Mod A[z −1 ]0 .
Since (π A , ω A ) and (g∗ , g ∗ ) are adjoint pairs of functors, it follows that (h ∗ , h ∗ ) is also an
adjoint pair of functors. Since π A , g∗ are exact, h ∗ is also exact. Note that g ∗ is exact and ω A is
left exact. For N ∈ Tails A, Ri ω A N ∈ Tors A for i ≥ 1, so Ri (g ∗ ω A )N ∼ = g ∗ (Ri ω A N ) =
−1 ∗
R ω A N ⊗ A A[z ] = 0 for i ≥ 1, so h is also exact.
A z := A[z −1 ]0 ∼
= k x, y/(x y − αβγ yx),
√ √
Mz := (g M)0 = M[z −1 ]0 ∼
∗ n
= A z /(x n − a)A z + ( bx + −a y)A z ,
√ √
Nz := (g ∗ N )0 = N [z −1 ]0 ∼
= A z /(x n − c)A z + ( d x + −cy)A z .
h ∗ Mz ∼
= π A g∗ ((g ∗ M)0 ⊗ Az A[z −1 ]) ∼
= π A g∗ g ∗ M ∼
= π A M = M,
∼ π A g∗ ((g N )0 ⊗ A A[z ]) ∼
h ∗ Nz = ∗ −1
= π A g∗ g N ∼
= πA N = N ,
h ∗ h ∗ Nz ∼
= (g ∗ ω A π A N )0 ∼
= (g ∗ g∗ g ∗ N )0 ∼
= (g ∗ N )0 = Nz
RHomA (M, N ) ∼
= RHomA (h ∗ Mz , h ∗ Nz )
= RHom A (M, h ∗ h ∗ Nz )
= RHom Az (Mz , Nz ),
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ A z → Mz → 0,
I. Mori
For i=0 ai x
i ∈ Nz ,
ai x i (x n − a) = ai (x n − a)x i = ai (c − a)x i = (c − a) ai x i ,
i=0 i=0 i=0 i=0
Proposition 4.25 Let A be a 3-dimensional quantum polynomial algebra of Type S. For any
fat point M of Projnc A, we have M ⊗A KA ∼ = M.
z 3 (x n − az n ) = (δ 3n x n − az n )z 3 = (x n − az n )z 3 ,
√ √ √ √
z 3 ( bx + n −a y) = ( bδ 3 x + n −aδ −3 y)z 3
n n
√ √
in A. Since M does not depend on the choice of n b, n −a ∈ k and |δ ±3 | = n, the map
φ : A(−3) → A defined by φ(u) = z 3 u induces a graded right A-module homomorphism
√ √
φ̄ : M(−3) → (A/(x n − az n )A + ( bδ 3 x + n −aδ −3 y)A) ∼
= M.
Since φ̄ = 0 and M, M(−3) are simple objects in tails0 A by Lemma 3.5, M(−3) ∼
= M in
= M(−3) ∼
tails0 A. Since A is symmetric, M ⊗LA K A ∼ = M.
Regular modules over quantum Beilinson algebras
Acknowledgments We thank O. Iyama and H. Minamoto for many discussions concerning this work. We
would like to mention that this paper is largely inspired by unpublished lecture notes [29,30] by S. P. Smith.
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