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Professional Growth & Development

Adjustment:An educational process referring to changes in behavior towards better life, better
relationships and better contribution to society

Profession:A calling by which members profess to have special knowledge by training, by

experience or both on that they may guide or advice or serve other in that field. - CBQ


 Service orientation-Hall mark of the profession

 Accountability-the essence of profession


Public Act No. 310. - The law created the Medical Board of Examiners which regulated both the
medicine and midwifery professions on December 4, 1901.
o practice of midwifery was first regulated

Republic Act No. 2382 or the “Medical Act of 1959” - the regulation of midwifery was
separated from medicine.

Republic Act No. 2644 on June 18, 1960.

- first law enacted considering Midwifery as an INDEPENDENT & AUTONOMOUS
Profession- CBQ

The first Board was composed of : Board of Examiners for Midwives (BOEM)
1. Valeriano B. Fugoso Jr. (Chairman)
2. Vicenta Castro-Ponce (Member)
3. Angelina I. Ponce (Member).

Must KNOW’S:

DOH Secretaries
Paulyn Jean B. Rosell-Ubial July 1, 2016
Janette P. Loreto-Garin December 2014 - June 30, 2016
Enrique T. Ona June 2010 - December 2014 - CBQ
Esperanza I. Cabral January 2010 - June 2010
Dr. Francisco Duque III present
Dr. Manuel Dayrit February 2001 - May 2005 - CBQ
Dr. Alberto Romualdez September 1998 - January 2001

Dr. Jose F. Fabella

 known as the “Father of Midwifery” in the country - CBQ

 Jose Fabella – first secretary of the department of health

 Former BOM Chairman

 Dr.Fabella founded the Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital on November 9, 1920. The
hospital was originally called the Maternity House and later on the Maternity and
Children’s Hospital.

 Dr. Fabella opened the FIRST School of Midwifery the Maternity and Children’s
Hospital now called “Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital in 1922 in Manila” – CBQ

- founded the first school of midwifery in May 1922 – (Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial

Objectives of the First Midwifery Schools:

 Train young women to replace hilots (traditional birth attendant)
 Train doctors and nurses for Rural assignments and
 Provide health service and education with emphasis on maternal and child health (MCH)

Must KNOW’S:
- Commonly Asked in the Board Exam
Dr. Ricardo Gonzales - Father of Modern Midwifery - CBQ
Alejandro San Pedro - Present chairman of Board of Midwifery -- CBQ
Ms. Corazon L. Paras - Present President - IMAP, Inc
Patricia Mines Gomez - IMAP executive Director

Florminda B. Tejano - - PLGPMI president –- CBQ

present • the founder & the PRESIDENT of the Philippine League
of Government Midwives
Cecilia Banca Santos • PLGPMI was launched through the General Assembly of
Midwives in April 1999.

Maria Teresa Padilla - APSOM president

- Association of Philippine Schools of Midwifery
Yolanda Reyes - PRC Commissioner
Angelina C. Ponce - head of Philippine Midwifery Association (PhiMidAs)-
in year 1947
Leoncia Chuatoco - head of National Federation of Filipino Midwives
(NFFM) - on August 22, 1961
Mrs. Alice Sanz de la - IMAP, Inc. previous president - became an active
Gente member of the International Confederation of Midwives
based in London, England.

ICM - International Confederation of Midwives –- CBQ

Ms. Juana Reyes - first IMAP president
Enrique Ona - DOH secretary (2010-2014)
Eric Tayag - DOH Spokesperson- CBQ
Moses - father of Sanitation
Hippocrates - the Father of Medicine

Accredited Professional Organization (APO)

Integrated Midwives Association of the Philippines (IMAP)
- National organization of the registered midwives in the Philippines, accredited by
the Professional Regulation Commission.
- Committed to serve the Filipino people through an effective delivery of basic health
services in the country.
- Aims to elevate the standards of midwifery profession, provide continuing
midwifery EDUCATION and professional growth, foster and maintain the ideas of
honesty, integrity and solidarity.

Classification of Members

1.Active– are graduate registered midwives with a right to vote and participate. - CBQ
2.Affiliate– are members of a graduating class, but with no voting privilege.
3.Associate – a registered nurse, a registered midwife and/or graduated a 4-year course
degree but has no right to vote.
4.Honorary – not necessarily a graduate registered midwife, but any individual who had
rendered meritorious WORK in the past for the development of the midwifery profession
5.Consultants-husbands of member midwives who are lifetime members, owned at least
one birthing home

Term of office of Board Directors of IMAP - 2 years - CBQ

Emblem/logo of IMAP - A mother and child in laurel leaves - CBQ
A chapter of IMAP must have - Twenty five members

IMAP Foundation School of Midwifery was opened as a pilot school for the three-year
community-based midwifery curriculum in Jaro, Iloilo City.
Republic Act No. 7392
- Act Revising Republic Act No. 2644, As Amended, Otherwise Known as the Philippine
Midwifery Act - CBQ

Approved: April 10, 1992 by CORAZON C. AQUINO

Members of the Board (RA 7392)

Board of Midwifery
Chairman: Dr. Melchor dela Cruz Jr.MD.
1. Lerma M. Valenzuela
2. Remy B. Dequiña
3. Lolita I. Dicang
4. Rhodora L. Lopez

Section 2: Composition of BOM - CBQ

1 Chairman - Be a registered obstetrician

Four Members :
- Three (3) registered midwives (member of IMAP)
- One (1) registered nurse –midwife (member of IMAP)

I. Qualification of Board Members - CBQ

Each member of the Board shall at the time of his appointment:

 Natural Born Filipino Citizen & resident of the Philippines (Born in Philippines,
without taken action)
 Good Moral Character
 Thirty (30) years of age
 Not a member of the faculty whether full time or part time lecturer in a midwifery
school & to pecuniary benefit in such during his term (monetary interest) – (type of
Citizenship – right to political community

Qualifications of Chairperson
a. Registered Obstetrician
b. at least 10 years of practice before appointment
c. Natural born Filipino citizen (jus sanguinis)
d. Good Moral Character
e. at least 30 years of age

Qualifications of 3 Members of BOM

a. Registered Midwife
b. Degree holders preferably in the field of health and social sciences (e.g. psychology,
medtech, pharmacist)
c. 10 years of midwifery practice, 5 years of which is supervisory position
d. 30 years old
e. Natural born Filipino citizen
f. Not be a member of the faculty, whether full time, part time or lecturer, of any
school, college or university where a regular course in midwifery is taught, and shall
not have any pecuniary interest directly or indirectly, in such institution during his
term of office as a Board member

Pecuniary interest – monetary issues - CBQ

Qualification of 1 Member of BOM

a. Registered Nurse-Midwife
b. 10 years of experience & nurse-midwife
c. Natural Born Filipino Citizen
d. Good Moral Character


a. Quasi- legislative power –promulgates laws, rules and regulations - CBQ

 rules and regulations shall take effect 30 days after publication in 2 national
newspapers of general circulation.

b. Quasi- judicial power –conducting a hearing or investigations in violations of

Midwifery act - CBQ
a. Discretionary power- To Prepare the contents of licensure examination questions.
Determine, prescribe, and revise the course requirements - CBQ

b. Enabling power – to issue and, after due investigation, suspend or revoke

certificates of registration for the practice of midwifery; replaces lost certificates
of registration - CBQ
c. Ministerial power- to administer oaths in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
d. Examining power - to conduct yearly board examinations to midwifery examinees
under the supervision of the Commission;
e. Inquisitorial power - to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum
- to investigate any violation of this Act or of the rules and regulations

Duties and Functions of the Board.

 to enforce the provisions of RA 7392

 to look, from time to time, into the condition affecting the practice of midwifery in
the Philippines and adopt such measures as may be deemed necessary for the
maintenance of the standards and ethics of the profession
 Recommend measures necessary for advancement in their fields

 Visit / inspect schools and establishments for feedback

Note: DECS or CHED has the power to close Midwifery schools - CBQ
 Adopt and enforce a Code of ethics for the practice of their respective profession

 to adopt an official seal to authenticate its official documents

Appointment of the Board:

1. Regular Appointment System - Appointed by the President of the Philippines
from among the recommendees of the Commissioner of the Professional
Regulation Commission
Steps in Appointment of BOM

(Nominating Body)
(Recommending Body)
President of the Philippines
(Appointing Body)

2. Ad interim system-
An officer ad interim(OIC)is a person appointed to fill a position that is tempo
rarily open
(vacancy), or to perform the functions of a particularposition during the absen
ce or temporary incapacity of the individual who regularly fulfills those duties.

3. Merit system appointment- process of promoting and hiring based on their

ability to perform a job, rather than on their political connections.
- Based on performance and qualifications

4. Hold over Doctrine - When a term of a member of the board is about to expire,
He can extend her term temporarily until a qualified new member is
appointed - CBQ

Tenure of office – the time the officer Term of office – the time that an officer may
actually hold the office claim to hold the office
Term of Office - The Chairman and the four (4) members of the Board shall hold office for a
term of three (3) years with 1 reappoinment - CBQ

A. Compensation of Board Members.

Chairman – Salary Grade 30
Members of the Board – Salary grade 28

B. Removal of Board Members.- Any member of the Board may be removed from office
by the President, upon the recommendation of the Professional Regulation commission
 Neglect of duty,
 Incompetence
 Dishonorable or immoral conduct
 Unprofessional conduct

C. Annual Report.-The Board shall submit an annual report to the Commission at the end
of each calendar year

Prerequisite and Qualifications of Applicants for Examination:

Applicants must be:

a. In good health and of good moral character
b. A graduate of midwifery in a government recognized and duly accredited institution.

Note: At the time of the issuance of a certificate of registration, the applicant shall be a citizen of
the Philippines and at least eighteen (18) years of age

RA6809 – age of majority is 18 yrs for men and women

 All licenses can be acquired at age of majority


A. Original and photocopy of Transcript of Records with:
o date of graduation
o S.O. number
Note: Special order is necessary to graduates of PRIVATE SCHOOLS - CBQ

o scanned colored picture in white background with name tag (1passport size)
o with remarks: “for board examination purposes only” - CBQ
o CHED recognition Certificate for all new Schools/Programs

B. Original & photocopy of birth certificate from NSO (SECPA).

Note :A photocopy of birth certificate from Local Civil Registrar is required if the NSO
copy is not clear
A. For married female applicants- original & photocopy of marriage certificate from NSO
(SECPA). Note: A photocopy of marriage certificate from the Local Civil Registrar is
required if the NSO copy is not legible
B. Three ( 3 ) copies of colored identical passport-size picture in white background and
complete nametag
C. Current CEDULA
D. Examination fee – P 600.00
E. Documentary stamps
F. PRC window envelope with stamp



Basic Requirements plus 2 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS:

a. Photocopies of valid Certificate of Registration (COR) and current Professional
Identification Card (PIC) as a duly Registered Nurse (RN)

2.2. Accomplished Forms: - CBQ

a) Form No. 106 - twenty (20) Records of Actual Deliveries Handled
b) Form No. 107 – five (5) Records of Actual Suturing of Perineal Lacerations
c) Form No. 107-A – five (5) Records of Actual Intravenous Insertions

Note : Duly signed by the Registered Midwives (RM) who directly supervised the case
requirements, and duly certified by any of the following officers/officials:

2.2.1. Municipal/City Provincial Health Officer (rural health unit, birthing, lying-in
clinic, home delivery) and

2.2.2. Chief/Director of Hospital (hospital cases);

2.3. Certification of Consent/Approval, indicating that he/she had secured the

consent/approval of the Director/Chief of Hospital or the Municipal Health Officer prior to
his/her exposure to the concerned health facility.

Deadline for filing :

PRC Manila: 20 working days before the first day of licensure examination (CBQ)
PRC Satellite offices in Provinces : 30 working days before the first day of licensure

D. Scope of Examination
Major Subjects Integrated Subjects - CBQ
(a) Obstetrics – Core of Midwifery – 25 a. Fundamentals (Sociology)
% - CBQ b. Principles of Bacteriology
- Obstetrical anatomy and physiology c. General Anatomy and Physiology
(b) Fundamentals of Health Care- 20% d. General Psychology
- Principles of bacteriology as applied to e. Nutrition
midwifery practice; f. Parasitology
- Midwifery procedures g. Microbiology
- Domiciliary midwifery h. Pharmacology
- Community hygiene and first- aid
- Nutrition
(c) Infant care and feeding – 15 %
(d) Primary health care - 20%
- Family planning
(e) Professional Growth and Development;
- 20 % - CBQ
- Ethics of midwifery practice

E. Ratings in the Board Examination.-To be qualified as having passed the board

examination for midwives, a candidate must obtain a general rating of seventy five
percent (75%) in the written test with no grade lower than fifty percent (50%) in any
subject. - CBQ

Report of the Results of Examination.-(120) days after the examination, report the ratings
obtained by each candidate to the Commissioner of the PRC.

F. Schools of Midwifery.
Midwifery School
accredited and legally constituted the
- Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) or CHED
- school shall have at least fifty (50) maternity beds - CBQ
- ratio of one (1) clinical instructor to twelve (12) students (1:12) - CBQ

Qualification of Faculty
- At least a bachelors- degree holder or doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
- Proof of competence in the field of specialization assigned to him; and
- A registered midwife or registered midwife in the Philippines with at least one (1) year of
satisfactory teaching experience or one (1) year of efficient performance in maternity
ward/ community
- Teaching load of principal is 12 units - CBQ

Scope of Practice of the Midwife (R.A No. 7392).

Traditional Function Expanded Function
- Supervise, Care and advice women Suturing perineal lacerations to control
during pregnancy, labor and post- bleeding
partum period. Injection of Vitamin K. to the Newborn
Nutrition and family planning, Parenteral & Oral dispensing of oxytocic drugs
Internal examination during labor except when after delivery of the placenta
patient is with antenatal bleeding; Administration of Oresol
Carrying out the written order of physicians Giving of intravenous fluids during obstetrical
with regard to antenatal, intra-natal and post- emergenciesprovided they have been trained
natal care of the normal pregnant mother for that purpose
Essential Newborn Cares
Note: EPISIOTOMY is a malpractice act of
Procures medical supplies a midwife (Episiotomy is a practice of doctors
Impart health Education
Execute emergencies measures
Conduct deliveries on her own responsibility
Examination like Leopolds Maneuver
Services & Primary health care in the

NOTE: That this provisions shall not apply to students in midwifery schools who perform
Midwifery services under the supervision of their instructors, nor to emergency cases.

The Professional Regulation Commission ( PRC)

- The office who has the custody of records of administrative cases and investigations and
including : - CBQ
- examination papers & examinations results
- minutes of deliberation records of administrative cases and investigations of the Board
A. P.D.223 - Professional Regulation Commission was first created as a national
government agency on June 22, 1973, signed by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos.
B. Architect Eric C. Nubla - first PRC Commissioner, assumed office on January 2, 1974.
C. In 1975, PRC began issuing computer-printed registration cards with one-year validity.
D. PRC starts accrediting professional organizations.
E. Hon. Antonieta Fortuna-Ibe - assumed office as the first lady Chairperson on August 1,
F. Proclamation No. 118 - was issued declaring June 22 to 29 of the year as"Professional
Consciousness Week.

Note: The PRC was placed under the Office of the President for general supervision and
coordination. - CBQ

Functions :
- Its mandate is to regulate and supervise the practice of the professionals
(except Lawyers) who constitute the highly skilled manpower of the country
(a) Quasi-Judicial - Investigates cases against erring examinees and professionals.
(b) After the lapse of the period within which to file an appeal (15 days), Commission
decisions become final and executory.

(c) Quasi-Legislative- Formulates rules and policies on professional regulation.

(d) Executive- Administer, implements, and enforces the regulatory policies of the national

- CBQ- Republic Act 8981 - "PRC Modernization Act Of 2000", mandates the following:
- full computerization
- careful selection of Professional Regulatory Board members

Composition and Qualifications of the Commission:

The Commission shall be headed by :

a. one (1) full-time Chairperson
b. two (2) full-time Commissioners
Note: Appointed by the President - CBQ

The Chairperson or Commissioner shall be

(a) at least forty (40) years of age,
(b) holding a valid certificate of registration/professional license
(c) has had at least five (5) years of executive or management experience

Provided, That, one (1) of the Commissioners must be a past Chairperson/member of a

Professional Regulatory Board.

Term of office for Commissioners: Seven (7) years without reappointment (7 years)- CBQ

Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of the Commission:

(a) approve the results of examinations and the release of the same
(b) preserve the integrity and inviolability of licensure examinations
(c) appoint supervisors and room watchers from among the employees of the government
(d) publish the list of successful examinees
(e) provide schools, colleges and universities, public and private, offering courses for
licensure examinations, with copies of sample test questions on examinations recently
conducted by the Commission and copies of the syllabi or terms of specifications of
subjects for licensure examinations
(f) To admit the successful examinees to the practice of the profession
(g) To have custody of all the records of the various Boards, including examination papers,
minutes of deliberation, records of administrative cases and investigations and
examination results for control and disposition;
(h) To determine and fix the amount of fees to be charged and collected
(i) To authorize any officer of the Commission to administer oaths

Note: that PRC fix the time and place of examination - CBQ

Professional ID/ license and Certificate of registration

Certificate of registration Professional license

Every certificate of registration shall have:
- Show full name of registrant License validity - 3 years - CBQ
- Serial number Every certificate of registration shall have:
- Signatures of the members of the board, - Show full name of registrant
- Secretary of the board attested - Registration number
- Seal (official) of the Duly authenticated - Registration date
by board - Expiration date – birth date
- Seal (official) of the Duly authenticated
Replacement of Lost Certificate. - provide by board
affidavit of loss - CBQ

Note : For Renewal of expired License , the midwife is required to present at least 45 units of

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

- Can be obtained by attending trainings and seminars accredited by CPE council in PRC

Extension for Renewal without surcharge : is at the 20th day of the next month from the
expiration date - CBQ

Example: if the license expiration date is Nov. 6, 2016 and it is the birthdate of the bearer or
registrant he/she can extend his/her renewal until the 20th day of the next month from the
expiration date which is December 20, 2016

Note: Non renewal beyond the extension date – additional 25% surcharge from the renewal fee
Non renewal beyond 5 consecutive years - delisting of name from the roster or list of
professionals - CBQ

Suspension – temporary withdrawing of certificate of registration/ license - CBQ

Revocation – permanent withdrawing of certificate of registration/ license

NOTE: misdemeanor - practicing without license

- upon conviction, can be sentenced to a fine of not less than Ten thousand pesos
(P10,000.00) nor more than Thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00)
- imprisonment of 2 years to 7 years

II. Ethico-Moral Aspects

Ethics Morals
Ethos - comes from Greek work w/c means Morals - Human conduct in the application of
character/culture ethics.
- Branch of Philosophy w/c determines - Concerned with JUDGMENT
right and wrong PRINCIPLES of right and wrong in
relation to human actions and character.
Ethics – part of philosophy that deals with
systematic approaches to questions of morality. Moral Principles:
- A term for the study of how we make 1. Golden Rule - “Do unto others as you
judgments regarding right and wrong. would have them do unto you.”
- A system of MORAL PRINCIPLES or 2. The principle of Totality – The whole is
moral standards governing conduct. greater than its parts (HOLISM)
- CBQ 3. Epikia – There is always an exemption
to the rule
 Fundamental responsibilities of
 Governing Rule of Conduct
 Guides the midwife in order to
pursue and maintain high level of
ethical midwifery practice
 A set of guideline to guide the
behavior of professional midwives
 Rules, principles that guide decisions
or conduct in terms of the rightness
or wrongness of that decisions or
Serves the purpose of governing
conduct to ensure the protection of
individual’s rights
 BOM Res. # 557 Series of 1998 -

Unprofessional Ethics – Violation to the code

of conduct/ethics - CBQ

Autonomy - agreement to respect another's right to self-determine a course of
- support of independent decision making.

Example: In clinical situations midwives respect a patient’s autonomy, where

the patient is
allowed the freedom of choice regarding treatment, such as in decition

Beneficence - compassion; taking positive action to help others; desire to do good

-- CBQ
Nonmaleficence - to do NO HARM; core of medical oath and nursing ethics.
Fidelity - principle requires loyalty, fairness, advocacy, and dedication to our
- involves an agreement to keep our promises, keeping a commitment
and is based upon the virtue of caring.
Justice - refers to an equal and fair distribution of resources
- all citizens have an equal right to the goods distributed, regardless of
what they have contributed or who they are.

Paternalism - This principle is heavily laden as an application of power over the

- CBQ patient.
- giving care like a good father/mother of a family
Deontology - judges the morality of an action based on the action's adherence to
- relationship between duty and the morality of human actions
Utilitarianism- - This theory supports what is best for most people.
- what is best for most people, the belief that a morally good action is
one that helps the greatest number of people
- usefulness
Veracity - Honesty; credibility; truthfulness
Temperance - moderation or self-restraint in action, statement, etc.; self-control.
Tact - If you are tactful, you have a knack for saying the right thing at the
- CBQ right time.
- A tactful midwife is appropriate and sensitive, never rude or
Good Samaritan - refers to someone who renders aid in an emergency to an injured
person on a voluntary basis.
OPTIMISM - viewing into the bright side of life

- viewing into the negative side of life –NEGATIVISM
Malfeasance – performance of some act which ought not to be done
Misfeasance – improper performance of lawful act -CBQ

Nonfeasance – omission of some act which ought to be performed

Stewardship - refers to the actions made for by the health practitioner IN BEHALF of
- CBQ the patient and for the greater benefit of the patient.
- Taking good care of oneself

Two-fold - an act is foreseen to have both good and bad effects

Intuitionism - people inherently knows what is right and what is wrong
- ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason
Logic - Using awareness of correct decision and thining in performing
- CBQ midwifery procedures to avoid complaints

Ethical - – problem in decision making because there is no correct or wrong

Dilemma choice.
- This may result in having to choose an action that violates one’s
principle or value in order to promote another
Human acts - voluntary, full knowledge, will to do it
- conscious acts
Acts of man - involuntary actions of man
-unconscious acts
Conscience - branch of science that
- CBQ judges the ethical nature of one's actions and thoughtsin regard to one's
behavior a sense of right and wrong that urges one to act morally

Confidentiality Privacy
- observing the seal of secrecy - private domains
example: Privileged communication - Privacy is any not related to health
- Confidentiality is any related to health condition.

RA 8504 – Confidentiality Law

Breach of confidentiality - Violation of right Invasion of Privacy
to confidentiality  intrusion into the client’s private
 right to be left alone

• Confidentiality - is also known as PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION which refers to

any information obtained by the midwife or the health team during the course of caring
for the patient.

PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION may only be disclosed under the following: - CBQ

a. patient agrees to divulge with written consent
b. information is material in a criminal case investigation
c. required by court to serve and justify the end of justice
d. if public safety is jeopardized (communicable disease)
e. such information is relevant to his care to be utilized by other health team

Medical Records
- As a record of illness and treatment, it saves duplication in future cases and aids in
prompt treatment
- It serves as a legal protection for the hospital, doctor, and nurse/midwife by reflecting the
disease or condition of patient and its management.
- “If it was not charted, it was not observed or done.”
- Midwives have the responsibility of keeping the patient’s right to confidentiality.
- Permission has to be taken from the Medical Records Division of the Hospital.

Documentation error :
- Midwife should avoid using the words “error”, “incident” or “accident” in the
documentation - CBQ

a. The content in question must remain clearly visible or retrievable so that the purpose and
content of the correction is clearly understood.

Paper-based documentation error:

 do not make entries between lines
 do not remove anything (e.g., monitor strips, lab reports, requisitions, checklists)
 do not erase or use correction products, stickers or felt pens to hide or obliterate an error.

DO! : draw a single horizontal line, above the line write “mistaken entry” and insert your
initials, along with the date and time the correction was made and enter the correct
information. - CBQ

Blank (White) Space

- There should be no blank or white space in paper-based documents as this presents an

opportunity for others to add information unbeknownst to the original author.

- An accepted practice is to draw a single line completely through the white space,
including before and after your signature

Good documentation should be:

• factual • complete • organized
• accurate • current (timely) • compliant with standards
• Documentation should provide a chronological record of events in client care and delivery
of services.

Legal Reasons
- client’s record is a legal document and can be used as evidence in a court of law or in a
professional conduct proceeding.
- Courts may use the health record to reconstruct events, establish time and dates,
refresh one’s memory and to substantiate and/or resolve conflicts in testimony

Who owns the medical chart? Who owns the communication in the
medical chart?
Answer: Hospital Answer: Doctor and Patient

Incident report (also called occurrence reports)

- is an event which is not consistent with the routine operations of the unit or of client care
- used by organizations for risk management, to track trends in systems and client care and to
justify changes to policy, procedure and/or equipment

Examples of incidents include patient falls, medication errors, needle stick injuries, or any
circumstances that places clients or staff at risk of injury.

Incidents are generally recorded in two places, in the client’s medical record and in an incident
report, which is separate from the chart.

 “free and rational act that presupposes knowledge of the thing which consent is being
given by a person who is legally capable to give consent.”
 MIDWIFE actually secures the consent of the patient upon admission.

. Informed Consent
 “it is established principle of law that every human being of adult years and sound
mind has the right to determine what shall be done with his on body”
Proof of Consent
 SIGNATURE in a written consent to show that the procedure is the one consented to
and that the person understands the nature of procedure
- necessary before any medical or surgical treatment is done such as X-rays etc

Right to Informed Consent

Conscious – all medical practice are not authorized without consent
Unconscious – all medical practice are authorized as if consent is given to you

Rule in Giving Consent

 Patient her/himself
 If the Patient. is married the consent of the spouse is not necessary, provided of sound
mind and legal age.

Essential elements of Informed Consent

Prognosis, if the recommended care, procedure, is refused

A fair explanation of the procedures to be done and used and the consequences
Diagnosis and explanation of the condition
A description of benefits to be expected
Material rights if any
Alternative treatment or procedures

. Emergency Situation
 When an emergency situation exists, no consent is necessary because inaction at such
time may cause greater injury.

Refusal to Consent
Patients can refuse consent except unconscious patient/minors/ incompetent (minors or
mentally ill) or physically unable
 If refuses to sign, this should be noted in his chart

Consent for Sterilization

 termination of the ability to produce offspring.
 The husband and wife must consent to the procedure if the operation is primarily to
accomplish sterilization.

If it’s medically necessary or an incidental result, the patient alone is sufficient

Consent must be given with/by a : Consent unconscious patient/minors/
incompetent (minors or mentally ill) or
a. Competent party physically unable
- Legal age (18 years old) - CBQ 1. parents
2. grandparents
b. With sound of mind  paternal
c. With Freedom or Autonomy (NO  maternal
COERCION) 3. eldest brother/sister
4. relatives/guardians
5. teachers

 If emancipated minor consent is signed

by patient himself.

Agreements between two entities, creating an enforceable obligation to do, or to refrai
n from doing, a particular thing
– meeting of the minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the
other, to give something or to render some services (Art. 1305, CC)
Competent Parties to enter into a contract : Persons who may not enter into a
Elements of validity) contract:
a. Consent - minor
b. Legal age - insane
c. Sound mind - intoxicated
d. Not under the influence of intoxicating drugs - deaf & mute
e. Not suffering from mental disability - ignorant
- Characteristics of contracts:
1. Obligatory - has force of law between parties
2. Autonomy - may establish agreement not contrary to law, morals good order, public
order, public policy: no coercion is done - CBQ
3. Mutuality - binding on both parties
4. Relativity - takes effect between parties, their assigns & heirs

Types of Contract:

1. Formal Contract – in written legal form eg. Marriage contract, business and career contract,
job contract - CBQ

2. Informal Contract-
the parties state the terms, either orally or in writing, at the time of its formation

Types of Informal Contract Implied Contract

- presumed or inferred from acts
1. Expressed –when 2 parties discuss and
agree orally or in writing the terms and Duo/ des means to give something
conditions during the creation of the contract. Facio/facias means to do something

2. Implied – one that has not been explicitly - Examples:

agreed to by the parties, but that the law 1. Duo ut des - i give that you give- CBQ
considers to exist. – understood contract 2. Duo ut facias - i give, that you do
3. Facio ut des - i do, that you give
4. Facio ut facias - i do, that you do
3.Void -
contract imposes no legal rights or obligations upon theparties and is not enforceable by a court.
It is, in effect, no contract at all.
Void or inexistent Culpa contractual - Breach of contract
- one party is incapable of giving consent - failure to perform an agreement whether
- consent is vitiated by mistake, violence & express or implied
- purpose is contrary to law...
- simulated , fraud or fictitious
- object did not exist
- object beyond commerce of man
- prohibited or declared by law as void,
invalid, ineffective
- direct result of an illegal contract

WILL & Testament

- will or testament is a legal declaration by which a person, the testator, names one or more
persons to manage his or her estateand provides for the distribution of his property at death

Will - A written declaration of mans decision to be done with possession upon his death -

Definition of Terms

a. Testator – person who makes a will - CBQ

b. Testatrix – a female testator
c. Intestate – person died without leaving a will - CBQ
d. Decedent- a person who died without a will but his properties were transmitted thru
succession - CBQ
e. Probate – proving the validity of a will- CBQ.
f. Escheat - transfer of title of property or an estate to the state when an individual dies
without a will and legal heirs - CBQ
g. Heir - a person who has the legal right to receive the property of someone who dies

Personal Property – movable property e.g. Real Property – immovable property e.g.
jewelries, given as testament land, house, bldgs., given as will

Types of wills generally include:

A. Nuncupative (non-culpatory) - oral or dictated; often limited to sailors or military

B. Notarial/ Nurcupative/ Authenticated Will – when the testatorally makes the will and
will ask someone to write it down or him.
- Holographic- written in the hand of the testator; in many jurisdictions, the signature and
the material terms of the holographic will must be in the handwriting of the testator -
C. Mystic- sealed until death

Professional Adjustment

A. Negligence- commission or omission of an act pursuant to a duty - CBQ

- acting or the non-acting of which is the proximate cause of injury to another person or his
- failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like
- by carelessness, not intentional harm.

Commission - Doing a thing by which a prudent person must not do

Omission- Not doing a thing by which a prudent person must

Specific Examples of Negligence

Mistaken identity, wrong medicine, dose & route

Incorrect sponge counts
Failure to monitor FHT resulting to fetal death/stillborn - CBQ
Failure to inspect completeness of placenta cotyledons resulting to massive bleeding - CBQ
Failure to report observations to attending physicians.
Failure to take & observe appropriate actions – forgetting to take vital signs to a newly post –
operative client.
Failure or ignore to report to the superiors or client’s family
Falls: side rails left down, baby left unattended Loss of or damage to a patient’s property

Burns: heating pads ,solutions & steam vaporizers

Errors due to family assistance.
Administration of medicine without a doctor prescription
Defects in equipments that may result in injuring the patients.

Three Doctrines that Affects Liability

1. Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor - CBQ - Prima Facie Evidences

- “The thing speaks for itself.”
- the nature of the wrongful act or injury
is suggestive of negligence
- sufficient proof of negligent act is

Three conditions are required to establish a

defendant’s negligence :
a. Injury was of such nature that it
would not normally occur
unless there was a negligent act
on the part of someone.
b. Injury was caused by an agency
within the control of the
c. Plaintiff himself did not engage
in any manner that would tend
to bring about the injury.
2. Doctrine of Force Majeure - CBQ - Fuerza Mayor
- Presence of an irresistible force, one
that is unforeseen or inevitable.
- “you cannot stop it from happening”
- Negligent act is done during
circumstances such as accidents ,
illness, floods, typhoons, fire,
earthquakes and other calamities

Note: Traffic is not under the doctrine of Force


3. Doctrine of Respondeat Superior - CBQ - “let the master answer for the acts of
the subordinate”
- the liability is expanded to include the
- applies only to those actions performed
by the employee within the scope of his

Liability for the Work of Nursing Students

 Under the Code of Ethics , students do
not perform professional nursing duties
like suturing, delivery, I.V insertions.
 They are to be supervised by their
Clinical Instructors.

B. Malpractice - CBQ - “you do things beyond your scope of

- doing practices not specified in your
scope of practice

- prescription of medication(antibiotics)
- I.V. insertion without training
- suturing 3rd and 4rth degree laceration

C. Incompetence - CBQ - lack of ability, knowledge, legal

qualifications or fitness to discharge the
required duty.
- there is ground for revocation or
suspension of her certificates of

D. Misdemeanor - CBQ - use to express every offense inferior to

felony and punishable by indictment or by
particular prescribed proceedings

a. a person who practices midwifery without
certificate of registration
b. any person assuming or using title
advertising as registered midwife without
being conferred such title
c. any person advertising any title to convey
the impression that she is a midwife (e.g. using
midwive's uniform )

Torts – twisted wrong act

- committed against a person or property, independent of a contract which renders the
person who commits it liable for damages in a civil action.
Tort law
- civil wrong committed against a person or a person’s property.
- Person/person’s responsible for the tort are sued for damages

Damage – the inflicted harm or injury

o ACT OF COMMISSION –something that was done incorrectly
o ACT OF OMMISION – something that should have been done but was not done

Damages – the Amount of inflicted harm or injury

Note: Emotional damage – most expensive form of damage
Types of Torts
Unintentional Torts - do not require intent but Intentional Tort – the act was done on
do require the element of HARM PURPOSE or with INTENT
o No harm/injury/damage is
needed to be liable
o No expert witnesses are needed

Assault Battery - CBQ

 attempt or threat to touch another
person unjustifiably  Willful touching of a person
Example:  touching was done without
o A person who threatens permission
someone with a club or closed  Example:
fist. o injection without client’s
o Threatening a client with an consent
injection after refusing to take o slapping newborns buttocks to
oral meds. initiate crying
o Forceful Restraint

- communication that is false or made with a careless disregard for the truth
and results in injury to the reputation of a person
- destruction of persons reputation

Libel – defamation by means of print, writing or picture or any

means of distributed materials

- writing in the chart that the doctor is incompetent

Slander - defamation by the spoken word stating unprivileged (not

legally protected) or false word by which a reputation is

Slander by deeds

Law - Rule of conduct commanding what is right and what is wrong.

Philippine constitution
- all laws must be in harmony with,
- the supreme law of the land

Types of Law
Private/Civil Law - body of law that deals Public law - body of law that deals with
with relationships among private relationship between individuals and the
individuals State/government and government
agencies; laws for the welfare of the
general public

3 Branches of the Government

Executive body Legislative body (Senates & Congress) Judicial body (Court)
(President) - law making body - administration of
- chief executive justice is delegated.

Court - Body/agency in government wherein the administration of justice is held

Criminal Action Civil Action

Witness- Individual held upon to testify in reference to a case either for the accused or
against the accused
- Voluntary act of kindness of a midwife

Written orders of court

Writ – legal notes from the court

Subpoena a. Subpoena Testificandum – a writ/notice to an individual/ordering
him to appear in court at a specific time and date as witness.

b. Subpoena Duces Tecum- notice given to a witness to appear in

court to testify to bring including all important documents /evidences

Summon – notice to a defendant/accused ordering him to appear in court to

answer the complaint against him
Warrant of Arrest - court order to arrest or detain a person
Search warrant - court order to search for something. - CBQ


Convicted – proven guilty Acquitted – proven innocent Dismissed- insufficient


Judicial Remedies
Mandamus – agency or person to do an act required

Injunction – order requiring a person to refrain from doing a particular act

Prohibition – preventive remedy; not to do acts about to be done

Certiorari – order from a supreme court to an inferior court to send records
in question
Petition for review -review of supreme court of orders/decisions for validity


Definition of terms :
A. Due Process - a fair investigation and hearing by a neutral body wherein parties
concerned or a person is given an opportunity to be heard
- Hears before it condemns – CBQ

B. Arraignment- to state the charges against to someone who is accused of a formal

procedure before a judge
- To call a defendant before a court to answer a charge
C. Sue- to charge someone
- to bring a law suit
- to seek justice

D. Decision – a legal judgement of the court

E. Opinion- a formal statement by the judge
F. Affidavit – a sworn written oath/statement – CBQ
G. Appeal – elevation of a case to a higher court – CBQ
H. Perjury – telling a lie under oath - CBQ
I. Forgery – falsifying signature or legal documents
J. Verdict- the decision of the jury
K. Jury –a body of persons sworn to give verdict
- A group of persons sworn to give verdict.
Felonies- act or omission punishable by law (Revised Penal Code)

Criminal Negligence – crime committed by means of fault (culpa)

Culpa (Fault) Dolo (Deceit)

- With freedom - With freedom
- With knowledge - With knowledge
- Done without intent - Done WITH deliberate

1. Reckless imprudence – doing or failing to do an act resulting to injuries or death due to an
inexcusable lack of precaution
2. Simple Imprudence – lack of precaution; impending danger is not openly visible

a. Homicide – killing of any person without criminal intent may be done as self-defense
b. Murder - killing of any person with criminal intent - CBQ

List of types of killings:

Suicide – intentional killing of self.

Parricide – (also Parenticide) the killing of one's mother or father or other close relative. -
Infanticide – the act of killing a child under 3 days old of its life. - CBQ
Neonaticide - the act of killing an infant within the first twenty-four hours or month.
Euthanasia - mercy killing. the act of putting to death painlessly

Massacre - is a specific incident which involves the violent killing of many people
Aborticide – the act of killing a fetus in the womb
- (Abortion – killing of a fetus before it reaches the age of viability) - CBQ

Stages of execution
A. Consummated – when all the elements necessary for its execution and
accomplishment are present - CBQ

B. Frustrated – when the offender performs all the acts or execution which will
produce the felony as a consequence but producing no intended result. - CBQ

C. Attempted – when the offender commences the commission of the same directly
by overt acts and does not perform the acts which shall produce the felony.
Conspiracy - two or more person agreed and committed the felony, a means by which another
person is held liable for the commission of a crime - CBQ
Persons criminally liable - CBQ
Principal Accomplice - accessory Accessory - accessory after
 by direct participation before the fact the fact
 by inducement  profiting themselves or
 by indispensable Example: assisting others to
cooperation profit
 Person who force to do  The person who refers  concealing, destroying
crime a patient to an body of the crime,
abortionist effects, instruments to
Example : prevent its discovery
 harboring concealing,
 The abortionist who assisting the escape of
perform the act. the principal
 The patient who
commits abortion Example:

 The person who

conceal evidences to
obstruct justice

 The person who

performs the after care

 The person who assist

the escape of the

Bigamy - act of entering into a marriage with one person while still legally married to another.
the condition of having two wives or two husbands at the same time. - CBQ

- A marriage in which one ofthe parties is already legally married is bigamous, void, and g
round for annulment

Note: Legal for Muslims.

Others face six to twelve years imprisonment and legal dissolution of marriage.

Crime Against CHASTITY:

 Is a crime committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a
man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her knowing her to be
married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared void.

(Adultery shall be punished by prison correctional in its medium and maximum periods.)

 Mistress - a long-term female lover and companion who is not married to her partner
especially when her partner is married.

Concubinage – CBQ

 Any husband who shall keep a mistress in the conjugal dwelling, or shall have sexual
intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, with a woman who is not his wife, or shall
cohabit with her in any other place

 punished by prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods. (The concubine
shall suffer the penalty of destierro.)

 Paramour - a long-term male loveror a person with whom someone is having a

romantic or sexual relationship and especially a secret or improper relationship.


A. Rape is the commission of

forcible sexual relations with a person ;unlawful sexual intercourse or unlawful sexual intrusion
against person's will.
 Punishment: reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment to death.

Acts of lasciviousness
— Lascivious behavior is sexual behavior or conduct that is considered crude and offensive, or
contrary to local moral or other standards of appropriate behavior.

Example: Lewdness; indecency; Obscenity

Sexual harassment - words, gestures actions which tend to annoy and verbally abuse another

Cohabitation is committed by two individuals who live together as Husband and

Wife and engage in sexual relations without the sanction of marriage.

Punishment: prision correccional.

Forcible abduction. — The abduction of any woman against her will and with lewd designs shall
be punished by reclusion temporal

Fornication is generally consensual sexual intercourse between two people not married to each

Crimes Against Property

a. Theft – act of stealing without the use of Force
b. Robbery - act of stealing WITH use of Force

- involves entering a building to take something,
- also includes entering any other type of property, such as someone's
automobile or a storage facility.

- is the unlawful taking of property, but does not involve unlawful entry.
- unlawful taking and carrying away of another person’s property with the
intent never to return it to the owner.

Note: A person who is entrusted with property but then takes it unlawfully is guilty of

- when one person either obtains money, property, or services from another
through coercion, intimidation, or threats of physical harm.

- crime of threatening to reveal substantially true information about a person
to the public, a family member, or associates unless a demand made upon
the victim is met

- is a crime against property that involves an intentional burning of a

- is the willful destruction of or damage to another person’s property.
Circumstances affecting criminal liability (JEMAA)

Justifying Circumstances - A. Self - defense

free from criminal and civil a. Unlawful aggression
liability b. Reasonable necessity of the means employed
prevent/repel it
- CBQ c. Lack of sufficient provocation on the person
defending himself

B. Defense of relatives - up to 4th degree by consanguinity;

that in the case of provocation was given by the attacked,
that the one making defense had no part therein

C. Defense of a stranger - defending not induced by

resentment, revenge or other evil motive

D. Who acts in fulfillment of a duty or in a lawful exercise of a

right or office

E. Who acts in obedience to an order by a superior for some

lawful purpose

Exempting Circumstances - no Committed in good faith or under an honest belief

criminal liability only civil Over 9 under 15, unless acted with discernment
liability insane or imbecile unless acted during lucid interval
Compulsion of an irresistible force from a third person
Under 9 years of age
While performing a lawful act with due care causes an injury by
mere accident without fault or intention of doing it
Impulse of uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury
Insuperable or lawful cause

Mitigating Circumstances – Deaf, dumb or blind or suffering from physical defect

decreases /lessens liability Under 18 or over 70 years old
No intention to commit so grave a wrong
Committed in the immediate vindication of a grave offense to the
one committing the felony, his/her spouse, ascendants,
descendants, legitimate, natural or adopted brothers or sisters,
Acted upon an impulse so powerful as naturally to have produced
an obfuscation
Voluntary surrender
Illness that would diminish the exercise of his will power
Sufficient provocation or threat on the part of the offended party
immediately preceded the act

Aggravating Circumstances
increases /worsen liability • advantage of public position
• abused of confidence
• committed inside the Church
• committed on the occasion of fire, shipwreck, epidemic
conflagration, shipwreck or other calamity or misfortune
• committed because of a price reward or promise
• committed in times of natural calamities
• committed with evident premeditation
• committed with craft, fraud and disguise
• commit in confidence to your patient
• contempt or insult to public authorities
• Craft, fraud or disguise

Alternating (either mitigating or Itoxication
aggravating) Degree of education
Education is not mitigating in rape, forcible abduction, arson,
treason, seduction, acts of lasciviousness, heinous crimes

Doctrine of Citizenship
1. Expatriation – turning back one’s citizenship
2. Repatriation- withdrawing back or regaining back ones citizenship after

A. Jus Sanguinis – blood relation citizenship (used in the Philippines) - CBQ

- Jus sanguinis (Latin: right of blood) is a principle of nationality law by which citizenship is not
determined by place of birth but by having one or both parents who are citizens of the state.

Nationality law of :(Philippines, India, Poland, Iran, Thailand, Switzerland, Ukraine, Germany, -
Japan Ireland China South Korea)

B. Jus soli – citizenship based on place of birth (Brazil, USA, Canada)

- meaning 'right of the soil', commonly referred to as birthright citizenship, is the right of
anyone born in the territory of a state to nationality or citizenship
C. Naturalization – A foreigner can be clothe as Filipino given the privilege like a Filipino

Simulation of birth – filing a birth when no birth actually occurred

- Or crime against status by substitution of one child with another;
concealing or abandoning any legitimate child with intent to lose civil
Must Knows:
1. Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) – issues passport
2. Passport validity -5 years
3. NSO birth certificate – is the most important document in securing passport given
by the DFA
4. Visa – is given by the foreign embassy
- a document that allows entry to a country

Temporary Visas Permanent Residency Visas

Tourist/Visitor Visa Green Cards
- Available to all visitors - entitles a person to live and
going to a foreign country work legally inside the U.S. as a
for business or pleasure. permanent resident. It provides
you with proof of name and
- to visit is for up to 90 days identity to enable you to apply
without obtaining a visa. for a driver's license, take out
Student Visas loans, establish a bank account,
- Persons seeking to pursue a etc.
full course of study at a
school in the States may be Renewal: A green card is renewable
eligible for a visa for the after ten years.
course of their study plus, in
some cases, a period for
practical training in their
field of study.

Skilled Workers and Professionals (Working

- Visa holders in this category
normally must have a job
offer and the potential
employer must complete the
labor certification process.


PRESIDENTIAL DECREE – An order of the President. This power of the President which allows
him/her to act as legislators was exercised during the Marshall Law period.

PD 48 - four (4) children with paid maternity leave privilege

PD 69 - four (4) children for personal tax exemption

PD 223 - Creation of Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in 1973

PD 442 - New Labor code

- Provides security of tenure for 6 months

Age of retirement :
Private employee – 60 years old
Public/government employee – 65 years old
PD 491 - Nutrition program
- July – Nutrition month

PD 568 - Role of Public health midwives expanded under the RHCDS; Restructuring
of the Philippine Health Care Delivery System; Deployment of midwives to
improve rural situation
 1 Public Health Midwife = 5,000 population
 1 PH nurse = 20,000 pop
 1 RH Physician = 20,000 pop

PD 539 - Declaring last week of October every as Nurse’s Week. October 17, 1958

PD 603 - Child and Youth Welfare Act /Provision on Child Adoption

PD 626 - Employee Compensation and State Insurance Fund.

- Provide benefits to person covered by SSS and GSIS for immediate injury,
illness and disability.

PD 651 - Birth registration following delivery (all health workers shall identify and
encourage the registration of all births within 30 days following delivery)

PD 825 - Anti- improper garbage disposal (provides penalty for improper disposal of
PD 856 - Code of Sanitation
PD 851 - 13th Month pay
PD 965 - Family Planning and responsible parenthood instructions prior to issuance
of marriage license
- passed on July 20, 1976

PD 996 - Compulsory immunization for all children below eight (8) years old against
six (6) immunizable diseases
- passed on September 16, 1976
PD 1083 - Muslim Holidays
PD 1359 - A law allowing applicants for Philippine citizenship to take Board
Examination pending their naturalization.
PD 1519 - Gives medicare benefits to all government employees regardless of status of
PD 1636 - requires compulsory membership in the SSS and self-employed
EXECUTIVE ORDER – an order issued by the executive branch of the government in order to
implement a constructional mandate or a statutory provision.

EO 51 -
Milk Code (no to the use of pacifiers, formula milk and other prelacteal
EO 180 - Government Workers Collective Bargaining Rights Guidelines on the right
to Organize of government employee.
EO 203 - List of regular holidays and special holidays
EO 209 - The Family Code (amended by RA 6809)
EO 226 - Command responsibility

PROCLAMATION – an official declaration by the Chief Executive / Office of the President of the
Philippines on certain programs / projects / situation


BOM # 557 - Code of Ethics of Midwives

Series 1988
Proc. # 4 - Philippine Measles Elimination Campaign – Declaring the period of
September 16 – October 14, 1998 as the “Ligtas Tigdas Month”

Proc. # 6 - UN’s goal of Universal Child Immunization; involved NGO’s in the

immunization program

Proc. # 118 - Professional regulation Week is June 16 to 22

Proc. # 147 - March 3, 1993 – Declares Wednesday as National Immunization Days

Proc. # 499 - National AIDS Awareness Day – December 1

Proc. # 539 - Nurse’s Week – Every last week of October

Proc. # 773 - March 28, 1996 – Every 3rd Wednesday of April and May as the “Knock-
out Polio Day”

Proc. # 1275 - Midwifery week – every third week of October

LETTER OF INSTRUCTION – An order issued by the President to serve as a guide to his/her

previous decree or order.
LOI 949 - Legal basis of PHC
LOI 1000 - Government agencies should be given preference to members of the
accredited professional organization when hiring


RA. 1080 - Civil Service eligibility for all degrees with licensure examinations

RA. 1082 - Creation of 1st Rural Health Act in 1953

-It created the first 81 Rural Health

RA. 1136 - Tuberculosis Law (August Month)

RA. 1612 - Privilege Tax / Professional Tax

Filed at the BIR office

a. Annual Income Tax Return (For Individual Earning Purely

Compensation Income Including Non-Business/Non-
Profession Related Income)
Deadline : On or before the 15th day of April of each year

Republic - Act strengthening Health and Dental services in the rural areas
Act 1891

RA. 2382 - Philippine Medical Act

RA. 3573
- Reporting communicable Disease

RA. 4073 - Liberalized the treatment of Leprosy - (February – as Leprosy Month).

RA. 4226 - Hospital licensure
- Allows midwives to operate and build up a Lying In Clinics

RA. 5181 - Permanent residence & reciprocity qualifications for examinations/


RA. 5901 - Working hours & compensation in agencies with 100 bed capacity

- Normal hours of work. The normal hours of work of any employee shall not
exceed eight (8) hours a day

- At least 40 hours a week work

RA 6111 - MediCare – an employee becomes automatically a member;

RA. 6425– - Dangerous Drug Act – the sale, administration, delivery, distribution and
transportation of prohibited drugs is punished by law.
RA. 6675 - Generics Act of 1988
- this promotes, requires and ensures the production of an adequate supply,
distribution, use an acceptance of drugs and medicines identified by their
generic names.

RA. 6713 - Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
- This Code upholds a time-honored principle that “Public office is a
Public trust”

RA. 6727 - Wage Rationalization

1. Overtime work - additional compensation of (25%) of his regular wage

2. Rest day, Sunday or holiday work.

1. - Where an employee is made or permitted to work on his scheduled rest day or holiday
work, he shall be paid an additional compensation of at least (30%) of his regular wage

RA. 6758 - Salary Standardization of Government employees that includes


RA. 6972 - Day Care Center in every Barangay

RA. 7160 - Local Government/Autonomy Code (the devolution of powers,

functions and responsibility to the local government units)

RA 7322 - Maternity leave

RA. 7432 - Senior Citizen Benefits & Privileges

RA. 7600 - Rooming –In and Breast feeding Act of 1992 (30 mins after birth)

RA. 7610 - Anti-Child Abuse Law (Special Protection of Children against Child
abuse, Exploitation & Discrimination)
RA. 7877 - Anti- sexual harassment Act of 1995

RA. 7883 - Barangay Health workers Benefits & Incentives Act of 1992
- an Act granting benefits and incentives to accredited BHWs for
voluntary health services rendered to the community

RA. 8172 - Asin Law / Iodize Salt Law

RA. 8187 - Paternity Leave Act of 1995

- grants a 7-day paternity leave for fathers.
- this law only benefits married men
- every married male employee in the private and public sectors shall be
entitled to a paternity leave of seven (7) days with full pay for the
first four (4) deliveries of the legitimate spouse with whom he is
- The male employee applying for paternity leave shall notify his
employer of the pregnancy of his legitimate spouse and the expected
date of such delivery. shall include childbirth or any miscarriage also.

RA. 8282 - Social Security Law of 1997 (amended RA 1101)

- Coverage. –compulsory upon all employees not over sixty (60) years
of age and their employers:

Maternity Leave Benefit.

 NSVD - sixty (60) days
 Caesarian delivery- seventy-eight (78) days

Sickness Benefit.
- a daily sickness benefit equivalent to ninety percent (90%) of his
average daily salary credit

RA 8291 - Government Service Insurance System Act of 1997 (amended PD


RA 8423 - Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997 (“Gamot na Mabisa

sa Abot Kayang Halaga”)

2. RA. 8424 – Personal Tax Exemptions

Status Old tax law - RA. 8424 New tax law – RA 9504
Single individuals P20,000 P 50,000.00
Head of families/breadwinner P25,000 P 50,000.00
Married individuals P32,000. P 50,000.00
Additional Deduction for Every P8,000 per child up to 4 P25,000
Qualified Dependents children

Note: The law classify a DEPENDENT as a “legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted child”
living with the taxpayer and not more than 21 years old, unmarried and not employed.

Tax evasion is the illegal evasion of taxes by individuals, corporations, and trusts.

- dishonest tax reporting, such as declaring less income, profits or gains than the
amounts actually earned, or overstating deductions.

RA. 8479 - Clean Air Act

RA. 8976 - Food Fortification Act
- first fortified food - Sugar

RA. 8981 - PRC Modernization Act of 2000

Dangerous drugs
- refers to prohibited or regulated drugs
1. Regulated drugs
- include self-inducing sedatives (Phenobarbital, amphetamines) RA 953 -
Narcotic Drug Law
2. Prohibited drugs
- include opium, and its active components and derivatives (heroin, morphine,
a. Narcotic drugs
- any drug which produces insensibility, stupor, melancholy or
dullness of mind with delusions and which may be habit forming
ð Ex. opium, opium derivatives and synthetic opiates
o Cannabis sativa or commonly known as "Marijuana" or "Indian
o Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or commonly known as
o Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or commonly known as "Shabu",
"Ice", "Meth"
PDEA. – Refers to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency

RA. 9257 Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2003

RA 9994 Expandedsenior Citizens Act of 2010

Provides 20% Senior Discounts

RA. 9262 - Domestic Violence Act (Violence Against Women & Children)
RA 9288 - Newborn screening Act of 2004

RA 9439 - April 27, 2007, an act prohibiting the detention of patients in hospitals
and medical clinics on grounds of nonpayment of hospital bills or medical

RA 10152 - an act providing for mandatory basic immunization services for infants
and children, repealing for the purpose presidential decree no. 996, as
RA10354 - an act providing for a national policy on responsible parenthood and
reproductive health


1. Article II – Declaration of Principles & State Policies
Sector 11 – Human Dignity and right
12 – Sanctity of family, equal protection of the life of the mother and the unborn
from conception
13 – Role of the youth in nation building
15 – Right to health

2. Article III – Bill of Rights

Section 1 – Equal protection of laws & the due Process of Law

3. Article IV – Citizenship

DOH Annual Calendar

January February March

Deworming of School Children Heart Month Rabies Awareness Month
(Grades 1-6) round 1 Oral Health Month Burn Injury Prevention Month
National Cancer Consciousness International Women’s
Week - 3rd week
Goiter Awareness Week- 26-30
Month ---CBQ
International Women's Day - 8
World Leprosy Day -25

April May June

World Health Day - 7 Cervical Cancer Awareness Dengue Awareness Month
World Malaria Day - 25 Month No Smoking Month
World Immunization Week - 24- World Asthma Day - 7 World Blood Donor Day - 14
30 Safe Motherhood Week - 10-14 ASEAN Dengue Day - 15
AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day Safe Kids Week - 14-18
- 17 DOH Anniversary - 23
World No Tobacco Day - 31

July August September

Deworming of School Children Family Planning Month Generics Awareness Month
(Grade 1-6) Round 2 Celebration World Heart Day - 27
National Blood Donors Month National Lung Month World Rabies Day - 28
Nutrition Month National Tuberculosis Awareness
National Disaster Consciousness Month
Month Sight-Saving Month
Schistosomiasis Awareness National Breastfeeding
Month Awareness Month
Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital
Initiative Week -2-6
National Hospital Week -6-12

National Tuberculosis Day -19

October November December
National Children’s Month Traditional and Alternative Firecrakers Injury Prevention
National Newborn Screening Health Care Month Month
Week - 1-7 National Food Fortification Day - World AIDS Day – DEC. 1
National Mental Health 7
awareness - 7 National Skin Disease Detection
World Sight Day - 8 and Prevention Week - 2nd
GarantisadongPambata Week - week
Global Handwashing Day -15
Health Education Week -18-22
Midwifery week – 3rd week

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